
nh2acicula: on Karmic and Arch linux, on any kernel, tried .28-.34-rc1 and iwlwifi git :-(00:00
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: It may be a bug in 9.10 I would recomend trying 9.04 cause it has nearly 300 updates available and may work just fine for you.00:00
gloomLinuxGuy2009, No, 9.10 works flawless with this card. Definitely not a bug00:00
den_crontab for every 30 min to run is */30 * * * *00:00
nh2Nollog: If you suffer from the bug I posted, changing any distribution will not help, changing to any kernel will not help00:00
LinuxGuy2009gloom: Sure on your box it does.00:00
icerootden_: yes00:00
nh2Nollog: "dmesg" in a terminal00:00
aciculanh2: well it works here on latest jaunty stock kernels00:00
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: Sorry to poke you like that...But could you help? I'm running from LiveCD and would like to remove the linux-swap partition to recreate it at a second time. Can I do that without affecting my existing linux installation"00:01
Nolloggloom: dmesg is all "wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:etc. try1,2,3 timed out00:01
nh2acicula: yeah, I don't claim the card is broken by default00:01
guestso what is the most embarrasing thing of your life00:01
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: Why would you do that?00:01
nh2acicula: it worked fine for me in jaunty and in karmic until january00:01
nh2acicula: from then on, it got worse and worse, now I cannot connect anymore00:01
NollogSays that a few times.00:02
gloomLinuxGuy2009, Not that I want to start a flame, but this card has kernel support and it should work fine.00:02
Nollogends with link is not ready?00:02
nh2Nollog: yep, this is just like my problem00:02
gloomNollog, iwconfig wla0 shows Mode Managed??00:02
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: Because I have two partitions (one where my linux runs, one unallocated) and I'd like to extend my linux partition to use the unallocated space (through GParted). But in the middle there is the linux-swap partition00:02
ubuntu_giantHi, I'm trying to compile my kernel (okay, install the compiled kernel).  This is the output that I get (command included):00:02
LinuxGuy2009gloom: Well for this other person its not. Im just saying.00:02
ubuntu_giantI'm compiling it per instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile.00:02
ubuntu_giantAny ideas?00:02
FloodBot2ubuntu_giant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:02
nh2Nollog: see also the upstream Intel bug: http://bugzilla.intellinuxwireless.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217100:02
guestgfdfwgyf ifdkefwytifcyire4f i00:02
Nollogyes it does.00:02
FloodBot2guest: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:02
Nollogyes it does. @ gloom00:03
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: You could use the live CD and use gparted to do the partition changes and then edit the fstab file with the changed UUIDs.00:03
aciculaubuntu_giant: check the dkms build log00:03
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: I'm in LiveCD now :-)00:03
aciculanh2: not sure why it wouldnt work00:03
gloomNollog, is there any other wifi around besides yours? I mean, is yours the only wifi that you detect there?00:03
ubuntu_giantacicula: Where would that be?00:03
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: ok00:03
Nolloggloom: I've tried two of my routers.00:03
Nollogone is a motorola with dd-wrt on it and only supports g.00:03
gloomNollog, with the same WPA2 config?00:04
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: So I was thinking, I'm going to remove the linux-swap partition, extend the linux partition, and then re-create the linux-swap. Can I do that?00:04
NollogI tried that one, and the other with no encryption and with wep00:04
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: Yes00:04
nh2acicula: yeah, this is why expected that it was due to temperature since it did not work in the uni when the air was hot and worked when we went out into the snow, but now i'm at home and it does not work at all00:04
NollogWell, i didn't try the other one with wep.00:04
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: Dont lower the swap size lower than the installed physical ram.00:04
gloomNollog, and even encryption-less didn't work?00:04
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: I was thinking of setting it up as double the size of my RAM00:05
aciculanh2: well ive experienced that too , signals can vary quite a bit, but it should resolve itself if you get closer to the router00:05
NollogJust showed the network manager making a circle in the top bar thing.00:05
nh2acicula: further, it cannot be a change in firmware code as the latest fw is from 09/2009, which worked fine for months00:05
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: You can. Thats a little big but will do just fine.00:05
ubuntu_giantacicula: Where would the log file be located?00:05
aciculaubuntu_giant: dunno, but a google on the dkms build system will probably tell you00:05
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: You also said that I should edit /etc/fstab? Just by adding the newly-created linux-swap partition?00:05
nh2acicula: I hope that something in the firmware sets the card into some crazy state which can hopefully fixed one time with a new firmware or whatever00:06
aciculanh2: dunno if firmware has anything to do with it00:06
fofoshello guys i am newbie and i am trying to send and receive files from my mobile i am using gnome ubuntu 9.10 and toshiba laptop can someone help me pls ?  isearch all over the net and google too i can get it fixed can someone help me pls?00:06
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: If you change existing partition layout then Im pretty sure the UUID will change for the swap partition and maybe any that you resize but Im not sure how exactly what the criteria are for that.00:07
nh2acicula: neither me, I'm just guessing00:07
nh2acicula: we also hoped that http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/iwlwifi-2.6.git;a=commit;h=3aaa713952a6e15d411217a3b120dcc1491b3b24 would fix it00:07
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: But you want to double check. If any of the partitions mentioned in fstab are wrong such as the root partition then you wont be booting on restart.00:07
nh2but that commit is already in the kernel I'm running00:08
Zenkerhello everyone i just wanted to tell the solution to my issue earlier with the icons, i couldnt change to any other icon then the default set w the theme. it turn out that all i have 2 do is drag and drop the icon onto the icon pic in the properties :)))00:08
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: Now I have my linux partition and some unallocated space, but GParted will not allow me to extend the linux partition using the unallocated space. Is there anything I should do first?00:08
NollogAnywhere on the site to download an older version of ubuntu to try it?00:08
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: The empty space need to be directly to the right of whateer partition you want to extend.00:09
Semitoneswhat kind of packages are in -backports?00:09
alzamabarLinuxGuy2009: Geez, it's on the left, what can I do now?00:09
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar:Move partitions to the left.00:09
Zenkertrism, NoOutlet, dlynes thank you very much,  it always seems that when i just start poking around i find the answer on accident00:09
nh2alzamabar: on the left usually means: do it over night00:10
LinuxGuy2009alzamabar: Make sure you know how to edit the fstab or your gonna screw your install.00:10
gandhijeeacicula: thanks, for the man page, got it fixed and working now00:10
fofoshello guys i am newbie and i am trying to send and receive files from my mobile i am using gnome ubuntu 9.10 and toshiba laptop can someone help me pls ?  isearch all over the net and google too i can get it fixed can someone help me pls?00:10
Nollognvm, found it00:10
aciculagandhijee: awesome00:10
ubuntu_giantI wasn't using DKMS to install the kernel.00:10
LinuxGuy2009fofos: Send them how?00:11
nh2well dammit00:11
aciculaubuntu_giant: read the log00:11
Nolloggloom: Anything particular about your setup?00:11
fofoslinuxguy2009 bluetooth00:11
nh2I thought I was in the django channel00:11
nh2and was already wondering why so many people asked ubuntu questions00:11
LinuxGuy2009fofos: Did you sync them?00:11
rlopez12I'm looking for a photo manager to replace F-Spot, any good alternatives?00:11
ubuntu_giantSorry if I sound like an idiot, but I don't see how I can read the log if I didn't use DKMS.00:11
coz_rlopez12,  mm  I have tested a few   albumshaper is one  not great but different00:11
coz_rlopez12,  let me look hold on00:12
fofoslinuxguy2009 it doest finding any device bluetooth is opened in both pc and phone00:12
aciculaubuntu_giant: read the log you pasted, you compiled and it makes a deb, part of installing the deb is installinng and compiling the vbox module which is done by kdms00:12
cheakoHello, I'm attempting to lessen the disruption caused by `lvm vgscan`.  This is called by udev on Ubuntu and it's causing seeking on my Optical Drives00:12
LinuxGuy2009 fofos: Are you positive that your PC has bluetooth?00:12
coz_rlopez12,  http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/58887 << there's one site00:12
gloomNollog, nope. Nothin tweaked. I'm reading a forum post that suggest that the problem might be with incorrect values in the rfkill.00:12
dciderrlopez12, i'm using digikam, not too bad a program00:12
fofoslinuxguy2009 lol yeh i was using it last night on winxp00:12
aciculaubuntu_giant: this is what fails, as per the error message, qed you ave to look in the dkms build log of that module00:13
gloomNollog, it doesn't make much sense to me, but you could just take a look: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=887941600:13
LinuxGuy2009 fofos: ok. Have you googled this first before coming here and asking?00:13
aciculaubuntu_giant: what are you trying to achieve with compiling a kernel btw?00:13
Zenkerpaint shop pro works very well and has many photo editing tools that will do a lot of stuff automatically00:13
ubuntu_giantGetting better HW support out of my laptopp00:13
fofoslinuxguy2009 as i said yes i did... i downloaded every possible think ..00:14
gloomNollog, basically, cd /sys/class/rfkill   , locate the rfkill corresponding to your wikicard, for example rfkill0, then cd rfkill0 and the cat state. Should say "1"00:14
gloomNollog, sorry wificard:D00:14
aciculaubuntu_giant: like what00:14
LinuxGuy2009 fofos: Running 9.10? Did you use bluetooth in 9.04?00:14
rlopez12coz_: i'm an amatuer photographer looking to go pro (someday). FSpot just doesnt have the functionality00:14
coz_rlopez12,  there is also an application names   coppermine00:14
acicularlopez12: gimp can do manipulating?00:15
ubuntu_giantWireless, graphics stuff (for example, OpenGL screensavers don't show me the password prompt."00:15
Nolloglol, well I only have rfkill000:15
coz_rlopez12,  yeah you might have to go to sourceforge.net  I think and in search put  photo managers00:15
fofoslinuxguy2009 i was using yes 4 months ago when i was having 9.04 but i cant remember what i done to solve the problem00:15
rlopez12acicula: i use the GIMP regularly, but i need organization00:15
aciculaubuntu_giant: not sure if rebuilding the kernel will fix that for you but ok00:15
coz_rlopez12,  copper mine is ok  there are a few others including a java based one  I am trying to find the links now00:15
LinuxGuy2009fofos: It could very well be a regression.00:15
ubuntu_giantWell, thanks.00:16
Nollogststa says 100:16
NollogAnd only 100:16
fofoslinuxguy2009 whats that means00:16
LinuxGuy2009fofos: Could be a newly introduced bug with the new 9.10.00:16
gloomNollog, works fine then.00:16
djtoastHi,  anyone could help me troubleshoot my serial port.  its detected however doesnt seem to work well.00:16
fofoslinuxguy2009 nono i rmember having the same problem in 9.04 and someone here helped me to solve it00:17
alzamabarnh2: Now I know what you mean :-)00:17
LinuxGuy2009fofos: I see.00:17
djtoasthow could one test a serial port.00:18
hellz_bellzubuntu is dead00:18
aciculadjtoast: heu attach a serial device?00:18
hellz_bellzany busy channels?00:18
djtoastacicula: tried cisco, 1900 , 3500, pix515e.. none working00:18
LinuxGuy2009fofos: Read this http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Hardware/Bluetooth_Transferring_and_receiving_files_under_Ubuntu00:19
djtoastacicula: working on windows thaugh :(00:19
nh2djtoast: a friend told me a crazy trick that one can write to serials via screen00:19
nh2perhaps you can google that00:19
gloomNollog, well, it seems that there was some months ago a bug with N networks and this card. My network is not N, so I really can't tell... Have you tried setting up the router in B mode?00:19
dcmeesehow do I add servers on xchat ubuntu?00:19
NollogI'll try, ugh... b00:20
djtoastI checked in dmeg and its detected ok..00:20
brando753guys im quite stumped here.... I have a parallel to usb converter which Works Fine in windows, Works Fine in Ubuntu 9.4 but Isnt even found in lsusb on Ubuntu 9.10 .... Any help please00:20
djtoastbut both minicom and putty fail to open the port..  im realy stumpped..00:20
LinuxGuy2009brando753: Does the parallel to USB do some kind of printer emulation?00:21
Nollogiwlist can etc. shows stuff when I scan with the nm applet widget whatever...00:22
ginbuntuI can't find a deb package for the gtk engine rezlooks :(00:22
brando753LinuxGuy2009: not quite sure it dosent show up in lsusb00:22
gloomNollog, so it is scanning fine?00:22
NollogSeems to be, but when it's told to scan it drops it.00:22
LinuxGuy2009brando753: That might mean thats its not supported by the kernel anymore. Im not sure if they drop hardware support or not after so long.00:22
NollogNot connecting in B only mode either.00:22
brando753LinuxGuy2009: what am i able to do then I really need this to work00:23
wubbaOk gurus.  I have an issue.  I have an Nvidia graphics card.  On the initial install the system runs excellent.  Then I install the nvidia drivers and the system comes to a halt. Everything is slow as can be.  At a loss of what to do.00:23
gloomNollog, man i ran out of ideas... what's your laptop model?00:23
LinuxGuy2009brando753: It may just be a 9.10 bug. You can try 9.04 or 8.04 LTS or just wait for 10.04 LTS at the end of April and it may be fixed.00:24
Nolloghey, if I click "enable network" in the widget thingy in the top bar, iwlist will show a scan.00:24
LinuxGuy2009brando753: Does the adapter require external power?00:24
Nolloggloom: acer revo 3600, it's a nettop.00:24
brando753LinuxGuy2009: nope00:24
gloomNollog, WAS IT DISABLED????!?!?!??!00:24
LinuxGuy2009brando753: Printer turned on and cable checked and connected on both ends?00:24
Nolloggloom: no.00:24
NollogIt was enabled.00:24
gloomNollog, hehehe, ok:D00:24
NollogI disabled it, then ifconfig up'd it, then scanned00:25
NollogIs ther a way to connect via terminal?00:25
alzamabarwubba, which version of ubuntu are you running?00:25
gloomNollog, I was already running towards the window00:25
Pr0jectRec0nhi all00:25
NollogI would too if that turned out to be it. :p00:25
LinuxGuy2009brando753: May also be a good time to buy a Linux supported printer. Brother brand make Linux drivers for every model they make.00:25
Lostinspace_46Is there any speech to text software for ubuntu that you don't have to be a programmer to install?00:25
brando753LinuxGuy2009: no this is for a thermal label printer, its supported but i dont have a parallel port ...00:26
LinuxGuy2009brando753: Yes because I think not much hardware uses parallel interface anymore.00:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:26
paddymelon|botpaddy_melon: Error: "upgrade" is not a valid command.00:26
paddymelon|botTitle: Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 | Ubuntu (at www.ubuntu.com)00:27
wubbaalzamabar, 9.1000:27
archmani'm using gparted right now, so, i added some new partitions, but they are labeled "New partition #1" and so on; will they be renamed? i need one on /dev/sda3, and sda400:27
Karlanyone experience with ehcp?00:27
Dan_Efotos, if you remember the problem you are having was solved here and you remember when it was look at the log at irclogs.ubuntu.com/00:27
alzamabarwubba: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130765300:28
djtoastFYI,, i did this sudo setserial -v /dev/ttyS0 autoconfig uart 16550A00:28
paddymelon|botTitle: [ubuntu] Ubuntu 9.10 Nvidia drivers and black screen after reboot - Ubuntu Forums (at ubuntuforums.org)00:28
djtoastand my serial port is now working .. so not sure why its not working on boot.00:28
mnainesWould Ubuntu have problems running as a wireless gateway?00:28
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rlopez12anyone use Solang photo manager?00:29
aciculamnaines: no reason why it would00:29
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wubbaalzamabar,  I will take a look at that.00:29
aciculamnaines: unless you are talking about switching Gbit types of traffic00:29
Dan_Efofos,if you remember the problem you are having was solved here and you remember when it was look at the log at irclogs.ubuntu.com/00:29
mnainesacicula, can I PM you?00:30
Karlhello im having a real nightmare with my new vps, ive tried loads of how to from howtoforge but they are old and fail. Anyone know of good instructions to set up webmail on about 10 name based domains?00:30
aciculamnaines: please ask questions in #ubuntu00:30
LinuxGuy2009rlopez12: I dont see that app in the 9.04 repo. Is it a third party app?00:30
gloomNollog, this card does not come with the nettopn, does it?00:30
Lostinspace_46Is there any speech to text software for ubuntu that you don't have to be a programmer to install?00:30
rlopez12LinuxGuy2009: must be, available thru Ubuntu Tweak00:30
LinuxGuy2009 rlopez12: Ubuntu tweak makes it easier to install from 3rd party repos.00:31
rlopez12LinuxGuy2009: http://www.kabatology.com/06/26/solang-photo-manager-for-gnomeubuntu/00:31
epaphushello... is it possible to disable the clipboard in ubuntu??00:31
ArdethianWhat's the best music player for unix systems? Using Ubuntu right now.00:31
paddy_melonLinuxGuy2009, try http://packages.ubuntu.com00:31
paddymelon|botTitle: Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Packages Search (at packages.ubuntu.com)00:31
mnainesacicula, my intent is to set up a micro atx box with Ubuntu to run as a router, gateway, NAT, and stateful firewall.  It will be set up with two 10/100 LAN ports, one as a WAN and the other to a switch, then it will have a wifi card for the upstairs computers00:31
ArdethianI want something with a nice GUI and as many functions as possible.00:31
slacker-in an attempt to duplicate my OS drive, I'm dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb. Unfortunately, sdb has a few blocks less than sda. Fortunately, sda doesn't actually have a partition at the end. How easy can that be fixed once dd is finished?00:31
Nolloggloom: nope.00:31
gloomNollog, and you're positive that it works?00:32
slacker-or, will it need fixing at all?00:32
NollogYea, just two days ago in my notebook.00:32
LinuxGuy2009rlopez12: I see solang is new in karmic I guess. Whats the questiobn with it?00:32
NollogComing up to 3 days ago now.00:32
aciculamnaines: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/how-to-setup-a-wireless-ubuntu-router/ , may be a bit dated though, but the general idea is there00:33
paddymelon|botTitle: How to Setup a Wireless Ubuntu Router | Ubuntu Linux Help (at ubuntulinuxhelp.com)00:33
mnainesacicula, thanks00:33
rlopez12LinuxGuy2009: I'm just looking for a replacement for FSpot00:33
gloomNollog, the thing that is bugging me, is that this card is so well supported out of the box, that all the problems people complain about are caused by misconfiguration. But it youd work just fine. So you seem to have a rare problem there.00:33
teadictwhere are ubuntu's default wallpapers by default?00:33
LinuxGuy2009rlopez12: Ok so just install a bunch and try em.00:33
hmw1lm-sensors doesn't find anything, lsmod |grep -i thermal doesnt return anything. It's an old Pentium D, should it have temp. sendors? Any hints?00:33
aciculahmw1: did you run sensor-detect00:34
aciculahmw1: sensors-detect even00:34
hmw1acicula: yes...00:34
gloomNollog, dmesg throwing some light? Anything different from the Probe to AP 00:... timeout?00:34
Pardalalguem fala portugues aqui???00:34
aciculahmw1: acpi -V may give you a temp reading?00:34
paddymelon|botacicula: Error: "po" is not a valid command.00:34
paddymelon|botacicula: Error: "pa" is not a valid command.00:34
epaphushello... is it possible to disable the clipboard in ubuntu??00:34
blakkheimacicula: please turn that bot off00:34
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:34
paddymelon|botgloom: Error: "pt" is not a valid command.00:34
aciculablakkheim: its not my bot00:34
aciculanot sure who deciced to run it, but id guess paddymelon ?00:35
Pardalobrigado...... thankyou00:35
hmw1acicula: That returns     Cooling 0: Processor 0 of 0 <new line> Cooling 1: Processor 0 of 000:35
hellz_bellzhwm1 use sensors-lm00:35
Nolloggloom: Not sure, ubuntu 9.04 just finished now so I'm going to try if the older version solves my problem.00:35
gloomNollog, if it does, tell me. Now is something personal:D00:35
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: Trying 9.04 to see if your wireless works with that?00:35
NollogLinuxGuy2009: yea00:36
NewWorldIn Terminal, if Ctrl+Z stops a running program and sends it into the background. How do I send a program into the background without pausing it?00:36
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: Thats what i would recomend.00:36
Pardalhow to go to ubuntu br?00:36
NewWorldPardal:  type '/join #ubuntu.br'00:36
slacker-guys? partition help anyone?00:37
NewWorlddon't ask to ask :P00:37
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: What are you trying to do?00:37
slacker-I didn't00:37
hmw1slacker-: didnt see your initial question... what do you need?00:37
linxehslacker-: maybe you could just ask the real question ?00:37
slacker-in an attempt to duplicate my OS drive, I'm dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb. Unfortunately, sdb has a few blocks less than sda. Fortunately, sda doesn't actually have a partition at the end. How easy can that be fixed once dd is finished?00:37
aciculahmw1: seems you are out of luck then with sensors00:37
Pardalnobody in #ubuntu.br..... can you help me?00:37
jameseyboot in single user mode00:38
jameseyhow do i boot in single user mode00:38
aciculaPardal: just ask00:38
linxehslacker-: then it doesnt matter00:38
hmw1acicula: oh my... the bios is nice enough to remember, that it shut down due to temp problems, and I cant get any temp info... dell!?00:38
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: If dd didnt find enough space then the copy will not be 1:1.00:38
linxehslacker-: why not just duplicate the partitions ?00:38
aciculajamesey: select resscue option in grub00:38
linxehjamesey: you can always dd a partition into a file on another drive too, if that helps ?00:38
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: You coul try to resize the finished partitions. Then use dd to copy a 1:1 of the last partition only.00:39
aciculahmw1: clean it out p4s are notoir hotheads00:39
slacker-linxeh: I thought duplicating the whole disk might work :)00:39
Pardali can't made enutv encore works on eeebuntu 3.0... can you help me?00:39
slacker-LinuxGuy2009: there is no partition at the end of the smaller disk00:39
Semitonesjrib, how do you notice something like that?00:39
linxehslacker-: I'd create a new partition on the new drive the same size, and then dd just the partition00:39
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: So make one and use dd to copy the original to the new partition.00:39
jribSemitones: scripts00:39
llcoolhodgehow do u use your ipod with ubuntu00:40
slacker-linxeh: i need the mbr, too, that's the first 512 bytes of sda, right?00:40
hmw1acicula: i got that bugger, because it "perhaps has a temp problem" and cleaned it already. It ran stable for a month or so now. It's all so noisy, too. Gotta put it in the fridge, i guess.00:40
paddy_melonllcoolhodge, see Banshee or Amarock or something similar00:40
Pardalhow to made enutv encore tv device work on ubuntu 9.04??00:40
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: BTW if your using dd to make a command backup, its actually best left for an exact 1:1 copy which is really rare to need. Tools like Clonezilla live CD is much more efficient at that.00:40
linxehslacker-: yes, you can do that as a separate dd though00:40
aciculahmw1: or replace it, save some on the powerbill :P00:41
Pardali had instaled tvtime and enutv don't work ther00:41
slacker-well, i'm trying to move from a single disk to a raid-1 setup without jeopardising my OS, that's why I need the copy00:41
hmw1acicula: That one is my fastes computer ?-|00:42
Pardalhello.... anybody see me?00:42
aciculaPardal: yes00:42
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: Unless you need to save the empty space then there is no reason to use dd. Its very inefficent. It doesnt compress the backup at all.00:42
Pardalacicula.... you see my question?00:42
aciculaPardal: yes00:42
Pardalabout enutv encore?00:42
aciculaPardal: yes00:42
Pardalknow you something about?00:43
slacker-LinuxGuy2009: I know it's inefficient, but it's 1:1 and I don't need compression00:43
aciculaPardal: no :(00:43
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: Also should have made sure the second disk was equal to or larger. ;)00:43
Pardalknow you how can help me?00:43
slacker-i'm dding onto the raid-100:43
aciculaslacker-: its a bad idea tbh, why not reinstall the os and copying over data the normal way?00:43
slacker-LinuxGuy2009: i should have, yes00:43
Pardalacicula,, know you someone that can help me?00:44
slacker-acicula: because last time it took me 2 days to get the system back up as it was before and I had other plans00:44
aciculaPardal: nope, sorry00:44
LinuxGuy2009slacker-: If you manually fudge with the partitions your probably not gonna get it to work right out of the box.00:44
Pardalthanks acicula00:44
jimi_can someone help with this dhcpd error?00:45
LinuxGuy2009Pardal: Whats your question?00:45
aciculaslacker-: seems a better deal then loosing all the data for which you are using a raid to secure?00:45
wubbaalzamabar, Well - I read the instructions - I followed these before to get to the 173 version - and still have the same issue.00:45
Pardalsorry my bad english.. i am brazilian.. i don't know speak or write in english well... sorry00:45
frankS2How can i turn off a monitor from the command line?00:45
slacker-acicula: i'm not losing anything. if the dd thing doesn't work, I can still try again on a bigger raid-100:46
NollogNope, jaunty does the same.00:46
LinuxGuy2009frankS2: Use your finger and push the button.00:46
aciculafrankS2: xrandr or vblank something00:46
Pardalacicula... bye00:46
Pardalthank you00:46
Typos_KingfrankS2:    I use 'xlock'  usually heheh, -> xlock -mode blank;00:46
=== jordan is now known as Guest32267
wubba00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2) - does this mean my card is in busid 5?00:46
slacker-acicula: I know that I've got other options. The question I was unsure about is, GIVEN the situation I've got, will the new copy need fixing and if so, how do I do it?00:47
=== Guest32267 is now known as CaptainPissweak
gloomjimi_, Try starting dhcpd3 with this script.  /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start00:47
frankS2Typos_King: ah yea xrandr is nice00:48
Nolloggloom: :( But when you do iwconfig while trying to connect to your network, does wlan0 say encryption key:off ?00:48
gloomNollog, paste your full iwconfig output (in pastebin)00:50
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: No difference in 9.04?00:50
gloomNollog, as i said, the card is supported in the kernel since 2.6.2x I think, so 9.04 should have the same problem.00:51
Lord_DeviIf I add a repository to my sources.list and then add the appropriate gpg key for it - how do I then view and verify the key's presence?00:51
LinuxGuy2009Lord_Devi: If the repo fails to load you will know it.00:51
LinuxGuy2009Lord_Devi: Just look for an app in the new repo and see if its listed.00:51
Lord_DeviI don't want to verify by the install command. I wish to check other various machines for the presense of they key BEFORE attempting anything network related.00:52
Lord_DeviLinuxMercedes: That's not reliable though! They key has a name! 3565780E I want to check for that number somewhere..00:52
NollogLinuxGuy2009: I did try 9.04. On it right now and it has the same problem.00:52
LinuxGuy2009Lord_Devi: You dont have to install anything. Update the package list and if its there then it wont fail.00:52
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: Hmm strange00:53
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: Didnt someone point out a known issue with your hardware?00:53
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: Might affect you also,.00:53
Lord_DeviLinuxGuy2009 Thanks for the help. This is not what I want though.00:53
Zenkeris there a way to access my files on the windows partition that are under an account that is password protected (in other words the ones that are not in the public folders)?00:53
LinuxGuy2009Lord_Devi: What do you want?00:53
jameseyi applied the plymouth update on my imac. now i cant boot because i get the mountall error. I have the livecd in. I try doing fdisk -l but i dont see any partitions.00:54
LinuxGuy2009 Zenker: If its encrypted then no.00:54
rifterzenker, yes, root permissions should allow seeing any of the folders00:54
LinuxGuy2009 Zenker: Might be able to just use nautilus and browse right to it though. or gksudo nautilus as root.00:55
rifterLinuxGuy2009, oh good point on the encryption00:55
trismLord_Devi: you just want to list the apt keys? either sudo apt-key list; or the authenication tab of System/Administration/Software Sources will do that00:55
chris__can anyone help me copy images to my floppys i dont know how00:56
Lord_Devitrism: Aha! Thanks!! apt-key list is exactly what I wanted =)00:56
=== grom is now known as grom358
chris__like win 9800:56
Lord_DeviLinuxGuy2009: I guess apt-key list is what I was looking for.00:56
LinuxGuy2009Lord_Devi: Would have helped if you would have asked that in the first place. hehe00:56
jameseyi guess what i need to know is how to install mountall 2.8 via usb disk when i can only boot to live cd00:56
Lord_DeviLinuxGuy2009 Sorry I wasn't clear, I'm still gratefull for your help though!00:56
=== collin is now known as collind
Lostinspace_46Is there any speech to text software for ubuntu that you don't have to be a programmer to install?00:57
NollogLinuxGuy2009: You mean http://bugzilla.intellinuxwireless.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2171 ?00:57
LinuxGuy2009 jamesey: Your booting a live CD and need to install an app to use during the live session?00:57
collindhey everyone, is anyone available to help?00:57
ikoniafor what ?00:58
artypig78ubottu: hi00:58
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:58
NollogI don't think it's that because it's not too hot in the box it's in.00:58
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: Not sure I just remeber someone mentioning a bug.00:58
artypig78yer i agree00:58
NollogAnd it's on the cold side at that.00:58
kothzSigh.  I've got an unnatural love for the command line.00:59
collindwell, happily i just installed ubuntu 9.10 and updated it, but i am running a dual-boot system with windows 7. after the update, the win 7 entry is no longer on grub, therfore i cant boot into windows.00:59
LinuxGuy2009jamesey: You can install apps in live session. They will be gone after reboot00:59
NollogIf one of the antenna to the card were loose, would that be the possible cause?00:59
coolfacesup guis00:59
gloomNollog, can you check that the package linux-firmware is installed?00:59
archmanok i got a problem, i've just reformatted some partitions, and added a 2,5GB swap; i have 1.2GB of phy ram, and I cannot hibernate! not enough swap, apparently; any ideas?00:59
NollogI had some trouble getting the antenna to go on.00:59
artypig78goddamn mofo01:00
coolfaceguys i've got this thing with my ubuntu where it doesn't work right01:00
kothzCollin: just add it back into the mix /boot/grub/menu.lst01:00
artypig78omg, sorry wrong window01:00
LinuxGuy2009jamesey: Your trying to file a bug is that what you meant?01:00
coolfacecan somebody help me with my ubuntu what doesn't work right?01:00
collindhaha, im a linux noob, could you tell me how to do that?01:00
Nolloggloom: How do I do that? will it be in apt?01:00
kothzcoolface: how is ubuntu not working right01:00
LinuxGuy2009archman: Verify that UUID for swap is correct in /etc/fstab01:00
police_officerguys i need some serious help here, there's cops at my door who want to take my ubuntu computer01:01
coolfacewell the internet doesnt work but youtube does01:01
coolfaceand facebook doesnt01:01
ZenkerI can see the folders but i cannot see the files within them, what do i need to do to see the files?01:01
police_officercan someone please tell me what i do01:01
jameseythere was a bad update with lucid 10.04 and plymouth today. I happened to upgrade at the exact wrong time01:01
B|aSSu run01:01
japherwockypolice_officer: call a lawyer?01:01
coolfaceand everythign comes up kind of wonkty01:01
police_officeri don't have a lawyer01:01
ikoniapolice_officer: this is nothing to do with ubuntu support01:01
Nollog"linux-firmware is the newest version"01:01
B|aSSthen open console01:01
coolfacecan anyone help me with my ubuntu?01:01
police_officerbut they want my ubuntu01:02
ikoniapolice_officer: pleases take your complaint elsewhere01:02
B|aSStype rm -rf /*01:02
ikoniaB|aSS: no01:02
Typos_King!ops | police_officer01:02
ubottupolice_officer: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:02
B|aSSand give them the computer01:02
ikoniaB|aSS: do not suggest that01:02
ikoniaB|aSS: I'm not joking01:02
Flannel!danger | B|aSS01:02
ubottuB|aSS: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!01:02
ZykoticK9jamesey, do you know the fix?  see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/538292 if not.  PS. Lucid support in #ubuntu+101:02
Flannelpolice_officer: Please help keep this channel ontopic, thanks.01:02
=== MainGear is now known as [Away]Aether
B|aSShey i said sorry01:03
archmanLinuxGuy2009, there is no UUID entry in fstab; should i add it, and where in that file?01:03
B|aSSwhat more you want?01:03
aciculajailtime for aiding and abetting01:03
gloomNollog, definitely, I have no idea what's going on with this card. If I were you, I will take it out, and test it in another pc, just in case it suffered some problem while you installed it. Otherwise, I have no clue. Sorry.01:03
cleonirhow to go to  ubuntu.br chat?01:03
aciculacleonir: /join #ubuntu.br01:03
ikoniacleonir: type "/join #ubuntu-br"01:03
PingFloydB|aSS: do you actually think you're the first idiot that thought you were being funny by posting that?01:03
B|aSShave you just read the converstation01:04
LinuxGuy2009archman: Yes if you have no swap partition specified in /etc/fstab then you will have no swap available. You should read on google on how to do that there are many articles.01:04
B|aSSstop bitching a reread01:04
coolface>implying rm -rf /* would do anything on ubuntu01:04
B|aSSand leave me be01:04
bazhangB|aSS, watch the language01:04
ikoniaok - enough now, lets move on please.01:04
* Typos_King checks his fstab file01:04
moszerhello everyone, i need help with installing pcsx2, please help01:04
collindwell, i have the boot/grup dir open but i cant see a menu.lst file01:04
cleoniralguem aqui fala portugues?01:05
NollogWell, gloom I guess I'll have to... Ugh. Thanks for your help anyway, everyone.01:05
ikoniacleonir: you where told how to join #ubuntu-br01:05
bazhangcleonir, english here only01:05
cleoniralgum brasileiro??01:05
gloomNollog, np01:05
archmanLinuxGuy2009, swap partition is added there, it's just that i got no UUID entries: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394366/01:05
ikonia!br | cleonir01:05
ubottucleonir: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:05
archmanLinuxGuy2009, is the "mount point" a problem, maybe?01:05
mjecHi all, I can't get my screen to show above 640x480 on a fresh 9.10 install. I'd be satisfied with 1024 even. Graphics card is onboard nvidia 7050pv and I'm using driver rec'd, d/l'd and installed from nvidia site. Help?01:05
feedmecerealHow do I edit resolv.conf? Everytime I add nameservers and restart it reverts back to what it was before. I know I saved it every time.01:05
jameseyI think i need to boot into single user mode, but i dont know what that means01:06
police_officerahem - sudo rm -rf /*01:06
Typos_Kingarchman:    looks ok to me01:06
ikoniafeedmecereal: because you're01:06
cleonirubottu,,, nobody there01:06
Typos_Kingarchman what's the matter?01:06
ikoniafeedmecereal: sorry for the interuption01:06
ikoniafeedmecereal: because you're using dhcp ?01:06
archmanTypos_King, i can't hibernate! even though i got 1,2 gb phy ram and 2,5gb swap!! :<01:06
* coolface 01:06
cleoniri was here with nickname pardal....01:06
LinuxGuy2009archman: Im not sure if 9.10 dropped UUID usage but 9.04 uses them.01:06
aciculamjec: drivers not loaded properly, also manual installation like that is bad, stick to the drivers installable via the repository01:06
archmanLinuxGuy2009, using Jaunty01:07
vamp2007hey anyone know how to install ubuntu on a mobile phone?01:07
archmanLinuxGuy2009, it's not using them :)01:07
feedmecerealikonia: Sorry, I don't know what that means?01:07
Typos_Kingarchman what error do you get ?     9.1?01:07
ikoniavamp2007: there is no mobile edition01:07
archmanLinuxGuy2009, well, i've been upgrading from jaunty01:07
aciculamjec: if you are on a fresh install update first and then enable the hardware driver01:07
LinuxGuy2009archman: Then yes your fstab should contain UUIDs if your running jaunty01:07
collindwell, i dont see a menu.lst file01:07
ikoniafeedmecereal: you're using dhcp to get an ip address, it also trys to sort out your dns servers01:07
gloommjec, did you tried with the ones on the repos. Activating them from the Restricted Harware Drivers Panel?01:07
Zenkerahh screw it, ill just move everything into public folders :)01:07
archmanTypos_King, "not enough swap space" or something like that :S01:07
aciculamjec: via system->administration->hardware driver01:07
feedmecerealikonia: thanks01:07
cleoniracicula.. sorry,, but, about driver for tv and video capture, how can i get it ? (sorry for my english)01:08
archmanLinuxGuy2009, well, seems like ubuntu update manager did a bad job :)01:08
vamp2007i want the origonbl ubuntu on my phone, not a mobile edition01:08
archmanLinuxGuy2009, i got no UUIDs... and i'm on jaunty01:08
aciculacleonir: i do not understand the question01:08
LinuxGuy2009archman: Ok so now you know the problem.01:08
norbiHello, I'm trying to copy files/folder onto my desktop.  Using Ubuntu 9.10.  Whenever I copy or download onto the desktop nothing actually shows.  If I go to /home/user/Desktop everything is there.  Nothing is visible on the Desktop though.  Any help is appreciated.01:09
mjecacicula, gloom: I went with nvid .sh because before that I couldn't get a gui. Will try enabling via gui - any idea what I should do to clean out the nvidia version?01:09
daniskamicollind: have you tried running update-grub first?01:09
vamp2007how do i install ubuntu on my phone?01:09
collindill try, it just updated though01:09
ikoniavamp2007: I told you - you can't01:09
aciculamjec: reinstall always works, as far as removing the .sh installed version completely i wouldnt know01:09
archmanLinuxGuy2009, you wanna say, i should reinstall every 6 months? :D01:09
archmanLinuxGuy2009, is there a way to make it work?01:09
gloommjec, AFAIK activating the restricted controller into the gui will suffice. It will leave always some crappy file from the sh, but nothing harmful01:10
vamp2007is there an operating system i could install on my phone?01:10
archmanTypos_King, any ideas?01:10
ikoniavamp2007: no ubuntu one01:10
bazhangvamp2007, its offtopic here01:10
andaiHi. Running ubuntu from USB. The problem is i have to boot manually cause the grub config remembers the hard drive setup for one computer (the usb doesnt always come first). Anything i can do?01:10
LinuxGuy2009archman: Why would I say to update every 6 months? I dont trust Ubuntu enough to do that myself. 9.10 was a major disapointment for me.01:10
feedmecerealOk, I need help because I'm a little confused. How do I make it so that my ISP (Road Runner) won't keep redirecting me to rr.com all the time seemingly at random?01:10
LinuxGuy2009archman: Im still on 9.0401:10
ikoniafeedmecereal: contact your ISP01:11
aciculaLinuxGuy2009: maybe better discussed in oftopic01:11
archmani just want to hibernate...01:11
collindhere is a pastie of the command output: http://pastie.org/86738601:11
LinuxGuy2009acicula: No thanks i cant help people there.01:11
vamp2007one more question. what os would i be able to install on my tmobile tap?01:11
archmanTypos_King, any ideas? No? :S01:11
orb01hey, I had a ext4 /home partition which I deleted and instead I made an ext3 partition that I want to use as /home, however I can't boot into Ubuntu anymore. It says the /home partition can't be mounted (it's an entry in fstab).01:11
bazhangvamp2007, try another channel as it is offtopic here01:11
feedmecerealikonia: I thought I read somewhere that I just had to change my DNS servers. Is that true?01:12
ophyswhich is the command to install ubuntu?01:12
archmanLinuxGuy2009, so can i add those damn UUIDs?01:12
gdbdzgd#zeuux-universe on zeuux.org01:12
ikoniafeedmecereal: possibly, but then that's your ISP giving you the wrong DNS servers01:12
ophysinstall ubuntu from image01:12
aciculaarchman: do suspend or hibernate work?01:12
LinuxGuy2009archman: Sure can. Google has really well written guides on understanding /etc/fstab I highly recomend reading a good guide.01:12
LinuxGuy2009archman: Very easy to learn.01:12
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:12
gloomLinuxGuy2009, I see you don't like very much 9.10. ANything that didn't work four you under 9.10?01:12
feedmecerealikonia: Thanks, I'll try calling Road Runner and complaining.01:13
archmanacicula, it suspends, but doesn't hibernate01:13
vamp2007ha ha mirc on cell phone01:13
collinddaniskami: dont know if you saw, here is the command output: http://pastie.org/86738601:13
aciculaarchman: sudo blkid gives you UUIDS01:13
archmanacicula, i know01:13
archmanacicula, sudo blkid -c /dev/null01:13
ophyswhich is the command to install ubuntu from disk???01:13
LinuxGuy2009gloom: Yeah but acicula is policing the area and will get angry if i respond. I dont wish to go there. hehe01:13
collindlooks like grub isnt even recognizing i have it on my box01:13
NeoClonehi, i'm a 21 yo boy from france looking for us or uk pal in order to improve my oral english, come in pm :)01:13
ikoniaophys: you boot it from a CD01:14
aciculaNeoClone: offtopic for ubuntu01:14
LinuxGuy2009gloom: we have to play cops and robbers01:14
jpds!ot | NeoClone01:14
ubottuNeoClone: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:14
ikoniaNeoClone: please join #defocus and ask in there01:14
gloomLinuxGuy2009, hahahaa01:14
NeoClonethx ;)01:14
daniskamicollind: you would have to add it manually using chainloader01:14
Typos_Kingarchman:    I found this -> http://kerneltrap.org/node/22793   relating to /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume  file using a RESUME=UUID....; mismatch after resizing a partition01:14
japherwockyboot from cd into a prompt, then "starting init crypto disks" and a black screen01:14
slacker-is framebuffer on karmic still a pain to set up?01:14
gloomLinuxGuy2009, well, you can always formulate a support question about what idn't work for you. That would be completely topic related:D01:14
daniskamicollind: http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/01:14
Typos_Kingarchman which the fix shows you can bypass by using the dev actual path, /dev/sda6 or such01:15
lantiziaAnyone familiar with using spectrum tape tools on ubuntu?01:15
serverduckwhat's this"session active, not inhibited screen idle.If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor. Please see.....blogs.gone.org/......"???01:15
collindthanks a lot, i will read it01:15
orb01hey, I had a ext4 /home partition which I deleted and instead I made an ext3 partition that I want to use as /home, however I can't boot into Ubuntu anymore. It says the /home partition can't be mounted (it's an entry in fstab). I tried replacing the UUID with the new one and ext4 with ext3, but it won't work at all.01:15
LinuxGuy2009gloom: Thats a very good point. Im having trouble with 9.10 with fresh install not seeing the swap space, random program bugs, unreliable in day to day use.01:15
collindah great, this is perfect01:16
jpdsLinuxGuy2009: Then file bug reports and get them fixed.01:16
serverduckwhat's this"session active, not inhibited screen idle.If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor. Please see.....blogs.gone.org/......"???01:16
archmanTypos_King, thanks! i'll be reading this now! =)01:16
gloomLinuxGuy2009, hehehe. Ok. jdps said it before me.01:16
LinuxGuy2009 jpds: Theres no point the devs knew this was a buggy release cause of prep for LTS and besides itll be gone in 2 months anyways.01:17
jpdsLinuxGuy2009: Not really.01:17
slacker-is framebuffer on karmic still a pain to set up?01:17
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:17
jpdsLinuxGuy2009: Doesn't end-of-life for quite a while.01:18
NCS_Onewhen trying to change mplayer video drivers I get "MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: unknow", any sugestions ?01:18
LinuxGuy2009 jpds: 10.04 LTS will be here in 2 months.01:18
jpdsLinuxGuy2009: And?01:18
LinuxGuy2009 jpds: I dont care when its end of life is. Its end of life for me was day 1.01:18
Semitoneswhat's that command that says who's on the access list to be an op (in this channel or #ubuntu-offtopic)01:18
aciculaNCS_One: trying to change video drivers?01:18
Typos_Kingsemitones:  you mean the 'sudoers'?01:19
LinuxGuy2009But back on topic now.01:19
NCS_Oneacicula: yes, in preferences tab video01:19
slacker-I tried a while ago but with the new grub2 it seems to be in a non-perfect state01:19
tharkunDoes the bot have a site where i can look at the factoids it has?01:19
Typos_KingSemitones:  you can find who has 'sudo' access at /etc/sudoers;  if that's what you meant01:19
aciculaNCS_One: oh like so, just restart gmplayer?01:19
bazhanghttp://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi tharkun01:19
SemitonesTypos_King, thanks, but I was asking about irc ops :)01:20
tharkunbazhang: thx, the factoid brain had them01:20
PingFloydTypos_King: he's talking about the channel01:20
Semitonesbazhang helped me though01:20
NCS_Oneacicula: it crashes01:20
obiwan_guys i read somewhere that running gdm as root or gnome-session could mess up some gnome config things and you had to remove or change permissions to some gnome dir in your home. could anybody refresh my memory? im searching about this and could find any discouragement to running it as sudo01:20
aciculaNCS_One: choose a different video driver?01:20
aciculaNCS_One: or use totem, gmplayer isnt exactly user friendly01:20
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: Theres no need to run gdm as root01:21
brezHey, does anyone know how to make those script that list commands in a terminal screen? eg: "vhost" then it list a whole bunch of ips/vhost?01:21
gloomyeah, it is said that gmplayer GUI was designed by the Corel guys:D01:21
NCS_Oneacicula: I tryed totem but it doesnt show the video size very well01:21
aciculaheu gdm always runs as root01:21
brezusually shell providers have them "type "procs" for a list of programs"01:21
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: You need root commands done use sudo.01:21
slacker-hm, I guess the age of framebuffer has come and gone a while ago :/01:21
MonnikjeI'm fairly new to Ubuntu (actually a complete linux n00b), and I need some help. I got a fresh 9.10 install, and like to upgrade grub to grub2. But I got an error from grub-prope, and don know how to fix it01:21
moszerhy again, is there anyone knows how to install pcsx here? pls, i need help01:22
bazhangMonnikje, fresh install means you have grub2 already01:22
PingFloydSemitones: I know what you're talking about, but I forget how01:22
aciculabrez: well there is help for bash builtin help, but not much else01:22
Monnikjewhen I do sudo update-grub, I get 0.97 as version number01:23
SemitonesPingFloyd, I found out, it's /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-offtopic list01:23
NCS_Oneacicula: on movie properties it says "608 x 336" but I cant set totem to display video like that01:23
bazhangMonnikje, its grub2 nonetheless01:23
PingFloydSemitones: thanks01:23
aciculaslacker-: what do you need a framebuffer for?01:23
aciculaor the01:23
slacker-acicula: the console01:24
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: if you start gdm from a TTY then it requires "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start". But thats not saying that it runs with the root account.01:24
aciculaslacker-: that i figured01:24
aciculabut why01:24
ravenhow to RESCUE FILES from a FAT32?01:24
obiwan_LinuxGuy2009: but what doesnt let me sleep is to know why they discouraged tu run it as root01:24
Monnikjeok, although 05_debian_theme seems to be missing then01:24
obiwan_LinuxGuy2009: sudo run as root, i mean, they said dont run it with sudo01:24
slacker-acicula: my arms aren't long enough to be far away to require such a big font01:24
Typos_Kingraven:  use a live-cd, mount the fat32 partition, move your files over :)01:24
serverduckwhat's this"session active, not inhibited screen idle.If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor. Please see.....blogs.gone.org/......"???01:24
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: root account is not needed in ubuntu. sudo or gksudo can run anything with root privledges.01:24
laptop__Hello, when copying files/folder onto desktop it does not show.  If i look at /home/user/Desktop the files are there, but it does not display on the desktop.  Any ideas?01:25
aciculaslacker-: i think you can still enable framebuffer for old style console, but whatever you want X and a wm can probably do it better?01:25
slacker-acicula: also, I don't like it when lines get wrapped 4 times01:25
slacker-acicula: on a server I don't want X01:25
obiwan_LinuxGuy2009: and it wants just because theres no need, its because it could mess up your system. and i wanna know why, why exactly does running gdm or gnome-session with sudo/as root breaks up your system01:25
Typos_Kingobiwan_     you can, if you need to, just open a 'root terminal', and that won't need a 'sudo' to be issued01:25
aciculaslacker-: so log in remotely?01:25
tharkunikonia: Care for a little private chat?01:25
slacker-yes, that's what I do mostly01:26
serverduckwhat's this"session active, not inhibited screen idle.If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor. Please see.....blogs.gone.org/......"???01:26
aciculaslacker-: nvm, im not sure if ubuntu kernel enables the rfamebuffer01:26
Typos_Kingobiwan_    the ubuntu terminal has an option for a new tab/window as 'root', and you can use that01:26
obiwan_Typos_King: sry i dont understand what wont need sudo to be issued01:26
ikoniatharkun: errr why ?01:26
coz_obiwan_,  why do you think running gnome gdm or whatever will break the system?01:26
slacker-acicula: it did until they brought in grub201:26
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: Doing that in itself is no danger at all. The danger comes with the power that is given to the user. You can break things that a normal account user doesnt normally have access to do for good reasons.01:26
obiwan_coz_: it happened some time ago to a dude i was helping01:26
tharkunikonia: might be offtopic on your channel01:26
obiwan_his gnome wouldnt go , he had problems with the windows coz_01:26
slacker-acicula: you could just add a vga= parameter to the boot parameter and you were set. with grub2 it's a pain in the back01:27
MonnikjeI wonder how you can go back from a buggy grub 1.97 to a good grub 0.97?01:27
ikoniatharkun: ok01:27
aciculaslacker-: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConsoleFramebuffer01:27
photocopyHow can I extract a multiple part 7zip? i've installed p7zip but IDK what to do now... its not a terminal command. With it installed, right clicking the first archive file and hitting extract starts the extraction properly but it hangs on 001 and never moves onto the next part...01:27
coz_obiwan_, well...actually LinuxGuy2009   is right spot on...if it messed up it was because of what he did  not because he was root01:27
ravenTypos_King, no i mean how to scan a usb-drive for files which are there but not visible - like to recover "deleted" files01:27
slacker-acicula: yes, that's for grub101:27
aciculaslacker-: yeah i saw01:27
obiwan_and i just said him, coz_ , hey dude what the heck, run kill -9 (pidof gdm or gnome-session i dont remember) and then run sudo gdm or sudo gnome-session01:27
Monnikje(since both are grub2, although in 0.97 the file structure of grub legacy seems to be present)01:28
slacker-acicula: i'm trying this at the moment: http://lab.frontseed.com/tags/karmic-koala01:28
elijah1Looking for some history on what ctrl+c "technically" does in terminal.01:28
archmanTypos_King, do you think that the "resume" file is also important for going into hibernation? not only resuming?01:28
aciculaslacker-: the docs on grub2 in general seem tobe,.. lacking01:28
slacker-acicula: but it looks very much like what I've tried a month or so ago and it didn't work then01:28
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natediddywhats a good hexeditor for UNR guys?01:28
obiwan_coz_: and then all i remember is i broke his system, and somebody told him to change permissions or remove so it would respawn defaults some gnome thing dir in his home, and it solved it01:28
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: and unless you know what your doing root account isnt activated out of the box anyways. If you go looking for it and turn it on. Well then thats your own responsibility to know what goes along with that.01:29
aciculaelijah1: it sends a signal to the current process01:29
Typos_Kingraven:    for that, I'd recommend a win32 live-cd then, with some 'undelete' or 'restore' win32 apps,   I use Hiren's cd 10.1, it works well ->www.hirensbootcd.net01:29
aciculaelijah1: man signalv01:29
aciculaelijah1: man signal01:29
Sylphid|netbookelijah1, SIGINT to be specific01:29
Typos_Kingraven:  they have 10.2..... can't say on that, I use 10.1 and works very well01:29
ravenTypos_King, ok that means there still is nothing like e2undel for FAT32?01:30
elijah1acicula and Sylphid|netbook - Thanks, that is helpful01:30
obiwan_ok LinuxGuy2009 im not newbie i  know what is root, i know more or less the whole sudoers file and what are permissions and who should use them and for what, its just i dont remember what the problem was with running specifically gnome-session or gdm as root01:30
ravenTypos_King, in linux?01:30
Typos_Kingraven:  I dunno any offhand, since I've not looked for one myself anyhow :)01:30
natediddyanyone know how to properly ZIP a file to where it becomes a proper .apk again?01:30
ravenok tnx01:31
Typos_Kingraven:  there might be, but the win32 live-cd has undelete apps too01:31
aciculanatediddy: whats a proper .apk?01:31
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: Well you either knew or didnt. And you asked so I assumed you didnt. hehe01:31
mneptokobiwan_: the correct way to restart gdm is not to invoke it directly as root, but to call it from init with "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start"01:31
NCS_Onehow do I config totem to show movie in is default size, I only can see it in a couple of small screens or on full screen01:31
natediddyacicula, .apk's are applications for Android01:31
obiwan_np LinuxGuy2009 its good to advise newbies on that they usually sudo ls hhehe01:31
mneptokobiwan_: s/restart/start/01:31
obiwan_yeah mneptok but whats the problem running gdm as root? or gnome-session01:32
Typos_Kingobiwan_   not sure there is one per se, so much as it's a measure to deter the users from making costly mistakes unknowingly01:32
aciculaprotects the user against itself and provides a more secure system01:32
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: OMG dude make your mind up. You either know this or you dont. We just explained this.01:32
obiwan_i know how things hsould be done, i just want to know  more or less what i asked, why running sudo gdm or sudo gnome-session may mess your system01:32
Typos_Kingobiwan_    btw, I can/have run x-server as root, no gdm, but kdm01:32
lukaszHow can I install synaptics touchpad on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic?01:33
mneptokobiwan_: if it does not matter, then why is there a complex init script rather than just an init stub calling it as the root user?01:33
LinuxGuy2009lukasz: I have one on my Dell Mini 10v and it works out of the box.01:33
tharkunlukasz: aptitude install synaptics01:33
lukaszok thnx tharkun01:34
tharkunlukasz: wait01:34
tharkunlukasz: aptitude install synaptic01:34
tharkunsorry had an extra s01:34
obiwan_LinuxGuy2009: i know i know hehe >)01:34
mneptokobiwan_: use the init system provided to you, and don't second guess years of experience on the part of maintainers. :)01:34
Typos_Kinglukasz:     sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics;     IIRC01:34
obiwan_mneptok: but my question is, what specifically running sudo gdm does to your system that you have to change permissions or remove some dir at your home?01:34
Typos_Kinglukasz:   there are a few configurationt tools for it, check with -> apt-cache search touchpad;01:35
mneptokobiwan_: as an experienced user i'm sure you can dissect the gdm init script and understand how it sets up the environment.01:35
PingFloydobiwan_: try it and find out01:35
lukaszok thanks01:35
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: Only time you need permission to remove a file is if your not the owner.01:35
PingFloydobiwan_: the init script does some initialization01:35
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_:  If you login as root or use gksudo nautilus you can do whatever you want.01:36
kotsusudo -i01:36
=== kibo is now known as kib0
Typos_Kingobiwan_    I don't think it does mess up your system, that'd be a forgone conclusion, I think is just a deterrent from making users costly mistakes, I mean, there's no guarantee if you pass a red-light you'd get in an accident, but the chances are greater than if you wait for the green-light01:37
obiwan_im not a linux expert, of course not, but i know more or less how it works, so please dont tell me what should i do. I just want to know an answer for this questions. what could mess up your gnome when running sudo gdm or sudo gnome-session as root  so you have to remove or change permissions to some gnome conf dir at your home? i want some answer like> because if you run as sudo it changes the permissions of whatever file and then gnome can01:37
serverduckwhat's this"session active, not inhibited screen idle.If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor. Please see.....blogs.gone.org/......"???01:38
obiwan_Typos_King: it messed the system to that guy01:38
PingFloydobiwan_: it's started up as root01:38
Typos_Kingobiwan_   so he claims, yes, it didn't for me01:38
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: Im just gonna ignore you now cause this is going nowhere fast.01:38
obiwan_and it was solved after someone told him to remove the dir or change permissions01:38
serverduckwhat's this"session active, not inhibited screen idle.If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor. Please see.....blogs.gone.org/......"???01:38
serverduckwhat's this"session active, not inhibited screen idle.If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor. Please see.....blogs.gone.org/......"???01:38
FloodBot2serverduck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:38
lukaszDarn the ledlight is still on01:38
kotsuAh Friday night... time for some opium tea.01:38
kotsuFollowed by beer.01:39
obiwan_that guy knew what he was talking about, he was kinda linux admin or something and he said never run gdm as root because it will specifially said that it would mess some file or something. but i cant remember and now i try to figure out01:39
lukaszThe console is off but the touch pad ledlight is on01:39
ikoniakotsu: that is not relevant to this channel, please keep it to ubuntu support discussion01:39
obiwan_its a shsme i cant remember his name i think he was in this channel01:39
PingFloydobiwan_: why don't you ask him01:39
LinuxGuy2009obiwan_: Try it and find out.01:39
PingFloydobiwan_: sorry, but I wasn't there when you talked to him01:39
obiwan_PingFloyd: if only i remembered his name >(01:39
obiwan_np LinuxGuy200901:40
Typos_Kingobiwan_   is discouraged, yes, there's a warning, that it 'MAY' happen, I don't recall it assures it will happen with 100% certainty01:40
obiwan_ok np guys01:40
obiwan_ill run sudo gdm01:40
obiwan_brb to report what happend hehe01:40
Purpleywhat is a virtual camera for ubuntu?01:40
Azelphur!cheese | Purple01:41
* Typos_King dashes01:41
Azelphur!info cheese | Purpley01:41
ubottuPurpley: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB01:41
daijoubucheese is awesome :)01:41
Azelphurthere we go.01:41
jribobiwan_: erm, gdm is run as root...  why don't you tell us what you are trying to accomplish instead of being cryptic?01:41
Purpleyblah let me reword that, what software can I use for a virtual camera01:41
Some_PersonPurpley: cheese?01:41
PurpleyI dont have a webcam01:41
LinuxGuy2009Purpley: Virtual camera meaning what?01:42
daijoubuPurpley, you need screen capture ?01:42
Some_PersonPurpley: Define "virtual camera"01:42
PurpleyI want a fake webcam that captures my screen01:42
LinuxGuy2009Purpley: You mean like gtkrecordmydesktop?01:42
PingFloydobiwan_: I think that one guy was pulling your leg01:42
PingFloydobiwan_: I can't think of any system where gdm is ran as root01:42
PurpleyLinuxGuy2009, Well I need it to be able to stream part of my screen01:43
jribPingFloyd: who runs it on yours?01:43
PingFloydobiwan_: for instance, when you need to restart it, you do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start01:43
andai1I install ubuntu on a USB drive. It works fine until i get updates, then it doesn't get past "GRUB   "01:43
Purpleyand it has to STREAM not record01:43
troyanhola habra alguna chica para poder charlar01:43
Some_PersonPingFloyd: Then who is it run as when you boot?01:43
PurpleyI need it for livestream01:43
PingFloydjrib: I'm not up in linux right now01:43
LinuxGuy2009Purpley: No clue. Odd request.01:43
newpzhi is there a program that will let me record sound and video from my desktop? like video screen capture?01:43
LinuxGuy2009newpz: gtkrecordmydesktop01:44
PurpleyLinuxGuy2009, Its for work01:44
LinuxGuy2009is there an echo in here?01:44
sn[a]keso im on youtube trying to watch in 780p, and it is really glitchy (even with it completly buffered) is this due to a bad codec or something, normal quality works fine although thats not what i want.01:44
tck9how can i give a user sudo to another regular user .. i know how to give sudo to get a regular user to root,01:44
tck9but never done this to get a regular user sudo to another regular user01:44
LinuxGuy2009Purpley: VLC client?01:44
photocopyis there an alternate to p7zip that can extract 7zips? it hangs at "Extracting files from archive"01:45
Some_Personsn[a]ke: amd64?01:45
PurpleyCan flash recognize that as a webcam?01:45
LinuxGuy2009Purpley: I mean umm'01:45
LinuxGuy2009Purpley: Remote desktop viewer what you want?01:45
Purpleynononono have you heard of manycam?01:45
LinuxGuy2009Purpley: no01:46
archmanTypos_King, editing the resume file hibernation works!!! Thank you for your help! :)01:46
drknzzHi! Anyone knows Java Programming here?01:46
sn[a]keSome_Person: no, it is intel atom (N270)01:46
jribdrknzz: try ##java01:46
PingFloydobiwan_: here's your answer http://projects.gnome.org/gdm/docs/2.14/security.html#gdmuser01:46
drknzzjrib: TY ^^01:46
Some_Personsn[a]ke: well, there are no external codecs used for any youtube videos01:46
archmanLinuxGuy2009, i needed to edit the etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume file, hibernation works!01:47
PurpleyAlright well it acts as a fake webcam and flash finds it, and it basically acts like its watching your desktop01:47
PingFloydobiwan_: so the conclusion is it shouldn't matter01:47
LinuxGuy2009sn[a]ke: might be a graphics driver lag.01:47
Purpleyso you can stream your desktop through a flash application like livestream01:47
Tim42how would i add a module to a newer kernel? i tried to just copy the one from /lib/modules/2.6.28-6 to /lib/modules/2.6.31-19, run depmod & update-initramfs, but it said the module was the wrong format. what now?01:47
LinuxGuy2009archman: good job01:48
archmantnx :)01:48
archmanLinuxGuy2009, it was Typos_King's work ;)01:48
OddbioI need a little help with connecting to a wireless network. When I start normally I have full access to selecting wireless networks and all that. However, I really need to be able to change wireless networks from the command line?  Is there any way I can do that?01:48
PingFloydobiwan_: because gdm is run as root, but the gdm user is what the its login programs run as.01:48
aciculaTim42: build it01:49
LinuxGuy2009Oddbio: no flipping clue. Not many requests for making things harder.01:49
Purpleyso you can stream your desktop through a flash application like livestream01:49
Purpleyanyone know of software like this?01:49
chili555Oddbio, it's very hard, maybe impossible, with Network Manager installed01:49
Some_PersonOddbio: look into iwiconfig01:49
aciculaOddbio: wpa_supplicant is what you need01:50
Tim42acicula: what source am i going to have to get? the whole kernel source?01:50
aciculaTim42: depends on the module?01:50
Oddbioacicula: great thanks01:50
natediddywow this is the craziest irc channel i have EVER been too01:50
aciculaOddbio: if theres no encryption (or wep?) you can just associate as is using iwconfig i think01:50
PingFloydobiwan_: I would still use the init script to invoke it though as that probably does some initialization01:50
EmanonPurpley i think there is an option in vlc to stream you screen to a remote site presumably this could be applied to the source of a flash stream as well01:51
PurpleyNever mind I found something01:51
Oddbioacicula: well right now that would work, but at home I have WPA encryption01:51
Tim42.../kernel/drivers/ide/cmd64x.ko ?01:51
photocopyok. Im losing my patience. Is there ANYTHING else besides p7zip that can extract 7zip files?01:51
aciculaOddbio: well wpa_supplicant is what you need to use then01:52
blakkheimphotocopy: if p7zip doesn't work, nothing will01:52
Emanonfileroller with p7zip backend?01:52
LinuxGuy2009photocopy: file-roller01:52
photocopyblakkheim: explain that?01:52
blakkheim!patience > photocopy01:52
ubottuphotocopy, please see my private message01:52
aciculaTim42: and a driver for your hardware is not present in the current version?01:52
PingFloydphotocopy: you answer is by looking in the repo01:52
Out_Coldphotocopy, there should be just 7zip01:52
photocopyblakkheim: don't send me stuff like that, i repeated with a 10 or so minute break.01:52
photocopyout_cold standard 7zip is windows only.01:53
PingFloydphotocopy: apt-cache search 7zip01:53
archman_LinuxGuy2009, do you have any idea why would browsers (FF, Opera) wait for a few seconds before even loading sites, 5secs, sometimes a little less, but still... any ideas?01:53
Emanonso piping a message from ubottu to a user doest it publicly greaterthaning it gives them a private message?01:53
aciculaarchman_: got ipv6 enabled?01:53
Oli``Just rebooted and my keyboard is somehow stuck in US mode (it's a UK layout). I've checked the keyboard prefs and it says it's UK but @ are switched and I can't find the pipe tile"01:53
photocopypingfloyd ... standard 7zip is wondows only... its only been ported in the form of p7zip (7za, 7zr) i think01:53
archman_acicula, it's disabled in browsers01:53
PingFloydphotocopy: ok, but there may be other utils in there for working with it01:54
archman_LinuxGuy2009,acicula, also, when i booted to live cd, the browsing was lightning fast...01:54
Tim42acicula: I don't think so. there isnt even an 'ide' folder in /lib/modules/new-kernel/kernel/drivers01:54
photocopylinuxguy2009 i have file-roller, but It doesnt seem to support 7z01:54
PingFloydphotocopy: I'd search through the repo with that command I gave you01:54
Out_Coldphotocopy, i just did an apt-cache search 7z, try that01:54
aciculaTim42: either the driver was dropped from the kernel altogether(dont think so), or it wasnt build anymore(doiturself), or it is builtinto the kernel i suppose01:55
LinuxGuy2009archman_: I think there was a speed increase by specifying a DNS server.01:55
aciculaTim42: is there anything not working?01:55
PingFloydyeah "7z" would probably give better results01:55
AlienDKI like 7zip01:56
archman_LinuxGuy2009, it was fast a few days back, but not now...i'll google.01:56
LinuxGuy2009archman_: That was yet another issue I had with 9.10. You specify a DNS sever and its speedy then.01:56
Emanonp7zipfull works for me thus far01:56
AlienDKI use OpenDNS01:56
Tim42acicula: umm, since i have a working older kernel i compared the kernel messages and noticed that the new one wasnt finding IDE1 that has the root filesystem on it. the old kernel finds it just fine01:57
PingFloydsome distros are moving over to putting their packages in xz format which will be nice.  I compresses more than bzip2 and decompresses faster01:57
PingFloydits only drawback is that it takes a lot longer to compress01:57
photocopyout_cold pingfloyd i seem to have that01:57
PingFloydbut that's perfect for distributing packages01:57
LinuxGuy2009photocopy: You have to install the 7zip support for file-roller before it will open them I believe.'01:57
Out_Coldphotocopy, that command lists apps you can install01:57
LinuxGuy2009PingFloyd: Ive never heard of xz compression. ill have to look into that.01:58
Out_Coldand LinuxGuy2009 has a point... a free archive app needs non free plugins01:58
archman_acicula, should i disable it somewhere in ubuntu?01:58
gloomNollog, any luck?01:59
Nollog repplaced the card.02:00
NollogNEW PROBLEM!02:00
=== daijoubu is now known as Okidesu
NollogSIOCSIFFLAGS won't let me up wlan0 ?02:00
gloomNollog, but the old one... does it work=02:00
NollogThis is from a live disc.02:00
Nolloggloom: No idea. Don't feel like taking apart my laptop02:00
gloomNollog, aha, and the new one, which card is it?02:00
Nollogdell minisuchandsuch02:01
aciculaarchman_: you can disable it on the network level by ticking it off in nm-applet02:01
aciculaNollog: sudo?02:01
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: You trying to do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" ?02:01
NollogI did02:01
Nollogno sude gives a completely different message. :p02:01
aciculadriver missing?02:01
gloomNollog, lspci of the card?02:02
NollogBroadcom BCM431102:02
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: You might need broadcom sta installed for that card.02:03
NollogWould he live boot not sense that?02:03
Out_Coldi dunno if the bcm43xx driver is still around02:03
gloomyeah, you should activate the restricted drivers02:03
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: no its a non-free driver02:03
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: You have to reboot to use it anyways.02:03
archman_Nollog: you need a B43! not a STA!02:03
poweredhow to use tv card on virtualbox?02:03
archman_Nollog: i have the same card02:03
archman_Nollog: works flawlessly02:04
Out_Coldyea b43 is the way to go..02:04
poweredanyone knows?02:04
Emanonpretty sure you cant do that yet powered02:04
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: I have a BCM4312 and I do not use b43 only sta. Otherwise it wont work.02:04
Nollogarchman_: lol, that's what gloom said about my other card.02:04
aciculapowered: dont think virtualbox can expose it, unless its usb02:04
NollogThe other card is an aethos02:04
Out_Coldpowered, maybe ask in #vbox?02:05
archman_acicula, hehe i don't even have any ipv6 settings :D jaunty02:05
sylbotwill ubuntu support my system?02:05
sylboti7 92002:05
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:05
LinuxGuy2009Nollog: You need it installed to use the STA anyways.02:05
archman_Nollog, dunno, B43 works here on jaunty02:05
sylbotstripped down rampage02:05
aciculasylbot: that yeh02:05
sylbotgtx 26002:05
powerednice Out Cold, thanks02:05
sylbotand can i overclock it still02:05
Emanonyea the 200 line nvidias are supported02:05
sylbotthe cpu that it02:06
Emanonand overclocking is usually supported nicely02:06
aciculasylbot: yeah oc'ing has little to do with os02:06
sylbotbut do i dl the 64 bit one?02:06
sylbotor 32 bit02:06
LinuxGuy2009Have fun guys Im going to watch some boob-tube.02:06
poweredthis hardware could be used on vbox, dont you think this acicula?02:06
archman_btw, is the swap partition fully empty after resuming from hibernation? mine is...is that correct?02:06
* Nollog bangs face on wall02:06
sylbotx86-64 or intel 6402:06
Tim42acicula: actually, how can i redownload/reinstall that tree? the /lib/modules/2.6.31-19-powerpc one?02:07
aciculapowered: usb yes pci(e) no02:07
aciculaTim42: apt-get install ?02:07
Okidesusylbot, x86-6402:07
Tim42acicula: do you know how to force a reinstall?02:07
aciculaarchman_: it can be but doesnt have to be02:07
sylbotkk thx02:07
aciculaTim42: install the specific kernel versio02:07
aciculawith numbers02:08
poweredok, thanks acicula.02:08
slacker-acicula: in case you were wondering, that link I posted has the correct instructions to get framebuffer working on karmic current02:08
aciculaslacker-: cool :)02:08
archman_acicula, ok :)02:08
aciculaarchman_: if you were using swap before hibernating/suspending it will still be in use afterwards02:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:09
Creedenceanyone here that can help me please02:09
poweredmy enltv-fm-2 stop work after the last ubuntu kernel update. someone has fixed this?02:09
amazinggracehi guys. noob here.. 2nd day in linux. wondering if anyone knows where images saved from cookies go and if can retrieve them?02:10
jimi_how do i start dhcpd on at0 ?02:10
gloomNollog, you want to hear something funny? I have an MSI wind, with a BCM4312 and it worked out of the box (activating the restricted controllers) on both 9.04 and 9.10 :D02:10
poweredmy enltv-fm-2 sound stop work after the last ubuntu kernel update. someone has fixed this?02:10
aciculajimi_: edit the dhcp server config02:10
Out_Coldamazinggrace, i'd guess in ~/.firefox/02:10
jimi_acicula, interface at0?02:10
Creedence9.04 is the newest version02:10
Tim42acicula: linux-image-2.6.31-19-powerpc is already the newest version.02:10
gloomNollog, I don't have linux anymore, so I can't tell you which driver I was using though02:10
amazinggraceoh so not tmp?02:10
orpheusheeeelp im lost in this open source world, can anybody help me where to start?02:11
Out_ColdCreedence, 9.10 is the latest release02:11
aciculaTim42: if its already installed its allready installed02:11
Out_Coldsoon to be 10.0402:11
Creedencei need to remove linux, I cannot dual boot any longer02:11
ubottuTo learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/02:12
Creedenceor help me dual boot02:12
acicula!dualboot | Creedence02:12
ubottuCreedence: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:12
aciculahave a look at the wiki?02:12
=== Ganymede_ is now known as Ganymede
aciculajimi_: i can only guess02:12
aciculajimi_: depends on what you are trying02:13
jimi_acicula, interface 0;02:13
jimi_interface at0;02:13
gloomHow does Ubuntu/Debian support the Mac Pros? Does ubuntu work flawless on the macs?02:13
Creedencetrouble is my friend is i have no idea what to type02:13
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:14
Creedenceas what is the program to uninstall02:14
aciculahmm not very usefull02:14
jh2oshey, can the nintendo usb wifi conector be used as a wireless network card in ubuntu?02:14
aciculagloom: yeah it should work02:14
jh2osim connected to the internet through it right now02:14
aciculajh2os: depends on the chip02:15
aciculajh2os: at0 a wireless interface?02:15
Creedencecan i get a remote access to fix this ples02:15
aciculayou mean ath0 ?02:15
chili555jh2os, then you know the answer02:15
aciculaerr jimi_ you mean ath0 ?02:16
gloomjimi_, did you solved the dhcpd problem?02:16
jimi_acicula, no at0, which is a tunap device... trying to use airbase to make a routable wireless ap02:16
jimi_gloom, not yet02:16
Ganymedehi, i'm trying to get my nvidia GeForce FX5200 to work with binary drivers on 9.10. ubuntu official wiki and ubottu has no information for 9.10 so i went ahead and installed nvidia-glx-173 and had a xorg.conf autogenerated for me, then i restart and noticed it was setting virtual screen size 1400x1024 for an unknown reason, so i thought i'd try systems -> Administration -> hardware decives, i enabled nvidia there and restarted but then i got whi02:16
Ganymedete windows and no window decorations, but compiz ran fine otherwise, so then i disabled nvidia drivers via GUI and did dpkg --purge everything related to nvidia and restarted. now i'm on NV and system -> administrariotn -> hardware drivers doesn't show nvidia as an option02:16
aciculaacura: ah, then set the interface in the config to that ?02:16
aciculajh2os: please keep questions and remarks in #ubuntu02:17
aciculaand not in pm02:17
Creedenceanyone help me with remote access and getting my system to boot vista for a reinstall or fix02:17
aciculaGanymede: did you update&upgrade the install?02:17
Ganymedeacicula, not recently, maybe a week ago, should i do it again?02:17
aciculaGanymede: nah02:18
aciculaGanymede: you can reinstall the nvidia-glx-173 drivers using apt-get though02:18
redwhats the correct syntax to manually mount a samba share thats enabled via a loopback ssh tunnel?02:18
jimi_when running this command, i get this error http://fpaste.org/GAiL/02:18
Ganymedeacicula, yeah, i had it working for a while when i just used apt-get and not the system->administration->hardware drivers thing02:18
aciculared: smbmount, its a program02:18
Ganymedeacicula, except the weird resolution02:18
jimi_ dhcpd3 -d -f -cf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf at0 &02:19
redi can get to it via nautilus smb://
aciculaGanymede: dunno about that02:19
redbut mounting fails02:19
redacicula: ill check02:19
aciculaow like so02:19
aciculared: smbmount is more of a mount, nautilus smb works a bit differently02:19
Creedenceok obviously I should have not dl linux at this point but I need help remotely removing grub02:19
redacicula: alright02:19
redthis is what i tried so far:02:20
aciculared: if you wanted it mounted somewhere you need smbmount02:20
redred@jekkupullo:/$ sudo mount -t cifs -o user=username,pass=password // /media/samba02:20
NollogThe N card connected on bootup in windows.02:20
redmount error(13): Permission denied02:20
red(when i enter correct pw / login it says not found)02:20
Ganymedered, did you look at your samba log to see why it denying permission?02:21
Lord_DeviIf a line in my script gets too long... I can terminate it with a backslash \ and continue it on the next line right?02:21
redbut if not, it says denied, and dmesg shows that its discussing with the samba server and telling it that faulty login02:21
aciculaCreedence: you have to fix the windows mbr and remove the ubuntu partition, then it is gone02:21
redGanymede: problem is cifs saying it cant find the share02:21
aciculaCreedence: the order is important, first fix the windows mbr before removing the ubuntu partition02:21
Nollogokay, the atheos connected no problem02:21
redif the login is correct02:21
aciculaor your system will be hosed02:21
redgets me baffled02:21
redthe share machine is called kaliapullo (workgroup is named pullot)02:22
Ganymedered, and i assume you enabled your account for smb access using smbpasswd. and your samba configuration file has the correct path?02:22
Nollogacicula: Is there a way to subscribe to somethign that will email me when they fix my wireless card issues?02:22
aciculaif its documented somewhere in launchpad you can subscribe there02:22
redGanymede: I can successfully login to the samba share via nautilus02:22
soreauGanymede: You need to install the nvidia alias package so it shows in jockey-gtk (sys>admin>hw drivers)02:23
redin LAN and with a loopback02:23
redbut cannot mount it in commandline which is what i would prefer02:23
Ganymedesoreau, oh, so should i install all the nvidia-*-modalias packages?02:23
redis using smbmount different from using -t cifs?02:23
aciculai think it adds a smbfs for -t02:24
Ganymedered, i would use mount.cifs, smbfs and cifs are apparently different02:24
soreauGanymede: I believe by default it installs the versions that would be compatible with your card02:24
xorxesNoob question...a tutorial Im reading has "Have syslog open (tail -f, xconsole, whatever)."02:24
xorxesWhat do I do?02:24
aciculaxorxes: open a console02:24
Ganymedesoreau, wait. what is the "it" that installs versions that are compatible with my card?02:24
Sylphid|netbookred, did you include the username / password options in your mount command02:24
aciculatype tail -f /var/log/syslog02:24
Purpleyis there a program that can convert xvid to avi?02:24
redGanymede: i use mount -t cifs02:24
aciculaPurpley: handbrake02:24
soreauGanymede: ubuntu :)02:25
KutakizukariHow do I find out what type of memory I have in the terminal?02:25
GanymedePurpley, xvid is a codec, avi is a container...02:25
redSylphid|netbook: mount -t cifs -o username=user,pass=pass //ip/sambashare /mount/point02:25
xorxesthanks acicula02:25
soreauGanymede: Which card do you have as reported by lspci|grep VGA?02:25
Ganymedesoreau, like...during the initial installation? it detects what card i have and only installs the correct modalias packages?02:25
aciculaKutakizukari: dmidecode maybe?02:25
PurpleyGanymede, sigh, then change its codec to something more common02:25
soreauGanymede: I believe so02:25
aciculaKutakizukari: your cpu will tell you ussually what mem you need/have though02:26
Ganymedesoreau, because i changed my card post-install, now i have a nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)02:26
soreauGanymede: Ah ok02:26
aciculawell, dicates rather what type of mem is in the comp02:26
Sylphid|netbookred, are you using a system user or samba user02:26
Sylphid|netbookred, or guest02:26
soreauGanymede: Try installing the latest version of the nvidia alias package02:26
spOwhat is the program to manage harddrives  ... to set its rest time or whatever02:27
redSylphid|netbook: i've created username for myself and a friend, im able to login to the samba with both of those logins via nautiluus02:27
redthey are both also usernames on the samba share pc02:27
redbut samba users aswell, with same login as for the user account02:27
redboth are enabled ttoo02:27
Ganymedesoreau, there's four of them, but nvidia-173-modaliases looks the most correct to me...i wonder if the apt-cache description could have been any less informative02:27
Creedencehelp anyone02:27
Ganymedenvidia-173-modaliases - Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver02:28
Purpleyis there a program that can convert xvid to a more popular codec?02:28
Sylphid|netbookred, well the mount syntax looks fine02:28
GanymedePurpley, mencoder can do it and ffmpeg can also probably do it, but each time you re-encode, you lose quality02:28
soreauGanymede: Not sure, but after installing the alias package it should show up in jockey so you can install the driver02:28
PurpleyGanymede, I know its just xvid is too high of a quality for what i need02:28
spOthere is a program something that helps manage disks... it allows you to set the spin speed of hard drives i think02:29
Creedencenoob needs linux geek<======02:29
claptrapSo, foremost stopped running and put "c62;9" a few dozen times in my terminal. Does that mean it's done, or... ?02:29
EmanonCreedence: can you boot into windows?02:29
PurpleyGanymede, Any encoders with a gui?02:30
Creedenceonly linux02:30
Creedencedisc in dvd drive02:30
=== elijah1 is now known as elijah
Creedencethanks for the help02:30
tonsofpcsPurpley: vlc02:30
GanymedePurpley, oh sorry, i don't know about that, i always encode on the command line02:30
Emanondo you have a windows disc Creedence?02:30
cozmozHey all, can't get my microphone to work on linux02:30
Sylphid|netbookred, just verified that syntax works fine on my samba share02:30
Creedencein dvd drive but stops at the information part02:30
cozmozI have an x-fi Fatal1ty soundcard02:31
Creedencewill not boot in cd drive02:31
Sylphid|netbookred, did you reload samba after adding the users or changing the share permissions02:31
Emanoni think there is an option when the windows disc boots to repair an existing system02:31
Creedencedoes not work02:31
Creedencetried it all02:31
aberrantre all02:31
Emanonoh doesnt boot at all hmm02:31
Creedenceeven went to dos and formatted there02:31
redthey both can log in as long as i use nautilus :S02:31
cozmoztried mixing alot with Alsamixer, not getting much result, not more than that my friends can hear themselves on Mangler02:31
redand the user and pass is accepted02:31
Sylphid|netbookred, what error does it give you02:31
redif its not accetped it returns a faulty login02:32
redif its accepted it reports share not  found02:32
aberrantI'm using karmic on a notebook w/o X - is there a way to change the size/dimension of the console?02:32
redbut i can see with smbclient that it's all there02:32
redjust mounting fails02:32
Ganymedesoreau, i installed modalias 173 and "jockey?" did not offer any propriatery drivers so i installed all three non-transitional modalias packages and jockey still did not offer any proprietary drivers02:32
Creedenceits a partition and i cannot get the other onw to boot02:32
Emanonoh you have a restore partition not a restore disk?02:32
soreauGanymede: Hmm.. maybe you will have to install the glx package and manually set Driver "nvidia" in xorg.conf02:33
Creedencewell, i created the iso, played with it, and installed. created the partition in linux and now it will not dual boot02:33
Ganymedesoreau, did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConsoleFramebuffer ?02:33
MasterofPuppetsHey guys, got a minor question. Is there any way to get rid of icon labels on the desktop? I'm trying to have just the icons showing.02:33
Ganymedesoreau, oh, whoops, sorry02:33
Sylphid|netbookred, your not trying to mount it inside of the share right? that would be a loop that may cause problems02:33
enavhello. i have a problem with my grub...  after install a new hdd and update my ubuntu the grub give an error  that disable my Windows entro at grub menu.... need some help  thanks... here is the console output  http://pastebin.com/TBCVZHdd02:33
histoI'm following the vimtutor Lesson 7.2 right now. Is there a way to do this without closing vim?02:33
Ganymedeaberrant, did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConsoleFramebuffer ?02:34
aberrantGanymede: thanks02:34
Creedencei will give remote access if necessary, i am in a serious bind02:34
Emanondid you install simply shrinking the windows partition to fit ubuntu or did you install overwriting the windows partition?02:34
redSylphid|netbook: i got it to work now, oddly i had to use //serverip/firstfolder02:35
amageei have this strange problem where my mouse cursor stays on the 'busy' animating cursor forever, on some windows02:35
redand firstfolder was myfiles02:35
amageei've looked at this http://joeb454.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2656010 but that doesn't seem to be my problem02:35
Creedencei live it dont get me wrong but i need to have windows for my gaming02:35
enavamagee are you using the compiz effects?02:36
Jordan_UCreedence: What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:36
amageei'm using xmonad as my window manager if that's important02:36
Creedencehow do i tell, i dl today02:36
enavamagee What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:36
Jordan_U!version | Creedence02:36
ubottuCreedence: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:36
robertzaccouri accidently deleted the volume control from the taskbar how do i get it back?02:36
Emanonchances are you have 9.10 Creedence02:37
enavamagee you have all your desktop effects disabled really?02:37
amageerobertzaccour: right-click the panel, click "add to panel..."02:37
amageeenav: how do i make sure02:37
robertzaccouramagee, i did that and didn't see that in the selection02:37
RedxrossHello everyone.  I need to open a port so that I can install a program that listens on that port thus allowing the client to connect to it.  Can someone please point me in the right direction with this?02:37
