
at2500_no. if mic boost is off, it is very quiet. but still fuzzy00:05
mefisto__at2500_: one more idea, do you have version ?00:05
mefisto__at2500_: there is a medibuntu package version you never know, it might just work00:06
mefisto__at2500_: http://packages.medibuntu.org/karmic/skype.html00:06
mefisto__at2500_: sorry, the download links are dead. looks like skype has been removed from medibuntu00:10
at2500_mefisto: jeah, i just figured that. sucks. i dont find any debs of older versions of skype anywhere00:11
at2500_mefisto: aah.  some say it is an alsa issue00:15
at2500_mefisto: the alsa version in the repos is outdated? hm00:15
coolfacesup guis00:20
police_officernm u00:20
netdaemonanyone know if grub2 supports efi?00:20
* coolface 00:20
coolfacenetdaemon: totally00:21
netdaemoni'd like to single boot a macbook pro without changing the partition table format00:21
* coolface 00:21
netdaemonnow if kubuntu had an EFI splash :)00:21
police_officerhey guys i have a question. i installed kubuntu on my mac pro and then i tripped and fell on the mac pro and it fell over and now kubuntu doesn't start00:25
police_officerwhat did i do wrong?00:25
police_officeri stood it back up like it was00:26
police_officerbut now it doesnt do anything00:26
coolfacepolice_officer: sounds like you might need to re-format00:27
police_officerhow do i do that?00:27
coolfacedelete system3200:27
police_officeron the mac pro or on this computer?00:27
GreggazAnyone able to help with a Wireless issue im having on Kubuntu00:28
police_officercause the mac pro doesn't do anything00:28
police_officerGreggaz: coolface is really helping me out00:28
police_officermaybe he can help you00:28
Greggazive added my wireless network to network connections, Where is the Connect button?00:28
coolfaceobv on the front00:29
Typos_KingGreggaz:      left-click the connection button on the tray, it will list the available networks00:29
GreggazTypos_King, its asking me if i wana go into panel settings00:31
GreggazTypos_King, where do u want me to click. as i see no Connection Button00:31
Typos_Kingthat means you don't have a network to connect to or so00:31
Greggazive added the network to my network connections00:32
Typos_Kingthere's usually a white square with a round dot in the middle, meaning to be the connectivity icon, for knetworkmanager00:32
Typos_Kingassuming knetworkmanager is running, which likely it's00:32
police_officeri always had troubles with wireless in kubuntu, but a friend of mine said i should install gentoo00:33
police_officermakes wireless a breeze00:33
GreggazTypos_King, kNetworkmanager is Running :)00:33
GreggazBut no Wireless >.>00:33
Typos_Kingsooooo left-click it00:33
Typos_Kingwhat do you mean?   it shows no available networks?00:33
GreggazNo there is no little "Box with a Dot in"00:34
Greggazive got Network Manager open00:34
police_officerGreggaz: if wireless is being a pain you should seriously look at gentoo, it's much easier to set up wireless00:34
coolfaceopen it more00:34
coolfaceis it open enough?00:34
tijesus77can the bot unkick me?00:34
tijesus77i have a room to manage please00:35
Greggazcoolface, KnetworkManager is open on my desktop i see my network "hub"00:35
coolfaceok what does the hub say00:35
Greggazlast used: Never00:35
coolfaceok click it00:35
coolfacedid you click it?00:36
Greggazdone that00:36
Greggazyes :)00:36
coolfaceok click it more00:36
Greggazdouble click?00:36
police_officeralso try right clicks00:36
Greggazit picks up my wireless00:36
Greggazi see "Karin1234"00:36
Greggazbut.. how do i connect00:36
coolfacepress in the password00:36
Greggazwireless security00:37
GreggazI entered the password00:37
coolfaceand did you put it in?00:37
coolfaceor did you just enter00:37
coolfaceyou have to password before you enter00:37
Greggazyeh ive put a password in00:37
Greggazwhich is from my router00:37
coolfacenow plug it in00:37
DaughainYou make sure you chose the right encryption format, Greggaz?00:38
Greggazyeh my router is on WPA/Personal00:38
coolfacek plug it in00:38
coolfacenow plug it in00:38
GreggazPlug what in?00:38
Greggazits an inbuilt wireless card00:38
coolfacethe router00:39
police_officeryou did have the router unplugged, didn't you?00:39
Greggazno because i have an ADSL Box00:39
police_officerit won't work unless the router doesn't have power00:39
coolfaceoh you're on ADSL?00:39
Greggazthen how will i speak in here00:39
coolfacethat changes everything00:39
coolfacefirst unplug it00:39
Greggazif i unplug my box it would dc me from here00:39
coolfaceyea you'll need to do that00:39
coolfaceand let the router power cycle00:40
coolfacewith the kwifimanager open00:40
Typos_KingGreggaz:     this a indoors wireless router  you want to connect to from another room, right?00:40
coolfacepower cycle your modemrouter00:40
police_officeruhh coolface aren't you ccna certified?00:40
Greggazyes Typos_King00:40
coolfaceGreggaz: srsly you need to let it detect00:41
coolfaceit's automagic if the router can power cycle while kwifi is scanning00:41
* coolface 00:41
Typos_KingGreggaz:     right-click knetworkmanager on the system tray, and open it, go to the Wireless tab, and do an Edit, or I think is Add, and do a Scan00:41
coolfacehe ALRADY DID THAT00:42
Typos_KingI don't use .. knetworkmanger.... .. I use gnome's, which IMO is better so00:42
coolfacei like kde00:42
coolfacehence kubuntu00:42
* coolface 00:42
police_officerdid he set up wpa_supplicant first00:42
coolfaceno he needs to power cycle00:42
police_officerhe needs to do that before connecting00:42
Typos_KingI like kde too, knetworkmanager sucks though00:42
Greggazwhat do i need to do first00:42
coolfaceno gnome is terrible00:42
police_officerpower cycle00:42
Greggazok 2mins00:42
police_officerGreggaz: do a power cycle00:42
coolfaceGreggaz: power cycle00:43
Typos_Kingcoolface   not the network manager00:43
Typos_Kingit shows you  don't use it :P00:43
coolfacei do00:43
coolfacekde is awesome00:43
* coolface 00:43
FloodBotK2coolface: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:43
Typos_KingGreggaz:     right-click knetworkmanager on the system tray, and open it, go to the Wireless tab, and do an Edit, or I think is Add, and do a Scan00:43
Typos_KingGreggaz:    when adding a new wireless entry in it, it has the option for the SSID to 'scan' for it, it'll show whatever is nearby accessible and you can click yours00:45
Gr3ggazright im back00:45
coolfacedid you power cycle?00:45
* coolface 00:45
Gr3ggazin Network Connections it says00:46
Gr3ggazConnection: Hub00:46
Gr3ggazLast used: Never00:46
coolfaceclick it00:46
coolfaceyou clicked it?00:46
coolfacek click it more00:46
Gr3ggazi have00:47
police_officeryou might have to right click as well00:47
coolfaceclick around it00:47
Gr3ggazyou guys taking the piss out of me?00:47
=== Gr3ggaz is now known as Greggaz
Typos_Kingclick it to death :P00:47
Greggazguys i only need this quick fix >.>00:48
coolfaceGreggaz: why so joinquit00:48
Typos_KingGreggaz:    is the ... knetworkmanager running?    I gather you're accessing it from the system settings, lemme get you a screenshot of what it'd look  like on the tray00:48
coolfaceoh wait00:48
coolfacedid you reboot after power cycling?00:48
coolfacewith knetworkmanager open00:48
coolfaceand kwifi00:49
GreggazTypos_King, yes knetworkmanager is running00:50
Typos_KingGreggaz:    can you see it on the tray?00:50
coolfacehey guis00:50
coolfacecan i run kubuntu on a mac?00:50
police_officeri have kubuntu on a mac00:51
police_officerwell did00:51
police_officeruntil i tripped and fell and broke it00:51
GreggazTypos_King, found it :)00:51
Greggazand its activating00:51
Greggazthanks for your help Typos_King :)00:51
coolfacewhat about me?00:52
coolfacei helped00:52
Greggazthanks coolface :D00:52
* coolface 00:52
GreggazTypos_King, all i had to do was click And add "System Tray"00:52
Greggazgah >.> tell im a windows user00:52
police_officerhey Typos_King think you can help me with my question?00:53
Typos_KingGreggaz:    btw, once online, get gnome's better heheh, -> sudo apt-get network-manager-gnome;    is what I use, much simpler and reliable00:53
Typos_Kingpolice_officer:   if I know, sure :)00:53
police_officerso i put kubuntu on my brand new mac pro, right?00:53
police_officerworks good and all for awhile00:53
police_officerthen i tripped over my obese cat and fell on the mac pro and it fell over00:54
police_officeri put it back but now when i turn it on nothing happens00:54
police_officeri think i broke kubuntu00:54
police_officerwhat do i do now?00:54
Typos_Kingreinstall it :)00:54
police_officerwell my kubuntu disc was inside the disc drive at the time00:54
police_officerbut now the drive doesn't open00:54
police_officerso i dunno if it works00:55
police_officeroh wait00:55
Typos_Kingthe one big reason no to get apple optical drives00:55
police_officersomething's happening00:55
GreggazTypos_King, all im getting is "Preparing to connect"00:55
Typos_Kingthey don't have a pinhole you can stick to open it00:55
police_officerk i get a bunch of stuff across my screen00:55
Typos_KingGreggaz:   ok..... sooo..... wat it :)00:55
police_officerOH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK IS THAT00:56
coolfaceGreggaz: did you put the password in hex?00:56
coolfaceyou have to hex for kubuntu00:56
Greggazomfg wtf00:56
police_officerSOMEONE HACKED ME00:56
police_officerWHO DID IT00:56
FloodBotK2police_officer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
Typos_Kingohhh boy00:56
police_officersomeone in here hacked me00:57
police_officeri know it00:57
police_officerwho did it00:57
