
ScottLpersia: I had a look at the setup.py at it certainly wasn't clear at first glance ;P   any pointers you might offer would be greatly appreciated03:08
ScottLi have sick kids rights now (that's why I got some done today during the day) but I should devote some more time to study it a little later tonight03:08
ScottLi wasn't joking earlier when I stated I've never messed with python before :(   but again, I'll look through it and try to work it out given the context03:10
ScottLTheMuso, would you have two minutes to look at what I want to add to the ubuntustudio-look setup.py file to install the plymouth theme?03:56
ScottLnot the whole file, just the one line that I want to add03:56
TheMusoScottL: Sure.04:11
persiaScottL: Sorry, had a bit of a nap, and have to run off for a few hours, which probably digs into your night.  I'll check backscroll, and send you an email if you don't visibly have it resolved.04:20
ScottLpersia, TheMuso       ('lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntustudio-logo', glob.glob('lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntustudio-logo/*'))04:37
ScottLthat is what I added, i'm assuming that the 'ubuntustudio-logo' directory will be created under lib/plymouth/themes automatically04:38
ScottLand the ...ubuntustudio-logo/* will copy everything from that directory04:38
* TheMuso needs to look at how the rest of the file is done to refres his memory.04:38
ScottLi'll be holding my son trying to get him to go to sleep but I'll keep checking back on IRC every ten minutes or so04:39
TheMusoScottL: that looks right. The theme doesn't need to be compiled?04:43
ScottLTheMuso, no, it's quite nice!  real improvement, there.  It's using .png files for the graphics05:07
TheMusoScottL: ah cool05:08
* TheMuso wonders how we set the default plymouth theme...05:08
ScottLpostint file - plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initramfs ubuntustudio-logo05:08
ScottLi stole this from xubuntu-plymouth-theme    wish i was this cool ;P05:09
TheMusoah ok05:09
ScottLgoing upstairs to try to clean up the problem in setup.py, i'm hoping I just screwed up some syntax when I added the line05:09
TheMusoScottL: ah ok05:11
ScottL_yeah, I forgot the ending comma, going to try to rebuild and then install on fresh lucid-alpha partition (crosses fingers)05:11
TheMusoScottL: If adding another line below others, don't forget to add a comma at the end of the previous line.05:12
ScottL_that was it, except I inserted it into the middle between two lines that didn't wrap around on the text editor (it looked cleaner and less likely for me to mess up)05:14
ScottL_well not in the middle of an individual line of course, but in the middle of the collective05:15
TheMusoScottL: right05:25
ScottLit's going to take an hour to build in ppa, i'm going to bed, good night (or day)05:31
* abogani waves09:45
aboganiCould anyone correct an email before that I sent it? 10:02
persiaI can proofread one, sure.  pastebin?10:05
aboganipersia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/393912/ Thanks.10:08
aboganipersia: Feel free to offend me (for my very bad English). :-)10:08
persiaDo you want critique, or me to edit it directly?10:08
persiaAlso, do you want the old linux-rt package in the archive?10:09
aboganipersia: Yes let linux-rt untouched please.10:10
persiaAnd do you want critique or edits?10:10
aboganipersia: I really appreciate if I can see your corrections (so edits please).10:11
aboganipersia: Thanks very lot (I'm always very grateful to whom try to teach me some good English).10:12
persiaNote that I would have phrased things very differently.  I tried to keep your pacing and sentence structure, just changing a few words and word positions.10:16
aboganipersia: If it isn't a problem could you send me your version. If UDS ever came in Italy I'll offer a beer to for sure (or a glass of Chianti) :-)10:19
persiaMy version?  You mean a rewrite?10:20
aboganipersia: Yes! If it isn't a problem for you (I wouldn't want bother you too much) 10:23
persiaNo problem.  Just take a bit (rewriting takes more time, like a real critique : edits are easy :) )10:23
aboganipersia: Thanks (again)10:25
