
IdleOneclickme: if the room freezes it is on your client not the server00:00
=== kazaa_lite_ is now known as kazaa_lite
professional-areLosha,  yeah i guess i got it for  dollars with 8gb ram quadcore processor and 1gb ati video card tv tunner and wireless antena and 1tb hard drive so im not complaining00:00
Loshaprofessional-are: :-)00:00
sineI want to change THE password, i didnt realise i was setting the root password when the wubi installer started00:00
chelzIdleOne: ah, yeah that could work for me. i've held back upgrading ubuntu for a while just because things seem to be working and i don't want to go through some headache of stuff not working.00:00
LinuxGuy2009sine: Yeah use sudo unless you want to enable the root account login. But you dont need to do that at all.00:00
Loshacrc32: it's not the first blunder ubuntu has made. grub2, new gdm, sound. The list goes on...00:01
Typos_KingLosha:    afaik,   apple doesn't put any pinholes to any of their optical drives, external or internal, bad decision IMO, but yes, it's so00:01
IdleOnechelz: if you don't need to upgrade then don't :)00:01
chelzsine: using the command "passwd" on a terminal by itself should work00:01
LoshaTypos_King: I can't imagine it's anything but a cost saving thing...00:01
clickmewhat client should i use [currently using empathy]00:01
sinecoldplay - fix you < now that is one damn tune that makes me want to pray so sweet00:01
dotblank3_Empathy is awesome00:01
dotblank3_I love it00:02
seanbrystone2how do i fix suspend issues? Black screen of death + blinking cursor + keyboard totally locked up, Ubuntu 9.10 on a fairly new computer00:02
chelzIdleOne: welll a lot of things i've looked over wanting to do require newer stuff. i tried to install some haskell stuff recently and wound up upgrading libc and had to spend a day uninstalling and reinstalling packages until things were right again. upgrading would probably be good for me.00:02
dotblank3_"Share my desktop" is the best thing since sliced bread00:02
LinuxGuy2009seanbrystone2: Your not the only one who noticed that 9.10 is heavily broken. I too have noticed this.00:03
sinenot as good as "share my wife"00:03
Typos_KingI've used a macpro, the dvd drive was just a plain slot, not even a plate on it, just a slot on the front-side of the MB, I used an external too, usb, same it was just a square with a hole, no pinhole, no plate either, or tray, just a small rubber-like innerdoor00:03
crc32Losha: Yea It felt like I was learning Linux all over again when I installed 9.10. I panicked when  I saw all the ".mod" files in /boot/grub as it almost felt root kit looking at all those formiliar commands in that directory, but later assumed its supposed to be a rescue boot or something.00:03
chelzLinuxGuy2009: 'anecdotal evidence' is not evidence00:03
crc32They are rescue binaries right and not a root kit? LOL00:03
Descierohiexpo: How can I view a log of a failed terminal package install?00:03
seanbrystone2no no i never said ubuntu 9.10 was heavily broken.00:03
LinuxGuy2009Who said anything about evidence.00:03
Loshacrc32: my understanding is that they are modules loaded and run by grub, and it's been done to make grub2 more modular. I'm ok with that, but the scripts which run to generate grub.cfg are a holy mess...00:04
LinuxGuy2009seanbrystone2: No what Im saying is that the devs knew that 9.10 would have major issues. So its not suprising at all that you have these issues.00:04
LinuxGuy2009They threw in tons of new stuff for preop for LTS00:05
seanbrystone2yeah, well theres that :)00:05
crc32seanbrystone2: I'm not sure if its broken or not but it has plenty of suprises to make an experienced linux admin go "WTF"00:05
sineI ran red alert 2 in wine yesterday and the computer rebooted after wine crashed00:05
clickmegrub2 is really a pain, even boot spash is a pain00:05
LinuxGuy2009Yeah I went right back to Jaunty. Very happy with that release.00:05
sinei didnt think linux crashed00:05
hiexpoDesciero, it should be in your sys log go to system/adm log file viewer00:05
Coded1hello all00:06
Loshacrc32: seanbrystone2: well let's be fair, you don't get new features without bugs. That's why I run 8.04 LTS.00:06
LinuxGuy2009But 8.04 is older than dirt for me.00:06
LoshaLinuxGuy2009: what is that, some kind of weird computer ageism?00:07
clickmeseanbrystone linus mint is pretty good00:07
=== SScript_2 is now known as n3w4r3z[AwAy]
LinuxGuy2009Debian stable has newer stuff than Ubuntu LTS does currently. Thats old.00:07
seanbrystone2yeah but i look at it like, you can try those other distros that have 100 users in their chat channel, 99 of them are snoozing or AFK, that's what makes Ubuntu so great , huge irc channel, huge community for helping ETC :)00:07
clickmeseanbrystone true00:07
jrib!away > n3w4r3z[AwAy]00:08
ubottun3w4r3z[AwAy], please see my private message00:08
crc32Losha: I'm ok with grun being what ever since its low level and I don't typically screw around at that low a level but I did expect to see menu.lst  at least in the grub directory where you edit the file and expect it to work. Instead you edit another file and run update-grub which to me feels like "lilo" all over again.00:08
LinuxGuy2009seanbrystone2: The sad truth to that statement is partially due to Ubuntu having some many problems at times also. But not always.00:08
Coded1im running 9.10 and when I copy folders (local - local or local - usb flash) my whole system crawls.  Its a 2.53GHz w/512mb ram, and not usually that slow.  When I run htop it shows 13% used but seems the kernel is taking the rest.  any ideas?00:08
Loshaseanbrystone2: stable, cheap, new-featured: choose any *two*....00:08
dtcrshrhello, iv installed xmms2 via synaptic, but i got no links on the start menu. on terminal i call xmms2 but it gots me a comamand line00:08
dtcrshrhow do i create a shortcut for the xmms gui00:08
jribdtcrshr: did you restart your panel?00:09
dtcrshrhow do i do that00:09
clickmeCoded1: might be you hard drive/usb flash dying00:09
dtcrshrjrib, without restarting gnome00:09
jribdtcrshr: either logout and back in or just send SIGHUP to gnome-panel00:09
Coded1clickme, should I be getting errors in /var/log somewhere?00:09
jebbahey, I have a script that launches `apt-get install mysql-server` automatically when a node is created. But it prompts for what you want the root mysql password to be. I just want to leave it blank. I did -y and --force-yes. I also want to do this "headless"/automated, so I don't have to hit enter on that screen. How can this be done? I don't see an option to apt-get for non-interactive mode.00:10
clickmedtcrshr: u can always log off and log back in00:10
LinuxGuy2009Coded1: 9.04 might be better for you until 10.04 LTS comes out. 9.10 is buggy for many users.00:10
dtcrshrjrib, i got plenty of apps opened, will i lost my job?00:10
dtcrshractually, im transmitting to a webcast00:10
jribdtcrshr: if you logout yes, if you send SIGHUP to gnome-panel, no00:10
LinuxGuy2009Coded1: Many things were added in preperation for LTS.00:10
crc32Losha: I'm ok with ubunu I guess for a desktop environment so long as it doesn't keep changing so fast. But in production I'm sticking with Debian or CentOS or fedora. I don't trust ubunto after 9.10 came out.00:10
dtcrshrnow that they areusing the microfone i got no problem00:10
dtcrshraudacious is cracking, so i got xmms00:10
dtcrshrcant reboot00:10
dtcrshrjrib, whats the terminal command to send it to gnome panel00:11
Coded1can I down grade?00:11
clickmeCoded1: maybe, i'm but i had those problems and usually is a bad drive, the OS drive thats00:11
Loshacrc32: I don't even mind the update thing, but the scripts which you have to edit to make changes are impenetrable & look like they were written by an amateur...00:11
LinuxGuy2009Coded1: Dont think so unless you have an old system backup sitting around which I assume you dont.00:11
clickmeCoded1: try running the live session and copy and paste to the usb flash from there and see00:11
andrew__Is there any way to make the terminal only keep the result of the last command, and the command prompt?00:11
jribdtcrshr: pkill -HUP gnome-panel  I suppose.00:11
Coded1clickme, will do00:11
LinuxGuy2009Coded1: Yeah I think you can change the setting in the terminal profile.00:12
jribandrew__: what?00:12
LinuxGuy2009oops sorry00:12
andrew__jrib: Erm I want to keep the buffer quite clear, it just gets cluttered real easy00:12
LinuxGuy2009andrew__: Yeah I think you can change the setting in the terminal profile.00:12
Typos_Kingandrew__   what?00:12
Coded1LinuxGuy2009, thanks for the input00:12
jribandrew__: you want to modify your prompt?00:12
clickmehow come the Panels always stay on top os apps even after you auto hide them guys00:12
dtcrshrhm.. no xmms00:12
dtcrshri must have missed something00:13
andrew__Oh nevermind :p00:13
dtcrshrany other suggestions? i need a substitute to audacious,  an mp3 player that runs with jack00:13
jribdtcrshr: I didn't claim you would see a shortcut after restarting gnome-panel, just that you should to see if it shows up.  Did it show up?00:13
jrib!who | dtcrshr00:13
ubottudtcrshr: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:13
crc32Losha: How long did you spend trying to disable the splash screen, Graphical startup and gdm. If you did disable gdm00:13
Typos_Kingdtcrshr:   audacious works fine for me00:13
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: You trying to do multitrack recording?00:13
brjannjebba: you can try the "yes" command, which repeatedly outputs its argument (by default, 'y') followed by a newline until it's killed00:13
dtcrshrTypos_King, no, im broadcasting00:14
crc32for me I'd raher see startup messages rather then a crawling graphical bar.00:14
dtcrshra live cast with both enterviews and audio00:14
dtcrshrthe mic is jsut fine00:14
dtcrshrbut audacious is cracking as hell00:14
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr:  Tried ardour?00:14
Typos_King.... I see00:14
dtcrshrany audio00:14
FloodBot2dtcrshr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:14
dtcrshrim just looking for an anternative to use jack00:14
Loshacrc32: I didn't. I run 8.04 LTS i.e. still running grub1. I boot into 9.10 occasionally, mainly so I can support for it here, but I do it from grub100:14
dtcrshrdont xmms has a gui?00:14
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Cracking might be bad Jack settings. Need a higher buffer etc. More latency to compensate.00:14
brjannjebba: so e.g. for   yes | aptitude install foo   , yes would answer y<ENTER> for any prompt it encountered00:14
Typos_Kingdtcrshr:    so.... when you broadcast using whatever server.... audacious is giving a crackling on the playbacks?00:14
dtcrshrim using icecast00:15
dtcrshron a remote server00:15
jribdtcrshr: didn't you just say you ran it on the command-line?00:15
dtcrshrjrib, but it dont do nothing besides the list of comands00:15
Typos_Kingdtcrshr:    so, you are NOT broadcasting... you're just playing a stream00:15
craigbass1976I want a headless router box.  Is ubuntu the answer?  I ran cent for a couple years and the hard drive quit, just not sure which way I want to go00:15
jribdtcrshr: what exactly did you install?00:15
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Does audacious crackle with any other files besides the ones your recording?00:15
WinterSkyJust wondering about Ubuntu: I was watching a video file and I moved it on accident while it was playing and it still played. Does Xine\Mplayer\Ubuntu Buffer the video or does Ubuntu let the application know where it was moved to so it can continue playing?00:15
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, well, the recordings are fine00:16
LinuxGuy2009WinterSky: You can move the windows whereever you want.00:16
teagei can not remove the universal access preferences icon from my panel, i have disabled it from startup applications preferences and rebooted, still there. I have removed it from startup applications preferences, still there. can anyone help me?00:16
dtcrshrte problem is on the playing, im using the audacious tracks as a bg for instance00:16
jebbabrjann: ya, well, it really just needs to hit <enter>, not say "y", as i want to leave the password blank.  But that seems like quite a kludge. How is it done for cronned`apt-get dist-upgrades` on boxes? This is basically the same situation.00:16
WinterSkyLinuxGuy2009 It wasn't a window. It was a media file.00:16
jribWinterSky: file stays in memory until nothing is using it00:17
Loshacraigbass1976: ubuntu will work for that, but it probably only makes sense if you are already familiar with it. If not, there are distros specifically designed for running as headless routers which are tailored to that function and probably will give you better performance & easier config.00:17
LinuxGuy2009WinterSky: Oh you mean you moved a file out of a folder while it was playing?00:17
Typos_Kingdtcrshr:    sooo... you're doing Tracks mixing?00:17
WinterSkyLinuxGuy2009 Yes00:17
Typos_Kingdtcrshr:    why ot just get Jokosher for that?00:17
dtcrshrjrib, xmms2 command on the terminal shows a bunch of commands, add, play but none to show me the gui00:17
LinuxGuy2009WinterSky: It may have tracked the move but I sorta dought it. When the buffer ran out it would have stopped probebly.00:17
jribWinterSky: a "move" operation doesn't actually move a file in memory anyway00:18
jribdtcrshr: you didn't answer my qusetion00:18
WinterSkyLinuxGuy2009 Yeah the buffer was probably full.00:18
dtcrshrTypos_King, well, im using a two track usb audio board, with 2 mics in it. with this i got audacious also playing a sound for bg00:18
dtcrshrjrib, i didnt understood your question00:18
WinterSkyjrib: Yeah. So it probably was loaded into ram\buffered.00:18
craigbass1976Losha, I'm very familiar with ubuntu; been a happy user since dapper.  I've just always used centOS for servers, not ubuntu.  Well, once I had a xubuntu webserver, but it was temporary00:18
jribWinterSky: no, that's not what is happening00:18
brjannjebba: then you could use   yes "" | ...   , but it is a kludge, i agree. i'm not sure how the cron jobs do it, though, sorry00:18
jribWinterSky: you can even delete the file if you want00:19
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Why are you using Jack you running multiple streams to one set of outputs or need some feature of jack that a normal playback wont do>?00:19
jribWinterSky: it won't actually get deleted until nothing is using it00:19
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Jack is mostly used for near Zero latency for multitrack recording and stuff like that or complex routing features.00:19
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, im using complex routing features00:19
dtcrshri need patchage, jackeq, and jackrack00:19
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Ardour has multiple tracks and is more than likely gonna be better for what you need.00:20
dtcrshri pass the microfones over to a compressor and eq onjackrack before i get then  on air00:20
LoshaWinterSky: when you move a file (at least within the same filesystem), the filehandle the program uses to access it remains valid until the process closes the file. This is true even if you delete the file. It's just how it works...00:20
dtcrshri dont need to record separated tracks LinuxGuy2009, audacious does the job with the final product00:20
jribdtcrshr: what exactly did you install?00:20
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Well if audacious isnt working then its not working right?00:20
LinuxGuy2009Cant have it both ways.00:20
Typos_Kingehhhe,   it works for  me :P00:21
dtcrshrjrib, i went to synaptic, and installed xmms2 and xmms2-plugin-jack00:21
Loshacraigbass1976: well as I say, at a pinch, any reasonable distro will serve, but you might as well get one designed for the function. If it comes with a web configuration interface, so much the better...00:21
jribdtcrshr: you need to install some sort of client for xmms2 then afaix00:21
jribafaik even00:21
Hypnozif an nfs mount is 755 owned by www-data:www-data, what permission would allow any user to touch any file owned by www-data:www-data?00:22
dtcrshrjrib, hm. so xmms is just a service? can you suggest a front end for xmms2?00:22
craigbass1976Losha, ubuntu is one disc...  That's one plus.  :)00:22
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, audacious is just playng the bg, i cutted it off right now00:22
jribdtcrshr: I cannot, but yes xmms2 is now client/server based00:22
WinterSkyLosha So it just updates the file handle of the new "Location\Folder Path" even though the file hasn't moved physically on the drive. And the application uses that File Handle that points to the file on  the drive?00:22
Descierohiexpo: yeah but which one is it in??00:22
dtcrshrso they are just talking on the microfone, no audio on bg00:22
craigbass1976Hypnoz, 775 as long as the user in questio is in the www-data group00:22
Loshacraigbass1976: the router distros are even tinier I think you'll find...00:22
dtcrshrjrib, well. besides audacious, is there a good gui player that talks with jack?00:22
craigbass1976Hypnoz, are you trying to give yourself access (full run of the mill) to the /var/www directory?00:23
Hypnozcraigbass1976: its not in the group, but still can00:23
jribdtcrshr: if xmms2 is one, why don't just use that?  Search synaptic for a gui or read it's official site, I'm sure they will recommend one00:23
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Ardour does. Its made for Jack use.00:23
Hypnozno, nfs export has this ability, but netapp share doesn't have same ability00:23
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, i know. we use ardour to multi track recording00:23
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: So why not use what works then? Why complicate things?00:23
dtcrshrbut ardour is not quite simple to change mp3 tracks00:23
jribdtcrshr: personally, I use mpd00:24
craigbass1976Hypnoz, who owns the directory on the machine doing the sharing out?00:24
teageand its not listed in running processes00:24
teagewhat gives?00:24
dtcrshrlemme put that again. Im using this computer as a radio station. i got 2 mics in, and play audio together on it. i use jack features, so i can use jackeq and jackrack to treat the microfones and to use volumes on the mics00:24
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Well MP3 players dont need Jack. Jack is meant for latency issues and routing. MP3 playback doesnt require any of that.00:24
jribWinterSky: maybe http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-speakingunix14/ is helpful for you00:24
dtcrshri just need a good decent mp3 player to do it together00:24
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Ardour would solve your problem. Just need to learn to use it.00:25
Ahmucki've got a problem with an nvidia chipset eth incrementing eth1, eth2, etc to 128 where the mac address changes everytime00:25
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, i understand. but i cant choose between the mic treatment jack gives me and simple mp3 playback00:25
LoshaWinterSky: a local 'move' doesn't actually move anything, it just changes the name entry in the directory, so the filehandle in the program still points to the same (valid) data. Even when you delete a file, the deletion is pending until all open filehandles are closed so the file will continue to play...00:25
Typos_Kingdtcrshr:   there's a gxmms200:25
DcMeeseHow do I get an external monitor to work with an ubuntu 9.10 latitude cpx.00:25
Ahmucki understand this is a result of a bad forcedeth driver00:25
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: I can tell you just dont know how to operate Ardour. Its a full studio environment.00:26
dtcrshrTypos_King, THANKS!!!00:26
Ahmuckthis problem has beeen around, but i'm not sure how to solve it.  after reading, it keeps getting posted as "won't fix" on the ubuntu bug reporting00:26
neenhm. anyone know if it's possible to make a cronjob that runs every 15 min but _not_ at midnight (and by midnight i mean exactly 0, not 0:15)00:26
Ahmuckany reason ubuntu won't fix this bug?00:26
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, so i would use ardour, and put audacious as an input to a channel?00:26
WinterSkyLosha: Yeah. That's what I meant if It sounded weird.00:26
LoshaWinterSky: we're are in violent agreement :-)00:26
jribAhmuck: ask the person who changed it to won't fix for an explanation.00:26
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: No you throw audacious out the window and use Ardour.00:26
dr-knowchelz: thank you my friend !!!!!! my problem solved.oh my god!!! thank you00:27
WinterSkyLosha: :)00:27
Ahmuckwhich one00:27
dAlfa89_I have sound issues on 9.04, every time I play any audio file, or any sound at all for that matter, there's a horrible fuzziness to it, like interference. Any ideas to help? I think ALSA is giving me trouble, but messing with it hasn't helped :c00:27
Hypnozcraigbass1976: from /etc/exports/:  /tmp/download    *(rw,sync,subtree_check,root_squash,all_squash,anonuid=33,anongid=33)00:27
infectoi have problem with running 64 bit 9.10 graphic installer want start :(00:27
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, and how do i put multiple mp3 to play on ardour?00:27
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: Its a whole studio what more could you ask for?00:27
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, and change the order?and put other music ?00:27
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: You need to go read the Ardour manual and learn it.00:27
jsecHi all. What's the safest ways to remove old kernels? (not just in grub, actually delete the images)00:28
Typos_Kinginfecto:    can you elaborate?00:28
jribjsec: use a package manager00:28
dtcrshri use ardour for quite some time for recording. i know it can import a single track00:28
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: My guess is probably just drag and drop files into whatever track you wantg to use for playback.00:28
dtcrshrbut i just think you dont understand what i need here00:28
infectoTypos_King: ?00:28
Loshadtcrshr: I use xmms1, there's an old archive for it somewhere....00:28
dtcrshryes, but it goes on the importing proccess00:28
dtcrshri need it to play right away00:28
Typos_Kinginfecto:    can you elaborate/expand/explain/specify?00:29
dtcrshras an simple audio player00:29
infectoTypos_King: i burn 2 cd 64 bit00:29
infectoand bouth dont work00:29
infectosome errora that cant read from sr0 dev00:29
infectobut when i put cd 32 bit all gous ok00:29
LinuxGuy2009dtcrshr: You seriously need to go read teh manual I cant do it for you.00:29
Typos_King... wrong alias :{00:29
jsecjrib, thx. didn't realize it'd be that simple00:29
Hypnozcraigbass1976:  maybe the "all_squash" is doing it00:29
dtcrshrTypos_King, gxmms2 did the trick, thanks00:30
dtcrshrno cracks00:30
Typos_Kinginfecto:    maybe you should settle for hte 32bit one then :)00:30
jribjsec: just make sure you don't remove your running kernel00:30
happyfaceis rc.local just privalaged commands that are run at startup?00:30
dtcrshrthanks jrib and LinuxGuy200900:30
dtcrshrsorry for the inconvenience.00:30
zaxonspoxdoes anyone know PHP to work with PARADOX?00:30
infectoTypos_King: one then? explain please.00:30
LinuxGuy2009happyface: Yes I have used rc.local and its cool for running root only commands at startup.00:31
infectoin bios?00:31
happyfacethans LinuxGuy200900:31
Loshaneen: it can be done, but the configuration is tedious, I think you have to list every quarter hour *except* midnight. It might be easier to run a script every 15 minutes and check inside the script for midnight and just skip that particular invocation...00:31
craigbass1976Hypnoz, I'm not sure; I've only shared out my own /home/me to me on another box.  On my own boxes, I usually own /var/www, so when I share out my home dir then www gets shared out as well (since I move /var/www to /home/me and then make a link in /var to /home/me/www)00:31
infectoi have pavilion dv9000 my bios is so poor00:31
jsecjrib: will do. i just have a couple custom compiled kernels as well as the generics all the way back to .16, and my grub is looking pretty bloated at this point >_<00:31
dtcrshrLinuxGuy2009, when i go to the studio ill call you again00:31
neenok, i see, thanks losha :D00:31
dtcrshrneed some tricks with the bus stuff on ardour00:31
craigbass1976Hypnoz, that's my only experience with nfs.  Does Openoffice still crap out with nfs, or is that fixed now?00:31
Typos_Kinginfecto:    ... explain?   what?   I dunno why it may not be working specifically for you, doesn't mean it doesn't at all, you never specified anything to begin with, 'does not work' is not really an explainful sentence on what's happening00:32
Loshainfecto: my understanding is that hp bioses are deliberately hobbled to make support easier...00:32
Hypnozcraigbass1976: it was the all_squash option, which turns every user into nobody. Then anonuid and anongui are set to 33 putting them as www-data00:32
infectoTypos_King: i just ask, and say that dont work for me.00:32
infectodont understand me wrong00:32
infectoi`m using linux for a long time, and dont come here to complain.00:33
infectojust serach answer00:33
zaxonspoxneed help with PHP & Paradox DB00:33
Typos_Kinginfecto:   .... well... can't say.. maybe is as Losha said, some hardware incompatibility00:33
Loshainfecto: so what is your question?00:33
infectoLosha: no one :)00:33
infectoi geting lucid alpha 3 and we will se :)00:33
Typos_Kingjust a 'general wondering'? hehe00:33
Losha!lucid | infecto00:34
ubottuinfecto: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+100:34
infectoLosha: yep, i`m present on that #00:34
infectoand i`m sure that will have some complications.00:34
Typos_Kingzaxonspox:    I know some php, no paradox.. sorry :{00:34
Hypnoz9.10 isn't even stable, i had that on my computer for 1 day before I went back to 9.0400:34
Loshacraigbass1976: apart from that, which was strictly speaking, a configuration issue, nfs is pretty problem free...00:35
Hypnozand I tried it 2 days ago00:35
Hypnozfiguring it would be all patched up by now00:35
LoshaHypnoz: 9.10 was never claimed to be stable. Only the LTS releases are *supposed* to be stable you know...00:35
hiexpoi have had 9.10 since it was release and never had a glitch of problems other than user malfunctions00:35
Hypnozhappy its working better for you hiexpo00:36
cellofellowLosha: where'd you dream that up?00:36
Hypnoz9.04 has my wireless working, 9.10 couldn't get it working, and I managed to crash grub2 so bad it wouldn't boot anymore00:37
zaxonspoxTypos_King: mayby you could point me to the answer - there is px_get_value() on the php.net00:37
CountDownHow can I tell what brand of touchpad I have?  I'm using an Acer Aspire One AO532H.  I don't see any sign of a Synaptics touchpad in lshal.00:37
hiexpojust all the right combitions i guess00:37
Hypnozi am honestly scared of grub2 now00:37
Hypnozit seems very unstable00:37
Loshacellofellow: I made it up...00:37
craigbass1976I threw it (9.10) on a new acer laptop a few weeks ago and it's working ok for me so far00:37
LoshaHypnoz: we're all scared of grub2...00:37
coldfireis it mandatory to have a swap partition? I have 2 gigs of ram00:38
CountDowncraigbass1976: Which Acer laptop?00:38
Hypnozyes its mandatory00:38
LinuxGuy2009coldfire: Hibernate and I think one or two other thinsg need it.00:38
FezzlerUbuntu 9.10 - where do I see a log file of my startup process?  I'm seeing some errors and I want to fix.  Hate to have poor performance due to quirky startup.00:38
Typos_Kingzaxonspox:    not sure how ... that helps though :|00:38
HypnozFezzler: at command line type "dmesg"00:38
hiexpoi have found you need to have a large swap to make it run good so i gave it 5 gig and i have 2 gig ram00:39
Hypnozor "tail /var/log/messages"00:39
Loshacoldfire: depends what you mean by mandatory and on how much swap you use. If you run out of swap, programs will terminate prematurely. 2G RAM isn't much by today's standards...00:39
craigbass1976CountDown, aspire 5517.  They're brand new00:39
Typos_KingFezzler:    dmesg | less;00:39
Hypnozhiexpo: there is really no benefit above 2gb of swap I've heard00:39
Hypnozhiexpo: should read about optimal swap size00:39
LinuxGuy2009coldfire: IMO 2GB is way more than enough for Linux. Windows is like the only thing that need 4 or 8 GB.00:39
craigbass1976CountDown, wireless works on encrypted networks, which I'm not used to (although my old Dell did it too-- I just never tried after Fedora4)00:40
CountDowncraigbass1976: Are you able to disable clicking with the touchpad?00:40
zaxonspoxTyphos_King: if i have an array Array([name] => Kod PLU \r [type] => 4 \r    [size] => 4) how to get to first field?00:40
Loshahiexpo: the conventional wisdom is twice the RAM for swap, until you reach 4G. But there's lots of superstition about RAM/swap sizing it's hard to know who to believe...00:40
CountDowncraigbass1976: I'm using an Aspire One AO532H and can't figure out how to disable touchpad clicking.00:40
hiexpotrue but i had spent a week configureing apps on this and dont want to do it again so more is ok less is back to the ole drawing board00:40
craigbass1976CountDown, I haven't tried it; I've almost always got a mouse.  I will try it later if you'd like.00:41
Typos_KingCountDown:   checked in 'sudo lshw' yet?00:41
CountDowncraigbass1976: Yes, please do.00:41
Typos_KingCountDown:   you can always check the MB maker's manual you know :P00:41
HypnozCountDown: you want to disable touchpad while you're typing?00:41
Zeniturtrying to compile KDE 4.4.1. I get this error: http://pastebin.ca/1832796 . How to fix it, does somebody know?00:41
coldfirethanks all00:41
CountDownTypos_King: Not yet.  Thanks for the tip.00:42
CountDownHypnoz: yes, basically.00:42
hiexpoi have ran 3 cad programs at once and a video and played a game and it kpt going like the energizer bunny :)00:42
Typos_KingCountDown:   many touchpads are disablable through an options in BIos, I know mine is00:42
CountDownTypos_King: I just want to disable using the touchpad taps as clicks.00:43
LinuxGuy2009CountDown: 1 sec ill check on my Dell Mini for you.00:43
Typos_KingCountDown:   ... .meh... I don't use it at all, I have a 3button mouse, far better and flexible :P~  so00:43
Copperedwhat is the ubuntu equivalent of OUTLOOK?  Is there a program I can dump all my Outlook emails into?00:43
CountDownLinuxGuy2009: Thanks.  There's a lot of chatter about a bug in 9.10 regarding this feature.   Good to get another data point.00:43
campeecoppered: evolution00:43
CopperedThanks Campee...is that the clear leadeR?00:44
CountDownTypos_King: That's a possibility.00:44
campeei believe so00:44
LoshaCountDown: I had a lot of trouble with that in the past due to bugs. Might wanna google your model number and see what shows up...00:44
LinuxGuy2009CountDown: In 9.04 in mouse preferences there is a check box. If 9.10 is missing this then your probably screwed.00:44
Typos_Kingallo cell00:44
LoshaCoppered: make backups before you start if possible. Plenty to go wrong....00:44
celli want help with my ubuntu00:45
cellit is 9.0400:45
FezzlerTypos_King>> I don't see the error I see at boot with "dmesg | less"  The error is something about bad or missing undev command00:45
CountDownLinuxGuy2009: That's what I was afraid of.  Thanks for checking.00:45
Copperedlosha i have full backups of all my Outlook files done.00:45
hiexpo!ask \ cell00:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:45
Copperedim going to be installing ubuntu tonite then puttin gall these programs in.00:45
HypnozCountDown:  try searching google for "ubuntu disable touchpad tap to click"00:45
LoshaCoppered: excellent, Best of luck with it...00:45
LinuxGuy2009cell: Whats the Q?00:45
arrrghhhcan someone help me remove a program that was compiled instead of installed from the repo's?00:46
celli am new to ubuntu but my friends say it is really good00:46
CopperedDoes Ubuntu come with an email client preinstalled?00:46
arrrghhhCoppered, yes, it does.00:46
cellbut i cant seem to make anything  out of it00:46
Copperedwhich is that?00:46
cellhelp me pls00:46
arrrghhhCoppered, and there are several others to choose from in the repo's.  I think gnome still uses evolution.00:46
=== zenergi is now known as zenergi_
LinuxGuy2009cell: Help you what?00:46
Copperedi need something that i can put mY OUTLOOK files into....50,000 emails, etc...address books00:47
[V13]Axel!ask | cell00:47
ubottucell: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:47
Copperedim looking at evolution now.00:47
FezzlerI am still AMAZED at how well and FAST Ubuntu runs on this old AMD 266 PC with only 768meg ram.00:47
Loshaarrrghhh: which program was it? Do you have the source?00:47
cellhelp me use the command line00:47
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
CountDownHypnoz: I've looked at all those already, but thanks for checking.00:47
arrrghhhCoppered, i prefer thunderbird from mozilla.00:47
FezzlerWhere can I check "undev" settings?00:47
arrrghhhLosha, xmlrpc-c, and yes i have the source.00:47
LinuxGuy2009cell: Do you know the basics first?00:47
blakkheimFezzler: you'd be amazed even more if you ran a light distro00:47
cellto install uninstall and stuff pls00:47
Typos_Kingcell    check in the programs section for Evolution, is a GUI app, so00:47
blakkheimcell: man aptitude00:47
cellteach me00:47
LinuxGuy2009cell: Applications menu, Add/Remove do there to install apps./00:48
[V13]Axelcell: What are you wanting to install and uninstall?00:48
Loshaarrrghhh: so was it installed using 'make install' ?00:48
HypnozApplications at the top left -> Add/Remove00:48
Hypnozyou don't need to use the command line to install/uninstall00:48
arrrghhhLosha, correct.  i compiled the advanced tree of xmlprc-c because of a bug with rtgui...00:48
Fezzlerblakkheim>> Well, I have an old iMac G3 Bondi Blue.  Wonder how it would do on that?  OS X crawls on it00:48
blakkheimbut it helps00:48
cellflash player00:48
blakkheimFezzler: a debian netinstall or gentoo would fly on that00:48
cellfor mozilla00:48
arrrghhhcell, just install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:48
[V13]AxelJust download the .deb from Adobe, and double click it.00:48
LinuxGuy2009cell: adobe.com and download flash for 8.04+00:48
Loshaarrrghhh: if you're lucky, you can do 'sudo make uninstall'....00:48
Fezzlerblakkheim>> Ubuntu fanboy00:49
[V13]Axelcell: Just download the .deb from Adobe, and double-click it.00:49
seanbrystone2Coppered, Opera has a pretty good email client built-in, I could never get Ubuntu's email clients working with gmail's imap00:49
arrrghhhLosha, yea... not so lucky.  i tried that.00:49
Hypnozif you're running 64 bit its harder00:49
arrrghhhseanbrystone, even thunderbird?00:49
m3garunning karmic on a tablet pc. xdpyinfo says that screen is 800x600 but the aspect ratio is wrong. clues?00:49
seanbrystone2thunderbird is good too00:49
celli used the command line it done with download but i dont know where to og to install it00:49
CopperedThank Sean....my issue is 100% outlook conversion.....00:49
arrrghhhseanbrystone2, why two users lol?00:49
blakkheimFezzler: that's fine, but you're not experiencing the speed you could be :)00:49
LinuxGuy2009thunderbird works goof for gmail00:49
FezzlerTypos_King>> Any ideas on "undev" boot error.  Must be a setting.  In fstab?00:49
CopperedI have to dump my entire past of Outlook into ....X....so looking at all options.00:49
HypnozCell: from command line can you type "uname -m" and paste the output00:49
Typos_Kingcell:   sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree;00:50
Loshaarrrghhh: ok, so you have to do it the hard way. Run 'make install' again, and keep a log of all the output. Then go through it, and every time it installs a file, you need to delete whatever it installed by hand. Fun, no?00:50
arrrghhhCoppered, thunderbird is probably going to be the best-recommended client00:50
[V13]Axelcell: Typos_King has it correct.00:50
Fezzlerblakkheim>> Ok, I'll bit.  What distro?  EZ to set up?00:50
arrrghhhLosha, sounds like fun!  i figured it was something like that.00:50
HypnozTypos_King: does that work even with 64 bit?00:50
blakkheimFezzler: gentoo is the ultimate speed demon, but it is not for newer users00:50
seanbrystone2arrrghhh, oops :)00:50
Copperedthunderbird or evoltuion....but it sounds like thunderbird....does NOT have a calendar..00:50
Typos_KingHypnoz    is in the repos, I'd supposed so00:50
cellthanks typos00:50
LinuxGuy2009cell: Installing flash in ubuntu is no different than in Windows. Download it and double click it.00:50
chelzLosha: paco/gpaco or checkinstall00:50
seanbrystone2forgot my other irc was on00:50
chelzLosha: tracks installed files with make scripts00:51
arrrghhhLosha, perhaps i can get around this issue... can i recompile all the packages that are having an issue with the custom version of xmlrpc-c or am i just screwed?00:51
Fezzlerblakkheim>> WHere can I see the messages that scroll during boot up?00:51
Typos_KingFezzler:    dmesg | less;00:51
Fezzlerblakkheim>> are they logged?00:51
HypnozTypos_King: don't think you can put a ; at the end00:52
FezzlerTypos_King>> I did that but didn't see the error message in there00:52
Loshaarrrghhh: one way to cheat is to install a repository version on top of the compiled version, overwriting all the compiled files, then apt-get remove it. When the repo version files get removed, it should all disappear. Nasty, isn't it?00:52
chelzarrrghhh: recompiling apps with deb-src packages is done all the time00:52
FezzlerTypos_King>> something about bad setting in undev00:52
Typos_KingHypnoz:     bash takes ; just fine :) hehe00:52
devdzin boot loader how can i delete the old generics of ubuntu and keep just the latest one  ?00:52
johnislostanybody know about getting a tv tuner card to work? saa2134 and such?00:52
chelzLosha: that's an interesting idea00:52
Loshachelz: is correct, you could've used checkinstall, though it doesn't always work...00:53
arrrghhhLosha, hrm... you think that'll work?  i think i already tried using purge with aptitude, i'm not sure about that specific xmlrpc package.00:53
neenhm. okay, now say i want to remove all of the files in a directory that were there before today...how can i do that? i know i can use find ./ -mtime 1 to find the ones that are 24 hours old, but some will be < 24 hours old and still from yesterday00:53
Hypnozdevdz: delete the lines in /etc/grub/menu.lst00:53
LinuxGuy2009devdz: You dont need to remove kernels.00:53
cellit now says setting up flashplugin-nonfree00:53
Copperedanyone know if both Evolution and Thunderbird....synch with Blackberry/00:53
cellis it done now00:53
arrrghhhHypnoz, doesn't work so well with grub2...00:53
cellcuz my prompt is there00:53
astronuti have information that i think would be very helpful to a thread on ubuntuforums.org but i don't have an account and don't feel like getting one just to post - would someone mind making a follow up for me?00:53
Hypnozdevdz: sorry /boot/grub/menu.lst00:53
Typos_KingHypnoz:  it can do multi's in a one-liner,    echo "chese"; cat myfile; dmesg; ...00:53
arrrghhhHypnoz, er sorry.  got that backwards.00:53
chelzif you don't remove the kernels, the next time grub reconfigures it'll put them back in00:53
FezzlerTypos_King>> I'm gonna reboot so I can write down the exact error.  IS there a way to pause the booting so I have time to read and write it?00:53
Pupuser402can somone help me?00:54
chelzremoving kernels is the 'proper' way to fix grubs menu permanently00:54
Loshaarrrghhh: it works fine as long as the repo version uses the same files as the compiled version (which should be the case unless some really radical changes have been made). Has the bug gone from the repo version? Is that why you no longer want the compiled version?00:54
Pupuser402ok i was going to install ubuntu on an external USB hard drive and not on my primary drive AT ALL! and when i was installing it i quadruple checked everything and when it finnished it had switched my primary drive with windows 7 to drive E; and my external USB drive to drive C: and it will not load any OS i have talked to many and they say either to format and reinstall or there is fix options for this on the windows 7 CD00:54
HypnozTypos_King: ; causes all commands to execute no matter if the one before was successful. && only keeps going if prev was successful00:54
LinuxGuy2009apt-get autoremove I think removes old kernels.00:54
Krokulwassup ppls? i have a BIG problem right now...00:54
Typos_KingFezzler   just save it to a file   ->   dmesg > ~/bootmsg.log;   and then open ~/bootmsg.log on any text editor of your choice00:54
Krokulwas using fedora 12 and it crapped out on me...00:54
arrrghhhLosha, well the compiled version seems to be segfaulting rtorrent.  rtorrent works great, but segfaults as soon as a call is made.00:54
chelzPupuser402: even installing on an external usb requires grub to be installed.00:55
arrrghhh!ask | Krokul00:55
ubottuKrokul: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:55
Typos_KingHypnoz:    true, or stop on error,  yes00:55
Krokuli want to go back to ubuntu but i was trying to backup my data first...only problem is i dont have permissions to access drive00:55
Krokulwhat can i do?00:55
blakkheimKrokul: sudo su00:55
blakkheimKrokul: now you do00:55
mikelifeguardPM spammer: __mar!~baharisat@ßÜÊÈÊ ÃÓãß Úáì ÕæÊí @@ ßÊÈÊå Ýí ÌÏÇÑ ÇáæÞÊ00:55
promanhere is a tricky one. I have been using ubuntu for a while on my netbook and used it on the laptop I had before with no problems. I have been trying to run linux on my PC. Mandriva, Suse, and ubuntu 64 bit installed ok but all had the same problem. The pc is connected to the internet with regular ethernet cable. I can open google with all their variations(gmail, etc). I can't open anything else. They cant even connect to do updates. T00:55
promanried connecting to my router and get the login prompt, but would not load the page after the password. Any ideas?00:55
chelzPupuser402: use the windows 7 to restore the windows boot, then use unetbootin to install an ubuntu image to your usb drive.00:55
LinuxGuy2009Krokul: use gksudo nautilus00:55
FezzlerTypos_King>> How do I get dmesg > ~/bootmsg.log to run at boot.  Where do I put that command?00:55
m3garunning karmic on a tablet PC. screen is 1024x600, but xorg is driving it at 800x600. how to fix?00:55
Pupuser402anyone help?00:55
arrrghhhLosha, i'll try to purge it and see what happens...00:56
cellthanks typos it worked00:56
seanbrystone2mikelifeguard, do we have an On-Join spammer?00:56
mikelifeguardseanbrystone2: probably yes. I only joined once and I am only one person :)00:56
Loshaarrrghhh: I use rtorrent, and I see it links to xmlrpc libs. Do you get a traceback?00:56
chelzproman: might be the computer's hardware. does this still happen on 9.10 livediscs?00:56
Typos_Kingproman:   sounds more like a router configuration issue, no an OS one, try maybe resetting the router00:57
LinuxGuy2009m3ga: driver doesnt support that res.00:57
chelzPupuser402: use the windows 7 to restore the windows boot, then use unetbootin to install an ubuntu image to your usb drive.00:57
mikelifeguardseanbrystone2: do you want me to rejoin to test? :P00:57
arrrghhhLosha, i don't think so.  i tried running it with strace, but couldn't sort it out.00:57
seanbrystone2heh, only if you want to :)00:57
cellcan anyone help me with skype using thecommand line????00:57
promanwindows 7 connected with no problems, but I will try to reboot the router00:57
arrrghhhLosha, can i purge with wildcards, ie 'sudo aptitude purge libxmlrpc*'?00:57
Hypnozcell: try searching google for your questions as well, there are lots of posts for every topic00:57
Loshaarrrghhh: if it wasn't installed via apt, you won't be able to remove it via apt. That's what all the messing about with installing a repo version over the compiled version is all about....00:58
devdzHypnos, it says the file menu.lst doesnt exist00:58
chelzcell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype00:58
m3gaLinuxGuy2009: thanks. assuming i'm smart enough, what needs fixing?00:58
Ben90can someone please help me?00:58
Krokulusing gksudo nautilus i can access the live media disk stuff but not my actual drive00:58
LinuxGuy2009cell: why do you assume everything requires the command line?00:58
Hypnozdevdz: what version of ubuntu are you using?00:58
cellcuz like it00:58
chelzproman: it could be a network driver issue00:58
devdz9.10 , Hypnos00:58
chelz!ask | Ben9000:58
ubottuBen90: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:58
cellits easy and less time00:58
LinuxGuy2009m3ga: nothing its just not suported. look on manufactures site for linux driver maybe.00:58
Typos_Kingcell to install skype?00:59
devdzHypnoz , is it the file moddep.lst ?00:59
=== jono_ is now known as jono
promanthe problem is seen in ubuntu, suse and mandrive. Do they use the same drivers?00:59
Hypnoznah. maybe grub.lst?00:59
arrrghhhLosha, do you know which package from the repo?00:59
cellyes typos00:59
johnislosthow do i update a driver for a tv tuner card that didn't come with ubuntu?00:59
cellhelp me00:59
devdzok .. Hypnoz i will try00:59
Ben90chelz : how do i find out what model my optical writer is?00:59
LinuxGuy2009johnislost: check manufacturers site00:59
arrrghhhjohnislost, patch the kernel if the kernel doesn't have it slipped in.00:59
Ben90i'm new00:59
FezzlerTypos_King>> Run dmesg > ~/bootlog.msg at start up.  How?00:59
Krokulcrap..gotta leave...thanks for trying...ill get on again later00:59
Typos_Kingcell   ->   apt-cache search  skype;   when it shows the package name, type it in -> sudo apt-get insall PACKAGENAME;01:00
celltypos you there ??01:00
Loshaarrrghhh: apt-cache search xmlrpc | egrep -i dev is your best bet for package names01:00
Typos_Kinginstall rather01:00
arrrghhhLosha, k thanks01:00
chelzjohnislost: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Tv-Tuner-Card-Work-on-Ubuntu-Hardy-Heron01:00
chelzjohnislost: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV01:01
cellok thanks typos01:01
Ben90chelz : ?01:01
Ben90chelz : how do i find out what model my optical writer is?01:01
mikelifeguardWhat does ubuntu use to rotate logs? Do I need to send output through rotatelogs myself?01:01
chelzBen90: that information is probably part of the documentation you received when you got your computer01:02
Typos_KingBen90     try ->  dmesg | grep -i cd-rom01:02
LoshaBen90: try hdparm -i /dev/sr001:02
apersonI have my backlight to not dim or change at all in gnome-power-preferences, but when I unplug my laptop, the display still dims.  is there a way I can entirely disable gnome from setting my backlight?01:02
Typos_KingBen90:  either that, or check in 'sudo lshw'01:02
johnislostthanks chelz, step 1 got this message: WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.01:02
chelzBen90: this might help: http://www.watchingthenet.com/ubuntu-guide-for-windows-users-display-system-hardware-information.html01:02
celltypos; it says here skytools-database management tools from skype postgreSQL01:02
cellwat should i do from there???01:03
kandinskiso which one is the "good" adoble flash package in 9.10?01:03
chelzjohnislost: instead of modprobe.conf, do: etc/modprobe.d/give_it_a_name01:03
IdleOnekandinski: flashplayer-installer iirc01:03
jseckandinski, there's a good one?01:03
chelzjohnislost: you can name it any name you want, just has to be in that folder01:03
Typos_Kingaperson:      the dimming part when unplugging a mobile, IIRC is a Bios setting, not sure if it's overridable, for powersaving purposes when running on batteries, not an OS setting alone01:03
IdleOnekandinski: and yeah good is a relative term but it works ok for me01:04
Typos_Kingcell:    is that the only entry listed?01:04
chelzaperson: that probably has something to do with gnome-power-manager-01:04
FloodBot2boildog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:04
celltypos; it says here skytools-database management tools from skype postgreSQL01:04
boildog"Reallocated Sector Count" Count of remapped sectors. When the hard drive finds a read/write/verification error, it marks the sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area)" "176 sectors corrupted. Disk has many bad sectors" "One or more disks are failing"01:04
apersonTypos_King, no it isn't01:04
* Typos_King introduces boildog to tinyurl.com01:04
apersonTypos_King, at least not on my laptop01:04
boildoganyone have an idea what i should do to remedy this issue?01:04
Typos_Kingaperson:  I've seen it before on others, eg. on Acer's01:05
apersonchelz, I know it does, I want to disable it's ability to change it01:05
cellofellowis.gd > tinyurl.com01:05
chelzaperson: http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-power-manager/stable/ - might be somewhere in here01:05
Typos_Kingaperson:   and I don't think is overridable on many01:05
johnislostthere is no modprobe.conf. I've been messing with a file called saa7134 with those steps in it01:05
IdleOnecell: if you want Typos_King to see what you say to them you need to use the TAB complete function. type typos and hit tab key one time01:05
apersonTypos_King, it's a gnome thing, I know this, whenever I move my pointer over to my laptop's display, it dims as well01:05
chelzaperson: it might be a driver issue01:05
celltypos you there ???01:05
apersonchelz, nope01:05
astronuti have information that is a much more elegant solution for a thread on ubuntuforums.org but i don't have an account and don't feel like getting one just to post - would someone mind making a follow up for me? if so, PM me01:05
Typos_Kingcell yes01:05
arrrghhhboildog, replace the hdd.  soon.01:06
cellthis wat i got from wat i did01:06
celltypos; it says here skytools-database management tools from skype postgreSQL01:06
chelzaperson: what model laptop?01:06
cellso wat i do next???01:06
IdleOnecell: did you see what I said to you just a momment ago?01:06
Typos_Kingboildog:   usually means hte HD is going south,  you can try giving it a diagnosis with smart tools 'sudo apt-get install smartmontools'01:07
apersonchelz, this is an asus eee 701, the only thing that changes the backlight is gnome - it's not a driver nor is it the hardware01:07
cellno idleone01:07
cellwat did you say?01:07
airtonix!who | cell01:07
ubottucell: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:07
Typos_Kingcell:   it shows no Skype?01:07
IdleOneairtonix: :)01:07
celltypos; nope01:08
* airtonix grumbles01:08
celltypos;it says here skytools-database management tools from skype postgreSQL01:08
arrrghhhLosha, damnit.  rtorrent keeps segfaulting!01:08
Typos_Kingcell:    ok... try this -> sudo apt-get update;   and when that's done, retry -> apt-cache search skype;01:09
apersonchelz, thank you01:09
celltypos; wa is the package name?01:09
chelzaperson: did you fix it somehow?01:09
Loshaarrrghhh: which os, rtorrent and libtorrent versions?01:09
apersonchelz, your link helped point me to what I needed01:09
chelzaperson: what was the fix?01:09
* Typos_King checks skype's site01:09
apersonchelz, I there is a gconf key that I changed01:09
chelzaperson: what key?01:09
arrrghhhLosha, it's ubuntu-server... it's karmic, but has been upgraded several times.  i believe rtorrent is at 0.8.2 and libtorrent is 0.12.201:09
chelzaperson: but good to hear, glad it worked.01:10
apersonchelz, /apps/gnome-power-manager/backlight/enable01:10
CopperedNewbie question:  Is GNOME the default desktop of Ubuntu?01:10
* cellofellow uses deluge-webui on his server. Rtorrent sucks.01:10
supremeCoppered: yes01:10
Typos_Kingcell:     http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/   <---01:10
apersonchelz, I have yet to test it, but the description leads me to believe it's what I want01:10
chelzaperson: alright. i'd be curious if that fixes it01:10
cellypos thanks01:10
celltypos; thanks01:11
Loshaarrrghhh: hmm. can't guarantee that works, I'm on 8.04/0.8.0/0.12.0. Do you get a backtrace?01:11
CopperedNext newbie question:  In a Windows enviroment where its critical to have an antivirus software (AVG, Avast, etc)....will I need oen also on my Ubuntu?  If so...which do you recommend.01:11
apersonchelz, I spoke too soon, it would seem :/01:11
arrrghhhLosha, i get nothing... is there some special way to run it to get a backtrace?01:12
Typos_KingCoppered;  yes, they have different flavors though, kubuntu, xubuntu,  eeebuntu... and another one01:12
CopperedThose are antivirus programs?01:12
Loshaarrrghhh: cellofellow: might just be easier to use a different client: transmission, deluge, etc...01:12
arrrghhhcellofellow, i found deluge sucks, rtorrent runs with hardly any footprint and is ridiculously customizable.  and it's working fine... xmlrpc calls to it on the other hand.01:12
chelzCoppered: yep, both free and proprietary01:12
CopperedKubuntu is anotehr version of Ubuntu...not AV software.01:12
cellofellowarrrghhh: ok...01:12
chelzaperson: aha. one thing you might try is getting ubuntu into a mode where neither gnome or gdm are running and see if the backlight dims. i'm betting it's a driver thing.01:13
Loshaarrrghhh: did you say you had an strace? Wanna pastebin the last page of it?01:13
Coppered...getting lost here....i thought Kubuntu was form of Ubuntu.........01:13
apersonchelz, it's not a driver thing, I'm 100% positive on this01:13
arrrghhhLosha, sure!  i'd love to have some help deicphering the strace.01:13
chelzaperson: how do you know if you haven't tested?01:13
Loshaarrrghhh: well, no promises....01:13
apersonchelz, how do you know I didn't?01:13
skrapshow many people here masterbate 4+ times a day?01:13
Copperedonly when i was 1201:14
Copperedim 35 today...no.01:14
chelzaperson: what was your test?01:14
apersonchelz, well, given that it doesn't do it in other distros...01:14
LoshaCoppered: kubuntu is basically ubuntu with kde installed....01:14
Copperedneed some clarification here.....does Ubuntu...come preloaded with AntiVirus softwre?01:14
chelzaperson: you could try rebooting ubuntu into recovery mode and just waiting on the menu see if it dims, or select going into a root console01:14
Typos_Kingskraps:    if you could at least spell correctly :P01:14
CopperedLosha..exactly.  So what do i do abotu AV software?01:14
chelzaperson: other distros might have a different driver loaded01:14
seanbrystone2!virus | Coppered01:14
ubottuCoppered: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:14
skrapsTypos_King: am i moving into your territory ? Typos?01:15
LoshaCoppered: antivirus, or audio-visual?01:15
Copperedanti virus01:15
Copperedor is not needed.....thus eutopia01:15
LoshaCoppered: so far, no needed on linux....01:15
Copperedi feel younger already.01:15
seanbrystone2skraps, just ignore him, I do.01:16
apersonchelz, I can double check01:16
LoshaCoppered: it's a principal reason most of us feel it's worth the hassle01:16
Typos_Kingskraps:   no but I gather you want #singles_and_lonely :P01:16
CopperedOK my CD is ready!!01:17
Copperedthis is scary01:17
chelzCoppered: you'll do fine01:17
LoshaCoppered: got backups?01:17
arrrghhhLosha, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/392917/ - that's the short one...01:17
Copperedyep everything on the external01:17
chelzCoppered: you're good to go then01:18
Copperedsounds like it01:18
skrapsTypos_King: roflmao you know it!!! too good. :D01:18
enavHEY GUYS Keep the good work going... im glad to be part of this Ubuntu family ^_^01:18
Copperedok here we go restarting computer01:18
Typos_KingCoppered: you can get antivirus apps for *nix as well, no OS is immune to malicous code though... I've run win32 with no antivirus 98% of the time, and barely ever gotten any.... sooooooo, they help I guess, but I do the same on *nix as well01:19
Loshaarrrghhh: Um, it's all mixed in with the cli output. Can you re-run it with -o /tmp/trace.txt or some such?01:19
johnislostthis is like trying to watch rugby on tv. There's a lot going on, but I have no idea what it is01:19
skrapsseanbrystone2: its good to cut up and go back and forth at times. as long as no one gets but hurt. Its all in fun ;D01:19
Loshajohnislost: well, do you have a question?01:19
CopperedThanks Typos...i will look around and see what antivir is avialle01:19
Copperedhere we go!! turning on the comptuer with teh install CD in01:20
enavHEY GUYS Keep the good work going... im glad to be part of this Ubuntu family ^_^01:20
Copperedtime to dive!01:20
celltypos; i use 9.04 the ones here are 8.10 ???01:20
johnislostlosha, i'm trying to get a tv tuner card to work with tv time, but i've got some chipset deal mixed up01:20
Copperedi think ill go with English!!01:20
Typos_Kingcell:  chances are they'll work01:20
chelzcell: it means 8.10 or later01:20
CountDownHow do I determine the make and model of my touchpad?  I tried lshal and sudo lshw and lspci, but I don't see anything that mentions a touchpad.01:20
Typos_KingCoppered no swahili? alrite then01:21
chelzcell: you are using a later version, so it will work01:21
Copperedshould i do this CHECK disk for defects?01:21
Copperedor go straight to Install?01:21
Copperedtest memory?01:21
Loshajohnislost: what chipset/tv card?01:21
cellok thanks all01:21
chelzCoppered: if you want to, if you already verified your iso when you burnt it you should be okay01:21
Copperedim going ot install01:21
skrapsI agree with typos, I dont use AV with windows and have only got back doored by people I thought I could trust. But for Linux Clam AV is a good choice if you just want to be safe. Iv only used ClamAV in conjunction with qmail and spamaassasin not for my desktop tho01:21
LoshaCoppered: only worth doing a checkdisk if something starts to go wrong....01:21
Copperedshes off!01:21
johnislostlosha, it's a philips saa713401:22
jagjri need help replacing my bootloader01:22
jagjrto incorporate windows 701:22
chelzjagjr: elaborate01:22
NotTooSmartMy power went out today, when I rebooted my ubuntu machine I cannot connect to my mpd server, my samba server, or open ssh, the Ip is the same and grabbed via dhcp, any ideas?01:22
arrrghhhLosha, oh ok.  i've never really used strace before.  hrm... can't get it to segfault, and none of the pages are loading.01:22
jagjri followed the tutorials01:22
Copperednice new symbole....never seen that.01:22
chelzjagjr: what version of ubuntu?01:22
jagjri put01:22
chelzjagjr: do you have grub1 or grub2?01:22
jagjrgrub 1.501:22
CountDownI just need to figure out if my touchpad is Synaptics, Elantech, ALPS, or something else.01:22
madscientist032how can i tell if my motherboard uses sata 1.5 or sata 3.0 from terminal?01:22
Copperedthis is so cool01:23
arrrghhhCountDown, i'd imagine dmesg would give you some info in that area...01:23
CountDownmadscientist032: sudo lshw01:23
Copperedi feel like im escaping a religion01:23
chelzNotTooSmart: try setting a static ip and rebooting it01:23
Copperedgood by abraham!01:23
jagjrheres my fdisk and menu.lst01:23
cellchelz; how do i know i am using 32-bit or 64-bit01:23
Purpleywheres firefox installed by default?\01:23
Loshajohnislost: it's supposed to be a 'well-supported' chipset. What does dmesg say about it?01:23
zetheroothe lightning extension is not working for me in Thunderbird01:23
arrrghhhPurpley, "installed"?  like where your firefox profile is?01:24
serverduckCould someone point me to how to install lamp in ubuntu 9.10? or an up to date link?01:24
PurpleyWell I need to launch it, how do I do that?01:24
mgaffneyPurpley, on the path01:24
=== DcMeese_ is now known as DcMeese
Purpleymgaffney, Elaborate please01:24
mgaffneyPurpley, did you try a firefox from the terminal?01:24
Typos_KingPurple    IIRC    the latest doesn't come with an installer.... it just unzips, and it'll run from wherever you unzip it at01:24
arrrghhhPurpley, yea should be in /usr/bin which s/b in your PATH01:24
zetherooPurpley: its not in the menu?01:24
chelzcell: if "uname -a" in a terminal has "_64" in it01:25
Loshaarrrghhh: so you're saying when you run it under strace, it doesn't work?01:25
PurpleySigh, Its in my menu I need to find its directory for a file01:25
mgaffneyPurpley, you can also do a 'which firefox' from the command line which will tell you where it is01:25
zetherooPurpley: Applications > Internet01:25
Typos_KingPurple:    other than that, you can just check with -> whereis firefox;01:25
johnislostlosha a whole lot of this [ 2328.379703] tuner-simple 2-004b: i2c i/o error: rc == -5 (should be 4)01:25
johnislost[ 2328.651282] tuner-simple 2-004b: i2c i/o error: rc == -5 (should be 4)01:25
johnislost[ 2328.921643] tuner-simple 2-004b: i2c i/o error: rc == -5 (should be 4)01:25
johnislost[ 2329.192201] tuner-simple 2-004b: i2c i/o error: rc == -5 (should be 4)01:25
FloodBot2johnislost: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
arrrghhhLosha, well for whatever reason the php frontends i use don't load (can't connect to rtorrent) but for some reason it won't segfault.  ah crap it just did!01:25
NotTooSmartchelz: its got the correct ip...01:26
arrrghhhLosha, said stack dump not enabled.  let me see if the strace has anything useful in it01:26
Loshajohnislost: that's a bad sign. Are you even sure the card is good?01:26
zetherooPurpley: there is also the hidden folder in the home folder which has some of Firefox config files etc01:26
serverduckCould someone point me to how to install lamp in ubuntu 9.10? or an up to date link?01:26
arrrghhhLosha, good god it's almost 10mb of text.  do you just want the last oh megabyte or all of it?!?01:26
Typos_KingPurple:   are you looking for the configuration/profile files for the user?01:26
CopperedQuestion...i am now at the Configure Partition section of the Ubuntu install...........should I have 2 partitions....one for Ubuntu and one for the programs i later install....or just one?01:27
cellofellowserverduck: run "sudo aptitude", open the Tasks section, find and install LAMP.01:27
PurpleyTypos_King, no im looking for the executable file01:27
chelzjagjr: try a uuid instead of root for the window 701:27
serverduckcellofellow, thank you sir!01:27
Loshaarrrghhh: just the last page in pastebin for starters....01:27
jagjrhmmm ok ill try01:27
johnislostlosha it works great on my win2k drive. this is the only app that i can't get to work right on my new install01:27
Copperedneed some thought here friends...01:27
PurpleyTypos_King, Ill find it though01:27
chelzjagjr: "/apps/gnome-power-manager/backlight/enable" in a terminal to find uuids01:27
chelzjagjr: "blkid -c /dev/null"01:28
enavi have 6 Gb of RAM, and i want the possibility to disable the Swap in order to save HDD usage... This is a good idea ???01:28
arrrghhhLosha, nothing's jumping out, here it be - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/392921/01:28
Typos_Kingserverduck:   ehehe  lamp?     well, you already have the 'L', install Apache2 and that gives you the 'A' and 'P', install mysql and that gives the 'M'01:28
CopperedQuestion...i am now at the Configure Partition section of the Ubuntu install...........should I have 2 partitions....one for Ubuntu and one for the programs i later install....or just one?01:28
zetherooenav: disable?01:28
NotTooSmartMy power went out today, when I rebooted my ubuntu machine I cannot connect to my mpd server, my samba server, or open ssh, the Ip is the same and grabbed via dhcp, any ideas?01:28
Loshajohnislost: start googling, card model number and/or chipset then my friend...01:28
CountDownarrrghhh: "dmesg | grep input" lists for Macintosh mouse button emulation and ImPS/2 generic Wheel Mouse.01:28
jagjrchelz : would it matter that i have two NTFS for one windows?01:28
chelzenav: if you ever run out of ram, programs will be killed at random. so probably not. just set a smaller swap.01:28
zetherooenav: or just repartition without swap?01:28
enavzetheroo yes disable01:28
arrrghhhCoppered, you may want to make a separate partition for /home, but that's all i recommend.01:28
serverduckTypos_King, well i don't know how to install AMP...yes i have L01:29
enavI never used more than 3 Gb01:29
chelzjagjr: no, that should not matter. you should only need to point grub at the windows partition with the system files.01:29
Copperedwhat is home? ..a long time ago...i used to run the OS in one partition.....and all installed programmes in another...01:29
zetherooenav: I would not disable ... but i would give 512 MB of swap instead of 6gb :P01:29
Copperedit worked well...maybe that is not an issue here...and i just go for 101:29
arrrghhhCountDown, i thought it would have touchpad info also.01:29
chelzenav: as long as you know what you are doing, that can be done. swap is an emergency thing to have though.01:29
jagjrchelz : i know , but i got system reserved for win 7 ... that contains stuff.. i think the bootfiles but not sure01:29
chelzCoppered: just use 101:29
zetherooenav: although I did run Ubuntu on a 2GB system with no swap at all ...01:30
arrrghhhCoppered, making a separate partition for /home just makes it easy to upgrade01:30
chelzjagjr: set the uuid to one of them and try rebooting. if it doesn't work, set the uuid to the other01:30
zetherooenav: I guess it depends somewhat on what your doing ..01:30
Copperedi will upgrade in April....is that an issue?01:30
johnislostlosha, thanks, thats what i've been doing and am too new to know what i've found.01:30
arrrghhhCoppered, you can wipe your main partition that has all your installs, but keep all your personal files and some configuration.01:30
enavmaybe i need to read more about linux swap  but i think is lake the page file of windows  using the hard drive constantly...  and decreasing its live01:30
enavis like*01:30
jagjrchelz : my uuid for the other is System Reserved would that be System_Reserved?01:30
Copperedfor the upgrade in April..to the latest Ubuntu...if i go with just 1 partition.....any issue?01:30
CountDownarrrghhh: "dmesg | grep touch" comes up empty and "dmesg | grep pad" only lists one line about VIA Padlock not detected.01:31
chelzCoppered: nope, no issues other than normal upgrading issues01:31
arrrghhhCoppered, no you can upgrade easily, but to do a clean wipe - just makes it easier to have a separate /home.  not required by any means.01:31
Blue1Coppered: backup /etc/ and /home/01:31
Copperedi have no idea what the home issue is01:31
Copperedi have no home01:31
Copperedso will skip that01:31
arrrghhhCountDown, did you look at dmesg as a whole?01:31
FloodBot2Coppered: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:31
MrD_would anyone be willing to give me help with Samba? I started by sharing a folder on my Ubuntu machine, and on this Windows 7 machine is can find the Linux computer, and it makes me log in using that user's credentials but it wont let me explore the folders01:31
arrrghhhCoppered, you will have a /home, trust me :D01:31
CountDownarrrghhh: Not yet.01:31
Loshaarrrghhh: the only thing that looks suspicious is these: accept(5, 0xbfc437ac, [16]) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable). Accept means an incoming connection, presumably from a p2p peer. Not sure why there would be insufficient resources for it. You could spend a lot of time on this and get nowhere. Really consider using a different client....01:32
Typos_Kingserverduck:   ehehe  lamp?     well, you already have the 'L', install Apache2 and that gives you the 'A' and 'P', install mysql and that gives the 'M'    <----   sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server-5.001:32
chelzjagjr: when you boot do you see a grub screen? is the issue just that windows won't boot?01:32
infectothe lucid also dont want to start ::)01:32
akindyanyone using wicd?01:32
akindyI've got a question if so01:32
NotTooSmartMy power went out today, when I rebooted my ubuntu machine I cannot connect to my mpd server, my samba server, or open ssh, the Ip is the same and grabbed via dhcp, any ideas?01:32
MichRTHello! How is everyone?01:32
arrrghhhLosha, hrm that's depressing.  rtorrent was working great, and i'm assuming something upgraded from the repo and broke that custom install of xmlrpc i installed.  what do you recommend for cli torrent clients that have a web frontend?01:32
serverduckTypos_King,  and php???01:32
infectothouse 64 bits version of ubuntu are strange ;)01:32
jagjrchelz :  i see a grub screen ..  i can choose to boot into linux or windows. i can boot into linux but not into windows01:33
Loshajohnislost: well, you shouldn't be seeing  i/o errors. Try googling for those along with your card/chipset01:33
jagjrbrb trying01:33
Blue1MrD_: sounds like a permissions problem you may need to set the folders in linux to sudo chmod 755 <nameofdirectorygoeshere>01:33
MichRTMaybe random, but I have to say: Final Fantasy XIII01:33
MichRTis awesome!!!01:33
infecto66.243846 end-request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 143385601:33
MrD_I chmodded it to 77701:33
Typos_Kingserverduck:     Apache webserver already comes with PHP as module, don't need to add anything extra, and also has mysql modules for accessing the server01:33
CountDownarrrghhh: Looks like there's a psmouse, but no brand.01:33
infectothats my error01:33
Loshaarrrghhh: do you know exactly when it broke? If so, you can check the package log in /var/log/dpkg.log for a likely suspect...01:33
infecto66.24897 Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 179232.01:33
jebbabrjann:   export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive01:34
Loshaarrrghhh: I use rtorrent :-)01:34
Typos_Kingserverduck:     thus it gives you the 'a' and 'p'01:34
arrrghhhLosha, not the exact time, but i know the day.  and damnit i LOVE rtorrent.  i don't want to use another client.01:34
brjannjebba: aha, good to know :) thanks01:34
MrD_it asks me for credientials again, but when i put in the same ones that let me access the computer in the first place it doenst work01:34
chelzNotTooSmart: are all those servers separate machines? or where are they all running?01:34
NotTooSmartchelz: one machine01:34
chelzNotTooSmart: what os are you using to try to connect to it?01:34
Loshaarrrghhh: check the logs and see what was installed on that day. You may be able to back something out and win....01:35
NotTooSmartchelz: um, im doing it locally01:35
serverduckTypos_King, thank you...long live the king! :)01:35
arrrghhhLosha, ...ok i'll see...01:35
NotTooSmartchelz: and on winxp and its just not working01:35
FezzlerTypos_King>> Okay.  The boot error is something about a faulty rule in udev?01:35
Typos_Kingserverduck:   <voice type="elvis">  thank you, thank you very much </voice>01:35
NotTooSmartchelz: I have one machine that runs mpd, samba and openssh, its ubuntu 9.1001:35
FezzlerTypos_King>> Anything to be concerned about?01:35
chelzNotTooSmart: is this the first time you've had issues after rebooting? have you tried rebooting once?01:36
NotTooSmartchelz: yea never had problems before today01:36
Typos_KingFezzler:    try pasting it on a pastebin..... like say.. paste at pastie.org for us to see01:36
chelzNotTooSmart: how are you verifying what IP ubuntu has?01:36
NotTooSmartchelz: I can ping out from the server to google etc and ifconfig -a shows it as being the right ip01:36
arrrghhhLosha, hrm... i don't see anything really.  what else could've broken xmlrpc?01:36
serverduckTypos_King,  :))) ahahhahahahha you made my day!01:36
__mikemdoes anyone know if its possible to get the new gdm and gtk themes for lucid in the the current release?01:36
NotTooSmartchelz: idk whats going on01:37
chelzNotTooSmart: have you tried restarting the server?01:37
FezzlerTypos_King>> I know how to do that.  Where do I find the boot log?  dmesg ain't it01:37
NotTooSmartchelz: twice01:37
LoshaNotTooSmart: start at the beginning. Can you ping the server?01:37
NotTooSmartLosha: hmm, pinging does not seem to work atm..01:37
chelzNotTooSmart: do you have any other computers running ubuntu besides the server you can use?01:37
NotTooSmartchelz: umm, nope...01:38
jagjrok it didnt work01:38
jagjrfor the uuid01:38
LoshaNotTooSmart: do you have console access to the server?01:38
CopperedRequest:  is there a page that clearly tells me what a Encrypted Home Folder is?  I selected it to use the same password as my log in id.01:38
NotTooSmartLosha: yea01:38
CopperedI will have a folder that is encrypted in case of loss?01:38
LoshaNotTooSmart: then login to the server & see if you can ping out...01:38
chelzCoppered: if it's a laptop, you definitely should01:38
Copperedit is a lap top.01:39
NotTooSmartLosha: yea I can01:39
Copperedcan i change the password later on that encrypted home folder?01:39
celltypos;the skype  says error;wrong architecture 'amd64'01:39
chelzCoppered: it uses your main password, there's no difference in using ubuntu with it and without it for normal usage01:39
chelzcell: get the non64bit then01:39
Copperedcan i change the password later if like?01:40
chelzCoppered: yes01:40
LoshaNotTooSmart: that's good, it probably means your nic wasn't damaged by the power outage. Run 'ifconfig -a' and check the ip address...01:40
NotTooSmartLosha: ok hold on01:40
hmwcan i make Totem not use Overlay? I would like to see the videos transformed properly on the Compiz Cube01:40
Copperedso the home folder is where i store all my personal files?01:40
chelzNotTooSmart: home servers should have static IPs set, for the record avoids issues down the line.01:41
Typos_KingFezzler:    dmesg   IS the boot log usually01:41
cellchelz; do you know how to set the vpn???01:41
chelzCoppered: yes. stuff like media, email, browsing history, etc01:41
NotTooSmartLosha: it says its which is what I want01:41
FezzlerTypos_King>> I'll look again.  Any way to run dmesg and only have it return instances of udev?01:41
Copperedkiller...it will some how have all my email there too.....this is all done automatically?01:41
chelzcell: what kind of vpn?01:41
cellchelz; do you know how to set the vpn???01:41
Copperedchelz u recommend evolution for email client right?01:42
LoshaNotTooSmart: were you running any kind of firewall on the server?01:42
Typos_KingFezzler:    ... or check also at /var/log/message and /var/log/system01:42
PurpleyHey guys if I say a command like sudo /usr/bin/firefox will it launch firefox?01:42
cellchelz; ip01:42
chelzCoppered: yes, that should work fine. some people like Thunderbird since it's crossplatform01:42
NotTooSmartLosha: no01:42
Snoopy1so is it possible to get ubuntu on a hp pocket pc?01:42
chelzcell: pptp?01:42
astronuti have information that is a much more elegant solution for a thread on ubuntuforums.org but i don't have an account and don't feel like getting one just to post - would someone mind making a follow up for me? if so, PM me01:42
LoshaPurpley: yes, though running firefox as root is considered to be borderline suicidal...01:42
Typos_KingFezzler:    ... or check also at /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog rather01:42
cellchelz;how to change my ip01:42
PurpleyLosha, Don't I need sudo to enter /usr/bin and launch something?01:43
__mikemdoes anyone know if I can get the new radiance and ambience gtk themes in karmic01:43
cellchelz how do i do that ??01:43
arrrghhhLosha, yea, i have a gap from 3/4 to 3/9 for that dpkg log... what else would cause rtorrent to segfault from xmlrpc calls?  i didn't update any configs... or really change anything.  this box just sits there chuggin, and i pretty much just update it now and then!01:43
chelzcell: you have to get a vpn provider, like you have an internet provider (isp). make sure you pick one that supports linux and they will tell you how to use their vpn.01:43
chelzcell: you can use Tor as a free vpn, but it is very slow01:43
chelzastronut: the sooner you get an account, the sooner you can start participating more deeply01:44
LoshaPurpley: only for certain apps, usually those which do system maintenance. For firefox, definitely *not*...01:44
cellchelz; can it change my ip ?? tor?01:44
chelzcell: yes it can01:44
=== shazbotmcnasty is now known as arpanet
chelzcell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_%28anonymity_network%2901:44
=== arpanet is now known as ShazbotMcNasty
astronutchelz: well, since i dont' run ubuntu, the likely hood of me ever wanting to do so again is rather slim01:44
cellchelz;ok then help me with that01:45
Loshaarrrghhh: sorry, I'm kinda out of ideas....01:45
NotTooSmartLosha: I lied! looks like transmission-daemon has one built in and it was screwing me up some how. thanks man01:45
arrrghhhLosha, i can see why people told me to start with a clean system... blargh.01:45
LoshaNotTooSmart: good debugging skillz dude...01:45
PurpleyOH alright01:45
chelzcell: follow this: http://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en01:45
NotTooSmartLosha: it must have updated on reboot, haha no you figured it out01:45
Loshaarrrghhh: when all else fails....01:45
arrrghhhLosha, what about recompiling around it?  i don't mind recompiling libtorrent, rtorrent, etc... i just ran into an issue when i tried compiling the rtorrent source.01:46
CopperedRandome question...is anyone here in Berkeley California?01:46
PurpleyHow do I create a proper symlink again? whats the syntax?01:46
chelzCoppered: a lot are probably closeby. there is a Berkeley Linux Users Group you might be interested in01:47
Typos_KingPurpley:   ln -s ACTUALPATH SYMLINKNAME01:47
astronutPurpley: ln -s <target> [<link>]01:47
Copperedwell im just thinking im here fo ra week..if someone was near by i meet them up for cofffe...they show me around..etc....01:47
cellchelz; if i download a package using the command line and i am tru where do i go ti install the package?01:47
Loshaarrrghhh: I've compiled it myself before, it's tedious but should work. And ou could actually get a proper traceback if you compile it with -g...01:47
scott_ino2Has anyone ever received this wget error? wget: bad header line:01:48
chelzCoppered: try going to one of the Linux User Group (LUG) meetings. they'll show you around for sure. here: http://www.berkeleylug.com/?page_id=6701:48
Copperedchelzzzz thanx!01:48
astronutchelz: i found a much more elegant solution for getting the movenetworks player working under wine wrt the color issues and i wanted to post it - i don't rub ubuntu it just happens that that's where all the discussion is01:48
Some_Person!ops | __mar01:48
ubottu__mar: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:48
arrrghhhLosha, can you help?  i don't get why, but i can't compile rtorrent.  it fails on the make...01:48
chelzcell: use the deb repo. "f you're using Ubuntu, don't use the default packages: use our deb repository instead. "01:48
Typos_Kingscott_ino2:  what's the url?   maybe is a binary file?01:48
Snoopy1so is it possible to install desktop widgets suck as the "My coke rewards" widget from yahoo widgets?01:48
Loshaarrrghhh: pastebin the output :-)01:48
scott_ino2Typos_King, basically I'm trying to use Wget to call a database rebuild via a web panel01:49
Copperedok it says installatin compete and it is restarting!01:49
chelzastronut: it's a good thing to have around since a lot of people run ubuntu and tend to encounter problems users of other distros have.01:49
arrrghhhLosha, let me purge everything and go thru recompilling.  it'll probably work this time!01:49
cellchelz;how do i do that ?01:49
Loshaarrrghhh: well, you know where we are...01:49
scott_ino2Typos_King, so it's actually a web page, or rather a link on a web page01:49
astronutchelz: well, i hate account prolifieration - i use mailing lists rather tahn forums for a reason... i'm not going to register, so oh well i guess01:49
Some_PersonIs it possible to install ubuntu to an SD card?01:49
chelzcell: follow the directions in the 'deb repository' link01:49
jeeezhow do i edit the order in which the windows are shown in app switcher, compiz?01:49
arrrghhhLosha, i appreciate it, thanks.01:50
LoshaCoppered: plan to go into SF and see some tourist sites....01:50
Copperedo m g its not windows!  i think its working!!01:50
Typos_Kingscott_ino2:  .... you want to issue a remote execution using wget hehe....  can't say01:50
cellchelz;give me the link01:50
CopperedLosha i would love too but i dont have a car01:50
chelzastronut: setting up your browser to remember passwords makes that sorta stuff quite easy01:50
