
danttiRiddell: ping01:29
ScottKWhere do I find the source for the debug package finder?01:40
JontheEchidnaScottK: code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-debug-installer/trunk01:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thanks.01:44
glatzorHello Riddell,08:03
shadeslayeri just hate PPA's sometime,they throw some really annoying errors :)08:03
glatzorRiddell, I made some bug fixes to the 0.5.X branch of packagekit which are worth cherry picking.08:04
glatzorRiddell, especially the fixes to the search and the encoding handling08:04
glatzorRiddell, but I don't have got the time to prepare an upload.08:14
glatzorcould you help me out?08:14
glatzori have to leave for work08:15
jussi01yeah.... not a good idea to not read before hitting yes...08:27
jussi01The following packages will be REMOVED:08:27
jussi01  akonadi-server akregator kaddressbook kdebase-workspace kdebase-workspace-bin kdepim-groupware kdepim-kresources kdepim-runtime kdepim-wizards kmail knotes kontact korganizer kpackagekit ktimetracker kubuntu-debug-installer kubuntu-desktop libkdepim4 mysql-server-core-5.1 plasma-desktop plasma-widgets-workspace08:27
jussi01(yes, I wanted to install mysql-server-core-5.0....)08:27
apacheloggerneversfelde: ping ping10:11
apacheloggerneversfelde: does it just look like it or does choqok not migrate identi.ca profiles to status.net?10:11
apacheloggeror did my config just get blasted?10:11
kjeldahlI wonder why knetworkmanager&co is still part of KDE. It's been messing with my wireless for more than a year. Everytime I try it again thinking it must have been fixed now, it starts messing with my wireless. Most of the time reinstalling wicd simply solves all issues. No, I'm not going to fix it myself. ;-)10:29
kjeldahlAnd now the people hanging out at #radeon have started hinting that my woes with the opensource radeon driver is somehow blamed by KDE as well, that such woes do not exist when running Gnome. Gets me wondering...10:31
jussi01kjeldahl: theres a new plasmoid coming out instead of knetworkmanager.10:40
jussi01its currently in testing10:42
kjeldahljussi01: Thanks, will look at it when it is available.10:42
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neversfeldeapachelogger: as far as I know there are too many changes and you have to add your account information again, after upgrading. I know it is a problem, but upstream will not change this, if I remember correct.12:27
apacheloggeralways the same excuse12:28
apacheloggerand it is a bad one, since kconf_update copes with about any amount of change, especially if you do not even have to enter more information12:29
shadeslayerhmmm weird issue on karmic,if you change your theme to cupertino and then to oxygen and then again to cupertino,you do not get cupertino,however if you refresh the kde cache it works12:29
shadeslayeralso you need to kill plasma before refreshing cache12:30
neversfeldeapachelogger: I guess there is the same problem for bilbo => blogilo upgrade12:32
apacheloggerneversfelde: you might want to suggest in a very nice way that mtux read the kconf_update documentation and tries to migrate migratable data12:32
apacheloggerin my experience there is no such thing as too many changes12:33
apacheloggerwell, unless you did a complete rewrite and lost features and whatnot12:33
apacheloggerlike with kdesktop+kicke=>plasma, that would still have been to convert, but wouldnt have had much use since it most likely had rendered the desktop useless (besides the fact that kconf_update is not exactly useful for plasma)12:34
neversfeldewill do12:34
shadeslayerchoqok is changing its name?12:34
shadeslayer( thats what im infering :) )12:35
shadeslayerwell rekonq is having a change of name too btw :)12:36
shadeslayershould debian/compat have 7 or 6 ?12:45
persiashadeslayer: Depends on debian/rules : 7 if you need it, 6 if you don't.12:46
shadeslayerwell rules uses debian-qt-kde.mk12:46
shadeslayerpersia: ^^12:48
persiaWith CDBS?  That's probably a compat 6 rules file then.12:48
shadeslayeryeah there cdbs as well12:49
