
TechnovikingPlease get invloved in the loco, and get some of people from the forums to show support for you on your wiki or during the meeting00:00
ubudogall right00:00
Technovikingand please try back in a few month00:00
pleia2ozzie_: you here?00:00
pleia2[TOPIC] ozzie_ membership00:01
MootBotNew Topic:  ozzie_ membership00:01
greg-gplease introduce yourself00:01
ozzie_My name is Ron McNeill and my URL is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/theozzlives00:02
pleia2ozzie_: what kind of projects is the Oklahoma LoCo up to?00:03
ozzie_I've been evangelizing Ubuntu since oct 2007 when I discovered it. Shareing my knowledge of this OS since Nov 2007. I encorage my schoolmates, friends, and customers to at least try the CD00:05
ozzie_I'm a member of the LoCo and am trying to whip OKC into shape00:06
ozzie_plea2 in OKC not much, I plan to change that00:06
pleia2that would be great00:07
ozzie_I've also been involved in Alpha testing since 8.1000:07
greg-gozzie_: do you re-sell System76 laptops? I see an image from them on your business website.00:08
ozzie_My vision is to setup booths at the state fair and techno fairs00:08
ozzie_that was just to say I work on laptops00:09
greg-gah, I see.00:10
ozzie_I do build Ubuntu machines00:10
greg-gozzie_: I'd like to see a bit more involvement with the OKC loco in the future00:11
pleia2ozzie_: I'd really like to see you work more on getting OKC going, maybe host a few events, take some pictures :)00:12
ozzie_it is gonna happen00:12
pleia2and getting testimonals from folks you work with in the community would be great00:12
greg-gtestimonials are really helpful00:13
ozzie_DuaneDesign was supposed to be here00:13
pleia2you can ask people to add their testimonals to your wiki page if they can't make the meeting00:13
ozzie_he said he'd be here00:14
greg-gGet a bit more involvement and some testimonials and I'd like to see you apply for membership in the future, ozzie_00:15
greg-gThanks for coming everyone.00:17
greg-gAnd congrats to all the new members!00:17
fader_Thanks everyone :D00:17
pleia2congrats new members!00:17
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:17.00:17
oubiwannthanks, guys!00:17
TechnovikingYes, please come back in a few months with more work and testimonals and let us know how thing are joing with the OK loco00:17
dmizerthank you all very much.00:18
Emzzzzhttp://imggmi.info/DSC-1268362257.jpg/ do my tits look big?02:57
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
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MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is slangasek.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-03-1216:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-03-1216:00
* Riddell may not be able to stay whole time but ScottK will be here too16:00
* marjo waves16:00
slangasek[TOPIC] Actions from previous meetings16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Actions from previous meetings16:01
slangasek  * QA Team to retest Kubuntu desktop after ubiquity uploads16:01
slangasek  * slangasek to record server-lucid-ec2-ebsroot work items related to ISO testing integration16:01
slangasek  * ScottK, slangasek to review python sync/merge candidates ~Mar 1216:01
slangasek  * pitti to follow up on bug #52058916:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520589 in network-manager "Network manager icon does not appear in notification panel at startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52058916:01
slangasek  * slangasek to follow up on bug #517300 with asac/ogra16:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517300 in likewise-open "[armel] likewise-open needs porting to ARM" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51730016:01
slangasekmy items are all still outstanding, I'm afraid16:01
pittilikewise-open> upstream replied, they'll incorporate our patch16:01
ograslangasek, #517300 is taken by upstream now16:01
marjo * QA Team to retest Kubuntu desktop after ubiquity uploads16:01
marjoAra has put Ubiquity 2.1.35 in the pairwise tracker [1] to give it a go before the start of next week.16:01
marjoNext week we will be testing Lucid Beta 1 and it is very important that Ubiquity is in good shape before the release team starts posting candidate images in the ISO tracker.16:01
marjoIf you have a VM machine and around 30 spare minutes, please, pick a16:01
marjotest case and help us having a promising Beta 1 release.16:01
marjo[1] http://pairwise.qa.ubuntu.com/16:01
ograwas a bit tricky to find the responsible person :)16:01
slangasekmarjo: ok, great - has there been a call for testing as well?  looks like there's been one test result so far, for Ubuntu desktop instead of Kubuntu... :)16:02
slangasekogra, pitti: ack, thanks!16:02
marjoyes, email went out16:03
slangasekpitti: have you looked at bug #520589?16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520589 in network-manager "Network manager icon does not appear in notification panel at startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52058916:03
pittislangasek: not personally, but chrisccoulson is on it now16:04
fader_pitti, slangasek: yesterday afternoon we think we might have discovered some interesting info about that bug16:04
fader_I'll make sure it's in the bug report if it isn't already16:04
pittifader_: thanks, appreciated16:04
pittichris also has an outstanding question with a test, which needs to be done16:04
cr3fader_: /etc/network/interfaces, right?16:04
fader_cr3: Correct; pitti: ^^ this is in the bug report already, from alexmoldovan16:05
fader_pitti: ack16:05
cr3fader_: this is strange though, because nm has always behaved that way as far as I know and the bug was reported by someone outside of certification16:05
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:08
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Team16:08
marjo * Hardware testing16:08
marjoAutomated Testing Results16:08
marjopassed: 12 (92%) failed: 1 (8%) untested: 0 (0%)16:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:09
