Emzzzz | http://imggmi.info/DSC-1268362323.jpg/ do my tits look big? | 02:58 |
mwhudson | well that's two channels i'm in that that has happened in | 02:58 |
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jussi01 | Hrm, If I look at: https://edge.launchpad.net/mootbot there is a larger list of bugs than at: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/mootbot - why is this? | 07:28 |
wgrant | jussi01: The latter is probably only showing those bugs that are not yet closed. | 07:29 |
wgrant | The former shows the latest five reported bugs, regardless of status. | 07:30 |
jussi01 | ahh | 07:30 |
jussi01 | so how do I actually see "all bugs" like the link I clicked on says... ? | 07:31 |
jussi01 | wgrant: also, may I prod you again re: bug 488394 | 07:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 488394 in launchpad-registry "Export irc_nicknames with "anonymous" requests" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/488394 | 07:32 |
wgrant | jussi01: Ah, yes, I will do that right after dinner. | 07:32 |
* wgrant forgot. | 07:32 | |
jussi01 | wgrant: thanks! We really appreciate it. | 07:33 |
thekorn | hi, | 08:18 |
thekorn | the ~gnome-zeitgeist-users mailinglist just got spam, | 08:18 |
thekorn | Message-ID: <20100312074546.30361.16632@forster.canonical.com> | 08:18 |
jessew | What causes the "The list of changes is not available yet." message in the Software Updater? Where, if not here, should I ask about this? | 08:33 |
wgrant | jessew: For a PPA package, or an official one? | 08:34 |
jessew | wgrant: official one. In this case, openoffice.org-sdbc-postgresql | 08:35 |
wgrant | jessew: Changelogs are synced every 6 hours. | 08:35 |
jessew | but I'm asking in general, i.e. where is this information stored/generated, and how is it passed along the chain | 08:35 |
jessew | wgrant: this one has been missing for nearly a week, or more... | 08:36 |
wgrant | Hmm. | 08:36 |
wgrant | They come from changelogs.ubuntu.com. | 08:36 |
jessew | also, the link in it is broken: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/1%3A0.7.6+OOo3.1.1-5ubuntu1.1/+changelog | 08:36 |
jessew | the correct link is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/1:3.1.1-5ubuntu1.1/+changelog | 08:36 |
wgrant | Ahhh. | 08:37 |
wgrant | This is an update-manager bug. | 08:37 |
wgrant | It assumes that the binary version is the same as the source version, which isn't the case here. | 08:37 |
jessew | cool. | 08:37 |
wgrant | I'm not sure if it's fixable easily. | 08:37 |
wgrant | But I would suggest filing it anyway. | 08:37 |
jessew | sure. let me look up the proper package/project to file it under... ;-) | 08:38 |
wgrant | ubuntu-bug update-manager | 08:38 |
jessew | thanks | 08:38 |
jessew | ok, and it's thinking about it... | 08:39 |
jessew | bug submitted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/537934 | 08:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 537934 in update-manager "changelog link is broken" [Undecided,New] | 08:48 |
wgrant | jussi01: Merge proposed. | 09:08 |
jussi01 | wgrant: super! thanks very mush | 09:39 |
wgrant | jussi01: It'll probably be on edge in 24 hours, unless something goes catastrophically wrong. | 09:39 |
jussi01 | wgrant: excellent! | 09:40 |
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oliver_ | hello | 10:44 |
oliver_ | I'm trying to log in on LP but get this error message: "Launchpad doesn't understand the form data submitted in this request" | 10:45 |
oliver_ | usually login works fine... this is the first time I've seen this error message | 10:46 |
oliver_ | oh, never mind, if I log in directly from https://launchpad.net/ it works | 10:48 |
oliver_ | :-) | 10:48 |
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jml | is there a way of following a project group such that I get notified of new additions? | 12:16 |
intellectronica | jml: indirectly. if you follow bugs and branches for the project group you'll find out when there are new projects (assuming they use bugs and branches). of course that's probably a lot more email than you wish to receive, but i don't think there's an easier way. | 12:28 |
jml | intellectronica, thanks. | 12:28 |
