
=== seg|ars is now known as seg|away
hyperairvish: for banshee's monochrome icon, what did you do? replace media-player-banshee?13:10
hyperairvish: afaik banshee still hasn't separated the panel icon from the normal icon13:11
vishhyperair: yeah , the banshee part is still open ;)  the icon name is banshee-panel13:11
hyperairvish: ah okay.13:11
vishhyperair: i'll mention that in the bug too13:12
hyperairvish: thanks.13:12
hyperairhmm qense isn't around..13:13
magciusWhat does the DX team think of gnome-shell?15:47
hyperairtgpraveen12: ?15:52
hyperairmagcius: interesting question. i'd like to know the answer too =p15:53

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