chelzcell: it's part of the first link i gave you01:50
Copperedstaying with my siste rher...sshe will take me to some museums i think this weeken.01:50
astronutchelz: but that requires sharing that database across the 4-6 computers i use regularly01:50
scott_ino2Typos_King, well actually i want to create a cron job to issue the wget execution ;)01:50
astronutchelz: and it's more an issue that i just don't like signing up for accounts01:50
Copperedhaaha i think its working! im loggign in for the first time!!01:50
LoshaCoppered: well, there *is* public transport01:50
* astronut shrugs01:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Typos_Kingscott_ino2:  I know is doable in javascript, using a GET call with an XMLHttpRequest() object, so-called Ajax01:51
chelzastronut: firefox at least can work fine with it's preferences being rsync'd across almost any number of machines. but alright01:51
cellchelz;Unpacking ike-scan (from .../ike-scan_1.9-3_i386.deb)01:51
Copperedi did it!!! ive logged into my first ubuntu linux ever!!01:51
hmwcan i make Totem not use Overlay? I would like to see the videos transformed properly on the Compiz Cube01:51
Copperedits make a noise like im in africa!01:51
cellchelz;help me here01:51
Rave1Some_Person,  yes you can01:51
chelzcell: http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en#ubuntu ?01:51
Copperedo my god01:52
Copperedit did it!01:52
Some_PersonRave1: The installer will let me partition it and everything?01:52
CopperedF  K01:52
chelzcell: if you want to change your IP, you're gonna need to figure out how to follow guides on your own01:52
seanbrystone2!yay | Coppered01:52
Copperedshit..new computer01:52
ubottuCoppered: Glad you made it! :-)01:52
chelzCoppered: language01:52
Some_Person!language | Coppered01:52
ubottuCoppered: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:52
Copperedthank u all....chelz especially!01:52
chelzhah, np01:52
Copperedwow ok ill be back in a bit01:52
Copperedthis is awesome01:52
Rave1Some_Person,  yes that is what I use for my eeepc01:52
b_a_r7coppered: freebsd works better i would say01:53
scott_ino2Typos_King, this is on an embedded linux system so lol01:53
Typos_KingCoppered:   are you sure you don't want to lay down for a while with an icepack on your forehead?   I mean..... it looks like it :P~01:53
scott_ino2Typos_King, thanks for the help though01:53
skrapsCoppered: I can talk about self pleasure and you cant cuss, roflmao01:53
Copperedquestion.....its asking me something01:53
ChaosmeikaDuring install from WUBI and 9.10 Live CD. Error during installation is error_code + 0x73/0x80. What should I look at in order to correct the problem to install?01:53
Some_PersonRave1: How small can the SD card be?01:53
kandinskithanks IdleOne01:53
Loshaskraps: actually, you can't, and if you persist, you'll just get banned....01:53
Rave1Some_Person,  I have eeebuntu on a 4GB  SDHC01:54
chelzChaosmeika: it might be the nVidia PCI video card causing problems01:54
Some_PersonRave1: Cool. That's the only size SD card I have01:54
LoshaChaosmeika: google the error code and see what turns up...01:54
clawsHo Can i connect webcab through USB ? i hav e plugged it in... nothing pops up ? plz help01:55
Rave1Some_Person,  Is it HC01:55
Some_PersonRave1: Yes01:55
switch10_When I open a terminal and list the files and folders, I am in the root directory, not my /home/username directory.  How do I fix this?01:55
Typos_King"Ho Can i connect "?    /me looks for "Ho"s in the channel01:55
=== phoenixz is now known as sven_oostenbrink
chelzChaosmeika: try adding the grub param   nomodeset01:55
hmwclaws: it probably is already activated... type dmesg (or sudo dmesg) in the terminal to check system messages about your cam. Next step is finding a webcam app. Any preferences?01:55
=== sven_oostenbrink is now known as phoenixz
Some_Personswitch10_: You mean by default you are in / instead of ~ ?01:56
=== phoenixz is now known as sven_oostenbrink
switch10_Some_Person: yup01:56
Chaosmeikachelz: How do I go about doing that? Novice linux user.01:56
switch10_Some_Person: I have a root account as well01:56
Loshaswitch10_: which user did you login as?01:56
scott_ino2Typos_King, yeah this is an embedded linux system so can't do much on it commands are limited01:56
Typos_Kingswitch10:   cd ~;   :)01:56
Rave1Some_Person,  just remember all the same rules for any flashdrive apply01:56
switch10_Losha: my user name01:56
Some_PersonRave1: "rules"?01:56
Loshaswitch10_: what happens if you type cd ~username like Typos_King said?01:57
switch10_in User settings, my home directory is mounted properly.  I don't understand why this has happened01:57
chelzChaosmeika: ah i'm not experienced with grub2, but on grub1 when you are in the grub menu, highlight the ubuntu line you want to boot, press "e", then go to the line starting with "kernel" and put that at the end01:58
switch10_Losha: it brings me to my /home directory like it should do by default01:58
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
sebi_`switch10_: echo $HOME01:58
Rave1Some_Person,  swap is not a good idea,,, Ext 2 is considered safer than 3 or 4 by some people01:58
switch10_sebi_`: /home/dave01:58
sebi_`switch10_: well, cd ~ then01:59
Some_PersonRave1: I don't need swap (my HD can deal with that). Why ext2 over 3/4 though?01:59
switch10_My home is on its own partition if that helps at all01:59
sebi_`switch10_: you most likely opened a root terminal in nautilus01:59
clawshmw, hmm..i did that but it comes of a bunch of things i dont have qlue about01:59
Rave1Some_Person,  something about journaling if I remember correctly02:00
klam7hey guys, is there a way to add multiple virtual ips in ubuntu instead of adding them one by one?02:00
switch10_sebi_`: when I go to apps>accesories>terminal it works correctly02:00
Some_PersonRave1: Well, ext2 has no journaling, while ext3 and ext4 do02:00
hmwclaws: don't let yourself get confused about all the cryptic stuff... 1) you will see stuff, you understand every now and then 2) you will learn the rest over time. ... did you see something about your web cam?02:00
Typos_Kingswitch10_;    how about a 'whoami'?02:00
coordinadori have a problem02:00
sebi_`switch10_: obviously02:00
jefimenkoubuntu provides a way to change the subpixel order in the System -> Preferences -> Appearance menu, in the Fonts tab and in the Details button. I have two monitors and each uses a different subpixel order, so fonts render ugly on one vs. the other. Does anyone know if it's possible to set different subpixel order on each monitor?02:00
Rave1Some_Person,  that is the point02:00
coordinadorwhere is the ubuntu.restricted-modules package in karmic???02:00
coordinadori mean linux-restricted-modules02:01
switch10_sebi_`: How do I make a keyboard short cut to open a terminal then?02:01
sebi_`switch10_: install nautilus-actions, it will install shortcuts for opening a terminal02:01
Some_PersonRave1: Can the same ubuntu installation (on an SD) be used on 2 computers (I don't actually need to be able to do this, though it would be handy)?02:01
* Typos_King dashes02:01
clawshmw, yes02:01
Rave1Some_Person,  I am  not sure with ubuntu never used it that way02:02
clawshmw, failed to initialize the device02:02
switch10_sebi_`: I/ve always had gnome-terminal linked to a keyboard shortcut and it worked fine before.02:02
arrrghhhLosha, you've gotta be kidding me... i guess i was skipping a step.  it's working.  thanks!!02:02
Loshaarrrghhh: :-)02:03
Copperedok im confused :) i am updating to the latest version of Firefox...when i do that...and it extracts...is it extracting the program....or the installer that will install the update?02:03
arrrghhhLosha, i'm just glad i didn't have to switch clients!02:03
Rave1Some_Person,  give me a bit I will try  something02:03
chelzCoppered: you should use ubuntuzilla for later firefoxes, not the one that comes from mozilla02:03
Some_PersonRave1: ok02:03
Copperedgood save02:03
xanguaCoppered: to instal the latest stable fx use either the 'firefox-stable-ppa' or 'ubuntuzilla' repos02:03
guitarman888hello :D02:04
clawsGuys... how do i set up a webcan ?02:04
chelzCoppered: http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/02:04
jsecchelz: doesn't ubuntu provide firefox updates automatically?02:04
qaavisit new server /server -m irc.saknet.biz.tm:6667 6697-ssl02:04
qaavisit new server /server -m irc.saknet.biz.tm:6667 6697-ssl02:04
qaavisit new server /server -m irc.saknet.biz.tm:6667 6697-ssl02:04
FloodBot2qaa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
seanbrystone2!ops | qaa02:04
ubottuqaa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:04
hmwclaws: you dont need to setup a web cam... you need to find a program that uses it02:04
chelzjsec: they do but at a fixed version. for later updates require other means.02:04
arrrghhhCoppered, the coolest thing about ubuntu and linux in general?  for the most part, you don't have to go and download the latest firefox!02:05
hmwclaws: do you just want to play with the cam, or do you want to use a certain app with it?02:05
chelzCoppered: if you don't need the latest firefox for something specifically, it's generally good to just go with what ubuntu provides02:05
klam7anyone know how to add virtual ips from to the network interface in one block isntead of adding them one by one?02:05
guitarman888ubuntu netbook remix ships with some program called "cheese" for webcams02:05
chelzklam7: what are you trying to do?02:05
arrrghhhCoppered, or anything else for that matter.  the repos keep every package updated.02:05
Copperedarrgyy......how id o that02:05
jsecchelz: as in only major releases? i'm kinda curious.02:05
clawshmw, i just want to gettit work02:05
Copperedur saying i have the latest version for ubuntu02:05
Copperedand it jsut stays that way02:06
Copperedya i need to go to Linux Meeting02:06
guitarman888I have a question. when is ubuntu 10.04  planned for? the end of april?02:06
Copperedwhat is Ubuntuzilla???02:06
arrrghhhCoppered, there's like a 28,000 some package repo that ubuntu connects to by default.02:06
arrrghhhCoppered, don't forget, google is your friend :D02:06
jsecguitarman888, try #ubuntu+102:06
chelzCoppered: a managed way to install newer mozilla stuff02:06
klam7chelz, ubuntu ip is, i want to add the ips from to to it as well02:06
b_a_r7eny 1 know of a freebsd irc server port02:06
guitarman888ok jsec02:06
hmwclaws: it probably is already working. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam02:06
chelzjsec: ubuntu picks a version of most packages to support, then that version doesn't change, ubuntu just releases security fixes but no new features02:07
klam7chelz, i know how to add them one by one, but like in freebsd, theres a way to add a whole ip block or a range of ips02:07
Copperedi have no idea what im doing here :)02:07
jsecchelz, gotcha. thx.02:07
Copperedok i have to install ubuntu02:07
clawshmw, any cam software good to try out02:07
chelzklam7: you can write a script to generate all the necessary stuff for /etc/network/interfaces02:08
Copperedhow do i add a repository?...just type in a line of code?02:08
arrrghhhCoppered, you can add stuff to the repo's02:08
hmwclaws: please read the page i linked02:08
Copperedi never heard of  repo in my life......how i find my repos02:08
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:08
arrrghhhCoppered, there's a couple of ways.  you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list, or the "gui" way thru synaptic02:08
chelzklam7: this has info about virtual IPs  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html02:08
Chaosmeikachelz: Will attempt. Wish me luck.02:08
klam7chelz, hmm i dont think im going to be able to write a script to do something like that02:08
Rave1Some_Person,  the02:08
Copperedshould i instill Mac4Lin first?02:08
jsecCoppered: System -> Administration -> Software Sources02:08
Copperedwill it make my life easier?02:08
Some_PersonRave1: ...02:09
chelzCoppered: probably not02:09
arrrghhhCoppered, ubuntu comes pre-loaded with repo's.  it's where you get all your updates - but unlike windows which just updates windows, ubuntu (and linux) updates all come thru the repo's - so all packages you have installed and the OS get updated.02:09
chelzCoppered: ubuntu does come with firefox btw02:09
Copperedmine did chelz02:09
Copperedi have firecfox right here02:09
chelzCoppered: yeah. like that. for any software you need you should rarely have to look anywhere besides the Software Center02:09
Rave1Some_Person,  theSD  booted in my other laptop but the screen res is totally off and unusable02:10
arrrghhhCoppered, he's saying firefox is included with ubuntu... just like evolution.02:10
hmwclaws: i cant suggest an app, since i dont know, what you want to do. I use skype with my webcam (it needs some trick to get it working, though)02:10
=== horndog_ is now known as horndog
Copperedis skype included?02:10
Some_PersonRave1: I'm going to say that means it may work with unexpected side effects02:10
shellfishhey guys im in an iphone and its really hard to keep talks in this fast talkkin chan. so to make it simple, could anybody make me a really quick google favour ? i cant search just need to know how to rrstart ipod touch i know this isnt the place but i can just access irc and cant join other chans than the ones i got curremtly installed plz pm me i can follow up talks in this little screen and plus i dont wanna disturb the channel thankss02:10
hmwCoppered: no, but you can download a .deb for skype from their web site02:10
Rave1Some_Person,  as it was setup  for the eeepc    and yes to your remark02:11
Copperedwhere do i see how much space is on my HD free?02:11
guitarman888use nautilus02:11
guitarman888or how ever its spelled02:11
chelzCoppered: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installingsoftware02:11
trismCoppered: df -h02:11
arrrghhhshellfish, seriously?  you can chat but not google?  gimmie a break.02:12
guitarman888open to any directory, and look at the bottom02:12
shellfishi nees to restart the browaer safari actually not the ipod im really sorry for disturbing ubuntu02:12
modprobeCoppered, applications, accesories, disk usage analyzer02:12
chelzCoppered: Applications -> Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer02:12
Copperedthanks u 202:12
TiZHi. Is the use of the ubuntu netbook edition launcher on other distributions supported here?02:12
ShazbotMcNastyactually idk02:13
chelzCoppered: just searching in the Software Center should have almost everything. if something doesn't come up after you searched for it, then you might have to look elsewhere. but that should be very rare.02:13
Copperedlooking for skype now02:13
modprobein ubuntu 9.10, does movie player play avi files out of the box?02:13
clawshmw, i have opened skype...02:13
chelzTiZ: unfortunately no. that would be a support issue for the project itself.02:13
clawshmw, now what ?02:13
jsecmodprobe, not that i'm aware of. vlc does though.02:13
hmwclaws: what Ubuntu version?02:13
shellfisharrrg i said its hard to explain just accept it or not if you dpnt wana help please dont make me write all this in a 2 inch screen trust me its not easy02:13
TiZchelz: Okay. Thank you. :)02:14
clawshmw, 9.1002:14
modprobejsec, k thanks.02:14
Big_Migusing Karmic - all of a sudden when i play video it is black and white with blue02:14
jsecshellfish, i already sent you a msg.02:14
Big_Migwith movies or music visualizations02:14
chelz!ot | shellfish02:14
ubottushellfish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:14
arrrghhhmodprobe, use vlc, it plays pretty much anything out of the box.02:14
Copperedis my computer 32 bit or 64?02:14
hmwclaws: i am not very firm with 9.10, i use 9.04. I believe it will crash. Let's find out. Just open Skype, go to Options (ctrl + O), go to "Video Devices" and click test in the top right area02:15
clawshmw, im in there02:15
hmwclaws: perhaps you need to choose your webcam first (left of that test area)02:15
chelzCoppered: did you burn the i386 or amd64 disc?02:15
Copperedno idea...02:15
Copperedi think i38602:15
chelzCoppered: probably 32bit then02:15
chelzCoppered: that is most likely. yes.02:16
shellfishjsec now it leta me join ubuntu offtopic i see i cant either receive pm could you tell me in ubuntu-offtopic thxx man02:16
shellfishsry chelz for disturbing02:16
Copperedok so once i download the Skype DEB file.....what do i do with it....just double click on it?02:16
Big_Mig using Karmic - all of a sudden when i play video it is black and white with blue02:16
clawshmw, it doesnt allow me to change webcam02:16
chelz!repeat | Big_Mig02:16
ubottuBig_Mig: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:16
chelzBig_Mig: are you on 64bit?02:16
Big_Mignot 3202:16
Scunizihow do I restart the sound system in Kubuntu?  Is it the same as Ubuntu? sudo service pulseaudio restart?02:16
hmwclaws: i have only one option there, too... try the "test" button. I expect some strange image. Does it work properly per chance?02:17
chelzBig_Mig: upgrade or fresh install?02:17
chelzScunizi: try it :)02:17
Big_Migupgrade from 9.0402:17
Big_Migworked before02:17
chelzBig_Mig: that is a known issue02:17
Big_Migis it noted somewhere? sorry big noob here02:17
chelzBig_Mig: Fixing the hue on totem should fix it02:17
clawshmw, i dont have any options there...as if it doesnt detect my webcam02:18
chelzBig_Mig: Totem aka Media Player / Preferences / Display / Hue slider - set to the middle, or just press 'reset to defaults'.02:18
Scunizichelz: it returns "PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions".. same with using sudo and not02:18
hmwclaws: "enable skype video" close options, open again02:18
ThuuuugsHi - just upgraded from Ubuntu Server 9.04 to Ubuntu 10.4 (Lucid), all went fine - did the update through apt-get update/upgrade but now when rebooting server and trying to login via SSH im getting "connection refused" - server is repsonding to pings tho02:18
chelzScunizi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81615902:18
hmwclaws: "enable skype video", click APPLY,  close options, open again02:18
clawshmw, nope..still no option02:19
jsec!lucid | Thuuuugs02:19
ubottuThuuuugs: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+102:19
clawshmw, driver issue ?02:19
CopperedHelp:  I have put the Skype DEB file on my desktop....i have doubled clicked it to install it...and it tells me......Error: Dependecy is not satisfiable: libqt4-dbus(>= 4.4.3)02:20
clawshmw, usb drivers... ?02:20
hmwclaws: possible... next step would be trying the "Cheese" program - ...02:20
chelzThuuuugs: that's not how to upgrade02:20
chelzThuuuugs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20%28Recommended%2902:20
hmwclaws: sudo apt-get install cheese02:20
clawshmw, installing  :)02:21
Thuuuugschelz: I dont have a GUI, aka server so all cli02:21
chelzCoppered: try putting that error into google and seeing what comes up :)02:21
Coppereddoing so now02:22
hmwclaws: Cheese seems to come with its own built-in drivers. It worked for me, even if normal webcam programs wouldnt. You will find it in Applications / Graphics / Cheese Webcam Booth (or similar)02:22
CaptainBlandHello, all.  Anyone have any idea why Ubuntu 9.10 shuts down (I don't mean crash, I mean, it turns OFF) on login after installing the nVidia driver?02:22
fr33mindwhere can i find rhythmbox config files?02:22
Scunizichelz: thanks.. didn't work though.  I think something stuck on boot because it normally works.. will have to reboot to see.02:22
clawshmw, drivers are ok... " Bus 001 Device 004: ID 046d:08c1 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Fusion "02:23
hecresperhi.  i'm going to install the awn dock, so i got rid of the panel that shows the open apps buttons.  how do i add it to the top panel?02:23
testpagei created a group called ftpgroup and added all the people that i wanted in it, im using proftpd, for some reason i still cannot connect to server, any ideas of where i might be going wrong at, here is my proftpd config file http://www.pastie.org/86439802:23
hmwclaws: indeed, that sounds very fine... i have another joker for skype, but later. try cheese and see, if it works02:23
chelzBig_Mig: try moving the slider until the colors look normal02:23
jsechecresper, right-click top panel, add to panel, window list02:23
xanguafr33mind: ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox02:23
fr33mindxangua, thanks02:24
hecresperjsec, thanks, could not remember the name of that feature :)02:24
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston
chelzScunizi: if you still have issues, this might help: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html02:24
Big_MigChelz your awesome. had to completely lower hue02:25
arrrghhhcan i sort by size with du?  all my disk space is disappearing, but i don't know where to!02:25
Big_Migi guess default isnt default02:25
Scunizichelz: thanks.. but it typically works.. just an anomaly02:25
clawshmw, it says ..No camera found.. and in option i dont have the option to change cam.. there is zero cam to choose from02:25
hmwclaws: hmm... *thinking*02:25
chelzclaws: what is model number and brand of your computer02:26
chelzarrrghhh: Applications -> Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer02:26
arrrghhhchelz, this is on my headless server.02:26
clawshmw, Dell inspiron 630m02:27
ezHello Ubuntu... Display problems02:27
chelzarrrghhh: du -hcs /* perhaps02:27
=== ez is now known as Guest87763
hmwclaws: i am not sure, what's wrong. Is it not supported? Something else? Perhaps another USB device is "eating" up all USB bandwidth. Try to plug it in allone, no other USB devices.02:27
trismarrrghhh: du | sort -nr > usage.txt02:27
chelzarrrghhh: you can sort dh output with awk02:27
chelzah or that02:27
arrrghhhsweet, thanks!02:27
Hathadarin that command, what does the > do?02:27
=== Inc`_ is now known as Inc`
chelzHathadar: it does what's called "piping" to a file02:27
clawshmw, it is the only usb i have on this laptop :)02:28
chelzHathadar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_%28Unix%2902:28
hmwclaws: is anything else plugged to USB?02:28
xyzxyzxyzarrrghhh: du -s * | sort -n02:28
Guest87763I tried to connect my dell inspiron 1150 to my t.v. and the screen gave me a log out and log back in option... now i can't boot passed the terminal02:28
clawshmw, nope02:28
xyzxyzxyzarrrghhh: or sort -nr02:28
arrrghhhxyzxyzxyz, thank you.02:28
hmwclaws: stand by02:28
clawshmw, aight :)02:28
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xyzxyzxyzno problem ::)02:29
=== Chriz is now known as chr1831
Coppereddoes anyone know what the libqt4-network is...and how i install these?02:29
Copperedanything to do with libqt402:29
Guest87763Anyone how i can get ubunutu to boot past the terminal02:30
trismCoppered: what version of ubuntu are you on? these should all be in the repo02:30
Copperedthe latest02:30
Copperedim strying to install siype02:30
Guest87763Karmic... fully updated02:30
trismCoppered: if you use gdebi i should automatically get the deps02:30
chelzCoppered: try installing all of your updates02:30
Guest87763i get warning when sudo gdm02:30
Copperedhow do i do that02:30
hmwclaws: i found a forum entry, marked as "SOLVED" and they use the same thing, i was refering earlier (the skype joker)... so letz do this. First check out, if it really helps: type in terminal: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype  02:31
Copperedwhere i go f02:31
Copperedfor that02:31
FloodBot2Coppered: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
chelzCoppered: System -> Administration -> Update Manager02:31
chelzCoppered: you might also have an icon in the upper right02:31
Copperedo wow02:31
Copperedits got 246 selected02:31
Copperedok ill just let this boy run02:31
Copperedclicking install updates02:32
mmatticeCoppered: the FloodBot2 already suggested you not use enter as punctuation.02:32
chelzCoppered: after finishing an install, it's best to install all the updates before doing anything else really02:32
Andys^hi guys. I am trying to set gnome to let me use ALT + F keys to do workplace switching. i set them up in Keyboard Shortcuts but its having no effect, even after a reboot02:32
LinuxGuy2009Ok now Im really puzzled. My webcam mic was all noisy when recording so I tried my USB headset that used to work just find but has the same noise when recording or nothing at all. Havemt tried my integrated sound card mic input yet though.02:32
seanbrystone2haha finally someone got __mar k-lined02:33
chelzCoppered: btw i got the updates idea from the comments in the blog post i got as a first result i got here: http://www.google.com/search?q=Dependecy+is+not+satisfiable%3A+libqt4-dbus(>%3D+4.4.3)02:33
Copperedchelz....this will auto update everything...on its own yes......its running now.02:33
Copperedyes ur the best chelz02:33
Copperedno question..i undersand you clearly!02:33
Copperedthis would never have happened without u ....none of it.02:34
chelzCoppered: just you could have figured that out if you had read the comments after googling02:34
meowbuntuhi anyone heare used tinycore alongside ubuntu 9.10. i heard it wwas not possable, as ubuntu uses grub 2.02:34
Copperedim highly add...dyslecix and rather random02:34
chelzCoppered: be sure you go to one of those Berkeley LUGs02:34
Copperedim trying02:34
Copperedi will go02:34
meowbuntuCoppered, can i pm you then02:34
clawshmw, nothing happened02:34
LinuxGuy2009Im gonna try my built in card and see if that works at all.02:34
Copperedanyone can PM me....as long as ur not attacking me.02:35
sambagirlxmorning. i installed ebox via the synapse program manager. i didnt have time to do the configuration steps at that point. how can i start up the configuration again?02:35
Copperedmeow...ur looking for Ubuntu help :/?02:35
CaptainBlandUbuntu 9.10 is shutting my computer off as soon as I log in, after I install the nvidia driver.  Any ideas?02:35
hmwclaws: hmm... when starting skype, there was no error message in the terminal, i suppose?02:35
livingroomNeed help resolving dependency issue, I'm trying to install testdrive but apt-get complains : testdrive: Depends: cpu-checker but it is not installable02:35
livingroomUsing Ubuntu 9.10 64bit02:36
Gemmazzhttp://imgnow.info/DSC-1268274981.jpg does my ass look big?02:36
clawshmw, no02:36
hmwclaws: then I am out of knowledge :(02:36
GeekyGatorIs this an acceptable place to ask for help?02:37
hmwclaws: i am not sure, if v4lcompat is installed. try sudo apt-get install libv4l02:37
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chelz!ask GeekyGator02:40
seanbrystone2| missing there :)02:40
brjannsambagirlx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package>02:40
sambagirlxthanks brjann02:41
brjannsambagirlx: sure thing02:41
coldfirewhat is the "lost+found" folder for and can i delete it?02:41
chelzCaptainBland: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79599702:41
upphi everybody, i need help to set up my new usb wlan card:linksys wusb10002:41
clawshmw, could not find package02:41
chelz!ask | GeekyGator02:41
ubottuGeekyGator: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:41
hmwclaws: I just checked... it is built in in my 9.0402:41
lastenthi, I installed apache but I don't want it ti autostart when I turn on my oc, what can I do?02:41
sambagirlxlooks like i have to reinstall it02:42
rob_plastent: sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove02:42
hmwclaws: Sorry, I cant help further. Perhaps someone else in here. Write down  the LD_PRELOAD line i gave you for skype, you will need it in case you get your webcam going. Skype cant work with v2 of the driver02:42
chelzcoldfire: the ext series of filesystems uses those folders to put files recovered after a fsck is required. they are best left alone.02:42
brjanncoldfire: lost+found is where the filesystem repair utilities puts files (or pieces of files) that can't be gotten to otherwise. i'd leave it be.02:42
Fezzlerokay, I have a "udevd[442]: invalid SUBSYSTEM operation" error at boot02:43
chelzclaws: what is the nature of your ubuntu problem?02:43
hmwchelz: claws' webcam wont work. We tried "cheese" and skype with that certain LD_PRELOAD with no success02:44
Fezzler"udevd[442]: invalid rule 'etc/udev/rules.d/10-custom.rules:102:44
FezzlerDo I just delete that file?02:44
hmwchelz: the webcam shows up in dmesg apperently02:44
=== chris_ is now known as chr1831
chelzah right webcams. those are not easy.02:44
clawschelz , any idea ?02:45
denis-kDoes anybody have any experience with ATI Mobility Radeon 7500's?02:45
upphi everybody, i need help to set up my new usb wlan card:linksys wusb100, how can i have his chipset name02:45
clawschelz , drivers are installed02:45
snaiperHi! Could someone give me an advice: Can't reboot my notebook!02:45
snaiperwhat should I do?02:45
hmwsnaiper: perhaps CTRL-ALT-DELETE ?02:45
snaiper:D nice02:45
hmwsnaiper: or sudo init 602:45
snaiperBut already tried02:46
chili555upp, what does lsusb say it is, especially its usb.id, something like 123e:456a02:46
brjannlastent: the simplest way is to remove the executable bit from the apache init script:   sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/apache202:46
hecresperhelp: ive installed simdock, added the lanchers i want on it,  they disappear when closing/reopening simdock.02:46
snaiperit is shutting down and then stops with the message: Restarting system02:46
snaiperand do nothing02:46
LinuxGuy2009Ok Ive tried recording from webcam mic, USB headset, and regular headset through onboard sound card and all record with a buzzing noise along with the audio and its just as loud as the recorded sound and makes the recorded sound so you cant understand what I say. I removed pulseaudio in this 9.04 installation and am now using just alsa and Im not sure what else could be the cause. Any ideas?02:46
snaiperafther it02:46
chelzclaws: replace some_user with your user:    sudo adduser some_user video02:46
hecresperwhat up Traveler802:47
meowbuntuhi anyone heare used tinycore alongside ubuntu 9.10. i heard it wwas not possable, as ubuntu uses grub 2.02:47
uppchili555: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1737:0078 Linksys02:47
chili555upp, jus sec, i am searching02:47
hmwsnaiper: hmm... sounds like problems with power management to me, i can't solve that one really. It should be safe to turn off power after this message appears, though.02:47
chelzLinuxGuy2009: http://wiki.audacityteam.org/index.php?title=Troubleshooting_Recordings02:47
Traveler8anyone know how to send email with postfix?02:47
chelzLinuxGuy2009: http://wiki.audacityteam.org/index.php?title=Troubleshooting_Recordings#Background_hum_or_hiss02:47
chelzTraveler8: http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html02:47
chelzmeowbuntu: as long as you maintain the grub boot list yourself, it's totally possible.02:48
clawschelz , i set as root.. didnt work02:48
chelzmeowbuntu: if you want, you can set ubuntu up to use grub102:48
chelzclaws: no, don't use root, use the name of your user02:48
chili555upp, this guy says he has the magic:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8591348&postcount=602:48
LinuxGuy2009Its not in audacity specifically. Its in sound recorder and cheese too,02:48
chelzLinuxGuy2009: same troubleshooting applies02:48
clawschelz , didnt work02:49
Guest87763Hello Ubuntu... Display problems02:50
chili555upp, np02:50
LinuxGuy2009Yeah well I know what Im doing. im not so sure if Ubuntu knows what its doing. This is so basic and it doesnt work. Thats lame.02:50
Guest87763anyone can tell me how to reset my display setting to default on ubuntu 9.10?02:50
Guest87763I can boot from live flash drive but not direct from hd02:51
LinuxGuy2009I can monitor them in real time and hear myself just fine.02:51
hmwI would like Totem to display a video correctly transformed in Compiz Cube while it rotates. Totem seems to use some Overlay mode. How can I make it display the video in "frame buffer mode"?02:52
SoliAm I the only one who see the word 'top' at the left side of Ubuntu's official website? http://www.ubuntu.com02:54
LinuxGuy2009Soli: Yes your the only one.02:54
xanguahmw: gstreamer-properties ; in the Video tab select X window system(X11/XShm/Xv02:54
Fezzler"udevd[442]: invalid rule 'etc/udev/rules.d/10-custom.rules:1"  at boot.  Do I simply delete the file?02:54
clawsis there a good tinyxp out there for vm use ? any tips?02:55
TxPitouevening to all02:55
SoliLinuxGuy2009: Damn, that mean my firefox is fucked up somehow...02:55
TxPitouSoli: cant you just apt-get remove --purge firefox and then apt-get install ?02:56
Dr_Willisclaws:  thers dozens of variants of 'tinyxp' out. Of course none of them are exactly legaly.02:56
SoliTxPitou: Well, I have a bunch of addons, I'd rather not.. But I guess I'll have to!02:56
hmwxangua: thanks, i had to use the other X option: "X Window System (No Xv)" though.02:57
TxPitouSoli: i though the add-ono are in the ~/.mozilla/firefox user folder02:57
brjannFezzler: i would recommend against "simply" removing files in /etc causing errors ;) the :1 at the end of that line probably indicates that whatever it's complaining about is the first line in that file02:57
Guest87763how do i boot past the ubuntu terminal02:58
Guest87763help with display?02:58
TxPitouGuest87763: you mean get in gui ? which gui do you want to use02:58
brjannFezzler: so you might just try commenting that line out by placing a # at the beginning02:58
Dr_Willis!details | Guest8776302:58
ubottuGuest87763: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:58
abdathi room02:59
=== Bubulle_ is now known as leagris
SoliHmm, hey, what up? I see the glich on www.unbutu.com on my Windows machine too! It ain't my firefox!03:00
soreauhmw: It should work with xv.. which driver are you using?03:00
hmwxangua: omg it's full of slow! any ideas? (my pc is old) or do i have to live with it03:00
TxPitouSoli: what glitch ?03:01
hmwsoreau: it works with Xv... xangua told me to use "X window system(X11/XShm/Xv"03:01
leagrishas nyone successfull experience with btrfs. I have not so funny available space bug issues and kernel bugs?03:02
livingroom!details testdrive03:02
SoliTxPitou: That one: http://imagebin.ca/view/ZyQ5TWoq.html03:02
anto9usSoli: there's some redundant text visible when zoomed out. I think you're seeing part of that.03:02
SoliThe word 'Ubuntu' and 'top' are floating in the middle of no where.03:03
hmwsoreau: is Xv basically that slow? i have a pentium D and the vid plays at 2 fps or so... my Celeron was better at this03:03
livingroomHaving trouble installing testdrive on Karmic 9.10 64bit,03:03
TxPitouSoli dunno, I dont have it with Chrome03:04
hmwSoli: LOL you are using IE03:04
hmwSoli: highly recommended: Firefox + NoScript AddOn03:04
Solihmw: Yeah, I though it was firefox that was fucked up, turn out it's not my firefox's fault.03:04
SoliI see it with Chrome too.03:05
hmwSoli: IE is crap, and I dont say that, because I hate Microsoft. It _is_ crap.03:05
=== Guest5133 is now known as jmhsieh
TxPitouSoli: if your firefox in windows has the same addons then icould still be an addon of firefox caussing it03:05
Guest87763i'm trying to get in gui gnome... i am running ubuntu 9.10... when i turn the computer on it only goes to a terminal... just before this i tried to connect to my t.v which i have done before and can still do via live flash drive running 9.1003:05
TxPitouGuest87763: try typing 'startx' what does it do ?03:05
anto9usSoli: yes, that's part of a larger paragraph, same text as is now in the image with the grey background03:06
anto9usSoli: please try to keep language family friendly, thanks03:06
hmwSoli: Tx Pitou is right... some addons in Firefox might mess up displaying. But when I saw the screen shot, I was like "no wonder, its IE"03:06
TxPitouhmw: you biased ;)03:06
hmwTxPitou: no, expirienced03:07
leagrisPlease I encounter a kernel crash and size issue with btrfs on Karmic. See: http://pastebin.ca/183294903:07
TxPitouhmw: grins...03:07
Guest87763@TxPitou- "cannot connect to server x03:07
hmwTxPitou: even IE8 still has graphical bugs, i am serious. the software is not good.03:07
TxPitouhmw: wrong forum to talk about IE03:07
xyzxyzxyzSoli: you could try to find out where the "top" and "ubuntu" come from with the firebug-addon03:07
Zenkercan someone tell me how to hide my ip address in xchat?03:08
TxPitouGuest87763: humm well looks like your gnome is buggered, you could try to reinstall it I guess03:08
=== Sakkin is now known as sukuri
TxPitouGuest87763: what ??03:09
Guest87763that far... I can get it up great with live flash drive and even connect to the t.v.03:09
Guest87763how do i reinstall gnome03:09
Soliwww.ubuntu.com glich. (firefox): http://imagebin.ca/view/lw6VNIy.html (chrome): http://imagebin.ca/view/vqvK1-v5.html and (ie): http://imagebin.ca/view/ZyQ5TWoq.html03:10
anto9usGuest87763: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:10
hmwsoli: your'e probably running windows, aren't you?03:10
TxPitouGuest sudo apt-get install ubutu-desktop03:11
TxPitouhmw: lol your focus on 'windows' arent ya.?03:11
hmwTxPitou: no03:11
hmwSoli: If this is for real, i'd ask in ##windows03:11
hmwTxPitou: look at the screen shots03:12
Guest87763@TxPitou-" the ubuntu desktop is already the newest version"03:12
=== redy_adi is now known as ce_dewasa
TxPitouhmw: hes using firefox in linux, he stated earlier (when you were not here or busy blabing about how bad ie was) that he got the same issue in IE on his windows box03:12
DunkirkI've installed newer versions of programs from other repos, then deleted the repo. How do I find the packages that could be reverted to "stock" versions?03:12
LinuxGuy2009Ok so it looks like in Ubuntu I cant use the webcam video and mic together. If I use my USB headset I can record audio with audacity and then sync them up in kdenlive. Is this pretty common?03:14
brjann!cloak > zenker03:14
ubottuzenker, please see my private message03:14
rastaseanhello everyone. i am looking for assistance with my dual monitor setup and ati radeon hd 4350 card. when my 23" monitor is set to max res (1920*1080), about 2" all the way around are missing03:14
LinuxGuy2009The webcam in my Dell Mini 10v works both together. Im not sure why this one wont.03:14
anto9usDunkirk: run synaptic package manager and click installed local or obselete, I think they should appear in amongst those03:14
rastaseanthis is odd. anyone know about video driver issues?03:14
quickardrastasean: what kind of card?03:15
LinuxGuy2009quickard:  He just said ati radeon hd 435003:15
rastaseanquickard, ati radeon hd 435003:15
Dunkirkanto9us: I see what you're talking about.03:16
hmwrastasean: earlier radeon cards had memory limits causing similar problems. perhaps you can find something on the web regarding max_texture_size or so03:16
TxPitouGuest87763: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop then install it again ?03:16
DunkirkBut I was looking for a dpk-? command of some sort.03:16
rastaseanhmw, the odd thing is it was working monday prior to a re-install of ubuntu 9.10 64 bit03:16
anto9usrastasean: have you tried the settings on the monitor itself?03:16
TxPitouGuest87763:  hang on... what video card you using ?03:16
LinuxGuy2009Dunkirk: Just know what apps you installed from other repos and remove them and reinstall them.03:17
rastaseananto9us, yes, i didn't change anything in the regard. further, when the ati drivers are removed, the entire screen fills up but just mushed down slightly03:17
rastaseanmonitor is hanns*g 23"03:17
quickardI had a similar problem on my machine, I have a nvidia card though. finally got it by messing with the hz03:17
rastaseanquickard, hz being horizontal?03:18
DunkirkLinuxGuy2009: Well, that's kind of the problem. I'm not sure what I had that pulled in the newer versions of some packages that gave me a problem, so I don't know what else is lurking.03:18
anto9usrastasean: I have found when timings are a bit different that monitor needs adjusting via its OSD Menu03:18
DunkirkI don't know what I don't know. :-/03:18
LinuxGuy2009Dunkirk: Well thats what happens when you introduce new repos. Its your responsibility to keep track. If problems arise then they are self inflicted.03:19
rastaseanthere is very little for me to change, anto9us in the menu system03:19
major_redhatwhat are the most common terminal lines to check my hardware03:19
LinuxGuy2009Dunkirk: Perhaps restore a recent backup and go from there.03:19
rastaseanin fact, i can't adjust hz03:19
DunkirkLinuxGuy2009: Dude, that's bullcrap. The POINT of a package manager is to KEEP TRACK of this. I KNOW there's a way to do this. I just don't have the incantation on Ubuntu.03:19
anto9usrastasean: is there a reset option in there?03:20
DunkirkThis stuff was CAKE on Gentoo.03:20
LinuxGuy2009Dunkirk: Well your not in Gentoo anymore toto.03:20
quickardrastasean: In my driver settings I can adjust the operating hz of the display card03:20
Guest87763@TxPitou-i just need to get to the desktop or change the video settings from the terminal... i can get on great with and without the t.v. with the flash card... Stumped03:20
rastaseananto9us, yes and i just did that. nothing changed. i'm going to reboot because i recently deleted the ati drivers. brb03:20
DunkirkLinuxGuy2009: Well played.03:20
LinuxGuy2009Dunkirk: But seriously what excactly are you trying to do. Ill give it an honest shot.03:21
claptrapMmk! So, I'm trying to change the default file manager in GNOME on 9.10 to Krusader. I'm not having a whole lot of luck.03:21
major_redhatsomething that would help identify the version of my motherboard03:21
claptrapIf I just change all the instances of Thunar in that to Krusader, should that work?03:21
anto9usmajor_redhat: lshw03:21
LinuxGuy2009Or just leave that works too. hehe03:22
hmwmajor_redhat: lshw, lspci, lsusb, dmesg03:22
major_redhatanto9us, hmw, thanks03:24
TxPitoumajor_redhat: boot in bios... best bet03:24
major_redhatTxPitou: yeah but BIOS isnt as detailed as lshw is03:24
ShazbotMcNastyhow to uninstall a compiled program? \03:24
major_redhatTxPitou: but thanks anyways03:25
TxPitoumajor_redhat: what are you looking for ?03:25
hmwShazbotMcNasty: thar is usually tricky - if youre lucky, the make file contains an uninstall option03:25
Death_i am just starting UBUNTU... i have downloaded, set my prefrences, but now when i reboot, it isnt letting me open Ubuntu?03:25
Death_i am just starting UBUNTU... i have downloaded, set my prefrences, but now when i reboot, it isnt letting me open Ubuntu?03:25
major_redhatwanted to know what the chipset was for my motherboard03:25
LinuxGuy2009Death_: 9.10?03:26
major_redhatso that i can hopefully find a replacement CPU for it03:26
Death_Yes LinuxGuy200903:26
ShazbotMcNastyDeath_, is there a error?03:26
ShazbotMcNastyor just blank screen?03:26
LinuxGuy2009Death_: Yeah thats pretty common on the systems I tested too.03:26
Death_i rebot, it opens windows03:26
TxPitoumajor_redhat: what brand is motherboard, many manufacturers (intel , asus for examples) have web site interface that can "probe and get you full details on your chipsets03:26
quickardDeath_: what exactly happens?03:26
rastaseanso i'm back after deleting the ati drivers and now my menu bar is on my second monitor03:26
ShazbotMcNastyDeath_, did you put it on a cd?03:26
major_redhatits a dell and the hard drive is DEAD so im using a live CD to do all this from the terminal03:27
rastaseani have a 18" crt that displays everything correct but menu bar is on the wrong monitor03:27
hmwDeath_ check your bios, if writing to the MBR /boot sector is allowed. Often called "Virus protection" or similar03:27
LinuxGuy2009Death_: No grub boot menu?03:27
hmwDeath_:  if "virus protection" is ENabled, that would explain why you dont have GRUB03:27
Death_if i reboot with the CD, i get the original screen, then when i install again and get to the partition screen... and i can see the last partition i set03:27
ShazbotMcNastywell we need to make sure he didn't just dl and hope it boots03:27
TxPitoumajor_redhat: dell . oh easy, behind box you have a service tag #, goto web site, enter tag it will tell you eveything in technical details about your board, I just fixed an xps400 for a friend that way..03:27
ShazbotMcNastyso you didn't do it right...03:28
major_redhatTxPitou: its serously that easy? i think i will try that!03:28
Death_i can see the previos partition i set... but how do i access it?03:28
TxPitoumajor_redhat: yeah man... you can get techincal details, service manuals.. :) I tracked down power supply and new cpu on ebay to fix her pc.. cost... 45$03:28
quickardwhats the best way to view current users on a system?03:29
anto9usDeath_: if you installed grub to the correct drive then you need to check your bios as hmw suggests03:29
Death_ok, checking bios, 1 sec03:29
Fezzler"udevd[442]: invalid rule 'etc/udev/rules.d/10-custom.rules:1  DO I simply delete that file?03:29
major_redhatTxPitou: thats awesome. currently trying to get a new motherboard - this one has seen better days03:29
LinuxGuy2009quickard: You mean to edit user accounts?03:29
TxPitouFezzler: humm I would nano that file and see if lien 1 has soemthing it should not have in it first03:30
ChaosmeikaDuring installation for 9.10, I encurred an error (0x73/0x80). After asking initially, I was told that by using GRUB1 that it would fix the error. It did not. Are there any other options?03:30
TxPitoumajor_redhat: I hear you, hers was a intel-2 1ghz, I got her a intel-2 2.8ghz cpu (board handles it as per specs)03:30
von_neumanni've got a strange one, every now and then since I installed Karmic, my left mouse button stops working for a bit, then sometimes the screen saver will come on though I'm moving the mouse around and using the keyboard03:31
von_neumannmy friend reported it to me first, then just now it happend to me for the first time03:31
LinuxGuy2009Chaosmeika: 9.04 doesnt use grub2. Thats what I reverted back to.03:32
von_neumannonce I typed in my password at the screensaver the left mouse button worked again03:32
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sometuxChaosmeika: try text-based installer03:32
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Principitoubuntu es03:32
hero1900in symbolic links if you remove the original files it will not work03:32
hero1900on the other hands the hard link it will still work03:32
TxPitou!es | Principito03:32
ubottuPrincipito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:32
golazojajaja, el principito, bueeenaa03:32
tigrangHi I just finished installing Ubuntu 9.10 and when I restarted and booted into Ubuntu, it just goes into a terminal after flashing my monitor03:32
hero1900but when i see the size of both links it take the same size of the original03:33
mikelifeguardI'm sending my router's log to a syslog server, but I want to filter them into a separate log file. How can I check what facility is being used?03:33
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ChaosmeikaLinuxGuy2009: Where can I find a torrent for that release? I looked at the mainsite and it continues to refer to 9.1003:33
FezzlerTxPitou>> BUS="usb", SYSFS{product}="Palm Handheld*", KERNEL="ttyUSB*", NAME{ignore_remove}="pilot", MODE="777"03:33
Death_What button is bios menu?03:33
Death_What button is bios menu?03:33
anto9usvon_neumann: is there much disk activity when this happens? It may be system load, is it a fancy 3d screensaver?03:33
FezzlerTxPitou>> That is the only line in that file03:33
LinuxGuy2009Chaosmeika: http://releases.ubuntu.com/03:34
hmwDeath_ depends on the BIOS. Usually F1, F2, F11 or F1203:34
von_neumannantuo9us: no system load, it is doing it again now03:34
hmwDeath_ or  DEL03:34
von_neumannvery odd03:34
TxPitouDeath: what brand PC is it?03:34
racerdanyone use a network drive on their router?03:34
TxPitouFezzler: well you got me ... dunno03:34
von_neumanni tried killing metacity and sparking up sawfish, but that did not fix it03:34
von_neumanni wonder if the screensaver is grabbing the mouse focus and running in the background03:35
TxPitouDeath: ususally F2 or F903:35
LinuxGuy2009 racerd: Whats your real question?03:35
quickardLinuxGuy2009: No I would like to view current loggin in users on a system03:35
Death_System settings ==== bios menu?03:35
SnakDocthere a way to run asp.net 3.5 with apache i see asp.net203:35
racerdI have router with a storage port so i can put an external drive03:35
racerdhow do i mount that or connect to it?03:35
von_neumanni just killed xscreensaver and that didn't fix it either03:35
LinuxGuy2009quickard: No idea I dint know more than one user could be logged in at any one time/03:35
hmwDeath_: probably yes03:36
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quickardLinuxGuy2009: ssh shell accounts03:36
KB1JWQWhat do I need to install to convert my Ubuntu NBR to Kubuntu NBR?03:36
von_neumannthe scroll wheel and right mouse button do not work as expected either03:36
LinuxGuy2009KB1JWQ: Does kubuntu have a netbook edition?03:36
TxPitouvon_neumann: usb or din9 mouse ?03:37
Death_hmw: it isnt opening03:37
KB1JWQLinuxGuy2009: Survey says http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/09/karmic-netbook-remix-review.html03:37
von_neumann usb03:37
KB1JWQJust not sure what packages differ.03:37
TxPitouvon_neumann: wired or wireless?03:37
tigrangUbuntu 9.10, Fresh install, won't boot. Goes to terminal and screen flashes. I tried settings vga=771 and took out 'splash' but same thing. Any ideas?03:37
racerdso who do i mount a network drive?03:37
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hmwvon_neumann: ubuntu or kubuntu? if ubuntu, right click the top panel, choose "add to panel" and drag the "system monitor" to the panel. Go to Monitor's options, activate all other things (memory, disk, etc) and watch CPU, LOAD and stuff. perhaps this gives you a clue, whats going in03:37
Guest58840hey everyone03:37
LinuxGuy2009KB1JWQ: Ah ok I see. Umm you just need to install kde and then whatever meta package goes on top of that.03:37
ChaosmeikaLinuxGuy2009: Thanks03:38
von_neumannwireless, but my firends is wired and had this problem before I03:38
Guest58840shite, how to I register a name03:38
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TxPitouvon.. kk03:38
ChaosmeikaLinuxGuy2009: Will return if downgrade yields similar results.03:38
TxPitouGuest58840: /nick NAMEHERE03:38
von_neumannit is weird03:38
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von_neumanni have a terminal window above a google-chrome window03:38
hmwvon_neumann: sounds very uncommon... what are the hardware specs? try the system monitor and see, if something spikes03:38
Death_OKAY, im in bios settings, i see 4 drives03:39
Death_1 and 2 are blank?03:39
dboneI have a bit of a ridiculous issue if anyone could help or point me in the right direction?03:39
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von_neumannwhen i click/drag  in the chrome terminal it is passing the left mouseclick through to the chrome window underneath03:39
hmwDeath_: thats ok03:39
TxPitou!ask | dbone03:39
ubottudbone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:39
von_neumannit is not a hardware issue03:39
von_neumanni'm pretty much positivie of that03:39
LinuxGuy2009dbone: Nobody knows if we can help cause you havent asked it yet.03:39
Death_what should i go to Hmw ?03:39
hmwDeath_: browse through all settings and search for a "virus protection" or "MBR protection" or something alike03:39
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von_neumannthat is so strange though, the click goes "through" the gnome-terminal window and is affecting the browser window below it03:40
dbonelol, okay well I was trying to enable multitouch, and I managed to completely disable my trackpad, can anyone help my fix this?03:40
von_neumannif that isn't the WM going crazy then what?03:40
TxPitoudbone: using gnome ?03:40
LinuxGuy2009dbone: What did you change?03:40
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Death_hmw: no, i dont see anything like that03:41
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KB1JWQLinuxGuy2009: Yeah, it's the name of that meta package that I don't get. :-)03:41
von_neumannnow the mouse works fine in google-chrome only03:41
hmwDeath_: your BIOS probably doesnt offer this option then. We could try to install GRUB again. Boot your Ubuntu Live CD. Tell me, when it is up.03:41
von_neumannunless I change virtual desktops, then the first "left click" is ignored but subsequent clicks work agian03:41
dboneim using xfce, and I changed a .fng file (having to do with hal) because I wanted to configure the touchpad through xorg.conf03:42
von_neumanngotta be gnome-panel03:42
LinuxGuy2009KB1JWQ: Yeah i just looked in synaptic and didnt see any obvious packages. Might not be any at all. Might just be certain default preferences are setup for you or something like that. Have you seen any screenshots of kubuntu netbook?03:42
q0_0phow do i choose sound card through terminal03:42
von_neumannq0_0p: alsa-mixer03:42
hmwvon_neumann: perhaps a reboot might do something. did you already try to restart X?03:42
q0_0pvon_neumann, if two sound cards are loaded at the same time will it conflict03:42
von_neumannhmw: I'm a 10+ year linux user, I'm not rebooting :-)03:42
KB1JWQLinuxGuy2009: not yet.  Hmm.03:43
Death_hmw: ok, it is up03:43
von_neumannq0_0p: you can specify the card on the command line03:43
q0_0pvon_neumann, i notice if i modprobe -r sound works03:43
hmwvon_neumann: sometimes restarting X does really help. especiall with gnome... *g*03:43
von_neumannhmw: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE FTW03:44
q0_0pvon_neumann, it wasn't a matter of choosing alsamixer -c #; but just remoe mod it03:44
dboneany ideas TxPitou or LinuxGuy2009?03:44
hmwDeath_: alright... open a terminal and enter "sudo grub" ... then enter "find /boot/grub/stage1" and tell me the result03:44
hmwvon_neumann: ALT+PRINT+K is it now03:44
LinuxGuy2009KB1JWQ: Im not sure if there is a kubuntu IRC but Im sure they would know what packages you would need to "convert".03:44
von_neumannhmw: unless you re-enable CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE that is :-)03:44
KB1JWQLinuxGuy2009: Thanks, will harrass them.03:44
hmwvon_neumann: :) i see03:44
von_neumannlooks like it was gnome-panel03:45
hmwvon_neumann: usually i dont liek restarting, either, but sometimes... you just have to03:45
LinuxGuy2009dbone: Meybe restore the backup copy of the file you edited. That would do it.03:45
KB1JWQLinuxGuy2009: 19:45:35 #kubuntu: < netdaemon> KB1JWQ: not yet, there will be in 10.04 iirc03:45
KB1JWQOkay then!03:45
von_neumannhmw:  I had to restart earlier today... Tried to use gmplayer and it does not play well with pulseaudio apparently... I had to reboot to get sound back03:46
LinuxGuy2009KB1JWQ: Oh kubuntu netbook isnt here yet until 10.04?03:46
von_neumannbut that was the first time since I installed karmic, 44 days of uptime...03:46
von_neumannanyway, for those keeping score, killing gnome-panel did the trick, thanks for all the help/suggestions03:46
dboneLinuxGuy2009: would love to if I had made a backup.  (I had read somewhere that messing with those files was not a big deal... hah.)03:47
hmwvon_neumann: i rarely get a week uptime with my ubuntu workstation... my LFS has a longer uptime... something about 180 days or so03:47
LinuxGuy2009dbone: Where did you read that? Most sites I have seen say to make a backup or know exactly what your doing cause your gonna F up your system.03:47
hmwDeath_: you still alive?03:48
LinuxGuy2009Has Death died?03:49
t3chkommiehello everyone.03:49
livingroomt3chkommie, Hello03:49
Death_Yes HMW03:49
dboneLinuxGuy2009:  yeah I know, and I always have a backup of xorg.conf, but this time I guess i was just being dumb.  I'll find the site once i get my trackpad so i can navigate a little better03:49
Death_it is loading03:49
t3chkommieis it possible to get some quick help with a software raid1 on a ubuntu 8.04 server?03:49
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LinuxGuy2009dbone: Restore your system backup and try again.03:50
hmwDeath_: that is slightly confusing me... loading grub cant take so long *g* i suppose, your live CD is not yet booted? or did yu already re-install GRUB?03:50
dboneLinuxGuy2009: lol, okay, i guess i'm such i noob i don't even know how to do that03:51
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kerebrusIs there any way to recover a deleted file?03:51
hmwt3chkommie: possible? likely. Depends on your problem. Find out, if it is possible by asking the very question ;-)03:51
LinuxGuy2009dbone: Clonezilla ;)03:51
t3chkommieok )03:51
t3chkommieso, i have ubuntu server 8.04 already running a nice apache server03:51
t3chkommieproblem is, i want to make it reduntant on my secound dev.03:52
t3chkommiei have searched hi and low for info on geting a raid set up on a already running sysytem, but nothing is working... and i really dont want to lose my info.03:52
dboneLinuxGuy2009: yeah, i just typed clonezilla into a terminal  (:-?)03:52
Duncan-NCSecond dev is new hdd?  Or server?03:52
huntHi, I just noticed, that there are gthumb bugs in launchpad, nobody seems to care about, I cant find these bugs in gnomes bugzilla, is there a standard way to import bugs from launchpad to bugzilla?03:53
LinuxGuy2009dbone: clonezilla is a live CD distro03:53
t3chkommieits a hdd03:53
t3chkommiei moved everything over to dev 1 now i want ot mirror the two.03:53
onaoghhow can i edit in ubuntu's "Main Menu" ??03:53
Duncan-NCI would guess boot live cd, use dd and mdadm03:53
t3chkommiei installed mdamdm already03:53
hmwonaogh: right click the menu and select "edit menus"03:53
LinuxGuy2009onaogh: Right click the menu. Edit menu.03:54
hmwonaogh: right click on the main menu entry eg. "Applications"03:54
onaoghi cannot remove "About Gnome" "About Ubuntu" and "Help and Support" from there03:54
LinuxGuy2009 onaogh: right03:54
onaoghLinuxGuy2009, what ?03:55
LinuxGuy2009 onaogh: Right you cant remove them.03:55
onaoghI want to remove them03:55
LinuxGuy2009 onaogh: Tough03:55
hmwrafa_ dont "hello" in a room with 1348 users *smirks* need something? just ask straigt away. Try to write everythingin one line03:55
LinuxGuy2009 onaogh: There not removeable.03:55
Death_hmw: sudo: grub: command not found03:55
dboneLinuxGuy2009: so the file I deleted was in /etc/x11/xsession.d/03:56
t3chkommie<- needs help with setting up raid1 (software) on a server that already has one set up hdd.03:56
hmwDeath_: uhm... stand by... that came very surprising03:56
onaoghi have re aranged my panel and got a menu like start menu of windows, in ubuntu its name is Main menu03:56
dboneLinuxGuy2009: it had to do with synaptics touchpad.   I just looked in the trash for it, wasnt there.03:56
Death_alright hmw03:56
onaoghLinuxGuy2009, i removed About Gnome and others except Help and Support03:56
dboneLinuxGuy2009: I think i'm screwed03:56
rafa_my monitor, when i put to set auto off in x times inactived, stay blinking, don't stop. Its may cause a problem to it?03:57
hmwDeath_: try "locate grub" - any results?03:57
LinuxGuy2009onaogh: You can remove the gnome menu bar. That you can do03:57
rafa_Sorry, my english is very bad.03:57
Duncan-NCI'd have to look at mdadm's man page. But if you can create a raid 1 vol without init the hdd. Then just use the new hdd as a simple backup first with dd. Then try and add one drive to md103:57
hmwrafa_: you want to know, if it harms your monitor, when you DISable the screen saver?03:58
t3chkommieduncan: i dont understand what that means.03:58
Duncan-NCSrry typing with one thumb on iPhone lol03:58
rafa_nou, i not disabled the screensaver.03:58
tigrangI installed nvidia driver in Live Cd mode before I installed Ubuntu 9.10, and now after installing it wont boot, it goes to a terminal and my screen is flashing.  Looking inside xorg.conf the driver is nvidia. Could this be problem? What is the default/generic driver to put?03:58
glickhey to get java working in mozilla i just install the sun-java6-plugin package?03:58
rafa_my monitor haven't drivers, because my notebook have a SiS hardware x-x03:58
LinuxGuy2009glick: yep03:59
rafa_i've made a alternative solution to resolve my resolution03:59
glickcool thanks03:59
Duncan-NCSomeone explain cloning with dd for me plz03:59
hmwrafa_: i did not understand "blinking"03:59
LinuxGuy2009Duncan-NC: dd makes a bit for bit copy. Thats it.03:59
rafa_wait, please03:59
hmwrafa_: no problem04:00
Duncan-NCYea. A backup.04:00
ng0nhey..what is frigg04:00
Death_hmw: i got many results for that search... anything specific04:00
sometuxtigrang: try vesa04:00
LinuxGuy2009Duncan-NC: Copies used space as well as free space.04:00
t3chkommieso, if i dd my 2nd hdd will it be a "raid"?04:00
rafa_you understand?04:00
Duncan-NCBefore he tries mdadm he should have bit for bit backup04:00
hmwDeath_: i am looking for the "grub" program... anything that ENDs with ...../grub04:00
ng0nlook in /boot04:00
rafa_when it been turn off and on in a minimal time04:00
mcwI have no boots04:01
mcwI am homeless04:01
rafa_when i've press on/off button fast.04:01
Death_got one hmw04:01
tigrangsometux: thanks, trying04:01
ng0nmcw.  look in /feet04:01
hmwrafa_: i know the word "blinking" but i dont know what exactly is blinking, and how it looks like. Please try to explain how it blinks, what blinks04:01
hmwDeath_: what is the path?04:01
mcwI have no feet04:01
LinuxGuy2009dd backups are very wasteful and only really needed for forensic backups. Clonezilla is good for a backup solution and only copies used blocks.04:01
rafa_the screen04:01
t3chkommiei just want an active 1:1 mirror04:02
t3chkommieraid 1 setup without having to reimage.04:02
tigrangsometux: thank you so much, works now :)04:02
rafa_its turn off on a moment, but in other moment, its turn on. this action is fast.04:02
Death_usr/share/recovery-mode/options/grub   <<< hmw04:02
mcwthe cops raided me04:02
hmwDeath_: it should be /usr/sbin/grub... try to type   sudo /usr/sbin/grub04:02
mcwand took my feet04:02
hmwDeath_: oh... your result might be it... you can also try    sudo /usr/share/recovery-mode/options/grub04:03
huntHi, I just noticed, that there are gthumb bugs in launchpad, nobody seems to care about, I cant find these bugs in gnomes bugzilla, is there a standard way to import bugs from launchpad to bugzilla?04:03
Duncan-NCBrb I'll. Get a link04:03
mcwI used to have bugs04:03
t3chkommiethanks duncan04:03
Scunizimcw: ok.. you can stop now .. take it to #ubuntu-offtopic04:03
LinuxGuy2009t3chkommie: you can do a 1:1 clone with dd like this.....(sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sda2) etc.04:03
mcwbut i used the lotion04:03
Death_no results in sbit04:03
Death_ill try my result?04:03
mcwit won't come with me04:03
rafa_hmw, you understand?04:03
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hmwDeath_: please read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435104:04
LinuxGuy2009t3chkommie: second drive needs to be equal or larger.04:04
t3chkommielinuxguy2009: they are identical.04:04
hmwrafa_: now i understand...04:04
LinuxGuy2009t3chkommie: cool thats easy then04:04
rafa_its cause a problem to monitor?04:04
hmwrafa_: how fast? 1 second? 10 times per second?04:04
mcwmy car04:05
rafa_its fast, 1 second, i think04:05
t3chkommielinuxguy2009: i have been searching hi and low on google and can only find tuts for edgy... the comands dont work and i dont knwo enought to improvise04:05
hmwrafa_: it doesn't look good... but it should not be very bad04:05
rafa_when the eyes wink04:06
mcwblink blink04:06
rafa_thanks for help.04:06
rafa_this problem may be caused by away good SiS driver to Linux, probably.04:06
rafa_My video board is a SiS 771/67104:07
mcw:) "(04:07
rafa_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)04:07
t3chkommielinuxguy2009: i have been searching hi and low on google and can only find tuts for edgy... the comands dont work and i dont knwo enought to improvise04:07
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t3chkommiehell again duncan04:08
aaroninfidelHi, I've got a filesystem I'd like to mount at boot/login but in order to do it I need to use sudo can someone tell me how to go about doing this?04:09
Duncan-NCThat should do it. First result on google for "ubuntu raid1"04:09
sometuxaaroninfidel: try su root04:10
mcwI know I'd like to mount that girl next door04:10
mcwI think she's like my root04:10
t3chkommieduncan: i have already done this one ;(04:10
Duncan-NCThey need lmgtfy app for iPhone hehe.04:10
Purpley1How do I run or install .jar files04:11
aaroninfidelsometux, yes, but wouldn't I have to type my password in each time during startup?04:11
Duncan-NCWhere are u stuck?04:11
t3chkommiedidnt work out well. i couldnt get my fdisk to do anything. and im worried about using his code for dev/sbc since i dont have a 3rd dev.04:11
rafa_purpley1, to install a jar files, you need the java.04:11
onaoghfrom where i can edit ubuntu menu structure04:11
rafa_download it in www.java.com ;)04:11
rafa_good night peoples04:11
sometuxaaroninfidel: you need to add an entry to fstab04:11
Purpley1Yes but how do I initate the proccess04:12
aaroninfidelsometux, ok how can I go about doing that04:12
Purpley1Oh I see never mind04:12
winemanHello anybody know how to get rid of a 30 second pause during bootup04:12
Death_hmw: Is it posible to completly remove ubuntu? i wanna start over, this time not alone04:12
unregisteredwhat does bash invoke when there is a command not found to offer those suggestions?04:12
sometuxaaroninfidel: sudo vi /etc/fstab04:12
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hmwDeath_: what kind of Live CD do you have? you should be able to run sudo grub04:13
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Duncan-NCWell I'm in bed so can't give u the syntax but read the mdadm man page. Sry man04:13
KutakizuakriAlright! TweetDeck now instlled on Ubuntu 9.1004:13
dboneDid i get booted?04:13
t3chkommieok, ill give it another go. i just dont want o accidently format the WRONG drive. :(04:13
Death_i downloaded it and copied over the iso hmw04:13
hmwDeath_: whcih version? Ubuntu Desktop i386 9.10 ?04:13
Duncan-NCNo formatting necessary.04:14
von_neumanndoh, killall gnome-panel did not fix it this time04:14
Duncan-NCMake a backup first04:14
hmwDeath_: installing again wont do much probably... let me check my disk and see, whats up with grub first04:14
t3chkommieok ill give it a shot. thanks for the help04:14
unregisteredalso how do I diable the damn "command not found" suggestions? it's neat, but I'd like to call it manually if I'm searching for something04:15
Death_ok hmw, ill be here04:15
mihircan anyone suggest me the 3gp player for ubuntu04:15
dboneAight, I'm going to try this again.  Can someone help me troubleshoot my synaptics touchpad which no longer works.  I deleted the file /etc/hal/fdi/policy/11-x11-synaptics.fdi before the issue started.  However, when I check the directory that file is there and the content is the exact same as it was before the delete.  Any ideas?04:16
sometuxmihir: mplayer04:16
von_neumanni think it is flash04:16
hmwDeath_: ok04:16
swtzdbone: no clue04:16
von_neumannyup, follows the browser04:16
von_neumannwhatever desktop the browser is on is hosed04:16
dboneswtz: ha, too bad :-/04:17
hmwDeath_: do you have more than one HD in your PC?04:18
Duncan-NCDbone: just guess, use dpk-reconfigure on any synaptics packages?  Or is this compiled driver?04:18
Death_no, just 1 hmw04:19
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mihirany other than mplayer04:19
Duncan-NCErr dpkg-reconfigure04:19
hmwDeath_: good.04:19
sometuxmihir: vlc04:19
dboneDuncan-NC: no this was the one that came with the distro, how do I use dpk-reconfigure?04:19
Death_Should there be a partition mounted on /dev/sda hmw?04:19
mihirvlc does not support 3gp audio04:19
sometuxmihir: install all the codecs04:20
Duncan-NCUse dpkg -l |grep synap04:20
Duncan-NCShows all packages that are installed with synap in the name.04:20
mihirhow to install all codecs in vlc04:20
hmwDeath_: not with the live cd04:20
sometuxuse synaptic04:20
tucemiux__Death_, /dev/sda -- that's a hard drive, /dev/sda1 would be a partition if you have a partition04:21
dboneDuncan-NC: okay, i have gsynaptics, synaptic, and xserver-sorg-input-synaptics04:21
Duncan-NCIf u have a synaptics package installed. Use command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure <packagename>" to redo it's config04:21
Death_hmw: i have the live cd, but after booting the cd, i attempted to install to harddrive, it was an option04:22
Duncan-NCTry it on all three04:22
hmwDeath_: now i want you to boot the live cd with "try ubuntu without changing the copmputer"04:22
Duncan-NCIf that doesn't work use sudo aptitude reinstall <packagename>04:22
Death_ok, trying now hmw04:23
WinterSkyDeath_ hmw what's the issue? He's not getting a grub menu after installing?04:23
jpittsunregistered: not sure if ther is a way to configure it. you can uninstall it with apt-get remove command-not-found04:23
hmwWinterSky: right. Windows keeps booting. The live cd does apparently not have the "grub" program, I am familiar with. Canb you help him?04:23
hmwWinterSky: he checked BIOS for "virus protection" already, no such option04:24
mihirhow to play 3gp file in ubuntu04:24
hmwwhere the heck is the grub console on the live cd??04:24
* Duncan-NC shrugs04:24
WinterSkyhmw That's weird.  All I can think of is trying another live cd or different version.04:24
dboneDuncan-NC: awesome, thanks for the help, I'll let you know how it goes04:24
Death_hmw: ok, i have clicked to try ubuntu w/out changes....04:24
t3chkommieduncan: should i DD the /dev/sdb?04:24
WinterSkyhmw on the live cd use sudo apt-get install grub04:24
Duncan-NCNp gl04:24
hmwDeath_: when your pc has booted, enter    sudo apt-get install grub04:25
Duncan-NCUr data is on dev sda right?  Empty (new) drive is sdb?04:25
WinterSkyhmw then he can use find grub etc...04:25
t3chkommieduncan :thats correct04:25
hmwWinterSky: that was the plan :)04:25
tucemiux__hmw, so Death_ installed ubuntu on his machine, he boots up, sees the grub menu, he attempts to boot up to to ubuntu and it doesnt boot up?04:25
hmwtucemiux__: no grub menu at all04:26
mihircan anyone help me how to play 3gp file in ubuntu04:26
tucemiux__hmw, he probably didnt install it then04:26
WinterSkyhmw during my install I had a drive that gets seen first but it wasn't where I installed Ubuntu. So at the end of the install I had to change where the bootloader gets installed.04:26
WinterSkyhmw at the end of the Gtraphical Install.04:27
hmwWinterSky: tucemiux__: i think, Death_ isntalled all default04:27
hmwWinterSky: tucemiux__: i think, Death_ has only one hard drive04:27
WinterSkyDeath_ Do you have more than 1 Hard Drive?04:27
toniHi, I'm running Ubuntu Hardy and just replaced my ATI video card with a Nvidia GeForce 6200 and now my windows are huge. It worked fine at FreeGeek could it be my monitor? My screen resolution is 640x480 and I tried chaning my monitor to 6500k (choices are 65, 75 and 8500k)but no change. I can't properly click on anything in preferences. Is an answer in Xorg? (I'm hesitant to screw with it on my own.)  OR   I changed to Hardy because ATI wasn04:27
toni't well supported in the new Ubuntu version - should I try to upgrade?04:27
Death_just 104:27
dboneDuncan-NC:  okay, I reinstalled all three.  the trackpad still isn't working, but I'm assuming I should reboot right?04:27
Duncan-NCBoot to a livecd so that ur not booted to sda, and mount sda on live cd to make sure it's ur data. (u don't want to copy blank drive to data drives that sucks) then use "sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb"04:27
tucemiux__Death_, you can boot up to windows, right?  do you mind reinstalling?04:28
Duncan-NCMakes full backup of partitions (and empty space meh) to sdb04:28
Death_sure, ill reinstall, should i boot windows now?04:28
t3chkommieduncan : is it possible to not have to use the live cd? im running a headless server and i can only ssh into it :(04:28
tucemiux__Death_, no, just send me an instant message and I'll walk you trhough installing ubuntu again04:28
dboneokay, I'm gonna reboot and hope this worked!  lata04:29
Duncan-NCThen u mount dev/sdb on livecd to make sure data was copied right.04:29
hmwDeath_: tucemiux__ we should try installing GRUB first 100 times faster, if it works04:29
unregisteredjpitts: thanks.04:29
WinterSkyDeath_ Make sure to back up your important files! :)04:29
mihirhow to play 3gp file in ubuntu04:29
tucemiux__hmw, so you want to walk him through installing GRUB then?04:29
Death_nothing importain, its a new computer...04:29
t3chkommieduncan : is it possible to not have to use the live cd? im running a headless server and i can only ssh into it :(04:29
hmwtucemiux__: i was about to04:29
WinterSkymihir If you install Vlc you should be able to play them.04:29
aaroninfidelHi, everytime I try to mount my vboxsf filesystem it says I don't have permission to view the contents... anyone know how to fix this?04:29
aaroninfidelusing fstab ^^^^^^^^^^^04:30
WinterSkymihir if now I can guide you on installing the proper codecs.04:30
hmwtucemiux__: but, i would like to get off the chat... if you dont mind, do the reinstall with him, ok?04:30
tucemiux__hmw, can you please show Death_ how to reinstall GRUB first, he can reinstall again if fixing GRUB doesntt work04:30
hmwtucemiux__: OK i'll do04:30
tucemiux__hmw, ive never done GRUB reinstall04:30
hmwDeath_:  did your live CD already boot?04:30
Death_no, still booting04:31
Duncan-NCThen u can create md array (raid1) with just one drive in it.04:31
Death_ubuntu logo just went away04:31
Death_now i have a cursor04:31
hmwtucemiux__: it's easy - sudo grub ... find /boot/grub/stage1 ... look at output ... root (hd0,x) ... setup (hd0) ... quit .... reboot04:31
hmwDeath_: ok... let it boot then tell me04:31
Duncan-NCThen get Linux to boot to md0 and add second drive to array.04:31
mihirvlc does not support audio in 3gp file04:31
t3chkommiehm, dding a 250gb hdd with 100gb of info.... LONG TIME.....04:31
Death_ok hmw04:32
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rasputins_cakeOK Ubuntu guys, I need some advice.04:32
Duncan-NCYea but u need a backup04:32
t3chkommieduncan: ah, i think i get it. md0 is like ZFS pools?04:32
rasputins_cakeWhich DE is better for a complete noob like my mother; GNOME or KDE?04:32
sometuxmihir: why you don't use mplayer?04:32
Duncan-NCHaven't used zfs dunno04:33
t3chkommiemd0 points to both sda and sdb which have been direct copy from using DD04:33
sometuxor smplyer front-end04:33
dboneDuncan:   You fixed it.   absolutely phenomenal.  I had been searching online for hours.  THANK THANK THANK YOU!04:33
mihirwhat to write in synaptic package manager to install mplayer04:33
guest1Is anyone here using 2.6.32 ?04:33
WinterSkyrasputins_cake It's all a matter of choice. You can however install both and try each. I prefer Gnome but that's just me.04:33
sometuxmihir: sudo apt-get install mplayer04:33
rasputins_cakeI'm aware04:34
rasputins_cakeI'm just wondering which would be more noob friendly04:34
alex__утро доброе04:34
toniHi folks, I'm running Ubuntu Hardy and just replaced my ATI video card with a Nvidia GeForce 6200 and now my windows are huge. It worked fine at FreeGeek could it be my monitor? My screen resolution is 640x480 and I tried chaning my monitor to 6500k (choices are 65, 75 and 8500k)but no change. I can't properly click on anything in preferences. Is an answer in Xorg? (I'm hesitant to screw with it on my own.)  OR   I changed to Hardy because AT04:34
toniI wasn't well supported in the new Ubuntu version - should I try to upgrade?04:34
sometuxmihir:  use a terminl04:34
Flannel!ru | alex__04:34
ubottualex__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:34
rasputins_cakeI personally use gnome04:34
iflemarasputins_cake id put her on the standard ubuntu install.....04:34
Death_Alright... all loaded hmw... opening terminal04:34
Death_Alright... all loaded hmw... opening terminal04:34
Duncan-NCRight that's the idea. The dd backup may not be necessary. But is fir saftey and ur data.04:34
rasputins_cakeAll right04:34
tucemiux__rasputins_cake, the simpler -- the better, default gnome would do04:35
hmwDeath_: excellent... first install the grub thing:  sudo apt-get install grub04:35
t3chkommieduncan: thanks for clarifying. and dd while the drive is booted is ok right?04:35
Duncan-NCDon't add second disk to raid 1 until u verify os boots to md0 instead of sda04:35
Death_hmw: installing!04:36
Duncan-NCGood luck.04:36
t3chkommiethanks again.04:36
man8toni>  xorg.conf nVidia http://www.pobladores.es/channels/tecnologia/EL_Nuevo_Mundo/area/1204:36
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tonithanks an804:36
Death_hmw: Looks like its complete, what next?04:36
hmwDeath_: after installing, type:  sudo grub    .... when it shows the grub prompt  grub>    type    find /boot/grub/stage1    and tell me the result04:36
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Death_hmw: File not found04:38
hmwDeath_: double check, if you really are in grub>    and if you typed correctly   find /boot/grub/stage1    if still "not found" - reinstall from scratch04:38
Duncan-NCNight ladies. ;)04:38
Krokulhey guys n gals...i need some help accessing a partition from another installation of fedora04:38
Death_yes, grub>04:39
man8toni>    ook in the documentation of your monitor for the parameters           HorizSync  & VertRefresh04:39
WinterSkyhmw I think his grub is installed some other place...04:39
hmwWinterSky: yea... can you take over?04:40
WinterSkyhmw I can try...04:40
tucemiux__Krokul, this is ubuntu support, we might be able to help you but you need to post the details04:40
WinterSkyDeath_ what version of Ubuntu are you using?04:40
tucemiux__all in one line04:40
WinterSkyDeath_ Can I pm you?04:41
Krokuli had fedora 12 installed but trashed the install after a kernel update and my nvidia drivers got messed up. so i went back to ubuntu and now i cant get to my data on a seperate partition04:41
Krokulsays i dont have permissions04:41
spectergrisumm I have problem with ubuntu, I can't get my wireless to turn on04:42
root__hi people  can some one help me ... im unable to boot after installing dkms04:42
meiranetto_Alguem ai é Brasileiro ou fala portugues!04:42
guest1spectergris what wireless card do you have?04:42
Krokuli can mount partition but not open my folders04:42
spectergrisBroadcom 802.11b/g wlan it came w/ my notebook04:43
pranavkncan someone recommend me the best app for mutiple screens on ubuntu??04:43
guest1spectergris: Can you tell me what model?04:43
toniman8, I'll try to find it - it was a freebie monitor - no book04:43
spectergrishp pavillion dv4 entertainment04:43
InsanePenguinim interesting about this webinar https://forms.canonical.com/uec-webinar/ , but the thing is its during my school hrs(and i dont think this would allow an absense) so is there like gonna be an archived version afterwards04:43
root__with APT    when reboot  it can find my drive ?04:44
guest1spectergris: What model wireless card?  Can you go into a terminal and type lspci04:44
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ZykoticK9Krokul, have you tried running nautilus with elevated privileges "gksu nautilus" (don't use this on a regular basis, not a good idea)04:44
man8toni>  in internet search model nº you monitor04:44
root__im unable to boot after installing dkms04:44
toniman8 yes, thx, I'll go looking04:45
CrazyTux[m]Hey guys, just got a MP990 (Canon Printer) looking to hook it up on my Ubuntu desktop, any preliminary thoughts you guys have before I jump into this?04:45
Krokulyep no luck there...when i look at folders properties it says owner = 500-user#500 group = 50004:45
spectergriswell I'm not on ubuntu right now I'm ion win 7 it's the only thing that has internet, I tried to look for drivers but it says I have no propritary drivers04:45
toniman8 It's an NEC Accusync 7004:45
sometuxKrokul: use chmod to restore your permissions04:45
Krokulwhat do i need to type...clueless almost in terminal04:45