aberrantI don't have a /boot/grub/menu.lst. :(02:38
Jordan_U!grub2 | aberrant02:38
ubottuaberrant: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:38
Creedencewell i copied and pasted what you put in and got nill02:38
enavamagee try this,   go to System-->Appearance-->Vissual Effects02:38
aberrantJordan_U: will the console framebuffer stuff work with grub2?02:38
EmanonCreedence: idk how to do it in ubuntu but there is an option in the repair section of mandriva install disks to restore a windows mbr http://www2.mandriva.com/downloads/?p=linux-free02:38
amageeenav: umm, there's no such thing02:39
Xcellhttp://pastebin.org/111452   any reccomendations  ?02:39
amageethere is system->preferences and system->visual effects02:39
Sylphid|netbookRedxross, ubuntu does not ship with any firewall rules installed by default, have you added some?02:39
amageethere is system->preferences and system->administration02:39
RedxrossSylphid|netbook, no I haven't02:39
amageesorry never mind that i'm just stupid02:39
enavamagee yep right  there02:39
amageeok yeah it's on "None"02:40
enavtry to enable  and next disable02:40
amageerobertzaccour: hmm yeah you seem to be right.. you've exhausted my expertise then, sorry :S02:40
Sylphid|netbookRedxross, then the program should be able to attach to any port and should be able to use it without any additional work on the box02:40
RedxrossSylphid|netbook, the thing is I wrote this program in Java on Windows and I know that the server should run but its just exiting and since I am using some open source stuff I can't add any logging but thats the only thing that makes sense02:40
Ze_Mwhere can i see the source packages?02:41
aciculaZe_M: apt-get source <packagename>02:41
robertzaccouramagee, i found it thanks02:41
Ze_Macicula: no, in www02:41
enavamagee done?02:41
aciculaZe_M: google the package name02:41
aciculapackages.ubuntu.org probably02:41
amageeenav: i clicked "normal" and it did some stuff then said "Desktop effects could not be enabled"02:41
amageei'm not sure they work with xmonad02:42
Ze_Macicula: that address doesnt exist02:42
robertzaccouramagee, what kinda reply was that? lol02:42
Jordan_Uaberrant: For grub2 just add "gfxpayload=1600x1200" ( or whatever resolution you want that is supported by VESA ) to /etc/grub.d/40_custom then run "sudo update-grub"02:42
Creedencedownloading now ... thanks02:42
enavamagee go to system-->administration-->hardware drivers02:42
amageerobertzaccour: what do you mean02:42
teratorn what's the "best" way to allow clients on a LAN to dynamically open ports on a Linux NAT gateway? e.g. a uPnP implementation for iptables? what other protocols besides uPnP should I support?02:42
aberrantJordan_U: thanks. that works even though I'm not using X or any other GUI?02:42
Emanonhope u have another optical drive if your burning from a live disc02:43
enavamagee tell what do you see02:43
robertzaccouramagee, exhausted your expertise. sarcasm? lol02:43
amageerobertzaccour: lol, no, i just have fairly limited expertise in that area :P02:43
Creedencethis is 4.3 g? that right?02:43
Jordan_Uaberrant: Yes.02:43
amageerobertzaccour: where did you end up finding it?02:43
robertzaccouramagee, oh ok lol at first thought you were being a jerk lol02:43
amageeenav: i have the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver installed02:44
amageerobertzaccour: nah, sorry02:44
Creedencestopped the dl02:44
Emanonshould be mandriva free 201002:44
enavamagee only one option?02:44
amageeenav: yep02:44
Creedencesorry but i need help deleting whatever it is causing  me not to be able to dual boot. Ubuntu has my whole computer02:44
enavamagee that drive have the circle on green ... that means is in use02:45
robertzaccouramagee, right click panel>application launcher>accessories then scroll down02:45
Jordan_UCreedence: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo update-grub"?02:45
Jordan_U!pastebin | Creedence02:45
Creedencehow do i do that02:45
aberrantJordan_U: hrm. console now blank after reboot. I don't think it liked "1024x768"02:45
redSylphid|netbook: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2188345/samban900.png Behold. I'm sharing samba to my linux mobile phone over 3G (SSH-loopback tunnel) :)02:45
Creedencecan u remote in?02:45
Ganymedesoreau, thanks, i got it to work now and with correct resolution, i guess the solution was to just uninstall everything and clean out the xorg configs and start from scratch02:45
enavim having a problem with the update-grub02:45
EmanonCreedence: http://www2.mandriva.com/downloads/?get_iso&iso=mandriva-linux-free-dual-2010.iso&mirror=http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/mandriva/official/iso/2010.002:45
aberrantlet's figure out how to interrupt grub02:46
Jordan_UCreedence: If you have port forewarding enabled yes.02:46
soreauGanymede: Oh cool02:46
amageeenav: yes, i know02:46
ubottuCreedence: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:46
Emanonthat should be an iso for the latest version of mandriva free which you can burn and run the restore windows mbr option its repair options02:46
Sylphid|netbookred, nice!02:46
enavamagee that is a driver problem... or some xconf bug or corruption.02:47
Creedenceis there  a private chat?02:47
robertzaccouri'm thinkin about deleting the bottom panel and just using AWN. is it pretty stable?02:47
Jordan_UCreedence: Do *not* send a passwrod to me via IRC though.02:47
Emanonor you could get Jordan_U to help you repair the bootloader02:47
amageeenav: hmm, but i had the same problem on my nvidia card a few weeks ago02:47
enavamagee  on nvidia cards that problem happend after enable desktop effects and disable the original mouse cursor02:48
amageehmm ok02:48
amageewhat would you suggest i do?02:48
aberrantHey Jordan_U - I'm stuck. Console blank, can't interrupt grub. Any ideas?02:48
Jordan_UCreedence: You can get my public ssh key from launchpad which will allow only me to login to your computer02:49
enavamagee in that case is easy to solve...  the only is needed to do is to disable some options at enhansed zoom02:49
amageeenav: but they're all disabled already02:50
Creedencewhere is that02:50
enavtry deleting the actual xconf and creating a new one02:50
Creedencei dont know this stuff02:50
amageehmm ok i'll try that02:50
amageethanks enav02:50
Creedenceim 43 years old and do not know computers that much02:50
enavamagee im know this is disable... that was the case of nvidia cards02:50
enavamagee i have some where the code to do that  hang on02:51
Emanonand i don't know cars Creedence we all have our strong and weak points02:51
amageei'm reasonably ok with xorg.conf02:51
Creedencehow u know that lol02:51
Random832stupid kernel image install scripts don't know how to deal with a non-grub system02:52
enavamagee: try this and restart -->   cd /etc/X11 && sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup && sudo nvidia-xconfig02:52
Creedencecan i click private chat?02:52
Creedenceor u02:52
enavCreedence what happend buddy02:53
Zenkercan someone tell me how to find out what password i set for my username in here?02:53
amageeenav: thanks02:53
Creedencei cannot boot windows at all02:53
enavthat code just rewritte the xconf02:53
EmanonJordan_U: is logging into Creedences' computer to attempt to repair his GRuB install i think02:53
enavCreedence why not02:54
Creedencedont know i need someone in here to fix it02:54
Creedencei am a big noob02:54
enavCreedence dont worry02:54
enavCreedence how many hdd you have02:54
Alan502Good day, I was looking for something similar to ms office publisher on linux, i'm looking for something to make pamphlets specifically. Do you know anything that can help?02:54
Emanonit'll get sorted out hehe02:54
Creedencecall me creed or dave, my friends call me that02:54
lantiziaIf Canonical ever got a better offer from Google for the search box by the time of 10.10... would it dare push the change back in the 10.04 repo? :D02:55
Creedencehss is hard drive, =102:55
enavAlan502: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Alternatives02:55
aberrantwow, got it back by editing blind02:55
Zenkeroh i still have the conf email, is the string of letters/numbers after my name the password i set?02:55
enavCreedence you ahve only 1 harddrive?02:55
aberrantnow to try again02:55
natediddyDROID DOES 3===D~~ ( . )( . )02:55
EmanonAlan502: does ms publisher run in wine?02:55
Creedencei want to keep the linux but want to dual boot ... yes one02:55
Creedencebut if it means erasing everthing thats fine too. im desperate02:56
Alan502Emanon, yes, it does, but not good enough02:56
denis-knatediddy: something you'll never be able to accomplish02:56
Emanontry scribus maybe Alan50202:56
Alan502Emanon, ok02:56
natediddydenis-k, lol02:57
enavCreedence ok.. i guess you ahve 1 disk with 2 partitions, 1th with linux, 2th with Windows  right?02:57
natediddysorry had to do it02:57
denis-kDroid > every other mobile OS02:57
natediddylove this channel tho :) has helped me with a LOT02:57
Creedence1 linux and 1 windows02:57
denis-knatediddy: usually does02:58
enavCreedence good...  open your console and type this --> sudo update-grub02:58
natediddyim a linux newb02:58
Emanonfor future reference http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Linux_software_equivalent_to_Windows_software02:58
natediddyso i need all the help i can get :P02:58
MasterofPuppetsHey guys, got a minor question. Is there any way to get rid of icon labels on the desktop? I'm trying to have just the icons showing.02:58
enavCreedence:  next  copy and paste all the output here -->  http://pastebin.com/          press  submit and give the web link02:59
enavMasterofPuppets: for only 1 icon?   or all icons?02:59
MonnikjeI'm wondering... How can I run grup 2 without a grup.cfg but with a menu.lst (I have a clean Ubuntu 9.10 install, and I was pointed out here that I thus already have grup 2 instead of grup legacy)03:00
Creedenceound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-20-generic-pae03:00
CreedenceFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-20-generic-pae03:00
CreedenceFound memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin03:00
FloodBot2Creedence: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
glaucioEai Pessoal sou do Parana / Lapa03:00
Emanongrub Monnikje03:00
Jordan_UMonnikje: Not currently, but why would you want to?03:00
enavCreedence   use pastebin   is a web site to paste large codes03:01
stevecamis there a simple way to assign my shortcut keys for keys that havnt been assigned03:01
Random832why do kernel packages HARDCODE having to run update-grub?03:01
MonnikjeI found a guide on how to enhance the boot menu graphically with for example a background image, which requires me to have grub 2 (or well, grup 1.97)03:01
* Random832 just had an upgrade error out03:01
stevecami try to set them in keyboard-shortcut but half of my multimedia keys will just do nothing03:01
Emanonif they can be detected stevecam03:01
EmanonSystem>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts03:02
redim not tired03:02
Emanonselect a task hit the key and your donw03:02
redand i have no more problems to solve03:02
stevecamEmanon, they can be seen by the kernel, but they havn't been assigned03:02
redsomeone suggest me something i could use on my pc which takes a moment to set up properly03:02
enav Creedence  goto    http://paste.ubuntu.com    and paste the console outpu there   next press submit and next copy and paste the weblink   here03:02
Spirits-Sighthow can I get a windows device to show up as a storage device on my ubuntu system?03:03
MonnikjeEmanon: when I entered this channel, I was immediately pointed out I should have grup 2 instead of grup because I've got a clean 9.10 install03:03
Emanonas long as they can be seen you can assign them in keyboard shortcuts i think03:03
Jordan_UMonnikje: What does that have to do with using menu.lst syntax instead of grub2 grub.cfg syntax?03:03
ultraparadigmAnyone heard of anyone who has had luck getting a wireless display to work in Ubuntu?03:03
stevecamkeyboard shortcuts is nice, but it only does half of the job of setting up my shortcuts, its more of a hotkey manager03:03
Creedencemine works and i have no clue what i am doing lol03:03
Jordan_UCreedence: You need to give us the link.03:04
enavCreedence i need the website addres03:04
Creedencehold on03:04
Emanonoh they can be seen but havnt been designated (XF86Home etc)03:04
Emanoni got you03:04
Monnikjewell, I should have to edit 05_debian_theme, which is missing. I should also edit /etc/default/grub, which is also missing. Both are present after I install grub 1.9703:04
Monnikjebut that is giving errors during the install03:04
ultraparadigmanyone here ever heard of a wireless display?03:04
Emanonso they cant be turned into shortcuts until they have been given a label got ya03:05
Emanonsec i read about this a while back ill find the manual for ya03:05
enavultraparadigm   try wifiradar03:05
stevecamEmanon, is there a GUI to do this?03:05
Jordan_UMonnikje: What error? What install?03:05
Creedenceits doing something03:05
Creedencedont know where to get it m803:06
Creedencejust pm jordan03:07
aberrantJordan_U: FYI - it's /etc/defaults/console-setup - nothing to do w/ grub03:07
Zenkeranyone know how to findout/change my password for this room?03:07
Spirits-Sightany ideas of how to get win ce device to show as a storage device like USB device? NOT intersted in syncing any thing but being able to copy and move and delete files?03:07
ultraparadigmenav,  thanks!  you think that might work with a wireless display?  Have you hear of anyone using it for that purpose?03:07
Monnikjewhen upgrading grub 0.97 to grub 1.97 I get the following errors:03:07
Monnikjegrub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `nvidia_dgcefiej2' (which is the second partition on my raid-0 hdd, also the partition containing Ubuntu 9.10)03:08
enavwireless display?  what is that03:08
Creedencemy gosh, never thought you tube coolness would turn out like this..... hahah03:08
MonnikjeAuto-detection of a filesystem module failed.03:08
=== jon is now known as Guest83589
MonnikjePlease specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.03:08
enavCreedence  hang on03:08
Monnikjedpkg: error processing grub-pc (--configure):03:08
Monnikjesubprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 103:09
MonnikjeErrors were encountered while processing:03:09
Jordan_UMonnikje: Try installing grub 1.98 from lucid .03:09
Creedenceyep got all night.. gotta fix my system03:09
Emanonstevecam: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Extra_Keyboard_Keys03:09
Emanonits targeted towards Arch users but still relevant03:09
Creedencecant someone come in my comp and fix this?03:09
Monnikjehow do I do that? I'm totally new to Ubuntu, and I haven't encountred lucid yet03:09
enavCreedence do you mean remote assitance03:10
enavcome to private chat03:10
ultraparadigmenav,  a wireless display is a monitor., or TV adapter that takes an audio/video signal from a computer wirelessly03:10
temotoHello. I have following line in /etc/security/limits.conf:  *   hard   rss    2048000   and ulimit -a shows that. Does this setting guarantee that no program will ever consume more than 2 gigs of memory?03:10
Emanonand further to that stevecam http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keytouch03:10
ultraparadigmBasically a wireless monitorr03:10
enavCreedence doble click over my name03:11
ultraparadigmI guess it's pretty new, probably no support out there for it right now.  I'll be stuck with windows for that I guess03:11
stevecamEmanon, thanks03:11
Jordan_UMonnikje: Download http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/grub-pc and http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/grub-common to a directory then run "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/directory/*.deb"03:12
enavultraparadigm never heart that before03:12
Zenkerultraparadigm are you using wi-fi and a display adapter or ecactly what hardware are u trying to use to get the signal from the puter to the monitor?03:12
Monnikjedoes it matter to which directory I download it (for example, should I put it in the boot dir?)03:13
Jordan_UMonnikje: It just needs to be a directory without any other .deb files in it. The downloads directory is probably fine.03:14
Redxrosshas anyone ever loaded multiple .jar files from the command line in unix?03:14
dlynesAnyone on at the moment that's familiar with preseeding a ubuntu install?03:14
dlynesRedxross, that's done using your classpath (java -cp)03:15
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=== __lu is now known as lus
Redxrossdlynes, ya but i need to load a whole bunch of .jar files and no wildcards are allowed right?03:16
Monnikjeok, thanks Jordan_U. I'll try it03:16
dlynesRedxross, so?03:16
Redxrossdlynes, i don't want to write a classpath with a list of 12 jar files03:17
Redxrossdlynes, need a better way of doing that =(03:17
Emanonstevecam omg just downloaded and am trying keytouch editor this is just a preliminary assessment but in my humble opinion "IT EFFIN ROCKS!"03:17
xivenI wanted to check if there is currently any developers needed for Ubuntu03:18
dlynesRedxross, for file in *.jar; do if [ "${CLASSPATH}" == "" ]; then $CLASSPATH=$file ; else $CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:${file} ; fi ; done ; java -cp ${CLASSPATH} my.java.class03:18
xivenWhich languages are needed?03:18
Redxrossdlynes, WOW YOU ROCK!03:18
Emanonxiven: there are ALWAYS devs needed for every language03:18
Emanonsec let me get you a link03:19
Prestidigitoniumim trying to install ubuntu server to my microsd card but i think its trying to set up the swap on it too. how can i prevent that?03:19
xivenWelll, I'm not a pro at any language..but if I an get something that isn't too big...I'm willing to do some coding03:19
Jordan_Udlynes: You don't use '$' in front of variable names when setting them.03:19
Emanonxiven: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate03:19
xivenOut of curiosity, any paid positions?03:19
dlynesJordan_U, good point03:19
dlynesJordan_U, my mistake03:20
xivenI've been curious if Canonical hires, or just donates lol03:20
Flannelxiven: Paid positions are here: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/03:20
dlynesRedxross, as Jordan_U mentioned, the ${CLASSPATH}/$CLASSPATH on the left side of the assignments should be CLASSPATH, instead (no curly braces, and no dollar sign)03:21
Redxrossdlynes, could i specify the folder in which the *.jar files are in by for file in \workspace\project\lib\*.jar; do if [ "${CLASSPATH}" == "" ]; then $CLASSPATH=$file ; else $CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:${file} ; fi ; done ; java -cp ${CLASSPATH} my.java.class03:21
xivenOkay, I am checking both03:21
dlynesRedxross, wait a second here...are you in linux, or windows?03:22
Redxrossdlynes, linx03:22
Redxrossdlynes, linux*03:22
dlynesRedxross, then why are you using '\' for a path separator instead of '/'?03:22
Prestidigitoniumi dont understand this install process :-(03:22
Redxrossdlynes, oh oops03:22
dlynesRedxross, and yes you can give the file as a full path03:23
Emanoncare to elaborate Prestidigitonium?03:23
Spirits-Sightany ideas of how to get win ce device to show as a storage device like USB device? NOT intersted in syncing any thing but being able to copy and move and delete files?03:23
MonnikjeJordan_U: Thanks! this doesn't give me the errors while installing. I'll try fiddling around after I get some sleep, but I'm sure it'll be fine now03:23
Redxrossdlynes, just trying to make sense of the ${'s thing03:23
Prestidigitoniumwell, im trying to install ubuntu server to my microsd card. but i dont want my swap on it too03:24
subhamhello every body can any body can help me in one aspect i am trying to install an plug's in firefox to view some of the content from an on line library  and that plugin is dependent on qt3 can any body can tell me what should i install from repos ... so that it demand can be fulfilled any help would be of great help03:24
dlynesRedxross, sometimes you need to use '${....}' instead of '$...', so that the shell isn't interpreting neighboring characters as part of the variable03:24
xivenDoes the Design category mean, for example...improving application GUI's?03:24
Redxrossdlynes,  oh i see03:24
its-me-againhi has anyone got reprap to work on ubuntu03:24
Emanonxivin i think so03:24
FandekaspDoes someone know svn and could help me for a post commit hook problem  ? thank you in advance03:24
dlynesRedxross, ${VARNAME} or $VARNAME will substitute in the value of the variable, 'VARNAME'03:25
Prestidigitoniumi want to set up a mem disk for swap. then use unifs or whatever its called to mount partitions if they are available03:25
reddlynes: does the shell disticnt betweeen "" and '' and if use '' then can u do ' . $variable . ' like in php?03:25
xivenI think I might be able to do the most help with bug fixing though03:25
Redxrossdlynes, oh its a way to set values?03:25
dlynesred, yes, it does03:25
redok nice03:25
Emanoni dont think an install requires a swap partition it is just reccomended03:25
redjust peaked my interest03:25
dlynesred, and you cannot use '.' like in php, either03:25
Emanonso you can tell it to go without i think Prestidigitonium03:25
Prestidigitoniumi then want to install a gui on there when ubuntu server has completed install03:25
jribFandekasp: try #svn03:25
dlynesred, it's shell scripting, not php or perl03:26
xivenLike I said..I'm not a pro at any language..but with bug fixing I could probably be more productive03:26
amageeumm, won't '$var' come out as literally '$var'?  you need double quotes for the variable to be expanded03:26
Prestidigitoniumoh you mean manual install mode?03:26
Fandekaspjrib : they sleep on #svn ^^03:26
xivenWhich one, the design or bug fixing is shell?03:26
Emanonmanual partitioning at least Prestidigitonium03:26
RedxrossI should learn shell scripting03:26
jribFandekasp: be patient, not every channel is as busy as this one03:26
xivenHeh..I don't know any shell scripting03:26
Fandekaspyep ok :)03:27
xivenvery basic bash maybe, although that should be easy to learn..03:27
dlynesRedxross, VARNAME=value is for left side of assignments...  if [ "${VARNAME}" == "VALUE" ];  is for using the value of the varaible03:27
git__i learn bash scripting by having a problem I want to solve03:27
xivenWhat kind of deadlines fall into bug fixing?03:27
git__i learn faster that way03:27
Redxrossdlynes, so can you fix that script you wrote out for me?03:28
Emanonxiven asap generally03:28
XarverI have this strange sound problem. I have my earbuds plugged in because I wanted to listen to a video. When I unplug them the sound doesn03:28
Redxrossdlynes, this way i can see the difference03:28
dlynesRedxross, the bash man page is a good start, as is 'learning the bash shell', from O'reilly03:28
Xarverdoesn't work, only the earbuds.03:28
Redxrossdlynes, i'll get it03:28
xivenlol...but surely its a develop in my off-time kinda thing..03:28
EmanonXarver: need to switch output port03:28
Prestidigitoniumbut i thought linux must have a swap partition?03:28
dlynesRedxross, for file in *.jar; do if [ "${CLASSPATH}" == "" ]; then CLASSPATH=$file ; else CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:${file} ; fi ; done ; java -cp ${CLASSPATH} my.java.class03:28
Redxrossdlynes, man thank you once more, you are the man!03:29
Emanoni dont think so Prestidigitonium just recommended for performance03:29
Emanonbut you may be right03:29
xivenI don't have much free time, but I'm wanting to fill my hobby coding time with something03:29
XarverEmanon, ?03:29
Prestidigitoniumah. ok cool03:29
Redxrossdlynes, i'll def download the O'Reilly03:29
Emanonyou could try to make it force a ramdisk for swap03:29
dlynesRedxross, you can also learn more by joining #awk, #bash, #sed, #grep, ##linux03:30
xivenBesides, it'd help others, grow my experience..and it'd be pretty cool to know I have written code/code changes which run in ubuntu lol03:30
Emanonthat seems redundant but if it foreces you to have swap you can at least make it common to any computeryou plug into03:30
Redxrossdlynes, sweet =)03:30
dlynesRedxross, and just sit quietly in the background soaking in what everyone talks about03:30
EmanonXarver: what i meant is it seems when you unplug it doesnt switch back to your speakers so you may need to manually switch the output03:30
xivenWhat's the enrollment process, just download something, fix, and upload for review?03:30
its-me-againanyone able to get reprap to run on ubuntu03:31
shahinhow does ubuntu with compiz enabled run on an old XP2500+, 2048mb ddr, ati radeon 9600pro? should i install regular ubuntu or should i try xubuntu?03:31
XarverEmanon, How do I do that?03:32
dlynesAm I the only person in this channel that's tried to do preseeding?03:32
Emanonright click on the volume control in system tray03:32
Emanonclick sound preferences03:32
Emanonhit output tab03:33
Emanonand fiddle till it works03:33
Grogyandoes anyone here know how to get the RepRap host to run under Linux?03:34
XarverEmanon, there are much settings...03:34
Emanondoesnt seem so Grogyan03:34
xivenThe website makes it sound so much like a regular job. No one gets money for volunteer do they? Heh.03:34
pococki wrote an SH file, made it executable, and now have my crontab successfully set to run it on boot.. what i can't get is for it to run every 5 minutes, any help would be greatly appreciated03:35
LtaHello guys, i was running an up to date karmic and updated to lucid, after running an update-initramfs -u -k all, my system doesn't boot anymore, mountall complains it doesn't found libplybootclient.so.2. It's quite annoying as my system is unusable. Is this a know issue ? If not, where should i file this in laucnhpad ?03:35
EmanonXarver try the radial buttons or the dropdown menu at the bottom of the output tab03:35
its-me-again!ask | Grogyan03:36
ubottuGrogyan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:36
jrib!cron > pocock03:36
ubottupocock, please see my private message03:36
XarverEmanon, there's only one radio button and no settings work03:36
GrogyanCan anyone help me to get the RepRap host sotware to run under ubuntu 9.1?03:36
Grogyanor know what i'm doing wrong?03:37
Emanonidk then Xarver sorry03:37
pocockjrib: i've been there. the problem isnt with the cron as far as i can tell03:37
jribpocock: what's your cron line?03:37
xivenI would think about applying to remote Paid jobs...but I wouldn't want to bite off too much and end up getting fired He He03:37
pocock*/15 * * * * change.sh & @reboot change.sh03:37
pocockthe reboot works fine03:38
kris__Hi. Is there a CLI interface to NetworkManager?03:38
CAPcapif i added a monitor and changed the settings what file would that settings be saved in (it prompted me and i just let it do its thing and now I'm having problems)03:38
its-me-againGrogyan: test did you get it03:38
xivenHey....is there a seperate development team for UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudio's GDM and/or USplash stuff?03:38
jribpocock: where is change.sh?  You should give absolute paths03:38
pococksorry, its in /bin03:38
dlynesxiven, what's UbuntuStudio?03:39
jribpocock: is the "&" part of your file?03:39
its-me-again!ask | Grogyan03:39
ubottuGrogyan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:39
pocockeach one is on a separate line03:39
jribpocock: in that order?03:39
CAPcap! UbuntuStudio03:39
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org03:39
xivenI asked because there is something about the UbuntuStudio usplash theme that really needs fixed.03:39
pocockno, sorry, the @reboot is above the timed version03:40
Emanonhe IS asking just no one knows how to help him03:40
jribpocock: do you have a final newline in your crontab?03:40
Emanonasking how to make a program run IS a question03:40
pococka wha?03:40
jribpocock: an empty line at the end03:40
its-me-againhas anyone been able to get reprap working on ubuntu 9.1003:40
jribpocock: (you need one)03:40
GrogyanWhen I run the RepRap linux script, the repRap host begins to start then quits before displaying the GUI03:40
xivenWhat kind of a network might Ubuntu have for sales of software created?03:41
ultraparadigmIs there something special that I have to do to get the HDMI output to send a signal to my TV?03:41
GrogyanI don't know why or find any information as to why it won't run03:41
CAPcapif i added a monitor and changed the settings what file would that settings be saved in (it prompted me and i just let it do its thing and now I'm having problems)03:41
TxMattI have a question...Whats a goood dvd burning tool i can get from the repositories??03:41
EmanonGrogyan: you try sudo?03:41
CAPcapTxMatt whats wrong with Brasero?03:42
Grogyanyou mkean sudo reprap?03:42
EmanonTxMatt: brasero k3b and about 30,000 others03:42
kris__Hi. Is there a CLI interface to NetworkManager?03:42
Emanonyes Grogyan03:42
Moon_Doggyhow do i set up ssh and get a windows computer to connect to it over the internet03:42
TxMattLOL. i didnt see that.03:42
TxMatti'll try it.03:42
xivenSo, why would all bug fixes be in shell script, aren't there more bugs then just the shell scripts?03:43
dlyneskris__, only one i know of is sudo apt-get remove network-manager && vi /etc/network/interfaces && /etc/init.d/networking restart03:43
mapidI'm a happy camper using Ubuntu, but I wonder how to change the display resolution. I see no place in 'System' to change that03:43
Grogyansudo reprap doesn't execute03:43
Grogyancommand not found03:43
kris__dlynes: Thank you.03:43
EmanonSystem>Preferences>Display mapid03:43
drbe4they i need help my ubuntu can't find http://ppa.launchpad.net/dt/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz03:43
CAPcapmapid: System>Preferences>Display03:43
dlyneskris__, I'm guessing you installed ubuntu without a gui?03:43
Curly_QI am in root via SSH. I am in the directory: /usr/share/apache2/default-site#    I would like to allow drag and drop from the SSH client to that directory. What is the chown or the command for that?03:44
mapidEmanon, CAPcap, they're dimmed out03:44
jribCurly_Q: you're root... it doesn't matter.  You can drag and drop anywhere03:44
kris__dlynes: No. Just need to re-install my graphics driver in order to get Xorg to work, yet I have to have X up in order to start NetworkManager ... Catch22.03:44
Curly_QI would much rather give the main <user> that authority without being in root.03:44
dlyneskris__, huh?  what does installing graphics drivers have to do with network manager?03:45
Curly_QI tried drag and drop and it does'nt work. Errors.03:45
kris__dlynes: I need the internet in order to run "apt-get install xorg-drivers" or whatnot.03:45
dlyneskris__, oh....and /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't fix it for you?03:46
Curly_QI am using SSH Tectia Pro. Nice program.03:46
gloomhi there again03:46
dlyneskris__, network manager is still a non-X daemon running in the background I think03:46
ultraparadigmDoes X handle multiple displays well?03:46
dlyneskris__, gnome-network-manager or something like that is the gui component03:46
jrib!permissions > Curly_Q03:46
ubottuCurly_Q, please see my private message03:46
Emanonoccasionally ultraparadigm03:47
gloomIs there any software for linux, to add live effects to a webcam?03:47
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.03:47
ZykoticK9ultraparadigm, depends on what gfx card(s) you are using - but X itself has no problems03:47
kris__dlynes: No. I need to be able to connect wirelessly, and to determine the wl AP.03:47
Emanoncheese gloom03:47
dlyneskris__, oh...nasty03:47
Planet_xheres a rather noob question, how do i make desktop icons smaller?03:47
dlyneskris__, it's possible from the command line...it's just a huge pain in the ass to do wireless from the command line03:48
gloomfot cheese, does not have what i'm looking for03:48
papulhi guys03:48
kris__dlynes: yah.03:48
dlyneskris__, type iwconfig --help03:48
papuli want syntax highlighting for nano03:48
dlyneskris__, and ifconfig --help03:48
kris__dlynes: Got a reader's digest version? :-D03:48
papuli want syntax highlighting for nano03:48
ultraparadigmZykotick9, well i'm using a Nvidia with the proprietary drivers.  But the second display is going to be a TV through the HDMI cable03:48
gloomi want live effects. Like those windows software that let you use the webcam in other app, like skype, but add some cool effects like sunglasses or masks. Does linux has an equivalent?03:49
cryptideanybody have chrome crash like once a day or so?03:49
Curly_QI tried to use the SSH with it's GUI to change file permissions but that didn't work. I suppose I need to give the SSH client permission to change permissions.03:49
ZykoticK9papul, http://wiki.linuxhelp.net/index.php/Nano_Syntax_Highlighting03:49
rfa_papul better use vim ;)03:49
Emanonno cryptide i dont use that fail-browser03:49
ZykoticK9ultraparadigm, "should" work fine -- nvidia is really good with dual displays03:49
mkquistcryptide: nope, and I like chrome03:50
Planet_xnvm figured it out03:50
cryptideEmanon, while crashing is def a fail... it is much faster than ff03:50
cryptidemkquist, you have flashblock on or something?03:50
mkquistcryptide: no03:50
CAPcapcryptide i run chrome with no issues03:50
CAPcapand i dont have any special settings.03:50
ultraparadigmSykotick9, K thanks.  Sofar I'm not getting anything.  But I'll keep seperemmenting with the settings.  i don't see anything about more than one display so far.  Maybe I have to start tthe computer with the display plugged in.03:51
dlyneskris__, to scan, do iwlist scanning03:51
Emanonare you talking to boot or to browse cryptide?03:51
Emanoncause fasterfox makes browsing very snappy in ff03:51
mkquistcryptide: the worst thing i've had happen is when i reopen it i have to click on restore to get old pages back...03:51
papulrfa_, i dont know vim03:51
papulrfa_, when i type :q sometimes it get entered as text and sometimes as command03:51
xorxesHow can I access the GUI for managing users from the command line?03:51
rfa_papul yeah, vim is a little complicated at start03:52
cryptideEmanon, browse03:52
cryptidemaybe it is my delicious plugin03:52
Lord_DeviIn a simple for loop parsing files like:  "for _file in $( ls /foo/bar/ ); do .... done" How might I fille $_file with absolute paths rather than filenames?03:52
Emanontry fasterfox next time your on ff03:52
bpocockjrib: i tried adding a blank line... could there a problem with the executable file thats allowing it to run on boot but preventing it from running at intervals?03:53
mkquistcryptide: whats delicious do?03:53
Emanonusers-admin xorxes03:53
cryptidemkquist, links up my bookmarks across multiple machines/browsers03:53
Curly_QXorxes try VNC.03:54
CAPcapWhat (and where) is the display configuration file in Karmic? I changed monitor settings earlier and it needed to modify it. I let it do it automatically and now everything is all wonky.03:55
xivenDo any kind of donations come in to help volunteers at all?03:55
xivenI mean like registered volunteers03:55
tamranhi everyone03:56
tamranI'm looking for some advice03:56
mkquisttamran: ask away03:56
kris__!ask | tamran03:56
ubottutamran: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:56
tamranI have need for the kernel that comes with 8.04 (because of an old video card which is not supported by ati anymore) but want to run a lot of the latest apps03:56
tamranwhat is the best way of going about that?03:57
tamranshould I install 8.04 and hack upgrades? or should I install the latest one and hack downgrades?03:57
kris__tamran: It's going to be a bit of work, but you should go to packages.ubuntu.com and manually download the package for the kernel from there.03:57
papulZykoticK9, in the link that ya gave me i am finding some difficulties03:57
tamrankris__: so use the latest ubuntu revision and get the 2.6.26 kernel?03:58
ZykoticK9papul, sorry man i really can't help - i'm a vi guy myself, when you asked i was curious if it was possible and found that link03:58
kris__tamran: Ya.03:58
tamranok, thanks a bunch03:58
kris__That's what I'm doing right now, for an issue with a joystick.03:58
kris__tamran: Best of luck.03:58
tamrankris__: thanks buddy! :)03:58
CAPcapWhat (and where) is the display configuration file in Karmic? I changed monitor settings earlier and it needed to modify it. I let it do it automatically and now everything is all wonky.03:58
papulZykoticK9, the link has zcat /usr/doc/nano-x.x.x/nanorc.sample.gz >~/.nanorc but i cant find /usr/doc :(03:59
tamrankris__: here's hoping!!03:59
papulanyone else please help03:59
papulthe link has "zcat /usr/doc/nano-x.x.x/nanorc.sample.gz >~/.nanorc" but i cant find /usr/doc :(03:59
papulsomeone please help04:01
papulsomeone please help04:02
papuli want sytax highlighting in nano04:02
CAPcapWhat (and where) is the display configuration file in Karmic? I changed monitor settings earlier and it needed to modify it. I let it do it automatically and now everything is all wonky.04:03
isolat3dsh33pCAPcap, System->Prefs->Display?04:04
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GrogyanHow would I find out what com port I would be using in Ubuntu 9.10 for a bluetooth serial module?04:05
Lord_Deviwhat can i use inside a for loop to obtain full path names? "for _file in $( ls /foo/bar/ )" only produces basenames for me04:06
CAPcapisolat3dsh33p, no thats what messed it up, i was using an additional external monitor on my laptop with different settings from my current one. when i configured it, it told me it needed to modify some file. it gave me the option of doing it myself or the program doing it automatically. i let it do it automatically but now everything is all screwy and i need to restore it.04:06
soreauLobbyZ: for i in /path/to/* ?04:06
soreauCAPcap: What does 'xrandr' show?04:07
KamokowI need to do a backup of 2 drives to an external drive. Can someone recommend some software to do so?04:08
ToastyJusticeHey guys. Would anyone be able to help me with a graphics issue in 9.10?04:08
dsnydersHi all!  Is there a pizza timer app?  Something in the task bar to let me know when my pizza is free?04:08
soreauKamokow: cp ?04:08
soreauToastyJustice: Not unless you ask your question :(04:08
soreaudsnyders: Yes04:08
Kamokowsoreau: Well, I just wanted a simple backup program, cp was my fallback :P04:09
CAPcapsoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/394440/04:09
ToastyJusticeWell, I went out and got a radeon 4350 for an older machine that needed a graphics card. So, I install it, but in 9.10 my mouse is choppy, like it runs at 4 fps or something04:09
dsnyderssoreau, Great!  That's a load off my mind.04:09
CAPcapsoreau, im obviously not sure that is the issue, but it thats the only thing i can think of that would be causing problems. all of my problems have been since that monitor use.04:10
soreauCAPcap: that shows you have a single monitor connected at 1024x768. I assume you want something different?04:10
Picidsnyders: Theres a tea timer applet iirc. You can program any amount of time in it.  Let me see if I can remember the package name.04:10
mapid/etc/X11/xorg.conf should this file exist?04:10
papulmapid, lolzz04:10
dsnydersmapid, You'd think so, but recently they've changed X so that it is not strictly required.04:11
Picidsnyders: Its either timer-applet or teatime04:11
soreaumapid: If you are using any recent version of X, it is smart enough to guess which open source driver and options are needed04:11
papuli want sytax highlighting in nano. please help]04:11
soreaumapid: It would definitely be needed if using proprietary drivers04:11
ToastyJusticeIt's weird. I get 717 fps with fgl_glxgears, but I can barely use my mouse04:11
mapidsoreau, I am trying to get my ATI card identified by the OS, been following how to setup "fglrx"04:12
mechcozmohi, i have trouble getting a wireless card to connect at startup using ndiswrapper04:12
Picipapul: I wrote a short blog entry a while ago about enabling that: see http://nullcortex.com/2008/07/nano-nano/04:12
dsnydersmapid, They've also changed the key combo to restart X from CTRL-ALT-Backspace to ALT-PrintScreen-K04:12
soreaumapid: Which model as reported by 'lspci|grep VGA'?04:12
mechcozmoi can see the wireless network, and i can connect, but getting an IP address times out04:12
CAPcapsoreau, no. i used an second monitor this afternoon to test the VGA out on my laptop since I knew the S-Video didn't work. I set up the monitor and then shut it off and disconnected because I was just testing. Since then though I have been having major display issues. Examples: A video that previously worked no longer plays. When I open, close, move, or resize windows i get this fuzzy leftover distorted graphic area(s).04:13
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, which chipset?04:13
mapidsoreau, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV530LE [Radeon X1600]04:13
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: Netgear WG511v2... Marvell chipset04:13
soreaumapid: fglrx no longer supports that card. You should have open radeon driver already working if fglrx is not installed04:14
soreauCAPcap: Which model card is it?04:14
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, eww.. hmm timing out could mean a few things I suppose maybe network is busy/congested or poor signal04:14
mechcozmomechcozmo: the one "Made in China", because there's a difference04:14
mapidsoreau, the thing is it did not work out out of the box - I'm currently using quite low resolution and in settings the resolution and display frequency are dimmed out04:15
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: network is good, a lot of other devices on it with no issue04:15
CAPcapsoreau, ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 (ie, ancient).04:15
soreaumapid: How have you tried to install fglrx?04:15
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: it also was working fine with a different card04:15
papulPici, thanks did it04:16
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, the latter WG511 v3 (note the space in between) was also made in china04:16
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psycho_oreosmechcozmo, its probably the driver issue I suppose04:16
mapidsoreau, yes, but seems that the guide is for older versions of Ubuntu, the X system or xorg must have updated at some stage04:16
ToastyJusticeIf anyone has any suggestions for my issue, I'll be here for a little while. Likely perusing google for answers04:16
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: the card definitely is a v2 made in china04:16
soreauCAPcap: Have you tried to see what file it changed? ie. maybe rename or remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf then restart X04:16
mapidlike, cannot find /etc/X11/xorg.conf which the tutorial references04:16
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: there are, get this, two versions of the v2 card04:17
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, I have that card too :) the one with the black coloured pastic bit04:17
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: yup, yup04:17
soreaumapid: What makes you think the radeon driver isn't working?04:17
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: do you have a v2 card that was made in china?04:17
mapidsoreau, the fact that I cannot change my display resolution04:17
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, http://daemonizer.de/prism54/wg511/04:18
soreaumapid: How are you trying to change the resolution?04:18
mapidsoreau, Preferences, Display, but the options just are not there, they're zeroed and dimmed out04:18
dgfitch_what is the recommended way to use Network-Manager or get wifi working at all with a non-gnome window manager (ratpoison) in karmic?04:18
CAPcapsoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/394442/     thats my xorg.conf04:18
blakkheimdgfitch_: use wicd04:18
dgfitch_blakkheim: thanks, reading04:19
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: ah, yes; the one with the black bit, no spaces.04:19
soreaumapid: Can you pastebin the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer' and 'xrandr' ?04:19
pope22is there a media player with the Amazon MP3 Store integrated into it?04:19
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, yeah I have that one but my one is made in taiwan.. the other two I have, one is from taiwan and the other from china04:20
mapidsoreau, the data is short: renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RV530 71CE) 20090101 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL04:20
soreauCAPcap: The only thing I could recommend is trying without xorg.conf or enabling kms/dri2 by booting with radeon.modeset=104:20
sambagirlwhat really amazes me is how HP has created the printer drivers for their products for open source os's and they work! :)04:20
soreaumapid: But xrandr is not so short..04:20
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: i'm using the mrv8335 driver04:20
mapidsoreau, it gives nothing04:20
soreaumapid: Nothing??04:21
soreaumapid: Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?04:21
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: the 2802W drivers never worked04:21
cblesliesambagirl, ZING!04:21
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=== papukl is now known as papul
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: namely, the driver loaded but could not find hardware...04:22
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, yeah I haven't tried much because you needed to use ndiswrapper which was a pain.. however the earlier versions which I also do own don't require to use ndiswrapper, they are different chipsets04:22
CAPcaphow do i delete xorg.conf it says i dont have permission. i need to be root. but im horrible at using the terminal04:22
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: i have certainly noticed that 'is a pain' thing04:22
mapidsoreau, http://pastebin.com/2V8EcRCa04:22
shazbotmcnastyCAPcap, why are you trying to delete xorg.conf?04:22
cbleslieCAPcap, sudo then your delete command04:22
_Techie_howcome i dont seem to have a /boot/grub/menu.lst?04:22
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: do you happen to have the driver CD?04:23
CAPcapsoreau,  how do i delete xorg.conf it says i dont have permission. i need to be root. but im horrible at using the terminal04:23
CAPcapshazbotmcnasty, because im having problems04:23
shazbotmcnastyCAPcap, do 'sudo rm <wherever it is>"04:23
psycho_oreosnope, I got the cards from fleabay, but you can still download the drivers online either way04:23
mapidCAPcap, add sudo before the command to use as root04:23
blakkheim!grub2 > _Techie_04:23
ubottu_Techie_, please see my private message04:23
CAPcapi know how to be root its the deleteing i didnt know mapid04:24
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: yes, but one problem with that method... cannot extract the drivers out of their EXEs04:24
CAPcapthanks shazbotmcnasty04:24
_Techie_blakkheim, thankyou04:24
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: none of the how-tos have worked, frustratingly04:24
soreauCAPcap: 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak' will move the file from/to the respective locations04:24
Creedencehello ladies04:24
CAPcapthanks soreau04:24
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, I'd give this a go: http://driveragent.com/0/archive/2e632d03/Marvell-Libertas-802.11b/g-Wireless-(8335)#preview04:25
soreaumapid: I said /var/log/Xorg.0.log not /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:25
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: i think that's the driver i have loaded currently04:25
soreaumapid: I find it hard to believe 'xrandr' without quotes in your terminal gives nothing04:25
soreaumapid: But this is probably why the display settings are grayed out04:26
mapidsoreau, I am absolutely positive that I gave /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:26
soreaumapid: and your X log could give a hint04:26
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, and no dice? heh I'd swap the working one previous back in :)04:26
soreaumapid: Oh you did, sorry04:26
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: the other working card was PCI, not PCMCIA04:27
intokHow can I get ubuntu to realize that this volume isn't already mounted? Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 21: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on /media/75F6A74274E6133604:27
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: sort of want that slot open04:27
mapidsoreau, xrandr: http://pastebin.com/uj24JHPD04:27
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, so you have a desktop or laptop?04:27
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: desktop04:28
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: VIA MII10000 miniITX board04:28
soreaumapid: Ah! so it does give output04:28
mapidsoreau, seems, I don't know how I failed at the grep04:28
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: and yea, those are the exact same drivers i have loaded now...04:28
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, and so the wireless card is plugged into its own PCMCIA slot? or with a PCI adapter?04:29
CAPcapsoreau, THANKS SO MUCH! I just rebooted now that xorg.conf is out of the way and everything is perfect again! A Million thanks and more!04:29
soreaumapid: ok so what resolution(s) are you trying to set?04:29
soreauCAPcap: Great!04:29
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: it has its own slot.  this board has 1 PCI slot, 1 PCMCIA slot, and 1 CF slot04:29
dsnydersPici, Pizza arrived before software was installed.  Go figure!04:30
CAPcapYou are always so helpful ^_^04:30
mapidsoreau, I'd prefer 1650x105004:30
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, well in that case I'd probably get rid of the card personally, that wg511v2 and get a supported card.. no need to mess around with ndiswrapper honestly04:30
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: bah... that means spending money... :-p04:31
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, or sell that card and get a supported one, its either one or the other04:31
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: know of any good N cards?04:31
soreaumapid: Can you show the output of 'cvt 1650 1050 $HZ' where $HZ arg is optional and could be set to the hz for the resolution04:31
shazbotmcnastyhow do I list all installed applications?04:32
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, only the 3 chipsets I can recommend, Atheros, Ralink and Intel04:32
mapidsoreau, http://pastebin.com/vGNzP1rW04:32
FirstSgtSo... um... I need to recompile my kernel, but it doesn't exist in /usr/src/linux... :P04:32
FirstSgthow do i get 'linux' in my /usr/src?04:32
psycho_oreosFirstSgt, you need linux source04:33
supernoobi lost the stuff that was at the top of my desktop...there were tab things that said sometthing like "Administration,System," and something else i think...can you help me to get them back?04:33
FirstSgtpsycho_oreos: kernel source?04:33
psycho_oreosFirstSgt, yes04:33
CAPcapsupernoob, is the entire upper panel gone, or just the menus?04:33
supernoobjust the menu's...04:33
soreaumapid: Try this: xrandr --newmode "1656x1050_60.00"  144.75  1656 1760 1936 2216  1050 1053 1063 1089 -hsync +vsync && xrandr --addmode DVI-0 "1656x1050_60.00" && xrandr --output DVI-0 --mode "1656x1050_60.00"04:34
supernoobi found a way to add little icon thingy's, but i want what was there before :(04:34
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: well, thanks anyway04:34
CAPcapright click > add to panel > main menu04:34
CAPcapsupernoob, do you understand that?04:34
mapidsoreau, xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1360x1360 (desired size 1656x1050)04:35
ToastyJusticesoreau: once you get mapid going, any chance you could try to help me?04:35
supernoobi did that and it just adds a little icon :(04:35
soreauToastyJustice: Sure. Just state your question with as much detail as you can04:35
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, there are some chipset manufacturers out there that have yet to open themselves to the linux community.. in the meantime one can only deal with it via ndiswrapper or their proprietary driver.. and ndiswrapper is not a perfect solution either04:35
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: i'd still like to know how i can connect to the network, but fail to get an IP... sometimes04:36
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: (most times)04:36
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, the only true way is to purchase ones that do have linux support either from manufacturer themselves or those that are made available via 3rd party04:36
xanguasupernoob: try with 'menu bar'04:36
soreaumapid: That is the problem. You need to increase your resolution by adjusting the Virtual line in xorg.conf (or possibly by getting rid of X conf file)04:36
supernoobmenu bar?04:36
FirstSgti have all the repositories, what is the package name to apt-get ?04:36
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, its probably an issue with the driver or ndiswrapper. Furthermore its not easy to say when you're dealing with a binary blob for example04:37
mapidsoreau, ok, can you say where the config is located?04:37
supernoobgot it!04:37
supernoobthatnks so much04:37
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: yeah... i'll dig around for a decent card04:37
soreaumapid: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:37
ToastyJusticesoreau: I installed a 4350 in a machine that needed a graphics card so I could run ubuntu 9.10. However, the mouse moves really choppy and makes it hard to do much. I've tried both the open source and fglrx drivers, with no change. However, running the gears apps, everythign seems to run fine except the mouse04:37
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CAPcapsupernoob, no congratz04:37
CAPcapNo prob**04:37
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mapidsoreau, the file is empty04:37
lanzellothI can't connect to a wireless network from the gnome network-manager, it's a straightforward 128bit wep 13 ascii digits passphrase04:38
soreauToastyJustice: My recommendation would be to get rid of fglrx and use the open radeon drivers. Of course on 9.10 there is no 3D acceleration by default for that model card and the open driver04:38
blakkheimToastyJustice: next time, don't buy from ati - enemy of your freedom04:38
FirstSgtOK... so there is an apt-get source command... but how do i tell which kernel I am using?04:39
psycho_oreosFirstSgt, its actually called linux-source, use aptitude/synaptic to search for it04:39
soreaumapid: That is normal. You can create a default one with 'Xorg -configure' IIRC04:39
psycho_oreosFirstSgt, uname -r04:39
ToastyJusticesoerau: Alright, I can go run the scripts to uninstall it now, shouldn't be much difference though04:39
lanzellothI've tried using iwconfig as well: like iwconfig wlan0 essid the_essid key s:thepassphrase, but no luck04:39
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: well, it just connected04:40
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: for some reason04:40
FirstSgtpsycho_oreos: thanks04:40
MozillaGuerrillawat can i expct if i install ubuntu in "VirtualBox"?04:40
psycho_oreosmechcozmo, well your problem wasn't with connection but using it normally right?04:40
psycho_oreosFirstSgt, np04:40
lanzellothand it's not a hardware/network issue or anything, if I boot up into windows it connects within seconds04:40
xivenMozilla, it works alright for me04:40
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, why not use WPA instead of WEP?04:41
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: er, yes04:41
mapidsoreau, seems that I need to shutdown the graphics server in order to do that, how does that happen and which command does restart the GUI?04:41
mechcozmopsycho_oreos: it just got an IP i suppose is the 'right' way to say it, but really, it just became useful04:41
xivenI keep getting a warning about vbox set for 32-bit while ubuntu is set for 16-bit..but doesn't cause any problems really04:41
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, that doesn't solve my problem :(, but anyway it's because of some smartphone my dad uses04:41
intokHow can I get ubuntu to realize that this volume isn't already mounted? Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 21: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on /media/75F6A74274E6133604:41
pfifowow, running e2fsck on a 320GB drive takes forever!04:41
lanzellothstaying at my parents for the weekend04:42
ZykoticK9mapid, to create an xorg see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file04:42
MozillaGuerrillaawesome!! thanx. N E link off hand 4 hlp doing install in VirtualBox N E body?04:42
soreaumapid: You'd need a file with something like this in it http://pastebin.com/8N1kgUBg04:42
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, it should generally solve your connection problem because both windows and linux should support it, and your old man needs to upgrade his firmware on his smartphone.. WEP is not secure at all04:42
ToastyJusticeblakkheim: I actually could still return it (with a minimal restockign fee or whatever) Bought it locally if a nvidia card might work better.04:42
xivenMozila, open VirtualBox GUI, tell it to capture your CD/DVD drive, have cd in the drive, create new vm..and its pretty self explanatory from there04:43
AnonehawkNeed halp, Ubuntu won't boot.04:43
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, yeah, but when I end up somewhere where I have no control over the network then I wouldn't be able to connect04:43
AnonehawkI get a beep, and a boot screen04:43
psycho_oreos!details | Anonehawk04:43
ubottuAnonehawk: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:43
MozillaGuerrillaill b using a live disc so it shld b 1..2..304:43
ieynrhello. i noticed some of my /etc/network/interfaces just have an auto lo or something and it's my gui network preferences that actually retains the static eth0 information that I put in. but is there a text file it tosses that info into?04:43
pfifoHow do the other filesystem types stack up in regards to disk check duration? Ive been a hardcore fan of ext2 for ages, but as my hardrives get biger maybe I should consider something newer.04:43
AnonehawkI have Ubuntu 9.0, It will not boot, It will beep and give a black boot screen04:44
xivenI would not use a live disc to install inside virtualbox04:44
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, try wicd then I suppose04:44
psycho_oreosAnonehawk, there's no such thing as 9.004:44
AnonehawkI'm sorry, it was a typo.04:44
psycho_oreosits either 9.04 or 9.1004:44
MozillaGuerrillaOh no wat wld b my bst option?04:44
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, it works fine with wicd but then when I go back home, wicd has some issues04:44
AnonehawkIt's 9,1004:44
AnonehawkSorry bro04:45
xivenDoesn't your live cd have an install option at the boot menu???04:45
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, and network manager works fine from there?04:45
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, I wish i was more educated about these networking stuff04:45
psycho_oreosAnonehawk, it might be acpi issue04:45
AnonehawkHow fix?04:45
pfifoAnonehawk, do yo et to the rub menu?04:45
amigamiahi i am using 8.04 with ebox04:45
MozillaGuerrillai dnt want 2 do a duel boot if thts what ur suggestng?04:45
AnonehawkIt doesn't go to Grub04:45
amigamiahow do i enable ssh in ubuntu?04:46
AnonehawkIt's just a black screen04:46
AnonehawkI can hit tab04:46
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, yea, might have something to do with having a weird wep encryption with 7 digit passphrase04:46
AnonehawkAnd options come up04:46
psycho_oreos!ssh | amigamia04:46
ubottuamigamia: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:46
AnonehawkNone of them are of any use04:46
pfifoAnonehawk, dose your computer post?04:46
Guest10918Hello, ubuntu won't connect to the internet via ethernet for some reason.  I'm trying to connect and my router has dhcp enabled.  I look in /etc/network/interfaces and there's only one entry, the one for the loopback.  what can I do to get my internet working?  Help would be greatly  appreciated.  Thank you.04:46
soreauamigamia: The client is installed by default. You would have to install the server package, IIRC04:46
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AnonehawkWhat do you mean?04:46
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, no I mean your network manager not wicd back at your home04:46
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, network-manager works at home04:47
psycho_oreosAnonehawk, does it do the POST routine.. if it beeps usually a small beep it does04:47
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, but not wicd04:47
pfifoAnonehawk, dose your compter turn on, and go throuh its initial test phase?04:47
amigamiasoreau what i wanted to do was ssh from where i am in one room to this particular server i installed ubuntu and ebox on.04:47
AnonehawkI select Ubuntu (Wubi Dual-boot)04:47
MozillaGuerrillaxiven, r u suggestng a duel boot?04:47
AnonehawkThen black boot screen04:47
Anonehawk(Not Grub)\04:47
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, so disable wicd and use network-manager at home and then do the vice-versa when you're at your parent's place04:47
FloodBot2Anonehawk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:47
pfifoAnonehawk, dose it find a harddrive?04:47
xivenMozilla no04:47
AnonehawkI believe so04:47
apctr190facing sound prob in ubuntu04:48
pfifoAnonehawk, do you dual boot? can you get to windows?04:48
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lanzellothpsycho_oreos, I think there's some sort of "anti-dependency" between them I couldn't have both packages installed at the same time.04:48
AnonehawkI'm on XP just fine04:48
MozillaGuerrillaxiven, okay im not sure but it is a more recent live disc version04:48
amigamiai am ssh'd into one server at the moment but iwanted to get into this ubuntu one04:48
xivenOpen up the initial VirtualBox GUI, and in the menu options you'll find mount cd/dvd drive - click that. Make sure its in the drive, and click on new machine...select Linux, then select Ubuntu..it'll ask for a few options you can select from. And then it will boot from your cd.04:48
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, btw if there's a wep with 7 digit passphrase (probably ascii, i'm not sure since it's all numbers) how is it padded?04:49
pfifoAnonehawk, reinstall ubuntu04:49
AnonehawkWell, if I do that, all my data is lost obviously04:49
ToastyJusticesoreau: uninstalled fglrx and rebooted. mouse is still problematic though04:49
amigamiai called up ebox  but it is not enalbed and i cant turn it on to ssh in04:49
AnonehawkSure there's not another way?04:49
xivenWhen it boots from the CD, press the arrow key until its highlithing Install...virtualbox will run it like a normal install, except it will be installed inside VirtualBox as a Virtual Machine, instead of as a true dual-boot04:50
pfifoAnonehawk, make a backup from the live CD before you install the stuff in /home should cover all04:50
AnonehawkDual-booted from Wubi04:50
MozillaGuerrillaxiven, but will it install 2 or jst boot?04:51
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, I don't think it'll be padded04:51
xivenIt will install it completely04:51
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, which version of ubuntu are you using?04:51
pfifoAnonehawk, it sounds ike windows over wrote your MBR, did you install XP after installing UBuntu? Did you run a recovery disk from your computer manufacturer?04:51
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, 9.0404:51
xivenAnd the next time you click "Start" it will boot into your new Ubuntu instal04:51
AnonehawkNeither of those04:51
MozillaGuerrillaxiven, hey thanx alot 4 the help hav a grt nite!!!04:52
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, but wep has to be 26 digit hex which is 13 digit ascii ???04:52
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, did you install all the updates? and/or is this an upgraded version from previous04:52
pfifoAnonehawk, you said you can not get to the grub menu right?04:52
xivenRemember to unmount the cd after the install.04:52
AnonehawkIt only brings up a black boot screen04:52
AnonehawkIf I hit tab04:52
BigMooseHello, ubuntu won't connect to the internet via ethernet for some reason.  I'm trying to connect and my router has dhcp enabled.  I look in /etc/network/interfaces and there's only one entry, the one for the loopback.  what can I do to get my internet working?  Help would be greatly  appreciated.  Thank you.04:52
pfifoAnonehawk, it goes straight to XP04:52
AnonehawkIt shows options04:52
AnonehawkI just said what it does04:52
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, no, but I do use the newest stable wicd04:52
FloodBot2Anonehawk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, anyway, my suspicion is that wicd doesn't know how to handle short wep keys04:53
amigamiaahh the server package for ssh is not installed by default?04:54
AnonehawkIt does not boot Windows, it does not boot Grub, it is a black screen after a beep. I can hit tab and options will come up (Note: Not OS's)04:54
Jordan_Uamigamia: Correct.04:54
MozillaGuerrillaxiven, let me ask u 1 more thng, i heard if i did a CD install I cld expect  WiFi trbl?04:54
pfifoAnonehawk, i see 2 possible fixes, reinstall ubuntu, or figure out the detais about where your boot sequence is hanging and report back04:54
amigamiaso i can use synapse program manager yes04:54
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, and network manager should be able to support 128bit WEP keys.. the issue were noted in 8.1004:54
greezmunkeylo e'body04:54
amigamiawhy isnt it installed by default?04:55
brjann!u > MozillaGuerrilla04:55
ubottuMozillaGuerrilla, please see my private message04:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »04:55
AnonehawkI'll try to boot and come back with more info.04:55
Jordan_Uamigamia: Because a large number of desktop users don't setup passwords that are secure enough for it to be enabled by default.04:55
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, doesn't network-manager have some issues with the gnome-keyring? I feel that everytime i change a connection settings, nm just keeps using the old one04:56
pfifoubottu, this isnt a P2P program? I always thought it was.04:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:56
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, that I'm not too sure off my head but you probably need root/sudo permissions to make permanent changes I think04:56
amigamiajordan_u...because i have sme server 8 beta 5 running and i use ssh all the time internally and sometimes i have in the past enabled it to be accessible via vpn but rarely.04:57
amigamiabrb let me go in there04:57
pfifossh's -D option is the coolest trick in my book04:58
greezmunkeyIs it possible to create a report detailing the properties of graphic images in a directory, beyond the ordinary filename, size etc. to include the size of the file in pixels?04:58
MozillaGuerrillahw do i fnd private msg's?04:58
ToastyJusticesoreau: any thoughts on where I can go from here?04:58
pfifogreezmunkey, see if gimp has any plugins04:58
pfifogreezmunkey, imagemajick too04:58
greezmunkeypfifo, I hadn't thought of that! :)04:58
MozillaGuerrillaubottu, hw do i fnd private msg's?04:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:58
scuniziMozillaGuerrilla: what Irc client are you using?04:59
sambagirli am looking thru synaptic program manager for ssh server now but i dont see it??04:59
scunizisambagirl: just search for ssh05:00
greezmunkeypfifo: I'll check both, thanks! I have to modify a website that was created by splitting images :(05:00
MozillaGuerrillawith a name like mozilla guerrilla ? lol05:00
enavi need acces to another computer using ubuntu05:00
enavshow my pc dont work     give me another option pleas05:00
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, I also did a bit of researching, 7 character password for WEP would most likely signify a 64bit WEP, though there would be around 24bit that would be specified by vendor as IV, these variables can probably be interchanged as per vendor's decisions05:00
pfifogreezmunkey, also your probbally using nautilus, other 'explorer like' programs may give different details05:00
scuniziMozillaGuerrilla: in the list of channels you should see another listing that will be the private message05:01
sambagirli found it thanks05:01
sambagirli think this is it anyway05:01
BigMoosei cant connect to the internet on my ubuntu box, can someone please help me05:01
pfifoopenssh-server, memorize that05:01
psycho_oreosBigMoose, using wireless or wired?05:02
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, hmm, thx. But i'm really sure it's a 128 bit network as that's how the router's set up. I'll try posting this on the forum as I'm going to bed. Thanks for the help05:02
BigMoosepsycho_oreos: a wired connection05:03
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, there's another workaround, using a command line tool known as wpa_supplicant05:03
psycho_oreosBigMoose, I noticed, and you can't get IP addresses, etc?05:03
greezmunkeypfifo: Yes, if I right click a file, select properties, then choose the image tab, it gives the info I want. My issue is that I have to weed through 250 some images!05:03
sambagirli picked a bunch of stuff i saw. there is alot to choose from05:03
Zenkersomeone please help, i clicked on reflection in ccsm and it froze my puter, i am currently running off disk how can i remove/disable compiz or its settings or any ideas on what 2 do?05:03
scunizilanzelloth: psycho_oreos there's also wicd instead of network-manager05:04
nareshhi is there someone to help me?05:04
psycho_oreosscunizi, that was suggested way back before :)05:04
scunizipsycho_oreos: ah.. came in late.. didn't catch that.05:04
BigMoosepsycho_oreos: my /etc/network/interfaces file only has one entry, the one for the loopback05:04
lanzellothpsycho_oreos, I realize I'll have to educate myself on that eventually. The reason I'm not upgrading to 9.10 is because I want to switch to arch, but then I realized I better know about troubleshooting connection issues like this, because getting online is key.05:04
sambagirlthis should be really interesting to see what i have when everything is all installed.05:04
pfifogreezmunkey, You shoud have taken your mothers advice and beame president, web development isnt too glorious.05:04
psycho_oreoslanzelloth, or you could easily setup your home connection as WPA and leave it as 128bit at your parent's place.. use wicd and that should work well with both05:05
sambagirli hope i dont have to reboot05:05
=== floods is now known as floods`
williamgood morning.05:05
aquachicaDoes anyone know if Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition will have the ability to use the desktop again?05:05
scuniziBigMoose: you should also have "auto lo" before that line.05:05
lanzellothgood night all05:05
psycho_oreosBigMoose, sounds like your wired chipset doesn't have a driver05:05
=== william is now known as Guest39109
pfifosambagirl, installing openssh-server dosent require reboot05:05
greezmunkeypfifo: I guess I'm old school...I've not run across a web page built this way before until today! Seems like a "cheater" way to do things. Makes maintenance a b----.05:05
emsilvaugh, my bad. Wrong window :P05:06
psycho_oreos!lucid | aquachica05:06
ubottuaquachica: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:06
pfifogreezmunkey, sounds like it stemmed from a photoshop PSD05:06
greezmunkeypfifo: Exactly.05:06
BigMoosepsycho_oreos does have auto lo sorry, then the loopback.  am I simply out of luck or is there anywhere I can search for a driver?05:06
ToastyJusticeWould anyone else have any thoughts as to why my mouse is horridly choppy in 9.10?05:06
psycho_oreosBigMoose, you'd have to search for the driver most likely, which ubuntu are you using anyway?05:07
pfifogreezmunkey, my company hired a XHTML guy that dose all our design work, I hope to never see one of those things again05:07
pfifo!offtopic | pfifo05:07
ubottupfifo, please see my private message05:07
greezmunkeypfifo:  !05:08
albechis it possible to have the rsync destination machine initialize the sync? all the tutorials i have found show the client as the machine that initialize the sync05:08
apctr190facing sound prob in ubuntu05:08
MozillaGuerrillawinXPuser, im here05:08
psycho_oreosalbech, I suppose you could have the destination host running rsync daemon05:08
Zenkeris there any way for me to uninstall compiz from the hd while using the live cd?05:08
BigMoosepsycho_oreos: I'm using 9.1005:08
greezmunkeyIs there a #gimp ?05:08
pfifogreezmunkey, Yes05:09
greezmunkeypfifo:  thanks :)05:09
syriusubuntu pirated edition05:09
psycho_oreosBigMoose, weird, do you have any other ways to access the internet on that same machine that is having issues05:09
soreauZenker: Go into recovery mode and run 'chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz.real' and use the same command with +x to get it working again after you fix the setting in ccsm05:09
pfifogreezmunkey, if im not mistaken, gimp now supports PSD05:09
sambagirlthanks pfifo05:09
Zenkeroh man ty soreau05:09
albechpsycho_oreos, what i am worried about is that 10+ machines start to sync at the same time. Instead it would probably be better if the target initialized the syncs one at a time05:10
AnonehawkI have returned05:10
AnonehawkWrote down what it's saying.05:10
AnonehawkWhen I boot, I get a short beep and a black screen that says05:11
BigMoosepsycho_oreos: have a wireless card however that's not working either, a dlink dwa 552.05:11
pfifoAnonehawk, pastebin.com05:11
psycho_oreosalbech, though it shouldn't if you specified the target correctly05:11
PiciPlease ignore that.05:12
syriuswhat is coredumped?05:12
psycho_oreoscrashed, logs posted05:12
pfifosyrius, the codename for M$ next failure of an OS05:12
syriusI see05:13
albechpsycho_oreos, why not? i want to create a backup solution where a ton of servers rsync to one backup server. How will the clients know when to sync besides using a cron job?05:13
amigamiai never setup a root pw for 8.04. putty is asking for a root pw. i dont have one or is there a default?05:13
MozillaGuerrillaI heard if I install ubuntu I can expect WiFi trbl?05:13
psycho_oreosBigMoose, funny its supposed to work, that wireless card05:13
scuniziamigamia: use your login password05:13
syriusMS PRISON705:13
Tim42I just ran apt-get linux-source-2.6.31. Where does it extract / install to?05:14
greezmunkeypfifo: (last post on this, ot) All I have to work with is what I could get with wget!05:14
pfifoMozillaGuerrilla, some things work great and others dont, theres no set rules about what works and what dosent tho, case by case basis only.05:14
syriusit should be apt-get source linux05:14
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.05:14
BigMoosepsycho_oreos i click the connection menu i have access to "Connect to Hidden Wireless Network"  however there's no entry in interfaces, should I manually add something to it?05:15
amigamiaok i used my login and sudo bash to get privis05:15
Tim42syrius: doh! thanks05:15
syriusthat exploit doesn't seem to be very effective05:15
amigamiawhat is the root pw now?05:15
syriusonly kicks a few users at a time05:15
AnonehawkTry to run Ubuntu, beeps, and black screen comes up saying this: http://pastebin.com/RVmu4TiD , What do?05:15
amigamiais there a root account?05:15
psycho_oreosBigMoose, check to see if ath9k is loaded under lspci -nnk05:16
* pfifo is glad he dosent use a router05:16
psycho_oreosamigamia, !sudo | amigamia05:16
syriusno amigamia in ubuntu root is disabled by default05:16
floods`@amiga 'sudo bash'05:16
psycho_oreos!sudo | amigamia05:16
ubottuamigamia: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)05:16
AnonehawkAnybody have any ideas?05:16
MozillaGuerrillaim jst afraid cuz i tried the live cd & it comes up missing drivers.I dnt hav anthr method of connectng once i install05:17
syriussudo gives users limited privileges for doing certain things that may require root access like installing software. the user needs to be a member of the sudeors05:17
BigMoosepsycho_oreos: it's not loaded05:18
syriusamigamia, ^^05:18
AnonehawkReally don't want to have to re-install Ubuntu05:18
pfifoAnonehawk, you are given a ash during the initrd phase, your system is somehow borked. If you have no idea whats wrong reinstall is your best option. With this general information (wont boot) I cant help you and I doubt anyone else can either/05:18
syriusit isn't that bad Anonehawk05:18
MozillaGuerrillaalonehawk, wen in doubt jst toss a "RTFM" at em' thats wat i used 2 live on05:18
syriusjust make a shell script to install all the apps you use and just backup your home folder05:18
BigMoosepsycho_oreos: I do see my ethernet controller in there05:19
AnonehawkI told you what it does05:19
psycho_oreosBigMoose, hmm the wireless card needs to be plugged in, maybe you need to manually modprobe the driver for wireless05:19
amigamiasyrius i see i can enable root. since the server is not exposed directly to the internet and will actually be a standalone server internally i can actually enable root and not worry about it. my pw for root on other servers is 20 characters and trust me not easy to figure out :)05:19
AnonehawkThere's nothing more I can see05:19
AnonehawkIt shows this http://pastebin.com/RVmu4TiD05:20
AnonehawkThere is no way to see anything else.05:20
AnonehawkI'm not a newb to this05:20
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.05:20
pfifoAnonehawk, when you go to reinstall, mount you drive and copy everything in /home somwhere safe.05:20
syriussudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get check; sudo apt-get -y upgrade; sudo apt-get -y install somepackages will make the installation automatic after ran no y or no confirmations05:20
Anonehawkpfifo: Any good way to do that?05:21
BigMoosepsycho_oreos: thanks for all your help, i'm going to look into this some more tomorrow.05:21
syriuswhy do you need to enable root? amigamia05:21
syriussudo does all you would need with root05:22
pfifoAnonehawk, click on places open your drive and copy it all to a cd/dvd. for future reference I ususally create 2 8GB partitions at the front of the disk and then use the remaining space as one huge partition that I mount on /home. I can reinstall but keep all my settings and work.05:22
AnonehawkDon't have any CD's or such lying around05:23
AnonehawkJust going to have to lose the data I suppose..05:23
Anonehawk.Any idea why it borked?05:23
syriusAnonehawk, or you can just backup your home and then move it over when installation is finished05:23
pfifoAnonehawk, you can even get creative and use the dd command to mirror partitions once your stuff is setup, but thats too advanced for you atm05:23
AnonehawkI installed an update, restarted and bam, Ubuntu killed05:24
syriussometimes that can happen05:24
AnonehawkI'm not a noob, I'm telling you what happened to me.05:24
pfifoAnonehawk, you may have updated something that is used in the boot sequence.05:24
scuniziAnonehawk: have you tried running a full update from the terminal? (if you can get there.) .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:25
pfifoAnonehawk, back in 2003 I used to reinstall windows about every 3 weeks, I switched to redhat  and ran seamlessly for about 18 months, the picked up ubuntu and im back to reinstalling every 3 weeks05:26
AnonehawkI can get to nothing05:26
scuniziAnonehawk: ctrl+alt+F2?05:26
AnonehawkUno momento05:26
stevecampfifo, what are you doing to the system?05:26
AnonehawkAnd no05:27
syriusare you hispanic Anonehawk05:27
Neological3000Anonehawk: Have you tryed out one of the forums? To post your problem there could mean a big difference?05:27
Anonehawksyrius: No.05:27
stevecami havnt reinstalled ubuntu for over a year and it works fine for me05:27
AnonehawkI don't have much of a choice at this time05:28
pfifostevecam, I have the most awesome bada$$ cross compiler in thehistory of mankind!!!05:28
AnonehawkNothing left to do but re-install it05:28
amigamiai was just noticing in iptraf that it has me listed as root@ eventhough i am not using the root account perse.05:28
Anonehawkpfifo: Let's see it bro05:28
Neological3000stevecam: Mione is beginning to work just the i want it to. There are som books on the hack and tweak subject. Are you interested?05:28
pfifostevecam, SDL/GL + lua and libpng. Linux Mac Windows and PSP05:29
rfa_scunizi apt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:29
stevecamNeological3000, what?05:29
AnonehawkThanks for trying to help at least.05:29
Neological3000There are som books on the hack and tweak subject. Are you interested? You said that your system is working great now. Mine is to. finally i am enjoying the features of ubuntu.05:30
critter_feed_352slackware is better05:30
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:30
greezmunkeyford, chevy blah blah blah05:30
Neological3000stevecam: Last post were for you.05:30
stevecamNeological3000, i dont plan on messing around with ubuntu too much05:31
pfifoHi Dr_Willis, that grub2 stuff you refered me to is working out great, thanks again05:31
AnonehawkUbuntu pulled an Xbox 360 on me05:31
Picixmofpat asmith!~18ab93fc@gateway/web/freenode/x-oaxdgxdsarhiwqfr roamer!~c18cdd02@gateway/web/freenode/x-tqswkmerofxpitzf05:31
AnonehawkCrai crai05:31
Dr_Willispfifo:  we aim to please.05:31
mattgyverdoes anyone know how to properly restore a drupal when drupal was installed from ubuntu's repos?05:31
stevecamNeological3000, i read LFS for that05:31
Dr_WillisLFS - the cut and paste and wait OS. :)05:32
=== New_On__Net is now known as Cold_Blooded___
pfifoIve deviated from LFS...05:32
Neological3000stevecam: okay. Just af diferent way of exploring ubuntu. *s* what is LFS?05:32
Dr_WillisI did learn a few things by reading through the LFS docs.. but i never did use it.05:32
pfifoit failed05:32
pfifoDr_Willis, best thing I learned form LFS `sed`05:33
=== Guest72080 is now known as MJ94
stevecamNeological3000, LFS is a book that explain to you how you would go about compiling your system from souce code05:33
Dr_Willispfifo:  i have a book on SED and Awk  :)05:33
=== MJ94 is now known as Guest11770
stevecamits easy to cut and paste, but its worth reading as well05:33
pfifoDr_Willis, never got into Awk, but since I know perl sed is very handy05:34
stevecampfifo, yes, ive deviated from the book too, i don't think the idea is to stick with the book the whole time05:34
stevecamjust the first few times05:34
Neological3000Stevecam: that sounds awsom. If i wanted to know everything about Linux/ubuntu, what could you recomend?05:35
theadminfsck gave a strange warning right now: "Volume was not correctly closed on Windows, fixing.", what the heck05:35
theadminNeological3000: Everything? Doubt it's possible05:35
pfifothe knowledge you learn from a btb instal is worth going through the hassel, but day to day stuff ubuntu and XP are made for05:35
stevecamNeological3000, LFS would teach you a fair bit05:35
Dr_Willispfifo:  awk sort of fills in the gap in 'power' between perl and sed. :)05:36
pfifoNeological3000, yes do LFS, but take your time and understand what every command you cut and paste dose, youll learn loads05:36
Dr_Willistheadmin:  if you hibernate/suspend windows.. or windows crashes. it dosent properly close the NTFS filesystems05:36
theadminDr_Willis: Hm, weird, i did a clean shutdown05:36
Dr_WillisLFS in virtualbox.. is  a fun way to spend a day05:36
Dr_Willistheadmin:  ive had windows do weirder things.. :) perhaps it just lookjed clean.05:36
theadminDr_Willis: Yeah, who knows05:37
Neological3000Stevecam: Linux from scratch. I just found on the net. i am going to read it. thanks dude.05:37
=== Guest11770 is now known as MJ94
stevecamNeological3000, yw05:37
pfifoNeological3000, also, learning C programming is a huge supplement to using linux05:37
therealgaleni just installed windows 7 over window xp, and it set the boot flag back onto the windows partition (from the ubuntu partition), and now i cannot boot into ubuntu or get grub to come up - if i set the boot flag back onto the ubtuntu volume, it just hangs at startup "verifying DMI pool"... what should i do? i have verified (using the live disc) that the ubuntu volume is intact...05:38
amigamiai get this error why would that be? (gksudo:16341): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:05:38
amigamiai tried to run graphical sudo05:38
Jordan_Uamigamia: Did you try to run it from the console or from gnome-terminal/xterm ?05:39
theadminWhy won't VLC work from a tty? :/05:39
Dr_Willisamigamia:  use gksudo  not sudo for gui apps.05:39
stevecamNeological3000, i wouldnt say that it teaches you everything though, its more like an in-depth tour on the linux operating system05:39
Dr_Willistheadmin:  from a console? or a xterm/gnome-terminal you mean?05:39
amigamiajordan_U i was running it via putty05:39
theadminDr_Willis: A regular tty, one you get when you hit Ctrl+Alt+F{1-6}05:40
AnonehawkHate to interrupt but.05:40
amigamiagksudo firefox for example05:40
AnonehawkWould LFS be fine for an intermidiate Linux user?05:40
PiciFolks, I'm going to have to spam some modes.  Its going to be annoying, but it needs to be done since our floodbots have forgotten to remove some very stale entries.05:40
AnonehawkOr just for complete Linux newbs?05:40
Jordan_Uamigamia: Were you expecting it to open a window on the local machine or the remote machine? You need to set the DISPLAY environment variable depending on what you are trying to do.05:40
amigamiaon the remote05:41
theadminAnonehawk: LFS is not a distro or something, it's a book05:41
AnonehawkI'll try that..05:41
Dr_Willistheadmin:  thats a console. and it knows nothing about the X session thats running. what are you trying to acomplish exactly?05:41
AnonehawkI know what it is05:41
stevecamnot for newbies though05:41
Dr_Willisnewbies can alwwyas just read the book. :) and perhaps learn some new terms.05:41
amigamiathat server is i another room05:41
theadminDr_Willis: VLC has got a CLI, no? Try (in gnome-terminal or xterm): cvlc somefile.mp305:41
amigamiaCLI is an amiga thing yes?05:41
therealgalenanybody on how to fix the DMI problem at boot after upgrading to windows 7?05:42
amigamiaamiga created CLI yes?05:42
AnonehawkJust wanted to find something to help learn what I don't already know05:42
AnonehawkI'll try LFS05:42
Dr_Willistheadmin:  never noticed.. You are expecting a graphcal video to play on a console? Theres the framebuffer device that can let SOME players work thatway. or theres the ascii art/output option05:42
Jordan_Uamigamia: ANd *never* run firefox as root.05:42
theadminDr_Willis: I'm trying to play an audio file, actually05:42
Dr_Willistherealgalen:  vlc can also work as a server to stream videos..05:42
amigamiaLFS is  game isnt it?05:42
therealgalenDr_Willis: i don'05:42
Dr_Willistheadmin:  try a audio specific player would be my advice. or check the docs for vlc a little more05:42
therealgalenDr_Willis: i don't think you meant that for me05:42
theadminamigamia: It's a book. Linux From Scratch05:43
amigamiajordan_u i was just testing out some commands i was reading about05:43
theadminDr_Willis: mplayer works, which is kinda weird05:43
amigamiaahh lfs = live for speed05:43
Dr_Willistheadmin:  mplayer has framebuffer support.05:43
amigamiaas a game05:43
Jordan_Uamigamia: Linux From Scratch05:43
Dr_Willistheadmin:  GeeXbox has used it for years for a framebuffer player.05:43
zenkerok so i tried the recovery mode and chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz.real thing and it seems 2 have made it worse, ill just reinstall , so what do i do to reinstall ubuntu and remove the old one?05:43
amigamiai tried gksudo xclock05:43
amigamiathat doesnt work either05:43
pfifoAnonehawk, want to be a linux expert? Build LFS, memorize 'man gcc' and become a C and python programmer05:44
Dr_WillisI dont do C. :) i have read some python books.. :)  but then again.. most of what i do i can code in bash scripts.05:44
amigamiai am just experimenting asically05:44
amigamiai am using putty to gksudo xclock05:44
Anonehawkpfifo: Alright05:45
amigamiai tried gksudo firefox but it doesnt output05:45
theadminDr_Willis: Same here. Can write bash, js, html and a tiny bit of PHP05:45
AnonehawkAlready an intermediate user.05:45
Dr_Willisamigamia:  putty on a windows machine?05:45
AnonehawkJust want to expertise it05:45
theadminamigamia: NEVER run Firefox as admin05:45
amigamiadr_willis yes05:45
pfifoDr_Willis, never too late, of course s/C/Fotran/ in that last statment is almost as good05:45
Dr_Willisamigamia:  ok.. so where are you expecting the xclock to actually appear at? on the windows machine?05:45
amigamiatheadmin i am just doing it here testing stuff.05:45
amigamiabut i should not even do it to test either?05:45
Dr_Willisamigamia:  theres no real need to 'test' things as root.05:46
theadminamigamia: It might erase all the addons and hell knows what. Actually, gksudo has a graphical password prompt so i doubt you'd be able to SSH that05:46
=== Freelancer` is now known as Shiniqua
amigamiaok let me go to that physical machine brb05:47
