[01:11] * pleia2 watches the ustream to find out ;) [01:11] luckily he's doing it first! [01:11] he even has a hat [01:12] Caterina Brigandi [01:15] oh right, link to the video is here: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5337809 [01:33] finally all backed up and up dated :-) [01:34] my machine is all growed up running lucid and I am LOVING the purple... I mean aubergine..yeah purple :-) [01:36] it's purple. :P [01:37] akgraner: if you want to say the same colour but sound american while doing it: eggplant [01:38] I <3 any shade purple... When I was in the hotel business every suit I wore had something purple about it and all my pens, folders, postits, etc were purple.... [01:40] for me stuff tends to be either pink or red [01:40] though ive started wearing brown the last couple years [01:40] my netbook is purple. lighter shade, though [01:40] rww: lilac? lavender? [01:40] I just cleaned up my blog as well [01:40] maco2: dunno, I'm not good at colors :) [01:41] I'm running Xubuntu on Lucid right now. Not so much purple, but still awesome :) [01:41] i just got a friend request on facebook. dont think i know the person, but based on his name... he could be a 3rd or 4th cousin [01:41] (well his name and the location of his other family members on facebook, as i know my family passed through that area in the 1800s) [01:41] maco2: Dell claims it's "Passion Purple" :D [01:42] rww: i see [01:42] http://i.dell.com/images/global/products/inspnnb/inspnnb_highlights/laptop-inspiron-10-design2-purple.jpg [01:45] * MichelleQ wants a purple laptop [01:59] http://i.dell.com/images/ap/billboards/notebooks_enaudhs2.jpg <-- just WHY? [02:02] im thiking dudes going "oooh sexy... hey, chicks dig nailpolish right? my wife'll love this!" [02:11] you know, that'd be neat looking *without* the nailpolish thing. [02:11] Gotta love corporate sponsorship tho. [03:08] hey - I gotta admit - I’m Not Really a Waitress is my FAV Opi color :-) http://en.community.dell.com/blogs/direct2dell/archive/2009/11/03/opi-colors-now-available-in-dell-design-studio-that-s-la-paz-itively-hot.aspx [07:47] good morning [09:51] aloha [14:25] marmite [18:06] elky, thanks for posting the winner of the drawing yesterday :-) [18:17] akgraner: are you going to mail the list with the update? [18:17] (I updated the wiki) [18:18] pleia2, yep, unless you want to - :-) [18:18] I can do it, just didn't want to step on toes if you had something drafted already [18:19] pleia2, no worries thanks [19:59] Umm... Should the topic be changed since voting is closed? Maybe have a link to the announcement of winners instead? === pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://women.ubuntu.com | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next meeting: TBD | "How I discovered Ubuntu" Winners! http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/InternationalWomensDay/HowIDiscoveredUbuntu [20:04] thanks pendulum_ :) [20:05] You're welcome :) [20:32] hi Pendulum how are you now? [20:33] tired [20:33] still in some pain, but a lot less than I was [20:34] not the most useful visit, but they've given me a few days worth of better pain release [20:34] *relief [20:34] progress at least [20:35] yes [20:35] although I'm pretty much now stuck in powerchair for a week as they don't want me using manual chair or crutches until I've seen the orthopaedist [20:35] which isn't end of the world, just inconvenient around my flat [20:59] uhhh [20:59] people.canonical.com and launchpadlibrarian.net are both making my computer unhappy. is this just me? [21:00] people.ubuntu.com works for me [21:01] AlanBell: canonical, not ubuntu, i think [21:01] i'm trying to use the rmadison coommand [21:01] ah ok [21:02] * AlanBell decides to read better next time [21:26] elky thank you's sent and info request sent for all entries and winners [21:28] I am fixing the labels in my email - oh this is time consuming but it has to be done :-/ [21:28] akgraner: hehe i was just rewriting gmail filters so that my launchpad bugmail would be more sanely sorted [21:29] yeah my listmail was no where near sane [22:46] akgraner, pleia2 thanks :)