
=== jonathan_ is now known as jjesse
claydohso is it kde sc 4.4, or Plasma Desktop 4.4?, if I am confused, then I am sure the general populace will be confused04:15
claydohtho 'kde plasma desktop' doesn't sound too bad, but it implies something *non* plasma as a product somewhere :)04:17
ScottKclaydoh: KDE SC 4.4 is fine.  Keep in mind we have both plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook for desktop/laptops and netbooks.04:30
claydohScottK: <Riddell> http://community.kde.org/Promo/Distribution_Communication upstream wants us to use "Plasma Desktop" more04:31
claydoh<Riddell> nixternal, claydoh: might be important for docs and wiki pages ^^04:31
ScottKclaydoh: If you apt-get install plasma-desktop it'll get you something ~usable.  I'd call that using it more.04:32
ScottKBefore Lucid, it didn't exist at all.04:32
claydohScottK: it still is a confusing mish-mash, but looking at the link, and going a bit deeper, upstream wants this04:33
claydohand http://www.asinen.org/2009/12/how-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-rebranding/04:35
macothe buildds are *really* usy, i take it?04:36
ScottKKDE Plasma Desktop is OK.04:36
ScottKmaco: Yes.04:36
voriani removed all the netbook stuff on my netbook, kde proper runs like a champ04:37
macoi wonder how long after i upload amarok it'll actually get built04:39
macooh wait i cant04:39
macoi wonder how long after one of you sponsors amarok for me itll actually get built :)04:39
vorianwill depend on the arch04:39
macoamd64 is *really* behind it seems04:39
macoi uploaded a package yesterday and its built on i386 and powerpc and armel but says 9 hours til start on amd6404:40
maco(6 hours ago, it said 2hr til start)04:40
vorianyou could also bribe someone to move its importance up04:40
macoheh nah04:40
macoits not an important one04:40
vorianah, well04:40
vorianaren't we in freeze anyway?04:41
macoim just going "wow, 31 hours is the expected time??"04:41
macoumm yes maybe04:41
voriani hate it when that happens04:41
macodid freeze hit today or yesterday?04:42
macohmm there wasnt a freeze announcement sent to -announce04:43
ScottKI didn't see it if there was.04:43
macoa bug day was the last thing announced04:43
vorianbeta 1 is next thurs04:43
vorianso it should have been today04:43
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:43
macohrmph that factoid never does what i expect04:43
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+104:44
macoi was hoping the bot would tell me https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:44
macoyeah beta 1 freeze is supposed to be today...04:45
macodear pbuilder: hurry up so i can get this in before someone notices they're supposed to freeze the archive04:45
ScottKmaco: Riddell can give freeze exceptions (so can I for that matter).04:45
macoand you can both be sponsors04:46
vorianubottu: !lucid is Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:46
vorianthat sould work04:47
vorianif the powers that be accept it04:47
macoi always expect !schedule to give me the development schedule04:48
macoumm hmm04:48
macowince when is it .debian.tar.gz not .diff.tar.gz?04:50
ScottKSince source format v3.04:51
macoi see04:58
macohow long does amarok normally take to build?04:58
macowait...hardware dependent. silly question04:58
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agateauRiddell: hi, worked around my strigi-nepomuk troubles yesterday so I could reproduce the bug with the indexer KSNI icon under GNOME...10:18
agateauit's simple yet painful to fix...10:19
agateaunepomuk icons are installed in /usr/share/icons/oxygen, but GNOME only looks for them in /usr/share/icons/hicolor10:19
Riddellagateau: aaah10:57
agateauRiddell: I am trying to see if I can provide a better solution than "move icons" :/10:58
Riddellagateau: I'm ok with moving the icons I think, we already have to install application icons in hicolor for the application menu10:59
agateauRiddell: ok10:59
agateauRiddell: it's quite the same problem in fact11:00
agateauRiddell: with KSNI, it's up to the desktop to load the icon11:00
agateaubefore that, it was up to the application11:00
agateauRiddell: what I am afraid of is missing icons11:00
agateauRiddell: especially in dbusmenu11:01
Riddellagateau: oh yes, that will add up to quite a lot of icons if there are icons in the menus11:04
agateauRiddell: yes :/11:04
macoagateau: bonjour :) i'm packaging amarok and debian/patches/kubuntu/05_kstatusnotifieritem.diff has 2 hunks that dont apply and even after tweaking so they do apply, it then breaks compilation11:05
agateaumaco: oh11:06
macohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/393944/ <- compiler spew11:06
agateaumaco: what version of amarok is this?11:07
agateaumaco: have you checked support for kstatusnotifieritem has not been merged?11:08
agateauI submitted the patch upstream11:08
macoagateau: nothing in the ChangeLog about kstatusnotifieritem11:10
agateaummm, not marked as merged on gitorious11:10
macowell, i'm disabling the patch for now to get it to build11:11
agateaumaco: I'll look into updating the patch this afternoon11:11
_StefanS_Riddell: hey, the upgrade worked out just fine, albeit package installation was very slow (imho, took 2 hours to install 2gb packages, on very recent hardware)11:28