marjopassed: 29 (100%) failed: 0 (0%) untested: 0 (0%)16:09
marjopassed: 57 (98%) failed: 0 (0%) untested: 1 (2%)16:09
marjopassed: 12 (100%) failed: 0 (0%) untested: 0 (0%)16:09
marjoManual Testing Results16:09
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/milestones/lucid/alpha3.html16:09
marjo7 passed with no bugs16:09
marjo12 failures, 7 of those are the networkmanager issue and now believed to be specific to test environment16:09
marjo * alpha-3 test report16:10
slangasekbug #532983 - that looks new16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532983 in linux "Webcam doesn't work on HP Mini 1000" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53298316:10
marjo#527828 | kubuntu oem-config 'No valid steps.'16:10
marjoubiquity (Ubuntu)                      | Undecided | New16:10
marjo#528346 | Impossible to select in wich disk install to (resize)16:10
marjoubiquity (Ubuntu)                      | Undecided | New16:10
marjoWon't be fixed for lucid, according to cjwatson16:10
marjo#528331 | [Lucid Kubuntu] Ubiquity crashes in PartMan.py when choosing manual partitioning and creating new partition - NameError: global name 'partman' is not defined16:10
marjoubiquity (Ubuntu)                      | Undecided | New16:10
marjo#527972 | [Lucid Alpha 3] usb-creator.exe does not accept ISO selection on Windows XP system16:10
marjousb-creator (Ubuntu)                   | Undecided | New16:10
marjoev investigating16:10
marjo#527870 | karmic -> lucid CDROM only upgrade fails16:10
marjolibsdl1.2 (Ubuntu)                     | Undecided | New16:10
marjoupdate-manager (Ubuntu)                | Undecided | New16:10
marjolibsdl1.2 (Ubuntu Lucid)               | Undecided | New16:10
cjwatson(this is an example of iso-testing bugs including things that are in no way release-critical, BTW)16:10
marjoupdate-manager (Ubuntu Lucid)          | Undecided | New16:10
marjomvo investigating16:10
slangasekyes, though we should have the ability to filter tho iso-testing bugs by severity, I think?16:12
slangasek(though, we should probably make sure we're *setting* the severity of these bugs, not leaving them as undecided)16:12
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio__
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
cjwatsonmarjo: hmm, I duped a couple of those bugs, maybe after you trawled them for your report16:12
cjwatson527828 and 528331 have been fixed16:12
marjoslangasek: yes, that's the proper approach16:12
marjocjwatson: thx!16:12
marjocjwatson: yes, that's probably the case16:13
marjo * Specs Status16:14
marjo * UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests16:14
marjoWork items lucid-beta-1: All WIs on track for beta-116:14
marjo[cr3] Extract CPU- and I/O-data provided by bootchart: INPROGRESS16:14
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html16:14
marjo[cr3] Improve test reporting for boot times: INPROGRESS16:14
davmor2marjo, slangasek kubuntu 64bit didn't upgrade ubiquity16:14
marjo * UbuntuSpec:qa-lucid-improve-server-testcases16:14
marjoReassigned to hggdh2 from ara; all WIs on track for beta-116:14
marjoWork items:16:14
marjo[hggdh2] Update samba test case in the ISO tracker: DONE16:14
marjo[hggdh2] Update Lamp test case in the ISO tracker: INPROGRESS16:14
marjoDetermine which test cases are required for the ISO tracker: TODO16:14
marjoWrite a new test case for a no-network interface install: TODO16:14
marjoWrite a new test case for a non internet connection install: TODO16:14
marjoWrite a new test case for a Kickseed install: TODO16:14
marjoWrite a new test case for a repair system install: TODO16:14
marjo * Bug:530380: checkbox writes to .cache/checkbox/submission before submission completes - fixed, but not released16:14
marjoslangasek: that's all from QA team16:15
slangasekmarjo: on the hw testing, it seems that there are several failures with alpha 3 that aren't represented on the current report because the hardware hasn't been retested; do we need to look at those any more closely?16:15
slangasekthree are marked "bugs to be filed", but I don't know the date of that comment16:15
marjoslangasek: yes; some testing is still in progress16:15
fader_slangasek: The comment is from yesterday, so we intend to get those filed today16:16
marjoso, we'll clean up accordingly16:16
marjowhen all is done16:16
slangasekshould bug #532983 and bug #531831 be targeted to lucid?16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532983 in linux "Webcam doesn't work on HP Mini 1000" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53298316:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531831 in rosetta "Not all pluralforms displayed on language page" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53183116:16
slangasekbug #53813116:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538131 in linux "Webcam doesn't work on Sylvania MS-N011" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53813116:17
slangasekand triaged to an importance other than "undecided"16:17
slangasekdavmor2: to a first approximation, I would expect kubuntu+ubiquity to work the same on amd64 and i386; is someone working on testing i386?16:18
davmor2slangasek: pass bladernr_ are you?16:19
fader_slangasek: targeted; I'll make sure they get appropriate importances16:20
Riddellslangasek: kubuntu+ubiquity was tested yesterday, there's a couple of superficial but important issues to fix, otherwise works fine16:20
bladernr_slangasek:  I am16:20
slangasekfader_: and should they also be targeted to lucid?16:20
slangasekbladernr_: cheers16:20
fader_slangasek: Just targeted them16:20
slangasekRiddell: ah, ok - I went looking at the pairwise report yesterday, and people were still saying it didn't work, glad to have better results now :)16:20
bladernr_slangasek:  I was trying 64bit earlier, but the 64bit isos failed to build, so no new ubiquity.  32bit seems fine though so far.16:21
cjwatsonwe had a few "breaks the world" type bugs that generated lots of reports each16:21