guest1spectergris: There is an issue with those drivers, hold on while I find the forum that describes what to do.  Do you have the install disc with you?04:45
spectergrisuhh i installed with wubi04:46
tucemiux__CrazyTux[m], just go ahead and try it, if it's not supported open a bug report and request for it to be support -- someone would need to write drivers for it04:46
guest1spectergris: Ok, I am not sure of this will work then, but one second04:46
man8toni>  you have installed ? nvidia-185-kernel-source nvidia-glx-185 nvidia-settings ?04:46
gonzoismspectergris: I don't believe you.  You don't have to lie to make friends.04:46
sometuxKrokul: chmod -R 777 <mount point>04:47
gonzoismstill needing help ?  i didn't see your question04:47
spectergrisI can't get my wireless card on04:47
toniman8 I don't know - I had it done and it looked like he installed a driver04:47
toniman8 is there a way to check?04:48
man8is te driver toni for nvidia04:48
Krokulsda2 the mount point?04:48
gonzoismspectergris: are you running in it now ?04:48
spectergrisno i'm running it in win 704:48
man8toni> install drivers nvidia and after the configuras / etc/X11/xorg.conf04:48
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sometuxKrokul: /mnt/[mount point]04:48
root__hi team ! im keep getting error msg: "not loading blacklisted module vesafb04:49
guest1spectergris: Can you use an ethernet cable on ubuntu?04:49
root__after installing  dkms with apt04:49
spectergrisI don't have a way of doing a wired connection sorry04:50
gonzoismspectergris: sorry, i might have missed you answer.  all i saw was this:  (10:50:03 PM) spectergris: I don't have a way of doing a wired connection sorry04:50
guest1spectergris: I am not sure how to do this then04:50
gonzoismspectergris: well, is your card working ?04:50
gonzoismthe command: iwlist scan should see if it is recognized04:51
guest1spectergris:  You can check here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131097304:51
Krokuloperation not permitted "chmod +r 777"04:51
root__i tryed runing command with busy box still can get anywhere04:51
guest1Does anyone here happen to be running the 2.6.32 kernel?04:51
spectergrisgonzoism:do i do this in ubuntu terminal/04:51
TxPitouspectergris: know the model of wireless you using ?04:51
gonzoismspectergris:   yep04:51
sometuxKrokul: sudo  chmod -R 77704:52
gonzoismspectergris: you have to reboot to run them, right ?04:52
spectergrisokay ill try do I have to do the sudo command as well/04:52
tonithanks man8, I'll give it a shot. (xorg makes me nervous, I've screwed it up before)04:52
sometuxKrokul: -R=recursive04:52
gonzoismwhat is wrong with you people ?04:53
sometuxKrokul: 777=give access to all04:53
TxPitougonzoism: where born this way04:53
root__can some one help at there04:53
unregisteredover there04:53
TxPitou!ask | root__04:53
ubotturoot__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:53
KB1JWQroot__: Sure, I can help!  You don't want to run as root. :-)04:54
tonitxpitou  now, now... is it nature or nurture?04:54
ubotturoot_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:54
KB1JWQgonzoism: Wrong nick fail!04:54
man8toni> Failure to do the xorg.conf, the X, delete / etc/X11/xorg.conf and into vesa mode04:54
man8and retest04:54
Krokulstill no good...typed this.../media/66d4701c-5089-40de-b9e5-88acd287ca2e04:54
unregisteredhe asked a question04:54
Krokulsudo chmod -r 777 /media/66d4701c-5089-40de-b9e5-88acd287ca2e04:54
ubotturoot__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:55
gonzoismKB1JWQ: thanks, i didn't notice that04:55
sometuxKrokul: tryp sudo  chown -R user:user04:55
toniman8 thx, I'll see how it goes04:56
KB1JWQgonzoism: Nor did you notice he'd already been told the ask factoid.04:56
root__im not a pro by the way im just trying to learn the basics04:56
sometuxKrokul: put your login name in place of  user:user04:56
gonzoismKB1JWQ: that is where i got the syntax.  else, i wouldn't have bothered. :)04:56
Krokulhehe figured that04:56
earthenis there some kind of plugin to allow me to view quicktime videos on the web such as found on the Apple trailers site?04:56
jpittsroot__, you may do well to restate your question, entirely on one line.04:57
gonzoismearthen: yes.  there is exactly that.04:57
guest1earthen:  Who wants to watch apple videos? ;-)04:57
gonzoismearthen:  for firefox ?04:57
gonzoismGuest1 which ones do you got ?04:57
earthenguest1, I do!04:57
unregisteredguest1: earthen does.04:57
earthengonzoism, yes for firefox04:58
guest1lol oh ok! :-)04:58
gonzoismearthen: ya, search for one.  there is one.04:58
KrokulYAY!!! that worked thanks soo much04:58
gonzoismearthen:  i think i use the mplayer plugin.  if you give me a url, i can click it and see what pops up.....04:58
earthengonzoism, ok i did a few small searches haven't found anything yet for ubuntu anyway04:59
earthengonzoism, http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/paramount/ironman/04:59
Krokulwhere do you learn all these commands for terminal? just from use or is there a book somewhere?04:59
guest1gonzoism: sudo apt-get install quicktime-utils        maybe?04:59
gonzoismGuest1 nevermind what ?05:01
guest1gonzoism: That command wont give you quicktime05:02
earthenguest1, I tried that but i still get the "would you like to install quicktime" when i click on the link05:02
gonzoismguest1 someone else is wanting it.  plus, i don't think that command will install quicktime05:02
guest1It wont05:02
gonzoismearthen: this is the best plugin i could find with a quick search.  It downloads the file then you can play it.05:04
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root__after installing  dkms package with apt-get   and force me to install new linux-headers and generics package . When  i reboot the computer i wil get error  msg :  mount : mounting  not loading  blacklisted module vesafb.. icant see non hda  devices  I try changing the rootdelay= () at startup .. im just stuck searching the web for an answer.05:04
gonzoismearthen https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/525805:04
root__busy box doesnt give me much to work with my kernel image05:06
Flannelroot__: Do you have an alternate CD?05:06
root__yes i do05:06
Flannelroot__: If you boot that, then from the boot menu select "rescue a broken system" it'll boot up with stuff from the alt CD, but mounting the stuff from your HDD, so you'll be able to fix things05:07
root__i just need to run the ubuntu CD05:08
Krokulhow do you bring an app to the foreground? firefox is running but i don't see it?05:08
earthenKrokul, try holding the alt key and press the tab it should go through the running programs05:09
spectergrisI can't connect to the internet in ubuntu05:09
t3chkommiespectergris: can you ifconfig and see a network adapter?05:09
johnislosti'm trying to get a tv tuner card to work and have read about a million forums about it. when I try to sudu rmmod saa7134_alsa, I get an error that it's already in use. What's using it?05:09
Krokulthanks earthen...it just poped up on its own after i typed the question lol05:10
spectergrisin windows or ubuntu05:10
root__i tried that ..  my whole /dev as change  i dont know what the  well happend?05:10
spectergrisI would have to reboot05:11
t3chkommieare you trying to do it wirelessly? or eth?05:11
t3chkommiewhat hardware are you running and what vers of ubuntu have you installed?05:11
Krokulthanks for all the help guys...gotta reboot05:12
spectergrisI have an hp pavillion dv4 laptop and I installed 9.1 koala with wubi05:12
root__i hate linux just for that05:12
root__just the driver i wanted to change05:12
t3chkommiedo you know what kind of chipset you have for the wifi card?05:13
spectergrishow do I find that out?05:13
t3chkommiehm. its actually not easy to find out... how old is the hp?05:13
earthenspectergris,  quick way to try and fix is to try and connect with wire and then see if ubuntu finds any restricted drivers for your wireless05:13
spectergrisless than a year t3chkommie05:13
spectergrisI can't do it with a wire05:13
t3chkommieyou cant meaning... it dosnt work? or you dont have a white?05:14
ruby_on_tailsI am trying to connect 2 laptops via bluetooth but they don't work05:14
spectergrisI can't do it with a wire the router is upstairs05:14
ruby_on_tailsI can't browse/send files via bluetooth05:14
t3chkommiei had a problem like this on a few of my other machines.05:15
t3chkommiei had to manually compile the wifi driver. :(05:15
spectergrisit also says I don't have any propritary drivers either05:15
root__are the driver properly loaded05:15
ruby_on_tailscan I just plugin an rj45 wire into the 2 laptops and do a file transfer ?05:15
prabai'm trying to upgrade to 10.04 alpha3.. but my update manager showing an error like "couldn not find the release notes"05:15
t3chkommiespec, are you familiar with terminal?05:15
spectergrisnot really05:16
spectergrisI know what sudo does tha's about the extent of my knolege05:16
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earthenspectergris,  according to the hp web site you should have a "Intel WiFi Link 5100AGN" I don't know if anyone else knows if this card is suported or not05:17
meowbuntuhi has anyone had luck with installing tiny core on ubuntu.05:17
praba i'm trying to upgrade to 10.04 alpha3.. but my update manager showing an error like "couldn not find the release notes" .. any idea there ??05:17
root__i doesn t work that way05:17
spectergrisis there a way I can get it supported05:17
t3chkommiespec, have you ran updates since you installed ubuntu/05:17
spectergrisno I can't get on the internet05:18
t3chkommiei would try really hard to get that eth connected somehow or another. youll have to dwnld like 200+ updates. and i wouldnt be supprized if that fixes youre wifi problem.05:19
t3chkommiethe problem is... you need to get on the net first.05:19
t3chkommielet me do some qick searching.05:19
spectergrisis there a way I could download the updates on windows then put them on a flash key and install them in ubuntu05:19
johnislostanybody know how to get a tv tuner card working? dmesg sees it, but i can't run tvtime05:20
t3chkommienot all of them, but i think you could atleast get the wifi one.05:20
root__you need the modules05:20
root__you  have  to find if your tv card is compatible with your  linux distro05:21
spectergrisHow do I get the drivers/05:22
t3chkommiethat should be where you need to go to get the drivers.05:22
spectergrishow big is the file would you know?05:22
t3chkommiewell.. the wifi drive i mean.05:22
t3chkommienot sure letmme check.05:22
root__you can search online05:22
johnislostroot__ i think it is, but there's a manual card number and tuner number you have to enter to get it right, I think05:22
root__ and  find out the chipset of your TV card05:23
johnislostyeah, it's a saa713405:24
t3chkommiespec, go there05:24
t3chkommieits 183 kb05:24
earthenspectergris,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1300560  This link is to a form where I think they have the same card as you05:24
spectergriscan I put this on a flash key and installit in ubuntu?05:24
stephanswhats the name of the pcakage containing the linux source?05:24
johnislostI try to rmmod saa7134_alsa and it says it's already in use05:24
t3chkommieits tared tho.05:24
spectergrishow do I do it05:25
t3chkommieis this your first install spec?05:25
t3chkommiepersonally, i would just find a way to plug in the internet, and do an update.05:25
t3chkommiethe website said that the dirver is included in the newer kernals.05:25
t3chkommiei bet you have an old iso image and the driver hasnt been included yet.05:26
spectergrisIt's supposedly the koala05:26
t3chkommiethats going to be the easiest and fastes05:26
root__what is it i dont know05:26
spectergrisI did wibu05:26
spectergrisor wubi05:26
t3chkommieim nost sure what wubi stands for?05:26
spectergrisit's how you install it with out a boot disk05:27
stephanswhats the name of the pcakage containing the linux source? I need  it for vmware05:27
t3chkommieok, from a flash drive then?05:27
johnislostroot__ how to you get the modules set up?05:27
spectergrisno just from the internet05:27
t3chkommieoh. thats new to me, i havnt tried it that way. i usually just run it off a jump drive.05:28
spectergrisbut can I donload these drivers and install them from a flash drive05:28
t3chkommiebut its not as easy as you think.05:28
t3chkommieuntar the file you download, then read the "readme" file.05:28
root__Vmware work like virtual box   just download the latest one on www.kernel.org05:29
t3chkommieuntar -> kinda like unzip.05:29
spectergrisah do you need an app or is that already in linux05:29
t3chkommieits already in linux.05:29
spectergrisand how do you do it05:30
t3chkommiethe hard part is installing it when you unzip it.05:30
spectergrishow do I unzip and install05:30
earthenspectergris, you can copy the file to your desktop and right click and uncompress05:31
spectergrisokay how do I install it05:31
iflemaspectergris maybe... in windows look in device manager, look under network adapters.... confirm what your wifi hardware is.....05:31
earthenspectergris, you have to read the readme file05:31
t3chkommiei just read the readme file.....05:32
t3chkommieit dosnt look all the friendly.05:32
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TheBuzzerroot_: Is it possible to install the latest 2.6.33 linux kernel on karmic ubuntu?05:32
spectergrisokay i have to reboot to get into ubuntu brb05:32
t3chkommiegood luck05:32
t3chkommieearth, youre right. i would be so much easier just to update the kernal .05:33
earthenspectergris, you really should try and plug in with wire first and do a update05:33
t3chkommie<--- still DD ing his hdd to hdd2... holycrap this takes forever!05:34
earthent3chkommie, yeah he's new so I think he's just gonna get fustrated05:34
t3chkommiei know. ive been there.... 9.04 and a asus 1005ha netbook :S05:34
earthent3chkommie, yup me too with the asus ferrari 250005:35
t3chkommieoh man i hated doing updates... broke it everytime. :(05:35
TheBuzzerroot_: Is it possible to install the latest 2.6.33 linux kernel on karmic ubuntu?05:35
t3chkommiebut 9.10 seemed to fix that problem.05:35
earthent3chkommie, I was just reading some forms about his card and it doesn't look good actully05:36
t3chkommieif he really has the intell 510005:36
root__that i know05:36
t3chkommiei read a website that said it was supported with the new kernal.05:36
t3chkommiestrange tho, you would think something not that new would already be supported.05:36
earthent3chkommie,  yeah, if he does most people have it work out of the box but the people who had problems didn't seem to have solved it05:37
WinterSkyCan someone help Death_ They have windows XP installed with a broken Ubuntu 9.10 installation and need to reinstall it. And they need to get Grub2 working.05:37
Blue1where can I get (url) for the alpha for 10.4?05:37
t3chkommiewinter; in my experience... when grub goes missing... you gotta reimage.05:38
FlynsarmyThose notification popups when you change volume, plug ethernet in etc, is that libnotify?05:38
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earthent3chkommie, I haven't had that much trouble with wireless lately, except for a asus travilemate that broke after an update a few weeks ago05:39
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t3chkommieearthen, bummer... my netbook was overheating and asus told me i had to change out the ram and reinstall windows... i said screw that,  so i broke it open.... and cant seem to fix the heating problem... need to think up a new way to manage the heat in the case, it only lasts about 5 min... sad for a little atom... i didnt think they would be that fussy with heat.05:40
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brandon420i need some help05:40
t3chkommieshoot brandon05:40
brandon420any linux guru wanna help me out real quick?05:40
brandon420my shit keeps crashing05:41
t3chkommie<--- no linux guru05:41
brandon420i get like some weird lines and everything freezes05:41
brandon420and i have no idea what to do05:41
t3chkommieok.. desktop or notbook?05:41
earthent3chkommie, that is strange05:41
swtzbrandon420: where? what? who?05:41
brandon420i dont even know where to start at05:41
t3chkommieare you trying to install? have you installed already?05:42
brandon420i checked the logs, and i cant understand any of it, and i cant find anything on google to help me out05:42
brandon420its installed, lol05:42
brandon420im on it now..05:42
t3chkommieoh good.05:42
t3chkommiehows the cpu temp?05:42
brandon420warm to the touch05:42
t3chkommieyou got a number?05:42
t3chkommiesudo sensors05:43
brjann!lol > brandon42005:43
ubottubrandon420, please see my private message05:43
brandon420command not found05:43
dboneHi everyone.     Does anyone know how to enable two-finger scrolling?  I am using an asus 1201n that has a multi-touch synaptics touchpad and version 1.1.2 drivers.05:43
vishali am having problem with internet connection05:43
vishalin ubuntu05:44
vishalany body can help me oue05:44
t3chkommiebrandon, you should be able to install sensors-lm or something like that from package manager.05:44
t3chkommiethis should help you get an idea of cpu tup.05:44
t3chkommietemp*... but it could be something else. does it crash when you open something?05:44
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brandon420ok, ill do that and get back to you05:44
brjannt3chkommie, brandon420: lm-sensors is the package you're looking for05:44
Blue1vishal: could you  be a bit more specific?  what version are you running?  32 or 64 bit archetecture?  wired, or wireless?05:44
Zenkerits x sensors05:45
t3chkommieaha thanks brjann05:45
earthenhe has to install sensors-applet05:45
brandon420i cant tell any trend05:45
swtzdbone: try this out: http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~jnjackin/docs/two_finger_scrolling-linux.html05:45
t3chkommie<--- thinks in CLI... been trying to fix my server for a week ... sorrry :S05:45
brjannearthen: he doesn't have to, lm-sensors has command line utilities05:45
vishalversion is 9.10 ubuntu05:45
earthenbrjann, cool i didn't know that05:45
stephanscan anyone pleas help me install the linux kernel source on my ubuntu system?05:46
vishalactually I have installed wvdial in ubuntu05:46
vishaland configured wvdial.conf file05:46
t3chkommiestephans, sorry, not sure what you mean.....05:46
dboneswtz: thanks, I actually have that page open, and was able to do everything except "gnome-mouse-properties."  I think this is because I'm using xfce and not gnome.  I run gsynaptics, but that does not have any twofingerscroll option05:46
brjannearthen: granted, without additional configuration, it usually only displays CPU temperature, but I think that's what he's after :)05:46
Blue1vishal: ahh someone else will need to help you.  I am NOT familiar with dailup.  sorry.05:47
Scarra3Ok my dad is using ubunt and his wireless card is not working its a BCM431105:47
Scarra3I connected the wired connection and its not even recognizing that05:47
earthenbrjann, yup your right05:47
stephansi need to source files and the headers to make vmware server run on ubuntu05:47
vishalk tell me if anybody else can help me05:47
brandon420Adapter: Virtual device05:47
brandon420temp1:       +41.0°C  (crit = +90.0°C)05:47
brandon420Adapter: PCI adapter05:47
brandon420Core0 Temp:  +33.0°C05:47
FloodBot2brandon420: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
stephansthe headers are not enough05:47
t3chkommieah, thanks brandon.05:47
Scarra3Any ideas?05:47
brandon420oh wow05:47
stephansand I can not find the kernel source package to install05:47
t3chkommiethat dosnt seem too hot to me.05:47
brandon420yeah, i didnt think so05:48
t3chkommiedbone , there was a GREAT tut on enabling the multi touch trackpat on my asus 1005ha... i bet its about the same for you. do a quck google esearch for "how to enable multi touch trackpad asus 1005ha" or something like that05:48
brandon420and i was thinking it was the display drivers, but i have the recommened ones05:49
spectergristhat was confusing05:49
t3chkommiewb spec05:49
t3chkommiedid it work?05:49
brandon420gdm-simple-greeter[1534]: WARNING: Unable to lookup user name brandon4: Success05:49
brjannScarra3: the BCM4311 needs a little post-install help to get working; have you done anything beyond the install?05:49
spectergrisI have no clue what that readme said05:49
earthenbrandon420,  are you in 64 bit or 3205:49
brandon420wanna say 3205:49
brandon420i have a crappy computer05:49
t3chkommiebrandon,...... how crappy?05:49
brandon420it can run it05:50
t3chkommielets hear specs ;05:50
brandon4201.6 ghz 1 gb ram05:50
brjannbrandon420: run    uname -a   for us05:50
stephansnever mind... i am tired05:50
t3chkommieoh thats not bad for ubuntu.05:50
t3chkommieits like a netbook.05:50
brandon420sudo uname-a?05:51
t3chkommiewith a space -a05:51
brjannbrandon420: no need for sudo05:51
brandon420Linux brandon420-desktop 2.6.31-20-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 8 09:05:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux05:51
earthenI have a problem with my Alienware in 64 bit where i freezes after about 3 min no matter what driver i tried. 32 bit runs fine05:51
t3chkommieyup i68605:51
vishalany body can help me with dialup connection05:51
brandon420yeah, get dsl05:52
vishalho can i start internet connection05:52
brandon420sorry i had to say it05:52
spectergriscould I technically fileshare the connection from windows05:52
t3chkommiesorry vishal, it dont even remember what dial was :(05:52
swtzdbone: you can actually set that up by editing the 11-x11-synaptics.fdi file05:52
brjannbrandon420: please don't contribute unhelpful comments like that05:52
swtzdbone: did you try that out?05:52
brandon420spec, is it the same computer?05:52
dbonet3chkommie:  was it this (i dont know how to post a link in irc yet) http://ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.com/2009/03/multi-touch-for-anyall-synaptics.html05:52
brandon420you can just mount the hdd05:53
dboneswtz: check out the link i posted to t3chkommie, something like that?05:53
brandon420and access your files05:53
spectergrishow do I mount the hdd05:53
earthenvishal, try here http://www.debianadmin.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html05:53
t3chkommiedbone, not exactly, but the code looks about right.05:53
t3chkommiegive it a shot.05:53
spectergrisIm new at this05:53
dboneAlright, I'll psot back with the results05:54
t3chkommiespec, ubuntu usually mounts all the avaialbe partitions automatically.05:54
t3chkommieoh. true05:54
t3chkommieforgot about ntfp :p05:54
t3chkommiethanks brandon.05:54
brandon420lol, welcome, i had to google that yesterday05:54
spectergrisokay do I have download any special software to fileshare from windows05:54
t3chkommiespec, youre gonna need internet to install NTFS support.05:54
hexdump_are there any good flash editing programs in linux?05:55
swtzdbone: yup, that's correct. Did you try that out?05:55
brjannt3chkommie: ntfs-3g is pulled in by ubuntu-standard, it should be there already05:55
brandon420so anyone got ideas how why i keep crashing?05:55
spectergrisI can't get on the internet in ubuntu Idk if it has something to do with the fact I installed with wubi05:55
hexdump_spectergris:  what is happening, just curios not sure if I know how to fix it or not.05:56
brjannbrandon420: you really haven't given us much to go on. what sort of crashes? kernel panics? xorg crash to console?05:56
spectergrisI can't get my wireless to work05:56
Drooling_Sheepspectergris, try looking in the places menu up at the top...ntfs drives show up there for me05:56
dboneswtz: yeah, i actually already had that file there with all of those settings.05:57
hexdump_did you try the usual sudo ifconfig adapter up05:57
hexdump_works for me when I have problems05:57
spectergristhe terminal says command not recognised05:57
t3chkommiedbone, i remember there was something else i had to enable first.....05:57
swtzdbone: the default file has all those settings, but those are COMMENTED by default.05:57
brjannbrandon420: that pastebin has 7500 lines in it :) where should I be looking?05:58
hexdump_spectergris run as sudo05:58
brandon420you tell me05:58
brandon420lmao, i have no idea where to start googling05:58
sibbleis there a way i can find out what in conky is currently using 21% of my memory (2GB) ? - it took it's time to get up to that much memory use, restarting it to troubleshoot would probably take a while to get back up to this much usage05:58
spectergrisso I type "sudo ipconfig adapter up"?05:58
hexdump_try that05:58
spectergrisOkay brb have to reboot05:58
swtzdbone: you need to remove the "<!-- EXAMPLES:" and "-->" between then or move the lines you want outside the comment area05:58
brjannbrandon420: i'm not asking you to solve the problem by yourself, just help me narrow down where to look in this log you've posted. do you have an approximate time when the computer crashed, so I can go by timestamps?05:59
swtzdbone: apologize if you done that already05:59
hexdump_then chech iwconfig and let me know what you have there05:59
earthenspectergris, what wireless card does ubuntu say you have. do a lspci in the terminal and see what it finds. look for a line that has wirelles in it05:59
Drooling_Sheepsibble you can look at what processes are running in System -> Administration -> System Monitor05:59
hexdump_that works too lspci or if you have a usb lsusb05:59
brandon420oh 00:32 ish05:59
Scarra3No brjann can you tell me exactly what I need to do06:00
brandon420there are multiple crashes in that log somewhere06:00
t3chkommieanyone know about how long a DD of 60 gb hdd would take?06:00
spectergriseathern and hexdup I'll brb with that info06:00
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: just says conky06:00
DcMeeseI have just successfully created an apt iPhone repository with ubuntu 9.10!!06:00
hexdump_send it to output and dcc it to me if you want06:00
Drooling_Sheepsibble,  you can do View -> all processes  to see everything06:01
Drooling_Sheepthen sort my memory usage06:01
brjannScarra3: you can follow the instructions here for karmic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing%20b43/STA%20hybrib%20drivers06:01
hexdump_check ps -A and also see if NetworkManager is running06:01
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Guest983is any one interested in Linux administration job06:02
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sibbleconky - CPU: 2% - Memory: 422.7MiB06:02
brandon420that seems about right06:02
brjannbrandon420: okay, it looks like it booted up at around 00:28 and crashed about four minutes later? does that sound right?06:02
brandon420im using like 800 mb06:02
dotblankGuest983, details?06:02
silentxHey .. I want to install the driver of my " Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter " .. so I google for it .. so i end up with this wiki " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29 " .. but i stuck in here .. " You should see the file rt73.ko " ... it never installed .. the output of the installation command ... " http://pastebin.com/jePKZFh1 " .. please help ..06:03
swtzGuest983: 100k year? for 25 hours/week? I'm in.06:03
brjann!ot | Guest983, dotblank, swtz06:03
ubottuGuest983, dotblank, swtz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:03
brjannbrandon420: can you describe the crash for me in detail?06:04
earthenbrandon420, did you try to disable your video card or even something simple as turning off all the visual Effects?06:04
Drooling_Sheepsibble, that sounds like a lot for a "lightweight system monitor"06:04
earthenbrandon420,  video card drivers i mean06:05
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: i think it's slowly leaking memory06:05
Drooling_Sheepthat's what it looks like to me06:05
hexdump_Guest983: hi how are ya06:05
sibble1 day uptime - 432MiB memory06:05
sibblescary to think what 2-3 days will look like hehe06:05
Drooling_Sheepyou can try killing it06:05
hexdump_Guest983: everybody is probably busy working on something.06:06
sibbleyea i guess i could run a cron job to restart it every 24 hours or somethign06:06
aruntomarGuest983: we are already into linux system administration06:06
brandon420sorry, did you say anything? i crashed again06:06
brjannbrandon420: yeah, I asked if you could describe the details of how it crashes for me :)06:07
t3chkommie<---- needs some help with a software RAID106:07
earthenbrandon420, did you try to disable your video card driver or even something simple as turning off all the visual Effects?06:07
brandon420ok, one min its fine, then its just freezes, and i get some weird blank screen with lines06:07
Drooling_Sheepsibble, maybe file a bug report?06:08
brandon420and i have tried all the drivers, and while i did that, i had all the settings on low06:08
t3chkommiei wonder if youre res is messed up?06:08
brjannbrandon420: lines like graphical lines? like the video card freaking out?06:08
Drooling_Sheepthat's all you can really do I think06:08
SolarisBoyhave you looked at X logs?06:08
brandon420x logs?06:08
t3chkommiegrrrrr raids......06:09
brandon420sorry for the dumb questions by the way, im still attemping to learn06:09
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: should i?  i mean, how do I know it's just not some script im using with conky06:09
oliver_does anyone know how to get voice chat to work on ubuntu?06:09
t3chkommieoliver, like google talk?06:10
dboneswtz: tried commenting it out, i guess i should restart it06:10
SolarisBoybrandon420: its not dumb06:10
oliver_I did that and it suggested gycite or something like it and I can not find it anywhere.06:10
brjannbrandon420: there's not much to go by in your syslogs. do me a favor, the next time your computer crashes and appears to freeze, tap the num lock or caps lock key a few times, and see if the LED indicator lights up on your keyboard when you do06:10
SolarisBoybrandon420: you switch over to console and check out whats in the log06:10
t3chkommieoliver, im not sure about what works with that, i use skype. havnt had anyluck with google talk.06:11
brandon420and by console you mean crtl f1?06:11
Drooling_Sheepsibble, I guess you don't...I don't know too much about conky specifically but I would think it doesn't let scripts do their own memory management06:11
oliver_does skype work on yahoo?06:11
brandon420and i will try that next time it crashes, it should only take a coupla mins06:11
dbonealright, I'm going to do a restart and see what happens.  bbl06:11
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: yea thats true06:11
t3chkommieoliver, i dont think so.06:12
oliver_Ok thank you06:12
brjannbrandon420: okay, thanks.06:12
SolarisBoybrandon420: when does this happen? the freezing? is it once you have done a particular thing? what point does this happen?06:12
brandon420http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn192/badsector76/IMAGE_145.jpg              thats the closes thing that i could find to what it looks like06:12
brandon420there isnt a trend06:12
SolarisBoymost of those lines are II and not EE06:13
brandon420i was thinking i might have had too much running, but with only pidgin running it still crashes06:13
SolarisBoybrandon420: when does it happen?06:13
t3chkommiebrandon, id put my next paycheck on the fact that your resolution is farting up. can you bring it down to something stupidly low?06:13
oliver_I tried to down load some drivers for my printer on a disk intended for windows.  Only I didn't need them after all. Now when I try to empty it from my trash it says I do not have permission.06:13
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: i guess i should have left it running if im going to file a bug report huh hehe06:13
brandon420i do have compiz maxed out, and a dock, but it was crashing before i installed it06:13
oliver_I tried some of the things suggested on the support sites but nothing has worked so far.06:14
SolarisBoybrandon420: have you checked for fs errors?06:14
SolarisBoybrandon420: file system errors06:14
brandon420@t3chkommie: i have tried putting it on 1024x768 and it stukk dud ut06:14
brjannt3chkommie: it would be fairly unusual for a resolution problem to panic the system, if it is a hard freeze like he's saying06:14
brandon420fs errirs?06:14
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SolarisBoybrandon420: none of those lines in your xorg indicate an issue06:14
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sibbleDrooling_Sheep: never filed a bug report before, what would be the best way to do that next time i see conky using half a gig of memory?  ubuntu-bug <PID> ?06:14
brandon420= /06:14
dbonestill no luck getting multi-touch to work :-/06:14
SolarisBoybrandon420: you are able to log  in ans start pidgin correct?06:14
Zenkeridk what you guys did to make celestia run so well for ubuntu, but to whome ever responsible, you are a freakin genious, ive had that prog sinc 600mhz was an amazingly blistering speed for a puter, im soo impressed06:15
SolarisBoybrandon420: and log in? but at some point in your session this happends?06:15
t3chkommiedbone, there was something i had to enable first, i think it was calls SMHconfig06:15
brandon420the computer runs great, it just randomly crashes06:15
SolarisBoybrandon420: check messages and dmesg output for errors..06:15
brjannbrandon420: how old is the computer? specifically, how old are the memory modules in it?06:15
SolarisBoybrandon420: yes im thinking hardware or something of the likes06:15
brandon420the computer is pretty new, its just a crappy walmart comp my mom bought06:16
brandon420and it doesnt crash with windows  =/06:16
SolarisBoybrandon420: have you checked the message log?06:16
brjannSolarisBoy: already have done, he posted his syslog earlier and I've already combed through it. not much besides an unstable clock source06:16
t3chkommiehow big is the screen?06:16
brandon420its like a 17 inch06:16
SolarisBoybrjann: brandon420 i think you should check the File System06:16
Drooling_Sheepsibble, I'd probably file it with the people who handle conky, ubuntu probably just pulls it downstream from debian without changing it much.  Are you using the latest version (1.7.2)?06:17
brjannSolarisBoy: (the clocksource was the other thing I was thinking to try, e.g. boot with clocksource=hpet and see how it does)06:17
dbonet3chkommie: there's and SHMConfig, i'm going to try to enable it through xorg.conf in the inputdevice section06:17
SolarisBoybrjann: true06:17
SolarisBoybrjann: have you only checked the syslog?06:17
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: yes 1.7.2 from repos06:17
t3chkommiedbone, shmconfig06:18
SolarisBoybrjann: syslog may be sending most stuff to messages or debug even?06:18
brandon420num lock nor caps lock worked.06:18
meowbuntumu desktop icons disapeared how can i get them back06:18
brjannSolarisBoy: i thought it was the other way around -- on ubuntu I thought messages was the miscellaneous stuff that didn't match important things06:19
brjannSolarisBoy: but it's possible06:19
brandon42017 inch screen and 1280x1024 res06:19
SolarisBoybrjann: i would imagine that depends on whats in syslog.conf06:19
brjannSolarisBoy: well yes.06:19
dbonet3chkommie: tried just putting shmconfig into a console, ha no luck.  any idea how to enable?06:19
t3chkommieya hold on06:19
PostGreSqlHello I believe I have upgraded my PostGreSQL 8.3 to 8.4.....incorrectly.  Is there someone who can via private message walk me through upgrading this correctly and cleaning up the 8.3 left over.06:19
brjannbrandon420: okay, so at least we know it is in fact a hard lock-up06:20
dr3mroplease what is the best video format in ubuntu to save disk space ????????06:20
Drooling_Sheepsibble, okay, because I saw they fixed a bunch of memory leaks a while back, but it doesn't look like anything has changed since august06:20
brjannSolarisBoy: so what are you thinking? fsck, clocksource=hpet, memtest?06:20
oliver_Does anyone know how to delete files from your trash bin when it says you do not have permission?06:20
SolarisBoybrjann: indeed06:20
brandon420[   82.500032] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -65301587 ns)+06:21
SolarisBoybrjann: i think a quick fsck may prove helpful06:21
aruntomardr3mro: ogg06:21
SolarisBoybrjann: hmm06:21
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: yea i saw those, i think the bug was filed in ubuntu 7.1006:21
t3chkommieoliver, you gota be a su06:21
brjannSolarisBoy: yeah, worth a shot.06:21
t3chkommielet me look at the code.06:21
aruntomardr3mro: wht's the current video format that u have?06:21
PostGreSqlHello I believe I have upgraded my PostGreSQL 8.3 to 8.4.....incorrectly.  Is there someone who can via private message walk me through upgrading this correctly and cleaning up the 8.3 left over.06:21
brjannbrandon420: that's *sometimes* normal. my machine does it too. but it can cause freezes sometimes, too, or so I've read06:21
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: in that bug report, he said conky was using a gig in a couple of hours, that's a little more then i experienced06:21
SolarisBoybrjann: i think memtest or something similar is good idea as well06:21
SolarisBoyyea thats why im not sure about that one line, does it even correlate to a time of a crash brandon420 ?06:22
oliver_What is a su?06:22
dr3mroaruntomar, xvid and rmvb and mp406:22
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: i am using 64bit too though06:22
SolarisBoyi've seen that before on other distros as well06:22
brandon420it happens wayy to offten to be normal, i have had ubuntu many times, and havent had this problem06:22
t3chkommieoliver, put this in your terminal sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*06:22
dr3mroaruntomar, ogg is for audio06:22
Drooling_Sheepsibble, if you restart it and it's using a small amount of memory that slowly (or quickly) grows that sounds like a memory leak to me06:22
oliver_Ok thankyou I will try that.06:23
SolarisBoybrandon420: that message is repeating? or was it just a odd insert?06:23
brjannSolarisBoy: i noticed the clocksource unstable line occurred more than once a few lines before klogd initialized at boot time06:23
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: yea sounds like it to me as well06:23
SolarisBoybrjann: yep06:23
brandon420let me check, i just saw that06:23
PostGreSql.....any1 here know about PostGreSQL stuff?06:23
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: im used to memory leaks, thats why i switched to ubuntu from vista ;)06:23
SolarisBoycan you repost the syslog?06:24
dr3mrosibble, ubuntu also has some memory leaks but not much and usually because you use some svn ppa06:24
brjannSolarisBoy: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5DVDz4Ri06:24
Drooling_Sheepsibble, haha nice06:24
dr3mroaruntomar, ??06:24
dbonegot it.  Okay, I'm going to reboot and see if I have any luck.06:24
dr3mroplease what is the best video format in ubuntu to save disk space ????????06:24
t3chkommiedbone good luck06:24
PostGreSql.....any1 here know about PostGreSQL stuff?06:24
brandon420 brandon420-desktop kernel: [   81.000015] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -110678122 ns)06:25
brandon420Mar 11 00:29:56 brandon420-desktop pulseaudio[1629]: ratelimit.c: 365 events suppressed06:25
SolarisBoyactually.. 1. grep -C10 -i error /var/log/messages 2. boot.log brandon42006:25
aruntomardr3mro: yes, sorry ogg is an audio format06:25
brjannbrandon420: don't worry about the pulseaudio line, that's normal-ish06:25
indust3chkommie, why a sudo for removing from ~/.?06:25
dr3mroaruntomar, i know ogv but i dont know hot to convert to it06:25
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: i guess im just trying to figure out where to file the bug report now06:25
brandon420the clocksource is a repeating one thought06:26
oliver_Now it says [sudo] password: and a box just flashes it wont let me type in it.06:26
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: i think im gona join #conky and bring it up in there :)06:26
brandon420it has different numbers each time though06:26
PostGreSqlis there a chat room for PostGreSql support?06:26
sibbleDrooling_Sheep: thanks for all your help ;)06:26
PostGreSql.....any1 here know about PostGreSQL stuff?06:26
alfahallo, guten morgen06:26
brjannPostGreSql: /join #postgresql06:26
Drooling_Sheepsibble, #conky is probably a good place to ask, and you're welcome06:26
t3chkommieoliver, type it in and hit enter.06:26
t3chkommieit wont show you ******06:26
PostGreSqlthank u06:26
indusalfa, hallo06:27
SolarisBoybrandon420: do you plug this directly into the internet?06:28
dr3mroplease what is the best video format in ubuntu to save disk space ????????06:28
aruntomardr3mro: i downloaded the packages for converting the wav, mp3 files to ogg format last time, i guess, in ur case u need theora codec to convert to ogv format06:29
SolarisBoyalot of anything that it even error related i've seen before in those logs. have you gotten the message log and debug.log yet?06:29
aruntomardr3mro: let me search06:29
dr3mroaruntomar, ok06:29
t3chkommielinuxguy2009 you still there?!06:29
LinuxGuy2009Yeah whats up?06:29
t3chkommiestill cant get the raid to work :(06:30
SolarisBoybrandon420: 1. grep -C10 -i error /var/log/messages 2. boot.log brandon420 3. lsmod 4. if available sar -A06:30
brandon420sudo all that?06:30
tushar95inHi ebery one06:31
tushar95inevery one06:31
tushar95ini need help06:31
tushar95incan some one help me pz06:31
FloodBot2tushar95in: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:31
LinuxGuy2009t3chkommie: I dont have much experience with software raid. Just hardware. IMO its more work than its worth bothering with.06:31
t3chkommielinuxguy2009, i was able to DD my dev/sda just fine... but when i try to mdadm --create.... no such file.. etc... busy... aborted :(06:31
SolarisBoybut i want the whole boot.log if its there so ...cat /var/log/boot.log06:31
=== denny is now known as dbone
SolarisBoybrandon420: and df -ah too06:31
dbonestill no luck as far as getting multi-touch to work06:32
tushar95inkoi punjabi hega ethe yaar06:32
LinuxGuy2009t3chkommie: You running a server with huge amounts of traffic?06:32
brandon420[   82.500032] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -65301587 ns)06:32
t3chkommiedbone, sorry.... i cant find that article i used :( it was about a year ago.06:32
brandon420sudo grep -c10 -i error /var/log/messages06:32
brjannSolarisBoy, brandon420: i'm mildly curious to find out if the livecd would crash or not06:32
t3chkommielinuxguy2009, not too much traffice... only self induced traffice i guess... just file/media server06:32
SolarisBoycapital C .. -c is for count so there are 7 errors there...06:32
oliver_Thanks t3chk what ever you told me to put in terminal did the trick it disappeared from my trash bin.06:33
tushar95incan anyone guide me with my haier ce100 usb modem06:33
SolarisBoyuse grep -C10 -i error /var/log/messages sorry if i mistyped that arg initially..06:33
tushar95inplz help06:33
LinuxGuy2009t3chkommie: You sure raid is worth the hassle for that application?06:33
t3chkommieno worries oliver06:33
t3chkommielol not really06:33
enavi want to install mumble on ubuntu 64b06:33
t3chkommieim backing up some important files for a friend... i kinda want to experiment with raid too.06:33
brandon420no, you had it right, i just didnt know that caps mattered06:33
vishalhey anybody can help me for dialup connection inubuntu06:33
SolarisBoybrandon420: yeps case sensitive06:34
=== Joe|school is now known as The1Joebob
dboneno worries.  Think I'm going to give it ashot tomorrow later on06:34
enav i want to install mumble 1.2.2 on ubuntu 9.10 64b   what i need to do06:34
LinuxGuy2009vishal: Your kidding right?06:34
vishalno I am serious actually ,,,i want to know how to do that06:34
vishalbu using wvdial06:34
tushar95inhey vishal06:34
vishalis it possible06:34
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
LinuxGuy2009vishal: Good luck.06:35
tushar95inu know how to use usb modem06:35
tushar95inhey vishal06:35
SolarisBoy  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto <--modem configuration help?06:35
vishalactually not06:35
vishalI am trying06:35
vishalif u know pls help me out06:35
LinuxGuy2009vishal: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html06:35
sixofouri shared a folder on my desktop to transfile files onto my linux machine, but everything is  locked, how do i grant permission?06:36
brjannvishal: have you followed the instructions here on configuring wvdial? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer#Alternative%20Way%201%20%28using%20wvdialconf%20&%20wvdial%2906:36
aruntomardr3mro: sent u the howto on PM06:36
tushar95inHey linux guy06:36
SolarisBoyvishal: whats your issue? where are you failing?06:36
vishalactually i have installed wvdial06:36
vishaland i have configured it06:36
tushar95insolaris guy i need ur help06:37
vishalbut when I am goin to dial06:37
vishalwvdial cdma06:37
dr3mroaruntomar, thank you i will give it a try but is there away to convert with mencoder or ffmpeg06:37
vishalit is showing can not open /dev/ttyusb006:37
vishallike this06:37
sixofouri shared a folder on my desktop to transfile files onto my linux machine, but everything is  locked, how do i grant permission?06:37
aruntomardr3mro: u should be able to do it, but u need to google for solution06:37
dr3mroaruntomar, thabk you06:38
SolarisBoyvishal: ls -ltrh /dev/ttyusb0 ?06:38
dr3mroaruntomar, thank you06:38
brandon4201when i typed the df -ah it crased06:38
tushar95incan some expert help me06:38
tushar95ini need help06:38
FloodBot2tushar95in: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:38
SolarisBoybrandon4201: thats what i suspected... try to check the fs06:38
brjann!patience | tushar95in06:38
ubottutushar95in: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:38
LinuxGuy2009tushar95in: ask06:39
tushar95ini have haier Ce100 usb modem06:39
tushar95inits not working06:39
brjannbrandon4201: sudo touch /etc/forcefsck and reboot06:39
brjannbrandon4201: gah, wait, no06:39
brjannbrandon4201: sudo touch /forcefsck06:39
SolarisBoybrandon4201: fsck the disk and check for errors allow fsck to try to fix them06:39
* brjann is too used to typing /etc06:39
SolarisBoybrjann: precisely .. run fsck06:40
SolarisBoyvishal: what was the output of the command?06:40
vishalsolaris boy :ls -ltrh /dev/ttyusb0 ? after giving this also it is showing cannot access /dev/ttyusb006:40
SolarisBoyso does that device that the software you calling exist?06:40
brjannvishal: /dev/ttyUSB0, the USB should be capitalized06:40
tushar95inany solution for me ?06:41
brandon4201nothing happened when i entered that command06:41
SolarisBoybrandon4201: nothing will happen06:41
SolarisBoybrandon4201: this creates a file which informs the system to run fsck on reboot06:41
brjannbrandon4201: good luck :)06:41
=== iuhaiushdiuash is now known as Sena
brandon4201i appreciate the help guys, even if it doesnt work06:42
brjannbrandon4201: we have other ideas, too06:42
SolarisBoybrandon4201: no worries.. and brjann yes i have a couple too =)06:42
vishalbrajan: now it is howing  rw-r--r-- 1 root root 188 , 0  2010-03011 11:07 /dev/ttyUSB006:42
vishalnow tell me wat i do06:42
SolarisBoyvishal: make your program use that...06:42
SolarisBoyvishal: did you put that incorrect device in some config file?06:43
vishalno not at all06:43
SolarisBoycheck the config file under [Dialer Defaults] Stanza then06:43
brjannvishal: when you try to use wvdial to dial, are you using sudo? i'm finding some evidence that wvdial needs to be run as root06:44
vishalno m not using sudo06:44
SolarisBoypossibly you need to?06:44
SolarisBoyi think you do because there is a group i see for people who have access to dial out modem lines..06:44
vishalbrajan : if am using sudo also it is showing same error06:45
vishalcannot opne /dev/ttyUSB006:45
brjannvishal: well, it was worth a shot :)06:45
SolarisBoyvishal: is there any other line in that message? resource busy? device doesn't exist?06:46
RasheedHi there i developing one python code for replacing text in file but here i used readline() command but by TL said to write using read() command could any one please help me on this06:47
TheBuzzerWinterSky:  I did help Death_ to install his system and it goes right now!06:47
Rasheedmy code:06:47
Rasheedf = open("kw_test")06:47
Rasheedo = open("kw_test2","a")06:47
Rasheedwhile 1:06:47
Rasheed    if not line: break06:47
Rasheed    line = line.replace("|65536","/12")06:47
FloodBot2Rasheed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:47
vishalsolaris boy: it is showing wvdial : internet dialer version 1.60  in first line then cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0 : no such device three times06:47
brandon420it didnt find any errors, but when i restarted my internet wasnt working,....06:48
SolarisBoyok is the module loaded properly?06:48
brjannRasheed: please /join #python for python support06:48
SolarisBoybrandon420: ? but its working now apparently?06:48
SolarisBoyvishal: i wonder what all did it check?06:48
SolarisBoyvishal: it needs to likely check the root disk.. i wonder if you can dd if=/dev/rootdisk of=/dev/null without a i/o error...06:49
brandon420if anyone thinks that im missing something, i can hook em up with my vnc info... cause this is really annoying06:49
SolarisBoyvishal: its alarming that df -ah makes your system crash...06:49
brandon420that made mine crash too....06:49
brjannbrandon420: unfortunately most of the stuff we're gonna have you do is outside of normal system operation, so vnc wouldn't help much anyway06:50
SolarisBoyyea id rather a ssh access for anything id like to see06:50
brandon420tell me how, and ill hook it up06:50
Rasheedplease any one help me on this06:50
Rasheed#f = open("kw_test")06:51
Rasheed#o = open("kw_test2","a")06:51
Rasheed#while 1:06:51
Rasheed#    if not line: break06:51
FloodBot2Rasheed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
Rasheed#    line = line.replace("|65536","/12")06:51
SolarisBoydont worry about it.. we can help from here06:51
brjannRasheed: please /join #python for python support, this is the second time I've asked06:51
puserDo you know of any Gnome utility, that will intercept keyboard delete key and present a deletion confirmation dialog?06:51
vishalsolaris boy: s/vishal/brandon420/ what is this06:51
brandon420i think thats a typo man06:51
SolarisBoybrandon420: ok we can check the logs for errors again like we were doing06:51
SolarisBoyvishal: search and replace for my typo06:52
vishalsolarisboy: i dint get u06:52
vishalelabrote it06:52
SolarisBoybrandon420: do the grep line i showed you on messages log,, and i guess lets not do df -ah for now06:52
SolarisBoyvishal: the module for your USB device is it properly loaded?06:52
vishalsolarisboy : how can i check it06:53
SolarisBoyvishal: lsmod |grep <nameofmoduleforusbmodem>06:53
brandon420if i may ask what that code was again, its not in my history06:53
=== root is now known as Guest55573
Guest55573any body geek in software compilation???06:54
SolarisBoybrandon420: grep -C10 -i error /var/log/messages06:54
SolarisBoyprepend sudo06:54
Guest55573i am getting a glib error06:54
vishalsolarisboy : actually I am using my CDMA samsung mobile for connection06:55
brjannvishal: try     lsmod | grep usbserial06:55
SolarisBoyvishal: ok06:55
SolarisBoyvishal: try the command brjann said06:55
brandon420then what?06:55
TheBuzzerGuest55573: Do you have terminal command?06:55
brandon420i didnt get anything..06:55
SolarisBoydo thi... sudo grep -C10 -i error /var/log/messages*06:56
Guest55573TheBuzzer, atually i am getting glib error06:56
znikhow can i see all the actions/operations i have performed on the desktop for the past few days. actions using GUI . not terminal.06:56
vishalsolarisboy : after tring that command it is showing usbserial   36232   1 option06:56
SolarisBoyadd the asterix at the end06:56
brjannznik: you really can't06:56
TheBuzzerGuest55573: Are you on ubuntu system?06:56
Guest55573TheBuzzer, i am trying to compile a software and this is the error thrown06:57
TheBuzzerGuest55573: Which soft?06:57
SolarisBoyvishal: ok and what is the exact model of you modem? and also do modinfo usbserial | head -706:57
Guest55573TheBuzzer, No in redhat ...but i am an Ubuntu lover and thats y came here for help06:57
znikbrjann: are you sure there is no log of the operations such as create file, delete file etc etc?06:57
brandon420brandon420@brandon420-desktop:~$ sudo grep -C10 -i /var/log/messages*06:57
SolarisBoysometimes the version of glibc + gcc conflict when building s/w afaik06:57
brjannznik: i'm *almost* positive. but let me research for a few seconds06:58
vishalsolarisboy : how can i find for exact model06:58
SolarisBoyvishal: look at modem06:58
airtonix!lol | brand0n06:58
ubottubrand0n: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.06:58
SolarisBoyso brandon420 pastebin the output06:58
airtonix!who | brandon42006:59
ubottubrandon420: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:59
SolarisBoybrandon420: sudo grep -C10 -i error /var/log/messages*06:59
akshaycan some body help me to compile the kernel06:59
vishalsolarisboy: ya it is model :SCH-F30906:59
SolarisBoyvishal: and pastebin the modinfo i line i told you07:00
Guest55573TheBuzzer, any help07:00
akshayhelp me compile the kernel07:00
brandon420solarisboy:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/AbfJewMU      i realized that shortly after the first one didnt work07:00
vishalsolarisboy : i dint get u07:00
JimmyNeutronwhat is meant by !tab?07:00
TheBuzzerGuest55573:  Yes, which soft you try to install?07:00
brjannznik: I'm sorry, I'm not finding anything. you might ask in #gnome , I'm sure they'd know for certain07:00
SolarisBoyMar  9 02:01:10 brandon420-desktop kernel: [  149.993315] nvidia-settings[1906]: segfault at 1c ip 080b68dd sp bfc90920 error 4 in nvidia-settings[8048000+9b000]?07:00
znikbrjann: ok thanks07:00
Guest55573TheBuzzer, its gstreamer07:01
SolarisBoywhat version intel drivers you have?07:01
SolarisBoygrr .. brandon420 Mar  9 02:01:10 brandon420-desktop kernel: [  149.993315] nvidia-settings[1906]: segfault at 1c ip 080b68dd sp bfc90920 error 4 in nvidia-settings[8048000+9b000] <---07:01
SolarisBoythat may be your issue07:01
JimmyNeutronJimmyNeutron, test07:01
akshayplease help07:01
Guest55573TheBuzzer, and the error is as follows07:02
SolarisBoyactually you have a lot of nvidia segfaults07:02
Guest55573TheBuzzer, checking for GLIB... no07:02
Guest55573configure: Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.18' but version of GLib is 2.12.307:02
Guest55573configure: error: This package requires GLib >= 2.18 to compile.07:02
FloodBot2Guest55573: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:02
brandon420what would you recommend? i have always had problems with nvidia and ubuntu07:02
TheBuzzerGuest55573:  Try first to sudo apt-get install -reinstall glib === And after retry install gstream07:02
Guest55573TheBuzzer, i already said that its redhat linux07:03
SolarisBoynvidia *related* seg faults.. brandon420... would need info on your card etc.. lspci -nnn and other options.. stuff like so..07:03
Guest55573TheBuzzer, its RHEL 5.407:03
akshayhelp me to compile the kernel07:03
TheBuzzerGuest55573:  Don't care!07:03
* t3chkommie is pretty sure he will have to re image his server after all is said and done :(07:03
Guest55573TheBuzzer, there is no apt-get in RHEL only yum07:03
SolarisBoyvishal: your trying to dial in via your phone no?07:03
TheBuzzerGuest55573:  Redhat is linux bases!07:03
airtonix!u | akshay07:03
ubottuakshay: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.07:03
vishalsolarisboy: ya after seeing modinfo ,,,,it is showing some info07:04
SolarisBoyvishal: yes what version is the driver?07:04
brjannSolarisBoy, brandon420: i'm a little confused as to why it's the nvidia-settings app segfaulting, honestly07:04
brandon420SolarisBoy: how do i get that info?07:04
o2owhat is the version of Mesa lib in ubuntu 9.10 ?07:04
SolarisBoywell its actually looking to be seging on loading just about everthing...07:04
o2oHi all, what is the version of Mesa lib in ubuntu 9.10 ?07:04
Guest55573TheBuzzer, But the package manager is yum. I think you havent used any distro other thatn ubuntu07:04
airtonixakshay, http://www.google.com/search?q=wiki+ubuntu+kernel07:04
SolarisBoythe driver looks old...07:05
Flannelairtonix: Please don't "help" in that way.  It's rude.07:05
SolarisBoyNVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  185.18.36  Fri Aug 14 17:18:04 PDT 2009?07:05
airtonixakshay, 1) http://www.google.com/search?q=wiki+ubuntu+kernel 2) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile07:05
TheBuzzerGuest55573: Just Mandriva before and UNIX! ;)07:05
SolarisBoyim not sure of the nvidia versions would need to check... brandon420 do you update the system much?07:05
brandon420its a fresh install, with all the updates07:06
brjannSolarisBoy: I'm slightly terrified by the nvidia-settings segfault that happened inside the ld shared object07:06
Guest55573TheBuzzer, do u have experience in compiling softwares07:06
SolarisBoybrjann: EXACTLY =<07:06
brandon420and its running the recommened driver07:06
SolarisBoyim thinking more so your SYSTEM may be the issue,, like what version ubuntu is this? is it a stable?07:06
TheBuzzerGuest55573:  Did you try yum -y update?07:07
brandon420You are using Ubuntu 9.1007:07
brandon420                - the Karmic Koala - released in October 2009 and supported until April 2011.07:07
Guest55573TheBuzzer, Dear i am trying to compile the softwae instead of using the custom rpms07:07
TheBuzzerGuest55573:  Yes, a bit for compiling!07:07
SolarisBoybecareful updating glibc on rhel.. especially if your running other stuff.. Guest5557307:07
ghufranhi.. could someone help me with shell scripts? i want to be able to enter some parameters to a command automatically..07:07
SolarisBoyGuest55573: yes but you need to straighten your system out in order to compile... thats best done via yum07:08
Guest55573SolarisBoy, please can u help me??07:08
SolarisBoyGuest55573: hes asking is your OS updated properly and glibc and gcc get updated naturally07:08
airtonixghufran, try #bash07:08
SolarisBoyGuest55573: indeed try yum -y update..07:08
Guest55573SolarisBoy, actually to update RHEL we should need subscription07:08
ghufranairtonix: thanks07:09
SolarisBoyGuest55573: what error output is received? what are you compiling? what version gcc? what glibc are you running? ...07:09
SolarisBoyGuest55573: somewhat.. you can copy rpms from a registered system07:09
Guest55573SolarisBoy, this is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/393084/07:09
lamohas anyone in here been successful getting audio to work on a HP dv7? I'm pulling my hair trying to get it going. pulseaudio is installed and the volume sensor on the laptop works.07:09
SolarisBoyGuest55573: i've also successfully installed CENTOS rpms on rhel for some horrid tasks...07:09
lawrencehow do i download a snes rom that actually works07:09
Guest55573SolarisBoy, ok but just see that error and help me07:10
airtonix!pm | akshay07:10
ubottuakshay: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:10
SolarisBoyGuest55573: cat /proc/version and cat /etc/*release and get back to me07:10
vishalsolarisboy: where can i see that version detail07:10
SolarisBoyvishal: same command i just told you modinfo | head -707:10
claptrapAlright, folks, need some true help07:10
Guest55573SolarisBoy, cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.18-164.el5 (mockbuild@x86-002.build.bos.redhat.com) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)) #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 15:51:54 EDT 200907:10
SolarisBoythats RHEL is very old07:11
lawrencei need some help07:11
puseris there any gnome utility that will present a confirmation box, when you push delete key?07:11
SolarisBoyGuest55573: and what is your gcc version and glibc version?07:11
vishalsolarisboy: it is howing vermagic :  2.6.31-14-genric SMP mod_unload modversions 58607:11
meowbuntuhow can i configure wine to read a usb device07:11
caleb_join #ubuntu-beginners07:11
claptrapThrough a rather embarassing series of events I'd rather not discuss, I managed to format a 500 GB HDD with a lot of personal and irreplaceable data on it. I don't have another 500 GB HDD (my only other is 250) nor do I have the money to buy one. What are my options, here?07:11
Guest55573SolarisBoy, gcc-4.1.2-46.el507:11
lawrencehow can i configure emulators to work for linux07:12
SolarisBoythats kernel version i guess vishal hmm ok im still looking at your model online,, im not sure what those errors are about but they look to be related to the module...07:12
Guest55573SolarisBoy, glib2-2.12.3-4.el5_3.107:12
airtonixlawrence, need to be more specific.07:12
SolarisBoy Guest55573 ok give me a second07:12
SolarisBoyGuest55573: repost the error please?07:12
Guest55573SolarisBoy, but i install  glib-2.18.4 from source07:12
Guest55573SolarisBoy, ok07:12
lawrencemy games on the emulator run slow or lag07:12
SolarisBoyhmm.. as i stated thats not very wise...07:13
marcc__when working on "localhost" as a web server, is there a way my non-root user can edit files in /var/www?07:13
airtonixlawrence, 1) what do you mean by emulator 2) operating system are you trying to run the 'emulator' on 3) what are you trying to 'emulate'07:13
SolarisBoyyou need to be careful upgrading glibc,,,07:13
claptrapThrough a rather embarassing series of events I'd rather not discuss, I managed to format a 500 GB HDD with a lot of personal and irreplaceable data on it. I don't have another 500 GB HDD (my only other is 250) nor do I have the money to buy one. What are my options, here?07:13
vishalsolarisboy: there is also one line that is srcversion07:13
Guest55573SolarisBoy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/393088/07:13
airtonix!who | SolarisBoy07:13
ubottuSolarisBoy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:13
Unislash'lo all07:13
lawrencekarmic koala 9.10 and the emulator is n6407:13
SolarisBoyGuest55573: yes.. this is related to the fact that you updated glibc in that manner i believe07:14
LinuxGuy2009claptrap: What are you even asking?07:14
brandon420SolarisBoy: so you have anymore ideas?07:14
SolarisBoythis shouldn't be done like that unless you _KNOW_ what you are doing,, i've seen systems be bricked like that07:14
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: Guess I wasn't terribly clear. I want to recover the drive.07:14
Guest55573SolarisBoy, ok but i think we can pass the path to ./configure no??07:14
vishalsolarisboy: tell me07:14
ZykoticK9lawrence, are you using mupen64plus ?07:14
Guest55573SolarisBoy, i mean to take the new path07:14
LinuxGuy2009claptrap: What was the file system?07:14
airtonixSolarisBoy, who are you talking to ? (looks like you're just talking to anybody)07:15
Guest55573SolarisBoy, of glib installation07:15
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: Originally NTFS, formatted it to ext307:15
SolarisBoyairtonix: i saw the first comment07:15
airtonixSolarisBoy, i mean because i'm not doing anything at the moment thats going to brick my system07:15
ZykoticK9lawrence, what speed is your cpu?07:15
SolarisBoyairtonix: ok07:15
silentxHey .. I want to install the driver of my " Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter " .. so I google for it .. so i end up with this wiki " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29 " .. but i stuck in here .. " You should see the file rt73.ko " ... it never installed .. the output of the installation command ... " http://pastebin.com/jePKZFh1 " .. please help ..07:15
LinuxGuy2009claptrap: ext3 doesnt allow for file recovery I dont believe.07:15
Unislashi recently resized my windows 7 partition using grub, but now windows 7 doesn't want to boot it (duh). I've run the "repair windows" deal and it didn't fix it, as well as check disk. My windows drive is perfectly in tact, it's just that 7 isn't looking in the right place to boot from. Clearly, win 7 doesn't use Grub as its boot loader... i was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how i can fix this07:15
silentxshall complete the installation07:16
lawrencehow can i find out07:16
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: So if I formatted the NTFS to ext3, it's all gone for good now?07:16
SolarisBoybrandon420: not sure but its certainly related to those constant segfaults..07:16
ZykoticK9lawrence, cat /proc/cpuinfo07:16
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: Because gpart can /find/ the NTFS partition I'm trying to recover, but it wants another 500 GB drive to attempt recovery.07:16
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LinuxGuy2009claptrap: Well then that answers your question.07:17
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: Actually, no, it doesn't. My question is whether or not there is ANOTHER way to recover that drive, or even individual files, as I simply have no way of getting my hands on a second 500GB hard drive right now.07:18
b2p1mphow can i add the win7 printer share to print in ubuntu 910?07:18
lawrence2.66 Ghertz07:18
Loshaclaptrap: if you formatted it, but didn't otherwise write on it, many of the files may be recoverable. You can try e2retrieve if it's ext3. I recovered a surprising amount of data from a disk that would no longer mount using EASUS on windows. You have to pay for it, but you can at least run the free demo first to see if it finds anything...07:18
meowbuntuhow can i configure wine to read a usb device07:18
LinuxGuy2009claptrap: Well yeah it does answer the question. You just said that you need another 500gb drive to recover it. There ya go.07:18
ZykoticK9lawrence, what gfx card?  "lspci | grep VGA" if you don't know07:18
airtonixmeowbuntu, use the winecfg app and click autodetect on the drives tab07:19
Guest55573SolarisBoy, any help,,,07:19
LinuxGuy2009claptrap: You not being able to afford to buy one is beside the point.07:19
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: Thank you for clearly not listening at all. :)07:19
airtonixmeowbuntu, assuming you have the usb drive plugged in.07:19
LinuxGuy2009 claptrap: You not being able to afford to buy one is beside the point.07:19
claptrapLosha: Well, it's ext3 NOW. It was NTFS before I screwed it up.07:19
meowbuntuairstrike, thanks a life saver tou are07:19
b2p1mpto get to windows printer share, i add URI device?07:19
SolarisBoyGuest55573: thats really offtopic, i would try rhel or rhel like channel07:19
danxclaptrap: you can try with "testdisk", parted has a recovery option too but I'm not sure if it supports ntfs07:19
SolarisBoyGuest55573: usually people dont upgrade the glibc like that07:20
b2p1mpwindows printer via samba right?07:20
sinehi guys in ubuntu 9.10 i have 2 alternate desktop windows. can i increase that to 4 im sure it used to have 407:20
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: My question is whether or not there was a method that didn't involve a second hard drive. I don't see how I can be any more clear on what I'm asking.07:20
Guest55573SolarisBoy, ok thank u07:20
airtonixmeowbuntu, also assumes that the usb drive is mounted by ubuntu in the first place so that you can access it via normal methods on your desktop07:20
claptrapdanx: How does that work, do you know?07:20
LinuxGuy2009claptrap: No theres no way to fit 500GB on a smaller drive. No.07:20
claptrapLinuxGuy2009: Please just stop trying. You're not listening to me at all, and you're really only frustrating me more. Thank you for trying, though.07:21
danxclaptrap: both options will try to switch the filesystem back to ntfs, if you haven't write anything on your hard drive, your data is intact07:21
mechcozmohello, how can i run "modprobe ndiswrapper" at startup?07:21
airtonixclaptrap, are you thinking of possibilites to revert the format ?07:21
Loshaclaptrap: EASUS works with ntfs also, but it has to be run from windows, it costs money, and you need somewhere to put the retrieved files. You're unlikely to retrieve all 500GB anyway, but you definitely can't write them back to the same drive you're trying to recover them from. Sorry, that's just the way it is...07:21
LinuxGuy2009claptrap: Not sure what answer you want but thats the jist of it. Sorry.07:21
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:21
Anarhisthi, i've accidentally added the wrong thing with add-apt-repository, how do i remove it now?07:22
flashboyskyhi everyone07:22
sriniany command to get the monitor name in linux???07:22
danx!recover > claptrap07:22
ubottuclaptrap, please see my private message07:22
ActionParsnipAnarhist: use software sources under administration menu07:22
airtonixsrini, echo $DISPLAY ?07:22
ActionParsnipSrini: define "name" please07:23
claptrapLosha: Well, even if I can't recover the whole 500 GB, I need to get SOME of those files off of there. Pics, text files, that sorta thing. If I can even just, somehow, grab some of them and move on to the 250, I wouldn't feel nearly as horrible as I do right now.07:23
claptrapairtonix: If that's a possibility, yed.07:23
danxclaptrap: you'll find some info on what you need to do in the info ubottu gave you via PM, I don't remember if those links have info about "testdisk" but it is also a good tool (besides parted)07:23
ActionParsnipClaptrap: got backups?07:23
sriniAirtonix: i want to get my monitor details model, vendor,...07:24
sriniActionparsnip: i want to get my monitor details model, vendor,...07:24
claptrapActionParsnip: Unfortunately, no. That's part of what I was hoping to do, soon. It's part of why I was doing this formatting in the first place. /=07:24
ActionParsnipSrini: try /var/log/Xorg.log.0 file or read through: dmes | less07:24
Loshaclaptrap: well, start with the free tools of course. In my own case (not the same as yours) EASUS was the only thing that found anything useful...07:24
ActionParsnipClaptrap: foremost may help. Get a backup asap07:25
claptrapdanx: Yeah, I saw some info on testdisk on one of those, I think, but it wasn't very apparent what it did and it was near all the other ones that needed a second physical drive, so I wasn't sure.07:25
claptrapActionParsnip: Yeah, definitely. /=07:25
ActionParsnipClaptrap: it takes a while so run it overnight07:25
brandon420hey solar can you point out the seg fault to me?07:25
Unislashguys, does anyone know how to edit the boot path of windows 7? i'm running grub, but chain loading into windows 7's boot loader... no idea how to edit that07:25
claptrapActionParsnip: That looks like it still needs another 500 GB drive, though.07:26
ActionParsnip!grub2 | unislash, tells you how in here07:26
ubottuunislash, tells you how in here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub207:26
danxclaptrap: you don't "need" a second hard drive, but it is recommended to dump the whole hard drive in case something goes wrong07:26
claptrapdanx: How d'you mean?07:26
ActionParsnipClaptrap: not if you tell it the sorts of files you want to recover07:26
claptrapActionParsnip: Ah.07:26
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, this is totally OT and "out of left field" but saw an answer you gave on LP and just wanted to point out that VirtualBox can infact use physical partitions (Warning - "for experts only") http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk07:27
Unislashactionparsnip: does grub2 actually boot windows partitions? or does it use a chain loader?07:27
=== kb is now known as Guest94058
puserhow can I disable del key in file managers in gnome?07:27
ActionParsnipClaptrap: the drive will be read raw and unmounted, you will then spit the files to a mounted partition07:27
ActionParsnipUnislash: i'd imagine chainload. I don't use windows anymore but that's usually the deal07:28
Loshaclaptrap: if you had the space, you'd make an image copy of the 500GB drive and run recovery on the image, so that the original was not in danger of being further damaged. You don't have that luxury (neither did I, the disk the failed was a 1.5TB disk) so do what you can...07:28
sriniActionparsnip: now i am using Samsung monitor... any command to get these detail?07:28
claptrapLosha, ActionParsnip: I saw someone up there mention reverting the format. Any ideas on that?07:29
ActionParsnipSrini: read the log file, it may show the model. The dmesg may too. You could just look at the back of the device07:29
ActionParsnipClaptrap: reverting?07:29
claptrapActionParsnip: That was the term that... -Scrolls up.- airtonix used up there.07:29
ActionParsnipClaptrap: you may lose filenames and some files may get truncated but otherwise it should be fine07:30
airtonixclaptrap, it would only work if the only thing you changed was the file allocation table...otherwise you're out of luck . its also a fairly difficult task by any means07:30
Unislashactionparsnip: hmmm... doesn't say in there... i can edit grub, but i can't figure out how to edit the chainloader. It's definitely a windoze thing, but lets be honest, who'd ever do this but those who dual boot... so i figure someone might know07:30
claptrapairtonix: All I did was format the drive from NTFS to ext3. Not sure if that qualifies.07:31
ActionParsnipUnislash: someone else may be able to contribute :)07:31
claptrapActionParsnip: For reverting the format, you mean, or referring to something else?07:31
Loshaclaptrap: in theory, all the data is still there, so if you could reformat the drive with the original parameters, everything would be the same as the original. It's possible to do this with ext3 (though it's risky, which is why you'd want to try it on an image copy) but I've no idea if it can be done with ntfs and you risk scrambling the data beyond all hope of retrieval if it doesn't work. Unfortunatly, there's really no substitute fo07:32
Loshar backups....07:32
claptrapLosha: Yeah, there really isn't. I've been preaching that to people like mad, and then... -Sighs.-07:32
Unislashhmm... might have found something. *cross fingers*07:33
claptrapLosha: So you mean, just format it as NTFS and it should be good, or what? Or does it need to, like, have the exact same partitioning? 'cause I know Windows reserved some for swap and all that fun shite.07:33
Loshaclaptrap: yeah, well, it's not like I didn't get caught myself...07:33
claptrapLosha: So, what it seems is that my only real option, short of buying another 500 GB HDD with $40 I don't have (and it's an old Seagate Barracuda at that. Talk about failure. :|) is to try foremost and try to recover whatever individual files I can onto my 250?07:37
Loshaclaptrap: I've seen it done on an ext3 disk: restoring the *exact* partition table kept the data intact. I've no idea if it works with ntfs. That stuff is all reverse-engineered anyway.07:37
pthsHi everyone. Trying to learn some scripting, but got a problem with this one; for i in "Windows XP client"; do /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless -s $i -a & done  The string Windows XP client seems to be sent as 3 arguemtens to VBoxHeadless instead of one07:37
Loshaclaptrap: that's the only thing I was able to do when my 1.5TB failed. EASUS let me pull off some of the files even though I couldn't even mount the volume any more....07:38
Gneapths: yes07:39
DagonDoes anyone happen to know what the "super" button is? I'm trying to config compiz07:40
pthsAny solutions? :)07:40
GneaDagon: it's usually the 'windows' key between ctrl and alt07:40
DagonGnea, thank you very much :)07:40
Gneapths: nope, you've figured it out right07:40
Gneapths: but I'm guessing that you'd like to have $i contain the whole string "Windows XP client", which would mean that you're using a for-loop needlessly07:41
pthsI've got a list over more VMs, that is just one part of the script that is making trouble07:42
Gneaa list over?07:43
Gneapths: you're probably better off to ask in #bash07:43
pthsThanks, I'll try that :)07:43
meowbuntuhi is there a linux version for this application http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-multiboot-usb/07:43
Zenkerdoes anyone know how to install blender 2.49b, it fixes some of the bugs that 2.49a has07:43
meowbuntuit will not recognise any usb devices when i run the exe in wine07:44
=== goldenfox is now known as Guest15477
vishalsolarisboy: still m having same problem07:44
d3lt40nehi guys!07:44
marcc__Zenker: The best way to run Blender is to just download the package from their website, extract it, and run the binary.07:45
Loshapths: you need to enclose the $i in double quotes, because it contains spaces...07:45
vishalsolarisboy: can u tell me how to check whether modem is intalled or not07:45
d3lt40nedoes ubuntu server can act like a domain controller like windows server?07:45
marcc__Zenker: At least, if you want the latest stuff. Ubuntu's packages for Blender are usually far out of date, and it's super-easy to run the Blender-provided packages.07:45
mealstromldap server or samba-server can act as domane controller07:46
Zenkeroh dang i should have looked first, i just saw the linux dl at the same time, ty07:46
d3lt40nemealstrom: how about like an active directory?07:46
mealstromthey can07:46
serencan someone help mw with git?07:46
Zenkerim so new to ubuntu it hurts rofl07:46
d3lt40nelike controlling all the ubuntu desktop from ubuntu server..07:46
mealstrombut there are some restrictons... something connected to master-slave07:46
serenI need to switch to a remote branch on remotes/origins/testing07:46
d3lt40neso samba-server is the controller of all ubuntu desktop?07:47
sereni tries git checkout -b remotes/origins/testing, git checkout -b origins/testing, git checkout -b testing07:47
serennone work07:47
LinuxGuy2009meowbuntu: Already know about unetbootin?07:47
mealstromd3lt40ne: use puppet or landscape07:47
mealstromd3lt40ne: samba-server is something like netbios+wins+domain controller07:48
d3lt40nemealstrom: that's all i need?puppet/landscape & samba-server?07:48
Zenkerso after i dl it i just type sudo get-app blender on the terminal rigth?07:48
pthsLosha: Thanks, that made alot of sense :)07:49
d3lt40nemealstrom: okay. thanks man..i'll research that..07:49
mealstromd3lt40ne: landscape is not free.07:49
mealstromd3lt40ne: and puppet is07:49
FlannelZenker: sudo apt-get install blender, yes.07:50
d3lt40nemealstrom: okay..07:50
meowbuntuLinuxGuy2009, shesh read the link. first. i want to have more than one os on the usb / cd07:50
Loshapths: also, are you sure about the &. You'll generate multiple processes in the background if you use it07:50
b2p1mpwhat is the best editor to write a quick script in, ubuntu 910 karmic07:51
Zenkerdo i need to specify blender-2.49b if i have previously installed 249a and uninstalled it?07:51
brandon420solarisboy: thanks for the effort man, ill be back on tomorrow to try again07:51
b2p1mpor one not as strange as vi at least..07:51
meowbuntuLinuxGuy2009, i post the link for a reason07:51
LinuxGuy2009meowbuntu: I should have just ignored you in the first place.07:51
Loshab2p1mp: whichever editor you are most comfortable in. Many people use gedit because it's simple...07:51
WinterSkyb2p1mp I like Gedit  and it colors for different languages.07:51
pthsLosha: yeah, I need that. Windows XP client is just one of several VMs I want to start in a specific time delayed order07:52
Blockcoldhello there07:52
meowbuntuLinuxGuy2009, i have used unetbooting and lik it but it does not allow me to put more than one os on the drive07:52
Blockcoldany channel for cygwin ?07:52
subhamhello every body I am having an issue can any body can tell me by providing me an information how to enable f11 key suport in ubuntu 9.10 on hp mini  i am having this issue it is not working .. any help would be of great help .. thanks in advance07:52
praba@@b2p1mp   geany is my favourite .. it supports almost all the scripts and languages07:53
indussubham, what do you mean f11 key support07:53
d3lt40nedoes Opera PMS runs on Ubuntu?07:53
subhamindus :: yes sir on hp mini 11007:54
Zenkerok sudo apt-get install installed 249 a again, i want 249b what do i need 2 do?07:55
indussubham, is the f11 key not working?07:56