_StefanS_Riddell: the machine asked me to reboot, and nouveau made some fuss so X wouldn't start, but thats a more general ubuntu issue I think. I installed the binary nvidia blob and everything worked11:29
macoagateau: i dont think its your patch's fault anymore. i think something's wrong with amarok. build still failed11:57
Riddelluh oh11:58
maco../../src/TrayIcon.cpp:64: error: prototype for 'Amarok::TrayIcon::TrayIcon(QWidget*)' does not match any in class 'Amarok::TrayIcon'
Riddellyou sure that patch isn't still applied?  what happens if you patch -p1 -R < <patch> by hand?12:00
Riddellor are you pbuilding?12:00
macoi commented the patch out of patches/series12:00
Riddellso that should be fine12:00
macoand im looking at the source and seeing line 6412:00
Riddelllet me compile it and see what I can see12:00
macopbuilder says that line should either have (QObject*) or (const Amarok::TrayIcon&) for its parameter12:01
shadeslayerhi,i need to build translations with my packages,how do i do that?13:01
shadeslayerthe package seems to have a custom script to add them... but im not so sure what to do13:01
Riddellshadeslayer: the norm in KDE is to have a Messages.sh script to create the .po file13:12
Riddell.pot file rather13:12
Riddelldoes it have that?13:12
NCommandermorning guys13:17
NCommanderIf I have a bug with powermanagement under Kubuntu, what do I file the bug against?13:17
* NCommander isn't sure13:17
RiddellNCommander: ir all depends on what's causing the bug :)13:18
NCommanderRiddell: the problem is that the machine going to sleep at the low power state instead of critical13:18
Riddellcould be linux, hal, solid, powerdevil, battery plasmoid or some combination13:18
shadeslayerNCommander: i kinda have the same issue with brightness13:20
shadeslayerit decreases 2 levels on 1 key press13:20
shadeslayerworks fine without powerdevil workiing13:20
shadeslayerRiddell: im looking at this commit : http://gitorious.org/rekonq/mainline/commit/f5b1a453f1c75f946c4b2bd14a49fb17d84fbcfc13:21
shadeslayercan you please advise on how to go about this?13:21
shadeslayer(there already are .po files in the i18n dir)13:22
shadeslayerah i think i understand,this is for future translations and it hasnt been implemented yet13:23
shadeslayernope its in the 0.4 release13:24
Riddellshadeslayer: looks like it's for updating the .po files and build system.  if you already have .po files and the CMakelists.txt file you're all good13:26
Riddellas long as it also has the Messages.sh too13:26
shadeslayerRiddell: Messages.sh in scripts/ ?13:29
Riddellin with the c++ sources usually13:30
shadeslayerRiddell: nothing there13:31
Riddellsrc/Messages.sh exists in version 0.3.013:32
Riddellseems fine http://gitorious.org/rekonq/mainline/blobs/master/src/Messages.sh13:33
shadeslayerah ok found it,so im good to go? dont have to do anything right?13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: oh and one more thing,the upstream changelog is incomplete,ive sent them a patch but i dont think itll be update for 0.4,so i can add this myself right?13:34
Riddelltranslations should be good to go yes13:35
Riddellno point patching for the changelog, maybe put it on a web server somewhere with a pointer in debian/changelog13:36
macoRiddell: want to upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~maco.m/needs_sponsorship/ amarok stuff?13:36
macoit built and i'm using it now13:36
Riddellmaco: rocking13:37
macoagateau: yeah it's your patch's problem. i hadnt fully unpatched it when i retried and the build failed13:37
Riddellmaco: however we're in beta freeze so it'll need to go in a PPA for now13:37
macoRiddell: i thought you had pixie dust?13:37
agateaumaco: did you update the orig.tar.bz2 on your site?13:38
macoagateau: the orig hasnt changed...13:38
* agateau checks something13:38
Riddellmaco: I have pixie dust for feature freeze exceptions but beta freeze we should respect.  it can go in next week but in the mean time it can go in a PPA13:38
agateaumaco: ok, so an updated debian.tar.gz then :)13:39
macoagateau: the orig is fine. the patch was still applied when i attempted to rebuild without it. i re-untar'd the orig and ti works13:39
macoagateau: yes :)13:39
macoRiddell: ok13:39
macoRiddell: what ppa?13:39
agateaumaco: my guess is part of the patch went in debian.tar.gz13:40
Riddellmaco: still pondering that13:40
* agateau thinks debian source packaging is broken13:40
macoagateau: it put a piece of the patch into debian/patches/debian-changes-blahblah  Riddell pointed it out to me13:40
agateauyes, that's what I'm saying13:41
agateaudebian source packaging is broken13:41
agateaubut I am just ranting, ignore me :)13:41
Riddellagateau: it tries to be clever and take a diff of changes made outside the debian/ directory, unfortunately this is often not what is wanted, but it is consistent with the source 1.0 format13:42
agateauRiddell: I believe it would be saner if it was just only possible to apply changes via patches13:43
agateauRiddell: just like rpm does (boo !)13:43
shadeslayeri guess this version is correct  for lucid : 0.4-0ubuntu1~ppa113:43
macoagateau: but without the awfulness of a .spec :P13:43
agateaumaco: sure, I am not saying rpm source packaging is perfect :)13:44
agateaumaco: but this part is better imho13:44
agateauheck if it were for me, source packaging would be shipping a .bzr or .git folder :)13:44