intellectronica | of course it should be also easy to write an script that uses the api periodically to enumerate the projects in a group | 12:28 |
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jml | intellectronica, polling sucks | 13:02 |
jml | next question! | 13:02 |
jml | It looks to me as if bug tags are based on total number of bugs, not number of open bugs, is this true? | 13:03 |
intellectronica | jml: in what way are they 'based' on anything. what list are you looking at? | 13:04 |
jml | intellectronica, I meant the tag cloud, on a page such as https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/ | 13:04 |
jml | intellectronica, (click on "css" or "help" for example) | 13:04 |
intellectronica | jml: that's correct. all bugs. | 13:04 |
jml | why not open ones? | 13:05 |
intellectronica | jml: i don't remember why it was decided, and whether it was indeed an explicit decision rather than just a default. i can think of arguments for both options. | 13:06 |
jml | intellectronica, ok, thanks. I'll file a bug and let the discussion take place there. | 13:07 |
jml | intellectronica, bug 439132 is already filed, I see. | 13:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 439132 in malone "tags on closed bugs show up in the tag cloud" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/439132 | 13:10 |
jml | sinzui, I need your help | 13:11 |
intellectronica | jml: right. it's a very easy fix too. | 13:11 |
jml | intellectronica, I was thinking that might be the case | 13:11 |
jml | intellectronica, maybe I'll submit another naughty patch | 13:12 |
jml | (once I get this bloody GPG thing landed) | 13:12 |
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sumanah | I heard the remote bugwatch for the GNOME bugzilla is down for performance reasons? any estimate of when it will be back up? (Performance on the launchpad side or the GNOME side?) | 13:26 |
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: henninge | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | ||
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Pici | Hey folks, I'm not sure if this is an apport bug or something with LP, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/538097 | 14:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 538097 in apport "Apport cannot connect to crash database" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:42 |
jml | sinzui, hello | 14:54 |
jml | sinzui, I need your help | 14:54 |
sinzui | okay | 14:54 |
jml | sinzui, I just made a new project "launchpad-web", but I have nfi what to do about the milestones | 14:56 |
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jml | sinzui, there are two bugs that have been fixed for 10.3 that I have now de-assigned from any milestone | 14:56 |
jml | * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-web/+bug/399065 | 14:56 |
jml | * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-web/+bug/253538 | 14:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 399065 in launchpad-web "Person links in package changelog entries have an extra space" [Low,Fix committed] | 14:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 253538 in launchpad-web "Login status in top-right corner needs work" [Low,Fix committed] | 14:56 |
sinzui | mrevell: has made milestone in the past. So blueprint has them. I track blueprints. when I see work start in a project I have been targeting them to milestones to track that we complete the work and ensure it does not conflict with other projects | 14:58 |
jml | sinzui, so I should ask mrevell to set up milestones for launchpad-web? | 14:59 |
mrevell | jml, I can do that and also show you how to catch a fish, if you like. | 14:59 |
sinzui | jml: make the launchpad team the owner or driver of the project so that we can create series and milestones | 15:00 |
mrevell | Heh, that reads like it's really arsey. | 15:00 |
jml | mrevell, not sure I'm interested in that other angle | 15:00 |
mrevell | Not meant to; I meant I can show you how to set up milestones. | 15:00 |
* sinzui is already subscribed to the porject | 15:00 | |
jml | (get it? get it?!?!) | 15:00 |
mrevell | ahhhh | 15:00 |
mrevell | :) | 15:00 |
