
zniavrewow the new software center is looking very bad i think08:32
zniavrewas not so good before but now it's worst08:33
darkmatterw00! I broke gnome! \o/13:33
darkmattercoz_: ever have one of those sleepy morning where you knew you should have cleared the cobwebs before upgrading packages? I just had one :D13:36
darkmatterI killed gnome ;)13:36
coz_darkmatter,  :)  yes sounds real familiar13:37
darkmatteraccidentally upgraded to the developmental version of pango. thankfully tty's actually work on this install13:38
darkmattersince everything gtk powered kinda depend on it I was all 'EEEK!"13:39
darkmattermeh. shoulda left it for later an had a good laugh at the missus expense. she'd go to log on and 'poof'... no gdm xD13:41
darkmatteranyway, how is coz_doing this fine morning?13:41
darkmattercoz_: is it just me or do you find http://jimmac.musichall.cz/images/blog/gnome-3-widgets-shaded.png a tad on the chubby side?13:44
coz_darkmatter,  mm  the bars  and buttons do seems a bit "chubby" :)13:45
darkmatterk. it's not just me then. I've been perusing the results of the UX hackfest and am 'attempting' to accept the direction. I guess overall the looks ok, I was just hoping gnome would go on a diet13:48
thorwilnot just a tad13:49
darkmatterthorwil: I was attempting to be polite ;)13:50
darkmatterit was that or suggest renaming gnome3 to 'shamu'13:50
vishoooohhhh  empty white spaces , definitely a step forward  ;p13:53
darkmattervish: you should see the current organization of gnome shell. no categories. all apps listed alphabetically in a big-assed pile of icons. visual clutter is very appealing. I shall pity new gnome users ;)13:56
coz_thorwil,  lol13:56
coz_thorwil,  I like eggplant :)13:56
vishi pity the fool!13:56
darkmatterthorwil: hehe13:56
coz_the new default theme in ubuntu is a bit  carppy13:57
coz_although somewhat nice buttons but there is a bug in that they dont render properly  probably metacity13:57
coz_dont mean to offend the creator13:58
darkmattercoz_: it has potential as far as the basics go, but it feels REALLY rushed (lacks consistency), though I'm sure it'll be improved13:58
coz_darkmatter,  well the major thing is the colour of the buttons on that theme13:58
vishdarkmatter: the apps list , in gnome3 is horrifying , if you dont add an app to the fav , you'll spend more time searching for the app13:59
darkmattervish: I know, that's why I mentioned it13:59
darkmattercurrently it looks like a bloated iphone14:00
darkmatterthey should have kept some form of categorization to benefit new users14:01
coz_6 years and they finally change the default theme... to this ?14:02
darkmattergnome3 just feels like an epic dumb-down to me14:04
coz_I assume you    mean gnome-shell?14:07
darkmattercoz_: gnome3 in general. they're stripping out most of the system settings and crap14:07
coz_darkmatter,  sounds like typical gnome approach14:08
darkmatterthey 'plan' to have an extra app called GNOME Plumbing(or plumber or whatever) (basically like tweakui)available to allow them to be adjusted, but we've heard such things before14:09
darkmatterI'll believe it when I see it14:10
coz_darkmatter,  why they insist on cutting out options for users is well beyond my understanding14:10
* vish imagines darkmatter as a old man siting on a lawn yelling at the kids ;p14:10
darkmattervish: shhh... I wanted that truth kept secret!14:11
coz_vish,  no no thats me lol14:11
coz_if it wasnt for you damn kids14:12
coz_darkmatter,  I think I am a bit older than you14:14
darkmatterlies! :P14:14
darkmatterok.. not lies, you're verging on geriatric ;p14:14
coz_darkmatter,    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/me%20pics/00004.png14:15
darkmatter:O it's a pasta chef!14:16
coz_darkmatter,  by the way that is really me lol14:16
darkmattercoz_: I believe ya. just bugging... because I can14:16
* darkmatter is on an extended break from ui stuff and is letting his creative juices flow14:22
darkmatterconcept art for a long overdue pet project! \o/14:24
darkmatternappy time. brain hurts o/14:26
vishargh! > http://psankar.blogspot.com/2010/03/forking-evolution.html?showComment=1268493408680#c575654823712243461216:37
vishcanonical just had the gnome3 meet , and still people say this :s16:38
thorwilvish: there's no shortage of ignorance and knee-jerking on the net. sadly you can't just educate people, they basically have to do that themselves. many don't want to17:42
=== islington_ is now known as islington
elmatttis there a possibility to find the breathe theme icon in other colors ?20:28
thorwili'm not aware of any variations/derivatives20:28
elmattti need it in blue ^^20:29
islingtonelmattt: you might as well use oxygen then20:44
elmatttyes i already have those one20:49

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