
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbew
=== robbew is now known as robbiew
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CaesarKeybuk: dude, mountall...23:15
KeybukCaesar: what about it?23:15
CaesarTotal black box23:15
CaesarSo I see mountall: Filesystem could not be mounted: /net23:15
CaesarSo I figure that it tried to mount /net, an NFS mount, before the network was up23:16
Keybukit'll try again when another interface comes up23:16
CaesarSorry, I also see mount.nfs: DNS resolution failed for netkrb5.nfs: Name or service not known23:16
CaesarThat was the smoking gun23:16
CaesarBut looking at mount-net.conf, it signals mountall the daemon23:16
CaesarBut looking at mountall.conf, I get the impression the daemon exits at some point23:17
Keybukdaemon exits once all mounts are mounted, yes23:17
CaesarSo why did my NFS mount of /net fail?23:17
Keybukwho knows23:18
CaesarI'd have said it was because the network wasn't up...23:18
Keybukmount.nfs probably knows23:18
Keybukit may have even give you an error message23:18
Keybukoh, wait, it did23:18
CaesarYes :-)23:18
CaesarSuggesting the network wasn't up :-p23:18
Keybuksounds reasonable23:18
CaesarSo I was wondering if mountall the daemon prematurely exited, and thus never got signalled by mountall-net23:19
Keybukprobably not23:19
Keybukit won't exit until it's done23:19
CaesarNext install I do, I'll go looking for logs23:22
CaesarI have bigger fish to fry at the moment23:22
CaesarI presume Upstart is clever and looks for the existence of the thing it's supposed to exec before it execs it?23:23
Caesar(topic change)23:23
Caesari.e. left around conffile upstart job definition, package has been removed23:23
CaesarI also saw init: Failed to spawn rsyslog main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory23:24
Keybukit just execs, and deals with the failure23:24
CaesarOkay. Slightly ugly.23:24
CaesarI believe Puppet can ensure => purged versus absent23:25
CaesarWe'll just explicitly purge rsyslog23:25
Keybukbetter behaviour is planned23:26

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