mrevell | jml, I'll set up the same milestones as we have for t'other projects. | 15:01 |
jml | mrevell, thanks. | 15:01 |
sinzui | jml: I really do not think the foundations team should be fixing/creating individual tales macros. Even if they are used by all teams, each team should know that they are responsible for changing tales as they need to. | 15:02 |
jml | sinzui, umm... I think I agree. What precisely is this in reference to? | 15:03 |
sinzui | jml: I see some tales related bugs in your email about boundaries. | 15:05 |
* jml looks | 15:05 | |
jml | sinzui, which ones? | 15:06 |
sinzui | jml bug 240432 | 15:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 240432 in launchpad-foundations ""List" macro in templates" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/240432 | 15:06 |
jml | sinzui, moved. | 15:07 |
sinzui | jml: I am tempted to mark all the tales bugs trivial. I think most can be fixed/implemented in less than an hour. That is why I think individual engineers should know that they should fix the issue if they really want it fix. | 15:09 |
jml | sinzui, feel free to mark them as trivial. I want to go through all of the launchpad-web bugs and do that level of triage soon. | 15:09 |
jml | but only after I've dealt with the "boundary" bugs | 15:09 |
Breaking_Pitt | Hello What zope version use LaunchPad? | 15:39 |
Breaking_Pitt | ? | 15:41 |
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maxb | Breaking_Pitt: Look at the file versions.cfg in the root of the launchpad sourcecode | 15:49 |
Breaking_Pitt | ok thanks maxb | 15:50 |
Breaking_Pitt | I'm looking now that I have it instaled | 15:50 |
Breaking_Pitt | how can I start to configure it? | 15:50 |
Breaking_Pitt | or how can I access to launchpad zope | 15:51 |
Breaking_Pitt | because I'm not albe | 15:51 |
Breaking_Pitt | able | 15:51 |
maxb | Configure Launchpad? You have read the instructions on the dev.launchpad.net wiki? You are aware that the licence prohibits setting up private production instances without replacing all the image files? | 15:52 |
maxb | Also, please head over to #launchpad-dev for development questions, you'll find a better audience for them there. | 15:52 |
Breaking_Pitt | I'm not looking for doing private versions and change anything | 15:53 |
Breaking_Pitt | I'm only want to know how it works | 15:53 |
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maxb | Yeah - I just try to point that bit out as early as possible to avoid potentially annoyed people later | 15:58 |
Breaking_Pitt | ok thanks! | 15:58 |
Breaking_Pitt | so there is no "control panel" | 15:59 |
Breaking_Pitt | all you can configure or needs to be configured can be done trought the command line? | 15:59 |
Breaking_Pitt | in a terminal? | 15:59 |
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jml | Breaking_Pitt, depends on what you want to configure | 16:03 |
Breaking_Pitt | a mailing list for example | 16:04 |
Breaking_Pitt | I have used the admin@canonical.com account? | 16:04 |
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jml | Breaking_Pitt, I don't follow. You can configure mailing lists through the web interface | 16:11 |
Breaking_Pitt | ok | 16:11 |
Breaking_Pitt | thanks | 16:11 |
cocooncrash | Hey, do you know about PPA build problems? | 16:27 |
cocooncrash | Looks like NTP is failing and the build is cancelled. | 16:27 |
cocooncrash | https://edge.launchpad.net/~mgorven/+archive/openlp/+build/1558655 | 16:28 |
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Breaking_Pitt | I have tried to putt the launchpad opent to all the computer in my network but I have get the following message | 16:36 |
Breaking_Pitt | The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. | 16:36 |
Breaking_Pitt | following this info https://dev.launchpad.net/Running/RemoteAccess | 16:36 |
henninge | Breaking_Pitt: development questions are best asked on #launchpad-dev | 16:42 |
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yofel | hey, any news at what could be the cause of bug 538097? | 17:38 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 538097 in apport "Apport cannot connect to crash database" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/538097 | 17:38 |