bladernr_slangasek:  just finished re-syncing a moment ago so I'll be back on it in a few16:21
slangasekok, that's it from me on QA as well - anyone else have questions?16:23
marjoslangasek: thx16:24
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team16:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Team16:24
jiboumansmorning; i'm standing in for ttx today16:24
jiboumansServer team release status: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:24
slangasekmarjo, fader_: thank you16:24
slangasekjiboumans: hello16:24
jiboumansServer blueprints with < 90% completion:16:24
jiboumans* server-lucid-ec2-ebsroot 55% Remaining work is about automating release procedure16:24
jiboumans* server-lucid-eucalyptus-merging-and-packaging 57% On track, a couple beta1-targeted bugs left16:24
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html16:24
jiboumans* server-lucid-papercuts 66% On track (one WI per week)16:24
MootBotLINK received:16:24
jiboumans* server-lucid-uec-testing 80% On track. Most WI involve testing B1 candidate16:24
jiboumans* server-lucid-daily-vcs 85% on track16:24
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:24
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:24
jiboumansAll work items on track; trend line looks higher due to targets of opportunity in the puppet spec; we're trying to get upstream to fix as many tests as possible.16:25
jiboumansFFe will be requested for:16:25
jiboumans  * Bug:519513: UEC upgrade from 9.10 karmic to Lucid fails16:25
jiboumans  * Bug:536829: package eucalyptus-cc 1.6.2-0ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade:16:25
jiboumans  * Bug:534412: VNET_PRIVINTERFACE not set correctly in a multi-network install (kirkland)16:25
jiboumansThe first 2 expect to be tackled in the next 2 weeks, where our focus is on Eucalyptus fixes16:26
jiboumansCritical bugs for server, all targeted beta1/critical:16:26
jiboumans  * Bug:527208: ec2 instance fails boot, no console output on c1.xlarge (Kernel)16:26
jiboumans  Pushed from Alpha3, to Beta1, now to Beta216:26
jiboumans  * Bug:531494: upstart does not run cloud-init job (Foundations)16:26
jiboumans  Unassigned, retargeted to Beta216:26
jiboumansI noticed some activity on the latter in the last half hour, but haven't been able to process that16:26
ScottK~ server team related, I'm getting ready to upload clamav 0.96 rc1.  Just waiting on some final testing.  FFe is approved.16:26
cjwatsonjiboumans: the activity was just to push it to beta-2, and nag for more information16:27
jiboumanscjwatson: ack; we'll get to it asap as it's a release blocker for us16:27
jiboumansthe other being the kernel bug mentioned above for cloud images16:28
jiboumansslangasek: that's actually all for server team updates from us. Any questions?16:28
slangasek519513 is targeted to beta-1, but you say it'll be tackled "in the next two weeks" - should the milestone be moved?16:29
slangaseklikewise for 53682916:29
jiboumansslangasek: no, the target is beta1 still. Failing that we have an onsite eucalyptus sprint the week after, hence 'no later than 2 weeks from now'16:29
jiboumansthat should only happen if we can't fix it without their direct help16:30
slangasekno other questions here; anyone else?16:31
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:31
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile Team16:31
slangasekjiboumans: thanks16:31
slangasekasac: hi16:31
=== doko_ is now known as doko
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html16:31
* ogra heree for mobile today16:31
ograso thumb2 proting is ongoing but in good progress16:32
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:32
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:32
ograarm found a fix for the OO.o bug for us16:32
ograthe two specs that make the chart look bad should be implemented as soon as the FFe's and MIRs are fully processed16:33
ograsadly no progress on the qemu issue, i'm still investigating there16:33
slangasekwhy is that one FFe bug marked "fix committed"?  that doesn't make sense...16:34
ograwe had some kernel regressions that are being sorted atm (suspend/resume on imx mostly)16:34
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* ogra checks ...16:34
ograhmm, i have to ask asac for that16:34
slangasekwhat FFes are you waiting on other than the webservice ones (which are both approved)?16:35
ograi think its referring to the needs-packaging16:35
ograonle these16:35
slangasekI don't see any "needs-packaging" on the reports?16:35
ograsomeone added a tag to the description16:36
ogra[needs-packaging] [FFe] ubuntu-weboffice-zoho package for armel netbook16:36
ograand asac set it to committed when the upload happened16:36
slangasekno upload has happened16:37
slangasekor else it was rejected..16:37
ograi'll check that with JamieBennett and asac16:37
ograi thought it was in NEW16:37
ian_brasilit is in REVU i thought16:38
ograjamie said its been uploaded16:38
slangaseknot to the archive, it hasn't16:38
slangaseksetting back to confirmed, in the meantime16:38
ograanyway, images are in good state for beta16:39
slangasek513734 is marked "fix committed", but it seems we now have two bugs about libmad with multiple patches pending?16:39
ograboth for armel ?16:40
ograoh, yes, there is an ftbfs bug as well16:41
ograi'll make sure tehy get merged16:41
slangasekwell, someone also needs to make a call on which patch to apply :)16:41
ograbut that should happen on one bug :)16:41
ograi didnt work on it but will make sure the right people discuss16:42
ograwell, i dont have anything else16:42
slangasekI'm available to sponsor uploads, if that would help Dave any - would've uploaded it already if I knew which patch to take16:42
ograi'll tell him :)16:43
ogra(but i can sponsor as well indeed )16:43
slangasekbug #527720 isn't listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid, but is targeted to beta-1 - on the radar?16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527720 in klibc "thumb2 porting issues identified: klibc uses mov.*pc" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52772016:43
