
gnomefreaktopyli: yeah thats been like that and it seems they are changing other themes to fit the new Ubuntu themes00:01
gnomefreakit was part of the g-t profile thing00:01
gnomefreakat least that was one of the apps00:02
topylii'll just keep using my high quality topyli themes :)00:02
gnomefreaki also have a few i made that i use00:03
topylimine are just simple variants (color schemes) of a few good themes, like clearlooks or elementary00:05
gnomefreaktopyli: mine too making full versions is not something i can do at least not sure if i can00:07
topylino reason, when you can take what others already did! :)00:08
gnomefreakgood point00:08
topylii just find a nice desktop background and change clearlooks colors to match00:08
topylisometimes i like something so much i save the theme as 'topyli-grayish-non-boring' or similar names00:09
knometopyli, i envy the amount of imagination and creativiness you put into those names.00:11
topylii even have a theme on gnome-look.org!00:13
topyliit's a metacity theme called not-very-much00:13
gnomefreaki use john's theme1 ....;2.....300:13
knomewell, that TELLS A LOT00:13
gnomefreaksorry not real creative on that00:13
* gnomefreak uses picture to tell apart00:13
topylii found a metacity theme with no titlebar at all, but i was unhappy because it still draws a colored border around the window. so i removed the color and uploaded the theme to gnome-look00:14
topylii'm a gnome designer and should totally try and get foundation membership00:14
gnomefreaki spent about an hour looking for good backgrounds. didnt find a whole lot of them00:15
* gnomefreak still waiting for 3.000:16
* knome is pretty much waiting for xfce 4.800:16
gnomefreakonly 2 more releases left00:16
gnomefreakxfce ==4.6?00:17
topylignomefreak, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/213546/index.html -- see promatic and graymatic00:17
knomegnomefreak, yep. 4.8 is the next00:17
topylipromate even00:17
knometopyli, like the balloons bg, though the balloons could have way less contrast00:17
knometopyli, weird hat.00:18
topyliknome, there's also a version where the balloons are light blue. it's not very bad00:18
gnomefreaki like the balloons one00:18
topyliknome, bald protection for summer!00:18
topylignomefreak, let me upload the one with the blueish balloons so you can take a look at that too00:19
gnomefreaktopyli: thanks00:19
topylignomefreak, refresh the index page, find balloonsblue00:21
gnomefreaktopyli: thanks00:21
gnomefreakoh yeah i like that00:22
topyligah! could have linked directly, i'm just too exited about dropbox-index.py once i found it :)00:22
knometopyli, the image reminds me of: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/63292/balloon-cup00:25
topyliknome, i have no idea what that is, but it does look fun :)00:29
knometopyli, never played the game myself either. but i've heard it's a bit too long an boring for it's genre. sadly. i kind of would have liked the theme :)00:30
topyliyeah :)00:34
ikoniaI've pm'd paddy_melon to join #ubuntu-ops to talk about his unathurozied bot00:36
ikoniahe knows the rules on this00:36
ikoniahello paddy_melon thank you for joining00:36
paddy_melonyep soz00:36
ikoniapaddy_melon: could you please explain why you're running an unauthorized bot in #ubuntu ?00:36
paddy_melongot installed and, somehow went to that channel00:36
paddy_melonIt won't be back00:36
ikoniaok, thank you00:37
paddy_melonOnce again, sorry for any problems caused00:37
ikoniano problem, thank you00:37
topyliall good then. let's hope this is not a recurring event00:38
paddy_melonBTW, that address is of a shell that a few users use so, some may not be able to connect. I've changed the config of my bot now00:38
ikoniaok, thank you00:38
paddy_melonso perhaps you should unban that?00:38
ikoniawe'll look into that00:38
paddy_melonok, thanks guys and sorry once again00:38
ikoniano problem again00:39
ikoniafyi: I'm not removing that ban just yet, I'll put a note in BT00:39
topyliikonia, do you think the bot will not return if there is no ban?00:39
topylioh, you don't00:39
ikoniaalso keep in mind paddy's a long term problem user and so are his friends (bernard_chan) that use that shell account00:40
topylii'm familiar with paddy himself00:40