* coolface 00:57
GreggazTypos_King, What do i have to do now?00:57
Typos_KingGreggaz:    not sure on the hex part... just click on the tray icon, add a new wireless, and include your password00:57
police_officermy mom's gonna be home soon00:57
Typos_KingGreggaz:    did it ever connect?00:57
police_officershe'll beat me if she sees this00:57
police_officerthis is my moms computer00:58
police_officershe loves cats and a dead cat on her screen will make her cry00:58
Typos_KingGreggaz:    "preparing to connect' is good so long the network information is corrrect you know00:58
police_officerhow can i make it go away00:58
Greggazyey it works now00:58
Typos_KingGreggaz:    btw, once online, get gnome's better heheh, -> sudo apt-get network-manager-gnome;    is what I use, much simpler and reliable00:59
Typos_Kingdon't forget to do a -> sudo apt-get update; before using apt-get install :)01:00
Greggazyah its doing its updates now01:00
coolface>implying you don't need to sudo01:04
coolfacecan someone help me wiht my ubuntu?01:05
Typos_King!it | antonio_01:16
ubottuantonio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:16
=== johan is now known as Guest29125
netdaemonany tips on getting kubuntu 9.10 connected to a wireless network with a hidden essid?03:37
netdaemoniv tried adding the connection by hand, no go03:38
robertzaccourhow is kde 4.4?03:42
mjecHey all, I have a fresh 9.10 install, have just managed to get graphics card to show the right resolution (1280x1024) but KDE itself is massively zoomed in - Resolution of like 320ish, so can't do anything in the gui... ideas on how to change resolution from command line?03:51
mjecIt's like I need to change the size of the desktop in px, rather than screen resolution03:53
mkquistmjec: have assistive technologies turned on?03:54
mkquistmjec: sounds like it03:54
mjechmmm, I've managed to get a little better by genkdmconf and restarting kdm03:56
mjecmkquist: not that I can see03:56
mkquistmjec: hmm, just sounds like it, but honestly im not running kd3 desktop, so I could be wrong there03:57
mkquistmjec: just tossing that out there03:57
mjecHmm... my screen's OSD shows that it's getting input from th graphics  card at 1280x1024, but KDM's display settings show 640x51203:58
Mr_Sonomawhat would yall suggest using to view MS project files (.mpp)?04:03
netdaemonawww there doesn't appear to be a gui option to disable tap to click04:04
rogue780how do I sync kubuntu with ubunu one?04:18
Mr_Sonomawhat do you mean sync? what are you trying to accomplish?04:21
rogue780from what I understand, ubuntu one is a cloud service that allows one to synchronize a folder with the magical cloud04:22
rogue780so that is what im trying to accomplish04:23
netdaemonwell if i get tap to click disabled, i'll be happy04:27
tamranhi guys, if I installed Kubuntu 8.04 and used the latest ppa to get KDE 4.4, would this be an OK combination?04:41
dthackerhello,  I'm having some problems with a flash online game in Firefox and Kubuntu 9.10.  The game vendor is suggesting an upgrade.   How can I determine my current version and find an upgrade.04:44
=== boy is now known as Guest33092
RelookNAhi guyz05:00
RelookNAhow do I see youtube flash movies?05:02
RelookNAusing firefox05:03
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:03
tamrananyone here try using Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE4.4?05:09
tamransuch as using the karmic backports with it? is it too far removed?05:10
xjjktamran: it's probably much too far removed05:37
tamranok, thanks05:38
=== mike is now known as pulaski
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=== Guest33382 is now known as pulaski
greggomg - stupidest question EVER - what hotkeys do I use to switch between desktops in karmic??? Google's giving me mixed messages :i06:19
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=== Guest49359 is now known as xrandr
tamranhey everyone06:46
tamranif I wanted to install the alpha3 kubuntu, how would I go about that? I've got a fresh kubuntu install06:46
tamranfresh 9.10 that is06:47
tamranhello? :)06:57
bazhangtamran, lucid 10.04 ?06:58
tamranbazhang: I hope to just upgrade to it if possible, instead of downloading the ISO07:00
tamranyou know ... so I can test the upgrade method07:00
bazhangtamran, it's still alpha; #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support07:00
tamranand also so I don't have to bother burning another cd :)07:00
tamranbazhang: nobody there knows the KDE command to do the upgrade07:00
bazhangtamran, that is the correct channel, just be patient07:01
tamranok, no problem07:01
tamranI hope I can test the upgrade ... I like to find bugs :)07:01
Guest32071when does compcache hit kubuntu?07:02
forest4to eto07:08
ivan_how can change themes? say chsnge to a windows 7 theme07:09
forestsomeone alive here?07:12
amjad_is there any kubuntu user07:25
tamranI think they're all sleeping ... shhh! :)07:26
amogorkonnot me :)07:27
amogorkonbut too late07:27
apersontamran, who needs to burn a cd when you have a flash drive? :)07:34
bazhangunetbootin should do it07:34
pulaskiHi, I trying out a new version of firefox on my kubuntu 9.10.  I had to update my sources.list with the command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable.  Instead of changing /etx/apt/sources.list the command created a new dir "sources.list.d".  I did a "sudo apt-get update".  Is this the same as adding a new repositroy to sources.list?07:44
pulaskiDoes anyone know of a firefox developers channel where this question may be more approiate?07:49
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
ivan_hi guys08:30
ivan_how can I install the bible on to my Kubuntu?08:30
bazhang!info bible-kjv08:32
ubottubible-kjv (source: bible-kjv): King James Version of the Bible: user interface program.. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.23 (karmic), package size 109 kB, installed size 280 kB08:32
lalalolhey everyone09:02
lalalolwho's running kde 4.4.1?09:02
shadeslayerlalalol: its pretty good :)09:03
lalalolk, mind helping me? :P09:03
shadeslayerlalalol: sure,whats the issue?09:03
Peace-lalalol: me09:03
shadeslayerim in a pretty good mood... getting 200KBps out of my 128 kbps connection.... :D09:04
lalaloli created a shortcut for firefox on my desktop and when i hover over it, i get this + or - thing, i disabled it in dolphin, but i cant seem to find a way to disable it on my desktop09:04
lalalollol nice09:04
shadeslayerlalalol: ah thats the folder view widget i presume09:05
shadeslayerlalalol: you cant change that i think09:05
lalalolyeah, i use folder view cause desktop view didnt work :/09:05
shadeslayerlalalol: downloading stuff takes like 5 mins....09:05
shadeslayerlalalol: desktop view doesnt work?09:05
shadeslayerhow come?09:05
lalalolyeah, i cant refresh the desktop when im on desktop view09:05
lalalolwhen i download to desktop view it doesnt appear, it does in the folder in dolphin though09:06
shadeslayerlalalol: actually it refreshes so quickly i cant even notice it09:06
Peace-lalalol: http://imagebin.ca/view/wkFNw-i.html09:07
lalalolPeace-, what about that screenie?09:08
lalalolPeace-, its the same time here btw, u in europe :P09:09
Peace-italy man =)09:09
Peace-i have to go09:09
seawolfhi Peace- :)09:09
Peace-bye good thing to everyone09:10
lalalolcya Peace-09:10
lalalolshadeslayer, wanna pm?09:11
shadeslayerlalalol: why?09:11
lalalolgot some more problems with 4.4.109:12
shadeslayerlalalol: in the channel then please09:12
shadeslayeri can answer here too09:12
lalalolaight, the taskbar has stripes on it09:12
shadeslayerlalalol: can you pastebin that image?09:13
lalalolshadeslayer, u know that default wallpaper that 4.4.1 brings?09:13
lalalolthe baby blue one09:13
shadeslayerlalalol: its ethias09:13
lalalolyeah that one09:13
lalalolwell, the taskbar has the design from it09:14
shadeslayerum thats the default theme09:14
lalalolso i cant remove those stripes?09:14
shadeslayerlalalol: just change the theme,have a look at : kde-look.org09:15
lalalolk, hold on09:15
shadeslayerlalalol: just go to : System settings > Appearence > Style > Workspace > Get new themes09:17
lalalolyeah, i took oxygen, its pretty nice09:17
lalalolthe kickoff logo changed now >.<09:17
lalaloli always have to change that09:18
lalalolshadeslayer, is it normal that the windows still have that grey air design?09:20
shadeslayerlalalol: yep09:20
shadeslayerlalalol: thats the window manager09:20
shadeslayerlalalol: the theme is plasma09:20
lalaloloh thx, ill change that09:21
shadeslayerlalalol: yeah its in the same window,in appearences09:21
lalalolcant find it, which category in appearances?09:24
lalalolshadeslayer, u sure its there?09:38
shadeslayerlalalol: yeah sorry09:40
shadeslayerlalalol: i wandered off :)09:40
lalalolshadeslayer, i cant find it :S09:40
shadeslayerbtw does anyone here know how to get best compression of a avi movie using tar?09:40
shadeslayerlalalol: one sec09:40
shadeslayerlalalol: its in Windows > Win deco09:41
lalalolit says oxygen09:42
shadeslayerlalalol: yeah so change it to whatever else you like09:42
lalalolthere isnt any black thing like the black oxygen taskbar09:42
shadeslayerlalalol: probably not.. try installing aurorae09:43
lalalolshadeslayer, isnt that unlogical? if u chose oxygen for the taskbar its black, but if u chose oxygen for the windows its white09:44
shadeslayerlalalol: hehe... well you can change the color if thats what you want09:44
lalalolhow? :o09:45
shadeslayerlalalol: same window,colors09:45
lalalolshadeslayer, sorry i dont understand09:47
lalalolappearances, what then?09:47
