
=== djbclark is now known as Guest3522
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lfaraonekamalm: the package is not marked as maintained by you, it seems somebody (probably you) assigned it to ~registry01:28
kamalmlfaraone: that's certainly possible.  :-)  I wonder if its possible for me to get it back somehow.01:29
lfaraonekamalm: contact the registry administrators! :)01:30
kamalmlfaraone: hmm.  The only contact link for https://launchpad.net/~registry seems to be sabdfl.  Is that really the right person to send such a request to!?01:34
lfaraoneTeam details             Email:                                                                          mdzdevnull@canonical.com01:34
lfaraonekamalm: ask a question in launchpad: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+questions01:35
kamalmis mdzdevnull@ an actual person?  (the devnull made me think otherwise).  I will ask in +questions -- thanks!01:35
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jussi01hrm, anyone about with launchpadlib experience that could write a small script for me?08:00
wgrantjussi01: What does it need to do?08:03
jussi01wgrant: grab all the irc nicks from a certain set of teams.08:04
wgrantI should have guessed...08:05
wgrantRecursively, I guess?08:05
persiaNick of members of teams that are members of teams should also be included?08:06
jussi01wgrant: I have https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-irc-devel-channels/+participation and https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-irc-channels/+participation - the teams listed there I need a list of irc nicks from.08:06
wgrantjussi01: What persia said.08:07
jussi01persia: wgrant, yes.08:07
wgrantI suppose you'll be wanting members of sub-teams.08:07
jussi01my head is exploding. :)08:10
shadeslayerhi is there a PPA admin here?08:11
jussi01ok, let me explain the end use, and then you can tell me what I need. I want to fix the +V list in #ubuntu-ops. the list is everyone who is a member of the teams I showed you there.08:11
persiawgrant: Assume that jussi01 will answer "yes" to all the questions, and you'll probably end up with something close to what he seeks :)08:12
wgrantshadeslayer: What do you need done?08:12
wgrantpersia: I have, and I'm testing the script now.08:12
wgrantBut LP are sloow.08:12
shadeslayerwgrant: well this is regarding chroot problems on machines08:12
persiaAnd I even stopped eating bandwidth, mostly.08:12
shadeslayerwgrant: i uploaded 4 packages yesterday,3 of them had chroot problems08:13
wgrantshadeslayer: Link to build log?08:13
shadeslayerwgrant: um one sec08:13
shadeslayerwgrant: gone,since i retried the build08:13
wgrantIf the build succeeds, then there is no problem. It was a transient issue.08:14
shadeslayerwgrant: all it said was unpacking source,failed to connect to time server08:14
wgrantRight, that would be a transient network issue.08:14
wgrantNothing to worry about -- just retry them.08:14
shadeslayerwgrant: actually shouldnt there be some mechanism to retry that build automatically of that happens?08:14
wgrantshadeslayer: Probably, yes. But automatically detecting all cases where that is a good idea is not easy.08:15
shadeslayerwgrant: hmm.. well i was thinking if it could be done by a script on the servers which just checks a few basic things to start with,like the transient network issue08:16
wgrantshadeslayer: But there's nothing anywhere that says "transient network issue".08:18
shadeslayerwgrant: no i mean like checking for the network time update stuff08:19
* wgrant curses Lucid r600 hardlocks.08:23
wgrantjussi01: Looks like IRC nicks should be available anonymously on edge as of a few minutes ago.08:28
* wgrant tries.08:28
jussi01wgrant: excellent :)08:28
wgrantjussi01: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/394559/08:33
wgrantJust give it a team name as the first arg.08:33
jussi01wgrant: excellent!08:34
wgrantDue to perfect timing it works anonymously now when it wouldn't have 15 minutes ago.08:34
jussi01wgrant: 2 things, which libs do I need installed, and can I give it more than one team name at a time?08:35
wgrantjussi01: You just need python-launchpadlib.08:35
wgrantWhy would you want to give ore than one? How would you split the results?08:35
jussi01wgrant: I just need a collective list atm ;)08:36
jussi01but all good. thisl work :)08:37
jussi01wgrant: every one who is a member of those teams should have +V in #ubuntu-ops, Im trying to get a list of nicks I need to give +v ;)08:37
wgrantjussi01: Ah. One sec.08:38
persiajussi01: It's recursive.  Feed it ~ubuntu-core-irc-channels08:38
jussi01oh, that works also? excellent.08:38
* wgrant forgot about that team.08:38
jussi01hrm, that didnt quite go as expected...08:39
wgrantWhat happened?08:39
jussi01I guess its because it didnt grab the members of the teams that team is a member of...08:41
wgrantOh, that team is the wrong way around for that to work.08:41
wgrantMulti-team version pasting now...08:42
jussi01ok, thanks :)08:42
wgrantJust give it as many args as you need.08:42
jussi01awesome. may I ask for one tiny thing more? (if its tiny, if its big, feel free to tell me to go away). Is there a way to filter it so the entries only appear once? ie. If I am a member of more than one team, it only lists my name once, not one time for each team im a member of?08:46
wgrantIt should do that already.08:46
wgrantUnless launchpadlib is being stupid.08:46
wgrantWhich is not impossible.08:47
jussi01wgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394567/08:48
wgrantjussi01: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/394569/08:51
persiajussi01: | sort -u is probably easiest.08:51
persiajussi01: You might also want a | grep freenode in there08:51
jussi01persia: nah, because not everyone lists freenode08:52