ikoniaI'd rather leave that in place for just a few days00:40
ikoniaeasy to remove (I'll put a note in BT for after the weekend)00:41
jribyeah, I think we should unban.  I removed the shellium ban a few weeks (months ago), this is the first incident I've noticed and the admins for shellium seem to be pretty responsive (or were in the past at least)00:41
jribjust my opinion, if you think it's better to leave the ban ikonia, I won't argue00:42
ikoniait's up to you guys, I'd rather leave it in place for a few days based on paddy's past behaviour and his chums00:42
ikoniamake sure this isn't one of their stupid games00:42
jribI'm not familiar with his behavior, just remember the name.  So I'll defer to your judgment00:43
topyliif it's shellium, we may be talking about lots of users00:43
ikoniamost probably a genuine mistake as suggested, but that's the issue with being a long term problem user, credability goes00:43
jribI think they get to choose their hostnames, so it's easy for them to get around the ban anyway00:43
ikoniaif you'd rather remove it, I'm cool with that00:43
topylii still think we can push a message by removing the an a bit later00:43
jribthey can choose *.shellium.org afaik00:43
topylium, in that case the ban isn't even a problem for shellium users?00:45
jribwell, I kicked two clones after ikonia's banned with the same hostname.  I assume they were clones, but they may have been regular users00:46
jribAt least a couple of months ago, the default hostname was something like support.at.shellium.org00:46
topylii'm going to escape to bed. i can't really form opinions, although i would support a short ban (a day? two?) to make sure the Coming of End of Trouble00:50
ikoniaI'll make a note to remove it and see if jrib's suggestions come to reality00:51
ubottuTypos_King called the ops in #ubuntu (police_officer)01:02
ikoniaon it01:02
Flannelmmm, alright.01:02
ikoniapolice_officer = ryan = daemonFC ?01:03
FlannelMr Farmer?01:03
Flannellet me look01:03
FlannelI don't think so01:08
ikoniacool, thanks01:09
ikoniatalking to vamp in pm01:13
bazhangdon't see much support from linuxguy2009 ; every answer seems to be karmic is a failure, no surprise it is not working for you01:15
* jpds trolls back.01:16
jpdsbazhang: Hey dude.01:16
bazhangjpds, hi01:17
jpdsbazhang: You ever seen how awesome our TW mirror stuff is? http://people.canonical.com/~jpds/mirrors/push-archive-mirrors-dot.png01:17
bazhangjpds, very nice! I know from experience when updating / upgrading that they are flawless01:18
jpdsI was very surprised when I found them out.01:19
ikoniaHmmm this looks interesting.01:27
ikoniano idea who tharkun is or why he wants me01:27
ikoniabed time - out01:43
bazhangmYute, hi, can we help you?02:56
mYuteoh no02:57
mYuteno idea why i was redirected here02:57
mYuteim sorry02:57
FlannelYour quit message I fathom.03:19
FlannelI just have no idea where he's forwarded from03:19
Seeker`@bansearch mYute03:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:20
Seeker`@bansearch mYute03:20
FlannelLooked yesterday, not in there.03:20
ubottuNo matches found for myute!~stranded@unaffiliated/myute in any channel03:21
gordhow bizarre03:22
elky#ubuntu, set by mneptok, by unaffiliated cloak03:35
tonyyarussonalioth: how often is ubot3's database synced to ubottu's again?03:53
ubottuIn ubottu, Semitones said: !games is <reply> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | see also #ubuntu-gaming03:56
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:56
Semitoneswould that be a useful addition?03:57
mneptoki banned mYute for his/her /quit message03:58
tonyyarussoSemitones: I don't see that channel on the Ubuntu channel list.03:58
SemitonesI found it on the teams page03:58
mneptok(and guessing from the content of the message, it's "his")03:58
tonyyarussoSemitones: link?03:59
Semitonestonyyarusso, the channel seems pretty quiet though03:59
Semitonestonyyarusso, their topic has the link -03:59
persiaAnd doesn't follow current governance recommendations.03:59
Semitonesjust a sec03:59
tonyyarussoSemitones: you'll need to get them up to speed with policy and such and listed on the IRC wiki page before it should be in the factoid I think.04:01
persiaI don't think it's best to point folk looking at games to a marketing team.04:01