shadeslayerlalalol: 2nd icon : Colors09:47
lalaloli have obsidian coast now09:48
shadeslayerlalalol: yeah thats nice09:48
lalalolgonna change the colors in quassel now tho, cuz im typing black lol09:48
tamranhow does transmission client work in KDE?09:50
lalalolthis theme owns!!!!!!!! i feel like im a hacker lol09:50
tamranwhat theme? :)09:51
lalalolobsidian coast09:52
tamranthat's the theme I'm using09:52
tamrannice and dark09:52
lalaloli feel like im a hacker :D09:52
tamranit's a solid theme09:52
tamransome gnome apps get a little funny with it though09:53
tamransuch as the chrome start page09:53
shadeslayerlalalol: install plasma theme glowglass cupertino09:53
lalalolchrome start page? :s09:53
tamranthe browser09:54
lalalolshadeslayer, where?09:54
lalaloltamran, yeah, it still has the blue titlebar09:54
tamranthe start page has white text inside if white windows ... it's a gtk inside kde issue I think09:54
lalalolwoah!!!! i have skype in the same colors now09:55
lalalolim a hacker xD09:55
tamranI think you mean hax0r09:55
lalalolshadeslayer, im searching for "glowglass cupertino" in the theme window, cant find it09:59
lalalolffs, messed up quassel10:01
lalalolwoah, kopete with the pidgin dark theme owns10:14
lalalolim feeling the power of Linux10:21
lalaloltamran, u have skype? its for a question about it10:26
ToraToraTorahello, I got problem with xpackagekit! I can't install or uninstall anything. xpackagekit says: cannot get exclusive lock.10:35
Peace-ToraToraTora: you have to kill the other process that is using root stuff10:36
Peace-i guess another istance of software installation is still alive10:37
Peace-so .10:37
Peace-or you reboot ....10:37
ToraToraTorareboot won't  help10:37
Peace-man... kill the other process10:37
Peace-if you are able to find it.10:38
ToraToraToraI can't find it...10:38
Peace-so reboot.10:38
Peace-please write here what it says when you type on konsole10:38
Peace-sudo apt-get update10:38
Peace-if you get the same message like exlcusive lock please reboot.10:39
Peace-that is the easier solution.10:39
ToraToraToramy boot is full10:40
ToraToraToraE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:41
Peace-ToraToraTora: so...10:41
Peace-sudo dpkg --configure -a10:41
Peace-in konsole10:41
ToraToraToraBOOT IS FULL10:41
Peace-i am giving upd with you10:42
Peace-type sudo dpkg --configure -a10:42
ToraToraToragzip: stdout: No space left on device / update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-19-generic10:44
ToraToraToraso there no room on boot10:44
Peace-ToraToraTora: so...10:45
ToraToraToraIm tring to uninstall older cores, but I can't beacause of the lock10:45
Peace-so  sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get remove somekernelimagestuff10:45
newyorkguys i have a problem. in my ubuntu i can just have one audio output. for example i listening music at mpd, and as soon as i start a video with vlc player, the mpd sound turns off and i have du restart it after vlc is closed10:47
ToraToraTorawhat goes here -> somekernelimagestuff?10:48
Peace-ToraToraTora: the older kernel version10:48
ToraToraToradoes it work just with 2.6.31-14?10:49
=== tasos-manos is now known as DoMMINat0R
ToraToraTorasudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get remove 2.6.31-14 ?10:50
=== carlos is now known as Guest81497
malicCan i copy my home folder to an external drive and access it with a mac? Or are there problems with the rights?11:17
cuzntnot sure11:17
cuznti can get all files on my pc that are windows11:17
cuzntbut not the other way around11:17
cuzntas per on windowz i can not see my kubuntu shares11:18
cuzntstill an external drive seems fine.. that should work. does mac have special naming properties?11:19
=== 15SAAJFB0 is now known as Geggele
lalaloltamran, u there?11:26
lalalolhi, im having a problem with kopete, in certain chats the text i type gets highlighted and in other chats it doesnt, who can explain that?11:30
srdjanany idea why xsane segfaults when starting up?11:33
Peace-srdjan: xane? use skanlite11:35
srdjanis it better?11:36
Peace-easier for kde ...11:36
Peace-no need of xane here .11:36
srdjanok thanks. installed it - will plug in the printer after i have breakfast :)11:37
lalalolPeace-, can u help me?11:39
Peace-lalalol: sorry man i don't use kopete so much11:39
lalalolive discovered already 15 bugs when just playing with themes11:58
lalalolwhy doesnt my theme change when i click apply?12:02
lalalolhelp, why doesnt my theme change?12:12
shadeslayerlalalol: which theme?12:14
lalalolshadeslayer, i installed glowglass and i cant change back to oxygen12:15
shadeslayerlemme try12:15
lalalolno dont try it or ur stuck too12:15
shadeslayerim already on glowglass12:15
shadeslayerworks here12:15
danyhi all12:16
lalalolhow do u remove a theme btw?12:16
danyI have a pavilion dv5 and I don't succeed to suspend to ram, I got only a screen block, I mean, the pc doesn't suspend, it only makes the screen black and if I move the mouse there is a login prompt12:16
shadeslayerlalalol: dunno :)12:16
shadeslayerlalalol: try googling12:16
lalaloldidnt find anything12:16
shadeslayerlalalol: hmm... weird... i cant change back to glowglass12:17
shadeslayeror any of the other themes12:17
lalalolglowglass messes up12:18
shadeslayerlalalol: i thought you said i could not change to oxygen12:18
shadeslayeri cant change back to glowglass12:18
lalalolbut u have the same problem, u cant change themes anymore12:18
shadeslayergot a idea12:18
lalalolsudo apt-get remove glowglass-theme-pack?12:18
danyany idea?12:18
shadeslayerlalalol: nope12:19
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lalalolwhat then?12:19
shadeslayerhold on12:19
shadeslayergot ot to change12:20
lalaloltell me plz12:20
shadeslayerlalalol: ok do this,click on the theme you want to apply12:20
shadeslayerlalalol: click apply and open a terminal12:20
shadeslayerlalalol: now type : killall plasma-desktop12:21
shadeslayerlalalol: now type : kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental12:21
shadeslayerlalalol: after its done type : plasma-desktop : and voila!12:22
shadeslayerits a problem with the cache12:23
lalalolawesome, gotta go to the toilet now12:23
shadeslayerdunno if cupertino is responsible or kde12:23
danyno one?12:29
shadeslayerbtw i want transperent borders,how do i get those?12:35
=== ubuntu is now known as Oxymoron
lalalolOxymoron, !!!!!!!!!!13:14
Oxymoronlalalol: Hey?13:15
lalalolfound any new awesome theme?13:17
lalalolor made one?13:17
lalalolwb shadeslayer13:21
lalalolshadeslayer, i got some more problems with my system, i once installed a language and removed it but some apps still remain in that language13:22
Benkinoobyhi, i wanted to make a button for starting vlc with with a certain radio stream. i drag&dropped it from the kmenu to the plasma workspace, righklicked -> "icon settings"   -> "application"-> and replaced "vlc %U" witch "vlc http:// streamaddress" in the Command field. the icon shanged from the vlc symbol to question mark. when i changed back to "vlc %U" it stayed like this an13:23
Benkinoobyand vlc is to be found in lost&found in the kmenu instead of multimedia13:23
Benkinoobyi reinstalled, no change13:23
lalalolBenkinooby, if you want to make a shortcut on your desktop i can help13:24
Benkinoobylalalol: for this, i have no problem. what troubles me is that the vlc is not recognized as "vlc" anymore.13:25
Benkinoobylalalol: it doesnt use the icon anymore and is not listed in the multmedia part of kmenu13:25
lalalolso it works but the icon is missing?13:25
lalalolBenkinooby, right click it, properties, then click that question mark and search for the icon, select it, hit ok, hit ok, and done13:26
Benkinoobylalalol: yes. and additionally it is not listed in multimedia.13:26
Benkinoobylalalol: i allrdy tried this... cant find the right icon13:26
shadeslayerlalalol: ah that can happen,system cache hasnt been refreshed13:26
lalalolBenkinooby, yeah, i cant help with the last one sorry13:26
lalalolBenkinooby, make sure you choose the right category13:27
shadeslayerok ill brb13:27
lalalolshadeslayer, how do i completely uninstall it then?13:27
shadeslayerlalalol: uninstall what?13:27
lalalolthe language13:27
Benkinoobylalalol: the strange thing, is that after reinstall of vlc, the prob is still there13:27
shadeslayerlalalol: you already have it uninstalled,if apt-get says so,just refresh system cache,close all apps and logout and login13:28
lalalolBenkinooby, you sure you took the right category?13:28
shadeslayerlalalol: like i said its the system cache.. kde has a system cache in /var13:28
lalalolshadeslayer, ive done that, even rebooted a lot of times cause its been a week ago or so13:28
shadeslayerlalalol: oh..ok try removing it via aptitude and then check via dpkg -l | grep name ,13:29
shadeslayerlalalol: ill brb13:29
Benkinoobylalalol: yes, i started with application category but nothing to be found. but still i am confused, because the completely removed vlc and reinstalled, and still the prob exists13:30
lalalolBenkinooby, then im afraid i cant help, sorry13:30
lalaloltry google or so13:30
Benkinoobylalalol: can you tell me the content of your folder /home/<username>/.local/share/applications ?13:32
lalalolsure, just a sec13:32
lalalola folder of wine, "defaults.list", and then some wine files13:33
Benkinoobyno vlc.desktop?13:34
lalaloli dont have vlc13:34
lalalolBenkinooby, try to make a shortcut for lets say firefox13:34
lalalolif you have that installed?13:35
Benkinoobyhahaha, it worked13:35
Benkinoobyi just removed the file /home/<username>/.local/share/applications/vlc.desktop13:36