persiawgrant: The trick is that a person can belong to a team via multiple paths, given your algorithm, this causes duplication (unless I misunderstand python's set() )08:53
wgrantjussi01: Those people are bugs and will complain/fix when their access is revoked, no?08:53
wgrantpersia: It wouldn't be a problem in Launchpad code, but launchpadlib appears to create multiple objects for the same URL.08:53
wgrantI had guessed that it would reuse the same object like ORMs tend to.08:53
persiaAha, so there is a bug.  This makes sense.08:54
persia(but a bug in lplib)08:54
wgrantNot necessarily. launchpadlib doesn't have transaction guarantees.08:54
persiaOh, so it makes sense to have potentially two objects, as they contents may differ at runtime.08:55
jussi01wgrant: seems to work now! thanks very very much :)08:59
wgrantjussi01: No problem.08:59
wgrantI hope your Launchpadifying of privileges goes well.08:59
jussi01wgrant: yeah, its coming along. :D09:00
crimsunerr, edge is being extremely ... edgy09:03
wgrantcrimsun: Contentless OOPSing on some pages?09:04
wgrantYeah, known.09:04
wgrantIf it's problematic for you, disable the redirect.09:04
crimsunI just used the shiny ajaxy status change instead of the drop-down status radio button + message09:06
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yofelhey, any news on bug 538097 today?13:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538097 in apport "Apport cannot connect to crash database" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53809713:48
yofeland which LP project should we assign this to as well?13:49
yofelas only the main DB seems broken, uploading to staging.lp.net works fine13:49
persiaDo we know it's an LP bug?  If so, let's just stick it in "launchpad", and one of the LP triagers will put it in the right place.13:49
yofelpersia: well, I'm not sure, but is 'HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error' a bug in apport?13:50
persiano, probably not :)13:51
yofelok, then I'll add a task against launchpad itself13:51
shadeslayerhi is there a way to check how many people use my ppa14:43
slytherinRegarding release management - Is it possible to change description of existing file?14:45
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kamalmLaunchpad problem:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnuradio yields a "Not allowed here" error.   I think the package is moving from multiverse to universe (possibly right now), which might relate.18:45
kamalmfor reference, bug 53849118:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538491 in gnuradio "Move gnuradio from multiverse to universe" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53849118:46
jpdskamalm: Sounds like bug #53500118:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535001 in soyuz "permission denied for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati (dup-of: 514824)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53500118:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 514824 in soyuz "No permissions to view ubuntu/+source/hypre because of disabled ppa in page" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51482418:47
jpdsWorks fine for me on edge.18:48
crimsunconverting bug reports into questions fails for me on edge18:48
crimsun(sadly, worked around by disabling redirect)18:48
kamalmjpds: thanks for the pointer -- yes, it does look like the same problem.  I've added a comment to 514824.19:00
kamalmrandomaction: ^^19:01
randomactionkamalm: yes, I have the same symptoms19:01
slytherinHi, we are having some problem with release management for our application. It seems old releases are still getting downloaded. Is it possible to find which third party sites are linking to these?19:55
blueyedKnown? bug 538097 - Apport cannot connect to crash database20:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538097 in apport "Apport cannot connect to crash database" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53809720:00
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
blueyedarch linux task tracker is not supported: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/18478 ?!21:09
blueyedvia https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x264/+bug/53855521:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538555 in x264 "Remove --enable-pthread, --enable-visualize, --enable-pic from confflags" [Wishlist,Triaged]21:10
mikelifeguardHi guys. I'm looking at http://bugs.launchpad.net right now - should I be able to submit a bug report here? I don't see a way to do it23:50
nhandlermikelifeguard: What are you trying to file a bug about?23:51
mikelifeguardI'm surprised Canonical's UI people didn't think to provide a link here - the user should be able to fill in their bug report including an ajax search field for the project/package/whatever23:53
jpdsmikelifeguard: "One project:" → "screen" → Search ?23:55
mikelifeguardisn't that searching for already-existing bugs?23:55
wgrantHow did you get to bugs.launchpad.net?23:56
nhandlermikelifeguard: Well, in any case: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/screen/+filebug is what you want23:56
mikelifeguardwgrant: by typing?23:56
wgrantI don't think that's what you want.23:57
wgrantYou want to file a bug on the Ubuntu package, right?23:57
mikelifeguardI'm supposed to have guessed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/screen/+filebug ?23:57
mikelifeguardI'm smart, but I'm not that smart23:57
wgrantNo, you were supposed to find a link there.23:57
mikelifeguardok, from where?23:57
wgrantAre you wanting to file a bug on screen itself, or the Ubuntu package of screen?23:58
mikelifeguardthe ubuntu package23:58
wgrantThen you should follow the Ubuntu bug reporting instructions.23:58

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