
cboyer1951hello all02:22
cboyer1951i'm all screwed up on my installation, i had ubuntustudio installed 3 days ago... then i changed partitions, and it messed it up02:24
cboyer1951so i reinstalled using ubuntu i386 and there's nothing set for audio at all, so beginning over...i see on the website there is a way to upgrade this to ubuntu studio.. so I'm ready to do that :)02:25
cboyer1951anyone here able to help me with my setup?02:25
cboyer1951am i live here?02:26
raveni need a replacement for cubase - any ideas?14:22
jussi01raven: remind me what cubase does again?14:42
* jussi01 guesses ardour...14:43
v-starhow's it going guys?20:05
holsteinnot bad v-star20:05
v-starany of you using...I hate to say it because I am aware of their hostility...a MOTU interface?20:06
=== v-star is now known as vstar
holsteini got a presonus firepod20:07
holsteinis that firewire?20:07
vstarI also have a m-audio firewire solo20:07
vstarneither of which seems to be working with the ffado drivers20:07
vstareven though both are shown as "known to work"20:07
holsteinyeah i was just checking http://www.ffado.org/?q=devicesupport/list&filter0=motu&filter1=&op2=OR20:08
vstardid you have to tweak stuff to get the firepod working?20:08
holsteini use to20:08
holsteinnow its plug and play pretty much20:09
vstarI haven't been digging much into the issue yet, I was really hoping someone had encountered it.20:09
holsteinhave either of them ever worked under linux for you?20:09
vstarso much for quick fixes ;)20:09
vstarI haven't tried.20:09
vstarup until recently, I hadn't considered linux as a studio option20:09
holsteinyou launch qjackctl20:09
holsteinand run it20:10
holsteinand no luck?20:10
holsteinerrors pop up?20:10
vstarI'll have to look at it later today.20:10
vstarnot near the studio box right now and no remote access configured.20:10
holsteinbut you try using jack right?20:10
holsteinthats probably the issue20:10
vstarso, just use qjack and try to configure it that way?20:10
holsteinyou can run...20:10
holsteinsudo qjackctl20:11
vstarwhich is why there is a section about jack on the FAQ20:11
holsteinto troubleshoot for permission errors20:11
holsteinyou dont really need/want to run jack as root20:11
holsteinBUT there is some permissions tweaking to do20:11
vstardue to the nature of what it is, I can understand that.20:12
holsteini think most of the tweaking is on that site20:12
holsteinor linked to it20:12
holsteinjust do sudo at first20:12
holsteinthen you'll know if its working without pulling too much hari out :)20:12
holsteinALSO, join #opensourcemusicians if your interested20:13
vstarI probably would have had better luck if I hadn't done the initial install in the wee hours of the morning. ;)20:13
holsteinlots of jack/ardour and other talk there20:13
vstarI have never used ardour before now20:13
holsteinjack and ardour are quite amazing really20:14
holsteinwhat were you using before?20:14
holsteinDAW wise?20:14
vstarI've been a linux admin for years and I didn't realize until I was browsing through stuff a few weeks ago just how mature some of the products have become.20:14
vstarcubase and occasionally FL studio20:14
vstarI had considered going to a mac and Logic until I stumbled across ubuntu studio20:15
holsteini had cubase on xp for a long time20:15
holsteinjack is the learning curve for linux really20:15
holsteinbut, i really like the flexibility jack makes possible20:16
holsteini guess it depends on what you trying to do production wise20:16
holsteinthe 5.1 audio editing is still behind20:17
holsteinand some video20:17
vstarI'm converting a whole room in the house to a studio for my material20:17
holsteinand lots of new midi synth coming out all the time relly20:17
holsteinBUT if your multitracking audio for a stereo master20:18
holsteinthings are more than far enough along for that20:18
vstarThat will serve my purposes20:18
holsteinand lots of other electronic music too20:18
holsteinardour will be getting MIDI soon20:18
holstein3.x release20:19
vstarI'm a traditionalist20:19
vstarI play about 9 instruments20:19
vstarso I use very little midi20:19
holsteinwell, you wont miss a thing then :)20:19
holsteinplugins are awesome20:19
vstarI haven't played with anything yet due to the interface issue20:20
vstarI'm gonna dig into jack tonight, though20:20
holsteinwe'll get your sorted out20:20
vstardoing a little research....netjack....have you used it?20:20
vstardoes it work well?20:20
holsteini set up a test rig20:20
holsteinwith my main desktop audio box20:20
holsteinand a laptop20:20
holsteinworks well20:21
vstarHave you tried it over the internet?20:21
holsteinyou know20:21
holsteini tried20:21
vstarmassive failure?20:21
holsteinand the guy that i was trying it with and i never got it going20:21
holsteintheres a helpful dev in #jack though20:22
holsteinand he gave us suggestions20:22
vstarI might give it a whirl.20:22
holsteinand we never got around to trying it again20:22
vstarI'd like to polish my long distance collab20:22
holsteinhave you checked out ninjam?20:22
vstarHowever, the local network is great too, since I can get the main box out of my recording area20:23
holsteinkinda cool20:23
holsteini used it (netjack) to slave off some softsynths to the laptop20:23
holsteinkind of a poor mans dual core20:23
holsteinlocally it worked great20:23
holsteinim sure it would do as well over the net too20:24
holsteinwe just had a network issue20:24
holsteini think20:24
vstarninjam looks like the hotness20:25
vstarI can try a server on this box and see if I can get it working.20:25
holsteinits interesting20:25
holsteinthe way it integrates network lag in20:25
holsteinand its pretty easy to get going20:25
holsteinthey got test servers up20:25
holsteinif you just want to try the client and get in there20:26
holsteinand theres a ninjam server on somebodys box over at #opensourcemusicians20:26
vstaryeah, I might dig into that first and come back to the server20:26
vstarthis box is on pretty high bandwidth and I have another host as well20:26
holsteinbut its been a while since its been used :/20:26
vstarI joined that channel20:27
vstarholstein, you are a breath of fresh air on irc, btw20:27
=== vstar is now known as VehementStar
VehementStartoo much hostility on IRC anymore20:29
holsteincan be20:30
holsteini dont understand20:30
VehementStarI'm not really sure.20:33
VehementStarartistically inclinded people tend to be a little more laid back, though ;)20:33
VehementStareven the geeky ones20:34

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