lalalolhey shadeslayer13:36
Benkinoobyit seems that this folder contains all the "extra" setting i do13:36
Benkinoobyso it falls back to default, when i remove it13:36
lalaloland you still have lost & found in your kmenu?13:36
lalaloldo you*13:36
Benkinoobylalalol: no, it's gone13:37
Benkinoobyeverything is back to normal13:37
Benkinoobyl love love love linux (especially kubuntu)!!!!13:37
paul_greets peepe13:38
paul_peeps :)13:38
JediMasterok, stupid question, what's the name of the installer on the kubuntu live cd?13:44
JediMasterthere's no link on the desktop to start it up ("The process for the desktop protocol died unexpectedly")13:45
lalalolwubi.exe i think13:47
JediMasterI mean the linux based installer that is meant to be on the desktop13:51
BenkinoobyJediMaster: you got the live cd up and running, and now u want to install?13:55
BenkinoobyJediMaster: check the menus.13:59
=== horst_ is now known as Biggerc
chadkisterI need help ubdating ubuntu14:01
chadkisterI get this error message:14:02
chadkisterW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 214:02
chadkisterW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com karmic-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 214:02
chadkisterW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 214:02
chadkisterW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/Release14:02
chadkisterW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-security/Release14:02
FloodBotK1chadkister: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
chadkisterW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release14:02
chadkisterW: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.14:02
Benkinoobychadkister: hey mister, use pastebin or something...14:03
BenkinoobyJediMaster: when you boot from cd, you can choose to install straight away14:03
BenkinoobyJediMaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=select_install.jpg14:04
JediMasterBenkinooby, yeah think I just walked away and let it select the top option by default14:05
BenkinoobyJediMaster: np14:05
JediMasterthe machine was painfully slow so didn't want to go and reboot it lol14:05
JediMaster256mb ram...14:05
BenkinoobyJediMaster: when it is slow, you can also do an alternate install14:05
JediMasteryeah may do thanks14:05
BenkinoobyJediMaster: the alternate version is made for older/slower pc, maybe you think about using it14:06
BenkinoobyJediMaster: you can also use xubuntu14:06
chadkisterI did paste sorry this is my first time using this chat14:06
Benkinoobychadkister: no problem, just next time think of it... also, the bot will not care about it and will kick joun ;)14:07
JediMasterjust need to set it up as a print server, does xubuntu have any of the graphical setup for the printers?14:07
BenkinoobyJediMaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/index.html this is to set up alternate install, maybe you have a look at it14:08
JediMasteryeah used it a few times years ago, thanks14:09
BenkinoobyJediMaster: ubuntu is a little bit heavy for just beeing a print server... all the stuff that comes with ubuntu... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-distributions-5/whats-the-best-distro-for-a-home-fileprint-server-w-windows-clients-521763/?s=fd658e34f78132892aaf9455645a92fa14:10
Benkinoobychadkister: hmm... i try to find out more about your issue14:11
BenkinoobyJediMaster: xfce has a graphical interface for printer setup14:13
RaGNORAKhi i kind of lost my task bar partially14:45
RaGNORAKi can't find the programs that are running14:45
RaGNORAKhttp://ask-leo.com/why_dont_running_programs_show_in_my_taskbar.html               <------------this sums up my problem but in kubuntu14:46
=== Dab is now known as Guest66423
RaGNORAKcan someone help?14:46
shadeslayerRaGNORAK: just a moment14:47
shadeslayerRaGNORAK: ok press the cashew icon on the far left of the taskbar and click add widgets14:48
RaGNORAKwhich widget to add?14:48
shadeslayerRaGNORAK: search for task bar14:48
shadeslayertaskmanager i mean14:48
shadeslayerthen drag the widget and drop it into the panel14:48
RaGNORAKawesome thanks14:48
shadeslayerRaGNORAK: yaw14:49
RaGNORAKnow to fix that sucker in place so my cousin doesnt remove it again >_>14:49
shadeslayerRaGNORAK: hmm lock widgets14:50
shadeslayeruse the cashew again :)14:51
RaGNORAKya found that one alright14:52
loki87hey ;)14:57
loki87how can i access my blackberry 8120 mediadate like music,phontos eg14:58
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reanimationcheck this cahannel once plz15:21
abhifx_hi there! i am having a major problem while installing nvidia drivers. can someone help me plz?15:27
schweegihow can i entrace in the ubuntu irc channel ?15:28
otswimi got device busy when doing a speaker-test; what would i restart to make it work again?15:38
MacMan_itabhifx_: have you tried using envyng? it will do the installation for you15:38
abhifx_MacMan_it, my problem is more severe15:41
abhifx_its a bit long, if u r ready to help then let me explain15:42
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srdjanwhy is resizing kde 4.x plasma widgets so *slow* ?15:48
=== Peace- is now known as Peace--
RaGNORAKhi, how do you create a new user ?17:08
KiRiLoSHello, i am having some trouble with skype.I get this error when i run it:     bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111) , the problem is that other people cant hear me but my mic works great with other apps.Thanks17:08
RaGNORAKi can't seem to find users and groups17:08
KiRiLoSRaGNORAK, Kmenu->System Settings->Advanced->User Managment17:08
faultlineHow do I install a .deb file?17:11
KiRiLoSfaultline, you double click it.17:12
RaGNORAKKiRiLoS:  ty got it17:14
KiRiLoSRaGNORAK, nope17:15
=== goofy is now known as Guest99683
Benkinoobyhi, i am trying to get the differernce of themes/styles, window decorations and aurorae in kde.17:30
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Benkinoobythemes and styles are for the general appearance like plasma, system bar and so on17:31
Benkinoobymefisto__: http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=81&PHPSESSID=0e48bbf2f384dd82e0f4965aaf552e1917:31
Guest99683umi tadz nekdo cesky17:32
Benkinoobyhmmm. when i cange the theme/style the windows don't change.. so the window decorations are for the windows.17:34
spirov92hi, just installed kubuntu, and it has some ati drivers, but they're awfully slow in combination with compiz17:49
spirov92they make the Xorg process take up like 60% CPU when I move a window or something17:50
spirov92I had the same problem on openSUSE, btw17:50
spirov92can anyone help?17:50
spirov92even with non-compositing kwin, it takes up lots of CPU when I move windows17:53
spirov92btw is there a GUI for setting up mount points for devices?17:55
spirov92I'm totally new to kubuntu17:56
mefisto__spirov92: mountmanager is one. there may be others available too17:58
spirov92mefisto__: thanks17:59
CartoonCatIm having a issue with getting my Cannon A310 to show up. anyone know much about getting cams to work? It worked in gentoo with KDE just fine so i know it does work18:06
faultlineHow do I find the directory of a program18:07
CartoonCatfaultline: you mean like where it is installed at, or, like where it stores its save information18:07
faultlineInstalled at like....18:08
faultlineI wanna do wine home/faultline/ect18:08
faultlineSee if it makes it work better18:08
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
CartoonCatfaultline: wine holds stuff in /home/<yourusername>/.wine/18:10
CartoonCatand its not going to make it work better18:10
faultlineI dont see a .wine folder18:10
faultlineThis is what occurs18:10
CartoonCatanything with a . first is hidden18:11
CartoonCatits there18:11
faultlineI start cohupdater by double clicking from the button...it locks on the updater18:11
faultlineWas gonna see if running it through terminal would make it run18:11
CartoonCatok, for THAT you want to do:18:11
CartoonCatcd ~/.wine/drive_c/Pro <press tab>/18:12
CartoonCatthen ls, and figure out where CoH is at, its likely under a the manuf name then Coh18:13
CartoonCatthen you do wine appname.exe18:14
faultlineI found it its like /home/faultline/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/City of Heroes/cohupdater.exe18:14
CartoonCatok, so you need to do:18:14
CartoonCatcd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Cit <press tab> <press enter>18:14
CartoonCatthen wine cohupdater.exe18:14
faultlineDo I need to complete that line you made?18:15
faultlineOr basic copy and paste rofl18:15
CartoonCatthats what pressing tab should do18:15
CartoonCatcause you need to escape the spaces18:15
faultlineescape te spaces?18:16
faultlineAnd it says no such file or directory...18:16
CartoonCatlinux doesnt handle spaces in file names/paths the same as windows does18:16
CartoonCatthe space means "new command or argument to the previous command" basicly18:16
CartoonCatok try18:16
=== ubuntu is now known as AhdioHore
CartoonCatcd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/City" "of" "Heroes/18:17
faultlineim sorry I am very new to kubuntu rofl18:17
CartoonCatthat is ok18:17
faultlineSame problem18:17
faultlineDo i need to make it ProgramFiles?18:17
faultlineinstead of Program Files18:18
CartoonCatcd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program" "Files/City" "of" "Heroes/18:18
CartoonCatgotta escape THAT space too18:18
mefisto__either enclose the whole lot with quotes, or put a \ (the escape character) before each space18:19
faultlineError calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (131072!=262142)18:19