persiaabogani: If I were writing that email, I'd have written something more like http://paste.ubuntu.com/393926/ .  I'll ask that you not send that directly, but if you want to borrow some of that and merge with http://paste.ubuntu.com/393917/ (or other sources), I would be happy to proofread it again.10:31
persiaEach of us has our own voice in writing, and that presents itself, regardless of language.  I very much do *not* want to have you send something that indicates you are a different person than you are :)10:31
persia(plus it appears that the last paste has a couple spelling errors (e.g. flavout))10:32
aboganipersia: I understand. 10:33
* abogani listening Readtzky March...10:33
abogani :-)10:34
rlameiroradetzky??? the march ?10:34
aboganirlameiro: Yes10:37
rlameirowill play that tomorrow10:37
rlameiroagain one more time10:38
* abogani now switched to "Mysterious Ways."..10:38
aboganipersia: I would want send your corrected version (http://paste.ubuntu.com/393917/) to studio devel/user and kernel mailing lists. May I send?12:31
persiaSure.  That's just edits to your voice.  I expected you to send that.12:31
persiaErr, wait.12:32
persiaYeah, go ahead.12:32
persiaIt's http://paste.ubuntu.com/393926/ that I didn't want you to send, because it reads like I wrote it.12:32
aboganipersia: Sent. Thanks a lot for you help.12:42
* abogani just read an email on -devel and wondering on who take care of new member requests...12:46
persiaWhat sort of member?12:47
aboganipersia: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-studio-devel/2010-March/002292.html12:48
aboganijussi01: Are you around?12:48
* persia hunts down quadrispro12:48
ScottLre: ubuntu studio developer membership - I think most apply via the launchpad team and I believe that Luke (TheMuso) accepts or rejects them12:52
ScottLre: quadrispro     yay!12:53
* abogani never heard that Luke take care of new members...12:53
ScottLI only know from experience12:53
aboganiScottL: Do you have any idea on who is the moderator of -users mailinglist?12:54
ScottLabogani, maybe, and this isn't definitive, just maybe it might be jussi01 12:54
aboganiScottL: Thanks Mr!12:55
ScottLpersia, TheMuso, the build and installation of the plymouth theme went well and it works, although since ubuntu studio boots so quick you don't get much of a look at it12:55
ScottLpersia, TheMuso, I'll file the UIF today while I'm at work (grandfather is coming to stay with sick kids today)12:56
persiaScottL: Perfect.12:56
persiaScottL: Thanks a lot for making this happen.12:56
jussi01abogani: pong12:57
jussi01and yes, I am the moderator of the list. 12:57
aboganiScottL: How many kids?12:58
aboganijussi01: Could you take care of this https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/confirm/ubuntu-studio-users/83402f205ff83ce18268123caa53e3fbb9d8b324, please? Thanks in advance!12:58
jussi01abogani: you want it canceled or acctepted?12:59
aboganijussi01: The second one, please.12:59
jussi01abogani: done13:00
aboganijussi01: Thanks.13:00
jussi01oh for petes sake, will someone add abogani to the team already?13:03
aboganijussi01: Sorry I don't understand...13:04
jussi01abogani: I just read your email. I dont understand why someone hasnt added you already to the team...13:05
jussi01but hang on13:05
jussi01you are a member of the team...13:06
jussi01Alessio Igor Bogani2007-04-17 ?Approved13:06
jussi01oh hang on13:06
jussi01Im reading wrong... 13:06
jussi01Im looking at a different alessios email..13:06
* jussi01 blushes and hides...13:07
aboganijussi01: :-)13:07
aboganiWhat? Rhythmbox just started to play a Take That song! arghhhhhhh13:09
* abogani singing "That's Amore" right now ...13:14
ScottLpersia, thanks for the thanks, I am very, very glad to help (as I've probably stated numerous times before, heh)13:18
ScottLI just wished I knew more already so trying to get things like this done quickly wouldn't cause me to be a slightly frantic wreck13:18
ScottLabogani, two are sick and staying home, my wife and I were up almost all night two nights ago and I was a slight bit punch drunk from lack of sleep over two days (this is the normal me for the record)13:19
persiaScottL: The key thing to concentrate on for lucid is learning how things work, and how to get things done.  That should let you be productive in lucid+1 when you can follow the entire release schedule.  Don't worry too much if some stuff slips this cycle: you're still learning.13:21