LoshaZenker: what makes you so sure 249b is available in the repo?07:56
Zenkermarcc__ how do i install blender 2.49b after the dl?07:57
EvaLuaTeDoes anyone have an estimate on how long it will take after a kernel version has been "launched" for it to be available in ubuntu? I'm asking because I'm thinking of buying a SSD drive, and for it to maintain it's performance in time, the OS has to have TRIM support enabled. This TRIM support seems to only be available after kernel version
subhamindus : yes it is not working on hp mini .. it works well on windows part ....07:57
Zenkeridk, i just dl it from the blender site?07:57
subhamindus : yes it is not working on hp mini .. it works well on windows part ....07:57
indussubham, are you trying to map the f11 key to some action07:57
indussubham, did you try keyboard shortcuts?07:58
git__EvaLuaTe, i'm thinking of getting SSD too07:59
DarwinSurvivorI can't find System->Administration->Services on my sister's laptop (9.04), did it get renamed/moved to something else?07:59
subhamindus :: sorry i am not getting you  on this question well i tried with other opention such as ctrl +q ,alt +f4.... etc all this are working but f11 is not working as an short cut key08:00
akshayhow to modify grub.conf08:02
indussubham, ok08:02
akshayhow to modify grub.conf08:02
indussubham, which keyboard sis this08:02
indussubham, try changing keyboard type from preferences>keyboard08:02
akshay how to modify grub.conf08:03
akshay how to modify grub.conf08:03
indusakshay, you shouldnt08:03
akshayi need to08:03
akshayguide me08:03
indusakshay, are you using 9.10?08:03
indusakshay, then the process is different08:03
akshaytell me..08:03
indusakshay, what exactly do you want to do08:04
akshayi compiled a new kernel..so i want to edit it08:04
indusakshay, well, edit /etc/default/grub08:04
indusakshay, then run sudo update-grub08:05
akshayindus: what is this08:05
indusakshay, this is new configuration since 9.10 uses grub208:05
akshayindus: ok let me try08:05
indus!grub2 | akshay08:05
ubottuakshay: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub208:05
subhamindus:: I am sorry it is working ... but i was thinking as an moment i press f11 the window should cover the entire work space by hiding this panel .. is it would be possible to do so08:05
subhamindus:: I am sorry it is working ... but i was thinking as an moment i press f11 the window should cover the entire work space by hiding this panel .. is it would be possible to do so08:06
akshayindus: it is not edit it is gedit :)08:06
indussubham, please dont repeat yourself :) i read it08:06
subhamindus : sorry  for that08:07
indussubham, dont know how to do what you ask , can you be bit more clear08:07
akshayindus: iam unable to do that..i was familiar to menu.lst and not with this08:07
indusakshay, ya gedit08:07
ginbuntuis it possible to have Nautilus select the file when you do "open containing folder" in firefox downloads window? On windows it does it but not on Ubuntu. it is very annoying to find a file when you have a download folder with hundreds of files.08:07
akshayindus: i did "make install"  for my new kernel...wat to after that08:07
tomojhas anyone seen lack of iso9660 in the JeOS kernel?08:08
indusakshay, ok a custom entry should be added to the file /etc/grub.d/40_custom08:08
DarwinSurvivorhow do I get to the "services" window in Karmic?08:08
beni-hello... are there any USB-stick images of ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso available for download? I have a PC withouth CD drive, but don't want to install netbook remix or so08:08
akshayindus:let me try08:09
indusakshay, but before that08:09
Flannelbeni-: Do you have another computer with a CD drive (or Ubuntu installed on it?)08:09
indusakshay, just try this easy one step, sudo update-grub and see it new kernel is seen08:09
DarwinSurvivorbeni-: unetbootin will put any ubuntu iso image onto a usb drive08:09
indusi go lunch now08:09
b2p1mpi actually made a grub 1 partition that loads an iso08:09
b2p1mpupon reboot08:09
beni-Flannel: i have a mac, with CD drive08:09
Flannelbeni-: Is it 64bit? (not that it matters, but would simplify things)08:10
beni-Flannel: yes, both 6408:10
akshayindus:thanks it did worked08:10
Zenkercan someone pleeeeaaase help me install blender2.49b?08:10
b2p1mpmy loader shows 2 ubuntu 2 recovery after last update... how to remove the older kernal?08:11
subhamindus:: i am saying when i press f11 key i want to c the working window should cover the entire screen as I am using hp mini and it quite difficult for any one to work on this08:11
Flannelbeni-: Oh, server?  You can't use the LiveUSB creator for that.  You'll have to do it manually.08:11
akshayindus:but how to edit the grub.cfg08:11
akshayindus : i want to give a custom name08:11
Flannelbeni-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation%20without%20a%20CD has a number of methods, you can find one that works for your setup (server CD is the same as the alternate CD as far as boot methods are concerned)08:12
subhamakshay :: i don't think you nead to edit this file in grub208:12
beni-Flannel: ah sorry, no not server08:12
akshayindus: but i want to change the existing name08:12
beni-copied the wrong iso-name08:12
will__you got exp with nautilus08:12
will__anyone got exp with nautilus scripts08:13
akshaysubham, i want to change the existing name08:13
subhamaksay :: i don't think you nead to edit this file in grub208:13
akshaysubham,tell me proc08:13
beni-Flannel: i tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#From%20Mac but the PC won't boot that USB stick. however, I could install arch from USB (http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Install_from_a_USB_flash_drive), so my PC can boot from USB, i'm sure08:14
WinterSkyHow do you set an application as the default for a file type? (Ubuntu 9.10)08:15
akshaysubham, can u help me08:15
lindarOkay, my problem is thus: I am on a netbook. When I plug in my external monitor and tell it to switch to it (mirror monitor, extending, anything), the whole system freezes. If I tell it to turn off the external monitor, it freezes. So, what I've had to do is restart, plug in my monitor, and then it only goes from that, and I have to restart and unplug it to go back to the netbook screen.08:15
lindarUsing Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit.08:15
subhamakshay :: you want to edit the entries for grub 2 for .. which part ... I have tried to change the entry for windows xp part ... on system ....08:15
will__anyone got experience with nautilus or can tell me who to talk to about it08:16
will__got a prob08:16
akshaysubham, wat command shud i type to edit the grub.cgf file08:16
lindarwill__, don't ask to ask, just ask.08:16
subhamakshay ::  gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme08:17
will__i downloaded from gnome eye candy nautilus xml animated background editor08:17
will__i want to remove it08:17
will__because i cannot right click the desktop and change background or themese08:18
will__anyone know how08:18
lindarThen you should probably use Synaptic to remove it.08:18
lindarAlso, please try to constrain your posts to one or two lines as nobody likes to see it08:18
akshaysubham,wat r u telling me08:18
will__do you know what its called, i dont want to delete NAUTILUS all together and mess something up08:18
lindarwhen people08:18
lindartype like08:18
FloodBot2lindar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:18
DarwinSurvivorbeni-: ok, so apparently ubuntu uses upstart with 9.10, is there a GUI for manager which services start at bootup??08:19
DarwinSurvivoroops, sorry, didn't mean to send that to beni :P08:19
akshaysubham, like menu.lst .........we use to edit ..........in similar fashion i want to edit grub.cgf08:19
DarwinSurvivorok, so apparently ubuntu uses upstart with 9.10, is there a GUI for manager which services start at bootup??08:19
subhamakshay :: sory08:19
lindarDarwinSurvivor, yeah, go to System > Startup Applications08:20
will__so basically just go in synaptic and remove nautilus right08:20
subhamakshay :: no this cant be done so as it is having some differences in this grub 208:20
trelane_having a power manglement problem.  I have my laptop hooked up to an external monitor, however every time I close the lit it suspends.  As I'm not using the LCD display on the monitor (preferring my larger desktop panel), this is a bit annoying as I have to leave the laptop open consuming space.  Is there a way to get Ubuntu to simply IGNORE closing the lid?08:20
LoshaDarwinSurvivor: see if 'bum' is available for your distro....08:20
mecoI have installed the Flashblocker add-on for Firefox, but I can't seem to enable it. Any suggestions?08:20
lindarwill__, no you probably don't want to do that as that's your file manager, unless you have another one you'd like to use. You probably want to remove the specific thing you added.08:20
DarwinSurvivorlindar: gah, since it was under "preferences" (which is usually user-specific stuff), I thought that was login-startups...08:21
lindarmeco: Go to to Tools > Add-ons08:21
mecolindar: Done that08:21
DarwinSurvivorwhy did they move that from "Administration" to "Preferences"?!?08:21
will__well it downloaded as a zip entitled 110874-emlb08:21
subhamakshay :: just a minit let me chake out the correct command for it ..08:21
lindarmeco: Dunno. I probably have the same one. Did you restart Firefox?08:21
JudgeholdenHello all.08:21
akshaysubham,, ya pls08:21
lindarwill__, if you compiled it yourself, then you shouldn't have to ask me how to remove it. <308:21
will__how do i find that and remove it through synaptic08:21
mecolindar: YEs08:21
DarwinSurvivorlindar: actually, nvm, that is the *WRONG* gui, i want SYSTEM startups, not gnome launches!08:22
subhamakshay ::  can you have an look at http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/customizing-grub2-ubuntu-linux.html08:22
subhamthis will help you a lot08:23
DarwinSurvivorLosha: seems kind of weird for ubuntu to switch to upstart without supplying a GUI for managing it (same can be said for grub2)08:23
will__well im really asking if you know what to remove, do i just delete it or uninstall something08:23
lindarFlashblock ? It works for me. I'll assume you tried all the stupid shit (restarting, waving a chicken, talking dirty to it, and going to its preferences and ticking the little box that says "ENABLE FLASHBLOCK").08:23
LoshaDarwinSurvivor: don't get me started....08:23
mecoI have the Flashblock add-on for Firefox installed, but it isn't working. It is enabled in the Add-On meny and Javascript is also enabled. What could be the problem?08:24
lindarwill__, did you compile the software yourself? If so, then I can't really help you. If you're compiling stuff yourself, I would assume you know how to remove it.08:24
mecolindar: Actually, it's 1.2.9a that I have...08:24
will__no i didnt, just downloaded it, it said open the zip click the install.sh file and enjoy08:24
lindarmeco: Dunno. You did all the stupid things?08:24
mecolindar: I haven't compiled it myself08:25
lindarwill__, dunno then.08:25
foul_owlquick question, any good codec identifying packages for ubuntu?08:25
lindarLook for an uninstaller? =\08:25
will__well thanx anyway, appreciate the help08:25
Loshafoul_owl: mplayr plays pretty much everything and should tell you the codecs...08:26
mecolindar: It actually has an uninstall button, but it's greyed out.08:26
subhamakshay :: you want to make changes for xp part or some thing els08:26
lindarmeco: Click on preferences next to the icon and tell me what pops up, please.08:26
Loshafoul_owl: mplayr -> mplayer08:26
foul_owlLosha: for some reason, mplayer crashes with this avi08:26
subhamakshay :: i'll tell you what i have done for my xp entry .. hope this will help you08:27
Efreakhow do i stop xserver from starting at boot?08:27
mecolindar: I have a menu where I can unclick 'enable' and add items to a whitelist08:27
Loshafoul_owl: unusual, but not unheard of. Try another player e.g. vlc or xine...08:27
foul_owlLosha: I get "Could not connect to socket" and "no such file or directory" then it exits08:28
dugger5688Efreak, why do you want it to stop?08:28
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lindarmeco: Okay, if it's enabled there, then I'd just recommend you get the most recent version (1.5).08:28
Efreakbecause its mainly a server08:28
foul_owlLosha: I tried vlc, and it just hangs. haven't tried xine yet. i am looking for a tool like gspot that can tell me the codec or possibly verify integrity08:28
lindarHmmm... nobody answered my question yet... *repost*08:28
lindarOkay, my problem is thus: I am on a netbook. When I plug in my external monitor and tell it to switch to it (mirror monitor, extending, anything), the whole system freezes. If I tell it to turn off the external monitor, it freezes. So, what I've had to do is restart, plug in my monitor, and then it only goes from that, and I have to restart and unplug it to go back to the netbook screen.08:29
mecolindar: Clicking the "Find updates" button tells me there are no updatesavailable08:29
will__was someone saying something to me08:29
dugger5688Alright, why not just install ubuntu-server next time? I'll look for how to do it.08:29
Efreaki did start with ubuntu-server08:29
Efreakbut I wanted to be able to log in via xrdp; I've solved that bit already08:29
Flannelbeni-: You want the desktop then?08:30
subhamakshay ::  use this command :: sudo gedit /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober08:30
lindarmeco, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/433 I typed "flashblocker mozilla plugin" into google and hit "I'm felling lucky."08:30
lindarWow, that was a bad one.08:30
Loshafoul_owl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=453125. Disclaimer: Never tried it myself....08:30
dugger5688Never had to do it with Ubuntu, so I'm not really sure how X is started (different for the distros I've had to configure it under). Check this out maybe, http://serverfault.com/questions/19839/ubuntu-prevent-x-from-starting-turn-desktop-into-server08:31
foul_owlLosha: Thank you very much! I will give that a try :)08:32
Efreakyeah, i saw something similar, but I don't wanna mess with the startup scripts myself08:32
Efreakoh well08:32
Flannel!bum | Efreak08:32
ubottuEfreak: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:32
lindarWow. How do I set conference mode in XChat?08:33
Efreakand lastly, is there a gnome equivalent for startkde?08:33
dugger5688'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove'     <-should do it. I would test it out on my VM but it's currently doing a distro upgrade.08:34
theadminWhere can i get some help on writing Makefiles?08:35
Gnea!ask > ovidiu08:35
ubottuovidiu, please see my private message08:35
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dbonehey, does anybody remember me?08:35
YoBoYwill__: try to remove the script on you /home/username/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts folder08:35
theadmindbone: Huh?08:35
lindarOkay, my problem is thus: I am on a netbook. When I plug in my external monitor and tell it to switch to it (mirror monitor, extending, anything), the whole system freezes. If I tell it to turn off the external monitor, it freezes. So, what I've had to do is restart, plug in my monitor, and then it only goes from that, and I have to restart and unplug it to go back to the netbook screen. *second reposting*08:35
dboneI was on earlier and I was trying to get multi-touch to work08:36
dboneI didn't know if anyone who was on here helping me before is still on?08:36
subhamdoes any body knows how to change the tool bar appears in gedit  i want to have only icons i dont want to have the lables to show up under respective icon how to remove those lables ... please reply ...08:36
Gneadbone: pretend everyone here is new.08:36
theadmindbone: Uh, if  you have any questions, ask them, someone can help.08:36
bag_hey, anyone has an idea why my network-manager getting no IP from DGCP Server, dhclient still does get an IP?08:36
Loshalindar: click on the tab and look for 'show join/part messages'....08:37
theadminbag_: I think you mean DHCP?08:37
dboneokay, well anyway, if anyone is interested in multitouch, I made a bit of a noob tutorial that you can find at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1426782#308:37
lindarLosha: Thank you. <308:37
bag_theadmin, yes sorry08:37
theadminsubham: Sorry, gedit is not much of customizable08:37
ovidiumy ports are locked how can i unlock my ports(27015)08:38
lindarHmmm...  What to do? I have a problem, Google yields no results, and nobody here seems to know the answer. Suggestions?08:39
bag_subham, you can change that settings system-wide08:39
mecolindar: With the newer version everything worked as it's supposed to. But I should've been able to upgrade the version I had (or shouldn't have been given it in the first place as this system was installed only a week ago)08:39
fstxOne of my network interfaces keeps going deaf, ifdown/ifup solves it. Any idea where to start looking?08:39
subhambig_:: how ??08:39
theadminovidiu: What blocks them?08:40
ovidiudon't now...08:40
ovidiui use a router08:40
theadminovidiu: You need to check it's settings then.08:40
theadminovidiu: How depends on the router model08:40
dugger5688ovidiu: (usually)08:40
theadmindugger5688: What the hell is that?08:41
bag_subham, system->preferences->(thats style preference thing with themes, 3 tab if i remember correctly)08:41
lindarmeco: Shouldn't have, but you did. Feel free to burn away the rest of your day trying to figure out why you couldn't fix your problem that shouldn't have been possible in the first place and how it became a problem, or just count your blessings that you ran into somebody as awesome as I.08:41
beni-Flannel: sorry, was afk... yes Desktop Ubuntu08:41
ovidiuhey i opend ports already in my router but after instal ubuntu doesn't work anymore...even in windows are loked08:42
dugger5688fstx: Which interface?08:42
mecolindar: Hehe... Sometimes I feel like paving the road for the poor guys coming after me... Anyway, it worked with your assistance. Much appreciated!08:42
ovidiupls someone prv me08:42
ovidiuwho can help08:42
dugger5688Ovidiu, if it's not working in Ubuntu or windows, then the only thing blocking them is either your router or your ISP. Are you getting a static IP from your router or DHCP? If you have forwarding, they might be going to the wrong IP.08:43
ovidiuif i use other pc it works...08:44
jurek53jak zainstalować plik tar.bz08:45
mecoCan someone think of reasons why Firefox is still using 96% of the CPU even with Flashblock installed (and working)?08:45
lindarmeco: What are you doing in Firefox right now?08:45
ovidiuports are open from router,i use 2 pc and it works but this one with ubuntu instaled doesn't work anymore...08:45
fstxdugger5688: the motherboard always works, the pci card one goes deaf. I've tried three different cards, so now the name is eth3. One thing that might be the differnece is that I have a number of iptable rules for this interface. But it works for a while (several hours at least=when down/up it,08:45
songnghiemi have a ques,any chance for OO display correctly mathtype equation ??08:45
songnghiemi have a ques,any chance for OO display correctly mathtype equation ??08:46
subhambag_ :: thanks .. I did it my simply right clicking and  selecting desktop background  and going to interface tab and making changes over there  .. thanks08:46
dugger5688fstx, that's weird. Sorry, that really sounds like something in the kernel that's beyond my ability to fix. Have you filed a bug report?08:47
mecolindar: I have four tabs open: two for a game called Starfleet Commander which does not have any fancy animated graphics, one for Wikipedia, and one for a Facebook Flash game where the Flashblock app is suppressing the flash content.08:47
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mecolindar: And I haven't been active on Firefox the last five minutes approximately08:48
ovidiuhow can i send a prv mes hee?08:48
paddy_melonovidiu, /query username08:48
fstxdugger5688: not yet.08:48
paddy_melonor /msg username message08:48
dugger5688fstx, I would try that. Could be an iptables config problem on your end. My experience with that is minimal. If you remove the iptables rules, what happens?08:49
fstxdugger5688: One thing Iäve noticed is that the ifconfig counters keep ticking08:49
fstxdugger5688: that interface is exposed on the internet, so thats not really ok. The iptables rules work they way I intended when I down/up it.08:51
mecolindar: Nothing comes to mind?08:52
lindarmeco: Try it without the game running?08:53
fstxdugger5688: as far as I can see, all my rules are stateless08:53
lindarmeco: Even better, try it with a single tab open.08:53
fstxdugger5688: thanks for your help. my train is in, I have to go08:53
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Loshafstx: the iptables stuff is relatively mature. I'd suspect the hardware first...08:55
theadminUm. Update-manager asked to update Apache... I hope that won't bring my server down?08:55
Loshatheadmin: run a backup before you update, or take the risk....08:55
fstxlosha: I did, I tried three different cards.08:55
theadminLosha: It shouldn't damage the data itself, but i mean... It will be off during the update only, right?08:56
theadminI mean it is supposed to start after install or must i do "apache2ctl start" manually?08:56
Loshafstx: interesting, I agree with dugger5688 then, suspect a kernel issue...08:56
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Guest96037potrzebuje malej pomocy ;)08:57
Loshatheadmin: Sorry, no guarantees. The upgrade should restart the server for you, but there's always a chance that an update will bork something....08:57
Guest96037mógł by ktoś mi pomóc ?08:57
theadminLosha: Well, yeah, that's true.08:59
mecolindar: Now I have only one tab open in Firefox and it draws around 30% CPU...08:59
linuxlurkermeco any flash components on that tab?09:00
theadminmeco: Firefox has a huge leak issue, it never gives the memory back until you kill it, same with CPU i belive... At least on windows09:00
mecolinuxlurker: No, and besides Flashblock is enabled09:00
linuxlurkerI'm using chromium lately09:00
linuxlurkerFirefox seems to have become as bloated as IE :)09:01
mecotheadmin: OK, so the solution to my problems is basically what I am relegated to already: killing the app and restarting it whenever things start going syrupy?09:01
theadminlinuxlurker: No, not even close. Just don't install all those tons of addons09:01
theadminmeco: Yeah :(09:01
* Friction[laptop] has about 25 extensions :D09:02
dugger5688Chromiums FTW!!09:02
lindarmeco: That's ducked up.09:02
Friction[laptop]chrome doesn't have anywhere near as many extensions09:02
Friction[laptop]but as soon as it does i'm switching09:02
dugger5688I've also been digging epiphany for very very light browsing.09:02
* theadmin has 6 extensions only09:03
_sayahow do I lock my linux distro ?09:03
mecolindar: What has?09:03
BeeaI have an older laptop Dell 1100 I just ordered 9. and realized my old computer may not run it.09:03
theadmin_saya: Huh?09:03
dugger5688Why not use firefox when you need the extensions and others when you don't09:03
mecoSorry, I don't know i "ducked up" is an idiom...09:03
lindarmeco: Just commenting on the memory leaks.09:03
linuxlurker_saya, I'm not sure your question makes sense09:03
Friction[laptop]because i always use extensions09:03
Clay^Work_saya: ctrl + alt + L09:03
Loshameco: more of a typo than an idiom...09:04
linuxlurkerah lock the screen? !!09:04
lindarLosha: No, I was just being cute.09:04
BeeaDoes any one know if a Dell 1100 can use ubuntu 9 if not does ubuntu have something that will work09:04
Loshalindar: yeah, me too...09:04
mecoLosha: Yeah... I caught that one a bit late09:04
mecoA euphemism rather09:04
lindarUgh, I feel totally stupid, but I can't seem to figure out how to move the damn task bar. -_-09:04
vishaldmesg -c ,,,,,what it does09:05
theadminlindar: Right click it, choose Properties, change "Orientation"09:05
lindartheadmin, there's nowhere to click it. It's absolutely filled.09:05
llutzvishal: "man dmesg"09:05
_sayalinuxlurker, Clay^Work, theadmin, thanks for reply .. I think I should have asked how I copy protect my ubuntu turnkey .. I want to secure my personal code ..09:05
Zenkeri just came back for a sec to NOT thank anyone for helping me earlier, luckily, im not STUPID and i figured out how to install blender 2.49b09:06
siropiohello guys how i can configure my Database URL o work with JDBC?i tried String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/library"; but it didnt worked.i have lampp09:06
lindarOh, I managed it, but it's still on the wrong screen.09:06
Beea???? Can a Dell 1100 use ubuntu 909:06
vishalllitz: actually I m trying for dialup connection, but i am not able to do that09:06
meco(parenthetically mentioning that "ducked up" is very close to (my) Norwegian "dukke opp" which means to surface or suddenly appear... )09:06
RadarBeea: try it and find out and report back! :)09:06
lindarBeea: Probably. Does it have at least a Pentium 2 and 128mb RAM?09:06
Losha_saya: I didn't think freeware distros were big on copy protection...09:07
dugger5688Beea Ubuntu 9? 9.10 or 9.04? Either way it shouldn't matter, my guess is that it will run it.09:07
Zenkerbut seriously, thanks for not helping me, i actually learned somethin on my own by reading pages and pages of info which is a very difficult task for someone with my disability09:07
lindarOh, and to anybody that cares, I fixed my problem. I have to turn off the pretty effects because, even if I'm switching monitors, it has to enable both for a moment, which crashes the graphics engine due to its inability to render special graphics when desktop size reaches a certain width.09:07
Beeacool I will try it.09:07
vishalany body know php prgramming09:07
LoshaBeea: that's what live cds are for. So you can test without committing....09:08
lindarTurning off the fancy effects worked and now I have my double monitoring back. =D09:08
theadminvishal: #php09:08
Beealive cd's?09:08
hmwZenker: you might like this one: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and also this one: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html09:08
lindarSo, how do I get my task bar to a different monitor?09:08
fstxlosha: Yes, that is my conclusion too. But right now I can't even figure out good google terms. I tried three cards, but I am willing to try another one. What one shoul I order? PCI or PCI-e?09:08
vishal<theadmin: wat does it mean09:08
theadminvishal: Type this: "/join #php" and hit enter, it will bring you to PHP chat room09:09
hateballBeea: The normal Ubuntu desktop cd and be used to test your system before doing an install to harddrive. To see if the hardware is supported etc.09:09
dugger5688Beaa, http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download09:09
Loshafstx: better throughput with PCI-e I thought, but really, 4th time lucky? Doesn't seem likely....09:09
dugger5688You don't need to 'order' Ubuntu, you can just d/l the live cd, burn it an test it. It'll boot off the cd and run like it's installed without actually installing it.09:09
indusvishal, just click on #php and you will be there09:10
ngirardHi all. I'm experiencing this weird thing on ubuntu 8.10 and rhythmbox : it switches from pause to play by itself ! Anyone encountered this ?09:10
indusngirard, yes happens to me sometimes09:11
BeeaI can't burn it. my cd only is a read no write09:11
ngirardHi indus. How did you solve it ?09:11
lindarBeea: Ah, if you have a USB flash drive, you can also use that, assuming your system supports booting from USB devices.09:11
indusngirard, i didnt :D09:11
hmwBeea: one can make a USB flash drive with Ubuntu on it... but I cant tell you how, you'd have to ask Google09:11
Beeanope no drive09:11
indusBeea, hi are you on windows?09:12
ngirardindus: it's kinda annoying. Every 30s or so i have to pause the damn thing, then it switches back to play09:12
lindarHow do I get my task bar to move to a different monitor? For some strange reason it's sitting on what my computer is treating as the secondary monitor, and I can't seem to move it, just change orientation.09:12
theadminBeea: Are you on Windows? If so, use WUBI09:12
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:12
Beeayes, trying to get off09:12
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:12
theadminBeea: Windows Based Ubuntu Installer09:12
lindarAh, you don't want Wubi.09:13
theadminBeea: See http://wubi-installer.org09:13
fstxlosha: I tried two netgear FA310TX, and one 3Com 9c905c. Trying something more modern does not sound like a bad idea to me.09:13
lindarIt's funky as all heck.09:13
indusBeea,go to unetbootin.sourceforge.net and download this software , it will help you download or burn to a usb stick09:13
theadminlindar: It's not that bad, a bit of slower then normal install09:13
ngirardindus: anyway, thanks for your feedback09:13
LoshaBeea: you can order the cds for very little cost. https://shipit.ubuntu.com/09:13
theadminindus: (s)he has no usb stick09:13
indusLosha, those cds are free of cost09:13
bobbyyuMy Apache is having trouble showing my test.pl in the CGI-bin09:13
lindartheadmin: I had a hell of a time with it. It'd be better to just plain install than install into NTFS.09:13
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industheadmin, ah uh oh :)09:13
bobbyyuThe site is /home/bobbyyu09:13
theadminlindar: You can't install it on NTFS09:14
industheadmin, so what is he trying09:14
bobbyyuand I separated the public_html and the cgi-bin09:14
BeeaI do not have a stick and can't afford one so I will wait for the cd09:14
StrongOrderGuys, how do I pipe and display a result of a commant in vim (terminal) ?09:14
indusBeea, it takes 3 weeks or so09:14
lindarBeea: Can't afford a 10$ USB thumb drive? Wowie.09:14
indusBeea, can you borrow cd from someone09:14
bobbyyuAnd put in the configuration pointing to that place09:14
vishalbut after going into php channel ,,my msg is not reaching showing ##overflow09:14
=== Friction[laptop] is now known as Friction[1]
Loshafstx: older hardware is, if anything, often better supported. Don't let me deter you, but I'll eat my hat if the problem goes away with a newer card...09:15
induslindar, 10$ CAN BE expensive if you are a student09:15
brjannStrongOrder: you should be able to do    <command> | vim -09:15
Beeadon't know anyone that has one. I did not realize they were that cheap. I will look into it09:15
bobbyyuDon't know any Apache help sites, do you?09:15
induslindar, and even though i have been working 10 years, i just got my pen drive a year ago09:15
BeeaI am disabled on a fixed income09:15
brjannbobbyyu: you could ask in #apache09:15
theadminbobbyyu: I might be of some help09:15
indusBeea, where are you from?09:16
Loshaindus: I wasn't sure, I seemed to recall they were charging postage nowadays. Free is better still...09:16
StrongOrderbrjann, hg diff path_to_file | vim   does not work for me :(09:16
Effithi. looking for some help. i have a wacom bamboo graphics tablet and it has its software installed on windows. wine will not run the installation for that, so i was wondering if i might be able to get some drivers for it, or something.09:16
indusLosha, no, postage paid by addressee09:16
theadminStrongOrder: hg diff path_to_file | vim -09:16
bobbyyuNo. brjann. Apache closed its channel09:16
theadminStrongOrder: Try that09:16
brjannStrongOrder: | vim -    the dash is important09:16
bobbyyuadmin, what should I do? :)09:16
brjannbobbyyu: oh, my bad :)09:16
Loshaindus: perfect for Beea then...09:16
Dayofswordsi cant figure out how to download all the files using wget , what i want to do is download all files in a web directory(stay in that folder) that match "Title_*.txt, anyone know how?09:16
theadminbobbyyu: They didn't close it, they just moved to #httpd09:16
indusperfect for everyone09:16
bobbyyuOK thanks theadmin09:16
indusBeea, in seattle there are ubuntu groups which can give you a cd09:17
murlidharerr how can reduce the font size ?09:17
Loshaindus: well, not for the impatient rich guys...09:17
StrongOrdertheadmin, yes, that worked. thanks! any url I can get additional info ?09:17
theadminStrongOrder: Read the manuals ;)09:17
Beeawhere would I find them09:17
indusBeea, hold on09:18
StrongOrdertheadmin, the manuals of vim or bash? :)09:18
ovidiuBy default any modern Linux distributions will have IP Forwarding disabled how can i enable that:D? the 1 milion $ question09:18
indusBeea, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam09:18
theadminStrongOrder: Generally "-" means "Read from STDIN"09:18
murlidharoops i mean how can i reduce the size of icons ? ??09:18
murlidharthe default icon size when compared with the size of the fonts i wants is very large09:19
ovidiuBy default any modern Linux distributions will have IP Forwarding disabled how can i enable that:D? the 1 milion $ question09:19
StrongOrdertheadmin, I see, but it seems some programs do not support it. I just tried with nano, and it created a file :)09:19
indusBeea, also here http://www.gslug.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page09:19
vltHello. I installed the sky generator "stellarium". What time is shown there in the status line? It seems to be my local time. Does stellarium know that it's local or does it think it's UTC?  If local, why does it count from 2010-03-28 01:59:59 to 02:00:00 (and not 03:00)?09:19
Loshaovidiu: just google 'enable IP forwarding'. $1M please...09:19
indusBeea, maybe they would give you a cd09:19
brjannStrongOrder: the "Speaking Unix" series from IBM is always a classic. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/views/aix/libraryview.jsp?search_by=Speaking+UNIX+Part09:20
theadminStrongOrder: Lol yeah09:20
murlidhari even tried to change the dots per inch ....09:20
vishalafter goin into php channel  it is showing cannot send channel09:20
murlidharbut it's only the font changes..09:20
StrongOrderbrjann, wow, so much to learn..09:20
vishalwat is this09:20
murlidharmaybe i should ........ change the resolution ..09:21
theadminvishal: Are you registered?09:21
fstxanybody tried killer k1?09:21
theadminHi, abhi_nav09:21
vishalhow to registered09:21
murlidharfstx: what's that ?09:21
abhi_navtheadmin :-)09:21
brjannStrongOrder: well, yes, but it's a pretty gentle introduction to a lot of topics.09:21
theadminvishal: See "/msg nickserv help register"09:21
sikunworking on a network setup.. i have a project where i am consolidating two offices, my main goal is to setup a server where files can be accessed by any computer in two different offices, but what i would like to do is have a server in each office that automatically 'syncs' files as they are updated on either location, i don't know if this is possible or where to even start. Currently i am working with about a total of about 200gb of data also.09:21
LoshaBeea: PM me your address and I'll mail you out a dvd tomorrow...09:21
fstxfstx: an ethernet card. I think you can run iptables on the card09:21
lindarsikun: Uhhh... networked redundant RAID array? =\09:22
BeeaSorry about that.. thanks for the url. my computer locked up09:22
Beeai need a cd not dvd09:22
lindarStill haven't figured out how to get that task bar on the other monitor. =D09:22
sikunlindar: networked raid?09:23
BeeaI think I will just pick up a USB stick and do it that way. Thanks for all the help.09:23
vishalhow to register in php channel09:23
Losha!irc | vishal09:24
ubottuvishal: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:24
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.09:24
LoshaAh finally. !register09:24
lindarI don't know the logistics or the RAID type (I'm rusty at all of this), but there's a RAID type that creates redundant drives so there are two copies of everything, and you can probably do this over a network.09:24
Losha!register | vishal09:24
ubottuvishal: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode09:24
theadminvishal: Sigh. /msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL09:24
Loshatheadmin: sometimes get the feeling no-one is paying attention?09:25
theadminLosha: Yeah...09:25
sikunlindar: well what i was thinking at first was of doing a VPN setup or something along the lines of that.. but.. i don't have access to an internet connection that actually has a decent upload, the files i'll be dealing with are anywhere from 0-15mb each, and the internet connection on the server side would have a max of about 1mbit upload.. so i was just thinking of having two file servers each replicating files to each other09:25
brjannsikun: you might look into unison: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/09:26
Beeabummer now I will have to use a different password09:26
brjann!info unison | sikun09:26
lindarsikun: Yeah, so you have one half of the array at one location, and one half at the other. Except that... that's a stupid idea.09:26
ubottusikun: unison (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.27.57-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 522 kB, installed size 1236 kB09:26
lindarCos it would have to write to both drives.09:26
lindarHey, there you go.09:26
sikunhmm... unison looks promising!09:26
lindarServer sync software would be the better option.09:27
lindarI overlooked the fact that data would have to be written to both drives, which doesn't help your upload problem.09:27
lindarSo... there you go. =P09:27
Loshasikun: when I was a lad, we used rsync....09:27
tiinahej någon som kunde hjälpa mig med min firefox09:28
brjann!se | tiina09:28
ubottutiina: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se09:28
sikunlol.. i've used *nix for about 6 years... i know a decent amount.. but still would definately consider myself a newb, haha09:28
tiinahej jag har av nångon misstag installerat pre-firefox namoroka webläsare o vill ha tillbaka den vanliga firefox...vet du vilken det är?09:29
sikunthe thought crossed my mind about just using windows server.. but then i decided not to even bother even toying with the idea, since the cost of just two licenses for what i would need is just outrageous09:29
nightrid3r!no | tiina09:29
ubottutiina: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!09:29
tiinanej någon som pratar svenska här?09:30
Drooling_Sheep!se | tiina09:30
ubottutiina: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se09:30
brjanntiina: skriv     /join #ubuntu-se     , takk09:30
fstxwhat do you say: netgear ga311, intel pro/1000gt or d-link dge-528t?09:31
Loshasikun: you'll have to check my math, but 200GB at 1mbit/sec will take about 20 days to do the initial sync. At that rate, you may never be able to keep up with the changes....09:33
sikunok.. one last question, this network has about a total of 10 people that access files, on a scale of 1-10 of difficulty.. how is setting up a domain controller under ubuntu (hopefully i am using correct terminology.. i just want to be able to restrict only authorized users to access what they are allowed to, etc..)?09:33
brjannsikun: yeah, for the first sync, you might get better bandwidth out of the postal service ;)09:33
sikunLosha: well.. i'd say the first sync will be done just by using an external hard drive09:33
Loshasikun: still doesn't let you out of doing the math. Just how much data are you planning to sync...?09:34
sikunwell on average... each day i would say a max amount of data change would be no more than 1-2gb09:35
sikunoffice #2 is being downsized and will only be used once a week.. so its not a problem only having it sync every other day, or just two days before its used09:36
Loshasikun: so what happens if two people on opposite ends of the link try to edit the same file?09:36
sikunthats also what i was wondering... if its possible to 'lock' the file when someone has it opened09:36
theadminWhy can't i "sudo echo somestuff > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/somefile"?09:37
sikunbut i would say right now usually MOST of the time... no two people are working on the same file09:37
Loshasikun: yes, but now you not only have a sync problem, you have a revision control management problem....09:37
jstephansomeone may know if the beta1freeze and kernelfreeze will come today?09:37
llutztheadmin: use "tee"09:38
sikunhrm.. yeah.. i've been wondering about that09:38
theadminllutz: How do i use that, it makes no sense to me09:38
sikunwell would a VPN setup be a better idea then?09:38
BeeaThanks all I am sure I will be back when I actually get my computer ubuntuized09:38
llutztheadmin: it's faq, sudo echo > cannot work09:38
brjannsikun: that's one of the benefits of unison over something like rsync -- unison detects non-conflicting changes and merges them both ways, and then can be used to resolve conflicts09:39
sikunwhere just mapping a network drive over the net instead of having two different servers? Then the only problem would just be office #1 upload when a larger file would be opened09:39
theadminllutz: Whatever, i'll just sudo -i and there goes09:39
sikunbrjann: ooooh...09:39
llutztheadmin: echo foo|sudo tee file.bar09:39
theadminllutz: Ah! Makes sense, thanks a lot!09:40
ZetI upgraded my RAM yesterday from 2 to 4 GB09:40
Zeton a 64bit machine, 64bit Ubuntu installation09:40
Loshasikun: well you still have a problem with multiple writers even within a single site don't you? If you want to allow that, you need a revision control system, and one that works remotely too...09:40
Zetand now the machine crashes shortly after boot09:40
Zetjust completely locks up09:41
LoshaZet: first guess is faulty RAM of course. Run memtest overnight....09:41
ZetI did09:41
Zetno errors09:41
sikunLosha: yeah.. hmmm09:41
ZetI also tried the new RAM in all available slots. no difference.09:41
brjannZet: how long did you let memtest run?09:42
Zetbrjann: almost 9 hours09:42
indusmemtest is useless really09:42
brjannZet: okay, i withdraw my unspoken objection ;)09:42
induswho has time to run that09:42
Loshaindus: you run it overnight while you're sleeping...09:42
llutzindus: people trying to find hardware issues09:42
indusnot even 1 % Of users ever do it09:43
indusi have statistics09:43
abhi_navindus :-)09:43
indusits easier to replace ram and check09:43
zortecI want to try Gentoo from within Ubuntu.  Would it be possible to resize my root partition to allow space for Gentoo or do you suggest another method?09:43
Loshaindus: pulled from which orifice?09:43
silentxHey ... Why when i try to connect to my wireless network and enter the password .. it keep asking about the password .. without connecting .. << :(09:43
indusyour friendly neighbourhood system vendor will help you09:43
indusor if iam near i will09:43
indusmemtest is not 100 % accurate either09:44
Zetthe computer does run significantly longer in failsafe mode, but eventually it still locks up09:44
indusbut off topic now09:44
Zetwithin like half an hour09:44
theadminzortec: Maybe Virtualbox?09:44
testiZet, does it crash always and always at the same spot?09:44
indusZet, maybe you have it two different ram sticks09:44
lindarsilentx: That means that you have a bad connection.09:44
theadminzortec: Nevertheless, it is possible, download any live CD with GParted, this will do for you09:44
Zettesti: pretty much yeah09:44
industhat aint gonna work good09:44
lindarsilentx, either the source signal is weak, or you're not close enough.09:44
llutzindus: you can be quite sure your ram is faulty if memtest finds errors. you cannot be sure it will be ok if it won't find errors. simple it is09:44
zortectheadmin: I thought about using virtualization software but it would run slower... and prefer if I could just set up another partition in ubuntu and format it with a separate root, home, and swap partitions09:44
silentxlindar, it is my network and my wireless adaptor in the same room09:45
zortectheadmin: I have 116 gb unallocated space to play around with09:45
indusllutz, ya agree but i once cleaned my ram with water and silver polish, leter dried in sun....... worked like a charm09:45
brjannzortec: if your CPU is recent enough to have virtualization extensions, virtualization wouldn't be that much slower09:45
LoshaZet: it's possible a motherboard issue, triggered by the larger RAM. Sorry, I realize that's bad news...09:45
lindarsilentx: What frequency range does it use?09:45
theadminzortec: Great! Then just use GPartED to allocate it for you09:45
indusllutz, memtest reports 1 error but it is definitely not noticeable09:45
ZetLosha: yeah09:46
phrearchis there a nhibernate mono version somewhere for ubuntu?09:46
zortecbrjann: I'm not sure if it is recent enough, my CPU is an Intel Dual Core 2.1 Ghz09:46
llutzindus: until system uses this bit09:46
silentxlindar, it is 9DBI ..09:46
indusit was nice to see my ram shining again :)09:46
ZetLosha: I did buy the motherboard used, so it's completely possible09:46
shahinanyone having problems with apt-update?09:46
lindarsilentx: I didn't ask about the decibel level, I asked about the frequency range. =D09:46
theadminshahin: Nope.09:46
brjannindus: one memory error on non-ECC RAM is enough to cause random system crashes09:46
silentxsorry i dont know :D .. i'm new in the networking feild ..09:47
LoshaZet: how is your 4G ram configured? Is it 2x2G or 4x1G or what?09:47
indusbrjann, hmm i dont have it though, who knows what goes inside,09:47
silentxlindar, sorry i dont know :D .. i'm new in the networking feild ..09:47
shahintheadmin: hm, mine just says "99% [waiting for headers]" as soon as it comes to http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu karmic-security main restricted09:47
indusanyways i replaced with new ddr 2 anyway so np09:47
zortectheadmin: You wouldn't sugest using any of the partition tools like Palimpsest Disk Utility in Ubuntu?09:47
lindarsilentx: Does it operate on 2.4GHz? 5.8GHz? Other? What protocol are you using? 802.11g? n?09:47
shahintheadmin: can you please check if you have that rep in your sources.list?09:47
brjannzortec: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model09:47
silentxlindar, wait lemme check09:48
lindarAlso, on what surface do you have the wireless router sitting, silentx ?09:48
theadminshahin: Yeah, i do, it's just slow09:48
zortecbrjann: model 15 - Intel Pentium Dual Core E2200 @ 2.20 Ghz09:48
theadminzortec: No, you need a Live CD to play with a root partition09:48
silentxlindar, they near to each other :D .. in the same room ..09:48
otswimif i ofter want to launch 3 or 4 commands, should i make an alias in .bashrc and separate the commands with ';'? or is there a nicer way to do it?09:49
shahintheadmin: hm, i've waited a couple of minutes now. is it just today it's this slow?09:49
lindarsilentx: Okay. On what surface do you have the wireless router placed?09:49
testiZet did you als try to replace the old RAM, not using the old one as well as not using both, but the new one in the slot of the old one? How is the behaviour for each configuration? Assume it crashes differently or does not crash in the latter case, then the problem is probably hardware related.09:49
brjannzortec: nope, no virtualization extensions on that one :(09:49
otswimand when i compile programs from source, where should i put them? just in my home?09:49
zortectheadmin: What if I want to create another partition from the unallocated space? I'm also wondering if I need to create a swap partition as I already have one in ubuntu... so would just need a root and home partition for gentoo09:49
theadminzortec: If you need one from allocated space, then okay, go ahead right from Ubuntu09:49
silentxlindar, on my office .. :S09:50
testi"not using both" -> "using both"09:50
brjannzortec: so long as you're not using hibernation, you can re-use the same swap partition for two distributions09:50
LoshaZet: what testi said...09:50
zortectheadmin: Can I use swap for both gentoo and ubuntu? My swap partition is 4.6 gb09:50
ZetI have 2x2gb sticks09:50
lindarsilentx: On your office desk? Okay, do you have it next to anything like a mobile phone, monitor, speakers, or other similar electronic devices?09:50
zortecbrjann: Thanks, good info09:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ZetI am not at home right now, I'm online from the university library. I'll swap the sticks around some more later today.09:51
Zetthanks for the suggestions09:51
LoshaZet: well, you know the original 2G is good. Try running just the new 2G....09:51
silentxlindar, yea old monitor speaker and my desktop also .. :S09:51
induswhat is a good channel for buying pc hardware09:51
ZetLosha: I'll do that09:51
p0aHello how do I view my hardware specs?09:52
Loshaindus: #hardware I suppose...09:52
lindarsilentx: So it's next to one of those big tube monitors and a set of speakers? =\09:52
brjannp0a: sudo lshw    will print out a nice report09:52
Loshaindus: actually, I like newegg reviews, and slickdeals...09:52
p0abrjann, thanks :-)09:52
otswimand when i compile programs from source, where should i put them? just in my home?09:52
silentxlindar, yes09:52
otswimif i often want to launch 3 or 4 commands, should i make an alias in .bashrc and separate the commands with ';'? or is there a nicer way to do it?09:53
llutz!checkinstall | otswim09:53
ubottuotswim: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!09:53
silentxlindar, I could change it's place if you want to .. " the router and the adapter ..09:53
lindarsilentx: I'll skip the explanation and just say that you need to move anything to do with your internet connection (modem, router, and so on) at least 2m (6 feet) away from those things. =D09:53
Loshaotswim: I keep mine in ~/bin ...09:53
llutzotswim: install inside $HOME or use prefix=/usr/local09:53
hmwotswim: I have a bin folder in my home, and the path is pointing at it. It contains some scripts with tasks, i do often09:54
silentxlindar, wait .. I'll do it now ..09:54
lindarYou know how the television goes crazy when somebody starts hoovering the living room? That's pretty much what you're doing to your internet.09:54
Zetjust for the heck of it, are there any known lockup bugs in the new kernel that the upgrade thing just pushed on me earlier this week?09:54
Zet2.6.20 or something?09:54
Loshaotswim: an alias with ; separated programs is a perfectly reasonable way to do that...09:55
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
otswimok great thanks09:55
ZetI just remembered I had not rebooted after that kernel upgrade before I shut down to install the ram09:55
Loshalindar: just another reason not to do housework...09:55
hmwLosha: otswim: i alaways used && to separate commands in one line. What is the difference to ; ?09:55
otswimso i should put the bins in ~/bin, but what about the sources?09:55
lindarWhy aren't things like induction and basic electronics included in general education?09:55
=== patrick is now known as Guest54563
LoshaZet: if there are, you're the first person to complain about it, which seems unlikely...09:56
otswimhmw: when you use && the second command will be executed only if the first one succedeed09:56
llutzhmw:  && executes command to the right only if the one to the left exits without error,09:56
lindarEven really basic stuff. "Speakers have magnets, magnets fuck up yo shit."09:56
yehiahow to change permission of my folder from ( root ) to Owner ?09:56
hmwotswim: aah...thanks... should have been obvious09:56
p0aHello what's that utility that lets you paste stuff from the command line? Ie "paste foo.txt" -> http://<yourpastesite>.com/UocgJT09:56
brjann!language > lindar09:56
ubottulindar, please see my private message09:56
silentxlindar, done ..09:56
llutz!pastebinit > p0a09:56
brjannp0a: pastebinit09:56
ubottup0a, please see my private message09:56
yehiahow to chance owner from root - to my user09:56
hmwp0a: pastebinit09:56
timthorpesystem info09:57
silentxlindar, I'll start to connect know ..09:57
llutzyehia: su - user09:57
silentxDisconnecting ..09:57
otswimso i should put the binaries in ~/bin, but what about the sources?09:57
Loshayehia: something like 'sudo chown -R Owner folder'09:57
Loshaotswim: I keep sources in ~/src, binaries in ~/bin ....09:57
hmwotswim: you could call it ~/scripts if you prefer... some files in the various "bin" folders are actually shells scripts, btw09:58
yehiallutz, i did what you told me09:58
zortecI get an error in the partition manager that there are too many primary partitions.  Is there a way around that?09:58
p0aI installed it, but when I try "echo foo | pastebinit" it says "http://pastebin.com"09:58
yehiawhat it the next step llutz.09:58
p0aWhere's the rest of the link?09:58
nemirozortec, no09:58
Loshaotswim: the actual names are arbitrary, it's just about hygiene really...09:58
llutzyehia: sorry, misread you. ctrl-d to exit09:58
otswimLosha: yes sure; i was just asking about what's common09:59
llutzyehia: do what Losha told you09:59
zortecnemiro: You can only have a max of 4 primary partitions?09:59
hmwzortec: with MBR, yes09:59
nemirozortec, yes.. unless you do something odd which I can't remember09:59
yehialosha , said ( something like )09:59
brjannp0a: yeah, pastebin.com hasn't worked for me recently either. try    pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.org09:59
yehiawhat does this mean llutz .09:59
llutzyehia: sudo chown -R user:group /directory10:00
zortecnemiro: So is there any way I can set a partition as extended? I'm trying to create one to hold /gentoo/home10:00
brjannp0a: wait, that's not the right url. just a sec10:00
hmwnemiro: zortec: you could use GPT instead of MBR10:00
Loshazortec: make the 4th an extended (logical) partition, then put extra logical partitions inside it....10:00
p0abrjann, it's .com10:00
brjannp0a: ah, right. my bad10:00
p0abrjann, how do I alias this to pasteit? pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com10:01
p0aSo when I type pasteit in the command line I'll get that command ^10:01
llutzyehia: for files it would be "sudo chown  user:group /path/to/file"10:01
hmwnemiro: zortec: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table  -  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record10:01
Bjelleklangdoes anyone else get a gpg error when updating package lists on 9.10? Karmic-updates Release is the one giving an error on my two machines10:01
brjannp0a: alias pasteit='pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com'    should work10:01
brjannp0a: you'll have to put that in your ~/.bash_profile if you want it to persist across logins (which i assume you do)10:02
teo77no ez az xchat se szebb :)10:02
yehiait tells me so llutz . chown: missing operand after `yehia:yehia/~/.fluxbox/styles'10:02
p0abrjann, good idea10:02
yehiaTry `chown --help' for more information.10:02
llutzyehia: missing space in front of /10:03
brjann!hu | teo7710:03
ubottuteo77: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál10:03
llutzyehia: and /~/ is wrong10:03
teo77hogy tudok belépni rá?10:03
brjannteo77: /join #ubuntu-hu10:04
llutzyehia: sudo chown -R yehia:yehia ~/.fluxbox/styles10:04
Loshabrjann: the name changed. Now http://ubuntu.pastebin.com...10:04
p0abrjann, is there a way to load .bash_profile to my current login?10:04
brjannp0a: yep,    source ~/.bash_profile10:04
teo77bíró janinak hívnak?10:04
llutzp0a: ". .bash_profile"10:04
brjannLosha: aha!10:04
p0athanks it worked10:05
BbT0nhi all10:05
Loshabrjann: the old one started requiring registration or something so they moved it...10:05
yehiachown: cannot access `/home/yehia/.fluxbox/style': No such file or directory   this is what i got llutz10:05
llutzyehia: then make sure using the correct path10:06
Losha!hu | teo7710:06
ubottuteo77: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál10:06
brjannLosha: i guess I should edit the script so I don't have to keep typing the URL all the time10:07
Loshabrjann: :-)10:07
p0athat's strange, the alias doesn't work10:07
brjannp0a: type    alias    all by itself and make sure it's loaded properly10:07
Loshap0a: are you sure you used the right url?10:07
p0aalias pasteit='pastebinit -b http://yourpaste.net -a anonymous', when I run echo foo | pasteit the program doesn't seem to respond10:08
p0awhile echo foo | pastebinit -b http://yourpaste.net -a anonymous works10:08
yehiathe directory is located in   ( usr / share / fluxbox      and then the one which i need to change the permission  is inside the fluxbox named ( styles)10:08
yehiallutz . one which i need to change the permission  is inside the fluxbox named ( styles)10:08
p0aNVM! it worked :-) sorry for bothering you guys and thanks again.10:08
llutzyehia: your error shows "/style" missing "s". type carefully, we won't teach you10:10
yehiaok sorry for mistake llutz ,10:12
yehiallutz , i did as you corrected me and it gave me this    yehia@yehia:~$ sudo chown -R yehia:yehia ~/.fluxbox/styles10:13
llutzyehia: so it worked10:14
dreamflyingwho knows how to install cadence in ubuntu ?10:14
yehiallutz , no... still i cant change the permission10:15
lindardreamflying: Probably with Synaptic.10:16
nonexkscan someone tell me the command to type in to restore all my repository lists to defaults .. i am getting errors when i try to update10:16
llutzyehia: "ls -ld ~/.fluxbox/styles"10:16
notsmackhey guys, i've got gnome's thumbnailing set to "files under 10MB" and "local files only", but it's trying to a 2.5TB sshfs folder of movies...10:17
yehiadrwxr-xr-x 3 yehia yehia 4096 2010-02-22 20:09 /home/yehia/.fluxbox/styles10:17
yehiallutz, drwxr-xr-x 3 yehia yehia 4096 2010-02-22 20:09 /home/yehia/.fluxbox/styles10:18
llutzyehia: belongs to you10:18
nonexksi am getting this when I try to sudo apt-get update W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-backports/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]10:19
dreamflyingsudo chmod 777 /home/yehia/.fluxbox/styles10:19
llutzdreamflying: NO10:19
yehiawhat you mean llutz. . ?10:20
llutzdreamflying: there are hardly reasons for 777, and no reasons at all for it inside a home-dir10:20
ginbuntuhi, is there any utility to connect to my kvm guest os that are running on another machine? I am using ssh tunnel at the moment but it is pain in the ass10:20
yehiadreamflying. i did but its not working10:20
maxagazHi, when I try to install mysql-server on hardy, I get the following error => http://pastebin.com/mbjwLN5k, can someone help ?10:21
nimrod10ginbuntu, use virt-manager10:21
dreamflying<yehia> do you have root user ?10:21
yehiadreamflying . i dont know10:22
dreamflyingyou can creat a root user:  sudo passwd root10:22
llutzyehia: don't change anything to world-writable without need10:22
Ceeriaelis it correct that Ubuntu cannot software raid1 2 Disks, but need it to be 2 partitions ???10:23
llutzdreamflying: stop it pls, that won't help at all and isn't supported here10:23
PlooralHi pappies. If I install ubuntu onto a hard drive that already contains Windows Xp and Windows 7, will 9.10 detect those partitions and add them to grub?10:23
linuxlurkerdreamflying, thats like fixing a problem with a sledgehammer :)10:24
llutzlinuxlurker: that's plain stupid, not fixing anything10:24
PlooralHi pappies. If I install ubuntu onto a hard drive that already contains Windows Xp and Windows 7, will 9.10 detect those partitions and add them to grub? I know previous versions did in the past, but I read conflicting reports on the 'net10:24
hmwPlooral: it worked on my box10:25
yehiaso no more help llutz ?10:25
Plooralhmw 9.10?10:25
llutzyehia: the permissions of that dir are ok. what do you try to do?10:25
Plooralhmw with ubuntu being the last OS added?10:25
hmwPlooral: uhm... sorry, i forgot, 9.04, not GRUB210:25
Plooralhmw yeah, that's the thing10:26
hmwPlooral: Ubuntu last is always easier10:26
linuxlurkerPlooral, my experience is that when you get to the grub install step, it will list what it detects, and you can back out if it doesnt detect what you are looking for10:26
nonexksis there a command to reset my repository's to default or upgrade it to latest list ?10:26
PlooralA couple of sites have said that 9.10 didn't detect the Windows 7 install, only the XP one10:26
yehiallutz iam trying to extract or copy any thing in this Dir ... its not accepting  and tells me that i  dont have permission10:26
linuxlurkerPlooral, you best be careful at that step then :)10:27
REAL1hello .10:27
PlooralLinkadmin hmm, does it? It seems I've forgotten10:27
REAL1 got some problem... my apt-get update.. stack on REAL110:27
llutzyehia: "ls -ld ~/.fluxbox/"10:27
REAL199% [Waiting for headers]10:27
linuxlurkerPlooral, have a backup solution for recovery just in case10:27
Ploorallinuxlurker well, it's not the end of the world, I can get a bootloader on there10:27
linuxlurkerPlooral, yep10:27
hmwPlooral: perhaps you can plug in another hdd and make a test setup?10:27
PlooralI'm just checking for other people's experiences10:27
LaeToHow do I run the command "gnome-session-save" to kill the display ?10:28
yehiallutz. drwxr-xr-x 5 yehia yehia 4096 2010-03-11 11:35 /home/yehia/.fluxbox/10:28
Plooralhmw I would if I could but I can't10:28
Plooralhmw so I won't10:28
linuxlurkerPlooral, I havent tried Windows 7 yet10:28
PlooralOh well, what the hell. I'm going for it. Worst comes to worst I have to put a bootloader on there manually10:28
llutzyehia: that's odd, permissions are fine. how do you try to copy things in?10:28
ginbuntucan some one helps me with this issue? http://pastebin.org/10957710:28
linuxlurkerPlooral, thats the spirit. :)  Leave the regrets for later. ;)10:29
LaeToHello...does anyone knows the answer ?10:29
ginbuntuthat command worked before ( few months ago)10:29
REAL1ive got some problem here ... my apt-get update.. stack on 99% [Waiting for headers]10:29
yehiaok i will tell you .. llutz10:29
Vtecis there an irc channel for linux mint?10:29
hmwPlooral: i dont like 9.10 due to two details: the audio mixer only allows to set input volume and output volume, no WAVE/LINE/MIC etc. Secondly, you cannot configure services via the GUI anymore. Therefore I went back to 9.04. Perhaps that is an option for you?10:29
llutzyehia: nautilus/cp?10:29
brjann!mint | Vtec10:30
ubottuVtec: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)10:30
PlooralREAL1 and you've "ctrl-C"ed that puppy and done it again?10:30
yehiallutz, I  extract Nasa.tar.gz to ~/.fluxbox/styles/ and when i do this ... it tells me  that i cant do it coz i have no permission10:30
mohjakHow to fix grub after formating windows?10:30
REAL1Plooral, try that aleardy.10:30
ZykoticK9!mintsupport | Vtec10:30
ubottuVtec: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:30
Vtecthankyou very much10:30
brjannVtec: sorry, that ^ was the one i meant to type :(10:30
Plooralhmw hmm, it may be. I have both isos here. So 9.10 has proved problematic for people ...10:30
linuxlurkerREAL1, a problem with your mirror perhaps?10:31
REAL1dont know10:31
llutzyehia: like this "tar xzf Nasa.tar.gz -C ~/.fluxbox/styles"?10:31
hmwPlooral: I just didnt like it very much. The boot graphics/window styles are changed too, now it is no longer "summer" but "autumn" :)10:31
yehiallutz, ok lets talk there10:32
Plooralhmw ok. Well, the truth of it is I usually only install a base ubuntu and use openbox, not gnome anyway10:32
linuxlurkerPlooral, +1 openbox10:32
llutzyehia: don't try to pm me, it will be ignored10:32
Plooralhmw but thanks for your input. It means you care10:32
* hmw cares10:33
* Plooral cares that hmw cares10:33
=== Guest15477 is now known as goldenfox
yehiaok llutz , the command as i told you before      i want to extract or copy some files in the dir which is     (    Fluxbox/styles )      its not accepting it and tells me i have no permission .10:34
Plooralyou have to love it when people say "that command worked for me a few weeks ago"10:34
nmvictori am trying to set up a tunnel so i can be able to connect to freenode even behind our campus's proxy, is theis someone who has done this before and is willing to take my hand on this, i am following an artical in [http://www.debubuntu.org/2006/04/08/22-ssh-and-port-forwarding-or-how-to-get-through-a-firewall]10:34
Plooralnmvictor yeah, what's the problem? Of course, your campus has to allow connections out on port 2210:35
zortecCan anyone see why this command would not work: tar -xvjf /mnt/gentoo/portage-latest.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo/usr?10:35
Plooralnmvictor if they don't you can run the remote ssh server on port 80 or 44310:35
ZykoticK9zortec, this is ubuntu support, not gentoo support - is there not a gentoo channel?10:36
zortecI'm installing gentoo within ubuntu... so I didn't know if the question was alright or not10:36
Plooralnmvictor in other words, you need a remote box that you control running an ssh server on port 80 or 44310:36
nmvictorPlooral: thanks,  ok, i saw something like ssh <some-username>@<some-host> blah blah blah, so how do i come up with the username and host?10:36
Plooralnmvictor well you have to be running an ssh server of your own. Like one at home10:37
nmvictorPlooral: my computer is named nmvictors-linuxbox10:37
brjannzortec: do you have permission to extract the file to that directory?10:37
Plooralnmvictor you need the IP address. Or dynamic DNS name if you have one10:38
yehiaall what i need to change the owner to have permission ... cant any body tell me how to fix it ?10:38
yehiais it soo hard issue?10:38
nmvictorPlooral: is it possible to run that on one machine or do i need another machine for that?10:38
Plooralnmvictor it looks like; CAMPUS --> NMVICTORS_LINUXBOX--> FREENODE10:38
ortsvorsteheryehia, sudo chown username:groupname dir/file10:38
zortecbrjann: That was it, didn't use sudo to run the command10:38
zortecbrjann: I often forget to do that10:39
brjannzortec: hehe, no problem10:39
linuxlurkerPlooral, so you ssh into your own box, and then your box accesses ir?10:39
Plooralnmvictor incidently, I got around the whole thing by getting what we call here "mobile broadband". Modem is a USB stick and does about 400kB/s downloads10:39
yehiaortvorsteher . i have done this before many times and no USE --10:39
Ploorallinuxlurker yep10:39
zortecSo I have a follow-up question, is it necessary to use sudo any time you are doing file operations?10:39
linuxlurkerPlooral, cool :)10:39
nmvictorso how do i starts, how do i come up with ip or dns, whats the best option?10:39
ortsvorsteheryehia, what exactly you need to change? do you use the right username which exists on the system?10:40
Plooralnmvictor well your linuxbox is connected to the net, right?10:40
nmvictorPlooral: thats what am usin to connect at the moment coz i can get passed our campus's proxy10:40
brjannzortec: only when your unprivileged user doesn't have the rights to do whatever it is you're trying to do10:40
brjannzortec: which I admit is sort of a circular answer10:40
zortecbrjann: how does one tell if sudo is neededfor a command?10:41
yehiaortvorsteher, yesss10:41
zortecbrjann: I don't usually check rights before issuing any file commands10:41
ortsvorsteher!tab | yehia10:41
ubottuyehia: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:41
Plooralnmvictor so you mean you are already able to connect to your own box at home from campus?10:41
brjannzortec: generally speaking, your user can do pretty much whatever it wants inside /home/<your user>. outside of that, pretty much everything else is owned by root or another system account.10:41
ortsvorsteheryehia, what do you want to change? show me the file or the dir and the command which doesn't work10:41
Plooralnmvictor if you can, you just need to use Putty and configure it to use your campus proxy10:42
zortecbrjann: the whole directory I created for gentoo is owned by root... I see that when I type "ls -l"10:42
Plooralnmvictor I've given you all the pieces, but I have to do this install now. I'm on campus atm myself :)10:42
nmvictorNop, i have dual booted one of the campuses comp withn ubuntu, i named the ubuntu system nmvictors-linuxbox, that is what i want to connect to irc with10:42
linuxlurkernmvictor, so you are saying your box is behind the campus firewall?10:43
brjannzortec: as it should be, if you're installing a base system. if you installed it as your user you would have serious issues.10:43
zortecbrjann: appreciate the help :)10:43
brjannzortec: sure thing10:43
nmvictorPlooral: seee ^^^, i forgot to include your nick10:44
nmvictorlinuxlurker: yea,10:44
linuxlurkernmvictor, and you are connected to freenode now, behind the campus firewall?10:44
yehiaortvorsteher, i have a folder named fluxbox/styles    and all i want to do is to copy something inside this folder or to extract something into this folder ... but always gives me ( i cant coz i dont have permission )10:44
zortecwell, got to see if ff13 lives up to the hype on 360/ps310:44
nmvictorlinuxlurker: no, i am using a modem, GSM modem10:45
linuxlurkernmvictor, ah ok10:45
yehiaortvorsteher the command i do is : extract Nasa.tar.gz to ~/.fluxbox/styles/       but no chance ....10:45
nmvictorlinuxlurker: So i had to disconnect campus connections in favour of modem so i could get to you  guys10:45
yehiaortvorsteher , i also did what you told me10:45
yehiaortvorsteher , but still no chance10:46
linuxlurkernmvictor, you have web access from behind the firewall yes?10:46
nmvictorlinuxlurker: yea,10:46
linuxlurkernmvictor, hmmm..I think this setup is a little different to what Plooral was thinking...I think the assumption was you had a box outside of campus10:47
ortsvorsteheryehia, my nickname is ortsvorsteher, not ortvorsteher. show me the permissions on .fluxbox/styles10:47
ortsvorsteher!tab | yehia10:47
meowbuntuhi i have a usb device i cant cd to it has a space in the file name i cant change it even with sudo.  what i need is the command to give me the syntax for spaces10:47
ovidiuBy default any modern Linux distributions will have IP Forwarding disabled.how can i enable on ubuntu!1 mil $ question10:48
nmvictorlinuxlurker: yea, so i was folloring this artical and i needed assistance [http://www.debubuntu.org/2006/04/08/22-ssh-and-port-forwarding-or-how-to-get-through-a-firewall], mind taking my hand on this>10:48
linuxlurkernmvictor, let me read the instructions for a bit10:48
LogicwaxI got a problem where my computer just freezes on the ubuntu logo upon bootup.  no HDD activity or anything.  just locks up.  it takes about 4-5 reboots until ubuntu boots regular again.10:48
LogicwaxI also built a brand new computer, and xfered my ubuntu install to another HDD.   the same problem is there, so I know this is not a hardware issue10:48
brjannmeowbuntu: you can either double-quote it, like    cd "some directory with spaces"     or escape the spaces with backslashes, like     cd some\ other\ directory10:49
Logicwaxwas wondering where i could look to see what the problem may be...if theres some sort of boot log10:49
nmvictorlinuxlurker: ok, i got into a snag, how i come up with the username and the host to use10:49
ovidiuBy default any modern Linux distributions will have IP Forwarding disabled.how can i enable on ubuntu!1 mil $ question10:50
icerootovidiu: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward10:50
robinsmidsrodovidiu: echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding afaik (untested)10:51
robinsmidsrodiceroot is probably the accurate one ;)10:51
rotemhi, please i need your help. is there a possibility to get the extern methods from .so file? is there any tool?10:51
robinsmidsrodrotem: libtool, isn't it?10:51
linuxlurkernmvictor, web link is not working for me10:51
rotemrobinsmidsrod, if your saying :) i have no idea, i will check it out, thanks :)10:52
robinsmidsrodobjdump is what you need, afaik10:52
yehiaortsvorsteher , how to send you a picture10:52
nmvictorlinuxlurker: web link, through browser?10:52
linuxlurkernmvictor, yeah..it cant find that url10:53
robinsmidsrodforget my previous suggestion10:53
zeroseven0183Hi! Does anyone know of a free process simulation software like ProModel?10:53
robinsmidsrodrotem: used objdump to try to understand a linking problem once on windows (but it's a gnu tool)10:53
ortsvorsteheryehia, you can use a paste service for the output10:53
ortsvorsteher!paste | yehia10:53
ubottuyehia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:53
rotemrobinsmidsrod, sure thanks10:54
nmvictorlinuxlurker: You mean you cant connect passed the proxy through your browser?10:54
nmvictori am trying to set up a tunnel so i can be able to connect to freenode even behind our campus's proxy, is theis someone who has done this before and is willing to take my hand on this, i am following an artical in [http://www.debubuntu.org/2006/04/08/22-ssh-and-port-forwarding-or-how-to-get-through-a-firewall]10:55
linuxlurkernmvictor, dns error..cant find the server10:55
nmvictorlinuxlurker: which browser?10:55
yehiaortsvorsteher, http://imagebin.org/8843010:56
linuxlurkernmvictor, chromium10:56
ortsvorsteheryehia, did you ever worked in an terminal? you know what a terminal is?10:57
yehia ortsvorsteher http://imagebin.org/8843110:57
nmvictorlinuxlurker: how about the rest, maybe you need to set the settings in network prefernece, i dont use chromium, i might not be of much help10:57
yehiaortsvorsteher , all what i know is just an application to use commands10:57
ovidiuBy default any modern Linux distributions will have IP Forwarding disabled.how can i enable on ubuntu!1 mil $ question10:57
ortsvorsteheryehia, try application - extras - terminal please10:58
linuxlurkernmvictor, the way I have heard people doing it usually involves two computers...one behind the firewall and one outside..10:58
ginbuntusudo virt-install -n jboss2          -r 1024 --vcpus=2 --os-type=linux --nonsparse -w bridge:br1 --accelerate --vnc --noautoconsole --vncport=5907 -f /dev/sdb1 -c /VMs/cd-images/ubuntu-8.04.4-server-amd64.iso10:58
tigerplug292hey guys anyone able to tell me if the error message " The error message is - "550 mail from refused, see http://www.spamhaus.org" means that its a problem with my server or the receipient?10:59
linuxlurkernmvictor, the one outside has full access, so you make an ssh connection to the outside box which is running the ssh server..with your client on the box behind the firewall10:59
ortsvorsteheryehia, did you found your terminal?10:59
yehiaortsvorsteher , i dont have something called Extras in my Application menu10:59
Sia-can restore the default menu or top toolbar to Default?10:59
linuxlurkernmvictor, the finer points of making that happen are beyond me...and it seems you are talking about one box behind a firewall without having an outside box11:00
nmvictorso you mean i can do that on my one box behind a firewall?11:00
yehiaortsvorsteher , but i have a terminal in my accessories and i can open it11:00
Sia-reset gnome toolbar??11:00
linuxlurkernmvictor, I dont know of a way to do it with only one box myself, no11:01
ortsvorsteheryehia, when terminal is open, type in there "ls -al .fluxbox/styles" and paste the first line ( and only this one ) here11:01
mylistoHow can I completely remove a program from my system...I had xchat on, but some settings got really jacked and I want to comp remove it from my system.11:01
mylistoI used add/remove but it didn't work...11:01
will__can someone help with nautilus animated wallpaper11:02
will__it broke :-X11:02
nmvictorlinuxlurker: thanks anyway, i'll see #debian, they sprouted the idea in me yesterday, they might have a say11:02
ortsvorsteher!someone | will__11:02
ubottuwill__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:02
linuxlurkernmvictor, cool11:02
will__does anybody know how to fix nautilus animated wallpaper11:02
hmwwill__: fix ??11:03
llutzyehia: "ls -ld ~/.fluxbox/styles"11:03
yehiaortsvorsteher ,          http://pastebin.com/8Bs4fF3A11:03
kikkyi lost my boot after installing windows in the other partition with ubuntu11:03
will__yes i downloaded XML animated background creator 0.611:03
kikkywhen pc starts, i get a grub shell11:04
will__now my wallpaper dissapeared11:04
kikkyhow to get ubuntu back11:04
will__and i cannot access themes11:04
linuxlurkermylisto, sudo apt-get purge <application.package> ?11:04
ortsvorsteheryehia, "ls -ld ~/.fluxbox" and give the output11:04
will__is there a way to uninstall this XML animated background creator 0.611:04
hmwwill__: sorry, i have no clue... you might be able to access themes through the System / Preferences / Appearance Menu perhaps.11:04
will__when i click appearance it opens for 1 second then closes automatically11:05
hmw!grub > kikky11:05
ubottukikky, please see my private message11:05
hmw!grub > hmw11:05
ubottuhmw, please see my private message11:05
will__you know a chat that maybe help11:05
rotemrobinsmidsrod, Do you know how do i list the extern methods with objdump?11:06
kikkyok , i will try11:06
yehiaortsvorsteher   drwxr-xr-x 5 yehia yehia 4096 2010-03-11 11:35 /home/yehia/.fluxbox11:06
otswimhow can i display all the files that end by ~? i've tried ls *~ or ls "*~" but i get no such file or directory11:06
ortsvorsteheryehia, and what do you want to extract there?11:07
llutzortsvorsteher: his permissions are ok and i already told him to try "tar xzf Nasa.tar.gz -C ~/.fluxbox/styles"  but still no success11:08
yehiai have a file on my desktop named  Nasa.tar.gz   and i do this command       extract Nasa.tar.gz to ~/.fluxbox/styles/                     but as i said - its giving me what i posted to you before as pictures11:09
apersonwill__, what is the name of the program?11:09
ovidiuBy default any modern Linux distributions will have IP Forwarding disabled.how can i enable on ubuntu!1 mil $ question11:09
ortsvorsteheryehia, try "touch ~/.fluxbox/styles/testfile"11:09
will__XML animated background creator 0.611:10
apersonwill__, no, I need the name of the executable11:10
llutzyehia: according to your imagebin you try to move it to /usr/share/fluxbox, not to ~/.fluxbox11:10
llutzyehia: so you told us s..t all the time11:10
will__that would be the zip name right11:10
will__what the zip file is labeled?11:10
llutzyehia: have you ever read that error-mesg?11:10
apersonwill__, how did you install it?11:10
ortsvorsteherllutz, good idea :)11:10
will__from gnome eye candy11:10
linuxlurkerllutz, does he have hidden files showing in his gui?11:11
will__can give you the direct link if you want it11:11
yehiaortversteher, i did but nothing happend11:11
llutzlinuxlurker: no,11:11
apersonwill__, that's where you got it from, I need to know the steps you took to install it11:11
linuxlurkerllutz, he might be able to see it as an option11:11
will__o ok11:11
llutzlinuxlurker: no,11:11
will__well i downloaded it11:11
infectohardware drivers is telling me that i`m using nvidia 180 driver11:11
ortsvorsteheryehia, do what llutz told you, <llutz> yehia: according to your imagebin you try to move it to /usr/share/fluxbox, not to ~/.fluxbox11:11
aperson!who | will11:11
ubottuwill: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:11
infectobut glxinfo says other, that i`m not11:11
will__then it said to extract, i did, click install.sh11:11
yehia<ortsvorsteher>   OK11:12
apersonwill__, just a second then11:12
will__it installed through terminal, then the wallpaper went black, my appearance settings wont let me change themes, background wont show up11:12
ortsvorsteher!enter | will__11:12
ubottuwill__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:12
=== pbx is now known as hetii
llutzyehia: "tar xzf /path/to/Nasa.tar.gz -C ~/.fluxbox/styles"  would have worked, so you don't have tried it. why do you waste our time here?11:12
will__ok how do you avoid enter key11:13
yehiallutz, do you want to see if what you said is working or not ???????11:13
apersonwill__, by keeping your replies to one line11:14
apersonwill__, what language did you pick?11:14
will__yea im tired, sorry just got it11:14
DasEiardchoille: can I see you for a moment in #ubuntu-offtopic ?11:14
will__i picked english, then it led to select time between pictures, i selected 5 seconds, and then selected 5 seconds for animations, that was it, it said completed11:14
apersonwill__, I just needed the language, thanks, I'll have a line to remove it for you in a second11:15
=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