CartoonCatfaultline: thats from running wine cohupdater?18:19
nonameNNthe only way to configure desktop zoom with kwin is using the keyboard¡18:19
mefisto__eg, "Program Files" or Program\ Files18:19
nonameNNi meant, we cant use the mouse for zooming the desktop?18:20
CartoonCatah that works too, tab competion doesnt work right with it so i never do it that way18:20
faultlineYeah CartoonCat.18:20
faultlineAny clue what that error means18:20
CartoonCatyea wine screwed up the networking support, again18:21
CartoonCatiirc thats the same error i got for divine divinity back at 1.018:21
mefisto__faultline: something to try: wine emulates WinXP environment by default. changing that to another version of windows (eg win98) may work18:22
CartoonCatassuming it ever worked for you, your best bet is to update to latest or downgrade to the last known working version18:22
CartoonCatah that could work if the app detects the os and does its networking diffrently based on that18:23
CartoonCatwith DD, it wasnt a option18:23
faultlineHow can i fix this...lol....18:25
faultlineIm a dumbass to linux18:25
CartoonCatwell do like mefisto__said, change the default os it runs as18:26
CartoonCattype winecfg18:26
faultlineHow thought rofl....oh wait terminal>winecfg?18:27
CartoonCatchange the os from xp to 2k or vista18:27
faultlineIt was on vista, so I just set it back to xp lol18:27
faultlineStill the same issue18:28
CartoonCatfaultline: try them all18:28
faultlinexp, vista, 2000 no go, gonna try the older versions, but not sure coh will worlk18:29
mefisto__faultline: wine is always hit and miss. you could search for the program on appdb.winehq.org for tips on getting it to work18:29
faultlineTried this18:30
faultlineno works lol nothing about my issue18:30
mefisto__faultline: what version of wine? did you install from ubuntu repo or the winehq repo?18:32
faultlineI think I just did sudo apt-get wine or something lol not sure on version18:33
faultlineHow do I find out18:33
mefisto__faultline: in konsole, wine --version18:33
tamranhello, what is nepomuk?18:34
faultlineMefisto__ it is version 1.1.40...:/  Should I uninstall that and then install and older version?18:36
tamranand what is Virtuoso Soprano plugin?18:36
faultlineApparently 1.1.39 is silver18:37
mefisto__faultline: it's something you could try, but my guess is it won't be any better18:37
faultlineHow can I uninstall stuff lol... O.o18:37
mefisto__faultline: sudo apt-get remove <package-name>18:38
faultlineAlrighty....but yeah, 1.1.31 is GOLD to CoH18:39
faultlineSo how abouts 1.0.1 or whatever that is most stable?18:39
noaXessis there a way to simple restart sound?18:40
mefisto__noaXess: sudo service alsa-utils restart18:44
faultlineWhen I remove wine will it remove the programs and the games I have installed?  Its fine if it does rofl...maybe this will make Requiem work18:45
mefisto__faultline: no it won't. if you want that, use purge instead of remove, or just delete the .wine folder that holds all the programs and wine settings18:46
faultlineHow do I change the network settings in wine?18:48
faultlineStill getting same errors as before- I have tried all the windows versions, and all the variant versions of wine,...18:50
mefisto__faultline: might want to try asking in #winehq channel18:52
noaXessmefisto__: aha. okay... wil try that18:53
spirov92hi, how do I include ~/bin in bash search paths?19:05
spirov92will it work if I add ~/bin to $PATH in /etc/profile?19:06
ToraToraToraHelp! I get HDMI audio output from system setting sound test button, but none from any other program ??19:07
wizkoderI search for a program that checks my email every minute and when the subject matches a search text notifies me. dies this exist for kde?19:13
spirov92wizkoder: maybe some filter trick in kmail?19:13
spirov92(thought I prefer thunderbird)19:14
=== islington_ is now known as islington
usuario_<embed src="http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/yt-jSK2F7Rdad8/skone_vs_invert_flv.swf" width="400" height="345" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" name="Metacafe_yt-jSK2F7Rdad8"> </embed><br><font size = 1><a href="http://www.metacafe.com/watch/yt-jSK2F7Rdad8/skone_vs_invert_flv/">Skone Vs Invert.flv</a> - <a href="http://www.met19:28
usuario_.com/">The best bloopers are here</a></font>19:28
FloodBotK1usuario_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:28
tamranhowdy everyone19:29
tamranwhat is nepomuk? and why do I need it? is that some kind of indexing service?19:29
humanGentlemen, who knows, how korrectly organize the keyboard layout switching in KDE 3.5?19:29
humanI want to type Finnish, Czech and English, but I can do it only through Ctrl + 1 not from CTrl + Shift or other normal kombinations.19:30
mefisto__tamran: you don't need it. it lets you do searches for file contents, emails, contacts, tagged images, etc19:31
tamranhow do I stop KDE from bugging me about it?19:31
mefisto__tamran: bugging you how?19:31
humantamran, how?19:32
islingtonis there a way to manually add my ipod touch to amarok; currently I am using gtkpod to sync it after installing the whole iFuse thing.19:32
tamranwell, when I boot up the information applet gives me an error19:32
tamranalso, pulseaudio gives me an error19:32
mefisto__tamran: you can disable nepomuk in systemsettings, advanced tab19:34
humantamran, it have begun after the installation from CD of after upgrade?19:34
tamranafter upgrade19:34
humantamran, it is hard19:34
tamranI upgraded from 9.10 to lucid last night/this morning19:34
* tamran is going to disable nepomuk19:35
mefisto__tamran: it might be called desktop search, don't really know in lucid19:35
tamranyeah, it's desktop search ... typed nepomuk in search and that was the only icon left with color19:36
tamranman, this KDE install uses much less ram than the gnome install19:36
tamranlike 150mb less19:36
humantamran, it is famous feature of ubuntu. I have had totally fallen system for two times after upgrade. Try to create new user and watch it is happens with new account. Maybe the cause is your settings from previous versions19:36
tamranI think it might be a little more cpu intensive out of the box, but quite impressive19:36
humanWho are using KDE 3.5?19:37
tamranhuman: perhaps, I just did the following: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8961374#post896137419:37
humantamran: it is alpha19:38
tamranhuman: of course, but I feel someone needs to step up and test such upgrades.19:40
mefisto__tamran: you might want to use do-release-upgrade next time you upgrade. look at the --help for options19:44
tamranmefisto__: oh? I didn't know that was an option, thanks for the tip!19:46
spirov92where can I see the exact model of my graphics card? I can't remember what it was19:47
tamranmefisto__: can I try that option now?19:47
tamranor will it bork my system?19:48
tamran... I guess I'm curious what other steps are missing by doing it the manual way?19:48
ToraToraToraHelp! I get HDMI audio output from system setting sound test button, but none from any program?19:52
=== felipe__ is now known as felipe_crimson
mefisto__tamran: it probably won't work if you're already running lucid19:53
felipe_crimsonhi guys. whats the package name for thats basics games like solitaire?19:53
tamranmefisto__: is there a way to find out what it did to clean up and such?19:53
mefisto__tamran: don't know19:54
=== zbenjamin|away is now known as zbenjamin
tamranmefisto__: can you confirm that the command would be: sudo do-dist-upgrade -m desktop19:54
mefisto__spirov92: lshw -c display19:55
tamranI'll reply to that forum post to help others19:55
spirov92mefisto__: thanks19:56
mefisto__tamran: that should work (but it's do-release-upgrade) and to upgrade to lucid you would need the -d switch too, since it's not officially released yet19:57
spirov92I'm currently fighting the ati drivers. the proprietary one seems to not support my card, and radeon takes up 40% CPU when I move a window. can anyone help?19:59
mefisto__tamran: I would also do the upgrade in a virtual terminal instead of konsole, just to be safer (no X crashes or freezes)19:59
wizkoderI installed kbiff as mail notifier. works so far. But I need it to inform me only on mails with a soecific subject. is that possible?20:01
tamranthanks a bunch mefisto__, I posted a quick note at the end and edited my post20:05
spirov92when I turn on compiz, the plasma desktop goes black. panel's still fine. can anyone help?20:14
spirov92also asked in #compiz, no reply yet tho20:14
felipe_crimsonwhats the package name for the VMWARE (virtual machine)?20:16
felipe_crimsonis available on kubuntu?20:16
mefisto__spirov92: maybe plasma-desktop has crashed? alt-F2 and type plasma-desktop to start it20:16
spirov92mefisto__: no, tried that, and the panel is still visible20:17
humanfelipe crimson: use qtemu and qemu in Kubuntu20:17
humannot vmware is for windows20:17
humanfelipe_crimson: sudo aptitude install qtemu20:18
humanfelipe_crimson you will be able to create virtual machines and run different operation systems in them20:19
felipe_crimsonI'll try that, thanks anyway. I use to know the vmware20:19
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felipe_crimsonhuman: I'm using the kubuntu and gnu/linux for a short time. thanks for the advices20:20
villemvvirtualbox is what you are "supposed to" use20:20
felipe_crimsonhuman:  how I configure the qtemu?20:23
humanfelipe_crimson, have you installed that?20:23
felipe_crimsonhuman: yes. I'm trying to run windows xp for a test. and says: "no bootable device"20:23
