
libvbjsnider: sadly for this hw i only have VGA out running atm.01:08
libveven though it really is a matter of allowing the vt3118 chipset to use the existing panel code01:10
libvcrtcs and pll should be fine, but i might want to have a test run of the cursor on secondary/scaling01:11
bjsniderlibv, so what driver would work best for him in your estimation?01:51
libvatm, openchrome01:53
libvalthough milage may vary, and he might have to play with the option to pick one of the three modesetting options01:53
bjsniderlibv, didn't you say you supported all hardware just shy of the newest one?02:47
libvbjsnider: yes, VGA only atm.02:47
libvbjsnider: crtcs and plls have been tested through02:47
bjsniderdon't know what that alphabet soup means, except for vga02:48
libvbjsnider: if you think openchrome supports all hardware... well... they only support DVI that is integrated on the chip02:48
libvpanel is the next todo, but then i got into working hw layouts into the code, to be able to map all things properly02:50
bjsnidermaybe you should sign an NDA with via02:50
libvbut then i went off and worked towards a unified graphics driver stack02:50
libvnah, i have enough info and enough hw02:50
libvjust not enough time02:51
libvor too many projects for too little time02:51
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=== Sinnerman is now known as Cobalt
Sarvattnew wacom in edgers tracking the devel branch with quite alot of fixes for serial tablets incase anyone was having problems with it17:15
Sarvattturns out it wasn't the xkbcomp cache patch that the removal of ${SHA1_LIB} from XSERVER_SYS_LIBS was affecting but more likely 02_Add-libgcrypt-as-an-option-for-sha1.diff so debian will be affected too, building now with http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/0001-Add-back-missing-SHA1_LIB.patch17:19
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Sarvattthat change fixes the xserver build \o/17:32
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
dhansen7is there any kind of pre-release proprietary ati driver available for ubuntu 10.04 alpha?21:05
Sarvattdhansen7: no unfortunately21:33
dhansen7is there an eta?21:35
dhansen7hopefully they land before 10.04 gets released21:35
Sarvattthere's no eta either unfortunately outside of there being one expected to be ready before release, it could be the very last day before release until they are ready :(21:38
Sarvatti'm going to go out on a limb and say I suspect it will be the april catalyst release that supports xserver 1.7 and they cant release that until given the go ahead by ati21:39
bjsniderthere's another person over in +1 with that nvidia problem caused by moutning /usr on a separate partition22:46
Sarvatttseliot is going to fix it23:29
Sarvattjust needs to be moved to /lib23:29
bjsnideryeah i know. i just wonder if all of the bellyaching i see in that channel from nvidia people is due to that issue23:46
Sarvattthis looks so interesting -- http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~krh/xserver/commit/?h=glamor-ddx&id=c6eabffab8f5ba52ea04cd2290ef59e7864c6d9523:46

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