will__ok thank you very much, however if i remove it will my desktop return normal to before11:15
apersonwill__, all you should have to do after you remove it is change your wallpaper11:16
yehiallutz , i i have tried all what you mention up here .... and nothing changed ... look at that .     http://pastebin.com/xr4L4hhG11:16
will__well as it is now i cannot right click desktop, it does nothing when i right click11:16
yehiallutz, so do i waste your time still.... ?   well if i wasted it - then sorry11:17
llutzyehia: you're kidding, aren't you? "/path/to"   has to be replaced by the corrct path11:17
ginbuntuhow to update my system in the konsole?11:17
ortsvorsteherhave fun11:17
DasEiginbuntu: sudo apt-get update , same for upgrade11:17
apersonwill__, also, fwiw, make sure you know just what you're installing from gnome-look, and try to install .deb files only until you can have an idea how to undo things like this :)11:17
yehiallutz , ok i will do this  again with the your correction - it seems iam very stupid11:18
XimDevwhen will we have the new pidgin in ubuntu repositories?11:18
will__yea i was under the impression that there would be better instructions in the zip and that it would as IT SAYS create a animated wallpaper11:19
indusXimDev, in lucid lynx11:19
indusXimDev, new versions dont make it to current releases11:19
apersonwill__, gnome-look is not a trusted source for software, use it at your own .  I'll be right back11:20
DasEiXimDev: on your own risk can add deleoper ppa to your sources11:20
infectocan i paste 7 lines?11:20
kikkyso i have grub2 installed in ubuntu, but the live cd has grub - can i still restore the grub211:20
llutz!paste | infecto11:20
ubottuinfecto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:20
yehiallutz, last trial before i show you the result again .... the file which i want to extract is located on my desktop .. can you give me the full command that you think its the correct command please ?11:21
infectocan some one explain me this? :)11:21
yehiallutz , consider it that last mint of wasting your time please11:21
kikkyneed help figuring the grub loader11:21
llutzyehia: i don't have gnome here, try "tar xzf ~/Desktop/Nasa.tar.gz -C ~/.fluxbox/styles"11:21
DasEikikky: not just like that, you could install grub2 in live, but it's easier to get a fitting cd11:21
sriniUbuntu gives All softwares are free... Is there any profit for them?11:22
llutzyehia: i hope thats the path to desktop11:22
indusinfecto, probably havent removed the older drivers11:22
kikkyi will try installing grub2 in live11:22
ortsvorsteher!ot | srini11:22
ubottusrini: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:22
DasEikikky: if it's a repair, chroot could work (if all needs are found)11:22
infectoindus: done, works :)11:22
epsin sound preferences i can't seem to tell ubuntu to output all sound in mono11:22
epsi am deaf in one ear so i would really like to be able to do this11:22
epsgoogle is not helping either11:23
sriniubottu: sorry this is my doubt only11:23
kikkydasei when ever my pc loads, it ends up with a grub shell11:23
yehiallutz, here is the result    yehia@yehia:~$ tar xzf ~/Desktop/Nasa.tar.gz -C ~/.fluxbox/styles11:23
Zetis DDR2 memory compatible with motherboards that say they take DDR3?11:23
kikkyand i dont know what to do11:23
kikkyi dont see ubunut or win711:23
nemiroZet, usually no11:23
DasEikikky: grub or initshell ?11:23
nemiroZet, there were some motherboards made that supported both11:23
induseps, you cant with that volume control11:23
induseps, use alsamixer and try11:23
kikkydasei it is grub , the prompt is Grub>11:24
DasEikikky: al right11:24
kikkydasei there is a recovery page help, but that looks like it is only for grub11:24
kikkynot grub211:24
DasEikikky: is it the only os on the system ?11:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:24
kikkynop, i have win7 and ubuntu11:25
epshow do i do it in alsamixer, the man page doesn't tell me11:25
yehiallutz, the permission is still for the root owner .. not for the user owner .. the file cant be extracted into the Director which iam aiming to - the permission is denied ... am I still not knowing how to work with it ???  am I still wasting your time the way or another ?11:25
DasEikikky: easies will then be follow above link and get a karmic-live cd and re-install it, the newer supergrubdiscs for grub2 arre sayn to fail often11:26
induseps, 1 sec11:26
=== demonspol is now known as demonspork
will__your still working right aperson11:26
kikkydasei u mean reinstall ubuntu or just the grub_11:26
llutzyehia: sudo chown -R yehia:yehia ~/.fluxbox11:26
DasEikikky: just the grub, of course11:27
DasEikikky: you are on your running win or ubunut now ?11:28
induseps, amixer has some options11:28
kikkylive cd  dasei11:28
kikkyi cant boot any11:28
induseps, not alsamixer, amixer11:28
kikkyits frustrating11:28
hellyeahare there anyone who use envy11:28
kikkyand i cant burn anther disk right away11:28
yehiallutz, now it asked me for my password and then nothing11:28
DasEikikky: I see, which version of ubuntu ?11:28
epsindus: ahh cool, thanks ;)11:29
kikkylive cd is 8.04 but installed on the drive is karmic11:29
llutzyehia: "nothin" = worked11:29
induseps, it works? or also see this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1049371    good luck11:29
DasEikikky: or you could install grub, if you have no reason for grub211:29
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
zykes-anyone know of any kind of management tools for dhcp ?11:30
zykes-aka QIP11:30
kikkydasei guess that would be okay too11:30
kikkyi can again upgrade later, if only i could boot up ubuntu11:30
DasEikikky: right, so go ahead :11:30
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.11:30
kikkydasei now from live cd, could i install grub on the partition - which already has grub211:30
yirc178Hello, World!11:31
DasEikikky: yes, have you got an empty usb stick ?11:31
yirc178Can someone read this?11:31
kikkydasei ya11:31
DasEiyirc178: yes11:31
kikkydasei here is the error i get11:31
kikkygrub-probe: error: Cannot open `/boot/grub/device.map'11:31
kikky[: 494: =: unexpected operator11:31
=== bruno is now known as Guest47144
yirc178Thanks, then my raw PHP irc client works :)11:32
yehiallutz. still i dont have permission to do any thing to this folder ....11:32
Zetso yeah, my computer runs without crashing with either 2GB stick installed11:32
DasEikikky: it's not needed really, but you could then also backup current (corrupt) mbr on it11:32
kikkydasei when trying ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/disk-2 /dev/sda111:32
Zetso the problem is in the motherboard11:32
jasonmchristoshow do i change the password of my default keyring?11:33
kikkyis that a syntax error_11:33
=== Guest47144 is now known as Ubuntwo
llutzyehia: are you sure you're using the right folder? i doubt that11:33
DasEikikky: that doesn't look right for grub, it's one partition for root, identified hd(x,y)11:34
=== Ubuntwo is now known as Nurboriben
=== Nurboriben is now known as BapinUx
llutzyehia: that imagebin error pointed to /usr/share/firefox, do you still try doing things there?11:34
BapinUxHello world11:34
yehiaok llutz. kill yout doubt by looking at my picture which i sent and guide me the wat you see11:34
yehiayessssss llutz.11:34
llutzyehia: /usr/share/fluxbox IS NOT ~/.fluxbox11:35
FloodBot2kasama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
FloodBot2kasama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
DasEikikky: terminal open in live cd ?11:36
yehiallutz. yesssss and still no chance11:36
kikkydasei ya11:36
madjoekick ban ignore?11:36
DasEikikky: sudo grub11:36
kikkyoh! thats the prompt i get when it boots up11:36
will__hey a person, was you able to manage a command line11:37
ginbuntuwhat is the fastest chip I can buy for socket LGA775?11:37
llutzyehia: "yessss" what? that you're working in the wrong folder?11:37
DasEikikky: find /boot/grub/stage111:37
nemiroginbuntu, depends what you want to do with it11:37
DasEikikky: shouldn't be found, that's for grub111:37
apersonwill__, sorry, I just got back, I'm examining the script and working on it now11:37
ginbuntunemiro, encoding, encryption, compression, multipedia, play hd movies11:37
will__ok had to leave for a minute did not want you to think i wrote off the question11:38
yehiano llutz. iam working on the folder as you guided me and on the right folder ... if you want to give me the full command . i will do it and i will show you the ouput11:38
nemiroginbuntu, then you'll likely want a quad core11:38
nemiroginbuntu, if encoding is a big part of it11:38
kikkydasei how do u even do a cd in this shell_11:38
ginbuntunemiro, i know I need a quad core, but which one is the fastest one?11:38
llutzyehia: your error in imagebin shows a different folder than ~/.fluxbox. so on what folder are you really working?11:39
apersonwill__, for starters, can you open up a terminal?11:39
yehiausr/share/fluxbox/styles     llutz11:39
apersonwill__, then run sudo rm /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/xml-background-creator.mo11:39
DasEikikky: no cd in grub shell, exit to leave the grub-shell11:39
yehiallutz. there i want to extract and copy11:40
nemiroginbuntu, how much do you want to spend?11:40
madjoeis GK in gksudo short for "graphic kit", or something?11:40
llutzyehia: that IS NO ~/.fluxbox!!11:40
DasEikikky: how many drives does the pc have ?11:40
apersonwill__, then: sudo rm ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/*11:40
yehiallutz, i know11:40
will__it says no such file or directory11:40
ginbuntunemiro, money is not a problem11:40
kikkydasei 2 separate dirives, drive 1 has 2 partitions with ubu and win11:40
apersonwill__, I'm sorry, remove the e off of locale11:40
yehiallutz, give me the full command which you see that its right11:40
will__o ok11:41
DasEikikky: sudo fdisk -l , which is the system drive, sda or sdb ?11:41
apersonwill__, wait, you said that doesn't exist? that should be right according to the script11:41
kikkydasei /dev/sda1               1       16846   135315463+  83  Linux11:42
neil_dI am trying to get apt-proxy but something is wrong... I am using a KVM vm with a proxy setup.. but the minimal iso "failed to download a file"11:42
Paulo39hi, i have a friend who is trying to install karmic in a vaio and he tells me that after the initial menu (where he choose install) he gets a black screen and the installation doesn't start11:42
apersonwill__, the second one should still remove the script11:42
will__ok i removed the e, it says will@will laptop11:43
DasEikikky: want to back up current situation case things get worse ?11:43
nemiroginbuntu, wish I could say the same.. the Q9550s purports to keep up with lower ends of the i7 series11:43
kikkydasei sure,11:43
DasEikikky: insert empty usb stick11:43
Paulo39the image of the cd is fine because he has installed on other pcs11:43
apersonwill__, did you run: sudo rm ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/* ?11:43
DipSwitchcan you set $GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT to xgfxterm in a etc/defaults/grub or should it be set to xgfxterm by some check in the update-grub?11:43
will__just ran it11:43
kikkydasei http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/nuwQp8SJ11:43
apersonwill__, did that run without error?11:44
will__well i put that command in11:44
nemiroginbuntu, without upgrading to i7, the "fastest" (ie. most expensive) Quad core is the Q965011:44
will__now it just moved down a line in the terminal, no complete confirmation or anything11:44
DasEikikky: usb inserted ?11:44
kikkydasei i m searcing , just a sec11:45
apersonwill__, then it ran without error, that should have removed the script then11:45
ginbuntunemiro, is the i7 faster than the Q9650?11:45
DipSwitchginbuntu y11:45
nemiroginbuntu, the i7 series is indeed faster. It is a new socket11:45
will__yea i repasted that line hit enter and it said no such file or directory hence it must have been removed correct11:45
riochI've created two partitions during the installation for music and photos, but when I try to copy files to them, it says I don't have permissions. How can I correct this?11:45
nemiroginbuntu, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Core_i711:46
DipSwitchnemiro the speed of a processor is not defined by it's socket...11:46
nemiroDipSwitch, I understand that11:46
nemiroDipSwitch, in this case, the speed comes from the newer architecture11:46
DipSwitchoke oke ^^11:46
apersonwill__, yessir, can you access appearance now?11:46
nemiroDipSwitch, I mentioned it because he asked about LGA775 to begin with :D11:47
DipSwitchah nvm me then, hides back in the dark corners of the channel ^^11:47
will__right click on desktop does nothing, so does system-pref-appearance11:47
DasEikikky: it's not really needed, as it's messed up anyway, but o'course there are some recent info for a possible recovery there11:48
Pirate_Huntercan anyone suggest an app online that allows synchronised online presentation or even groups to work together, something with more flexibility than google docs?11:48
DipSwitchcan you set $GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT to xgfxterm in a etc/defaults/grub or should it be set to xgfxterm by some check in the update-grub?11:48
DasEiPirate_Hunter: ubuntu-one ?11:48
will__would it help if i shown you the exact site where the file came from, maybe you can see if it is for a different distro or perhaps the terminal line does not match the file to be removed11:49
DasEi!ubuntu-one > Pirate_Hunter11:49
DipSwitchnvm i guess gfxboot would do the trick i think11:49
ubottuPirate_Hunter, please see my private message11:49
DipSwitchno it doesn't :@11:50
apersonwill__, can you can you try: sudo find /usr/share/locale/ -name xml-background-creator.mo -delete11:50
riochI've created two partitions during the installation for music and photos, but when I try to copy files to them, it says I don't have permissions. How can I correct this?11:50
DasEirioch: own them to the normal user11:50
neil_dI am trying to get apt-proxy but something is wrong... I am using a KVM vm with a proxy setup.. but the minimal iso "failed to download a file"11:50
kikkydasei cant find it when i need it, can it be backed up in sdb_11:50
Pirate_HunterDasEi, not exactly what I was looking for but will check it out11:51
jimmy_Hello anyone,i want to go on onionpedo but i cant install tor and firefox on ubuntu.Can anyone help?11:51
riochDasEi, will that get picked up everytime it's mounted?11:51
will__it moved down to the next line with that code11:51
DasEikikky: it's not really needed, as it's messed up anyway, but o'course there are some recent info for a possible recovery there11:51
DasEirioch: yes, unless you specified other in fstab11:51
will__obviously that was without error11:51
kikkywhere dasei11:52
jasonmchristoshow do i change the password of my default keyring?11:52
will__however still cannot access appearance pref's11:52
DasEirioch: from your user account : sudo chown -R  $USER /path/to/photos11:52
erUSULjasonmchristos: Apalications>accesories>keys and passwords (or something similar)11:52
apersonwill__,  what did you put for the name of nautilus dialog?11:52
DasEikikky: in the mbr, we will now overwrite with grub11:53
erUSULjasonmchristos: first tab. right click on login. choose change password11:53
kikkydasei sounds exciting! if i mess up, I wont be losing my win or ubu , right_11:53
jasonmchristoserUSUL: wont that change my login password instaed?11:53
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erUSULjasonmchristos: no11:53
DasEikikky:no, just the mbr, can still acces al files and also have further atemmpts/possibiliteies;  sudo grub-install /dev/sda11:54
katesmithi was wondering is this anygood?11:54
will__nautilus dialog, i put nothing, it had a name stored in it already i just left it what it was, if im right it was create animated background or creat xml background11:54
will__something of that such11:54
kikkydasei should it be sda111:55
DasEiPirate_Hunter: need to provide more details on what you want11:55
katesmithis this good to use, and is it still something that you cant get viruses from?11:55
DasEikikky: no, that won't be mbr11:55
will__ive noticed when i went to hidden files in gnome2-nautilus the nautilus folder is empty where the INSTALL.SH used to be11:55
katesmithi am wondering about that11:55
kikkydasei, ok, gives me grub prompt11:55
riochDasEi, thanks11:55
katesmithif i install that is it any good ?  http://wubi-installer.org/11:56
apersonwill__, the script deleted that11:56
jimmy_Hello anyone,i want to go on onionpedo but i cant install tor and firefox on ubuntu.Can anyone help?11:56
apersonkatesmith, you never could get viruses from it11:56
jasonmchristosubuntuONE keeps asking me to add my computer when i connect and it will never connect it just asks me over and over11:56
will__understood, meaning it should work prop now, however it does not, could it be i have to restart laptop11:56
will__maybe log off-back on11:57
Pirate_HunterDasEi, create a presentation that I need to show to someone, however, they should be able to contribute directly, this will be done online. Used to know a site that was working on a similar project but after going through my bookmarks I can't find it, well if no alternative comes up will use g docs instead11:57
Logicwaxhrmmm  any ideas on why byobu reports my new i7 chip as "1.6GHZ" when it should be 2.66ghz?11:57
apersonwill__, I had you delete both things that the script added, I'd say it's worth a shot to log out11:57
apersonLogicwax, it's scaled down11:57
zusis this no longer available https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LookingGlass#Install%20from%20command%20line11:57
DasEiPirate_Hunter: I see, or need to setup an own server11:57
apersonLogicwax, under load, it should go back up11:57
will__ok, will give it a try11:57
DasEikikky: you are in a boot prompt again ?11:58
Pirate_HunterDasEi, grrr don't wish to set it up on my server there are many apps that can help me but... looking into something that runs online by someone11:58
kikkythat install line took m et there11:58
Logicwaxaperson: oh does this have to do with power scaling?11:58
snow_ruany one use ubuntu here ?11:58
apersonLogicwax, cpu scaling, yes11:58
Logicwaxah gotcha11:59
ne1sound is not coming from acer aspire 4736z machine11:59
zusis this no longer available https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LookingGlass#Install%20from%20command%20line11:59
snow_runel do you use ubuntu ?11:59
apersonLogicwax, if you want to test it, you can run a bunch of glxgears11:59
snow_ruzus, ?11:59
root51how stable  is ubuntu karmic?11:59
snow_ruroot51, ?11:59
root51ubuntu karmic is stable?11:59
=== linux_guru_mania is now known as linuxgurumaniac
apersonsnow_ru, this is #ubuntu, I'm sure the majority runs it :11:59
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.11:59
snow_ruanyone use google-chrome here ? I can not open pdf directly in the browser !11:59
LogicwaxI also built a brand new computer, and xfered my ubuntu install to another HDD.   the same problem is there, so I know this is not a hardware issue11:59
LogicwaxI got a problem where my computer just freezes on the ubuntu logo upon bootup.  no HDD activity or anything.  just locks up.  it takes about 4-5 reboots until ubuntu boots regular again.12:00
apersonsnow_ru, you need an extension for that12:00
snow_ruaperson, which one ?12:00
apersonsnow_ru, I don't know what all 1400+ users in here run12:00
root51any wifi in karmic12:00
Logicwaxim just lookin for places to look....like any logs or anything12:00
apersonroot51, your best bet is to try and see12:00
snow_rugoogle-chrome doesn't open the pdf !!!12:01
DasEikikky: setup (hd0,0)12:01
root51im try to download wifislax12:01
apersonsnow_ru, your best bet is to search the extension gallery and find one you like12:01
kikkygives me unrecognized command dasei12:01
neil_dI am trying to get apt-proxy but something is wrong... I am using a KVM vm with a proxy setup.. but the minimal iso "failed to download a file"... as far as I can tell there is only 1 file in the 'pool' directories.12:01
kikkynow invalid device request dasei12:02
tyrowhat wrong with my xiphos (bible learning reogram):__   (xiphos:3085): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_set_cursor: assertion `GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed12:02
tyroSegmentation fault12:02
root51what u see is what u get12:02
tyrohow to wolve it?12:02
DasEikikky: paste the last few line of terminal12:02
tyrohow to solve this problem12:03
kikkydasei http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/DAHGTXbd12:03
will__well aperson12:03
will__mission failure12:03
bdfosterI've got a problem where in the middle of my session it shuts off my USB ports. it is somewhat sparatic and when I unplug the flashdrive and plug it back in no power goes to it12:03
apersonwill__, well, something else happened that wasn't in the scope of that script12:04
bdfosterany ideas?12:04
will__is it possible the script may still exist and the animation it is creating is masking anything opening or laying on the desktop12:04
dr3mromy karmic fresh install network sharing is not working ... I cant share files when i share them they dont appear on network and my ubuntu is not visible on network and i can see other computers even i can acces thm by smb://ip i use karmic with all updates12:05
* OpaH is trying to use an IPv6 connection for IRC. Various IPv6 hosts are 'ping6able' but I can't reach them on port 6667. This box here is ubuntu 9.10 with a working IPv6 stack. - any takers?12:05
robinsmidsrodrotem: no, I'm not very fluent with objdump, but I seem to recall that the -X or -x parameter gives a lot of info12:06
kikkydasei gtg, thanks for your help,  so is the easiest way to burn a grub2 in a disk and boot_12:06
dr3mrowhen i $sudo dpkg-reconfigure  samba |||||||||| i get  sed: -e expression #1, char 140: unknown option to `s'12:06
* robinsmidsrod is not a C wizard12:07
will__well aperson, i appreciate everything done to this point, however ive got this feeling im going to need a system reinstall12:07
MyrttiOpaH: you could always ask help on network help channels, in this network it's #freenode12:07
apersonwill__, can you run gnome-appearance-preferences in a terminal?12:07
will__do you have a command line for that12:07
apersonwill__, just open up a terminal and enter that in12:07
* OpaH thanks Myrtti12:07
apersonwill__, what I need is the output of that12:07
GutZuWiSSeNhi, is it possible to send messages with ctrl + enter with empathy?12:08
will__says command not found12:08
apersonwill__, I'm sorry again, properties, not preferences12:09
dr3mromy karmic fresh install network sharing is not working ... I cant share files when i share them they dont appear on network and my ubuntu is not visible on network and i can see other computers even i can acces thm by smb://ip i use karmic with all updates12:09
dr3mrowhen i $sudo dpkg-reconfigure  samba |||||||||| i get  sed: -e expression #1, char 140: unknown option to `s'12:09
will__Segmentation fault12:10
will__as it says12:10
apersonwill__, that's all?12:10
will__it opens the appearance pref's for about 1 second then closes automatically12:10
CodyLanezhttp://imgnow.info/DSC-1268309083.jpg do my tits look big?12:11
r57any tutorial on dual boot with full partition encryption (ubuntu one) i can't manage to create manually the partitions with lvm and encrypted and after i install the system to ubuntu12:11
will__its as if something is making a force-quit on the appearance pref's12:11
r57can anybody point me to some tutorial or smt12:11
CodyLanezhttp://imgnow.info/DSC-1268309138.jpg do my tits look big?12:12
LaeToIf I export the DISPLAY to some other machine then all the GUI will appear-up for that display. Right ?12:12
apersonwill__, ok, just a second...12:12
bdfoster!ohmy | CodyLanez12:14
ubottuCodyLanez: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:14
jasonmchristosubuntuONE keeps asking me to add my computer when i connect and it will never connect it just asks me over and over, what should i do?12:14
apersonwill__, can you run: gconftool-2 --type=string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options none12:14
will__run in terminal or alt+f212:15
apersonwill__, a terminal. your wallpaper should disappear12:15
will__my wallpaper been gone its a black screen but ok one second12:15
apersonwill__, well, this should clear what was supposed to be set for your wallpaper12:16
will__it moved down one line without errors12:16
apersonwill__, now try opening up gnome-appearance-properties again12:16
will__ok appearance opens but still not wallpaper12:19
apersonwill__, you should be able to change your wallpaper from there12:19
will__can change the theme, the cursors and all but when i try changing wallpaper does not show up12:20
DipSwitchlucid for ubuntu is like sid for debian?12:20
will__still all black screen12:20
Dr_WillisDipSwitch:  lucid is in alphatestign right now. Its not quite the same.12:20
icerootDipSwitch: every ubuntu is sid (at that date)12:20
DasEi!lucid | DipSwitch12:20
ubottuDipSwitch: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+112:20
icerootDipSwitch: ubuntu is a sync fromo debian sid with patches12:20
icerootDipSwitch: so 9.10 was some months ago, debian sid12:20
apersonwill__, can you select a new wallpaper, even if it doesn't change it?12:21
sriniRepeat mode does not work in ubuntu 9.04?12:21
DipSwitchkk thanks all12:21
will__i can select it but it dont chage12:21
will__stays black12:21
apersonwill__, can you run: gconftool-2 --type=string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options stretched12:22
codygmanwould it be recommended to change my servers time to match mine?12:22
codygmanthat wouldn't mess anything up.... right?12:22
icerootcodygman: it is recommend to use the current time on all machines12:22
jribcodygman: why do you have a different time than your server :)12:23
icerootcodygman: if you have time-differences there might be problems with samba (winbind) and so on12:23
codygmanbecause it's located somewhere else lol12:23
codygmani got it from rackspace :P12:23
icerootcodygman: you mean timezone12:23
will__moved down one line is all12:23
will__no change12:23
icerootcodygman: i would use the local timezone on all machines12:24
sriniRepeat mode does not work in totem why?12:24
yirctestHello, are there drivers for ATI Radeon graphics cards out there now?12:24
will__would it hurt to remove nautilus entirely12:24
jribcodygman: use whatever timezone you want, it doesn't have to be physically in that timezone to make sense really.  The time is the same (utc), your just representing it differently (different time zone).  It's like using ft instead of cm12:24
icerootsrini: that is not a good error-description12:24
iceroot!ati | yirctest12:24
ubottuyirctest: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:24
jribyou're, ugh12:24
codygmanhaha alright.. thanks.. i'm pretty new to having my own server.. so just wanting to make sure12:25
sriniiceroot: may i know what is repeat mode?12:25
icerootsrini: and i dont know what the problem is12:25
apersonwill__, nautilus is not the problem12:25
indussrini, repeats tracks12:25
indussrini, plays again once finished12:25
napsterCan anyone help me to fix my functional keys?12:25
will__dont suppose another restart would work?12:26
apersonwill__, not yet12:26
sriniindus: its working for 30 mins or 45 mins.. after that it will be stop...12:26
CodyLanezhttp://imgnow.info/DSC-1268310005.jpg do my tits look big?12:26
rodfersouhi everyone12:26
rodfersouI'm trying to add this script to boot with my machine http://paste.pocoo.org/show/188330/12:27
apersonwill__, can you run: gconftool-2 --type=string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /usr/share/backgrounds/Bay.jpg12:27
rodfersouI use the sudo update-rc.d configupdater-client defaults12:27
rodfersouand it don't work..12:27
rodfersoucan someone please help me?12:28
GoendiI'm using a Samsung syncmaster 2343nw. I am not able however to change my resolution to anything bigger then 800/600. Is it the driver? And if so, is there an existing fix?12:28
rodfersouafter boot it works when I call /etc/init.d/configupdater-client start ....12:28
will__notta, zip zero nothin12:28
will__im debating on a reinstall of ubuntu12:29
rodfersouI tried to look for boot startup log, but I can't...12:29
DasEiGoendi: which g-card ?12:29
will__only thing i can think if is when it installed it changed a parameter somewhere12:29
rodfersousomeone know how to look ubuntu boot log?12:30
apersonwill__, we're changing those now12:30
DasEirodfersou: gedit /var/log/syslog12:30
apersonwill__, that script wasn't very well written12:30
indusGoendi, depends on the graphics card12:30
rodfersouDasEi, I did a cd /var/log; grep -inr configupdater-client *12:31
rodfersouDasEi, and my script is not listed during boot...12:31
jasonmchristosubuntuONE keeps asking me to add my computer when i connect and it will never connect it just asks me over and over, what should i do?12:31
Luis_Hi I have created some users with no-login parameter, but now I want one of them to be able to log in. How can I change that?12:31
will__aperson, would it help to see my system log, see what was changed today?12:31
will__regarding the download and install12:31
GoendiDasEi / indus, I used two of them12:31
Goendinot sure which one exactly, they ain't that new12:32
dehqan~/.dmrc permission has been changed , how am trying to chmod 644 it but bash gives error that can not run excutes ...12:32
GoendiI can go buy a new one, I don't mind12:32
icerootLuis_: change the loginshell in /etc/passwd  to /bin/bash   or use usermod (man usermod)12:32
apersonwill__, sorry, lost power for a second there12:32
Luis_ty iceroot , gonna check it out12:33
will__yea i was saying would it help to see my system log12:33
napsterCan anyone help me to fix my functional keys TOSHIBA LAPTOP?12:33
DasEirodfersou: how do you start it ? upstart or rc.local ?12:33
will__see what has been changed before and after the install.sh12:33
apersonwill__, no, that script doesn't log anything12:33
DasEiGoendi: nah, just find out, sudo lspci | grep vga12:33
rodfersouDasEi, I don't know... it's ubuntu 9.04.... something changed?12:33
will__well i have a feeling i could use a fresh start, just use the ubuntu cd and install my selected files12:34
NatGirlhi! i'm using ubuntu 9.10 with gnome, and I'd like to know if there is a way to turn off the "tips" on gnome. Like when I put the mouse on the close button of the windows it shows a yellow tip saying "close window". Can I turn it off?12:34
apersonwill__, I'm sorry I'm apparently not being very helpful12:34
DasEirodfersou: you said you want that script running at boottime, so where from do you call it ?12:34
will__its not your fault12:34
will__im always downloading something, maybe i should try to download common sense, but question one more12:34
will__i want to save compiz settings12:35
rodfersouDasEi, I add my script at /etc/init.d folder and run the command update-rc.d <script> defaults12:35
apersonwill__, that, I can help you with12:35
rainer_hi to all12:35
apersonwill__, any other settings you want to keep?12:35
rainer_can anyone hel me with my samba configuration??12:35
rodfersouDasEi, I add my script at /etc/init.d folder and run the command update-rc.d <script> defaults12:35
will__when i try to export compiz settings, it exports them to my folder but when i try to open them in the folder it opens in text format, when i try to open in compiz  it wont show up in my folder12:36
DasEirodfersou: k12:36
datacrusherrainer_,  paste your samba.conf12:36
will__its as if its saving but when i go to reinstall the settings, the saved file is not compatible with compiz no more12:36
will__know why?12:36
rumpsyHi, i'm  a home user and i'm not having administrative functions, so can i able to install any docklet applicaions12:36
rodfersouDasEi, the main problem is that if I change my script to a simple bash script it don't work too....12:36
rainer_iĺl do one mom pls12:36
apersonwill__, how are you exporting the settings?12:36
will__let me see gotta walk through again12:37
rodfersouDasEi, it looks like it is not been called on startup...12:37
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  did you install tye system yourself? you are able to use 'sudo' as needed?12:37
rainer_Here is the config file:12:37
rainer_netbios name = Rainer12:38
rainer_server string = Samba file and print server12:38
rainer_workgroup = Workgroup12:38
rainer_security = user12:38
FloodBot2rainer_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:38
rainer_hosts allow = 127.
rainer_interfaces =
will__i go to compiz fusion-preferences-then there are options such as export under the PROFILE tab12:38
rumpsyDr_Willis: This not my system , this is an office system.. and i'm not a sudo user12:38
rumpsyDr_Willis: Is there is any way to install that ? :(12:38
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  most of those various applet tools let you install addational applets as a user. in the users home dir. What applet system are you using?12:38
rumpsyDr_Willis: i donno, gnome12:39
=== gmch is now known as austriancoder
will__i just exported it, it exports as a text document. shouldnt it be a executable file or similar12:40
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  you need to be more clear on what you are trying todo exactly.12:40
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  i dont even know what you are trying to 'install'12:40
apersonwill__, nope most configuration settings are text files12:40
rumpsyDr_Willis: i want to install docklets, its like gdesklets or rocketdock12:40
will__so when i reboot all i have to do is access compiz then open the text file through compiz?12:40
NatGirlhi! i'm using ubuntu 9.10 with gnome, and I'd like to know if there is a way to turn off the "tips" on gnome. Like when I put the mouse on the close button of the windows it shows a yellow tip saying "close window". Can I turn it off?12:41
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  you could compile the source and keep it in your users home dir. If you dont have permissions to install system wide things12:41
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  theres alternative ways to get desktop 'widgits' also. Opera can do widgits. as can google-desktop12:41
DasEirodfersou: that should work in 9.04, as it still got an initab, if the script itself is fine, idk12:41
will__sent a screenshot of it12:42
rumpsyDr_Willis: or its also called as awn, avant window navigator12:42
apersonwill__, upload it to imgur.com , I always have troubles with dcc12:42
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  if you cant install stuff system wide as a admin user. You must basically compile the stuff for your own users personal use.12:42
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  if the various dev tools are even installed.12:42
DasEirodfersou: does it it superprivileges ?12:42
apersonwill__, my method was to just back up the directory where the configuration was stored and then copy it back when you've reinstalled12:43
DasEirodfersou: does it need* superprivileges ?12:43
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  some tools may also have precompile tar.gz packages you could use.12:43
apersonwill__, that's the easiest way to back up all most any of your system's configurations12:43
rumpsyDr_Willis: yup i'm searching for that12:43
rodfersouDasEi, yes12:43
rodfersouDasEi, I want it to be run by root...12:44
will__sorry wrong address12:44
apersonwill__, that should work fine then12:44
apersonwill__, just save it to a safe spot12:44
will__but thats the correct settings correct12:45
rainer_Hi I've a problem with my samba. After the new release I can't see any of my windows network. Can anybody help me here?12:45
apersonwill__, should be, that'll save your compiz settings .  is that all you're backing up?12:46
will__that and all the themes i installed, pictures, music, xxms player12:46
will__cant think of much more12:46
DasEirodfersou: should be , if set by defaults, idk then12:46
will__by the way do you know how to make a backup cd, not of ubuntu then but ubuntu with what i got in it NOW12:47
will__a backup cd that also has all MY settings and FILES12:47
rodfersouDasEi, sorry... I can't understand what you said... what do you mean by "idk" ?12:47
Dr_Williswill__:  theres tools to do that. But ive not used any in ages. 'mondo/mindi' was one i used a long time ago12:47
rainer_Hi I've a problem with my samba. After the new release I can't see any of my windows network. Can anybody help me here?12:47
DasEirodfersou: I don't know12:47
Dr_Williswill__:  then theres various fs archiver tools12:48
bazhangrainer_, new release?12:48
Dr_Williswill__:  and it will proberly take more then 1 cd. :)12:48
rainer_yes the new ubuntu12:48
will__not familiar with archiving, easy?12:48
rodfersouDasEi, ok... thank you for your help! I'm going to try a bash script instead a python script =]12:48
apersonwill__, if you backup your home folder, hidden files and all, that would essentially back up all of your settings and files12:48
Dr_Williswill__:  depends on f you mean your 'users' stuff.. vs 'the whole system'12:48
will__couldnt just drag and drop to cd-r could i12:49
dehqan~/.dmrc permission has been changed , am trying to chmod 644 it but bash gives error that can not run excutes ...12:49
Dr_Williswill__:  it all Depends..12:49
Dr_Willisdehqan:  if its messed up you can just delete it - it will get remade at next login12:49
apersonwill__, I'd throw it all into a tar.gz first12:49
will__dont really need the whole system got that already on cd, just evything i downloaded and installed MINUS THAT ANIMATED WALLPAPER12:49
dehqanDr_Willis: thanks and how to chroot to non-root user?12:49
Dr_Willisdehqan:  I think thats what you use the 'su' command for. normally12:50
DasEirodfersou: I'm in the beginning of that stuff myself, what worked so far for me was same approach (bash/initab), but from 9.10 upstart is there,, another (older) method is to put in rc.local, though then have to get the su-privilges in, too) or use a cronjob by root12:50
rainer_Thank you for the help bybyby12:50
Dr_Williswill__:  copy your stuff from your users HOME to some place else to back it up then12:50
apersonwill__, backing up your home folder wouldn't be backing up your whole system, just your settings and files12:50
Dr_Willisi have 7gb of Wallpapers in my Home. :)12:51
apersonwill__, and we already pruned that wallpaper crap in your home12:51
dehqanDr_Willis: how to chroot to non-root user? su user ?12:51
will__ok, so select the folder and right click-create archive-tar.gz?12:51
Dr_Willisdehqan:  yes somthing like that.. when in doubt check the man pages and the --help options for the command12:51
will__so that wallpaper things in there huh12:51
apersonwill__, nope, pruned = deleted12:51
will__o kool12:52
apersonwill__, make sure you have hidden files showing12:52
will__ctrl+h then highlight all of it, archive-tar.gz right12:52
apersonwill__, yep12:52
CaptainPissweakOh hey.12:52
will__well thank you very much aperson12:52
CaptainPissweakDidn't even realise this thing auto-opened.12:53
will__i appreciate your time and help12:53
apersonwill__, no problem12:53
=== piotrek is now known as cry
TxPitoutop of the morning to all =]12:53
apersonwill__, be careful with things on gnome-look, wallpapers and themes are fine, but be extra cautious of any scripts or programs12:53
=== jan247_ is now known as jan247
will__yea never messing with those again12:54
Dr_Williswill__:  or perhaps learn what you are doing. :)12:54
apersonwill__, it's good to be able to discern just what some of those scripts do :)12:55
* Dr_Willis missed the original problem. but has to run.. bye12:55
rumpsyDr_Willis: Got tat, thank you :)12:55
apersonwill__, anyways, best of luck, and I hope your next run will be trouble free12:55
indusDr_Willis, bye12:56
TxPitouany reasoin why compiz refuses to "start at boot" but gnome-navigator does just fine ?12:58
TxPitouin other words, navigator tried to start and tells me12:58
apersonTxPitou, fwiw, there is no gnome-navigator12:59
TxPitou(hates my keyboard sorry for extra 'enter', compiz isnt started12:59
apersonTxPitou, can you run compiz --replace in a terminal ?12:59
TxPitouaperson: yes, and I am talking about awn12:59
TxPitouyes compiz --replace launches it just fine13:00
gipfelgrabservus Leute ich hab da ein Problem mit meinem wlan kann mir jemand helfen?13:00
apersonTxPitou, wait, didn't you and I have this conversation not long ago?13:00
aperson!de | gipfelgrab13:00
ubottugipfelgrab: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:00
TxPitoua person, yes and compiz now doesnt 'launch after x has"13:01
gipfelgrabwie komm ich da hin?13:01
TxPitougipfelgrab: neing sprechen deutch13:01
will__dont know what we did13:01
apersonwill__, ?13:02
will__but we got it, wallpapers is on and changable, themes work13:02
will__compiz even works again13:02
will__went and installed the blank cd to copy it all, then it froze, shutdown pc restarted and bang we LIVE!13:03
apersonwill__, sweet, I knew those gconf settings would do it :P13:03
apersonTxPitou, do you have ccsm installed?13:03
will__well thank you very much i really appreciate it and the time13:04
apersonwill__, no problem, I'm usually always here if you need anything13:04
will__what would you recommend though to copy that tar.gz to disk13:05
will__just drag n drop it?13:05
will__well ill be around13:05
apersonwill__, that'd work13:05
gipfelgrabok then I will try it in English13:05
TxPitouI have this problem with Ubunto 9.10 using gnome, when my pc boots, its runs fine loading the gui, then I get a message from 'awn, avant window navigator' stating that compiz isnt started, now using  in a terminal window ' comppiz --replace' does launch compiz and I can then launch 'awn' again, but all this is annoying as unlike most of you I shut my pc when I go to bed, so it will do this every morning, any though on how to13:05
will__kool ok im outta here for a while thank you and will see you more often im sure with my luck13:05
TxPitousolve this issue is appreciated thank you13:05
TxPitouaperson: let me look13:05
gipfelgrabcan somebody help me with my wlan it doesnt work13:06
TxPitouaperson: cssm an actual package name >13:06
apersonTxPitou, it is when installed, the package name is different13:06
TxPitougipfelgrab: what is the network card you are trying to get wirelessly functioning13:07
TxPitouaperson: ok hang on let me locate it13:07
manou_hi, stupid question ... i can't enter into the bios on a netbook to select usb as boot device to install ubuntu, somebidy could guide me ? thanks for your time13:07
ChogyDanmanou_: which model?13:07
TxPitoumanou, brand / model of laptop please13:07
manou_asus atom13:07
manou_yeah, i knew, but i am not with it13:08
apersonTxPitou, you could throw compiz --replace in your autostarted applications13:08
gipfelgrabI dont know where can I look it up?13:08
BlackExplotioNtürk yok mu türk13:08
manou_sorry, give me one sec13:08
Myrtti!tr | BlackExplotioN13:08
ubottuBlackExplotioN: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.13:08
apersonTxPitou, I'm looking where ubuntu officially start compiz from, but that should do the trick13:08
BlackExplotioNmersi saol13:08
TxPitoumanou_: usually to get to biosm, you have to press F2, F9, F10, or F1213:09
MikerhinosTxPitou you can try to enter compiz --replace in the alt+F2 command dialog box too if you didn't tried it already13:09
TxPitoudepending on brand of lappy13:09
apersonMikerhinos, that works for TxPitou13:09
mouseMy mousewheel side scrolling feature is reversed.  IE left scrolls to the right and right scrolls to the left.  Does anyone know how to fix this?13:09
TxPitouaperson I have no 'cssm'13:10
TxPitouaperson: I have mbcssm.py13:10
Stavroshow can i see the contents of a deb package without downloading it?13:11
manou_TxPitou, the thing is that I can't see the time to press it13:12
TxPitouaperson: yeah I know I can use the auto start function, but why did it 'works ' then stop auto starting? isnt that an indication of another issue and I am just patching it?13:12
Stavrosor, without extracting it13:12
manou_i have it now here, it is an asus eeepc13:12
apersonTxPitou, have you tried installing fusion-icon ? that can be set to load compiz for you, if you don't mind an extra icon in your system tray13:12
apersonTxPitou, I don't know what caused it :/13:12
ChogyDan!mouse | mouse13:12
ubottumouse: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto13:12
TxPitoumanou_: dell, compaq, HP, sony, etc... when the box boots, as soo as it shows logo press F2 if it boot shutdown and try for f10 etc repeat until works, now some OLDER lappy have no bios to edit, and can only be edited from a flooppy boots application from manufacturer13:13
andrewktest once more13:13
ChogyDanStavros: you could try packages.ubuntu.com13:13
ChogyDanandrewk: working!13:14
apersonTxPitou, I've read that re-enabling desktop effects in gnome-appearance-properties can do the trick, if you haven't done that already13:14
TxPitoumouse, systems >> preferences >> mouse >> uncheck ' reverse mouse '13:14
andrewkChogyDan: it's my colors within my irc client, i'm trying to make them suck less13:14
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mousechogydan: ZAxisMapping refers to left and right scrolling?13:15
TxPitouaperson: well well well... bingo!13:15
mouseTxpitou: there is no reverse mouse checkbox available.13:15
apersonTxPitou, sometimes it's the simple things that we have the hardest times with :D13:16
ChogyDanmouse: I don't know what that is, use the remapping advice.  Scrolling counts as just a regular button13:16
ChogyDanmouse: I personally use an .Xmodmap file, but the xinput command should work to.  I don't know a whole lot though...13:17
manou_i can't see the logo TxPitou, no time ... and it is a new one netbook .. grrr13:17
manou_M$windows7 starts13:17
manou_I want to run my stick to correct this mistake in that netbook13:17
ChogyDanmanou_: you can't get into the bios?  it is usually delete or tab or something13:17
ChogyDanmanou_: esc will let you boot from USB13:18
TxPitouaperson: okay then the Q/A in me is wondering, what cause that option to be set to "NONE" when I know I placed it in "Full" when I installed this OS not 5 days ago on this box.13:18
TxPitoumanou_: well no brand name, no model, no boot options, dude, guess you need to go home and RTM13:18
apersonTxPitou, no clue, it's apparently not a widespread issue :S13:18
manou_i am on admin de arranque of windows13:18
TxPitouaperson: oh you did not just call me a special case.... lol13:18
manou_hahaha TxPitou13:18
manou_maybe it's the best hint13:19
TxPitoumanou_: sorry not psychic, can help you further than that for now...13:19
manou_ASUS Eee PC 1005HA13:19
ChogyDanmouse: each button has a number attached to it, you may want something like 1 2 4 3 4 6 7  which swaps 4 and 313:19
StavrosChogyDan: thanks13:20
Stavrosisn't there a command that shows the contents of a package though?13:20
TxPitouStavros: Doesnt aptitude have a 'list' items in package ?13:20
manou_if i press del, i enter on Start Management of Windows, and only windows 7 appears13:20
manou_I really want to install ubuntu here13:20
ChogyDanStavros: there might be something under dpkg13:21
manou_i just need to boot the usb stick13:21
ChogyDanmanou_: did you try esc?13:21
TxPitoumanou_: you do realize that ' need to get into bios of my hardware ' is not really a 'linux' problem13:21
StavrosTxPitou: no, it doesn't appear to13:21
apersonStavros, you should just be able to open it up with the archive manager, they're just compressed archives13:21
StavrosChogyDan: ah, thanks13:21
manou_but no way for now, it is my firt approach with netbooks13:21
Stavrosaperson: yes, but i don't want to have to redownload it13:21
icqnwhat is the name of the ubuntu's 9.10 default gnome theme? or what package causes this theme changes?13:21
TxPitoumanou_: oh its a NETBOOK...13:21
manou_yeah TxPitou mybe i go to a shop, will be easier13:21
apersonTxPitou, it's aptitude show, but that just gives the details13:21
manou_yeah dude13:21
Ten-Eightgood morning all13:21
TxPitoumanou_: netbook =! Laptop13:22
knxvilleHow can I delete ARP Cache on my client?13:22
manou_i kwno, i have never wrote laptop13:22
apersonI'd argue it is a laptop13:22
manou_good morning Ten-Eight13:22
* aperson is one an eee 70113:22
Ten-Eighti have a quick question regarding Ubuntu Netbook Remix13:22
manou_sorry, no. it is a netbook13:22
TxPitouaperson: if you got to squint to read a screen small than some body organs, its not a laptop13:22
manou_i have it now ready to install Ten-Eight but i need to enter into bios13:22
apersonI don't have to squint at all, TxPitou13:23
Ten-Eightafter I get my USB key loaded with UNR and ready to boot, will it run as a "live cd" so I can check to make sure all is supported.13:23
=== MaarekStele is now known as Syntaxcode
apersonbut hey, the discussion on whether or not a netbook could be considered a laptop should belong in #ubuntu-offtopic :)13:23
manou_well, i will try going to a shop or asking fir the technical doc of the netbook to my customer/friend and check there13:23
manou_thanks for you time13:23
apersonTen-Eight, yessir13:23
ChogyDanTen-Eight: there should be an option at boot to run it as a live cd13:23
manou_i am going to enjoy sun now13:24
TxPitouaperson: ok ok... why not just slap a netbook into a phone... no wait iPad... that is right .... next we just need a phone/netbook that can nuke cofee and were set for life to never need to leave our desks at work13:24
manou_have a good time13:24
manou_see you around13:24
Ten-Eightthanks folks...that's what I was hoping :)13:24
apersonTxPitou, I'm not discussing it further in this channel :)13:24
TxPitouaperson: I know...13:24
apersonfeel free to argue with me in ot though :P13:25
apersonI could use a good wakemeup13:25
mousechogydan: I have a 9 button mouse and all buttons have been enabled and are fully functional.  All the pages I've read at help.ubuntu are a little over whelming with information and seem to expect me to know certain things before I read it.  Would you be able to give me an example of what format the terminal command needs to be in order to swap the mouse button remapping?13:25
ChogyDanmouse: find your device with: xinput list13:26
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CeeriaelIm trying to install Ubuntu on a server with LSI Megaraid... however ubuntu dosent se the Array, but the independant disk.... what should i do ?13:27
knxvilleHow can I delete ARP Cache on my client?13:27
Ceeriaeli gues its a compatibility issue....13:28
knxvilleHow can I delete ARP Cache on my client? I tried sudo arp -d * (* as a wildcard, like in windows) but it just displays possibilities, and does not delete anything.13:30
testpil0tgood morning :)13:30
VCooliothunar gives a tray icon when it's copying a file; howto disable that (useless?) feature?13:30
apersonknxville, would this help: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/clearing-arp-cache-stop-being-fooled-557523/13:31
knxvilleaperson, i'm currently at that homepage, did not find it usefull.. :(13:31
ChogyDanmouse: meh, actually, that page and the advice is a bunch of ... crap!  try this: echo pointer = 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 > ~/.Xmodmap13:31
=== juxta is now known as juxta|afk
knxvilleaperson, the problem is the link is about deleting a specific arp cache, I have to delete everything..13:32
mousechogydan:  Okay copying and pasteing now.13:32
apersonknxville, would a wildcard work for it?13:32
apersonknxville, arp -d *13:32
knxvilleaperson, i tried, did not.. I have to specify the host/link/interface13:33
ChogyDanmouse: I forget how the .Xmodmap file works, but that command should create that file in your home directory  (it is hidden, ctrl+h to see hidden files)  I swapped 3 and 4, but those might be the wrong buttons to swap.  You have to play with it.  You also may need to restart X to make the settings take affect13:34
mousechogydan:  It looks like I do need to restart x because no change seems to have occurred.  At the risk of sounding stupid how do I restart x?13:36
airtonixmouse, logout and back in again13:36
TxPitoumouse CTL-ALT-BACKPSACE13:36
MyrttiTxPitou: that hasn't worked in ages13:37
airtonixTxPitou, which only works if you have setup the gconf to do so13:37
TxPitoukicks his caplock key13:37
indusmouse, alt - printscren - k13:37
mouseI was afraid of that.  Alright be back in a second.13:37
airtonixindus, that wont work on all machines either13:37
indusi cant account for all machines ,iam a general helper, is his problem specific13:38
Halitechdoes dropping to a termina and running sudo service gdm restart work?13:38
Myrttiindus: the correct method is sysrq - k (where the method of getting sysrq is variable)13:38
airtonixHalitech, yes13:38
indusMyrtti, what dou you mean?13:38
icqnwhat is the name of the ubuntu's 9.10 default gnome theme? or what package causes this theme changes?13:38
indusmethod of getting sysrq ah yes13:39
Myrttiindus: in some keyboards sysrq key is on the same button with print scrn and you use is by pressing alt and printscreen button at the same time13:39
Halitechairtonix, thought so, wasn't sure if that was exactly right though13:39
elrond_how do i set up my eth1 wireless interface to be Wi-Fi like wifi0 on other common linux dists?13:39
indusMyrtti, well, mine is on same13:39
airtonixicqn, icons: humanity, metacity : human, login : humanity-(black or something?)13:39
indusMyrtti, isnt it same for all? so Alt - Sysrq- k13:39
indusso wht does alt do i wonder, is it like shift key13:40
Myrttiindus: laptops might need to use fn keys... etc.13:40
airtonixHalitech, assuming you're running karmic or later (older versions would have you use /etc/init.d/<insert your display manager here> restart13:40
indusMyrtti, ah yes ok is he using laptop ?13:40
CeeriaelHow do i add linux drivers ?? Ive downloaded raid drivers, and now have allot of *.img files... how do i install them so Ubuntu will se my RAID card ?13:40
Ceeriaelim using the 9.10 live cd13:40
Halitechairtonix, true, used to thinking newer versions13:40
Myrttiindus: all I'm saying is that "alt-printscrn-k" isn't the exact way of describing what keys to press...13:41
indusMyrtti, ok13:41
indusMyrtti, then how to13:41
airtonixindus, Myrtti sysrq can also have unintended results depending on whether or not you managed to miss some of the keys13:42
ChogyDanindus: isn't SysRq written on your printscreen key?13:42
induscrtl alt backspace was so much better13:42
indusyes i hear there is an entire comination you can use13:42
induslike restart system too with R?13:42
mousechogydan:  Thank you very much.  It's working perfectly now.  It was buttons 6 and 7 that needed to be swapped.13:43
airtonixindus, yes but you need to turn that feature on now by using the keyboard layout manager13:43
indusah huhu ok13:43
gui_I have a problem with gajim and private key selection it reports the agent is not working ?13:43
Pici!sysrq | indus13:43
ubottuindus: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key13:43
ChogyDanmouse: great, your welcome13:43
indusah all in succession ?13:43
indusi thought r did the trick13:43
indushmm enough enlightenment for today :) thank you13:43
airtonixindus, yah see there the letters you need to press, if you didn't press some of them then only certain actions would take place.13:43
dekroningi'm trying to connect to my ubuntu 9.10 machine from OSX (using Chicken of the VNC) however in the ~/.xsession-errors file i get the following messages: http://pastebin.com/4kRzrZbp  anyone have a clue what might be wrong here?13:44
TxPitouwell according to " http://linux.die.net/man/1/gdm" the command to restart gdm is "gdm-restart" in terminal. so there :P13:44
airtonixindus, each letter does a different thing i believe.13:44
indusok let me read that link from pic13:44
indusok let me read that link from pici13:44
apersonknxville,  arp | sed "1 d" | grep -o '[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*' | arp -d13:45
apersonwell, I guess the sed in there isn't needed13:45
apersondon't know what I was thinking there13:45
knxvilleaperson, that deletes everything?13:45
indushope this doesnt flood13:46
indusunRaw      (take control of keyboard back from X),13:46
indus tErminate (send SIGTERM to all processes, allowing them to terminate gracefully),13:46
indus kIll      (send SIGKILL to all processes, forcing them to terminate immediately),13:46
indus  Sync     (flush data to disk),13:46
indus  Unmount  (remount all filesystems read-only),13:46
FloodBot2indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:46
apersonknxville, that should should take any ip arp spits out and tell it to delete it13:46
mouseIs there a way to make it so ubuntu won't remember size and location of windows when they are closed or opened?13:46
indusok that was stupid13:46
knxvilleaperson,  thanks alot!13:46
indusi tink B is reboot13:47
apersonknxville, don't thank me until it works!13:47
TxPitouindus: do it again do it again! :P13:47
nyaais there a more specific channel for ubuntu studio or real time kernels?13:47
Piciindus: If people want to know more they can click the wiki link, no need to paste more.13:47
aperson!ubuntu-studio | nyaa13:47
ubottunyaa: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org13:47
macman_ there a way to fix a movie witch audio is out of sync ? its a flv file13:47
indussorry misaken paste13:47
knxvilleaperson, well, I thank you for your time, and I saved the "command" but atm I just found a wireshark trace I could use for my assignment..13:47
vividdoes anyone know if any email clients will notify me when i have new mail without running the main app or checking manually?13:47
TxPitouvivid: so like a widget on your desktop ?13:48
Halitechvivid, there are apps like gmail-checker13:48
airtonixmouse, yes... you need to delete the gnome session files in your home folder.13:48
knxvilleaperson, so it was possible to make my assignment without flushing my arp cache..13:48
indusmacman_, not easy unless, did you try with cinelerra, i think the audio plays separate so it can be delayed manualy13:48
apersonvivid, I believe you're looking for a email notifier?13:48
indusmacman_, try kino also , dont remember which one does that13:48
indusgtg cya13:48
macman_what are these programs ?13:48
indusmacman_, those are video editing programs13:49
Halitechmacman_, I believe avidemux will adjust it or vlc might have an option if you don't want to recode it13:49
mouseairtonix: I would have to delete the gnome session file pretty regularly though right?13:49
indusmacman_, you will need one of that to fix13:49
airtonixmouse, do you have gnome-session-properties open ?13:50
indusya probably avidemux too macman_ try13:50
vividaperson, uhh, pretty much i dont want to be constantly checking my mail, but rather being notified when i have some13:50
TxPitouvivid: whats your mail software you would normally use ?13:50
TxPitou!es | monica13:51
ubottumonica: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:51
vividwhich will check in intervals, if i leave it open all the time13:51
airtonixmouse, looking in the options tab, make sure that the tick box is not ticked for "automatically save my session blah blah..."13:51
=== monica is now known as Guest58074
apersonvivid, well, search the software center and pick out one you like, there are loads of email notifiers around13:51
mouseairtonix: I don't see a gnome-session-properties in the home folder.13:51
airtonixmouse, you run it : alt + f2 then type it13:51
Guest58074ola ola13:51
Guest58074kn sois i de dondee13:51
airtonix!es | Guest5807413:51
ubottuGuest58074: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:51
Guest58074alguno es español kolooo13:52
TxPitouvivid: using gnome ?13:52
mouseairtonix: Oh I see.  Excuse my n00bness.13:52
vividTxPitou, yes13:52
Halitechvivid, there is gbuffy, checkgmail, coolmail and others13:53
erUSULGuest58074: si; pero aqui no se puede hablar en español. para hablar español ve a #ubuntu-es Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:53
dekroningwhy doesn't remote desktop viewing work out of the box13:53
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airtonixdekroning, defin remote desktop viewing13:54
kwstas23456hi! anyway to add "firefox" in the context menu of evolution's .pdf attachment?13:54
Guest58074noen tiendo na algien es español koñoooo13:54
dekroningairstrike: i want to use "chicken of the vnc" to view my ubuntu desktop, i've configured it on ubuntu, and from my desktop (osx) i can telnet to the port 5900 on the ubuntu machine13:54
[mu]keiserrhi, can i add any simple ncurses program in my initramfs tools scripts?13:55
lostonetrying to setup partitions manually on 9.04 server, which partition has to have bootable flag set?13:55
dekroningairstrike: but my vnc client (chicken of the vnc) doesn't show the ubuntu desktop13:55
airtonixdekroning, i assume you'v already tried using one of the many guides on ubuntu forums tutorials and tips section ?13:55
mouseairtonix: I don't mean the option that reopens the same programs that were running when I shut down ubuntu.  I'm just talking about the size and location of windows that are saved when the window closes and reopened in the same size and location when the window opens again at a later time.13:55
dekroningairtonix: well, that's kind of what i meant by "not working out of the box" :-)13:56
Guest58074er4ee españosss13:56
TxPitou!es > espe13:56
ubottuespe, please see my private message13:56
airtonixdekroning, i dont think that phrases means what you think it does.13:56
TxPitou!es > Guest5807413:56
ubottuGuest58074, please see my private message13:56
espesin inglesS ?13:56
dekroningairstrike: why would i need to look somewhere else? i've enabled vnc server on ubuntu, and i only want connect to it with my client ;-)13:56
espealguien español ?13:56
TxPitousoy ingles si.13:56
espepos favor alguien español?13:57
dekroningairstrike: i guess i'm just too used to a mac osx desktop, where everything just works,  kudo -1 for ubuntu13:57
TxPitouno ablo espanol.13:57
Myrttiespe: no13:57
nexitohello can i use c cygwin to learn unix13:57
Guest58074me aburrrroooooooooooooooo13:57
espeguest58074 ablame privado13:58
Olsonhelp :(13:59
Halitech!helpme | Olson13:59
ubottuOlson: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude13:59
TxPitouvivid: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209102 3-4th message seems a solution13:59
Halitech!ask | Olson14:00
ubottuOlson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:00
erUSULnexito: why not just get the real thing; a linux distro14:00
PiciOlson: You need to aska  question before we can help.14:00
vividTxPitou, thanks, but ive already got one set up and working :D14:00
Olsonmy windows aren't opening properly. I can no longer close them with controls at the top, the entire area is gone14:00
TxPitouvivid: alright, sorry only on 2nd cup of java... slow going this morning14:00
espehello !!14:00
HalitechOlson, did you enable visual effects?14:00
vividlol, im making my first cup right now :p14:00
Olsonno, i dont use compiz or metacity, but I will check they're are off now14:01
Olsonoky.. so they were "off" I set them to "normal" and back to off again and they've come back14:02
Olsonbefore this happened, I was just trying enlightenment (e16) desktop manager again14:03
Olsonand it borked after that14:03
HalitechOlson, sounds like e16 took over and didn't let go when you went back to gnome14:04
VCoolioOlson: try fusion-icon and point to gtk as window decorator14:04
=== starter90_ is now known as starter90
Omertahi guys14:04
Omertai installed adobe reader 9.3.1 on ubuntu x64 using sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture AdbeRdr9.1.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb command14:04
Omertahow will i completely remove it?14:04
OlsonHalitech, yes I think that must be something like what happened. I went so far as to remove e16 completely as well and rebooted but it didn't do the trick14:04
erUSULOmerta: sudo aptitude purge acroread (or whatever the package name is)14:05
Woody-Morning all14:05
mouseA friend of a friend is afraid to download the ubuntu iso file and burn it to a disc because she thinks it will disrupt her desktop.  This led me to wonder; is it possible to do a full ubuntu install without any disc at the time of factory bios start up?14:05
Omertait didnt work14:06
TxPitoumouse your friend of a friend thinks shes about to get a virus... lol14:06
rskmouse what do you mean disrupt her desktop14:06
Omertait was the x86 version, i installed it using force architecture14:06
Olsonwindoze is a virus14:06
mousetxpitou: Yeah I know but she's too stubborn to accept that maybe she's wrong.14:06
Halitechmouse, unless she clicks install and follows through to the end it won't install ... yes it is possible to install without using a disk14:06
TxPitoumouse: then let her continue using windows.14:07
syedaku nk bua jgk..14:07
Omertait didnt work14:07
Omertai think it's name isnt acroread14:08
mousetxpitou:  It's not for her though.  The first friend needs the disc to install it because she doesn't have a disc burner but the second friend does, you see.14:08
Omertadoesnt show up on synaptics, maybe because i forced to install14:08
erUSULOmerta: aptitude search acrobat14:08
jgcampbell300Does anyone know of a Ubuntu/Linux version of Adobe Master Collection ?14:08
TxPitoumouse: do you have a cdburner ?14:08
Omertanothing shows up14:09
mousetxpitou:  I do but right now I'm 5 hours away.14:09
starter90Can you guys please help me with this?14:09
starter90When I enter the following cmds as written below why won't "find" list the file "a" in subdir? I don't get it. As far as I know the "." should run through all dirs beneath the current location. Help me figure it out.14:09
Halitechmouse, downloading and burning a cd will not install it ... the first friend can use unetbootin to install as well14:09
starter90cd $HOME; mkdir mydir; cd mydir14:09
FloodBot2starter90: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:09
starter90touch ab14:09
khafizhi guys14:09
khafizany1 can help me ?14:09
TxPitou!help | khafiz14:09
ubottukhafiz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:09
erUSULstarter90: use a pastebin ?14:09
Omertai shouldnt have installed it at first place14:10
sambagirlxis Seveas around?14:10
khafizi once installed ubuntu on my laptop14:10
starter90sorry bout that14:10
tiinahi anyone here who could help me?14:10
TxPitou!ask | tiina14:10
ubottutiina: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:10
mousehalitech:  I know this.  I was just wondering if anyone ever found a work around for needing a disc to install.  As in using a usb device or something of the like.14:10
khafizi once installed ubuntu on my laptop but i got replaced my motherboard.. and it is no longer on the boot menu14:10
tiinaI need to reinstall Firefoc to my Karmic Koala but I cannot get it okey???14:10
Halitechmouse, unetbootin doesn't require a disk or usb device14:11
sambagirlxtiina try chrome14:11
brushie_excuse me i tryed to set a pass on my grub2 and when i restarted now all line of the grub launch a memtest, and i cant anymore boot :( can someone help me please ?14:11
tiinasay how to do it?14:11
Halitechkhafiz, factory repair?14:11
sambagirlxtiina how to do what?14:11
tiinaI dont know what happend to my firefox....14:11
tiinaNeed to reinstall it which one t is in the synaptic14:12
sambagirlxunfortunatley i gave up on firefox after all the problems i had with it in windows xp.14:12
khafizHalitech: not factory repair.. they just replace with the new one14:12
sambagirlxtiina go to mozilla.org and install it from there.14:12
Halitechmouse, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:12
mousehalitech:  unetbootin is a program that runs within an OS?14:12
sambagirlxor go to #firefox for direct support.14:12
tiinaI have karmic koala anyone here who knows how to reinstall it14:12
=== ChrisSoyars is now known as afk|ChrisSoyars
Halitechkhafiz, who is "they" ??14:12
rsktiina put in the cd again and redo the install14:12
tiinacannot do it from there14:12
sambagirlxjust download it from mozilla and install it agin.14:12
Picitiina: Why do you need to reinstall Firefox?14:12
rsktiina lost the skills?14:13
tiinaI dont have it left????14:13
Halitechmouse, yes, run on windows and linux, not sure about mac14:13
rsktiina get a new one14:13
khafizHalitech: the hp staff14:13
tiinano icon and some of the files are away14:13
sambagirlxbecause microsoft programmers have destroyed firefox.14:13
khafizHalitech: i mean the technician14:13
sambagirlxjust go online and download the firefox package and install it tiina14:13
Halitechkhafiz, then they may have restored the hard drive, did you watch them while they worked?14:13
tiinait is tar gz 2 i dont have it in ubuntu14:14
sambagirlxjust go to mozilla and download the binary package and let it install that way.14:14
Picisambagirlx, rsk: please at least *try* to helpful.14:14
khafizHalitech: nope, i left my laptop for 2 weeks for the repairement14:14
sambagirlxpici i am being helpful.14:14
sambagirlxthat is what i would do14:14
Halitechtiina, open a terminal and run sudo apt-get reinstall firefox14:14
alankilaHalitech: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox"14:15
brushie_no one has an idea on how fix a problem with grub2 please ?14:15
sambagirlxexcellent halitech.14:15
Halitechkhafiz, so you don't know what they did then ... check windows disk management and see if there is still an unknown partition14:15
Picisambagirlx: Installing from a third party source is not recommended, the repositories  should always be used if a package is available from there.14:15
melchior_is there a text editor which permits to quick search text in opend files ?14:15
melchior_under ubuntu ?14:15
=== starter90_ is now known as starter90
Halitechalankila, right, sorry don't run that very often14:16
erUSULmelchior_: in all opened files?14:16
sambagirlxso as i understand it i cannot upgrade or update to any current levels of ubuntu with hardy. that is correct? unless i use the cd to do it? i cannot do it online in anyway?14:16
khafizHalitech: one moment pls14:16
=== kristopher is now known as kris-1
chriswwhat package do I install to get a text-mode only emacs22 on an ubuntu box?14:16
lostoneinstalling 9.0.4 server on raid, after install, reboot, just a cursor. What have I done wrong?14:17
=== ubunix is now known as ELkyUbuntu
mouseI'm also interested in a solution to brushie_'s problem.14:18
=== juxta|afk is now known as juxta
erUSULmelchior_: emacs to the rescue http://xahlee.org/emacs/find_replace_inter.html14:18
melchior_thank you14:18
lostonecreated 10G /, 24GB swap, 300MB /boot (set bootable) /usr /var /tmp /home14:18
erUSULlostone: 24 GiB swap o.0!!!!!14:19
=== ELkyUbuntu is now known as Yayatab
erUSULlostone: what for?14:19
lostoneerusul: 24GB memory :)14:19
lostonei always make swap=phys mem14:19
khafizHalitech: u may check this http://imagebin.org/8845714:20
khafizHalitech: its shows my disk managemnt14:20
lostonebut now when i install, after initial reboot, just a blinking cursor14:20
erUSULlostone: bad idea anyway if you ask me ...14:20
lostoneit doesnt boot14:20
erUSUL!es | angeliita14:20
ubottuangeliita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:20
erUSULlostone: error msg?14:21
lostoneerusul: if you have a crash, you need space for dump14:21
lostoneno error msg, just no boot14:21
lostonejust a blinking cursor14:21
Halitechkhafiz, the 9.3gig partitions could be your ubuntu install ... do you still have an Ubuntu desktop cd?14:21
lostonei am looking at it now14:21
minkyHi - anyone know how i can get files numbered with decimal points to order in sequence14:21
angeliitaspeak spain?14:21
khafizi think i still have14:21
erUSULlostone: the kernel dos not dump afaik14:21
lostoneoh really?14:22
lostoneFreeBSD does :)14:22
erUSULminky: make a for loop and move them14:22
gui1hi, how can i check mi microphone14:22
=== obst is now known as obstriegel
Halitechkhafiz, try booting from that and see what is on those partitions, if it is your install then you just need to restore grub14:22
angeliitaspeaks english?14:22
Halitech!grub | khafiz14:22
ubottukhafiz: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:22
lostoneok, why is it not booting?14:22
lostonei have tried manual, guided use entire disk lvm encryption and nothing works14:23
minkyerUSUL - Huh? In the directory they're in?14:23
brushie_not a single persone know please, how to restore a grub, all my entry in grub became memtest86+ and i want to boot again :(14:23
Halitech!grub | brushie_14:23
ubottubrushie_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:23
sambagirlxi am trying to install virtualbox to install solaris. however when i run the installer it says only 1 software installer manager can be open at a time. there is no other one open. what could it be seeing?14:23
erUSULminky: something like this totally untested ---> i=1 for file in dir/*; do mv "$file" "$file".$i; $((i++)); done14:23
studioHi there, need help to share files on my server14:24
lostonei installed a mpt sas software raid on a new server14:24
erUSUL!aptlock | sambagirlx14:24
ubottusambagirlx: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:24
brushie_Halitech: i know what grub is, what i dotn know is how to generate the entry for my system by a livecd with an encrypted partition14:24
minkyerUSUL - I'll try it . Thanks14:24
sambagirlxahh yes that is probably the problem thanks14:24
erUSULlostone: whitout an error msg from grub or the kernel we can not possibily even guess;14:24
mousebrushie_:  Did this problem happen after you installed updates?14:24
lostoneerusul: like i said, remove dvd after install, hit14:25
sambagirlxthat was it14:25
erUSULsambagirlx: no problem14:25
starter90could you explain this to me please : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JQ6XHZeP14:25
brushie_mouse:  no i added a password protection to grub 2 and i regenrate the grub and now all line are memset86+14:25
Halitechbrushie_, did you look at the links to see if there was info there to help you?14:25
lostonecontinue, reboots, but after POST, only a blinking cursor14:25
minky erUSUL - I'm not that that'll work, the problem is that it reads 0 0.001 0.0001 etc. in that order14:26
erUSULminky: so the files are already numbered? better move this question to #bash14:26
khamaelwhat is the easiest way to run a video backwards?14:27
erUSULlostone: can you hit shift during boot so you get to the grub menu ?14:27
minkyerUSUL: wilko -thanks14:27
Azelphurkhamael: reverse time14:27
condehi _think_ i am getting slow speeds using rsync, via samba to an ntfs drive. its only showing about 100kb/s max, sometimes as low as 50kb/s. is there anything i can do to increase it?14:27
khafizHalitech: i stil have my ubuntu cd.. how am i going to check if its stil on my hd?14:27
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khamaelAzelphur: what program? how?14:28
Halitechkhafiz, boot from the live cd and mount the partitions and see what is on them14:28
lostoneerusul: i don't think i am getting this across. If I power off the Server. Power on, it goes through POST just fine, then, just a blinking cursor14:28
gh0stwhy on boot info it splits on tty1 and tty6 ?14:28
gh0stafter "entering run level.."14:28
Azelphurkhamael: I was kidding, try doing some googling for "ubuntu reverse video" there seems to be a few results14:28
brushie_Halitech: my grub is still in the mbr the problem is that the entry of the grub are bad :(14:28
lostoneerusul: just a blank screen with a blinking cursor14:28
khafizHalitech: im new. how am i going to mount it?14:29
dalton2345Hi everyone, anyone know the universe repository?14:29
Halitechkhafiz, look in the places menu and you should see them14:29
erUSULlostone: that's probably a framebuffer problem; that why i'm asking you to try to get to grub menu. so we can make ubuntu boot in "text only" mode14:29
Halitechbrushie_, there should be info on how to edit grub and find out what info to put in it from those links14:30
gh0stwho can help please,14:30
gh0stwhy on boot info it splits on tty1 and tty6, after " entering on run level... "14:30
lostoneerusul: i cant do anything. It's not frozen or locked. but hitting any key or combo right now, does nothing14:30
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erUSULlostone: you have to try to get to it after post14:31
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lostonehit num lock and led on keyboard is on14:31
lostonehit ctl+c ?14:31
genii!ru | scanir14:31
ubottuscanir: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:31
ideasman42Hi, I was wondering how you could tell if a ubuntu system is logged in or not14:32
ideasman42over ssh, I need to tell if a system is being used14:32
icerootideasman42: w14:32
icerootideasman42: login with ssh and press w14:33
ideasman42iceroot, it needs to be automated14:33
ideasman42I have a studio of computers running ubuntu, and need to see which can be used for the renderfarm14:33
icerootideasman42: ssh user@host w | grep -v your-ip-adress   something like that14:34
ideasman42iceroot, ah, I mean logged into the desktop sotty14:34
flodineanyone using a old thinkpad t42p?14:35
icerootideasman42: ssh user@host w | grep -v your-ip-adress | grep gdm  something like that14:35
switchgirlhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8949949#post8949949 any ideas on how to solve this issue?14:35
icerootideasman42: look what "w" is telling you and play with grep14:35
cavehippoHi, does anyone know a good way to find all files on a system that didn't come from a .deb package?14:36
erUSULlostone: this what i want to do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Editing%20Menus%20During%20Boot14:36
erUSULlostone: so we can remove "splash" and "quiet" from the kernel boot line14:36
Dam0symptic package manager cavehippo14:36
ideasman42iceroot, the thing is the user logged in as may be different from the one on the PC14:36
coz_cavehippo,  off hand no but which files would you be looking for?14:36
cavehippocoz_: basically I want to clean out /usr, my current install has been going for 5 years, so will have lots of cruft in it14:37
cavehipposo anything which is there but not mentioned in /var/lib/dpkg/info14:38
coz_cavehippo,  mm14:38
lostoneerusul: we build servers and raid systems, this is the first time trying MPT SAS RAID rather than using hw raid. There is no splash screens on our setups. I tried ctl+c after MPT bios exit and nothing, just blinking cursor14:38
jimmy_windows users are pigfuckers14:38
coz_cavehippo, well I cant think off hand of a good way to do that....however.  if no one here can help try ##linux channel...14:38
erUSUL!language | jimmy_14:38
ubottujimmy_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:38
coz_cavehippo,  maybe there is a utility to help with this as well14:39
jimmy_erUSUL,are you a windows fanboy?14:39
cavehippothat's kinda what I was hoping14:39
cavehippootherwise I'll try writing something in Perl14:39
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erUSULlostone: this is common issue the splash is messing up the framebuffer device and you get a blinking cursor14:39
airtonixjimmy_, join #windows for that.14:39
erUSULlostone: just removing splash and/or passing the kernel the correct vga=<vgamode> fixes this. how many times i have to say this ???????????????????????????????????????????????????14:40
chris8Hey room!  Does anyone remember the name of a 90's arcade game that was dual-player swords and dragons game, scrolling left to right up levels of a tower?  You could free "prisoners" that would follow you and attack when you attacked... player one was blond/red armour, player 2 was dark hair blue armor14:40
erUSUL!ot | chris814:41
ubottuchris8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:42
lostoneerusul: there is no splash screen. It shows all post messages, we disable splash in bios before we ever load any OS14:42