shadeslayerpersia: how does one determine this? to use 6 or 7?12:50
persiaman debhelper will describe the different behaviour of tools.12:51
persiaI tend to use the lowest debhelper compatibility for my rules file.  Then again, these days, that ends up being 7.12:52
shadeslayerah nice :)12:53
shadeslayerpersia: i uploaded k9copy with 0ubuntu1 whereas officially its released as 0ubuntu2,should i change it as well?12:59
persiaThat I'll have to leave to someone else.12:59
* persia knows lots about packaging in general, but only a little about kubuntu policies and procedures13:00
apacheloggercannot compute13:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: well lucid has : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/k9copy/2.3.5-0ubuntu213:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: so where did you upload ubuntu1?13:00
shadeslayerwhereas i versioned it as 2.3.5-0ubuntu113:00
shadeslayermy ppa13:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: so fix your version :P13:01
shadeslayerthats what im asking,my version is b0rked right13:01
shadeslayerhmm and there are a few fixes in upstream.. might as well incorporate them in my ppa too13:02
shadeslayeroi! plasma crashed13:03
shadeslayerwow.. it refuses to start13:04
apacheloggeryeah, that sounds like plasma alright :P13:04
shadeslayeroh finaly13:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: can i restart dbus from a terminal?13:07
apacheloggerthat might result in b0rkage13:08
shadeslayerApplication: Run Command Interface (kdeinit4), signal: Bus error13:08
shadeslayerthats what Dr. Konqi shows :)13:08
apacheloggersudo restart dbus13:09
shadeslayeroh my...13:09
shadeslayermy root is almost full13:09
shadeslayerill probably have to logout13:10
shadeslayerok i need to remove older kernels too13:19
shadeslayerah better :)13:23
shadeslayerooohh.. : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7939/how-to-change-xsplash-themes-in-ubuntu-9.10/13:36
shadeslayercan that be done with kubuntu?  ( dont think so :P )13:36
Riddellwe don't use xsplash13:36
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah i saw that in the karmic specs13:37
shadeslayerwhen it was just beta13:37
shadeslayerRiddell: plymouth in lucid?13:38
shadeslayerwill we have that?13:38
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shadeslayerhey,in lucid k9copy,i cant understand the rules file,looks different from the one in karmic16:17
shadeslayercan someone explain it?16:18
Riddellshadeslayer: this is debhelper 7, a newish and fashionable packaging method16:21
Riddell%: catches any make target which gets passed to "dh" which calls all the necessary debhelper scripts16:21
Riddell--with kde loads a KDE module to set the cmake arguments and such like16:22
Riddellyou can use override_dh_install: targets (or other dh_* scripts) to change the defaults16:22
Riddellsee   man dh16:22
shadeslayerRiddell: looks fashionable alright :)16:25
shadeslayerRiddell: this looks much simpler too... i can actually understand how its working16:26
shadeslayerbtw in dh $@ , what does $@ signify?16:27
Riddellthe make target16:27
shadeslayeroh.. ok16:28
Riddelldebian/rules is a makefile with targets specified in Debian policy.  configure, build, install etc16:28
shadeslayerRiddell: so the % here is like a function call to cmake ...16:28
Riddellit's a catchall for the makefile16:29
Riddellthe build system runs   make -f debian/rules configure16:29
Riddellthat runs   dh --with kde configure16:29
shadeslayerah.. ok,i need to upgrade to lucid to use this i guess16:29
shadeslayersince its not working in karmic..16:29
Riddelland the dh script runs   dh_auto_configure16:29
Riddellwhich is a script which goes "ooh a CMakeLists.txt file, this package must use cmake, I'll run cmake now"16:30
shadeslayerhehe :)16:30
Riddelland yes you may well need lucid for it16:30
shadeslayerwill probably upgrade this weekend after beta release16:30
shadeslayerRiddell: is there more documentation on this?16:32
Riddellnot much, man dh is probably the best16:34