shadeslayeragateau: :P13:44
Tonio__Riddell: just updates plasmoid-networkmanager on kubuntu-experiental, including the latest sebas changes,for test13:45
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
shadeslayerTonio__: experimental :p13:45
Riddell"Format: 3.0 (git) and 3.0 (bzr) Those formats are experimental. They generate a single tarball containing the corresponding VCS repository.13:45
macoRiddell: by the way, lp:~kubuntu-members/amarok/ubuntu updated13:45
Riddellagateau: dpkg-source grants your wish ^^13:45
agateauRiddell: wow! great!13:45
* agateau wants13:46
RiddellTonio_: can you post that to the mailing list?13:46
Tonio_sebas: I'm pretty happy with the plasmoid right now. Seems to work as well as the knetworkmanager client for me13:46
Tonio_Riddell: sure13:46
sebasTonio_: cool :)13:48
shadeslayerhmm weird that i get the warnings : http://pastebin.ca/183542413:48
macoRiddell: experimental?13:50
Riddellmaco: if we do a karmic backport it would go in backports so maybe the lucid version should go in the same place13:52
Riddellmaco: any plans for a karmic backport or do you need to get to uni?13:52
macoi have an hour til i have to leave for uni13:53
macothough i should probably pack for my trip...13:53
macobut now i dont have a karmic system to test a karmic back..oh wait there's a karmic machine under the bed13:54
Riddellyou can also make a chroot13:55
macolets not get into the conversation that ensued the *last* time someone said that to me13:55
macoat least not in-channel13:56
persiashadeslayer: Could also ask that sort of thing here :p13:58
shadeslayerpersia: what sort?14:00
shadeslayerpersia: btw it was a generic packaging problem14:00
shadeslayernot related to kde,so i thought motu was better14:00
macoall development teams are responsible for helping train14:01
maconot just motu14:01
persiaIf it's generic, it belongs in #ubuntu-packaging, but generally asking within the team gets better support in case it's realted to some team thing.14:02
shadeslayerpersia: ok i didnt know about that channel14:02
persiaIt's new :)14:02
shadeslayernice :)14:03
shadeslayerill hang out there :P14:03
agateaumaco: don't know what happened to my ksni patch, it was only half-way applied... anyway, here is an updated one: http://people.canonical.com/~agateau/tmp/amarok-2.3.0-ksni.diff14:07
macoagateau: did ya check it builds?14:11
agateauI did14:11
macogreat :)14:12
* maco rebuilds14:13
macoagateau: thank you!14:13
agateaumaco: you're welcome14:14
Riddellmaco: I think experimental would be best actually, let's not abuse backports for something it's not there for.  karmic build can go in backports if we get it done.  so just upload to experimental if you have success with agateau's patch14:17
RiddellNightrose: do you know if agateau's patch is being handled by anyone now that 2.3 is done?14:18
macoRiddell: that's lp:kubuntu-ppa/experimental right?14:19
Riddellmaco: dput ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental <.changes file>14:19
NightroseRiddell: markey looked at it14:19
Nightrosenot sure what the current status is14:19
macoRiddell: er yeah, ppa:, thats it ;-)14:20
Riddellmaco: and add ~ppa1 to the version no14:20
agateauNightrose: Riddell: discussions have stalled a bit14:20
markeyRiddell: I found it had some issues, I wasn't fully sure what was going on there14:20
macoRiddell: ok14:21
agateaumarkey: what issue did you find?14:21
markeyRiddell: 1) mouse wheel on systray sometimes changed the track, instead of volume 2) the systray dialog cuts off some information, it doesn't really completely fit in14:21
markeybut the mouse wheel thing might have been due to a bad merge conflict resolution, I'm not sure14:21
markeyit was bizarre14:21
markeyhalf of the time it changed the track, the other half it changed the volume14:22
markeyespecially with Last.fm streams14:22
agateaumarkey: mmm, I am afraid it's because of the way modifiers are checked14:22
agateauI ask Qt the status of the modifiers when I receive the signal from dbus,14:22
markeyagateau: hmmm yeah, but that's a rather critical issue14:22
markeywe should try to sort that out somehow14:23
agateaubut this status may be different from the status when the signal is emitted :/14:23
agateau*was emitted14:23
markeynot sure how to solve this, would have to study the code14:23
agateauKSNI does not report modifiers info14:23
agateauI am afraid it needs more work on KSNI itself, so that it reports the modifiers14:23
markeytoo bad14:24
markeydo you see any workaround?14:24
markeywe can't really leave it in this state, imho14:24
markeyI found it very irritating to use14:24
agateaunot really14:24
agateauI can see how it can be painful14:24
markeyit jumped around in the playlist randomly :)14:24
agateauI am going to ask aaron and marco14:24
markeyok great14:24
agateaummm, they are not online14:25
markeyaaron will probably come later (time zone...)14:26
Tonio_sebas: tested the vpn stuff, works like a charm14:27
Tonio_sebas: I can say now the plasmoid probably works better than the standalone knetworkmanager14:27
sebasWoohoo, that's the kind of testing I like :)14:27
Tonio_sebas: not sure about openvpn support right now, but that's more a backend issue I suspect14:28
Tonio_sebas: I also noticed in the connection management, that to create connections, there is no check for network-manager capability14:29