jimmy_im now trolling #windows for ubuntu`s sake14:42
flodineanyone run ubuntu on a thinkpad t42p?14:42
erUSULlostone: i'm talknig about ubuntu splash; but anyway i give up; you clearly know more about this than me14:43
erUSULlostone: go fix it yourself14:43
lostoneerusul: there is no ubuntu screen either14:43
chili555flodine, among others, i run a T40. did you have a specific question?14:43
lostoneerusul: if there was a ubuntu screen i could then get into grub menu14:44
WazzzaaaThere is 1 process which consumes a lot of CPU, which slows down my whole OS. Can anybody help me to give this process less priority?14:44
WazzzaaaI think I have to re-nice it. But do not know how14:44
erUSULWazzzaaa: nice / renice14:44
Wazzzaaaok, I'll do: man renice14:44
* airtonix cherishs this rare erUSUL rage moment. 14:44
Tdubellhey i need some help on wireless networking14:44
erUSULWazzzaaa: man renice14:45
Tdubelli'm running ubuntu on virtualbox and i don't see any availabe wireless networks14:45
airtonixTdubell, why would you expect to ?14:45
Wazzzaaahigher or lower priority erUSUL ?14:45
jimmy_I`m now speaking with the dumbest fucking member of niggerbuntu community,niko14:45
chili555Tdubell, does iwconfig show a wireless interface? wlan0?14:45
flodinechili555,yeah i loaded karmic and this morning the old t42 wouldnt firer up,could it just be my board is going out14:45
erUSULWazzzaaa: renice -n +number -p PIDoftheProcess14:45
sevenDoes anyone know how to resolve trouble with my fstab file. I written in fstab to mount / in rw mode. But now i cann't mk any directory and edit fstab!14:45
Tdubelli'll try14:45
lostoneurusul: i think the problem is that first drive in boot order was not RAID14:45
* airtonix waves goodbye to jimmy_ 14:46
jimmy_fuck yyou14:46
erUSULWazzzaaa: the higher the nice value the less cpu it will use14:46
Wazzzaaaok, thnx14:46
sevensorry in ro mode14:46
chili555flodine, my T40 runs it fine14:46
Wazzzaaaand max is 19?14:46
jimmy_IN THE ASS14:46
Wazzzaaa(sorry to ask, but I can't use my browser(read: google) because of the CPU consumption14:46
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chili555flodine, will the live cd run?14:47
flodinechili555,tell me this is the internet slower on these old laps14:47
erUSUL!es | angeles14:47
ubottuangeles: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:47
chili555flodine, not that i can notice, but slow is a relative thing. it runs fast enough not to be noticable as "slow"14:48
Tdubellchili555: when I was running ubuntu on a usb drive it showed me available wirless but now that its on virtualbox it doesn't14:48
cavehipposeven: you could boot off a cd/usb key and mount your root partition from that, then you would be able to fix your fstab.14:48
mneptok!language | linuxsucks14:48
ubottulinuxsucks: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:48
Wazzzaaathnx for the info erUSUL ;)14:48
chili555Tdubell, in a terminal, does iwconfig show an interface?14:48
erUSULWazzzaaa: no problem14:48
HalitechTdubell, is it a usb wireless device and which version of virtualbox did you install?14:48
TdubellHalitech: i installed the latest version of virtualbox, and it was just a regular live usb drive14:49
sevencavehippo, actually it is not regular pc but voie gateway with linux inside without any console port just ssh.14:49
HalitechTdubell, did you install from the repo?14:49
flodinechili555,i got it install and everything runs fine,i just think my board might be going out.I really like this old T42p i only paid $175 for it.14:50
cavehipposeven, that's going to be more interesting then...passing the remount flag to mount might work14:50
TdubellHalitech: idk14:50
chili555flodine, its possible, is it the video board?14:50
mouseI would like to compress the /etc/ directory for back up purposes but it's obviously owned by root.  Any advice on the best way to do this?14:50
HalitechTdubell, then idk either, can't help if you can't help us by giving us any info14:51
Tdubellchili555: iwconfig says that there are no wireless extensions14:51
cavehippotry something like mount -o remount,rw /14:51
flodinechili555,what do u mean i just know it got a Ati mobility fire gl T2 card14:52
chili555Tdubell, then we need to find and load a driver for it. is it USB or what?14:52
cavehippoyou might need the -n flag as well14:52
Halitechchili555, if he's using the version from the repo and its a usb device then nothing will get it working14:52
sevencavehippo, how can i do that?14:53
chili555flodine, what part is going bad? does the screen just go black or it wont boot or it just stops or..?14:53
erUSULmouse: sudo tar cvpzf /some/dir/etc.tar.gz /etc/14:53
sevencavehippo, =)14:53
chili555Halitech, yikes! because its in a virtual machine??14:53
djoefHi, I constantly got a message "wired network disconnected" then again "auto eth1 connection established" ... altering each few seconds.. What can I do about that (I am constanly online,... so maybe this is a bug i got through an update ? )14:53
cavehipposeven, are you easiy able to reboot this system if this fails?14:53
Halitechchili555, the repo version doesn't support usb devices14:54
mouseHow would you extract to /etc/?14:54
[manas]Hey Lads i got few questions which file recovery program is best on ubuntu??? And which program is the best to upload music to ipod on ubuntu????14:54
Tdubelli'm not running it from a usb device anymore14:54
chili555Halitech, i guess he needs to install a different VM, then14:54
seven_sorry i was dropeed14:54
Tdubelli was just saying that when i was it showed available wireless networks14:54
Tdubellbut now it doesn't14:54
seven_cavehippo, sorry i have been dropped from channel14:55
flodinechili555,it wont boot at all i get nothing,but after 5min it started up.I got a new lenovo thinkpad and i like this old one better.14:55
Halitechchili555, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads - OSE (the one in the repo) doesn't support USB, the PUEL version available from virtualbox does14:55
cavehipposeven: try running 'mount -n -o remount,rw /'14:55
chili555Tdubell, are you following Halitech's explanation?14:56
HalitechTdubell, is the wireless card *inside* the computer or is the wireless device a usb device?14:56
mouseerusul:  How would you extract to /etc/?14:56
djoefI have to say, its quite annoying :) attracts attention all the time :(14:56
Tdubellthe wireless card is inside my laptop14:56
seven_cavehippo, thnk!!!!! it works!!!14:56
seven_cavehippo, thnk a lot14:56
Tdubellit might not support my wireless card though14:56
MartijnHi, I try to open the sudoersfile with sudo gedit /etc/sudoers14:56
HalitechTdubell, open a terminal and run lspci and lsusb and use pastebin to post the output14:57
chili555flodine, it sounds fatal. ebay time? get a new old T42p??14:57
Martijnbut i get the mesaage mode is 0660, should be 044014:57
llutzMartijn: use visudo14:57
HalitechMartijn, use visudo14:57
erUSULmouse:  sudo tar xvzf /some/dir/etc.tar.gz /  should work.14:57
chili555Tdubell, you mean VM might not support your card??14:57
flodinechili555,dude how do you do that they where made in 2005 is that possible.14:57
Martijnpermission denied14:58
mouseerusul:  I see.  Thank you.  The tar attributes are the only thing I don't understand yet.14:58
HalitechTdubell, just want to check something, you are running windows with virtualbox installed to run Ubuntu as a guestOS?14:59
TdubellHalitech: yes14:59
Tdubellbut how do i paste that stuff over here?14:59
HalitechTdubell, ok and your wireless works in windows?14:59
Halitech!pastebin | Tdubell14:59
ubottuTdubell: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:59
Dam0Tdubell,  ctrl+v14:59
chili555flodine, the forums are full of failures of all types: http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewforum.php?f=2&sid=18adb11929edbd218f11658aacee2e1215:00
Tdubelli'll just post a screenshot15:00
MartijnEven if I use sudo visudo I het the permission denied messagwe15:00
flodinechili555,hey have you tryed lucid on your T40 yet15:00
chili555flodine, OT and no15:00
TdubellHalitech: yes15:00
llutzMartijn: you screwed the permissions up before, use a live-cd to correct15:00
HalitechMartijn, run groups and see if you are in the admin and sudo groups15:00
Martijnhehe, ok. thanks :)15:01
Zethow do you disable services in 9.10?15:01
Martijnwont be the last time I will schred something15:01
ZetI can't find the "services" thing under "administration"15:01
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erUSULZet: install bum15:03
TdubellHalitech: can i just send you the screeshot via DCC because the website to post it won't load15:03
erUSUL!es | Antonella15:03
ubottuAntonella: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:03
p0aHello I have two hard drives with two OSes installed. I want from this OS to split the other hard drive in half so I can install another OS in the other drive15:03
p0awhat utility should I use?15:03
Antonellaok ok15:03
[manas]Hey Lads i got few questions which file recovery program is best on ubuntu??? And which program is the best to upload music to ipod on ubuntu????15:04
erUSULp0a: gparted15:04
erUSULAntonella: hi15:04
Antonellaok soy anto15:04
TdubellHalitech: can i?15:04
p0aerUSUL, is it an easy process?15:04
erUSULAntonella: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:04
HalitechTdubell, rather you didn't, don't like taking files from people I don't know15:05
sometuxAntonella: \o/15:05
erUSULp0a: paritioning is allway a little bit risky but gparted is as easy as it can get15:05
pete_how do I format an encrypted drive? fdisk doesn't see the encrypted partition15:05
djoefanyone on the alternating "connection established" and "connection lost" problem ?15:05
gottijrany of you guys know how could i stop gdm process in xubuntu (from ubuntu server)? it doesn't work with the standards?!15:05
HalitechTdubell, use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin15:05
sometuxgottijr: use update-rc.d15:05
[manas]Hey Lads i got few questions which file recovery program is best on ubuntu??? And which program is the best to upload music to ipod on ubuntu????15:06
Antonellanadie pasa de esta esquina...15:06
Antonellano hay chance15:07
valrosso ubuntu1 doesnt like that im editing files on two different computers, it doesnt seem to know to keep the latest one, is there any fix for this?15:07
erUSULAntonella: tienes que entrar en el canal de español; aqui solo puedes hablar ingles. ha como te dije ya dos veces Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:07
p0aerUSUL, resize partition and choose the new size, then install the OS in the remaining free memory?15:07
erUSULp0a: yes; that should work15:08
pete_how do I format an encrypted drive? fdisk doesn't see the encrypted partition15:08
gottijrsometux, how should i use the command in my case?15:08
bullgardI am actively using IRC. But why does in /etc/group the line "irc:x:39:" not mention me? What is the group "IRC" for?15:08
bullgardI am actively using IRC. But why does in /etc/group the line "irc:x:39:" not mention me? What is the group "irc" for?15:09
[manas]Hey Lads i got few questions which file recovery program is best on ubuntu??? And which program is the best to upload music to ipod on ubuntu????15:09
TdubellHalitech: how bout i query you and paste it, because that website isn't loading15:09
researcher1Is there a virus free environment to run  windows programs on Ubuntu without Wine15:09
valrospete_ does gparted see it?15:09
sometuxgottijr: update-rc.d gdm stop 234515:09
pete_valros: idk, but I need to do this from the command line..15:09
pete_valros: I have the device unlocked via cryptsetup.. but fdisk just see's an empty hard-drive15:10
gottijrsometux, if you don't mind i'll send you a priv error15:10
sometuxgottijr: make sure by chkconfig --list gdm15:10
greggAMAZINGLY stupid question here... any way I can get ubuntu to STOP ordering things alphabetically by capital/small letters?15:10
llutzbullgard: that user would be used to run ircd15:10
mhall119|work[manas]: I think Rhythmbox and SOngbird can both load songs to an iPod, as long as the iPod is presenting itself ast a FAT drive15:10
llutzbullgard: that group too15:10
valrosgregg: right click on the desktop of in nautilus and select a new way to organize files15:10
greggvalros: it's not nautilus (I'm using Kubuntu), it's midnight commander / terminal15:11
HalitechTdubell, no because I have to leave in a minute and others will need the info to help you15:11
[manas]mhall119|work, thanks but how about recovery15:11
valroseh, nvm15:11
sometuxgottijr: after that run sudo telinit 315:11
mhall119|work[manas]: that's I'm not sure about, but maybe fsck can do some basic recovery15:11
gottijrsometux, gdm                       0:off  1:off  2:off  3:off  4:off  5:off  6:off15:11
plagerismwith rsyslogd configuration is there a way in disable the "last message repeated" log aggregation for a single action.  Actually Ideally I would like to aggregate the log messages, but not send the "last log message repeated" to the log15:11
Halitech[manas], remastersys, clonezilla, rsync15:11
[manas]Halitech, is it recovery or for ipod15:12
sometuxgottijr: now gdm is disabled on all runlevel15:12
Halitech[manas], recovery15:12
gottijrsometux,  system is booting in shell, but i can't close it after i open it to go back to shell (on two machines same problem) running xubuntu on server15:13
greggany way I can get ubuntu to STOP ordering things alphabetically by capital/small letters? just started using midnight commander as my file manager...15:13
[manas]Halitech, mhall119|work  thanks guy going to try them out15:13
[manas]Halitech, mhall119|work  thanks guys going to try them out15:14
gottijrsometux, error of gdm stop: gdm-binary[8712]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory15:14
bullgardllutz: What is ircd?15:14
llutzbullgard: an irc daemon15:14
MartijnRunning Live CS to access /etc/sudoers results in a permission denied as wel, what should I do15:14
sometuxgottijr: you just disabled gdm from running on startup15:14
llutzbullgard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRCd15:14
TdubellHalitech: okay15:15
sometuxgottijr: but you can invoke the gui from the command line15:15
sometuxchitex: \o15:15
gottijrsometux,  so the question is how can i stop it now? ... how can i go back to shell?15:15
sometuxgottijr: sudo telinit 315:16
gottijrsometux, gdm start is starting gdm ... how do i stop it15:16
gottijrsometux, nothing happened from telinit 3 command15:16
sometuxgottijr: sudo telinit 215:16
pete__how do I delete a LUKS partition that fdisk does not see ?15:17
gottijrsometux, nothing15:17
bullgardllutz: Thank you very much for your help.15:17
sometuxgottijr: Are you working from the commandline?15:17
gottijrsometux, yes15:18
llutzMartijn: from live-cd, "sudo su" and then mount your ubuntu-/ rw and set correct permissions15:18
sometuxgottijr: so thats it!15:18
mouseI accidentally made the /home/ directory owned by root.  How do I reverse this?15:18
gottijrsometux, what does that mean?15:19
sometuxgottijr: if you want to invoke the gui from the commandline, just type e.g gnome-session15:19
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gottijrsometux, i opened a terminal ... in gui ... so still have the same problem can't stop gui to go back to shell15:20
lostoneurusul: if creating manual fs, which partition is supposed to be bootable assuming you create in order, / swap /boot ?15:20
pete__how do I delete a LUKS partition that fdisk does not see ?15:20
sometuxgottijr: OK I got it15:20
icerootmouse: /homoe belongs to root, that is the default  drwxr-xr-x   7 root root      4096 2009-12-14 11:26 home15:21
Sorelljoin #ubuntu-server15:21
icerootmouse: the directories inside belonging to the users15:21
sometuxgottijr: sudo update-rc.d gdm start 234515:21
Tdubellkk, i typed up all my output, is there any other way to make it available on here?15:21
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo
iceroot!paste | Tdubell15:21
ubottuTdubell: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:21
gottijrsometux, update-rc.d: error: expected NN after start15:22
Tdubelli know, that website doesn't work on my computer, k9 administration keeps blocking it :(15:22
icerootTdubell: google nopaste  for another site15:22
aspmy microsoft lifecam is not working???15:24
aspi only get a green picture15:24
Tdubellhere, http://nopaste.gamedev.pl/?id=648415:24
aspcan i get help? :)15:25
Tdubelldid that work?15:25
madjoewhat's the meaning of GK in gksu, or gksudo?15:26
Myrttimadjoe: graphical, GTK version15:26
madjoegk is abb. of GTK?15:26
Tdubellcan anybody help me with that info?15:27
sometuxgottijr: sudo update-rc.d gdm start 20 234515:28
madjoeMyrtti: it's GTK = good to know... lol15:28
rblst_hi all15:28
rblst_i have installed a new karmic with an existing home partition (the machine had 8.04 before 9.10); now if i click some icon in th Places menu, instead of nautilus the media player comes up15:30
pete__how do I delete a LUKS partition that fdisk does not see ?15:31
Tdubelli'm running ubuntu on virtualbox and it won't show the available wireless networks15:32
LUEshiis there any way to get a atheros usb device working?15:32
MyrttiTdubell: why would it? in most cases the virtual machines networking is handled by the host to appear as an ethernet device15:33
AcyronaTdubell: it should find a cable network and connect if your host is connected15:33
Tdubellwell, when i ran it on a usb device, it did15:33
MyrttiTdubell: also, depending on the case of which version of virtualbox you are using, usb devices aren't supported at all15:33
LUEshiim using a dlink wua 2340 usb adapter and it doesnt seem like it is being recognized15:33
Tdubelli know, but when I was running ubuntu on a live usb it worked, but now that i'm running it on virtualbox it doesn't15:34
LUEshiI have read that usb adapter using the ath chipset are not supported yet15:34
LUEshioh, that was a question of my own, i wasnt trying to answer any of yours sorry15:34
AcyronaTdubell: that's not ubuntu's fault, it's because of virtualization15:34
uomooociaooooooo  ragazzi15:35
Acyronait's not supposed to find wireless connection15:35
Tdubellkk, what can i do to make it work then?15:35
MyrttiTdubell: running on an actual machine and hardware is totally different thing to running in a virtual machine. Note the words: Virtual Machine15:35
Sh3r1ffTdubell: install the not ose version of virtualbox15:35
Sh3r1ffTdubell: in the ose version, usb is not supported15:36
Tdubelli'm not using usb right now, i'm trying to use my wireless card inside my laptop15:36
Tdubelli posted some output of my hardware that Halitech told me too if you want to look at it15:37
Tdubellhere, http://nopaste.gamedev.pl/?id=648415:37
AcyronaTdubell: your host OS is supposed to take care of wireless connection15:37
Acyronavirtualbox has its own drivers15:37
reanimationcan anyone tell me why i am unable to install httpd15:37
Tdubellits connected on windows, but not on ubuntu  :/15:37
Acyronato provide internet access inside guest os15:37
celthunderreanimation, httpd from centos is apache2 i'm fairly sure.15:38
celthunderreanimation, if that's what you meant15:38
Acyronadid you let virtualbox install its drivers?15:38
Acyronaalso, look for a wired network inside the guest15:38
Acyronanot wireless15:39
seliyo soy española15:39
MyrttiTdubell: the host machine, the operating system that you are running the virtualbox on, is supposed to pass the internet connection to the guest virtual machine. If the connection works on your host machine, then it's supposed to work in your guest virtual machine.15:39
Myrtti!es | seli15:39
reanimationcelthunder: yes15:39
ubottuseli: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:39
Tdubellthere is a wired connection call auto eht015:39
reanimationcelthunder: but apache2 config files are quite difficult to understand15:39
Tdubelli connected to it, and it still doesn't work15:40
reanimationcelthunder: plz help15:40
celthunderreanimation, what are you trying to do?  theres lots of info on apache out there.15:40
reanimationcelthunder: i want to host a website from my public ip15:41
MyrttiTdubell: and do you have internet connectivity?15:41
Tdubellyes i do on windows15:41
reanimationcelthunder: can u help me15:42
reanimationcelthunder: can we chat in private room15:42
celthunderreanimation, i have to go to work in a min but i can give you a starting point15:42
reanimationcelthunder: okay tell me15:43
pete__how do I delete a LUKS partition that fdisk does not see ?15:43
sambagirlxhow can i make a menu option for like VirtualBox?15:43
zetetikosDo you have a router with DDNS on it?  Like using dyndns.com15:43
sambagirlxor a desktop icon?15:43
reanimationcelthunder: i already configure it in redhat , fedora & centos15:43
khamaelI managed to reverse a video in avidemux, but the sound is not reversed. how do I fix it?15:44
abriusHi, i have pci wireless card, windows 7 faund this card and tetect accession points, but linux not detecting accession points. My PCI card is: D-Link Wireless G DWA-510 adapter.15:44
reanimationcelthunder: now i want to configure it in ubuntu15:44
celthunderreanimation, check pm15:45
sambagirlxit fiugred it out15:45
Tdubelli'm connect to auto eth0, what should i do now?15:45
reanimationcelthunder: what ??@!??15:45
abriusi have eth0 connection, but i have and wlan015:46
MartijnI want to use a shellscript to moun/unmount a disk15:46
MartijnI use this15:46
Martijnusername ALL=/sbin/mount15:46
abriusbut wlan0 not detecting networks15:46
MartijnIs that save to use?15:46
pete__Martijn: i dont think so...15:46
Martijn(I put that in the sudoers)15:46
pete__Martijn: you realized that would allow any user on the system to mount/unmount disks?15:47
Martijnyes I did...15:47
rblst_if i click on the icons in places menu, media player launches, why is that?15:47
MartijnI am the only one, but still I like to use good practise15:47
pete__Martijn: I would not do that...15:48
llutzMartijn: if you are the only one, you are in group "admin" and so you can run all commands with sudo. your entry wouldn't change anything15:48
MartijnI use this script for a cron backup15:48
katesmithi really need help i am trying to install wubi but it asks me for a password for the account, i dont know the password, how do i get one?  or what can i do about that?15:49
MartijnBut without the rule in the sudoers it wont mount15:49
katesmithsomeone please help me15:49
llutzMartijn: no need for sudo in cron-jobs15:49
Martijnhm, bu without the cron wont mount the disk15:49
erUSULkatesmith: during install? just choose one you want15:49
llutzMartijn: add your job to /etc/cron.daily or /etc/cron.d  and it will be run as root.15:49
Martijnok, so I should not use the gnome schedule manager?15:50
cristianjr5hola ai algien ke sois de mi claseo de otro colegio15:50
cristianjr5no del guerta fava15:50
llutzMartijn: i don't know what it is/does, but: no :)15:50
katesmithi cant install it , when i try to install it from my cd that i made it will ask me for a password, i dont know my password , that is the thing?15:50
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
abriusHi, i have pci wireless card, windows 7 faund this card and tetect accession points, but linux not detecting accession points. My PCI card is: D-Link Wireless G DWA-510 adapter.15:51
cristianjr5sois todos ingleses en de england15:51
sibblemy browser back/foward mouse buttons stopped working, women blew a fuse from her damn hair dryer this morning and pc was not shut down properly, trying to get buttons to work again, however i didn't do anything to make them work in the first place so im having a hard time figuring out how to fix it15:51
Gangrelanyone knows how can i create a multiboot dvd? or knows a site that has a working guide?15:51
Martijnllutz, it is a gnome cron manager15:51
erUSUL!es | cristianjr515:51
ubottucristianjr5: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:51
MartijnI try to use do it without15:51
Martijnthanks a lot15:51
llutzMartijn: ok, but as i said, just add your job to one of those cron-dirs and all shoul dbe fine15:51
erUSULabrius: do lspci | grep -i net15:52
llutzMartijn: and remove those "echo ..." lines, no one will see them15:52
erUSULabrius: tell us what wifi chip the card uses15:52
Martijnok :)15:52
Omertaguys, how do you remove an app that's installed using "dpkg -i --force-architecture *.deb"15:52
llutzMartijn: use "logger" to log your backup to syslog15:52
erUSULOmerta: sudo dpkg --remove *.deb15:52
Martijnjust add the command in the shell script?15:53
Omertalet me try15:53
llutzMartijn:like this "logger -t BACKUP "Backup done""15:53
katesmithi am trying to install wubi , i have saved it on the cd disk, i put the cd in my drive and the ubuntu installer is asking me for a password, i dont have any idea what the password is ?  is there a way i can find it ?15:53
Omertabut i deleted the deb file15:53
Omertashall i download it again?15:53
katesmithi need help with that badly15:53
=== afk|ChrisSoyars is now known as ChrisSoyars
Tdubellits working everybody, thanks so much  :)15:54
llutzMartijn: will make a syslog-entry like:      Mar 11 15:10:01 lutz1 BACKUP: Backup done15:54
SlarterUSUL, Omerta: isn't it just dpkg -i that wants a filename? and dpkg -r uses the package name?15:54
erUSULOmerta: you can do it or use. aptitude purge packagename15:54
llutzMartijn: more important for errors15:54
feedmecerealI followed the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 to fix a minor issue I was having with my sound but now I have no sound at all. How do I do I restore from the backup that I did in part A, step 1 in that guide?15:55
erUSULOmerta: or so a Slart says. the packagename has to appear in the apt db15:55
abriusHi, i have pci wireless card, windows 7 faund this card and tetect accession points, but linux not detecting accession points. My PCI card is: D-Link Wireless G DWA-510 adapter.15:55
sibbleMy mouse back/forward buttons (for browsing and nautilus) stopped working - can anyone help me fix them?  They worked at default installation.15:55
Omertahow do i check the apt db?15:56
perezqe pasaaa15:56
aaron11Hey I need help with seting up Blam to read the OMG! Ubuntu blog. Can someone help me through this. And whenever I try to open a article it allways opens Nautilus for some reason instead of opening the feed15:56
perezi am spanish15:56
cachedhow would i find the directory that contains a program (say firefox) that I can run from the terminal just by typing in "firefox"15:56
perezthere is at alguien wat sepa spanish15:56
Myrtti!es | perez15:56
ubottuperez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:56
llutzcached: which firefox15:56
perezok men15:57
VCooliofeedmecereal: from the folder pulsebackup restore the pulse and asound stuff to your home directory; then for /etc/asound.conf and /etc/pulse use sudo to copy them back15:57
Slartcached: which firefox will tell you where the binary is.. the program itself probably isn't in one separate directory (like it may be in windows).. but spread out in different places15:57
aaron11Hey I need help with seting up Blam to read the OMG! Ubuntu blog. Can someone help me through this. And whenever I try to open a article it allways opens Nautilus for some reason instead of opening the feed15:57
perezay alguien qe sepa español15:58
cachedSlart: thanks! "which" is what i was looking for15:58
Myrttiperez: no15:58
ubottuperez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:58
OmertaerUSUL: dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in (sudo dpkg --remove AdbeRdr9.3.1-1_i386linux_enu.deb)15:58
Slartaaron11: don't spam.. wait at least 15 minutes before repeating your question15:58
feedmecerealVCoolio: OK, thanks15:58
Slartaaron11: use the waiting time to search the forums, google and so on..15:59
perezlike's wath belly inflation?15:59
erUSULOmerta: then do that. search for the corresponding packagename in the apt database15:59
perezwere living?15:59
Myrtti!offtopic | perez16:00
ubottuperez: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:00
Omertayou mean ubuntu's apt database?16:00
perezi am not english i am spanish16:00
SlartOmerta: try "apt-cache search adobe"16:00
Slartperez: that's no excuse.. this channel is for ubuntu questions only.. try #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat =)16:00
mhall119|workperez: #ubuntu-es is a spanish channel16:00
Slartperez: or type   /join #ubuntu-es   to get to the spanish channel16:01
perezwhere there is a other channel for spanish?16:01
OmertaSlart: there are tons of files there16:01
katesmithi am trying to install ubuntu but it asks me for a password in order to install it, how do i find a password to install it?16:01
mhall119|work!es | perez16:01
ubottuperez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:01
katesmithi hope someone can help me16:01
SlartOmerta: oh.. that bad.. hang on16:01
Myrttikatesmith: it's your password, you pick the password16:01
katesmithi tried but it did not work16:01
perezi dar but no salir16:01
Slartkatesmith: there shouldn't be a password during the install.. are you using the regular ubuntu install cd?16:01
Omertaalso there's flash player which i want to keep :)16:01
Dr_Williskatesmith:  clarify exactly what its asking, and when.16:01
mhall119|workperez: there are also many local group channels for different countries16:01
mhall119|workperez: check http://loco.ubuntu.com for a full list of local groups16:02
perezwat no em sale coñooo16:03
erUSULkatesmith: it is not the password for your user account the one that is asking?16:03
rblst_is there a way to recreate places menu?16:03
Martijnllutz : I can run the schedule manager as root, work like a charm16:03
=== metaperl_ is now known as metaperl
Dr_Willisrblst_:  how did you remove the places menu anyway?16:03
katesmithyou are about to install ubuntu-1.10 unbuntu1    please selectu username and password for the new account16:03
masu3701is there any program like Itune in ubuntu16:03
mhall119|workperez: well that comes across in english16:03
VCoolioOmerta: try to find packages you have installed that sound like adobe or adbe, 'dpkg -l | grep -i adobe' for example, the dpkr --remove the one you don't want anymore16:03
mhall119|workmasu3701: Rhythmbox16:03
katesmitherUSUL is there a way that i can find the password for the user account?16:03
SlartOmerta: try this "dpkg -l adobe"16:04
Dr_Williskatesmith:  You are doing what exactly to install this? I think you are doing somthing very odd that is confuseing us.16:04
SlartOmerta: it should give you a slightly shorter list of packages16:04
masu3701mhall119|work: will that allow me to organise and sink music in my ipod16:04
erUSULkatesmith: the installer ask you to set the one you want just choose one and type it. probably it will ask you to type it twice16:04
Dr_Williskatesmith:  you dowloaded the ubuntu iso, you put it in the cd. you rebooted  and booted from the cd? or what exactly?16:04
rblst_Dr_Willis: i did not, i've installed a karmic with an existing home partition; now if i click on Places->Home or Desktop, media player launches instead of nautilus16:04
CoolGeek57where can I find help about Ekiga16:04
Omertaok Slart thank you, i finally found it16:05
mhall119|workmasu3701: I believe so, I used it with my ipod shuffle years ago16:05
usuario_hello how do I install bin files?16:05
erUSUL!ekyga | CoolGeek5716:05
masu3701ok thank man16:05
Dr_Willisrblst_:  sounds like the file manager got confused. You may want to reset all your users gnome settings. (or test with a newly made user first)16:05
Dr_Willisusuario_:  what bin file exactly?16:05
Slartkatesmith: ubuntu 1.10? not 9.10? ..    anyways.. if it asks for a username and user password it's up to you to choose one.. it will be the one you'll use to login to the system16:05
usuario_cmaptools bin16:05
mecoAre there support forums for all Ubuntu applications, such as the Clock?16:05
usuario_you know .bin16:05
katesmithit is working now i had to enter it 2 times , thankyou so much16:05
Slartusuario_: depends on what kind of file it is.16:05
usuario_what kind?16:06
mhall119|workmeco: the clock is part of Gnome, so maybe Gnome support16:06
Slartusuario_: that it ends in bin doesn't really tell us what kind of file it is16:06
Dr_Willisusuario_:   'bin' is just a gernic extension that means very little.     theres self installing excutables that often use the silly .bin extension16:06
rblst_Dr_Willis, how can i reset gnome settings, and what do i lose with that?16:06
Dr_Willisusuario_:  so somthing like 'sudo sh whatever.bin' might work16:06
usuario_yes dr willis16:06
mecomhall119|work: Where do I find GNOME Support?16:06
usuario_is a installer16:06
usuario_an installer16:06
mhall119|workmeco: gnome.org16:06
Slartusuario_: try running "file yourfile.bin" to see what it is16:06
Slartusuario_: or you might want to read the instructions on the site where you got the bin file..16:06
Dr_Willisrblst_:  theres various .gnome* and .gtk* directories with the settings.   Not sure what settings you want to keep. I tend to clean  my settings out every few months anyway16:06
usuario_ok i think i'll try the sh option16:07
Dr_Willisusuario_:  or 'chmode +s whatever.bin'  then 'sudo ./whatever.bin' or just './whatevber.bin'16:07
usuario_what another kind of bin exists?16:07
usuario_and sorry for my english16:07
Dr_Willisusuario_:  'bin' means NOTHING. except 'binary'16:07
usuario_i'm spanish16:07
usuario_ok thx16:07
Dr_Willisusuario_:  use of exeutable bin installe4rs are somewhat rare in linux.16:07
usuario_yeah i know16:07
Dr_Willisusuario_:  they often have major problems.16:07
Slartusuario_: it could be an executable file.. or it could be a cd image (usually together with a cue file) .. or it could be something else.. some archive16:07
mecoIs this different from GIMPnet?16:08
usuario_Slart, it is an installer16:08
mhall119|workmeco: different network, yes16:08
Picimeco: this is freenode16:08
Dr_Willismeco:  try joining gimpnet in a different irc client and see :)16:08
usuario_why major problems?16:08
* abhi_nav just successfully solved nm-applet prob!!! :-)16:08
Slartusuario_: that's like saying "it's a red car" when the mechanic asks what kind of car you have a problem with16:08
Dr_Willisusuario_:  becuae they often break on different disrtos, or newer disrto versions16:08
usuario_i understand16:08
OmertaSlart, thank you very much for your assistance16:09
Slartusuario_: what program is it you're trying to install?16:09
SlartOmerta: you're welcome16:09
usuario_Slart: CmapLite16:09
mecoDr_Willis: I'm using a highly sophisticated client that allows me to stay on several networks in the same session16:09
Dr_Willismeco:  most do that. :)16:09
Dr_Willismeco:  one of the few i recall that dident.. was mIRC :) but it may have that feature now.16:09
usuario_well, I've created an appliance for my school (openSUSE) and I must get CmapTools in16:09
eerso everytime i boot up, brub boots up and i have to manually load kernel and boot it - how to solve this16:09
eerbrub = grub16:09
abhi_naveer: brub?16:09
usuario_and I created an autostart entry (check it): sh instalarcmaplite.bin16:10
eerand in the /boot/  i dont see windows there16:10
abhi_naveer: :-)16:10
usuario_well sh /home/edu/instalarcmaplite.bin16:10
Dr_Willisusuario_:  if its an INSTALLEr, you run it once.. and it does the install....16:10
Dr_Willisusuario_:  you wouldent want to auto-run it everytime you login16:10
usuario_yeah, that's a problem16:10
usuario_Didn't thought that!16:11
Dr_Willisso.. whats the problem then? actually you do realise this isent the SUSE channel right?16:11
usuario_I forgot16:11
sambagirlxi accidently removed trashcan from panel how do i get it back?16:11
usuario_right click on panel16:11
Dr_Willissambagirlx:  right click on panel, add to panel...16:11
usuario_add to panel16:11
usuario_and then you add the trash applet16:11
usuario_and move it16:11
sambagirlxi mean the bottom one16:11
sambagirlxnot the top one16:12
Dr_Willissambagirlx:  it dosent matter.. a panel is a panel16:12
usuario_you can do16:12
usuario_it with the bottom panel16:12
Dr_Willisyou can move things from one panel to the other16:12
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:12
in_a_ru5hCan anybody help with a NBR install on an eeepc 900?16:12
Dr_WillisRight click on the Bottom panel.. add to panel, drag/drop the trash widgit to the panel you want.. time to explore the OS a bit. :)16:12
sambagirlxthat did it16:12
mecoIs there a channel where I can get help with connecting to another IRC network?16:12
Slartmeco: try #freenode16:12
Dr_Willismeco:    the irc chat client you are using  normally has a chenel16:13
Dr_Willismeco:  what irc client are you using exactly?16:13
mecoKonversation. I know it has a channel16:13
sambagirlxthe panel looks different now on the bottom.16:13
sambagirlxbut it is ok now it shows autohide options and stuff like that where it didnt before.16:13
Dr_Willismeco:  proberly in the menus.. 'connect to server' or 'make new server tab' then you connect to the new server16:13
sambagirlxit works  better now.16:13
phox_Hi! Is there any way to make transmission automaticcly unrar things i download, and then delete the .rar-files? I dont want them to seed anything, since i got a seedbox for that. I am open to use other bittorrent-programs for this service.16:14
Dr_Willissambagirlx:  it depens on where you right click16:14
MichaelKohlerI updated to Lucid and now I get a `error 15: file not found` when booting.. i already tried to do grub-install, but that didn't help. what could I do?16:14
mecoDr_Willis: It's not a general problem. It's specific. I'll go elsewehere and make inquiries...16:14
icerootMichaelKohler: #ubuntu+116:14
MichaelKohlerah, ok16:14
Zetdoesn't the netbook version support two-finger tap for middle-click?16:14
rblst_Dr_Willis: i only have a folder called .gnome2, i erased it but it did not solve the problem16:14
Dr_Willisphox_:  transmission is a very basic client. You could in theory have it move completed downlopads somewhere.. then watch that dir and auto-unrar stuff16:14
ZetI can't seem to make it work16:14
Dr_Willisrblst_:  theres .gtk* also i recall16:14
dehqanthere are 2 folder , folder 2 contains all folder 1 files , how to copy files of folder2 that are not in folder 1 ?16:15
Zetno wait, it does, according to xev16:15
rblst_Dr_Willis: in the home folder?16:15
in_a_ru5hI used to get a "can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" error. Then I changed the USB media and the USB live creator. Now all that I get after a perfect live session and 2 attemped installs is the "Checking battery state... ...Done" and then a hang. I can get it to the command line and log in in command line by changing the BIOS settings but I don;t know where to go from there. Any ideas?16:15
aaron11Hey I need help with seting up Blam to read the OMG! Ubuntu blog. Can someone help me through this. And whenever I try to open a article it allways opens Nautilus for some reason instead of opening the feed16:16
Dr_Willisrblst_:  just looking here. i see a .gnome  .gnome2 .gnome2_private .gconf .gconfd   those all got some settings in them and proberly some in .config also16:16
khafizguys, how to get the information either my machine is 32bit or 64bit?16:16
Dr_Williskhafiz:  whats its cpu?16:16
Slartdehqan: this might take a little while.. if you can wait a couple of minutes I can try to figure something out16:16
in_a_ru5hAny kind people able to help me?16:17
khafizDr_Willis: do you mean the processor?16:18
Slartkhafiz: that's hard to tell.. it's easier to see if you're using 32bit or 64bit ubuntu by looking at the kernel name16:18
MartijnDo I need to remove the sudoers.tmp manualy after an edit?16:18
khafizSlart: im about to install linux on my laptop16:18
bombcmcpu support 64 bit architecture ?16:18
Dr_Williskhafiz:  CPU = Central Processing UNIT16:19
Slartkhafiz: hmm I don't really know of a good way.. except checking what cpu it uses16:19
in_a_ru5hI bet my problem is too hard for you! lol16:19
khafizSlart: the processor it amd 64 x2  tk-5716:19
iceroot!details | in_a_ru5h16:19
ubottuin_a_ru5h: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:19
Slartkhafiz: sounds like it would be able to run 64bit16:19
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  or its not clear.. then again,, ive rarely had install issues.. so cant really say why you are.16:19
in_a_ru5hI used to get a "can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" error. Then I changed the USB media and the USB live creator. Now all that I get after a perfect live session and 2 attemped installs is the "Checking battery state... ...Done" and then a hang. I can get it to the command line and log in in command line by changing the BIOS settings but I don;t know where to go from there. Any ideas?16:19
icerootMartijn: what editor?16:19
in_a_ru5hIt is the Ubuntu 9.10, NBR distro. On an EEEPC 900.16:20
khafizSlart: shud b no problem to run 32 right?16:20
arch0njwkhafiz: run this command in a terminal and share the results (should be one line):  uname -rvm16:20
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  i have to wonder what bios settings you are changeing16:20
sibbleHELP! - my mouse back/fowrad buttons stopped working!  They worked by default, so I'm not sure how to fix.  xev does not see the keys I have no idea how to remap them16:20
Slartkhafiz: nope.. that'll work just fine16:20
Martijnnevermind, chaching... The tmp file is gone :)16:20
PiciMartijn: No, you don't need to do anything. visudo will copy the file and save with the proper permissions when it closes.16:20
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  how did you make this 'usb install media' ?16:20
Martijnyups, thanks16:20
in_a_ru5hOk. It is the option for the "Os Install"     "Finished/Start"16:20
in_a_ru5hIn "Start" mode, I can get the command line."16:21
phox_Dr_willis: okey, so how would one go about auto-unrar things in a folder? And then deleting the rar files16:21
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  never see/heard of that option. so no idea what it does.  Thers often forum threads on specific netbooks and any specific issues to watch out for16:21
in_a_ru5hI used.......I will check.......16:21
Dr_Willisphox_:  with a bash script. or somghing like the 'FAM' file access monitoring service/deamons/tools16:21
in_a_ru5hI used "unetbootin"16:22
phox_Dr_willis: okey, thx, ill google that16:22
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  unetbootin should make a flash drive that should boot on most any pc. Have you tried that usb drive on any other pc's ?16:22
in_a_ru5hWhen I used the one that came with Ubuntu 9.10, I got the can not mount etc. error16:22
in_a_ru5hEven with the discard on shutdown command enabed.16:22
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  the one that came with 9.10 should also worked fine.   Its possible you got some bad media. or iso file, or other issue16:22
arch0njwin_a_ru5h, Dr_Willis: there is also "usb-creator" which is graphical.  I have had great success using that.16:23
in_a_ru5hI have been reading up and most people who get to the same stage of booting that I am are blaming Nvidia graphics drivers?16:24
aaron11Hey I need help with seting up Blam to read the OMG! Ubuntu blog. Can someone help me through this. And whenever I try to open a article it allways opens Nautilus for some reason instead of opening the feed16:24
in_a_ru5hI believe that the one "arch" is refering to cam with the Ubuntu .sio16:24
mewayIs there a way to tunnel a program threw ssh to a windows computer?16:24
Dr_Willismeway:  you can do ssh tunnels wth windows and putty, and proberly other tools16:25
Dr_Willismeway:  so 'yes' :)16:25
conb123Anyone know if automatix is still available for ubuntu karmic? The site seems to be down16:25
Dr_Willisconb123:  automatix is dead as far as i know. Its not needed any more16:25
dehqanSlart:  is this solution ? rsync --dry-run -v source/directory destination/directory16:25
ubottuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »16:25
in_a_ru5hI have not tried the pen drive in any other machines. I only have an apple macbook, and I didn't want to run the risk of damaging anything! Silly I know, but I just cannot risk it with this machine.16:26
Dr_Willisand good riddance to it. :)16:26
mewayDr_Willis: somone told me about these tunnels can you help me with this?16:26
Dr_Willismeway:  nope. I never use them. Other then to say ive seen guides on doing it.16:26
kostkonconb123, you may like ubuntu-tweak16:26
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  booting from a flash driv shouldent affect a system at all.16:27
mewayDr_Willis: have any guids?16:27
mewayDr_Willis: or should I google it16:27
aaron11Hey I need help with seting up Blam to read the OMG! Ubuntu blog. Can someone help me through this. And whenever I try to open a article it allways opens Nautilus for some reason instead of opening the feed16:27
Dr_Willismeway:  i would have to google.. so i guess you should to. :)16:27
mewayDr_Willis: kk thanks16:27
conb123Thanks everyone16:27
lostonelooks like ubuntu server 9.0.4 won't boot from an MPT SAS RAID16:28
in_a_ru5hWell, I am rerunning the install now on the eeepc, so when that has finished I will try it on this machine. I am betting it will work, but i'll come back and let you know!!16:28
Slartdehqan: I'm not sure.. rsync might check the files that already exist.. see if they are the same..16:28
Slartdehqan: but give it a try.. create a smaller sample folder.. see if it does what you want16:28
dehqanSlart: yes seems it is not good idea16:28
aaron11Hey I need help with seting up Blam to read the OMG! Ubuntu blog. Can someone help me through this. And whenever I try to open a article it allways opens Nautilus for some reason instead of opening the feed16:29
seanbrystone2!it | sasyno16:31
ubottusasyno: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:31
hellz_bellzim trying to remove a package and its being very stubborn...refuses to even uncheck itself in synaptic16:32
hellz_bellzits partially removed16:32
Dr_Willishellz_bellz:  in the past ive had to 'install' then 'remove' a few weird packages...16:32
hellz_bellzE: xplico: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 12716:32
Dr_Willissounds like a bug in the package almost hellz_bellz ...16:33
hellz_bellzive tried "remove"16:33
hellz_bellzcant force it either16:33
hellz_bellzhow do i get rid of it cause dpkg is broken now16:33
seanbrystone2eeeks im updating dpkg as we speak, dont tell me its broken! :(16:34
* seanbrystone2 worries16:34
Jon-I am having an issue when I do an apt-get update. I have done some debugging and found that the Google chrome repository added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d is the one causing it to pause at 99% for a good minute or so. Is there anyway to fix this, is this a known problem?16:34
Dr_Williswhats broken in dpkg?16:34
wecan i ask a question?16:35
abhi_nav!ask | we16:35
ubottuwe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:35
hellz_bellznothing i have a package broken and it is preventing me fron using dpckg16:35
Dr_WillisJon-:  ive noticed its slow also. I just commented it out.   i only check for google chrome updates about once a week or month now16:35
Jon-Dr_Willis: I don't see Google having a bandwidth issue lmao. What's up?16:35
wei have a question?16:35
Dr_WillisJon-:  no idea. Ive just noticed the issue here in the last few weeks16:36
Dr_Williswe:  you asked 2 allready. :) care to ask an actual Ubuntu Support question?16:36
wehaha thanks16:36
weI have tried installing from unetbootin but it says cannot mount cdrom16:36
wei'm using a usb stick16:37
wei remember before adding or removing some files from the usb stick and it solving the problem16:37
wewhat should i do?16:37
=== Jedcat is now known as Jedcat[OpenArena
histoUghh can't figure out why this server keeps going down. Last entry is cron running hourly16:38
marvelousbobIs there any way of disabling copy on text selection and paste on middle mouse click other than mapping middle click to another button click?16:38
Jedcat[OpenArenaху плейс опенарена?16:38
mewayDr_Willis: I am haveing trouble finding a well explained instruction16:38
marvelousbobJedcat[OpenArena, #ubuntu-ru ?16:38
Jedcat[OpenArenawho plays OpenArena&16:38
Jedcat[OpenArenawho plays OpenArena&?16:39
Dr_Willismeway:  ive totally forgotten what your original problem even is.16:39
mewayDr_Willis: oh sorry the ssh tunneling16:39
Jedcat[OpenArenaomg. Who can help  my with OpenArena!?)16:39
histoIs there somewhere else I should look besides syslog to see why the server is just dying?  It stops responding to net requests when it does this?16:39
Dr_Willismarvelousbob:  i seem to recall a way.. but i cant even rember when i saw that..  I reall someone asking about AGES ago..16:39
mewayDr_Willis: im trying to run a program from my server thats ubuntu onto this windows computer16:39
histoJedcat[OpenArena: what problem are you having?16:40
lliezoola, alguem sabe como eu faço para instalar o firefox 3.616:40
bobbob1016I'm trying to get Squid to work as a proxy for my VPN.  I'm using the basic squid config, and trying to get it to allow all access over my VPN, since I will be the only one with access to it.  I have successfully gotten an "Access Denied" page with squid on the bottom so I am connected to the server.  Can anyone help me with a basic config to allow everything to a specific IP range,
Jedcat[OpenArenahisto I just don't know, what is "handicap")16:40
wecan anyone tell me waht's up with unetbootin16:40
histoJedcat[OpenArena: thats settings to even you up against the bots16:40
Dr_Willismeway:   I think you are confuseing things... You can TUNNLE  the networking.. like have the browser on the linux box.. and it going through the windows box to get to the internet..  thats NOT the same as having the browser running ON the linux box appear ON the windows machines display16:41
dehqanwhat is this error for ? # cp -arpv `cat /33` /dd16:41
dehqancp: invalid option -- w16:41
marvelousbobDr_Willis, yeah, i'm sure i've done it before but for the life of me I can't remember how.16:41
Dr_Williswe:  unetbootin works very well for me.16:41
Dr_Willismarvelousbob:  you got a tricky mouse wher you are always accidently pasteing the selection?16:41
Dr_Willismarvelousbob:  thers also  clipboard/selection sync tools that may have some  configs for that16:41
mewayDr_Willis: anyway to get vnc to open threw an ssh ?16:41
Jon-Dr_Willis: Thanks for the answer, cta.16:42
Dr_Willismeway:  you can ssh tunnle vnc yes.16:42
Jedcat[OpenArenahisto emm.... i can't understund you o_O16:42
hellz_bellzanybody willing to help me get rid of the broken package?16:42
mewayDr_Willis:  know how?16:42
marvelousbobDr_Willis, yeah - it's driving me insane, chunks of conversation being randomly dumped in my work16:42
Dr_Willismeway:  or install a X display server (like ximing) on the windows box.. ssh (or putty) to the linxu box.. and run the app. it will appear on the iwndows box.16:42
marvelousbob(i have a bad habbit of selecting blocks of text when i'm thinking)16:42
Dr_Willis!vnc | meway16:42
ubottumeway: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:42
marvelousbobDr_Willis, do you know the name of such a program - i'm googling now but the terms are kind of generic16:43
histoJedcat[OpenArena: It helps newer players against the computer bots I believe.16:43
Slartdehqan: here's a pretty long one-liner .. diff <(ls ~/Desktop/folder1 | sort) <(ls ~/Desktop/folder2 | sort) | colrm 1 2 | tail --lines=+2 | xargs -t -IFILE echo cp ~/Desktop/folder1/FILE16:43
Dr_Willismarvelousbob:  with these wheel mice.. i can never paste when i want to..  via the middle click any more16:43
Dr_Willismarvelousbob:  gclipper or glipper for gnome I recall16:43
histoJedcat[OpenArena: but the people in #openarena may be able to help more16:43
marvelousbobDr_Willis, thank you!16:44
mewayDr_Willis:  anyway to connect vnc on (windows machine) to the vnc (ubuntu machine) ?16:44
mewayDr_Willis: I have putty16:44
khafizDr_Willis: http://imagebin.org/88487 will this help me to identify wether im using 32bit or 64bitt?16:44
Slartdehqan: it uses diff on the output of ls from the two folders.. and removes some extra characters from that.. as it stands now it just prints out a line.. but if you remove the "echo" command it will do a cp instead.. you might want to modify the directories and the last part to suit your needs16:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yfoel
=== yfoel is now known as yofel
ismael_ya lo se16:44
ismael_can you help my please16:45
histomeway: there are tons of windows vnc clients16:45
ismael_jeje is silly16:45
Dr_Williskhafiz:  err.. it says right there its an AMD Antlono 64 X2 CPU....16:45
mewayhsito I have vnc416:45
Dr_Williskhafiz:  so its a 64bit cpu16:45
mewayhisto: I think16:45
caustici set my login to xterm and now I can't figure out how, from the command line, to login to gdm again.  any help?16:45
mewayhisto: I have number416:45
khafizok Dr_Willis thx for ur words16:45
ismael_do you like my cucumber16:45
in_a_ru5hWell, after this install it actually loaded. With lots of errors after reaching the GUI, but I suppose they can be sorted :)16:46
dehqanSlart: thanks a lot will try now16:46
histomeway: You're trying to connect from windows to ubuntu right?16:46
Dr_Williskhafiz:  the only 'recent' cpus out that i can think of that are NOT 64bit are the netbook atom cpus. but im not 100% sure on those either. :)16:46
Jedcat[OpenArenahisto thnx)16:46
mewayhisto: right16:46
StaRetjihi there, I need help with rather simple bash script. I have to execute to commands with delay of few second between them. exec 1 , wait 3 seconds, exec 2 THX!16:46
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  sounds like you may have some deeper issues. or bad media.16:46
llutzStaRetji: "sleep x"16:47
hellz_bellzi need to install apache to remove the package apparently but i cant install apache without removing the package16:47
hellz_bellzplease hewlp16:47
histoJedcat[OpenArena: np16:47
histomeway: just download a windows vnc client16:47
histomeway: then share the desktop in ubuntu.16:47
mewayhisto: ... im on a diffrent network than my server16:47
Dr_Willisvncing across the internet is not very secure I belive..16:47
mewayhisto: the server is not open can I open it threw ssh?16:48
Dr_Willisthats why that 'ssh tunnle vnc' factoid the bot mentions comes in to play16:48
mewayhisto: ssh is open16:48
llutzStaRetji: "cmd1 && sleep x;cmd2 && sleep y; cmd3"16:48
StaRetjillutz thx, tried that, but for some reason it waits 3 second until it executes both, or at least that is immpresion16:48
in_a_ru5hPossibly bad media. It did give me a battery error, to say it was low an a couple of "devkit-disks-daemon closed unexpectedly" errors. I will try a reboot now to see if the same happens again....."16:48
StaRetjillutz ; is the key?16:49
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  or bad ram issues....16:49
hellz_bellzim trying to remove a package that needs me to install apache2 but i cant install apache2 untill i remove the package...it has essentially broken dpkg due to this catch-22 situation16:49
in_a_ru5hThe computer was perfectly stable running xp.....16:50
caustici set my login to xterm and now I can't figure out how, from the command line, to login to gdm again.  If you give me the proper string to search for, I won't bother anyone anymore16:50
llutzStaRetji: cmd1 ; cmd 2        will run cmd2 after cmd1 exited16:50
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  there is a memtest option in the first menus16:50
in_a_ru5hI could run a memory test from recovery mode?16:50
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  ive had windows machines run with 'bad' ram.. they just crashed more.. so for windows thats normal... so it wasent all that noticeable. :)16:50
Dr_WillisMost netbooks shold be working decantly well with the latest releases of ubuntu.16:51
in_a_ru5hlol, well I'm sure that this is OK. the machine ran for days and days without crashing. i used it for very little though.16:51
in_a_ru5hThats what I would have expected. And the Live version ran perfectly.16:52
Dr_Willisin_a_ru5h:  make a list of what did and dident work for future referance.. If Live setup 'works' but Installed system dosent.. that points to possible bad media, or oddity in the hard drive.16:52
dannieldo you have to be registered to talk in here?16:52
Slartdanniel: nope16:53
Dr_Willisdanniel: No.16:53
dehqanSlart: thanks a lot , and -IFILE echo cp ~/Desktop/folder1/FILE should be changed to -IFILE echo cp ~/Desktop/folder2/FILE16:53
dannielwell i have ubuntu installed but i dont know how to get the files that i had in my vista windows to install into ubuntu, how do i get my files from vista windows to install and transfer into ubuntu 9.10?16:53
dannieli was wondering if anyone can help me with that?16:53
Slartdehqan: ah.. yes.. folder2 was the one with more files.. my bad..16:53
Dr_Willisdanniel:  clarify what you mean by 'to install'  - You can mount the windows drive and access your data files that way...16:54
dehqanSlart: thanks GOD peace you16:54
Slartdehqan: you're welcome16:54
dannielokay Dr_Willis how would i go about doing that i am really new at it?16:54
causticHello, where does the line to ask a question begin?16:55
in_a_ru5hOk. I will do. I usually work more systematically but for this one I was hitting things I have zero understanding of. I am totally new to linux. I have had troubles with installs in the past. It does put me off using it in future. I would like to put it on an old laptop that belongs to a friend to try and get the most out of an aging system, but things like this really put me off.16:55
Slartcaustic: just ask.. there's no queue16:55
Dr_Willisdanniel:  i always tell the installer to mount my windows drive to /media/windows   or look in the places menu for your windows drive16:55
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents16:55
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:55
causticok, I set my linix mint to boot to xterm so i could install new video drivers.  now I can't change it back to boot to gdm16:55
caustichow do i change what session i want as default from the terminal?16:56
Dr_Williscaustic:  mint has its own tech support..  -  reverse what you did to make it boot to xterm? or restart the gdm service?16:56
Slartikonia: huh? troll?16:56
Dr_Williscaustic:  select with gdm -> it writes it to .dmrc   and thats the default16:56
Dr_Williscaustic:  I think :)16:56
causticthank you DR_Wilis.  this problem should be common to ubuntu, so i came in here16:57
Dr_Williscaustic:  i think the use of dmrc is common to most all disrtos that use GDM16:57
causticI don't get the option to login and enter my password..it is set to auto-login16:57
Dr_WillisNo one ever noticed the menus on the GDM login screen to selexct the sessions16:57
causticthat may be the key then...so it's ~/.drmc i need to look at?16:58
Dr_Williscaustic:  or delete it.. and it will go back to system default16:58
Dr_Williscaustic:  or start GDM and login/select a differnt session16:58
causticlemme try that...its under ~?16:58
causticxwindows is running, but it's shell is just an xterm16:58
Dr_Willisits in the home dir - yes16:58
Dr_Williscaustic:  so?   you got a shell going. :) you can close X and start up gdm  if you wanted to16:59
caustici can run firefox from the term, but it's just one program at a time with no dressing (min,max,close)16:59
Dr_Williscaustic:  You need to run a WINDOW MANAGER also then16:59
caustici can stop it, then startx16:59
Dr_Williscaustic:  like 'icewm' or somthing for window decoration16:59
conb123Hiya I am setting a mount point for my windows drive in ntfs-config on ubuntu karmic and there are two check boxes one says "Enable write support for internal device" and the other "Enable write support for external device", can anyone enlighten me as to the difference between these two?16:59
causticwasn't gnome a WM?16:59
caustici'm still kind of new16:59
Dr_Williscaustic:  or exit back to the console and use 'sudo service gdm start'16:59
Dr_Williscaustic:  gnome is a DESKTOP. metacity is the gnome window manager17:00
caustici can do that..but when i reboot, it goes back to xterm17:00
causticahh that might be an issue17:00
nperryconb123: Internal is in the box hard drive. External is outside of your computer case.17:00
Dr_Williscaustic:   You got it set to auto-login?17:00
causticyes, auto-login is on17:00
Ritleycan some one help me out with readline? I'm trying to install id3ed but it keeps coming back with an error in the ./configure, saying i don't have readline, and yet i've practically installed everything that says readline in it from the synaptics package manager, and even restarted my box... pastebing error is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/393398/17:00
causticlet me ask this another way...how can i get the system to login to metacity and not xterm ?17:00
Dr_Williscaustic: EXIT/logout  back to GDM and select a different session.17:00
khafizi want to install but i dont know which distro i want to install. its either suse or ubuntu17:00
causticis that in the ~/.dmrc?17:00
nperryconb123: It basically deals with remove the deivce different as they could be connected differently17:01
causticit won't let me logout17:01
Dr_Williscaustic:  Session=gnome   -> is whats in my dmrc.. and dmrc gets set by the GDM menus you use..17:01
causticit's greyed out17:01
rawcodehey, if anyone could tell me why this is giving me null at line 37 I would be eternally grateful (it's DOM parsing in java) http://www.pastie.org/86520217:01
Dr_Williscaustic:  'sudo service gdm restart' perhaps17:01
rawcodeXML that its parsing = http://www.pastie.org/86520717:01
conb123nperry: Right I sort of see, it's just I was a bit confused, I was thinking it is only one drive, why should it need two different options17:01
sqwertleI just recently bought a Toshiba L505-ES5033 and can not get ubuntu (or fedora 12 32 or 64) to boot from the live cd, or install. I can get to the initial menu that asks me if I want to try without changes and all that but from that point nothing really. If I choose any options other than the help option it runs through some scripts and gives me an error. The error refuses to stay on the screen de17:01
causticbefore I ask any more, lemme go look at the dmrc17:01
Dr_Williscaustic:  or alt-ctrl-sysreq-k I think17:01
=== ChrisSoyars is now known as afk|ChrisSoyars
sqwertledespite my constant demands that it does; all I THINK I can make out is MIRR... configuration error. Fedora tells me something entirely different. After this error it goes to a faded black screen and I can hear my HDD making angry sounds.17:02
nperry!java | rawcode17:02
ubotturawcode: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository17:02
Dr_Williscaustic:  or use 'gnome-session' in the xterm to get the gnome desktop and run the gdm config tools17:02
nperryrawcode: maybe that wasnt the right one. Best thing is to ask in #java17:02
nperryrawcode: They can help you with that :)17:02
rawcodenperry, #java is invite only17:03
rawcodenperry, #java is invite only17:03
Formattedhi!Just a quick question!I installed Ubuntu from windows(on a different particion than windows) and i'm totally pleased with ubuntu. Can I just format my windows partition?It wont effect ubuntu right?17:03
rawcodenperry, #xml is as dead as centOS17:03
nperryrawcode: ##java then :)17:03
sqwertleFormatted: yes17:03
SlartFormatted: if you installed it using wubi it might affect it.. I'm not sure17:03
caustici changed "xterm" in ~/.dmrc to "gnome" and rebooted17:03
causticlet's see what that does17:03
conb123Also does anyone have any idea how I can run the kwallet config again for amarok, I accidentaly dismissed and then realised I probably want it configured17:03
FormattedI did it with wubi17:03
Dr_Williscaustic:  you like to do things the hard way. :)17:03
Dr_Williscaustic:  and all you needed to do was restart the gdm service.. not reboot..17:04
caustici tried to open the config file and it wouldn't "unlock" so I could change the login17:04
sqwertleCould anyone help me troubleshoot installing 9.10 on my laptop?17:04
=== rawcode is now known as raab88
SlartFormatted: I don't really know how wubi does its thing.. I would try searching for more info before deleting that windows partition..17:04
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Formattedok ty!17:05
caustici've been at this an hour or so and I didn't know the right questions to ask of google...so hard way is all ...crap..it's back to xterm17:05
Dr_WillisFormatted:  wubi is ON/IN the windows partition.17:05
causticok, stopping gdm17:05
Dr_WillisFormatted:  theres tools to move a Wubi Install to a normal partion/convert it to a normal install.. but i NEVER use wubi.17:05
nperry!ask | sqwertle17:05
ubottusqwertle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:05
Slartsqwertle: just describe your problem. if someone knows they will probably answer you17:05
FormattedI installd ubuntu from windos but on a different partiticion17:05
Dr_WillisFormatted:  sounds like you used WUBI then...  It may be time to just do a reinstall.17:05
causticok gdm is stopped and I'm at a tty1 terminal17:06
Ritleycan some one help me out with readline? I'm trying to install id3ed but it keeps coming back with an error in the ./configure, saying i don't have readline, and yet i've practically installed everything that says readline in it from the synaptics package manager, and even restarted my box...  error is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/393398/17:06
nperrycaustic: startx :)17:06
Dr_Williscaustic:  sudo service gdm start    and see if it auto logs in,17:06
sqwertleI just bought a Toshiba L505-ES5033 and am receiving an unidentifiable error and  cannot boot from livecd or install.17:06
Dr_Williscaustic:  i always set gdm to wait like 10 sec befor it auto logs in17:06
causticalready starting x17:06
sqwertleThe error is while trying to install*17:06
causticit is set for 10 secs17:06
nperrysqwertle: When do you get the error message?17:06
Slartsqwertle: hm.. unidentifiable error? it actually says that?17:07
Dr_Williscaustic:  or i got it set where it autologins in at first boot.. then waits 30 sec if i exit.. befor it auto logs in17:07
sqwertleAfter selecting any option on the live/install cd. The error flashes very quickly =O17:07
Ritleysqwertle, have you tried red/l'ing and reburnning the installation media? could be a bad d/l or bad burn17:07
sqwertleYes, I ahve several times17:07
Dr_Willisnight all...17:07
sqwertleI've also tried using fedora 12, which has similar to the same errors; or at least error result17:07
causticit's at the desktop...i clicked to logout to go to the login screen and change the box to "gnome" and it dropped me back to tty117:07
sqwertleAs well as using livecd/liveusb17:08
AlexanderSupertrjust installed Jaunty Alpha17:08
causticor tty7 not sure17:08
AlexanderSupertrGoes directly o shell on boot17:08
SlartAlexanderSupertr: jaunty alpha? jaunty has be released for a couple of months.. no need for an alpha now17:08
SlartAlexanderSupertr: or you mean lucid lynx? the one coming out in april?17:08
hellz_bellzm trying to remove a package that needs me to install apache2 but i cant install apache2 untill i remove the package...it has essentially broken dpkg due to this catch-22 situation17:08
nperryAlexanderSupertr: How come you've installed jaunty alpha, do you meant lucid alpha?17:08
AlexanderSupertrSlart: yes. I had the disc and planned to upgrade after installing alphs.17:09
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causticsudo service gdm start didn't bring me to login window.  I am back at the xterm shell17:09
sqwertleI'll have to ask again later, I have to go for now17:09
nperryAlexanderSupertr: Are you able to boot into recovery?17:09
SlartAlexanderSupertr: the alpha can be pretty broken.. I would get a new install cd.. with the proper version17:09
AlexanderSupertrnperry: yes17:09
AlexanderSupertrSlart: humm17:09
AlexanderSupertrI installed Jaunty Alpha because I had the alphs disc available.17:10
caustic~/.dmrc says xterm again17:10
nperryAlexanderSupertr: To save you having to redownload another cd, thats if you have another working computer, it'd be best to boot into reocvery, drop to shell with networking and type in sudo do-release-upgrade17:10
causticmaybe i'll just change it and turn off write capabilities17:11
nperryAlexanderSupertr: That'll take you to karmic and *should* fix your boot :)17:11
hellz_bellzm trying to remove a package that needs me to install apache2 but i cant install apache2 untill i remove the package...it has essentially broken dpkg due to this catch-22 situation17:11
nperry!repreat | hellz_bellz17:12
nperry!repeat | hellz_bellz17:12
ubottuhellz_bellz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:12
AlexanderSupertrnperry: actually I had Interpid working. Then I did package upgrades, not to Jaunty, just package upgrades. Then network manager stopped connecting to Wireless Network17:12
AlexanderSupertrSO I installed Jaunty17:12
AlexanderSupertrJaunty too is not accessing Network17:12
AlexanderSupertrso upgrade through recovery shell wont work :(17:12
nperryIt would be best to download karmic cd then, burn that and reinstall.17:13
AlexanderSupertrI can download Jaunty Release and install it.17:13
AlexanderSupertrjust wanted to know if there some setting which takes Jaunty directly to shell on boot17:13
nperryAlexanderSupertr: Only if you remove X :P17:14
causticalexander, i can tell you what's doing that on mine...but I don't want it to go to shell on boot17:14
StaRetjillutz sorry for delay, had the phone. Thx a lot mate, it works!!! Highly appreciated17:15
AlexanderSupertrnperry: i definitely did not remove X. :)17:15
AlexanderSupertrcaustic: ??17:15
causticmy problem is that my computer keeps booting INTO xterm and I want it to go to gnome17:15
BadElvisi want to use my wiimote as normal user, so i added a udev rule with KERNEL=="uinput", GROUP="admin" but my normal user still cant access the uinput module17:15
BadElvisim lost17:16
kubancis  century gothic font installed in ubuntu?17:16
nperryAlexanderSupertr: If i remeber rightly I was testing out during Jaunty alpha, and it was happening all the time to me. Try startx when your in tty117:16
causticit was a lousy attempt to be funny=ironic17:16
kerebrusWhat is the file package required for dvd playback?17:16
kubancI installed msttcorefonts but i do not have century gothic fonts17:16
Pici!es | hallowey17:17
ubottuhallowey: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:17
AlexanderSupertrcaustic: he he.  or may be I am too tired to get the jokes.17:17
nperry!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | kerebrus17:17
abhishek_hyeah i thiink so17:17
causticno, it just wasn't funny17:17
ubottukerebrus: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB17:17
nperry!ot | caustic17:18
abhishek_nop plz17:18
halloweyalguien habla español17:18
jsec!es | hallowey17:18
halloweykie me habla17:18
AlexanderSupertrnperry: starx is throwing some VideoBuffer errors17:19
AlexanderSupertri'll just download Karmic17:19
ubottucaustic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:19
ubottuhallowey: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:19
nperryAlexanderSupertr: Prob best, alpha bugs in jaunty were fun!17:19
causticthank y ou ubottu, i'll remember that17:19
abhishek_m using karmic but facing some problem17:19
ngirardHi all. I have an old pair of keys (id_rsa and id_rsa.pub) for which I'm unsure about the passphrase. How can I check if the passphrase i have in mind is right ?17:20
abhishek_like i cannot find my boot menu.lst17:20
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
kerebrusnperry thank you for the info im trying that now17:20
causticmy problem seems to be solved, if anyone wants to know (for their own reference) how it was done, message me17:20
AlexanderSupertrnperry: :) .17:20
AlexanderSupertrthanks for help guys17:20
abhishek_like i cannot find my boot menu.lst17:20
Slartabhishek_: are you running 9.10 ? if so it's not there any more17:21
abhishek_m not able to find my boot menu.lst17:21
nperrykerebrus & AlexanderSupertr No problem, good luck both of you :)17:21
causticthank you very much for helping me17:21
eerabhishek_ /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:21
abhishek_then i cannot change my boot order if i m using duel system17:21
iceroot!grub2 | abhishek_17:21
eerabhishek_ in which OS are you now?17:21
ubottuabhishek_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:21
Slartabhishek_: you should be able to.. I didn't say they removed it without presenting an alternative..17:22
icerootabhishek_: there is no menu.lst in grub2 (9.10)17:22
abhishek_now in karmic but at the same time i hav installed windows too17:22
joedalton\whois caustic17:22
eerabhishek_ good17:22
eerabhishek_ go to terminal17:22
abhishek_hey i tried that grub.cfg but permission denied17:22
masu3701is 10.4 out there to try yet?17:22
eerabhishek_ sudo os-prober17:22
Slartabhishek_: there's a new configuration file.. some options have disappeared.. but the most basic stuff is still there.. and "sudo update-grub" should find your windows partitions just fine17:23
nperry!lucid | masu370117:23
ubottumasu3701: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+117:23
Myrtti!hi | myky17:23
ubottumyky: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:23
Leo87hi, where can i get help for vps?17:23
rodfersouI made my python version of the boot script works... if someone is interested, here is the link http://paste.pocoo.org/show/188458/17:23
abhishek_by this prober command its showing only windows17:23
eerabhishek_ thats good17:24
abhishek_i want to change my boot order and wanna make linux default17:24
eerwait a sec17:24
abhi_navabhishek_ grub or grub2?17:24
=== manuel_ is now known as manuel__
eerabhishek_ $ sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy17:24
selofiholasssssss! que tal todo el mundo?17:24
Tru7hGreetings, is there a Finnish Ubuntu channel?17:24
mykyque pasa17:25
abhishek_i think  legacy is  for 9.04 nort for karmic17:25
eerabhishek_  does that install grub?17:25
mykyque pasa17:25
eertry abhishek_  and tell me17:25
abhishek_wait a sec17:25
selofialguno de ustedes sabe de donde descargarse temas para cairo dock?17:25
abhishek_command not found17:26
jsec!es | selofi17:26
fabio333!es | selofi17:26
ubottuselofi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:26
eerabhishek_  sudo update-grub217:26
Myrtti!fi | Tru7h17:26
ubottuTru7h: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)17:26
eerabhishek_ if you reinstall your grub2 then it solves the problem17:26
Tru7hThank you. :)17:26
MyrttiTru7h: ole hyvä17:26
abhishek_same thing17:27
abhishek_command not found17:27
abhishek_it will be a big mess with comp17:27
eerabhishek_ you need to reinstall just GRUB217:27
abhishek_wat u says17:27
eernot the OS17:27
eerits easy and nice17:27
kerebrusnperry I installed the package but the dvd plays choppy and mplayer throws up CRC check error every frame17:27
eerabhishek_  are you in ubuntu terminal or grub prompt?17:28
abhishek_dude will u tell me how to reinstall it ..m a new user17:28
abhishek_m in terminal now17:28
abhi_navabhishek_ dont reinstall wait a min17:28
selofiwhere I can found cairodock themes?17:29
Travis-42Is there a program that will capture global key presses (like play/pause) and let me run scripts or macros?17:29
Slartselofi: looked at www.gnome-look.org ?17:29
eerabhishek_ please paste the output of sudo update-grub17:29
eerabhishek_  or sudo update-grub217:29
dannieli dont know how to mount files at all i dont know how to get my files to load from windows vista to ubuntu?  how does one mount files, is there directions how to do this?17:29
abhishek_wait a sec m getting something17:29
abhi_navabhishek_ see if this is what you want: http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/changing-the-default-boot-with-ubuntu-910-grub-2.html dont read all the theory just go to comments part and follow instructions17:30
selofiin what section of gnome-look?17:30
eerdanniel you must be seeing your windows folder from My Computer in Ubuntu, double click it17:30
abhishek_it is update..now wat to do17:30
eershow the output abhishek_17:30
dannielthankyou so much17:30
=== ignatius is now known as Guest1971
abhi_navabhishek_read my above last msg17:30
eerdanniel continue exploring the world of linux, !17:31
Slartselofi: in "other" I think..17:31
nperrykerebrus: I might be best for you to install VLC then.17:31
nperry!info vlc | kerebrus17:31
ubottukerebrus: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 1586 kB, installed size 3808 kB17:31
kerebrusnperry i try playing it in vlc and vlc opens a window then closes it17:32
abhishek_Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub17:32
abhishek_Searching for default file ... Generating /boot/grub/default file and setting the default boot entry to 017:32
abhishek_Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub17:32
abhishek_Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ...17:32
abhishek_Could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Would you like /boot/grub/menu.lst generated for you? (y/N) y17:32
abhishek_Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...17:32
FloodBot2abhishek_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:32
nperrykerebrus: Very odd, I'm not to sure then. Might be best to ask somone else in here. Sorry!17:32
kerebrusnperry ok thanks for the help17:32
kerebrusnperry ill just rip the dvd to avi17:33
halloweyhelp me please17:33
abhi_navhallowey: what the prob?17:33
* xfact_ on lucid lynx17:34
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abhishek_sorry buddy didnt know how to use paste.ubuntu17:34
=== Guest30052 is now known as ulf_dude
rabbit1Abhinav: looks like too many newbies are into linux :) good news17:35
masu3701cant start windows in safe mode nor normal mode...do anybody know the right channel for this17:36
xfact_rabbit1, tough for helpers17:36
xfact_to handle17:36
sven_oostenbrinkI want to delete an entire LVM volume, but I need to assure all data is gone.. will this do the trick? sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mapper/system-home17:36
r_a_fmasu3701: google windows :p17:36
rabbit1all are playing with tux, nobody wants to hit head with windows17:36
rabbit1xfact_: yeah, bit tough, but not impossible17:36
r_a_frabbit1: not true17:36
rabbit1r_a_f: why not?17:37
sontekHow do you flushdns?17:39
hellz_bellzim trying to remove a package that needs me to install apache2 but i cant install apache2 untill i remove the package...it has essentially broken dpkg due to this catch-22 situation17:40
DemoOnanybody uses Scrennlets?17:40
abhi_navsontek: what is flushdns?17:41
hellz_bellzi use screenlets17:41
sontekabhi_nav: kills off dns cache17:41
xfact_DemoOn, I tried on KK but it did't work correctly :(17:41
kerebrusExcuse me, what is the difference between "sudo apt-get install" and "sudo aptitude install"?17:41
abhi_navsontek: hmm17:41
DemoOnhellz_bellz: do u know where can i delete configuration? I cant get work one of them17:41
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abhi_nav!apt | kerebrus17:42
ubottukerebrus: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)17:42
abhi_nav!aptitude | kerebrus17:42
ubottukerebrus: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide17:42
kerebrusabhi_nav ah thank you17:42
abhi_navkerebrus: hmm17:42
haxhelp me please17:43
DemoOnhax: ?17:44
haxalguien speak in spanish¿?17:44
jpds!es | hax17:44
ubottuhax: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:44
ubottuOne ping only, Vassily.17:44
DemoOncan i install fglrx driver if its not supported anymore?17:45
DemoOni mean the older version17:45
AzelphurDemoOn: not unless you downgrade Xorg too17:46
DemoOnhmmm... how can i downgrade it?17:46
rabbit1i still have prob with my audio, its always busy, i need to kill everytime to use it in other application17:47
AzelphurDemoOn: don't know, my only idea would be to run an old version of ubuntu17:47