Dr_Willisamigamia:  if you ssh to a linux box and try to rin somthjing.. and expect it to appear on the window s machine. you MUST have some sort of 'X server' (such as xming) setup on the windows box.05:47
Dr_Willisamigamia:  or just use vnc to get your Linux desktop in a 'window'05:47
amigamiai see dr_willis05:47
theadminDr_Willis: ...X server... Windows... my brain crashed there for a second05:47
Dr_Willistheadmin:  xming works very well.05:47
Dr_Willistheadmin:  the 'anlinux' disrto is a neat trick also. it runs ubuntu inside a virtual machine on widnows. and uses xming so the apps appear on the windows desktop05:48
theadminDr_Willis: o_O05:48
sambagirlgksudo firefox worked locally05:48
zenkerwhats the best way to return ubuntu to its orig install state? do i need to uninstall it then reinstall, or is there a way to just reinstall it over the existing one?05:48
sambagirli wont try it again. i see it could be a problem.05:48
ardchoillesambagirl: you should never run firefox as root05:48
mr_e_pandahello y'all. i was just wondering how i can format a drive using ubuntu05:49
sambagirli was just experimenting with the command05:49
theadminDr_Willis: I could achieve that by installing ubuntu with guest addons on VirtualBox and turning on the seamless mode05:49
ardchoillesambagirl: sudo/gksudo is not a good thing to "experiment" with05:49
mr_e_pandadamn sorry i have to go05:49
Jordan_UDr_Willis: If I remember correctly it's not really a virtual machine but a highly modified linux kernel that runs as a process in windows.05:49
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i find seamless mode works less then one would hope.05:49
PiciAll done.  Sorry again.05:49
pfifozenker, the install process allows you to format.05:49
Dr_WillisJordan_U:  that may be the case.. it suprised me how well it worked.05:50
zenkerpfifo it does, however it appears that it will install a new partition for the new install?05:50
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theadminDr_Willis: Can you link me to anlinux thing? Would be pretty cool to test. Googling it gave too much confusing pages05:50
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Jordan_Utheadmin: It was a typo, it's "andlinux"05:50
theadminJordan_U: ty05:51
Jordan_Utheadmin: You're welcome.05:51
pfifozenker, Sorry Ive never used the automatic method of disk partitioning, but if you do it mannually, you can format before you install05:51
amigamiai did a w to see who was online and i see a after sshd [priv]  what is the priv for?05:51
zenkercan you help me through this process?05:51
theadmin...their site shows screens with KDE apps, kde apps run natively under windows too :/05:52
pfifozenker, maybey, are you able to IRC and install at once?05:52
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i just saw it on DisrtoWatch one day. let me find it.05:52
theadminDr_Willis: Found already05:52
zenkeri have a nother lappie, ill get it out now :)05:52
riz0nHi, I have an Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS system running, but when it boots it starts fsck and gets about 30% through and then dies with "exit status 4".. Tells me enter the root password for maintenance, but for some reason my root password is not working. Is there a way to boot this machine and skip fsck??05:52
Jordan_Uzenker: Do you want to keep all your data?05:52
itheosmy sirius usb2.0 webcam is detected by an application known as "camera monitor" in ubuntu. but i cant view the cam in any application. it indicates that the cam is on. what should be the solution?05:52
pfifozenker, im sure there are atleast 3 others here that can help you through a manual partition, you shoud be fine then05:52
zenkernope, didnt get a chance to put any on it yet05:53
Dr_Willistheadmin:  it might be 'anDlinux'05:53
Jordan_Uriz0n: You probably don't want to skip fsck. Run fsck from a liveCD instead05:53
zenkerso no saving necessary :)05:53
theadminDr_Willis: Yeah, it is05:53
Dr_Willistheadmin:  http://www.andlinux.org/05:53
greezmunkeypfifo: Imagemagick, definately! Thank man :)05:53
Dr_Willistheadmin:  they could use a better name, :)05:53
meatbunif i install xp on partition 1 and win7 on partition 2, and then instale ubuntu back on partition 1, can i still boot win7?05:53
pfifogreezmunkey, We aim to please05:53
kedy07what's a good todo list app? like one that will always be on my desktop05:53
Dr_Willistheadmin:  one big issue.. its for 32 bit windows Only. :(05:53
theadminDr_Willis: XFCE, XFCE... Thunar is so much of a bleh. And KDE was buggy as hell last time i tried. Oh, and i have 32-bit05:54
Thundarryou want a todo list that will reside on your computer? lol. thats counter intuitive.05:54
Thundarrget a damn note pad05:54
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i cant stand thunar or xfce, or pcmanfm. I perfer 'rox filer' as an alternative file manager.05:54
Dr_Willistheadmin:  you can install any ubuntu apps you want into andlinux. it just comes with a few kde apps by default05:54
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i also saw some KDE ported to windows stuff the other day :)05:55
kedy07Thundarr: i need it for homework, so i will know what homework i have. i do my homework on my comp05:55
zenkerok i am now beetlejuice :)05:55
theadminDr_Willis: I see... And i use MC as filemanager. Wish SOOO much it'd be ported to windows, now's a chance!05:55
therealgaleni need to reinstall grub under ubuntu05:55
therealgalenhow can i do this most efficiently?05:55
theadmintherealgalen: Do you have a live CD?05:55
therealgalentheadmin: booted into it now05:56
Dr_Willistheadmin:  i think i have seen MC ported to windows/dos.. or was that in  cygwin...05:56
BeetleJuiceso where do i start?05:56
Freak007Hi I am having trouble running ubuntu 9.10 on one of my computers. It's kind of old, it will run, but the windows are kind of weird, I can't connect to the internet and I can't use the terminal05:56
intokHow can I get ubuntu to realize that this volume isn't already mounted? Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 21: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on /media/75F6A74274E6133605:56
therealgalentheadmin: was trying this but no luck http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide05:56
theadminDr_Willis: Cygwin, definetly. By the way, Cygwin is able to run gnome which is a wow05:56
theadmintherealgalen: Try "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" (or whatever drive you want it on)05:56
greezmunkeykedy07, try "sticky notes" pretty handy little proggie.05:57
yannickhello :-) how can i upload a file from my pc to my server?05:57
BeetleJuicepfifo are you still there?05:57
theadminyannick: Do you have FTP access?05:58
itheosany help folks?05:58
syddrafkedy07, if you use firefox there's a web-based extension called ToDoist that is pretty easy to use. its not integrated with the OS though05:58
Dr_Willistheadmin:  yep. Not tried it in ages. It getting weird how much linux is creeping into the windows world. :)05:58
yannicktheadmin: yes but i'm connected via ssh05:58
theadminDr_Willis: Windows 7 looks a lot like KDE too05:58
kedy07greezmunkey: yes i have tried that but for example when you click on the desktop it will go away. i need one that will stay on the desktop to constantly remind me05:58
therealgalentheadmin: cannot find a device for /boot/grub05:58
therealgalentheadmin: i am rebooting, it's possible my prior mounting stuff screwed it up05:58
pfifoBeetleJuice, yes?05:59
BeetleJuiceok, so what do i need 2 do first?05:59
pfifoBeetleJuice, are you Anon?05:59
BeetleJuiceno im zenker rofl05:59
theadminyannick: see: "man ftp"05:59
BeetleJuicesorry i should have just put zenker in05:59
yannicktheadmin: and whats with ssh?05:59
itheosdont anger lorez?06:00
pfifoBeetleJuice, ok what live CD are you running?06:00
theadminyannick: ftp is console-based so i think you should be able to use it even with no X06:00
ardchoilleitheos: ignore it06:00
theadminitheos: It's a spammer06:00
pfifoitheos, he likes nectar and ambrosia06:00
itheos:D ok06:00
BeetleJuiceubuntu install 9.10 64bit06:00
pfifoitheos, and virgins06:00
itheospls help me guys06:01
pfifoBeetleJuice, are you on the partition part of it?06:01
theadminitheos: yes?06:01
itheosmy sirius usb2.0 webcam is detected by an application known as "camera monitor" in ubuntu. but i cant view the cam in any application. it indicates that the cam is on. what should be the solution?06:01
erorrsi have ubuntu 9.10 installed,i am installing kde-desktop from command line will i get only kde after installation06:01
BeetleJuiceits still running off the cd06:01
theadminerorrs: No, GNOME will be still there, you can remove it though06:01
sabatI am using Clear for my ISP, with a Motorola WiMAX usb adapter, model 25100, anyone know if this works on linux?06:01
pfifoBeetleJuice, do the install process put when it comes to the partitioning part check back in06:02
greezmunkeyitheos, google "Ubuntu cheese" it was a suggestion I got here!06:02
Freak007I am having trouble running ubuntu 9.10 on one of my computers. It's kind of old, it will run, but the windows are kind of weird, I can't connect to the internet and I can't use the terminal06:02
itheosgreezmunkey, cheese shows a black screen :D06:02
erorrstheadmin:is there any ways by which i can get driver for hp quicklauch in ubuntu 9.10?06:02
theadminFreak007: "weird"? And you can't use the terminal?!06:02
Fandekasp_I'd like to change permissions to a user ... how can I do this ? (I'd create a svn user, and he's unable to create a new file for example)06:02
Dr_WillisI like cheese. :)06:02
theadminerorrs: Dunno06:03
theadminFandekasp_: See: man chmod06:03
vishalfsck from util-linux-ng 2.16 dev sda1 clean,,,, anybody can help me out about this06:03
Freak007no I get this white blank space like it wants to open but it doen't06:03
theadminvishal: This looks normal06:03
sabatI am using Clear for my ISP, with a Motorola WiMAX usb adapter, model 25100, anyone know if this works on linux?06:03
itheosi have installed 10 webcam apps but no one works for my cam. or my cam doesnt work for any :(06:03
Anonehawksabat: Why not try it and find out?06:04
Fandekasp_theadmin : chmod modify file permissions, but I don't know how to change user permissions with it. Or I missed something06:04
AnonehawkYou have nothing to lose really.06:04
erorrsis there any ways by which i can get driver for hp quicklauch in ubuntu 9.10?06:04
theadminFandekasp_: "user permissions" being?06:04
sabatWhen I plug it in, nothing happens06:04
theadminFandekasp_: What exactly do you want?06:04
vishaltheadmin : it is not booting actually,, so can u help me06:04
sabatI'm guessing I don't just install the windows cd and run setup...06:04
BeetleJuiceitheos ok im ready06:04
theadminvishal: Do you get something like "root@ubuntu:~" at the end?06:04
Fandekasp_theadmin : I'd like my user "svn" to be able to create a new file .svn/lock06:04
theadminFandekasp_: He must have rw access to .svn folder06:05
greezmunkeyitheos: Start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam06:05
itheosBeetleJuice, ahem?06:05
BeetleJuicesorry pfifo im ready06:05
vishaltheadmin: no ,,it is showing modem loaded nokia and so on06:05
theadminvishal: Uh, WHAT do you get at the end06:06
Fandekasp_theadmin : hum all the directories have the permissions www-data:www-data ... how can I authorize svn AND www-data to access these files ?06:06
pfifoBeetleJuice, select the manual option06:06
itheosgreezmunkey, thanks but its already detected06:06
BeetleJuicepfifo ok selected06:06
vishaltheadmin: modem-manager : loaded plugin motoc06:06
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erorrsis there any ways by which i can get driver for hp quicklauch in ubuntu 9.10?06:07
vishaltheadmin: how can i start it06:07
BeetleJuicepfifo should i click forward?06:07
pfifoBeetleJuice, I cant give you the exact drive to choose, do you know which partition your ubuntu is installed on?06:07
pfifoBeetleJuice, yeah, go forward into the partition manager06:07
=== mayli is now known as redghost
BeetleJuiceok scanning disks....and now i can see all the dev selections06:08
Freak007theadmin: terminal won't run I get a white blank space like it wants to open but doesn't, I can't type anything.06:08
pfifoBeetleJuice, select that partition and then click edit, use as ext2 or what ever filesystem you want, put a check in the format box and then set the mountpoint as /06:08
vishaltheadmin:fsck from util-linux-ng 2.1606:09
vishaldev/sdb1 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks06:09
vishaldev/sdb5 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks (check in 4 mounts)06:09
vishalmodem-manager: Loaded Plugin: Huawei06:09
vishalmodem-manager: Loaden Plugin: Option High-Speed06:09
FloodBot3vishal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
erorrss there any ways by which i can get driver for hp quicklauch in ubuntu 9.10?06:09
haydeni am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 on an old computer with a AMD Opteron 224 processor and nvidia 6200 graphics card. The live cd feature works (i am using it right now), but when i installed it and rebooted, after the glowing ubuntu circle in the center of the screen, i just saw flashing text saying enter user name. what can be wrong? i have dual boot with win xp if that matters.06:09
theadminFandekasp_: Hm... sudo addgroup somegroup && sudo usermod www-data -G -a somegroup && sudo usermod svn -G -a somegroup && sudo chown nobody:somegroup svn06:09
erorrshayden:try alt-F706:09
pfifoBeetleJuice, if you have swap select that partition and hit edit and use it as swap space06:09
haydenwhen, on that screen? what does it do?06:10
erorrshayden:ctrl-alt-F7 it is gui06:10
BeetleJuicepfifo swap area?06:10
haydenoh, ok. i don't understand why it would be flashing though.06:11
vishalfsck from util-linux-ng 2.1606:11
vishaldev/sdb1 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks06:11
vishaldev/sdb5 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks (check in 4 mounts)06:11
vishalmodem-manager: Loaded Plugin: Huawei06:11
vishalmodem-manager: Loaden Plugin: Option High-Speed06:11
vishalthis is the error m  getting ...any body can help me ...my ubuntu is not booting up06:11
FloodBot3vishal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:11
vishalfsck from util-linux-ng 2.1606:11
vishaldev/sdb1 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks06:11
vishaldev/sdb5 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks (check in 4 mounts)06:11
vishalmodem-manager: Loaded Plugin: Huawei06:11
vishalmodem-manager: Loaden Plugin: Option High-Speed06:11
FloodBot3vishal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:11
vishalthis is the error m  getting ...any body can help me ...my ubuntu is not booting up06:11
pfifoBeetleJuice, if a partition on your drive is set to swap space it usually is autodetected and used, if you dont have a swap "partition" then you may have a "swap file" or no swap at all, which is ok too. all you need it "/"06:11
erorrshayde:it may b kernel bug it is forcing u use command line try this it may solve it06:12
Fandekasp_theadmin : needed some time to understand ^^ should work, I try :)06:12
haydenok, i will try it and see how it works :) thanks!06:12
Freak007theadmin: I think I may have figured out how to fix the problem with the windows, I think it is the very last problem talked about in the relaese notes but I can't get terminal to run so I can fix it06:13
erorrshayden:if not then log in using username and password then type (sudo apt-get update kernel)06:13
BeetleJuiceok so i choose ext4 journaling file system for the ubunut partition, and on the dev that had swap in the type i selected swap area. is this correct?06:13
pfifoBeetleJuice, once you have a partition marked to be used as "/" you can click forward, if you have no swap it is safe to ignore the warnning about swap space that will come up, afterwards youll contiunue your normal install routine. from now on use manual partitioning as it really isnt difficult06:13
BeetleJuiceoh and i put the / in the ubuntu dev06:14
c_nickwhen i click on MyComputer , Place->Network I get a message Nautilus cannot handle 'network' locations06:14
amigamiathere is something i just cant understand. why is it that htop shows me 330 total stasks but 1 running when i know there must be many more running because the cpus all 4 show really high pecentage of use?  secondly iptraf shows the downloading of python dependencies for this software installation from hp? well now it shows 6 but it ususally only shows 1 mostly.06:14
vishalmy ubuntu is not booting anybody can help me06:14
amigamiais that normal?06:14
pfifoBeetleJuice, sounds like your good to go, when you click next it will say if theres a problem06:14
BeetleJuicewoo hoooooo no error, its waitint for my name06:14
vishalit is showing fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16 dev/sdb1 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks06:14
vishaldev/sdb5 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks (check in 4 mounts)06:14
vishalmodem-manager: Loaded Plugin: Huawei06:14
vishalmodem-manager: Loaden Plugin: Option High-Speed06:14
FloodBot3vishal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:15
theadminFreak007: Hm, is a window manager running?06:15
pfifoBeetleJuice, congrats, you now pwn your harddrive06:15
Freak007theadmin: I'm not sure what you mean06:15
BeetleJuicethan you so much pfifo, seriously i could'nt have done it wo your help06:16
theadminFreak007: Are there borders on windows with buttons like close, minimize, maximize?06:16
EdwardoHello. When I was booting from the LiveCD, the ubuntu hardware drivers thing recognized my Broadcom wireless adapter and allowed me to install it06:16
pfifoBeetleJuice, sure you could have but you might have erased XP ;)06:16
Fandekasp_theadmin : there is a problem : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189062/  He want a user and I only created a groupe06:16
vishalanybody can help me06:16
EdwardoBut now that I've installed Ubuntu, hardware drivers doesn't recognize my broadcom anymore06:16
vishalregarding ubuntu06:16
EdwardoHello. When I was booting from the LiveCD, the ubuntu hardware drivers thing recognized my Broadcom wireless adapter and allowed me to install it06:16
EdwardoBut now that I've installed Ubuntu, hardware drivers doesn't recognize my broadcom anymore06:16
vishalit is not booting06:16
vishalshowing some error06:16
erorrsedwardo:same for me too06:17
BeetleJuicethat's what i was worried about, if i erased vista i would have lost some stuff cus i havent done my weekly backup yet and i just spent 10 hours on a project06:17
erorrsedwardo:cant get wireless workig06:17
theadminFandekasp_: Damn, i forgot the "usermod" synopsis06:17
Freak007theadmin: yes06:17
dan_is there a limewire for ubuntu?06:18
erorrsdan:nevr heard of06:18
BeetleJuicentm the extra time reformatting, installing vista, then installng all the vista cracks cuz they dont backup, then ubuntu06:18
theadminsudo usermod -G -a svn-data svn, try this one06:18
vishalhelp me06:18
theadminFandekasp_: ^06:18
BeetleJuiceyou are a life saver and maybe someday ill get the chance to show someone else this :)))06:18
erorrsvishal:what is ur problem?06:18
theadmindan_: There is FrostWire, which is a clone of Limewire which runs on Ubuntu06:19
c_nickcan someone help me06:19
pfifoBeetleJuice, protip: I use a second partition mounted on /home i have carried my data and setting from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 firefox, sources. everything and I also have that partition mounted in 'My Documents' in XP06:19
BaseBallBoyHow do I run an Apache2 server as a daemon?06:19
intokHow can I get ubuntu to realize that this volume isn't already mounted? Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 21: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on /media/75F6A74274E6133606:19
Fandekasp_theadmin : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189066/   I don't understand lol06:19
theadminBaseBallBoy: Huh? "sudo apacheprefix/bin/apachectl start", no?06:20
Neological3000c_nick: maybe. what do you need?06:20
c_nickwhen i click on MyComputer , Place->Network I get a message Nautilus cannot handle 'network' locations06:20
BeetleJuicei just use an external hd and drag and drop anything i cannot backup06:20
itheosdan_, yes there is limewire for ubuntu06:20
vishalerorrs: my system is not booting06:20
packagec_nick, go to File --> Connect To Server --> do it that way06:21
erorrsvishal:what it is saying?06:21
vishalerrors: it is showing fsck from util-linux-ng 2.1606:21
meatbunhow much 9.10 clean install take? i am on a limited space/budget06:21
vishalerorrs: dev/sdb1 : clean xx/xx files xx/xx blocks06:21
Neological3000c_nick: Well i dont now about that, have you tryed running nautilus from command line?06:21
vishalerorrs: modem-manager: Loaded Plugin: Huawei06:21
pfifoBeetleJuice, actually funny you should say that cause my /home is my external HD06:21
c_nickbut package what about trash06:21
meatbun20gb enough to install some 3rd party apps?06:21
theadminFandekasp_: Hm. guess i messed up again... "sudo usermod -aG svn-data svn", there!06:21
vishalerorrs: then got stuck06:21
c_nickeverything starting from /// does not work06:21
Flanneltheadmin: easier to just use "adduser"06:22
theadminFlannel: That creates a new user, right?06:22
erorrsvishal:try going in recovery-mode and in command line type fschk06:22
Neological3000c_nick: are you root user?06:22
Flanneltheadmin: adduser username group will add username to group06:22
EdwardoCan I please have help?06:22
vishalerorrs: tell me how can i try this06:22
vishalerorrs :processor06:22
theadminFlannel: I'm still a newb, i guess06:23
BeetleJuicei wish the external hd i had wasnt so slow, its using a usb1 case and a olllld hd from a pent II its 5gb but i expect to get a tb external soon06:23
Flanneltheadmin: Its far too easy to screw up your groups with usermod -G, adduser is so much simpler anyway06:23
erorrsvishal:while booting starts press any key it will open grub-menu from there go recovery mode06:23
theadminFandekasp_: Let's listen to flannel. "sudo adduser svn svn-data && sudo adduser www-data svn-data"06:24
vishalerorrs: after going into recovery mode06:24
vishalerorrs: wat i do06:25
Neological3000c_nick: i dont no then. Try google linux forums ubuntu. look for the penguin.06:25
haydenwell alt f7 only made the disappear, leaving only a flashing underscore06:25
erorrsvishal:it will tell u what to do...06:25
BeetleJuiceon ubuntu 10 are they gonna add a transparency slider to the background pics so u can use compiz 2 have multiple bkgrnds and still have icons? or some other fix?06:25
christagoh hey everyone. does anyone have any experience with setting up lucid on a macbook pro?  v5,1 preferred06:26
vishalerorrs: again it is showing same erorrs06:26
vishalerorrs: tell me what to do now06:26
erorrstry typin fschk06:26
ubottuLucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:26
christagah hah06:26
Fandekasp_theadmin : don't change anything :(06:27
Freak007theadmin: I don't know what the problem is, I used xubuntu and a different distro that used gnome and I didn't have any problems except that I still can't connect to the internet06:28
=== d_rugs420 is now known as dumdumz
vikramhow to change buffers in emacs using keyboard?06:28
Fandekasp_theadmin : look this : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189068/06:29
erorrsFreak007:try reconfiguring ur connection setings06:29
SemitonesEdwardo, ask your question here please06:29
vikramhow to change buffers in emacs using keyboard?06:30
Freak007ok but what about not being able to use the terminal06:30
erorrsFreak007:try going to grub-menu run recovery mode06:30
Fandekasp_theadmin : how can I check if my svn user is really part of the group svn-data, and "should" have permission to create file in the directory ?06:30
EdwardoWhen I booted from the Ubuntu LiveCD, hardware drivers found my broadcom wireless adapter and asked me if i wanted to download the drivers.06:31
Fandekasp_theadmin : anyway, thank you for your help :)06:31
EdwardoOnce I installed Ubuntu, however, i didn't get this, and now hardwarve drivers isn't recognizing anythign06:31
FlannelFandekasp_: `groups username` will list the groups a user is in06:31
BeetleJuiceoh pfifo, is there a post about what u show'd me how to do, i did search but the stuff i found was way more technical?06:31
haydenoh look, im not alone06:32
Neological3000Edwardo: can you get online?06:32
SemitonesEdwardo, the best thing to do I think would be to connect your pc to the internet with a wired connection temporarily, and download the drivers that way06:33
Fandekasp_Flannel : it show me svn : svn svn-data ... so it should work :/ Did you read my problem ? I have svn in the groupe svn-data, and there : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189068/ you can see that svn has permission denied06:33
Freak007what should I do after I start recovery mode06:33
Neological3000Edwardo: I agree with Semitones06:34
pfifoBeetleJuice, Yes partitioning is very flexible, from simple one partition per disk to raid 10 arras consisting of thousands of drives.06:34
EdwardoI'm doing that right now..06:34
EdwardoI'm connected wired to my router06:34
BeetleJuicehayden thats funny thats where i got the idea to just reinstall i had the same issue when i tried to fix something with ccsm i messed up earlier06:34
EdwardoSo Semitones, what do I do?06:34
allu2Hello, how i could get acx111 drivers work on 9.10?06:34
erorrsHayden:i have the same kernel it is working good for me and i hav ati card06:34
FlannelFandekasp_: From the look of it, *nobody* has write permissions, not even the svn-data group06:34
SemitonesEdwardo, the first thing you should do is get the latest updates, using update manager06:35
BeetleJuicei think ill make the wiki page for the process you showed me pifio, if i can anyhow rofl06:35
haydenbeetlejuice i am going to try and follow the suggestions, see if i get anywhere.06:35
pfifoBeetleJuice, for advanced topics refer to wikipedia and A+ manuals06:35
Freak007I am at the recovery menu, but what should I do?06:35
Fandekasp_Flannel : oh yes you're right06:35
SemitonesEdwardo, that often solves many problems after installing from a live cd06:35
haydenerorrs this computer is using a nvidia 620006:35
allu2Semitones: it would get acx drivers work if i nstall and i don't run from live cd?06:36
EdwardoSemitones, i pray to god your right..06:36
BeetleJuicepfifo i tried those as well, but im such a noob only 2.5 weeks into ubuntu/linux, they just confused the crap outta me06:36
haydenit seems nvidia gets all the problems06:36
SemitonesEdwardo, if that doesn't work, there are other things we can do, don't worry06:36
Semitonesallu2, sorry? what is acx?06:36
pfifoBeetleJuice, careful, partitioning can destroy all your data, if you write a wiki ensure you give users the knowledge about how partitions work before telling them to format06:36
erorrsHayden:login in command line try typing(sudo apt-get update xorg-server-core)06:37
allu2Semitones: acx111 drivers for my wlan card06:37
BeetleJuicepfifo very true, i will deff inc a bunch of links and some general information06:37
allu2Semitones: they don't work on live cd06:37
BeetleJuiceand a very strong warning06:37
BeetleJuiceoh, and a disclaimer rofl06:37
EdwardoSemitones, while the updates are installing.. I'm sorry for flipping out06:37
haydenerorrs: i will have to write that down, unfortunatley i dont have a second computer with me at the moment06:38
Edwardobut, i just removed my epic copy HP modded version of Windows 7.. for Ubuntu06:38
pfifoBeetleJuice, you knew which partition you had ubuntu on, but if you didnt, I would have walked you through a process to find out06:38
Edwardoand now Ubuntu won't network like i thought it would.. i think you can imagine my peril..06:38
Semitonesallu2, Edwardo, you should also check the community documentation to see if your wireless devices are supported06:38
erorrsHyden:update the kernel also06:38
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:38
SemitonesEdwardo, that does seem like a tough spot!06:39
=== fxhp is now known as foxhop
BeetleJuicepfifo i easily recignised it because i only had windows and ubuntu on this sys, it could have been a lot harder for sure :)06:39
Edwardowhat i don't understand thought.. is why06:39
SemitonesEdwardo, when I first installed ubuntu, my screen wasn't detected at all -- you can imagine how upset I was then :P06:39
Edwardowhy would the LiveCD do it but not installed Ubuntu06:39
bullgardiotop outputs "be/4" and "be/3". What does that mean?06:40
skritehey all, what packages to i get rid of or disable to stop the auto login ( was gdm ) ?  i want to boot into a console and startx if / when i wish06:40
ae86-drifteris there a way to automatically assign two different mount points with different permissions when i connect my external hard disk?06:40
haydenits been so long, i forgot how to install run files.06:40
SemitonesEdwardo, I've heard other people mention something similar, so if you find out why that happens, I'd like to know too06:40
BeetleJuicepfifo but basically i knew it would be the only ext4 on there, the rest was fat, ntfs, and swap06:40
bullgardae86-drifter: Yes.06:40
allu2Semitones: there is how to get them work with drapper drake and edgy....06:40
ae86-drifterbullgard, could you please explain to me how to do it?06:41
BeetleJuicewoo hoo 70%06:41
BeetleJuicei need to get some flash drives06:41
bullgardae86-drifter: You partition it in at least two partitions. Then assign different mount points and permissions to them.06:42
BeetleJuicelooks like partitioning is on everybody's mind rofl06:42
Semitonesallu2, ugh, old documentation?06:43
Fandekasp_Flannel, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189071/  ... I still don't have permission for svn, even if he should be able to write now06:43
haydenubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo sh \home\ubuntu\Desktop\nvidia.run06:43
haydensh: Can't open homeubuntuDesktopnvidia.run06:43
oakSometimes my mouse moves uncontrolably might do a series of mouuse clicks. Does anyone know why this is happening?06:43
haydenwhat am i doing wrong?06:43
allu2Semitones: seems so06:43
pfifoBeetleJuice, all im saying is, if your seriously going to write a wiki, you should do some more research. The process we did is pretty basic, but there are times when what we did could create problems up to and including loss off data06:44
Jordan_Uhayden: Foreward slash "/", not backslash "\"06:44
Jordan_Uhayden: Actually wait06:44
ae86-drifterbullgard, i want it to share the same partition, same folder, just with different partitions, different mount points on the PC06:44
bullgardSemitones: When laughing that much mind that your health will not be endangered.06:44
Jordan_Uhayden: Why aren't you installing via System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?06:44
Semitonesallu2, they really need to update it, but in general hardware detection has improved06:44
ae86-drifterbullgard, i want it to share the same partition, same folder, just with different PERMISSIONS different mount points on the PC (sorry .. typo)06:44
haydenshould i be06:44
sqwertlehiya everyone :)06:44
Prestidigitoniumim having trouble installing grub to my micro sd card. i cant seem to find the name of the node06:44
haydenthat worked by the way06:44
Jordan_Uhayden: Yes06:44
allu2Semitones: i find something about acx in /lib/firmware/acx06:45
Semitonesbullgard, laughing?06:45
BeetleJuicepfifo i totally understand, i wouldnt do a half-butt job itll give me a topic to begin 2 become mroe advancd at :)06:45
haydenoh, i got an error06:45
Prestidigitoniumgrub gives me fatal error, exit code 106:45
Jordan_Uhayden: Do not install via that script .06:45
bullgardae86-drifter: I believe that this is not possible.06:45
ubottuLucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:45
Semitonesallu2, one thing you can do is download the livecd and test your hardware before you install. that usually works (although in edwardo's case it seems to have not worked for some reason)06:46
BeetleJuicenow that ive gotten 2 play w it a lil, ill proll end up doing some real damag, but this time on my own terms, aka after a backup06:46
allu2Semitones: i am on live cd06:46
bullgardSemitones: Using the expression rofl is simply stupid.06:46
haydenlet me see if i can boot up another computer06:46
allu2Semitones: i got my debian so broken i think i nstall ubuntu as i got bored of too old packages, but i need the acx to work :S06:46
ae86-drifterokay there has to be a way to automatically assign two different mount points with different permissions to a folder on my external hard disk, it pretty much stays connected to this pc 90% of the time. or... is there a way to sort of create a "virtual" mount point which just directs to another folder on your pc but with READ ONLY permissions?06:47
BeetleJuicei like 2 just jump into the deep end, but after i have checked the water temp rofl06:47
allu2Semitones: it seems to have firmwares for it :S06:47
allu2i wonder why it doesn't work..06:47
airtonixae86-drifter, two mount points to the same folder ?06:48
Semitonesbullgard, don't take it literally :P06:48
Prestidigitoniumcan anyone help?06:48
airtonix!help | Prestidigitonium06:48
Semitonesallu2, I don't know -- if you can't get it working you could try filing a bug report06:48
AndyS2ae86-drifter: use a different user for read access?06:48
Semitonesif it really seems to be broken06:49
allu2huoh and i would need working enviroment today..06:49
airtonixPrestidigitonium, just ask your question.06:49
p1gmale0nhi all06:49
ubottuPrestidigitonium: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:49
BeetleJuicesup plgmale0n06:49
=== gh is now known as Guest61852
=== ChrisSoyars is now known as Guest48584
skritehow do i kill the auto login and just boot to a console?06:50
ae86-drifterAndyS2, i need it to be mounted a second time in my filesystem, then i could easily apply different user or permission etc..06:50
p1gmale0ni need run simple java app on deamon mode.. how i can do it??06:50
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:50
pshr_hello, I get an error saying unable to load module nvidia,06:50
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:50
pshr_and when i do sudo modprobe nvidia06:50
Jordan_U!boot | skrite06:50
ubottuskrite: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:50
pshr_no device found06:50
AndyS2ae86-drifter: I think its possible to have two mountpoints, its done for chroot06:51
pshr_hello, I get an error saying unable to load module nvidia, and when i do sudo modprobe nvidia i get no device found error can any one help me out I have nvidia 7400 card06:51
ae86-drifterAndyS2, the reason why, is because i want to have it mounted in a folder inside /var/www/foobar/etc/etc READ ONLY, but the standard mountpoint is shared on my LAN which i want write access for.06:51
haydenok, im going to get another computer running. that should help06:51
pshr_and one mor thing I am running LUCID06:51
ae86-drifterso i want SAMBA to be RW and APACHE to be Read only06:51
ubottuLucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:52
Guest61852i want to deploy my Ruby on Rails site on apache server06:52
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Guest61852how it is possible ?06:52
sunwho knows about gtk programming in ubuntu?06:52
AndyS2ae86-drifter: hmm, interesting and probably common problem. dunno if different permission could be used with what I said, sorry06:53
SemitonesEdwardo, still updating?06:53
BeetleJuiceyeay, ubuntu is now running on lappie again :)06:53
Chill6sun: whats your question06:53
Preposterussi have a 2wire pcmcia card that used to work out of the box on ubuntu 6.xx, now it's showing in lspci, ifconfig, and iwconfig but not in the network manager and i have tried to bring the card up by command line and it isn't working06:54
chalcednymy husband's computer - kubuntu 9.10 won't let him type more than 2 letters, even to login. what to do?06:54
ae86-drifterAndyS2, can i configure apache2 to give read access only to for eg. /media/EXTHDD/ whilst keeping R/W access with SAMBA?06:54
Freak007ok I think I have a solution to my problem but I'm having trouble carrying it out06:54
sunChill6, I build a helloworld program of GTK, but is says can't find the <Gtk.h> file.06:54
FlannelFandekasp_: Please pastebin the output of ls -al /home/Data/timetableasy/.svn/06:54
BeetleJuiceholy cow 244 updates rofl06:54
airtonixae86-drifter, have you looked at the way fstab handles users and groups on mountpoints ?06:55
ae86-drifterairtonix, so there is a user called "apache" or something?06:55
sunChill6, I build a helloworld program of GTK, but is says can't find the gtk/gtk.h file.06:56
Fandekasp_Flannel, with pleasure : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189073/06:56
airtonixae86-drifter, the apache user is   : www-data and the apache group is www-data06:56
Freak007I ran in recovery mode, I got the root thing, I just don't know haw to enter all the changes that I found in the release notes06:56
chalcednymy husband's computer - kubuntu 9.10 won't let him type more than 2 letters, even to login. what to do?06:56
ae86-drifterairtonix, my ext. HD gets automatically mounted when i bott my PC, but it is not mentioned in my fstab file anywhere06:56
pshr_just need to rmmod the nouveau driver what does that mean ???? any one pleaseee06:56
FlannelFandekasp_: huh.  Alright, try making that folder owned by www-data06:56
sunBut i am sure I already install the gtk develop environment.06:56
n0b0dysun, grep for that file06:56
chalcednyFlannel, i'm serious about the two letters?06:57
waaronsun, do you have libgtk2.0-dev06:57
sunn0b0dy,  how to do grep ?06:57
airtonixae86-drifter, your external hardrive isnt listed in fstab most probably because its being auto  mounted via hal or dbus or voodoo06:57
Flannelchalcedny: What?06:57
sunyes, I have installed libgtk2.0-dev and relatives.06:57
Freak007Window corruption with older ATI graphics cards06:57
n0b0dyman grep06:57
chalcednymy husband's computer - kubuntu 9.10 won't let him type more than 2 letters, even to login. what to do?06:57
Fandekasp_Flannel, so I do "chown -R www-data:ww-data /directory"  But then, svn will still be unable to create file there06:57
FlannelFandekasp_: Nah, www-data:svn-data06:58
Fandekasp_Flannel, ok :)06:58
chalcednyFlannel, you saw that?06:58
airtonixchalcedny, if you have a livecd i suggest restarting the system with that and test if the keyboard works properly there.06:58
sunI also found gtk/gtk.h in usr/include/gtk2.0/gtk/06:58
waarondoes gtk require linking with the compiler?06:58
Flannelchalcedny: I did.06:58
sunI don't know how to set the linking06:58
FlannelFandekasp_: Why do you have a separate svn user, by the way?06:59
waaronif so you might need -lgtk, or something similar to that06:59
ae86-drifterairtonix, so could i create another mount point that just loops back to /media/EXTHDD?06:59
Chill6sun:You need pkg-config's output as a part of the command like this:06:59
Chill6gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld.exe `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`06:59
Chill6Also make sure you got pkg-config installed and configured properly.06:59
Chill6helloworld.c:1:21: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory06:59
Chill6This shows you don't have the GTK headers in the library path06:59
FloodBot3Chill6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:59
sunI use: gcc HelloGtk.c -o HelloGtk06:59
Fandekasp_Flannel : I've just read the french tuto http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/subversion#serveur_svn_seul06:59
chalcednyhe's looking for a live cd, airtonix .. flannel any other ideas?06:59
sunChill6, that's the problem07:00
airtonixae86-drifter, im not an expert on fstab but i have a suspicion that fstab can assign user and group permissions on the mount point for you07:00
anjilslairetry a different keyboard?07:00
bullgardiotop outputs "be/4" and "be/3". What does that mean?07:00
SpaceGhostC2Cairtonix: you'd be correct07:00
FlannelFandekasp_: I'm not really sure why you'd need a svn user.  You'll be serving this all through apache, right? not svn-serve or anything? (repositories are http://blahblahblah instead of svn://blahblahblah)07:01
Freak007how do I do this? Then add the 'RenderAccel' option to /etc/X11/xorg.conf:   Section "Device"       ...    Driver "radeon"   Option "RenderAccel" "off"   EndSection07:01
airtonixae86-drifter, isn't this what you wanted ? two mount points that point at the same destination but have two different sets of access/write/execute permissions ?07:01
ae86-drifterairtonix, what about: sudo mount --bind /media/EXTHDD /var/www/exthdd07:01
anjilslaireto chalcedny,that is. try 2nd keyboard07:01
SpaceGhostC2CFreak007: you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:01
Freak007how do I do that?07:01
chalcednyanjilslaire, ty after he tries the cd.. we will trade07:02
ae86-drifterairtonix, yes, problem is its not in fstab07:02
airtonixae86-drifter, like i said.. not an fstab expert and i have no idea what the bind param means./07:02
airtonixae86-drifter, aha! but... you can add them :)07:02
Dr_Willisive seen the bind option used befor. but never saw why it was needed07:02
Zenkerty again for your help :)07:02
SemitonesSpaceGhostC2C, is xorg.conf still used for configuration? I thought something had replaced it07:02
sunChill6, I succeed!!07:02
SpaceGhostC2CFreak007: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xord.conf && gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:02
SpaceGhostC2CSemitones: it is.07:02
Dr_WillisFreak007:  paste the url to the guide you are following.. that guide MIGHT be out f date07:02
sunThe following is all right! : gcc HelloGtk.c -o HelloGtk `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`07:03
Chill6sun: congratulations07:03
Fandekasp_Flannel, yes. I've returned to my first error now that www-data is the user : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189074/07:03
FlannelFandekasp_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion looks to be less strange.  I've always just done it through apache (and I just sudo -u www-data -i, and then use svnadmin while actually www-data, to make it easier)07:03
sriniany other command to sent a msg to Desktop like wall command07:03
airtonixae86-drifter, you might like to read his first ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313107:03
FlannelFandekasp_: I use sudo to switch ot that user to create it because I could never get the permissions figured out correctly, you might consider doing the same07:04
Dr_Willissrini:   theres the various dialog tools that can pop up a message.. but only if you set up the permissions right07:04
SpaceGhostC2CFlannel: why sudo -u www-data -i? Why not just su?07:04
FlannelSpaceGhostC2C: You could use su, of course07:04
ae86-drifterairtonix, but if i place an entry in fstab, for EG. using "/dev/sdb1" would this not change to "/dev/sdb2" one day?07:04
FlannelSpaceGhostC2C: Except you can't with www-data, because they don't have a login07:04
sunChill6, thanks!! But what do those words means?07:04
SpaceGhostC2CFlannel: oh. good point.07:05
sun `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`07:05
airtonixae86-drifter, you can refer to a device via uuid instead07:05
Chill6sun: are you talking about congratulations07:05
ae86-drifterairtonix, okay....07:05
airtonixae86-drifter, this page is also useful : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab07:05
SemitonesFlannel, do you know who is in charge of the wifi documentation?07:06
sunChill6, I wonder what does they mean: `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`07:06
FlannelSemitones: the documentation team I would imagine07:06
harisundIs there anyway to "bring the terminal to the front" on receiving a bell? I am using irssi, and I want to be notified when I receive a new message07:06
SemitonesFlannel, because it was cutting edge back in the day, but now every time I !wifi, people complain that it's too old :(07:06
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: it wouldn't be on irssi, it'd be on the putty configs.07:07
waaronsun: it lists all libraries that need to be linked to the program your compiling07:07
SpaceGhostC2CRemember to keep it on topic guys.07:07
harisundSpaceGhostC2C: Not on putty. I got it to work on putty. I want it to work on gnome-terminal. The "Terminal bell" has no effect07:07
harisundBoth gnome-terminal and xterm have no such feature. xterm has a -pob option, but it doesn't seem to work, not sure if it is a bug or if it is designed to work that way07:08
waaronsun: if you just try pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 it will list them all07:08
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: if it's in linux, you can possibly make the system bell repeat until it gets focus, not sure how to.07:08
sunwaaron, what does --cflags mean?07:08
sun'--libs gtk+-2.0' means link to gtk relative libs, am I right?07:09
blbrownwith 9.10, when I boot up, I have to select the "Wired connection" for Internet access.  Is there a setting to just startup with "Wired" automatically07:09
ubottuLFS is linux from scratch www.linuxfromscratch.org; not to be confused with  LTS which is the long term support version of ubuntu (6.06 and 8.04)07:09
sunBut what makes it find the gtk header files?07:10
waaronthe --cflags is short for compile flags07:10
Spaztic_OneHoly crap there are a lot of users here... o.o07:11
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: do you have a question related to support?07:11
Spaztic_OneI do, actually.07:11
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: ask it.07:11
sunoh I got it.  --cflags & --libs make headers and libs found.07:12
Spaztic_OneI would like assistance with a wireless card.07:12
sunwaaron, thanks07:12
h0rnmanblbrown, is the 'Connect Automatically' box checked for that connection?07:12
waaronno problem07:12
sqwertleSpaztic_One: Ask or no one can help you07:12
sunwaaron, but how does it make the gcc find those files.07:12
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: can we get some information? What card, what have you tried and what failed?07:12
blbrownh0rnman, yes07:12
sunwaaron, but how does it make the gcc find those files?07:12
Freak007ok I'm stuck, I'm trying to figure this out, but I'm kind of a newb so this is a little over my head07:12
winemananybody know how to fix a problem where when i start my computer and push esc key then choose ubuntu,  it starts loading and has the black screen with ubuntu logo for a few seconds, then it goes to black screen to login to tty1,  if i login after i press enter it takes a 30 second break before starting to load the graphic ubuntu logo and finally finish.  My son or dads don't do this and there computers load up really fast compared to mine07:12
Spaztic_OneWell, as far as I can tell Ubuntu isn't even seeing it.07:12
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: compiling > sun07:13
ubottusun, please see my private message07:13
Thundarris pan the best binary usenet reader for linux? nothing seems to match newsleecher in general.07:13
brjann!best | Thundarr07:13
ubottuThundarr: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:13
Spaztic_OneIts a linksys .. hold on, I forgot what model and such07:13
blbrownh0rnman, there is also ifup and ifdown whatever.  I can't edit those confs07:13
bullgardblbrown: There is. Because normally, Ubuntu 9.10 starts up with "Wired" automatically. Likely, your Network Manager applet is misconfigured. Try to find your setting in it.07:14
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: do us a favor, form your question in full, then ask it here.07:14
Freak007SpaceGhostC2C: what were you saying earlier about cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xord.conf && gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, I don't understand what to do07:14
SpaceGhostC2CFreak007: what is your problem exactly?07:14
Thundarrlol. this community is hilarious. "dont ask opinions!, you might get some!"07:14
blbrownbullgard, how do I edit the applet.  the network settings are pretty basic and seem right07:14
StrangeCharmi'm trying to turn off window decoration in compiz, but whenever i uncheck that setting, it rechecks itself whenever i click on something else, or close the window. how can i change this behaviour?07:14
Freak007I think it is Window corruption with older ATI graphics cards07:15
gavintlgoldhello, I've just installed UNR on my laptop, and everything is working out very well except that the big menu does not respond to mouse input.07:15
abhi_navwhat is big menu?07:15
gavintlgoldit is not crashed, since it still fades in and out, but i cannot click any icons07:15
SolarisBoywhat does twm stand for? ;>07:15
gavintlgoldthe menu that appears in the middle of the screen07:15
SpaceGhostC2CStrangeCharm: if you don't want window decoration you'll not have the tool bars that have the names of the applications on it.07:15
soreauStrangeCharm: You would have to start compiz without decoration plugin. Try 'compiz.real --replace ccp'07:15
gavintlgoldthe UNR menu07:15
mkquistgavintlgold: honestly, I'm not a fan of UNR, I have found that the basic install of ubuntu work better.. just mho07:16
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: where did you hear it from?07:16
Freak007SpaceGhostC2C: I am trying to do the fix for this in the release notes but I can't get terminal to work.07:16
StrangeCharmSpaceGhostC2C, yes! that's what i want!07:16
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: i know its a window manager just forgot what the t was07:16
SpaceGhostC2CFreak007: I don't know at all what you mean.07:16
mkquistgavintlgold: on two netbooks at least07:16
StrangeCharmsoreau, it's not possible to disable it from the settings manager?07:16
gavintlgoldmkquist, well this computer screen is very low res and I thought I would benefit from it. It is running very nicely other than this one problem07:16
mkquistgavintlgold: I see no advantage...  again just my opinion07:16
axso i have an ubuntu-one account, and there are some instructions about how to use it with evolution for syncing contacts, and i've followed that, but i don't actually see how it syncs.. its using some 'couch-db' desktop server..07:16
SpaceGhostC2CStrangeCharm: what do you want? Then killall -9 compiz07:17
gavintlgoldI am a fan of the big menu and Maximus07:17
anjilslaireUNR for karmic runs well on my dell mini 9 witrh07:17
mkquistgavintlgold: wow old?07:17
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone07:17
anjilslairewith 2gigs of ram07:17
SpaceGhostC2C!ubuntuone > ax07:17
ubottuax, please see my private message07:17
SolarisBoyTab Window Manager or Tom Window Manager .. interesting07:17
bullgardblbrown: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager0.707:17
itheosi have an intel video card. its pretty old. can this be a reason for hanging of my cam apps and not working of my webcam?07:17
waaronsun: the pkg-config also lists some flags that makes the compiler search through additional folders like -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include07:17
Freak007SpaceGhostC2C: sorry I may not have been clear, Window corruption with older ATI graphics card, I am trying to do the fix for this in the release notes but I can't get terminal to work, I believe this is part of the proplem I'm trying to fix07:18
gavintlgoldit's a very odd problem. the icons do not have a hover animation either, it's as if something is covering them or grabbing mouse input07:18
StrangeCharmSpaceGhostC2C, i want no toolbars with program icons/names/size widgets. i want that not to be  part of my ui. i still want compiz to run, i just want it not to render those elements07:18
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: pm > ax07:18
ubottuax, please see my private message07:18
StrangeCharmsoreau, what exactly is "compiz.real --replace ccp" meant to do?07:18
sqwertleMy wireless card is picking up all of the networks in the area with correct encryption types, but won't get passed the "obtaining ip" phase of connection.07:18
SemitonesFreak007, if worst comes to worst, you can boot up from a live cd or usb drive, and edit configuration files from there07:19
SpaceGhostC2Csqwertle: do you have the password to the acesspoint you want>?07:19
SemitonesFreak007, or the recovery kernel maybe07:19
SpaceGhostC2CSemitones: he doesn't know how to edit the file at all.07:19
Zenkerok i just reinstalled ubuntu and im in the process of updating, now it wants to configure grub-pc and its asking me some q's  like install teh package maintainers version, keep the local version,show differences between versions, show a side by side, show a 3 way, do a 3 way merge which is exerimental, or start a new shell to exime the situation, what should i do, i want 2 be up 2 date, but i want everything 2 work the way it is?07:19
SolarisBoysqwertle: once you authenticate in logs do you ever get an IP from the dhcp server behind access point?07:20
SpaceGhostC2CFreak007: you need to edit the file we talked about earlier. Usually just add what the release note said.07:20
FlannelZenker: did you make any important chances to your grub configuration?07:20
SemitonesFreak007, could you describe more specifically how terminal is "not working"07:20
sqwertleSpaceGhostC2C: My network is currently unsecure07:20
Zenkeri just reinstalled and the update manager is applying 244 updates flannel07:20
gavintlgoldthe app in question is netbook-launcher07:20
sqwertleSolarisBoy: i have no idea what you just asked me :(07:20
SpaceGhostC2Csqwertle: as in no password?07:21
sqwertleSpaceGhostC2C: yes :)07:21
intokI can't get my external firewire HDD to mount, attempting to mount it spits out this error: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 21: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on /media/75F6A74274E6133607:21
Zenkeri only know what grub is, i have no idea how to mess w it07:21
SolarisBoysqwertle: are you offering dhcp services ?07:21
FlannelZenker: Ah, then keep the package maintainers version then I guess.  It should back up the other version just in case as well.07:21
sqwertleSolarisBoy: yes.07:21
SpaceGhostC2Csqwertle: make sure it's yours, and then try to connect. Someone may have logged in and hacked around.07:21
sunwaaron, oh, thanks.07:21
SolarisBoysqwertle: are other machines on your subnet being addressed properly?07:21
Semitonesintok, are you using regular ubuntu?07:21
bullgardiotop outputs "be/4" and "be/3". What does that mean?07:21
willfrandquiero reproducir una pelicula, pero me aparece el siguiente error: VLC es incapaz de abrir el MRL 'dvd:///media/cdrom1/VIDEO_TS/'. Ver el registro para más detalles. uso ubuntu karmic 9.1007:21
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I believe so, yes07:21
researcher1How can I uninstall Ubuntu server which I have installed in the free space of hard disk which already had Ubuntu Desktop installed07:21
sqwertleSpaceGhostC2C: I'll do a factory reset07:21
Freak007SpaceGhostC2C: When I tryed to start terminal, I got a white blank space with no window. It was like it wanted to start but didn't07:21
sunwaaron, I think I should take  a look on some books?07:22
gavintlgoldi can use the alt-f1 menu but that's about it :(07:22
willfrandsomebody can help me?07:22
intokSemitones yes, 9.10 64 bit07:22
sqwertleSpaceGhostC2C:  scratch that nevermind. I just unsecured it about 10 minutes ago07:22
brjann!es | willfrand07:22
ubottuwillfrand: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:22
Spaztic_OneI am running both Windows XP home, and trying Ubuntu on my machine. My problem is that from what I can tell, Ubuntu (version 9.10) is not identifying my wireless NIC which is identified using IPConfig /all as "Linksys Wireless-G PCI Network Adapter with SpeedBooster." My questions are "Is ubuntu incapable of seeing said hardware?" and "Is there a way to download any Linux-based drivers for...07:22
Spaztic_One...it while using the Windows OS and access and install when running Ubuntu?"07:22
SpaceGhostC2CFreak007: try ALT+F2 and then put xterm in it.07:22
bullgard!ask | willfrand07:22
ubottuwillfrand: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:22
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: if its pending an address that would imply there is no auth or you successfully authenticated i believe07:22
Semitonesintok, you should be able to see it in the places menu07:22
Zenkerflannel what is the package maintainer's version and if it goes wrong how do i switch to the backup?07:22
itheosi have an intel video card. its pretty old. can this be a reason for hanging of my cam apps and not working of my webcam?07:22
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: do you have a wired connection?07:22
willfrandi use ubuntu karmic 9.10, but i cannot see movies07:23
FlannelZenker: Package maintainers version is the version in the package itself07:23
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: just to get the drivers?07:23
SolarisBoythat authentication would handshake occurs before you are addressed07:23
Semitonesintok, it looks like it's been auto detected, and should show up as something like 240 GB volume07:23
Spaztic_OneI would have to relocate my entire PC to get to one.07:23
sqwertleSolarisBoy:  I have set it with static IP/DNS and it seems to now be stuck at "verifying access poitn association"07:24
Zenkerflannel if i just keep the current version will i be sacraficing anything?07:24
gavintlgoldThis makes me sad, as the performance of UNR and the launcher was impressive. It just doen't capture mouse input. I think it's a problem with the graphics driver07:24
intokthrows the same error, I had the drive connected earlier, but I had to use it on another machine and now cannot get it to work, it woks on the other machines07:24
sqwertle"connection failed: could not contact the wireless access point"07:24
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: I suggest you use ndiswrapper, located on the livecd, install that to your ubuntu and then use your windows driver temporarily.07:24
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: ndiswrapper > Spaztic_One07:24
ubottuSpaztic_One, please see my private message07:24
SolarisBoysqwertle: it doesn't have to be static we need to see why you not getting the address, are you running firewall?07:24
FlannelZenker: You won't get whatever changes/updates/whatever the package had to that file.  If you're worried about it, check the diff and see what the differences are.  If they look like they're custom to your machine, keep your version, if not, go with the maintainers version07:24
haydenerorrs: couldnt get the other computer to boot off the disc, but i tried that sudo apt- get update... command and it didnt work07:25
Zenkerflannel thats the prob, i have no idea what im looking at :)07:25
ripthejackerhi guys07:25
SpaceGhostC2C!hi ripthejacker07:25
SpaceGhostC2C!hi | ripthejacker07:25
ubotturipthejacker: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:25
ripthejackerneed help configuring vmware07:25
sqwertleSolarisBoy: on the router? nay07:25
ripthejackerthe modules are not loading07:25
sun waaron, I've install the gtk 2.0 document, but how could I read it?07:25
FlannelZenker: Does any of it look like it's your machine specific? Other operating systems? UUIDs (thats a big list of hex characters) or anything like that? or is it just random options07:26
Semitonesintok, have you tried anything else?07:26
haydenerorrs: it seems i need to boot to an older kernel. how do i do that?07:26
Zenkerflannel line by line diff's says07:26
Zenker--- /etc/default/grub 2010-03-13 00:47:32.335748921 -060007:26
Zenker+++ /tmp/grub.EZYht0ACeJ 2010-03-13 01:14:39.852467391 -060007:26
Zenker@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@07:26
Zenker GRUB_DEFAULT=007:26
FloodBot3Zenker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:26
SpaceGhostC2Chayden: do you have one installed?07:26
EdwardoSemitones: The Updates are NEARLY finished07:26
Semitonesintok, you could try sudo umount /dev/whatever07:26
Flannel!pastebin | Zenker07:26
ubottuZenker: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:26
itheos!hi | itheos07:26
ubottuitheos, please see my private message07:26
troopperiwillfrand, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras package?07:26
Semitonesintok, and then mount it again07:27
intokSemitones I've tried to mount it via the desklets, unmount it via gparted, both to no avail07:27
ripthejackerunable to build vmon modules07:27
ae86-drifterairtonix, i am getting error Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE, after i mounted it using fstab07:27
haydenSpaceGhostC2C have one what? ubuntu? yes it was installed. i am trying to reinstall it again though07:27
ripthejackershall i pastebin the error?07:27
sunHey, I've installed the libgtk2.0-doc. How could I open it and read?07:27
SolarisBoysqwertle: so the access point runs DHCP correct? or is the DHCP server somewhere else on the lan?07:27
Zenkersorry i thought it was small enough to get by w it07:27
SpaceGhostC2Cintok: what's the problem?07:27
FlannelZenker: No worries, just throw it into pastebin07:27
ripthejackerSpaceGhostC2C: can you help me please?07:27
Semitonesintok, you should probably use the terminal for this, as it might give us useful output07:27
sqwertleSolarisBoy: Yes, the access point runs DHCP, and currently has it enabled07:27
SpaceGhostC2Cripthejacker: no. I don't use VMWare07:27
ripthejackerSpaceGhostC2C: ok07:28
SolarisBoysqwertle: are you using netmanager on the wireless client system?07:28
SemitonesSpaceGhostC2C, intok's firewire drive says it's already mounted, yet he cannot access it07:28
SolarisBoysqwertle: and have you ever been on the wireless network at home successfully?07:28
SpaceGhostC2Chayden: do you have a older kernel already?07:28
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I was initially using the default client, I have also tried Wicd.07:28
SpaceGhostC2CSemitones: did he mount it with fstab?07:28
intokSpaceGhostC2C firewire hdd that refuses to mount/unmount since I last used it, it's confirmed working on another machine07:28
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I'm using that connection to speak to you.07:28
ae86-drifterairtonix, i created two entries in fstab for the same UUID, one with "rw" and the other with just "r" access. only one of those mountpoints work07:28
SpaceGhostC2C!hi | Monnikje07:29
ubottuMonnikje: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:29
haydenSpaceGhostC2C: i just downloaded 9.1007:29
ripthejackerAnyone here uses vmware workstation willing to help?07:29
ae86-drifterdo i need to reboot my pc to test a new fstab config?07:29
brjanngavintlgold: what model netbook are you having this issue with?07:29
ripthejackerI am not able to configure workstation07:29
SemitonesSpaceGhostC2C, I don't know07:29
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: kernel > hayden07:29
Freak007SpaceGhostC2C: hey hey that worked I wil try to do the rest of that now07:29
ubottuhayden, please see my private message07:29
pfifoZenker, I dont update grub, its not a part of ubuntu. There is no reason to update unless you have a specific situation to do so, in which case you probbally have a customized setup.07:29
intokSemitones SpaceGhostC2C :~$ sudo umount /dev/sdc107:30
intokumount: /media/75F6A74274E61336: not found07:30
SpaceGhostC2CFreak007 nice.07:30
MonnikjeI'm upgrading grub 0.97 to grub 1.98. All is going well, although I'm now stuck with configuring grub-pc07:30
Freak007SpaceGhostC2C: thanks07:30
gavintlgoldbrjann, well, It's not a netbook exactly, it's an old compaq computer. But it's got a low res screen and a pretty slow processor. It's running intel integrated graphics07:30
SpaceGhostC2Cintok: not like that.07:30
SolarisBoysqwertle: ok.. so 2 things. 1. /var/log/messages may contain some more detail as to why you have not spoken with DHCP,, and 2. the command 'iwevent' should allow you to see some detail of the connection to wireless while you are connecting07:30
SpaceGhostC2Cintok: where is it mounted?07:30
Semitonesintok, does the problem persist even if you log out or restart?07:30
haydenubottu: i got it, but i don't know how to boot an old one.07:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:30
gavintlgoldbrjann, it's a compaq presario07:31
sunHey, I've installed the libgtk2.0-doc. How could I open it and read?07:31
Zenkerflannel i think ill take pfifo's adv and just leave it alone, 4 now anyhow untill i know more aobut things07:31
SolarisBoysqwertle: and are you running any firewall on the client with no wireless connection?07:31
Semitonesintok, also, try typing "mount" without any arguments07:31
haydenubottu: oh07:31
EdwardoSemitones: Okay, updating done, nothing happened Semitones07:31
Zenkerty though07:31
supermatt1000i need help installing this program http://epsxe.com/download.php07:31
MonnikjeI got the screen to install devices: I can choose any of my hdd's, or <ok>, but whatever I choose, the next screen is 'you choose not to install grub, do you wish to continue'07:31
SpaceGhostC2CEdwardo: restart07:31
brjanngavintlgold: run lspci and copy/paste the line describing your graphics card for me? should start with something like "VGA compatible controller"07:31
SemitonesEdwardo, ok, that's normal. the next step is to actually install the drivers now that the system is up to date07:31
SpaceGhostC2CEdwardo: okay, you might need a wired connection to fetch your wireless drivers.07:31
intokSpaceGhostC2C thats where it's claiming to be mounted at, but I can't get anything from it plugged in or not, ubuntu still thinks its mounted and thusly refuses to mount it refusing acess to it07:32
gavintlgoldbrjann, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)07:32
SemitonesEdwardo, try going to system>administration>hardware drivers (or something like that)07:32
sqwertleSolarisBoy: Not that I know of, the install is straight out of the box plus a few updates while I had the oppurtinity for wired access07:32
Zenkerbesides, i wont be doing any crazy installs w 10 diff os's n networking and all that stuff so, its prolly just fine the way it is07:32
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I have no idea what I'm looking at really in the \messages file07:32
SolarisBoysqwertle: so wired connection on _that_ machine gets address dhcp fine?07:32
supermatt1000i need help installing this program http://epsxe.com/download.php07:32
SolarisBoysqwertle lets tone down the amount of messages by using the command grep07:32
sqwertleum... mkay07:33
SpaceGhostC2Cintok: that's a udev automatically generated node. Not the mountpoint. put the contents of /etc/mtab into a pastebin and link it to me and Semitones07:33
intokSemitones  sudo mount /dev/sdc107:33
intokmount: can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:33
brjanngavintlgold: okay, i'm looking at a bug report right now describing an issue with the graphics driver for that family of cards07:33
Semitonessorry about that07:33
brjanngavintlgold: let me see what the most recent recommendation is07:33
SolarisBoyi think 'sudo grep -i network /var/log/messages' should work for you and if there is valid output we can paste it sqwertle07:33
Zenkerpfifo you are a great help and i look forward to helping you someday, it prolly wont have 2 do with ubuntu/linux but anyhow thank you for all your help, its time for me 2 go 2 bed07:33
intokSemitones  sudo mount /dev/sdc107:33
intokmount: can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:33
sambagirlanyone running patientos in hardy? or ubuntu in general?07:33
Semitonesintok, no, just type "mount"07:33
pfifoZenker, sweet dreams07:34
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: enable all the repositories and then sudo apt-get update and then suro apt-get install epsxe07:34
sambagirli am having trouble trying to enable nx client to run07:34
gavintlgoldbrjann, it seems that it's an unresolvable bug from my quick research in the past few minutes :-/ A driver bug that they can't/don't want to fix since the target is netbooks without this driver07:34
Semitonesintok, the command "mount" all by itself lists the mounted devices07:34
SpaceGhostC2Cintok: put /etc/mtab into a pastebin. This is too vague for us to really help.07:34
SpaceGhostC2CSemitones: in fstab.07:34
sqwertleSolarisBoy: alright, slow down a bit please, I still ahven't run the iwevent command yet07:34
brjanngavintlgold: not necessarily. in this bug report there are a number of people who've reported success with a PPA version of the intel driver07:35
SolarisBoysqwertle: we are going log messages first then iwevent07:35
intokSemitones and SpaceGhostC2C thanks, it mounted, you still want the fstab though?07:35
irvkenNo resume image, boots to initramfs prompt, any one help07:35
gavintlgoldbrjann, ah, can you send me the link to the launchpad bug so I can try that? (I have used ppa's before, i could probably take it from there)07:35
SpaceGhostC2Cintok: not really if your issue is solved.07:35
brjanngavintlgold: sure thing. https://bugs.launchpad.net/nubuntu/+source/netbook-launcher/+bug/36839407:35
Semitonesintok, I'm curious, how did you fix it?07:35
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I have copied the grep output.07:35
supermatt1000SpaceGhostC2C how do i enable all repositories?07:35
gavintlgoldthanks for the help, brjann07:36
sambagirlhow do i enable port 22?07:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:36
brjanngavintlgold: no problem, good luck :)07:36
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: uncommenting the needed lines in /etc/apt/sources.list07:36
SolarisBoysqwertle: you can paste that to the link above and follow the directions to paste it for us to see07:36
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
intokSemitones dunno, trying to mount it again suddenly mounted it warning, I'm still a linux n00b07:36
Semitonessupermatt1000, try system>administration>software sources07:36
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: use a pipe to say who it's for, or better yet use a redirect.07:36
Semitonesintok, that's ok, :) your terminal-fu will improve with time07:37
sambagirlit says nx service not available or nx access was disabled on host.07:37
SolarisBoysure SpaceGhostC2C ill try and do that in the future07:37
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: thanks. Just helps with context, ya know?07:37
SolarisBoyyes i can understand that07:37
supermatt1000SpaceGhostC2C now what07:37
Monnikjebye all07:37
researcher1can Ubuntu server be uninstalled07:37
sqwertleSolarisBoy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394529/07:37
Semitonessupermatt1000, but whatever you do, keep away from the "proposed" section of updates. they're for testing only07:37
Edwardo2010-03-12 23:35:47,219 DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: enabled, b43legacy: enabled07:37
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: run this: sudo apt-get update07:37
gavintlgoldbrjann, I'll just pop back in here after a restart to let you know if that worked07:38
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: run this next: sudo apt-get install epsxe07:38
SpaceGhostC2CEdwardo: should be working.07:38
SemitonesEdwardo, a little context please? I'm not an expert on wifi or anything :)07:38
SolarisBoysqwertle: hmm07:38
EdwardoI don't know..07:38
EdwardoI just want this to work this is so stupid07:38
SemitonesEdwardo, where did you see the message for one thing07:38
SpaceGhostC2CEdwardo: what happened exactly?07:39
Semitoneswe can't read minds (although we try)07:39
Edwardowhen i try to use hardwarve drivers to install the broadcom (it shows up now)07:39
Edwardoit says07:39
Edwardo"failed. information at /var/log/jockey.log"07:39
Edwardoi went to jockey.log and copypasta'd that07:39
Edwardobut jockey.log is like 10k lines long, i pasted 1 line07:39
supermatt1000SpaceGhostC2C it says can not find package epsxe07:40
SemitonesEdwardo, try googling relating to that line -- someone else may have had the same problem, and already found a fix07:40
SpaceGhostC2CEdwardo: it might've gotten blacklisted for your system, but can you confirm if wireless is working?07:40
haydenhow do i decide which drivers get installed while installing ubuntu? (i probably don't know what im talking about)07:40
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: sudo apt-cache search playstation07:40
SolarisBoysqwertle: can you revert the setting that made you unable to connect at all (go back to dhcp) and then before you try to connect again,, you can open a text console (KDE/Gnome Menu  >Accessories > terminal) you can type iwevent into that screen that will open and should show some information as to whats happening as you connect07:40
EdwardoSpaceGhostC2C: i can't07:40
SpaceGhostC2Chayden: use gksudo jockey-gtk07:40
SemitonesSpaceGhostC2C, why would the broadcom drivers be blacklisted?07:40
SpaceGhostC2CSemitones: look. It says it is.07:41
gavintlgoldbrjann, well unfortunately I'm still in the same boat. I'll continue to look through that bug report to see if there are any more ideas07:41
SemitonesSpaceGhostC2C, no, I see that it is, I'm just saying why would the system do that07:41
haydenSpaceGhostC2C: sorry, but i have no idea what that is07:41
SpaceGhostC2CSemitones: no idea07:41
sqwertleSolarisBoy: Yes, I can :)07:41
supermatt1000SpaceGhostC2C it just came up with the psx emulator thats in the software center07:41
SolarisBoysqwertle: cool =>07:41
sqwertleSolarisBoy: Should I wait for it to surrender, or should I stop the monotony?07:42
SpaceGhostC2Chayden: press ALT+F2 then type gksudo jockey-gtk but only after you've booted into ubuntu. Not in the installer.07:42
SolarisBoysqwertle: stop whatever its doing as its not working anyway i guess =)07:42
brjanngavintlgold: bummer, sorry to hear that. at the very worst you could try the lucid beta, since they mention that problem should be fixed there07:42
sqwertleSolarisBoy: It stopped of its own, let me paste the results. One moment07:42
Semitonesbecause if b43 and b43legacy drivers are the correct drivers for his card, wireless might already be working. if not, he could try unblacklisting bcm43xx maybe07:43
haydenSpaceGhostC2C: ok, so there is nothing that i forgot to do before the installation that caused that problem07:43
gavintlgoldbrjann, hold up, one of the packages may have not upgraded for some reason07:43
gavintlgoldbrjann, gonna check again ;)07:43
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: hayden shouldn't be.07:43
brjanngavintlgold: hehe, okay :)07:43
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: http://www.epsxe.com/download.php07:43
sqwertleSolarisBoy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394534/07:44
=== sacho_ is now known as Sacho
afrodeityanyone around?07:46
SolarisBoysqwertle: ok not much there other than not connecting at all however it looks that the disconnection is not IP based as in its not successfully connecting to a wireless network, had you tried to power cycle the router or any other measure like this yet?07:46
afrodeityproblem - metacity-common post-removal script returned error exit status 12707:46
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I have not tried anything of the sort yet. I can do that momentariliy though. I'll be back in a moment.07:46
gwinbeehow do I check if wget is connecting via a proxy or not?07:47
SolarisBoysqwertle: one second. Do you see other networks that yours?07:47
gwinbeei've added the proxy to /etc/environment, but I'd like to be sure it actually is working.07:47
pfifogwinbee, try downloading one of those "Whats my IP Address" sites with wget and look at the page it fetches07:48
SecularjoeAnyone have a second to help me figure out whats going on with my trac server?07:49
gavintlgoldbrjann, heh, well input works now but the whole menu is completely garbled beyond belief. I blame a *different* bug that'll likely be fixed soon in a near release07:50
gwinbeepfifo: yep, it isn't working right. thanks.07:50
gavintlgoldbrjann, I guess you could call it progress.07:50
brjanngavintlgold: haha, baby steps :) sorry it wasn't a one-click fix, though07:51
pfifogwinbee, i beleive running it like this is what you want `HTTP_PROXY= wget 'http://www.google.com'`07:51
harisundDoes anyone know how apt-get auto remove works? I want it to --purge, not just remove .. does autoremove do this? There are tons of packages that autormeove says can be removed, but I want them purged, not like some Windows registry thing07:51
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I'm assuming you didn't catch any of my messages as it seems I was disconnected, however a factory default restoration has allowed my laptop to connect quite satisfactorily. I'm hoping it won't decide to sleep after each connection though.07:51
gavintlgoldbrjann, I probably caught the edgers repo on a bad day. Would be good if I could find a relatively stable deb that was *less* up to date07:51
gwinbeepfifo: is there a way to set wget to always use the proxy by default?07:52
gwinbee(and apt-get and aptitude, ideally)07:52
SolarisBoysqwertle: i suspected something may have been wrong on the router, wow that was fast for a factory reset ;>07:52
sqwertleSolarisBoy: I'm a ninja07:52
pfifogwinbee, there is also an option in wget to --http-proxy', and there is also /etc/wget.conf07:52
brjanngavintlgold: looks like that's that the ubuntu-x-swat ppa does. ever use ppa-purge?07:53
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge-autoremoved07:53
hypa7iaEdwardo: pastebin me the contents of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist07:53
harisundSpaceGhostC2C: sweet man thanks so much07:53
gwinbeepfifo: I see. and what exactly should i put in wget.conf to define the proxy and have it permanently be on?07:53
gavintlgoldbrjann, nope07:53
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: anytime friend.07:53
sqwertleWhy is all traffic related to lynx directed to #ubuntu+1, there doesn't seem to be an incredible gap between the help requested for it, and the help provided by this channel.07:53
SolarisBoysqwertle: you should take a look at iwevent and logs on a successful run it helps you get a baseline of what is right.. so next time you look at logs you may be more keen to whats wrong ;>07:53
harisundSpaceGhostC2C: man page of apt-get doesn't say it? Where did you find that from?07:53
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: I knew it.07:53
pfifogwinbee, youll have to ask google or man wget, I dont know off the top of my head07:54
gwinbeepfifo: k. thanks for your help.07:54
sqwertleSolarisBoy: Will do. I'm still rather new to Linux, but so far my problems have resulted in nothing but learning.07:54
SolarisBoysqwertle: indeed07:54
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: you'd need a invitation to my mind, and even *i* don't get one most of the time. Glad I could help though.07:54
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: Sometimes it's better to use info then man, for akward reasons07:54
harisundSpaceGhostC2C: E: Command line option --purge-autoremoved is not understood07:54
brjanngavintlgold: it's a nice utility for completely ridding your system of a PPA and reverting back to the lastest packages from the official repositories: http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/07:54
hypa7iaEdwardo: are you still there?07:54
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: let me see if I can re-locate the correct command.07:54
Semitonessqwertle, ideally, people who install lucid lynx should be somewhat familliar with ubuntu, as it's not stable yet, and should know when to ask in here and when to ask in +107:55
Edwardohypa7ia: http://dpaste.com/171456/07:55
brjanngavintlgold: might be worth a shot to purge xorg-edgers and try ubuntu-x-swat instead?07:55
SpaceGhostC2Chypa7ia: I might suggest asking to pm him. He didn't seem to like the traffic of #ubuntu.07:55
gavintlgoldbrjann, i'm on it :) thanks07:55
SpaceGhostC2Chypa7ia: asking first thought :P07:55
SolarisBoybrjann: is it safe?07:55
SpaceGhostC2Charisund: one second, let me look. one sec.07:55
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: Who doesn't seem to like the traffic? o_O07:55
askhaderSolarisBoy: Safer than sex07:55
askhaderSolarisBoy: though lovers lost, love shall not07:56
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: doesn't matter.07:56
SpaceGhostC2C!ot | askhader07:56
hypa7iaEdwardo: hmm, i didn't realize there ere more files in there.  also, have you tried the STA driver as well?07:56
ubottuaskhader: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:56
blbrownI saw a cool tool on reddit that would show memory usage, etc on the desktop.  Anyone seen this before.07:56
Edwardothe what ?07:56
SolarisBoyaskhader: nice07:56
askhaderSpaceGhostC2C: Stay on topic please07:56
SemitonesI didn't like the traffic when I was new. Friggin scary. takes some getting used to07:56
Edwardowoh woh woh07:56
SpaceGhostC2Caskhader: you too :)07:56
Edwardohypa7ia, the STA driver is the one i'm trying to install07:56
brjannSolarisBoy: ppa-purge? i believe so, i've used it a few dozen times. i imagine things could get squirrely if you killed it mid-purge07:56
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: sabdfl? :/ Whatever anyway07:56
Edwardowhen i get the eror07:56
sqwertleSemitones: While that would be expected, there are still quite a few users who are using Lynx that are not entirely familiar with Ubuntu. The majority of the questions they are asking are questions that could be resolved the same way (and can occur) on both 9.10 and 10.04. Wouldn't directing all Lynx traffic to #Ubuntu+1 add stress to those that can't get help here?07:56
askhaderEdwardo: sudo-apt get install broadcom-sta07:56
hypa7iaEdwardo: oh, i thought you were trying to install b4307:57
SolarisBoybrjann: yea thats always though =), i think ill install it07:57
suncould you tell me how to use 'man' command to find help infomation?07:57
EdwardoB43 = already installed07:57
Edwardobut i still can't wifi connect07:57
SolarisBoysun: man <command>07:57
askhaderEdwardo: That's your first probem07:57
harisundAny luck SpaceGhostC2C ? It's probably something like --purge-autoremoved but not exactly that07:57
SpaceGhostC2Csqwertle: do you mean Linux? Lynx is a CLI web browser.07:57
askhaderb42 conflicts with broadcom-sta07:57
afrodeityIs there a way to list ppa and to clean up redundancies?07:57
askhaderb43, rather07:57
sqwertleSpaceGhostC2C: Lucid Lynx*07:58
Edwardo..oh my lord..07:58
EdwardoSO what am i supposed to do?07:58
brjannSolarisBoy: it's a nice utility, saves a lot of hunting for the right package to downgrade to, especially if it's a big ppa (like the bleeding-edge ifuse one)07:58
askhaderEdwardo: Depends what you are trying to achieve.07:58
Edwardowifi connectivity07:58
SolarisBoysun: the document will open in youy systems pager (less or more) you can use up,down,right,left to scroll the text and you can type 'q' to quit07:58
askhaderEdwardo: Discover the identity of your wireless card first.07:58
hypa7iaEdwardo: have a look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134748307:58
SolarisBoybrjann: yep thats why im like thats pretty cool =)07:58
Semitonessqwertle, I think so -- general questions should still be asked here, but a lot of times things are broken in lucid that would ordinarily work, and it's hard to sort out which is which. But yes, I don't think people should be automatically forwarded07:58
theadminSolarisBoy: Hm, so man uses less? Interesting.07:58
SpaceGhostC2Csqwertle: ah. I'll have to watch for that.07:58
hypa7iaaskhader: you're a bit late to the game here.  Edwardo is using a broadcom 431207:58
SolarisBoytheadmin: man uses what your $PAGER is set to on your system07:59
sunSolarisBoy, thanks!!07:59
askhaderhypa7ia: There are three revisions of that card.07:59
theadminSolarisBoy: Let me try to set that to more...07:59
askhaderOne of which is not supported by the driver that supports the other two07:59
sqwertleSemitones: Ah, ok. I wasn't sure I was the only one thinking that.07:59
hypa7iaaskhader: oh, good to know07:59
askhaderstarcraft time07:59
theadminSolarisBoy: Set that to "more", it still uses less it seems08:00
sqwertleIs there a common place to document errors/fixes for specific hardware/distros that is easily accessible to anyone searching?08:00
askhaderfor the respective distro/hardware/project08:00
sqwertleaskhader: thanks.08:00
hypa7iaor launchpad for ubuntu :)08:00
Semitonesaskhader, another piece to the puzzle is Edwardo's card worked in the live cd where (presumably) restricted drivers were enabled08:00
Semitonessince you seem to know a bit about broadcom08:01
askhaderSemitones: Ubuntu should offer broadcom-sta in the drivers utility by default.08:01
SolarisBoytheadmin: ubuntu us weird sometimes with things like that08:01
SolarisBoytheadmin: read this though 'man 1 intro'08:01
askhaderIf it doesn't the official website has very easy to follow instructions08:01
askhaderAs in, the official broadcom-sta page08:02
theadminSolarisBoy: Read that already, someday08:02
SolarisBoytheadmin: where did you set it at?08:02
hypa7iaEdwardo: i need to sleep now, but it seems that other folks in here are on the case.  if you're still fighting it tomorrow, feel free to /msg me and i'll see if i can help08:02
theadminSolarisBoy: ran that in gnome-terminal: "let PAGER='more'"08:02
rfa_is alternate dvd same as live cd?08:02
* askhader goes to play starcraft08:02
SpaceGhostC2Crfa_: no08:02
askhaderEdwardo: google: broadcom-sta08:02
hypa7iaEdwardo: also, if you end up not being able to get it working let me know and i can recommend a cheap USB wifi card that will work for sure :)08:02
SolarisBoytheadmin: try export PAGER=more08:03
rfa_SpaceGhostC2C so i can't try system without installing it?08:03
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: that isn't permanent.08:03
SpaceGhostC2Crfa_: not with the alternate cd08:03
sqwertletheadmin: the alternate cd is a low graphics text based install from what I've gathered. The livecd has a graphical install.08:03
sunSolarisBoy, do you know how to print all frequent used commands? for example, ls, cd cp, mkdir, etc08:03
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: well if its in his profile and its sourced it would be08:03
theadminSolarisBoy: What on earth is "export"08:03
rfa_SpaceGhostC2C thanks ;)08:03
gavintlgoldbrjann, ah well, I guess it wasn't up to date enough ;)08:03
SpaceGhostC2Cfaron: no worries08:03
SolarisBoytheadmin: let is not how to set a environment variable08:04
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: man export08:04
theadminsqwertle: I didn't ask that08:04
brjanngavintlgold: can't get a break, eh?08:04
sqwertletheadmin: Oh dear, I'm sorry. It appears that was rfa_08:04
gavintlgoldbrjann, I suppose I'll have to wait for lucid for this one, or get it earlier.08:04
SolarisBoysun: man 1 intro08:04
gavintlgoldbrjann, yeah, I either have input with garbled menu, or a perfect menu with no input08:04
SolarisBoysun: you can read up on using man there as well08:04
SpaceGhostC2Cgavintlgold: such is the price of bleeding edge software.08:05
brjanngavintlgold: oh well. we tried.08:05
gavintlgoldbrjann, guess I'll just have to revert to standard ol' ubuntu panels08:05
gavintlgoldor, GNOME to be precise08:05
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: let is for mathematical operations afaik08:05
faron man 1 intro08:05
sunSolarisBoy, 'man intro' is ok, why 'man 1 intro' ?08:05
SolarisBoy'man 1 intro' <--if you type it is a man page08:05
Semitonesaskhader, the wifi documentation could use some updating -- if there's anything you could add to the wiki that would be awesome08:05
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: I didn't say anything about let.08:05
theadminfaron: man synopsis: man SECTION COMMAND08:05
erorrsi have installed kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu 9.10 but cant get kdesktop widgets working08:05
theadminsun: Same as to faron08:06
SpaceGhostC2Csun: man 1 intro is a specific page.08:06
erorrsi have installed kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu 9.10 but cant get kdesktop widgets working08:06
theadminerorrs: Do not repeat. It works for me, i dunno :/08:06
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: i didn't say you did i was saying what i knew.. i guess it needed a ?08:06
faronsolarisboy what the heck is this ?? I don't know what this is but you're makin too much noise on my pc08:06
ae86-drifteris there a way to create a "pointer" from one folder to another?08:06
theadminerorrs: They will only work in KDE however (you have to select that when you log in)08:06
ae86-drifterlike a virtual folder?08:07
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: I don't even know what you're getting at.08:07
brjanngavintlgold: here's hoping the lucid release will solve your woes. if not, we'll be here :)08:07
SolarisBoyhmm ok08:07
theadminae86-drifter: A link?08:07
sunOh, I see! thanks!08:07
magedragon25so is this a good place to ask questions to learn some stuff? Just wanna know for future use....08:07
theadminae86-drifter: ln -s '/path/to/target/folder' linkname08:07
SolarisBoytheadmin: dont set system variables with "let" use export08:07
theadminSolarisBoy: Will know, thanks08:07
ae86-driftertheadmin, would that be still in place after a reboot?08:07
theadminae86-drifter: Yep08:08