RiddellTonio_: better how?14:29
Tonio_sebas: for example I can create an openvpn connection without network-manager-openvpn installed14:29
sebasTonio_: what do you mean by connection capability?14:29
Tonio_Riddell: I can connect and disconnect 5 times without a segfault :)14:30
Tonio_sebas: nm-applet won't let you do this, which I think makes sense14:30
* sebas set the threshold to 6 ;-)14:30
Tonio_Riddell: I tested 20 times here without an issue on that point14:30
Tonio_sebas: should I report a bug about that ?14:31
sebasTonio_: what do you mean by connection capability?14:32
macosebas: what he said about openvpn14:32
macosebas: if you dont have the n-m-openvpn, nm-applet wont let you try to setup a vpn connection14:33
macosebas: but this plasmoid will14:33
macoeven though it then cant be used due to lack of backend support14:33
Tonio_sebas: I mean that network-manager won't handle openvpn connections without network-manager-openvpn installed...14:33
Tonio_maco: thanks for making this clear :)14:33
Tonio_I have to admit it wasn't...14:33
Tonio_maco: I also notice that we will have to touch network-manager packages to avoid gconf deps...14:34
Tm_Khi, is konq-plugins in Lucid installable for you14:35
sebasTonio_: ah, yeah, a bugreport would be nice14:35
sebasI've at least one report that openvpn works with the nm plasmoid, btw14:35
sebasso unlikely that the backend is lacking14:36
* sebas is afk now14:36
ScottKRiddell: doko is looking at qt4-x11 ICE on ia64, so maybe we'll get that back ....14:37
Tm_Kah, got it: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libjpeg-progs ... missing dependency in main, interesting14:38
shadeslayeroh btw when is the beta 1 release?14:39
shadeslayerill be free in a week so i can test it out,yayy!!14:41
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RiddellScottK: great14:43
RiddellScottK: are you able to do release meeting duty today?  I may have to leave before then14:43
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  Is the wiki page up to date and where is it again?14:44
RiddellScottK: not yet, I'll do that shortly14:44
ScottKOK.  Just send me the link and I'll cover it.14:44
shadeslayer_Riddell: will we have native support for broadcom 43XX cards in lucid? ( i heard this on some forum )14:46
Riddellshadeslayer_: I've no idea14:47
shadeslayer_hmm... probably more concerned with the kernel team :)14:47
shadeslayer_Riddell: btw you guys will be testing the images this week ( according to the wiki ) how can i help?14:48
Riddellshadeslayer_: subscribe to kubuntu images at iso.qa.ubuntu.com14:49
Riddelland stay on the channel for announces of images, also #ubuntu-testing14:50
macoif the battery monitor plasmoid stops monitoring...how do i reset it?14:50
Tonio_sebas: that's not a bug in fact, as the gui will search for a desktop file14:50
shadeslayer_Riddell: ok thanks14:50
macoit has said 64% for 11 or so hours, even when it only had 10% or when it has 100% and it says its unplugged the whole time14:51
Tonio_sebas: I just don't know yet how to make that dynamic with the network-manager plugin14:51
* Tonio_ investigates14:51
shadeslayer_Riddell: where is the ML?14:52
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Riddellshadeslayer_: ML?14:52
jjessemailing list?14:53
shadeslayer_yeah :)14:53
shadeslayer_Riddell: i thought there was a ML of kubuntu images at  iso.qa.ubuntu.com14:53
Riddellshadeslayer_: you subscribe and it'll e-mail you14:55
shadeslayer_ohhh ok14:55
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Tonio_anyone knows about a "tryexec" equivalent for Service type desktop files ?14:57
Tonio_Riddell: the way to avoid the issue I'm talking about seems to be splitting the plasma-widget-networkmanagement package to separate vpn plugins14:59
Tonio_and having a plasma-widget-networkmanagement-openvpn package installing the desktop file and depending network-manager-openvpn14:59
Tonio_Riddell: would that seem correct to you ?14:59
RiddellTonio_: i guess so, equivalent of the network-manager-openvpn-gnome package15:00
Tonio_Riddell: about the naming ? make a network-manager-openvpn-kde pakage or plasma-widget-networkmanagement-openvpn ?15:01
Tonio_first option seems to be better imho15:01
RiddellI'd go with plasma-widget-networkmanagement-openvpn actually15:01
Tonio_let's go15:01
jjessewow that's a long package name15:05
Tonio_jjesse: indeed :'(15:07
Tonio_I'll suggest them so that people know about them when installing or checking for the plasmoid package...15:08
jjesseis there a length limit for a pcakge name?15:08
persiaIn practice, anything over about 40 characters is going to be truncated in a number of common displays.15:09
persiaThe place most likely to generate warnings/errors is probably debian/changelog15:10
macoRiddell: dput'ing to experimental. will let karmic backport testbuild run during class15:14
davmor2Riddell: just checking that you know that 64bit live didn't build today?15:18
Riddelldavmor2: I did not15:18
Riddellbut I saw there were some issues on lucid_problems15:18
Tonio_Riddell: uploaded to experimental with splitted plugins15:19
davmor2Riddell: it hasn't got the up-to-date ubiquity but 32 bit has so I checked the logs http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/report.html15:19