humanfelipe_crimson, you must launch QtEmu20:24
humanfelipe_crimson press "create new machine", set the boot option from CD image, set virtual HDD size and start the machine20:25
felipe_crimsonhuman: I already do that. then one mensage says: no bootable device20:26
humanfelipe_crimson, you are trying to boot from CD?20:27
felipe_crimsonhuman: no.20:27
humanfelipe_crimson, CD-image?20:27
lalalolwho can help please? a week or so ago i installed a language on my system, removed it, but some apps are still in that removed language, during that week i have prob "rebooted" like 6 times20:28
felipe_crimsonhuman: no. I just choose  the option windows xp then I push the start button20:28
humanfelipe_crimson, have the bootable CD?20:29
felipe_crimsonhuman: no.20:29
felipe_crimsonhuman: Do I have to install the windows xp with a cd, right?20:30
felipe_crimsonhuman: I think the qtemu already have the windows xp installed.20:30
humanfelipe_crimson, yes you cannot start virtual machine without it, it is true form qtemu and vmware. Virtual Machine works with bootable CD like you install OS to you computer. Virtual Machine creates virtual computer(hardware) you can work with, but now virtual SOFTWARE20:31
felipe_crimsonhuman: ok. thanks.20:31
srdjangrr wtf. is flash/firefox/youtube broken again? I just get a grey box where the video is supposed to be...20:31
humanfelipe_crimson, when you set the option windows xp, you show it to the virtual machine for creating more compartibility, such as virtual sound cards and virtual network cards20:32
humanfelipe_crimson if you want to start windows applications in linux you should use Wine. Many applications and games for windows work with it, such as Quake, World of Warcraft and others, but not all.20:34
felipe_crimsonhuman: I know that, the wine is already installed here, but thanks anyway20:34
humanfelipe_crimson, ok, excuse me, I am going to sleep, it is 23:34 in my city20:35
humanGood luck, gentlemen!20:35
sithlord48why are people so scared of linux ?20:37
srdjansithlord48: because of what Capt Kirk said20:37
sithlord48srdjan, i don't get it ..20:39
srdjansithlord48: hang on - trying to find the clip on youtube20:39
sithlord48brb , got to restart kde20:41
boesmanshello all <o20:42
sithlord48ok back20:42
sithlord48srdjan, do you know what epsoide its from ?20:43
srdjansithlord48: undiscovered country20:44
sithlord48ok do u know about when in the ep?20:44
boesmansHey guys20:45
sithlord48boesmans , what up ?20:45
srdjansithlord48: right at the end when Kirk addresses madam chancellor of the Klingon empire20:45
boesmanshad a week off, still looking for a way to get my dekstop back.. I mean, i have the Showdesktop widget, but it shows my desktop.. before i messed up, when i was on my desktop i had always a window showing what i dl to my desktop.. now i don't have that anymore?20:45
sithlord48you can all a folder view widget to you desktop and point it to you download folder20:46
srdjansithlord48:  "People can be very frightened of change."20:47
cvdthats the fun of linux, tryin to repair things20:47
sithlord48srdjan, lol was looking for a bit more of that but yea20:47
sithlord48its not all bad after a while you learn how to not break things20:47
srdjanyes but sometimes things break on your behalf20:48
srdjanlike crappy firefox20:48
sithlord48whats broken in firefox..20:48
sithlord48cause it seams to work fine over here20:49
srdjanI could not play any videos on youtube. just got a gray box instead of the video player. killed firefox and restared and its working fine again.20:49
sithlord48thats flash crashed..20:50
srdjanfirefox is also painfully slow with javascript20:50
sithlord48not firefoxes falut..20:50
cvdwho use firefox after chrome is out20:50
sithlord48i guess that depends on that java you have... don't seam to show here20:50
sithlord48people use chrome really?20:50
srdjannot java, javascript20:50
cvdi dont even remember firefox20:51
sithlord48i don't notice..20:51
sithlord48i think i have chrome installed but i havent' fiddled with it much , been using opera mostly20:51
cvdi dont like about Opera is the stupid widgets and not extension20:52
sithlord48i don't like it that much either20:52
cvdlike firefox or chrome20:52
sithlord48boesmans, right click on desktop add widget choose folder view ,20:53
sithlord48boesmans, that will add one to your desktop, i persume this is what you talking about, you may have to config it futher by using the wrench icon on its handle when u mouse over the edge.20:53
boesmansthanks sithlord48 ^^ it was that, show desktop folder then20:55
sithlord48cvd, i like FF too, but i have been trying to use opera see if i can adjust to it or a really just don't like it20:55
sithlord48boesmans, np...20:55
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tamrananyone notice a color issue using qtcurve theme for gtk apps?21:05
Tm_Ttamran: what color issue?21:06
tamranwell, what should be a dark/black color is showing up as white21:07
tamrangoogle chrome browser shows the issue quite nicely if you have the "obsidian coast" theme21:07
Tm_TI see only black here, yes, only black (:21:07
tamranand set chrome to use gtk theme21:08
tamranI think just one color gets forgotten ... so I've got white text with white background.21:08
tamranthe color is the one connected to the border color of back windows ...21:09
tamranerr, inactive windows21:09
tamranother than that, it's perfect :)21:09
tamranif I use a white/light theme, I have no issues21:09
tamranI'm sure it was just a forgotten link somewhere21:10
charles__need hlp with browser21:10
charles__is there any updates for this Browser????21:12
sithlord48does any one know if ssd "trim" is supported w/ karmic21:12
tamranhere's a better question ... how can I find out the details of what the gtk theme setup does?21:13
charles__new to thos21:14
charles__new to this21:14
lalaloltamran, have you restarted chrome?...21:18
tamranlalalol: yeah, it's persistent21:18
tamranit's not such a huge deal, and only affects "dark" themes (light text on dark background)21:19
tamranI know the color it's having an issue with21:19
tamranthe border color for inactive windows21:20
tamranlalalol: do you have chrome working ok?21:20
lalaloltamran, i use Iron21:21
tamranwhat's iron?21:21
tamranis that a different build of chrome?21:21
boesmansbah i did something stupid again... while right clickin at the bottom of my screen, i click add panel twice.. now when i maximalize a window, it doesn't fill my whole screen :p21:21
lalalolgoogle chrome without the monitoring from google21:21
boesmansfixed it tho, but i need to stop clickin everything i see :D21:21
lalaloltamran, i advise chromium though, but with all google features turned off21:22
tamranthe only thing I really like about that is the syncing of bookmarks21:22
tamranlast time I tried chromium it was aweful21:22
lalalolyou used the PPA?21:22
tamranis there a kde-dressed version of it? that would be great21:22
tamranlalalol: you mean the google ppa?21:23
lalalolunfortunately not :(21:23
lalalolno, the chromium-browser ppa21:23
tamranI believe I did21:23
lalalolit auto updates21:23
tamranbut have wiped this machine SOOOO many times since then21:23
lalalolstrange, i didnt experience any bugs with it21:23
tamranwell, it was the fonts and such21:23
tamranthey SUUUUCKED :)21:23
mefisto__lalalol: so there's chrome, chromium, AND iron?21:24
tamranis chromium cleaner than chrome?21:24
lalalolthe only thing chrome is better than chromium and iron is the h.624 codec or so, to get html5 working on YT21:24
tamranI mean, less resource hungry and such21:24
lalalolmefisto__, yes21:24
lalalolits the same tamran21:24
tamrandang, I use the html5 youtube beta21:24
tamranI'm curious about this "Iron" program21:25
mefisto__tamran: chromium uses slightly less ram, last time I compared the two21:25
lalalolthen youll want to wait till that codec gets standard built into chromium and iron21:25
lalaloloh my bad, i thought it was the same21:25
lalaloltamran, SRWare Iron21:25
tamranmefisto__: does it do syncing of bookmarks and such?21:26
tamranerrr, better question:21:26
lalalolyeah it does21:26
mefisto__tamran: yes it syncs bookmarks21:26
tamrancan I run chromium and chrome side by side with no issues?21:26
mefisto__tamran: yes, I have both installed and both can run simultaneously21:26
tamranok, I'll check out chromium ...21:27
tamranthanks guys, great help :)21:27
lalalolyw :)21:28
lalaloltamran, can you answer this since youre using the html5 beta? have you experienced any issues with the beta?21:28
tamranlalalol: yeah, a couple.  1st thing is that it shows 100% loaded on the progress bar immediately, even though it's not21:29
tamranthat said, html5 runs nicer, even though it doesn't use less resources21:29
lalalolsay what?21:30
lalalolit doesnt use less resources?21:30
tamranthe second issue is that it doesn't eliminate flash on all videos, for example if there is an advert in the video it goes to the flash version21:30
tamranlalalol: nah, not at all ... it's the same CPU wise21:30
lalaloldo you have a flashblocker? then it might always do html5 i think21:30
lalalolhuh? thats weird21:31
tamranif I "extract" the video to my hard drive locally and play it, it uses half the resources21:31
tamranso, I don't know what is going on there21:31
lalalolyoure not joking right?21:31
tamrannot joking21:31
lalalolthen the beta fails lol21:31
tamranit's snappier and faster to use, but side by side cpu graph comparisions show no/little difference forme21:32
tamranok, I'm confused as to which PPA to use ... do I want the daily ones?21:32
