
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-away
Tim42I think I found a bug in 2.6.31-xx-powerpc, but I want to make sure its a bug (and not my own stupidity).04:24
holsteinhey guys.. if i have kernel 2.6.32-16-generic05:52
holsteinand i want to test something with the mainline kernel05:53
holsteinwhich one from...05:53
holsteinshould i get?05:53
crimsunholstein: meaning which one most closely is the basis?06:26
jjohansenholstein: would be the closest06:26
holsteini should have said06:26
holsteini got linked the map over in #ubuntu+106:27
crimsunmy timing is spectacular :-)06:27
jjohansenbut it would also be worth testing 2.6.3306:27
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=== sconklin-away is now known as sconklin
dyekHi! I'm using Debian Squeeze's kernel to boot Ubuntu 9.10's DomU (cause that is the only kernel that works with Xen for me so far). If I were to use Debian Squeeze's initrd, I get this error: "No filesystem could mount root, tried:", "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)". I suspect that that was caused by Ext-4 FS used on Ubuntu 9.10. I'm now trying to use Ubuntu 9.10's initrd, but copy Debian Squeeze's22:37
dyek initrd's lib/modules/2.6.32-trunk-686-bigmem directory into my Ubuntu-based custom initrd. I'm still getting the same error. Is there any tips if my approach can work and what other steps I need to carry out before it will work?22:37
jjohansendyek: which 9.10 kernel specifically?23:24
dyekjjohansen: initrd.img-2.6.31-16-generic.23:25
dyekjjohansen: Debian Squeeze's vmlinuz-2.6.32-trunk-686-bigmem kernel, though, works with Xen (3.4.2 -- rather recent version.)23:27
jjohansenerr modules in, lib/modules/2.6.32-trunk-686-bigmem won't work with a 2.6.31-16 kernel23:27
jjohansenext4 should be builtin to the 2.6.31-16 kernel23:28
dyekjjohansen: OK. So, kernel module can never be moved to another minor version of kernel? Or with just a minor version difference, there is some chance that a kernel module will work with another kernel?23:29
jjohansengenerally no, its based off of the abi23:29
jjohansenwhen building a kernel an abi "signature" is created and that has to match23:30
jjohansenso even just changing config options can result in a kernel that needs different modules23:30
dyekjjohansen: OK. So, the signature is the key! Thanks! ... I was told that "unknown-block(0,0)" means missing hdd-driver not FS.23:31
jjohansendyek: right that is probably the hdd driver23:31
jjohansenbut you mentioned 9.10 ext4 above23:32
jjohansenhave you tried a lucid kernel?23:32
jjohansenits 2.6.32 based, and karmic will run ontop of the lucid kernel23:32
dyekjjohansen: Yeah...I could only guess as I don't understand enough. Lucid kernel? Any pointer to it?23:33
jjohansenlook for linux-image23:35
jjohansenor you can grab the source from the git tree23:35
dyekProtocol 2.10: (Kernel 2.6.31) Added a protocol for relaxed alignment beyond the kernel_alignment added, new init_size and pref_address fields. Added extended boot loader IDs.23:38
dyekjjohansen:  Do you think if this change could be why I had problems booting 2.6.31 as Xen DomU? (And that maybe it is fixed in 2.6.32?)23:39
jjohansendyek: unlikely23:40
dyekOK! Thanks!23:41

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