Tonio_sebas: vpn plugins problem fixed15:19
Tonio_Riddell: hum concerning the name, those packages might be used along with knetworkmanager too15:22
Tonio_they are more backend oriented, so maybe "plasma-widget..." name isn't correct... I think I'd go with network-manager-openvpn-kde so that people used to install network-manager-* plugins can figure it out15:23
Tonio_Riddell: any objection ?15:23
Tonio_Riddell: and if I apt-cache search network-manager | grep vpn, I can find it15:24
steveireIs there another kubuntu lts planned?15:25
ScottKThe next release in April will be LTS.15:26
JontheEchidnais universe affected by alpha freezes now?15:27
JontheEchidnarekonq got stuck in approval queue :(15:27
ScottKDoes it have an approved FFe?15:28
ScottKI can push Universe stuff through.15:28
JontheEchidnaScottK: It's the stable release of the current beta15:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: You want ubuntu1 or ubuntu2?15:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: actually, would it be alright to reject both so I can rectify the change without going to 0ubuntu2?15:32
ScottKJontheEchidna: Rejected.  Ping me when you've uploaded again.15:33
RiddellTonio_: no objection15:37
Tonio_Riddell: kk15:38
JontheEchidnaScottK: uploaded15:42
ScottKIt usually takes a little while to show up.15:43
ScottKBut there it is15:43
JontheEchidnayay, bug 493425 is being worked on15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493425 in soyuz "No rebuild option if have upload privileges via per-package rights" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49342515:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.15:43
JontheEchidnaScottK: could you push scidavis and pyqwt3d through approval queue too? They fix NBS's for libqwtplot3d-qt{3,4}16:06
ScottKRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus says we're still waiting on a MIR for the FF patches, but the MIR bug is marked fix released.16:09
RiddellScottK: I'm still editing16:10
ScottKAh, excellent.16:10
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=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Tonio_ScottK: very nice for firefox integration :)16:13
Tonio_ScottK: but doesn't this sound a little ironic than just when we start to have a kde web browser that really does the job and get avoids using firefox, we get the firefox kde integration in the meantime ? :)16:13
ScottKCompetition is grand.16:14
* Tonio_ is in love with rekonq... just lacks chrome plugins and a better adblock system16:14
Tonio_ScottK: sure, and also firefox-kde integration is a must have in my case,to deploy kubuntu in corp environment16:14
Tonio_ScottK: people won't accept something caleed "rekonq", and expect "firefox"16:15
Tonio_that's stupid imho, but that's life :)16:15
nixternalhrmm, I am working on the slides for ubiquity and one thing I am noticiing, is that we don't have anything to edit images with by default...16:15
Tonio_ScottK: will you go with rekonq for the netbook edition ?16:15
* agateau was in loved with rekonq until it started an infinite loop while posting on launchpad16:16
Tonio_ScottK: one thing rekonq is very good at is optimising the space usage... I've seen no browser that uses that few space on the top of the screen16:16
Tonio_agateau: bah not perfect, but 0.4 is really, really nice16:16
ScottKTonio_: I didn't change anything yet.  We can discsuss.  That sounds like a good reason to consider it.  We'd need a MIR though.16:16
agateauYes, it clearly has a lot of potential16:17
Tonio_ScottK: yep16:17
Tonio_ScottK: well atm what is the default browser for the netbook edition ?16:17
agateauTonio_: look at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/51682416:17
RiddellScottK: updated16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516824 in launchpad-code "Infinite loop while approving a merge request " [High,Invalid]16:17
Tonio_agateau: especially since I think chrome extensions support is planned for qtwebkit16:18
agateauTonio_: and the beautiful result :) https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-application/dbusmenu-signal-change/+merge/1849016:18
ScottKThanks.  Looking16:18
Tonio_agateau: can you reproduce with arora ?16:18
agateauTonio_: no16:19
Tonio_hu ? that's weird :)16:19
Tonio_agateau: and is that reproductible in rekonq ?16:19
agateaunow you understand why I don't use Rekonq (yet) for work16:19
agateauTonio_: yes16:19
Tonio_very strange... better repport upstream then :)16:19
* agateau heads for rekonq bug tracker16:20
Tonio_agateau: or maybe test with 0.4, which should have lots of bugs fixed16:20
Tonio_agateau: wait a second16:20
agateauI should have indicated the version in my bugreport16:21
Tonio_agateau: - multithreaded url resolver (hopefully, no more UI freezes)16:21
Tonio_agateau: could be your bug16:21
Tonio_supposed to be fixed in 0.416:21
agateauit's not a ui-freeze big, it's a post-in-loop bug16:21
agateaubut it may be fixed indeed16:21
agateauneed to test16:21
Riddelldavmor2: what's pairwise?  sounds like something I should know about16:22
Tonio_agateau: yup16:22
davmor2Riddell: http://pairwise.qa.ubuntu.com/  you should hang out on #ubuntu-testing more ;)16:22
Riddellnixternal, jjesse: do you know we changed the wallpaper used in ubiquity and kubuntu-firefox-installer to match the default wallpaper?  I realise we should have asked docs before doing that but failed16:23
