
TakyojiHmm; apparently there's a Twin Cities PHP user group, but appears very dead.03:57
TakyojiLike; 5 years dead03:58
tonyyarussoComputers got all commonplace, and the Twin Cities users groups for Linux, PHP, Java, etc. died simultaneously.04:00
kermitsince the internet, i havent figured out how to meet people locally04:31
tonyyarussoUgh.  I hate init scripts that can fail without logging anything whatsoever.04:31
kermit(previously, i did via BBSes)04:32
mr_steveI miss when BBSs were still relevent04:39
Takyojisuch as phpBB3, or?04:51
kermitTakyoji: what such as phpBB3?04:52
Takyoji"mr_steve: I miss when BBSs were still relevent"04:52
kermiti doubt any BBSes were written with php04:53
tonyyarussoWas PHP even around early enough for that to happen?04:53
kermitit "appeared in" 199504:53
kermitso, no04:53
TakyojiMisunderstood "BBS"04:53
TakyojiWas interpreting BBS as "forum"04:54
TakyojiAnyone golf clapping for http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/ubuntu-software-centre-gets-brand-new.html?04:56
Takyojithen again, still no checkboxes (which probably won't ever be added)04:58
mr_steveWhoops, I wasn't paying attention there. I was talking about dial-up BBSes05:04
kermitwas anyone here on twinlink, troppus, or runestone?05:06
mr_steveNope. Bucket Brigade, Graveyard, and occasionally L'etoille Du Nord(sp?) and Hard Drive Cafe05:07
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
TakyojiKind of makes me headdesk when government files are in Microsoft Word format..22:28
Obsidian1723inefficeny at its finiest. what else woulkd you expect?22:31
Obsidian1723Government to be ope nand free?22:31
Obsidian1723Ogvernment does not solve problems, it susidizes them.22:31
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Indeed.  This is why I submitted an open document formats resolution at my party caucus.22:31
tonyyarussoit passed my precinct and the senate district whittling committee unanimously, so we'll be discussing it at the senate district convention tomorrow.22:32
kermittonyyarusso: very cool, thank you22:40

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