cjwatsonif the mobile team thinks that's correct, I encourage them to just upload16:44
ograoh, thats just an oversight, yes, its on our thumb list16:44
cjwatsonI didn't feel qualified to review it when I was uploading klibc the other day16:44
* slangasek nods16:45
slangasekno other questions from me; anything else no mobile?16:45
ograhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webservice-office-zoho btw16:45
slangaseks/no m/on m/16:46
slangasekogra: ah, package renamed, tricky16:46
slangasekogra: should that bug be closed, then?16:46
ograjust missing the MIR and seeding16:46
slangasek(ought to have been closed in the changelog, I would think)16:46
ograi think the bug was also for the MIR status16:46
ograas soon as its in main it will be closed16:46
slangasekthere's no mention of MIR in that bug report, currently16:47
slangasekI guess someone has some follow up to do :)16:47
ograheh, yeah16:47
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:47
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Team16:47
slangasekogra: thanks16:47
slangasekapw, ogasawara: hi16:47
apwOverall Kernel Team status is summarised at the first URL below, including the items called out in the agenda.  Beta-1 activity is summarised at the second URL below, with those item pushed out shown as At Risk.  The burndown chard for Beta-1 is at the third URL, and our burndown chart is at the fourth:16:48
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:48
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:48
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20ubuntu-10.04-beta-116:48
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html16:48
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:48
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20ubuntu-10.04-beta-116:48
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html16:48
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:48
apwOf the pushed out Alpha-3 items three have been postponed to M, two low priority items have been further pushed out to Beta-2, and two have patches in testing.  The remaining item is in progress and should hit first thing Beta-2.16:48
apwOf the Beta-1 items highlighted we are making reasonable progress most outstanding items are not release critical.  Two involve kernel changes and both of these are expect to be ready in time for the first upload of Beta-2 allowing testing before they hit they userbase.  Of the bugs called out, one is fixed in the kernels in the archive, one has a patch in testing, and one remains under investigation.16:48
apwAll of the lucid kernels hit the Beta-1 freeze and still look good for release.  We have just recieved a TI OMAP kernel which is now going through FFe and MIR.  The drm 2.6.33 backport is included in these kernels and testing of this is looking good.  Test reports show a number of pending issues are resolved with no additional regressions.16:48
pittiapw: ah, I actually had a question about the TI kernel (in the MIR bug)16:49
apwpitti, sure.16:49
pittiapw: so is that one that we want to officially (LTS-)support? Tim made it sound a bit like a "demo"16:49
apwahh yes, i'll get with rtg and get you an answer, thanks for the tickle16:49
pittiif we want to officially support it, then of course there's no question about the MIR16:49
apwwe are erring to only supporting the non-core kernels for 18 months, but that needs to be codified16:49
pittibut ARM variants pile up, and I was unsure whether this should actually stay in universe16:50
apwpitti, ack ... i don't have an answer for you at this moemnt but yes we need a formal statement of what we support and for how long16:50
slangasekapw: which of those three bugs is fixed in the archive?  All three were showing as open last night when I prepared the agenda16:50
ScottKpitti: Unless there's community capability to maintain this I'm not aware of, I don't think it ought to be in Universe.16:51
apwand then we can use that as a basis for deciding where they go16:51
pittiScottK: right, or partner or whatnot16:51
pittibut a 5 year security support commitment for a demo kernel sounds excessive16:51
ScottKpitti: Yes.16:51
ScottKpitti: I didn't think armel was LTS?16:51
pitti(note, I'm not saying it's a demo kernel -- that's what I want to find out about)16:51
ScottKOh, that was mobile16:52
apwpitti, if its ok i'll take it off line and get you a formal response, but i think we intend to not LTS any of the armel, but use 18 month support for them16:52
pittiScottK: oh, I don't know? apw?16:52
slangasekpitti: none of the ARM images are LTS-supported; though we would need the kernel package in main to build images for it at all (d-i build-dep)16:52
pittiapw: ok16:52
apwslangasek, that was what i thought, that CD == must be in main16:52
pittialright, so sounds like the MIR is a no-brainer then16:52
slangasekapw: not CD generally, but a) that's how the *Ubuntu* CDs are built, b) kernels are special :)16:53
apwslangasek, the KVM bug is the one which is closed, the kernel in beta-1 has the patches out and so is 'fixed'16:53
apwwe also know what the fix is so when the cve is reapplied it should not recur16:53
slangasekapw: btw, the "official" word on arm support is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseManifest16:53
apwslangasek, thanks16:54
slangasek(... except for the part where it's not yet updated to say netbook instead of desktop :P)16:54
slangasekno other questions here; anything else on kernel?16:55
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:55
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team16:55
slangasekapw: thanks16:55
slangasekpitti: hi16:55
pitti== Beta-1 WIs ==16:56
pitti- Adding some missing settings to gdmsetup is a target of opportunity, and might slip to beta-2 or be dropped at all;16:56
pitti- Other specs are mostly done, just a few cleanup/polish things left on each16:56