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lysi | Issue in answers.launchpad.net: doesn't send (post) an answer (comment). | 18:29 |
lysi | Page output: | 18:30 |
lysi | Unexpected form data | 18:30 |
lysi | Launchpad doesn't understand the form data submitted in this request. | 18:30 |
nigelb | lysi: what were you trying to do? | 18:31 |
lysi | I've tried to submit a comment. | 18:32 |
nigelb | hm, thats strage | 18:35 |
nigelb | probably you pasted something that should not be there?? | 18:35 |
lysi | text only. | 18:36 |
lysi | I'll try another question and report back. | 18:37 |
lysi | same again. I've typed in answer search box firefox and it searched without issues. | 18:41 |
lysi | screenshot of lp page reporting mentioned output. http://www3.pic-upload.de/12.03.10/n4egs2c1ww6w.png | 18:44 |
lysi | The source text from firefox: http://www3.pic-upload.de/12.03.10/4pkdces5h6j.png | 18:52 |
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cemc | hi | 19:00 |
cemc | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/40883929/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.clamav_0.96~rc1%2Bdfsg-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa2_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz | 19:00 |
cemc | two failed builds because of this. any problems? | 19:01 |
lysi | Latest question submitted on answers.launchpad was 29 minutes ago, unusual eight remain open. | 19:06 |
lysi | Please ignore eight, almost all are open on the first answers page. | 19:11 |
lysi | no status message here yet: http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus | 19:14 |
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Balinny | does the launchpad-login used in bzr have some special case? | 19:20 |
lysi | Posting a comment in bug section works, but still not in answers section. | 19:21 |
Balinny | bzr branch gives me a "Permission denied (publickey)" message, despite ssh-add -L showing me that the ssh-agent has the same key as https://launchpad.net/~balinny/+editsshkeys | 19:22 |
henninge | lysi: let me look at that | 19:23 |
lysi | henninge: ok. Let me know if I can help. | 19:25 |
henninge | lysi: where do you see al the open questions, btw? | 19:26 |
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lysi | https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+questions?field.search_text=&field.sort=RELEVANCY&field.sort-empty-marker=1&field.actions.search=Search&field.language=de&field.language=en&field.language-empty-marker=1&field.status=OPEN&field.status=NEEDSINFO&field.status=ANSWERED&field.status=SOLVED&field.status-empty-marker=1 | 19:27 |
henninge | oh right, Ubuntu questions ... ;-) | 19:28 |
* henninge was thinking "Launchpad questions" ... | 19:29 | |
henninge | lysi: can you ask a question? | 19:29 |
lysi | I'll try. | 19:30 |
henninge | lysi: and, were you trying to add an "Answer", "Information Request" or "Just a comment"? | 19:31 |
lysi | No, same page occurs: Unexpected form data. After inserting 'test question' and press continue. | 19:32 |
henninge | lysi: ok, I'll try | 19:32 |
lysi | Failed to comment on: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/103327 | 19:32 |
henninge | lysi: can you try on edge, please? | 19:34 |
henninge | https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/103327 | 19:34 |
lysi | henninge: edge works fine :-) | 19:36 |
henninge | lysi: can you aswer here, please (not on edge): | 19:36 |
henninge | https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/104139 | 19:36 |
henninge | lysi: I just added that question using an unprivileged account I have. | 19:37 |
henninge | *answer* | 19:37 |
lysi | henninge: no success. | 19:38 |
henninge | lysi: ok, I had no problems. | 19:39 |
henninge | lysi: have you restarted your browser since this started to happen? | 19:39 |
henninge | lysi: or have you tried logging out and back in? | 19:39 |
lysi | henninge: no, it's always open, I'm hibernating, but had never issues. I'll logout-in, if that fails I'll restart FF. | 19:40 |
henninge | lysi: thanks for trying | 19:41 |
henninge | no need to reboot, though ... ;-) | 19:41 |
lysi | henninge: logout gives me: Unexpected form data. Hence I'll close FF now. | 19:41 |