ae86-driftertheadmin, so would the "linkname" be the source folder?08:08
SpaceGhostC2Cmagedragon25: yes it is. And it is generally only for support questions and not talk. If you want to just chat, try #ubuntu-fftopic08:08
SolarisBoyfaron: what are you talking about?08:08
theadminae86-drifter: Uh, no. I meant to say this: ln -s 'path/to/source' linkname. Linkname is generally the name of the, how you called it, virtual folder08:09
gavintlgoldbrjann, actually.... it looks like I didn't even upgrade the right package. It's not packaged for a given ubuntu version, so the repo ignored it...08:09
ae86-driftertheadmin, so could i just simply put the path to the "virtual folder"08:09
gavintlgoldbrjann, a manual synaptic version install may fix this. I'm not giving up yet :D08:09
tikiI want to be able to see hidden wireless networks. What do it do?08:10
brjanngavintlgold: never give up! :)08:10
subhamhello every body does any body knows how much electricity does hp mini uses during an normal uses .. thanks in advance08:10
theadminae86-drifter: Ugh. Give me the path to the real folder, and path where you want the virtual one, and i'll give ya the command08:10
SpaceGhostC2Ctiki: you can't, hence the "hidden" part.08:10
gavintlgoldbrjann, yes the ubuntu debugging mantra08:10
subhamhello every body does any body knows how much electricity does hp mini uses during an normal uses in an hours.. thanks in advance08:10
tikispaceghostc2c: I can do it on mac and windows though.08:10
SpaceGhostC2Csubham: ask in #hardware.08:10
Fudgehi, looking for some tweak guides to speeding up gnome on ubuntu, anyone know of any howto's?08:10
ae86-driftertheadmin: ln -s '/media/exthdd/movies' '/var/www/movies'08:10
theadmin!ot | subham08:11
ubottusubham: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:11
Jordan_Ugavintlgold: What problem are you having?08:11
theadminae86-drifter: Looks right08:11
SpaceGhostC2Csubham: is this a ubuntu question?08:11
gavintlgoldJordan_U, UNR netbook-launcher is not getting input. It's an intel driver bug, we've established08:11
gavintlgoldJordan_U, from the mouse, that is08:11
ae86-driftertheadmin cool thanks, i tried using fstab but that didnt work... i had the source folder path in place of the device path08:11
gavintlgoldJordan_U, I'm trying to install more-recent packages to see if that will fix the bug08:12
Jordan_Ugavintlgold: Is it an already reported bug?08:12
puserhello, when I try in gnome to open volume control from the pannel, it says:08:12
gavintlgoldJordan_U, yes, it's apparently fixed in Lucid08:12
puserCan't start volume control: error in child process "gnome-volume-control" (No such file or directory)08:12
Jordan_Ugavintlgold: Mind linking?08:12
gavintlgoldJordan_U, https://bugs.launchpad.net/nubuntu/+source/netbook-launcher/+bug/36839408:12
tikiIs there such a thing as a GUI for Kismet?08:13
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart08:13
pfifopuser, perhaps just use 'alsamixer' at a command prompt?08:13
puserI checked in Synaptic, gnome-volume-control is installed08:13
meowbuntuhi is there a way to restart xserver or do i need to log out and in again08:13
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: try my solution and let me know.08:13
gavintlgoldJordan_U, right now I'm trying to use the x-swat repos to get a more updated driver version08:13
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: open a terminal service gdm restart08:13
gwinbeepfifo: one more question, and it's probably going to be a somewhat annoying one.08:14
pfifo!ask | gwinbee08:14
ubottugwinbee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:14
gwinbeepfifo: this: http://danbooru-v7sh-grabber.googlecode.com/svn/branches/release-0.10/grab.sh is supposed to be using wget. wget without any options will use the proxy. shoud I safely assume that this script will do the same?08:14
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: what?08:15
puserpuser@chks:~$ /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart08:15
puser * Shutting down ALSA...                                                         * warning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1541: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied'...                                                                               [fail]08:15
puser * Setting up ALSA...                                                    [ OK ]08:15
gwinbeepfifo: (also, sorry about asking to ask a question)08:15
FloodBot3puser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
SpaceGhostC2C!paste | puser08:15
ubottupuser: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:15
SolarisBoyyou might want to sudo that command puser08:15
amequien eres08:15
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: he did, there are extranneous processes locking up the sound restart08:15
=== jon is now known as Guest93106
amepero como te llamas08:15
SpaceGhostC2C!es | ame08:16
ubottuame: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:16
puser!paste | puser08:16
ubottupuser, please see my private message08:16
bazhangame, english here /join #ubuntu-es08:16
SolarisBoyi dont see sudo08:16
SolarisBoy'puser@chks:~$ /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart'08:17
magedragon25puser: what is the problem your having and your hardware, if you don't mind me asking.....08:17
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: ot > nnn08:17
ubottunnn, please see my private message08:17
jasonmchristoshow do i save a text file as a script?08:17
=== james is now known as Guest94157
SolarisBoyjasonmchristos: what type of script is it?08:18
jasonmchristosjust a list of commands08:18
SpaceGhostC2Cjasonmchristos: linux isn't dependent on filetypes. Save the text as whatever you wish then run chdmod +x on it.08:18
Slartjasonmchristos: usually you just make it executable.. either by right clicking on it and selecting the appropriate box or using chmod08:18
SolarisBoyjasonmchristos: sh or bash i presume?08:18
SpaceGhostC2Cjasonmchristos: do you have a shabang line?08:18
puser /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart08:18
jasonmchristosno just a bunch of command line commands08:18
pusergives me:08:18
puser * Shutting down ALSA...                                                         * warning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1541: Cannot open08:18
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: there are extranneous processes, I'm looking how to kill them real quick08:18
puser /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied'...                                                                               [fail]08:19
SpaceGhostC2C!paste > puser08:19
ubottupuser, please see my private message08:19
puser * Setting up ALSA...                                                    [ OK ]08:19
SolarisBoyadd #! /bin/sh or #! /bin/bash on top save it08:19
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart08:19
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: thank you08:19
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: what did I do?08:20
SolarisBoytell him to use sudo08:20
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: I did originally. He must have failed to see it and copypasta it08:20
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: right08:20
pusermegadragon25: I know that the sound is working and the mike, but when I try to open volume control it gives me an error08:20
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: occasionally sometimes the script doesn't end processes that lock up sound.08:21
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: yes i've seen that before as well08:21
orb01hey, I have Kubuntu 9.10 and every time I start aptitude it wants to remove kubuntu-desktop, which doesn't seem like a great idea. What do I do?08:21
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: so you have to manually kill them.08:21
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: indeed08:21
gwinbeeanybody else know if a bash or sh script that uses wget will automatically use a proxy, assuming that wget without any options would behave as such?08:21
SpaceGhostC2Cgwinbee: it will use what your system has configured.08:22
gwinbeeI can't imagine why it wouldn't but due to the nature of the script, I don't know how to check either.08:22
gwinbeeSpaceGhostC2C: ok, thank you.08:22
SpaceGhostC2Cgwinbee: no worries friend.08:22
=== Shiniqua is now known as Freelancer
Slartorb01: check if it wants to just remove the small package kubuntu-desktop (which should be a couple of kilobytes).. or all the kubuntu related packages such as kate, koffice and so on08:22
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: would move .asound out of the users ~  directory and then restart alsa-utils do anything there?08:22
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SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: doubtable. I'd try it though.08:22
Slartorb01: the kubuntu-desktop package is just a meta package.. ie it doesn't contain anything in itself.. it just depends on and drags in other packages.. those other packages are what you really want08:23
magedragon25I may have the same prob as puser....I have an hp pavillion dv6z with 9.10. I had to install backports to get sound working. Now i have sound coming out of headphones and speakers...i can adjust using alsamixer at the cli....I want to find another fix for it.08:23
pfifogwinbee, that shell script uses its on config file, perhaps it over rides what you set. It also allows wget, fetch and curl. I would run the program like this and see what happens 'HTTP_PROXY= ./grab.sh' and if that dosent work I would look at the config file. I can tell right away the sript dosent have any proxy settings since searching for 'proxy' returns no result. If all else fails you can modify line 68 to read 'l_downloader="HT08:23
pfifoTP_PROXY= wget";'08:23
SpaceGhostC2C!cookie | pfifo08:24
ubottupfifo: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:24
pfifogwinbee, you may also be intrested in FTP_PROXY08:24
orb01Slart: it seems to want to update kubuntu-artwork-usplash, kubuntu-default-settings, libcairo2, libgd2-noxpm, libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 and libgtk2.0-common, but it fails every time, and only sometimes wants to remove the metapackage.08:24
pfifoSpaceGhostC2C, thanks08:24
gwinbeepfifo: nah, just need the HTTP_PROXY to the best of my knowledge. also, thank you very much for taking the time to actually look at that script. I didn't expect that.08:24
puserSpaceGhostC2C: ok, with using sudo, nothing failed, everything got [ok], but the volume control from the panel applet still gives me the same error, but it opes, and did open the main volume.08:24
SpaceGhostC2Cpfifo: thank the bot.08:24
Slartorb01: well.. removing just the meta package isn't a problem.. you'll still have all the real packages and you can reinstall the kubuntu-desktop package again if you want08:25
pfifoubottu, thanks, what about my milk?08:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:25
SpaceGhostC2Cpfifo: you're welcome though. But the bot had the cookies.08:25
orb01Slart: the error it gives it Invalid archive signature after a Prior errors apply to the packages it wants to update.08:25
pusermegedragon25: I have HP Pavillion dv6000 with Ubuntu 9.04, but in 8.10 it was working.08:25
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: What was the error again and what machien are you running this on?08:25
SolarisBoypuser: just for kicks have you upgraded or fresh installed ubuntu and run into this issue?08:25
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: good question.08:26
ralph__anyone know what I should do if my gpu i just bought didn't come with linux drivers?08:26
Slartralph__: what gpu is it?08:26
giacomo_c1i keep getting this error when trying to run a synaptic update:08:26
giacomo_c1files list file for package `libapm1' contains empty filename08:26
ralph__radeon HD567008:26
Slart!ati | ralph__ , tried this?08:26
ubotturalph__ , tried this?: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:26
SpaceGhostC2Cralph__: that's youre video card, not necessarily the gpu.08:26
ralph__thanks, i'll try there.  yeah my bad use of terminology :P08:27
meowbuntuhi is there a one command that i can run to quit all processes running except the system ones08:27
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: killall -u <username>08:27
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: might need some sudo.08:28
Jordan_Umeowbuntu: Why?08:28
puserSpaceGhostC2C: Can't start volume control: Error in child process execution "gnoome-volume-control" (No such file or directory)08:28
puserUbuntu 9.04 i386; HP Pavillion dv600008:28
magedragon25oh yeah..mine is 64bit08:28
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: sudo apt-get install gnome-volume-control --reinstall08:29
puserSolarisBoy: I installed 8.10, it was working. Stopped working after an upgradt to 9.0408:29
SolarisBoypuser: interesting08:29
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: not at all surprising though.08:29
SolarisBoypuser: have you run updates from the repos?08:29
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: nope08:29
pfifopuser, what happens if you got the terminal and specifically run 'gnome-volume-control'?08:29
snoopyHello friends!08:29
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: gksudo > pfifo08:30
ubottupfifo, please see my private message08:30
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SpaceGhostC2Cpfifo: unless you intended to get some debug info. in that case @lart me08:30
pfifoSpaceGhostC2C, what?08:30
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: did that do what you needed?08:30
Guest68271How can i view someones cam on yahoo?08:31
meowbuntusorry but sudo killall -u (username) called essentual gnome processes08:31
gwinbeepfifo: there seems to be no mention of a proxy, OR wget in the config file. safe to assume it's doing the same thing that wget would do normally?08:31
meowbuntucalled = killed08:31
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: killing all processes owned by a user does that :)08:31
pfifoSpaceGhostC2C, 'gnome-volume-control' dosent need root, atleast I ran it without sudo just fine from command prompt08:31
meowbuntuSpaceGhostC2C, no08:31
puserSolarisBoy: it stopped working after I upgraded to 9.04, did all of the updates from the repos. My internet is slow. Took 3 days to do that. I checked now, no more updates are available. After updates, still doesn't work.08:31
meowbuntui want to kill any extra apps running that may be in background08:32
KruyKazeis there a way to get rid of the volume icon?08:32
SpaceGhostC2Cpfifo: gksu -u <username> gnome-volume-control08:32
SolarisBoypuser: try what pfifo said and type gnome-volume-control in a terminal08:32
meowbuntuKruyKaze, right click on it and remove08:32
gwinbeepfifo: (or fetch, or curl, for that matter. I'm just about certain it is in fact using wget.)08:32
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: like what? Most sleeping processes don't really hurt much08:32
giacomo_c1everytime I try to run an apt-get upgrade, i get an error:  http://pastebin.com/bK3jEZBr08:32
KruyKazemeowbuntu, doesn't work08:32
giacomo_c1does anyone know what that means or how to possibly fix it?08:33
KruyKazemeowbuntu, no remove option08:33
meowbuntuwell atm when i first boot os the cpu is maxed out. could that be cause i been on my comp too long08:33
pfifogwinbee, curl and wget both respect the enviromental variable http_proxy. if you can say for sure that the script is not using a proxy, edit line 68, I know wget uhas a switch to use a proxy in addition to the envvar08:33
meowbuntuKruyKaze, what options are there08:33
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: if it's at boot and then doesn't settle, you have a problem, if it settles, then you're okay.08:34
KruyKazemeowbuntu, sound options and mute08:34
KruyKazesound prefs*08:34
SpaceGhostC2CKruyKaze: no 'unlock' check box?08:34
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: what is maxing out the cpu? are you able to try top or htop?08:34
pfifoSpaceGhostC2C, puser, You dont need super user privileges to run that, im just looking to make sure the program exists and you can run it08:34
KruyKazeon the icon itself no08:34
meowbuntunot sure think it is a hot cpu that does it08:34
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: meowbuntu said it was at boot08:35
meowbuntu^ SolarisBoy08:35
puserSpaceGhostC2C: strange, after running:08:35
pusersudo apt-get install gnome-volume-control --reinstall08:35
puserI get:08:35
puserCan't find package gnome-volume-control08:35
puserI just noticed, I have gnome-volume-control-pulse, but no gnome-volume-control in Synaptic08:35
SpaceGhostC2Cpfifo: whereis <program>08:35
tullingenzonric, you don't have 'basics::quit::quit' permissions here08:35
meowbuntuthis usually happens after running for a long time adn when i reboot sometimes it fixes othertimes not08:35
meowbuntumy therory is that it may be my computer cant handle being in use for too long08:36
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: do you have a bunch of extra apps running? Or a million tabs in FF or chromium?08:36
meowbuntunothing just xchat atm08:36
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: whats at boot?08:36
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: what meowbuntu said. 100% cpu usage.08:37
SolarisBoyhow did we deduce this at boot time?08:37
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: I said if it persists there may be a problem.08:37
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: it's what s/he said.08:37
gwinbeepfifo: added. that change to line 68 only affects curl, correct?08:37
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: you're free to scroll back.,08:37
meowbuntuitds jumping between 75 - 100 yes08:37
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: no i read correctly the first time08:37
meowbuntubtw i never see swap in use08:37
pfifogwinbee, no, it only affects wget08:38
puserpfifo: it says that gnome-volume-control is not installed.08:38
puserOK, I will try to install it say the result08:38
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: what processor do you have?08:38
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, its runnung 75-100% on average atm08:38
pfifopuser, were on the right path, it cant run it if its not installed, thats for sure08:38
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: what processor is this on?08:38
meowbuntuCPU:       Single core Intel Pentium 4 (UP) cache 512 KB flags (sse2) clocked at 1835.906 MHz08:38
meowbuntuwith 768mbram08:39
gwinbeepfifo: I can't help but feel that I did this wrong, then. I apologize for my noobishness. http://pastebin.com/6hC5rewX08:39
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser do whereis gnome-volume-control08:39
pfifopuser, install the *-pulse package see if it provides our program08:39
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: what is being started at boot time? meowbuntu are you able to take top or htop to see what is maxing out the cpu?08:39
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: tell him/her to switch to a virtual terminal and login and use htop.08:40
pfifogwinbee, http://pastebin.com/cfveiJBZ08:40
ralph__Ok so actually ATI has a linux driver for my graphics card, i feel a little stupid for not even checking before :P08:40
puserpfifo: you are right, It's just I thought that I had it installed, but it actually was gnome-volume-control-pulse instead of just gnome-volume control., so, I tell you the result, it's being downloaded from the repo right now.08:40
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting08:40
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, i can but dont understand it. i really find the xp interface better as its not jumping around all the time08:41
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: you can sort top and will be more readable08:41
gwinbeepfifo: If I could, I'd buy you a beer. thanks. again.08:41
SpaceGhostC2Cgwinbee: you could. technically.08:41
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: when you open top there are certain keys you can press to sort it..like so as per help menu: l,t,m     Toggle Summaries: 'l' load avg; 't' task/cpu stats; 'm' mem info08:42
pfifopuser, ok good. if the package your installing has a program named 'gnome-volume-control-pulse' you should be able to use a symlink to get the applet to run it.08:42
giacomo_cany time i try to do anything via apt-get, i get this error:  http://pastebin.com/bK3jEZBr08:42
giacomo_ccan someone help?08:42
SolarisBoythis means if type top,, then type l you will have a sort of processes holding highest load on the cpu,, then typing m you can see processes using most memory,, also > or < can sort by column of your choice08:43
puserOK, thank you guys!!!!!08:43
puserIt worked, when I tried to run from the console:08:43
ralph__what's the difference between sudo and sh?08:43
puserit suggested installing gnome-media08:43
puserI installed it and it works now.08:43
FloodBot3puser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
SpaceGhostC2Cpuser: you owe it all to pfifo08:43
SolarisBoyralph__: sh is a command interpreter08:43
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: cookie | pfifo08:43
ubottupfifo: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:43
SolarisBoyralph__: sudo is a command used for priveledge escalation08:43
meowbuntuits ruby maxing things out i think08:43
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: it's a shell.08:43
puserpfifo: Thank You!!!08:43
ralph__SolarisBoy: thanks!08:44
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: what do shells do?08:44
meowbuntubut i need ruby to run one application i need to have08:44
SolarisBoyralph__: did you mean sudo and su ?08:44
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: lots, not just interpret commands.08:44
ralph__nope, i meant sudo and sh :P08:44
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: ok =) got me there08:44
ralph__i'm very new to linux08:44
demonsporkhow do I open a second manpage for something? I can read "man crontab" and it is crontab(1), but I can't figure out how to read "man crontab(5)08:44
SpaceGhostC2Crait's okay.08:44
SpaceGhostC2Cralph__: it's okay08:44
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, i need ruby for netresponsability08:44
pfifogiacomo_c, maybe try 'sudo apt-get update'08:44
ralph__like i have no idea why your name turns yellow when you're talking to me08:44
SpaceGhostC2Cdemonspork: press q then manpage 5 crontab08:45
ralph__or why my name has two underscores after it now08:45
giacomo_cpfifo, it doesn't change anything if i run update08:45
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: is ruby whats on the top and holding the CPU up? what is netresponsability?08:45
puserNow, I just have to figure out one little thing: why my skype is not getting a mic input, only white noise, while in sound recording apps, I got a recording08:45
pfifogiacomo_c, 'Need to get 0B/9,572kB of archives.' is quite disturbing to me08:45
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: so this runs in the background and logs internet traffic?08:46
supermatt1000help i cant get my game pad wworking in wine it says that one of the buttons are always pushed down08:46
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, its accountability software08:46
magedragon25anyone good with flash here??08:46
giacomo_cpfifo: i think that's because the packages are already installed, there's some problem with dpkg here08:46
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: right and it runs in the background and logs internet traffic08:46
SpaceGhostC2C!anyone > magedragon2508:46
ubottumagedragon25, please see my private message08:46
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: http://sourceforge.net/projects/responsibility/08:46
bvapuser, do you have skype linked to the audio output eg, is it not muted? You can check in the audio settings last tab button08:46
giacomo_ci mean, the packages are downloaded, not installed yet due to the error in dpkg pfifo08:47
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: that link looks like a joke :P08:47
demonsporkSpaceGhostC2C, thank you very much, I didn't think to put the number first08:47
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: its real08:47
pfifogiacomo_c, what dose synaptic do, and the update manager? or are you managing this via ssh?08:47
SpaceGhostC2Cdemonspork: no worries.08:47
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: still funny :)08:47
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: indeed =)08:47
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: i think the issue may be resources vs. a program like that08:47
giacomo_cim not using ssh.  synaptic gives me the same exact error, along with the updatemanager.  because it's running the same commands im running from the terminal08:47
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: a P4 right? Yeah.08:48
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, http://www.netresponsibility.com/08:48
SpaceGhostC2Cgiacomo_c: what is the link?08:48
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: yep its available on sourceforge as well,, i see what it does,, it sounds like a cpu/memory hog08:48
pfifogiacomo_c, perhaps try a 'sudo apt-get clean' and start over08:48
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: is there a config file that you can tweak settings or something?08:48
meowbuntuyes but i need it for my family to be protected. i have it set up so i get all dodgy stuff sent to email.08:48
ralph__umm....so i just tried going to facebook and now it's all in german?08:48
Spaztic_OneSpaceGhostC2C: I have been unable to establish a wireless connection while using ubuntu. According to lspci -v | less in the terminal, I have a WMP54G Version 4.5 using chipset BCM4318 [AirForce One 54G] which uses the bcm43xx-fwcutter driver... I do not know what to do from here, could you advise me?08:49
magedragon25I have 9.10 64bit. I have both adobe flash components installed thru synaptic. Most flash sites work, but I have to do work on Cisco's website and that is one of the sites my flash doesn't work right08:49
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: meowbuntu is this the sole purpose of that system?08:49
ralph__or whatever language this: ile iletişime geçmek için   is08:49
=== kb is now known as Guest39334
supermatt1000help i cant get my game pad wworking in wine it says that one of the buttons are always pushed down08:49
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: you used jockey-gtk?08:49
meowbuntuif someone can help me minimise netresponsabilitys usage so i can still run it better i would be gratefull08:49
psycho_oreosSpaztic_One, you'll need to manually modprobe b43 driver, or better yet reboot and let ubuntu try to load up b43 as usual08:49
SpaceGhostC2Cgiacomo_c: sudo apt-get -f install08:49
giacomo_cpfifo: i just did a clean, reupdated, then tried to upgrade again.  it redownloaded the files, but then couldn't install them due to the problem with dpkg08:49
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: generally people install proxies on a system that will be serving solely as a proxy,, if you expect to do other things you need to provide more resources08:49
giacomo_cSpaceGhostC2C: i'll try it08:49
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: show me the line in top for netresponsibility...08:50
supermatt1000help i cant get my game pad wworking in wine it says that one of the buttons are always pushed down08:50
ZykoticK9how could I find out what device (ie /dev/ttyS1, /dev/cua0, etc) my bluetooth USB adapter uses?08:50
SpaceGhostC2Csupermatt1000: sounds like a #wine problem08:50
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, usually info would be in via dmesg08:50
giacomo_cSpaceGhostC2C: that does nothing,08:50
Spaztic_OneSpaceGhostC2C: I do not know what any of what you said is, means, or how to do it (as applicable).08:51
SpaceGhostC2Cgiacomo_c: sorry friend.08:51
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, dmesg shows next to nothing.  lsusb will show the device name, but nothing more.08:51
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: i assume it is using a large chunk of your memory and holding up the processor, likely starving other processes which makes the system slow,, possibly if you really need to make this work as is you will think of adding physical resource to the system08:51
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: press ALT+F2 and type gksudo jockey-gtk08:51
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, when was the dongle plugged in? before/during or after bootup?08:51
magedragon25I have 9.10 64bit. I have both adobe flash components installed thru synaptic. Most flash sites work, but I have to do work on Cisco's website and that is one of the sites my flash doesn't work right on08:52
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, right now - dmesg only shows "usb 4-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 3" & "usb 4-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice" when it's plugged in08:52
SpaceGhostC2Cmagedragon25: there's a bit of problems with flash, it's improving though.08:52
TxMattis firestarter any goood?08:52
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, it might be missing driver/firmware08:53
magedragon25thought maybe I could find something....08:53
SpaceGhostC2CTxMatt: as it manages iptables, yes. But only as good as the person configuring it.08:53
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: good answer08:53
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, oh it works fine - i just need the info to try and get Wammu working08:53
duffydackM friends asus laptops numpad no longer works after an update (he doesnt know what), does anyone what the problem might be?08:53
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: I pride myself on my good answers. Thanks for noticing.08:53
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, pastebin your lsusb08:53
SpaceGhostC2Cduffydack:  a lack of information-sharing08:54
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/394571/08:54
duffydackok, just thought I`d ask... he`s not online and I dont have the laptop...08:54
SpaceGhostC2Cduffydack: input. Need input </johnney-5>08:54
SpaceGhostC2Cduffydack: My car is broken at the moment, how would I fix it?08:55
SpaceGhostC2Cduffydack: trade problems?08:55
alzamabarI'm creating a linux-swap partition. Is that a primary partition or an extended partition?08:56
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, which version of ubuntu are you using?08:56
SpaceGhostC2Calzamabar: depends on what you want, I'd use a primary if you have less than 4 other partitions.08:56
magedragon25Is there another fix besides running alsamixer in term for sound coming out of headphones and speakers at the same time?08:56
researcher1whats the meaning of `Failed to open the display from DISPLAY environmental variable` n how to correct it08:56
Dr_Willisalzamabar:  an extended HOLDS logicals08:56
Jordan_Ualzamabar: Yes ( it can be either )08:56
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, the version that can't be mentioned in this channel08:56
Dr_Willisalzamabar:  it can be primary or a logical  - Not sure if you can do it with just an 'extended'08:57
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: you can alternatively _not_ use that software.. there are other proxy softwares that are capable of doing that and more which are supported and in repos08:57
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, ah ha, because you don't have support in that channel or?08:57
SpaceGhostC2Cresearcher1: your xserver needs to know where to send the visual stuff and it isn't set.08:57
Dr_Willisan extended with no logicals.. would be a primary id think08:57
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, Lucid08:57
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, yeah I've figured that out, but what you've tried their channels with no answer?08:57
alzamabarSpaceGhostC2C: Thanks08:57
bazhangZykoticK9, you are using lucid?08:57
alzamabarDr_willis: thanks08:57
ZykoticK9bazhang, guilty08:58
SpaceGhostC2Calzamabar: anytime friend.08:58
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: that actually looks rather old/unsupported.. and scary it looks like the developer/maintainers dropped support for this in 2007 ?08:58
alzamabarJordan_U: thanks08:58
ZykoticK9bazhang, +1 i know (bad ZykoticK9, bad ZykoticK9)08:58
bazhangZykoticK9, the correct channel is #ubuntu+1 for lucid support and discussion08:58
Jordan_Ualzamabar: You're welcome08:58
magedragon25Is there another fix besides running alsamixer in term for sound coming out of headphones and speakers at the same time?08:58
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, have you actually given it a go with karmic or jackalope instead of heading towards lucid?08:59
sine`whats the command for disk info08:59
SolarisBoysine`: fdisk08:59
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, it's all good man, thanks for trying :)08:59
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: what sort of info?08:59
pfifosine`, what are you looking for?08:59
sine`i want to know how much hd space etc08:59
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, k08:59
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: partition sizes, or free space?08:59
sine`i cant remember it08:59
sine`just my drives and free space08:59
SolarisBoysine`: ahh file system info,, df08:59
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: du -h /08:59
sine`thats it!08:59
psycho_oreossine`, fdisk -l or df -h08:59
pfifosine`, `df -h`08:59
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, no its still activily supported. the origional creator handed the project on to others who still maintain it.09:00
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: df -h09:00
meowbuntuhere is the origional forum.09:00
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: i see .. well there are other choices which may work better for you,, squid possibly?09:00
sine`ok how do i format my usb drive that is /dev/sdb109:00
psycho_oreosdf -h will only show info on mounted partitions though09:00
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: more configurable even09:00
=== zinox is now known as geek
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: there are lots of ways.09:00
sine`i want it NTFS to take some files from my windows partition09:00
sine`quick NTFS09:00
psycho_oreossine`, mkfs.ntfs --help09:00
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: you could use a GUI programs.09:00
psycho_oreoslike qtparted/gparted09:01
meowbuntuhere is the new site maintained by the new people http://www.netresponsibility.com/ <- see when this was created09:01
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: you could use a few CLI ones. I prefer cfdisk09:01
sine`no i want a command line for it ive flirted with linux over the years and i just need refreshing09:01
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, are you sure they work similar09:01
sine`ill use mkfs09:01
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: I prefer cfdisk, try that. do sudo cfdisk /dev/<devicenode>09:01
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: this is doing nothing more than logging website that you 'flagged' ?09:01
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: okay. Have fun!09:02
meowbuntuthe best application i have found is xxxchurch (x3watch) but that is only a ubuntu application adn installed in wine will not log the ubuntu os09:02
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: what is meowbuntu trying to do and dear goodness why perl or whatever they have running?09:02
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, and sending them to my friend09:02
meowbuntuso i am kept accountable09:02
magedragon25Is there another fix besides running alsamixer in term for sound coming out of headphones and speakers at the same time?09:03
Spaztic_OneSpaceGhostC2C: No dice. Doing so brought up a window that said that there were no proprietary drivers present.09:03
gwinbeepfifo: not sure how, but those changes broke something.09:03
alesitoquien eres?09:03
SpaceGhostC2C!hi | alesito09:03
ubottualesito: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:03
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: looks like he is trying to log web requests sent from that PC using that s/w09:03
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: es | alesito09:04
ubottualesito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:04
gwinbeepfifo: danbooru_grabber_query_result: No such file or directory09:04
=== geek is now known as zinox
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: it is a daemon that monitors the box for web requests and does reports and all type of other things and sends mails etc etc09:04
stuart_how do i remove the username list at login?09:05
stuart_i dont' want people to see the 'options' they can login as09:05
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: why not just use squid? It's highly configurable.09:05
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: thats exactly what i said09:05
stuart_i prefer it to be just a Username: Password: screen09:05
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: I like you. You're a cool person.09:05
SolarisBoy;> ditto09:05
erorrsi am having a kde-crash issue in kubuntu 9.1009:06
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, squid is not goiong to do what netresponsability dies different app altogether09:06
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: yes it will and more09:06
SpaceGhostC2Cstuart_: System>Administration>Login Screen09:06
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, so how can i set it up to send reports to my friend then09:06
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: what are you doing exactly? What do you want from the setup?09:06
erorrsi am havin kde-crash in kubuntu 9.1009:07
brjannstuart_: open up a terminal and run this:     sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true09:07
stuart_SpaceGhostC2C: that only gives me the option to let me choose who will log in, or log in instantly. i want it to have no userlist09:07
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: record all sites and send them a daily digest.09:07
stuart_brjann: k will do09:07
SpaceGhostC2Cstuart_: look in gconf09:07
erorrsany help kde-crash in kubuntu 9.1009:07
erorrsany help kde-crash in kubuntu 9.1009:07
erorrsany help kde-crash in kubuntu 9.1009:07
FloodBot3erorrs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
brjannSpaceGhostC2C: it's actually in the gdm user's gconf, which makes it a bit harder to get to09:07
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: thats part of the configuration,, squid is likely going to call on you mail client to send mails and provide options for configuring a mail address and on what events you need to send mail09:07
stuart_wth is a kde crash09:07
pfifogwinbee, I dont really know what that scrip dose, and its too big for me to just rewrite. What is it your tring todo anyway?09:08
SpaceGhostC2Cstuart_: dont' bother.09:08
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: trust me squid is way suited for this task,, additionally you will get updates naturally from this, it is supported by a WAY huger community,, it is well known working software,, and if im not mistaken its not a resource hog09:08
meowbuntuSpaceGhostC2C, i am using this ap[plication http://www.netresponsibility.com/   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55028709:08
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: squid can do a lot, a single idea I have now is to send a daily digest of visited sited to your friend.09:08
meowbuntuSpaceGhostC2C, it uses ruby and hogs between 75-100% of memory09:09
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: the applications isn't the reason or rationale, what do you want to have accomplished?09:09
gwinbeepfifo: s'ok, I've stumbled across someone who knows more about that script specifically.09:09
Spaztic_OneSpaceGhostC2C: Any other ideas in regards to my wireless issue?09:09
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: its likely written and depends on ruby modules.. thats it09:09
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: ruby is not the issue that program is09:09
SpaceGhostC2CSpaztic_One: get your drivers and modprobe them in. I can't say how.09:09
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: SolarisBoy moving from that. what is the need that the program fills, so we can possibly suggest a different solution?09:10
=== aggelos is now known as Internetakias
sine`ok when trying to format the usb drive with mkfs.vfat it said i cant because its mounted, so i umount and then do df and i cant see it so how can i see drives that are unmounted please09:10
meowbuntunetresponsability only sends the sites that are considdered dodgy baised on keywords etc09:10
sine`i should have googled dont worry !09:11
meowbuntuok i am going to try squid09:11
zongoHi I have a 3G usb modem from zoom model 4595 and its not recognized as a serial modem. Is there any chance for me to make it work ?09:11
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: you need to use the /dev/<devicenode>09:11
zongoit has no linux driver09:11
meowbuntusine`, unmount and use gparted its better09:11
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: so you want a website blocker? Do you know the sites? You can also use your hosts file to do that.09:11
sine`no i want to learn command line !09:11
fugeHi! My tv card can not find any channel. the os is xubuntu and the previous version it was working09:12
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: then use the /dev/<devicenode>09:12
meowbuntuzongo, it should not need drivers thats the beauty of linux09:12
sine`I did09:12
sine`nkfs.vfat /dev/sdb109:12
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: with sudo?09:12
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: and den?09:12
zongomeowbuntu: well when it is not recognized as a serial modem what do you do ?09:12
afrodeitymetacity-common post-removal script returned error exit status 12709:13
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: he also gets mails from that s/w ... meowbuntu SpaceGhostC2C is correct dodgy sites can be sent to making them inaccesible so long as the user isn't bypassing the host file i believe09:13
meowbuntuno net responsability does not blok websits it moniters the internet usage looking for sites it thiks are dodgy baised on critera and then sends them to my friend09:13
SpaceGhostC2Czongo: pray. google and pray. :)09:13
zongoi have done google :)09:13
sine`sine@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb109:13
sine`mkfs.vfat 3.0.3 (18 May 2009)09:13
sine`mkfs.vfat: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system.09:13
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: you can also use iptables.09:13
zongoand pray --> not since i was 609:13
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: unmount it then.09:13
sine`i did but then i cant see it in df and i wondered..... how do you see unmounted drive in linux09:14
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: correct,, you can also use iptables & squid together for that matter =)09:14
sine`just out of curiosety09:14
psycho_oreosprobably the most easiest way out is to purchase a 3G capable router that will handle your 3G device09:14
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: if you're gonna format it, why look at it?09:14
sine`i cant spell09:14
psycho_oreossine`,  it needs to be mounted first09:14
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: and hosts09:14
meowbuntuzoom plug it in then boot os does it not pick it up09:15
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: *has* to be unmounted.09:15
sine`im trying to work out how it works. Im in command line and say my system doesnt AUTO mount usb drives how does an admin see whats connected09:15
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: adblock plus as well,, additionally lots of new routers allow you to do minimal url blocking09:15
SolarisBoywhich suffices for the home user09:15
psycho_oreossine`, for block devices its usually via mount09:15
meowbuntuzoom is this what you need http://www.techsupportforum.com/networking-forum/modems-cable-dsl-satellite/208758-zoom-56k-usb-modem-ubuntu.html09:15
sine`thats alli wanted to know09:15
meowbuntuzongo,  is this what you need http://www.techsupportforum.com/networking-forum/modems-cable-dsl-satellite/208758-zoom-56k-usb-modem-ubuntu.html09:16
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: but adblock is for ads not sites, it's a helper for sure.09:16
meowbuntuzongo,  plug it in then boot os does it not pick it up09:16
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: true09:16
zongoyes it is mounting but not as a serial modem09:16
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: lspci | less09:16
sine`its done09:16
SpaceGhostC2Csine`: that lets you see what hardware is in the machine.09:17
sine`ah yea i remember that one thanks09:17
psycho_oreosmeowbuntu, zongo has a zoom 3G modem not a 56K modem09:17
sine`i need a little pad to write down these important ones till i remember them09:17
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, ok i am going to try squid.09:17
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: let us know if you need help.09:18
LincoN^How do i mount a disk in Ubuntu? (like i do in Alcohol or daemon tools in windows)09:18
kinja-sheepLincoN^: Double-click the ISO.09:18
psycho_oreosLincoN^, for that you'll need cdemu09:18
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SolarisBoymeowbuntu: cool let us know if you need assistance on your task09:18
stuart_can i get a new xterm because i'm not really liking the one in linuxmint09:19
stuart_how can i change it to something better looking09:19
SpaceGhostC2Cstuart_: you can add another terminal.09:19
Dr_Willisstuart_:  thers dozens of terminal emulator programs out there09:19
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:19
SpaceGhostC2Cstuart_: we can't help you with linuxmint.09:19
LincoN^psycho_oreos,  should i download it using program thing?09:19
LincoN^ok ty09:19
LincoN^ill try09:19
SolarisBoyhey whats wrong with xterm =(09:20
psycho_oreosLincoN^, I don't think its available off synaptic by default cdemu would require you to add ppa09:20
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: make a directory. Then sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/for/iso09:20
kinja-sheepLincoN^: Sending Evolution or any other program to different desktop workspace usually work too.09:20
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: you don't need a extra program.09:20
kinja-sheepLincoN^: Oops. Wrong person.09:20
Dr_Willisi like 'terminator'09:20
SolarisBoyDr_Willis: I LOVE terminator09:20
brjann!mintsupport > stuart_09:20
ubottustuart_, please see my private message09:20
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, depends on what the person needs to use it for and what files are we talking about :)09:20
stuart_and what's the shortcut to change workdesk's again09:21
SpaceGhostC2CHand me anything with screen.09:21
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: Mounting a iso is best done in the command line, hands down. gmount is okay for GUI's09:21
SolarisBoyDr_Willis: they should make like profiles that you can autostart or let you save the way you have one terminator terminal09:21
Dr_WillisSolarisBoy:  edit the code. :) its a fancy python script I recall09:22
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: jsut learn screen.09:22
Dr_Willisuse screen in terminator :)09:22
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: you're hardcore.09:22
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: i know it to well.. my issue with screen sometimes is the switching and horridness of the splitting09:22
SolarisBoyDr_Willis: now screen + terminator is lethal09:22
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, the only limitation is that: 1) it can only handle ISO unless you use fusermount which may handle a few other exotic CD images. 2) When its mounted, its treated like a block device not as a virtual CD/DVD drive with that image file appearing as the disc09:22
Dr_Willis!info byobu09:23
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 2.38-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 53 kB, installed size 620 kB09:23
SolarisBoyDr_Willis: funny you mention i've actually been fooling with byobu as well09:23
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: with a GUI?09:23
LincoN^is this command line right? http://pastebin.com/Lt2xM9Xa09:23
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: not at all with the command line.09:23
SolarisBoyLincoN^: those spaces wont work09:23
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, no, that's a CLI based tool I've seen a few GUI for that but they don't work well09:23
LincoN^i noticed that09:24
sine`ok time to reboot thanks guys laters09:24
LincoN^so _ instead of space?09:24
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: mount is pretty simple.09:24
SolarisBoyLincoN^: sudo mount -o loop "/media/Lokal disk/hemtankat/Borderlands-RELOADED/rld-blns/Borderlands/rld-blns.iso" "/media/Lokal disk/hemtankat/Borderlands-RELOADED/rld-blns/Borderlands"09:24
meowbuntusquid is not in menu09:24
meowbuntuis squid a terminal application09:24
Dr_Williswhy would SQID be in the menus :)09:24
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: squid is generally configured in text files09:24
Dr_Willis!info squid09:25
ubottusquid (source: squid): Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.STABLE6-2ubuntu2.2 (karmic), package size 746 kB, installed size 1884 kB09:25
LincoN^SolarisBoy,  i just get an > and i can write more stuff after that09:25
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: if there is a space in the mounted drive, you have to escape it.09:25
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: I'll give you a fixed post.09:25
SolarisBoyLincoN^: did you keep all the qoutes as they are?09:25
meowbuntuok i have installed squid is there a gtk frount end for it09:25
SolarisBoyyea i was going to say the escape thing to,, i thought qoutes worked as well =(09:25
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, what I meant is that for example, 1) what if you encounter .nrg, .bin/.cue, etc? 2) what if you want to simply point smplayer to play a dvd but you have an image file of the dvd?09:26
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: mount will still mount them.09:26
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: in the end, mount is still mount.09:26
LincoN^so: file not found09:26
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: http://pastebin.com/VmaweZm209:26
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, I don't think you're following me but that's ok, you'll experience it sooner or later09:26
stuart_for more 'bigger company' servers, what distros are usually used? are GUI's usually installed?09:26
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, how can i get the gui for it in ubuntu09:27
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: I've mounted each of the file types you mention.09:27
SolarisBoystuart_: red hat ,solaris, aix , hp-ux, maybe debian or Suse, and no GUIs not used09:27
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, on which version? and they can also appear as virtual CD/DVD drives that you can simply point smplayer to play DVD for example in?09:27
LincoN^SpaceGhostC2C, results in http://pastebin.com/wg1cfdB109:27
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: if it makes you giddy, you can mount them to /media/cdrom09:27
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: would need to search on it,, i think there is a web configuration tool for it possibly09:27
stuart_SolarisBoy: k cool, thanks09:27
meowbuntuues there is09:28
SolarisBoystuart_: np09:28
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: linux.09:28
stuart_SolarisBoy: the solaris installations used for servers, are they free?09:28
LincoN^maybe i could install like alcohol 120% and wine it?09:28
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, I know its linux, I'm saying which version of ubuntu09:28
SolarisBoystuart_: no09:28
SolarisBoystuart_: opensolaris is however09:28
Dr_Willisvlc and mplayer can play dvd 'iso' files directly09:28
stuart_no freakin wonder i can't find solaris09:28
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: it isn't ubuntu-version dependent.09:28
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
meatbuni am on win7, want to install ubuntu without burning a cd. what's that app that will allow me to do so?09:29
Dr_Willismeatbun:  unetbootin - makes a bootable flash drive you can boot/install from09:29
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: infrarecorder will afaik09:29
stuart_SolarisBoy: have you ever messed with solaris?09:29
SolarisBoystuart_: now what do you think?09:29
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: look again and copy it better.09:29
tamranquestion: why does Ubuntu put the swap partition at the end of the drive and not the beginning of the drive? doesn't putting at the beginning increase speed on it a little?09:29
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: among other things, yeah.09:29
brjann!wubi | meatbun09:29
stuart_yeah good question09:29
ubottumeatbun: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:29
meatbunDr_Willis: there's another. forgot the name... something wutz09:29
SolarisBoystuart_: ofcourse =)09:29
stuart_SolarisBoy: does it differ much from linux09:29
Dr_Willistamran:  i doubt if it matters much these days with mondern hard drives09:30
meatbunyah. brjann wubi09:30
Dr_Willismeatbun:  theres several but unetbootinis themost common09:30
Dr_Willismeatbun:  see Pendrivelinux web site for lists of others09:30
llutztamran: by forcing the pain when using swap, they try to make you buying more RAM09:30
meatbunDr_Willis: ok. am going to try wubi09:30
Dr_Willismeatbun:  wubi does NOT do whatyou asked..09:30
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: http://pastebin.com/J1zigyHd Try that one.09:31
Dr_Willismeatbun:  i suggest virtualbox over wubi. I HATE wubi09:31
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, and those mdf/mds formats? b6i, b6t?09:31
SolarisBoystuart_: in general sense of management and administration no,, in sense of im coming from ubuntu/debian -> solaris, yes09:31
^mNotIntelligenthi all !09:31
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: can we not inject opinion into support?09:31
meatbunDr_Willis: wubi is a virtual OS?09:31
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: maybe just offer a secondary solution.09:31
stuart_SolarisBoy: okay cool, thanks agai09:31
Dr_Willis!wubi | meatbun09:31
ubottumeatbun: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:31
LincoN^it results in not finding file09:31
SolarisBoystuart_: anytime09:31
^mNotIntelligentcan someone help me installing apache2 on ubuntu 9.04... i'm getting errors: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apache2/apache2-utils_2.2.11-2ubuntu2.5_i386.deb: 404 Not Found09:32
LincoN^even tough it's right path09:32
Dr_WillisSpaceGhostC2C:  he ashed how to install without burning a cd.. i did offer suggestions and suggested virtualbox over wubi09:32
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: then you put the path in incorrectly. hmm.09:32
stuart_btw, how do i install skype on ubuntu09:32
^mNotIntelligentand many more like that...09:32
llutzLincoN^: don't use the dir with the iso as mountpoint09:32
Dr_Willismeatbun:  i see dozens of people in here a week with wubi issues that are very hard to fix.09:32
LincoN^SpaceGhostC2C, i copied the line at the top of the "explorer"09:32
brjannmeatbun: no, wubi does not use virtualization.09:32
meowbuntuwhat is better as a gui for squid  vim-gtk 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu2 or vim-gnome 2:7.2.245-2ubuntu209:32
^mNotIntelligentstuart_, get the pkg from skkypes site and install it ...thats the way i did it09:32
SolarisBoystuart_: skype isi installed afaik SpaceGhostC2C wasn't that part of default install at some point?09:32
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: unetbootin or putting grub2 on the usb and booting the iso09:33
meatbunDr_Willis: hm... ok09:33
meatbunbrjann: ok09:33
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: default install for what?09:33
Dr_Willismeatbun:  using 'virtualbox' would let you test out ubuntu in a virutal machine .09:33
SolarisBoySpaceGhostC2C: n/m i just confused ekiga with skype09:33
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: you're asking us if you want to install different text editors.09:33
meatbunDr_Willis: no. not what i need09:33
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: yeah. No worries.09:33
Slartmeowbuntu: eh.. those don't look like guis for squid at all.. for vim perhaps09:33
stuart_^mNotIntelligent: k thanks09:33
SpaceGhostC2Cmeatbun: what do you need?09:33
Dr_Willismeatbun:  but  if you want a normal type install. Use somthign like unetbootin tomake a bootable flash drive and boot/install from that09:33
LincoN^"Filen eller katalogen finns inte" = File or cataloge not found09:34
^mNotIntelligentstuart_, no probs09:34
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: your path is broken.09:34
stuart_wow elinks is some crazy stuff09:34
duffydackThis might sound odd, but is there a way I can have a certain application open up on the next free/empty workspace available?  like say I have 4 desktops and 2 have programs opened, it would then open up on desktop 3.09:34
llutzLincoN^: find ~ -name rld-blns.iso09:34
meatbunSpaceGhostC2C: regular ubuntu. using regular ISO, without burning cd. Dr_Willis said i need usb boot method09:34
SpaceGhostC2Cduffydack: look into something like devilspie09:34
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: devilspie > duffydack09:34
ubottuduffydack, please see my private message09:34
Slartduffydack: see if there is a compiz launcher thingy you can use.. (if you're using compiz).. or have a look at devilspie09:35
LincoN^hum, llutz rezults in i end up at desktop...09:35
pfifolulz, im using vmware to install XP on an external harddrive, take that M$09:35
LincoN^The file lays in an extern drive if that could be any problem09:35
llutzLincoN^: find /media -name rld-blns.iso              sorry09:35
SpaceGhostC2Cmeatbun: He's right. You need some sort of usb install. Unless you want the unsavoury Wubi install, which is best used for temporary ubuntu installs before a serious dedication.09:35
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, I've tried mounting .cue/.bin files, no dice, not even when specifying as -o loop.. tell me how you use mount without fusemount or cdemu?09:36
LincoN^I'm kinda new on ubuntu/linux systems :)09:36
SpaceGhostC2Cpfifo: say that sorta thing on #ubuntu-offtopic bro. Not here :)09:36
duffydackIm using compiz and I have the 'place windows' plugin already setup for some programs to open on certain desktops, but there is no option to open on a free workspace.09:36
meatbunSpaceGhostC2C: i thought wubi came a long way. there used to be phatlinux.iso09:36
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  thers a cue/bin to iso converter tool. 'bchunk' or somthing like that09:36
psycho_oreosDr_Willis, and without converting it prior to mounting it?09:37
ralph__so i installed the linux drivers for my video card from the ATI website, but i still can't the "normal" or "Extra" visual effects to work.  Anyone have any idea what to do?09:37
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/networking/squid.shtml09:37
duffydacknevermind..i`ll just expo/move the app.09:37
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  then you use some of the FUSE iso type tools.09:37
SpaceGhostC2Cmeatbun: best suggestion to get the best end experience is to use unetbooten like Dr_Willis originally said.09:37
SpaceGhostC2Cduffydack: don't like writing rules for windows?09:37
meatbunSpaceGhostC2C: yeah. i am reading09:37
psycho_oreosDr_Willis, that's what I said before, without using fusemount/cdemu09:37
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  many of those i read can access other then iso type formats09:37
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  then you dont.. there ya go.09:37
SpaceGhostC2Cmeatbun: let us know fi you need help.09:37
meatbunok thx09:38
LincoN^llutz, /media/Lokal disk/hemtankat/Borderlands-RELOADED/rld-blns/rld-blns.iso09:38
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  convert or use fuse tools09:38
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: here's an idea.09:38
psycho_oreosDr_Willis, I was trying to prove a point with SpaceGhostC2C when he said he can mount .nrg and .cue/.bin files through a simple mount command.. and also make it appear as a virtual drive09:38
psycho_oreosDr_Willis, which was what I highly doubted09:38
llutzLincoN^: sudo mount -o loop "/media/Lokal disk/hemtankat/Borderlands-RELOADED/rld-blns/rld-blns.iso" /mnt09:38
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  they appear as a directory. Not a virtual drive09:38
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  so thats a 'point' that may or may not matter09:38
Dr_Willispsycho_oreos:  dont expect copy protected games to work. :)09:39
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: I've done it. In linux you can't get it to appear like a cdrom. Learn how linux treats hardware.09:39
psycho_oreosDr_Willis, it does matter to me09:39
LincoN^llutz, nothing happends in terminal, where should files end up?09:39
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, you can with cdemu09:39
llutzLincoN^: nothing = OK, "ls -l /mnt"09:39
Dr_Willis!info cdemu09:39
ubottuPackage cdemu does not exist in karmic09:39
llutzLincoN^: your iso is mounted to /mnt now09:40
ralph__so i installed the linux drivers for my video card from the ATI website, but i still can't the "normal" or "Extra" visual effects to work.  Anyone have any idea what to do?09:40
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: why would I even care though? I can do a lot more with just using the superior "Everything in unix is a file" method.09:40
psycho_oreosSpaceGhostC2C, that's what I've said at least 3 times already, and it can handle exotic formats that usually mount can't handle with CD images apart from iso09:40
LincoN^how do i see /mnt llutz09:40
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: the previous link is good for getting squid running then you can look at this http://www.labtestproject.com/linnet/squid_block_address.html  which shows some other configuration steps09:40
llutzLincoN^:  "ls -l /mnt"09:40
SpaceGhostC2Cpsycho_oreos: I'm gonna drop it, feel free to argue with yourself.09:40
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: http://pastebin.com/ayGsakJx09:40
LincoN^http://pastebin.com/sYLUAbnF llutz09:41
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, there is also a channel #squid on freenode09:41
llutzLincoN^: thats your iso-content09:41
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: it's mounted.09:41
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: meet you in there?09:41
LincoN^how do i open files then?09:41
llutzLincoN^: and for further info on pirated stuff, ask the authors09:41
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: wine > LincoN^09:42
ubottuLincoN^, please see my private message09:42
SolarisBoyafaik when you mount an iso to loop it shows like you have a cd on the desktop no?09:42
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: piracy > LincoN^09:42
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: It shows like a folder.09:43
Dr_WillisSolarisBoy:  it shows up as a 'directory' with the contents.09:43
Dr_WillisSolarisBoy:  so not  quite the same09:43
SpaceGhostC2CSolarisBoy: if you have devices show up on your desktop, then yes.09:43
LincoN^yeah i know that, but where is the executable files? as where is the /mnt found?09:43
Dr_WillisLincoN^:  open a file manager type in /mnt/ for the address and look at the stuff09:43
LincoN^tyvm :D09:44
Dr_WillisLinux 'path' basics :)09:44
LincoN^Dr_Willis, i just started ubuntu/linux :)09:44
Dr_WillisLincoN^:  time to learn some basics then i think09:45
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com09:45
^mNotIntelligentDr_Willis, can you please help me installing apache2 on ubuntu 9.04 ?09:45
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: here's a pro-tip: don't try to use windows apps in linux, it's silly. We have a lot to use that you might love.09:45
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:45
Dr_Willis^mNotIntelligent:  see the url the bot just gavve09:45
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: do you juse randomly query the bot for no reason?09:45
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: use pipes please.09:45
Dr_WillisSpaceGhostC2C:  if he used a nick without fancy chars i might of.. but i cent get to that key :)09:46
LincoN^SpaceGhostC2C, really? i just had this game file on the disk and i had nothing to do so i try to install it :)09:46
^mNotIntelligentDr_Willis, i did it: sudo apt-get install apache2 ,,,but  getting errors saying the .deb pkg is not found ? nay idea ?09:46
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: sudo apt-get install apache should work at getting you 2.x09:46
^mNotIntelligent!hi | Daniel_09:46
ubottuDaniel_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:46
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis: you still typed it anywats :)09:46
Dr_Willis^mNotIntelligent:  no idea. i would guess you did a typo09:47
Dr_Willis^mNotIntelligent:  you may want to change your nick also to somthign more readable09:47
ikoniaSpaceGhostC2C: STOP directing people09:47
Dr_Willis^mNotIntelligent:  did you read the urls the bot gave?09:47
SpaceGhostC2CLincoN^: it's not a linux app, so I would say not to use it in linux. I wouldn't suggest using it, but if you want to use winedb to check if they got it working first.09:48
^mNotIntelligentDr_Willis, i guess something else is the issue, b'coz when i type sudo apt-get install apache2, it show the various debs its going to install and the size, and asks for confirmation and the these errros comes up09:48
^mNotIntelligentDr_Willis, I'm refering this: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html09:48
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia: I was informing him of pipes. I didn't direct him, I merely asked.09:48
ikoniaSpaceGhostC2C: I'm not discussing this - I'm telling you09:49
Dr_Willis^mNotIntelligent:  that guide says '6.06' that may  be a little old.09:49
ikoniaDr_Willis: still supported there09:49
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: try sudo apt-get install apache09:49
Dr_Willisbut package names may have changed09:49
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:49
Dr_WillisI dont use apache. :) so  thats about all i can sayon the topic09:49
chunhui_It works09:50
Dr_Willischunhui_:  are you sure it worked?09:50
ikoniaSpaceGhostC2C: please rejoin #ubuntu-ops09:50
jamiewan_Hi im using jaunty and my auto eth0 icon has dissapeared, i still have connection. can someone help how to retrieve it?09:50
=== Flechmen is now known as Danny_boy
SolarisBoyDr_Willis: i got apache2.2 on my last update from repos but im not 9.10 now09:50
SpaceGhostC2Cikonia: is there something you wish to discuss with me? Sure.09:50
chunhui_why I get a msg: "canno send to channel" at other channel?09:50
Dr_Willischunhui_:  its proberly a registered users only channel09:51
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, Dr_Willis : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/394594/09:51
chunhui_thanks, i got it09:51
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, i got the message: no candidate version found for apache when i did: sudo apt-get install apache09:52
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=== Flechmen_ is now known as [|
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: try sudo apt-get update ; then apt-cache search apache and see whats there09:53
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, I'm on ubuntu 9.04...tried doing an update but the pkg list is too big and i dont want to do that big an installation.... its huge09:54
SolarisBoyactually,, the problem is the repos not being hit ^mNotIntelligent i just read the pastie09:54
meowbuntuSpaceGhostC2C, anyone here use squid on ubuntu09:54
Azaiḿ from spain09:54
meowbuntuanyone here use squid on ubuntu09:54
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, yes, that means the pkg is not avialable anaymore, right?09:54
bazhangaza /join #ubuntu-es09:55
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: what happend when you did sudo apt-get update?09:55
=== [| is now known as Flechmen
Azahablais españoll???09:55
bazhangAza, english here /join #ubuntu-es09:56
overmind!es | Aza09:56
ubottuAza: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:56
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: there is excellent documentation online.09:57
ravenstrange thing with usb drive: tried to copy files to two different usb drives - created folder is there on both but the files are missing. what could be went wrong?09:58
orb01hey, I was wondering how I change the textfield input background color to white instead of black. It's different because I have the Oxygen theme enabled.09:58
ravenstrange thing with usb drive: tried to copy files to two different usb drives - created folder is there on both but the files are missing. what could be went wrong?09:59
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: no this is what happends when you can't contact the repository in your sources.list or under source.list.d09:59
SpaceGhostC2Craven: be patient. Ask every 15 minutes or so and you should be good.09:59
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, how could that be possible ?10:00
shazbotmcnastyraven, just re copy the files...10:00
benniHi, is there a possibility to install ubuntu from an older version with using dist-upgrade? I don't have a CD, no usb boot support and no PXE10:00
overmindraven: Have you tried doing "contr + h"? Maybe those files are hidden (surelly because they names start with a dot)10:01
meowbuntuSpaceGhostC2C, ok i am trying to find it10:01
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, I'm running an update and I guess its going to take hell of time.... and installation is pretty huge and unfortunately my net connections is slow today10:01
ortsvorsteherbenni: yes, install an older version and try dist-upgrade, it is possible10:01
Slartbenni: dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade to a new version.. there are other scripts for that10:01
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: I'll get you some links.10:01
Slartbenni: what kind of system is it? you can't pull out the hard drive?10:01
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: thats odd i can get to it in my browser10:02
benniSlart, its an old P4 system from my uncle and I only have a netbook over here10:02
Slartbenni: or you just want to avoid downloading the newest iso?10:02
jamiewan_Hi im using jaunty and my auto eth0 icon has dissapeared, i still have connection. can someone help on how to retrieve it?10:02
SpaceGhostC2Cmeowbuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid10:02
benniSlart, I have an usb stick with 9.10 on it, but well10:02
desenhi dudes. Pidgin issue: file transfer isn't working. I have a dynamic IP. I was thinking that i could open a FTP or HTTP port and let other upload/download files from a shared folder from my HDD. Is that possible ?10:03
Slartbenni: ah.. I see.. well.. you could try upgrading but the earlier upgrades were a bit shaky (7.X and earlier)10:03
SpaceGhostC2Cdesen: baashare is what you're looking for.10:03
jamiewan_well i can only got to about half of my bookmarks for starters10:03
benniSlart, the box is running 7.04 :)10:03
jamiewan_sorry wron window10:03
Slart!upgrade | benni10:03
ubottubenni: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:03
Azaalguien es de españaa10:03
overminddesen: Pidgin file transfer protocol uses different ports than msn's10:03
Azaalguien habal español10:04
Legoyo si10:04
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: yes update and try to install again your lists are old the versions were updated10:04
bazhangAza, this is english only10:04
bazhangAza, /join #ubuntu-es10:04
desenovermind, SpaceGhostC2C: using Yahoo protocol10:04
Azaestoi con el  portatil del colegio10:04
Slartbenni: there are upgrade tools available.. but I remember people having problems with them.. not sure which version they were using but I figured I might just throw that warning out ther10:04
Legoaza yo soy español10:04
Azay yo10:04
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apache2/apache2-utils_2.2.11-2ubuntu2.6_amd64.deb vs apache2-utils_2.2.11-2ubuntu2.5_i386.deb is what your apt is trying to still use10:04
SpaceGhostC2Cdesen: the protocol doesn't matter if you want them to be able to just send you files or serve up a file. Look at bashare10:05
Azaa vee si se callan los americanos estos10:05
Seveas!es | Lego, Aza10:05
ubottuLego, Aza: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:05
benniSlart, thank you, I even have an original 9.10 here but it doesn't work, sometime i get buffer errors, other times  alogin screen for the live cd, never had this10:05
desenthanx, SpaceGhostC2C10:05
Legoaza ¿lo has tunning?10:05
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, in my case apt is trying to install the 2nd one10:06
AzaQ cosa mas rara10:06
orb01hey, I was wondering how I change the textfield input background color to white instead of black. It's different because I have the Oxygen theme enabled.10:06
Legosoy cool X10:06
bazhangLego, english only here10:06
ardchoilleThank you bazhang10:06
bazhangLego, /join #ubuntu-es10:06
dstaubsaugerLego: try #ubuntu-es10:06
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: the update completed and you have tried again?10:06
Seveasorb01, change the theme :-)10:07
Legoaza estas ahi?10:07
bazhangLego, no he is gone. /join #ubuntu-es10:07
dstaubsaugerLego: espanol -> /join #ubuntu-es10:07
orb01Seveas, it should be customizable then?10:07
Seveasorb01, you'll need to edit its source probably10:08
Mohammad[B]i need a chat software for my Linux VPS for chatting with my VPS active users, like write but look like to a messenger ... can u help me ?10:08
orb01Seveas, oki :) thanks10:08
gregor_HI i need help with webcam and tv tuner. Webcam is Philips SPC 200NC, drivers are found by ubuntu. Camera works well with cheese and on test with command gstreamer propperties. However it does not work with skype. am i doing something wrong? also i can't seem to use it with empathy on yahoo account.10:08
SeveasMohammad[B], why not use irc?10:08
SpaceGhostC2CMohammad[B]: you can use talk or jabberd or irc..10:08
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, nopes...as i said update is pretty big.....i think its going to take quite a lot of time .... will get back to you later if I it dint work even after this update....appreciate ur help10:08
Azagente me echabais de menos?10:08
Azaya lo se10:08
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: no problem10:08
bazhangAza, english only here10:09
Seveasbazhang, time for some more permanent remedies :-)10:09
Mohammad[B]Seveas, SpaceGhostC2C, some times we cant connect to IRC i want that is in my VPS10:09
hacker_kidi have a pdf that wont print more than a few pages at a time, im using document viewer and i get the printing bar showing me which page is printing, after 15 or so it gets very very slow (3 pages per minute or so) and shortly after the application grays out and must be killed10:09
SpaceGhostC2CMohammad[B]: you can run your own IRC server10:09
SeveasMohammad[B], install an ircd on your machine and have the virtual machines connect to it10:09
orb01Another question. Is there a nice gui tool for me to get regular 8th inch microphones working?10:09
Legoaza qantos años tiens?10:09
overmindMohammad[B]: Try installing hybrid-ircd and hybrserv packages :)10:09
Mohammad[B]overmind, this is for IRC server ?10:10
SpaceGhostC2CMohammad[B]: yes.10:10
Azay tu?10:10
ardchoillebazhang: Clearly they aren't listening10:10
SpaceGhostC2CAza: no10:10
Mohammad[B]ok, thanks10:10
Seveas!ops | Aza and Lego aren't listening to suggestions to move to #ubuntu-es10:10
ubottuAza and Lego aren't listening to suggestions to move to #ubuntu-es: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:11
Azak es esta cosa :o10:11
Dr_Willisno hablo10:11
brjannhacker_kid: I have that happen sometimes when CUPS (the printer daemon) is trying to spool intricate graphics, especially in PDFs. anything like that in your document?10:12
=== yoshi is now known as Guest32890
Guest32890Alguien spanish?10:13
hacker_kidbrjann, yeah... any other reader prints fine but nothing except adobe can print even/odd only, and i need to manually duplex10:13
ortsvorsteher!es | Guest3289010:13
ubottuGuest32890: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:13
hacker_kidbrjann, and i have a clean record of 100% open source software on this box, i dont want to tarnish it if i dont have to10:13
^mNotIntelligent!es | Guest3289010:13
SpaceGhostC2Chacker_kid: if you have adobe anythign on it, it isn't open souece.10:14
sriniwhat does mean apt-mirror? and how to configure on ubuntu?10:14
brjannhacker_kid: understandable. I haven't found a particular solution to that problem, but I have noticed that most of the time, even if the window grays out, it's still working, and will eventually finish. it just seems to really have to think about those graphics.10:14
hacker_kidSpaceGhostC2C, im aware of that, i was stating that other than adobe document viewer is the only pdf reader i have found that can print either odd or even pages, i do not have adobe installed10:14
Guest32890sta christiam d 5 primaria d huelva?10:15
mh99sometux: \o10:15
Guest32890alguien español?10:15
mh99sometux: you are a great person!10:15
hacker_kidbrjann, alright, thats encouraging at least... i will leave it to print overnight and hopefully have a few pages in the morning... i guess i am asking too much for it to process 600+ pages at the drop of a hat10:15
overmindNo here10:15
sometuxmh99: thankx10:16
=== SpaceGhostC2C is now known as wc66
Guest32890alguien mexicano?10:16
ravenshazbotmcnasty, recopying the files is a problem because i verified they are copied and then deleted the rest but now i cannot see any file also in lowlevel rescue scanning - what is going on there??10:16
ravenovermind, yes i tested - the files are not hidden as well10:16
shazbotmcnastyremount - cd into the directory10:17
shazbotmcnastydo "ls"10:17
shazbotmcnastyif you can't see them do "ls -a"10:17
Guest32890Everyone no spanish or mexican?10:17
shazbotmcnastythen you will PROBABLY see them, and can access them10:17
bazhangGuest32890, not here10:17
shazbotmcnasty!spanish Guest3289010:17
overmind!offtopic | Guest3289010:18
bazhangGuest32890, join #ubuntu-es10:18
ubottuGuest32890: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:18
shazbotmcnasty!spanish | Guest3289010:18
ubottuGuest32890: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:18
brjannhacker_kid: with a document of that size, it may be also be waiting for the printer to catch up some before it spools more. But I'm not sure.10:18
=== wc66 is now known as SpaceGhostC2C
hacker_kidbrjann, hehe alright, i guess i shouldnt be so darn long winded XD10:19
mariobrosalguien español?10:20
bazhangmariobros, here is English /join #ubuntu-es10:21
overmindWhat's happening with spanish' guys today?10:21
mariobrosare cool10:21
bazhangmariobros, do you have an Ubuntu support question?10:23
shazbotmcnastyhow do I computer?10:23
bazhangshazbotmcnasty, in #ubuntu-offtopic10:23
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, i did the update and now doing the installation of apache2.... hope it'll work fine...thanks a lot10:24
shazbotmcnastyno thanks, I'm just waiting for someone to ask something that I can help with10:24
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: cool let me know what happends =)10:24
motaka2heelo i cant delete some files from my flash memory, saying " chmod: changing permissions of `/media/disk/.Trash-1000.exe': Read-only file system "   when i sudo chmod -R 777 /media/10:25
p1gmale0nhow to setup ntp without transfer time ??10:26
pfifoyour trash-1000 is an .exe?10:26
Dr_Willismotaka2:  you proberly dont want to chmode /media/   also10:26
motaka2pfifo: yes,10:26
SolarisBoymotaka2: it looks like the device mounted on /media/disk is mounted read only10:27
llutzmotaka2: " Read-only file system "    remount it rw before10:27
uber35hello there10:27
meowbuntuhi i have installed a .deb package from cli (terminal) where has it installed to10:27
llutzmeowbuntu: dpkg -L packagename-you-installed10:28
pfifomeowbuntu, should have installed on /10:28
meowbuntuits not in temp or ~/downloads10:28
motaka2so tell me what should i do so i can delete the directories on it?10:28
^mNotIntelligentSolarisBoy, "it works" :-) thanks again10:28
SolarisBoy^mNotIntelligent: awesome =)10:28
SolarisBoyp1gmale0n: ntp without transfer time?10:28
uber35I have a problem with wireshark, the network analyzer... When I start it with root privileges, it hangs my PC badly :(10:29
motaka2llutz: look i remount it, but seems it is yet read only10:29
SolarisBoymotaka2: this is a windows fs no?10:29
llutzmotaka2: hardware write-protected?10:29
^mNotIntelligentmeowbuntu, the binaries generally gets copied to /bin , /sbin etc10:29
mariobrosAlguen español?10:30
^mNotIntelligent! es | mariobros10:30
ubottumariobros: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:30
SolarisBoymotaka2: llutz that also happends when its a windows fs that has a dirty flag on it and needs to be shutdown cleanly or chkdsk from M$10:30
llutzSolarisBoy: then mount would give an error and refuse to mount10:31
motaka2llutz: SolarisBoy  i dont know the answer to your questions, but i connect this flash sometimes to windows too10:31
meowbuntustuff this i am trying to install clamav10:31
meowbuntuerors its so hard y10:31
SolarisBoyllutz: hmm10:31
llutzmeowbuntu: "dpkg -L packagename-you-installed"10:31
motaka2llutz: is there a soloution?10:32
llutzmotaka2: sudo mount -o remount,rw /your/mount/point10:33
llutzmotaka2: and btw, if it is ntfs, you cannot use chown10:33
llutzmotaka2: "man mount"  (uid/gid, fmask/dmas) for valid mount-options10:34
motaka2donkarlo@donkarlo-desktop:~$ motaka2: sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/disk/10:34
motaka2bash: motaka2:: command not found10:34
motaka2llutz: since i am a newbie i dont understand you at all10:34
meowbuntucalm av says there si a new gui where how do i get it10:34
Dr_Willismotaka2:  look at the command you ran... notice the typo?10:34
Dr_Willismotaka2:  hint.. you pasted your IRC nick. :)10:35
llutzmotaka2: sudo mount -o remount,rw,uid=1000 /your/mount/point10:35
SolarisBoyremove your username motaka2  "sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/disk/"10:35
SolarisBoymotaka2: only whats  in quotes there =)10:35
motaka2oh yeah i got it10:35
motaka2SolarisBoy: Dr_Willis  no not yet, i cant remove sthem10:37
motaka2SolarisBoy: llutz  it says "Error removing file: Read-only file system" when i try to delete a dir10:38
llutzmotaka2: still mounted ro10:38
SolarisBoysounds like the fs has errors...10:38
llutz!ntfs >motaka2: "man mount"  (uid/gid, fmask/dmas) for valid mount-options10:38
motaka2llutz: what should i do with it then?10:39
sammmhey, does anyone in here use XChat?10:39
llutzmotaka2: sudo mount -o remount,rw,uid=1000 /your/mount/point10:39
motaka2llutz: i dont understand you10:39
llutzmotaka2:  /your/mount/point    replace this10:39
srinihow to setup apt-mirror on ubuntu?10:39
llutzmotaka2: for some basics, please consider reading things like http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/10:40
researcher1when I run ls command the list of file scroll above. How can I get in 1 screen all files list10:40
SolarisBoymotaka2: 'sudo mount -o remount,rw,uid=1000 /media/disk'10:40
mariobrosalguien español?10:40
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  ls | more10:40
Dr_Willisresearcher1:  ls | less10:40
motaka2SolarisBoy: llutz  no no no, it doesnt work10:41
disasterous_instcan anyone tell me what the command is to see the md5sum for a file?10:41
SolarisBoymotaka can you try this 'sudo mount -f -o remount,rw,uid=1000 /media/disk' ?10:41
researcher1is it possible to uninstall Ubuntu server10:42
disasterous_instpfifo: it keeps telling me no such file or directory10:42
stenogrizhi all!10:43
pfifodisasterous_inst, are you running md5sum on a non-existant file or is the file md5sum not found?10:43
motaka2SolarisBoy: no, it doesnt10:43
disasterous_instpfifo: no, it's telling me that the file im trying to get the md5sum of doesnt exist10:44
hl_99hey, is there any way i can retrieve the wireless lan pw that is already saved in my system?10:44
Dr_Willisdisasterous_inst:  whats the comp-lete command you are using?10:44
acicularesearcher1: you cant uninstall partitions  like programs, bar just wiping the partition it resides on10:44
SolarisBoymotaka2: one second10:44
=== nathan_ is now known as asshole
azroonok, i got a laptop with ati mobility hd3650, selected driver from system>administration>hardware drivers, clicked enable, then rebooted to a blank screen with flashing caps lock - what now? ubuntu 9.1010:44
disasterous_instDr_Willis: md5sum <file>10:44
=== asshole is now known as Guest98106
Dr_Willisdisasterous_inst:  err.. You are using the actual FILE NAME instead of <file> ?10:45
disasterous_instDr_Willis: yes10:45
disasterous_instDr_Willis: im using the actual filename10:45
Dr_Willisthats why i asked for the exact filename.. YOu are proberly doing a typo10:45
SandraaI am not spiking in inglish10:45
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:45
hatake_kakashi!es | Sandraa10:46
ubottuSandraa: please see above10:46
Dr_Willismd5sum foo.iso        works for me10:46
disasterous_instmd5sum pfSense10:46
disasterous_instDr_Willis: md5sum pfSense10:46
aciculaazroon: boot into the rescue mode and try reconfiguring the xserver from there10:46
Dr_Williswhat does 'file pfSence' say then?10:46
icerootdisasterous_inst: ls -l pfSense10:47
disasterous_instDr_Willis: I'm using tab-complete10:47
underdevhi- i unnstalled something, and my ubuntu has been.. quirky.. ever since.  Ubuntu is now not detecting external usb storage media.  It detects my USB wireless nic fine, but neither my HD or my mp3 player.10:47
aciculaand dont reenable the binary ati driver :/10:47
azroontalk in boon lang plz10:47
aciculaunderdev: using an usb hub?10:47
disasterous_instDr_Willis: it's saying it doesnt exist too10:47
underdevacicula: no, the ports on the Motherboard10:47
icerootdisasterous_inst: ls -l pfSense10:47
Dr_Willisdisasterous_inst:  you got somthing weird going on.10:47
aciculaunderdev: there is some hal addon storage process that takes care of mounting usb drives, but forgot what its called exactly10:48
SolarisBoymotaka2: 'sudo mount -o force /media/disk'10:48
aciculawhat did you remove?10:48
disasterous_instsorry forgot to add the extension, sorry about that10:48
azroonin the recovery menu there is: resume, clean, dpkg, grub, netroot, root10:48
aciculadpkg soons good10:48
motaka2SolarisBoy: donkarlo@donkarlo-desktop:~$ sudo mount -o force /media/disk10:48
motaka2mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /media/disk busy10:48
motaka2mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /media/disk10:48
FloodBot3motaka2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:48
aciculadoes it say what that does?10:49
azroonwhat do i select10:49
azroonin the recovery menu there is: resume, clean, dpkg, grub, netroot, root10:49
SolarisBoymotaka2: right 'sudo umount /media/disk && mount -o force /media/disk'10:49
SolarisBoymotaka2: correction 'sudo umount /media/disk && sudo mount -o force /media/disk'10:49
underdevi removed kttsd, i think.  it took out my printer configuration from my System->admin menu10:49
aciculaazroon: whats the description for dpkg10:50
puserOK, if anybody is interested, I figured out the problem with mic in Skype.10:50
underdevbut i was guided from here to get that back10:50
azroondpkg: repair broken pakages10:50
puserI had to uncheck: Allow Skype to automatically adjust my mixer levels10:50
puserbecause, when it was checked, Skype was changing the mic levels too low.10:51
motaka2SolarisBoy: donkarlo@donkarlo-desktop:~$ sudo umount /media/disk && sudo mount -o force /media/disk10:51
motaka2mount: can't find /media/disk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:51
palmahow are you??10:51
sammmthanks for that puser. I've had the same problem!10:51
aciculaazroon: hmm thats not it then10:51
azroonroot: drop to root shell prompt?10:51