* tamran prefers the stable-ish, update maybe once a week version if possible21:33
tamranhttps://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta <- ??21:33
tamranppa:chromium-daily/ppa <- that's what I used21:38
Sufixxhi, what's default package manager in kubuntu? (with gui)21:42
tamranSufixx: try kpackagekit21:43
lantiziaHey, I've kinda got used to KDE a bit now... which is a big help - I usually just format it anytime I try it lol21:43
Guest66423use "adept"21:43
tamranSufixx: synaptic also works (lots of people use it even in kde)21:43
lantiziaCan I get a distro of kde that has less shit in it?21:43
lantiziaI can't think of a better way to put it21:43
lantiziaMinimal! thats what I mean, not less shit21:43
tamranlantizia: please tell me the answer when you get it ... I have a similar feeling :)21:43
lantiziatamran: well I'm on Linux Mint KDE... which is a bit of a help... firefox/thunderbird/songbird out the box21:44
tamranlantizia: Arch linux has a kdemod install, which lets you strip out some of the bloat21:44
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tamranlantizia: but not sure on ubuntu/kubuntu yet21:44
tamranlantizia: I like the way you first put it :)21:45
tamranlantizia: perhaps try an Ubuntu minimal install, then just install kde?21:45
Sufixxtamran: thx, I haven't been using kubuntu for years and now I'm helping my newbie-friend (I thought that adept still is def manager) :)21:45
lantiziatamran: is there like a kde-core package or something?21:45
tamranoh, adept probablly is, but I always use kpackagekit21:45
tamranlantizia: I'm pretty sure there is kde and kubuntu-desktop ... there's discussion in the forums about it I believe21:46
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tamranYEAH, chromium does the gtk colors right!21:52
tamranthanks mefisto__ and lalalol21:52
tamranok, so  ... now how does one turn off google tracking with chromium?21:53
srdjanthere is google tracking??21:54
tamransrdjan: I'm not sure ... I'm lead to believe there is21:54
tamransrdjan: if Iwas google, I'd be doing tracking ... you know, not for nefarious purposes of course21:55
srdjanwell i was just peer-pressured into installing chromium21:55
srdjanso i hope it's not tracking me21:55
tamransrdjan: me too! it's nice so far.  I'll say this, tracking or not, chrome is a huge improvement over even firefox21:56
dmdevoteehi, somebody help me plase21:56
dmdevoteewhen i install kubuntu-restricted-extras, it closes the software manager21:57
ambitchorme will spoil you, i cant even go to different browsers now21:57
erk10hey yall anyone know a way i can get my drivers for my belkin F5D7050 ver.5000 working from the .exe or find an iso for the original copy of the driver disc for ubuntu?21:57
tamrandmdevotee: dang, I had an issue with that just now21:57
srdjanambit: in what way?21:57
dmdevoteehow can i install kubuntu-restricted-extras?21:57
srdjanerk10: what is one of those belkin things?21:58
sithlord48dmdevotee, alt+f2 to open run box run konsole then type in sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:58
erk10its a wireless card21:58
erk10tryin to get ubuntu workin on another comp of mine everything but the wireless card works21:58
srdjanmaybe there's a dirver for it21:58
erk10nope no driver support what so ever for linux21:58
erk10but the original driver will work21:59
dmdevoteesithlord48, it does nothing21:59
erk10problem is i lost the cd21:59
erk10and they only have a .exe for download21:59
erk10and with the .exe i cant view the .inf file21:59
tamrandmdevotee: this is a total guess.  Did you install the addin's for Konquerer browser?22:00
erk10see with ndiswrapper i can install it like i did most other windows drivers and use the .inf file22:00
dmdevoteetamran: no, and i unistalled konquerer22:00
tamrandmdevotee: I'm trying to track this issue down as well, as I can't seem to install the restricted extras22:00
tamranyou can uninstall konquerer!? SWEEEET22:00
erk10any ideas srdjan?22:00
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:00
srdjanerk10: http://linuxsoftwareblog.com/blog/?p=30     seems you dont need ndiswrapper22:01
srdjanmaybe. dunno22:01
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erk10hmm let me check it out22:01
dmdevoteetamran: you can't?22:01
fabio333i got to register on this server22:01
dmdevoteei have other issue22:01
tamrandmdevotee: I never thought to try :)22:02
tamrandmdevotee: I "thought" to try, but never thought it would work22:02
dmdevoteewhen i try to install samba client, a error message appears (in spanish): you must remove kubuntu-desktop package before installing. what whould i do?22:03
fabio333kubuntu-desktop : like a metapackage... pretty useless22:04
dmdevoteemmmm what works unistalling konqueror? i did it only because i didn't wanted it, not because i wanted to solve something lol22:04
mefisto__erk10: try opening the .exe with ark. it's probably an autoextracting zip archive22:04
erk10ight srdjan i'm gonna try that out i'll be back in a few mins ty for the help22:04
fabio333konqueror: pretty useless now22:04
erk10yea it is22:04
dmdevoteethe funny thing is is not installed lol22:04
tamrandmdevotee: ok, the restricted extras is installing for me via cmd line22:04
tamrandmdevotee: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras22:05
tamranyeah, in the packagemanager it wouldn't work though22:05
tamranso I dunno22:05
tamranI've never had that problem myself22:05
tamranno problem ... is it working?22:06
dmdevoteei'm installing, through terminal22:06
dmdevoteeyes, it seems22:06
tamranI'm finding more and more that the terminal is the way to go22:06
ambitsrdjan: the interface is just too easy, everything seems more at my fingertips, and the menus and tabs doesnt take up half my screen22:06
dmdevoteethanks again22:07
srdjandamn. pornview segfaults on properties...22:07
tamranglad it's workin' for you man22:07
tamranpornview? is that an app?22:07
dmdevoteeanybody knows how to install all audio plugins? AAC, flac, wavpack, etc22:07
dmdevoteeto amarok22:07
srdjanambit: i'll have to start using it to see... hopefully the fact each tab is a process, should insulate from busy loops etc22:08
tamrandmdevotee: I'm pretty sure that's part of the restricted extras22:08
srdjantamran: yes it;'s in apt-get22:08
dmdevoteethanks i will try22:08
tamrandmdevotee: I wasn't able to get ipod stuff workign without the restricted extras22:09
Wolfcastlei installed gsynaptics to configure my touchpad22:09
Wolfcastlebut changes are not saved when restarting X22:09
Wolfcastleany ideas how to achieve this?22:09
srdjanWolfcastle: is it changing a different config file?22:10
dmdevoteeanybody knows how to restore the K button?? (the equivalent of start button on windows)22:11
Wolfcastlesrdjan: I have no idea what file it's changing22:11
dmdevoteenot happening now22:11
dmdevoteebut, i had to re-install cause of this22:11
srdjandmdevotee: right click on panel and there will be some option22:11
tamrandmdevotee: when you right click the panel and go panel options and then "add widgets" the kde launcher is not there?22:13
mefisto__dmdevotee: that K button is just a widget. you can add or remove it anywhere just like any other plasma widget22:13
erk10muahahaha i got it workin22:14
srdjanerk10: :)22:14
erk10srdjan that wasnt the issue but i got a great idea from that site22:14
erk10so ty for your help22:14
srdjannp :)22:14
dmdevoteetamran, thanks, yes, now i see22:14
tamrandmdevotee: np22:14
erk10man i feel sorry for linux nubbies when im an advanced user and i still have problems from time to time lol22:14
dmdevoteeit happened to me hours ago, but i reinstalled lol22:14
erk10time to get compiz rockin on this beast22:15
srdjanerk10: how advanced?22:15
dmdevoteeomg this irc channel is awesome22:15
mefisto__erk10: things have been changing fast lately, it's easy to be a newbie22:15
erk10im a aix admin22:15
srdjanooh i'm sorry for you :P22:15
tamranerk10: linux newbs is one thing, linux newbs bred on windows for years is almost worse ... I had to get 4 years of the Gentoo treatment before I really appreciated linux22:15
erk10yea lol no os holding my hand when i go to work lol22:15
erk10if you dont know command line extremely well dont get near aix lol22:16
srdjantamran: ouch. I tried out gentoo. really liked it, except that I kept getting package blocks almost every day. and it became a massive pain to use it. pitty though :(22:16
tamransrdjan: yeah, too many options supported, too little support ... you HAVE to go unstable stream in that or you're hoooped. unstable in gentoo is actually MORE stable on 64bit22:17
erk10sudo apt-get install compiz .... anyone remember the rest of the command?22:17
erk10lol i might have to look it up22:18
dmdevoteeanybody knows if there is a easy way to share files / directories between a virtualbox machine and kubuntu?22:18
erk10wait  think the rest was compiz-manager- something hmmm22:18
srdjanerk10: do you not already have it enabled/installed?22:18
tamransrdjan: I have days where I want to go back ... but a little patience and getting a toolchain installed eased my "frustration" a bit22:18
erk10it doesnt come with this flavor of ubuntu22:18
erk10and you cant see it in the software manager either i have it running on a vpc on my solaris machine22:18
srdjantamran: yes i want to go back. only used it on and off for a few weeks. very much liked emerge22:18
erk10thats ight i'll just look it up on that computer real quick22:19
srdjanerk10: was it something like "cssm" ?22:19
erk10nah here it is its sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-settings-manager22:20