pitti- desktop-lucid-startup-speed: all code changes from desktop team are in; remaining is a delay of the U1 daemon (target of opportunity, OLS team), and an improvement of netbook-launcher-efl (target of opportunity, mobile team, moved to beta-2)16:56
pitti- desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model: Remaining one for Beta-1 is to identify extensions to be kept in archive, not bound by beta-1 freeze16:56
pitti- lucid-duplicated-packages: What remains is dropping db4.7 and tcl8.4; moved to beta-2, and targets of opportunity; still needs some discussion whether it's worth it16:56
pitti- desktop-lucid-dx-integration: all code changes landed; what's left is test plan, better apport hook, and D-Bus API documentation16:56
pitti== Bug front ==16:57
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:57
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:57
pittiWe did not get a lot of RC bugs fixed recently yet, there was still a lot of feature/integration/other bug fixes work to do.16:57
pittie'll fully concentrate on bug fixing from now on (except for Bryce, who got tasked with yet another new feature from high above). Seb is currently selecting bugs which are not RC, but which we really want to fix for lucid to improve the experience.16:57
pittiimagine a "W" in front of the last sentence16:57
pittioh, btw, there's a branch of Robert's for gdmsetup to allow you to disable the startup sound16:58
pittithat's one of the most wanted things16:58
pittiwe'll get the FFE bug set up ASAP16:58
slangasekpitti: hmm, bug #518045 deferred - should I go ahead and take that one, if Bryce is busy?16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518045 in x11-apps "Prompting due to modified Xedit conffile that was not modified by the user" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51804516:59
slangasekwill be a fairly common blemish on people's upgrade testing, otherwise16:59
pittislangasek: that would be highly appreciated, of course16:59
ScottKpitti: I'll be doing Kubuntu when you're ready ....16:59
pittiScottK: I am from my side, unless more questions arise (but I can answer them later, too)17:00
slangasekpitti: I'm concerned about bug #51261517:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512615 in firefox "fonts are incorrectly rendered due to not using system cairo" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51261517:00
ScottKThe main concern for Kubuntu is the new branding.17:00
ScottKWe're expecting drafts on Monday.17:00
cjwatsonthose won't be in the beta then ...17:00
cjwatsonat least not entirely17:01
slangasekpitti: I haven't checked the status in a few days, but the last I knew was that a fix was possible today, but there was no guarantee it wouldn't be un-done later by an upstream update bumping the library prereqs17:01
pittislangasek: due to how firefox needs to be packaged these days there's not a lot we can do about it unfortunately :(17:01
ScottKMade lots of progress on the installer this week and got KDE Firefox integration in.17:01
ScottKdoko is looking at ia64 (qt4-x11 ICE).17:01
ScottKI think that's it.17:01
pittiScottK: (we need to use the firefox-bundled cairo now)17:01
slangasekpitti: we could at least build against system cairo now, so that I don't go blind unnecessarily between now and release17:01
pittislangasek: oh, does it look that bad for you?17:02
RiddellCouple of high priority if superficial issues for Ubiquity before beta 1, bug 538142 and bug 53814717:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538142 in ubiquity "kconfig permissions errors starting kubuntu ubiquity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53814217:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538147 in ubiquity "progressDialog does not update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53814717:02
slangasekpitti: all my text is rainbow striped, it's horrible17:02
jdstrandslangasek: indeed17:03
pittiRiddell, ScottK: are you guys currently waiting on MIRs? there was a huge catch-up this week, but not sure we got everythign you are waiting for17:03
pittislangasek: ok, I'll check that with asac/Chrsi17:03
Riddellpitti: yes I think we're good for those17:03
pittiChris, too17:03
cjwatsonRiddell: are those ones you and your team expect to be working on, or do you need us to take them?17:03
cjwatsonI'm never quite sure what the expectations for Kubuntu installer bugs you file are17:03
Riddellcjwatson: I expect to work on them with shtylman17:03
slangasekI'm not exactly happy with the options, but in this case I would definitely say that I'd rather have the bug fixed now for release even if we know there's a risk we'll have to regress later17:03
slangasek(and anyway, we might find a better solution between now and release)17:04
cjwatsonRiddell: ok, thanks17:04
asacwe should use the system cairo?17:04
asachmm. lag17:04
asacso i guess i am not here17:04
slangasekasac: using the system cairo as long as we can would suppress this bug, at least...17:05
cjwatsonasac: we see you17:05
pittislangasek: right, discussing with the ff gurus17:05
asacoh ... ok lets hope connection doesnt go down17:05
asacslangasek: we cant go for system cairo17:05
asacunless you want us to roll out new upstream releases together with firefox security updates17:05
slangasekScottK: who's responsible for the Kubuntu branding drafts, is there an action item there to make sure this is done in plenty of time for beta-2?17:06
asacwe have to live with the font rendering bug or fix it (i assume thats the bug that triggered it)17:06
ScottKslangasek: The design team is working on them.17:06
jdstrandmaybe we can use the system cairo to buy us some time and upstream can get/enable that patch17:06
asacjdstrand: buy us time?17:06
ScottKslangasek: I know Edubuntu has issues too.17:06
slangasekasac: if we hit a point where the system cairo is too old for the new firefox, then we switch to the bundled cairo and eat the regression <shrug>17:06
asacif we release with system-cairo its really scary to switch to in-source cairo in SRU/security17:06
asacwhatever we go for we should have from the beginning17:07
