
m4vrandy and steil weren't bot clones, they were just using the same shell service paddymelon was using...00:54
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
erUSUL!search tweak12:36
IdleOneheh bot doesn't know about it12:45
IdleOneor I don't know the right !trigger12:46
IdleOneI know there used to be a factoid12:46
IdleOneoh wait I was thinking automatix12:46
IdleOnebut tweak is the same thing12:47
vish!info ubuntutweak12:47
ubottuPackage ubuntutweak does not exist in karmic12:47
persiaNo, they aren't the same thing.12:47
ubot2vish: Package ubuntutweak does not exist in karmic12:47
erUSULautomatix is like ancient history ....12:47
ubot4vish: Package ubuntutweak does not exist in karmic12:47
persiaautomatix is something that is not recommended, because it does all sorts of questionable things.12:47
persiaubuntutweak at least plays by the rules, but it's also likely not what you want for a stable system.12:48
IdleOnepersia: so in that respect still not recommended12:48
persiaIdleOne: Yes, but to a different degree.  There is an active recommendation to not use automatix.  There is simply no recommendation on ubuntutweak, although use is gently discouraged.12:49
IdleOnepersia: ok thanks for the info :)12:50
=== McPeter is now known as Noob`s
jussi01Reminder, IRCC meeting in 45 mins.  in #ubuntu-meeting19:15
guntbertjussi01: where can I find the agenda?19:26
nhandlerguntbert: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda19:26
guntbertnhandler: unfortunately not - thats 2 weeks old19:27
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
Tm_Tguntbert: and meeting agenda cannot be 2 weeks old?19:49
guntbertTm_T: If I read it correctly its for the meeting 2 week ago - please tell me I'm wrong19:50
Tm_Tlet's see...19:50
nhandlerguntbert: No. That just means nobody got around to updating the wiki to show the correct date of the next meeting19:51
topylithe agenda is ok, the date is wrong19:51
guntbertnhandler: understood -- sorry to bother :)19:51
nhandlerNo problem guntbert19:51
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter

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