
faronhello everybody hopefully all are well.I need some help...I've just downloaded the new version of Firefox onto my desktop.Now I have some choices to make...righ clicking gives me the options to "open with xarchiver","open with other","extract here" or,"extract to".Anybody ?? Please.Thank you.02:21
ronnieCan someone help me get sound on my computer????? I am going insane04:57
ronnieCan someone help me get sound on my computer????? I am going insane04:59
ronnieCan someone help me get sound on my computer????? I am going insane05:01
hexdump_Hi, I'm having a problem with my display.  I'm unable to see my desktop menu10:51
hexdump_does anyone know the terminal command to access system config or the command to change my desktop appearance?10:52
deathcannonhexdump_: you mean your right-click menu or the panel?10:58
hexdump_the toolbar or whatever at the top usually11:00
hexdump_applications places system11:00
hexdump_or applications and places11:00
hexdump_I don't see how it could be a resolution problem, because it was fine not too long ago11:01
hexdump_I dunno this is weird11:09
hexdump_yeah there is nothing at the top and bottom of my screen11:10
deathcannonthen just start xfce4-panel from the terminal11:12
hexdump_hey that worked out just fine thanks again11:15
deathcannonhexdump_: has happened to me too ;)11:18
hexdump_deathcannon:  any explanation why?11:20
hexdump_if it happens again I'll just have to place that command in startup.11:20
deathcannonwell for me i managed to save my session with the panel closed11:24
deathcannonso when it would start up there would be no panel11:25
hexdump_oh sorry11:34
hexdump_I was gone.11:34
hexdump_deathcannon:  yeah when I boot up there is no panel that's what's happening to me.11:35
darioqualcuno mi può aiutare con il supporto lingue? ho xubuntu mezzo italiano e mezo inglese :|11:39
rwwubottu: it | dario11:41
ubottudario: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:41
dariosorry :)11:41
hexdump_is there a way to only download the gnome-language-selector ?12:18
Devilsprey99hey can anyone help me with automounting external usb hardrive with 3 ntfs partitions at boot13:23
mtrgi screwed up my xubuntu for unknown reasons15:37
mtrgi killed gdm, and attempted to run startfce4 manually from command line15:42
mtrgit failed claiming some drivers are missing15:43
mtrgi started startxfce4 as root, but worked15:43
mtrgi rebooted, and gdm is no longer able to let me in15:43
mtrggdm shows me login screen, i login, stuf load, but again returned to gdm's login screen15:43
mtrgfor lack of flexiblity, i decided to go Gentoo, and build my own system15:44
mtrgwhat I want is, a CLI login, that starts X11 for me.15:45
mtrgthe ugly thing about xubuntu, is multiple GUIs start inconsistently15:45
mtrgthis causes few blinks15:45
residentgreymine keeps giving me hi temp16:37
residentgreyit shuts down every time now16:37
residentgreymtrg you know how to set the theme for qt and gtk programs on there?16:37
residentgrey<- is noob16:38
mtrgxubuntu uses grub2?19:26
mtrgdoes Xubuntu use grub2?19:54
charlie-tcayes, mtrg20:00
Dynetrekkhi. I have remote access to someone's (non-computer-literate person) xubuntu machine. he claims the machine blacks out immediately after graphical login. does anyone have a clue what the problem might be?21:25
Dynetrekkthe hard-drive of my troubled computer seems to be full! http://paste.pocoo.org/show/188120/ any general advice? I thought 20GB would be plenty for the system files...21:29
charlie-tcaHave them boot the recovery menu, and then try the "clean" option to free some space21:31
Dynetrekkcharlie-tca: you mean apt-get clean? I have ssh to it btw21:37
Dynetrekkthat cleaned out 200 MB21:37
charlie-tcaIf you are doing it remotely, you don't get the menu21:37
charlie-tcaYou would probably have to do more. check in /var/log and see how big the logs grew. Most can be removed and will automatically rebuild themselves when the system restarts21:38
charlie-tcaAlso, check the /tmp folder21:38
DynetrekkI removed some of the log files, trying to reboot now21:51
Dynetrekkthe /var/log was 15 GB for a 20 GB / partition21:52
Dynetrekkthanks for the help21:52
charlie-tcaYou are welcome22:06
faronHello everybody.Hopefully,all are well today.I need some help.I am currently running Xubuntu 8.04LTS & I woould like to install the new Firefox but,at this point I'm just lost as to what to do.I have downloaded the package onto my desktop & that's as far as I've gotten.Is there anybody here who can guide me from this point in the installation process ?23:40
rwwfaron: install this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable , then run a regular update23:42
faronokee dokee23:42
faronrww can you tell me how to install that ?23:44
rwwfaron: click the "Read about installing" link on that page, scroll down to "On older (pre 9.10) Ubuntu systems" on the page that pops up, follow those instructions23:45
faronyes I've actually been there..............23:45
faronI got lost on step 1 "visit the ppa's overview page in launchpad" I couldn't find a link to that23:47
rwwfaron: the PPA overview page is the page I linked you to23:47
faronhmmmmmm okay then I'll give it another go23:48
rwwfaron: the line you'll end up copying is "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu hardy main" (you don't really need the deb-src line). You could copy that and skip to step 423:48
rwwand you might need to do "gksudo mousepad" instead of "sudo gedit"23:48
rwwapart from that, it should be fine23:49
faronindeed...I have learned that23:49
faronthanks very much23:49
faronrww you still there by chance ?23:59
rwwfaron: yup23:59

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