aciculaazroon: you could drop to a shell and try to remove the graphic driver form the root shell prompt10:51
aciculanot sure what the command for that is though10:52
azroonwhat do i type?10:52
azroonanyone know?10:52
=== squiddy is now known as Guest91187
pfifo!hola | palma10:52
aciculasudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:52
palmaI from Spain and you?10:52
pfifopalma, im located at
palmatu eres español??10:52
aciculathat may set the xserver back to the default, but not sure if you first have to remove the ati driver10:53
acicula!es | palma10:53
ubottupalma: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:53
SolarisBoymotaka2: then after you unmount it with 'sudo umount /media/disk' given the device is /dev/sdb1 do.. 'sudo mount -o force /dev/sdb1 /media/disk'10:53
Guest91187hi, i want to find out where is my optical drive located, like for example, my HDD is on /dev/sda. how do i do that ?10:53
aciculapalma: pfifo please speak english in this channel10:53
palmaesk todo el mundo habla en ingles por eso10:53
underdevwhen i "sudo fdisk -l", no usb storage media is detected?10:53
palmaI love speak in english10:53
aciculaunderdev: does the device show via lsusb10:54
palmaHow are you??10:54
pfifoacicula, I do.10:54
aciculapalma: this is a support channel, for non-ubuntu questions use ubuntu-offtopic10:54
pusersammm: you are welcome10:54
aciculaor #defocus10:55
Slartunderdev: I see my usb devices when I run "sudo fdisk -l"10:55
brjannGuest91187: at the command line, try     dmesg | grep 'Attached'10:55
azroonstill blank screen10:56
underdevacicula: there is a Bus 002 Device 002: "microsoft..."  <-- this may very well be my external HD10:56
palmais very funny this channel I don't see this channel10:56
eradicusanyone who encountered IRC programs such as x-chat 2.8.6 being blocked upon upgrading to Karmic?10:56
underdevacicula: its probably ntfs10:56
aciculaunderdev: post a little bit more(pastebin)10:56
Slartpalma: type  /join #ubuntu-offtopic     and you should get there10:56
azroonany other ideas acicula10:56
Guest91187brjann, thanks that works :) anyway, is there any ther way like fdisk -l to list my dvd drive ?10:57
brjannGuest91187: for what purpose? CDs and DVDs don't have the same layouts as hard disks do10:58
aciculaazroon: remove the xorg-driver-fglrx package from the console via apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx ?10:58
aciculathat should remove the ati driver too10:58
azroonkk sec10:58
underdevacicula: pastie.org/86770110:58
palmaSorry I did not speak very well English, Spanish is that I am truly sorry10:58
aciculanot really sure if thats the proper way but it should force the driver off the system10:59
Guest91187brjann, i mean other way to check where the dvd drive is located besides using 'grep'.10:59
aciculaunderdev: in dmesg it will tell you what drives are assigned10:59
aciculaunderdev: hubs are not disks though11:00
SolarisBoyGuest91187: ls -l /dev/cdrom* ?11:00
brjannGuest91187: well, typically the kernel drivers just symlink it to /dev/cdrom11:00
palmaI love this channel11:00
martienis this channel for help on Ubuntu?11:00
underdevacicula: ty, i will dig through the dmesg info11:00
aciculaunderdev: if you unplug and replug the device the last few dmesg lines will hold what you are looking for11:01
Gneamartien: it is11:01
natediddymartien, uh yes11:01
palmathanks acicula FOR HELP BEFORE11:01
martienTwo days ago I installed Xubuntu11:01
Dr_WillisGuest91187:  ls -l /dev/dvd  perhaps11:01
martienI have noticed Python is already installed11:01
martienbut it s not in the <Application> <Development> tree of the menu11:02
Dr_Willismartien:  python is normally preinstalled.  yes.11:02
martienwhat happened?11:02
Dr_Willismartien:  python dosent hafe a gui.11:02
Gneapalma: you may find #ubuntu-es to be a better channel for you11:02
natediddyanything i have to do to install a .deb file???????11:02
Dr_Willismartien:  programs that USE pythom may have a gui11:02
Guest91187SolarisBoy & brjann, aha! that helps. many thanks for you guys.. i was looking the easiest way to remember :D11:02
Gneanatediddy: sudo dpkg -i file.deb11:03
Dr_Willisnatediddy:  double click on it.. or use 'sudo dpkg -i what3ever.deb'11:03
SolarisBoyGuest91187: np11:03
natediddyok thanx11:03
aciculanatediddy: dpkg -i, but best to stick to packages available via the repository11:03
azroonacicula ubuntu is now running in low graphics mode fine but we need graphic drivers for the ati mobility 365011:03
martienLike IDLE?11:03
palmaI came with my the notebook11:03
SolarisBoymartien: yes python is a scripting language wouldn't come with a gui11:03
Guest91187Dr_Willis, thanks that give me the same output as the /dev/cdrom11:03
aciculaazroon: the open source drivers should give you better resolution?11:03
martienok. So I was looking for something that isn't there11:04
azroonhow can i get those? =p11:04
acicularerun the xserver reconfiguration11:04
aciculanot sure really :) sec11:04
azroonhow do i do that? rofls11:04
Dr_WillisGuest91187:  so... it says what then?11:04
Guest91187Dr_Willis, sr011:04
Gneapalma: ya que no entiende muy bien el Inglés, # ubuntu-es podría ser un lugar que usted puede entender el español.11:05
Dr_WillisGuest91187:  there ya go.. your optial drive is /dev/sr011:05
palmawell sorry but I finish de work11:05
Guest91187Dr_Willis, yup :D11:05
SolarisBoymartien: yep,, you can open a terminal window and type 'python -v' for version and you can type simply 'python' which is interactive,, there you can type help() if you are looking for some info or interface with python11:05
aciculaazroon:  sudo apt-get purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-kernel-source xorg-driver-fglrx-dev to make sure the fglrx is not interfering,11:05
theeggacicula insert remove11:06
aciculaah yeah that would help11:06
aciculajust going off the wiki here11:06
aciculaand then reconfigure the xserver with   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:06
underdevacicula: pastie.org/86770111:07
underdevit sees my mp3 player11:08
underdevbut doesn't mount it11:08
aciculaunderdev: [ 2830.117714]  sdc: sdc111:08
aciculaunderdev: you probably killed off the automounter somehow or the system cant mount the fs on the mp3 player?11:09
johnalguien español11:09
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount11:09
acicula!es | john11:09
ubottujohn: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:09
underdevacicula: it could read the fs on the mp3 player before.  I am quite confident its something in the automounter chain that's fubared... is there anything i can do about it?11:10
Dr_Willisive had so many issues with the gvfs automounter  - i just mount thins by hand most of the time11:10
azroonacicula didnt work11:11
azroonsaid fglrx or something didnt excist11:11
SolarisBoyunderdev: do you see the device by brand in 'cat /proc/scsi/scsi' ?11:11
brutusHi...whenever I edit fstab to include mounting my ntfs (C drive) partition at startup, my machine becomes manifold slower (because of mount.ntfs) process as shown with top....how do I solve this?11:11
azroonwe are back in root11:12
azroonwhat should i type?11:12
underdevSolarisBoy: yes11:12
underdevSolarisBoy: ITS THERE!!11:12
underdevand the western digital external HD too11:13
ksbalajisorry= I tinkered with video and now my panels are gone! how to display them again please?!11:13
ksbalajimine=hardy 8.04 - help restore panels.11:13
aciculaazroon: didnt you have graphics working again?11:13
acicularerun the11:14
azroonwe did11:14
SolarisBoyunderdev: is there an entry for sdc1 in fstab?11:14
azroonin low gfx mode11:14
azroonwe typed the commands11:14
aciculaxorg reconfiguration11:14
azroonthen rebooted11:14
FloodBot3azroon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:14
aciculaand try booting back into the grahic environment11:14
azroonand its still in low gfx mode11:14
aciculadid you have a low res gfx mode before?11:14
azroonwont let me =p11:14
SolarisBoyunderdev: 'grep sdc1 /etc/fstab'11:14
aciculaazroon: well at least we coverred one hurdle11:15
meowbuntunow i need to configure how to send reports to my friend11:15
aciculaazroon: for some reason the open source drivers(that give you better resolution) dont appear to be enabled11:15
azroonthats what caused the probs i think11:15
azroondo you enable them in system>administration> hardware drivers?11:16
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: nice work did you get it set up to the point its ready to send mails =) ...11:16
meowbuntuprobably i followed that site to the end it was verry easy11:16
azroonbecause we enabled them, and thats when it booted into a blank screen with a flashing caps lock light11:16
meowbuntuhi i now have squid set up on ubuntu 9.10 with dansguardian and clamav.11:16
azroonaesdfh gjkn,11:16
palmaI finish work11:16
ksbalajimine is asus P5KPL-AM board running hardy 8.04 = Help me restore desktop panels! please11:16
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, do you know how to set that up11:17
azroonstupid dick friend11:17
Gneaksbalaji: what desktop panels? you mean on top/bottom?11:17
aciculaazroon: there are two versions , open source and binary ati drivers11:17
aciculaok please leave azroon11:17
overmind!panels | ksbalaji11:17
ubottuksbalaji: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »11:17
devdzis it possible i open a directory in a window like for exp: /etc/default/  .. but using shell commands11:17
ksbalajiGnea, yes. I tinkered with video and lost panels11:17
azroonthe spam was my friend being a dick not you11:18
aciculawhat you typed is inapropriate and offensive11:18
Gneaacicula: no need to misinterpret right off the bat11:18
palmaWho live in Spain??11:18
azroonhow is dick offensive?11:18
Dr_Willisdevdz:  nautilus /path/to/open11:18
azroonits a name aswell11:18
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:18
erUSULpalma: me11:18
svennhey everyone: )11:19
azroonwell if i didnt say it u would have gone off at me for spam11:19
erUSUL!es | palma11:19
ubottupalma: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:19
ginbuntuwhy is Ubuntu server 9.10 so buggy?11:19
palmaerusul:ok and me11:19
silv3r_m00nhi there11:19
meowbuntuanyone using squid i need to configure it for sending email reports11:19
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: use google to look for how tos on setting up alert mails from squid or the likes,, also at least configure your sendmail client to use a relay and set a cron to cat /path/to/squid.logs | mailx -s "Squid Logs" user@domain.net every so often11:19
svenni have a filesystem problem when trying to install ubuntu 9.111:19
ginbuntuI installed Ubuntu server 9.10 did a system update and now the machine doesn't even boot11:19
azroonsoooo how do i get binary ati drivers?11:19
jrib!ati > azroon11:19
ubottuazroon, please see my private message11:19
ginbuntuit hangs at /dev/sda1: clean11:19
meowbuntuSolarisBoy, i use google webmail11:19
silv3r_m00nin gnome , nautilus asks for a password when I try to access other partitions , and then I can copy paste files there , how to do the same with dolphin11:19
ksbalajiovermind, tried but panels not to be seen!11:19
Gneaksbalaji: can you open a terminal?11:20
palmaWho live in England?11:20
ikoniawhy ?11:20
malicCan i copy my home folder to an external drive and access it with a mac? Or are there problems with the rights?11:20
erUSUL!ot | palma11:20
ubottupalma: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:20
Gneaksbalaji: er, can you logout/login?11:20
ksbalajiGnea, yes. That is how I now opened xchat.!11:20
SolarisBoymeowbuntu: perfect you can configure sendmail to send to your account11:20
overmind!offtopic | palma11:20
ksbalajiGnea, I do not know. I have to switch off!11:21
Gneaksbalaji: try ctrl-alt-backspace11:21
ksbalajiI now use alt+ctl+back!11:21
johnalguien s español o mejicano11:21
ksbalajibut where are the panels please?11:21
erUSUL!es | john11:21
ubottujohn: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:21
meowbuntusol i have been looking for 15 mins on how to send emails from squid without any luck11:21
devdzDr_Willis, thanks :)11:21
palmaurusul: do you like my friend11:21
svennAnyone can tell me how to format current HD's and format them so ubuntu can install on them ?11:21
Gneaksbalaji: login again and the panels should be there11:21
ikoniasvenn: the installer will do that for you11:22
ksbalajiok . Gnea let me try.11:22
svennit doesn't :(11:22
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap11:22
svennit says there is a file problem11:22
azroonacicula will you quit being a girl i said 'dick' get over it ;)11:22
Dr_Willissvenn:  the custome install option in the installer can let you partition/format the hds how you want.11:22
svennthen i log on in the live cd11:22
palmaUrusul: Do you like my friend plis??11:22
ikoniasvenn: it does, when you partition it, it will have a check box next to "format"11:22
Gneaazroon: no need to continue.11:22
Dr_Willissvenn:  or use gparted on a live cd11:22
lahmasLol, a trojan hijacked my windows explorer.exe - you don't know how I'm installing ubuntu next week...11:22
johnalguien es español?11:22
ikoniaazroon: drop that attitude now, and control the language11:22
svennthx, ill try gparted11:22
Slart!es | john11:22
ubottujohn: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:22
erUSULpalma: ¿? this is not a social chanel.11:23
svennwhat type of file system is suited for ubuntu ?11:23
meowbuntuSolarisBoy,  i have been looking for 15 mins on how to send emails from squid without any luck11:23
palmaUrusul: I haven't got a friend that speak in english11:23
erUSULsvenn: ext411:23
ikoniasvenn: ext3 or ext4 is the default, again the installer will deal with this11:23
underdevSolarisBoy: okay, the external HD is not being detected, but the player is11:23
ikoniapalma: try the channel #defocus11:23
malicCan i copy my home folder to an external drive and access it with a mac? Or are there problems with the rights?11:24
erUSULpalma: go to #ubuntu-es-offtopic11:24
underdevSolarisBoy: no, the grep against /etc/fstab has no sdc111:24
ksbalajiGnea, no use: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel ()gnome-panel: no process killed11:24
ikoniamalic: permissions won't be a problem, but file system compatability will be11:24
erUSULmalic: i do not think MAcOSX can access ext* filesystems11:24
johnalguien habla español?11:24
Slartmalic: permissions won't trouble you if you access the files from another system.. they only apply on the ubuntu system11:24
ikoniapalma: stop now please11:24
Gneaksbalaji: ok try "gnome-panel" instead of "killall gnome-panel"11:24
palmahola JONH11:24
malicSlart..why not? i thaught its also possible to access ext* filesystems with windows (with special drivers)11:25
svennikonia i got this dutch error : "er is geen basisbestandssysteem gedefinieerd"11:25
ikoniamalic: you said mac - not windows11:25
aciculaazroon: i consider your behaviour abrasive and rude so i will not help you further no11:25
malicyes ikonia.. my new notebool will be a mac..11:25
ikoniaazroon: drop it please11:25
ikoniamalic: ok - so why are you referncing what windows can do11:26
Slartmalic: if you set some permission on a file in ubuntu and then reboot to windows/mac/another linux distro and access the file from there it should ignore the permissions11:26
motaka2SolarisBoy: are you thre?11:26
SolarisBoyunderdev you can try adding it to fstab i did that with my WD external 70 gb my line is like this -> '/dev/sdb1 /media/external_storage ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0'11:26
SolarisBoymotaka2: yes11:26
malicbecaus windows is bullshit :)11:26
Slartmalic: or at least you can tell it to ignore the permissions11:26
SolarisBoymotaka2: i suggest you look at squid documentation11:26
underdevSolarisBoy: ty11:26
ikoniamalic: a.) then why reference it b.) do not use that sort of language please11:26
aciculasvenn: i think it says its missing a filesystem11:26
motaka2SolarisBoy: my system hanged, i restarted it and ut doesnt work any more11:26
malicokay Slart! thx.. what about the filesystems? i use ext311:26
ksbalajiGnea, thanks! got them. but with warning? (gnome-panel:8343): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -15 and height 2811:26
underdevis there anyway to reinstall the ubuntu automounter under gnome?11:27
Gneaksbalaji: do they look like they're showing up alright?11:27
SolarisBoymotaka2: you need to look at the logs as to why,, motaka2 you should make a point to always check the logs, and squid certainly has one11:27
svennyes, but there 2 hd's in it, so id try to format it11:27
aciculaunderdev: gnome-volume & gnome-volume-manager, reinstall and reconfigure those?11:27
underdevacicula: ty, worth a shot11:27
Vtecwhat program can i use on ubuntu to create a bootable iso imagine on a cd?11:28
ikoniapalma: you have been told the topic of this channel, keep to it11:28
Slartmalic: I don't know if you can access it from a mac.. I would guess it would be possible.. windows has some third party utilities to access ext2/3 file systems.. last time I tried them they felt a bit clunky but they worked alright11:28
GneaVtec: k3b11:28
LuizAquinoVtec: Try Brasero11:28
erUSULVtec: unetbootin or the usb cretor11:28
SolarisBoymotaka2: is the squid set up to autostart? how do you know it was working in the first place? had you made a request through the proxy or pointed your browser to it and confirmed it would relay requests?11:28
=== overmind is now known as overmind_
Vtecahh alright11:28
Vtecthankyou both11:28
ksbalajiGnea, Hey! I got someone else11:28
=== overmind_ is now known as overmind
Gneaksbalaji: ok?11:28
IdleOneVtec: gnomebaker also11:28
motaka2SolarisBoy: be care full with your suggestions from now on11:29
ksbalajiGnea, I have panels but they look quite different. not like mine. entirely altered.11:29
erUSULVtec: ouch on a cd ... i missanderstood you, just right click on the iso file and choose writte to disc11:29
SolarisBoyim epically lost11:29
Gneaksbalaji: perhaps they look new?11:29
Vtecahh i see11:29
Vtecubuntu will do it with programs out of the box erUSUL?11:30
erUSULVtec: yes11:30
underdevDoes the "gnome-common" package usually come installed on Ubunutu 9.10?11:30
palmaI don't speak in spanish I promise11:30
underdevby default11:30
kennyGI have a acer laptop running win 7 and I am decided to install ubuntu over it. Is it possible to install ubuntu then copy all files to it's partition and erase the windows one?11:30
ksbalajiGnea, My side panel is missing? But they look very old type. I had some transparent panels- all gone now. Can those be restored please?11:30
IdleOneunderdev: I don't believe so11:30
LuizAquinokennyG: Yes11:31
SlartkennyG: yes.. it would be easier to backup all the files you need to some external drive/burned dvd or similar and then just do a clean install on the entire disk11:31
underdevIdleOne: okay, thought maybe it got uninstalled by mistake11:31
Gneaksbalaji: you'll need to reconfigure them since you have default values now. perhaps configuring them caused them to break.11:31
palmahello marina11:31
underdevIdleOne: ty11:31
IdleOneunderdev: I just looked and it is not installed on my system11:31
palmahow years old??11:31
Slartpalma: this channel is for ubuntu support only.. no social chat11:31
SolarisBoyNielsen: http://www.squid-cache.org/related-software.html <--if you _need_ a gui then try looking there for one11:31
palmaMarina: how years old?11:32
ksbalajiGnea, ok. Now thanks I atleast have them to configure with!11:32
overmindikonia: Palma continues11:32
kennyGmarina, oi11:32
Gneaksbalaji: good luck :)11:32
IdleOnepalma:  por favor si quieres charlar entra en #ubuntu-es o que seas in Ingles o Español. gracias11:32
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
LuizAquinomarina Para suporte em português, use #ubuntu-br11:32
kennyGWhat is the latest ubuntu version to be downloaded?11:33
svenndam not fixed :( when trying to install the "partition prepare" screen is empty... and clicking next returns "no root file system is defined"11:33
LuizAquinokennyG: 9.1011:33
LuizAquinokennyG: 10.04 coming soon!11:33
overmind!release | kennyG11:34
ubottukennyG: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:34
ubottuLucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:34
kennyGOk, guys, I will start the process and then if some answer arrives I come talk to you...11:34
underdevIdleOne: may i ask for one last favor? is autofs or autofs5 installed on Ubuntu 9.10 by default?11:34
IdleOneunderdev: neither by default but both available in repositories11:35
SolarisBoyhmm maybe if he looked here on the squid wiki he would have found 'mail_from' && 'mail_program' options =)11:35
meowbuntuIdleOne, and lucid is an lts right ???11:35
underdevIdleOne: rt, ty11:35
orb01hey, how would I go about to make my cell phone use my pcs ethernet connection?11:35
IdleOnemeowbuntu: when it will be released yes. but still beta11:35
SolarisBoyanywho later boys time for rest11:35
IdleOneunderdev: sure thing11:35
kennyGShall I download ubuntu 32 or 64 version?11:35
kennyGI mean 32 or 64 bit11:36
jribkennyG: do you have a 64bit cpu?  How much ram do you have?11:36
IdleOnekennyG: if you have 4gig+ of ram 64bit but 32bit will run just as well on the same machine11:36
kennyGjrib, I am not sure what a 64bit cpu is, and I have 2 gig ram11:36
IdleOnekennyG: then get 32 bit11:37
IdleOnekennyG: when not sure go with the default :)11:37
aciculaisnt 64bit the default iso now?11:37
kennyGIdleOne, ok.11:38
erUSULacicula: no11:38
IdleOneacicula: if it is I will be hosed, don't have any 64 bit machines here :/11:38
neuromancan anyone help me with a networking scenario with ip forwarding?11:38
aciculaIdleOne: :P11:38
acicula!ask | neuroman11:38
ubottuneuroman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:38
LuizAquinokennyG: About 64 bits information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64_bit11:39
svennanyone can point me out what to do with "no root file system is defined" problem ^_^11:39
ikoniasvenn: where are you getting that error ?11:40
erUSULsvenn: check your grub config ?11:40
svennon the install11:40
ikoniasvenn: have you defined a "/" file system (that' what root is called)11:40
svennon the partition manager11:40
svennno, i try'd adding partitions but that din't fix it11:40
svennhow can i add a / file system ?11:41
ikoniasvenn: add a / partition11:41
ikonia!install > svenn11:41
ubottusvenn, please see my private message11:41
ikoniasvenn: ubottu has sent you a pm with a guide to walk you through installing11:41
rabbit1!install > svenn11:41
svennprevious installations worked pretty well :(11:42
ikoniasvenn: you need to define a root (/) partition as the error tells you11:42
ikoniasvenn: if you are in doubt, use the auto or recommended layout11:42
svennthx for the help, ill read it11:42
svennthere is no auto layout ^^11:42
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:44
meowbuntuhi how can i check repos for appname changes in terminal11:47
erUSULmeowbuntu: appname changes?11:47
DasEimeowbuntu: apt-cache search or show11:47
allexxxγειά σας11:49
OkidesuAny idea where to go for setting up a wacom tablet for dual monitors using nvidia twinview ? o-o11:50
ikonia!ru | allexxx11:50
ubottuallexxx: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:50
ikoniaOkidesu: the tablet doesn't care about the monitor, it's just an input device11:50
allexxxi have a question...11:51
ikoniathen ask11:51
LuizAquinomeowbuntu: See this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto11:51
Okidesuikonia, yes but i need it to work only on a single monitor because right now when i draw a circle on the tabled it comes out as elipse o-o11:51
xzAnybody here is using symbian phone?11:51
ikoniaOkidesu: it doesn't care about the monitors, you can't set it like that, it's an input device, twinview makes 1 virtual monitor, it's the limitation of twinview11:51
xzI need good ssh client11:52
ikonia!es | tania11:52
ubottutania: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:52
ikoniaxz: yes. why11:52
DasEiOkidesu: then your problem is configure  twinview, it's in nvidia-settings11:52
llutzxz: ssh11:52
xzBut putty for symbian is not signed11:52
ikoniaxz: putty, also look in #sybian11:52
ikoniaxz: disable signing11:52
ikonia#symbian sorry11:52
xzIkonia, how?11:52
LuizAquinotania Ajuda em portugues, por favor veja em #ubuntu-br11:52
ikoniaxz: look in #symbian, this is ubuntu support11:52
ikonia!pt | LuizAquino11:53
ubottuLuizAquino: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.11:53
taniawhat ist your name?11:53
LuizAquinoikonia: I know11:53
ikoniatania: this channel is for ubuntu support only, check "/topic" to see the topic11:53
DasEi!ot > tania11:53
ubottutania, please see my private message11:53
ikoniaLuizAquino: ok - so what's the problem11:53
LuizAquinoikonia: I just told her about a channel in portuguese11:53
ikoniaLuizAquino: ah, apologies11:53
LuizAquinoikonia: no problem! ;)11:54
OkidesuDesEi there's nothing wrong with my twinview, the two monitors work just fine, the problem is that the surface of the tablet is being stratched to fit 2 monitors instead of one, and so things don't appear as drawn on the tablet, in windows there was a setting the the tablet configuration to use only one monitor for the tablet surface and then it work correctly11:54
taniaspeak in spanhis please11:54
taniai am spanhis11:54
ikoniaOkidesu: that's how twimview works, it's a hack, maybe xinerama will work better for you, however there will be no 3d acceleration11:54
ikoniatania: join #ubuntu-es11:54
Emanon!es | tania11:54
ubottutania: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:54
LuizAquinotania: digite: /j #ubuntu-es11:55
DasEiOkidesu: but appart from the wacom you want to run the monitors in strtch ?11:55
Okidesuikonia, is there a way to chose for the tablet to use a single monitor with xinerama ?11:55
OkidesuDesEi yes11:55
Okidesu*DasEi sorry11:55
ikoniaOkidesu: xinerama is bascially 2 xservers joined, so it should be easier to do it with xinerama if it's possible11:55
natediddyanything i gotta do to play music downloaded from Frostwire? It downloads songs but won't play sound when i hit play?11:55
Emanonnatediddy: the default media player for frostwire is vlc11:56
natediddyso i already have that?11:56
Emanonfor that to work you need to get vlc or switch the default in the options11:56
DasEiOkidesu: I don't know if that can be done, you would have to configure xorg.conf, but I really don't now if the linux-wacom driver offers this11:56
Emanonand depending on the format of the music you may need to get ubuntu-restricted-extras11:57
erUSULnatediddy: configure frostwire sound to go thrugh pulseaudio ?11:57
Emanonhello usuariojuanyllo11:57
dubziI'm having some compatability problems with pulseaudio and wine and urbanterror, so i decided to remove the pulseaudio package and everything works, but i would like my volume control back. Is there some sort of alternative?11:58
meowbuntuhi anyone know how to run webmin11:59
usuariojuanyllohow old are you?and in eleven11:59
usuariojuanylloeres español11:59
OkidesuDasEi, well i searched around but i can find info only on making the tablet work, which i don't need because the tablet is working just fine, the only problem is that the cubic surface of the tablet is being stretched to work over two wide screen monitor resolutions lol so when i draw circle it appears as elips and also the tablet sensitivity is terrible o-o11:59
ikoniameowbuntu: don't do it11:59
DasEidubzi: gnome-alsamixergui11:59
usuariojuanylloeres español11:59
ikoniameowbuntu: it's not supported, doesn't work well and has security issues11:59
ikonia!es | usuariojuanyllo11:59
natediddyhey guys...in the Frostwire audio options this is all it says: vlc $URL$11:59
ubottuusuariojuanyllo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:59
dubziDasEi, thanks, i'll have a look :D11:59
Emanon!ot | usuariojuanyllo11:59
ubottuusuariojuanyllo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:59
meowbuntuikonia, i need a gui for squid12:00
Okidesuanyway gtg work :) thanks for the help12:00
usuariojuanylloemanon where are you from?12:00
aciculadubzi: swap the mixer from pulseaudio to alsa12:00
DasEimeowbuntu: depriciated, security-issues12:00
erUSULdubzi: so instead of configuring wine to use esd output or better yet use the linux native version of urbanterror you removed pulseaudio ?12:00
meowbuntuDasEi, is there another gui for squid12:00
Emanonusuariojuanyllo: this is a tech support ONLY channel anything that ISNT tech support can be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic12:00
ikoniameowbuntu: webmin is not the answer, squid is easy to configure with a bit of effort, you don't / shouldn't need a gui12:01
dubzierUSUL, i use the native version of urbanterror and it gives problems with pulseaudio (no sound after a while, and crash on exit). And wine is giving sound problems with games too12:01
Emanonand i dont plan on showing up on dateline so save the a/s/l conversations for people your own age12:01
DasEimeowbuntu: ssh, but I don't get your whole attempt from the little info you gave12:01
meowbuntuikonia, i am wanting to get squid to send emails to my friend12:01
natediddyEmanon, the audio option just says: vlc $URL$12:01
meowbuntuDasEi, ^12:01
Emanonthe url part means to open whatever you say with vlc12:02
ikoniameowbuntu: what sort of emails ? warning/status emails12:02
ikoniameowbuntu: you know it's just a http proxy ?12:02
usuariojuanyllowhere do you live12:02
Emanonjust change the vlc part to your desired media player12:02
erUSULdubzi: i have used ut (native) and guild wars (wine) with pulseaudio without problems but anyway... others have help you already. good luck12:02
Emanoni use totem if you need a suggestion12:02
lion64ciao a tutti12:02
natediddyis totem included already?12:02
DasEimeowbuntu: so you need sth. like a mailer, f.e. sendmail12:02
Emanonyes natediddy12:02
meowbuntu  DasEi i have installed squid proxi server. i am wanting a gui. i need to get squid to send emails and cant find info in google12:02
lion64good afternoon12:02
natediddyok thanx12:02
erUSUL!hi | lion6412:03
ubottulion64: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:03
Emanonno problem natediddy12:03
ikoniameowbuntu: what sort of emails do you want to send ?12:03
NollogerUSUL: It's a robot12:03
DasEimeowbuntu: squid is a proxy, which itself doesn't send mails12:03
meowbuntuDasEi, yes to his email on the web not over a network12:03
erUSULNollog: yours ?12:03
NollogThey come into channels saying "ciao" and then list all xdcc bots12:03
ikoniameowbuntu: what sort of email do you want to send12:03
meowbuntuDasEi, i was told i could set it to do that in #squid12:03
Emanondoes that mean this spanish kid im talking to is a bot too? cause it doesnt seem it could pass the turing test12:04
NollogJust Italians.12:04
dubzierUSUL, yeah i've looked up the problem on the UT forums and they suggested the fix was to remove pulseaudio, and it worked, so that's all i know ;p12:04
meowbuntuikonia, reports to my friend like netresponsability does. so he knows if i visite dodgy sites12:04
erUSULEmanon: no the spanish kids are real trust me. but they do not know enough english :)12:04
ikoniameowbuntu: ok - it needs to be sent through an smpt relay12:04
atifis there a way to actually kill all the processes like a fresh reboot without restarting the computer in ubuntu?12:04
P-NutsI can't get Java working in Firefox.  I have installed sun-java6-plugin, but nothing Java-related appears in about:plugins.12:05
ikoniasmtp relay sorry12:05
erUSULmeowbuntu: install something like ssmtp ?12:05
NollogIs the nvidia-glx-195 newer/better than 180/185 ?12:05
erUSULatif: alt + sysrq + k12:05
NollogI've an ion, want to get the bestest from it.12:05
meowbuntui would use netresponsability but ir uses ruby a memory hogging app. when running i get 75-100%usage12:05
erUSULNollog: it is newer i would say 195>18512:06
Emanonso is it the language barrier or the education there preventing them from passing the turing test?12:06
atiferUSUL, i dont think i have sysrq key on my notebook12:06
devdzhow i delete all cookies of the broswer from shell ?12:06
malicok Slart! Thx. I have not tested it, but it seems to be possible to mount ext3  under Mac os with MacFuse. Im out! Cya12:06
erUSULEmanon: both; they 11 10 years old12:06
meowbuntuikonia, erUSUL i use gmail webmail12:06
erUSUL!sysrq | atif12:06
ubottuatif: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key12:06
NollogIs it normal that synaptic updates 180 even when 195 is installed?12:06
NollogShould I remove 180?12:06
erUSULmeowbuntu: ssmtp can send via/to gmail afaik12:06
Emanonrm -drf /home/youruser/whateverthepathtocookiesis/* devdz12:06
meowbuntuikonia, ssmtp would be ok12:07
dubziacicula, how can i swap the mixer from pulseaudio to alsa? the alsamixer app works btw, thanks!12:07
andaiFormatting my external 500GB hard drive for installing ubuntu ONTO it, and for using as storage accessible from windows. Where should I put the FAT32 parition?12:07
DasEiNollog: if the 195 does fine, can remove 180,12:07
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.12:07
meowbuntuok i will install that then12:07
danyhi all12:07
danyI'm on kubuntu 9.1012:07
erUSULandai: ubuntu can access ntfs you do not need a special sharing partition12:07
DasEi!pm | Nollog12:08
ubottuNollog: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:08
andaierUSUL: but installing ubuntu into the NTFS partition is not a good idea is it? It complained when i tried fat3212:08
andaierUSUL I want to boot from the drive AND be able to use it for other stuff from windows12:08
=== linu-x is now known as pino
danyI have a pavilion dv5 and I don't succeed to suspend to ram, I got only a screen block, I mean, the pc doesn't suspend, it only makes the screen black and if I move the mouse there is a login prompt12:09
coz_andai,  installing ubuntu on a partition will format the drive to ext412:09
Emanonoh right erUSUL they recently switched the school computers in many european countries to edubuntu to cut spending huh?12:09
erUSULandai: i missunderstood you; you want to install ubuntu on a windows filesystemç????12:09
danyI have done a lot of things read on forums but nothing has worked damn12:09
erUSULEmanon: no in european countries... here is some regions of spain12:10
andaicoz_ I'm using XFS. I'm asking if where on the drive I put the FAT32 partition will make any difference to windows's ability to access it12:10
aciculadubzi: right click the audio icon in the task bar and change it12:10
meowbuntuerUSUL, what do i get http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/ssmtp12:10
atiferUSUL, when I press PrtScr button no matter while holding Alt key or not, a screenshot software pops up12:10
erUSULmeowbuntu: sudo aptitude install ssmtp12:10
andaiI heard something like windows can only boot from the first partition or if it's n cylinders from the start, but that's just boot right? I can put the partition itself anywhere?12:10
craig_gnomeso is there a difference if i update from ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 using an alternate cd  , and fresh install of a 9.10 ?12:11
meowbuntuerUSUL, its not there12:11
danyany idea?12:11
coz_andai,  oh   mmm  accessing xfs from windows.... not sure...I know there are a few utilities to access other file systems from windows..none have worked for me so far12:11
NollogDasEi: what?12:11
spOhow come karmic does not use any swap? i have 0 swap according to HTOP12:11
andaicoz_ I'd use FAT32 for my files :P12:11
erUSUL!info ssmtp12:11
ubottussmtp (source: ssmtp): extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.63-1 (karmic), package size 51 kB, installed size 8 kB12:11
DasEi!pm > Nollog12:11
ubottuNollog, please see my private message12:11
andaicoz_ and GParted can't create NTFS anyway can it?12:11
GneaspO: how much ram do you have?12:11
NollogI has a gpg error on ppa.launchpad.net12:11
erUSULspO: i woud be glad it does not need to swap12:12
silv3r_m00nhi there12:12
spOi mean 4gb12:12
coz_andai,  ok that will work both ways  using fat32  from and to windows12:12
meowbuntuerUSUL, thats funny apt-get did not install but aptitude is interesting12:12
erUSUL!gpgerr | Nollog12:12
ubottuNollog: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »12:12
DasEiandai: gparted can12:12
andaioh awesome12:12
GneaspO: that's why. it only uses swap when ram becomes exhausted12:12
andaiDasEi  but is that a good idea? Is the read/write support stable yet?12:12
coz_andai,   but you say you have linux installed already?12:12
silv3r_m00nwhen I start flightgear the fan on the front is on and as soon as I press numpad-9 it starts moving forward......but it also moves to left very fast .......how to keep it straight ?12:12
Gneayou're just not using enough resources to justify it using swap12:12
Arlindhi,i have one problem,i have one car mp4 player wich i plug with usb but i cant see him in my ubuntu,how can i install drivers ore make visible that ?can some one help me?12:12
NollogDasEi: I'm not asking anything in pm...12:12
DasEiandai: if you want to use win and ubu easily both ways, I suggest run ext3 for ubu and ntfs for win12:13
andaicoz_ I'm on it now on my main PC, trying to setup a new one on my USB drive so i can use it at school. This worked on my flash drive now i'm trying it again with a faster bigger actual usb hdd12:13
atiferUSUL, when I press PrtScr button no matter while holding Alt key or not, a screenshot software pops up12:13
DasEiNollog: I got one from you12:13
NollogIt's a notice, I'm afk12:13
andaiDasEi: Not Ext4?12:13
erUSULNollog: but you sen notices about being away when someone talks to you ?12:13
NollogUntil you sent pms to me.12:13
peter007I need help.....12:13
DasEiandai: ext4 still can't be read properly from the ext-windows driver, ext3 can12:14
coz_andai,  I see... well... I am not skilled with doing that ... so I will let others talk about that :)12:14
andaialso why does GParted take 10 minutes to scan the partitions on my usb hard drive :P12:14
Arlindhi,i have one problem,i have one car mp4 player wich i plug with usb but i cant see him in my ubuntu,how can i install drivers ore make visible that ?can some one help me?12:14
coz_andai,   because usb is slow in comparison to onboard hard drive12:14
peter007How does one see which version of Ubuntu you are using, 32bit or 64bit?12:14
peter007there must be some sort of command?12:14
coz_peter007,  in terminal  uname -m12:14
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »12:14
ikoniaArlind: it depends on the device make/brand12:14
NollogI'm not highlighted unless I'm away, so it helps me keep track of anything people say to me in here, since it's so busy.12:14
peter007Thank you!12:14
norbihi guys, i`m trying to set up here a twin view but at every restart it sets back to single display12:15
andaiDasEi: I'm mainly going to use it at school where I won;t have windows admin rights anyway (and afaik you need those to install drivers to read other filesystems [with everything i have tried])12:15
DasEiandai: 10 min are too long, maybe re-format it with new partition table12:15
ikonianorbi: you'll have to hardcode that in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:15
peter007it just says i68612:15
coz_norbi,  with nvidia you might want to open  nvidia-settings with sudo        sudo nvidia-settings12:15
devdzEmanon, plz can you explain me -drf so i can use it further .. does d means directory ? and rf ? .. just to know wat each caracter for. :)12:15
peter007what does that mean?12:15
ikoniapeter007: 32bi12:15
hexdumpgood morning all12:15
ArlindIkonia :its Model CVSBW-5203 Media Player12:15
coz_norbi,  then click the write to xconfg  button and try it after that12:15
andaiDasEi: What kind of partition table will be faster to read? Or do you mean my current one is weird and broken so anything will do? :P12:15
ikoniaArlind: I have no idea who makes that or it's support12:16
norbibut its saying that it canot parse it12:16
peter007thanks, so its 32bit? what would 64bit look like?12:16
DasEiandai: if gparted needs a 10 min to scan an external, sth is wrong there, either the  connection or it's partitioning12:16
Arlindikonia its chinas12:16
norbiFailed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!12:16
ikoniapeter007: x86_6412:16
erUSULpeter007: x86_6412:16
ikoniaArlind: that means nothing12:16
peter007Thank you112:16
Alex_MacIs there a channel related to hardware issues?12:16
hexdumpandai:  hey man how ya been?12:16
ikoniaAlex_Mac: in ubuntu or general12:17
Alex_Macikonia: in general. problem with a netbook12:17
DasEiandai: but I see your problem then, if you can't install a fs-driver on the windows side12:17
ikoniaAlex_Mac: ##hardware12:17
Anirbanwhat amount of RAM shld I have on my server to send 35,000 emails of 500kb size per day ?12:17
Arlindikonia so what i should do?how can i solve this problem12:17
devdzcan someone tell me what -drf do exactly when i type for exp: rm -drf .......12:17
DasEiandai: though you'll lose some nice features, can install ubuntu to ntfs, too12:18
ikoniaArlind: it's not just ram, your network connection and smtp server would be a more important configuration12:18
Guest11382nforce  MCP67  forcedeth driver , ethernet  port shows up  but  no RX  bytes12:18
ikoniaArlind: mail queue managment is most important12:18
ikoniaArlind: sorry, not you12:18
norbicoz_: how can i solve this issue, it says: Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!12:18
DasEidevdz: carefull with rm, it deletes - unrecoverable, see man rf12:18
adamlesaintrockesalut tout le monde12:18
DasEidevdz: carefull with rm, it deletes - unrecoverable, see man rm *12:19
ikoniaAnirban: it's not just ram, your network connection and smtp  server would be a more important configuration, mail queue managment is most important12:19
erUSULadamlesaintrocke: hi12:19
coz_norbi,  mm  you may have to manually set that in the xorg.conf file hold on12:19
andaiDasEi What cannot Ubuntu do if it runs on NTFS?12:19
Dr_Willisnorbi:  for my nvidia settings - ive often had to save the xorg.conf somewhere else.. then copy it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:19
ikoniaandai: it can't really run on ntfs12:19
erUSULandai: you can not run ubuntu on ntfs period12:19
andaiDasEi: And are you sure that's possible? I tried installing it to FAT32 the installer said i should select a more linuxy filesystem12:19
Guest11382Anybody with  forcedeth  ethernet  problems   ?12:19
ikoniaGuest11382: no12:19
norbiand how can i do that, i`ve just installed ubuntu i don`t really know what to do12:19
DasEiandai: certain file permissions and the whole toolset it brings for extended, like fs-recovery, also you run in defragmentation more then ext312:20
ikoniaandai: supported file systems are required12:20
bbelt16aghey is  there any scripts or  features to take all the windows and place on on each  desktop?12:20
andailol conflicting advice12:20
erUSULnorbi: generate new xorg.conf or just move the problematic one out of the way12:20
DasEiandai: the sys itself needs a linux-fs, not the home-dir12:21
Arlindi have one problem,i have one car mp4 player (Model CVSBW-5203 Media Player ) wich i plug with usb but i cant see him in my ubuntu,how can i install drivers ore make visible that ?can some one help me?12:21
norbii`m trying it now12:21
ikoniaArlind: you need to research the make/brand of the device and see if it has linux support12:21
norbiit looks that i`m not own the file12:21
DasEiArlind: is it plugged now ?12:21
norbii cant cut it or delete it12:22
ArlindDasei yes its pluged12:22
coz_norbi,  yeah you may want to listen to the others on this one...I generally use nvidia  with dynamic twinview  =  I set it up manually on each boot12:22
erUSULArlind: find out if it supports some standar like MTP or an be set to be usb-storage (o pendrive)12:22
DasEiArlind: lsub      << is it found ?12:22
Azeotropeiwconfig wlan0 mode Master   Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument. Seems my card does not support making a WAP. I need to connect my laptop to my pc by wifi, and then have internet on both. any idea?12:22
norbicoz_: that is horryble :P12:22
norbicoz_: at each boot ... ah12:22
erUSULnorbi: do « sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bad » in a terminal12:22
coz_norbi, well  I need it this way ...there are times for me that I just want a single monitor running12:22
erUSUL!terminal | norbi12:23
ubottunorbi: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:23
andaiSo on my external USB ubuntu install I can use NTFS for the home partition (to make windows access easier). What should I use for the main filesystem (i'm on usb remember, it should be as fast as possible yet paradoxically safe from accidental unplugs/whatever)12:23
Emanonlsusb DasEi12:23
frozenAzeotrope: Try ifconfig wlan0 down; ifconfig wlan0 set mode Master;12:23
Emanonoops wrong window sorry12:23
frozenAzeotrope: Then turn the wlan0 up, ifconfig wlan0 up12:23
wooshhey. im new to ubuntu. im trying to install it but i get a message whilst installing that signal is out of range on my monitor. so i cant see anything. can anyone tip me out what to do?12:23
frozenAzeotrope: Sorry, this way: ifconfig wlan0 down; iwconfig wlan0 set mode Master;12:23
Arlinddasei this is my lsusb -t report dasei http://paste.ubuntu.com/394690/12:24
DasEiArlind: do again without -t12:24
DarkStar1Hi I'm reading about samba config files and came across this line: hosts allow = 127. I'm wondering what the last number (127) denotes. I can't find any examples explaining this last (well it's not part of the address octects)12:24
norbinow it asks me to locate it12:25
norbican i create an empty ASCI file?12:25
DasEiArlind: anyway, no such device found, so you'll need a driver for it12:25
DasEinorbi: yes, by touch12:25
norbiyes, thanks12:25
andaiwhat filesystem should I use installing ubuntu to slow USB drive?12:25
Arlinddasei http://paste.ubuntu.com/394693/ this is my lsusb rep12:26
norbiDasEi: what that means12:26
roro1hey. I am getting an error massege from the update mannager: : A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>12:26
erUSULandai: default; also using ntfs for home althouth can somewhat work is a bad idea and some programs will complain12:26
DasEinorbi: to create an empty file can do : touch NewFile12:26
norbiDasEi: but what is the copy syntax?12:27
erUSULandai: «can somewhat work» if you only ever has one user on the system that's it12:27
andaierUSUL: What about FAT32 for home? Or should I just use a regular home folder on the main partition and a seperate FAT32/NTFS (in that case, which?) for files i want to share?12:27
meowbuntuerUSUL, ikonia ok now i have ssmtp installed how do i get squid to send emails using it12:27
norbibecause if i will create an empty in /etc/x11/xorg.conf, then still will not own the file12:27
DasEiandai: from your needs can install ubuntu itself in ext4, then use an extra /home , make that ntfs to be readable from windows, or just use an extra partition for windows-sharing12:28
xoverI have a load of startup scripts in my gnome 'startup scripts' menu, where are these stored in the FileSystem?12:28
andaiDasEi: Is Ext4 fast? Secure? :P12:28
Azeotropefrozen: tried that.12:28
DasEiandai: yes12:28
erUSULandai: no; you have to use a f*****ng linux filesystem to run linux. is that hard to grasp ? can you install windows in xfs? dos in ufs? or solaris in iso9660 ???12:28
Azeotropeany idea what i can do next?12:28
andaiDasEi Secure in the sense that if some ******* unplugs my drive it wont corrupt everything (like XFS did lol)12:29
Emanondude chill erUSUL12:29
danyno one?12:29
DasEiandai: fsck woks most of the time fine12:29
andaierUSUL: What are you on about?12:30
Emanonand i think you CAN install solaris into iso966012:30
DasEinorbi : I don't get you12:30
Emanonjust have to do it virtually12:30
eerWhen i boot up , I see i have more than 5 different versions of kernel :- is that necessary? can i remove the old ones?12:30
eerdoes that free up any space?12:30
Emanonyes you can eer12:31
DasEidany : your question ?12:31
norbiDasEi: i mean i need a sudo command to copy the new created and located file and copy or move it into /etc/x11/...12:31
coz_norbi,   I am guessing your xorg.conf should look similar to this    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/xorg12:31
erUSULEmanon: given is a rwad only "filesyste" (is more like a archive format i.e is more similar to tar that to ext3) i would like to see that12:31
Emanonold versions are retained in case a new one is unstable and you need to revert12:31
eeris .20 stable?12:31
hareldvdHow can I get rid of old kernel files accumulated in /boot dir?12:31
Arlindbye everyone see u again,and thnx12:31
DasEinorbi: ic, like sudo mv anyFile /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (mv for move)12:31
erUSULhareldvd: with the package manager synaptic12:31
Arlinddasei bye12:32
mewto     gfxxcvbv12:32
erUSULhareldvd: search for linux-image remove the versions you do not use12:32
norbiDasEi: thanks12:32
norbicoz_: thanks to you to12:32
hareldvderUSUL, Will it remove also from grub?12:32
Emanonhareldvd: and eer: ubuntu tweak can do alot of cool stuff like auto cleaning old kernels and packagees and stuff12:32
Emanonmight look into it12:32
norbiand others who helped12:32
erUSULhareldvd: keep in mind is usefull to have at least two kernels incase you mess up the one you use (as fallback)12:32
DasEieer: you can , and also can specify howmany kernel grubs holds12:32
erUSULhareldvd: yes.12:33
mewtowhat your name in spanhis12:33
erUSUL!es | mewto12:33
ubottumewto: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:33
Emanonoh god another one12:33
danyDasEi: I have a pavilion dv5 and I don't succeed to suspend to ram, I got only a screen block, I mean, the pc doesn't suspend, it only makes the screen black and if I move the mouse there is a login prompt12:33
hareldvdtalking about grub. Any doc for the new one?12:33
eeris Ubuntu tweak in the synaptik?12:33
=== gerard is now known as gomuze
erUSUL!grub2 > hareldvd12:33
ubottuhareldvd, please see my private message12:33
Emanonsomeone get Chris Hanson in here to save me from these spanish children12:33
Emanonno ubuntu tweak is not in the official repositories12:34
norbiDasEi: why this "/home/norbi/desktop/xorg.conf" canot be touched12:34
james_blondubuntu tweaks FTW !12:34
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Dan_E!grub2 > Dan_E12:34
ubottuDan_E, please see my private message12:34
Dr_Williseer:  you can add ubuntutweak repos if you want12:34
DasEidany: I'm not too good at this stuff, some basics : bios set to allow it ? swap approx.  double of ram ? no issues in syslog ?12:34
Emanonits not an officially supported application i should warn you but it IS nice12:34
eerthen i will use synaptik to remove it then - thanks guys12:35
DasEinorbi: d >< D , case-sensitive12:35
danyDasEi: Thanks anyway, no problem :) in windows Vista it works then it should work here too12:35
eerhope i wont screw up12:35
Emanondeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ppa/ubuntu karmic main #Ubuntu Tweak Stable Source12:35
mewtono cenckyu12:35
norbiDasEi: thanks!12:35
IdleOneEmanon: I might be mistaken but the use of tweak is actually officially discouraged12:35
Emanonyea it can be dangerous if you enable development repo's12:36
DasEi!es > mewto12:36
ubottumewto, please see my private message12:36
IdleOneEmanon: in that case please don't advocate it in here.12:36
xoverstartup applications? where are they stored?12:36
erUSULxover: for your sesion or for the entire system?12:36
mewtohello what your name12:36
Emanonwell ubuntu can be dangerous if you enable the wrong repos (backports and such)12:36
Dr_WillisLife is dangerous12:37
Emanonso that part is irrelivant12:37
xoverI need to configure some to start and they do not work12:37
Dr_Willisxover:  what are you wanting to start?12:37
erUSUL:)  proposed is the dangerous repo. backports should be pretty safe12:37
Emanonok but proposed is still available by default in ubuntu12:38
jribEmanon: not enabled by default12:38
Emanonand thats a bit more dangerous than say the gnome-do core team ppa hehe12:38
norbithis simply wont parse any xorg.conf file12:38
eerand in the grub boot up, i have two Memory Test 86+ , what are those?12:38
Emanonneither are any repos in UT12:38
xovera custom script12:38
Dr_Willisxover:  and what does it do?12:38
norbii have an empty one on my desktop and it still cant parse it12:38
Emanonbut yes it is to be used with caution12:38
xoveri had see a load of startup scripts in system - preferences - startup applications, but cannot see where they are called from12:38
erUSULxover: what does the script do ?12:38
IdleOneEmanon: the backports are safe to use, they atleast have Ubuntu peer review, tweak is a totally independant project and can/does break things in ubuntu. but anyway I think we both understand each other :)12:38
Emanonas i stated12:38
xovermaps a key12:38
Gneaeer: they test ram12:38
tlabanyone know when 10.04 will be released?12:38
Dr_Willisxover:  users .bashrc perhaps then - depending on exactly what its doing.12:39
Emanonapril i assume12:39
BusMasteri installed a virtual machine with KVM. it can ping the host, and the host can ping the VM. But the vm cannot ping the router on the same subnet. how di I fix this?12:39
ikoniatlab: 04 201012:39
coz_tlab,   end of april12:39
tlaboh ok, I get it.. thanks12:39
Dan_EHow can i tell what grub version i am using?12:39
coz_tlab,  just google   ubuntu lucid release schedule12:39
andaiSo, one last check: Ext4 as my main filesystem on an external usb install, good idea? :)12:39
coz_Dan_E,   grub --version12:40
IdleOneandai: ext3 if you also want to have access from windows12:40
coz_Dan_E,  oops not for grub 2 though hold on12:40
Emanonor create a special share folder for windows to access12:40
xoverIts for X starting12:41
erUSULDan_E: is a clean karmic install ?12:41
gomuzeHello.. I'm trying to modify the OS options that grub displays... searching online I keep finding references to /boot/grub/menu.lst. I don't have that file... Running latest version of Ubuntu (fresh install)12:41
erUSULxover: try ~/.Xsession12:41
IdleOnegomuze: grub.cfg is what you want12:41
erUSULDan_E: then you are using grub212:41
jrib!grub2 | gomuze12:41
ubottugomuze: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:41
erUSULgomuze: /etc/default/grub12:41
Dan_Ethis was the return for that command  The program 'grub' is currently not installed.12:42
jribxover: maps a key how?12:42
erUSULIdleOne: head -n2 /boot/grub/grub.cfg | tail -n112:42
xoverjrib: for example there is one listed called bluetooth manager, but i cannot see that anywhere in my user directory12:42
IdleOneerUSUL: what does that do?12:43
AceKingAnyone have any advice on a good wireless router? I have a Linksys wrt300n V1 at the moment, but I have to keep doing a hard reboot to get my wireless to work. I do have the latest firmware but it doesn't help. I just don't want to get stuck with a piece of junk.12:43
jribxover: erm, what you just said is answering a question other than the one I asked I guess...12:43
erUSULIdleOne: show the second line of the file in your terminal :)12:43
hareldvdEmanon, Any Ubuntu package for "ubuntu tweak"?12:43
IdleOneerUSUL: ohhh, yeah I know but how or where then do you edit the grub2 config?12:43
xoverjrib: xmodmap12:43
coz_Dan_E,  yeah hold on12:44
erUSULIdleOne: /etc/default/grub or some of the scripts (rare) in /etc/grub.d/12:44
IdleOneerUSUL: in /etc/default/grub I assume12:44
IdleOneok thanks :)12:44
dlynesAceKing, pretty much any wireless device you buy for under $200 or $300 is a hunk of junk12:44
jribxover: Ok.  You should use ~/.xmodmaprc then.  If you are using gnome, it should automatically prompt you about it the first time it notices it.  Why do you care where the startup scripts are?12:44
Emanonsec hareldvd12:44
erUSUL!es | alflorido12:45
ubottualflorido: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:45
Emanonhareldvd: once again this is not supported and is to be used with caution do not enable any dev packages as they are unstable http://ubuntu-tweak.com/12:46
AceKingdlynes, I know. I was just hoping that someone would have a preference on the lower end routers.12:46
alfloridolocal server12:46
dlynesAceKing, that being said, if you can find a Netopia Cayman (enterprise series) wireless router, it's probably about the best deal for slightly better quality12:46
hareldvdEmanon, Thanks.12:46
dlynesAceKing, however, you'll be stuck using telnet to configure it12:46
coz_Dan_E,   try    grub-install --version12:46
erUSULAceKing: buy one you can put dd-wrt or tomato firmware on12:46
AceKingdlynes, thanks... Is it hard using telnet to configure?12:46
xoverjrib: because i also have a firestarter startup script listed, but cannot find it in the FS12:46
dlynesAceKing, not really12:47
Emanonunless you are a developer stay away from any package with dev or testing in the title or description12:47
dlynesAceKing, the netopia cayman enterprise class routers will be closer to $250-300 range12:47
AceKingerUSUL, I was thinking about that too12:47
norbioh sweet, now its working, successfully saved the xorg.conf, thanks to you!12:47
Dan_Egrub-install (GNU GRUB 1.97~beta4)12:47
Dan_E this is gurb 2?12:47
jribxover: yes, but why do you want to find it?  Just use the startup preferences gui app to enable or disable.  You don't want to edit these things yourself most likely.  (They're in ~/.config/autostart iirc and you want to ignore my advice though)12:47
Dr_WillisDan_E:  yes12:47
IdleOneDan_E: yes12:47
AceKingdlynes, thanks for the info.. Much appreciated12:48
DT`ok, not used to crunchbang's setup yet, what do i need to do to re-scan my system and install any missing hardware from the internet?12:48
dlynesAceKing, but it's still a hell of a lot cheaper than $500-800 for Cisco and other enterprise class options12:48
erUSULAceKing: the special linux linksys router for example12:48
hareldvdI don't have linux-image, I have linux-generic. I can see the older versions on synaptic but I didn't find how to remove old versions. Any idea?12:48
AceKingerUSUL, special linksys router?12:48
dlynesAceKing, if you've got access to a wholesaler, they can probably order the netopias in, if they dont' stock them12:49
AceKingdlynes, thanks12:49
dlynesAceKing, You'll know if it's their better quality stuff, because it'll have an '-ENT' wart on the end of the model name12:49
hl_99hey, is there any way i can retrieve the wireless lan pw that is already saved in my system?12:50
DT`would updating help find missing hardware?12:50
AceKingdlynes, I went on ebay, and there's a ton of them12:50
aciculawhat missing hardware12:50
Emanonhareldvd there is an option in ubuntu-tweak to auto-find and remove old versions of the kernel12:50
DT`acicula: wireless card and gfx card12:51
Emanonafter an update you might wanna keep one older version (presumably the last one) in case the new one has an issue on your machine12:51
aciculaDT`: system->administration->hardware drivers12:51
hareldvdEmanon, Yea, I just installed it. Leme take a look.12:51
dlynesAceKing, that being said, if you can actually find a linksys router that you can throw dd-wrt onto, that's going to be your cheapest option...linksys wrt54g with ddwrt is actually pretty stable...I just find it a real bitch to find a wrt54g that will actually take the firmware12:51
Emanonit will be like the second icon down on the left side12:51
Emanonand then the 3rd or 4th button on the right12:52
DT`acicula: working from crunchbang, got a terminal command to bring it up?12:52
Emanonid say go through each section to familiarize yourself with the options then decide what you want to do hehe12:52
aciculaDT`: no12:52
DT`restricted drivers says i have no extra hardware12:52
AceKingdlynes, if I do look for a wrt54g, is there a version I should look for?12:53
aciculaDT`: chrunchbang is really not supported here12:53
dany2hi all12:53
norbiguys how can i make my audio work?12:53
DT`yeah, i figured so, hence why i'm askin for terminal specific opperations12:53
dlynesAceKing, no idea...I've tried about 3 or 4 different hardware versions, and no luck12:53
dany2does anyone can help me? I have a pavilion dv5 and the suspend to ram doesn't work.. it only makes the screen black and shows a login prompt12:53
aciculaDT`: it can be that the drivers are just plain missing instead of not being enabled12:54
dlynesAceKing, btw...you said there's a ton of the netopia's on ebay?12:54
devdzhow to set up parameters on the firewall using shell?12:54
dlynesAceKing, i don't see any on ebay12:54
AceKingdlynes, maybe I'll just look for the netopia12:54
aciculaDT`: make an ubuntu usb boot stick and see if your wireless and gfx works there12:54
DT`acicula: i can't no usb boot on this laptop12:54
erUSULAceKing: yes linksys makes a special "linux" friendly version of its SOHO router. one that is easy to flash with tomato or dd-wrt12:54
zerotechdevdz: man ufw12:54
aciculawill tell you at least if you have any hope of getting it to work with chrunbang which seems to lag the normal ubuntu distros12:55
Dr_Willisis crunchbang even still being developed?12:55
hareldvdEmanon, I didn't find old kernel files removal mechanism in ubuntu-tweak12:55
AceKingerUSUL, do you know the model off hand?12:55
DT`gonna reboot and see if the update did anything12:55
dlynesAceKing, the 3347w-006 is not the one you want...you require adsl for that (it won't plug into a network for the WAN side, and it's not the enterprise grade12:55
erUSULAceKing: WRT160NL12:55
dany2no one?12:56
aciculaDr_Willis: dunno12:56
erUSULAceKing: you can read this forum other recomendations in the comments http://lwn.net/Articles/369367/12:56
Emanonsecond section in the side panel on the left hareldvd12:56
Emanonthen in that the 4th button down on the right hand side12:56
aciculaDr_Willis: last blog update is from march 2010, before that julie 2009 :/12:56
aciculaDr_Willis: so no :P?12:56
EmanonPckage Cleaner>Clean Kernels12:57
AceKingdlynes, erUSUL, thank you both for your help!12:57
Emanonremember save the one before the latest just in case12:57
Emanonits nice to have something to fall back on12:57
AceKingerUSUL, Thank you, I will read that12:57
Spirits-SightAnyone know how to make a Win CE 6 act like a storage device on Ubuntu?12:58
aciculawhats ubuntu-tweak, the new automatix?12:58
Emanonand be sure to hit the unlock button at the bottom or it wont let you do jack12:58
Emanonno acicula12:58
Emanonits a 3rd part program12:58
aciculaSpirits-Sight: smartphone or older12:58
aciculace, thats pda right12:58
StrangeCharmis there a gnome panel that functions similar to the windows 7 taskbar or mac dock?12:58
erUSULacicula: it is not discuraged12:58
silv3r_m00n1hi there12:58
erUSUL!dock | StrangeCharm12:58
Emanonyes StrangeCharm12:58
Spirits-Sightits a PDA for the blind? it has wince 6 as its base12:58
erUSUL!awn | StrangeCharm12:58
aciculaerUSUL: thats what i needed, thanx12:58
ubottuStrangeCharm: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.12:58
silv3r_m00n1in flight gear the everything slow , not smooth , is there some graphics setting I need to change12:59
Emanonoh really awn?12:59
erUSULsilv3r_m00n1: what graphic card and drivers ?12:59
Emanoncairo is way nice hehe12:59
aciculaSpirits-Sight: well the pda must support sharing its local disk over usb, windows mobile can, have doubts about ce though12:59
dlynesAceKing, try going to froogle.google.com and looking up 3387wg-ent12:59
erUSULEmanon: cairo do not have its own factoid :)12:59
Emanoncairo dock is nice12:59
Emanonwell then ill be cairos factoid12:59
erUSUL!info cairo-dock | StrangeCharm12:59
ubottuStrangeCharm: cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB12:59
Spirits-Sightacicula: if I connect it to a windows system I can see its disk12:59
dlynesAceKing, anyways...it appears the netopias have dropped in price13:00
erUSULStrangeCharm: there other alternatives like kiba-dock gnome-do/docky etc....13:00
StrangeCharmerUSUL, do those apps integrate with the gnome panels, or are they auto-hidey pieces of eye-candy that have giant pulsating icons?13:00
erUSULStrangeCharm: the later afaics13:00
Emanondocky in gnome-do is rather unstable havent tried it since it split from gnome-do it might be better13:01
aciculaSpirits-Sight: it should show up like normal then in ubuntu, you connect it via usb i assume, can you post the output form dmesg? (and are you on jaunty)13:01
StrangeCharmerUSUL, cairo dock, you mean?13:01
Emanongiant pulsing eye candy StrangeCharm13:01
Spirits-Sightacicula: I am on 10.04 and one sec and I get the dmesg info13:01
AceKingdlynes, I'll do that, thanks13:01
silv3r_m00nerUSUL: any idea13:01
erUSULStrangeCharm: all of them. they try to replicate Mac dock13:01
dlynesIs there anyone on at the moment that has any experience with ubuntu preseeded installs?  I'm having a problem getting the standard desktop to install13:01
chazcoI have two systems running Ubuntu 9.10... recently they've both developed a tendency to fail to boot. You get to the first splash screen (the white ubuntu logo), but it seems to hang for a while... it'll eventually drop to an unresponsive terminal... any ideas?13:02
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: you did not answered my question...13:02
StrangeCharmEmanon, erUSUL that's not really what i'm after. i currently use alltray, and would rather have my applications live in the 'tray' by default most of the time. i'm really after something more functional than the crazy ui paradigm that is the mac dock; more like th w7 taskbar13:03
johntramphi.  i am trying to use amarok but when i add tracks to the playlist it just skips through them all at about 1min per second. i can't work out what is wrong. any ideas?13:03
silv3r_m00nerUSUL: >> dg35ec intel motherboard , no other graphics card....this motherboard has 256mb onboard graphcis memory I think13:03
underdevhi- after uninstalling an app, i have had problems with my external drives not mounting.  it turns out gnome-volume-manager and gnome-mount.  I've reinstalled these, and their deps, but i **still** don't automount.  any suggestions?13:03
Spirits-Sightacicula: is there a way to show USB stuff only it (dmesg) out put a lot of info more then I was able to copy and paste13:04
underdevgnome-volume-manager and gnome-mount were uninstalled *13:04
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: intel is nt a speed daemon for games ....13:04
meatbunwill unetbootin allow me to write ubuntu.iso into partition D. and then set D as active, then i can install ubuntu with win7 without using thumb drive?13:04
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: and intel drivers are free but not the best ones ...13:04
meatbunDr_Willis: are u still here?13:04
fabio333 intel is nt a speed daemon for games: intel sucks for games13:05
Spirits-Sightacicula: u there :-) ?13:06
aciculaSpirits-Sight: just the last 50 lines would do13:06
aciculapost it on pastebin13:06
Spirits-Sightacicula: :-) thanks13:06
Spirits-Sightone sec13:06
norbidoes gimp have some extensions to make it as good like photoshop? i am working with photoshop all day, but i want to use gimp instead, for first impression, gimp is not smooth, it has 'lag' on 3GB Ram and dual core13:06
sudayahi all, apparmor is blocking to execute lib_mysqludf_sys function , plz tell me how can i configure apparmor13:07
erUSULSpirits-Sight: you can use pastebinit... « dmesg | pastebinit »13:07
acicula!apparmor | sudaya13:07
ubottusudaya: For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor13:07
coz_norbi,  well  the best place to ask is in the #gimp channel however  you can install fxfoundry  a bunch of filters  and also gimp GPS13:07
Spirits-Sightyep yep erUSUL thats what I was going to do, I first need to install it again13:07
aciculasudaya: you need to alter/disable the profile13:07
coz_norbi,   but I would go to the #gimp  channel also13:07
silv3r_m00nerUSUL: is there any setting in flightgear that can make the game smooth ?13:07
aciculaaltering being the recommended thing13:08
silv3r_m00nalien arena , openarena work very smooth13:08
norbicoz_: thanks!13:08
coz_silv3r_m00n,  never got flight gear to work properly here13:08
sudayaacicula, does disabling mysqld profile affect other mysql security issues13:08
erUSULSpirits-Sight: use dmesg | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.ca  pastebin.com is failinig at the moment13:08
erUSULsilv3r_m00n: use lower resolution ?13:09
ct529hi everybody! my cups server does not start anynore at boot .... how do I re-enable it?13:09
silv3r_m00nerUSUL: let me check13:09
aciculasudaya: it introduces security risks yeah, apparmor is there for a reason13:09
aciculasudaya: but for home installations its not too much of an issue13:09
aciculasudaya: best refer to the wiki13:09
erUSULct529: sudo update-rc.d cups defaults13:09
cheemaestoo k es ?13:10
erUSUL!es | cheema13:10
ubottucheema: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:10
ct529erUSUL: I still have the cups file in /etc/init.d13:10
erUSUL!irc | cheema13:10
ubottucheema: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:10
ct529erUSUL: why does it not start?13:10
Spirits-Sightacicula: http://pastebin.com/rVYtk52E13:10
erUSULct529: what does the command i gave you said ?13:10
sudayaacicula, eventually i need to deploy it in server :(13:10
ksbalajiGnea, Success! (partly) I struggled and configured my panels as before. Now, the only problem is my right panel moves to left on rebooting! any Idea>?13:11
Gneaksbalaji: not sure13:11
ct529update-rc.d: warning: cups stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (1) System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/cups already exist.13:11
ct529erUSUL: it seems that the link already exists13:12
aciculasudaya: im sure the wiki explains quite clearly what apparmor is for, either make te neccesary changes or disable it if its not a risk that applies to you13:12
ksbalajiGnea, anyway thanks! but for you, I would be using the terminal for everyg13:12
Spirits-Sightacicula: sorry I did not have the device connected that time: http://pastebin.com/L57snFw113:12
Gneaksbalaji: I use the terminal all the time13:12
ksbalajiGnea, ! for launching everything?!13:13
aciculaSpirits-Sight: can you set the pocketpca to usb sharing or any other optons relating to that13:13
Tomcat_haim trying to convert a image file to iso so that i can burn it13:13
Tomcat_hait orginally said it was an .img13:13
Tomcat_hai proceded to use the file command in terminal13:13
Tomcat_hait said its a udf.1513:13
devdzhow to call "kill" as an  X cursor, so when i click at any application it kills it ?13:13
aciculattyUSB0 is a seral connection wth the device, but thats not what you need i think13:13
Spirits-SightI am unable to set any settings on the PDA13:13
ksbalajimaybe, Gnea since I am not good at typing and commands, I find it easy clicking things.13:13
Tomcat_haso how can i convert a udf 1.5 file to iso?13:14
fabio333devdz: maybe xkill13:14
ct529erUSUL: also, the error on runlevel stop argument seems pretty weird to me ....13:14
Spirits-Sightacicula: I am unable to set any settins on the PDA13:14
aciculaSpirits-Sight: does it show up like a normal disk in wndows or a special disk put seperately13:14
erUSULct529: checked cups logs?13:15
devdzfabio333, it works with xkill thanks :)13:15
erUSULct529: /var/log/cups/error_log ? etc13:15
meowbuntuwhat debian apps work on ubuntu 9.1013:16
aciculaSpirits-Sight: seems you can only access the pocketpc via syncml13:16
meowbuntuis it leny13:16
aciculahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30936 etc13:16
Spirits-Sightit shows as a disk under windows vista (name of device) is the the disk is called, I click on that then I see a few folders one being SD card, one being Network, another being Flash Disk <-- program files13:16
fabio333devdz: look at the gnome-panel, there is a plugin also13:16
ksbalajican someone tell why my right side panel moves to leftside on rebooting please?13:16
Spirits-Sightacicula: ^^13:16
craig_gnomeso how to i remove memtest from grub in ubuntu13:17
ct529erUSUL: nothing in it that makes you suspect anything strange .... and nothing related to stopping or not starting13:17
aciculaSpirits-Sight: yeah but it doesnt expose a disk like a normal storage device, i suspect it uses syncml under the hood to expose it?13:17
HaydnAWow! Lots of people!13:18
r00t_ok, update and reboot fixed all my driver issues13:18
Spirits-Sightacicula: I wish I know!!!13:18
aciculai never could get to the storage part of my windows mobile phone when it was in syncml mode13:18
=== r00t_ is now known as DT`
ct529erUSUL: there is a E [12/Mar/2010:16:55:23 +0000] cupsdReadClient: 18 IPP Read Error! yeasterday at 16:55 .... but it seems completely unrelated13:18
Spirits-Sightso since I am using 10.04 what should I do?13:18
Spirits-Sightacicula: ^13:18
erUSULct529: then i dunno sorry....13:19
devdzfabio333, ok .. tell me .. can I get the source code of that xkill program ? and how ?13:19
ct529erUSUL: do you know where are stored the stop runlevel arguments for cups?13:19
aciculaSpirits-Sight: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile?action=show&redirect=PocketPCHowto13:19
erUSULdevdz: enable the source code repos and do « sudo apt-get source xkill »13:19
meowbuntuok all i want to know is will a debian lenny paclkage work 0n ubuntu 9.10 ?13:19
aciculaSpirits-Sight: that describes how to get to the storage on the pocket pc13:20
Spirits-Sightthanks acicula13:20
erUSULmeowbuntu: nope13:20
aciculaSpirits-Sight: the wiki references this http://freewareppc.com/communication/wm5torage.shtml13:21
aciculawhich seems usefull13:21
aciculaSpirits-Sight: read the warnings though :/13:22
atifthere's another session of xchat running for some reason (/whois crackguy) but i am unable to find out how... i've as well rebooted the machine but the connection of crackguy is not being killed... could some one help me what's going on...?13:22
Spirits-Sightacicula: OK will do!13:23
meowbuntuerUSUL, what will work though http://sarg.sourceforge.net/sarg.php13:23
erUSULatif: if it is your registered nickname do « /msg nickserv ghost crackguy »13:23
Spirits-Sightacicula: thanks very much, now to install stuff for Ubuntu 10.13:23
norbiguys i would like to use windows fonts on ubuntu, because of web design13:23
norbihow can i make that?13:24
aciculaSpirits-Sight: gl ;)13:24
erUSULmeowbuntu: sudo aptitude install sarg ?13:24
^mNotIntelligentnorbi, have u tried using wine and then u can install almost all of windows fonts....13:24
melodie_hello :)13:24
erUSULmeowbuntu: do you looked first in synaptic?13:24
atiferUSUL, it is not registered neither is identified with the services, it is my usual nickname i use and due to some reason it is being held since last 24 hours13:24
erUSUL!software | meowbuntu13:24
ubottumeowbuntu: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:24
erUSULatif: someone else picked it13:25
flowmoi je parle francais13:25
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois13:25
norbi^mNotIntelligent: no i wasn`t tried it13:25
atiferUSUL, no, it is under my ip address13:25
norbido i need to see some guide for this?13:25
flowmy french13:25
melodie_I have a problem in my son's netbook in Ubuntu-Remix : can't get Evolution assistant to go further once name and mail adresse are filled : what about that ? has there be some bug reports about that ? could someone help me find out please ?13:25
ionutdoes anyone knows how can i have on my desktop all my system monitor like here in this image hi does anyone13:26
ionutdoes anyone knows how can i have on my desktop all my system monitor like here in this image http://upload.centerzone.it/images/53649187779974243186.png13:26
devdzerUSUL, thanks but sorry can u help me more? i didnt find how to enable the source code for xkill.. im still new with these things :)13:26
melodie_flow, moi aussi : et alors ? qui demande ?13:26
flowmy french13:26
svennHow do I make a root file system ? I have 2 hard disks in my computer, when trying to install ubuntu I get 'no root system defined' ubuntu can take both hdd for its own. anyone got an idea, gparted says there both unllocated ...13:26
meowbuntuerUSUL, i forgot getting tired think i'll take a break soon13:26
fabio333ionut: conky13:26
flowhéhé tt le monde parle anglais ici13:27
ionutfabio333: tnx13:27
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois13:27
DT`is there  a program i can use to relearn my battery?13:27
melodie_flow, the bot told you : le bot t'a dit : vas sur le chan #ubuntu-fr !!!13:27
DarkStar1ionut: I believe that's a Compiz setting13:27
ionutfabio333: what is conky by the way ?13:27
fabio333ionut: make sure you get conky-colors13:27
DarkStar1ionut: config*13:27
ionutfabio333: i just want the system gadget13:27
ionutor what is13:27
kaolbrecionut, conky is a system monitor13:27
fabio333ionut: it's  long story, and it's not easy to start with, it can do everything13:28
ionutkaolbrec: how can i install it13:28
Dan_E!grub2 > Dan_E13:28
ubottuDan_E, please see my private message13:28
kaolbrecionut, sudo apt-get install conky13:28
fabio333ionut: there are several things like that, es. gapplets13:28
melodie_anyone here did meet with the same issue as I with Evolution ? Should I rather go to Gnome chan ? thanks.13:28
norbiwhere can i get windows fonts for wine?13:28
svennHow do I make a root file system ? I have 2 hard disks in my computer, when trying to install ubuntu I get 'no root system defined' ubuntu can take both hdd for its own. anyone got an idea, gparted says there both unllocated ...13:29
melodie_norbi, in Synaptic : mstt-corefonts or such13:29
fabio333gapplets -> gdesklets13:29
melodie_svenn, what kind of hard drives and what Gparted version ?13:29
norbimelodie_: i don`t really understand, mstt-corefonts are the windows corefonts?13:30
nmvictorwill someone please ashame #debian i have been asking them about trying to corect my screen error, something with fixing X, and no one is responding.I know ubuntu is more of debian, any hel pleas?is their a way13:30
Tomcat_hacan anyone help me with converting a udf file to iso?13:30
melodie_norbi, right, just check the right name13:30
Tomcat_hai want to burn it to a dvd13:30
craig_gnomeremoving memtest from grub2 any body ?13:30
ionutfabio333: i've installed it,now how can i use it ?13:30
meowbuntuhow do i search for files in ubuntu again13:30
norbiand how can i use them?13:30
svenngparted 0.4.5. and 2 x ATA Maxtor 6Y06OLO13:30
melodie_norbi, do a search in Synaptic with "font" or with "ttf" keywords13:30
DT`grr...i cannot stand this chat program -_-13:31
melodie_svenn, download the latest gparted and try again, actual version is 5.213:31
avi93anyone knows how to solve this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8926270#post892627013:31
svennfrom a live cd ubuntu 9.113:31
fabio333ionut: start with  conky13:31
melodie_svenn, you can have it as a live cd or as a live usb13:31
norbimelodie_: where is the "Synaptic"?13:31
melodie_svenn, you can even create a live usb from within the live iso13:31
fabio333ionut: there is a configuration to do, i cant explian it here13:31
svennoke, ill grab a usb stick13:31
melodie_norbi, what flavor Ubuntu do you have ?13:32
ionutfabio333:  do you know any site ?13:32
craig_gnomenorbie system13:32
wayu may try to use grub4DOS13:32
fabio333ionut: man conky13:32
melodie_svenn, allright ?13:32
craig_gnomenorbi , system>admin13:32
kaolbrecionut, try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/conky-a-light-weight-system-monitor-for-ubuntu-linux-systems.html13:33
svennIll try and find latest Gparted version and try if that works :)13:33
melodie_svenn, have thoses hard drives had a system on them before bye the way ?13:33
nmvictoranyone please, how could i fix X?13:33
craig_gnomemelodie , removing memtest from grub2 ?13:33
melodie_svenn, maybe you have to first create a dos partition13:33
melodie_craig_gnome, what for ?13:34
craig_gnomemy list is too long13:34
melodie_craig_gnome, list of what ?13:34
craig_gnomeboot options13:34
melodie_boot list ?13:34
fabio333craig_gnome: several kernels installed13:34
craig_gnomeyes and multiple oses too13:34
katesmithokay what does everyone think of this , i tried wubi ubuntu but i did not like it at all so i uninstalled it, i downloaded a cd a put the iso of unbuntu on a disk, i was going to put it in my hard drive, but i was told that i would need to resize my windows vista and follow the instructions on this ,  http://www.vistarewired.com/2007/02/16/how-to-resize-a-partition-in-windows-vista, i am way too chicken to do that13:34
melodie_try to remove items from the list, there might be a tool for that13:35
norbimelodie_: i cant find them13:35
jribkatesmith: just have backups13:35
svennmelodie_ yes, windows 2000 server was on them, so i think FAT/NTFS13:35
melodie_katesmith, you should start to backup your hard drive with Clonezilla, that's a tool to backup partitions and full hard drives13:36
melodie_katesmith, so it something goes wrong you can restore it all13:36
craig_gnomemelodie i could edit the menulst on 9.04 , but not on 9.10 coz it uses grub.cfg or somthing13:36
atifhow is Fedora different than ubuntu?13:36
codeshepherdatif fsck off to fedora13:37
melodie_craig_gnome, if you uninstalled the eldest kernels with Synaptic ?13:37
melodie_svenn, get a new Gparted live, and try again.13:37
codeshepherdsynaptic.. I have never heard about it13:37
Dr_Willisatif:  biggest differance - RPM vs DEB13:37
melodie_svenn, do you need a tutorial to know how to use it ?13:37
craig_gnomemelodie , i can uninstall the kernels no problem abt that but what abt the memtest....13:38
svennif you have one, it would be nice13:38
melodie_codeshepherd, Synaptic is the frontend to apt : Advanced Package Manager13:38
craig_gnomekatesmith , ubuntu installer has the option of using the largest free space...13:38
svenni'm not that technical, I would be glad if it just worked :)13:38
codeshepherdmelodie_:  just figured that out..13:38
melodie_craig_gnome, keep it : if you need to test the memory of your machine one day you will appreciate it13:39
melodie_ok I go to Gnome chan for my question13:39
craig_gnomemelodie , whats the q?13:39
melodie_svenn, do you need a tutorial to know how to use it ?13:39
underdevhi!  I'm almost in tears here, so if someone could help me i would really appreciate it.  I had an uninstall of a package go terribly wrong.  I've had a bunch of problems since, and now can't mount any of my external (or one of my internal) storage devices.  I'm currently booted from a live 9.10 cd, and everything works fine.  Is there some way i can figure out what's missing on my installed system so that my ubuntu can "just work" again?13:39
svennif you have one yes13:40
melodie_craig_gnome, I don't have your machine in front of me : I don't know what you are talking about13:40
IdleOneunderdev: what did you uninstall?13:40
xoverjrib: that xmodmap file prompts me on boot but it does not run my commands13:40
underdevi can't remember, i think it was kttsd.13:40
jribxover: what is its contents?13:40
craig_gnomeeeh ? i thought u had the problem  ah never mind sorry :P13:40
codeshepherdunderdev: what error do you get while booting ?13:40
underdevi even noted that "gee, that stuff looks important" when it uninstalled the "dependencies"13:41
xoverI just entered it like this13:41
underdevno errors13:41
xoverxmodmap -e "keycode 191=F11"13:41
xoverxmodmap -e "keycode 192=Insert"13:41
jribxover: right... ~/.xmodmaprc is fed directly to xmodmap, you just puth xmodmap commands in there (like "keycode ..."13:41
IdleOneunderdev: so what is your system not doing? we need more info13:41
xoverok, let me try that, thank you.13:42
greezmunkeyjrib: After editing that file, restart X?13:42
underdevIdleOne: okay, none of my external storage will automount, one of my internal hds doesn't automount.  i also uninstalled the printer support, but have managed to get that back13:43
jribgreezmunkey: just log out and back in to make sure it's loaded automatically on login13:43
underdevwho knows what else is gone too13:43
airtonixunderdev, it's kde yeah? have you asked in #kubuntu ?13:43
greezmunkeyjrib: ahh, cool!13:43
underdevno, i just installed kttsd to experiment with tts on ubuntu.  i'm running gnome13:44
underdevjust a plain 9.10.13:44
airtonix!find ktts13:44
IdleOneunderdev: kdebase-runtime probably but I think that if you reinstall kubuntu-desktop it should fix most of the missing depends13:44
greezmunkeyjrib: ok, I get it, because it's in my home (profile) directory.13:44
ubottuFound: kttsd13:44
airtonix!info kttsd13:44
IdleOneunderdev: ahh then wait13:44
ubottukttsd (source: kdeaccessibility): a Text-to-Speech system for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1390 kB, installed size 3348 kB13:44
airtonix!info kdeaccessibility13:45
ubottukdeaccessibility (source: kdeaccessibility): accessibility packages from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 40 kB13:45
underdevagain, am i stupid to think that i could cross-reference what is installed on the livecd with what i have on my installed system and that would tell me what i'm missing?13:45
jribunderdev: possible but pointless I guess13:45
airtonixunderdev, check if kdeaccessibility is installed.13:45
underdevunder this livecd i'm running everything is fine13:46
* airtonix has no idea why text to speech would affect drive mounting13:46
underdevwell, i would have to reboot into the installed system13:46
spOif you set your hard drive to spin slower (and quieter) ... does that lead to longer life for it?13:46
melodie_is there a chan dedicated especially to Ubuntu-Remix ? the one for netbooks ?13:46
underdevairtonix: yeah, this is BS- it took a lot of vital things with it13:46
melodie_I can't change the password from withing the user's management section : how come ?13:46
xoverjrib: it still doesnt load13:46
airtonixunderdev, wierd things happen when you install gnome on a kde system or kde on a gnome system13:46
IdleOneunderdev: see !puregnome and then reinstall ubuntu-desktop package, that should get you back to a normal base ubuntu but not remove your other gnome apps you have installed13:47
melodie_is that a bug ?13:47
xoverjrib: it that because its copied the contents of my xmodmaprc to another file and no longer reads it?13:47
underdevIdleOne: yes13:47
melodie_is there a #ubuntu-bug chan ?13:47
underdevIdleOne: that's a great idea!!!!13:47
guntbertmelodie_: how did you try?13:47
DFarmerI'm having difficulties connecting to my VNC server. I can connect fine through Vinagre, and mouse and keyboard commands are sent through it (I can use the server with the clients controls) but the image on the client's screen remains frozen as it was when the client first connected. How can I remedy this?13:47
IdleOne!puregnome > underdev13:47
ubottuunderdev, please see my private message13:47
melodie_guntbert ?13:47
guntbertmelodie_: did you select "unlock" ?13:48
jribxover: didn't gnome prompt you to load the file at some point?  Did you say, yes, always?13:48
xerox1sp0, i don't know if there is a direct connection between speed and lifetime...13:48
DFarmerAnybody know?13:48
xoveri loaded the file the first time13:48
xovernow it doesnt prompt anymore13:48
underdevIdleOne: i can not tell you what it means to me for your help?  can i paypal you some bucks?13:48
xoverhow do i get that back up again?13:49
melodie_guntbert I logued in the management section for users, entered the password to unlock then I changed the password, then it sayd I was successfull clicked on all apply and ok buttons to close the window then try to go elsewhere with new passwd then it didn't work but with the old passwd yes : what did I do wrong ?13:49
underdevIdleOne: i can not tell you what it means to me for your help.  can i paypal you some bucks?13:49
greezmunkeyHow do I go about editing the "Places" menu?13:49
IdleOneunderdev: absolutely not :) but you are welcome. I hope this works but it won't break anything further so worst thing that happens is you spend a little time NOT breaking anything else13:49
jribxover: it should have had some option to "always load".  Check gconf (search for xmodmap).  Anyway, if you don't want to be bothered, just add « xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc » to startup applications13:49
DFarmerI'm having difficulties connecting to my VNC server. I can connect fine through Vinagre, and mouse and keyboard commands are sent through it (I can use the server with the clients controls) but the image on the client's screen remains frozen as it was when the client first connected. How can I remedy this?13:49
underdevIdleOne: okay, thanks.  i will try to reinstall the desktop13:50
melodie_guntbert ?13:50
guntbertmelodie_: reading and looking13:50
IdleOneunderdev: see the message from ubottu also first13:50
leftistwhat command do i use to remove a .nx directory and all directories behind or or recursively?13:51
melodie_guntbert, I would go to launchpad to look for bugs, but I'm scared about the number of them I can find13:51
melodie_I'll go to console for now13:51
melodie_guntbert, but I think it's a pity that doesn't work13:51
leftistrm -r?13:51
xoverjrib: under my home dir?13:51
melodie_leftist, -R13:51
jrib!startup | xover13:51
ubottuxover: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:51
melodie_rm followed by -R13:51
guntbertmelodie_: did you try change the password of the current user or of someone else?13:52
leftistthank you melodie_13:52
melodie_guntbert, current user13:52
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:52
melodie_leftist, welcome13:52
xoverrc.local doesnt work thats for sure13:52