lysi | henninge: closed and restart FF, login to lp, comment to answer 103327: Unexpected form data | 19:49 |
henninge | lysi: very strange but it does not seem to be a general problem. | 19:50 |
henninge | lysi: please file a bug here https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-answers | 19:50 |
henninge | lysi: and use edge as a work-around for now. | 19:51 |
lysi | henninge: Do you see all the open questions? This can't be, they should be answered by now. But I can see new questions though. | 19:51 |
henninge | lysi: that's what I was thinking. | 19:52 |
henninge | lysi: also, we'd be seeing more people complaining about it here. | 19:52 |
lysi | henninge: done. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-answers/+bug/538236 | 20:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 538236 in launchpad-answers "Failure to submit comment, answer." [Undecided,New] | 20:02 |
henninge | lysi: danke | 20:03 |
lysi | henninge: my pleasure. | 20:04 |
yofel | hi, any news on bug 538097? (and should we open a lauchpad task there?) | 20:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 538097 in apport "Apport cannot connect to crash database" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/538097 | 20:12 |
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=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | ||
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thopiekar | hi | 21:18 |
thopiekar | I've got curious problems here... | 21:19 |
thopiekar | http://launchpad.net/~thopiekar/+archive/lucid-dev/+packages | 21:19 |
thopiekar | chroots problems and not installed (but installed?) packages.. | 21:19 |
thopiekar | any solutions or suggestion why this happen? | 21:24 |
maxb | thopiekar: The 'chroot problem' fails look like a transient issue, so retry those builds and see what happens. | 21:27 |
maxb | thopiekar: I don't quite understand why the dependency issue is being reported the way it is, but you depend on libboost-python1.38-dev which doesn't exist (in lucid, anyway) | 21:29 |
thopiekar | maxb: I want to keep the source packages as original as possible.. so I created a dummy package for libboost-python1.38-dev that depends on libboost-python-dev | 21:30 |
maxb | And odd way to do it | 21:31 |
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thopiekar | how should I do it then? changing the [debian/control] to libboost-python1.40-dev will solve the problem? | 21:33 |
maxb | Hopefully. Sorry, I can't explain why the dependency resolution failed with your dummy package | 21:37 |
thopiekar | found it.. | 21:39 |
thopiekar | I haven't thought about the possibility that in libboost-python1.40-dev libboost-python1.38-dev is set as conflicts.. | 21:40 |
maxb | ah! | 21:41 |
thopiekar | therefore my dummy package can't be installed :P | 21:42 |
thopiekar | thank you anyway maxb for helping me | 21:42 |
c_korn | hello, everytime I want to open/edit a bug report in opera launchpad only returns this: http://pastebin.com/UJv3sCQ9 | 21:52 |
wgrant | c_korn: Do other forms work? For example, if you click your name in the top right, click 'Change details', then click Save without changing anything, does that work? | 21:53 |
c_korn | wgrant: this also fails | 21:54 |
wgrant | c_korn: Are you logged in at the moment? | 21:54 |
c_korn | wgrant: yes | 21:55 |
c_korn | I was able to change a bug report's title using this ajax button | 21:56 |
wgrant | Interesting. Does another browser work? | 21:56 |
c_korn | wgrant: yes, it works in firefox. I am blocking cookies in opera by default. but I allow cookies from launchpad | 21:58 |
gary_poster | hi c_korn. Was looking in IRC logs but I don't see the backlog...I'll look again, but meanwhile, what's the error message you are getting, or an OOPS? | 22:01 |
c_korn | gary_poster: this is the message: http://pastebin.com/UJv3sCQ9 I also get it when I want to log out :/ | 22:01 |
gary_poster | c_korn: not nice. :-( could you submit the HTML someplace? Maybe it is hiding an OOPS number, which would help us diagnose | 22:02 |
c_korn | http://pastebin.com/jur9QMSY | 22:04 |
wgrant | See bug #538526 | 22:04 |
ubottu | Error: Launchpad bug 538526 could not be found | 22:04 |