erk10knew it was something like that lol22:20
tamransrdjan: try getting the toolchain installed on Ubuntu ... I think it was "checkinstall" package?  Google "build packages" on ubuntu.  You can hack pretty much everything22:20
srdjanugh i should do some ironing22:20
tamransrdjan: if you do go use gentoo, it works nicely but requires daily work.  Eventually you'll get sick of it.  There is also Arch linux, but I didn't have the patience to get that deep ... I just like to slice through the bloat22:21
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srdjantamran: thats assuming i want to hack ubuntu... i just use it now as i was getting annoyed with lack of updates for slackware22:22
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tamransrdjan: you may have the same thing I do ... I actually find watching code compile soothing :/22:22
erk10man ubuntu is retarded easy to use lol22:22
erk10compiz up and runnin this machine is lookin like a pimp22:23
tamranI used to have a gentoo box hooked up to the TV and would have code compiling in a PIP window22:23
erk10hel yea lol22:23
srdjantamran: me too22:23
erk10should see some of the crazy stuff im doin these days since everything is gettin so advanced22:23
tamransrdjan: I can't explain it, but yeah ... soothing22:23
tamranof course, anxiety would set in if a compile fails :)22:24
srdjanyup soothing :]22:24
erk10lol tam22:24
dmdevoteeany recommendations about gnome-commander type soft for kubuntu?22:24
erk10its one of those /wrists moments huh lol22:24
srdjani might download pornview and compile from source22:24
erk10i have a suggestion use gnome!22:25
tamransrdjan: those gentoo guys are all pretty nice too, it takes you a matter of days to start helping other newbs ... after using it for 3 days I was ssh'ign into peoples boxes with screen to walk them through an install ... within days, they were helping others22:25
dmdevoteedo you mean gnome, or gnome commander?22:25
srdjantamran: wow. people are so trusting?22:25
erk10brb just did an update22:25
tamransrdjan: there is an ubuntu package build faq somewhere.  You can make your own package quite easily with that22:25
tamransrdjan: well, it was in screen, so they could totally watch what I did22:26
srdjantamran: make install into /usr/local/stow/package/packagename/  and then use stow :)22:26
tamransrdjan: what's stow?22:26
* tamran googles22:26
srdjani didnt know you could use screen to have an interactive multi-user interface22:26
santoshhey guys, I am trying to Install oracle 11.2 on ubuntu22:26
santoshI am stuck with a step where i need to modify limit.conf file....I am getting an error when I try to save the file22:27
srdjantamran: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/12739322:27
santoshThe document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to /etc/security/limits.conf.22:27
santoshCheck that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available22:27
binarylookssantosh: are you on the konsole?22:28
srdjansantosh: do you have enogh disk space or enough permissions?22:28
binarylooksin ubuntu you need to use "sudo" to get the necessary privileges22:28
happypinguinhi, i have a mustek bearpow 1200cu plus scaner and when i try to scan it gives me "unknown erorr" (in GIMP). Does enyone have this scaner?22:28
santoshyes, I do have enough space and I am on console as root22:28
santoshis it possible to edit a file from console, or it has to be done through file manager22:29
srdjansantosh: it is possible22:29
srdjanwb tamran22:30
tamrancan you please repast that link ... I had to reboot the terminaal22:30
binarylookssantosh: fo example use: sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf22:30
tamrantesting something out here22:30
srdjan[22:27:40] <srdjan> tamran: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/12739322:30
srdjanbinarylooks: or sudo su  :)22:31
tamranawesome, my default browser setting works ... I just had to close the terminal22:31
tamranok, I'm going to set this up in a screen session, brb22:32
binarylookssudo suo = super user do super user :-) sounds strange22:32
srdjanbinarylooks: :D22:33
srdjanbut it does get you a root shell22:33
tamranok, screen should be working22:33
santoshI did try that22:33
santoshsudo etc/security/limits.conf22:33
santoshsudo: etc/security/limits.conf: command not found22:33
tamranscreen is just awesome22:34
binarylooksits sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf22:34
tamransantosh: limits.conf is not an executable22:34
binarylooksnano is a konsole text editor22:35
santoshI wanted to know if I can edit a file "limits.conf" from console22:36
srdjannano is not a konsole editor22:36
tamranso, by the way, KDE4.4 is using 150mb less ram than the latest gnome ... is there something I'm missing?22:36
mefisto__santosh: there should be a / before etc22:36
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erk10oh man this computer runs great22:37
erk10compiz looks sexy too on it got my studio computer up and runnin woot!22:38
srdjangiven this URL: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/pornview/karmic   how can I download a tar of the source? or how can I access the source with anont SVN or git ?22:38
erk10got it runnin ubuntu studio 9.10 so its gonna be sweet for makin music and what not22:38
tamranso, ktorrent doesn't support magnet links ... can anyone reccomend a bittorrent client that does?22:39
tamranI tried transmission-qt, but the browser is trying to use xdg-open and it doesn't do anything for me ...22:39
santoshStill it give me command prompt error22:40
srdjanok i think i just got the sauce22:41
erk10utorrent is very nice22:41
srdjansantosh: can we try to guess what error it is?22:41
erk10gotta have wine installed to use utorrent though22:41
tamranutorrent isn't a linux app is it?22:41
srdjanooh need wine for Tiberian Sun...22:41
erk10no its not a linux app but like i said if you have wine installed it works22:42
erk10also if you get crossover you can use damn near any windows software22:42
tamranI've got VMWare for that stuff22:42
tamranI'd like to keep my viruses in a sandbox if possible :)22:42
erk10virtualbox is much better than vmware22:42
erk10and its opensource22:42
erk10well virtualbox wont be as secure to the host os as vmware is so you might wanna stick with vmware22:43
erk10your still never 100% secure22:43
erk10im real big into virtualization use vmware at work with vsphere and all the goodies22:43
tamranerk10: fair enough ... but I like to "ride bareback" as they say when using windows22:43
tamrananyone got magnet links to work using chromium browser?22:44
tamranon kde of course22:44
tamranit works out of the box in gnome (Ubuntu)22:45
erk10lol the media plugin for .wma files is called ugly i love it22:48
erk10tamran out of curiousity which vmware you using?22:50
tamranvmware 722:51
erk10right on22:51
tamranit works pretty good22:51
erk10you seen what they have in store for it in the future?22:51
tamranwell, their server stuff is absolutely awesoe ... but I doubt I'd ever use it22:51
erk10eventually all the os's will run as a single os or thats how it will appear22:51
tamranthe client stuff works best on the mac though22:51
erk10yea fusion 3 is sexy22:52
erk10i have it on my mac22:52
tamranit's not as good on Linux ... but I can play some 3d games with little issue22:52
erk10unix based and linux based os's is the only way to go22:52
tamranso, I use it only when neccesary ... I don't want to make it too easy for myself to run windows apps ...22:53
tamranand I ABSOLUTELY like the way I can do snapshots22:53
tamrantalk about awesome22:54
tamranwoah, chromium is definitely snappier than chrome so far22:54
DaughainDoes wine just not like KDE???22:57
mefisto__Daughain: what's up?22:59
DaughainDunno....I had an issue with wine, so, I did an uninstall, then reinstalled...Even rebooted gthe system, but still now .wine/C:23:00
Daughainnow == no23:00
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erk10graphical applications blow in ubuntu im sticking with command line so much more effective no matter what flavor lol23:01
DaughainGUI's let me convert windows users. :P23:03
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jrmyfrancais svp23:16
mefisto__Daughain: try renaming/deleting the .wine folder and install a windows app to create a new fake windows23:17
jrmyfrancais ?23:17
mefisto__!fr | jrmy23:18
ubottujrmy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois23:18
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Daughainmefisto__: Thats just it, I dont even have a .wine folder.23:18
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mefisto__Daughain: does  wine notepad   start notepad?23:21
DaughainHmmm.....Yeah, it does...23:22
mefisto__Daughain: see if that has created a .wine folder. there must be one now23:22
DaughainStill not there.......at least not in /Documents23:23
mefisto__Daughain: no, it will be in your home folder. ~/.wine23:23
DaughainNot in home or home/daughain23:24
DaughainHold on, my mistake.23:25
DaughainI thought I had enable hidden set already.....OK, problem solved.23:26
DaughainThanks again, mefisto__23:27
Serdarhi there23:32
SerdarI have installed kubuntu but can't configure my wlan23:32
Serdartrying to run KNetworkManager but it does not start.23:32
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Typos_King!es | ponchale23:35
ubottuponchale: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:35
Typos_KingSerdar:     knetworkmanager IS loaded already, check your tray23:35
Serdarit didn't see it.23:38

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