mdeslaurwhy not just include the lcd-filtering patch?17:07
jdstrandasac: I thought I remembered that upstream was still deciding on what to do, and that the decision wouldn't be made in time for lucid. if we use system cairo until they figure that out, our users won't notice17:07
asacslangasek: right. we know abut the font rendering regression. but we dont know what other regressions17:07
asacswitching to in-source cairo in stable updates really feels bad17:07
jdstrandrainbow fonts feel worse :P17:07
slangasekasac: "there might be other regressions" is mushy - there might be regressions *anyway* if we stick with bundled cairo17:08
mdeslaurasac, slangasek: why not just include the lcd-filtering patch? Is upstream _preventing_ us from including it?17:08
pittihm, including our cairo patch into the ffox source sounds like an interesting option, too17:08
slangasek[ACTION] review status of branding for Kubuntu, Edubuntu next week17:08
MootBotACTION received:  review status of branding for Kubuntu, Edubuntu next week17:08
slangasekmdeslaur: as in, applying the lcd-filtering patch to the bundled cairo?17:08
asacslangasek: upstream does quite thorough QA on it.17:08
asacthey just dont see that they have a proper fix for the lcd cairo issue17:08
asacwe can ask them to apply the patch17:08
asacin our distro, but they will say: "low quality"17:09
mdeslaurslangasek: it's what I've been doing...I've got firefox in my PPA with it17:09
asacbecuse they didnt take it they dont want us to hav it17:09
slangasekasac: I don't consider their QA sufficiently thorough when it has this glaring defect on Ubuntu17:09
asaci agree with you in most points. just saying how it is and that we were forced to go this road because they bump requirements for stuff we used as system-libs in the past17:10
slangasekasac: "low quality" meaning what?  Does that jeopardize the trademark agreement?17:10
slangasekmdeslaur: sure, I know it's technically possible, but there are horrible issues surrounding the mozilla package and branding17:10
asacand dont allow us to unpatch ;)17:10
asacwe can reopen this discussion with them again using this bug17:10
asacanywy, to move forward, how about checking if we can get the lcd patch in our repo?17:10
asacslangasek: yes17:11
mdeslaurslangasek: we could always rename it "FuzzyFox"17:11
asactrademark mostly, but also they generally believe that we shouldnt be on a different code base17:11
asacthat they test17:11
slangasekmdeslaur: we could call it abrowser, or iceweasel, or any number of other things... it certainly wasn't *my* decision to kowtow to Mozilla on the trademark question :)17:11
asacespecially wrt to sqlite etc. where we had problems in the past because we used system17:11
jdstrandasac: have they been discussing what to do or just kind of ignoring the issue?17:12
slangasekasac: can I give you an action to follow up with upstream, then?17:12
asacso its not that they are really wrong. for instance, there are sometimes performance boosts/drops of 20% or something with minor sqlite versions17:12
jdstrandiirc, it is an oldish bug17:12
slangasekasac: in this case, we have empirical evidence that they are wrong17:12
jdstrand(in their bug tracker)17:12
asacslangasek: ok17:12
asacslangasek: right, but one ;)17:12
asacthey have plenty where our libs are bad ;)17:12
slangasekthose aren't the libs we're proposing to use system versions of17:13
asacanyway, i have been fighting on this for years. and i dont see it improving17:13
ScottKjdstrand: fsvo of old.  I have bugs I filed in 2000 that are still open.17:13
ScottK(in that bug tracker)17:13
asacjust want to make the packaging reflect that and "ship the stuff they claim to be so perfect"17:13
slangasek[ACTION] asac to talk to mozilla upstream about the need for system cairo in Ubuntu17:13
MootBotACTION received:  asac to talk to mozilla upstream about the need for system cairo in Ubuntu17:13
asacand really hope keeping this bug not hidden will help17:13
slangasekwell, I don't want stuff that Mozilla claims is perfect, I want stuff that doesn't make my eyes bleed17:14
jdstrandsystem cairo or filtering patch...17:14
asacyes. we will find a way ;)17:14
pitti(where the in-line filtering patch seems better FWIW)17:14
asacright. most likely we will go that road17:14
slangasekok - anything else for Desktop? :)17:15
jdstrandit seems very close to what they would have blessed anyway17:15
asacok thanks ... guess occupied enough time here ;)17:15
pittithanks asac17:15
slangasek[TOPIC] DX Team17:15
MootBotNew Topic:  DX Team17:15
slangasekpitti, ScottK, asac: thanks17:15
davidbarthslangasek: hi17:15
slangasekdavidbarth: hi17:15
davidbarthso quickly: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus as usual17:15
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus17:16
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus17:16
davidbarth2 bo still not 100% for the release; gtk is now 100% deferred17:16
davidbarth2 app ports remaining: hplip (497877) and vino (497883)17:16
davidbarthstill working with upstreams to get the patches accepted; issue with hplip triggering a kde dependency17:16
slangasekbo->bp, I guess?17:17
davidbarthbp yes, sorry17:17
davidbarthand me-menu, still 2 targets of opportunities with about-me and the custom-dialog17:17
davidbarththis week i focused on fixing bugs like the avatar thing and some others17:18
slangasek"targets of opportunity" on the default desktop are probably not going to get in for beta-1; should these be bumped to beta-2?17:18
davidbarthyes, they won't go in beta-117:19
davidbarthi'll carry them over, but now the team is mostly in bug fix mode17:19
davidbarthwe've tightned the bug net with seb128 this week17:19
davidbarthother releases this week: see the wiki link for details of version numbers and all17:20
davidbarthOf note:17:20
davidbarthindicator-me-0.2.5-0ubuntu1: bug fixes, hide missing options, show avatar in menu, fixes 52595117:20
davidbarthindicator-session-0.2.5-0ubuntu2: left over from last week17:20
davidbarthindicator-sound-0.1.3-0ubuntu1: bug fixes + mute warning17:20