wgrant | Er, bug #538236 | 22:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 538236 in launchpad-answers "Failure to submit comment, answer." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/538236 | 22:04 |
c_korn | "Logout-in from LP: issue remains." I cannot even log out. and I don't have this error in FF | 22:07 |
gary_poster | c_korn: what browser, chrome? | 22:08 |
c_korn | gary_poster: opera 9.10 | 22:08 |
c_korn | eh, 10.10 | 22:08 |
c_korn | oh, I know how to fix it. | 22:12 |
c_korn | I have to enable to transfer the referrer | 22:12 |
gary_poster | c_korn: If Opera sends a REFERER value when it does not transfer it, then yes, that would explain it. | 22:13 |
gary_poster | c_korn, did that fix it? | 22:13 |
wgrant | As long as the referer domain matches one of Launchpad's, it should work fine. | 22:14 |
c_korn | if I enable the referrer in opera it works | 22:14 |
c_korn | is this a fix or a workaround ? | 22:14 |
wgrant | Although you might run into issues if you're using edge.launchpad.net and Opera strips the referer down to just launchpad.net. | 22:14 |
c_korn | I never required the referrer to be submitted on any other site | 22:14 |
gary_poster | c_korn, great. Sorry for the annoyance. That is a fix from your perspective. The requirement is there to prevent XSRF attacks. From our perspective, there is a bug though: the fact that this was not easy to diagnose is crazy. | 22:15 |
gary_poster | wgrant, I'll file a bug to foundations that UnexpectedFormData should generate an OOPS, or at least should produce a more informative error page. I guess the text in the exception is not rendered. Agree? | 22:17 |
wgrant | gary_poster: Raisers should be changed to give a useful error message, and it should be displayed, yep. | 22:18 |
gary_poster | cool, thanks. (I think raisers are doing the right thing, but could be wrong) | 22:18 |
c_korn | ah, to quote wikipedia: "Checking the HTTP Referer header to see if the request is coming from an authorized page can work, but a request that omits the Referer header must be treated as unauthorized because an attacker can suppress the Referer header by issuing requests from FTP or HTTPS URLs. This strict Referer validation may cause issues with browsers or proxies that omit the Referer header for privacy reasons. " | 22:18 |
wgrant | c_korn: Most browsers tend to do something more useful than stripping it entirely. | 22:20 |
wgrant | Like setting it to the root of the domain. | 22:20 |
c_korn | for now I added an exception for LP in opera to allow the referrer | 22:20 |
wgrant | c_korn: Is this the built-in Opera Referer-stripping feature? | 22:21 |
c_korn | wgrant: what would a referrer test be good for then ? | 22:21 |
c_korn | wgrant: yes | 22:21 |
wgrant | c_korn: Checking that the request came form the same site. | 22:21 |
c_korn | (I don't know if the problem also exists in opera 10.50) | 22:21 |
* wgrant tries. | 22:22 | |
lfaraone | What does "Page gone" in launchpad mean? (ex: https://edge.launchpad.net/~r12056 ) | 22:50 |
wgrant | lfaraone: The user is suspended or has deactivated themselves. | 22:50 |
lfaraone | wgrant: makes sense. I noticed it only because they had nominated a bug for fixing in all supported ubuntu releases on all the listed packages. | 22:51 |
wgrant | lfaraone: Yeah, that's probably not unrelated... | 22:52 |
lfaraone | (does make the status of bug 419501 rather hard to follow) | 22:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 419501 in python-gasp "apport-kde assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:242: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed." [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/419501 | 22:52 |
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk | ||
kamalm | I registered project https://launchpad.net/fldigi a few weeks ago; now someone has asked me to enable the translations interface for it on LP, but I find that I don't have edit privileges for the project, so I cannot do so. How did it get into that state? (By contrast, I also registered https://launchpad.net/hamlib and I do have edit privs for that project). | 23:26 |
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