tonyyarussothat too04:01
tonyyarussomaybe it should be -marketing-games or something04:02
SemitonesI thought they were gaming enthusiasts... whoops04:02
persiaThere's been a number of long threads about the nomenclature of that team.  It's not worth raising them again.04:02
SemitonesI see04:02
persiaSemitones: Most of them are, but their focus is on marketing and promotion for that team.04:02
persiaSemitones: So while that team benefits from help, I think we'd do better to either create new space (if there is sufficient demand), or just also discuss games in existing channels.04:03
Semitonespersia, that sounds like the best idea04:04
Semitonesthe only reason I brought it up was there was someone in -offtopic looking to play wormux with somebody, while nobody did04:05
Semitones*nobody else wanted to04:05
Semitonesbut you're right, until there's enough of a population in -gaming, with a focus on games, -offtopic is as good a place as any to discuss games04:06
naliothtonyyarusso: hourly04:42
tonyyarussoo rly?04:42
ubottulucid aliases: ubuntu+1, lucid lynx, 10.04 - added by Amaranth on 2009-09-20 08:35:19 - last edited by nhandler on 2010-03-12 04:52:4904:42
tonyyarussowhat timezone are those stamps?  UTC?04:43
tonyyarussonalioth: I'm quite certain that factoid was edited more than an hour ago, and it hasn't yet updated in ubot3, is why I ask.04:43
nhandlertonyyarusso: Those times are UTC04:45
tonyyarussoOkay, so that makes it almost 24 hours ago.04:46
tonyyarussonalioth: So I suspect something about that database sync is broken.04:46
nalioththere is a cronjob that grabs the ubottu db hourly and replaces ubot3s db with it04:48
naliothi have no idea why some factoids update and some do not04:48
tonyyarussois there some sort of lock on certain parts?04:49
naliothi just give the bot a place to stay  :P04:54
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:14
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:14
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:14
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:14
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)05:14
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:20
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:20
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:20
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:20
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)05:20
Picioh dear05:30
PiciI'm spamming #ubuntu with modes. Sorry.05:41
FlannelPici: Spam Spam Spam, Spam Spam, Eggs and Spam.05:41
PiciWe have ~450 stale exceptions05:42
FlannelOh, fun.05:42
Picidone... finally.05:49
elkywait, banlist filled up again already? why...?07:45
bazhang450 or so stale exceptions07:46
elkybazhang, I removed the pre-march exceptions in 2 of the floodbots just the other day.07:57
bazhangelky, just reporting what P i c i said from earlier07:58
elkyyeah, but if it's filled up in a matter of days, then the problem is incrementally worsening07:58
jussi01hrm, anyone about with launchpadlib experience that could write a small script for me?08:01
jussi01elky: iirc, theres an issue currently with the FB's not removing exceptions correctly.08:03
elkyyeah i've kinda noticed, but that a fortnights worth for 2 bots have been replaced in a matter of like 2 days is scary.08:05
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from puser)08:43
jussi01!ops | The IRCC has been cleaning up the access list in here. If you have lost your +V in here and believe you should still have it, please contact one of the IRCC. Thanks!09:26
ubottuThe IRCC has been cleaning up the access list in here. If you have lost your +V in here and believe you should still have it, please contact one of the IRCC. Thanks!: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:26
ubottujussi01 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (The IRCC has been cleaning up the access list in here. If you have lost your +V in here and believe you should still have it, please contact one of the IRCC. Thanks!)09:26
elkywell... you could cross reference who you just pinged :P09:26
jussi01no, not so fail, as most people have ! o p s on highlight.09:27
elkyjussi01, you just know you want /another/ launchpad team for voice tracking09:27