RiddellI expect the ubuntu packaging guide needs updating16:34
Riddellit's not great anyway that packaging guide16:34
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah i wouldnt recommend it16:34
shadeslayeri can help with it though.. a small part...16:35
shadeslayerRiddell: btw like i was asking yesterday... are there some summer projects in kubuntu?16:36
shadeslayersomething like a 5-6 week project...16:36
shadeslayerRiddell: thats more ubuntu oriented16:41
shadeslayerisnt it?16:42
jtechidnaThere's a few kubuntu ones down in there16:45
shadeslayeryeah the page has been updated apparently16:45
shadeslayerthere were only 4-5 previously16:45
jtechidnaI just might have to participate, now that I'm eligible16:48
shadeslayerjtechidna: nice :)16:48
shadeslayerjtechidna: why werent you earlier?16:48
jtechidnaI wasn't 18 last year :)16:48
shadeslayerwell im eligible too,but my programming knowledge is low16:49
shadeslayerso im going to train this year,participate next year16:49
shadeslayerRiddell: i gues bug 537844 is a known bug17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537844 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crashed while starting install for Kubuntu 64bit OEM install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53784417:02
shadeslayermeh... fail17:02
shadeslayerRiddell: can i attach it as a duplicate? but the bug i know concerns Alpha cds while this is a daily image17:03
RiddellI don't understand17:04
shadeslayerone sec17:08
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shadeslayerooohhhh.... amarok has feedback buttons17:37
shadeslayeri just did a dget on amarok 2.3 from kubuntu experimental ppa,can i let the patches remain or do i have to remove them?18:08
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
persiashadeslayer_: What are you seeking to accomplish?18:11
shadeslayer_persia: im uploading amarok to my ppa..18:11
shadeslayer_the latest git version18:11
shadeslayer_persia: so i was wondering if its advisable to keep the patches or delete them18:12
persiaEither is fine for that.  You might want to read the packages to understand why they exist.  Some might be useful.18:14
shadeslayer_persia: what packages?18:14
shadeslayer_persia: in debian/control ?18:15
shadeslayer_or do you mean the patches? ive read the patches and understand why they exsist18:16
persiaSorry.  I meant the patches.18:16
shadeslayer_persia: :)18:16
persiaIf you understand them, you are probably in a better position than others to know if you want them applied in your personal PPA :)18:16
shadeslayer_yeah i read them,theyre basically for the part where we install extra codecs and one of them concerns a build dep18:17
shadeslayer_the build dep is from debian though18:17
shadeslayer_+build dep patch18:17
shadeslayer_oh i hate karmic now18:18
shadeslayer_no debhelper 7 compatibility :(18:18
persiaUm,. yes there is.  It's just older debhelper 7 (with weaker support for KDE)18:19
shadeslayer_persia: it just gave a error and the rules file is in the new format18:20
persiadebhelper | 7.3.15ubuntu3 |        karmic | source, all18:20
shadeslayer_same here18:21
persiaThen the issue isn't debhelper 7, it's something else (perhaps a debhelper bug, perhaps a missing feature in some other package)18:21
JontheEchidnadh with kde wasn't implemented unti pkg-kde-tools 0.5.018:22
shadeslayer_persia: http://pastebin.ca/183768118:22
JontheEchidnayeah, kde addon doesn't exist in karmic18:22
shadeslayer_JontheEchidna: that seems to be the problem18:22
persiashadeslayer_: Yes, but the issue you're having is that pkg-kde-tools is too old, not debhelper.18:22
shadeslayer_persia: ok,i thought it was debhelper :P18:22
Riddellin karmic you want to "include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/debhelper/kde.mk"18:23
shadeslayer_persia: is there a new version for karmic?18:23
shadeslayer_Riddell: yeah i know that :)18:23
persiashadeslayer_: Then do it that way :)18:23
shadeslayer_persia: i also have patches so : http://pastebin.ca/1837687 : looks fine i think18:24
shadeslayer_or do i remove cdbs as well?18:24