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bajista0127unfortunely theres no way that u can downgrade a distro17:48
rabbit1i still have prob with my audio, its always busy, i need to kill everytime to use it in other application. any help?17:48
DemoOnbajista0127: dont need to downgrade distro, just X17:48
=== grj is now known as jedrzejblew
bajista0127u will need to format with a later version of an ubuntu cd17:48
=== Yasky is now known as Igbanam
YyharssargyhaellDoes anyone know how to sync your Google Calender with Evolution?17:49
bajista0127rabbit> what distro do u have?17:49
bajista0127and hardware information17:49
rabbit1bajista0127: hardy17:49
AzelphurDemoOn: maybe some googling can tell you how to do it17:49
vanishinghi guys17:50
Yyharssargyhaell!hi | vanishing17:50
ubottuvanishing: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:50
vanishingcan anyone help me with this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142728117:50
sambagirlxis postgres install by default with hardy?17:51
Picivanishing : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:51
vanishingPici: im in there...asked that question..no one knows it..17:51
Picivanishing: Then be patient in there.  Lucid support is only in that channel until it is released.17:52
rabbit1i still have prob with my audio, its always busy, i need to kill everytime to use it in other application. i work on hardy17:52
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niemeyerHello there!17:53
niemeyerI'm starting to think that dpkg-* tools really hate me.. :(17:53
niemeyerHave been trying to sign the source files for zookeeper for a while without much luck so far17:54
Igbanamrabbit1: do you have the problem that when you use audio in a browser, it doesn't work for a media player and vice versa?17:54
niemeyerFor a start, has anyone seen this error before:17:55
niemeyer signfile zookeeper_3.2.2+dfsg3-2ubuntu1~ppa3.dsc17:55
niemeyersh: a: not found17:55
rabbit1lgbanam: nop, nothing like it, i jus have prob with video files17:56
xiyunoMy menu.lst is empty ?17:56
xiyunoCan someone help me ?17:57
rabbit1Igbanam: nop, nothing like it, one my OS starts it sounds, then when i open a video app in VLC it says audio is used by other program, but when i run normal audio songs it plays in VLC17:57
xiyunoMy /boot/grub/menu.lst is empty17:57
hellz_bellzin terminal17:57
rabbit1Igbanam: i have no idea which app is using it17:57
DemoOnhah, i dont have menu.lst17:58
xiyunoBut i got a sound problem17:58
hellz_bellzare you on a live distro?17:58
hellz_bellzhow are you in here?17:58
DemoOnhellz_bellz: maybe because i have grub-1.9817:58
xiyunoi have grub 1,9717:58
hellz_bellzwhat ubuntu are you on?17:59
Igbanamrabbit1: have you tried running a "ps aux" in the terminal to chec for unwanted processes that may be running without your consent?17:59
xiyunoBut i got that problem17:59
xiyunoand i read that i need17:59
hellz_bellzim helping with the GRUB problem17:59
xiyunoto add irqpoll as an option17:59
rabbit1Igbanam: i am not tht good, if u can guide me i can17:59
xiyunoin menu.lst17:59
hellz_bellzits empty i kknow17:59
hellz_bellzwhat ubuntu are you on?17:59
mgolischxiyuno: you have grub218:00
rfmI want to upgrade a file system from ext3 to ext4.  It's on a md raid0 (mirror) array.  I'd like to break the mirror, use tun2fs to upgrade, check that it worked, and then reconstitute the mirror from either the old or new versions depending on how it went.  I can't quite figure out from the mdadm man page what to do.  failing one of the disks should break it, and then I *think* upgrading the still-live one and adding the failed one back in will go forward. But 18:00
hellz_bellzwhy did you switch to grub 118:00
mgolischthats why the menu.lst ist empty18:00
xiyunoMy grub has always been 1,97 beta 4 or something18:00
musemewhat program does anyone use to monitor system temps?18:00
DemoOnrigt grub2 have grub.cfg instead of menu.lst18:00
Prabzhi, I'm trying to access my laptop's broadband on my phone via bluetooth. All guides I find on the internet are very outdated.. could anybody guide me?18:00
hellz_bellzmuseme sensors-lm18:00
xiyunoso, i should edit the grub.cfg ?18:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:01
mgolischxiyuno: no you should read the grub2 config guide in the wiki18:01
DemoOngrub1 donesnt have grub.cfg18:01
xiyunoI have18:01
xiyunoBut i didnt understand it18:01
xiyunodo i need to edit some files?18:01
xiyunoI have done that apt-get thing18:01
hellz_bellzwhat part did you need help with?18:01
hellz_bellzupdating the list?18:01
xiyunoNo, getting sound18:01
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga18:02
xiyunoim following a tutorial18:02
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:02
hellz_bellzsound has nothing to do with the boot manager18:02
xiyunoit has18:02
xiyunoin this case18:02
FloodBot2xiyuno: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:02
sqwertleJust yesterday I bought a Toshiba L505-ES5033 and can't seem to get Ubuntu onto it. It will load the main menu (try without changes, help, install) and upon selecting something (aside from help) will echo a script then give an error that is moving too fast for me to read.18:02
Flobinhey everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me setup my wireless card, which doesn't seem to connect to any of the available networks18:02
hellz_bellzwhat card is it?18:03
hellz_bellzflobin ... is it a dongle or a internal card?18:03
lokiyaa k k yo sepa no se abla ingles18:04
blakkheim!es > lokiya18:04
ubottulokiya, please see my private message18:04
shalkarcan someone help me with my problem18:04
Solar_Flare!ask > shalkar18:04
ubottushalkar, please see my private message18:04
dragodove trovo il canale ubuntu italia?18:04
blakkheimshalkar: if you told us what the problem is that might help18:04
blakkheim!it | drago18:04
ubottudrago: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:04
PrabzHi could anyone help me configure services available over bluetooth. I'm trying to set it up to be able to use the laptop's broadband on my phone via bluetooth...18:05
Solar_FlareI'm getting this MASSIVE harddrive activity after booting, any hints why?18:05
blakkheimSolar_Flare: could be file indexing or something18:05
Flobinhellz_bellz it's an internal (PCI) card18:05
NewWorldSolar_Flare:  How big is your  HDD?18:05
hellz_bellzflobin type lspci into a terminal and tell me the make of the card18:06
blakkheimlokiya: /join #ubuntu-es18:06
Flobinhellz_bellz, it's a US Robotics 541618:06
NewWorldSolar_Flare:  You could use lsof to see what program/files are being accessed so much18:06
lokiyais it time?18:06
Flobin"02:03.0 Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interface"18:07
Flobinhellz_bellz, this one: http://www.usr.com/support/product-template.asp?prod=541618:07
shalkarin all installed browsers when i login to some web-site, but system doesn't accept my password. What's wrong?18:07
Solar_Flarelsof gives me this massive list... what do i do with it ^^ ?18:07
blakkheimshalkar: maybe your password isn't right? :/18:08
Flobinhellz_bellz, as far as I know it should work because it can recognise networks, just doesn't seem to be able to connect to any..18:08
shalkarblakkheim,  this is ruled out18:08
hellz_bellzim looking up and bugs18:09
shalkari login more sites18:09
Flobinah okay, I guess my main question is.. how or where do I go for troubleshooting?18:09
FlobinI'm pretty much a linux newb18:09
hellz_bellzusually google but im not finding anything to help18:10
hellz_bellzit might be a problem with networkmanager18:10
musemeim a nub, when they give you instruction that goes into text editor are you supposed to remove the #?18:10
mickaelahi ! all18:10
vanishinganyone know how to solve init: <package name> main process ended, respawning problems?18:10
mickaelaI've installed Windows 7 like I used to have, and I want to Dual Boot XUbuntu with it. I've got 25 gigs of free space set aside for it. I have a few different partitions.18:10
mickaelaI load up he live disc for Xbuntu, it burned right. I go to install and it claims my hard disc is empty.18:10
FloodBot2mickaela: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:10
TuxXRacerI wanna zip several files. Those files are in several directories. I have a list with path and file name of every file I wanna compress. Is it possible to make zip to read the list in order to compress them???18:11
hellz_bellzUS Robotics 5416im trying to remove a package that needs me to install apache2 but i cant install apache2 untill i remove the package...it has essentially broken dpkg due to this catch-22 situation18:12
rfmok, I finally figured the right search terms to find an example.  answer is to use mdadm --zero-superblock  on the "failed" drive I want to go back to, then build a new array starting with it.18:12
Flobinuh oh, that sounds pretty bad, hellz_bellz18:12
hellz_bellzya it is18:13
jpds!pt | nubuntu18:13
ubottunubuntu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:13
nubuntualguem fala meu idioma18:13
suolakurkkujust got mono-ubuntu, looking swell!18:13
xiyunomono-ubuntu ?18:14
Prabzany channel for bluetooth over gnome?18:14
suolakurkkunew themes18:14
hellz_bellzi dont wanna reinstall :(18:14
sibbleI need help please, my mouse prev/next buttons stopped working this morning, I booted from LiveCD and they are working there, just not my installed OS (Ubuntu 9.10)  Why would Xorg be configuring my mouse differently?18:14
suolakurkkuambiance and the other one18:14
wildc4rdevenin' all18:14
jpdssuolakurkku: It's ubuntu-mono.18:14
Flobinhellz_bellz, do you think I would be better off just buying a new wireless card?18:14
suolakurkkuipds well you got drift :P18:15
FloodBot2hellz_bellz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
Flobinyeah that's how I installed the driver18:16
Flobinwhich seems to have worked18:16
hellz_bellztry to ask the AP for an IP18:16
Flobinthe problem is just connecting to a network, it always ends up failing18:16
sqwertleI've been having trouble installing Ubuntu on my laptop, and don't have a reliable error message; Is there anything I can do to record what this error message is?18:17
samcHey all .. does anyone know how to disable the new background fsck in karmic?18:17
samcI don't want it to start services or give me a login prompt until everything's mounted :p18:18
hellz_bellzflobin try this http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugbasicnet.html18:18
Flobinhey thanks, I'll go do that18:19
Prabzanybody who knows bluetooth here??18:19
suolakurkkuatleast i don't18:20
knumsPrabz, BT in Ubuntu is plug 'n' play18:20
odinsbaneSo I was building inkscape, and when I did apt-get build-dep inkscape it missed a couple of dependancies, who would I inform about this?18:20
knumsPrabz, whats your problem?18:21
brandon4201mmkk, so i am having a random crashing problem.... anyone up for the challenge?18:21
Prabzknums, I know that, I'm trying to share my laptop's broadband on my phone via bluetooth18:21
Prabz any ideas?18:21
odinsbanebrandon4201: are you using a 3d video card, maybe even an intel one?18:21
knumsPrabz, let me think about it ... iam not shure, but i think i did it18:22
brandon4201its a video chip, nvidia18:22
nperry!info inkscape18:22
ubottuinkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.47~pre4-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 18961 kB, installed size 82608 kB18:22
trismodinsbane: building a newer version of inkscape than in the repos? it is possible that those are no deps of the version in the repos (and so not a bug)18:22
nperry!motu | odinsbane18:22
ubottuodinsbane: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU18:22
nperryodinsbane: I think it would be best to speak with them, not to sure to be honest18:23
Prabzknums, I found quite a few links like http://www.penguintutor.com/tutorials/viewdoc.php?doc=bluetooth-network-tutorial but all of them are quite outdated...18:23
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seanbrystone2why build inkscape its in the repos :)18:23
Prabzthese were written before rfcommd was included in the kernel18:23
sqwertleI found that on the laptop issue the error that fedora is giving me, resulting in the same end that ubuntu is, is: cant evaluate _crs 818:23
knumsPrabz, this site is in german ... http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Bluetooth/Mobile but i do it this way18:24
ugliefroghello all ... after a crash im back in ubuntu :) ... yay for me18:24
phreckanyone know how to install and a config a VNC from command line/remotely?18:24
tjgilliesanyone know how to get mic working in karmic on acer aspire 5740?18:24
Prabzknums, thanks, i'm gonna try it now.. google translate rocks.. :)18:24
brandon4201 phreck there are many ways to do this, google it18:25
brandon4201i have done it many times learning from google18:25
knumsPrabz, that right ... iam having no problems with german :D ... its my motherlanguage18:25
NewWorldugliefrog:  Congratujlations hope you are glad18:25
hellz_bellz!google | brandon420118:25
ubottubrandon4201: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:25
Guest92795ubuntu grub2 vga console guide someplace?18:26
dany_hi all18:26
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phreckbrandon4201: already did, however i cannot connect to the vnc server.18:26
Stargaze!hi| dany_18:26
ubottudany_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:26
brandon4201one sec, can you log in ssh?18:26
phreckim sshd in right now.18:26
brandon4201ok, one sec ill find what i used18:26
djr13anyone have any idea of anything helpful i can find out for nouveau, under lucid, with an nv18 card, getting gpu lockups?18:26
odinsbanedjr13: did you try #ubuntu+118:27
brandon4201what version of ubuntu is it?18:27
Prabzknums i know this.. I need the reverse.. using the existing broadband connection on my laptop, and using it on my phone via bluetooth18:27
ugliefrogNewWorld, Very much ...just putting everything back on.... and i even successfully partitioned my drive so the os and home directories are now seperate18:27
dany_can you tel me how to evidence the name of the person that I'm speaking with, I mean, if a guy write: dany_ I got a orange message18:28
djr13odinsbane: ?? you mean different channel? (kindof irc newbie...)18:28
phreckyea, 9.1018:28
sibbleI need help please, my mouse prev/next buttons stopped working this morning, I booted from LiveCD and they are working there, just not my installed OS (Ubuntu 9.10)  Why would Xorg be configuring my mouse differently? - xdev reports that the buttons are being detected in the same way18:28
odinsbanedjr13: right karmic is in this channel, lucid is in #ubuntu+118:28
djr13odinsbane: got it..thanks!18:28
Slartdany_: you just write their name first in your message.. you can also write the first couple of letters and then press tab18:28
dany_Slart: dude it's awesome :D18:29
Slartdany_: it's up to your irc-client to hightlight, make sounds, make the screen flash or whatever18:29
Slartdany_: yup.. it was highlighted here18:29
hellz_bellzim trying to remove a package that needs me to install apache2 but i cant install apache2 untill i remove the package...it has essentially broken dpkg due to this catch-22 situation18:29
dany_awesome thanks :D18:29
Prabzknums,  any ideas?18:29
dany_Slart: :P18:29
mainehay alguien ahiç18:30
sqwertlehellz_bellz: what error is it giving you?18:31
hellz_bellzsqwertle: its giving exit status 12718:31
mainehola peña18:32
Prabzhi, I'm trying to access my laptop's broadband on my phone via bluetooth. All guides I find on the internet are very outdated.. could anybody guide me?18:32
brandon4201 phreck: http://markus.revti.com/2009/08/installing-vnc-remote-desktop-on-ubuntu-linux-vps/18:33
ugliefrogis there away to unlock the colors in a theme so they can be changed ?18:33
Slart!es | mai18:33
ubottumai: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:33
Prabzugliefrog, u can create new themes too.. :)18:33
sqwertlehellz_bellz: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 127?18:34
ugliefrogPrabz, I wish I knew how to create themes i just loadem... i want to change the tooltips colors but they are locked18:35
sqwertlehellz_bellz: http://tinyurl.com/yhr3xmd the post by r0b0 should interest you.18:35
hellz_bellzhmmm thx18:35
hellz_bellznope tried that sqwertle18:36
hellz_bellzits not there anymore but dpkg says it is18:37
Yyharssargyhaell!hi | kriss18:37
ubottukriss: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:37
sqwertlehellz_bellz: have you tried downgrading apache2 and libapr018:38
krissCzy jest ktoś z Polski?18:39
Yyharssargyhaellsqwertle, I chose you! >:O18:39
hellz_bellzit wont let me do ANYTHING cause the first thing it tries to do is remove this program... cant get it to unmark it18:39
=== Mud2 is now known as Mud
Yyharssargyhaell!ps | kriss18:39
Pici!pl | kriss18:39
ubottukriss: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:39
rabbit1my audio drive is busy always, how do i fix it?18:39
YyharssargyhaellPici, =P thx18:39
Prabzhi, I'm trying to access my laptop's broadband on my phone via bluetooth. All guides I find on the internet are very outdated.. could anybody guide me?18:40
AtharWhen trying to connect to my server using ssh, I just get: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host... other services are still running, just ssh went down. Any ideas how to fix it without having physical access to the machine?18:41
rabbit1my audio device is busy always, only when i run a .mov files. how do i fix it ? i work on Hardy18:41
sfstikkunHi, received the message that "file///home/user/.openoffice.org/openoffice/ofice.xcu" was corrupt and that my open office could not be updated as long as that file was not removed.  Is it safe to remove the file?  Where do I find it, and how do I remove it IF ITS safe to remove it?18:42
mustachehow do i set up the firewall in 9.1018:42
t3chkommiehey everyone, got a quick question. i have a device mounted at /dev/md0... its unmounted but fdisk still sees it... how do i nuke it?18:42
hellz_bellztypr umount --help in the terminal18:43
rabbit1mustache: did u try firestarter?18:43
rabbit1my audio device is busy always, only when i run a .mov files. how do i fix it ? i work on Hardy18:43
mustacheno is ufw any good? i just checked and it said it was disabled18:43
=== Weegee- is now known as Weegee
rabbit1mustache: i am not an expert, but i have installed firestarter, it works fine for me, by the way i still work on hardy18:44
mustachek thanks for the help!18:44
wizkoderhy everybody18:45
rabbit1mustache: u wc18:45
rabbit1hi wiz18:45
rabbit1my audio device is busy always, only when i run a .mov files. how do i fix it ? i work on Hardy18:45
wizkoderis there a way to make sound work stable? sometimes I have to restart 3 times to make it work at all. and then it stops occacially while I am using TS. I am using kubuntu. Want to know if it happens in ubuntu as well.18:45
wizkoderkubuntu 9.1018:46
Atharwizkoder: I doubt it's related to Kubuntu... it's more likely related to your hardware.18:46
=== grj is now known as jbllew
rabbit1Athar: can u help? my audio device is busy always, only when i run a .mov files. how do i fix it ? i work on Hardy18:46
sfstikkunQuestion one.  Is it safe to remove a corrupt Open Office file?  The file that is corrupt is "file///home/user/.openoffice.org/openoffice/ofice.xcu"18:47
wizkoderSame happens on the laptop of my girlfriend. When sound is output I get I knack sound which is really annoying18:47
wizkoderAnd sometimes it breaks the sound system18:47
sisu_mathIs it possible to set a directory for the desktop background image, so that I get a different random background image every day?18:47
sqwertleIt appears as though the error is saying something about MTRR after attempting to install.18:48
wizkoderas skype is making sounds and amsn as well it breaks really fast18:48
rabbit1wizkoder: as athar said it could b problm of hardware18:48
Atharrabbit1: have you tried to use a different player?18:48
wizkoderon 2 different machines? okay, should I post my and her hardware?18:48
rabbit1Athar: s, it works, also in same application VLC, audio works, video works, but not the .mov format18:49
wizkoderAthar: its not player related. happens within firefox, ts, skype, kopete18:49
Yyharssargyhaellsfstikkun, Make a backup, remove the file, if it fixes the problem then good to go. If not, replace with backup.18:49
sqwertleis there a way for me to capture an error echoed during a script as ubuntu is loading, if it is not installed?18:49
Prabzhi, I'm trying to access my laptop's broadband on my phone via bluetooth. All guides I find on the internet are very outdated.. could anybody guide me?18:49
wizkoderI have HDA Intel that makes sound.18:49
sfstikkunThanks so much Yyharssargyhaell....(that's a loooong moniker)18:49
YyharssargyhaellJust type Yyharssargyhaell18:50
Yyharssargyhaell* YY and hit tab18:50
rabbit1Athar: u still there?18:50
racerdis there someone that can help me mount a drive?18:50
Yyharssargyhaell!ask | racerd18:51
ubotturacerd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:51
Yyharssargyhaellracerd, USB drive?18:51
racerdi am trying to mount a drive being shared via my router18:51
Prabzwizkoder, even I have finally resolved sound issues on my HDA Intel using alsa.. :)18:52
rabbit1alsa works good, it also solved my probs18:52
rabbit1my audio device is busy always, only when i run a .mov files. how do i fix it ? i work on Hardy18:53
Yyharssargyhaellracerd, I don't have any experience with that. = /18:53
Atharrabbit1: ah, sorry. Never had the problem, so I don't know... but I would suggest trying to try the Karmic Live CD to see if it's fixed now.18:53
rabbit1Athar: its ok, i am planning to get to 10.04 from 8.0418:54
racerdi want to look at the named pics of my gf right now18:54
racerdbut i don't want to be alwasy swapping out usb cords18:54
rabbit1Athar: one person asked me to kill something after that it worked fine, but again after restart, its with same prob18:55
wizkoderPrabz: I just changed everything in the sound settings in system settings. now I use pulseaudio to record sound and its working. hopefully for as long as my call takes ;-)18:55
Atharrabbit1: PulseAudio, maybe?18:56
rabbit1my audio device is busy always, only when i run a .mov files. how do i fix it ? i work on Hardy18:56
rabbit1Athar: whts that?18:56
rabbit1but y only with .mov files?18:56
Prabzwizkoder, pulseaudio doesn't work for amarok... atleast i couldn't get it to work.. :-)18:56
Atharrabbit1: PulseAudio is the sound server, I figured that was the application you killed... but does sound play at all? Or does it just cause high CPU usage?18:58
rabbit1i use amarok, so pulseaudio is out18:58
racerdrabbit1: what is amarok?18:59
Yyharssargyhaellracerd, It's an audio player18:59
webushi to all! process gvfsd-metadata is killing my hard drive. how i can clean space used gvfsd-metadata after i kill this process ?18:59
Yyharssargyhaell!amarok | racerd18:59
ubotturacerd: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:59
rabbit1Athar: sound plays, all other files are played in VLC and amarok, only the .mov extension file is not played in VLC, it says audio device is busy, used by other program?18:59
racerdnow do that with mounting a network drive19:00
Yyharssargyhaell!mount network drive | racerd19:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:00
rabbit1racerd: audio player19:00
racerdstupid bot19:00
YyharssargyhaellYou've stumped both me and Ubottu. Well done.19:00
racerdhuh is there an alternative to pulseaudio?19:00
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=== superman is now known as Guest64239
fwifforacerd: no, you will have to suffer19:01
PrabzYyharssargyhaell, lol19:01
Atharrabbit1: what about mplayer, can it play mov files?19:01
racerdoh oh19:01
racerdi downloaded the new version of drivers for my nvidia card19:01
rabbit1Athar: sorry i don use it as it wont play .mp3, will just check19:01
racerdthere was an update for ubuntu19:01
racerdbut when i try to install them it errors out and uninstalls my drivers completely19:02
redwhy isn't libmp3lame in the repositories?19:02
Trx_ hello, is there some kind of game like Commandos 1 that works on linux ?19:02
Trx_or perhaps like gta2? :)19:03
rabbit1Athar: sorry by default it was opening in MPlayer, i actually had set to VLC19:03
erUSUL!info libmp3lame0 | red19:03
=== Guest64239 is now known as segoy
rabbit1Athar: u actually solved my prob :) thx19:03
ubottured: libmp3lame0 (source: lame): An MP3 encoding library. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 245 kB, installed size 444 kB19:03
IcyJTrx_: Try PlayOnLinux19:03
rabbit1Athar: VLC always have saved me19:04
Trx_no wine pls :)19:04
sisu_mathI can't seem to find the firefox cookie menu under Edit -> Preferences, or Tools -> Options. Where is it?19:04
* Trx_ gets to the last level , game crashes :P19:05
Atharrabbit1: so it works in VLC? Or mplayer?19:05
rabbit1Athar: works with VLC, no19:05
rabbit1Athar: not MPlayer19:05
Trx_so any suggestions of strategy games like commandos that have native linux support?19:05
Trx_looking forward to your suggestions!19:05
trismsisu_math: Edit/Preferences/Privacy/Show Cookies...19:05
Atharrabbit1: ah, alright. good to know.19:06
segoyhow can i register my nick19:06
sisu_mathtrism, ah right, I couldn't see it because I had selected "Never remember history"19:06
zygasegoy: try talking with nickserv19:06
Copperedgood morning all from california19:06
rabbit1Athar: better v suggest alsa and VLC for all19:06
zygasegoy: specifically say 'help' to him19:06
rabbit1Athar: thx a lot for helping19:07
CopperedRequest: is tehre someone here who can work with me on converting PST files to MBOx...using readpst19:07
Copperedplease PM me....if u know how to use the readpst command19:07
frosh23join #mychannel19:09
rederUSUL: hmmh19:09
rabbit1good night guys, happy tuxing19:09
reddo i need to enable that repo myself somehow? since for me the command just says not found19:10
Eladiocomo te llamas19:10
Eladiohola de nuevo19:11
ardchoilleelky: May I pm you?19:11
spectergrisdoes anyone know how to get a dazzle dvc 100 to work in ubuntu?19:12
raffaeleSalve! Utenti italiani in ascolto??? Ho un dubbio piccolo piccolo di traduzione.. Come si dice in Inglese "La corsa delle XX:XX", riferito per esempio ad un autobus?19:12
ardchoille!it | raffaele19:12
ubotturaffaele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:12
raffaeleubottu: thanks :D I usually speak English for my tech questions/answers eheh19:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:13
terroh8erhello - what is the best way to encrypt my firefox browsing history/cookies/etc?19:13
sqwertleMy laptop is refusing to boot from Ubuntu live-usb/cd and possibly gives an error message that is being displayed too quickly to read. Sorry about the vagueness it's really all I have.19:13
mhall119|workterroh8er: encrypting your entire home directory is the easiest way19:14
tormzHello, I am looking for some help with setting up a Domain Name on a Dynamic IP19:14
terroh8ermhall119|work, i am familiar with bestcrypt on windows, but i'm really new when it comes to linux. i know what the home directory is, but what app should i use?19:15
mhall119|workterroh8er: when you install Ubuntu, there is an option to encrypt your home folder19:15
mhall119|workI'm not sure what it's using now, I think it used to be ecryptfs19:15
terroh8erahh ok i think i found an article on it :) thanks19:16
Stargazetry Seahorse for encryption19:16
tormzHello, I am looking for some help with setting up a Domain Name on a Dynamic IP19:16
mhall119|workStargaze: Seahorse doesn't to that kind of encryption19:16
mhall119|workSeahorse is a keyring manager19:16
raffaelespectergris: Is that a DVD recorder ??? like this one http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-440949.html19:16
Stargazemhall119|work, after I installed a seahorse plugin, i was able to decrypt my files19:17
whatacraphow do i set up a dial in server?19:18
mhall119|workStargaze: yes, there is a nautilus extension19:18
terroh8erthis might be a dumb question, but is firefox browsing stored in the home directory?19:18
mhall119|workterroh8er: yes19:18
terroh8erbrowsing history*19:18
racerdlooking at porn19:18
mhall119|workunder ~/.mozilla/ somewhere19:18
terroh8ercookies, etc aswell?19:18
racerdand don't want wife to see huh?19:18
mhall119|workterroh8er: yers19:18
terroh8ernot quite19:18
FloodBot2terroh8er: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:18
ct529I would like to monitor how much bytes are downloaded on my laptop over a period of time, let's say 4 weeks on my laptop, divided by ip address .... my laptop can be at home (one ip address) or at work (one ip addres) the ip address at home is always the same, the ip address at work is always the same .... is that possible?19:18
racerdyou are talking to big girls19:18
racerdand you don't husband to see?19:18
mhall119|workracerd: there really is nowhere good that line of questionning can lead19:19
anirudh hi. i have a flash drive that mounts as read only. how do i change permissions to read and write? is it possible to change permissions to 777? (im using kubuntu)19:19
wack479i have a ubuntu 9.10 amd64 server running, and have added 5 drives wanting to run RAID5, all i should need is mdadm right?19:19
tormzHello, I am looking for some help with setting up a Domain Name on a Dynamic IP19:20
Stargazewack479, type /join #ubuntu-server, please, people there are more skilled to give that kind of advice19:21
sqwertlecan anyone direct me to a download of 9.10 64-bit desktop edition? I seem to be entirely encapable of finding it.19:21
sometuxhow i can install two virtaul servers side by side?19:21
guntbertracerd: stop those comments please19:21
wack479stargaze: ok thanks19:21
kaolbrecsqwertle, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download19:21
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raffaeletormz: www.no-ip.com like this?19:22
kaolbrecsqwertle, click on alternative options (just below select location)19:22
sqwertlekaolbrec: all I can find at that page is the 32-bit19:22
sqwertleoh dear19:22
terroh8ersqwertle - there's an option on the right side to change to 64 bit19:22
kaolbrecsqwertle, ;)19:22
sqwertlekaolbrec: <319:22
sqwertleive been looking since last night for it19:22
kaolbrecsqwertle, enjoy the 64-bit lovin'19:22
brian__hello i'm having a bit of a problem with my kyboard layout19:23
hellz_bellzim trying to remove a package that needs me to install apache2 but i cant install apache2 untill i remove the package...it has essentially broken dpkg due to this catch-22 situation. the files are no longer there and synaptic will not uncheck the package for removal.19:23
sqwertlekaolbrec:  If this will install I will :)19:23
kaolbrecsqwertle, never fear!19:23
brian__my numpad works to enter my password at login but will not work when i get to the desktop19:23
hellz_bellzturn on number lock19:24
brontosaurusrexcan i do something about overspeeded logitech laser mouse?19:24
sqwertlekaolbrec: I must :( It's not just ubuntu that ownt install. It seems that the majority of distros I've tried (all of them?) refuse to install.19:24
brian__it is on19:24
hellz_bellzturn it off then19:24
brian__i tried that19:24
sqwertleBy all of them I mean all of them that I've tried*19:24
kaolbrecsqwertle, are you quite sure your processor is 64-bit compatible?19:24
hellz_bellzwell im lost for words then19:24
sqwertleWindows 7 64 bit19:24
kaolbrecsqwertle, hmmf19:24
sqwertleI just bought an L505 with an i319:24
guntbert!ot | sqwertle19:25
ubottusqwertle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:25
destrothis the a channel for saurbraten?19:25
guntbert!botabuse | hellz_bellz19:25
ubottuhellz_bellz: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:25
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hellz_bellzyup...saurbraten and ubuntu19:25
sqwertleguntbert: I seem to be unable to differentiate between support and the question's that I'm asking.19:25
guntbertdestroth: this channel is for ubuntu support only19:26
kaolbrecsqwertle, if it fails, come back with an error and someone should be able to help ;)19:26
destrothis it for idling as well/19:26
sqwertleguntbert: I'm specifically asking for ubuntu support, please read my question's up above.19:26
guntbertsqwertle: the question was ok :-) - but you talk about a lot of different things in between19:26
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sometuxhow to use virtaulization in linux?19:26
sqwertleguntbert: He asked if my processor was 64 bit compatible, I told him my chip and OS :(19:27
Stargazesqwertle, better repeat your question, then19:27
guntbertdestroth: feel free to listen - learn - help19:27
Stargazesometux, try Virtual Box19:27
WALoeIIIanyone on 9.10 willing to help me for 2 seconds test a file19:27
alppooverzealous mod creates more clutter than petitioners :)19:27
kaolbrecWALoeIII, aye19:27
sometuxStargaze: I use it19:27
sometuxStargaze: I mean for servers and real bussiness19:28
Stargazesometux, for servers, there's also XEN, but your hardware must be compatible with it19:29
sven_oostenbrinkIm trying to install Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 on a laptop using LVM.. Done this many times before, even with lucid, but now the installer does show the LVM partitinos, but I cant change antyhing.. Does anybody know what I can do to fix this?19:29
sometuxStargaze: is it open source?19:29
Stargazesometux, check this link => http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/business.html19:29
guntbert!lucid | sven_oostenbrink19:30
ubottusven_oostenbrink: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+119:30
hellz_bellzim going to manually clean ALL traces of this program from dpkg and learn that this is a REALLY bad idea19:31
hellz_bellzso please19:31
hellz_bellzSTOP ME19:31
sven_oostenbrinkhellz_bellz: Hell no, I wanna see what happens :)19:32
racerdhellz_bellz: ball up your hand in a fist and punch yourself in the crouch, until i start crying19:32
racerdgo now19:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:32
sometuxStargaze: do you use virtaulization in your work?19:32
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:32
foobar64hello everyone!19:33
guntbert!hi | foobar6419:33
ubottufoobar64: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:33
sometuxStargaze: I think how to get the most of my hardware19:33
foobar64i have no questions =)19:33
Stargazesometux, have you checked http://www.xen.org/ ?19:33
adrian__how can I set a default route in Ubuntu 9.04?19:35
ginbuntuwhy isn't gparted included by default?19:35
addyyhow can I set defautl route in Ubuntu 9.04?19:35
Stargazesometux, you can also try eBox => http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/tutorials/unified-network-administration-using-ebox/19:35
hellz_bellzIT WORKED!!!19:35
hellz_bellzif you have a package that wont remove just goto /var/lib/dpkg and remove it from the directory files19:36
paineslast night my audio suddenly stopped working. I didn't installed / updated anything. it just stopped working. are there known audio issues with pulseaudio + emu10k1 in karmic ?19:36
rothI'm new to programming in Ubuntu. I'm not used to not using IDEs so I've installed Netbeans. I see, according to synaptic package manager, that I have the clutter toolkit installed [http://www.clutter-project.org/]. How can I use it?19:36
sometuxStargaze: thanks thats what im looking for19:37
guntbert!es | mamen19:37
ZykoticK9!es > mamen19:37
ubottumamen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:37
ubottumamen, please see my private message19:38
Stargazesometux, glad your helpe :)19:38
fakhirhello. i have 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.1 installed. problem is there is a bug in that version that has been fixed in a recent version. anyone know how often the MySQL package gets updated in the Ubuntu repository or when I could expect the next one?19:38
FloodBot2mamen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
Stargaze!es| mamen19:40
ubottumamen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:40
mamenhola encanto19:40
mamencomo estas19:40
rothCan anyone guide me through programming in ubuntu?19:41
hellz_bellzwhat kind of preogramming?19:41
hellz_bellznot me then lol19:41
redwant to learn c++ in 21 days?19:41
redjust a second19:41
mewayTHE GAME19:41
Stargazeroth, there are some nice tutorials in Ubuntu Full Circle Online Magazine19:42
redhellz_bellz: http://abstrusegoose.com/strips/ars_longa_vita_brevis.PNG19:42
redthis should do the trick19:42
Giekeall my sound works, except flash sound in firefox19:43
Giekeany ideas?19:43
rothStargaze, thanks. I was specifically looking for help with using libraries, Would you know happen to know if the magazine covers that?19:43
xangua!details | Gieke19:43
ubottuGieke: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:43
mewayGieke: new install?19:44
Gieke"I have a problem with my sound, I'm running Ubuntu version #the latest (is that 9.31)?# When I try to  play sound in flash video's, I get the following output: no output, but I expected it to do: play sound"19:45
sqwertleI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my new laptop and cannot get it to begin installation or booting as a livecd. I've tried 32-bit and 64-bit and am not even getting an error message. Any ideas?19:45
Giekeu insert live cd19:45
Giekeand u get menu?19:45
Giekeor not even that?19:45
foobar64sqwertle: did you set the bios options?19:45
sqwertleGieke: yes. I get the menu.19:45
guntbertGieke: if you want help - don't make fun but give correct info19:45
hellz_bellztry go into BIOS and configure to boot from CD19:45
Giekei don't make fun19:45
Giekei want to play sound in flash video's19:46
Giekebut it doesn't play19:46
Giekeall my other sound works19:46
Gieke(mp3, wav,...)19:46
sqwertlefoobar64: I'm not entirely sure what options should be set actually, I've never had to do anything with they BIOS on previous installations on my desktop.19:46
guntbertGieke: then begin with pasting the output of lsb_release -a19:46
ct529I would like to monitor how much bytes are downloaded on my laptop over a period of time, let's say 4 weeks on my laptop, divided by ip address .... my laptop can be at home (one ip address) or at work (one ip addres) the ip address at home is always the same, the ip address at work is always the same .... is that possible?19:46
m4jis there a live broadcast for ubuntu like stickam19:46
ct529Gieke: what version 32 or 64bit?19:46
foobar64sqwertle: do you get the livecd menu?19:47
sqwertlefoobar64: Yes.19:47
GiekeNo LSB modules are available19:47
GiekeDistributor ID:Ubuntu19:47
GiekeDescription:Ubuntu 9.1019:47
ct529Gieke: how do you try to play the flash video? through mozilla?19:47
FloodBot2Gieke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
foobar64then what do you do?19:47
m4jis there a live broadcast for ubuntu like stickam19:47
ct529Gieke: could you post a link of the video where the sound doe snot play?19:47
sqwertlefoobar64:  beyond that point if booting from disk I get a blinking underscore from selecting any option inlvoving booting, then a dead screen. If I use usb I get some echoed script.19:47
Giekect529, that's not necesarry19:48
sqwertlefoobar64:  followed by a dead screen in both cases*19:48
Giekeany youtube video19:48
foobar64did you try to wait ~2-3 minutes?19:48
Giekedoes not play sound19:48
ct529Gieke: it si to test whether it is your installtion or the video19:48
sqwertlefoobar64:  I've left it up for at least 20 at one point or another, I've been wrestling this since early yesterday19:48
foobar64what's the model?19:49
ct529Gieke: yes it plays ok on mine19:49
foobar64sorry for my english19:49
sqwertlefoobar64: Toshiba Satellite L505-ES503319:49
ct529Gieke: so what do you see as error message?19:49
Giekei see the video19:49
Giekebut no sound19:49
ct529Gieke: no error message?19:49
guntbert!enter | Gieke19:49
ubottuGieke: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:50
ct529Gieke: are you sure the flash video volume is turned on? and that the flash video volume is at a level where you can hear it?19:50
foobar64sqwertle: did you try alternate?19:50
sqwertlefoobar64: excuse me?19:50
foobar64i mean ubuntu alternate cd19:50
sqwertlefoobar64:  what do you mean by that?19:51
foobar64it's console setup19:51
sqwertlefoobar64: I'm not entirely sure what that is, means, or how to do it.19:51
foobar64just download it19:51
foobar64wait a sec19:51
foobar64sqwertle: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate19:52
kostkonGieke, do you have 2 or more sound cards?19:53
sqwertlefoobar64: What do you suppose the problem is?19:53
foobar64the graphical interface maybe19:53
foobar64i know some people with laptop who did that and it worked19:53
spOsudo: shell: command not found19:53
|Gieke|something went wrong19:54
guntbert!language | sp019:54
ubottusp0: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:54
sqwertlefoobar64: It's downloading now, I'll give it a shot. I'll be trying lucid once it's finished downloading as well. So far I haven't been able to get a single distro to work on it.19:54
spOi thought "wtf" was kosher because it means What the Freakin'19:54
foobar64it's strange19:54
guntbertsp0 please state your problem19:55
seanbrystone2he did19:55
spOwhat is a command to change the shell of root19:55
|Gieke|sound is working again19:55
|Gieke|the computer said "beeeeep", and it was up19:55
spO su -c chsh -u root /bin/bash19:55
foobar64sp0: what do you mean?19:55
guntbertsp0 not sure I understand what you want19:56
spOi need to correct the shell of root to /bin/bash19:56
pavelzCan anyone confirm , VLC playlist sort crashes the player. If I start vlc it jitters but starts playing, then if I open up a playlist window, and click on the tab to sort the playlist it crashes.19:57
pavelz9.10 Karmic Koala vlc 1.0.219:57
guntbertsp0: sudo chsh     -- should work19:58
spOroot does not even have a password right, ?  chsh: PAM authentication failed19:59
kubancis there any possibility to run Internet Explorer 7 or higher on Ubuntu 8.04?20:00
guntbertsp0: please paste the exact command you entered20:00
mhall119|workkubanc: ies4linux runs 5.5, 6 and a beta of 720:00
mhall119|workbubt that's it20:00
spOsudo chsh -s /bin/bash root  Typed in password   chsh: PAM authentication failed20:00
sqwertlekubanc: you could use wine to do it most likely.20:00
guntbertsp0: you shouldn't need root at the end - try without -s ... too to get into interactive mode20:01
guntbertsp0 what password did you type in?20:02
spOguntbert, the password of the user... root does not have a password right...  I so sudo chsh and password and it says PAM authentication failed20:02
JULinuxUserHow do I get a list of the packages installed on my computer?20:03
JULinuxUserI think I need to get them from apt-get somehow20:03
guntbertsp0: strange - did you change you hostname recently?20:03
guntbertJULinuxUser: dpkg -l20:03
sixofourJULinuxUser: gnome?20:04
sixofouror that20:04
spOguntbert, i was messing with chsh and now root has a wrong shell/no shell20:04
JULinuxUserok guntbert how do I get the output into a text file?20:04
spOand i cannot change it back20:04
pavelzgah,  wish I had vlc 0.82 , at least it worked20:04
LoshaspO: do it the old-fashioned way. Edit /etc/passwd and change the last field on the first line. Er, Why do you need to set root's shell to /bin/bash. It should have come like that out of the box...20:04
guntbertJULinuxUser: dpkg -l > mypackages20:05
spOediting /etc/passwd doe snot work:   sudo -i   sudo: shell: command not found20:05
=== pipegeek1 is now known as pipegeek
LoshaspO: that's because you changed root's shell. Does 'sudo bash' work?20:06
murlidharspO: do you want to set the root password ?20:06
guntbertsp0: boot into the recovery system20:06
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spOyeah that works20:07
LoshaspO: lucky, or you'd have to do what guntbert said....20:07
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guntbertLosha: good call - thx for spotting it20:08
Guest38854i've just installed win7 and i would aprreciate it if someone could guide me how to edit grub because im booting ubuntu from instalation disc right now20:08
guntbertGuest38854: what version of grub? grub or grub2?20:09
arandGuest38854: So you just need to reinstall grub after widnows took over?20:09
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spOas root, I do chsh  and it gives me chsh: PAM authentication failed  after I type in a password20:10
Guest38854uhm i have ubuntu 9 0420:10
arand!grub | Guest3885420:10
ubottuGuest38854: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:10
Guest38854i need to have my grub back20:10
arandGuest38854: First link there should help, and you are on a 9.04 liveCD right?20:11
Guest38854yes i am20:11
murlidharGuest38854: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub20:11
LoshaspO: Do it the old-fashioned way. Edit /etc/passwd and change the last field on the line...20:11
HathadarHow may I setup a batch job on a windows machine to start/stop ubuntu daemons without needing to type a password?20:11
kazaa_litehi all20:11
mhall119|workHathadar: public key authentication on ssh20:12
Hathadarmhall119|work: please elaborate20:12
mhall119|workthen a script that will ssh to the Ubuntu box and run the appropriate commands20:12
mhall119|workthough that will require root login...20:12
jugglerbryhi all.  could someone point me in the right direction with regards to distributing ubuntu on PCs ?20:12
llutzHathadar: using plink (putty) with passwordless ssh-key and root "forced-commands-only" at linux side20:12
mhall119|workjugglerbry: what kind of help do you need?20:12
guntbert!automate | jugglerbry20:12
ubottujugglerbry: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning20:12
Hathadarllutz: i'll look into that20:13
kazaa_litewhen i do ssh to my ubuntu machine and use vi and i am in insertion mode, it displays B when i press down arrow key.... similarly it add a,u,d for up, left anf right arrow keys20:13
kazaa_litehow to get rid of this thing?20:13
blakkheimkazaa_lite: install vim, make a bash alias for vi=vim20:13
xangua!hi | miliki20:13
ubottumiliki: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:13
mhall119|workkazaa_lite: that doesn't sound like vi keybindings20:13
jugglerbrymhall119|work, just need to check i'm ok with an idea i have in mind with regards to gettingmachines then donating them with ubuntu on them20:13
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mhall119|workjugglerbry: you asking about legal or technical issues?20:13
Loshakazaa_lite: it's normal. In insertion mode, arrow keys have no meaning....20:14
kazaa_liteLosha: you are wrong.... see what others suggested20:14
jugglerbrymhall119|work legal mainly, but i'm fairly new to ubuntu myself, so i'm also looking for advice with regards to technical, but mainly legal to start with20:14
mhall119|workjugglerbry: legally you're fine shipping a default installation20:15
mhall119|worktechnically, starting in 9.10 or so, there is an OEM install option that is very nice for what you're doing20:15
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mhall119|workjugglerbry: jump into #qimo if you want, I run a charity that does exactly this20:15
Loshakazaa_lite: it does happen. Good luck with that...20:15
erik__mhall119|work, It's called OEM install?20:16
kazaa_liteblakkheim: vim installed, now how to make its bash alias for vi=vim?20:16
jugglerbrymhall119|work, thats good to know.  from my own experience, hardly anything has gone wrong with my installation, but i'm a little wary should anything go wrong with a machine i donate.  any ideas ?20:16
mhall119|workerik__: yes, press F4 I think, at the CD boot menu20:16
murlidharyes erik__20:16
mhall119|workjugglerbry: the biggest problem is that with donated hardware, it's usually alraedy old20:16
erik__Ah never use the CD..20:16
blakkheimkazaa_lite: echo "alias vi='vim'" >> ~/.bashrc20:16
blakkheimkazaa_lite: then logout/in20:17
mhall119|workand so more prone to hardware failure from the start20:17
mhall119|workalso, you may not get hardware that can run Compiz20:17
kazaa_liteblakkheim: love you.... big sloppy kiss for you(k)20:17
malifalkazaa_lite: or try update-alternatives --config vi20:17
Loshamhall119|work: I'd like to contribute to such a charity. Does it have local chapters?20:17
llutzkazaa_lite: no logout needed, just ". ~/.bashrc"20:18
soreauand everyone knows, if it caint run compiz, it aint worth jack ;)20:18
mhall119|workLosha: go to http://www.growingupfree.org and look at the wiki20:18
jugglerbrymhall119: the machines will all be p4 2.8 with 512Mb RAM minimum, and i'll be testing them to ensure everything works ok, so would i be right in thinking, provided theyre working ok when i hand them over, they should be ok ?20:18
murlidharhaha blakkheim :) someone sure likes you a lot20:18
mhall119|workjugglerbry: If you would add yourself ot the above mentioned Wiki, I'd appreciate that too20:18
mhall119|workjugglerbry: that's been my experience, yes20:18
mhall119|workjugglerbry: you'll want to let the recipeints know that it's not Windows20:19
jugglerbrymahall119|work, excellent, thanks for the advice.  what's the wiki about ?20:19
Loshamhall119|work: excellent, thanks....20:19
mhall119|workI like to include a digital copy of the Ubuntu Pocket Guide20:19
mhall119|workjugglerbry: my list of charities that give out computers with open source software on them20:19
murlidharjugglerbry: my machine is p4 1.5Ghz 512 ddr1 :) it works good.20:19
erik__murlidhar, you are a Brave soul. I wouldn't use Ubuntu on a machine with less than 1.5GB.20:20
jugglerbrymahall119|work, ok will take a look.  i was also thinking of including the pocket guide too.  found that a huge help when i started out.20:20
r3mHi, I've modprobe em28xx and add my user into the video group but i still dont have /dev/video video0 or even 1.20:20
bikerboyhi buddy20:20
murlidharerik__: well i didn't a base installation and then then use openbox for it20:20
murlidharerik__: no gnome or kde.20:20
murlidharerik__: works pretty fast too20:21
murlidharerik__: i mean snappy.20:21
Loshaerik__: 640K should be enough for anybody....20:21
jugglerbrymahall119|work, i'm hoping to be able to aquire the machines, install ubuntu (hopefully lucid) and donate them to local schools and charities.  nothing is sorted out as yet, i've got a few months to sort it all, but fingers crossed.20:21
mhall119|workjugglerbry: feel free to ask any questions you have while doing that20:22
mhall119|worklike I said, I'm in #qimo if you have any questions20:22
Mad_DudHi guys, can you suggest some tool for recording desktop, which will show used key and mouse buttons?20:22
mhall119|workMad_Dud: I don't know of any that show key presses, sorry20:23
erik__murlidhar, Ah.. Yes  Xubuntu is abit better.. But there are so manythings that just works on Gnome.. :-)20:23
murlidharMad_Dud: you mean a good screen casting application ?20:23
Mad_Dudmurlidhar i need to record demo which requires to inform viewer about keys that i use on desktop20:24
dj_segfaultmurlidhar: I think he means something to record and play back keystrokes and mouse events20:24
jugglerbrymahall119|work, main issue at the moment is work.  i work for the NHS in the uk, and the machines are doctors surgery machines which are being replaced with new ones.  the issue is convincing the bosses i have that everything will be above board and not interfere with work.  once i get the ok from them i'm hoping it'll be all systems go, but i also have to figure out what to do with the equipment that's no good20:24
murlidharerik__: well i have been using ubuntu since feisty fawn so i am used to openbox...with a bunch of xfce applications.20:24
mhall119|workjugglerbry: I'll also set you up with a blog and wiki page on growingupfree.org until you get a website of your own up and running20:24
Mad_Dud'mhall119|work - i've seen this on macos x...20:24
murlidharMad_Dud: nopes i have no ideas about it then.20:24
Guest38854when i type: mount | tail -1  i dont get what i should get20:24
mhall119|workjugglerbry: be sure you use 'shred' on the drives before installing anything on them20:25
spOhow do i set a noshell or null shell20:25
jugglerbrymhall119|work, thanks for that but already have a website for something else i do, with i'm considering adding a subdomain to, but only if i go ahead with it, and can work out what to do with the scrap20:25
guntbertGuest38854: what do you expect?20:25
mhall119|workGuest38854: what should you get?20:25
jugglerbrymhall119|work, thanks for that but already have a website for something else i do, with i'm considering adding a subdomain to, but only if i go ahead with it, and can work out wh20:25
Guest38854i should get config-2.6.18-3-686      initrd.img-2.6.18-3-686.bak   etc20:26
guntbertsp0: use /bin/false (but *not* for root :-))20:26
mhall119|workjugglerbry: cool, let me know if I can help.  I'm in USA, so not familiar with UK laws regarding electronics recycling, etc20:26
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spOwhat is the difference between false and null again?20:26
jugglerbrymhall119|work, yup, looking at the sftware to 'shred'the drives.  i'll have to prove it to the bosses for their ok20:26
Mad_Dudguys, check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpYrw2u22-o20:26
Guest38854and i receive boot      Documents and Settings  PerfLogs      Recovery         UsersBoot      Windows20:26
Guest38854and others , it looks like windows partition20:27
mhall119|workjugglerbry: I think shred meets US DoD requirements for data destruction20:27
Mad_Duddamn, no keys visible in this video :-(20:27
Mad_Dudok, thanks for help20:27
mhall119|workbut be warned, doing the default 25+1 writes is slooooooow20:27
guntbertGuest38854: no, that gives you the last line of the output of mount20:27
jugglerbrymhall119|work, basically there's a WEEE (waste electronic equipment something or other) which basically means scrap computers and other electronic equipment (TVs, Fridges etc), has to be disposed of in a responsible manner, ie recycled.  most of the insides i might be able to use as spare, but the rest i might have a problem with20:28
erUSULspO: i what context?20:28
Guest38854so why i get the wrong thing20:28
guntbertGuest38854: but what you expect comes from another command20:28
hareldvdusing jscal I want to learn how to define a dead zone on the joystick.20:28
mhall119|workjugglerbry: you may be able to find someone to take the material for free then20:28
Guest38854i am following !grub instruction20:28
mhall119|workGuest38854: link to the instructions you're following?20:29
jugglerbrymhall119|work, that's what i'm hoping.  i'll take a look at your wiki/site and sign up etc, thanks for the advice etc.  no doubt i'll be in touch again.  thanks again20:29
m4jis there a live broadcast for ubuntu like stickam20:30
guntbert!list | nicolayc20:30
ubottunicolayc: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:30
ZykoticK9hareldvd, have you already tried using jscal to calibrate your joystick?  "jscal -c /dev/input/js0" -- did this NOT work?  Don't know how to manually set a dead zone, sorry.  Best of luck.20:30
mhall119|workjugglerbry: cool, and good luck, it's very rewarding20:30
laronI'd like to put an smb bookmark on the desktop of every new user. is there a good way to do this?20:30
Guest38854first i type mound tail  and i get : /dev/sda1 on /media/disk-2 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=40920:30
mhall119|worklaron: /etc/skel is where new user /home/$user directories are based off20:31
hareldvdZykoticK9, yep, still the Z axis (3rd) gives me much trouble. I want it to provide zero on a wider range of output values.20:31
mhall119|worklaron: so put it in /etc/skel/Desktop/ should work20:31
jugglerbrymhall119|work, really hope i can convince the bosses to give me the go ahead.  keep an eye on my website also, as no doubt i'll have a link on there when i get up and running.  www.someink-different.com20:31
jugglerbrybye all, and thanks again20:32
mhall119|workjugglerbry: get together with the Ubuntu UK LoCo, they can offer some better local help20:32
jugglerbrymhall119|work, will pop in there now before i close down. thanks20:32
ZykoticK9hareldvd, is the game you're using the joystick with after jscal using SDL input?  If it is, by default the jscal calibration will NOT actually be working!20:32
hareldvdZykoticK9, even though I don't know what SDL means, I know for sure the jscal command works fine. I use flightgear and they don't seem to know much about jscal.20:34
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mhall119|workhareldvd: SDL is a simple game library20:35
ZykoticK9hareldvd, lets assume you can start flightgear with the terminal command "flightgear" try running "export SDL_JOYSTICK_DEVICE=/dev/input/js0 && flightgear" and see if it works any better - this is AFTER running jscal of course20:35
jhonnyboyHello everyone I am having problems with my wifi. It lags out and sometimes doesn't even load pages20:36
jhonnyboyI have tried ndiswrapper but yet have had no luck.20:36
jhonnyboyAny recommendations20:36
mhall119|workjhonnyboy: what chipset?20:36
volkanhi there20:36
Hezyhi, anyone here as experience with USB headphones on Ubuntu? I bought one today, and it doesn't seem to work20:36
erUSULZykoticK9: the export and && are not needed in the command line you gave :)20:36
rweaitwhere is a good place to find out about potential problems with mvsas driver in 2.6.32 on lucid?20:36
hareldvdZykoticK9, I wrote a perl script wrapper to flightgear, It will take me a moment to make the modification. Thanks. I'll call you again once I try the change.20:37
erUSULrweait: launchpad ? search bugs. also ask in #ubuntu+1 for lucid stuff20:37
rweaiterUSUL: thank you20:37
volkani have a problem with my nvidia G105 M video card there s no supported driver for linux right now am i right anyone have a solution20:37
jhonnyboyWhen I load the windows drivers thru ndiswrapper my wireless becomes completely unavailabe20:38
ZykoticK9erUSUL, are you sure?  jscal has in Karmic has no effect if i don't run that export part - took a long time to find out why SDL wasn't recognizing jscal calibration and the above command finally resolved it.20:38
chi_hey, my computer is located at a university, but i want to host a webpage from the computer... how to I access the computer even thou i does not have a own IP, only a port???????20:38
erUSULZykoticK9: i mean that you do not need the export if you declare the variable in the same line as you launch the program20:38
erUSULZykoticK9: just this « SDL_JOYSTICK_DEVICE=/dev/input/js0 flightgear » is enough20:39
guntbertchi_: thats a question for ##networking - but they will tell you "not possible"20:39
erUSULZykoticK9: is alittle bit nitpicking i know ... :)20:39
zjblabs_does ubuntu have xgl packages in the most recent distribution version?20:39
ZykoticK9erUSUL, so "SDL_JOYSTICK_DEVICE=/dev/input/js0 flightgear" should work the same then.  Thanks, I'll try that.20:40
chi_guntbert: dynamic IP solution? or something?20:40
guntbertchi_: I say: not possible - but please ask yourself in ##networking20:41
chi_guntbert:  sorry, not quite understood it, but now it makes sense... :;D20:41
chi_thx all20:41
mikelifeguardAnyone know if openssh 5.4 is packaged for karmic already? Or whether it'll make it into lucid?20:42
rachidhave we an IDM like Windows20:42
Loshachi_: most universities don't want people hosting web sites on their network, as they have to pay for the increased network traffic it brings, so they block it...20:43
verb3kis there a good guide on compiling the latest kernel on karmic?20:43
erUSULmikelifeguard: for both questions do not think so; it was released only a couple of days ago20:43
erUSUL!kernel | verb3k20:43
ubottuverb3k: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:43
hareldvdZykoticK9, First impression, It seems much better. I'll try more aircrafts and get back to you. Thanks.20:43
mhall119|workmikelifeguard: I currently see openssh-server 1:5.1p1-6ubuntu220:43
Loshamikelifeguard: something special about 5.4 we should know about?20:43
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mawstgnome look is down again.20:44
verb3kerUSUL, that actually compiles the same version that is shipped, not the latest20:44
mikelifeguardLosha: it is new and/or better?20:44
mhall119|workmikelifeguard: note though, that Karmic won't upgrade to 5.4, instead the security patches will be applied to 1:5.1p1-6ubuntu#20:44
erUSULverb3k: just use the source code for the last version. the steps are the same20:44
Death__Hello All!20:45
Loshamikelifeguard: tell that to Toyota and their new/better accelerator systems...20:45
verb3kerUSUL, are you sure? :D20:45
mikelifeguardmhall119|work: right, I forgot we only get backported fixes20:45
erUSULverb3k: fairly sure. you can get a 2.6.33 kernel from some ppa (xorg ones) and from the mianline kernel repo20:45
mhall119|workunless you can find a PPA or repo with newer packages20:45
erUSULverb3k: if you do not want to compile it yourself20:45
kothzquestion: just installed ubuntu netbook remix.  trying to get different wallpapers on different cube faces.  have disabled show desktop (gconf-editor>show desktop) have added wallpapers using CCSM, have desktop cube and rotate cube enabled... still no go...20:46
guntbertmikelifeguard: and the alpha has 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu320:46
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kothzgconf-editor > desktop > backgrounds has a background that shows up20:46
volkan<erUSUL> verb3k: just use the source code for the last version. the steps are the same20:46
volkan* morgan has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:46
volkan* FloodBot2 sets mode +j #ubuntu 5:1020:46
mikelifeguardmhall119|work: yes, I'll be looking there next :)20:46
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FakeOutdoorsmanverb3k: looking to test x264 encoding on 2.6.32?20:46
verb3kerUSUL, thank you very much, really appreciated20:46
mikelifeguardguntbert: are the package versions frozen?20:46
verb3kFakeOutdoorsman, yes :D20:46
FakeOutdoorsmanverb3k: could you post your results on that thread?20:47
mhall119|workmikelifeguard: yes, Lucid passes feature freeze20:47
erUSULverb3k: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds20:47
mikelifeguardmhall119|work: k, thanks20:47
mhall119|workbut they may make an exception to get a newer version20:47
verb3kFakeOutdoorsman, which one?20:47
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FakeOutdoorsmanverb3k: assumed you saw it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142655220:48
userIDis there a way to find out the build options of a package installed by synaptic?20:49
verb3kFakeOutdoorsman, yes, actually I've already prepared my test cases comparing the two20:49
FakeOutdoorsmanverb3k: i meant to test 31 vs 32 months ago...just like a meant to make a x11grab howto!20:49
verb3kFakeOutdoorsman, haha20:50
FakeOutdoorsmanverb3k: see much of a difference or did you not try 31 yet?20:51
FakeOutdoorsmanHow can I see the confflags of a package?20:52
dehqanany opinion about http://pastebin.com/Ln0tVCMJ ?20:53
verb3kFakeOutdoorsman, I've haven't yet20:53
guntbert!here | dehqan20:53
ubottudehqan: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com20:53
Death__Can anyone help me?20:54
dstaubsaugerhi, can anyone recommend a program to record video and audio from a webcam (or video from webcam and audio from another sound device)? i've already tried cheese (wrong recording speed no matter what settings) and kamorose (doesnt record sound).20:54
guntbert!ask | Death__20:55
ubottuDeath__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:55
noise_can i find a program like dreamweaver or Visual Studio but in Linux20:55
erUSULdehqan: is your installed ubuntu system?20:55
dstaubsaugernoise_: arent dreamwaver and visual studio two entirely different things??20:55
hareldvdZykoticK9, Ok, what does the env variable SDL_JOYSTICK_DEVICE do?20:55
erUSUL!equivalents | noise_20:55
ubottunoise_: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot20:55
Death__i didn ask a question... no one replied!20:55
erUSUL!html > noise_20:55
ubottunoise_, please see my private message20:55
Death__i am getting Grub 17 error20:55
Death__i dont know why20:55
dehqanguntbert: yes don't what make that but ubuntu can not make a session and gives those errors , there was a permission problem with /.dmrc file humble solved it with chmod 644 .. but problem exists yet20:56
dehqanerUSUL: yes ^20:56
noise_bluefish,scream sucks20:56
ZykoticK9hareldvd, for reasons unknown to me, in Karmic SDL does not by default recognize jscal -- that variable forces SDL to use jscal's calibration.  I take it, it's working now?20:56
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erUSULdehqan: why do you have a ls binary in your home folder? it is chocking on it- what is that? a script?20:56
omnipotentduoElefender you still here?20:57
hareldvdZykoticK9, I'll have to remove it to see if I got used to a better solution. Two more minutes.20:57
noise_i see that linux suck by the programming,windows is much better20:58
jonaskoelkerHi all.  When I ssh into my phone from my ubuntu box, I get "Permission denied (publickey,password)."  When I ssh from my debian box, no problems.  How do I ssh onto my phone from my ubuntu box?20:58
dehqanerUSUL:  should bin folder be in home ?20:58
erUSUL!language | noise_20:58
ubottunoise_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:58
lyraehow do i start chrome from the terminal20:59
ZykoticK9lyrae, "chromium-browser" if you are using chromium20:59
erUSULdehqan: you can have a bin folder in home. but why do you have your own version of ls there? one that does not work for the looks of it20:59
duncanidaho1I'm trying out cinelerra for the first time.  It seems pretty cool so far but I can't get audio to work.20:59
laronhow do i add an smb:// shortcut to my desktop from terminal?21:00
jbendotnetanyone here up to speed with nginx ?21:00
lyraeZykoticK9, thank you!21:00
dehqanerUSUL: don't know21:00
jonaskoelkerlaron: cat > somefile.desktop ?21:00
sn1ffer72Can anyone recommend where I could start to find a solution in which I can stream a live set of web cams in a secure fashion?  Meaning that I want to broadcast a CEO message each month, but only want employees of my company to be able to see it.21:00
jonaskoelkersn1ffer72: does it have to be live?  Otherwise it's dead simple with gpg...21:01
guntberterUSUL: may I pm you?21:01
sn1ffer72has to be live21:01
erUSULdehqan: well; just move that folder out of the way then. mv ~/bin/ ~/bin.bak21:01
sn1ffer72what's gpg?21:01
erUSULguntbert: of course21:01
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts21:01
jonaskoelkersn1ffer72: encryption software (gnu privacy guard, I think)21:01
sn1ffer72I thought of doing a secured video to youtube21:02
dehqanerUSUL: thanks removed them21:02
coachjis the version of openoffice that comes on the ubuntu 9.10 install stanfard OO or is the offshoot GO-OO?21:02
sn1ffer72but I have like 700 people that need to watch this live each month21:02
erUSULdehqan: does tha fix the issue ?21:02
cnk_whats better than xchat?21:02
dehqanerUSUL:  don't know should be tested21:02
erUSULcoachj: the later iirc21:02
guntbertcoachj: its go-oo21:03
jribsn1ffer72: this is probably a #apache question21:03
sn1ffer72I thought of a web cam to a windows media server21:03
coachjerUSL: iirc?21:03
sn1ffer72but I am told it would saturate our LAN21:03
dehqanbye erUSUL god peace you21:03
mkquistwhy wont gparted format to ntfs if ntfs-3g is installed? am I missing something?21:03
sn1ffer72WAN I mean21:03
erUSULcoachj: if i recall correctly21:03
sn1ffer72I will check #apache thx21:03
oru_workin ubuntu , where is the ssh log located ?21:03
coachjerUSL thks21:03
erUSULmkquist: ntfsprogs21:03
coachjguntbert: thks21:03
erUSUL!tab | coachj21:04
ubottucoachj: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:04
jribsn1ffer72: oops, I meant #httpd21:04
U-b-u-n-t-uwhat is the name of panel option... I put on the panel so I can see pidgin or xchat icons when I click the X and close the main window21:04
mkquisterUSUL: thanx - just caught that in package manager21:04
erUSULU-b-u-n-t-u: notification area ?21:04
erUSULmkquist: no problem21:05
U-b-u-n-t-uerUSUL, maybe I will try it I forgot the name =_=21:05
cnk_is there any chance to get evolution into systray without alltray?21:05
HathadarI am confused on where to place my public and private keys for ssh.  What is the exact path and file name where I should place my public key?21:05
sqwertleIf anyone sees foobar64 could they please tell them that the alternate cd fixed my problem?21:05
jribHathadar: place them wherever you want.  But do you want them to do something?21:06
Hathadaryes, I want to be able to log in via pllink21:06
jribHathadar: place your public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys21:06
HathadarI dont have that directory by default. should I?21:06
jribHathadar: I have no idea what plink is21:06
hareldvdZykoticK9, It seems it makes a difference but I am not absolutely positive yet. What is the keramic thing you were talking about?21:06
cnk_is there any chance to get evolution into systray without alltray?21:07
Blue1I just upgraded from suse to ubuntu.  I nuked all the .gconf files, but the window mimimise, maximise, and close, are on the left hand side of the window, instead of the right.  How do I fix?21:07
D3RGPS31anyone know of an alternative to zoneminder for surveillance?21:07
jribHathadar: no, though if you created an sshkey, that's the default place it gets created.  Presumably you created the key on another machine21:07
phaseI have a keychain-size digital photo frame that connects via USB so you can use it's own software to transfer images to it. Any software out there that makes it mount as a usb storage device so I don't have to go through the trouble of using the crappy bundled software through wine?21:07
ZykoticK9hareldvd, Karmic version 9.10 of Ubuntu -- in previous Ubuntu releases jscal worked out-of-the-box, now it doesn't :(21:07
jribBlue1: what ubuntu version?21:07
=== phase is now known as Phase
Blue1from suse 11 to 10.0421:08
cnk_is there any chance to get evolution into systray without alltray?21:08
addyyhow can I choose the default route?21:08
cnk_is anybody able to read this ?21:08
jribBlue1: 10.04 has not been released, it's in development21:08
jrib!10.04 | Blue121:08
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ubottuBlue1: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+121:08
guntbertcnk_: yes21:08
Blue1understand I am in the wrong room thanks21:08
cnk_guntbert: ok thanks21:08
Hathadarjrib: i used ssh-genkey to make the key.  It placed two files in my home directory.  Is this not correct?21:09
hareldvdZykoticK9, karmic - the version name, I got confused with a KDE Keramic style. Sorry.21:09
addyywireless internet  doesn't work when I connect the wired home network21:09
jribHathadar: there's nothing to be correct or not correct about.21:09
U-b-u-n-t-uerUSUL, that was it thanks21:09
erUSULU-b-u-n-t-u: no problem21:09
jribHathadar: just point your ssh client to the right key (by default it will look at ~/.ssh/id_* ) and have your public key on the server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys21:10
charlierunswtf is this21:10
jrib!ot | charlieruns21:10
charlierunssup motha truckas21:10
ubottucharlieruns: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:10
Hathadarok, let me put it this way.  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys is not present in my home directory.  is this a problem?21:10
jribHathadar: create it21:10
charlierunsOh ok. thanks!21:10
charlierunsWait I do have a question21:11
charlierunsTwo days ago I was running regular ubuntu and then I used the update manager to upadate it21:11
jrib!enter | charlieruns21:11
ubottucharlieruns: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:11
fugei have a pinnacle pctv pro card but it can not find any station http://paste.ubuntu.com/393547/21:12
funkiwanI have a swap question: I'm running with two disks using software raid, level 1. i was running swap off of a third disk, but it failed, so i'm currently running without swap. should i raid my swap or use the two disks as two separate swap partitions?21:12
HathadarOk, I found the ssh folder mentioned.  I was just mistaken.21:12
charlierunsok. I updated my ubuntu, it restarted, and my GRUB had reset to some BASH command line. Will this always happen when I run updates?21:12
HathadarProblem I am running into now is I am using putty to log in and I dont know how to copy the entire public key as it runs off the screen.21:12
jribHathadar: why are you using putty?  What's the client's OS?21:13
guntbertcharlieruns: what version?21:13
HathadarClients OS is windows 721:13
jribHathadar: use something like winscp to copy your public key, then just rename it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (I presume this is a proper ssh key)21:14
B|aSSYou know you've been hacking too long when...21:14
B|aSS...your SO asks you where you want to eat on a friday night and you want to:21:14
B|aSScat yellowpages | grep pizza | grep carryout | more21:14
erUSULfunkiwan: the later. then assing the same prio for both swap areas in fstab. the kernel will automatically "raid-0" them21:14
FloodBot2B|aSS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:14
charlierunsI am dual booting Windows Vista with What I believe was Ubuntu 9.10 and in the command line i typed: linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.31.6-14-generic21:14
PurpleyHey, when I run sudo cd Media cd isn't recognized, whats the deal? I know I can just use sudo ls Media to see whats in there, but why cant I cd?21:14
guntbert!ot | B|aSS21:14
ubottuB|aSS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:14
jribPurpley: cd is a shell built-in21:14
Purpleyjrib, What do you mean?21:15
B|aSSthat was educational.21:15
jribPurpley: type: which cd21:15
jribPurpley: then try: which ls21:15
funkiwanerUSUL: thanks for your reply. any chance you can explain the advice given on this page: http://unthought.net/Software-RAID.HOWTO/Software-RAID.HOWTO-2.html21:16
myownserverDoes anyone here know of a CLI ISO program?21:16
Death__i am getting Grub 17 error21:16
Death__i dont know why21:16
jribmyownserver: to burn you mean?21:16
myownserver* For creating ISO's from files or directories.21:17
erUSULfunkiwan: that page says exactly what i just said in the 2.3 section21:17
funkiwanerUSUL: it seems to be saying to both not raid swap (first section) and then says, "Another reason to use RAID for swap..."21:17
mkquistDeath__: did you change anything?21:17
erUSULfunkiwan: it clearly says « There's no reason to use RAID for swap performance reasons. The kernel itself can stripe swapping on several devices, if you just give them the same priority in the /etc/fstab file. »21:17
mkquistDeath__: usually means it doesnt know where to find the o/s21:17
ZykoticK9myownserver, mkisofs21:17
myownserverjrib, I'm wanting to be able to call it from a script and generate an ISO that can then be downloaded or used to burn a disk of the files.21:17
erUSULfunkiwan: which is what i just said too :)21:18
funkiwanerUSUL: right, i agree. it's the 2nd part that confuses me.21:18
Death__Yes, someone helped me through installing lastnight21:18
mkquistDeath__: did you already have an install working?21:18
mkquistDeath__: never?21:18
mkquisttrying to dualboot?21:18
bil651i'm trying to run NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.25-pkg1.run. it run, but a can run nvidia_xconfig.  any ideas??21:19
mkquistDeath__: windows?21:19
myownserverZykoticK9, Thank you, this looks like what I'm looking for if I can find docs on using it.21:19
jrib!nvidia > bil65121:19
ubottubil651, please see my private message21:19
erUSULfunkiwan: the discusion about swapping on rai1 for "high availability" ....21:19
jribmyownserver: man page :)21:19
erUSULfunkiwan: ok; you ahve to choose performance or "high availability" then21:19
mkquistDeath__: so you did a fresh install of ubuntu last night?  but it doesnt boot to ubuntu?21:19
ZykoticK9myownserver, mkisofs has been renamed to genisoimage -- try "man genisoimage"21:20
Death__can i pm you?21:20
mkquistDeath__: sure21:20
funkiwanerUSUL: ah, i see. that was the bit that was confusing me. i wonder what the differenece is w/r/t performance21:20
LoshaPurpley: when you type sudo cd Media, you actually start a completely new sub-shell, do the cd in the subshell, then the sub-shell exits. Stuff you do in a subshell generally doesn't affect the main shell. With something like ls, you don't see the difference, because running ls gives the same result wherever you run it from. Sorry it's hard to explain....21:20
djznhi, i am writing a ridiculous program in C, that needs to beep in the system or speaker... looks like the \a parameter is not beeping in ubuntu, am I missing something? how to make it beep21:20
jribdjzn: try xset b whatever (see man page)21:21
jribdjzn: also make sure your shell allows it21:21
djznjrib: but will it work with C21:21
spectergrisdoes any one know how to get a dazzle dvc 100 to work on ubuntu?21:21
djznthe result must be a c little program21:21
jribdjzn: try and see.  Start by using echo21:21
djznjrib: bash commands will be ignored by c21:22
PurpleyLosha, So how do I cd into directories in sudo21:22
HathadarStill having trouble with ssh.  my plink client gives me this error:21:22
HathadarConnection abandoned.21:22
HathadarDisconnected: User aborted at host key verification21:22
jribdjzn: erm.  I'm saying forget about C for now.  Make sure you can get echo to produce a beep first.21:22
Loshadjzn: try outputting ctrl-G using putchar...21:22
malifalPurpley: sudo -i21:22
myownserverZykoticK9, Thank you very much.  I think this will work.21:22
erUSULfunkiwan: the same difference between raid1 vs raid0 in normal data... you will writte/read faster from raid 0 (for being able to use double the bandwith) raid 1 writtes are slower (two writtes) and reads are the same speed as raid0  (simplifying things). raid0 has double the chance of failure of a single disk and raid 1 has much less chance21:22
malifalPurpley: that will make you root21:23
djznLosha: when I control-G in the terminal, i hear nothing... and i was supposed to hear something, right21:23
kothzIs there a different channel for help with gnome/compiz on ubuntu netbook remix?21:23
redi dont think so21:24
guntbertdjzn: try it on a virtual terminal (ctrl+alt+F2)21:24
erUSULdjzn: maybe pcspkr is not loaded ?21:24
Loshadjzn: when I type ctrl-g in the terminal, I hear a short 'ding'. Tried 'xset b on' ?21:24
=== mrd_ is now known as ownlife
verb3kFakeOutdoorsman, Are you here?21:24
astral_jak tam dzionek ?21:24
jrib!pl | astral_21:24
ubottuastral_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:24
sylar_que onda raza21:24
sylar_como andan21:25
ownlifeWhich port should I use for SSH? It's still 22 and I'd like to be secure!21:25
jrib!es | sylar_21:25
ubottusylar_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:25
jribownlife: 22 is secure...21:25
LoshaPurpley: well, you're really into the realm of shell programming at this point, so the answer depends on what exactly your're trying to do...21:25
red22 gets you a lot of hammering and bruteforcing21:25
djznlosha: xset b on , i turned on, and didnt hear a beep... something related to pulseaudio?21:25
redi prefer other ports21:25
Ten-Eightgood afternoon all21:25
ownlifejdrib: "You may also want to consider changing the Ports directive. By default SSH runs over TCP/IP port 22, which means that any malware bot autoscanning port 22 can target it."21:25
funkiwanerUSUL: firstly, thanks for answering. i'm clear on the difference between raid1 and raid0. what i'm not so clear on is how much swap performance really matters. i like the idea of high availability (my main raid1 partition is rebuilding as i type) so i'm inclined to just run swap as raid1 as well, but a) i'm wondering how much i'll slow down my machine in doing that.21:25