jussi01elky: no, not at all.09:27
bazhangsorry just kidding jussi0109:27
elkyjussi01, "fail" as in success has 2 c's09:27
* jussi01 whatevers and gets back to work.09:30
* elky raises an eyebrow09:30
ikoniaok - I'm getting tired of spaceghost now09:46
ikoniahe's lecturing DrWillis who was helping someone really nice09:47
SpaceGhostC2CI have a question.09:49
ikoniathen ask it09:49
SpaceGhostC2CIt's about informing others about how to use pipes.09:49
SpaceGhostC2CIs it alright?09:49
ikoniayes it is09:50
SpaceGhostC2COkay, thank you.09:50
ikonianever gives time to answer09:50
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia: yes?09:51
ikoniathank you for returning09:51
ikoniaI was about to type before you exited09:51
ikoniaThere is no problem with telling people to use pipes, it's solid advice to help the channel, however look at the situation and the way you approach it09:51
ikonia1.) Dr_Willis was helping the guy fine09:51
ikonia2.) Dr_willis does not randomly query the bot in the channel, it was 2 occasions09:52
ikonia3.) the way you approach it "do you randomly query the bot in channels normally?"09:52
ikonia4.) "use pipes please"09:52
ikoniathats not great09:52
ikoniaI understand what you where trying to do09:52
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia: good point. he did randomly query a couple times though, I checked.09:52
ikoniaSpaceGhostC2C: a "couple" of times09:52
ikoniawith topyli09:53
ikoniaSpaceGhostC2C: so how about stop trying to direct people as you've been asked, and agreed to do with tonyyarusso09:53
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia: investigate the bot is the correct way to randomly query, right?09:53
ikoniahe wasn't randomly querying09:53
SpaceGhostC2CI'll change my approach to telling him to use pipes.09:54
ikoniaor don't tell him09:54
ikoniathere wasn't a need09:54
ikoniabut if you do need to tell $someone, approach it better09:54
ikoniaor better still - don't do it at all, as you agreed with topyli09:54
SpaceGhostC2CWill do.09:54
ikoniado you remember agreeing that with topyli ?09:54
SpaceGhostC2CI didn't agree not to show people a better way. I agreed not to troll them.09:54
ikoniano you didn't09:55
ikoniaand stop trying to direct the channel09:55
SpaceGhostC2CAnd to approach things nicer..09:55
ikoniayou agreed to allow the ops to deal with issues09:55
ikoniado you remember that09:55
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia: I did, it wasn't an issue, I just wanted to let him know he should use a pipe. Just a friendly thought. I didn't approach it correctly.09:55
ikoniado you remember agreed to stop trying to direct the channels09:56
topyliSpaceGhostC2C, if someone makes a random mistake with the bot, the correct way to handle is not to handle it at all. if someone is doing it for their personal amusement, then we have a problem and must deal with it09:56
SpaceGhostC2Ctopyli: I'll ignore it in the future.09:56
ikoniajust stop trying to direct the channel,09:57
ikoniaso that went in one ear and out the other09:57
topylithat's my guess09:57
ikoniahe doesn't hear what he doesn't want to hear09:57
ikoniait's getting really old now, and it was uncalled for to Dr_Willis who was helping just fine09:57
ikoniatopyli: apologies for the hilight - thoughtless09:58
* jussi01 uses pipes all the time... ?? :confused:09:58
ikoniajussi01: dr_willis was helping a guy with an annoying nick name (special chars) he hit the bot 2 times in quick success to give the guy the info he asked for09:59
topyliikonia, not at all, i might as well know that he's "helping us" again09:59
ikoniaSpaceghost jumped on him telling him to use pipes and asking if he always randomly queried the bot09:59
jussi01oh meh09:59
jussi01anyone got a good chicken satay recipe?09:59
ikoniait wasn't random, it was good help, and Dr_Willis provides great help/attitude normally anyway, so it's not like he didn't know, the guy just had an awkward nick09:59
gordjussi01, put the chicken in the microwave, for about an hour. put it in tomato soup. put it under the gril, for about an hour. put it in the bin because its disgusting10:01
ikoniamicrowave ???10:01
jussi01gord: hahahahaah10:01
ikoniajussi01: jamie oliver online has one10:01
ikonianever used it but it looks ok10:01