shadeslayer_um wait18:25
shadeslayer_that should do it18:27
Riddellthat's mixing cdbs and debhelper, that's not what you want18:30
shadeslayer_Riddell: what do i use for patching then?18:30
shadeslayer_i seriously need a site/wiki with the kde scripts....18:31
Riddellif you're using debhelper you add  --with quilt  to the dh line18:31
shadeslayer_Riddell: well since im on karmic,i cant do that :)18:31
Riddellsure you can18:32
Riddellyou just can't do --with kde18:32
Riddellyou do "include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/debhelper/kde.mk" instead18:32
Riddellchanging packaging system every 6 months is annoying and confusing but such is life, I expect RPM has just as many hassles18:33
shadeslayer_Riddell: http://pastebin.ca/183769618:34
shadeslayer_i dont mind as long as it just gets easier :P18:34
shadeslayer_i didnt know if the kde.mk line was to come first or the dh line was to come first18:35
Riddellthat looks right18:35
shadeslayer_lets see if it runs :P18:35
JontheEchidnahopefully dh7 is here for the long run18:36
shadeslayer_Riddell: the changlog for this should read as : updated rules file for backporting to karmic : right?18:37
shadeslayer_( even though its a lucid package ill backport it18:38
Riddellshadeslayer_: that'll do yes18:38
shadeslayer_debian/rules:5: *** missing separator.  Stop.18:39
shadeslayer_missed a tab18:40
shadeslayer_whats this warning : W: amarok source: build-depends-on-1-revision build-depends: liblastfm-dev (>= 0.4.0~git20090710-1)18:41
shadeslayer_any ideas?18:43
Riddelldunno, google will take you to the lintian page18:43
shadeslayer_yeah im reading that18:44
shadeslayer_ah... the -1 at the end of the package18:44
yuriyhad to use a liveCD to get myself out of broken plymouth, but now it boots and just hangs on the splash screen. doesn't switch to KDM and i can't switch to a VT18:45
shadeslayer_Riddell: i guess we can ignore that for now18:45
yuriylooks like something was tryng to start GDM too18:48
ScottKMine boots fine after updating.18:50
ScottKI suspect you'll need to hunt down Keybuk and find out if you've got some dreaded corner case18:51
yuriythat is, i had 2 instances of xinit /etc/gdm/failsafeXinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe -- /usr/bin/X -br -once -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe -logfile /var/log/Xorg.failsafe.log18:51
yuriy(currently SSHed in)18:51
yuriyScottK: booting with 'nomodeset' parameter helped19:00
yuriythe boot is < 5 seconds on this machine too, no need for the splash screen really19:00
ScottKMaybe graphics driver related then.  I've got Intel.19:00
yuriyATI here19:01
yuriyno fglrx though19:01
persiayuriy: The splash screen is required, as a side effect of needing something to handle the case where one needs to fsck, or enter a passphrase, or wait for hardware to become available, etc.19:01
yuriyor for those not on a core i7 + 32mb cache SATA19:02
persiaWell, there are other configurations that let one boot in 5-8 seconds, but yeah :)19:04
* persia takes about 50-60 seconds to boot, but most of that is waiting on keyboard entry of one sort or another.19:05
yuriyso... when's that kubuntu logo/theme coming, it's getting rather late19:11
RiddellETA is monday for next draft19:12
Riddellso it won't make beta19:12
shadeslayerpersia: Riddell i get this : amarok_2.2.90+git20100313-0ubuntu1+karmic1~ppa1.dsc: format '3.0 (quilt)' is not permitted in karmic19:16
shadeslayerafter uploading19:16
ScottKshadeslayer: Yeah, source format 3.0 is only in Lucid.19:17
shadeslayerScottK: so how do i use the backport in karmic?19:18
ScottKYou need to convert it back to source format 1.019:18
shadeslayerScottK: how?19:18
ScottKUnfortunately I'm not available right now to give a tutorial.  Doing $WORK.19:19
shadeslayer:D... thats ok..ill google19:19
Riddellshadeslayer: rm -r debian/source19:20
shadeslayerone sec19:20
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^19:22
shadeslayeri guess i need echo 1 > debian/source19:24
persiashadeslayer: or just rm -r debian/source/19:24