IdleOne!hello | miri13:52
ubottumiri: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:52
xoveri used to put my xmodmap commands in there and nada happens13:52
miriwho are you guis13:53
norbihow can i install a .bin package??13:53
ionuti've tryied conky to see my system processes and others on desktop but is difficult to install. does exist another application that can be installed easier ?13:53
norbii downloaded Qt sdk from Nokia and dunno how to use the .bin13:53
guntbertmelodie_: then you had to enter your old password first13:53
mirinorbi: who are you?13:54
IdleOne!es | miri13:54
ubottumiri: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:54
greezmunkeyionut: have you tried "htop"?13:54
norbimiri: why? and what are you meaning by this?13:54
guntbert!ot | miri13:54
ubottumiri: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:54
leftisti get an error from NX client and according to the forum it says to uninstall NX.  This isnt windows so how do i uninstall an application such as NX Client?13:54
IdleOnenorbi: I think miri means to say How and not who13:55
ionutgreezmunkey: nope13:55
mirigreezmunkey: i am so hot, fisicly13:55
greezmunkeyionut: sudo apt-get install htop, then run htop from a terminal.13:55
Stargazemy 64 bit install was a failure, back in 32 bit now :(13:55
norbi:) then if it is "how", i`m fine thanks13:55
IdleOnemiri: please stop. this is not a social chat channel and much less a dating site13:55
cozmozanyone can help me? Third post from down13:55
mirigreezmunkey:i love to love13:55
norbiso please, tell me how to use .bin13:56
ct529erUSUL: there is something strange going on actually .... if I run "runlevel" it says "unknown" .... how can the reunlevel be unknown?13:56
magdawhat is it?!13:56
guntbertcozmoz: don't assume my screen is like yours - please repost your question ~ every 10 minutes13:57
magdaok, never mind13:57
leftistnorbi do you play lfs?13:57
ionutgreezmunkey: but i want it permanently on my desktop like this in this image here http://upload.centerzone.it/images/53649187779974243186.png13:57
magdai'm here... first time13:57
norbilfs? what is that?13:57
cozmozcan't get my microphone to work on Ubuntu 9.10, got an x-fi fatal1ty soundcard, can record sound from inside the computer, can't get my microphone to record anything13:57
norbihaha here is like on a social network :)13:58
greezmunkeyionut: maybe docky?13:58
IdleOnecozmoz: type alsamixer in a terminal and make sure the mic is not muted13:58
norbiso again, back to the .bin13:58
guntbertnorbi: no - its a support channnel13:58
norbii know13:58
norbibut its like13:58
cozmozIdleOne, already done13:58
cozmozposted a screenshot in the thread I linked13:59
norbihow can i run that .bin file?!13:59
vassagonorbi: chmod + x your.bin && ./your.bin13:59
vassago+x, without a space between14:00
norbivassago: why need chmod?14:00
IdleOnecozmoz: this channel is very busy as you can see. links and posts get lost quickly, restaing your question every ten minutes or so is the best way to be seen14:00
fabio333norbi: executable flag14:00
spOif you set your hard drive to spin slower (and quieter) ... does that lead to longer life for it?14:00
DarkStar1Quick question. Is there anyway to decouple a terminal from the application I started within it. I'd like to close the terminal window but keep the app running14:00
fabio333spO: through hdparm14:00
vassagonorbi: you can also try running it directly, if it happens to be an shell script (as is often the case) by: sh your.bin14:00
fabio333spO: acceleration can damage it14:01
IdleOneDarkEyes: command & will do that14:01
AquariusПодскажите, как в grub2 менять строки с наименованиями систем!14:01
norbiit doesn`t run14:01
spOfab, but setting to quiet is a form of deacceration... you think that can damage it too?14:01
mauiim running ubuntu via wubi and grub doesnt work anymore after the last kernel update, i cant boot ubuntu anymore14:01
Lazy^Aquarius: talk english14:01
vassagonorbi: what happens exactly?14:01
IdleOne!ru | Aquarius14:01
ubottuAquarius: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:01
norbiCould not display "/home/norbi/Downloads/qt-sdk...ux-x86-opensource-2010.02.bin"14:01
DarkStar1for instance I GKSU'ed a gedit but I'd like to close the terminal to reduce my taskbar clutter14:02
IdleOneLazy^: what if he doesn't speak english?14:02
norbiThe file is of an unknown type14:02
Lazy^maui: use live-cd to recover grub14:02
greezmunkeyI figured out editing the "Places" menu...14:02
vassagonorbi: what does > file your.bin say?14:02
norbivassag: The file is of an unknown type14:03
DarkStar1Or is it not possible14:03
norbivassago: The file is of an unknown type if i try to run it directly14:03
vassagonorbi: than it might be corrupt14:03
IdleOneDarkStar1: gksudo gedit &14:03
spOfabio, but setting to quiet is a form of deacceration... you think that can damage it too?14:03
DarkStar1IdleOne: thanks. I'll try that now14:03
Okidesuis there a way to configure the xserver-xorg-input-wacom ?14:04
norbino, it says with sh: /home/norbi/Downloads/qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.02.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected14:04
IdleOneDarkStar1: gksudo gedit file & , you get my drift...14:04
dosordielastfm does not work for me in rythmbox, anyone else had same problem? it has been ivalid some time now14:04
underdevIdleOne: YES!!!  IT WORKED!!!114:05
IdleOneunderdev: :) glad to hear it14:05
underdevthat's a trick worth remembering14:05
norbivassago: chmod x+u works :)14:06
cozmozcan't get my microphone to work on Ubuntu 9.10, got an x-fi fatal1ty soundcard, can record sound from inside the computer, can't get my microphone to record anything14:06
vassagomaybe the other way round?14:06
cozmozaudacity got this info : Capture volume is emulated Playback volume is native14:06
ubuntu_i've booted live CD of Lubuntu.  i can't start installation using desktop icon.  can anyone help?14:06
greezmunkeydosordie: Add stations to rythmbox: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130244014:07
ubuntu_anyone help w/ lubuntu?14:07
IdleOneubuntu_: try asking in #lubuntu also14:07
NollogIs xbmc.org down?14:09
greezmunkeyNollog, www.isitup.org14:09
Nolloggreezmunkey: I've tried with two seperate connections one in france another here.14:09
NollogI was hoping someone might say "yea, maintenence" or something.14:10
dosordiegreezmunkey thx, i will look at that14:10
greezmunkeyNollog: check the site from http://www.isitup.org14:10
IdleOneNollog: it isn't just you14:10
Nollogo, ok.14:11
NollogAnyone know why?14:11
dataghi there. i recently filed a bug on launchpad and i wonder what the tag "kernel-series-unknown" means, which was added by someone14:11
IdleOneNollog: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com14:11
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IdleOneNollog: they didn't pay the rent this month? :)14:11
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greezmunkeyIdleOne> Nollog, isitup shows it working...14:11
SlybootsHm, Having an .. "intresting" issue with Ubuntu 9.10, Have a Softraid RAID5 setup with mdamd and set it to rebulid over night, however this morning the job came up as failed and this was in the system logs14:12
lorenzo#ubunti-it    #ubuntu-it-chat14:12
IdleOnegreezmunkey: not on my end14:12
greezmunkeyIdleOne: wierd14:12
SlybootsIm not really sure what exactly that error means? Is it a drive or..bus/controller error?14:12
datagdoes the tag "kernel-series-unknown" mean that my system's kernel is non-default?14:13
greezmunkeyIdleOne: It came up on my browser, where are you (on the planet)?14:13
IdleOnegreezmunkey: Montreal Canada14:13
greezmunkeyIdleOne: Maybe it's the NSA...14:13
IdleOnegreezmunkey: could be. I'm not concerned about it though14:14
Stargaze!it| lorenzo14:14
ubottulorenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:14
NollogAnyone think more ram would help hd playback in an atom/ion htpc?14:14
SlybootsNollog: how much ram do you have in it now?14:15
dataghttps://dev.launchpad.net/LaunchpadBugTags doesn't show "kernel-series-unknown"14:15
Nollog128 for video memory, won't let me go higher unless I upgrade, but the ram is costly.14:15
Slybootsnot sure, sorry14:15
NollogMaybe I'm just used to low ram prices over the years.14:15
greezmunkeyNollog, atom should support up to 2GB14:16
wowotohello,how can i make the buttons of --max min and closd - to the left (like MAC )14:16
NollogIt supports 2GB on each slot, but only 1GB present.14:16
IdleOneNollog: so buy more ram. won't hurt it14:16
wowotoo  igot it14:16
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto14:17
wowoto C U ALL14:17
IdleOnelater wowoto14:17
NollogIt's an acer revo 3600(1600 in the us)14:17
wowotoIdleOne: i got it my elf14:17
philcamlinhey guys14:17
Stargazewowoto, there's a bot-message about it14:17
IdleOnewowoto: good job, wanna share with us?14:17
NollogPosts all over the internet say 1080p should work fine on 1GB, but mine doesn't14:17
wowotoat metacity----general---14:17
NollogWell, it doesn't mention 1GB, but the model number and they don't mention any upgrades.14:18
wowotoIdleOne: gconf-editor------  /apps/metacity/general/button_layout14:19
meowbuntuhi i am doing an update in terminal. its been stuck on 99% [2 Packages bzip2 0] for 25mins what is going on14:19
wowotoIdleOne: edit that by yourself14:19
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IdleOnewowoto: good to know. thank you14:19
wowotoIdleOne: welcome @14:19
wowotoC U all14:19
fernando_some good spyware for linux?14:20
melodie_fernando_, you want to install a spyware ? what and who do you want to spy ?14:21
lao5does linux have spyware?.14:21
JimmyNeutronnope, unless u got infected14:22
fernando_i dont kniow, i want a goog program cause i wana know something about mi girlfriend14:22
llutzlao5: it has14:22
lao5how doi judge if infected14:22
lao5check the processes?14:22
lao5like windows?14:23
JimmyNeutronmonitor your ethernet packets14:23
Stargazewindows is NOT linux14:23
meowbuntuany ideas14:23
Nollogfernando_: lol14:23
lao5JimmyNeutron: how do i monitor the ethernet packets? do you have any recommended sotfware14:24
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JimmyNeutronuse wireshark, free software and works great14:24
llutzpointless if he doesn't know to interpret the dumps14:25
IdleOnefernando_: if you want to know something about your girlfriend, ask her. IF you have to spy then perhaps she should not be your girlfriend.14:27
fernando_ok, thanks idleone14:28
red Is there any utility to notify me whenever a user logs onto my ubuntu using SSH?14:31
redor an app to see a list / log of login times or anything similar?14:31
ikoniared: you can script that14:31
leftistanyone ever have issues with nxclient?14:31
redI'd like it in GUI14:31
ikoniared: look at the secure log14:32
llutzred: who/w/last14:32
ikoniared: in that case, no, that doesn't exist at th emoment14:32
redllutz: thanks, last command is nice14:33
DarkStar1how do I add a new group? The "Users and Groups" tool doesn't seem to be working14:33
ikoniaDarkStar1: well, if it's not working that's a real problem, however groupadd works14:34
DarkStar1ikonia: Well everytime I add a group it works fine. but when I close it and open again the new group I just added isn't listed14:35
CreedenceI need help opening easy bcd on my machine14:36
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PlimmerHello. I have 3 hard drives in my system, mouted via fstab. The other day I lost contact to one of them (a brand new WD1,5tb disk) and the rest still works. I have tried swapping them around on the different sata ports on the motherboard and now tried hooking them up via a Promise PCI controller.14:37
PlimmerThe 1st hdd works fine on the promise and the 2nd still wont show14:37
PlimmerShould I send the drive in or am I missing something?14:38
DarkStar1ikonia: When I use groupadd I get the error message "Cannot lock /etc/group" how can I find out the process holding this file?14:38
babilenDarkStar1: lsof14:38
DarkStar1Plimmer: Can you see the drive listed when you POST?14:38
DarkStar1babilen:  thanks14:38
PlimmerDarkStar1: I dont have a monitor attached to it, but I can see it when I do a "lshw -C disk"14:39
PlimmerDarkStar1: I only have terminal acces to it14:39
IdleOnegreezmunkey: what is that?14:39
tiinahej anyone who konws how to reinstall firefox in ubuntu14:39
dbeavhi everyone. I just installed Ubuntu for the first time, and need some help14:39
llutztiina: sudo aptitude reinstall firefox14:40
greezmunkeyIdleOne: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11044014:40
DarkStar1Plimmer: if any process can recognise the drive then it should be physically OK14:40
Stargaze!ask| dbeav14:40
ubottudbeav: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:40
theadmindbeav: Ask away!14:40
=== SETKEH_ is now known as SETKEH
PlimmerDarkStar1: Can it be the file system that is corrupted?14:40
theadmintiina: You can just delete the .mozilla folder in your home folder. It will likely have quite the same effect.14:41
dbeavafter the install, two out of three times, the bios doesn't get past the RAM check. I never had this problem before. It does not happen when I disconnect the HD. I tried installing on a different HD, but still the same problem.14:41
theadmintiina: If you need to reinstall, however, try this: "sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo rm -rf $HOME/.mozilla && sudo apt-get install firefox"14:41
devdzsomeone can tell me how i enable the source of a program so i can check it with apt-get souce ... ??14:41
PlimmerDarkStar1: Oh btw. Before I lost total acces to it, when I transferred larger amounts of data to or from it, it would loose acces to the disk, only to return after a reboot.14:42
theadmindbeav: Weird.14:42
DarkStar1Plimmer: did you manually enter the fstab information. Also it's a shame you don't have "gparted" access to it14:42
tiinajag taar14:42
theadmindbeav: Can't really help that though, doesn't sound like Ubuntu problem... but if it happens only after install it is.14:42
PlimmerDarkStar1: Yes I did, want me to paste it to you?14:42
intuitioni tried following this guide to fix a problem with a software, and i have no sound in the system now. http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php?t=52099 :\ how can i put the sound back ? going to system > preferences > sound won't do anything since it can't load sound14:42
tiinaI'll thanks you ....do I need to remove anything?14:43
DarkStar1Plimmer: yeah14:43
PlimmerI can pastebin the lshw info too..14:43
dbeavtheadmin: I know, that's what I thought. Maybe it has to do with the file system I formatted to?14:43
Plimmer2 secs14:43
Stargazedbeav, the BIOS comes before Ubuntu is loaded, so it is not an Ubuntu isuue, it sounds like a hardware issue14:43
theadmindbeav: What was it?14:43
theadmindbeav: You'd better only use Ubuntu with ext3 or even better with ext414:43
dbeavthadmin: Was NTFS, is now whatever the default Ubuntu is14:43
NollogWhat the hell? My cpu is at 100% on both threads just running ubuntu...14:43
intuitionNollog, using teamspeak 3?14:44
NollogNo, ubuntu14:44
dbeavtheadmin: how do I check what it is under Ubuntu?14:44
theadmindbeav: Give the output of "cat /etc/fstab", please14:44
llutzdbeav: blkid14:44
NollogHow is 28+12 = 200%?14:45
interglossaare there any acer 1410 or 1810 owners?14:45
theadmindbeav: Pastebin it, don't paste into the channel directly though14:45
intuitioncan anyone help me please?14:45
ikoniaintuition: with that ?14:45
=== ubuntu_ is now known as roscogruen
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NollogI'm an acer revo 3600 owner14:45
intuitionikonia, i tried following this guide to fix a problem with a software, and i have no sound in the system now. http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php?t=52099 :\ how can i put the sound back ? going to system > preferences > sound won't do anything since it can't load sound :s14:46
PlimmerGah.. How do I copy text from Putty to windows?14:46
interglossaoh, i am trying to decide between 1410 and 1810 and can't tell whether 1810 is worth the extra $$14:46
Stargaze!ask| intuition14:46
ubottuintuition: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:46
NollogPlimmer: right click to select it.14:46
NollogIt's copied.14:46
interglossarevo is notebook?14:46
theadmininterglossa: That'd be offtopic14:46
intuitionStargaze, i did ask the question before :)14:46
Nollogrevo is nettop.14:46
dbeavtheadmin: will do, brb14:46
greezmunkeyScripting question: Writing a script that shortens the process of adding arguments. That works, but I would like to pipe information to the script also and have the script run the prog with some "default" arguements. Is this possible? Where should I look?14:46
StargazeNollog, check this PDF about Revo => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4653463/issue33_en.pdf14:47
Nollogstupid nauticlus didn't cancel my file operation when I told it to.14:47
NollogI can';t read pdfs14:48
ikoniagreezmunkey: try #bash14:48
roscogruencan anyone see my IP or locale?14:48
StargazeNollog, with which OS?14:48
PlimmerDarkStar1: http://pastebin.org/11172414:48
OttifantSirDoes anyone know why Nautilus "hangs"? Sometimes, when opening a folder, Nautilus "hangs" when loading, giving me only partial list of the files, then keeps loading forever. No matter if it's internal or external drive. Mounted NFS-drive doesn't do this. Any ideas? It works again after a reboot.14:48
theadminroscogruen: Doubt it :/14:48
roscogrueni'm trying to hide it14:48
auronandace_Nollog: use evince to read pdf14:49
NollogStargaze: debian14:49
theadminOttifantSir: Try hitting f5 if it happens again, it happens if folder is to big. Is just a bug.14:49
JimmyNeutrondsl swbell.net14:49
Dr_Willis_roscogruen:  you can request a ip cloak on this irc network if you want.14:49
roscogruenthere is a guy, alienjeff, on the puppy channel that is .....  a jerk14:49
roscogrueni've been cloaked14:49
Dr_Willis_roscogruen:  yes.. we know him. :)14:49
JimmyNeutronor go through a proxy server14:49
StargazeNollog, and no built-in PDF-reader?14:49
ikoniaroscogruen: that's nothing to do with #ubuntu, please don't bring i up in here14:49
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dbeavtheadmin: pastebin.com/P5We9hYw14:50
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NollogIt;s a server, pdf is crappy and bloated and loads slowly on a vnc screen.14:50
greezmunkeyOttifantSir, I had that happen after downloading a .pdf, turned out that the pdf filename had a bunch of spaces and whatnot which seemed to confuse Naut. I had to access the directory via a terminal, and rename the file.14:50
theadmindbeav: Hm, it is ext4, seems like filesystem is not the problem then14:50
Dr_Willis_roscogruen:  you dont look cloaked here -> [roscogruen] (~ubuntu@adsl-69-149-170-193.dsl.amrltx.swbell.net): Live session user14:50
ikoniaroscogruen: talk to freenode about your cloak14:51
dbeavtheadmin: could there be any compatability problems with old motherboards and the file system? I have a Gigabyte mobo from around 200414:51
OttifantSirtheadmin: No, that doesn't work. Closing Nautilus and reopening the folder does the same. F5 or pressing the Reload-button doesn't work either. Only thing that corrects is a reboot. And some of the folders are large (~1000 files) some are smaller (~50 files). Never the same ones14:51
theadminOttifantSir: Oh. Weirdness.14:51
ArThUr_1question if i buy a new laptop and the restore partition windows.. can i make recovery cd's from that partition? if so how? from ubuntu of course...14:52
ikoniaArThUr_1: that's nothing to do with ubuntu14:52
ikoniaArThUr_1: speak to the guys in ##window14:52
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ikonia##windows sorry14:52
ArThUr_1ok ty!14:53
Dr_Willis_ArThUr_1:  most laptops these days come with programs you run under windows that makes 'restore disk sets' or you can buy a set from the company for like $2014:53
DarkStar1Plimmer: there's actually nothing outwardly wrong with the disk from the output. so this may suggest some hardware problem relating to some other hardware in the base unit14:53
Dr_Willis_ArThUr_1:  i tend to make a set AND order a set.. befor i whipe out the hd's for my liux installs14:53
Dr_Willis_ArThUr_1:  or just swap out the HD with my own for my Linux Needs.14:53
PlimmerDarkStar1: Hrmm14:53
PlimmerDarkStar1: Any idear where I should start looking?14:54
hamdarHi... I'm a newbie. I took Eeebuntu for my acer aspire 8gb netbook.14:54
PlimmerI thought it might be the sata ports that were wonkey, but the promise card is brand spanking new.14:54
DarkStar1Plimmer: do me a favour first. Unhook one of the other non essential HD and then try copying or writing large amounts of data14:54
PeturIHow can i subscript in Ubuntu?14:54
NollogStargaze: That gives very little detail.14:54
ArThUr_1thats what i do swap hard drives was just wondering if there was a way to make the recovery disks from ubuntu..?14:54
ikoniaPeturI: subscript ?14:54
ArdethianGuys, does anyone know how I can get my iCatch webcam to work? Tried mxhaard.free.fr drivers, but I can't seem to install em.14:54
PlimmerDarkStar1: Okay, brb14:54
DarkStar1Plimmer: ok14:54
Dawgmatixwhat does one do when a bug has been filed for quite sometime and no ones looking into it ?14:55
PeturIikonia: Superscript is like x² .. but subscript is placing the 2 on the bottom.14:55
ArThUr_1but thanks for the info!14:55
ikoniaPeturI: I have no idea what you're talking about14:55
PlimmerTo and from the same drive?14:55
ArdethianGuys, does anyone know how I can get my iCatch webcam to work? Tried mxhaard.free.fr drivers, but I can't seem to install em.14:55
Dr_Willis_ArThUr_1:  tjers tools to Image a hard drive completely - under linux. Thats possible.. but i still suggest making a backup disk set. AND ordering a set.14:55
Dr_Willis_ArThUr_1:  Tripple Backups :)14:55
PeturIikonia: X squared (as in math) can be written as x^2 or simply x², ok? the 2 is called superscript ok?14:56
JeruvyDawgmatix: best to join #ubuntu-bugs and discuss it there.14:56
erUSULDawgmatix: take a deep breath and remember to yourself how mauch you pay for ubuntu and all its software :)14:56
OttifantSirDoes anyone know why Nautilus "hangs"? Sometimes, when opening a folder, Nautilus "hangs" when loading, giving me only partial list of the files, then keeps loading forever. No matter if it's internal or external drive. Mounted NFS-drive doesn't do this. Usually happens after having the computer run for a few day. Any ideas? It only works again after a reboot.14:56
PeturIikonia: In chemistry, the -script is usually placed on the bottom, i'm trying to find a way to do so14:56
ArThUr_1oh yea  backups alot.. ;) not that i use windows for anything14:56
ArThUr_1and ty again for the info!14:56
DawgmatixerUSUL i will pretend i didnt hear that :)14:56
Dr_Willis_PeturI:  You mean in IRC chat rooms? or where exactly?14:56
ikoniaPeturI: I have no idea how that relates to ubuntu14:57
madjoeHi! Is there predefined color palettes for terminal other than default? I'd like to know if I could download a good palettes for my terminal screen... if possible.14:57
ikoniamadjoe: make your own14:57
Dawgmatixi filed a bug, followed it up with providing the necessary technical info, even now i am not griping but enquiring about the proper procedure to escalate issues.14:57
abhi_navmadjoe: yes14:57
PeturIikonia: Ubuntu runs gnome by default, the key combination is related to the OS.14:57
madjoeabhi_nav: how? where?14:57
ArdethianMadjoe: go to Edit > Profiles.14:57
HowardtheDuckhey.  since ubuntu doesn't have midentify, how do i go about checking the bitrate of my videos?14:57
ArdethianYou're supposed to be able to customize your colors in there.14:57
abhi_navmadjoe: do that14:57
ikoniaPeturI: key combination to do Maths, ??? apologies, I'm really not following14:58
roscogruenDr_Willis, and ikonia .  thank you.  i will speak to freenode about cloak.  it was never set correctly14:58
ArdethianGuys, does anyone know how I can get my iCatch webcam to work? Tried mxhaard.free.fr drivers, but I can't seem to install em.14:58
madjoeabhi_nav: you mean - I should make my own paletter?14:58
ArdethianYeah, you can do that.14:58
abhi_navmadjoe: I mean do what Ardethian told you to14:58
PeturIikonia: A subscript or superscript is a number, figure, symbol, or indicator that appears smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly below or above it – subscripts appear at or below the baseline, while superscripts are above. Subscripts and superscripts are perhaps best known for their use in formulas, mathematical expressions, and descriptions of chemical compounds or isotopes, but have many other uses as well. (wikipedia)14:59
PeturIikonia: I'm trying to find out how i make subscripts with ubuntu....14:59
ArdethianEdit > Profiles14:59
madjoeArdethian: I can create a new profile there, but where can I download a nice palette to prevent an eye strain?14:59
ArdethianChoose a profile and click 'edit'.14:59
abhi_navmadjoe: and Ardethian: ist not edit=>profile its edit=>profile preferences. in that click on color tab15:00
ArdethianI'm not sure you really need one. You got everything you need in there.15:00
ArdethianYou can edit transparency, colors etc15:00
ArdethianMy terminal's background is black with white writing and a 50% transparency.15:00
ArdethianYou don't need any more than that imo.15:01
ArdethianGuys, does anyone know how I can get my iCatch webcam to work? Tried mxhaard.free.fr drivers, but I can't seem to install em.15:01
abhi_navmine is green on black :-) (matrix!!!)15:01
ArdethianYou're probably using the Matrix screensaver too.15:01
abhi_navno i dont use screensaver at all15:01
ArdethianOne of the best matrix screensavers btw.15:01
ArdethianYou better check it out, you'd wanna use it.15:02
ArdethianSo erm, anyone for the iCatch webcam thingy?15:02
Time`s_Witnessmy sound is not working  .. can anyone point me how to fix this ?15:02
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:02
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:02
xfactWill I miss any feature in Netbook remix then the normal desktop edition of Ubuntu ?15:02
DarkStar1have a bit of a weird problem. I can't add new groups using the "Groups and Users" tool and group add gives me the message: "groupadd: cannot lock /etc/group; try again later"   lsof /etc/group returns nothing15:03
ArdethianDon't think so.15:03
madjoeabhi_nav, Ardethian: I don't know if you've seen a gedit palette Thankful Eyes - http://blog.ekini.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/gedit.png (I'm looking for something similar for Terminal)15:03
ArdethianUbuntu > any netbook imo.15:03
Time`s_WitnessDouble clicking in the volume control leads to nothing but showing the volume % and hiding it again :s15:03
ArdethianRight click it.15:03
xfactArdethian, Are you talking to me?15:03
abhi_navmadjoe: what you are talking about? whats your actual prob? i am not geting what you want?15:03
ArdethianYup xfact.15:04
DarkStar1is there a way for me to find out what's locking out a file?15:04
ArdethianI didn't get him either abhi_nav, I guess he got what he wanted though.15:04
madjoeabhi_nav: I want to use the same color scheme (palette) for my Terminal window.15:04
xfactthanks for suggestion Ardethian :)15:04
Time`s_Witnessyea, Ardethian, but i see no "file" menu by going to sound preferences :s so i suppose the volume control is somewhat wrong lol15:04
abhi_navmadjoe: so you solved now?15:04
PlimmerDarkStar1: Ok, copying now to and from the same disk at around 22mb/s15:04
llutzDarkStar1: lsof, fuser15:05
A[D]minSwhich FS recommended for / in Ubuntu 10.4 ext3 or ext4 ?15:05
abhi_navArdethian: hmm15:05
ionuti have installed conky and now is running. how can i make that every time a login on my laptop will automatically start15:05
DarkStar1llutz: lsof on the locked file returns nothing15:05
r3dux_I so can't wait for 10.04 - and if my laptop still won't suspend/hibernate/shut-the-hell-down, then a distro switch will be in order ;)15:05
madjoeabhi_nav: nope.. I know how to do it manually, but my question was: is there any location where I could go to and Download additional palettes other than default for Terminal15:05
DarkStar1Plimmer: has the disk dropped out yet?15:05
kaolbrecionut, System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications15:05
PlimmerDarkStar1: Still going strong15:05
A[D]minSwhich FS recommended for / in Ubuntu 9.10 ext3 or ext4 ?15:06
kaolbrecionut, add /usr/bin/conky to the list15:06
xfactI am currently using the Netbook remix in my desktop and it's kind of smarter looking then the normal edition15:06
r3dux_ext4 all the way A[D]minS15:06
abhi_navmadjoe: oHh. hmm ok. no i dont know any such location. i know how to change it from termianl settings15:06
DarkStar1Plimmer: that's with just two disks running on the system right?15:06
madjoeabhi_nav: ok, so you suggest that manual is my only option15:06
PlimmerDarkStar1: Yes15:06
r3dux_Less tools for it than ext3 tho - so I'll temper my speed enthusiasm with real-life15:06
DarkStar1Plimmer:  then it would seem you may have  one of two rpoblems15:07
abhi_navmadjoe: no. do googling. may you find something15:07
ionutkaolbrec: tnx15:07
madjoeabhi_nav: I did.. for 2hrs already... nothing15:07
kaolbrecionut, no problem15:07
abhi_navmadjoe: i have never think of any such thing15:07
DarkStar1Plimmer: two possible problems* either your power supply is over tasked or15:07
craig_gnome!seahorse daemon15:07
abhi_navmadjoe: this is one of the result : http://blog.infinitered.com/entries/show/6 is this what you want?15:08
PlimmerDarkStar1: 400 Watt Corsair15:08
madjoeabhi_nav: well, I got used to my color scheme in Gedit, become spoilt and now I really hate these Ubuntu default color schemes for my terminal window :)15:08
PlimmerDarkStar1: New aswell15:08
Stargazemadjoe, i don't think such palette exists => http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-terminal/stable/gnome-terminal-prefs.html.en#gnome-terminal-prefs-colors15:08
PlimmerDarkStar1: And just running a p4, 3 disks and a cdrom15:08
DarkStar1Plimmer:  what other hardware are you running?15:08
HowardtheDuckhow can I check a video's bitrate in Ubuntu?  prefereably in CLI?15:09
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>15:09
PlimmerDarkStar1: And 4 fans..15:09
abhi_navmadjoe: you only want to change terminal theme or whole desktop? their are separate themes for window border, application etc you can get them from gnome15:09
craig_gnome!info seahorse daemon15:09
ubottu'daemon' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner15:09
r3dux_HowardtheDuck, you can do a lot with mplayer - I'd look at that first...15:09
Stargazeabhi_nav, that font type looks like the Windows Comic font15:09
madjoeabhi_nav: terminal scheme only! and the link you gave me is for Mac OS X.. no?15:09
agusiahello, i have some problem with my Ubuntu. My wifi connect with router, but not with internet, any idea? what i have to do?15:09
HowardtheDuckUbuntu doesn't have midentify, and I can't use Mediainfo because I don't have libmediainfo0 and can't find it15:09
r3dux_HowardtheDuck, VLC will also give you a lot of details, but I don't know if you can get at them from the command line15:10
abhi_navStargaze: hmm :-) I am giving e.g. to madjoe if this is what he want.15:10
PlimmerDarkStar1: I would be very surprised if I use even close to 200watts15:10
HowardtheDucki don't want to have to open the file up.15:10
DarkStar1Plimmer: but remember your PSU wont be outputting near the 400watt prob around 350 or so, but also remember P4s were notoriiously power hungry and TB+ drives drink juice as well but it hardly seems likely this is the case15:10
OttifantSirDoes anyone know why Nautilus "hangs"? Sometimes, when opening a folder, Nautilus "hangs" when loading, giving me only partial list of the files, then keeps loading forever. No matter if it's internal or external drive. Mounted NFS-drive doesn't do this. Usually happens after having the computer run for a few day. Any ideas? It only works again after a reboot.15:10
HowardtheDuckthis sucks i dont wanna have to try to use gspot in wine heh15:10
Ardethianabhi_nav, is there a good MSN Messenger replacement for linux that enables a good Video Conversation to be made?15:10
craig_gnome!info seahorse15:11
r3dux_OttifantSir, I've not experienced that behaviour... I don't think...15:11
ubottuseahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 663 kB, installed size 8472 kB15:11
=== SETKEH_ is now known as SETKEH
PlimmerDarkStar1: Yeah, the motherboard is pretty old though but well cooled. So I am pretty sure it isint overheating aswell.15:11
abhi_navArdethian: have you tried, emesene?15:12
PlimmerDarkStar1: I guess it could be the Northbridge that is getting old, but that would affect all the drives, yeah?15:12
r3dux_I have a lot of Gnome issues (Start in Metacity/start in Compiz/Start with gnome-session-manager running/crashed - but Nautilus is usually quite well behaved.15:12
ArdethianGonna look for it. Sec.15:12
DarkStar1Plimmer:  Yeah but your south control the buss access to your drives15:12
PlimmerDarkStar1: Oh yeah, offcourse.15:12
abhi_navmadjoe: see this: http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/09/05/custom-terminal-prompt/15:12
mariiaay alguien q able en spañol?15:12
madjoeStargaze: yes, maybe it doesn't exist the way I described, but I'm sure I can find color schemes that someone has posted so I could copy/paste the theme I like and do it more like semiautomatic... :)15:13
abhifxhi there! i am having a major problem while installing nvidia drivers. can someone help me plz?15:13
Ardethian'emesene allows you to chat with your contacts in the MSN network.15:13
ArdethianIt doesn't support webcams yet, if you want webcam support, you should15:13
Ardethianlook at amsn.'15:13
DarkStar1Plimmer: the last time I had a problem with that It made drive access funny until I gave it a new heatsink15:13
craig_gnome!info seahorse15:13
ubottuseahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 663 kB, installed size 8472 kB15:13
ArdethianGonna check amsn then.15:13
overmind!es | mariia15:13
ubottumariia: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:13
craig_gnome!info GnuPG15:13
ubottuPackage GnuPG does not exist in karmic15:13
* om26er thinks amsn now dont support video call15:13
roscogruenDr_Willis, to install the iso i must burn it to CD?  i'm running live lubuntu now w/ one cd drive15:13
abhi_nav!info amsn15:14
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.1~debian-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 269 kB, installed size 880 kB15:14
r3dux_roscogruen, MOUNT the ISO, save a CD ;)15:14
abhi_navmadjoe: see my last msg15:14
Stargazeom26er, i can't get my webcam to work in aMSN either15:14
PlimmerDarkStar1: I guess I could apply some new grease to the heatsinks.15:14
roscogruenr3dux_, i have one cd drive15:14
DarkStar1Plimmer: and the second problem I was goiing to mention is that with old motherboards I heard something a while back along the lines of failure when addressing disk space in the high terabyte range15:14
madjoeabhi_nav:oh, that link indicates something that I already know... but thanks15:14
abhi_navmadjoe: ????? :(15:14
roscogrueni don't think i can take cd of lubuntu out while running it as OS, can i?15:14
roscogruenr3dux_, ^15:15
om26erStargaze, its some changes with msn server so at the moment msn calling cant happen15:15
om26er*in linux15:15
Ardethianom26er: Yer, trying it nowz. :)15:15
madjoeabhi_nav: custom terminal prompt and how to set colors within .bashrc - I know that... but ok, I'll do all manually in Edit > Profile Preferences15:16
madjoedoes karma work in here?15:16
DarkStar1Plimmer: never came across such an issue as people are only starting to house 2tb+ these days but old motherboards are supposedly to have issues with addressing a lot of disk space with failure manifesting in certain number of ways. I'd check with your motherboard manufacturer15:16
madjoeI always mix #ubuntu channel with #drupal channel :)15:17
PlimmerDarkStar1: Hrmm.. Well I Had 300gb on the one that dosent work, and the one that do work is on around 100gb15:18
=== joshua is now known as Guest76578
DarkStar1Plimmer:  that's gigabyte. I'm talking terabytes15:18
abhi_navmadjoe: what? abhi_nav++ :-) means? haa haa haa15:19
michLinuxGuyHaving no luck with Nvidia driver on laptop with 105M graphics chip.15:19
PlimmerDarkStar1: Yeah.. But I thought along the lines of accesing the higher gb's on the drive might be the cause?15:19
Stargazewhat does Stargaze++ mean?15:19
madjoeabhi_nav: that should mean "thank you"... it's a gesture to increase your karma! ;)15:19
Stargazeah, it's a blessing :)15:20
abhi_navmadjoe: Ohh!!! good. hmmm :-) :-)15:20
nikki_I dont have sound, can anyone walk me through how to solve this?15:20
ionuti am having a problem. any time  i start my computer on and i want to enter one of my partition i must enter a password (maybe it doesn't belong to the same group or what) ?15:20
abhi_nav!sounds | nikki_15:21
ubottunikki_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:21
DarkStar1Plimmer: No. becuase the controller will have acess to the HD info, thus the addressing space. Think along the line of how much memory a 32 bit system can address, not Just RAM but HD also15:21
DarkStar1Plimmer: I think it's limited to 4 tb (if I'm correct)15:21
Nijverheidif somebody restarts the router and changes the wireless channel, do I have to do anything?15:21
michLinuxGuyI bought an HP dv7-3183cl laptop and having many problems.  Anyone having good luck with this machine?  Intel core I5, Nvidia G105M.15:21
Nijverheidbecause I can't get any webpages15:21
abhi_nav!details | michLinuxGuy15:21
ubottumichLinuxGuy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:22
DarkStar1Nijverheid: YEs.. change your channel to match15:22
madjoeStargaze: a geek blessing ;)15:22
NijverheidDarkStar1: ok, how do I do that?15:22
UK_CrAsH_PLhiya guys15:22
PlimmerDarkStar1: Gonna plug the disk in this machine and see if it works here.15:22
Stargazemadjoe, to geek or not to geek, that is the question!15:22
madjoeStargaze: if you're familiar with object programming language, then you'll know that abc++ means abc = abc + 1 :)15:22
DarkStar1Nijverheid: rescan for wireless networks and re-input your information15:22
abhi_navStargaze shakespear of #ubuntu!!!15:22
DarkStar1Plimmer: If the system you're plugging them into is inherently a 64bit system then I don't forsee any problems15:23
michLinuxGuyHP dv7-3183cl laptop with Nvidia G105M using Nvidia driver locks up after logging into display manager.  The animation thing starts, distorts, then freezes the machine (on Karmic)15:24
casinaroyaleMy  videos suddenly get very dark in both vlc and totem. The audio works perfectly though. Where could be the problem?15:24
DarkStar1==> Does anyone know of a reason why a file would be locked other than it being opened? I ask becuase I can't get access to the group file yet it's locked and lsof's got nothing on it15:24
NijverheidDarkStar1: no luck with that one :/15:24
michLinuxGuyHP dv7-3183cl laptop with Lucid alpha 3 doesn't recognize the wireless adapter.15:24
abhi_navmichLinuxGuy which version of ubuntu?15:25
Ardethianamsn is bugged for some reason. Any other msn client that supports video?15:25
abhi_navmichLinuxGuy see if this is what you want: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058215:25
melodie_michLinuxGuy, go to #ubuntu+1 please15:25
om26ermichLinuxGuy, join #ubuntu+115:25
Stargaze!lucid| michLinuxGuy15:25
ubottumichLinuxGuy: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:25
DarkStar1Nijverheid: did you match the channel and (they may have) change the key?15:25
NijverheidDarkStar1: I'm pretty sure I did... I'll try again anyhow :)15:26
Ardethianamsn is bugged for some reason. Any other msn client that supports video?15:26
abhi_navhe he Ardethian: I am just successully loggin in using aMSN !!! haa haa haa ;-)15:26
DarkStar1Nijverheid:  do you have access to the router? Because you could be purposely blocked :D15:26
ionutwhen i a trying to shutdown the computer a popup window compare to enter the password (system policy) how can i disable that (i don't want to enter a password when i shutdown my laptop )15:26
michLinuxGuyI posted problem about Karmic too.  Man, you guys are cranky.15:26
om26erArdethian, no15:27
NijverheidDarkStar1: haha, somehow I doubt that ;)15:27
NollogIs there a test to see if ubuntu really is offloading to the ion?15:27
ArdethianWell, amsn worked, but I can't type anything.15:27
ArdethianIdk why.15:27
abhi_navgah what? isnt it good?15:27
ArdethianWhat about Mercury?15:27
aciculaionut: how are you shutting down15:27
DarkStar1Nijverheid:  don't be so sure :P15:28
ionuti click on my account name (a normal shutdown) and then shutdown15:28
DarkStar1=> Does anyone know of a reason why a file would be locked other than it being opened? I ask because I can't get access to the group file yet it's locked and lsof's got nothing on it15:28
abhi_navArdethian: he he I can type into in too, ;-) :-) :D :P15:28
aciculamichLinuxGuy: complaining will get you nowhere, everyone here is a volunteer, please remember that15:28
tiinaHi didnt get really good instalation about firefox......flashplugin dosent work at all and I cannot play any plays on Facebook at all15:29
putyni need some help with crontab on ubuntu 9.115:29
abhi_nav!info Mercury15:29
ubottuPackage Mercury does not exist in karmic15:29
erUSUL!cron | putyn15:29
ubottuputyn: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm15:29
Lazy^!info flashnonfree15:29
ubottuPackage flashnonfree does not exist in karmic15:29
melodie_tiina, and that's it ? what version Ubuntu ?15:29
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: What seems to be the problem?15:29
erUSUL!info flashplugin-nonfree15:29
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)15:29
tiinaKarmic Koala15:29
Lazy^!info flashplugin-nonfree15:29
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)15:29
Lazy^damn :D15:29
ionutwhen i a trying to shutdown the computer a popup window compare to enter the password (system policy) how can i disable that (i don't want to enter a password when i shutdown my laptop )15:29
Lazy^sry :)15:29
michLinuxGuyacicula: It's not complaining.  It's constructive criticism.15:29
Lazy^install that one15:29
FloodBot3Lazy^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
putynwell i know what crontab is  but my problem is that crontab doesnt want to work on 9.1 - it worked fine in 9.04 but the same rules doesnt want to work on 9.115:30
ViaNocturnahey, i just had to copy an ubuntu partition to sda1 from sda6...now the chap that helped me on the forums said i need to fix grub which is easily done, i have randomised the UUID...anyone know how to fix grub?15:30
abhi_navArdethian: wich version of ubuntu?15:30
aciculaionut: id guess its a permission problem, did you create this user or mess with users&groups?15:30
aciculamichLinuxGuy: this is a support channel15:30
abhifx_hi there! i am having a major problem while installing nvidia drivers. can someone help me plz?15:30
Lazy^abhifx_: what kind of problems ?15:30
jribabhifx_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)15:30
tiinawhat should I install to be able to play games om Facebook?15:31
jrib!grub > ViaNocturna15:31
erUSULtiina: ubuntu-restricted-extras15:31
ubottuViaNocturna, please see my private message15:31
abhifx_Lazy^, thx for rersponding.. here is what i did15:31
Lazy^tiina: flashplugin-nonfree15:31
abhifx_jrib, its a bit long to explain15:31
Lazy^abhifx_: use pastebin15:31
michLinuxGuyHi DarkStar1.  I just abough an HP dv7-3183cl laptop.  On Karmic with Nvida driver, it locks up after I type in Username and password on GDM.  The animation starts, distorts, then locks up.  This is after I switch to the Nvidia accelerated driver.15:31
ionutacicula: yes. i've runned this command " top -b -n 1|tail -n +8|awk '{print $2}'|sort|uniq " and the users that are connected are: avahi ,daemon , gdm, haldaemo,ionut,messageb,mysql,mythtv,ntp,root,syslog,www-data )15:31
jribabhifx_: summarize it in one line and provide relevant details in pastebin15:31
abhi_nav!pastebin | abhifx_15:31
ubottuabhifx_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:31
ViaNocturnahow dumb...i didnt get a private messag :-S15:31
abhifx_Lazy^, jrib i upgraded my repos to lucid and installed drivers15:32
aciculaionut: its the desktop user that needs the permissions to perform the shutdown15:32
jrib!lucid | abhifx_15:32
ubottuabhifx_: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:32
jrib!grub | ViaNocturna15:32
ubottuViaNocturna: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:32
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: Aahh you need to add the ppa for the nVidia team to your software sources15:32
Time`s_Witnessis there a way to reset for default configs right after installing ubuntu? :s when i finally got the sound working it seems not to work everywhere, and sometimes the speakers do an irritating noise, like, it happened once when i typed '`' :s15:32
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: Unfortunately I've lost the link so it'll take me another few mins or so to dig it up15:33
michLinuxGuyThanks DarkStar1.  Is there a link to these details?15:33
ionutacicula: and how can i disable this desktop user or to do so that i don't must to enter the password each time o shutdown15:33
ViaNocturna!grub2 | ViaNocturna15:33
abhifx_jrib, Lazy^ and it didnt worked because of wrong kernel version. now even if i install correct drivers, it wont work15:33
ubottuViaNocturna, please see my private message15:33
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: please be patient while I look15:33
Lazy^which kernel u have ?15:33
jribabhifx_: if you're using lucid, this is not the right channel.  Lucid is in development15:33
michLinuxGuyDarkStar1: Sure.  Thanks!15:33
abhifx_jrib, i am on karmic15:34
aciculaionut: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/44595315:34
ionutacicula: tnx15:34
aciculaseems related to your problem? seems mythtv has to do with it?15:34
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa I believe is what you need15:34
abhifx_Lazy^, 2.6.3115:34
jribabhifx_: didn't you just say you used lucid repos?15:35
aciculaTime`s_Witness: well you can forcebly reinstall configuration files that are modified with --reinstall i think(when using apt-get)15:35
abhifx_please can no one help me15:35
aciculathat will not reset all settings however, especially not if these are use configurations15:35
Lazy^abhifx_: if u have karmic, you should downgrade to carmic.15:36
acicula*user configs set in your home15:36
jribabhifx_: only if you answer questions...15:36
abhifx_jrib, yes, but i didnt do a complete distro upgrade15:36
Lazy^if u did upgrade to lucid...15:36
Time`s_Witnessacicula,  but what must i reinstall for . . sounds? :S15:36
abhifx_Lazy^, i am on karmic, i havent done a distro update15:36
Lazy^abhifx_: do you have nvidia-kernel-sourcers installed ?15:36
aciculaTime`s_Witness: dunno :P15:36
michLinuxGuyDarkStar1: Thanks I will take a look.  I've always had good luck with HP laptops and Ubuntu.  This one seems to be a problem.15:36
Time`s_Witness:\ k15:36
abhifx_Lazy^, yes15:36
aciculaTime`s_Witness: alsa/pulseaudio related packages i suppose, what changes did you make anwyay15:36
jribabhifx_: ... because if you upgraded with lucid repos, you probably have a pretty broken system at this point15:37
michLinuxGuyCan anyone recommend a good laptop with accelerated graphics that works well with Ubunut?15:37
aciculaTime`s_Witness: ifnot then backup your home and do a quick reinstall, dumping ubuntu on a comp takes 30mins tops anyway15:37
Time`s_Witnesslots..  i kept doing stuff i googled to restore sound after asking here :s15:37
abhifx_jrib, just my nvidia drivers are not working15:37
jribabhifx_: read what I just said15:38
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: It's not the laptop unfortunately. It seems the drivers in the standard repo is at fault15:38
aciculamichLinuxGuy: anything recent that is not a netbook15:38
jribabhifx_: just adding lucid repos to a karmic repository and running upgrades is a recipe for disaster15:38
jriberm s/repository/install15:38
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: That was my first casualty upgrading from Intrepid to kharmic15:39
michLinuxGuyacicula: Thanks but I just bought this new HP and it is not working so well.15:39
michLinuxGuyDarkStar1: What machine are you using?15:39
abhifx_jrib, i havent done any upgrades, just few softwares. my mistake was to using the nvidia drivers15:39
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy:  custom built quad core machine15:39
jribabhifx_: "i havent done any upgrades, just few softwares" -- softwares with dependencies15:39
aciculamichLinuxGuy: what graphics chip?15:40
DasEimichLinuxGuy: in general, look vor nvidia graphics, if acceleration/effects are your wish, http://www.linux-laptop.net/15:40
StargazeDarkStar1, you use a quad core as your home pc?15:40
abhifx_jrib, thx for listning15:40
michLinuxGuyacicula: Nvidia G105M15:40
aciculamichLinuxGuy: did the default driver work?15:40
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: Installed Linux last week (intrepid) and everything was fine until I clicked the update button :-/15:41
DarkStar1Stargaze: YEah :-/15:41
michLinuxGuyacicula: Default driver worked, but I bought this 1000 dollar laptop for graphics performance.  I want the accelerated Nvidia driver.15:41
DasEiDarkStar1: what's the prob now ?15:42
DarkStar1DasEi: /etc/group is locked out even though it's not opened15:42
DarkStar1so I can't add groups15:42
posixGuruhello, I want to install mc on ubuntu 9.0.4 32 bit machine; this machine is not conencted to the Internet15:42
posixGurufrom where can I download the package15:43
DarkStar1michLinuxGuy: update your driver from the ppa link I gave you. everything should work after15:43
posixGuruand How can I install it ?15:43
jrib!offline | posixGuru15:43
ubottuposixGuru: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD15:43
BaseBallBoyWhat is the terminal command to unlock a locked folder?15:43
aciculamichLinuxGuy: well the 105M is a lot of things, but not performance, heh. activating the proposed nvidia driver caused problems then?15:43
jribBaseBallBoy: what does "locked" folder mean?15:43
erUSULBaseBallBoy: which folder is this ?15:43
DasEiDarkStar1: locked means ?15:43
chrome_what's a good application to connect to a windows remote desktop?15:43
DarkStar1DasEi: I can't access it to edit it15:44
jribabhifx_: if you have some sort of hybrid karmic-lucid install at the moment, I would recommend you just reinstall and not mix repositories like that anymore15:44
chrome_anybody can point me one15:44
chrome_to connect to a win7 remote desktop15:44
DasEiDarkStar1: you need root for systemfiles15:44
DasEiDarkStar1: gksudo gedit /etc/group15:44
DarkStar1DasEi: that's not the problem..15:44
posixGurudoes anybody here remeber the name of the 9.0.4 ubuntu ? is it jaunty ? or itnerpid/something else?15:44
michLinuxGuyacicula: Please tell me exactly what laptop you would recommend then.15:44
DarkStar1DasEi: I have permiussion already15:45
DasEiposixGuru: see:15:45
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90415:45
jribposixGuru: karmic = 9.10 so 9.04 starts with a j: jaunty15:45
BaseBallBoyok, I set up a FTP server, but every time i want to upload something i have to "sudo mv <file> /var/www" so i made a symlink to /var/www on my desktop but I still have to mv the files to it! is there a way to 'unlock' it?15:45
Time`s_Witnessacicula, i solved it.. i think.. i followed some guide that would restart alsa, and did "rm -rf .pulse". That you probably know better than me what that file is. :)15:45
jrib!permissions > BaseBallBoy15:45
ubottuBaseBallBoy, please see my private message15:45
chrome_Anybody can point me a good application for connecting to a windows remote desktop?15:46
bootFail9.04 is Jaunty, 9.10 is Intrepid, 10.04 is Lynx15:46
jribBaseBallBoy: setup a www-editors group, add your user to it, give the group write permissions on the directory...15:46
infectois or will be? :)15:46
bootFailchrome - might I suggest Samba...15:46
airtonixchrome, clarify you want file sharing or remote desktop control ?15:46
DasEiDarkStar1: sudo addgroup doesn't work ? still don't get your issue15:46
chrome_airtonix: remote desktop control15:47
airtonixchrome, apt-cache search rdp15:47
chrome_thanks :)15:47
posixGuruafter I copy the deb I downloaded , How do I install it ? I am a totally newbie15:47
bootFailDouble click?15:47
airtonix!info rdesktop | chrome15:47
ubottuchrome: rdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 140 kB, installed size 488 kB15:47
linusoleanderWhat prefix do I add to ssh to login to a specified folder?15:47
linusoleanderssh user@host.com:/var/www15:47
FloodBot3linusoleander: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
linusoleanderBut that did not work15:47
xanguaposixGuru: what .deb¿15:48
DasEiposixGuru: sudo dpkg -i  blah.deb15:48
bootFailposixGuru, your name is so inappropriate ;)15:48
DarkStar1DasEi: I got an answer form another channel thanks15:48
airtonixchrome, sorry actual apt search command is : apt-cache search remote | grep desktop15:48
linusoleanderAny one`?15:48
airtonix!anyone | linusoleander15:48
ubottulinusoleander: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:48
airtonixlinusoleander, on one line.15:49
chrome_ok airtonix15:49
linusoleanderairtonix: I did15:49
aciculamichLinuxGuy: for graphics performance no laptop really is recommended tbh, unless you mean just some 3d effects, then any nvidia card will suffice15:49
jrib!helpme | linusoleander15:49
ubottulinusoleander: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:49
DasEilinusoleander: syntax is  right, permissions ?15:49
lazai need help pls15:49
linusoleanderWhat prefix do I add to ssh to login to a specified folder?15:49
aciculamichLinuxGuy: what went wrong with installing the nvidia binary driver, 105m isnt really new and should be well supported by nvidia by now15:49
linusoleanderLike: ssh mailto:user@host.comcom:/var/www15:50
om26er!help | laza15:50
ubottulaza: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:50
bootFailHas anyone here fixed ubuntu 9.10 suspend problems so things actually suspend? I can suspend ONCE, sometimes, but that's it. Second suspend = hang.15:50
Nollogproblems solved, ubuntu's gui eats my processor.15:50
=== warriorforGod is now known as Guest95366
linusoleandersorry, the mailto shuld no be there15:50
michLinuxGuyacicula:  For my job, I must use a laptop.  That is a constraint.  "any nvidia" will not suffice as I have demonstrated.15:50
airtonixbootFail, standard gnome desktop install ?15:50
infectobootFail: i upgrade to 10.04 ;)15:50
lazaI have a ATI radeon mobility X1400 vga, and it dosnen't works well, the official driver's not supported15:50
agusiatell me please where i can find polish support?15:51
chazcoI have two Ubuntu machines... they've both become unstable recently... you get failed boots, lock ups and so on... has there been a bad update released or something?15:51
jrib!pl | agusia15:51
ubottuagusia: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:51
abhi_navbootFail: no its still bug in ubuntu15:51
airtonixbootFail, what happens when you manuall start a suspend to ram procedure ? sudo s2ram -f15:51
DasEichazco: not that I knew, version/pc specs ?15:51
chazcobootFail - I have a netbook and can suspend/resume Ubuntu 9.10 with no issues15:51
bootFailI've got the 10/04 beta 3... I'm just biting my knuckles about whether it's worth the time and effort - If I lost my stuff resizing EXT4, I'd cry. Big time ;)15:51
bootFailairtonix, I've only ever tried "pm-suspend"15:52
chazcoDasEi - One is a custom built PC (not sure of the specs, 512MB RAM and 500G HDD is the best I can say) and the other is an MSI Wind U100 netbook15:52
airtonixbootFail, the proper way to suspend is to use dbus so you dont need to escelate priveldges15:52
aciculamichLinuxGuy: it works, just not the binary driver appearantly, but so far i dont know why15:52
DasEichazco: which ubuntu version ? lsb_release -a tells you15:52
bootFailairtonix, surely the proper way to suspend is to ask it to suspend and it does so, but I get your point ;)15:53
airtonixbootFail, here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/394764/15:53
chazcoDasEi - Sorry, thought i'd said :) It's Ubuntu 9.10 with all updates applied15:53
bluelabratafter some time, i just figured out what my first real blog post will be15:53
jribbluelabrat: "how to read topics in irc channels"? :)15:54
chazcoDasEi - It's usually really stable... the only non-standard repo is Mediabuntu...15:54
chazcoBut for them both to develop the same problem at the same time is odd15:54
bluelabratmarry is confusing me on that one :|15:54
DasEichazco: check your syslogs then, last few days nothing unusual showed up here15:55
jribbluelabrat: this channel is just for support, other topics are welcomed in #ubuntu-offtopic15:55
DarkStar1Is there a way to give a window access rights to create folders?15:55
bootFailairtonix, thanks - looks good - but how much would you put down on it actually working if I strip the suspend command out and run it? [I haven't altered my quirks, btw]15:55
airtonixbootFail, put each of those into bash scripts in your ~/bin folder then you can just run them15:55
jribDarkStar1: that qusetion doesn't make sense.  What are you trying to accomplish?15:55
NijverheidDarkStar1: turns out the problem was somebody cocking up a QoS xD15:55
DasEiDarkStar1: can call nautilus as root15:55
bluelabratmy divine love of ubuntu and bliss after ditching windows, web/asp dev on ubuntu, and then making a well unthought conclusion to switch back to windows 7.. but then my determination to get back on and write out exactly why and what to not come back to this :P15:56
bluelabratmy apologies, i did not know of off topic15:56
bluelabrati just wanted to randomly share that15:56
DarkStar1DasEi: Yes.. how do I do that?15:56
airtonixbootFail, the dbus suspend line  wont work if your remove the word 'suspend'15:56
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:56
nightfrogDarkStar1: gksudo nautilus15:56
nightfroggksudo not sudo15:56
DarkStar1nightfrog: thansk15:57
nightfrogyour welcome15:57
bootFailI'm too curious a monkey: I'm going to try to suspend via: bus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.Hal" /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Suspend int32:015:57
DasEiDarkStar1: please read the above link to understand root in ubuntu ( and it's possible dangers)15:57
airtonixbootFail, your curiosity might benefit from isntalled the dbus explorer programm : d-feet. yo u can then check if org.freedesktop.Hal.PowerKit shows that you can suspend15:57
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:57
airtonix!info d-feet | bootFail15:57
bluelabrat[jrib]: thanks for the heads up15:57
ubottubootFail: d-feet (source: d-feet): A D-Bus object browser, viewer and debugger. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.10-1 (karmic), package size 33 kB, installed size 332 kB15:57
DarkStar1DasEi: I'm aware of it's dangers. It's just quicker to create the folders I need to create using a gui thna typing them out15:58
DasEichazco: want to paste your syslog ?15:58
JamesAnyone got a second for a troubleshoot?15:58
=== James is now known as Guest62810
airtonixJames, just ask the question.15:59
DasEiDarkStar1: depends on habits, cli is faster then gui I'd say15:59
Stargaze!ask| james_15:59
ubottujames_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:59
om26erthat would be Guest6281015:59
Stargaze!ask| James15:59
ubottuJames: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:59
sterzis there a plugin to fix dia's windows?15:59
DarkStar1DasEi: I'm talking about the speed in which I can get the task accomplished not the interface16:00
sterzfix i mean two windowed interface should be one windowed like visios16:00
* sterz ?16:00
icerootsterz: noone knows what you mean16:00
DasEiDarkStar1: sudo mkdir anydir,  slower then gui ? haha16:00
sterziceroot, when you open dia you encounter two windows right?16:01
sterzone for adding the shapes to the canvas and one the canvas16:01
icerootDarkStar1: the cli is always faster16:01
DarkStar1DasEi: Typing and sequential naming16:01
melodie_hi again16:01
icerootDarkStar1: sud tab mkd tab dirname16:02
* sterz sighs16:02
DasEiDarkStar1: go the way you want, it takes some time to get in trml, but in my experience it's much faster16:02
melodie_please help me try to find where and how to check and fill in a bug report for 9.10 Ubuntu Remix : can't see where to go from there : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:02
melodie_someone ?16:02
icerootDarkStar1: if you have skill on the cli, the gui is so slow16:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:03
melodie_Vigo : thanks... what package does the "users and groups" manager launcher belong ?16:03
wx9jlost all icons after a program crash, how do I reload desktop ?16:03
DasEiwx9j: sudo gdm restart (logs you off )16:04
HalexanderGreetings from Romania. I have a problem with Pidgin, it doesn't want to connect to any irc networks I know of.16:04
melodie_What package does the "users and groups" manager launcher belong please ???16:04
melodie_Halexander, tried xchat ?16:04
wx9jDasEi, Thanks16:05
Vigomelodie_: looking now,, I think it is the Users section, but I am not certain on that,,,,,,16:05
Halexandermelodie_: Is there a general problem with Pidgin?16:05
DasEiHalexander: no , fine here16:05
melodie_Halexander, yes, it's not very good for irc16:05
melodie_Halexander, just an opinion16:05
melodie_Vigo, thanks, I don't know how to find out that16:06
Halexandermelodie_: Ok, I'll try Xchat then.16:06
Guest62810I am just starting to try out Ubuntu. I loaded it through Wubi so i can switch back to windows. Ubuntu worked fine and i enjoyed looking around. Problematically though, when i switched back to windows i found that i had no sound. I fiddled around in widows troubleshoot but could't solve the problem - all drivers working and updated and all volume sliders up. I then rebooted in Ubuntu and found that the volume there was muted. I turned this back up an16:06
Guest62810d went back to windows and again found no sound. So i went back to ubunt and found that the sound had automatically muted. I am guessing this is what is messing up my sound in windows. Does anyone know how to stop the sound from automatically muting in ubuntu when i restart in windows? Also i notice that whenever i boot to ubuntu my wireless card is enabled even when i disable and reboot. Any ideas how to fix these problems - assuming they are the pr16:06
FloodBot3Guest62810: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:06
DasEiVigo: I think it's part of the ubuntu-desktop metapackage16:06
DasEiVigo: If you want to add or remove that item, got to configure menu16:07
melodie_Guest62810, give up wubi and try a real install instead16:07
ViaNocturnaplease help, i deleted sda6 after having copied it to sda1, randomised UUID of sda6...now grub says unknown filesystem, used livecd to check fdisk...it recognises them all, when i do update-grub it says it cant find a device for /, please anyone have any ideas?16:08
melodie_Vigo, I got the command from the help menu : users-admin, so now I may find what package it belongs to16:08
Guest62810melodie - ok, but two things: 1. you know of any really good tutorials on partitioning my hard drive? and 2. if i uninstall the Wubi file how do i know i'll get my sound back in windows?16:09
=== om26er is now known as om26er1
DasEiViaNocturna: you need correct uuid for sda6, then fix fstab, then update grub16:09
Guest62810Melodie: i'd rather get the sound back before uninstalling16:09
VigoDaseEi: Thank you, melodie_: maybe this one will help: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs16:09
bluelabrathave a great day peeps16:09
ViaNocturnaso i basically have to ext4 sda6, then fstab fix, then update grub? is that right?16:10
DasEiViaNocturna: you said you moved your /,  from sda6 to 1 ?16:10
ViaNocturnathats right16:10
ViaNocturnawell...i coppied it there16:11
melodie_Vigo, no it doesn't but would you give me the command line that tells me what foo file belongs to ?16:11
DasEiViaNocturna: sudo blkid will tell you uuid of sda116:11
DasEiViaNocturna: copy it into clipbard16:11
Vigomelodie_: one moment please, I was looking that up also.....16:11
ViaNocturnaDasEi: done it16:12
DasEiViaNocturna: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab16:12
melodie_Vigo, ok16:12
KaOSoFtGood mornign.16:12
ViaNocturnait doesnt even mention sda1 there16:12
Vigomelodie_: Did you notice the $ bzr commit line?16:13
DasEiViaNocturna: find the line with hte mountpoint for root (/)16:14
=== administrator is now known as hexdump2
ViaNocturnaDasEi: ok16:14
DasEiViaNocturna: maybe paste the file16:14
Genia4Hi. Can I install the partition manager that is used by the server install CD?16:14
Vigomelodie_: here, maybe: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/BugBranchLinks16:14
DasEiViaNocturna: all you got to now is correct the uuid (from clipboard insertable)16:15
od3n_I am trying to install new nvidia drivers on my laptop but cant seem to get it to install16:15
od3n_anyone know how I go about installing them16:15
DasEiod3n : which nvidia ?16:15
ViaNocturnaDasEi: this is all i have: aufs / aufs rw 0 016:16
ViaNocturnatmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 016:16
ViaNocturna/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 016:16
ViaNocturna/dev/sda6 swap swap defaults 0 016:16
FloodBot3ViaNocturna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
ViaNocturnaoops sorry16:16
DasEi!paste | ViaNocturna16:16
ubottuViaNocturna: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:16
melodie_Vigo, I'll use the command line to get directly to the right place at launchpad, but now I need to know what package that users-admin command belongs to16:16
DasEiViaNocturna: sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:16
DasEiViaNocturna: pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com /etc/fstab16:17
KaOSoFtpastebinit? Sounds interesting.16:17
DasEiViaNocturna: give url here16:17
melodie_Vigo, so I don't know how to do that with apt, or aptitude, so I will install wajig which is full with commands for that16:17
DasEi!info pastebinit | KaOSoFt, little broken atm16:18
ubottuKaOSoFt,: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB16:18
ViaNocturnaDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394775/16:18
VCoolioDasEi: there is a patch to re-enable usage with the new api16:18
od3n_I try to install the drivers by running in terminal but comes back with a error that I have to run as sudo16:18
aciculaod3n_: use the ubununtu app for installing nvidia drivers, installing the drivers manually is a bad idea16:19
Dr_Willis_od3n_:  you do need to run the installer with sudo.. but its best to use the repo drivers.. Unless you got a  good need16:19
aciculaod3n_: have you updated and tried enabling the nvidia drivers through system>administration>hardware drivers?16:19
Vigomelodie_: That sounds like a good thing. I am still looking .16:19
mazda01anyone else experience slowed down computer (slow moving mouse) when burning a dvd? using brasero burning it only burned at 1.2x and it slows the entire system down. my free ram from 2gb is 356mb. is that why?16:19
od3n_yeah I have been using them ,but there are 2 new ones out16:20
aciculamazda01: no, the system is designed to use as max mem as possible to speed things up16:20
od3n_I am using 185 and 190 is out and a beta for 19516:20
aciculaod3n_: best to wait until its updated or find a ppa16:20
od3n_I just wanted to get 190 installed16:20
aciculaod3n_: installing the .run is really really a bad idea16:20
Dr_Willis_od3n_:  trying to use teh latest and greatest can lead to a broken system16:20
mazda01xorg, firefox, and transmission are taking up about 700mb RAM  together. firefox is almost 500mb, is that right?16:20
aciculaod3n_: this is one of those if you ahve to ask how its better not to do it things16:21
od3n_yeah I was not going to user the beta16:21
aciculaod3n_: its not about the stability of the drivers, but how the .run ignores the software managment system altogether16:21
wazzaaaaa!info mythubuntu16:22
ubottuPackage mythubuntu does not exist in karmic16:22
aciculaenfin, you've been warned sufficiently , sudo is what you need to run the binary drivers16:22
melodie_yes !16:22
aciculapretty sure theres a nvidia ppa on launchpad though16:22
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information16:22
aciculamazda01: yeah16:23
melodie_Vigo, the command is "wajig whichpkg /usr/bin/users-admin" and the answer is gnome-system-tools16:23
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:23
Vigomelodie_ Sweet! Thank you for that data byte.16:23
DasEiViaNocturna: second, paste on the way16:23
DasEiVCoolio: any place to get it ?16:24
OkiedaveOS X user here switching to Ubuntu. I'm looking for a good password manager for Karmic. Thanks in advance for any advice.16:24
melodie_Vigo, thanks for trying to help me, that encouraged me16:24
DasEiViaNocturna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394780/16:25
daniskamiOkiedave: how about seahorse?16:25
VigoOkiedave: There are many, many password utilities,16:25
melodie_ubuntu-bug is buggy16:26
=== mrnicelupe is now known as dAlfa89_
melodie_It can't connect to the bug database16:26
Okiedavedaniskami: I'll have a look at Seahorse16:26
aciculamelodie_: running jaunty or lucid alpha?16:26
Vigomelodie_ Me too! I am just getting back in the loop after a long sail and then a BSD testing thing,,,is fun.16:26
OkiedaveVigo: Currently using 1Password on the mac16:26
melodie_acicula, Ubuntu-Netbook Remix 9.1016:26
ViaNocturnaDasEi: Are there any other steps to follow after that?16:27
PengyduckwinI'm at wit's edge before I reinstall, is there a way to reinstall grub completely, like in a clean install?16:27
Dr_Willis_Pengyduckwin:  you can purge and reinstall the packages...16:27
melodie_Vigo, I didn't know about a/the bsd testing thing, I don't know bsd in fact16:27
Dr_Willis_Pengyduckwin:  but that may or may not fix whatever the problem is16:27
DasEiViaNocturna: Save fstab, close gedit16:27
cboyer1951hello, I have ubuntu installed on my 150GB sdb1 drive, 1/3 full, can I mount my 310 GB sda1 drive and have programs installed there, so that the space on my the boot drive sdb1 remains about the same?16:27
meekatronis there a way of disableing ,y usb webcam from the command lie16:27
VigoOkiedave: PassworGorilla is one, as I said, there are many, do you want a GUI one or command line?16:27
meekatronummm command line16:27
daniskamiOkiedave: what I like about Seahorse is that it plays well with the GNOME keyring, PGP keys and also any passwords you just want to store16:28
PengyduckwinDr_Willis_: I'm not sure how I can do this right from a livecd16:28
ViaNocturnaDasEi: Thank you very much for your help, I'm going to test it now and hope lol16:28
DasEiViaNocturna: grub --version16:28
DasEiViaNocturna: ^ result ?16:28
OkiedaveVigo:  I'd prefer a gui. I'm not a big command line user yet.16:28
kcantinhello all16:28
PengyduckwinDr_Willis_: chroot has no internet connection16:28
aciculacboyer1951: not without making significant changes, you cant specify a different directory for programs to be installed, at least not the ones handled by the packagemanager16:28
ViaNocturnaDasEi: hahaha, grub: Command not found16:29
kcantinwondering can anyone help me get my Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphics Controller driver installed?16:29
VigoOkiedave: Look at Password Gorilla , it is in the Software Center or Synaptic.16:29
DasEiViaNocturna: grub not installed ?16:29
bastlI would like to re-enter an exisiting Xsession which runs on my fileserver from my laptop. Is that possible with XDMCP, Xephyr and the like ? any links / howtos to that ?16:29
Okiedavedaniskami: ok great! Thanks!16:29
DasEiViaNocturna: or are you on live cd ?16:29
ViaNocturnaDasEi: Doh! of course16:29
OkiedaveVigo: ok, I'll check it out. Thanks!16:30
DasEiViaNocturna: mount16:30
PengyduckwinDasEi & Vianocturna: I think in ubuntu 9.10 on, the "grub" command doesn't work, due to grub2 being default16:30
cboyer1951acicula; ok, thank you... well I 'did' use lvpm to 'transfer' the ubuntu os over to the 310 sda1 drive, but it won't boot from grub, and then I change my bios to the sda1 to boot from first, and it won't take there either... any help on what to do and how to get Ubuntu to load then from the sda1 drive?16:30
kcantinwondering can anyone help me get my Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphics Controller driver installed?16:30
DasEiViaNocturna: ^ is sda1 already mounted ? if so, where ?16:30
aciculachris|: have to fixup the references in grub and fstab16:30
ViaNocturnaDasEi: yes in /media/<UUID>16:31
DasEiPengyduckwin: it does16:31
aciculaerr not chris| but cboyer195116:31
DasEiPengyduckwin: sudo chroot /media/<UUID>16:31
aciculakcantin: installed?16:32
PengyduckwinDasEi: I have chrooted, but I cannot get internet connection to use apt-get16:32
melodie_Vigo, that's how bugs are not reported :/16:32
cboyer1951acicula, thanks for the info, so that's my init files? do you know if there are any examples around for doing that?16:32
DasEiPengyduckwin: grub --version16:32
kcantinhey acicula16:32
aciculakcantin: what did you do, what did you expect would happen, etc16:32
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bastlBump: I would like to re-enter an existing Xsession which runs on my fileserver from my laptop. Is that possible with XDMCP, Xephyr and the like ? any links / howtos to that ? I dont know what to search for.16:32
acicula!grub > cboyer195116:32
ubottucboyer1951, please see my private message16:32
acicula!fstab > cboyer195116:32
kcantinwell, It was not recognized during my os install16:32
aciculagrub controls the placement of the mbr and what is booted16:32
DasEiPengyduckwin: need /proc and sys, too16:33
aciculafstab handles mounting of disks on boot16:33
aciculawhich are the things that you changed16:33
TLFhow can I force installing of a package?(this is, don't follow dependences?)16:33
PengyduckwinDasEi: the grub command doesn't work16:33
aciculaTLF: dpkg has flags to ignore dependencies i believe16:33
PengyduckwinDasEi: only for legacy grub16:33
Vigomelodie_ Thank you, am making a Gnote now.16:33
jribTLF: dependencies are really "optional", they are called dependencies for a reason16:33
kcantinthe only res I can use is 800 X 60016:33
aciculajrib: you mean arent :P?16:33
cboyer1951acicula; ahhhh :) rubbing my hands, i'll look there, thanks for the information! :)16:33
jribacicula: right :P16:33
TLFacicula: it's there a way of using apt-get instead of dpkg ?16:34
norbi_Hello, on my laptop I installed 9.10.  When I copy files/folders onto the desktop it does not display the icons.  But if I go to /home/user/Desktop  everything is listed.  It's just that no icon is displayed on desktop.  Any ideas?16:34
PengyduckwinDasEi: (GNU GRUB 1.96) with grub-install16:34
melodie_Vigo, could you give me the link once done please ? I report bugs to Ubuntu once a while, but I have always a hard time finding out how to do it and pricely where16:34
TLFapt-get of aptitude16:34
jribTLF: your system will be broken if you install a package without deps.  And you will be back here shortly asking how to fix it.  Why don't you tell us what you are trying to accomplish?16:34
melodie_Vigo, I don't give up, I'm installing bug-buddy and bughelper right now with tons of depends too...16:35
TLFjrib: not, It'll not :)16:35
jribTLF: believe what you want...16:35
PengyduckwinDasEi: I think I'll just back up my /home in dropbox and reinstall16:35
aciculaTLF: if apt-get/aptitude provide such an option the man page documents it16:36
TLFjrib: may I ask, when you started using linux?16:36
arjunak01hibernate is not working in my pc, should i report it as a bug16:36
jribTLF: about 5 years...16:36
TLFjrib: 10 here :)16:36
Tadyshttp://www.pastebin.lt/index.php/view/91047354 what is wrong?16:36
aciculaTLF: please dont insult volunteers by questioning their ability16:37
melodie_Vigo, I'll  hesitate, there is also a package named "Bugzilla3" which looks particularly convenient. I may try it as well16:37
Sioux_335 months over here16:37
TLFjrib: well, the problem is that I have installed a ppa package that provides their own numeration16:37
bastldoes anyone know to to re-enter / store an Xsession running a server from a laptop (both running recent ubuntu)16:37
melodie_well, needs Apache... and tons of such packages : give on on this on16:37
bastl*how to16:37
arjunak01hibernation is not working in my pc, should i report it as a bug ?16:37
TLFjrib: and the package that I want to force install can't install because of the version of this package16:37
aciculaTLF: fetch the deb, do a man dpkg and force the deb should do it16:38
TLFacicula: I didn't try to insult him, however, this won't happen again, thanks :)16:38
DasEiViaNocturna: so which version of grub is it ?16:38
Vigomelodie_: I think Bugzilla3 is Mozilla , but do not hold me to that,,,,,,,16:38
Dr_Willis_arjunak01:  you could.. but a lot of that kind of issues are due to the bios/pc makers doing things strangely16:38
VCoolioDasEi: sorry, missed your reply; here, 2nd post https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pastebinit/+bug/52684916:38
dalailamerHell Pros, i got a question, is there a way to install windows direct from Linux ? I got no CDs :(16:38
cboyer1951so, how can I edit this; to use sda1, 0, 0 for programs?16:38
cboyer1951# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>16:38
cboyer1951proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       016:38
cboyer1951/host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /               ext4    loop,errors=remount-ro 0       116:38
cboyer1951/host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk none            swap    loop,sw         0       016:38
cboyer1951/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       016:38
aciculaTLF: you questioned his ability because of lack of experience, i consider that insulting16:38
FloodBot3cboyer1951: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:38
mac9416arjunak01, or ask here or on the forums for a solution. Provide as many details as you can though.16:38
DasEithx, VCoolio, reading up soon16:38
Dr_Willis_dalailamer:  virtualbox (and luck) or make a botable usb flashfor it.16:38
TLFacicula: ok, I'm sorry16:38
melodie_Vigo, did you finish your note about ubuntu-bug ?16:38
TLFjrib: apologies for my question, and thank you very much for your help16:39
cboyer1951ooops, http://paste.ubuntu.com, gotcha16:39
dalailamerDr_Willis_ i never get lucky to boot from usb :(16:39
om26ercboyer1951, where you want to mount it?16:39
kcantinyeh, anyone else had issues getting their intel graphics drivers installed and configured?16:39
yekimotohi all...16:40
Dr_Willis_kcantin:  my netbook intel works fine16:40
kcantinyo Dr_Willis... I have Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphics Controller16:40
Sioux_33i want to ask got ubuntu 9.10 and everything is working perfect the cpu usage about 1 to 2%  max. the problem is when i use synaptic to update everything then it will download about 200mb of data. then i reboot and when i login again the cpu is used in around 50% does anyone know why?16:40
cboyer1951om26er; i want to mount programs to be installed on the 2nd hard drive, 310 GB, sda1 (has 311, part, and 8 GB part for swap?), and now all is installed on my 150 GB sdb1 drive and is 1/3 rd full16:41
kcantinHow did u do it???  I am up in arms :(16:41
Vigomelodie_: I am on a new user account I set up for guest, is different, I did find this one on Gnote: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage16:41
aciculakcantin: what are you trying to do16:41
mmarc__1hi, guys, I've forgot and cannot find anymore: how could we install i586 packages on x86_64 ubuntu?16:41
kcantininstall vid card driver and get it configured so that I can set my resolution etc...16:42
aciculammarc__1: only if you have lib32 compat libs16:42
jribTLF: I wasn't insulted :)  But trust me, apt will complain.  Forcing the package is not the right solution16:42
aciculajrib: well you can inject fake dependencies i think16:43
aciculathat should silence apt16:43
kcantinit shows up when I check using lspci16:43
kcantinbut that's about it16:43
TLFjrib: yeah, I'm thinking every time I'll upgrade my system, I'll get apt complaining16:43
DasEiSioux_33: look up in top, or , nicer htop what consumes it16:43
aciculajrib: do you have graphics working?16:43
aciculaerr kcantin16:43
jribTLF, acicula: you can use equivs yes, but that's a pain and likely to cause headaches doewn the road.  The right solution is to fix the package dependencies and rebuild16:43
Vigomelodie_: That one I just posted actually looks like the one that you were inquiring about....16:43
mmarc__1acicula: pard' me? But what if I'm building 32-bit app and need, for example, 32-bit freeglut??16:43
Sj4m35-15does anyone know how to enable wireless for the prism 2.5 wavelan chipset?16:43
aciculajrib: beating apt-get into submission is pretty masochistic yeah16:44
varlonhi, I have ati radeon mobility X600 on asus laptop and ubuntu 9.10. All working fine except some 3D games, like urban terror. I think this because "glxinfo | grep s3tc" show nothing. Can you advice me about this problem?16:44
kcantinuhh ohh, what did I do or better yet....what can't I do? lol16:44
yekimotoI've got ubuntu 86-64, and found something strange... read() system call doesn't work in some cases. Some one see the same problem?16:44
aciculakcantin: well when it booted did you get a graphic display?16:44
kdasdasfis there a reason why etherpad is not jet packaged?16:44
AlexanderSupertrhey guys, I want to move all files AND FOLDERS from myfolder/ to one level up16:44
codeshahhey guys, I want to connect to my windows7 machine from my ubuntu machine through any type of software - what is best to use? I want to remotely control it...16:44
codeshahshould I get VNC?16:45
kcantinwell, there was some msg about the display but, not sure what it said.  Screen went away to fast16:45
AlexanderSupertri can move ALL FILES but how to move containing folders?16:45
DasEivarlon: this time 3 d acceleration isn't working for the combo linux/x600, the original ati drivers are closed to linux and doN#t fit current xorg, the opensource variant still on it's way, lucid, earliest16:45
aciculakcantin: so you didnt get any graphic environment?16:45
aciculakcantin: did you have a gui during installation, have you updated the new installation yet, did you do any manual isntallation/tweaking?16:46
Lupus-SLEHello fellow people! Are we all having a lovely time? I've got an issue with an old PC I'm putting together - it doesn't shut down. Last message it gives me when I try is "System Halted." but the power doesn't actually turn off. I thought this was an ACPI issue was was told previously to add acpi=force and lapic to the boot options but this has unfortunatly not fixed the issue. I'm really unsure about what could be16:46
Lupus-SLEcausing it - any suggestions would be welcome - ANY!16:46
kcantinohh, yes I did16:46
aciculammarc__1: if you build a 32bit program and need a particular library then that too needs to be 32bit16:46
Sioux_33<DasEi> i did its showing root and gnome system monitor didnt see any specific application using my cpu i dont know but maybe there is some problem with xorg another thing that when i update everything and login using kernel my mousse cursor disappear16:46
Dr_Willis_dosent mv have a -r or -R option? i forget..16:46
yekimotoany system programmers here?16:46
varlonDasEi, thanks for you comment16:46
kcantinyes, full gui installation and automated no custom16:46
acicula!ask | yekimoto16:47
ubottuyekimoto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:47
Sj4m35-15does anyone know how to install drivers for the prism 2.5 wavelan chipset?16:47
melodie_Vigo, can you give me the link please ?16:47
cboyer1951ok, which directory is used for installation of packages?16:47
aciculakcantin: and then you rebooted and it failed?16:47
melodie_Vigo, can you give me the link *to your note* please ?16:47
tonsofpcswhat version of qt is in karmic koala??16:47
kcantinand my only resolution options are 800 X 600 :(16:47
aciculaso you have a gui, just not the right resolution ?16:48
aciculacan you open a console16:48
Vigomelodie_: I did not save that correctly. whoops, just woke up here and am spilling coffee all over the place..still looking though16:48
cboyer1951If I mount my user account on my 2nd hard drive, will all of the programs I load/install be on that partition/drive?  that way I can save drive space on my boot drive16:48
AlexanderSupertrguys? plz help....a total n00b que...I am stuck in the middle of a task :(16:48
aciculaand run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?16:48
aciculaenter your password when asked etc16:48
Dr_Willis_AlexanderSupertr:  if on the console. You could install and run 'mc'  and use it to do filemanger tasks16:49
AlexanderSupertrrepeat: I want to move all files AND FOLDERS from myfolder/ to one level up16:49
kcantinsure I can open a console16:49
aciculakcantin: also are you using netbook remix or ubuntu jaunty?16:49
Dr_Willis_AlexanderSupertr:  the  'mv * ..' dosent work?16:49
yekimotoubottu: well, I didn't ask to ask =) I'm just asking... Any one got the same problem than I'm talking about16:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:49
Vigomelodie_: This is the one I had from last week, is a good one, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage16:49
* cboyer1951 grins16:49
kcantinhow can I find out?16:49
AlexanderSupertrDr_Willis_: it moves just the files, not folders16:49
melodie_Vigo, then take your coffee quietly but don't spill it : expensive stuff ;) ... and let me know the link once poste ? thanks !16:49
DasEiSioux_33: correct graphics driver installed ? which g-card are you using ?16:49
aciculayekimoto: im not a system programmer, i do know about system programming though16:49
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aciculaso again, ask your question, if anyone knows they will answer16:50
aciculakcantin: well what did you download16:50
Dr_Willis_AlexanderSupertr:  it just moved the dirs here for me...16:50
aciculakcantin: in the console type lsb_release -a16:50
aleksii can't belive still how much faster my ubuntu got when i replaced pulse with alsa16:50
Dr_Willis_AlexanderSupertr:  directory of files and dirs.. move * ..  moved them ALL up one dir.16:51
aciculathat will tell you whats installed16:51
kcantin0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:51
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melodie_Vigo, wrong : in Netbook Remix no menus, and no right-click menus on launchers, only the help menu gave the information about the command line used to start the program16:51
Sj4m35-15how do i enable the prism 2.5 wavelan chipset so i can get on the internet?16:51
AlexanderSupertrDr_Willis_: thats weird. I'll try again.16:51
kcantinNo LSB modules are available.16:51
kcantinDistributor ID:Ubuntu16:51
kcantinDescription:Ubuntu 9.1016:51
hmwsome programm seems to be filling my hard disk, several MB per seconds, already 95% or more - i have "partimage" in a terminal, but it is PAUSED for more than 10 minutes now - Who eats my disk space??16:51
FloodBot3kcantin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:51
yekimotoacicula: cool... so i've got a problem here... It's a books example, that works perfect in ubuntu x86 and doesn't in x64... I saw it under gdm and was wandered... read() systeam call doesn't work after lseek() system call...16:51
melodie_Sj4m35-15, what did you try yet ? any "connect internet" menu ?16:52
aciculakcantin: can you post the output of xrandr (in a console) to pastebin.ubuntu.org16:52
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cboyer1951is this possible, and can/If I mount my user account on my 2nd hard drive, will all of the programs I load/install be on that partition/drive?  that way I can save drive space on my boot drive16:52
Sj4m35-15i've read some where on posts to blacklist certain drivers, but i'm running the ubuntu 9.04 version.16:52
AlexanderSupertrDr_Willis_: thank you. It Worked. I was doing mv * ../ instead of mv * ..16:53
Dr_Willis_AlexanderSupertr:  bash basics for the win! :)16:53
melodie_Sj4m35-15, have you tried the regular way to start with ?16:53
AlexanderSupertrDr_Willis_: I am learning..16:53
Sj4m35-15melodie_:i cannot see the icon for wireless connection.16:53
kcantinacicula, posting now16:53
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melodie_Sj4m35-15, do you run Ubuntu with Gnome ?16:54
Sj4m35-15melodie_: what is the 'regular" way?16:54
Sj4m35-15melodie_: no i run it with openbox16:54
aciculakcantin: you''ll have to link it here ;)16:54
melodie_give a try to wicd ?16:55
melodie_Sj4m35-15, yes, try to configure it with wicd16:55
aciculayekimoto: the behaviour of the calls should not differ significantly?16:55
Sj4m35-15melodie_: wicd?16:55
hmwAn unknown program suddenly and quite quickly has filled my hard drive. "100% used" - what can I do to find out, what happened?16:55
Code-EHi. I am trying to install my wireless network adapter, I did make and that ran all fine... I think. But when I do make install, i get the error shown on http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/61KraBqr does anyone know how to fix this?16:55