davidbarthnotify-osd-0.9.27-0ubuntu1: bug fixes required for an upcoming nm-applet patch17:20
davidbarthwe're working through the list of milestoned bugs17:20
slangaseksounds good17:21
davidbarththere have been a couple of UIF exceptions requested by sabdfl after a design review yesterday and today; we're preparing the bugs for that17:21
slangasekany questions on DX?17:21
slangasekok, will look for those bugs (with trepidation :)17:22
davidbarth1 string change, and one rendering change17:22
ScottKIs DX the right team to track the artwork issues?17:22
davidbarthScottK: not really17:22
davidbarthScottK: happy to help if we can; but the design team is really the one producing the material17:23
ScottKDo we have a design team rep that comes to the release meetings?17:23
davidbarthScottK: agateau can be assigned to the integration if that helps, for example17:23
ScottKdavidbarth: The current problem is not having the artwork.17:23
davidbarthScottK: i'll try to help after the meeting17:24
ScottKdavidbarth: OK.  For Kubuntu I know it's in progress.  Edubuntu, I don't know.17:24
slangasekanything else?17:26
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations Team17:26
slangasekdavidbarth: thanks17:26
slangasekcjwatson: hi17:27
cjwatson[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-foundations-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html17:27
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-foundations-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html17:27
cjwatson(haven't had time to update the usual release status page this week, sorry!  this will be a QA-team-length paste ...)17:27
cjwatson== Work items ==17:27
cjwatsonsoftware-center ratings-and-reviews unfortunately postponed to lucid+1; we have 80%, but there are too many questions about the server side still outstanding17:27
cjwatsonmost work items either deferred to beta-2 or postponed entirely to lucid+1; exceptions are:17:27
cjwatson * foundations-lucid-release-collaboration-with-debian: java/X (probably OK to defer these but we still need confirmation; I'm asking around)17:27
cjwatson * foundations-lucid-pre-desktop-lucid-startup-speed: console-setup (patch sent for review today, so I think this is safe for beta-1)17:27
cjwatson * foundations-lucid-supportable-binaries: most of it - postpone to beta-2?17:27
cjwatson * foundations-lucid-computer-janitor: fixes pending review17:27
cjwatson== Bugs ==17:27
cjwatson * Bug:531494: cloud-init job not running in eucalyptus without ramdisk17:27
cjwatson  - needs information from server team, as noted in bug17:27
cjwatson * Bug:506297: Graphical Ubuntu logo enabled on servers, no more login prompt17:27
cjwatson  - fixes in ppa:scott/ppa, all bugs now believed fixed but undergoing testing17:28
cjwatson * Bug:500198: casper-md5check needs to be ported to plymouth17:28
cjwatson * Bug:506418: [lucid] live cd does not shutdown17:28
cjwatson  - both done today17:28
cjwatson * Bug:432631: clean up system/per-user proxy handling17:28
cjwatson  - no progress; commented with a query about deferral17:28
cjwatson * Bug:524439: console-setup: needs porting to udev/upstart17:28
cjwatson  - patch sent for review today, looking good17:28
cjwatson * Bug:368060: Map of Kashmir when selecting the timezone is incorrect17:28
cjwatson  - nagged Ken about this recently, no answer yet17:28
cjwatson * Bug:531697: ICE building qt4-x11 in IA6417:28
cjwatson  - assigned to doko who is investigating17:28
cjwatson * Bug:529366: Regression: usb-creator-gtk doesn't work as of 0.2.1617:28
cjwatson  - pushed to beta-2; there's a separate bug which is allied to the parted change, so we may have some more investigation to do here17:28
cjwatson * Bug:534293: libtommath ftbfs on all archs in lucid17:28
cjwatson  - assigned to me, will look ASAP17:28
cjwatson * Bug:530632: Upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 fails on update-initramfs17:28
cjwatson  - assigned to mvo17:28
cjwatson * Bug:537262: does not terminate at computer shutdown17:28
cjwatson  - Scott reassigned this so I'm suspecting that it's not a sendsigs bug after all ...17:28
cjwatson== Other ==17:28
cjwatsonI'm worried about DVD builds; while I kicked another attempt off during the meeting in the hope of having good news (I don't yet ...), we haven't had successful builds since January, and we're going to have to push to fix this17:28
slangasekfoundations-lucid-supportable-binaries generally doesn't require any uploads, so if I can squeeze it in, I'll still be working on that for beta-117:29
slangasekno other questions here - anyone else?17:32
cjwatson(also, Ken did answer about the Kashmir bug, he's on it)17:32
cjwatsonI suspect the answer for DVD builds is "keep an eye on it over the weekend" for me :(17:33
slangasekI'll be doing the same, fwiw17:33
slangasek[TOPIC] Security Team17:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Security Team17:34
slangasekcjwatson: thanks17:34
slangasekjdstrand: hi17:34
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:35
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:35
slangasek(dear mootbot, https is also a URL)17:35
jdstrandonce again, in terms of release, not much to report. we are on track17:35
jdstrandI won't be here next week, so someone from the security team can fill-in for me17:36
slangasekjdstrand: bug #528274 - keeping this on your team since I think you're the best ones to follow up with the ubuntuone folks on it as necessary17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528274 in ubuntuone-client "syncdaemon should have AppArmor profile" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52827417:36
slangasekjdstrand: but I also figure if kees isn't nagging them about it, I don't need to, so :)17:37
jdstrandslangasek: sure. kees submitted the profile, I reviewed the merge proposal. it is committed in their tree17:37
slangasekupload scheduled? :)17:37
cjwatson(DVD livefs build on i386 just succeeded!)17:37
jdstrandthat I don't know, but I will follow up on it17:37