* persia wonders if chicken can withstand being in a microwave for about an hour10:01
* ikonia doesn't want to find out10:02
persiaWell, depends on microwave construction.  I think one either ends up with an explosion or little itty bitty diamonds.10:02
persia(the resulting diamonds are worth less than the electricity + amortisation on a sufficiently pressure-capable microwave for those seeking to try this at home)10:03
gordto mythbusters!10:03
jussi01well I guess it depends on whether you put the microwave on high or defrost, no?10:04
wgrantHigh, defrost, or diamondify.10:04
* jussi01 gives up and goes to eat peanut butter out of the jar...10:05
persiaJust dip the chicken in, and call it "satay"10:05
gordfinger' lick'n good.10:05
jussi01ok, so what I really need is a _basic_ satay recipe10:06
persiaTake something dead.  marinate in satay sauce.  Burn slightly on an open flame.  Dip in peanut sauce.10:06
jussi01its sad. Ive peanut butter, peanuts, chicken, chilli, soy sauce and a few other bits n peices, but no good recipe for that...10:08
jussi01I think ill end up just whacking stuff in and hooping it tastses good.10:09
topylijussi01, just try and get the chicken into an edible status. then call it satay. but not just any satay, but jussi01's special satay! "i bet you've never had one like this before"10:09
persiathere are any number of good recipe-finding resources on the internet.  some links were previously posted.10:09
jussi01topyli: lol10:09
jussi01persia: too much complicated stuff on those :D10:10
bazhangugh guadalinux kids10:10
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (Aza and Lego aren't listening to suggestions to move to #ubuntu-es)10:11
elkyone of the #debian ops was telling me earlier that they're getting a lot of the spanish kids over thataway too10:14
topylii wonder how *that* happens10:17
elkyI'm not sure it's the same as last year's livecd bug10:33
elkyconsidering they're being autojoined to the correct network, it kinda rules it out10:34
ikoniaelky: some guy started pm'ing about it last night10:39
ikoniasomeone donated a load of ubuntu pc's to some schools10:39
elkywasn't it a gov't rollout?10:39
elkyto an entire spanish junta10:40
ikoniaah, maybe10:40
elkywas it themill in #d-ot?10:41
elkyhe's who was talking to me about it earlier10:41
ikoniano katurn, or something like that10:41
ikoniaI'll check10:41
elkywell, you can scroll up in #d-ot and see my conversation about it10:41
ikoniawill do10:42
ikoniaubottu.com responding like a dog10:57
ubottuIn ubottu, ChanServ said: [#xubuntu] This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/11:00
ikoniawhois xy13:03
ikoniaok - xy and mewto are the same person with the bad quit message13:03
tritiumGood morning.15:08
jussi01o/ topyli15:09
jussi01o/ tritium even15:09
topylii like the attention, real or accidental!15:10
tritiumHi, jussi01 & topyli.15:10
topylihi tritium15:11
knomemoi Tm_T15:32
Tm_Toh and I won't be much around, being whole week in spa resort/hotel or something that kind15:36
knomeTm_T, o.O15:36
knomeTm_T, is there lots of beer?15:37
Tm_Tno, but lots of healthy workouts for my unemployed body15:37
knomelol, okay15:37
jussi01Reminder, IRCC meeting in 45 mins.19:15
ubottuAtomicSpark called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()21:56
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (PupUser204)21:56
crashsystemsIs there someone in here on the IRC team who I can talk to briefly via PM?22:31
persiaDoes it need to be PM?22:32
crashsystemsI'd prefer it to be, honestly.22:32
persiaOK.  Just operators here, generally.  Is there a specific channel you want to talk about?  That might narrow down who you want to have a PM with.22:33
crashsystemsyes, the #ubuntu-us-fl channel22:33
persiaHrm.  None of the operators for that channel are here, and that channel isn't controlled by Ubuntu IRC Council for some reason.  I think you want one of the folk listed at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-council/+members22:36
persia(assuming this is a matter of escalation)22:36
nhandlercrashsystems: I can talk with you if you want22:36
crashsystemsnhandler: ok, thanks22:36
nhandler(and send you in the right direction if necessary)22:36

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