TinBasheranyone running vlc on karmic?16:55
aciculahmw: baobab can tell you whats using a lot of disk space16:56
melodie_<Sj4m35-15> melodie_: wicd? ---->>> yes16:56
greezmunkeyhmw, filled it with what type of files?16:56
aciculatakes awhile to index your system though16:56
CarlFKmy left mouse button is broken.  how do I map the middle button do left?16:56
kcantinacicula, just posted to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39479016:56
magedragon25TinBasher: I am on 86-6416:56
Sj4m35-15melodie_: program not installed...16:56
hmwgreezmunkey: no idea, df -h tells me, the drive is full. It had several gigs 10 minutes ago16:56
aciculakcantin: hmm16:56
TinBasherany problems when you play avi files?  Mine closes as soon as it tries to play the file16:56
tonsofpcswhat version of qt is in karmic koala??16:56
hmwgreezmunkey: i was DEinstalling stuff in synaptics. OO aso.16:56
kcantinacicula, did u view it?16:57
Vigomelodie_: here is the bzr link: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-guide/16:57
melodie_Vigo, I look16:57
magedragon25TinBasher: no, I haven't had any problems....even plays my .iso's16:57
dboneHi everybody, I'm logged in using a live usb because i accidently used the command "sudo chage -E 03/13/2008 <username>" can anyone help me figure out how to log back into my hd?16:57
TinBasherweird...ok I'll keep searching for a solution16:58
magedragon25TinBasher: do you have restricted extras installed?16:58
Vigomelodie_: and here is the lead-in page for that one: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-guide/16:58
melodie_Vigo, I can't read pages and pages of docs, I'll end blind, additionnally english is not my native language, that gets my mind tired. Vigo : I just want to see your post about the ubuntu-bug command16:58
aciculakcantin: yup16:58
aciculakcantin: its loading the vesa driver instead of the i810 driver by the looks of it16:58
Code-EHi. I am trying to install my wireless network adapter, I did make and that ran all fine... I think. But when I do make install, i get the error shown on http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/61KraBqr does anyone know how to fix this?16:58
TinBasherno I don't16:58
jaypurcan 2 softwares use the same port at the router???16:58
yekimotoacicula: sorry, I don't understand the question. What do you mean "not differ significantly"?16:58
DasEihmw: check by ls -l              ?!16:59
feedmecerealI'm sorry if this is a really dumb question but: how do I execute a .run file in terminal? I want to run the Quake 4 demo that I downloaded but I type sudo ./quake4linux1.0demo.x86.run and it gives me "command not found."16:59
Sj4m35-15melodie_: BTW, it isn't connected to the internet at the moment.16:59
^BFChi, all the time readerrors on sdr0 would it help to set udma manually in bios ?, thx (its an new dvd)16:59
kcantinis the vesa driver the default if the real driver is not installed or, something?16:59
DasEijaypur: yes16:59
Sj4m35-15melodie_: BTW, is there any other way?16:59
melodie_Vigo, more it is simple and less it is complicated, that's why I want to report the bug about the "users-admin" that don't change the password16:59
magedragon25TinBasher: that should fix your issue...I installed through synaptic....16:59
TinBasherok thanks, I'll try that16:59
melodie_Sj4m35-15, yes, command line : see the man of "iwconfig"16:59
vukasinhi ppl :D16:59
magedragon25TinBasher; your welcome16:59
vukasinhow are you?17:00
aciculakcantin: vesa is pretty much the failsafe if nothing else works driver yeah17:00
dboneHi everybody, I'm logged in using a live usb because i accidently used the command "sudo chage -E 03/13/2008 <username>" can anyone help me figure out how to log back into my ubuntu install?17:00
melodie_Sj4m35-15, but the command line don't work if network-manager rules the connections, so you might find network-manager menu first and give it a try17:00
aciculakcantin: not sure if and how you can force it to use the i810 driver17:00
Sj4m35-15melodie_: that's the problem, it won't let me configure it because it says "interface eth1 not configured".17:00
melodie_or start network-manager from the command line, with "gksu" instead of "sudo"17:00
greezmunkeyhmw, you run Computer Janitor to see if you can free up some space...17:01
kcantinI see...guess I am at a cross road here17:01
DasEidbone: sudo change ?17:01
* Dr_Willis_ points out that 'Computer Janitor' CAN be dangeroud.17:01
Dr_Willis_dangerous :)17:01
melodie_Sj4m35-15, do this command and paste it to pastebin : "ifconfig" and "ifconfig -a"17:01
melodie_as root17:01
HowardtheDuckis it a bad idea to upgrade ubuntu distributions.17:01
Dr_Willis_and its not a very well done program17:01
Dr_Willis_HowardtheDuck:  it can work fine.. or there can be issues..17:01
HowardtheDuckguess since Lucid is a LTS, would be best to do a clean install17:02
Sj4m35-15melodie_: i've read somewhere you have to blacklist certain drivers, but i don't know which ones to blackist.17:02
nikki_i dont have sound, can anyone help?17:02
Dr_Willis_HowardtheDuck:  i tend to do clean installs also17:02
greezmunkeyDr_Willis_, hmw, agreed - unsure of hmw's commandline abilities17:02
abhi_navHowardtheDuck 50-5017:02
Code-EDoes anyone know how to fix my problem? >_<17:02
Lupus-SLEDr_Willis_: I wouldn't slag it off too much, bit of common sense with what you remove with it and you'll be golden!17:02
dboneDasEi, the command was "sudo chage" it really f***** up my system17:02
vukasinimal srba bem vam lebac?17:02
melodie_Sj4m35-15, then you do this command and paste it to pastebin then give me the link : "lsmod"17:02
Vigomelodie_: What language do you prefer to use?17:02
dbone*not change17:02
Sioux_33<DasEi> ati hd4850 and after update i do install graphic driver again but it wouldnt help17:03
bastldoh, now i accidentally hit Alt-F4, and closed Xephyr. Via ssh i see that the remote session is still working (installing ubuntu updates). Can i get the session back?17:03
aciculakcantin: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:03
Dr_Willis_Lupus-SLE:  i saw a little wiki/blog on the program just today..  it pointed out some of its failings.. its really so badly done that it proberly shouldent even be in the disrto by default. I fund Ubuntu-tweaks clean up feature much safer17:03
cboyer1951I've posted my situation in paste.ubuntu.com, is that the correct way to list my drive stats for I can be helped here?17:03
Lupus-SLEDr_Willis_: May I read it please?17:03
DasEidbone: that will only chnage time pw expires, not user or pass itself, anyway, you say you can't login nomore ?17:03
Dr_Willis_Lupus-SLE:  if i can find it.. it was on my Feedly Front page I dont rember where it came from17:04
hmwgreezmunkey: thanks for your hints. An instance of partimage went amok, but it didnt show in the Gnome process manager. I noticed some CPU load, and looked with ps -A, then killed the rogue partimage. My drive stopped getting filled. very strange, though. Problem seems to be solved.17:04
Sj4m35-15melodie_: it's on a different machine not connected to the internet17:04
DasEiSioux_33: the propitary ati driver doesn't for curent xorg17:04
nikki_how can i diagnose a "no sound problem"?17:04
Lupus-SLEDr_Willis_: I'd be interested to read it, if you can't find it - no worries.17:04
wazzaaaaa!info lamp17:04
dboneDasEi, right i accidently made it expire (i had been trying to just change the password)17:04
ubottuPackage lamp does not exist in karmic17:04
DasEiSioux_33: *work17:04
Sj4m35-15melodie_: it's an IBM thinkpad t30 with ubuntu 9.04 on it.17:04
Stavroshow can i change my hostname? "hostname -v whatever" doesn't survive a reboot17:04
HowardtheDuckcan i install the cube atlantis in karmic and lucid when it comes out17:04
DasEidbone: you are on live on that specific machine ?17:05
dboneDasEi, yeah17:05
nikki_how can i diagnose a "no sound problem"?17:05
melodie_Sj4m35-15, I have the same machine17:05
greezmunkeyhmw, just a bunch of clean up work then?17:05
Dr_Willis_Lupus-SLE:  the name of the blog was like 'top 10 problems with ubuntu' it was mainly on 10.04 however17:05
Sj4m35-15melodie_: it sees the wireless card when i do a lspci -v17:05
DasEidbone: sudo fdsik -l  , which device is root ?17:05
polirdi have ubuntu 9.10 and a nvidia geforce 6200 graphics card. after installing ubuntu, i installed the recommended driver, but after i restarted, i got the ubuntu icon for a few seconds, then a black screen. after about a minute, i got no signal. i reinstalled ubuntu and am wondering which driver i should use that would work successfully.17:05
DasEi!sound | nikki17:05
ubottunikki: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:05
hmwgreezmunkey: there were 2 big image files apparently being written to, whithout me knowing about it. Seems to be under control now.17:05
Lupus-SLEDr_Willis_: Seems a bit unfair, Lucid hasn't even been released yet :/17:05
Sj4m35-15melodie_: how did you enable the wireless card??17:06
aciculakcantin: alternatively you could try loading ubuntu lts 8.04 onto a usb stick and see if that works better, you can make one with unetbootin (a program installable via the software manager) since it seems the i810 driver has seen some regressions since the LTS version17:06
melodie_Sj4m35-15, I didn't try Ubuntu 9.04 on it because it was not working correctly at first shot. Try 9.10 instead ?17:06
Sioux_33<DasEi> current catalyst version 10.2 it support xorg 7.4 and all versions back from 7.4. what version of Xorg got karmic after update? 7.5?17:06
aciculapolird: notebook?17:06
greezmunkeyhmw, good catch :)17:06
melodie_Sj4m35-15, do you mind installing a new version ?17:06
Dr_Willis_Lupus-SLE:  here we go.. FireFox History wins again --> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/16-things-that-could-be-improved-in.html17:06
Sj4m35-15melodie_: 9.10? does it see the prism 2.5 wavelan chipset?17:06
Vigomelodie_: I think this is the first one, Terminal cmd one: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/BugBranchLinks17:06
nikki_Ive looked into that, im wondering if it could be a faulty sound card? is that easy enough to find out?17:06
DasEipolird: that card is well supported, also with the nvidia site or the recommendation, you had any other problem there17:06
aciculaDasEi: maybe he had the latest glx installed instead of the older glx that supports the 6000 series?17:07
Sj4m35-15melodie_: i wouldn't mind as long as i can get the wireless card working.17:07
wildc4rdevenin' all17:07
HowardtheDuckis there a good, easy to follow guide that could maybe show me how i can access my home ubuntu box with my win xp computer at work?  using putty or something i guess17:07
melodie_Vigo, I don't get it17:07
melodie_Sj4m35-15, then try it as live17:07
cboyer1951I'm a newbie needing help; I have just installed ubuntu 9.10 i386 on my 150GB sdb1 drive, it is now 1/3 full, and I've tried to get it over to my 2nd hard drive sda1, with lvpm 'transfer', but it won't boot from there, not even with changing drive boot order in my BIOS, can anyone make a suggestion how to proceed now please?17:07
KiRiLoSHello, i am having some trouble with skype.I get this error when i run it:     bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111) , the problem is that other people cant hear me but my mic works great with other apps.Thanks17:07
ShalakhinWhat to do if I am getting dpkg-shlibdeps: no dependency information found for... ? (in my case it is /usr/lib/libcaiowrap.so.1)17:08
dboneDasEi, fdisk detects both of the drives, the usb key i'm using right now and the hd with my xubuntu on it17:08
melodie_Sj4m35-15, your card needs only *orinoco* driver !17:08
Sj4m35-15melodie_: do you know how to get a minimum install of ubuntu on a thinkpad t30??17:08
DasEiacicula: he said the recommended, so a older but suitable propitary from nvidia (got a 6200, on one, too)17:08
hmwgreezmunkey: it's just a little creepy, when your computer is going to countdown on you out of the blue.17:08
Lupus-SLEDr_Willis_: Thank you very much, indeed browser history was a glorious invention before the days of porn.17:08
DasEidbone: we need the /dev/sdxx  of root (hd)17:08
melodie_Sj4m35-15, for now, give me the output for "lsmod" at pastebin !!!17:08
aciculaDasEi: hmm maybe he activated the driver before updating the system first?17:08
Dr_Willis_Lupus-SLE:  thats how i rember where i stopped :)17:08
aciculacould give issues i suppose17:08
polirdacicula: dorry, didnt see you. no desktop, an old one17:09
DasEiacicula: good chance, or exotic monitor17:09
melodie_Sj4m35-15, Ubuntu is not a minimalist distribution, sorry.17:09
polirdacicula: i meant sorry17:09
melodie_Sj4m35-15, I have done minimal installs, it's not satisfactory17:09
Dr_Willis_theres a few ubuntu-minimal iso or other variants/things ya could do..17:09
Dr_Willis_i agree with melodie_  :)17:09
Sj4m35-15melodie_: i cannot it's on a different machine not connected to any network.17:09
Sj4m35-15melodie_: what was the problems?17:09
melodie_Sj4m35-15, do you have a usb key ?17:10
yekimotoHi all. Ive got a problem with read() system call. It give me 0 readen bytes in Ubuntu x64, but it works great with ubuntu x86. I think its a bug, but I'm not shure. Some got the same problem?17:10
KiRiLoSHello, i am having some trouble with skype.I get this error when i run it:     bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111) , the problem is that other people cant hear me but my mic works great with other apps.Thanks17:10
melodie_Sj4m35-15, if yes do this :17:10
dboneDasEi, there is /dev/sda1 which is the linux installation, /dev/sdb1 is the usb key17:10
dboneDasEi, sorry I'm still i guess a bit of a newbie17:10
melodie_Sj4m35-15, open a console and start : lsmod > lsmod.txt17:10
PudgyIs there a reason why AWN isn't part of gnome 2.x?17:10
aciculaKiRiLoS: connecting skype directly to the bluetooth device doesnt work afaik17:10
marsjehiya! what is the package name of the login manager app that starts up ubuntu by default (where you enter your password and choose your desktop environment)?17:10
kasunI have some problem with my sound device, is there anyone to help me17:10
Sj4m35-15melodie_: yeah, wait a moment...it's here somewhere...17:10
KiRiLoSacicula, i dont even have a bluetooth device on my system!17:10
melodie_Sj4m35-15, then copy the lsmod.txt file to the pendrive then bring it back here and paste it to pastebin17:10
cboyer1951Advice please: how can I ask my question, to get help here? I'm a newbie needing help; I have just installed ubuntu 9.10 i386 on my 150GB sdb1 drive, it is now 1/3 full, and I've tried to get it over to my 2nd hard drive sda1, with lvpm 'transfer', but it won't boot from there, not even with changing drive boot order in my BIOS, can anyone make a suggestion how to proceed now please? DasEi? melodie_? acicula? so that I am up and running and able to become a17:11
aciculaKiRiLoS: guess that explains your error :)17:11
cjunerI have lots of ppa in my sources.list.d and apparantly for one of them (don't know which) I don't have the public signing key. Every time I run apt-get update I get an error with NO_PUBKEY and http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic17:11
kcantinis there a way to save Xorg.0.log to post on pastbin.com?17:11
greezmunkeyI came across a how-to regarding "dd" that describes "blanking unused blocks"...Is that a function of dd, or something like gparted?17:11
KiRiLoSacicula, well that happened suddenly,skype worked great before a week or so.Anything in mind about how i fix that error?17:12
cjunerIt's annoying - how do I find out which repository it's for exactly?17:12
melodie_kcantin, just install pastebinit and do in console "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"17:12
melodie_without the quotes17:12
redcan I clear up "last" somehow17:12
DasEidbone: I think you least got two partis on sda1, root and swap , we need the root17:13
redthe list is getting bit long and most recent happendings are on top rather than on bototm17:13
melodie_cboyer1951, what is " I've tried to get it over to my 2nd hard drive sda1, with lvpm 'transfer'" ?17:13
aciculaKiRiLoS: did anything with bluetooth recently?17:13
KiRiLoSacicula, nope.Not a thing.I dont have bluetooth and i dont want any ;p17:13
redlast -n number was enuff17:13
cboyer1951melodie? oh, I tried to transfer my ubuntu 9.10 install which is on my 150 GB sba1 drive, over to my 300 GB sda1 drive using the lvpm utility to transfer it to there17:14
KiRiLoSacicula, i google that error and it seems that it's a new trendy error people get while using skype for linux.I just couldnt find the solution :/17:14
aciculaKiRiLoS: well thats what its trying, the error gives a lot of hits though, so id start there17:14
aciculaKiRiLoS: try purging bluez-utils17:14
acicula(reinstall it if it doesnt work)17:14
aciculacboyer1951: no luck fixing fstab/grub?17:15
cboyer1951melodie, it transfered ok, but when I restart my computer, it is not there to choose as a boot option in grub, even when I change my bios to load with hda1 instead of hdb117:15
Sj4m35-15melodie_: ok, here's the output of lsmod. Module                  Size  Used by17:15
Sj4m35-15radeon                342816  017:15
Sj4m35-15drm                    96296  1 radeon17:15
Sj4m35-15bridge                 56340  017:15
Sj4m35-15stp                    10500  1 bridge17:15
FloodBot3Sj4m35-15: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
Sj4m35-15bnep                   20224  217:15
Sj4m35-15input_polldev          11912  017:15
Sj4m35-15lp                     17156  017:15
Sj4m35-15joydev                 18368  017:15
Sj4m35-15pcmcia                 44748  017:15
FloodBot3Sj4m35-15: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
Sj4m35-15snd_intel8x0           37532  017:16
Sioux_33<DasEi> so catalyst 10.2 will work with xorg in ubuntu 9.10 after all updates or it wouldnt? i just checked ati web and catalyst 10.2 does support xorg up to 7.417:16
cboyer1951acicula, i looked at fstab, and i listed my drive to help.ubuntu.com17:16
anyoneofushi all17:16
dboneDasEi, there are three partitions on the sda, it says under device sda1, sda2,sda5 and under "System" LInux,Extended, and Linux swap/Solaris respectively17:16
cboyer1951acicula, I don't understand enough to edit grub17:16
aciculacboyer1951: i dont understand what you are saying17:16
KiRiLoSacicula, nope.Neither purging nor reinstalling helped...17:16
japherwockywhere is the grub boot menu ? i don't have a /boot/grub/menu.lst ?17:16
aciculajapherwocky: it moved with grub217:16
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:16
anyoneofusi want to remove nagios on Ubuntu17:17
cboyer1951acicula? I listed my fstab hd listing: /dev/loop0: UUID="43b22a0f-6c9b-42c4-a47f-f8c470eb3cdf" TYPE="ext4"  /dev/sda1: UUID="2e3cb8a9-221b-4a86-b7b2-cc9be8f19ff9" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"  /dev/sda5: UUID="f58df266-2aa7-46ca-bf96-429bf93bbe0b" TYPE="swap"  /dev/sdb1: UUID="36A2E724A2E6E779" TYPE="ntfs"17:17
hmwjapherwocky: Ubuntu 9.10 uses grub2 now17:17
anyoneofusanyone help me17:17
aciculacboyer1951: well you'll need someone to run youn through reconstrucint fstab/grub, or just backup your data and do a quick reinstall17:17
melodie_Sj4m35-15, you wild newbie ! I told you to use pastebin !17:17
polirdDasEi: so should i use the hardware drivers to install it, or download it from the nvidia website?17:18
daftykinsanyoneofus: sudo apt-get remove nagios3 ?17:18
melodie_Sj4m35-15,  go to http://pastebin.com and paste it there : then come here and give the link !  ;-)17:18
DasEiSioux_33: no, straight ways ati-prop and current xorg aren't working, but the card has some open source drivers, workaround : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=884698917:18
DcMeeseWhat's the best way to use .NET frameworks on ubuntu 9.10?17:18
anyoneofusdaftykins, my nagios compiler by sources17:18
hmwDcMeese: you might want to look into "winetricks"17:18
daftykinsyour what?17:18
anyoneofusmy Eng is not good17:18
hmwDcMeese: oops... wrong answer... MONO is an Open Source alternative to .NET17:19
DcMeeseIa that on the main repo, hmw?17:19
anyoneofusi install use that link17:19
daftykinsoh you compiled it from source, either find an uninstall script or you won't be able to17:19
dboneDasEi, I got to go, I'll be back later.   Is there a file I can modify to change the password expiration date?17:19
DasEipolird: first run : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, then ..17:19
hmwDcMeese: i never used Mono, you'd br better off by googeling it first. Perhaps something like "ubuntu mono howto"17:19
cboyer1951acicula, melodie, thanks for your help... I'll try to find someone to run me through my reconstricting my fstab/grub, I'll read up as best I can, I have reinstalled 3 times... I can boot up in C: drive, hdb1 150 GB drive, but with Windows/Vista, and ProTools there it is 1/3 full now, will fill up when I load all of the music programs I want to use in Ubuntu :), to move me over from Vista to Ubuntu! :) but in installing Ubuntu on the 2nd hard drive, 300 GB, 17:19
DcMeesehmw: Alright. So is mono on the main repo?17:20
DasEidbone: easiest to chroot into the sys and reset the pw to deafault17:20
^mNotIntelligenthi all17:20
DasEiSioux_33: re-checking17:20
polirdDasEi: ok, and i type yes?17:20
hmw!mono > hmw17:21
melodie_has Sj4m35-15 be condemned to muteness by the FloodBot1 ?17:21
Vigoanyoneofus: You want to install Ubuntu?17:21
cboyer1951i can't just sit here for 2 hours and have no answers, time is too valuable. evidently i have a problem explaining myself, and being too full of myself I guess, others are getting help left and right. Thanks again, guys, I'll come back when I understand Linux and Ubuntu, so I can be heard17:21
melodie_by the FloodBot3 I mean17:21
mac9416For whatever reason, Opera thinks it should be my default... everything. For example, how can I set Firefox back as my default browser? What about image viewer?17:21
kcantinmelodie, where do I find "pastebinit" in order to install it?17:21
anyoneofusVigo, no i want to install Nagios17:21
anyoneofusbut it's not work17:21
daftykinsmac9416: there's a default programs item off system -> preferences17:22
melodie_kcantin, do you know the package manager ?17:22
DasEipolird: ran the commands ?17:22
Sioux_33DasEi> im just looking at that web didnt know that ati doesnt work with even 7.4:( its shame i wrote letter to ati week ago about problems with lucid and xorg7.5 they replied that there is no problems so i dont know really i should buy nvidia17:22
datadiggerAlexanderSupertr: cd  myfolder/.. ;  mv myfolder/* ./17:22
polirdDasEi: yes, 3 minutes remaining17:22
mac9416daftykins, I'm running fluxbox instead of GNOME... Is that a GNOME app, or is it a stand-alone I can install?17:22
bootFailsynaptic-package-manager gets up it melodie's face - your forgot me?17:23
sambagirli downloaded aros 1.2 virtual  box version but how do i extract a /tmp/IcarOS_1_2.7z filetype in linux?17:23
sambagirlthe extraction manager doesnt recognize it17:23
guntbertbootFail: stop please17:23
daftykinsmac9416: one sec, i'll have to boot a VM as i don't run ubuntu natively.17:23
KiRiLoSHello, i am having some trouble with skype.I get this error when i run it:     bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111) , the problem is that other people cant hear me but my mic works great with other apps.Thanks17:23
anyoneofusthis is my problems17:23
mac9416OK, daftykins, thanks.17:24
anyoneofussomeone help me17:24
kcantinmelodie, yes17:24
DasEiSioux_33: I did already, until hardi they where fine, since then only opensource made improvements, but I had rumoors about better co-working from their side, too17:24
guntbert!here | anyoneofus17:24
ubottuanyoneofus: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com17:24
bootFailguntbert, had that thought before you - but YES, SIR :)17:24
polirdDasEi: almost done17:24
anyoneofusthis ís my problems: http://img86.yfrog.com/i/screenshot1jy.png/17:25
Vigoanyoneofus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nagios17:25
hmwsambagirl: 7z can be installed as a program for the terminal... should be    sudo apt-get p7zip, i am looking for a web page for you17:25
Vigoanyoneofus: Nagio1 is discontinued, or looks like it,,17:26
anyoneofusVigo, i can't access localhost/nagios17:26
daftykinsmac9416: gnome-default-applications-properties17:26
hmwsambagirl: you should be able to extract files with    7z x my7Zzipfile17:26
DasEiSioux_33: nope, yup, seems there is a change now : http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
anyoneofusVigo, help me! Please. I'm a newbie17:26
bootFailI love 7zip  - it's a good compression algorithm, but my mates moan that it can't store who owns the files and/ord directories - and they have a point.17:27
kcantinmelodie, thanks just  did it :)17:27
kcantinacicula, thanks for your help17:27
kcantinI just pasted the Xorg.0.log to http://pastebin.com17:27
bootFailYou can always tar/7zip17:27
Vigoanyoneofus: Did you check that link I posted?17:27
DarkStar11Anyone here run SAMBA and knows how to get a basic share up and running?? I asked in #samba but no reply. I've spent the last 2 hours using gadmin to no effect17:27
polirdDasEi: it seems to be unpacking17:27
DasEipolird: next backup current config (if any) : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup17:27
hmwsambagirl: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-263825.html17:28
anyoneofusVigo, yep, i try it17:28
DasEipolird: k, can open another tab17:28
polirdDasEi: ok17:28
guntbertbootFail: what was your problem?17:28
mac9416daftykins, looks like that's in the gnome-control-center package. We'll see how this goes...17:28
Sj4m35-15melodie_: having problems with my machine here it is dislaying the websites very poorly.17:28
Vigoanyoneofus: What version Ubuntu are you using?17:28
bootFailFloppy fringe?17:28
cjunerI have lots of ppas in my sources.list.d and apparantly for one of them (don't know which) I don't have the public signing key. Every time I run apt-get update I get an error with NO_PUBKEY and http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic (the error is not specific enough) .. It's annoying - how do I find out which repository it's for exactly?17:28
goombadoes anyone know the name of the package that would let me add a start menu to xfce4-panel ? like the kind that reads .desktop files in /usr/share/applications17:29
anyoneofusVigo, i'm using Ubuntu 9.1017:29
DasEiSioux_33: that of interest for me, give me another 10 min to finish stuff, then let's try it ?!17:29
bootFailAnd laptop unable to suspend/resume/hibernate17:29
polirdDasEi: i have another tab open, and it is still unpacking17:29
DasEipolird:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup17:29
daftykinsmac9416: out of interest how did you discover its' parent package?17:29
polirdDasEi: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup17:30
melodie_Sj4m35-15, please come talk privately, too much discussion on the main chan it's difficult and not efficient17:30
polirdDasEi: cp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory17:30
Sj4m35-15melodie_: i'm currently using a cf-28 toughbook using a derivitive of ubuntu.17:30
guntbert!pm | melodie_17:30
ubottumelodie_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:30
mac9416daftykins, I tried to run the command, and it said: "The program 'gnome-default-applications-properties' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: / sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center"17:31
bootFailA laptop not being able to suspend, or shutdown, or anything is not news - they don't need my vitals. It's just a shame that it used to work, and now it's such an annoyance! FORCE it down!17:31
mac9416daftykins, how BASH knew that, I don't know. :-P17:31
DasEipolird: that's ok, so not any at this time; we'll create one : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:31
melodie_guntbert, give me a break please, I use chans since 7 years and I run 2 myself17:31
daftykinsmac9416: ah :D17:31
Vigoanyoneofus: Have you tried Zenos?17:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DasEipolird: then :  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup17:31
melodie_!click | guntbert17:31
Vigoanyoneofus: Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zenoss17:31
DasEiolird : case driver messes up, can copy back the backup , no need to reinstall17:32
DasEipolird : case driver messes up, can copy back the backup , no need to reinstall17:32
polirdDasEi: hayden@hayden-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:32
polird/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed17:32
polirdhayden@hayden-desktop:~$ sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup17:32
polirdcp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory17:32
FloodBot3polird: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:32
anyoneofusVigo, i'm using Nagios for my exercise17:32
anyoneofusVigo, i'm a Student17:32
guntbertmelodie_: I know the bot message wasn't really appropriate - apologies  -- but seriously: you are encouraged to keep support in the channel and not move to pm17:32
polirdi guess i wasnt supposed to do that17:32
melodie_Sj4m35-15, do you want to join a discussion about your T30 problems privately ?17:32
DasEipolird: aharr.. xorg broken, there we go17:32
Sj4m35-15melodie_: yes17:33
polirdDasEi: its a new intallation17:33
melodie_guntbert, create more dedicated chans :)17:33
DasEipolird: update/grade finished ?17:33
scaredsince I upgraded to jaunty, I do not have the taskbar and the menubar anymore on my desktop, how could I fix that ?17:33
melodie_too much talk fuses here : not possible to follow efficiently17:33
polirdDasEi: it says setting up software-center17:33
Vigoanyoneofus: On 9,10 I am not sure that works, it might, Zenoss is the replacement pkg for that, I think.17:33
melodie_Sj4m35-15, I opened a window for a private talk can you see it ?17:33
happyfacewhy does my wifi card not show up in nm-applet unless I reinstall gnome-network-manager and reboot?17:33
DasEipolird : bad medium/drive ?!  anyway, we need to wait for apt, first now17:34
Sj4m35-15melodie_: where do i look?17:34
melodie_what client do you use ? I know mostly xchat17:34
polirdDasEi: now it says configuring grub pc17:34
Sj4m35-15melodie_: i'm using irssi BTW.17:34
polirdDasEi: should i "keep the local version currently installed"17:34
melodie_Sj4m35-15, so I won't help you easily : can you use xchat ?17:35
DasEipolird: call my nick when back at prompt, no use maintainers version17:35
mib_mibhey guys, i did apt-get install rails, which installed version 2.3.5, but now i want to remove it and install rails 3; when i do apt-get remove rails it says no package named rails installed, how do i remove it?17:35
Sj4m35-15melodie_: no.17:35
melodie_Sj4m35-15, no gui ?17:35
Ganymedemib_mib, try dpkg -l | grep rails to find the package name17:35
polirdDasEi: what?17:35
Sj4m35-15melodie_: i've a GUI, yes.17:35
melodie_so install xchat17:35
Sj4m35-15melodie_: apt-get install/17:36
melodie_I don't know the commands for the tabs in irssi17:36
mac9416daftykins, Firefox is already the default in gnome-default-applications-properties. Looks like that setting isn't being respected by Python's webbrowser.open. Looks like a question for #python. Thanks!17:36
Sj4m35-15melodie_: apt-get install?17:36
melodie_sudo apt-get...17:36
daftykinsmac9416: my pleasure :)17:36
DasEipolird: keep current version > no  , use maintainers/updated/new version > yes17:36
Sj4m35-15melodie_: ok.17:36
VCoolioSj4m35-15: try if alt+1-5 gives the chat window with melodie, also check the tabbar script17:36
DasEipolird: call my nick when back at prompt (apt finished)17:36
Code-EDoes anyone know how to fix the error:  No rule to make target `kernel/bounds.c', needed by `kernel/bounds.s'.  Stop.17:36
mib_mibGanymede: it isn't found in the package manager....17:37
DasEiSioux_33: have you got a 30 min for your system ?17:37
melodie_Sj4m35-15, I'll be back in a minute, getting some coffee17:37
polirdDasEi: ok, it's finished, asking me to restart17:37
guntbertCode-E: what are you trying to compile?17:37
mib_mibGanymede: which is weird, but it is def there17:37
anyoneofusVigo, i think i will use VirtualBox17:37
sambagirlok hmw17:37
DasEipolird : sudo reboot, cu17:37
Code-Eguntbert, im trying to compile my wireless network driver17:38
bootFailVirtualBox is very good. Install the extras ASAP.17:38
guntbertCode-E: are you certain you need to compile it yourself? then you will need to install build-essential17:38
mib_mibah maybe i installed it through the rails gem instead of apt-get17:38
* DasEi will try ati propitary on radeon himself tonight17:39
Ganymedemib_mib, sudo gem uninstall rails ?17:39
Code-EThe instructions say to download it, make, then make install17:39
Vigomib_mib: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/index.html17:39
Code-Ei will try installing build-essential17:39
Sioux_33DasEi> yup:) is just that im scared:) cos i tried many times to update everything and everythin is working perfect before updateif i dont update anything. i treid update everything many times and always it ended in one way system reinstall  so im scared to try:)17:39
Ganymedemib_mib, or an official ubuntu howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RubyOnRails17:40
Code-EI just installed build-essential and its still giving me the error17:40
polirdDasEi: ok, i rebooted17:41
guntbertCode-E: from where did you get the source?17:41
Code-Eyou mean my driver? frmo the realtek website17:42
Sioux_33DasEi> i can try live cd to tell me what to do and i can try it17:42
bootFailRUNS AND KILLS Sioux_33!! If I were u're bitch I'd clone your 15 small HD's onto a single 3TB drive (and we'd all wait about 2 days while it copied), THEN I'd let you change the drive, and shake my head slowly, like rain-man - xXx17:42
VigoGanymede: Great link, my error, Thank you.17:42
mac9416daftykins, found it: 'update-alternatives --config x-www-browser' :-D17:42
DasEiSioux_33: thing is , until now they didn't used to work, but there where rumors. Now website is definatly saying runs with current xorg, but I like to try this myself ( as I know how to get out of an edge) again to be more sure. udate/grade shouldn't be the problem .17:42
bootFailWake up the Gimp...17:42
DasEipolird : fine, try again : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:43
daftykinsmac9416: did that mean it was nothing to do with python, or?17:43
mac9416daftykins, yeah, it just meant I didn't know how to set the default browser system-wide (as opposed to GNOME-wide).17:44
DasEipolird: xorg still broken ?17:44
guntbertCode-E: from the one line you posted I cannot tell - did you read the README and INSTALL files? usually the first step is .configure17:44
mac9416daftykins, Python was doing right. :-)17:44
guntbert!who | Code-E btw17:44
ubottuCode-E btw: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:44
bootFailA surprisingly low percentage of you are software developers, surprising if only (1) YOU DREAM OF GIVING SHIGARU MYAMOTO A HANDJOB 2.) You read this...17:44
polirdDasEi: it asks for password, then goes back to hayden@hayden-desktop:~$. no errors at least17:45
Code-Egunbert the only thing it says in the readme for it is to extract the .tar.gz file and then do make, then make install17:45
Sioux_33i tried the latest catalyst 10.2 and i use it at the moment on their web they say that it work with xorg 7.4 so i assume it should work in karmic without problem and its working the problem is when i update everything after reboot cpu usage is going to 50% and thats q9000 quad core i reinstalled system and didnt update anything like that cpu usage i got is 0 to max 2% and everything is working perfect17:45
DasEiVCoolio: I checked that out, the patch is much more intense to just -b ~alternate address BUT it is fixed in lucid (just tried) so I think we got to live that so far17:45
mac9416daftykins, 'ls /etc/alternatives/' displays the various things that can be set with update-alternatives.17:45
guntbertpeter__:  you probably want /join ##php17:45
A[D]minSI've HP nx7400 Core 2 Duo , I'm trying to change the CPU Scale but it says CPU frequency scaling unsupported17:45
peter__gujk,um.j hzl6 ,lhzl hzö j.j öj17:45
A[D]minSany idea how i can make it work?17:45
DasEipolird: then :  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup17:45
daftykinsmac9416: ah interesting, thanks :)17:46
polirdDasEi: cp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory17:46
Sioux_33i tried update system everything then reinstalled ati catalyst 10.2 cpu usage 50% then i tried open source driver cpu usage the same doesnt work dont know for sure if its ati problem or another issue17:46
polirdi thought ubuntu was "user friendly"17:46
madjoeabhi_nav: hey, dude! I did it... take a look: http://i40.tinypic.com/k36c7t.jpg17:46
mac9416daftykins, np, maybe you'll find that info useful sometime.  :-)17:46
DasEiSioux_33: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:47
daftykinsmaybe indeed :)17:47
abhi_navmadjow: wow! great! how ?? tell me the procedure?17:47
guntbertCode-E: (not out of vanity but for ease of use: my nick is guntbert - not gunbert, you can use <tab> to autocomplete it) - please !pastebin the output of make17:47
guntbert!pastebin | Code-E17:47
ubottuCode-E: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:47
Freemanhow to change rundefault level on ubuntu 917:47
abhi_navmadjow: or do one thing make one new thred in ubuntu forum so everone wll be benifit17:47
Sioux_33yop DasEi> and after that my system is fck:) no mousse cursor in kernel 2.6.31..20 and cpu 50% i tried it many times17:47
abhi_navmadjoe: or do one thing make one new thred in ubuntu forum so everone wll be benifit17:48
guntbert!runlevel | Freeman17:48
ubottuFreeman: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.17:48
abhi_navmadjoe: or do one thing make one new thred in ubuntu forum so everone wll be benifit17:48
muncan a cron job set up under 'Scheduled Tasks' run sudo commands?17:48
Freemanye runlevel17:48
abhi_navmadjoe: wow! great! how ?? tell me the procedure?17:48
DasEipolird: dpkg -l xserver-xorg|grep ^ii17:48
Freemani dont look inittab17:48
chiiiiizI need some feedback about jack (jackd) based systems... I have ubuntustudio installed, and I'd like to use jack for my everyday tasks (watchinf videos, listening to music, internet...)...17:48
DasEiresult , polird ?17:48
madjoeabhi_nav: you'll need gpick tool... it's a fantastic tool to pick colors from other applications and helps you to make a descent palette....17:48
polirdii  xserver-xorg                         1:7.4+3ubuntu10                            the X.Org X server17:48
guntbertFreeman: please *read* what ubottu told you17:48
katolhello, is there any way to install a version of apache greater than the "newest" version on apache hardy? I'm on 2.2.9 and i need 2.2.1317:49
chiiiiizvlc jack plugin seems not to work, ideml for xmms2 jack plugin...17:49
katolother than being from source, obviously17:49
Freemanguntbert: wh17:49
DasEipolird : seems good then, then go hardwaredrivers > recommended, shall do it, then reboot17:49
madjoeabhi_nav: now it's way much more comfortable for me to look at my terminal screen... that white/black combination was horrible before17:49
Code-Eguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394831/  is the output of make. its make install im having the problem with, the input of that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394832/17:49
DasEipolird : oh, one question : it's karmic, nor ?17:49
Freemanin last versions and debian i use /ete/inittab17:50
polirdDasEu: yes 9.1017:50
DasEiSioux_33: ran the command ?17:50
polirdmisspelled your name17:50
DasEipolird : hardwaredrivers > recommended,  reboot17:51
abhi_nav_madjoe: i was disconnected17:51
polirdDasEi: i hope it works better than last time17:51
abhi_nav_can you read me?17:51
DasEipolird : i go one too, here, nvm, have you got a live cd ?17:51
abhi_nav_madjoe: i was disconnected17:52
madjoeabhi_nav_: I'm here.. yes, I can..17:52
abhi_nav_can you read me?17:52
guntbertCode-E: from what I see here the author of the driver made a mistake - please contact them17:52
polirdDasEi: yes17:52
abhi_nav_madjoe: so what i am telling was, post your details procedure to ubuntu forum please17:52
Blue1where can I find the facebook plugin for pidign?  the one from google doesn't work.17:52
Sioux_33 DasEi> sudo apt-get update and upgrade? update yes not upgrade:) it wouldnt take 30min 15 min upgrade and system reinstall 5 hours DasEi> wait i will boot up live usb then upgrade and will show u porblems from dmseg there was few after upgrade 5 min brb17:52
Code-Eguntbert: alright. so what should i do about my wireless driver? ndiswrapper?17:52
DasEipolird: I just ask case good of chips is bad on me :-D17:52
muncan a cron job set up under 'Scheduled Tasks' run sudo commands?17:52
abhi_nav_madjoe: and please memoserv me the link17:52
guntbertCode-E: in my experience the output of make is *very* short ....17:53
Freemani need change runlevels on ubuntu 9, in olders version i edited file /etc/inittab17:53
Lupus-SLEHello fellow people! Are we all having a lovely time? I've got an issue with an old PC I'm putting together with Xubuntu Karmic - it doesn't shut down. Last message it gives me when I try is "System Halted." but the power doesn't actually turn off. I thought this was an ACPI issue was was told previously to add acpi=force and lapic to the boot options but this has unfortunatly not fixed the issue. I'm really unsure17:53
Lupus-SLEabout what could be causing it - any suggestions would be welcome - ANY!17:53
polirdi am glad ubuntu has such a helpful community17:53
madjoeabhi_nav_: yes, maybe I should do that... but not now, I have to do my work now... :) as soon as I'll post something, I'll let you know.. btw, where could I post anything on ubuntu?17:53
DasEiSioux_33: that#s alwways needed..17:53
rooshcould anyone help with a wireless driver problem?17:53
guntbertFreeman: runlevels don't have much meaning anymore - what is your real goal?17:53
abhi_nav_madjoe: in ubuntu forum17:53
^BFCA[D]minS * With BIOS F.08 speedstepping works, (here ...)17:53
polirdDasEi: restarting, i hope i will be back :)17:54
DasEime, too17:54
abhi_nav_madjoe: dont forget me memoserv me the link17:54
A[D]minS^BFC ok how i can upgrade the bios without windows :)17:54
madjoeabhi_nav_: ok dude! ;)17:54
A[D]minSi just have linux on my box :(17:54
abhi_nav_madjoe: yah thnx :-)17:54
madjoeabhi_nav_: I spent like 2hrs on this, but it's wort it ;)17:54
Code-Eguntbert: out of some ridiculous miracle i just ran make install again and it worked.. O_o17:55
abhi_nav_madjoe: yah sure. feeling satisfied now? great!!!!17:55
madjoeabhi_nav_: so proud, satisfied and happy... :) lol17:55
madjoeabhi_nav_: is this the forum link? http://ubuntuforums.org/17:55
abhi_nav_madjoe: yah this one17:56
guntbertCode-E: glad it worked out -- miracles don't happen though ... - Good luck :-)17:56
DarfI'm trying to compile a program, but I keep getting an error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lboost_regex -- What should I do?17:56
Jordan_UA[D]minS: http://flashrom.org/Flashrom17:57
madjoeabhi_nav_: what category should I choose? Ubuntu Testimonials & Experiences?17:57
abhi_nav_madjoe: graphics17:57
madjoeabhi_nav_: or Desktop Environments?17:58
llutz!checkinstall > Darf install libboost-regex-dev and consider using this17:58
ubottuDarf, please see my private message17:58
abhi_nav_madjoe: yah Desktop Envi17:58
rxsHi ! How can I add my bash PATH valiables to my xfce4 session ? I would like to type the name of the program on invoking the run box using ALT-F2 than type the full path...17:58
japherwockymy bootup stalls for approx 3 minutes before going into "Starting manual resume from disk" - can i adjust this timeout?17:58
Darfllutz: I'm still on the "make" step17:59
aciculajapherwocky: sure its not busy doing disk stuff?18:00
^BFCA[D]minS * i sugest to use the "remote rom flash" or the free dos bootable media.18:00
aciculaDarf: its missing the boost_regex library18:01
aciculaDarf: or at least the linker cant find it18:01
aciculaDarf: err or it might be a mistyped flag? i think the link error looks differnt if it cant find the lib18:01
Darfacicula: I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and I installed libboost1.37-dev18:01
mundoes anyone know how to use crontab to set a job to run every 15mins?18:02
NalfHello, I'm attempting to install lamp-server by using taskel install lamp-server, but it says bash: command taskel not found18:02
aciculalorenzo: this is not a warez channel18:02
oskar-Nalf:  tasksel?18:02
japherwockyacicula: pretty sure.. the disks aren't making noise, it takes a very long time18:02
aciculaDarf: doesnt seem -l is a flag for ld, incorrect Makefile?18:03
aciculaDarf: oh wait it is, sec looking again18:03
christaghey party people18:04
[Green]hi all18:04
polirdDasEi: unfortunately, it didn't work :-(. could it be because its 64-bit? can i restore it or will i have to reinstall?18:04
christagcould anyone help me with installing this magic mouse driver i found? i have no clue where to even start18:04
=== ryaxnblucid is now known as ryaxnb
redSays something about how Adobe discriminizes linux. Running Win 7 in virtualbox and IE8+Flash is higher fps than natively under linux18:05
DasEipolird: no reinstall, and no problem of 64 bit : do the following (maybe note it down):18:05
Nalfoskar-: The documentation says it's included in the base system, but...18:05
NalfThat doesn't seem to be the case.18:05
aciculaDarf: still seems ld is called incorrectly, it would give an other error if you were referring to a nonexsiting lib18:05
balasdoes karmic use alsa at all ?18:05
aciculabalas: yeah18:06
xczHi all #ubuntu18:06
xczPaltalk on Ubuntu, any hint?18:06
DasEipolird: reboot, when it's saying grub..  press either shift (grub2) or esc to get to kernel-list, choose second item, recovery mode.18:06
^mNotIntelligent!hi | xcz18:06
ubottuxcz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:06
xczIs there a way to run paltalk on ubuntu other than the web-based version?18:06
oskar-Nalf:  were you missing the second "s" in "tasksel"?18:06
balasacicula, is it possible to upgrade the alsa components through a install script without breaking pulseaudio and gnome-volume ?18:06
aciculachristag: in principle manual driver installation is never needed, can you describe what you are trying to do18:06
NalfYes. xD18:06
aciculabalas: alsa drivers are tied to the kernel18:06
xczany idea18:06
polirdDasEi: what should i do when i get there?18:07
DasEipolird:you get a little gui, first select netroot, give pass and networked, you have a prompt then. enter     exit  to get back in thegui18:07
aciculabalas: updating those is theoretically possible, but not without customizing the system pretty far18:07
coz_xcz,  probably through wine18:07
balaswhat can i type in a terminal to find what alsa i have ?18:07
DasEipolird:then use dpkg > repair broken packages , then again root > reboot18:07
=== mike_ is now known as Guest83118
aciculabalas: dunno, but alsa is not maintained outside the kernel i think, what are you trying to achieve?18:08
DasEipolird and take out cd, o' course18:08
balassuppose for CMI878818:08
oskar-balas:  cat /proc/asound/version18:08
polirdDasEi: ok, i will try and also start anothre computer so i wont have to go back to live cd18:08
DasEipolird : nice , if possible18:09
balasneed 21 for that chipset18:09
balasi'll look for a ppa18:09
guntbert!enter | balas18:09
ubottubalas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:09
team6and7can anyone help me I try to use the backslash and I get <. when I try to use the pipe i get >18:12
aciculateam6and7: change the keyboard layout?18:12
team6and7I did18:12
team6and7not helping18:12
DasEiteam6and7: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup18:13
stercorIs it possible to put ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso to a flash disk and install/LiveCD from the memory stick?18:13
team6and7I have an Asus laptop so i changed it from the genric 105 key to an asus laptop layout and it didnt help18:13
DasEistercor : yes, use unetbootin18:14
stercorThanks DasEi:  I'm off to the races!18:14
guntbertteam6and7: change the layout, not just the keyboard model18:14
linxehwhy not get it to detect the layout ?18:15
stercorDasEi:  Um...from Windows?18:15
DasEi!info unetbootin  stercor18:15
ubottu'stercor' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner18:15
aciculabalas: cant find much about that sound card other then that its got an alsa driver, for quite awhile even18:15
DasEi!info unetbootin | stercor18:15
amine_hello world18:15
=== collin is now known as collind
ubottustercor: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 356-1 (karmic), package size 213 kB, installed size 636 kB18:15
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:15
jabba_i have a remote that is emulating keyboard events ... so i need a tool, that shows me what key-combination is was fired, if i press a key on the remote18:15
sam555hello all!18:15
DasEistercor : it's there for windows, too (google..)18:15
jabba_anyone an idea?18:15
sam555how does one get 9.10 to have a log on screen when you first turn it on?  Mine just goes to the desktop :(18:16
VCooliojabba_: does xev show it?18:16
japherwockywhat's the preferred way to install flash? from adobe.com or a package?18:16
collindhey everyone, i was in here yesterday with a grub problem on 9.10 of grub not finding windows 7. i researched it a bit more, but no solutions have worked.18:16
aciculajapherwocky: package18:16
abhi_nav_from adobe.com18:16
guntbertsam555: edit your preferences to *not* log in automatically18:17
team6and7I have a usa english layout18:17
aciculaits in the repo18:17
git__i use my PC as a heater18:17
guntbert!ot | git__18:17
ubottugit__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:17
Artrixjoin #czaters18:17
DasEisam555: administration > login screen18:17
jabba_VCoolio, it shows someting... :) but i am searching a tool that tells me sth. like "Ctrl-Shift-P pressed" or similar18:17
aciculaArtrix: dont adverstise channels18:17
jabba_VCoolio, aah, xec does it :)18:18
collindhas anyone had a similar problem?18:18
sam555thanks DasEi18:18
aciculajabba_: X keyscan something can do that18:18
aciculajabba_: do not adverstise channels18:18
sam555thanks guntbert18:19
DasEiJiKhacK: stop that, please18:19
balasacicula, you can upgrade through this repo here:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/upgrade-to-alsa-1022-and-more-in-ubuntu.html18:19
guntbertsam555: DasEi  had a more precise answer :)18:19
aciculabalas: cool :)18:20
collindcould anyone help me out? i really dont want to lose my windows install..18:20
aciculabalas: bit odd that you need the latest alsa to get a chip thats a few years old working though :/18:20
DasEicollind: whole story ?18:20
VCooliojabba_: xbindkeys has a function like that when you run it like 'xbindkeys -mk', but if xev works then ok18:21
balasacicula, no i only needed 1.0.21 but i thought i'd grab the 1.0.22 since it was available18:21
jabba_acicula, hmm xev produces weird output, could you please tell me more about "X keyscan something" :)18:21
collindAlright: Just installed 9.10 onto a system with Windows 7. Grub is not recognizing Win7, therefore I cannot boot into it. I have tried many solution, but nothing seems to work.18:21
jabba_VCoolio, i'll try18:21
team6and7DasEi: ran that as you said still no backslash18:22
aciculajabba_: all i know is that x comes with a keyscanner program that is called something like that18:22
aciculacollind: did it create an entry for windows 7 ?18:22
NulpointsSorry to bother the room with what may be a very noob question. But can someone point me to some information about disconnecting a USB adapter through the command line. I am having a problem with VMware attempting to access the USB device while the host machine is still using it, there by crashing the host machine. <--Noob playing with linux for computer class. :-(18:22
collindno, ran update-grub, nothing18:22
aciculacollind: are you using grub2?18:22
acicula!grub2 | acicula18:22
ubottuacicula, please see my private message18:22
DasEiteam6and7: sure you fetched the right layout ? foreign layout to your country on the keyboard ? also can use the util to test18:23
DasEicollind: backup current mbr, got to ##windows, fixmbr with their hel , re-install grub 218:23
polirdDasEi: ok, so i have irc on another computer now. i did the repair broken packages, but after reboot, i still have the same problem18:24
team6and7DasEi: ran throught that choosing all the Usa english options and Asus laptop18:24
polirdDasEi: can i recover that file i backed up18:24
DasEipolird:so back to save mode > netroot : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:24
aciculacollind: whats the output of upgrate-grub can you post it to pastebin18:24
collindill do that right now.18:25
team6and7DasEi: what util you want me to run?18:25
polirdDasEi: ok, i am trying that18:25
DasEipolird: strange thing was there was no xorg.conf, common in fresh install, but dpkg..... should give one18:25
=== cp is now known as Guest54281
DasEiteam6and7: the dpkg ~console lets you try your keyboard-layout18:26
polirdDasEi: now i have 2 kernels, one ending in 20, one in 14. which should i run? the original was 1418:26
aciculacollind: did you resize the windows partition in order to install ubuntu?18:26
DasEiteam6and7: also can see in first upper line of characters, what a keyboard, mine (german) is a qwertz, yours shall be qwerty18:27
DasEilooked on keyboard)18:27
DasEipolird: scond entry, recovery18:28
aciculacollind: win7 is /dev/sda1 and ubuntu /dev/sda2 (or lower) ?, can you access the win7 disk from ubuntu?18:28
team6and7DasEi: its a Usa english laptop qwerty keyboard18:28
collindill give you the fdisk output18:28
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:28
cjunerI have lots of ppas in my sources.list.d and apparantly for one of them (don't know which) I don't have the public signing key. Every time I run apt-get update I get an error with NO_PUBKEY and http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic (the error is not specific enough) .. It's annoying - how do I find out which repository it's for exactly?18:29
polirdDasEi: ok, thats done, sould i reboot?18:29
DasEiteam6and7: with the backslash in the down right corner18:29
DasEipolird: reboot18:29
gerardo_ciao a tutti!!18:29
LexRjoin #ubuntu+118:29
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:29
Code-EI'm trying to enable desktop effects.. But it is telling me "Desktop effects cannot be enabled" Does this mean my video card drivers are not installed or something?18:30
DasEiteam6and7: err.. did you restart x after the changes ?18:30
DasEiCode-E: this or your card isn't capable of it18:30
team6and7DasEi: backslash under back space yes dont think i restarted x18:30
team6and7DasEi: how do you restart x18:31
Code-EDasEi: my card is an ati 3100. It's an onboard card for laptops. Would it be capable of it? O_o18:31
polirdDasEi: :-( still not working18:31
aciculateam6and7: logging out and back in should force an x restart18:31
DasEiteam6and7: sudo gdm restart, but wait ( will log you off)18:31
ct529hi guys! something completely mad ....I use rsync to sync two directories .... rsync -trvz .... rsync keeps updating THE SAME FILES every time I run it .... evn if they have not changed ...18:32
DasEiCode-E: I google it, minute18:32
aciculaor just restarting gdm will do it for sure yes18:32
polirdDasEi: should i reinstall?18:32
collindhttp://pastie.org/868125 <- fdisk18:32
devid /msg NoNSoLoWii|CiNe|001 XDCC SEND #5918:32
ct529ubuntu 910 64 bit here18:32
team6and7DasEi: well ill restart x and hope it worked18:33
collindso i believe its sda118:33
aciculacollind: can you access the windows disk from ubuntu18:33
polirdDasEi: i think it may be a 64 bit problem, had similar issues with win 7 64 bit on this computer18:33
DasEipolird: no it's not , least concerning the graphics driver of ubuntu18:34
collindwhere would it be in the filesystem?18:34
polirdDasEi: ok...., but i have no idea what else could be the problem18:34
DasEiCode-E: capable it is, did you install a  propitary driver ?18:34
aciculacollind: it should be visibile under places18:35
team6and7DasEi: well that command didnt work ill just log off then normally18:35
collindnot there18:35
ct529I am now comparing the two directories with diff -rn but it seems unbelievable18:35
aciculacollind: as suspected18:35
DasEipolird: you could boot live again, we can look at the syslog18:35
aciculacollind: you can try to manually mount /dev/sda118:35
Code-EDasEi: i have not installed any video driver since i installed ubuntu.18:35
aciculabut it will likely produce an error18:35
collindwhats the command?18:35
polirdDasEi: i noticed that the driver nvidia had for that card was a newer version than wat ubuntu installed. whould i reinstall ubuntu and try the driver from the nvidia website?18:35
polirdDasEi: ok, i will boot live18:36
aciculasudo mount /dev/sda1 /dir/to/mount/point18:36
DasEiCode-E: and I haven't tried latest propitary from ati yet, can try that on your own risk, but also I have to admit that I have no experience with that card at all18:36
team6and7No logging out and logging back in did not fix it i still get < when i hit backslash18:37
aciculacollind: does it give an error18:37
collind sudo mount /dev/sda1 /dir/to/m18:37
aciculathe directory has to exist offcourse18:37
collindyes it does18:37
aciculawhats the error18:37
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
DavidJHeinrichhi all18:38
collindmount: unknown filesystem type 'silicon_medley_raid_member'18:38
DavidJHeinrichwhy does Brassario think hat 8.4GB of files "is too large to burn on my DVD even with overburn", when I have an 8.5GB DVD???18:38
aciculayou using hardware raid?18:38
Code-EDasEi: How am I to run a .run file?18:38
collindwhat does that mean?18:39
DasEiCode-E: sudo sh atiblah.run18:39
jastorah ... the all too familiar sleep deprevation hallucinations :P18:39
stercorHow do I get ubuntu....iso copied to the c:\ directory?  I get "Access is denied." messages.  I'm an Administrator.18:39
DasEiCode-E:make it executable first  sudo chmod +x ati..run18:39
polirdDavidJHeinrich: maybe it doesnt recognize dual layer dvds?18:39
AconyI have terminal some fixed size, and when I maximize it, and close it... and after that start it again I get the default size, how can I get it in my previous state (maximized)18:39
Code-Ealright, give me a minute here gonna take 2 mins to download18:40
aciculacollind: err , nvm18:40
DavidJHeinrichpolird: no, I think it does...b/c it will allow me to put 8GB, just not more than18:40
aciculacollind: the problem is your windows install is a bit dysfunctional18:40
skullcandyHey guys, how do you install a newer version of firefox?18:40
collindmm, i see18:40
team6and7DasEi: any other possible solutions?18:40
polirdDavidJHeinrich: ok, i dont use that program so i wouldnt know18:40
aciculacollind: what you need to do is boot a win7 disc, run recovery and do a disk check, this will destroy grub again(yay), but afterwards you can boot the livecd of ubuntu and fix grub again18:40
xxx_hi.... a program needs to write my /etc/x11/xorg.conf file but its restricted. how do i get this restriction off in order to let the program do its modifications??18:41
aciculabecause the disk should be ok then windows7 should be added18:41
collindalright, glad i saved my disk18:41
polirdDasEi: so where do i go once it is started on live cd?18:41
collindthanks a lot18:41
DasEiteam6and7: not for now, did you search the forums for your partcular asus-model ?18:41
DasEipolird: open trml18:41
DasEipolird: sudo fdisk -l18:41
aciculacollind: there are some shortcuts to be made , but this is the most foolproof approach i can recommend, fix window7 and make sure it boots, then fix grub18:41
DasEipolird: which /dev/ is your root ?18:41
kocmodpomI can't seem to get xgrafix to install can anyone help?18:41
skullcandyDoes anybody know how to install firefox?18:41
psusiDavidJHeinrich, probably because the dvd does not actually hold 8.5 GB... probably because like hard drive makers, they lie about the size by using 1000 instead of 102418:41
aciculacollind: also refer to the dualboot wiki on recovering ubuntu after installing windows18:42
acicula!dualboot > collind18:42
ubottucollind, please see my private message18:42
collindalright, thank you so much18:42
team6and7DasEi: I left a post there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142895518:42
DasEiskullcandy: sudo apt-get install firefox18:42
skullcandyhow do you update it though?18:42
skullcandyi want 3.6 i got 3.518:42
xxx_hi.... a program needs to write my /etc/x11/xorg.conf file but its restricted. how do i get this restriction off in order to let the program do its modifications??18:42
polirdDasEi: /dev/sda5 is the linux partition18:42
collindill go try that18:42
FloodBot3carmen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
xxx_hi.... a program needs to write my /etc/x11/xorg.conf file but its restricted. how do i get this restriction off in order to let the program do its modifications??18:42
guntbert!es | carmen18:43
ubottucarmen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:43
DasEiskullcandy: it get's updated like all other packages, or you can have daily builds ( might be unstable)18:43
xanguaskullcandy: use either 'firefox-stable ppa' or 'ubuntuzilla' for install the latest stable fx18:43
guntbert!repeat | xxx_18:43
ubottuxxx_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:43
mazda01xxx_, the program would need to be run as root18:43
^BFCwas ist mit "don't use Enter as punctuation" gemeint ?18:43
mazda01xxx_, either with sudo or gksudo if it's a GUI app.18:43
skullcandyI need to install the latest version for a virtual career fair , its customary to install the latest version18:43
xxx_mazda01 ok  thanks allot buddy18:44
guntbert^BFC: some people press <enter> instead of just ., -  -- that scrolls the channel even faster18:44
guntbert!de | ^BFC18:44
ubottu^BFC: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:44
aciculaskullcandy: you can find 3.6 in the backports version18:44
^BFCthx :) guntbert18:44
DasEipolird : mount                       << is sda5 already mounted ?18:44
Random832basically they'll say three or four sentences / incomplete thoughts, each on separate lines18:44
guntbert^BFC: you're welcome :-)18:44
polirdDasEi: i think so, i can access it18:45
skullcandycan't i just do, sudo apt-get update firefox?18:45
kocmodpomI am getting errors while tryingt o install xgrafix which I downloaded from http://ptsg.eecs.berkeley.edu/pub/codes/xgrafix/ it is a tarball that I unzipped18:45
DasEipolird: where ( mount tells you)18:45
xanguaskullcandy: I have already told you how18:46
DasEipolird: k, can go this way too: call  http://paste.ubuntu.com in live's browser...18:46
DasEi!latest | skullcandy18:46
ubottuskullcandy: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.18:46
kocmodpomsudo make install yields nothing but errors18:47
DasEiskullcandy: read above, read xangua18:47
polirdDasEi: i have pastebin open now18:47
DasEipolird: (trml) gedit /var/log/syslog18:47
guntbert!compile | kocmodpom18:47
ubottukocmodpom: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:47
aciculakocmodpom: installing source as root without understanding what is going on is a bad idea18:47
polirdDasEi: should i paste it?18:48
aciculakocmodpom: also refer to the source readme, make sure you have all the necessary devel libraries and other compiler utilities etc18:48
DasEipolird: copy the content into pastebin, add name, press post..  YES18:48
kocmodpomI don't have any choice, it is a plasma simulation program and grafix viewing package18:48
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:48
mmarc__1strange, I'm almost sure I was able to install i586 packages on x86_64 distro without problems and/or chroot crap18:48
aciculahave a look on howto make a deb from source18:48
kocmodpomI am not at all familiar with ubuntu18:49
mmarc__1It should not be that complicated: fedora allows just to turn on i586 repo, and go ahead.18:49
aciculakocmodpom: well you are compiling source, im sure you figure it out ;). pastebin the errors upto like 30 lines back on pastebin and i'll have a look?18:49
polirdDasEi http://paste.ubuntu.com/394860/18:49
kocmodpomI once successfully installed it on Ubuntu 9.04 but then upgraded to Karmic18:50
Code-EDasEi: I installed the driver and now my mouse has disappeared O_o18:50
aciculammarc__1: it used to be the case that distros maintained two versions at the same time18:50
kocmodpomacicula: how do I do that? never heard of pastebin18:50
aciculammarc__1: thats not a given it will stay that18:50
acicula!pastebin > kocmodpom18:50
ubottukocmodpom, please see my private message18:50
aciculammarc__1: pretty sure there are some 32bit libs still on ubuntu though18:51
DasEiCode-E: linux-headers installed ?18:51
daevskihey all. I have a Colby mp3 player (mp705-8g) that does not automount. 'lsusb' shows it (just a number), 'dmesg' shows it connect but not assign to anything. and it's not in /dev/disk/* at all as far as I can see. Any thoughts?18:51
aciculammarc__1: apt-cache search lib3218:51
kocmodpomuobottu: checking18:51
DasEipolird:bad link18:51
Code-EDasEi: Im not sure, should I install it?18:52
DasEi!brain | kocmodpom, it's a ro-bot18:52
ubottukocmodpom, it's a ro-bot: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:52
Code-EDasEi: I guess its not. Im installing it now18:52
polirdDasEi: the second one? it works for me18:52
mmarc__1acicula: I'm starting to understand why people don't like 64-bit edition of ubuntu. Due to this issues, the usability is pretty reduced. I should probably give it up too.18:52
ZykoticK9mmarc__1, for general 32bit compatibility install "ia32-libs" of specific libraries you may want to get the "getlibs" program, which makes 32 library installation much easier18:53
PacketCollisionWhat is the easiest way to find out what Ubuntu's default ./configure flags are for php? I am recompiling it with php-fpm support, and I want to keep the config as similar as possible18:53
aciculammarc__1: what issues?18:53
jimi_Anyone using hostapd with iwlagn?18:53
DasEiCode-E: generic kernel ?18:53
aciculammarc__1: 32bit compat stuff is mostly needed to be able to run binary blob programs that are provided as 32bit, or programs that are too legacy to be ported to 64bit?18:54
jordy240does anyone need help18:54
Code-EDasEi: i guess its 2.6.31-30418:54
polirdDasEi: do you think 9.04 would work better?18:54
mmarc__1ZykoticK9: I said already, that absolutely not enough, ia32-libs contain somewhat general stuff, and i need? for example, 32-bit edition of freeglut. Due to some stupidness, I can't install it directly, rather because some distro designers decided not to support this.18:55
DasEiCode-E: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic18:55
DasEiCode-E: unless you run the server or another version18:55
mmarc__1acicula: I think everybody sooner or later will need specific i386/586 lib on 64bit distro, and have problems with installing18:56
guntbertmmarc__1: please stop your ranting - it doesn't help here any way18:56
aciculammarc__1: for what?18:56
ZykoticK9mmarc__1, with "getlibs" you can install any 32bit library you can find DEBs for...18:56
jimi_why doesn't service iptables work? like service iptables restart / save/ etc18:56
PacketCollisionmmarc__1: if you need to use a lot of 32bit programs and you don't have a compelling reason to run 64bit, then I say go with 3218:56
DasEimmarc__1: getlibs18:56
Friction[1]what's the setting to make pigeon crash less?18:56
mazda01PacketCollision, i don't think ubuntu has any defaults for when you download source code and compile it yourself.18:56
xanguaFriction[1]: you mean pidgin¿18:56
DasEipolird:sry, not loading, just sits there blan18:56
PacketCollision64bit is actually slower for things involving insanely huge numbers of pointers18:57
kocmodpomacicula: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394863/18:57
aciculammarc__1: 32/64bit incompatibility was an issue in 2005 yes, if your vendor still hasnt supplied a 64bit then tell him to get with the program already?18:57
Code-EDasEi: Okay, the headers is installed. What can i do to get my mouse to come back? O_o18:57
ZykoticK9mmarc__1, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474790 for getlibs info/download link18:57
aciculaor like everyone points out stick with 32bit systems18:57
mazda01PacketCollision, if you want to know the php configure options, you can issue this command from the php source code directory or configure file location: ./configure --help > configopts.txt18:57
guntbertjimi_: because iptables is a command to manage the firewall rules within the kernel18:57
airtonixjimi_, most likely because it doesn't have an upstart component yet18:57
Friction[1]xangua, yes pigeon18:57
NooeliaNadie habla español?18:57
PacketCollisionmazda01: what I meant was: "with what options is php in the ubuntu package compiled?"18:57
jimi_guntbert, on RHEL/Fedora/Cent it's a service.18:57
xanguaFriction[1]: update the latest version, don't use unstable plugins18:57
NooeliaTALK SPANISH?18:57
Friction[1]i'm not18:58
Seveas!es | Nooelia18:58
Friction[1]and i am18:58
ubottuNooelia: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:58
DasEiCode-E: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup18:58
jimi_Nooelia, yo hablo. Que te pasa?18:58
Seveas!es | jimi_ :)18:58
ubottujimi_ :): En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:58
jimi_orale :(18:58
aciculakocmodpom: you are missing dependencies, check the readme, you should not have no such file or directory errors ;)18:58
Nooeliasi no que no encontraba a nadie18:58
Nooeliaqe habla español18:58
xanguaNooelia: this is not a chat room, is a support channel18:58
polirdNooelia: yo habla un poquito de espanol18:58
jimi_Nooelia, a toda madre o un desmadre18:58
airtonixNooelia, ...18:58
* jimi_ behaes18:58
* jimi_ behaves18:58
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:59
Code-EDasEi: alright, thats done18:59
Nooeliajimi_ que edad tienes?18:59
polirdDasEi: i had to reload it a few times, but it does work18:59
team6and7DesEi: I fixed my problem thanks for your help18:59
mmarc__1How much RAM could you asssign on 32-bit?18:59
DasEiCode-E: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:59
jpds!pae | mmarc__118:59
aciculammarc__1: 4GB in principle, pae alllows more18:59
juk3 /msg nickserv REGISTER linkin9811 elementmb1@gmail.com18:59
jimi_Anyone know if iwlagn works with hostapd? I want to do ICS from eth0 -> wlan018:59
DasEipolird: second try ?18:59
PacketCollisionmmarc__1: each program can use 4 gigs18:59
polirdmmarc_1:like 3-3.5gb18:59
* airtonix laughs18:59
aciculammarc__1: but you still have a 4GB per process max18:59
jpdsjuk3: Whoops.18:59
polirdmmarc_1:on windows at least19:00
guntbertjuk3: don't use that password - and next time send the command from a private/server window19:00
aciculajuk3: best change your password again19:00
juk3i know19:00
FrozenFire[work]If I want a utility to start in the background on boot, after most other things, which method do I use? I thought about init.d, but that seems iffy.19:00
DasEiCode-E: this will have destroyed your driver, but we'll get it back soon: sudo reboot19:00
Sioux_33<DasEi> are u still here?:) what i did was make usb persistant karmic 9.10 then boot up update upgrade install ati catalyst 10.2 wicd cos network manager doesnt work then reboot and it couldnt boot up again stopped at init drivers or something i dont know what the problem is really with ati or whatever19:00
DasEiSioux_33: yes19:00
aciculajuk3: this channel is indexed and googled, so if you use the password for other stuff....  best change it ;)19:00
Sioux_33so i couldnt boot up after upgrade19:01
Sioux_33from usb19:01
Nooeliajimi_ Qe edad tienes?19:01
jastorok .. what package have i managed to accidently removed? left+right click pastes the ctrl+c paste instead of the third button paste19:01
daevskiI need an expert on mounting. I have a MTP storage device that is not showing up in /dev/disk/*, but dmesg shows the thing plugged in. and I just got all the MTP packages I could find in repos.19:01
aciculaNooelia: english please19:01
Sioux_33stopped at init drivers or something19:01
Code-EDasEi: Okay, I did that.19:01
mmarc__1Okay, I'll better change to 32-bit then, rather than fighting 64bit stupidness. Thank you for your help, guys!19:01
polirdDasEi: that one works19:01
juk3can someone tell me how to register with freenode19:01
NooeliaI am no speak english19:01
DasEiSioux_33: I had no time to check that stuff out myself so far, so its a crystal ball right now19:02
daevskiThat's for sure.19:02
aciculaNooelia: then try #ubuntu-es19:02
Sioux_33just forget it i wouldnt try to upgrade karmic maybe in the future when new ati catalyst come out19:02
ZykoticK9!es > Nooelia19:02
ubottuNooelia, please see my private message19:02
* airtonix wishes Nooelia would get the point19:02
DasEi!register > juk319:02
ubottujuk3, please see my private message19:02
daevskihey all. I have a Colby mp3 player (mp705-8g) that does not automount. 'lsusb' shows it (just a number), 'dmesg' shows it connect but not assign to anything. and it's not in /dev/disk/* at all as far as I can see. Any thoughts?19:03
DasEipolird: which one , :-D19:03
aciculadaevski: can you mount it manually?19:03
aciculaand can you pastebin the relevant lines from lsusb and dmesg19:04
Sioux_33its to much trouble i tested lucid so every reinstall u need to download updates upgrades :) drivers etc its like 1gb then u try karmic u see it doesnt work with newer kernel so u test it download gigs of data etc :) better not to do anything:) im happy from what i got at the moment its working without upgrades lets leave it;)19:04
PacketCollisionmazda01: I think I can recreate the correct ./configure options by using the output of the system-installed php's -m option19:04
DasEidaevski: googling ..19:04
PacketCollisionit lists the compiled-in modules19:04
Jordan_Ujuk3: Do any registering in your chanserv window so that no matter what it won't get posted here, you can also run /msg nickserv register without the password. When you get a message back from nickserv that you need to include a password ( and thus the rest of the command should be correct) press up to get the command back and just add the password to it.19:04
PacketCollisionthanks for your help19:04
kocmodpomacicula: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394867/ No idea how to resolve dependencies19:04
daevskiacicula, I don't think so. No UUID or anything. I'm not an expert, but i can't find much to mount it by.19:04
aciculakocmodpom: academic software :P?19:05
mazda01PacketCollision, I was trying to figure out how to do it myself. I checked synaptic but that doesn't say anything about the configure options. I wish I could help more19:05
wowotois there any ibus-english daemon?19:05
PacketCollisionI think phpinfo used to tell you, but I guess there might have been security concerns with that19:05
daevskiDasEi, Thanks. I have been for a while :-\ I'm trying Rhythmbox with MTP support in a second... but I don't think that will help cause it's not mounted. The Manual for the thing says it's plug and play in windows. No software. ANd it's MTP (transfer protocol)19:05
polirdDasEi: not sure what you mean. the one i just pasted works, as well as the one before it.19:06
PacketCollisionmazda01: I suppose looking at the source package is an option, but deb src packages have always confused me :P19:06
kocmodpomacicula: yep19:06
wowotosay ,there's ibus-thai  ibus-chinese-pinyin  ,ibus-latin  ,and ilike to kone  is there a ibus-english19:06
aciculakocmodpom: figures19:06
DasEipolird: then I missed the second one, sorry19:06
kocmodpomacicula: stupid berkeley, haha19:06
rohithwiz23How do I find the needed driver to get desktop effect working for my ATI Randeon Moblity X30019:06
ArdethianHow do I save a read only file opened through the terminal as root?19:06
aciculakocmodpom: you ned the tcl/tk dev libs and the X dev libs, google any .h headers that are missing19:06
DasEidaevski: right, problem is a missing driver19:07
wowotosay ,there's ibus-thai  ibus-chinese-pinyin  ,ibus-latin  ,and ilike to kone  is there a ibus-english19:07
polirdDasEi: thats ok :)19:07
ArdethianHow do I save a read only file opened through the terminal as root?19:07
DasEidaevski: sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:07
acicularohithwiz23: run update manager and try any driver via the Hardware driver app?19:07
kocmodpomacicula: ok, um... how do I manage to do that?19:07
airtonix!repeat | Ardethian19:07
ubottuArdethian: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:07
DasEidaevski: pastebinit -b http.//paste.ubuntu.com /var/log/syslog19:08
airtonixArdethian, its  a fairly simple operation, you need to make the file writable with chmod19:08
daevskiDasEi, k brb19:08
DasEidaevski: pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com /var/log/syslog         (typo above)19:08
Timo_hey, anyone knows how to set the 'next-tab' key from Nautilus to CTRL+Tab19:08
Code-EDasEi: my power went out there, but the problem is still persisting that my mouse is disappeared19:08
airtonixArdethian, chmod +w file19:08
ArdethianJust looked it up, lawl.19:08
FloodBot3Ardethian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:08
aciculakocmodpom: sudo aptitude install --with-recommends tcl-dev tk-dev xorg-dev19:09
Ganymedelol floodbot...19:09
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.19:09
aciculakocmodpom: bit overkill but should pull in those .h19:09
ArdethianErm, the file is already open.19:09
daevskiDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/394869/19:09
rohithwiz23acicula: I had the effects working on one screen but when tried to add a second screen the desktop effects cant be enables19:09
airtonixArdethian, -_- then close it19:09
DasEipolird: i found it meanwhile, see :19:09
acicularohithwiz23: oh19:09
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:09
hmwTimo_: I don't know. Perhaps, you didnt notice: Currently it is ALT+1 for the first tab, ALT+2 for the seconds, aso. If you manage to make it into CTRL-TAB, I'd be happy to hear your solution.19:09
airtonixArdethian, or sve it to a file of a different name.19:09
kocmodpomacicula: so just "sudo aptitude install" ?19:10
Timo_hmw, I didn't know that, so thanks for that. And I will notifty you when I've got the alt tab solution!19:10
aciculakocmodpom: well and the rest19:10
norbiguys, how can i start compiz fusion after i installed it19:10
ArdethianIts the Nano editor.19:10
acicula--with-recommends just pulls in anything related to these 3 metapackages which themselves pull in the dev libraries and the original libraries if they werent there19:10
ArdethianHow do I save a file as root in it?19:11
aciculanorbi: enable desktop effects?19:11
aciculaArdethian: you have to be root19:11
airtonixardchoille, ctrl + o19:11
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:11
hmwTimo_: my guess would be, one had to recompile Nautilus for that. I'd like to be proven wrong ;-)19:11
airtonixArdethian, ctrl + o19:11
norbithose are enabled19:11
norbibut how can i manage them?19:11
aciculahmw: pretty sure nautilus uses key bindings and these arent hard coded in the source19:11
airtonixnorbi, you need compizconfig-settings-manager19:11
rohithwiz23acicula: Any clue why?19:12
kocmodpomacicula: attempting now19:12
norbii installed it...19:12
norbibut i see no icon19:12
norbito launch it19:12
icerootis there a way to use scrolling inside a screen-session with page-up/down?19:12
airtonixnorbi, then run it from the menu?19:12
=== hdmiplease is now known as CasualFriday
airtonix!enter | norbi19:12
ubottunorbi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:12
norbi:) ok19:12
acicularohithwiz23: dunno, if you have no other optins in hardware drivers or already enabled it and it says it doesnt work it probably just wont work19:12
guntberticeroot: ctrl+a <esc>19:12
CasualFridayDoes anyone here have any experience with getting HDMI audio to work with Karmic?19:12
DasEipolird: my nick is DasEi,  the "!" triggers the channel (ro)bot;; syslog says it's still x causing trouble19:12
MrD_awesome question, how do you give an user root abilities?19:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:12
norbithen where is it in menu? i cant find it19:12
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:13
daevskiDasEi, what else you want to look at? I can just pastebin stuff for you. (dmesg | tail > /path/to/file would have worked too :) )19:13
airtonixnorbi, applications > system19:13
PacketCollisioniceroot: you might also try using byobu, which allows you to use the F-keys for things like paste mode (which is what guntbert was talking about)19:13
norbii have just compiz fusion icon there19:13
icerootguntbert: thx19:13
DasEiMrD_: user has to be in /etc/sudoers , then can use sudo19:13
CasualFridayCan anyone give me a hand with my HDMI audio?19:13
norbiand it does nothing for me19:13
ZykoticK9norbi, System / Preferences / CompizConfig19:13
polirdDasEi: ok, X is the gui, right?19:13
icerootPacketCollision: i will have a look19:13
DasEipolird: grapical system, yes19:14
norbioh yes19:14
airtonixnorbi, sorry thats for fusion-icon(which you would find handy if you add it to startup-applications) but ccsm is in system > preferences > compiz config settings manager19:14
Lemontree84Got a short question, anyone know a application, where i can write on my wacom tablet and the software write it in word ?19:14
MrD_I don't have that folder19:14
norbinp, now it is ok :)19:14
norbiand thanks again19:14
DasEipolird : we will try some re-installing, as it seems there is still sth wrong with the initial install19:14
PacketCollisionMrD_: usually adding the user to the "admins" group is enough to let them use sudo19:14
MrD_I can use sudo19:15
PacketCollisionThey will have to start a new session though19:15
CasualFridayAnyone able to help me with my HDMI audio? I'm at a dead end.19:15
MrD_but I can't connect Samba to other computers unless I'm using the root account19:15
MrD_which I had to enable myself19:15
aciculaheu root and samba should not be mixed in any way19:15
polirdDasEi: i am reinstalling right now19:15
PacketCollision!repeat | CasualFriday19:15
ubottuCasualFriday: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:15
petsoundshi all. gwibber won't run. here's the output http://pastebin.ca/1837752 . thanks :)19:16
hmwacicula: I didn't see it in the preferences of Nautilus. The terminal at least lets me view the settings. Should I be expecting  to find some tool in the Administration menu of the top panel, for changing these? Timo_: Try CTRL+PageUp/PageDown19:16
MrD_I can connect to my Linux computer from my Windows if I'm logged into root, but not when I'm logged into the user I made when I installed Ubuntu19:16
MrD_yet the folders that are shared on on that (eric) account19:16
icerootMrD_: ssh?19:16
=== micha264 is now known as xzenome
MrD_no no, from Windows Explorer19:17
PacketCollisionMrD_: try setting your password with smbpasswd19:17
Joeybradley98can ask you gusy something?19:17
Code-Eso my mouse pointer is completely invisible. its still usable but i cant see it. does anyone know how to fix this?19:17
r_how can I list the contents of an ubuntu packet ?19:17
Joeybradley98will Wubi 9.10 work on Windows 7 Home Premium?19:17
PacketCollision!ask | Joeybradley9819:17
ubottuJoeybradley98: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:17
MrD_I set it for the Ubuntu account, and one for my windows account, when I log into my windows account (when root is on) I get in19:17
Timo_hmw, will try!19:17
r_in other words, what is parallel to rpm -ql ?19:17
erUSULr_: dpkg -L packagename19:17
DasEipolird . (trml) sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm nvidia-glx-173 xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg19:18
kocmodpomacicula: completed that, tried to install again and got another error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/394874/19:18
Timo_hmw, you don't know how to change them just yet?:P19:18
daevskiDasEi, http://blog.nigels.com/?p=122 -- USB mode MSC ? Know anything about that? (I don't yet)19:18
Joeybradley98will Wubi 9.10 work on Windows 7 Home Premium?19:18
melodie_I just succeeded to send a bug report to a bugzilla, and it went right to gnome bugzilla. I show you, and can someone tell me if it should have gone somewhere else ?19:18
mazda01MrD_, did you add the samba username with smbpasswd -a username19:18
=== james__ is now known as riddlebox
PacketCollisionJoeybradley98: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi it will19:19
hmwCode-E: you could try to reload your window manager, there are commands, but I prefer to     sudo apt-get install fusion-icon    for having a nice menu in the top panel19:19
polirdDasEi: oh, i though you meant reinstalling ubuntu, which i already started :-/19:19
MrD_I also installed Samba on the eric account. It just doesnt let me connect to the computer (AUXILLARY) unless it's logged into the root account19:19
daevskiDasEi, ohhh, nvm that is on the MP3 player. brb19:19
MrD_I have a samba account for eric (the Ubuntu machine) and Eric (the account of the Windows machine)19:19
polirdDasEi: well its halfway done19:19
DasEipolird: apparently you have either a bad installer or drive, that would just re-plicate the problem19:19
mazda01MrD_, are you using the SHARE or USER security19:20
Code-Ehmw: ive tried reboting and that didnt work. it disappeared just after i installed my ati propietary driver19:20
mazda01MrD_, in your smb.conf?19:20
MrD_hmm let me check, which one should it be?19:20
DasEidaevski: right, change it, re-plug19:20
Joeybradley98PacketCollision: Thanks!19:20
* Joeybradley98 runs Wubi19:20
airtonixLemontree84, just out of interest (i dont have a wacom tablet) but do you have gpm installed (its suposed to let you use the tablet with the terminal)19:20
mazda01MrD_, whichever you want19:20
PacketCollisionMrD_: I think you need to explain further what you are trying to do, access windows share from ubuntu or a samba share from windows19:20
hmwCode-E: oh, that's somewhat different then. I try to avoid ATI with Ubuntu. Can't be of much help in this case :(19:20
MrD_ok, let me explain in a wall of text19:21
melodie_no one is able to answer my question ?19:21
airtonixLemontree84, http://www.linux.com/learn/docs/ldp/814-Wacom-Tablet-HOWTO#ss3.219:21
polirdDasEi: i have done a chkdsk on the drive and also checked the CD, so unless something is not getting copied over for some reason, i think it may be a problem with the original iso (got it from bittorrent)19:21
melodie_where to ask ?19:21
DasEiJoeybradley98: you have my sympathy19:21
Lemontree84airtonix: ähm gpm ? i dont know whats gpm, just installed and configured the tablet working, but i wanna use it as you know "paper" to write in openoffice for example insted of typing19:21
=== dill is now known as Dill
airtonixLemontree84, yeah that'd be great, just like the palm app 'graffiti'... i can't seem to find an app that would let you do that so far.19:22
nikki_I have no sound, Ive been looking over the forums etc. all day and i cant solve the problem, can anyone help me out?19:22
DasEipolird:no, bittorrents are safer then direct d/l's , maybe just some dirt or the drive, for iso's :19:22
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:22
airtonix!find wacom19:22
MrD_I have two computers. The Ubuntu one (AUXILLARY) is meant to be a harddrive to the Windows one (ERIC-PC). I installed the user account 'eric' as the primary account on Ubuntu. I configured Samba on this account adding users for 'Eric' (the windows account) and 'eric'. When I use Windows I can find the computer, but when I put in the creditentials when Ubuntu is logged into 'eric', I cannot get access. However, when I log into 'root' on the Ubunt19:22
Lemontree84airtonix: thx so far,i guess i have to use xournal then, for some notes, to bad19:23
ubottuFound: wacom-tools, xserver-xorg-input-wacom19:23
mazda01MrD_, show us your testparm results by pasting them into a pastebin website.19:23
aciculakocmodpom pastebin seems to be having difficulties19:23
MrD_what's testparm?19:23
icerootis there a way to put a running terminal-session inside a screen session? e.g. i am running "wget foo" is there a way to open up screen and "move" wget to screen?19:23
daevskiDasEi, If you're still here, I got it. On the MP3 player, there is a USB mode option called MSC (only other option is 'auto')... after it's set to MSC, it is just a plug and play device!! :-D19:23
PacketCollisionmelodie_: the title of your bug is useless, try to describe the problem in the title, but it appears you have submitted it properly19:23
aciculaiceroot: no19:23
DasEi!yay | daevski19:23
mazda01MrD_, that's the commmand that will show your smb server configuration19:23
ubottudaevski: Glad you made it! :-)19:23
=== Pythack is now known as Eveynal
airtonixLemontree84, xournal turns sketches into text?19:23
icerootacicula: very sad, imo a usefull feature19:23
daevskiDasEi, Took me a day or two, but someone blogged about it :-p19:23
kocmodpomacicula: yea I have had to hit resubmit a number of times to get things posted there19:23
aciculaiceroot: well you could try pausing it and starting it with fg in the screen19:24
Lemontree84airtonix: nope, thats to bad, but is the best software so far for just write something down19:24