jjesseno i ddidn't16:23
Riddelldavmor2: looks like the ISO tester16:23
davmor2Riddell: kinda but it's just for ubiquity16:24
Tonio_ScottK: I'd also switch to konversation for the same space usage reasons16:24
nixternalRiddell: it is fine to do it...images can be changed even after string freeze16:24
Tonio_ScottK: but we can discuss this later if you want16:24
nixternaljust let us know when it happens16:24
nixternalI need to get screenshots of them anyways, and haven't done so yet, so that is good :)16:25
ScottKTonio_: Quassel can be very netbook friendly, just not the default config.16:25
nixternalput chromium on the netbook :)16:25
Tonio_ScottK: sure but, from my opinion, less feature complete than konversation, worse kde integration, and slower when it comes to play with history and things like that16:27
* nixternal still thinks we should do digikam by default16:27
Tonio_ScottK: in fact I see nothing quassel is better at compared to konversation16:27
ScottKTonio_: None of those arguments are a reason why netbook should be different than desktop.16:27
ScottKThere's an outstanding action to revisit that.16:27
Tonio_ScottK: sure :)16:28
Tonio_ScottK: and agree to stay sync with the distro16:28
Tonio_ScottK: in fact kubuntu should switch to konversation imho :)16:28
Riddellhttp://home.samfundet.no/~sandsmark/phonon-4.4-for-qt-4.6.2.patch should anyone want it16:28
Riddellnixternal: we've had both digikam and krita on the CD before but we don't have space now16:29
nixternalI know, kind of sucks...think I should mention digikam being easy to install in the slideshow?16:31
debfxnimbus sans with a small font size is practically unreadable on kubuntu and it's used a fallback for helvetica :(16:31
debfxon ubuntu it looks a bit better: http://debfx.fobos.de/nimbus.htm16:32
nixternalthat's because Ubuntu uses font settings designed to give you a headache :)16:33
Tonio_nixternal: I've said this a million times, but think about all that we could do if we could release with koffice instead of OOo :)16:33
Tonio_nixternal: hopefully one day... depends on what nokia really does to improve koffice16:33
debfxI think that fallback should be removed as nimbus is in a bad shape16:34
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nixternalhopefully the infighting stops too, and koffice can continue progressing...have you followed the ML at all? jeesh16:34
Tonio_nixternal: hum nope, what are you talking about ?16:34
nixternalthere has been issues with some on the mailing list from what I have read16:34
Tonio_koffice ML ?16:35
nixternaldevel ml...trying to find the one thread now for you16:36
Tonio_nixternal: thanks :)16:36
agateauRiddell: about the nepomuk ksni under gnome issue...16:37
agateauRiddell: I think we should move the icon to hicolor/ for now16:38
agateauRiddell: do you think this can be done?16:38
* JontheEchidna raises an eyebrow at http://bugs.debian.org/56176216:39
ScottKIIRC it doesn't say there are issues in kdelibs, just that since webkit derives from it, there may be.16:40
Tonio_nixternal: I'll search myself if you don't find it... what was the initial topic for the thread ?16:43
nixternalTonio_: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-commits&m=125154159829434&w=2  <- kde-commits...there are a few like this if you look around...mutt search is taking forever there16:46
agateauTonio_: where did you find rekonq changelog?16:46
agateauTonio_: nm, found it16:47
Tonio_nixternal: kk ;)16:47
Tonio_nixternal: ouch... indeed :)16:49
Tonio_nixternal: sounds like "project management required !!"16:50
Riddellagateau: sure, especially if you give me a patch :)16:52
agateauRiddell: mmm... here comes the fun part: this icon is part of kdesupport/oxygen-icons16:52
Tonio_nixternal: what sounds nice is that the number of messages grown up considerably in the last 4 month16:53
Riddellagateau: oh so it'll need a packaging fiddle instead of a patch, no problem, I'll do it16:53
agateauRiddell: cool :)16:53
Tonio_nixternal: looking at the content, it sounds like there is much more activity16:53
agateauRiddell: I should "audit" the other applications to check whether they are doing similar things16:53
agateauRiddell: and come up to you with a list of icons to move16:54
agateauRiddell: would probably avoid wasting too much of your time on this16:54
RiddellScottK: we're up!16:59
nixternalTonio_: yeah, it looks like they have some project management if you read the latest on koffice-devel, something about a wise-man council or something17:03
shtylmanhow do I make a platform independent deb file?17:18
shtylmanevery time I run debuild17:18
shtylmanit produces an _amd64.deb file17:18
shtylmanbut nothing in my deb is particular to that architecture17:18
shtylmanits all scripts17:18
ScottKshtylman: Make it arch all instead of arch any in debian/control17:20
shtylmanScottK: thanks :)17:22
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shtylmanis it possible to clean the generated files made by debuild? not the files it cleans with "debuild clean" but the dsc and .deb file it generated in the higher level directory17:29
descendent87What's better for KDE (and kubuntu) development, ruby or python? Want to start learning one of them (or would it be better to go straight for C++?)17:40