aboganiScottL: Wow :-) If I recall well you are three-times father, right? Where is the third one? School?13:24
jussi01hello `Alessio`14:09
`Alessio`hello jussi01 persia 14:09
`Alessio`hello everyone14:09
* jussi01 guesses this is alessio treglia?14:09
persia`Alessio`: What happened to "quadrispro"?14:10
=== `Alessio` is now known as quadrispro
persiaheh :)14:10
persiaThanks for hitting the ams bug.14:11
quadrisproyep, now I'm myself :)14:11
jussi01ahh now theres no double tab :D14:11
quadrisproyou're welcome, was my fault, I forgot to file a sync request14:11
persiaI wondered about that when I saw the changelog :)14:13
quadrisproeh eh, my exams, idjc and some other stuff made me very busy14:14
quadrispropersia, have you ever been at the Canonical office in London? take a look a this fantastic view -> http://images.alessiotreglia.com/pool/millbank_tower.jpg14:17
persiaNever been there.  Nice view!14:18
quadrisprobefore going away I would notice you that I'm working on the linuxsampler packaging, I hope Free should upload it to unstable in the next few days, so after that if we could try to get it in Lucid we need to manage a FFe14:21
persiaDid the license for that get sane, or is it still special?14:21
* persia will argue for blacklisting if it's still special14:22
quadrisprothe license is GPL-3 with a special "commercial exception"14:22
quadrisprobut we hope to get it available from non-free14:22
persiaPlease don't.14:23
persiaIt was removed from Debian based on that license.14:23
quadrisproyep we know14:23
persiaThe license is self-contradictory.14:23
persiaCan you not convince Christian to use a sane license?14:23
quadrisproyes, we know, but upstream explained us the reason14:23
persiaWhich was the explanation this time?14:24
* persia has seen about 4 so far14:24
quadrisproand it's quite easy: he doesn't want that 3rd parties can use his code to write new commercial and non-open software based on his work14:25
persiaGPL does part 2.14:25
persiaAnd GPL effectively does part 1 too.14:26
persiaBecause if anyone does do that, any purchaser can request the code.14:26
persiaAnd then the purchaser can distribute for free, etc.14:26
quadrisproso, he said: "you can use it for commercial purposes, but you can't write any commercial linuxsampler-based software and release it under other different licenses"14:27
quadrisproyep, we know, but it's hard to convince him to change the license 14:27
persiaquadrispro: The non-commercial clause contradicts clause 4 of the GPL.14:27
persiaIt cannot be distributed with the license as written.14:27
persiaI know.  I was involved in a debate with him a long time ago.14:28
quadrisproyes, it also contradicts DFSG14:28
persiaI will blacklist it from Ubuntu and complain to debian-legal if it gets into Debian with that license.14:28
persiaNot that it's not good software, but that I do not believe it to be safe for any of the mirrors to distribute it.14:28
quadrisproI will talk to Free about that and try (again) to convince Christian to remove that clause14:29
persiaI'd love to have that software working, but I will push to have it dropped again if it gets in with that license.14:30
quadrispronow I have to go, but thanks persia, I'll let you know14:31
quadrisprosee you later14:31
persiaGreat.  Happy to have you around.14:32
quadrisprothanks, the same here. hope to see you again at the next UDS!14:32
quadrisprosee you later guys14:32
ScottL_hi quadrispro, glad you are here15:28
aboganijussi01: Could you help me again? https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/confirm/ubuntu-studio-users/f1d9aafd2ee1bf651d96f647b5278f4685718df017:47
aboganijussi01: Could you accept it, please? Thanks in advance! 17:54
ScottL_persia: don't know if you are around...i somewhat kept an eye on the release meeting but I was pretty busy at work today (being out with kids yesterday) and they talk about a LOT19:45
ScottL_so i'll review the meeting over the weekend and mention anything that I find of note19:46
ScottL_UI freeze exception bug filed LP#538274 for plymouth theme21:21
ScottL_persia or TheMuso, what is the next step that I need to do if/when the exception is approved21:22

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