Vianocturnawots the offtopic channel?21:26
Ten-Eighttrying to set up a bootable USB stick with imagewriter and UNR 9.1021:26
kothzI've got a new install of ubuntu netbook remix.   Turned on advanced desktop effects (hello compiz), turned on the desktop cube and rotate cube, and added 4 wallpapers (all in CCSM)... fired up gconf-editor and made sure apps>nautilus>show desktop was off... still no evidence of different backgrounds on different cube faces.   Any ideas?21:26
djznlosha: ok, i had turned off the ubuntu sounds, now I hear it by pressing CTRL-G21:26
djznlosha: but is there a way to use the hardware buzzer21:26
erUSULfunkiwan: depends on your workloads and in the ram your machine has. with today's memory sizes system rarely swap so you wont notice one way or the other21:26
erUSUL!ot > Ten-Eight21:27
ubottuTen-Eight, please see my private message21:27
* kothz typically puts swap on a lonely little hard drive these days21:27
Loshadjzn: if there is, I don't know it. You can always arrange to play a wav file if you want a longer/different sound...21:27
OldMerovingianHello everyone.  I recently installed 10.04 alpha 3 and all seems to work well, but I cant seem to get some things to work right.  Is there a way to install 9.10 but use the exact same kernel?  I need 2.6.32 for my ati card.21:27
seanbrystone2ty ikonia21:27
erUSUL!lucid | OldMerovingian21:27
ubottuOldMerovingian: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+121:27
jribOldMerovingian: maybe the kernel team's ppa21:27
PurpleyLosha, Nothing :/ Just want to access a folder created by sudo21:28
jribPurpley: why?21:28
needleshey!  Does anyone know where I can find the ubuntu EULA?21:28
Ten-Eighthave a question regarding UNR 9.10 on a usb stick using imagewriter from 8.04.21:28
erUSULOldMerovingian: if it is for radeon driver use the xorg edgers or stable ppa that has new kernels with the corresponding X stack21:28
Azelphur!gpl | needles21:28
ubottuneedles: gpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html21:28
funkiwanerUSUL: it's an older machine, maxed out at 2GB of ram. i do java dev work, lots of builds hitting the disk, and apps requiring lots of ram, often hitting swap, so it is a concern.21:28
Vianocturna?ot > ViaNocturna21:28
djznhow do i load pcspkr21:28
LoshaPurpley: you can do sudo -i and get a root shell, then type as usual. It's considered bad practice though, too easy to make serious mistakes....21:29
Vianocturna!ot > ViaNocturna21:29
ubottuVianocturna, please see my private message21:29
jribdjzn: modprobe pcspkr21:29
Purpleyjrib, I created it being stupid and did sudo mkdir, I dont really want to change permissions on it I just want to know a simple way21:29
OldMerovingianerUSUL: I did that before, but the generic kernel I used ate my battery life like crazy and made my wireless card take forever to connect21:29
needlesgot it.. so the ubuntu core is GPL and the individual packages are under their own licences?21:29
Azelphurneedles: yes, exactly21:29
Azelphurneedles: you'll find the majority of packages are GPL too, though.21:29
jribPurpley: you would « sudo -i », do what you need and exit.  But really I don't see why you would need to do any of this.  You should tell us what you are trying to accomplish as there is likely a better way21:30
erUSULfunkiwan: then it is up to you to decide i'm afraid. you know the pross an cons... but dunno disk (raid or not raid) is so slow compared to ram that maybe the extra speed is not really that noticiable21:30
djznhow to send a signal to pcspkr21:30
i0n99does the live cd have sound?21:30
jribdjzn: how to ask a question that makes sense?21:30
needleswhat I'm trying to do is create an ubuntu appliance with some proprietary code in it (but not linked to anything, just added along side).  That way all the stuff is configured right in the vm.  If I do that, then does my code then become GPL?21:30
funkiwanerUSUL: thanks for your input!21:31
misiekhi all21:31
misiekubuntu ROX !21:31
erUSULfunkiwan: no problem21:31
misiekive never suspect that linux is so cool, you know ...21:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:31
i0n99does the live cd have sound card support?21:32
misieki was an old, retro guy who used windows for years21:32
misieki have never idea @ion9921:32
misiekbut i suspect yes21:32
ownlifeWhat does it mean to brute-force a password?21:33
i0n99ownlife keep trying21:33
faultlineCan anyone tell me how to null the password for kwallet?21:33
kraetzjai have a minor annoyance from a fresh install (9.10). ill set the brightness in X to max, then not touch anything for even as little as like 120 seconds, and the brightness will set itself down. how can i configure this?21:33
faultlineI am tired of typing it in every time I boot up21:33
erUSULownlife: try everypossible password one after another until you find the right one21:33
laronhow do i add a shorcut to /media/cdrom to my desktop?21:34
Purpleyjrib, I created it being stupid and did sudo mkdir, I dont really want to change permissions on it I just want to know a simple way21:35
ownlifei0n99: Sounds like too much of a pain for someone to tamper with my frankenstein home server21:35
jribPurpley: I just told you.21:35
archboxmanI thought by adding a new video card and ram my computer would be faster now my boot time went up 10 seconds...??? wtf ???21:35
PurpleySomething that isn't as dangerous as sudo -i21:36
erUSULarchboxman: the new card requires a massive and closed source binary driver that takes ages to load up ????21:36
jribPurpley: erm, how is that "dangerous"?21:36
i0n99ownlife what are u talking about21:36
rahdukeI'm having a stupid conky issue, the spacing is messed up with a new script i just added in, can someone help me out (http://pastebin.com/zhwbf4n2) Conkyrc , Screenshot (http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2245/screenshotxg.png)21:36
malifalPurpley: sudo is just as dangerouse as sudo -i and just as dangerous as su -21:36
john-michael1I have a directory of files (0001.png, 0002.png, 0001-150x150.png, & 0002-150x150.png). I'm trying to grep only files with "x". however grep -lir "x" * is returning all the files.  What am I doing wrong?21:36
rahdukeplease someone point me in the right direction21:36
kraetzjaownlife,  its not a manual process, its usually an automated attack21:37
jribPurpley: if you want to do big boy things you need to be a big boy...21:37
archboxmanerUSUL: its a gt 240 with gddr5 I thought it was going to be faster.... not more time to load a driver... :(21:37
dyekHi! Does Ubuntu 9.10 init script create a login prompt on the console? If not, how can I enable it? (I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 as Xen DomU and before everything is working, it helps to have a console login prompt.)21:37
jribdyek: should21:37
kraetzjadyek, what you probably need to do is setup virtual terminals21:38
ownlifei0n99: Well. kraetzja: I made a good password though! My algorithm is complicated and random!21:38
kraetzjatechnically, absolutely no password is safe from brute forcing21:39
kraetzjathat being said, it takes a pretty powerful machine to crack a password in realistic time21:39
seanbrystoneHow do I get Nautilus to open something in vim? the Open With context menus work for gvim, but not vim21:39
jribkraetzja: my password has infinitely many characters in it21:39
katesmithokay how do I access my windows vista files from ubuntu linux? i still having problems and i cant figure that part out?21:39
kraetzjajohn-michael1, ls | grep x21:39
faultlineCan anyone tell me how to null the password for kwallet?21:39
faultlineI am tired of typing it in every time I boot up21:39
erUSULdyek: they do the standar VT1-6 and X on VT721:39
jribseanbrystone: you would need to open a terminal that ran vim inside21:39
kraetzjakatesmith, you need ntfs support in your kernel, or loaded via module, and then you mount it to an existing directory (/mnt/windows)21:40
erUSULfaultline: maybe #kubuntu has more help for a kde user ?21:40
seanbrystonejrib, so i cant do it then? ok21:40
seanbrystonebut i dont wanna use gvim21:40
john-michael1kraetzja: wow, thanks. now if I want to delete those?21:40
dyekkraetzja: Thanks! How can I set up VT? I think it used to be the inittab, but I'm not sure with the new init mechanism.21:40
jribseanbrystone: you can, just see gnome-terminal's options (you can run a command)21:40
sqwertleWell after using the alternate CD that foobar64 suggested I managed to get the OS installed. However, I cannot boot it. It just hangs on a dead screen. Any ideas?21:40
SamualHey I tried to compile/install gtk+ myself so I could create gtk applications, and well --- Now i'm getting "Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "clearlooks"," when attempting to launch programs -- And they lack the clearlooks theme. Also: SVG icons do not display in applications that have that problem, only some do21:41
seanbrystoneshouldnt be so hard to do though, this is what scares people from linux21:41
archboxmanI also bought the EVGA card from newegg and didn't say anything about being able to overclock the video card good thing is you are able to overclock the card without the fance box and images the other video card makers came up with to the same specs... lmao at there misleading attempt to sell video cards... same video card different package...21:41
SamualAnyone know how to fix this?21:41
Debian911Just installed ubuntu server 9.10 - just wondering if I need to do something to compile 'fallocate' as my rtorrent when compiling with --with-posix-fallocate is reporting fallocate as 'no'21:41
erUSULSamual: to create gtk apps you anly have to install the corresponding -dev packages21:41
dyekerUSUL: OK. Thanks.21:41
kopwhere to add clocksource=hpet in /etc/default/grub ?21:41
katesmithkraetzja can i install ntfs support in my kernel , or loaded via module?21:42
SamualerUSUL, indeed well, meh wish I had an undo button ^_^21:42
erUSULkop: where you see "quiet splash" ---> "quiet splash clocksource=hpet"21:42
kraetzjakatesmith, yup. go to /usr/src/linux, make menuconfig, get to file systems, see if you have support already or not, and in what form21:42
sqwertleOnce ubuntu is installed is it possible for me to access logs of a failed boot attempt?21:42
ikoniawhois Samual21:42
kraetzjaif its already built as a module, you can just modprobe ntfs21:42
erUSULkop: then run sudo update-grub21:42
kraetzjaand you should be ok to mount21:42
M0E_lnxhi all, I have a problem trying to get cpu scaling to work21:43
M0E_lnxseems to be stuck @ 3.6ghz21:43
SamualerUSUL, so do you know how to fix it then? Heh21:43
M0E_lnxI've been able to scale this cpu down in other distros21:43
katesmithOkay how would I go to /usr/src/Linux?21:44
katesmithit sounds hard to do that21:44
erUSULM0E_lnx: do you have the cpufreq applet in the panel ?21:44
koperUSUL, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"clocksource=hpet21:44
M0E_lnxerUSUL: yes I do21:44
erUSULkop: and close the "21:44
erUSULM0E_lnx: click on it; which governor are you using ? ondemand?21:44
verb3kerUSUL, thank you very much :)21:45
koperUSUL, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash""clocksource=hpet "     ?21:45
archboxmanM0E_lnx: quit bring over windows terminlogy.....  This is linux cpu scaling is a made up word and why would anyone want to slow down there system??21:45
erUSULkop: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash clocksource=hpet"21:45
erUSULkop: no as i just typed21:45
koperUSUL, tnx much21:45
erUSULverb3k: no problem21:45
katesmithkraetzja how would I go to /usr/src/Linux? i never did that before i am bad with computers?21:45
M0E_lnxarchboxman: I only use this box as a net router, just idles 24/721:45
M0E_lnxit's running kind of hot21:45
koperUSUL, syntax hates me :D21:46
M0E_lnxso, I want to slow it down21:46
erUSULkop: :)21:46
mhall119|workarchboxman: CPU scaling is important for power saving21:46
erUSULM0E_lnx: so is ondemand or what?21:46
M0E_lnxerUSUL: yes21:46
M0E_lnxI can set it to whatever I want,21:46
M0E_lnxbut the freq doesn't change21:46
erUSULM0E_lnx: :/ what cpu is this? checked bios settings?21:46
M0E_lnxPentium D 960 BIOS settings are fine21:47
M0E_lnxI know it scales, using the p4_clockmod module21:47
M0E_lnxbut ubuntu has acpi-cpufreq loaded21:47
M0E_lnxand I can't load p4_clockmod21:47
erUSULM0E_lnx: can you paste the output of « sudo cpufreq-info » ?21:47
vprmi'm trying to run nvidia... pkg,run, but i can not get nvidia_xconfig to run. i get a msg 'display number are busy'...  anyideas??21:48
rahdukeI'm having a stupid conky issue, the spacing is messed up with a new script i just added in, can someone help me out (http://pastebin.com/zhwbf4n2) Conkyrc , Screenshot (http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2245/screenshotxg.png)21:48
rahdukecan someone tell me how to move the sabnzbd thing down21:48
erUSULM0E_lnx: is the module loaded ?21:48
archboxmanmhall119|work: hey still a made up word.... that word came out with windows 2000 when they tried to introduce two cpu's on a motherboard instead of a dual core processor and were dealing with the idea of having to write code for another processor that programs didn't want to ... So the idea your taking about doesn't fit its orginal intention...21:48
demonataany one help me? got ubuntu server running but it wont recognize the two empty drives i have??21:48
M0E_lnxerUSUL: lsmod shows no acpi-cpufreq loaded21:48
erUSULM0E_lnx: lsmod | grep p4 ; if not do « sudo modprobe p4-clockmod »21:49
M0E_lnxhere is my cpufreq-info http://pastie.org/86565921:49
jefimenkoi have two monitors, each with a different subpixel order. is there a way to set the subpixel order differently each monitor?21:49
=== ericboeh1 is now known as eriboehs
M0E_lnxroot@vlhost-desktop:/home/vlhost# lsmod | grep p421:49
M0E_lnxnls_cp437               5372  121:49
erUSULM0E_lnx: « sudo modprobe p4-clockmod »21:50
jefimenkoubuntu provides a subpixel order setting in System -> Preferences -> Appearance under the "Fonts" tab in the "Details" button21:50
jefimenkobut this sets it globally21:50
M0E_lnxFATAL: Error inserting p4_clockmod (/lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/p4-clockmod.ko): Device or resource busy21:50
jefimenkoi need to set it separately for each monitor21:50
yax51hello...I need some assistance anyone willing to give me a hand?21:51
erUSULM0E_lnx: weel we know why it does not go down current policy: frequency should be within 3.60 GHz and 3.60 GHz.21:51
M0E_lnxerUSUL: so, how do we change that?21:51
erUSULM0E_lnx: if you cnage governor to powersave ?21:51
archboxmanto get the clock speed to slow down was to be done in the bios , but this costed more money for a board that supported stepping down clock speed of a cpu...???21:52
rahdukecome on people, noone in this room uses conky??21:52
rahdukeI find that hard to believe21:52
archboxmanrahduke: I use conky21:52
archboxmanrahduke: whats up..21:52
rahdukearchboxman: I'm having a stupid conky issue, the spacing is messed up with a new script i just added in, can someone help me out (http://pastebin.com/zhwbf4n2) Conkyrc , Screenshot (http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2245/screenshotxg.png)21:52
yax51anyone know anything about installing audio drivers? I can't seem to get it working, and the forums havent been much help...21:52
M0E_lnxerUSUL: http://pastie.org/865669 new cpufreq-info after changing governor to powersave21:53
rahdukei just need to move down my sabnzbd section alil bit21:53
rudy986join #ubuntu-it21:53
Debian911Just installed ubuntu server 9.10 - just wondering if I need to do something to compile 'fallocate' as my rtorrent when compiling with --with-posix-fallocate is reporting fallocate as 'no'21:53
=== d_rugs420 is now known as dumdumz
M0E_lnxsomething screwed up in the policy definitions?21:53
Phoenix|Awaydoes anyone in here know why grub breaks whenever i power down the computer, but not if i just do a reset?21:53
Blue1Phoenix|Away: corrupt boot block?21:54
Blue1Phoenix|Away: bios not set properly21:54
PurpleyWhat is the lost+found folder in all the partitions I format?21:54
erUSULM0E_lnx: :( can you unload acpi-cpufreq21:54
YyharssargyhaellBlue1, I was thinking corrupt boot block as well. >_>21:54
archboxmanrahduke: are you trying to move the images around in concky??21:54
rahdukearchboxman: do you see? its just spaced up to high21:54
koperUSUL, update ?21:54
erUSULM0E_lnx: then load  « sudo modprobe p4-clockmod »21:54
M0E_lnxerUSUL: no...21:54
erUSULkop: ?21:54
koperUSUL, nm21:54
Phoenix|Awaywell i started with an xp machine and set up a dual boot with ubuntu21:54
rahdukearchboxman: i just want to move the SABNZBd section down a lil bit so its not covering my weather section21:54
erUSUL!es | n21:54
archboxmanneed to add space ok hold on just did this last week21:54
ubottun: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:54
Phoenix|Awaynow whenever i power it off i have to use a live cd to fix grub21:55
M0E_lnxerUSUL: oot@vlhost-desktop:/home/vlhost# modprobe -r acpi-cpufreq21:55
=== n is now known as Guest16667
M0E_lnxFATAL: Module acpi_cpufreq not found.21:55
rahdukearchboxman: thanks so much21:55
koperUSUL, was ment for term , too many windows open :D21:55
YyharssargyhaellPhoenix|Away, obviously you installed Ubuntu after Windows?21:55
archboxmanrahduke: my concky is a bit more complex will explain21:55
rahdukearchboxman: I'm sure, this is just a really basic setup21:55
Guest16667we are the world haiti is veri nice21:55
thetempleneed some help21:56
Yyharssargyhaell!ask | thetemple21:56
ubottuthetemple: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:56
archboxmanrahduke: yes just how do the call to space in the conky file..21:56
Blue1Purpley: i think lost found has something to do with the filecheck (fsck) programme - don't quote me21:56
erUSULM0E_lnx: i see is compiled in... you are stuck with this situation. you make a bug report in launchpad21:56
rahdukearchboxman: thats my issue, i dunno what to change21:56
archboxmanrahduke: hold on21:56
yax51who knows anything about installing audio drivers....I can't seem to get it to work.....21:56
erUSUL!bugs | M0E_lnx21:56
ubottuM0E_lnx: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:56
Phoenix|AwayYyharssargyhaell: yes, i installed ubuntu after xp21:56
archboxmanrahduke: I got it21:56
M0E_lnxwill do21:56
MathuinI really like Ubuntu Netbook Remix.  It detected all the devices on my Eees (700 and 1000) and an Acer Aspire One.  The only hiccup I saw was not wanting swap on the 700, took me a second to figure out hwo to disable it -- other than that, this has been pretty keen so far!21:56
YyharssargyhaellPhoenix|Away, yeah, I saw.21:56
erik__I'm having some problem with Ubuntu failsafe X "running in low graphics mode" .. Does anyone have any pointers to docs?21:57
YyharssargyhaellThanks tho21:57
rahdukearchboxman: awesome, share your genius! Please!21:57
Phoenix|Awayso ive tried reinstalling the entire system, and it the same. i even got a brand-new hard drive21:57
PurpleyOh ok21:57
Blue1Mathuin: i had problems with the netbook remix and the wireless lan on my acer21:57
dstaubsaugererik__: what exactly did you do what made ubuntu switch to the failsafe mode?21:57
PurpleyWhat is the syntax for chmod to allow only me to access a partition?21:58
bmnbyou are stupit21:58
MathuinBlue1: which Acer?  I was frankly worried about wireless -- it's the open-source bugaboo for laptops -- but this was awesome in its jfwishness.21:58
Blue1Mathuin: i had to backport then it worked21:58
Debian911hmmm " * could not access PID file for rsync"21:58
archboxmanrahduke: {voffset } controls the postion of the up and down screen , and {alingr or center } controls the the alignment on the screen left or right  or the screen or in the center...21:58
funkiwanerUSUL: any chance you can help me debug my current raid setup?21:58
erik__dstaubsauger, :-) ooh this and that. The problem is I want to figure out what went wrong...21:58
bmnbgo to the shit21:58
dstaubsaugererik__: what exactly? installed a new graphics driver?21:58
Blue1Mathuin: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=15221:59
erUSULfunkiwan: weak chances; i do not run a raid myself... maybe #ubuntu-server has more people21:59
archboxmanrahduke: line from my conky21:59
archboxmanrahduke: ${voffset -8} ${alignr 125}${font Space Age:size=26}${color #0984A5}${time %I:%M%P}${font}${color}21:59
funkiwanerUSUL: thanks for the rec. will try.21:59
bmnbyou are a shit21:59
lojackCan anyone help me...I'm trying to edit the message that's displayed in the screen at the login prompt in runlevel 3.  I don't know which config file holds that message.22:00
rahdukearchboxman: voffest doesnt seem to do anything.... I changed mine from -5 to -8 and it doesnt movie22:00
MathuinBlue1:  very nice.  I do wish the Firefox had come preconfigured to waste as little screen real estate as possible, but I can fuss with that myself -- there's a bunch of blog entries on that.22:00
bmnbyes mum22:00
katesmithokay someone told me it is different in my situation since i am using wubi, how do I access my windows vista files from wubi?22:00
wahbenHi Ubuntu community & Montreal Ubuntuers! Anyone knows in which folder Google Chrome scans for plugins (Flash in particular?)22:00
Blue1lojack boot up message or system messages -- system messages arre in /var/log/messages22:00
katesmithit is more complicated i was told22:00
archboxmanrahduke: its about a total of 600 to bottom of the screen you need to move it more then a few spaces ...22:01
bmnbhola me llamo justin soy de españa22:01
Blue1!es | bmnb22:01
ubottubmnb: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:01
tim__how do you configure wine to play windows games?22:01
yax51can anyone assist me in installing my audio drivers?22:01
lojackBlue1: Good question.  Its the message displayed at the login prompt for a Ubuntu livecd -- runlevel 3.22:01
yax51anyone? bueler........bueler.......22:01
lojackBlue1: Like a banner.  "Welcome to Ubuntu ... "22:02
bmnbsorry i dont understand22:02
Blue1lojack: if you are booted off a live cd -- the answer is -- I don't know -- but it will NOT write to a hard drive - that I know22:02
thetemplebasically I had an old mac g4 lying around so I decided to try out ubuntu on it, this is the first time I have ever used a linux distro. I'm an avid mac user but know nothing of code or anything like that I just use the mac because it works for me. Anyhow I can only get 800 x 600 res out of my tv and I cannot change the resolution to something higher eg. 1360 x 768 also the sound isn't working any ideas?22:02
LjLbmnb: quit it22:02
bmnbyo soy español22:02
lojackBlue1: I'm remastering a livecd.  I want to change the banner though.22:02
mhall119|workthetemple: I never got video drivers to work with PPC ubuntu22:02
archboxmanrahduke: negitive numbers move it closer together postive numbers move it apart..22:02
bmnberes una mierda22:02
PurpleyHey guys I have to copy 39.6 gigabytes to a ext4 partition, Im getting about 3.2 MB per second is there a way to make it faster?22:03
sda_Hi all, I'm Stefano in Erasmus from Denmark. I have an Asus F3jp, it's a very good computer, but it has some problem with the fan support and ATI powermanagment, I read the Ati power managment will be fix in the kernel to come, but the general fan always goes at full speed! can you help me? If i turn off the bluethoot the led doesn't turn off and i have to send a command to it. I see asus_laptop asus_atk0110 and asus_led modules.22:03
Blue1thetemple: do lspci | grep VGA22:03
KB1JWQPurpley: How're you copying it?22:03
katesmithi hope someone can help me , okay someone told me it is different in my situation since i am using wubi, how do I access my windows vista files from wubi?22:03
vprmi can get nvidia-xconfig to work.. i keep getting msg 'display number is busy...'   help ....22:03
thetempleBlue1: thetemple: do lspci | grep VGA ?22:03
rahdukearchboxman: that did it! just had to change negative to positive22:03
rahdukearchboxman: thanks so much man22:03
Blue1KB1JWQ: copying....what?22:03
archboxmanrahduke: I know just a little programming22:03
archboxmanrahduke: want to see my conky :)22:04
ZykoticK9katesmith, it is my impression that you can't -- i could be wrong, i certainly don't use Wubi22:04
PurpleyKB1JWQ, Just copy and paste22:04
rahdukearchboxman: sure22:04
KB1JWQBlue1: ?22:04
sqwertleI've managed to get ubuntu installed on my laptop using the text interface, but I cannot get ubuntu to boot. I'm not being given any error messages at all.22:04
Blue1the temple type in:  lspci | grep VGA22:04
KB1JWQPurpley: Ah, that may have something to do with it.  I'd use rsync to do the transfer I suspecdt.22:04
Blue1like this lspci | grep VGA22:04
Blue100:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)22:04
MathuinKB1JWQ: any chance you use Ubuntu with ham radio?  I'm wondering specifically about stuff that directly interfaces with a rig like a logger or satellite tracker.22:05
plooooophi all22:05
KB1JWQMathuin: Not personally, but two months ago there was a whole issue on it from Linux Journal.22:05
Blue1Mathuin: that's a brian question22:05
archboxmanrahduke: http://imagebin.org/8852922:05
Some_PersonI've got GRUB problems: It reboots after saying "GRUB loading stage2". I am using Karmic with GRUB 1.22:06
rahdukearchboxman: pretty badass22:06
MathuinKB1JWQ: figures.  Normally I use FreeBSD, but this UNR is working pretty well, so I was goign to give it a chance.22:06
thetempleBlue1: why am I doing that? Please bare with me, I'm completely clueless when it comes to things like this22:06
thetempleI'm typing this in the terminal right?22:06
KB1JWQMathuin: Yeah, I hear ya. :-)  I'm a FBSD guy myself.22:06
Blue1thetemple: to find out what video card you have22:06
archboxmanrahduke: hey change the colors to match your theme..22:06
bluelagunaI'm currently teaching a class on compiling programs from source on Linux.  What's a good example of a program that you'd want to compile rather than install the package?22:06
svodenhello. i'm trying to find the file menu.lst in my Ubuntu 9.10 installation22:07
archboxmanrahduke: you can also add fonts to chane the font..my latest one has been changed22:07
rahdukearchboxman: I don't know color codes well enough to find the color im looking for22:07
Blue1bluelaguna: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=17422:07
ZykoticK9!grub2 > svoden22:07
ubottusvoden, please see my private message22:07
rahdukearchboxman: i like my fonts, just wanna change the color22:07
Mathuinbluelaguna: something you need to modify to do something new. :-)  You could use ESR's "fetchmail" as an example from Cathedral and the Bazaar...22:07
archboxmanrahduke: install gcolor2 for gnome.. :)22:07
=== 50UAAEC80 is now known as mcsteve
thetempleBlue: 'Ispci: command not found22:08
archboxmanrahduke: do you have gimp installed??22:08
aliciapgdoes anyone know if it is possible to continue a partially rendered file in kdenlive?22:08
Blue1thetemple what happens if you do:  man lspci22:09
conb123Why does the option in login screen to automatically choose a login user always cause .ICEAuthority to corrupt, I have had this issue for a long time now, shouldn't they have fixed it by now?22:09
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
thetempleBlue1: no manual entry for Ispci22:09
rahdukearchboxman: yup i do22:10
bluelagunaBlue1: heh, did you write that app?22:10
aliciapgdoes anyone know if it is possible to continue a partially rendered file in kdenlive?22:11
archboxmanrahduke: you could just open the image your using as a background and select the eyedrop image and it will match the color for you... I don't use gimp it is more for a whole editing studio instead of just picking a color..22:11
ZykoticK9!repeat > aliciapg22:11
ubottualiciapg, please see my private message22:11
thetempleWhat should I do now?22:11
Some_PersonWhich key goes to the menu if you have hiddenmenu enabled on GRUB 1?22:11
rahdukegotcha, thanks.... I'm actually running into another issue now....22:12
infectovdpau dont work for me :(22:12
=== destroth is now known as neophreak
infectoany tips how to run vdpau?22:12
smknightlook at one of the over 9000 tutorials22:12
ZykoticK9infecto, are you trying with mplayer?22:12
infectoZykoticK9: yep22:13
PurpleyCan someone give me the syntax of rsync for locally copying files22:13
ZykoticK9infecto, have you added the mplayer-vdpau PPA?22:13
sda_Hi all, I'm Stefano in Erasmus from Denmark. I have an Asus F3jp, it's a very good computer, but it has some problem with the fan support and ATI powermanagment, I read the Ati power managment will be fix in the kernel to come, but the general fan always goes at full speed! can you help me? If i turn off the bluethoot the led doesn't turn off and i have to send a command to it. I see asus_laptop asus_atk0110 and asus_led modules.22:13
infectoZykoticK9: neee, i was searching this22:13
infectoZykoticK9: some tip?22:13
* Abyss_ installs wine then gets mIRC22:13
=== neophreak is now known as tyro
ZykoticK9infecto, starting point https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa22:14
=== Abyss_ is now known as Neobium-tin
PurpleyCan someone give me the syntax of rsync for locally copying files22:14
Neobium-tinAhhh, good ol` superconductor22:14
icerootPurpley: rsync source target22:14
linxehiceroot: typically one uses -av on that22:15
=== sine_ is now known as sine^
icerootlinxeh: ah yes22:15
=== tyro is now known as cyberbluntz
sqwertleI seem to be having trouble booting Ubuntu. After the GRUB menu once I've selected to boot Ubuntu it shows a flashing underscore for a moment then shows a dead screen. Windows is booting perfectly fine.22:16
mrmookieit seems I'm having an issue with mountall, I cannot use the recovery console because I get the mountall: cancelled error.. anyone?22:16
mrmookieseems I cannot VI either because of the same mountall bug22:17
Mathuinmrmookie: could your filesystems be mounted read-only?  You may have to fsck them before remounting them read-write.22:17
Some_PersonI need help with my grub22:18
tim__what does the term cd into a directory mean??22:18
Ljorringis it true, that there exists a background/wallpaper, that displays an aquarium with moving fish?22:18
PurpleyI get skipping directory when I copy a file with rsync? what do i do22:18
Some_PersonI'm still using grub1 on karmic, and right now it reboots after saying "grub loading stage 2" (or something similar, this is from memory)22:19
infectoZykoticK9: add-apt-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa22:19
ZykoticK9infecto, with sudo yes22:19
infectoZykoticK9: added this long time a go :) and dont see any mplayer-vdpau22:19
BoschÜdv mindenki!22:19
Neobium-tinIt stands for Change Directory its used int the terminal much the same as cmd in windows22:19
mrmookiemathuin: it seems everything is fine.. I can read or write just fine.. I just cannot use vi or the recovery console.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/45680622:19
infectoZykoticK9: i do this from root, yes.22:19
erik__is there an very easy way to install an PXE server what will boot machines with the Ubuntu installer?22:19
Debian911why the hell isn't fallocate abled22:19
mrmookieseems that's my issue but it's more than 6 months old22:19
Debian911in ubuntu server 9.1022:19
tim__what does cd into a directory mean????22:20
Neobium-tinIt stands for Change Directory its used int the terminal much the same as cmd in windows22:20
MathuinLooks like it's committed, though.  No way you can reinstall, right?22:20
ZykoticK9infecto, does "apt-cache policy mplayer" show as the PPA version?  What error are you getting?22:20
mrmookiemathuin: same after reinstall22:21
infectoZykoticK9: 2:1.0~rc3+svn20091207-0ubuntu1~karmic~nvidiavdpauppa1122:21
mrmookiecan't use vi or the recovery console22:21
Mathuinmrmookie: fascinating.  what happens if you kill the mountall process first?22:21
infectoZykoticK9: no errror, just mplayer using 70% cpu playing mkv :) hd22:21
MathuinOr you can't even get to do that without the console, can you.22:21
mrmookiea maintenance shell will be started but it doesn't accept the correct password..22:22
Some_PersonI need help. I'm still using grub1 on karmic, and right now it reboots after saying "grub loading stage 2" (or something similar, this is from memory)22:22
mrmookieif I reboot it allows me to login but it's worthless22:22
sebsebseb!grub |  Some_Person22:23
ubottuSome_Person: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:23
ZykoticK9infecto, and if you try with gl output does the cpu usage go up by about 10%?22:23
infectoZykoticK9: g1? explain.22:23
infecto please22:23
aliciapgRuyRuyRuy: what are you trying to do?22:24
ZykoticK9infecto, gL as in open22:24
infectogl yep, sry bad terminal font22:24
infectoZykoticK9: crash on gl22:24
RuyRuyRuytryin to register nick but dont remember commands22:24
KeLeMojoin #ubuntu-br22:24
sqwertleI'm having trouble booting Ubuntu. After the GRUB menu once I've selected to boot Ubuntu it shows a flashing underscore in the upper left hand corner then goes to a black screen. Windows is working perfectly fine though. I have no idea what to do.22:24
Some_Personsebsebseb: That doesn't say anything about if my system reboots after it says "loading stage 2"22:24
infectoZykoticK9: gl2 70%22:24
ZykoticK9infecto, try xv then22:24
MathuinWhoa, Empathy is crazy.  It makes the window wide when I type something long.22:24
sqwertleI have no idea what to do.22:24
sebsebsebSome_Person: ok22:25
niedalryanyone here been having problems with firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu?22:25
PurpleyI get skipping directory when I copy a file with rsync? what do i do22:25
infectoZykoticK9: same22:25
aliciapgRuyRuyRuy: isn't it /msg NickServ22:25
ZykoticK9infecto, are you using cli with the "-vo" switch or some GUI?22:25
MathuinI imagine it's "/msg nickserv register password"...22:25
infectoZykoticK9: no gui. -vo x11 xv vdpau22:26
infectoall the same result :(22:26
sine^ok how do i kill a process22:26
mib_mibyo guys, when i do locate 'foo' it says locate not found, where is updatedb located?22:26
mib_mibi can't find it22:26
sine^kill -9 pid or somthing22:26
sine^skype has bugged out22:26
sine^damn gui22:26
macomib_mib: try slocate or mlocate, maybe?22:26
KylaxAnybody here into comic books? If so can you explain to me what a "Back Issue comic" is?22:26
mib_mibi tried find / -iname updatedb22:26
MathuinOkay, see you guys around...22:26
ZykoticK9infecto, try "mplayer -vo vdpau $FILENAME" and see if the output gives any sort of error22:26
mib_mibits a new installation of ubuntu22:26
sine^back issue is an old one that is still available22:27
mib_mibmaco: those aren't found either, do i need to install locate? or just run updatedb?22:27
sine^like when you subscribe to a magazine they also offer back issues to a certain date22:27
RuyRuyRuycool thnx for yur help22:27
KylaxAnybody here into comic books? If so can you explain to me what a "Back Issue comic" is?22:27
jongbergshi, i have a problem of changing the screen resolution of karmic, i'm stuck with 800x600 resolution, remove and installed xserver-xorg but to no avail..22:27
PurpleyI get skipping directory when I copy a file with rsync? what do i do22:27
sebsebsebjongbergs: Have you got a graphics card driver installed?22:27
blakkheimPurpley: man rsync22:27
sebsebsebjongbergs: Which card?22:28
Esben_SI have a weird problem, my bluetooth dongle doesn't connect when I boot my system, I have to unplug it and replug it for it to connect... does anyone know if there is a command that I can use to connect it so I don't have to do it manually?22:28
macomib_mib: er... is mlocate installed? locate should point to it22:28
RuyRuyRuydoes anyone know how to transfer files via ethernet  between two ubuntu systems?22:28
malifalmib_mib: which updatedb22:28
Some_PersonI need help. I'm still using grub1 on karmic, and right now it reboots after saying "grub loading stage 2" (or something similar, this is from memory)22:29
jongbergssebsebseb: should i be concerned on the model of my graphics card?, it's a laptop.22:29
infectoZykoticK9: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/393590/22:29
sqwertleWhere can I find a list of video drivers supported by Ubuntu?22:29
infectoZykoticK9: no error :)22:29
sine^how do i kill a process22:29
sebsebsebjongbergs: Well there may be a graphics card driver available in system > administration > hardware drivers  if so by installing it there will probably be more resolutions available22:29
mib_mibmalifal: returns nothing, i guess updatedb isn't installed either22:29
mib_mibmalifal: do i need to apt-get locate?22:30
ZykoticK9infecto, that seems to be working!?22:30
infectoZykoticK9: so, why its used 80% cpu? :)22:30
erUSULsine^: pkill processname22:30
macomib_mib: locate should be set up as using mlocate as its alternative and updatedb should be using updatedb.mlocate. if you dont have those, install mlocate22:31
ZykoticK9infecto, personally I notice able to 10% cpu drop betwen vdpau and opengl - that's it.  Not sure why it's the same on your system.  Sorry man, I have no ideas for ya.  Best of luck.22:31
malifalmib_mib: mine is part of mlocate, /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate22:31
mib_mibmaco:  okay i installed mlocate22:31
malifalmib_mib: /usr/bin/updatedb is just a sym link to it22:32
infectoZykoticK9: thanks :)22:32
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:32
ZykoticK9infecto, s/able to/about22:32
kerebrusIs there an easy to use tool to remove a partition on a secondary hard drive?22:32
sqwertleHas anyone ever heard of any issues with the "Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD" with Ubuntu?22:32
jongbergssebsebseb: i haven't figured out to look on it under hardware drivers. if however it won't resolve the issue, what could be another way to fix it?22:32
erUSUL!intel | sqwertle22:32
ubottusqwertle: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.22:32
sebsebsebjongbergs: I don't know22:32
sebsebseb!xorg | jongbergs22:32
ubottujongbergs: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:32
njbairMy nvidia driver stopped working, so I got a new nvidia graphics card and it still doesn't work. What can I do software-wise to locate the problem?22:33
mib_mibokay after installing locate and mlocate, my updatedb is not a symlink to /etc/alternatives/updatedb22:33
jongbergssebsebseb: thanks, i'll try the link you sent me..22:33
sebsebsebjongbergs: well you may have to install a driver in another way, depending on your card22:33
sebsebseb!ati | jongbergs22:33
ubottujongbergs: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:33
mib_mibmalifal: so i should change my updatedb symlink now from /etc/alternatives/updatedb to /usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate right?22:33
sqwertleerUSUL: These all assume that I have access to Ubuntu at all, I can't boot whatsoever, but I believe that this could be a video issue.22:34
malifalmib_mib: that is the sym link22:34
malifalmib_mib: update-alternatives --config updatedb22:34
erUSULsqwertle: you can not boot into recovery mode ?22:34
sebsebsebjongbergs: ok well good luck22:34
malifalmib_mib: /etc/alternatives/updatedb: symbolic link to `/usr/bin/updatedb.mlocate'22:34
sqwertleerUSUL: I can't boot into anything that isn't Windows.22:34
duclamhello guys22:35
erUSULsqwertle: any error message?22:35
mib_mibmalifal:  what does update-alternatives do?22:35
jongbergssebsebseb: thanks22:35
duclamanyone using ubuntu on HP laptop?22:35
sqwertleerUSUL: I believe that while installing from usb and it was still echoing the process, it flashed very breifly but something about MTRR allocation or configuration22:35
malifalmib_mib: sorry its'  update-alternatives --config locate22:35
duclami have some trouble with the nVidia driver22:35
erUSULmib_mib: it manages the alternatives. (programas that provide the same service like java; awk; locate sh; etc )22:36
=== jono_ is now known as jono
kerebrusduclam what kinds of trouble with nvidia drivers?22:36
erUSULsqwertle: so whaen you choose ubuntu in grub menu what happens?22:36
malifalmib_mib: it lets you choose an alternative for similar apps like which mail server to use or ftp server by default22:36
sqwertleerUSUL: It shows an underscore flashing in the upper left hand corner for a few moments then goes entirely black.22:37
mib_mibmalifal ah okay nice, thanks,  i set my default to mlocate now22:37
mib_mibmalifal: do i need to do mlocate then or will locate use mlocate22:37
erUSULsqwertle: the same if you choose recovery mode ?22:37
sqwertleerUSUL: Yes.22:37
duclamwell i installed ubuntu karmic and did all the updates and everything, once i activate the latest driver under hardware, my screen divided up into 8 portions22:37
duclamisn't that weird?22:37
hsunda3Firefox on my Windows box just told me there's an update to 3.6 (from 3.5.8 that I had) ... Can I expect Ubuntu to say the same thing ...or should I wait till next Ubuntu release to see that update?22:37
malifalmib_mib: locate should now be a sym link to mlocate, that's the whole idea of update-alternatives22:38
Linux0000Does anyone know how to make 10.04 create and use a xorg.conf file?22:38
mib_mibmalifal: ah okay yeah, so /usr/bin/locate is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/locate which is a symlink to /usr/bin/mlocate22:38
mib_mibmalifal: crazy22:38
erUSULsqwertle: can you press "shift" while in the menu to enter edit mode ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Editing%20Menus%20During%20Boot ) and remove the quiet and splash words from the kernel line then boot and see what happens ?22:38
sebsebseb!10.04 | Linux000022:38
ubottuLinux0000: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+122:38
mib_mibmalifal: thanks!22:38
duclamkerebrus has you heard of this problem before?22:39
malifalmib_mib: sure22:39
Linux0000sebsebseb: Thanks22:39
sebsebsebLinux0000: np22:39
sqwertleerUSUL:  I'll give it a try right now.22:39
PurpleyI get skipping directory when I copy a file with rsync? what do i do anyone know?22:39
=== horndog_ is now known as horndog
hsunda3Purpley: What do you mean by "you get skipping directory"?22:39
kerebrusduclam no, ive never seen a monitor split into 8 portions, can you open your xorg.conf file22:39
Purpleythe command I enter is "sudo rsync /home/zac/Desktop/Mythbusters.Season.1-6/ /media/eec651d7-64b2-4131-b5e3-8255f9ada2ea/Movies/22:39
erUSULsqwertle: so shift it is to enter edit mode remove the two wros then ctrl + x to boot22:39
duclamyes i can22:40
Purpleyskipping directory . thats exactly what it says22:40
kerebrusduclam can you pastebin them and send me the link22:40
duclamsure give me a sec22:40
goombai have a basic linux question.....how do i launch a process from xterm that wont quit when i also quit xterm22:40
mib_mibhow are people liking ubuntu 9.10?22:40
sqwertleerUSUL:  MTRR .... (moving to fast to read) black screen22:41
malifalgoomba: program &22:41
kerebrusmib_mib I like it, havent had any real problems with it22:41
erUSULgoomba: use « nohup command & » or the disown built in. also you can use GNU screen22:41
erUSULsqwertle: anything else?22:41
erUSUL!screen | goomba22:41
ubottugoomba: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen22:41
goombaah that nohup worked erUSUL thanks22:42
sqwertleerUSUL:  As in? It shows quite a bit of informaiton that is also moving a bit to quickly to catch as it loads, but that MTRR is the last line before the neverending black screen22:42
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duclamkerebrus --> http://pastebin.ca/183463722:42
anvoDoes anybody how to concatenate 10 tiff files using tiffcp, in order then to convert that file to pdf images?22:42
Some_PersonI need help. I'm still using grub1 on karmic, and right now it reboots after saying "grub loading stage 2" (or something similar, this is from memory)22:43
hsunda3Anyone ? Firefox automatically updated to 3.6 on my Windows box, why doesn't that happen on Ubuntu ..I am stuck on 3.5.8 ..?22:44
PurpleyI get skipping directory when I copy a file with rsync? what do i do anyone know?22:44
nisslI have some trouble with my samsung nc10 anybody here with ideas: my mouse is running vertical over the screen and i cant control it .. what could it be?22:44
hsunda3Purpley: If you mean the directory is not being copied, I think you need to provide an option to rsync recursively, -r or something22:44
erUSULsqwertle: so again you are in a black screen with blinking cursosr ? :/22:44
LinuxGuy2009Ok today I fiddled with my webcam and got the audio to record. Somehow I didnt have the right input selected for recording before. Now I just need something that can edit ogv video that cheese records. I tried kdenlive and avidemux in my 9.04 installation. Kden has no audio and avidemux fails to load the file. Any others?22:44
ZykoticK9hsunda3, short answer -- Ubuntu doesn't update versions, unless there is a security fix -- use a PPA or backports if you want to upgrade programs22:44
sqwertleerUSUL: Well the blinking cursor is only for a few moments, the black screen is without such cursor, but yes.22:45
fugeI have a pinnacle pctv pro card but it can not find any station http://paste.ubuntu.com/393547/22:45
thetempleI have an ati rage 128 card, defaulting to 800x600 how do I change xorg.conf to a different resolution?22:45
kerebrusduclam brb22:45
thetempleor can I use Xrandr?22:45
svodeni edited the etc/default/grub file. But it's not letting me save it. Says I don't have permission22:45
hsunda3ZykoticK9: ah .. so where do I find instructions for installing Firefox 3.6 on Karmic?22:46
ZykoticK9hsunda3, see http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-6-stable-from-ubuntu-ppa.html22:47
erUSULsqwertle: really dunno what to do next. if it is a mtrr problem you can check BIOS settings?22:47
LinuxGuy2009hsunda3: You can always download the newest firefox from the mozilla site.22:47
sqwertleurUSUL: have access to the BIOS settings, I'm not even sure how to deal with the MTRR thing.22:47
hsunda3LinuxGuy2009: The last time I tried that, first, none of the plugins worked, second, noobody was able to provide any instructions on how to change the default browser (clicking on links anywhere would still make it open in the old Firefox) .. apparently "download from website and install" is a Windows way of doing things, not Ubuntu22:48
erUSULsqwertle: neither do I. there a couple of kernel parameters related but it will just blindly try them ...22:48
LinuxGuy2009hsunda3: No actually its just a matter of end user learning the tools.22:48
hsunda3ZykoticK9: Cool, thanks for the link .. the link says "Firefox 3.6 stable" .. what does stable mean?22:49
LinuxGuy2009hsunda3: stable means it works.22:49
PurpleyHow do i copy a folder with rsync from one partition to another?22:49
ZykoticK9hsunda3, there is also a Daily Build PPA out there22:49
sqwertleerUSUL: It appears to say MTRR Allocation Failed22:49
hsunda3LinuxGuy2009: True . just that Ubuntu is not the place to learn, Ubuntu is more targetted for users who just do things the way the Ubuntu devs want them to, as in install from repositories only etc22:49
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hsunda3ZykoticK9: nah that's ok, I have used your link and got it working :) Thank you22:49
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LinuxGuy2009hsunda3: Ubuntu is anything you want it to be.22:50
erUSULsqwertle: lets google that ...22:50
sqwertleerUSUL: I currently am22:50
nisslsomeone here with a samsung nc 10 or similar?22:50
PurpleyHow do i copy a folder with rsync from one partition to another?22:50
enquoraI have a 9.10 server installation with GRUB2 that has stopped autobooting from GRUB menu. Any suggestions on debugging?22:50
talalismhi 2 all linux users22:50
erUSULsqwertle: this are the related kernel options http://paste.ubuntu.com/393600/22:50
nisslhi tala22:50
morphixPurpley: rync -av /source/directory /destination/directory/22:50
linxehtalalism: what about us MacOSX and Solaris users ?22:50
talalismi want 2 install ZTE 3G modem on my linux ... haw i can do that ??22:51
nisslhm just plug it in i think22:51
LinuxGuy2009Kdenlive has no sound but does have video, pitivi has no video but does have sound, avidemux fails completely. God Im like almost ready to go buy Windows 7 this sucks.22:51
talalismright now i found a way 2 connect internet using my mobilephone22:52
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nisslwhich linux u use tala?22:52
sqwertleerUSUL: None of the commands seem to even be recognized.22:53
nissli mean which dist22:53
erUSULsqwertle: for what i gather it should no cause black screen only slow performance. can you try to remove quiet and splash but add vga=791    (791 is 1024x768@16bit ) ???22:53
talalismubuntu gnome 9.1022:53
nisslnetwork manager is installed?22:53
erUSULsqwertle: the things i pasted are kernel parameters that you can put where quiet and splash are (in grub menu)22:53
erUSULsqwertle: but lets try vga first22:53
sqwertleerUSUL: Ah, it has to be a specific location... vga?22:54
talalismyes ... ver 7,99622:54
nisslwah xchat is so ugly22:54
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erUSULsqwertle: yes vga=791 see my previous lines22:54
kerebrusduclam http://pastebin.ca/1834666 copy that over your existing xorg.conf and log out and relogin22:54
talalismyes ... ver 7,99622:54
duclamk let me try :)22:54
nissli use a huawei umts modem and it runs by plug n play22:55
talalismon linux !!22:55
sqwertleerUSUL: It appears to have attempted to make a difference, but ultimately failed with a black screen.22:55
nissli dont have to install or configure anything22:55
erUSULsqwertle: what is native resolution of your screen ?22:56
t3chkommie<--having flash problems... cant click on anything. anyone know the work around?22:56
sqwertleerUSUL: Gr.... let me check.22:56
duclamkerebrus i'll be right back22:56
lopezeHey. Before Karmic was released the sound option allowed one to choose Ogg, ALSA, and other stuff. Now I'm problems with programs conflciting. How can I set karmic to use primarily ALSA?22:56
nisslflashplugin-installer installed?22:56
kerebrusduclam ok you might need to lower the resolution on the line I added22:56
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working22:57
t3chkommieya i can play flahs just fin.. but my buttons dont work.22:57
hsunda3ZykoticK9: Are you still there? I followed your instructions, and all I have now is a "Special transitional package for firefox 3.6" but none of the real stuff .. what do I do after following the instructions on the link you sent?22:57
svodentrying to save etc/default/grub says i need owner permissions, how do i get?22:57
t3chkommiezykoticK0: wil that work for 64 bit systems?22:57
iceroot!sudo | svoden22:57
ubottusvoden: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:57
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, yes22:58
t3chkommieok thanks!22:58
ZykoticK9hsunda3, not sure man...  I can try in a VM if you'd like.22:58
hsunda3ZykoticK9: oh wait I think I need to do a apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade following that22:59
sparky_How do I install AIM?22:59
sqwertleerUSUL: 1366:76822:59
nisslwhich irc client is better than xchat? this is so  wwuuah22:59
nisslspark?try pidgin22:59
hsunda3nissl: if you are bold enough, you can try irssi :)22:59
icerootnissl: irssi22:59
nisslhehe thanks23:00
nisslill try23:00
goombai <3 konversation23:00
* erUSUL well irssi is arguabily uglier than xchat .... we who use it do not do it for its beauty though23:00
icerootnissl: http://geek.j2solutions.net/shots/irssi-theme.jpg23:00
sqwertleerUSUL: Is it now?23:01
icerooterUSUL: a cli is always looking better then a gui ;)23:01
erUSULsqwertle: hold on chacking something23:01
ZykoticK9hsunda3, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6 worked for me?23:01
hsunda3ZykoticK9: and guess what, it lost the java plug in that it had earlier :(23:02
ZykoticK9hsunda3, just reinstall your java plugin23:02
dany_hi all23:02
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dany_does anyone know how can I know if my ubuntu is 32 or 64 bits?23:03
hsunda3ZykoticK9: how do I do that? dpkg-reconfigure sun-java6-plugin doesn't work23:03
ZykoticK9dany_, uname -m23:03
erUSULdany_: uname -m23:03
dany_what means?23:03
sqwertleshould this be in place of quiet splash?23:03
ZykoticK9dany_, that's 3223:03
dany_uhm got it23:03
sqwertleoh, excuse me23:03
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dany_ZykoticK9: I have a 64 bit cpu, is it better 32 or 64 on it?23:04
erUSULsqwertle: try vga=ask23:04
sandrew_Can somebody let me know where transmission saves torrent files (version 1.06). Got a full HD, so I will need to relocate them.23:04
icerootdany_: dpkg --print-architecture23:04
ZykoticK9hsunda3, after installing ff3.6 how did you start it?23:04
ZykoticK9dany_, that's really up to you!  do you have more then 4G of memory?23:05
nisslthanks 4 this tip but i mean a gui irc like xchat ?23:05
dany_ZykoticK9:  no23:05
sqwertleerUSUL: "Legacy 'ask' paramter no longer supported"23:05
ZykoticK9dany_, then 32 is probably "easier"23:05
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sqwertleerUSUL: "Error: You need to load the kernel first"23:05
HathadarI want to remote into my server from windows using plink and send a start/stop command to transmission-daemon.  I have ssh setup.  How do I force commands to run without using sudo?23:05
dany_iceroot: it says i386 but with uname -m i686 asd23:05
dany_ZykoticK9: Easier?23:05
hsunda3ZykoticK9: I did what you did, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade. This removed my old firefox, and all references now point to new firefox. This new firefox doesn't have Java plugin. Do I report this as a bug or what?23:06
emjHathadar, force commands?23:06
icerootdany_: yes, dpkg is telling you what the software is, uname is telling you what the cpu can handle on that architecture23:06
emjHathadar, never mind..23:06
ZykoticK9hsunda3, perhaps reverting back to old firefox is a better idea?  don't think there is an integrated way to report bugs from PPA installs of programs.23:07
Hathadarwell, maybe not that.  I want to have the automated batch job execute commands that require root access without having to manually punch in my password.23:07
t3chkommiezykoticK0: THANKS for the link. sofar so good! i wouldnt have thought to look in the i386 folder on a x64 system. thanks23:07
dany_iceroot: then i686 is 64bit?23:07
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, glad to help23:07
icerootdany_: no23:07
icerootdany_: amd64 is 64bit23:07
malifalhsunda3: what version of ubuntu are you running23:07
erUSULdany_: no ; i686 --< 32 bits || x86_64 --> 64 bits23:07
icerootdany_: i686 is 32bit23:07
hsunda3malifal: 9.1023:07
icerootdany_: and your system architecutre is i38623:08
Omertai thought i386 is 32 bits23:08
* dany_ is now confused23:08
icerootOmerta: it is23:08
erUSULOmerta: yes it is23:08
hsunda3malifal: ZykoticK9 I removed and am now reinstalling sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugins package .. I am desperately praying firefox-3.6 now recognizes it atleast23:08
Omertawhy use i686 then?23:08
erUSULOmerta: i386 is more generic than i68623:08
Omertai see23:09
malifalhsunda3: dist-upgrade upgrades the whole distribution from one version to another AFAIK23:09
sandrew_Hi guys. Could you please let me know where transmission saves torrent files (version 1.06) ? Cannot find anything at the location specified on the official forum(~/.config)23:09
erUSULOmerta: a 486 is i386 compatible but it is not i686 compatible23:09
hsunda3malifal: Well there was no way to get firefox-3.6 otherwise from the ppa .. it kept telling me "firefox-3.5 is being kept back" when I didn't want it to23:09
icerootmalifal: no23:09
erUSULOmerta: i686 are Pentium Pro and later CPU's23:09
dany_got it23:09
Omertasandrew_ check your home folder, view hidden folders23:09
dany_thanks guys23:09
Omertathey should be there23:09
icerootmalifal: dist-upgrade is doing the same as upgrade but its also changing the installation state/update-state) of dependencies  see also  man apt-get23:10
Omertai didnt know that erusul23:10
Omertai thought there were just 80x86 architecture and x64 arc.23:11
sandrew_Omerta: checked, and found only .gtk files under ~/.transmission23:11
andrukis there a way to get qemu-kvm and virtualbox running at the same time without running into "VMS" errors?23:12
Omertasandrew i dont know then but i recommend you to use deluge :)23:12
kerebrusduclam still having the problem?23:13
icerootOmerta: 8086, 8186, 8286, 8386, 8486, 8586, 8686  so i686 is 8686 and i386 is 838623:13
erUSULsqwertle: google does not want to help me ... sorry i duno what else to do23:14
duclamkerebrus => the same problem occurs, i have to change the driver part to "nv" to get back here23:14
redflaghello i require help23:14
sqwertleerUSUL: I'm about at the point that it's just going to have to be a Windows machine. I'm suspecting that the graphics card is not compatible.23:14
kerebrusduclam what did you use to set the original driver?23:15
erUSULsqwertle: sorry of not being of much help23:15
sqwertleits alright :)23:15
Omertaarent they all 32 bits, are there any difference between them?23:15
duclamkerebrus > "nvidia" <-- this is default after i install the driver23:15
redflagany one know how to fix this (redflag@redflag-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory)23:15
icerootOmerta: imo 8086 8186 are 16 bit23:16
icerootOmerta: and maybe 8286 also 16bit23:16
erUSULOmerta: instruction set differences if you run i686 code on a plain pentium (i586) you get illegal instruction if you ever hit an unsupported instruction23:16
Omertaahh sorry you are right23:16
erUSULiceroot: 286 is 16 bit yes23:16
Omertai learned 8086 at school and it was 16 bits23:16
UnderSampledIf you install programs on a live cd before installing, will they be installed to the computer for use after you aren't on the cd anymore?23:16
duclamkerebrus > it's so weird that the screen divides up 2 columns and 3.5 rows ?????23:16
erUSULUnderSampled: do not think so23:17
redflagany one know how to fix this (redflag@redflag-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory)23:17
UnderSamplederUSUL: ok, thanks23:17
GRUBaDubDubUnderSampled, no, they wont23:17
duclamkerebrus> and if i use the earlier version of the driver, i get a blackscreen23:17
UnderSampledthat's good23:17
ubuntuloverHi i am running Xubuntu 10.04 alpha 3 and its kernel panicked and its still running. how?23:17
andrukUnderSampled: actually, i think so23:17
redflagany one know how to fix this (redflag@redflag-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory)23:17
redflagi proper need help like23:17
erUSUL!lucid | ubuntulover probably it is just a OOPS23:18
ubottuubuntulover probably it is just a OOPS: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+123:18
GRUBaDubDubredflag, are you trying to update while something is installing? or do you also have synaptic open?23:18
goombaredflag: close any apps that might be running that use apt-get23:18
seanbrystoneHow do I get Nautilus to open something in vim? the Open With context menus work for gvim, but not vim23:18
andrukUnderSampled: yeah, i think if you install packages on the livecd before you start the installation from the livecd, it copies the installed packages into the installed system.  but i dont think it copies settings or anything like that.23:18
Typos_Kingredflag:    the 'lock' file is in use by some other 'frontend' app23:18
redflaghmmm i was trying to install picasa23:18
andrukUnderSampled: and have you met my good friend Nyquist?  ;-)23:19
UnderSampledandruk: is there a way to tell it not to?23:19
GRUBaDubDubredflag, you can't update while installing something / you cant install more than one thing at a time23:19
andrukUnderSampled: i dont know about that...23:19
redflagi am aware of this23:19
UnderSampledandruk: who/what?23:19
redflagbut iv restarted my computer and everything23:19
GRUBaDubDubUnderSampled, just restart the system and boot back into the live cd. that should give you a default system again23:19
UnderSampledGRUBaDubDub: ok23:19
UnderSampledso If I don't open synaptic, I'm fine?23:20
RifRafHey im new to linux mint, Was wondering if someone could help me get WoW to run on Wine23:20
GRUBaDubDubUnderSampled, if you reboot into the live cd and then install, you should get just the plain vanilla system23:21
iceroot!mint | RifRaf23:21
ubottuRifRaf: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:21
trismseanbrystone: right-click on the file type, properties, open with tab, add, custom command: gnome-terminal -x vim %x23:21
ZykoticK9!mintsupport > RifRaf23:21
ubottuRifRaf, please see my private message23:21
emjseanbrystone, maybe you can create an desktop cshort cut that opens vim in an xterm?23:21
jribseanbrystone: yeah, I told you how to do this before...23:21
mrmookierifraf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft23:22
UnderSampled!mintsupport > UnderSampled23:22
rdvonzI can't seem to get compiz to run on my (terribly old) Inspiron 1100. I know it *can* run though! It did on previous versions. My question is: Does ubuntu 9.10 have problems with its intel driver?23:22
ubottuUnderSampled, please see my private message23:22
emjjrib, how do you do that.. :-)23:22
jribemj: see trism's reply23:22
kerebrusdulcam forgot to ask what card are you using?23:23
redflagany one know how to fix this (redflag@redflag-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory)23:23
redflagreally need help23:23
duclamkerebrus --> i'm using the NVIDIA GeGorce 8400 GS23:24
mrmookieredflag: you have another updater open?23:24
duclamkerebrus > if it makes a diff. i'm using the hp pavillion dv6675us23:24
erUSULredflag: synaptic ?23:24
IdleOneredflag: rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/lock23:24
redflagredflag@redflag-laptop:~$  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/lock23:25
redflagrm: cannot remove `/var/lib/apt/lists/lock': Permission denied23:25
goombasudo :D23:25
the920redflag, use sudo rm .....23:25
kerebrusduclam how did you decided which driver to use and how did you install it?23:25
IdleOneredflag: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/lock23:25
RuyRuyRuyANYONE HELP!!!23:25
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:25
malifalwhy -r?23:25
IdleOneRuyRuyRuy: with?23:25
erUSUL!ask | RuyRuyRuy23:25
ubottuRuyRuyRuy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:25
Some_PersonI need help. I'm still using grub1 on karmic, and right now it reboots after saying "grub loading stage 2" (or something similar, this is from memory)23:26
IdleOnemalifal: force of habit with the -r23:26
redflagsudo apt-get update stops at 99$ apparently waiting for headers23:26
duclamkerebrus --> kamic comes with the hardware detection tool23:26
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IdleOneredflag: wait :)23:26
kerebrusduclam ok just making sure you didnt compile your own drivers23:26
RuyRuyRuygot a problem with firewire connection betwin system wh 9.04 and system wh 9.1023:26
duclamkerebrus > oh no,.. i'm not at that level yet hihihihi23:26
malifalIdleOne: now that is dangerous especially with sudo and -f :p23:26
sqwertleMy question is a bit too long to type and be easily associated with itself, so I have linked it to the Ubuntu forums: http://tinyurl.com/yhkc9wo23:26
IdleOnemalifal: yeah I know but not on the file23:27
IdleOnenot on that* file23:27
RuyRuyRuycant get to connect through SSH23:27
malifalIdleOne: yes when you;re doing it, but not for a noob23:27
kerebrusduclam well its weird I didnt see anything with your xorg.conf that would be causing the problem you described23:27
IdleOnemalifal: :) noted23:27
duclamkerebrus > i suspect it's the driver itself..23:27
icerootRuyRuyRuy: can you ping the other pc?23:27
RuyRuyRuylet me see23:28
duclamkerebrus > if i use the 173 instead of the 185 .. the i get the blacksreen, maybe it's a more well known problem?23:28
Debian911Just installed ubuntu server 9.10 - just wondering if I need to do something to compile 'fallocate' as my rtorrent when compiling with --with-posix-fallocate is reporting fallocate as 'no'23:29
fnord2I had a question. Is it possible to make a DNS lookup go through the proxy when you set a proxy in System > Preferences > Network Proxy23:29
funkyHatSome_Person: hello23:30
t3chkommiethanks again for the help on that flash player buttin issues...23:30
RuyRuyRuyno answer23:30
t3chkommieim gonna have to bookmark that page.23:30
erUSULfnord2: proxy is for http not for dns ....23:30
fnord2I know erUSUL.23:31
fnord2I use my phone as proxy to go on the internet when there's no wifi network.23:31
Hathadarin the manual for sshd_config(5) for PermitRootLogin it says If this option is set to ``forced-commands-only'', root login23:31
Hathadar             with public key authentication will be allowed, but only if the23:31
Hathadar             command option has been specified23:31
HathadarI dont understand the last part23:31
fnord2But when it makes DNS lookups go through the wifi (which isn't there) I cannot use it.23:31
FloodBot2Hathadar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
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Will5757could someone help me setup swat? (i'm trying to configure a simple share to use as remote storage), when i try to install it i get E: Couldn't find package swat23:31
DavidJHeinrichhi all, for some reason, in Skype, for my webcam (Logitech C200), isn't showing up...yet, I can still chat with people, and it is the mic that is providing that23:32
RuyRuyRuyim using a crossed lan wire for stablishin connection23:32
fnord2And in FireFox and ThunderBird I can make all DNS lookups go to the proxy, but not the rest.23:32
ikoniaWill5757: it's part of samba normally23:32
[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-H!seen santos23:32
rwwHathadar: you can run ssh like this:     ssh user@host somecommandhere    which will run somecommandhere on the remote computer. It means that, I think.23:32
KindOne[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-H, santos joined #ubuntu, 14wks 6days 1hr 32mins 28secs ago.23:32
[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-H!seen santos23:32
ubottuI have no seen command23:32
KindOne[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-H, santos joined #ubuntu, 14wks 6days 1hr 32mins 28secs ago.23:32
ikoniaWill5757: search the repo's for swat23:32
the920Hathadar, It looks like it's just for remote command execution, NOT for an interactive login.23:32
rwwKindOne: Turn that off, please.23:32
Hathadarthe920: that is what I am trying to use it for.23:32
HathadarI dont understand the "but only if the command option has been specified"23:32
Will5757then how can i access it? i'm not too familar with linux and i was following the documentation23:33
[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-Ha re23:33
[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-Hkok tas23:33
FloodBot2[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-H: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:33
AlbaniaOre KoK Breshk23:33
the920Hathadar, Then forgive ,me, what is the question?23:33
[ImPeRiOs-[^^]-He shef mer23:33
duclamkerebrus > i gotta go for dinner, thanks for your help.. i'll be back another time23:33
RuyRuyRuyno ping response23:33
ginbuntuis it possible to sync songs form Banshee to my iphone?23:33
erUSUL!iphone | ginbuntu23:33
Hathadarthe920: http://paste.ubuntu.com/393618/23:33
ubottuginbuntu: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:33
kerebrusduclam ok im generally on, so ill keep looking into your problem23:33
HathadarI dont understand the part about command option has been specified23:34
al-tabqdoes anyone know where passwords are saved or how i can view them?23:34
RuyRuyRuyIceRoot no ping response23:34
=== james_ is now known as real_riddlebox
erUSULal-tabq: aplications>accesories>passwords;keys23:34
al-tabqerUSUL thanks mate, i was looking in system all the time23:35
Albaniaikonia Hallo23:35
the920Hathadar, Ok, but what exactly is your question about this?  Are you looking how to securely set this up so that you can only run remote commands from another PC and not interactively login?23:35
icerootRuyRuyRuy: then create a network after that you can use ssh23:35
ikoniaAlbania: yes ?23:35
kerebrusWhats a good way to remove a partition from a hard drive?23:35
the920kerebrus, fdisk23:35
icerootkerebrus: gparted23:35
ThatsNotJackisn't 9.10 supposed to have wacom module installed by default?23:35
Typos_Kingkerebrus:  gparted from a live-boot23:35
Albaniaikonia Man A Girls23:35
Hathadarthe920: I would like to create shortcuts to run in windows through plink to start/stop daemons23:36
ikoniaAlbania: pardon ?23:36
the920ThatsNotJack, Yes, but it's not the latest one.  What device do you have?23:36
ikoniaAlbania: this channel is for ubuntu support only, please keep to that topic23:36
Typos_Kingman are girls?23:36
kerebrusTypos_King I need to take one of my secondary partitions that im using as storage and remove the ext3/ext4 partitions on it so windows can format it ntfs23:36
ThatsNotJackthe920: Wacom Bamboo, but lsmod | grep wacom doesn't show anything?23:36
Gran_GerHi there!! someone knows where can I download an portable openoffice?23:37
jordst for chatting.23:37
jords<heaven> 434 mb of ram xD23:37
jords<karan> ok23:37
jords<heaven> thats enough23:37
jords<karan> i disabled it23:37
FloodBot2jords: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:37
jords<karan> it still laggs23:37
Albaniaikonia wtf23:37
ThatsNotJackGran_Ger:  portableapps.com I think23:37
ikoniaAlbania: please don't use that language,23:37
Typos_Kingkerebrus:  then use gparted :)23:37
the920Hathadar, OK, so set the linux box to be force-command-only and use shared keys on both boxes.  I'd recommend doing this on a non-root account with specific sudo privileges to the commands you want.23:38
jordsah crap. I had a whole lot more in my clipboard that I thought23:38
jordsDid all that flood come through?23:38
Albaniaikonia ok,,23:38
Gran_GerTheres only a Windows version. I want a Linux version23:38
the920ThatsNotJack, Hold on a moment, I have a page for you to read.  You need to compile the latest version of the wacom driver for the bamboo (pen).23:38
Albaniafuc k of23:38
Hathadarthe920: how do I set specific sudo privileges?23:38
DasEi!ops | Albania23:39
ubottuAlbania: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:39
ThatsNotJackthe920:  That's okay, I can figure it out :)  I just thought there was supposed to be a working driver by default23:39
jordsHmm, on my hp 6730b laptop linux mint always unmutes the sound several times during startup. - 3 in fact. the last time it unmutes is just before the startup sound plays, so It usually plays the first few notes of the sound before I have been able to push the laptop's mute button again. (Which is not too great when i'm in the university library :)) - So can I get mint to always mute on startup and stop it unmuting? (I'm posting this here since I have  also h23:39
jordsad the same issue with ubuntu in the past)23:39
KaOSoFtDo you know a way to forcefully umount a DVD disc? I'm (on PlayOnLinux) trying to install an application, and at certain point, it asks me to insert the second disc, but it won't let me unmount it because it is being used by itself.23:39
the920Hathadar, Oh geeze.  I'm out of practice on that one, but you can search for that on the web.23:39
rwwDasEi: not really necessary when one of them is talking to him ;)23:39
ZykoticK9!mintsupport > Jordan_U23:39
ubottuJordan_U, please see my private message23:39
=== real_riddlebox is now known as riddlebox
Hathadarthe920: ok, then just for my understanding.  What does setting PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only do exactly?23:39
the920ThatsNotJack, There's a step-by step on the ubuntu forums.  Ubuntu just doesn't have the latest drivers.23:40
ThatsNotJackthe920:  Alright, I'll give that a shot. Thanks!23:40
DasEiKaOSoFt: open a terminal, try as root23:40
the920Hathadar, Looks like it would only allow a remote command to be executed instead of starting an interractive session.23:40
L65druidhow well is wifi working with ubuntu?23:40
Hathadarok, thx.  That is helpful23:40
KaOSoFtDasEi- Do you mean something like "sudo umount -f"?23:41
duncanidaho1What is the best method and tool to capture video via firewire in Linux?  I'd like to edit with cinelerra, but I seem to be unable to capture with it.  I can only capture in kino when I run it with sudo.23:41
KaOSoFtDasEi-  I already tried.23:41
Albaniaikonia what?23:41
DavidJHeinrichanyone ave any8 idea on my skype probliem?23:41
the920L65druid, Works out of the box for me on most hardware.  Any specific stuff you need to know about?23:41
Albaniaikonia what is bannd23:41
DasEiKaOSoFt: are you still in that dir ?23:41
erUSULduncanidaho1: use kino to capture... make sure you are in the video group23:41
coz_duncanidaho1,  I have no idea actually... I have tried to find adequate screen capture in linux with no real luck23:41
L65druidty the92023:41
the920DavidJHeinrich, I don't see a question, care to restate it to the channel?23:42
* L65druid +o L65druid23:42
KaOSoFtDasEi- Do I have to go into the folder in order to unmount it?23:42
DavidJHeinrichthe920, sure, my question is: for some reason, in Skype, for my webcam (Logitech C200), isn't showing up...yet, I can still chat wit23:42
Typos_KingKaOSoFt:   no, he's wondering if there's a processing actually using it, or keeping it mounted23:42
DasEiKaOSoFt: no, oyu shouldn't be in it23:42
duncanidaho1@ erUSUL what video group?23:43
Typos_KingKaOSoFt:   like a shell process for example23:43
serverduckPlease help me, i have a pppoe connection that keeps disconnecting under ubuntu but in windows it's working great. why?23:43
erUSULduncanidaho1: sudo adduser $USER video23:43
the920DavidJHeinrich, Does your cam work with cheese?23:43
KaOSoFtWell, whenever I try to unmount it, it says the device is busy, because wineserver is using it.23:43
DavidJHeinrichthe920, what is cheese?23:43
airtonix!info cheese | DavidJHeinrich23:43
serverduckI have configured my pppoe with sudo pppoeconf if that helps23:43
ujjainIt seems I lost 1TB of data because of Clonezilla :( My external drive is no longer reconigzed in Ubuntu or Windows7. It said 23 hours ETA for saving back up to disk so I canceled, but now drive does not show up anymore. Suggestions would be very welcome.23:43
ubottuDavidJHeinrich: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB23:43
the920Thanks airtonix23:44
DavidJHeinrichjust installed cheese, lemme find out if works with it23:44
KaOSoFtTypos_King, DasEi- I have read some articles on Internet, but they suggest I kill the process, which obviously is not the answer in this case.23:44
duncanidaho1erUSUL:  oh ok, yep,  I'm already a member23:44
DasEiKaOSoFt: what does the terminal window say btw which app are you trying to install ?23:44
Typos_KingKaOSoFt:   and if you don't stop the process from using the media/dvd, it won't be umounted23:44
LasivianI'm looking for a good tutorial on accessing Linux drives in Windows, thank you23:44
erUSUL!ext3 | Lasivian23:45
ubottuLasivian: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org23:45
KaOSoFtThe whole Adobe Creative Suite 4.23:45
serverduckAnd when i check plog in the terminal i recieve something like"serial link appears to be disconnected/connection terminated.modem hangup/23:45
MathuinI am using UNR and I would like to make the icons in the right portion of the home screen way smaller.  What's the best way to do this?23:45
LasivianerUSUL: i'm sorry, I meant via network23:45
ZykoticK9KaOSoFt, you might try "wine eject" this has never really worked for me with multi-disk installs, i always need to start with "wine /media/cdrom/X.exe" and use the regular "eject" command23:45
DasEiLasivian: there are some drivers can be installed in windows, but currently only ext2/3 , not 4 is fully supported23:45
pepper_hazedoes anyone here play wormux?23:45
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erUSUL!samba | Lasivian23:45
ubottuLasivian: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:45
duncanidaho1coz_:  you should give gtkrecordmydesktop?  that is a pretty good screen capture program...but I'm looking for capture from the video camera from firewire23:46
LasivianerUSUL: excellent, thank you23:46
airtonix!anyone | pepper_haze23:46
ubottupepper_haze: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:46
serverduckplease someone help me quick23:46
pepper_hazeDoes anyone want a game of wormux?23:46
KaOSoFtI stopped the process and I'm actually seeing if it is possible to copy and install files from the hard drive.23:46
serverduckmy internet will go down again:(23:46
DavidJHeinrichcheese tells me I have no camera / webcam23:46
sebsebseb!ot | pepper_haze23:46
ubottupepper_haze: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:46
KaOSoFtZykoticK9- I'm not doing it with pure Wine, but using PlayOnLinux.23:46
serverduck Please help me, i have a pppoe connection that keeps disconnecting under ubuntu but in windows it's working great. why?23:46
coz_duncanidaho1,  ah I see...yeah I use gtk-recordmydesktop but unfortunately I have dual monitors and the only screen capture that works well enough is seom/yukon but I cant get it to compile properly on  ubuntu23:47
icerootserverduck: then ask quick in one line with usefull details23:47
DasEiLasivian: http://tinyurl.com/7tdgk23:47
KaOSoFtIt is a commodity, since Wine latest version doesn't let me install the Adobe package.23:47
LasivianDasEi: thank you23:47
airtonixKaOSoFt, have you even tried?23:48
DavidJHeinrichso anyone have any idea why cheese isn't recognizing my webcam?23:49
KaOSoFtairtonix- Tried what? What ZykoticK9 suggested? Nope, I'm finishing copying the installation files first, just in case.23:49
the920Is there a way to get a list of ubottu's commands?23:49
DasEiDavidJHeinrich: which webcam ?23:49
airtonix!bot | the92023:50
ubottuthe920: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins23:50
DavidJHeinrichLogitech C200...it was working just yesterday23:50
ikonia!ubottu > the92023:50
ubottuthe920, please see my private message23:50
DasEi!brain > the92023:50
DavidJHeinrichI uninstalled a bunch of KDE stuff b/c I'm in GNOME, but wouldn't think that'd matter...didn't uninstall things hat said they would require uninstalling other stuff I need23:50
al-tabq!ubotto > al-tabq23:50
DasEiDavidJHeinrich: which webcam model ?23:50
DavidJHeinrichLogitech C20023:50
DasEiDavidJHeinrich: hmm, should work out of the box23:51
serverduck Please help me, i have a pppoe connection that keeps disconnecting under ubuntu but in windows it's working great. why?23:51
DavidJHeinrichDasEi, yea, that's why I got it, it was working right out of the box?23:51
DasEiDavidJHeinrich: was it connected at bootup ?23:51
DavidJHeinrichDasEi: yea, but I unplugged it and replugged it after noticing wasn't working23:52
DasEiDavidJHeinrich: what does lsusb in terminal say ?23:52
DavidJHeinrichDasEi: it shows 2 Logitech devices, with the other one being my VX Revolution mouse (doesn't label them, but I know those are my 2 logitech devices)23:53
ubuntuloverHi i am running Xubuntu 10.04 alpha 3 and its kernel panicked and its still running. how?23:54
ikonia!lucid > ubuntulover23:54
ubottuubuntulover, please see my private message23:54
mhall119|workubuntulover: how did it panic, or how is it still running?23:55
DasEiDavidJHeinrich: so found, that will be the gspca driver, second, got to look for the module23:57
teageI have installed python 3 (ubuntu 9.10) , How do i use that version of python? If i open command and type python its always 2.6, I need to use version 3 for my class work.23:57
DavidJHeinrichDasEi: I'm not following you23:57
DasEiDavidJHeinrich: wrong anyway, uvcvideo is the needed driver ..23:58
DavidJHeinrichDasEi: I don't see that in Synaptic package manager, how do I install?23:59
mhall119|workteage: try "python3"?23:59

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