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ScottKdescendent87: Python17:43
ScottKC++ is best for KDE, but between Ruby and Python, Python.17:44
descendent87thanks thought so, I'll probably learn C++ after but thought python or ruby would be a good first language to learn17:44
ScottKPython is often used at Universities to teach introductory programming17:46
Sputwe had to use Java :(17:49
Sputwell, "we" as of "the students the years after me"17:49
ScottKI used Pascal.17:51
SputI used Pascal in school17:53
ScottKI actually knew Pascal when I got to University, I'd needed it the summer before at a job.17:57
ScottKI'd also done coursed in Fortran and Cobol too.  Fortunately I've forgotten most of that.17:57
macoRiddell: hrmph. the amarok package says debhelper >= 7.3.16 and karmic has 7.3.15 so backporting is not very happy17:59
macomy school uses java18:00
macoi'm just now learning python beyond basic iterative stuff so i can write a kde app18:01
shadeslayer_is there a summer project,for 6 weeks or so,in kubuntu?18:10
shadeslayer_some light programing ...18:10
shadeslayer_and something thats worth the time and effort ;)18:10
shadeslayer_i know some C++ and am willing to learn18:11
* ScottK bets apachelogger has ideas.18:14
shadeslayer_im aiming for GSoC next year or next to next year18:18
shadeslayer_GSoC with kubuntu mixed in that is :)18:18
shadeslayer_i was looking at the ubuntu gsoc page and found it was quite impressive18:19
ScottKWhat the probably most needs is a Kubuntu GSoC mentor.18:22
shadeslayer_ok im going afk for now,just leave me a message/Memoserv and ill get back :)18:22
shadeslayer_ScottK: hmm.. i want to start with something small and then i can move to bigger things :)18:23
macoi never did gsoc18:23
shadeslayer_i also know bits of packaging :)18:23
shadeslayer_thanks to apachelogger  :P18:23
macoive applied twice before to various projects but never followed up on questions-asked. always had a summer job so meh18:24
shadeslayer_maco: hehe :D18:24
Tonio_nixternal: talking about koffice, this sounds good : http://ingwa2.blogspot.com/2009/12/koffice-we-have-plan.html18:27
Tonio_nixternal: and the date looks like when the ML started to get more messages...18:28
nixternalshtylman, Riddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~nixternal/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/kubuntu-desktop  <- updated slides (draft) for kubuntu-desktop18:33
nixternalneed to do one for netbook, which will pretty much be a copy of this, except with some minor changes here or there18:33
shtylmannixternal: was it just text changes?18:40
shtylmanand some icons movement18:41
shtylmanI see18:41
nixternalshtylman: and some ...yeah, icons fixes to represent a little better18:45
nixternalupdated the pot file as well while I was at it18:45
shtylmanalright... did you ask for the merge request?18:47
nixternalno, wanted you and Riddell to review it first18:49
nixternalit is the first draft, so changes are welcome18:49
shtylmannixternal: so far it looks good18:49
shtylmanim watching it now18:50
shtylmannixternal: I might say something about digikam ?18:50
JontheEchidnakde svn 110252118:50
shtylmanhow you can install it if you want more porfessional tool maybe?18:50
nixternalgo for it...i added it just to have it18:50
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1102521&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 110252118:50
nixternalshtylman: that works18:50
JontheEchidna^might help with the huge liek xbox diff.gz in kdebase-workspace, would be nice if somebody re-uuecoded it18:50
* JontheEchidna is the uuecode noob18:54
shtylmannixternal: I totally missed the digikam text... nvm on my previous comment :)19:01
shtylmanas an asside... it may be worth mentioning krunner19:01
shtylmanlike... "just hit alt+f2 and type what you want" ... or something better19:02
macoTonio_: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+build/1558596 failed due to buildd wonkyness with ntp. i hit "retry" on it, but you might have to hit it again later19:12
shtylmanScottK: what should my rules file be for a "meta" package... basically a package that just pulls in other dependencies... much like kubuntu-desktop...20:37
shtylmanI don't use the seeds like kubuntu desktop does tho20:38
shtylmanI just have the dependencies listed in the control file20:38
ScottKshtylman: I'd just put the standard dh 7 tiny rules.  At that it'd be overkill likely.20:39
shtylmanScottK: right now I have: include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk20:40
ScottKThat should work.20:40
ScottKnixternal: Bug #531697 looks like it could use some of your knowledge of qmake.20:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531697 in qt4-x11 "ICE building qt4-x11 in IA64" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53169720:51
Quintasanhgnh, the krunner is very laggy21:09
shtylmanScottK: my initial thoughts are that you can't...21:10
shtylmanbut I am looking to see21:10
ScottKshtylman: Cool.  Thanks.21:11
apacheloggerI did mention that this previews on-all-the-time-and-everywhere is one of the most horrible changes we have currentl?21:12
Quintasanapachelogger: really? I quite like it21:13
apacheloggeryou are on battery21:13
apacheloggersay on a train21:13
apacheloggerand your machine is constantly doing stupid preview lookups21:13