shadeslayerpersia: oh thats it?19:24
persiaYour way works too.19:24
Riddellman dpkg-source has the full details19:26
nixternalhow goes kubuntu this fine day?19:27
ScottKnixternal: Looking for you to volunteer to be a GSoC mentor.19:29
nixternalmy window was blown open last night during a storm, and I got poured on...thought i wet the bed19:29
nixternalgsoc mentor for what?19:30
shadeslayernixternal: lol19:30
ScottKSomething Kubuntuish19:30
ScottKnixternal: It could be both.19:30
nixternalvery well could have been19:30
RiddellI don't think google are accepting mentors yet19:30
ScottKRiddell: I noticed all the proposals on the wiki page had a mentor to go with them.19:31
* ScottK thought nixternal would be a good candidate to be one too.19:32
shadeslayerok thanks for help guys,and lets hope the package builds correctly19:33
ScottKnixternal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010/Ideas19:35
yuriysome good SoC stuff on there, except I think Ubuntu One should be a Canonical thing19:41
ScottKI'm reasonably certain Google won't fund that one.19:43
Riddelldon't see why not19:47
nixternalRiddell: "Profile boot time and memory usage" <- why is this on the GSoC ideas? you don't have to do any coding to get this type of information...maybe a script here or there...I used to have a nice profiling toolkit I created while working at Cleversafe to profile our appliance OS on various pieces of hardware19:55
nixternalPackage Manager Improvements would be #1 I think on the list, UbuntuOne client would be nice, and until then, Dropbox it is for me19:56
ScottKnixternal: How about "and fix it so it starts faster"19:56
nixternaleven then, you wouldn't be writing much code I don't think...that would be tweaking stuff, and for us it would have to be outside of the base19:56
apacheloggerRiddell: <Kevin_Kofler> svuorela, apachelogger: This may be of interest to you or whoever maintains qt in your respective distros: http://repo.calcforge.org/f14/qt-assistant-adp.spec19:57
crimsunfeel free to take the Qt 4 one I proposed19:57
nixternalheh, I see crimsun is doing Quickly....I started the PyKDE4 template and plan on doing a C++ template as well...but that might be a good thing for a GSoC project19:58
crimsunnixternal: feel free to take over mentorship of that one19:58
nixternaloh no, you already opened mouth and inserted foot...I am not inserting other people's feet in my mouth :)19:59
crimsunI'd rather just do it myself, but audio is much higher priority ATM20:00
nixternalI say the ones that don't get approved though, we turn into projects for lucid+1, as they are all great ideas for projects20:00
nixternalcrimsun: it is actually fairly easy most of the time...the thing that is annoying is the way they have a freakin' .py file for every damn dialog for pygtk20:01
Riddellapachelogger: what's interesting in that spec file?20:01
apacheloggerRiddell: was only half the story20:01
apacheloggerRiddell: <Kevin_Kofler> This builds libQtAssistantClient from Qt 4.6.2 standalone. Qt 4.7 no longer provides that deprecated lib.20:01
yuriycrimsun: btw sound isn't working in flash for me again ;)20:01
Riddellapachelogger: do we know what needs that lib?20:02
apacheloggerRiddell: affected are among fedora packages, unixODBC-kde, qtiplot, scidavis, PyQt4, paraview20:02
Riddellapachelogger: ok, well something to care about for lucid+120:02
crimsunyuriy: you've already said "Flash".20:02
yuriycrimsun: haha i know :(20:02
apacheloggerRiddell: yep, I just wanted to let you know in case I forget :)20:02
danttihey Riddell :)20:05
danttiRiddell: I was looking at adept and it implements debconf support in it, is of some use if I add it to KPackageKit while debconf developers do something useful?20:07
nixternalare games installed with Kubuntu via a DVD or do you have to manually install them?20:27
ScottKThe DVD includes games.  There are also some of the on Netbook.  Manually installed except the few in kubuntu-netbook.20:45
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna

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