slangasekcjwatson: yaaaay17:38
slangasekjdstrand: ok17:38
slangasekanything else on security?17:38
jdstrandthat's it from me17:38
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:38
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU17:38
slangasekjdstrand: thanks17:38
slangasekScottK, sistpoty|work: hello17:38
jdstrandsure :)17:38
* sistpoty|work waves17:38
ScottKsistpoty|work: Why don't you go first.17:39
sistpoty|workhaskell transition: good progress, however ghc6 doesn't build on armel (under investigation)17:39
sistpoty|work[LINK]: http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/haskell-installability/17:39
MootBotLINK received: : http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/haskell-installability/17:39
sistpoty|workocaml transition: looks as if it's almost done (haven't tracked it too close though, to be honest)17:40
ScottKWe also have a Ruby transition in progress.  Lucas is worried about getting it done in time.  A bunch of Ruby stuff just landed in binary New, so it'd be appreciated if that can get a quick review.17:40
sistpoty|workother business: ubuntu-release delegates: please comment on [LINK]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-March/030376.html17:40
sistpoty|workthat's it from my side17:41
slangasekack, will comment today17:41
slangasekjdstrand: you have time for binary NEW today?17:41
slangasekif not, I might have a look over the weekend17:41
pittifor the Debian syncs we don't generally check them a lot anyway17:42
sistpoty|workoh, I'd have a few requests for source-new that went through debian's new already, I've usually told that I'm ok if the requester can find an archive admin to do new, so... ;)17:42
ScottKI've been accepting Universe packages as they hit unaccepted.17:42
slangasekcjwatson: oh - is it time to point the IRC bot at the lucid queue?17:43
cjwatsonprobably - I can do that17:43
slangasekanything else?17:44
jdstrandslangasek: yes17:45
slangasekI assume that's "yes" to binary new, not to AOB? :)17:45
jdstrandslangasek: I may not get to all of it, but it seems doable17:45
slangasekok, cheers17:45
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:45.17:45
slangasekthanks, all17:45
marjoslangasek: thx!17:46
Keybukcjwatson, slangasek: so I'm not really sure what to do with plymouth atm17:46
pittithanks all17:46
KeybukI keep testing it harder, and keep finding more bugs ;)17:46
cjwatsonare they worse than the current bugs?17:47
Keybukso I've still got ENTER-kills-X issues17:47
Keybukand there appears to be an issue where everything's fine, except you end up on the wrong VT at the end of boot17:48
Keybukthe former seems to now only affect boots where plymouth had to use text.so17:48
Keybukthe latter appears to only affect boots where plymouth used the framebuffer renderer17:48
KeybukI don't know of any bugs with the drm renderer (ie. intel, nouveau, radeon)17:48
cjwatsonthat sounds better than what we have now at least in terms of user count, but I haven't rebooted yet after upgrading from the PPA :)17:50
Keybukthe enter-killing-X issue is confusing me, because I realllly thought I'd eradicated all of those17:51
KeybukI haven't really researched what bugs are open17:54
Keybukand it doesn't seem worth closing them in an upload anyway, since everyone will just reopen them again17:54
slangasekI think the major bugs that are open are "autologin -> fail", "hit enter -> fail", "hit 2 -> fail", "boot w/o splash -> fail", "use nvidia -> fail"17:55
Keybuk"hit 2" ?!17:55
Keybukas in the number 2 ?! :p17:55
slangasekI don't know why, it must be some magical sequence when in raw mode17:55
Keybukone assumes so17:56
Keybukthere must be some console string that X just gets totally emo about and commits suicide17:56
Keybukthat happens to appear for both Enter and 217:56
slangasekthe enter could equally be that X is fighting getty for the console, and getty has respawned due to a failed login, no?17:57
Keybukthough if X is on VT7, and Plymouth has reset VT7 back into raw mode again, Enter does also kill X then17:58
Keybukof course, now I can't replicate this enter reoccurance17:59
Keybukbut I can now replicate silly vt118:10
Keybukso anyway, yes, those two bugs18:15
Keybukwould you prefer I uploaded plymouth as it is in the PPA now, and then worked on these two bugs to "improve" matters18:15
Keybukor wait until I've got something where people won't file the same bugs again18:16
jcastroKeybuk: I have a machine with this enter problem if you need me to test something18:16
Keybukslangasek: ^ I guess it's your call ;)18:16
Keybukjcastro: is your machine running plymouth from my PPA?18:16
jcastrono, stock lucid, want me to go update and try it?18:16
Keybukjcastro: sure18:16
jcastroubuntu-boot ppa or something else?18:17
jcastroKeybuk: well, for sure it's happening less, I've tried it three times and hasn't done it yet.18:24
jcastroKeybuk: is there a time-window for triggering it? I am basically trying it right after I log in.18:24
Keybukjcastro: depends, what type of graphics card do you have?18:26
jcastroit's an nvidia ION118:26
jcastrowhich afaik is a version of the geforce 9400m18:27
Keybukare you using nouveau or nvidia-glx18:28
Keybukyou're in the danger category for that one18:28
KeybukI assume you saw my oh-so-funny text version of the splash screen?18:29
jcastroyeah I think it's clever. ;)18:29
jcastrohowever, I could get it to crash consistently before, now I'm on boot #5 and it hasn't done it yet.18:29
Technovikingjcastro: weird I have a 9400 and have not had that problem18:31
slangasekKeybuk: I'd prefer an upload now, even if it's only an incremental improvement18:31
Keybukslangasek: gdm and mountall are already in the queue18:32
Keybukjust making the plymouth changelog a little more descriptive18:32
jcastroTechnoviking: I have only read about people with the problem until I upgraded the machine to lucid18:32
Technovikingjcastro: I did a clean install, wonder if that made a difference18:38
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