apacheloggeryou are accessing your website's ftp server21:14
apacheloggerand your machine is constantly doing stupid preview lookups, not only dranining CPU cycles but also bandwith, which is even more of an abomination21:14
Quintasanokay, okay, now I get it21:14
Quintasanthe thing is that I do not have a laptop :P21:15
apacheloggeryou want to show someone something cool21:15
Quintasanor notebook as it is normally called21:15
apacheloggerunfortunately you where browsing for porn pictures and downloaded some to ~/Downloads21:15
Quintasanand you go21:15
apacheloggerand now a nakid lady is showing up!!!21:15
apacheloggerthose are 3 the cases that come to me instantly21:16
* Quintasan thinks apachelogger speaks from experience21:16
apacheloggerthough the battery draining bit is really the most annoying one21:16
apacheloggerbecause I was not even able to find a way to turn it off again21:16
apacheloggerwell, without changing the settings-apply-on-per-dir-basis anyway, which is something which makes sense21:17
apacheloggerto quote the prodigy here21:17
apachelogger"it's an omen!"21:17
Quintasanwell, give a notebook so I can rant about it too :P21:18
QuintasanI need a new phone21:20
ScottKapachelogger: Is this in Dolphin?21:20
QuintasanMy Nokia 6310 just died T_T21:20
apacheloggerScottK: yes21:20
ScottKAh, no wonder I hadn't noticed.21:20
apacheloggerScottK: using konqueror?21:21
ScottKapachelogger: Mostly quickaccess.21:22
apacheloggerthen indeed you do not see that alot ^^21:22
ScottKThat and konsole.21:22
ScottKkate [filename]21:22
* Quintasan <3 Yakuake21:22
* apachelogger used yakuake, but stopped by the time he switched to KDE 3.5.6[\\d]21:23
apacheloggerI am hanging out on the terminal way too much anyway, so I need it to be fullscreen ^^21:24
Quintasanapachelogger: “normal” people do it like this -> http://imagebin.ca/view/8-xiqhG.html21:26
apacheloggerthat is not fullscreen!21:27
apacheloggerI wonder how one can use that21:27
apacheloggerhorrible just horrible21:27
apacheloggerdeleted debian/patches/kubuntu_14_dolphin_preview_on.diff21:27
QuintasanI do not get it how one can use it on fullscreen21:28
apacheloggerthere is simply no point in having other things visible :P21:28
apacheloggerthey are only distracting you21:28
apacheloggerand suddenly you find yourself emitting sudo rm -rf / foo/bar.txt21:29
apacheloggerwe wouldnt want that ^^21:29
QuintasanProves your concentration ability is low and strong will is actually weak :P21:29
ScottKMy favorite fear is having the pinentry dialgoue pop up over my IRC client, messing up the focus and accidentally typing mey gpg passphrase into IRC.21:30
* Quintasan gets distracted by that damn KTorrent notifcation saying he has new episodes21:30
Quintasanoh, that would be a total disaster21:30
ScottKI did that with my skype password once.21:30
ScottK(changed, don't bother looking)21:31
* Quintasan generates permuatations and every other possbile transformation and tests each one21:32
apacheloggerScottK: if pinentry does have sensible support for foucs stealing prevention than this shouldnt happen21:33
* apachelogger wouldnt be surprised if skype did not21:33
ScottKapachelogger: It may.  That may be why I never had it happen.21:33
Quintasanapachelogger: it steals focus from every window21:33
apacheloggerScottK: eitherway you could just bump the focus stealing21:33
Quintasanapachelogger: I typed rm -rf .git to passphrase dialog once :P21:34
apacheloggersomewhere in the kwin settings that is21:34
apacheloggerScottK: if that is changed to extreme no window would get focus unless you activate it21:34
apacheloggerhigh only gives focus to new windows if no other is activate IIRC21:35
apacheloggerI suppose there is a whats this entry for it :)21:35
JontheEchidnalex79: started on the RC2 for k3b?21:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: Can't upload it until after Beta 1, so no rush.21:45
JontheEchidnawell, there's no rush anyways, since we're in freeze21:45
JontheEchidnahrm, pyqwt3d failed to build...21:45
JontheEchidnabla, sip issues21:45
JontheEchidnahttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyqwt3d/0.1.7~cvs20090625-3build1/+build/1558763/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.pyqwt3d_0.1.7~cvs20090625-3build1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <- anybody have any clues?21:46
ScottKNCommander is the expert.21:48
NCommanderJontheEchidna: no idea on that one, SIP usually gives a more verbose error if it fails21:49
ScottKJontheEchidna: Has it been updated to use dh_sip?21:50
JontheEchidnaScottK: dunno, it was supposed to just be a rebuild to pick up a new libarary name21:50
JontheEchidnalet me check21:50
JontheEchidnanope, looks like it's using a custom dh(1) script for its rules file21:51
apacheloggerfix builds21:52
apacheloggerI like that kind of commits ^^21:52
* ScottK bets that's where to head for fixing it.21:52
JontheEchidnaknow of any dh_sip examples?21:52
ScottKpython-qt4, IIRC.21:52
JontheEchidnamakes sense21:53
lex79JontheEchidna: no, if you have spare time go ahead :)22:34
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Be careful about rebooting see /topic in #ubuntu-devel | Beta 1 Freeze | Feature Freeze, fix bugs | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9

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