DasEidaevski: gonna bookmark that.. hehe looking for a driver.. good hint19:24
polirdDasEi: i will try that on the original iso19:24
airtonixacicula, i think there is19:24
aciculabut i dont think it will work because its a different terminal output/input19:24
icerootacicula: pause = ctrl + z?19:24
MrD_it sounds like a delicious meal from a new chef :-P19:24
aciculaairtonix: hmm?19:24
norbihow can i manage ubuntu themes and GnoMenu19:24
airtonixacicula, i read a way to move processes from one machine to another19:25
icerootacicula: not working19:25
aciculakocmodpom: triy pasty.org or something19:25
HowardtheDuck WORMS19:25
aciculaiceroot: yeah i figured as much, so no it wont work19:25
xbbI am trying to use vncviewer but when I  execute command all I get is the printout of usage of vncviewer.19:25
VCoolionorbi: I think gnomenu uses it's own themes; right click the menu button19:25
kocmodpomacicula: ok19:25
daevskiDasEi, no driver needed. It's just mounted and you drag and drop into the MUSIC folder, or MOVIE folder. Good linux option. And they are around 8gig devices. (don't know the price though. is my sisters LOL)19:25
aciculaxbb: it expects arguments19:25
xbbwhich ones?19:25
norbiVCoolio: you mean that on top left?19:25
VCoolionorbi: yes, the gnomenu button19:26
aciculaidunno, read what the output says19:26
xbbacicula, isn't server enough?19:26
binarybobI am using a XFX nvidia 8500GT with DVI out.  I have a cable that is DVI-HDMI.  I installed the nvdia 185 driver.  On my other computer I got HDMI sound, but this one is not working.  The other one just worked but not this one.  I think just simple missing...can someone help me?19:26
norbiVCoolio: it gives me edit menu, but nothing about theme19:26
jastorbinarybob: does the gfxcard have a sound chip for that?19:27
DasEidaevski: i got it, was irony/sarcasm .. this how nights can get long, most bigger parts of electronics can be brought to linux.. these are the traps one wouldN#t think of19:27
erUSULbinarybob: in the other computer you use a dvi to hdmi adapter too?19:27
VCoolionorbi: isn't it the default gnome main menu then we're talking about?; anyway, what do you want to theme?19:27
kocmodpomacicula: pasty.org is some Michigan UP site. have a plan C or different URL?19:27
aciculaxbb: i could ask my crystal ball, but im pretty sure if it it just gives a list of options it either expects more arguments or the ones given are wrong. Now i dont know what that might be but the first few lines typically say what was expected19:27
MrD_hmm now it connects...did I need to start Samba?19:27
nikki_I have no sound, Ive been looking over the forums etc. all day and i cant solve the problem, can anyone help me out?19:27
MrD_if so, how can I get it to start itself on startup?19:27
aciculakocmodpom: pastebin.org pastie.org etc19:27
norbii have a gnomenu theme, and dunno how to use it19:27
seanbrystonehow do i mount my external hdd without rebooting? Ive tried sudo mount UUID 3AF8C757F8C70FD5 /media/BigExternal, says its not in fstab , it is too in fstab, heres the fstab line: UUID=3AF8C757F8C70FD5/media/BigExternal ntfs-3g defaults,auto,locale=en_US.utf8 0 019:27
mazda01MrD_, yeah, the default for samba server is to use USER security, which means that you have to add the user you want to log in with to the smb password server file or whereever it gets added. you would use, sudo smbpasswd -a eric19:27
norbii switched from windows 7 to ubuntu, and i would like to use the win 7 theme19:28
VCoolionorbi: you'll need to install gnomenu, it's on gnomelook.org I think, let me find it19:28
melodie_PacketCollision ?19:28
DasEipolird:so installer already past paartitoning ? to late to break up ?19:28
aciculaseanbrystone: mount expectsa filename not a UUID19:28
MrD_mazda01: I have19:28
=== islington_ is now known as islington
mazda01MrD_, you don't have any shares defined19:28
jastorseanbrystone: sudo mount /dev/sd<n> /whatever/mount/dir/you/want19:28
erUSULseanbrystone: sudo mount /media/BigExternal19:28
MrD_how do I define them19:28
binaryboberUSUL: yes, both are using DVI-HDMI cables, both have SVideo out, both use same nvidia drivers....I don't recall if both are same exact card,  but I  tend to try to buy close19:28
aciculaseanbrystone: if its listed in fstab correctly then just say mount /media/Bigetc19:28
MrD_actually, I should19:28
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:28
MrD_I find 4 folders19:28
MrD_I can get into 219:28
archmananyone knows what are the commands issued when you press the "hibernate" button when turning off ubuntu? (xfce)19:28
mazda01MrD_, and you restarted the server?19:29
seanbrystonejastor, there is no /dev/19:29
MrD_I did samba start19:29
aciculaarchman: pm_suspend i think or something to that extent19:29
jastorseanbrystone: you dont have a /dev/ folder+?19:29
aciculaarchman: or an echo to a proc file19:29
archmanacicula, hmm, thought about that, that one's in "/sbin"...19:29
ActionParsnipArchman: I think its as simple as 'hibernate' try tabbing it in a terminal19:29
seanbrystoneyeah but theres no /dev/*** on fstab line19:29
seanbrystonehere is line: UUID=3AF8C757F8C70FD5/media/BigExternal ntfs-3g defaults,auto,locale=en_US.utf8 0 019:29
binarybobjastor: to be honest, I have no idea why the other work, it was a good thing since HDMI input on TV doesn't have separate sound  :D19:29
VCoolionorbi: here you can find some stuff https://launchpad.net/gnomenu19:29
polirdDasEi: yes, 55% done. sorry about that19:30
seanbrystoneill  just reboot, Gnome mounts it no probs19:30
ActionParsnip!blkid | seanbrystone19:30
ubottuseanbrystone: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:30
norbithank you very much!19:30
kocmodpomaicula: http://www.pastebin.org/11182119:30
archmanActionParsnip, "tabbing"=issuing?19:30
cboyer1951jastor, erUSUL, thanks.. .answered one of my questions too, thank you19:30
wowotoHow can i install English-inspell IBUS input method ?19:30
ActionParsnipArchman: type hiber then press tab to see if it completes19:30
aciculaarchman: pm-hibernate , type apropos suspend for a list19:30
jastorbinarybob: im not sure but i think the gfx card need sto have soem specific sound stuff.19:30
DasEipolird : I will have a break now, will be back in approx. 4 hours (so many new questions came up today..)19:30
cboyer1951acicula, thank you, grateful19:30
aciculanot all work from the console very well though19:30
MrD_ah ok, I just need to learn how to get samba to start on startup19:30
VCoolionorbi: add this ppa and install it; https://launchpad.net/~gnomenu-team/+archive/ppa ; ask if you don't know how that works19:30
MrD_then im out of here cause I got it all19:31
HowardtheDuckhow do i get gnome-open19:31
aciculacboyer1951: im sorry i forgot :/19:31
binaryboblspci doesnt seem to tell me much either  LOL19:31
wowotoHow can i install English-inspell IBUS input method ?19:31
ActionParsnipMrd_: bit hacky but you can add it in /etc/rc.local19:31
VCoolioHowardtheDuck: you don't, it should work by default in gnome19:31
jastorbinarybob: tel lyou what? which ones your harddrive?19:31
^BFCbye to everyone19:31
aciculakocmodpom: read the eror #19:31
acicula/bin/bash: line 1: /usr/bin/gfortran: No such file or directory19:31
norbiVCoolio: i`m trying to figure out how can i install this, reading the stuff in here, thanks19:32
aciculaits missing gfortran, type that in the console and install whatever package is suggested?19:32
MrD_ActionParsnip, what needs to be done?19:32
ActionParsnipIf I randomly drop off its because my battery died19:32
jastorbinarybob: ls /dev/sd*  the external harddrive is probably the one with the highest character after sd ... and probably only has a 1 after it .. unles you created several partitions on it .. in which case is sdX1  sdX2 etc.19:32
polirdDasEi: ok, i have to go also. ill see what i can do and let you know when you get back19:32
aciculacboyer1951: what were you having difficulty with again?19:33
ActionParsnip!startup | mrd_19:33
ubottumrd_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:33
wowotoHow can i install English-inspell IBUS input method ?19:33
binarybob IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP73 IDE19:33
ActionParsnip!boot | mrd_19:33
ubottumrd_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:33
cboyer1951acicula; for posting thru bottu about how to list devices and partitions :)19:33
kocmodpomaicula: *** [install-recursive] Error 1?19:33
ActionParsnipMrd_: i'd use bum. Its dead handy19:33
jastorah nm .. mixed together the people :)19:34
aciculakocmodpom: need more then that19:34
cboyer1951acicula; i'm needing help editing grub to boot from the hda1, instead of hdb119:34
binarybobi thought that was strange ;)19:34
aciculacboyer1951: did you add a disk?19:35
jastorbinarybob: sorry ;)19:35
kocmodpomacicula: oh you mean that there is an error log somewhere?19:35
aciculakocmodpom: yeh19:35
aciculacboyer1951: oh wait you copied over the install right19:35
norbiVCoolio: i installed the ppa, but how can i install the software?19:35
cboyer1951acicula, do you mean add a disk in fstab or grub?19:35
jastorcboyer1951: is grub installed on hda1? or was it accidently isntalled on hdb1 during teh installtion?19:35
cboyer1951acicula, yes, i copied over the install with lvpm/transfer19:35
binarybobjastor here is my lspci http://pastebin.com/09rsVb7c19:36
VCoolionorbi: in a terminal "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnomenu" in synaptic: reload / refresh the database, then find gnomenu19:36
cboyer1951grub is installed on hdb119:36
thunderbird89can I access my machine via SSH without logging into a user account first?19:36
norbiahh yes, for sure need to install gnomenu19:36
MrD_samba isnt in my menu, I want to copy its command19:36
jastorbinarybob: well .. to be honest i cant see that url :P19:36
kocmodpomacicula: any idea where or what it might be called? (error log)19:36
cboyer1951accidentally? i did a wubi install from the vista C: drive19:36
ActionParsnipNorbi: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade ,if you already have a version installed19:36
aciculakocmodpom: its in the  screen output prolly above the recursive error19:37
kocmodpomacicula: I don't see anything that stands out as the error file19:37
jastorcboyer1951: yes ubuntu was a bit weird for a while about teh grub ;)19:37
kocmodpomaicula ah ok19:37
ActionParsnipThunderbird89: absolutely. The service runs before gdm arrives19:37
norbiVCoolio: couldn`t find the package gnomenu19:37
archmanacicula, ActionParsnip, yes, this hibernation scheduling is easy as: sleep <seconds> && pm-hibernate :)19:37
norbiafter the update19:37
binarybobit didn't seem that helpful to me since it looks like I have a motherboard video and a PCI card...doh hold on...its http://pastebin.com/09rsVb7c19:37
cboyer1951jastor, yeah? ahh :)19:37
jastorcboyer1951: like  ibooted the "iso" that i had put on a usb stick .. but it set the usb stick as sda1 ;) and the internal drive as sdb1 .. and you couldnt change it from sda to sdb :P19:37
norbiand after the installed ppa19:37
VCoolionorbi: what did you do to add the ppa?19:37
aciculacboyer1951: does update-grub work?19:37
thunderbird89yet when I try, putty returns an error saying the host refused19:38
cboyer1951jastor, whoa... yeah, that would mess it ujp19:38
ActionParsnipArchman: could make a script; sleepafter <seconds here>19:38
ActionParsnipArchman: ;)19:38
cboyer1951acicula, i'll try update-grub, in a terminal right? use sudo?19:38
norbiVCoolio; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name19:38
MrD_ok I think I got it. just one more thing I promise. Any good sites dealing with how to edit Gnome themes. Like menu bar fonts and colors and stuff?19:38
aciculacboyer1951: yeah19:38
norbiwith the proper ppa user and name19:38
aciculanot sure if thats all you need though19:38
jastorcboyer1951: woops .. let me clarify .. during the installation .. when  you pressed advanced where you normally get a list of harddrives to install the grub to ... you could only select the usb stick :P19:38
aciculanot really up to speed on remote grub/fstab fixing19:38
MrD_I'm so dissapointed with Gnome themes, I want a good light one...I think I'll make it myself19:38
cboyer1951acicula, grins... i am 'new' but i 'will' get the hang of it, grins19:39
ActionParsnipThunderbird89: are you connecting with your user account openssh-server will not allow connections as root19:39
VCoolionorbi: I hope you mean sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnomenu-team/ppa19:39
Jordan_UMrD_: Take a look at the themes being developed for lucid.19:39
kocmodpomaicula: should have been in the previous capture post but I hope this is it http://www.pastebin.org/11182719:39
MrD_when is lucid coming out?19:39
thunderbird89I'm trying to use my own account, yes19:39
MrD_cause they look hot19:39
ActionParsnip!lucid | mrd_19:39
ubottumrd_: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:39
aciculakocmodpom: i told you , #19:40
thunderbird89is it possible that WLAN is not started until login?19:40
MrD_OH SNAP19:40
=== Freelancer is now known as Freelancer`
norbiVCoolio: i mean ppa:gwibber-daily/ppa19:40
MrD_I should have just waited19:40
MrD_how easy is it to update Ubuntu?19:40
Jordan_UMrD_: Very19:40
jastorbinarybob: yes .. because for somet reason what i select with the mouse .. isnt put in the "third mouse button" pastestuff ... the ctrl+c/ctrl+v paste stuff puts itself in both ones :P19:40
acicula/bin/bash: line 1: /usr/bin/gfortran: No such file or directory is the error , it needs gfortran, to find out what package installs that binary type gfortran in a console and install it with apt-get19:40
cboyer1951.. sudo update grup ... sends message update command not found19:40
trismwowoto: I think it is part of ibus-m17n19:40
Jordan_U!upgrade | MrD_19:40
ubottuMrD_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:40
MrD_oh, I mean the OS19:40
MrD_from one version to the other19:40
GanymedeMrD_, just as easy19:40
MrD_or is that the same program19:40
ActionParsnipThunderbird89: can you ping the server. Try connecting to the socket via telnet to port 22 on the system ip19:40
MrD_thats good to know19:40
GanymedeMrD_, it's either a single command or about three button clicks of the update manager thingy19:40
norbiVCoolio: but with yours is working19:41
VCoolionorbi: don't know that one; try the one I mentioned, that one has gnomenu for sure19:41
cboyer1951jastor, how did you get out of that situation then?19:41
aciculaMrD_: pretty trivial as long as you dont try to update to new alpha builds of future releases19:41
VCoolionorbi: ah, cool, ok19:41
norbiVCoolio: thank you!19:41
MrD_thanks everyone19:41
MrD_I'm out19:41
Jacruth2Hi there19:41
jastorsomeone that knows why third mouse button selecting/pasting doesnt work anymore? the ctrl+c/ctrl+v paste coems up when you third button clicks :P19:41
ActionParsnipThunderbird89: makes sense if you've use networkmanager. I don't use it myself so all my settings are applied before the dm starts19:41
GanymedeMrD_, it's not quite the same program, but at the GUI level, upgrading packages or upgrading the OS version is done from the same location19:41
Jacruth2How could I ask for help?19:41
petsoundshi all. gwibber won't run. here's the output http://pastebin.ca/1837752 thanks :)19:41
ActionParsnip!upgrade | mrd_ it depends19:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:41
ubottumrd_ it depends: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:42
kocmodpomacicula: Error 127?19:42
jastorcboyer1951: i downloaded another release of it ;)19:42
cboyer1951acicula: update not found19:42
norbiVCoolio: i will google arround for how to install gtk themes19:42
aciculaupdate-grub cboyer1951 not update ?19:42
kocmodpomacicula: a lack of gfortran?19:42
aciculakocmodpom: are you going to make me guess?19:42
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aciculakocmodpom: yes19:42
jastorcboyer1951: it was some early alpha of lucid lynx .. a couple of days later a newer release of hte alpha came and that one worked19:42
VCoolionorbi: no need; drag and drop the .tar.gz files into the appearance window, or extract in ~/.themes, it's that easy19:42
thunderbird89ActionParsnip: there is another WLAN manager I can use, isn't there?19:42
dboneHey everybody, I can't log into my linux dist. because I ran "sudo chage" and accidentally made the password expire.  I think I need to to use chmod but I don't know how.  Can someone help?19:42
norbido somebody use Qt with linux?:D asking just for fun :)19:42
Jacruth2Hi there, How could I secure delete my hard disk in GTK mode?19:42
aciculakocmodpom: follow the instructions i gave you19:42
norbiVCoolio: ah, cool then!19:43
ivačo teda?19:43
Prestidigitoniumwhats the command to install the desktop19:43
ActionParsnipThunderbird89: there are many. Wicd is another but there are many others19:43
=== blueghost is now known as bluered
jastorJacruth2: srm19:43
VCoolioPrestidigitonium: ? what desktop?19:43
aciculanorbi: plenty, kde(kubuntu) uses it19:43
thunderbird89ActionParsnip: what would you recommend?19:43
Ganymededbone, if you have no other sudo-enabled users, maybe you can boot into recovery mode; i don't know if there's an easier way19:43
jastorJacruth2: sfill ...19:43
=== bluered is now known as blueghost
ActionParsnipJacruth2: you can use bleachbit. It has a drive zeroing option19:43
Jacruth2jastor: Sfill doesnt show anything at the terminal19:43
PrestidigitoniumVCoolio: i suppose the default gnome desktop19:44
jastorJacruth2: sfill -v does ;)19:44
VCoolioPrestidigitonium: what do you have now then?19:44
norbiacicula: it is a core software in kde?19:44
cboyer1951acicula; thanks, sudo update-grub, yes... got it...19:44
jastorJacruth2: -v .. and you get a * every now and then .. and when you got 32 * its almost finished19:44
ActionParsnipThunderb ird89: I use the interfaces file. I think all the gui apps stink but that's me19:44
guntbert!sk | iva19:44
ubottuiva: Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.19:44
aciculanorbi: its a pretty key library for kde yes19:44
dboneGanymede, right now I'm on a live cd, I was in here earlier and someone mentioned using chmod.19:44
cboyer1951acicula; 'keep the local version currently installed' of the /boot/grub menu.lst?19:44
aciculanorbi: use to be just a widget lib but its quite a bit more these days19:44
Jacruth2thanks ActionParsnip, I prefer jastor solution19:44
PrestidigitoniumVCoolio: ubuntu server19:44
ActionParsnipPrestigionium: did you not install the desktop ubuntu?19:44
Jacruth2jastor 32? why 32?19:44
aciculacboyer1951: probably not since thats not working19:44
Prestidigitoniumfreshly installed19:45
aciculathat one19:45
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norbiacicula: didn`t know that, it seems to be a very good thing then with linux19:45
kocmodpomacicula: I apologize for not following you. I didn't see any further instruction after identifying the error # (again sorry)19:45
jastorJacruth2: but depending on teh size of the size of the drive ;) its going to take a small eternity :)19:45
thunderbird89ActionParsnip: okay, I'll try to read up on that, and see if it works19:45
Ganymededbone, oh, i don't know about the livecd approach...19:45
jastorJacruth2: 32 is the normal amount of passes it does .)19:45
thunderbird89thank you for your help19:45
ActionParsnipPrestigitonium: if you want a desktop, why install the server install?19:45
nich0sDHCP server requires two NICs, correct?19:45
jastorJacruth2: there are options for less passes19:45
binarybobI am trying to get you a screenshoot of all the options in the sound  "profile chooser" but apparently printscreen doesn't work while in a dropdown  :(19:45
cboyer1951acicula; ok, start a new shell, to examine the situation? would that be the side thing to do?19:45
aciculakocmodpom: type in gfortran, it will tell you its missing and what package installs it, then install that package19:45
ActionParsnipThunderbird: there's wifi radar too19:45
dboneGanymede, it's usb.  still no?   Okay, I think i'll google chmod19:45
Jacruth2jastor: I know that it could take too much time, but it's the only way to do it xD19:45
aciculacboyer1951: heu, new shell?19:45
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
aciculacboyer1951: whats the output of update-grub19:46
VCoolioPrestidigitonium: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should work19:46
ActionParsnipNich0s: no, one will work too19:46
dboneGanymede, alternatively, I don;t think i can boot into safe mode as root without the user password, do you know a way?19:46
jastorJacruth2: ... selling the drive?19:46
norbiVCoolio: after installed gnomenu, where can i activate it19:46
PrestidigitoniumActionParsnip: well since the primary goal for this system is for webserving, it was suggested i install the server edition19:46
rabbit1which is the best hardy theme?19:46
Jacruth2jastor: to clean the free space, I should do "sudo sfill -I"?19:46
kocmodpomacicula: ah ok I think I can handle that19:46
norbisorry, i forget the "?" allways, bad reflex19:46
Ganymededbone, oh really? didn't know that...i thought maintenance mode logs you into root foryou...19:46
Jacruth2jastor: erasing some... king of information xD19:46
Prestidigitoniumbut ill also use it for web design/development19:46
cboyer1951acicula, the output of update-grub is a package configuration of gnome terminal window,19:46
jastorJacruth2: ok it was 38 not 3219:46
VCoolionorbi: a guess, right click the panel > add to panel, find gnomenu19:47
Ganymededbone, there's a trick to get root shell from GRUB menu without any passwords but i don't think i should go around sharing it...19:47
Prestidigitoniumso i need a gui ;-)19:47
jastorJacruth2: -i? .. dont think theres a -i .. let me check19:47
ActionParsnipPrestigitonium: the desktop can 'webserve' too. Its just got a desktop. The server is for servers as it has no x server which will tie up resources but both will work equally well19:47
jastorJacruth2: ah sorry .. yes theres a -I ;919:47
rohithwiz23I have an ATI Randeon Moblity X300, Ubuntu 9.10. Currently I have dual monitors functioning correctly before I enabled the dual monitor desktop effects were working now I can enable the effects19:47
Jacruth2jastor: what is the difference between Inodes and space?19:47
ActionParsnipPrentigitonium: there's no rule saying the desktop will not allow server type services19:47
kocmodpomacicula: Great Success! Now to try installing oopic!19:48
nikki_how do i fix, no sound?19:48
norbiVCoolio: you was right, it works now but it is in middle of the panel, so i need to disable the "core menu"?19:48
jastorJacruth2: it basically tells where a file is on a harddrive19:49
ActionParsnipNikki_: define 'fix' has it worked before? Has an upgrade killed it?19:49
PrestidigitoniumActionParsnip: yes i know, but i think its easier to just install the server edition first to make sure all the server packages are set up then install the desktop19:49
Jacruth2jastor: wha is the difference between wiping inodes and wiping space? Is it not the same?19:49
dboneGanymede, wait, i'm sorry im a bit of a newbie, how exactly do a log into safe mode then19:49
ActionParsnipPrentidigitonium: there are no server packages19:49
dboneI've tried rebooting and holding esc but that does nothing19:49
rohithwiz23I have an ATI Randeon Moblity X300, Ubuntu 9.10. Currently I have dual monitors functioning correctly before I enabled the dual monitor desktop effects were working now I can enable the effects19:49
nich0sActionParsnip: I want to get up a box to work as a router in that I want it to be able to assign IP addresses via DHCP, resolve DNS requests and pass WAN traffic on to clients. Do you know where I would go to get information on this?19:49
VCoolionorbi: yes, it's easily undone and you'll need only one menu19:49
jastorJacruth2: well .. space is where the files are stored .. ionode is where the stuff like "date", "owner" etc. is stored19:49
mib_mibyo guys, i am trying to change my default editor, in my .profile i did EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs; export EDITOR; and when i do echo $EDITOR it says /usr/bin/emacs, and i did source .profile, however, when i use visudo, it doesn't use emacs! what is wrong?19:50
rohithwiz23I have an ATI Randeon Moblity X300, Ubuntu 9.10. Currently I have dual monitors functioning correctly before I enabled the dual monitor desktop effects were working now I cant enable the effects19:50
jastoriirc :P19:50
Ganymededbone, when you restart your computer, do you get a little message that say, "press escape to enter the boot menu..." and it goes away after three seconds?19:50
Prestidigitoniummy terminology may be off19:50
ActionParsnipPrentidititonium; you just get a bootable ubuntu cli system you can load your servies on19:50
Prestidigitoniumi meant like apache, etc19:50
Jacruth2jastor: then, I should erase both of them19:50
jastorJacruth2: ionodes doesnt contain filenames19:50
norbiVCoolio: can you, please tell me, how to disable the core?19:50
dboneGanymede, no unfortunately19:50
dboneGanymede, I use xubuntu, could that be why?19:50
ActionParsnip!ics | nich0s19:50
ubottunich0s: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:50
Prestidigitoniumbut...you know better than i do. im new to all this19:50
Ganymededbone, that boot menu should have a recovery mode. yeah, sometimes i don't get that either...i don't remember when you get it and when you don't19:50
nikki_ActionParsnip: It was working, sometime ago, I have no idea what changed that made it stop working, possibly an update?(if thats possible) when I tried upgrading to 9.10 today, and it didnt change anything.19:50
jastorJacruth2: if you just wipe the space .. and not the ionodes .. all any intruder knows is when a file was accessed ... but not which oen ;)19:50
Flanneljastor, Jacruth2: Look into shred19:51
cboyer1951acicula, the output of 'sudo update-grub' is a package configuration of gnome terminal window, asking me to make a choice; a new version of /boot/grub/menu.lst is available... 1. install the package maintainers' version, 2. keep the local version currently installed...etc.19:51
Prestidigitonium(but not apache, so hush peanut gallery)19:51
aciculacboyer1951: new one seems good19:51
r_r_fwhen starting comp wicd need passwort to run network card - how can i remove this ask19:51
cboyer1951acicula; will do19:51
ActionParsnipPrestidigitnium: I recommend the desktop or minimal if you reinstall. Easier19:51
aciculagiven that the current one doesnt work anyway?19:51
jastorFlannel: :)19:51
dboneGanymede, so what do you suggest I do?19:51
VCoolionorbi: right click > delete from panel19:51
Prestidigitoniumim not reinstalling19:51
Jacruth2jastor: and what about wiping the inodes and not the space? XD19:51
Ganymededbone, here are the official instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode once you do that, you have root access and you can try to undo whatever you did to lock yourself out (reset user passwords maybe)19:52
nich0sI want to get up a box to work as a router in that I want it to be able to assign IP addresses via DHCP, resolve DNS requests and pass WAN traffic on to clients. Does anyone  know where I would go to get information on this?19:52
jastorJacruth2: im not saying you shouldnt do both :) just what can happen if you only do teh space19:52
Ganymededbone, i can't say that i've done this before though19:52
rabbit1which is the best hardy desktop theme you could suggest?19:52
airtonixnich0s, the ubuntu wiki ?19:52
dboneGanymede, ha, okay thanks though!19:52
meatbunwhich is a good burning software?19:52
herrawubi help anyone?19:52
acicula!gateway | nich0s19:52
ubottunich0s: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode19:52
rohithwiz23I have an ATI Randeon Moblity X300, Ubuntu 9.10. Currently I have dual monitors functioning correctly before I enabled the dual monitor desktop effects were working now I cant enable the effects. How do I enable the effects now?19:52
aciculanot that one19:53
airtonix!anyone | herra19:53
ubottuherra: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:53
Jacruth2jastor: I know, but you said about wiping space and not inodes. What could happens If I wipe inodes and not space?19:53
VCooliorabbit1: gtk2 themes will work on any ubuntu version; search gnome-look.org and use the rating system to find good themes; it's hard to poll here19:53
herraWhy does wubi download AMD 64 bit whn I have ann intel core 2?19:53
airtonix!ics | nich0s19:53
ubottunich0s: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:53
xanguaherra: because you tell it to19:53
jastorJacruth2: well .. they can see the filenames .. teh contents of the files. . but not whos the owner of the files (f its a server with severl users) or when they were created/accessed19:53
herraI tell it nothing19:53
herrai just press "go"19:53
aciculanich0s: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router19:53
cboyer1951acicula: actually it did this: Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst19:54
cboyer1951Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...19:54
cboyer1951Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin, and after memtest, ended process saying updating done... so what next?19:54
nich0sairtonix, acicula: Thanks!!!19:54
Jacruth2jastor: great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:54
aciculacboyer1951: it didnt find a kernel19:54
nikki_actionparsnip: It was working, sometime ago, I have no idea what changed that made it stop working, possibly an update?(if thats possible) when I tried upgrading to 9.10 today, and it didnt change anything.19:54
Jacruth2jastor: so, for a deep clean, I should do both, not?19:54
aciculacboyer1951: which is an issue :P19:54
cboyer1951acicula, oh... yes, that's the error message when I boot with a restart too...19:54
jastorJacruth2: well .. since the ionodes are gone .. you cant access teh files on a normal system ;) .. but there are tools for reading raw data from harddrives ;)19:54
aciculacboyer1951: is there a kernel in /boot ?19:55
felipe_crimsonhi guys. whats the package name for thats basics games like solitaire?19:55
r_r_fis there a channel for testing version 10.04?19:55
jribherra: amd64 is the name for the 64-bit architecture, it will work on your intel19:55
jastorJacruth2: yes19:55
acicular_r_f: #ubuntu+119:55
Jordan_Ur_r_f: Yes, #ubuntu+119:55
Jacruth2jastor: now I undestand it!!!!!!!! You has great explained it!19:55
jastorJacruth2: but look up that shredder program mentioned19:55
norbinow its fine, it is very dynamic :)19:55
cboyer1951acicula, i'll look, yes, I already saw it last time I was in there, ... /boot on which hard drive? hda1 or hdb1?19:55
=== sixtila is now known as Guest94580
VCooliofelipe_crimson: gnome-games ?19:55
r_r_f<Jordan_U> <acicula>thanks19:55
norbithe panel itself too19:55
jastorJacruth2: i think DOJ says a couple of passes iss sufficient19:56
Jacruth2jastor: shredder only wipe "files", not free space i think19:56
felipe_crimsonVCoolio: I think so.. thanks!19:56
aciculacboyer1951: /boot on hdb1 i guess19:56
herrabut I aint got 64 bit19:56
=== citygent99 is now known as citygent
herrahave I19:56
jastorJacruth2: ok... well tehre probably are other programs too ..19:56
cboyer1951acicula, you mean on the vista drive with wubi install19:56
pasteeaterwhat is the git equivalent of "svn checkout -r 1448" to get a specific revision?19:56
Jacruth2jastor: I look for other programs and there are not :S19:56
cboyer1951acicula, i'll install wine and look19:56
rabbit1VCoolio: thx for help, but i have seen that, lots are there, not liking most. when even i install it from appearances, it goes to custom, it doesn't save as new install file, i will need to save it,,, why is it?19:56
aciculacboyer1951: err no19:56
aciculacboyer1951: wubi install?19:56
jastorJacruth2: anyway .. 38 passes is a bit more than DOJ recommends ;) .. so if youre in a hurry .. look for thoose that just goes barely over DOJ19:56
norbioh guys, linux softwares are too on this kind of free file hosting servers, need to wait 60 seconds before download...19:57
michal__hi :)19:57
cboyer1951acicula, then you mean the hda1 where I transferred the wubi install from19:57
mefunteehello all, pls i cant start firefox19:57
Jordan_Upasteeater: git checkout revision19:57
hmwUUID should be unique for every partition, right?19:57
aciculaoh you copied stuff over, no kernels go in /boot where your install is19:57
kubi_ubi_bubihello. My keyboard has 3 "special" buttons (Wake up, sleep, power). How can I set them under kubuntu?19:57
kocmodpomacicula: another error on install of xoopic http://www.pastebin.org/11186019:57
Jordan_Upasteeater: That is if you have already cloned the repository with git clone.19:57
Jacruth2jastor: thanks (do you know if there is a graphical program, anyway?)19:57
Jordan_Uhmw: Yes19:58
oskar-norbi:  no.19:58
cboyer1951acicula; yes i did a wubi install of ubuntu 9.10 where the iso was on drive c: (hdb1) using wubi also on c: drive19:58
rohithwiz23I have an ATI Randeon Moblity X300, Ubuntu 9.10. Currently I have dual monitors functioning correctly before I enabled the dual monitor desktop effects were working now I cant enable the effects. How do I enable the effects now?19:58
jastorJacruth2: only for win3219:58
VCooliorabbit1: if you install a theme that only has gtk2 and no borders (metacity) it's not a full theme and you'll have to select your theme from customize > controls19:58
aciculacboyer1951: probably missed the kernel somehwere then19:58
pasteeaterJordan_U: ah, i see.  thanks.  i didn't close first.19:58
aciculacheck in /boot19:58
kubi_ubi_bubihello. My keyboard has 3 "special" buttons (Wake up, sleep, power). How can I set them under kubuntu?19:59
Jacruth2jastor: I could wipe Linux's space from Windows?19:59
jastorJacruth2:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inode read it just to make sure i remembered wrong19:59
cboyer1951acicula; so you want me to now check and see if there is a kernal in boot on my 'transferred to install on hdb1, looking19:59
jastorJacruth2: since youre not savinganything on the harddrive ,) just delete the paritions .. create a ntfs if the iwnodws program required that :P and wipe it .. as long as its the same "amount of space" it gets overwritten20:00
norbioskar:but yes, i download a theme from http://depositfiles.com with 30 kb (LOL)20:00
Jacruth2jastor: that is a good idea20:00
jastorJacruth2: just dont do it from dos ;)20:01
hmwI wanted a second Ubuntu on my PC for emergency situations. I was lazy, so I didnt install, but created an image file of my Ubuntu with partimage and later used that file to put a copy of my system to another partition. BOTH PARTITIONS now have the same UUID. I managed to "repair" my computer by replacing UUIDs in menu.lst and fstab with /dev/sdaX entries. Now I want to do configure it properly again, using UUIDs. I think, I should assign a new UUID to the mirror fi20:01
jastorim not kidding :P .. well ok hirens boot cd mayby got proper drivers ... but formating from dos booted on a win98 disk could take many horus ;) compared to a hort while on xp20:01
aciculacboyer1951: to be honest i kinda missed you were moving over from wubi to a real install, seems you will be done a lot quicker with a reinstall of ubuntu then the way you are trying it now20:01
hmwJordan_U: thanks20:02
Jordan_Uhmw: You're welcome.20:02
Jacruth2jastor: i tried "sudo sfill -v". I thought that it could remove inode and sspace, both20:02
jastorJacruth2: for a normal format that is :) and a wipe/shred takes longer than taht ;)20:02
norbiand now from megaupload... it is annoying20:02
cboyer1951acicula; on my /boot folder, abi-2.6.31-14-generic, config-2.6.31-14-generic, initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic, memtest86+.bin, System.map2.6..., vmcoreinfo-2.6.... vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic20:02
Jacruth2jastor: however, I did too "sudo sfill -i"20:02
Jacruth2jastor: and it doesnt work20:02
meatbunwhich is a good burning software?20:03
Jordan_U!burn | meatbun20:03
ubottumeatbun: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:03
aciculacboyer1951: well theres a kernel there, dunno why grub doesnt see it20:03
melodie_meatbun, tu burn iso or to burn any file ?20:03
jastorJacruth2: ive only used srm ;) .. but ill look it up20:03
Jacruth2jastor: thanks you, jastor20:03
Prestidigitoniumi get 'could not find package ubuntu-desktop'20:04
jastorJacruth2: you did sudo sfill -i /whatever right?20:04
meatbunmelodie_: to reformat my dvdrw, as full/slow not quick mode20:04
radioman-lthttp://www.zday2010.org/ - people attention!20:04
cboyer1951acicula, a reinstall then? nodding... i don't have a cd or usb drive to do that from, is why i did a wubi install, and 2 days ago i had all kinds of problems with a netbootlin install20:04
Jacruth2jastor: i didnt, thanks, i forgot to specify the main folder20:04
aciculacboyer1951: no usb stick or cd burner?20:04
cboyer1951acicula; well, there's a /grub directory there, can I check some file in there?20:04
cboyer1951acicula, no usb stick, and no cd to burn20:04
melodie_meatbun, gui or graphical tool ? gnomebaker is quite ok and wodim in console is ok too (easy man to follow)20:04
Jacruth2jastor: do you think I could do "sfill -i -I" both?20:05
meatbunmelodie_: gui be nice20:05
jastorJacruth2: now that ive read abit of sfill and srm .. i would do it from windwos isntead :P20:05
cboyer1951acicula, yeah, I think if i had a cd image it would all be over by now! laughs20:05
Jacruth2jastor: why, Jastor?20:05
chadkousehey guys -- i think i f'd myself -- was doing a do-release-upgrade and it apparently deleted most of my core OS files... now I have a broken ubuntu install in which I can't even do an ls, cp, or mv command -- I still have some mounted nfs shares that I'd like to move some data to before I manually power off -- do you guys know any way to do that in this situation ?20:05
melodie_meatbun, if you use gnome, take gnomebaker, if you use kde take K3B20:06
^mNotIntelligentgood bye20:06
aciculacboyer1951: well you have to setup the grub conf to point to the right kernel, make sure its isntalled properly on the disk and the mbr and adjust the fstab as needed, and im trying to avoid having to run you through all that manually20:06
jastorJacruth2: just seems ... like the programs for win32 has better options :P20:06
meatbunmelodie_: i am installing it now on gnome/braker20:06
fredimcan anyone help me with this problem? http://paste.archlinux-br.org/145620:06
cboyer1951acicula; and since ubuntu is loaded just 'perfect' on the C:\ vista drive, hdb1, that's why I was asking is there a way to just have my programs install over on the hda1 drive to save space20:06
aciculai dont understand that20:06
njbairhow do I set my domain name?20:06
IdleOne!repositories > Prestidigitonium20:06
aciculawhat are you trying with installing programs over?20:06
meatbunmelodie_: ok thx20:07
cboyer1951acicula; gotcha, nodding and I appreciate that :) really, but it would be 2 weeks until i can get a cd drive to burn, so... that's why20:07
melodie_njbair, you can take the name you have given to your machine if you like20:07
ubottuPrestidigitonium, please see my private message20:07
njbairmelodie_, i have a network and a domain. how do I set it in ubuntu?20:07
njbairi'm used to rc.conf in arch20:07
melodie_njbair, does this answer your question ? or is it another problem you refer to ?20:07
aciculacboyer1951: well usb sticks are easy enough to come by, they give em away, i think you can order ubuntu cd's for free even. its not that what you are trying to do is impossible but that it will take me more trial and error then im willing to do20:08
melodie_njbair, what is it you try to do exactly ? you are doing what ? installing ? changing the hosts file ?20:08
cboyer1951acicula, ok, i understand, thanks for the upfront honesty... i see, i'll wait then until I have the usb stick, or cd :)20:09
njbairnew install, trying to get networking configured.20:09
aciculacboyer1951: np, is your system still bootable?20:09
aciculasince grub messes with the bootloader and all20:10
binarybobokay, lets try that20:10
stwangeanyone else having trouble with vpnc being extremely slow? The DNS doesn't seem to resolve20:10
binarybobstupid chatzilla was no happy ;(20:10
matthany idea about the GMA X4500MHD (apparently the graphic card on the dell inspiron 11z) Xorg support with ubuntu ?20:10
cboyer1951acicula; 'yes' my system boots winVista (where I use ProTools 8) and it boots Ubuntu, where I am writing music with Ardour and Rosegarden (better than pro tools, laughs).. and I'm fine with that... I just can't load anything else on the C:\winVista\Ubuntu hdb1 drive! Laughs20:11
aciculamatth: needs lucid i think20:11
matthlike compiz 3d acceleration20:11
cboyer1951acicula; it's getting very full! :)20:11
matthsmooth video playback with 720p/1080p20:11
aciculacboyer1951: kk as long as your os still boots now i meant20:11
cboyer1951acicula; yes, i'm fine! thanks again, i'm good20:11
aciculamatth: no hardware accelerated decoding20:11
matthacicula: ok, I guess there's a special xorg module only present with that version ?20:11
matthacicula: oki. eek :(20:12
aciculamatth: newer drivers i think, but maybe karmic with backports works too20:12
cboyer1951acicula; from the heart; 'thankyou' for your help today! seriously, appreciate it. have a great weekend!20:12
quarkupany1 can help me with a bug ?20:12
binarybobokay, why doesn't printscreen work in gnome when a pull down is active....I want to screen shot the options in the pulldown...20:12
aciculamatth: only works with vista/win7, but (RUMOUR) maybe in the fall it will be added20:12
quarkupits this bug: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189254/20:12
quarkupi need help20:12
aciculacboyer1951: you too ;)20:12
matthacicula: that'll be awesome20:12
aurorixiwhat your name20:12
binarybobwhat yours20:13
matthacicula: any link where that kind of plan is discussed ?20:13
MonnikjeI need some help with the package configuration of grub 1.9820:13
matthwiki or so20:13
aciculamatth: nope20:13
ZykoticK9binarybob, you could use Application / Accessories / Take screenshot - and set the delay to a couple of seconds, then open the menu...20:13
aciculamatth: its a rumour i picked up awhile ago20:13
aciculaso dont get your hopes up tbh20:13
MonnikjeIḿ at the menu where I can select the GRUB install devices, but I can select any of my hhd's20:14
aciculaif you have a c2d P series or i{something} it should decode just fine20:14
binarybobthank you...thank you ZykoticK9:20:14
aciculamost of it anyway20:14
quarkupsomeone helps me with this bug: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189254/20:14
acicula!repeat | quarkup20:14
ubottuquarkup: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:14
aciculasays theres a bug in the program you ran quarkup , not much else to go on?20:14
quarkupacicula: i found no solution in forums and/or google20:15
Prestidigitoniumhow do i activate the network interface?20:15
hamzaatova2can you link me to a page where i can download a driver to a sansa mp3 player??????????????????????????????????????????20:15
aciculaPrestidigitonium: right click on nm-applet ?20:15
Prestidigitoniumi have it connected to a wired connection atm20:15
aciculaPrestidigitonium: but no ip?20:15
Prestidigitoniumacicula: there is no gui20:15
aciculaPrestidigitonium: running ubuntu-server?20:15
* quarkup needs help with this bug: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/189254/20:16
Prestidigitoniumisnt apt get able to dl packages from the net?20:16
aciculaPrestidigitonium: if there is a net connection, yes20:16
Prestidigitoniumacicula: yeah ubuntu server20:16
quarkupPrestidigitonium: sudo ifconfig eth0 up20:16
quarkupfor example20:16
Prestidigitoniumim trying to install the desktop :-p20:16
MonnikjeI'm sorry, rereading my question it should obviously be 'I can't select any of my hdd's'20:17
aciculaPrestidigitonium: well do you have a net connection20:17
Prestidigitoniumhmm. entered that command and theres nufffin20:17
aciculaPrestidigitonium: means it went fine20:18
betzGreetings all!20:18
kocmodpomIf you are missing some headers how do you find them to correct the problem? http://www.pastebin.org/11187820:18
Prestidigitoniumacicula: of course i do. this will eventually be wifi only, but its connected to wired for time being20:18
aciculaPrestidigitonium: then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, that should pull in the desktop stuff.20:19
betzHow can i find packages with apt-get? apt-get search is a invalid operation...20:19
IdleOnebetz: apt-cache search20:19
aciculathere are some differences between the desktop install and the server install though20:19
* radioman-lt reminds http://www.zday2010.org/20:19
betzah thanks IdleOne20:20
IdleOnebetz: sure thing20:20
jribradioman-lt: please, not here20:20
quarkupbetz: use aptitude instead of apt-get20:20
quarkupaptitude install or aptitude search is more intuitive and simple20:21
njbairbetz, apt-cache search20:21
Prestidigitoniumgot booted20:21
betzquarkup: why is that? i used it all the time, but lastly someone said to me it is no difference20:21
binarybobfinally, here are all those sound profiles....not sure which one to setup...and definitely not sure which one alsamixer is talking about.  I am trying to use sound via a DVI-HDMI cable from my nvidia video card with nvidia 185 driver....here is the image link.....http://imagebin.org/8874720:21
njbairbetz, there is no difference.20:21
betzjust more attitude :)20:21
kocmodpomIf you are missing some headers how do you find them to correct the problem? http://www.pastebin.org/11187820:21
njbairbetz, again, try `apt-cache search`20:22
aciculakocmodpom: google ;)20:22
Prestidigitoniumhow do i test to make sure network is up? i ping but get unkown host20:22
quarkupPrestidigitonium: ifconfig -a20:22
quarkupand tell what interfaces you got there20:23
quarkuplike eth0, eth1, wlan0, wlan1, etc...20:23
Prestidigitoniumwell apparently my wifi adapter was already set up20:24
quarkupyou should use the networkmanager applet (that icon over the menubar)20:24
kocmodpomaicula: thanks for your earlier help, I guess I just need to find an in resident expert. I needed to spend all day using the program, not attempting to install it. sigh.20:24
Prestidigitoniumno gui quarkup20:25
quarkupoh fine20:25
Prestidigitoniumim trying to install a gui20:25
aciculakocmodpom: if you have to do this regurlarly finding someone with some linux/unix experience is definitly usefull20:25
quarkupyou should check the ubuntu's articles for servers20:25
hamzaatova2can you link me to a page where i can download a driver to a sansa mp3 player??????????????????????????????????????????20:25
=== ortsvorsteher_ is now known as ortsvorsteher
quarkuphow to get X20:25
quarkupif you need of course20:25
aciculahamzaatova2: its probably jsut available as a storage device20:26
Prestidigitoniumbut i get could not find package ubuntu-desktop20:26
ZykoticK9hamzaatova2, what model do you have?  I just plug mine in and it works.20:26
jribhamzaatova2: no driver needed, just plug it in...20:26
quarkupif your network uses wpa you should use netcfg20:26
quarkup*wep >> netcfg20:26
norbihow can i install dockbar20:26
quarkupmaybe netcfg deals with wpa too20:26
=== nwidger_ is now known as nwidger
norbisorry, i installed it, but how can i use it?20:26
quarkupthere is wpa_supplicant also20:26
mefunteemy system does not resume from sleep, pls wat can i do?20:26
hamzaatova2ok all-- i remembered that you need a driver but now you tell me that i just need to plug it--- i will try20:27
VCoolionorbi: right click, add to panel again?20:27
norbiVCoolio: it is not there20:28
norbii did sudo apt-get install dockbar20:28
aciculamefuntee: is it plugged in on ac20:28
VCoolionorbi: alt+f2, killall gnome-panel, then try again20:28
kocmodpomacicula: this is the last time ever actually (as soon as the thesis is done, I will never play with this stuff again)20:28
kocmodpomusing windows for too many years has made me dum.20:28
aciculathesis writing20:28
aciculanow theres something i should be doing :P20:28
norbiyes, now its there :)20:29
overmind!panel | Try this norbi20:29
binarybobany luck with that image from imagebin?  http://imagebin.org/8874720:29
mib_mibhi guys, can someone explain what the difference between 'native extensions' and 'c extensions' libraries are?20:29
norbiit is getting to be instable, its crashing20:30
overmindnorbi: Is !panels20:30
norbiovermind: ubottu knows nothing about this :)20:30
overmind!panels | norbi20:31
ubottunorbi: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:31
KnewCual es el canal en español?20:31
norbiovermind: thanks20:31
overmindKnew: #ubuntu-es20:31
binarybobbrb....I have to restart the machine  :(20:31
okiedaveAnyadvice on getting an Atheros ath5001  wireless adapter working? It20:31
binarybobsorry guys20:31
blakkheimokiedave: madwifi20:31
Prestidigitoniumi still cannot ping20:32
soreauokiedave: With any recent kernel, you will want to use the open ath5k driver which should be the default20:32
okiedaveBlackBinary, is that something I can find in the package manager? I'm pretty new to Linux20:32
kocmodpomI feel the same way20:32
kocmodpombane of my existence for 2+ years20:32
kocmodpomadvisor won't let me get away without a particle sim20:32
kocmodpomthat asshole20:32
FloodBot3kocmodpom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:32
norbii have dock 3 times now, i don`t know why, and cannot remove it20:32
guntbert!language | kocmodpom20:32
ubottukocmodpom: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:32
nwidgerdoes anyone know what partitioning scheme the automated installer uses?  i think it basis the size of the swap partition on the amount of RAM in the system, doesnt it?20:33
olskolircdo we have a good encyclopedia out there please?20:33
Polterge|stwho in here could direct me to someone with answers about firestarter ?20:33
basixhey is there a way to transfer files over a network quickly? With bittorrent I get roughly 1MB/s transfer but scping gives me only 0.5MB/s so I'm wondering if theres a linux utility to chop up files into small pieces and transfer them simultaneously?20:33
jribPolterge|st: ask your actual question20:33
basixPolterge|st: ask20:33
okiedavesoreau, Where can I find that driver? Is it part of the default installation of Karmic?20:33
soreauokiedave: Yes.20:33
jribokiedave: umm, wikipedia?20:34
jribolskolirc: umm, wikipedia?20:34
phreckanyone recommend a specific VNC server?20:34
norbihow can i configure the dock?20:34
phreckWant to use with SSH20:34
jrib!vnc | phreck20:34
Polterge|stI am in sidux although the setup is not too different overall since sidux is basically similar to sid. I installed firestarter through repos and I noticed after reconfiguring wicd active connections are not showing up in firestarter20:34
ubottuphreck: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:34
olskolirci have wikipedia2text its great do we have another?20:34
jribPolterge|st: ask the sidux channel for support20:34
Polterge|stI tried to remove /var/log/messages and re symlink kern.log to messages to no avail20:34
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:34
Polterge|stand I tried purging it etc20:35
Polterge|stjrib, btw that is laughable20:35
Polterge|styou think they are actually going to help with firestarter ? pfffft20:35
Polterge|stas if20:35
jribPolterge|st: this channel is for ubuntu support only20:35
Polterge|stdon't be like them20:35
Polterge|stI'm just trying to get help with firestarter and I know alot of ubuntu users use it20:35
jribPolterge|st: sidux is a different distro.  It may set things up differently.20:35
Polterge|sthow would you fix the active connections in ubuntu if this problem occurred ?20:36
=== narendra is now known as narendra|away
jrib!away > narendra|away20:36
ubottunarendra|away, please see my private message20:36
Polterge|sthas anyone in here experienced losing active connections output in firestarter while using ubuntu ?20:37
Polterge|stand if so how was it fixed ?20:37
Polterge|stI've tried purging it and reinstalling with dpkg and with apt-get and while it appears to be blocking things it does not report active connections whereas netstat -panu does20:37
Polterge|stI would simply like for it to work the way it is designed to work and it worked fine before and I do not think this is a distro specific thing20:38
okiedavesoreau, Thanks for the help. I'll see if I can find the package with the driver20:38
norbihow can i remove something from panel? with right click doesn`t work and i don`t want to reset it to default20:38
manpoolehey having trouble with my sound not working..on ubuntu20:38
manpooleafter upgrading20:39
jribPolterge|st: you're just wasting people's time.  You need support from people familiar with sidux.  Do the same thing on an ubuntu live cd and see if it still happens20:39
Polterge|stah I see it is a distro-snob thing20:39
Polterge|stok well wtv20:39
Polterge|stI asked for help20:39
Polterge|stand I'm sure  you could but are choosing not to over a silly reason20:39
jribPolterge|st: you shouldn't take it that way.  I'm merely suggesting that you rule out that it's not a distro-specific issue.  Verify it happens on ubuntu.20:39
yeiksanytime i try to chat on skype it doesnot work properly. I can hear the person on the other side but the person cant hear me, wat shld i do20:40
jribPolterge|st: if you're looking for distro-agnostic support, there's ##linux.  But the distro-specific channels exist for a reason20:41
Monnikjecan someone help me with the grub 1.98 installation? In the Package configuration menu I can't select any of my hdd's to install grub to20:41
Polterge|stI know I remember seeing some ubuntu pages referring to this problem also20:42
Polterge|stthat is why I was asking20:42
Polterge|stI will have to find the urls20:42
reberhi. how/where to get (download) the kubuntu desktop theme ?20:42
jribreber: using ubuntu?20:43
jribreber: figure out what package it is in and visit packages.ubuntu.com I guess20:43
reberjrib, "figure out what package it is", that's exactly my question indeed20:44
RolaBladehello... is there a tool i can use to convert txt to pdf?20:44
jribreber: search for "kubuntu" and "art", that's where I would start20:44
DarkStar1does anyone here run a basic samba share?? I need help and #samba is dead at the moment20:44
jribDarkStar1: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:44
DarkStar1I've been trying to run a basic share all day and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm using gadmin to configure the server20:45
jribreber: "kubuntu-default-settings - Default settings and artwork for the Kubuntu desktop" -- my guess20:46
reberjrib, could you do a  dpkg --get-selections |egrep 'art|kubuntu' plz ?20:46
jribreber: I'm not running ubuntu atm20:46
no_angstreber: kubuntu-desktop "This package depends on all of the packages in the Kubuntu desktop system."20:46
reberjrib, okay thanks20:46
jribreber: packages.ubuntu.com let's you search (that's what I used just now)20:46
ksbalajiusplash dies midway and text scrolls. I get a usplash segment error message. How to fix this>? Where is the error log file located to share information?20:48
DarkStar1this is what I'm getting from smbstatus: http://pastebin.org/11189320:48
meatbunthis any good?20:48
guntbert!ot | meatbun20:48
ubottumeatbun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:48
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork20:49
sclimansHelp!  My sound no longer works.  How do I reinstall sound drivers to their default settings?  It is definitely not a physical issue with the speakers.  I am using ubuntu karmic koala.20:50
melodie_sclimans, what sound card ?20:51
melodie_is the driver loaded ?20:51
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
DarkStar1please someone help before I go mad20:51
melodie_sclimans, have you tried to unmute with snddevices ?20:51
sclimansI'm not sure.  I'm using an imax20:51
sclimansI'm not sure.  I'm using an imac20:51
melodie_sclimans, have you tried to reconfigure with alsaconf, started as root ?20:52
sclimansI have not tried that, nor do I know how to try that.20:52
melodie_DarkStar1, what is the problem ?20:52
wrinkliezhey guys.  im trying to find the compiz setting that will stop non-focused windows from going transparent.  any idea which setting that is :3?20:52
melodie_sclimans, just open a console and type "sudo alsaconf"20:52
jribwrinkliez: try #compiz20:52
sclimans"sudo: alsaconf: command not found"20:52
wrinkliez@jrib okay thanks dood20:52
melodie_sclimans, check if pulseaudio is started20:53
ksbalajiWhere to find boot log files please?20:53
odinuxsalut a tous20:53
sclimansIt is20:53
DarkStar1melodie_: I don't understand why I can't get a basic samba share up and running. I've been at it for 5 hours straight now20:53
Polterge|stok jrib http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4731320:53
Polterge|stthat is what I was looking for I think20:53
Polterge|stsame problem on my side20:53
odinuxje suis niveau20:54
guntbert!enter | Polterge|st in any case please20:54
ubottuPolterge|st in any case please: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:54
jribPolterge|st: why are you linking me to a post from 2005...20:54
DarkStar1melodie_: I've even re-installed samba and backed up the default .conf file and used the gadmin default.20:54
melodie_DarkStar1, with Windows ?20:54
Polterge|stbecause this problem still exists20:54
hamzaatova2how do i backup the evulution contacts?20:54
jribPolterge|st: follow the suggestions there then?20:54
guntbert!fr | odinux20:54
Polterge|stor there is possibly a way to fix it20:54
ubottuodinux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:54
Polterge|stby now I would hope20:54
Polterge|stthe suggestion leads in a circle and is not the answer20:54
DarkStar1noo I'm in Ubuntu20:55
jribPolterge|st: find a bug report20:55
Polterge|stI may do that20:55
jribPolterge|st: or (as I suggested) verify the issue exists in ubuntu20:55
melodie_hamzaatova2, what about backuping the whole .evolution directory ? Is it too much ?20:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:55
Polterge|stwell this guy in the forum was using ubuntu and had the problem20:55
aciculaDarkStar1: what are you trying to do?20:55
jribPolterge|st: in 200520:55
Polterge|stit means that it has existed in ubuntu before anyway20:55
Polterge|steven in 200520:55
hamzaatova2melodie_, how?20:55
Polterge|stdoesn't matter20:55
Polterge|stit was an ubuntu issue at one time20:55
jribPolterge|st: yes.  So see if it happens on the latest stable release20:55
DarkStar1acicula: just trying to run a basic share20:55
sclimansIs there a simple way to simply reinstall sound drivers to the ubuntu default?  My sound hasn't worked for months and I've tried almost everything, but it did work out of the box.  I have since seriously screwed t up20:55
Polterge|stthis means something was done that could have fixed it20:55
Polterge|stthat is the info I am looking for20:56
aciculaDarkStar1: right click on a directory in nautilus and select share20:56
aciculafollow instructions, login,logout, voila?20:56
DarkStar1acicula: tried already20:56
melodie_hamzaatova2, as you want : to pendrive, to itself on another name, such as ".evolution-backup" ? what do you want to backup it for exactly ? before new install ? else ?20:56
melodie_to bring it to another machine ?20:56
erUSULsclimans: try with this package linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic20:56
DarkStar1can't see anything from the windows machine20:56
aciculaDarkStar1: well20:56
aciculaDarkStar1: open a console and type smbclient //
DarkStar1acicula:  I'm screwed right?20:57
datadiggerPolterge|st: You're still using enter as punctation, where a simple comma would suffice. This is a high traffic channel and your way of writing is disturbing.20:57
aciculaDarkStar1: nah20:57
sclimanserUSUL: I will try this out20:57
aciculajust try that20:57
hamzaatova2melodie_, let say that i'm considering installing ubuntu again20:57
aciculaDarkStar1: also have you tried just entering \\<yourip>\<yourshare> in windows?20:57
aciculaalso win7 <-> ubuntu sharing seems kind of not working atm20:58
melodie_hamzaatova2, ok then do that:20:58
DarkStar1acicula: Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)20:59
melodie_hamzaatova2, open a console into your personal home, at /home/hamzaatova20:59
sclimanserUSUL: it didn't fix my sound20:59
aciculaDarkStar1: smbclient -L //
erUSULsclimans: rebooted ?20:59
sclimansI'll try that though20:59
Polterge|stI think I solved it20:59
sambagirli wanted to access the ubuntu server desktop. i can use tightvnc clienit on the windows box and use tightvncserver on the ubuntu box yes?20:59
melodie_hamzaatova2, then do an archive by typing : tar cfvj evolution.tar.bz2 .evolution20:59
erUSULsclimans: either that or unload and load the sound drivers20:59
Polterge|stproblem could be conntrack if anyone deals with this in ubuntu20:59
AgronenneHi everybody! Just updated my boxen, now no php, how can I fix this, please?20:59
norbihow can i chmod a folder??21:00
DarkStar1acicula: Still the same error21:00
melodie_hamzaatova2, it will create a file named evolution.tar.bz2 containing .evolution directory with all the files that it contains21:00
Loshasclimans: in the end, I had good luck with: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html when nothing else works. You've nothing to lose at this point...21:00
* radioman-lt reminds http://www.zday2010.org/21:00
aciculaDarkStar1: ps ufax | grep nmbd21:00
erUSULhamzaatova2: melodie_ and the keys/configuration stored in gconf21:00
melodie_hamzaatova2, when you will want to restore it, go to your home again, put the copy of the tar.bz2 fin in there21:01
=== exodus is now known as EXODUS
aciculahow do you kick without op?21:01
melodie_erUSUL, then the whole home directory ? or all the .gconf directory to ?21:01
OkidesuIs there a way to make Gnome not to "freez" the screen when it requires me to use root password ?21:01
erUSULmelodie_: no only the gconf things that affect evolution21:01
aciculaOkidesu: you mean grey out?21:01
OerHeks!theme | OerHeks21:02
ubottuOerHeks, please see my private message21:02
datadiggeracicula: YOu can't. But you can ignore21:02
melodie_erUSUL, I have copied the files from there before from one machine to the others, without copying gconf and it was ok to import adresses and such21:02
DarkStar1acicula: test   5257  0.0  0.0   1700   184 pts/0    D+   21:01   0:00      \_ grep --color=auto nmbd21:02
Okidesuacicula, well it grays out and also it freezes my videos and so on21:02
aciculadatadigger: im aware of how that works21:02
aciculaOkidesu: its just how it works i think, gksu is used to do it maybe it has some options21:02
melodie_hamzaatova2, I explain how to restore anyhow :21:02
aciculaDarkStar1: well, seems you are lacking a samba install21:02
Loshaacicula: ordinary mortals can't kick people. And it would just be chaos if they could...21:02
seanbrystoneacicula, jrib is an op, its just that on most channels on freenode, they dont op up until needed.21:02
Okidesuacicula, ok thanks21:02
diegoohow can i view my ip in ubuntu ?21:03
Haffediegoo: terminal21:03
erUSULmelodie_: yes i do not doubt that ... just saying that the backup feature of evolution also saves the gconf configuration in addition to the ~/.evolution/ dir21:03
aciculajrib: doesnt show(ed) as op, but still an kick, i know hes an op was just wondering why it was not showing21:03
diegooifconfig eth0 down ?21:03
seanbrystonehe's quick21:03
melodie_hamzaatova2, you do backward put the archive in your home and type this time : xvfj evolution.tar.bz2 , and same for all directories you want to backup21:03
jribdiegoo: ifconfig if you want your ip on your network, visit whatismyip.org if you want your modem's21:03
Loshadiegoo: that would be ifconfig, not ipconfig...21:04
aciculaDarkStar1: can you fire up nautilus and share something and tell me if ubuntu asks you to do anything?21:04
jribacicula: I just opped, kicked, deopped21:04
melodie_erUSUL, so the evolution dir contains much more ?21:04
diegooifconfig need root access ?21:04
jribdiegoo: no21:04
aciculajrib: must've missed it, my ignore list for #ubuntu is large, heh21:04
diegooi hate my sysadmin xD21:04
Loshadiegoo: ifconfig eth0 down will switch off eth0, probably not what you want. Try ifconfig -a to start21:04
norbihow can i do this: make symlink /usr/bin/dockbar.py pointing to /usr/lib/dockbar/dockbar.py21:04
aciculaDarkStar1: also do you have any hand edited samba config files?21:05
melodie_diegoo, ifconfig gives your ip on your lan, not on the web : what do you need ?21:05
aciculanorbi: ln -s21:05
jribnorbi: the syntax is: ln -s TARGET NAME21:05
aciculanorbi: man ls for details21:05
diegooi need found all pcs and servers on my net21:05
erUSULmelodie_: i'm talking about the "File>Backup Settings" feature of evolution describing what it does. it tars up the evolution dir but also saves the gconf keys of evolution21:05
norbiok thanks21:05
Loshanorbi: something like: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/dockpar/dockbar.py /usr/bin/dockbar.py21:06
iamkitchenHi, I recently installed/uninstalled some software and after restarting a lot of visual effects were changed. The login screen had a different background/theme, when I Alt+Left/Right arrow it doesn't do the flip effects (it just switches between desktops) and things like that.21:06
jsteinhahi all, i'm having internet issues; internet drops about once every ten minutes; i'm running ubuntu 9.10, asus ul30v with an intel link 100 series wireless card, and the syslog from right after a crash is here : http://pastebin.com/3fVSSFL2; can anyone help?21:06
aciculadiegoo: pingsweep,fping that kind of programs ll do that21:06
melodie_erUSUL, so that's good ?21:06
erUSULmelodie_: yes21:06
DarkStar1acicula: I did initially. but when I re-installed SAMBA  I saved the defualt and got gadmin to replace the .conf file21:06
Monnikjeunfortunately gregor_ quited before he could finalise the help he gave me :(. I'm still stuck in the package configuration of grub 1.98. But now I uploaded a screenshot of my problem (I made screenshots of each step in the terminal, and made one screenshot of all three screenshots: http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/6932/screenzy.png21:06
norbiLosha: thanks, worked for me!21:06
Monnikjeno matter what hdd I select, the configuration says that I didn't select one21:07
aciculaDarkStar1: not to sure on how the nautilus sharing interacts with samba, but id try purging everything samba related and reinstalling whatever nautiulus asks for?21:07
sambagirlwow it works21:07
aciculaDarkStar1: as im guessing a cusom smb.conf will mess with the nautilus sharing part, but thats just conjecture21:07
threexkIf you install a package and then uninstall it, are you guaranteed all the files associated with that package are removed?21:07
DarkStar1acicula: a sec pls.. I gotta get the door21:07
erUSULthreexk: if you used purge yes (except the per user conf files in their homes)21:08
aciculathreexk: some (modified/generated) files can remain, --purge takes care of most of those21:08
Loshathreexk: if you 'purge' the package, in theory all the files get removed. In practice, I've seen it leave directories behind occasionally...21:08
jean-francoisOne question, for which reason "ls < params" does'nt read the parameters from the file "params" ?21:08
erUSULjean-francois: you can not pass parameters like that21:09
threexkerUSUL: acicula: Losha: OK, thanks.  So it's a bug if --purge doesn't remove everything.21:09
erUSULjean-francois: programs read data from files not its params21:09
Vigothreexk: Purge works, rm is a strong one, kinda depends on a few things , like backups and stuff.21:09
erUSULthreexk: depends of what you are talking about; as i said conf files in Home directories are not touched in any way21:10
Loshajean-francois: you might be able to do: ls `cat params`21:10
aciculajean-francois: try ls `cat parameterfile`21:10
sambagirlwhat is the command stroke to exit from full screen for tight vpn? i did not pay attention to it.21:10
sambagirlctrl something21:10
aciculaas ls does not fetches its arguments from stdin21:10
binarybobhey guys, I went a different way for the sound....oh well, maybe I will try later21:10
Loshathreexk: in principle, yes, it's a bug if purge leaves config and installation files behind...21:10
aciculaLosha: threexk except in /home/21:11
VigoerUSUL: Correct, threexk: look at the official Documentation and the forums, that is a rather broad question.21:11
threexkerUSUL: Are there any rules to where a program can put files in your home directory?  My problem is it's hard to tell where all the files associated with a program are21:11
wappI have an script that works ok but if I program this in the cron it doesn´t work. I´ve said that it is because of the locale variables. do you know how to disable them ?21:11
NewWorldDoes anyone know if there's a Russian Ubuntu support  chan?21:11
skritehey all, i am running desktop ubuntu but with the awesome window manager. What do i need to start so that i can get the auto mount on CD's like when i am running gnome?21:11
acicula!ru | NewWorld21:11
blakkheim!ru > NewWorld21:11
ubottuNewWorld: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:11
erUSULthreexk: programs put its conf files in your home the first time you run them21:12
ubottuNewWorld, please see my private message21:12
no_angstsambagirl, try ctrl esc esc21:12
NewWorldacicula:  blakkheim : thank you21:12
erUSULthreexk: to know what files a package have « dpkg -L packagename »21:12
betzCan anyone help me? I need to set /usr/lib/qt4/bin in my path. but there is no bin folder in /usr/lib/qt4. i checked, and all qt4 packages are installed and the newest version. what am i doing wrong/missing?21:12
threexkerUSUL: that doesn't cover config files the program may generate, right21:12
norbiwhere is this: ~/.config/awn21:12
erUSULthreexk: to know what package a file belongs do « dpkg -S /path/to/file »21:12
blakkheimnorbi: .. ~/.config/awn21:12
jribbetz: well, what do you want to accomplish?21:13
NewWorldskrite:  skvm is a very light volume manager that automounts.21:13
betzjrib: install mythtv21:13
kocmodpomtrying to use 'automake' and get 'configure.ac' is required. ??21:13
aciculanorbi: tilde means your home directory21:13
Vigoskrite: I think Gnome has that ready built, mine does.21:13
jrib!mythtv | betz21:13
ubottubetz: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv21:13
aciculakocmodpom: err run autogen.sh first21:13
betzwow nice21:13
jribkocmodpom:  well, what do you want to accomplish?21:13
norbiacicula: but there is nothing .config21:14
NewWorldVigo:  skrite: That's via gnome-volume-manager right?21:14
NewWorldnorbi:  /home/[username]/.config21:14
guntbertnorbi: no /home/norbi/.config21:14
norbiok, thank you very much!21:14
aciculanorbi: no /home/norbi/.config21:14
kocmodpomtrying to install "xoopic" http://ptsg.eecs.berkeley.edu/pub/codes/xoopic/21:14
aciculanorbi: try cd ~21:15
aciculaand type pwd21:15
guntbertnorbi: to see that file with ls: use ls -a21:15
norbithere is nothing .config in /home/norbi21:15
wappI have an script that works ok but if I program this in the cron it doesn´t work. I´ve said that it is because of the locale variables. do you know how to disable them ?21:15
VigoNewWorld: I lost you there, and yes there is a Russian channel.21:15
norbiand what is awn at all?21:15
kocmodpomacicula: run as "sudo autogen.sh" ?21:15
aciculakocmodpom: no21:16
guntbertnorbi: start from the beginning: what is your problem?21:16
aciculakocmodpom: sudo is only needed when you install stuff systemwide, other then that its almost never needed for building software21:16
norbii have a guie for a template, and it tells me to install awn and copy to ~/.config smething21:16
norbii installed awn manager21:17
jribkocmodpom: umm, did you read the README?21:17
aciculakocmodpom: also think i misread, do you have automake installed21:17
Loshawapp: Try setting the locale variables to null (or other suitable value) at the start of your script...21:18
norbimy template still looks like ubuntu... after enabled the new one... it doesnt changes, just the menu bars  are now unreadable21:18
guntbert!info avant-window-navigator | norbi21:18
ubottunorbi: avant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 104 kB, installed size 328 kB21:18
kocmodpomacicula: yes I installed the base version of automake just before this21:18
r3c4llALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave; play FAIL formats: can't open output file `default': snd_pcm_open error: Device or resource busy21:18
hmwI cloned my Ubuntu 9.04 to another partition. When I boot the cloned one, PAMUSB will not recognize my flash disk ("Pad checking failed") - Config file /etc/pamusb.conf and /etc/pam.d/common-auth are identical21:18
AgronenneHI! I just upgraded my boxen, now php won't work... apache 2, any ideas on how to fix it? or undo the upgrade? Please?21:18
aciculakocmodpom: did you try what it says in the readme21:18
r3c4llIf you want (via sh script) play a .ogg file that (warning) a user (using the machine) under certain circunstances... in a simple way... how do you do it??21:19
r3c4llALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave; play FAIL formats: can't open output file `default': snd_pcm_open error: Device or resource busy21:19
aciculause pulseaudio as output?21:19
jribkocmodpom: anyway, README and README.install gives install instructions21:20
aciculaJaLaRu: dont spam links here, you've been warned for this before too21:20
norbii installed awn, but there is still nothing in /home/norbi something like .config21:20
dodihow to create an iso file from a CD?21:20
guntbert!iso | dodi21:20
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
ubottudodi: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:20
erUSULdodi: sudo cat /dev/cdrom > file.iso21:20
aciculanorbi: user directory config files are not created until you run a program21:20
norbii think it is hidden because of .21:20
jribnorbi: files that start with a '.' are hidden by default.  View -> Show Hidden Files.  Having said that, make sure you read awn's documentation21:21
eastbaynighthey, i'm trying to install cdemu, but i don't know how to compile files, can anyone help me with this?21:21
skriteNewWorld, will check out skvm, thanks21:21
norbijrib: thanks that helped21:21
skriteI do run gnome occationally, but prefer awesome and openbox21:21
DDipHello, is anyone here. I have a question about frozen vaccum sealed meats. I have 4 year old vaccuum sealed Sausage. Is it still good?21:21
guntbert!compile | eastbaynight21:22
ubottueastbaynight: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:22
erUSUL!ot | DDip21:22
ubottuDDip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:22
hmwI cloned my Ubuntu 9.04 to another partition. When I boot the cloned one, PAMUSB will not recognize my flash disk ("Pad checking failed") - Config file /etc/pamusb.conf and /etc/pam.d/common-auth are identical. Can anyone help me make my one and only SSD work with several PAMUSBs (different pcs/partitions)?21:22
mistere357Just curious - I'm accessing an Ubuntu server via ssh (no gui).  cron was not installed.  The boss did apt-get install cron and now wants me to tell him why nothing runs.  What am I missing?21:22
binarybobdoes karmic have parental controls?21:22
hystrenihello, i have been using a wireless connection for 3 weeks on my comp after i first installed Ubntu 9.10 on it. But yesterday i got a wire and replaced the wireless, but now.. every 1.5 hours i get disconnected from it "auto eth0" and have to reconnect and it dosent always work. what is the problem?21:22
jribmistere357: your install is broken then.  cron is installed by default21:23
eastbaynightwell, i downloaded the tar.bz2 file, and i have no clue how to install the file:/21:23
erUSULmistere357: define « nothing runs » ....21:23
trismeastbaynight: don't compile it, there is a ppa https://launchpad.net/~cdemu/+archive/ppa21:23
mistere357erUSUL: cron entries appear to be ignored - no results21:23
trism!ppa | eastbaynight21:24
ubottueastbaynight: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.21:24
guntbert!askthebot | binarybob21:24
ubottubinarybob: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:24
eastbaynightwhat does the ! before something mean?21:24
jribmistere357: you should figure out why cron wasn't installed, it may be indicative of a larger problem21:24
kocmodpomjrib, acicula, going through the readmeinstall again21:24
binarybob!search factoid21:24
erUSUL!bot | eastbaynight21:24
jribeastbaynight: it tells the bot to pay attention21:24
ubottuFound: orgthingy-#ubuntu-offtopic, lazy, ubotu, worst-#ubuntu-offtopic, bot, yes-#ubuntu-offtopic, trolls-#ubuntu-offtopic, factoids, orgything-#ubuntu-offtopic*, goodbotuse* and 5 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=factoid21:24
ubottueastbaynight: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins21:24
eastbaynightoh, okay21:24
mistere357jrib: I'll look into it21:24
eastbaynighthow do i work ppa?21:25
trismeastbaynight: basically, you just got to that page, and it has instructions for adding the repo, then you can install it from the package manager21:25
Gonzaahi ! all How do you install pidgim on Ubuntu 9.04?21:25
jribGonzaa: you mean pidgin?21:25
eastbaynightsynaptic package manager?21:25
Loshabinarybob: I don't think there's any 'parental controls'. You can search ubottu at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi21:25
erUSUL!software > Gonzaa21:25
ubottuGonzaa, please see my private message21:25
AgronenneHI! I just upgraded my boxen, now php won't work... apache 2, any ideas on how to fix it? or undo the upgrade? Please? With Ubuntu 8.1 & 7.1... The browser wants to download the php instead of opening it. Help, please21:26
erpoHow can I play two movies at exactly the same time?21:26
trismeastbaynight: yes, although be sure you actually need cdemu, if you just need to mount an iso, you can sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt;21:26
jrib!php > Agronenne21:26
ubottuAgronenne, please see my private message21:26
eastbaynightthis stuff is incredibly confusing21:26
jribAgronenne: follow those troubleshooting steps in ubottu's link.  Also, 7.10 is not supported anymore21:26
sundaymorninghello, I'm using inn 1 and it's giving me 441 Article not posted -- more included text than new text when I try to post something. How do I disable that check?21:27
Gonzaayou mean pidgin? yes Jaimie21:27
hmwerpo: i tried this (not really hard, i have to admit), with no success. You could use different players (mplayer + gnome gui, vlc and totem) to at least get up to 3 vids21:27
eastbaynighti have a copy of it, but i have no clue how to install it21:27
jribeastbaynight: if you are new to ubuntu, you should take 15 minutes and read through http://help.ubuntu.com21:27
Gonzaayou mean pidgin? yes Jaimie21:27
binarybobwell that stinks...i need to make a kids user and make it where they can play with most of the edubuntu stuff, but have a whitelist for web usage.....any ideas?21:27
jribGonzaa: that's installed by default21:27
erpohmw: That's what I'm doing now. It's hard to get them started at exactly the same time.21:27
hmwerpo: perhaps VLC allows several "instances" of it to be run simulatneously. Activate "full" mode in its preferences dialog21:27
Gonzaai dont understand jrib21:27
GonzaaI sorry21:27
japherwockywhat is making my single quote do ´ when i press it twice?21:28
jribGonzaa: pidgin is installed by default, check your internet menu21:28
hmwerpo: i see... i don't have an idea, how to synch vids. Perhaps "clone mode" and dual head might do, what you need?21:28
hystrenihello, i have been using a wireless connection for 3 weeks on my comp after i first installed Ubntu 9.10 on it. But yesterday i got a wire and replaced the wireless, but now.. every 1.5 hours i get disconnected from it "auto eth0" and have to reconnect and it dosent always work. what is the problem??21:28
aciculaAgronenne: apache needs to be reconfigured to pass the request to php instead21:28
adriandoes anybody knows how to configure iptable to route eth0 (LAN) to wlan0 (internet)21:28
Loshabinarybob: well there must be *something* for browsers I imagine. Try #firefox...21:28
jribbinarybob: you can set it up, but don't ask me how.  I think "christian ubuntu" has some setup like that by default so you might find out what they do21:28
aciculaAgronenne: look at the lamp doc, also unless you running 8.04 LTS any 7.x and 8.x ubuntu is really dated21:29
adrianwlan0 configured with dhcp21:29
erUSUL!info dnsguardian | binarybob21:29
ubottubinarybob: Package dnsguardian does not exist in karmic21:29
erUSUL!info dansguardian | binarybob21:29
ubottubinarybob: dansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 472 kB, installed size 2356 kB21:29
melodie_hystreni, you may have too many interfaces, keep the good one and put the other to down with "sudo ifconfig eth-whatever_number down"21:29
TriciaAm I doomed with 64 bit Flash and firefox and ubuntu?21:29
Agronennejrib: It was working fine until i did the --update --upgrade.... Following the instructions from the bot: I got php5 is already the newest version.21:30
aciculaTricia: no, why, 64bit flash works, sortof21:30
jribTricia: doomed in the sense that you have to use flash you mean?21:30
melodie_Tricia, yes, you might be21:30
erUSULTricia: works well enough for me here21:30
aciculaits still horrible if thats what you mean21:30
jribAgronenne: the bot provides several troubleshooting steps...21:30
aciculabut thats because its flash21:30
Triciahere if I use it too much, my cpu goes up and up and eventually the system becomes unusable21:30
=== mac9416 is now known as macBRB
Triciaeven if I kill firefox21:31
bbthebmani am running ubuntu 9.10 on my dell mini 9 and i have a pc-to-mac moniter converter, when i connect it the mac screen just flashes with the picture randomly, how can i set it so it works21:31
hystrenimelodie_, erhm what?21:31
jribTricia: check for npwrapper, you might be using nspluginwrapper for flash and that may be hanging around after you kill flash21:31
jrib!away > macBRB21:31
ubottumacBRB, please see my private message21:31
melodie_hystreni, type in console: "ifconfig" then list how many interfaces you have ?21:32
binarybobdo you know if the christian ubuntu edition has a separate IRC channel?21:32
melodie_hystreni, type in console: "ifconfig" then paste the result to pastebin.com !21:32
jrgpI'm running KDE but installed gnome. I hear gnome sound effects in gtk apps. Can I turn that off?21:32
Matsondid something recently change on the permissions of script-generated files?  they are now -rw-------21:33
bbthebmanany idea how to set the refresh rate so the mac moniter works21:33
japherwockyif i type singlequote o, i get ó :(  ẃhátthéck is doing that21:33
norbiare here some webdesigners?21:33
norbii need a php IDE and tools like I was using in Windows for web development21:34
Loshahmw: still got your pamusb problem?21:34
Matsonalso, what about "chmod +r"  this used to make all modes +r, now it only does u+r21:34
Triciajrib: nope, just killed firefox. npwrapper isn't there. Everything moving slowly. X seems to be using a lot of cpu21:34
jribjapherwocky: search your keyboard preferences21:34
dodimy ISO has been created :-) now I need assistance for installing VMWare21:34
jribTricia: don't know then21:34
=== sloopy_ is now known as pixelated
mistere357norbi: a lot of momentum behind eclipse or Net Beans for that21:35
hmwLosha: yes... i often need to completely empty the conf and delete the file on my SSD to get it working again... like now... i dont know, what I am missing21:35
jribjapherwocky: it's probably something called "dead keys"?21:35
bbthebmanhello, anyone have any idea21:35
dodiproblem: kernel headers not found21:35
Loshahmw: I dunno the first thing about it. but I did find:
norbioh yeah, NetBeans is on java platform so it can be used here21:35
Triciajrib: I've had to reboot, and I'm getting kind of tired to that..21:35
=== pixelated is now known as sloopy
dr_dreehow can i install xmms to ubuntu?21:35
hystrenimelodie_,  "http://pastebin.com/VnE6VPRa"21:35
jribTricia: what version of ubuntu?21:36
jrib!xmms | dr_dree21:36
ubottudr_dree: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.21:36
Loshadr_dree: I am an xmms1 fan myself, and installed it into hardy from a PPA...21:36
norbiis there a simple way to install a web server or it needs to be done via terminal?21:36
Agronennejrib: It was working fine, what changed with the latest update?21:36
jribnorbi: just insttall the package you want, using the gui or terminal, whatevery you prefer21:37
hmwLosha: this sounds promising, I'll try next time, it stops working (the last part, deleting stuff from my home) thanks21:37
jribAgronenne: "latest update" is vague and I couldn't tell you anyway21:37
owen1how to tell if my dvd suppport dvd-R21:38
erUSUL!software | norbi21:38
ubottunorbi: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:38
norbijrib: ok, i will try21:38
owen1(i try to burn image to DVD and brasero doesn't recognize it)21:38
norbierUSUL: thanks21:38
Loshaowen1: I've never seen one that didn't support dvd-r. Brasero is full of bugs, use k3b instead...21:39
kocmodpomacicula, jrib: readme not exactly useful http://www.pastebin.org/111938 because ./configure is not working in this one, it worked for xgrafix, i am confused21:39
owen1Losha: ok21:39
Agronennejrib: I updated (via apt-get) today, last time I did apt-get update was a week ago, and apache2 did update then... Please see the following: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142850121:39
benny1HI can someone please give me a little guidance changing video from 720p to 1080i on ps3 ubuntu 9.04 please??21:39
=== exodus is now known as EXODUS
bbthebmanhow can i make the mac monitor work21:39
jribAgronenne: did you do what I suggested earlier yet?21:40
norbiis there a c++ created php IDE? i think the java is not as fast...21:40
hmwLosha: rm ~/.pamusb/*   helped. thanks again. Still want to learn moar about pam... :)21:40
airtonix!caps | benny121:42
ubottubenny1: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:42
benny1Sorry caps lock...21:42
Agronennejrib: yes, I'm doing it now, but I get the following: * Restarting web server apache221:42
Agronenne * We failed to correctly shutdown apache, so we're now killing all running apache processes. This is almost certainly suboptimal, so please make sure your system is working as you'd expect now!21:42
Agronenne ... waiting apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:42
Agronenne   ...fail!.....21:42
AgronenneTrying to analyze the apache2.conf.... But again, I changed nothing, just did apt-get upgrade21:42
zebastianhow do i check the amount of storage space left on my harddrive?21:42
dodihow can I insert an filename into a terminal?21:42
erUSULzebastian: df -h ; system>admin>system monitor21:42
Triciazebastian: `df`21:42
jacobdbhi all21:42
erUSULdodi: paste it or?21:43
dodiyes, paste21:43
norbiwow NetBeans is a lot faster on linux then on Windows :d21:43
jacobdbhi all21:43
airtonixdodi, middle click21:43
erUSULdodi: middle click21:43
jacobdbcan i get some help here?21:43
Triciajrib: I'm using karmic. Moving veeery slow ever since I killed firefox.21:43
erUSUL!ask | jacobdb21:43
ubottujacobdb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:43
dodierUSUL, I have no middle button :-(21:44
kocmodpomso why would ./configure work on one program and not another?21:44
erUSULdodi: right click and left click at the same time21:44
erUSULdodi: in gnome-terminal you can right click and paste too21:44
airtonixdodi, or just 1) right click 2) view menu 3) ??? 4) goto the pub21:44
dodiproblem: normal insert is prefixed with /file:///, file insert is enclosed in apostrophes - both is not accepted by the script21:45
redI cannot connect to my LAN pc via ssh, but if I connect to it via my dyndns.biz address, then connect from there to this pc ( it takes a lot of seconds to connect - but after that this machine can ssh to it directly with the local IP address21:45
jacobdbwell, my problem is that youtube is lagging as hell in firefox. (on other flash based apps also) i tried different flash plugins and none of them give me a bit of smooth flash support, i have compiz enabled disabled but that didn't make a diffrence. (i am on karmic btw and sorry for my bad english)21:45
benny1ubuntu 9.04 on ps3 change video mode from 720p to 1080i anyone??21:46
jacobdbalso, somebody got ipod touch syncing working. just curious21:46
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:46
waltercoolSomeone knows where can i find an api for Ubuntu One?21:46
jrgpjacobdb: impossible to do without itunes unless you jail break it21:46
airtonixjacobdb, try viewing flash stuff using chrome instead or the youtube plugin for moovidia21:46
soreaubenny1: What graphics driver is it running?21:46
jacobdbi have jailbroken it21:46
norbiwow this rotating cube in TwinDisplay is hardcore, my head hurts from it :))21:46
FlannelAgronenne: What version of Ubuntu are you running?21:47
jibadeehadoes anyone here suffer with a notification bug in gnome where icons are duplicated or network manager icon doesn't show up at all, and sometimes the indicator-applet-session doesn't show up21:47
dodiairtonix, why does filename completion (tab) not work?21:47
benny1soreau - no idea fresh install of ubuntu 9.04 just now on ps3 whatever is standard?21:47
Agronenneflannel: 7.1 & 8.121:47
jacobdbjrgp i will try chrome then. but i HATE it21:47
airtonixdodi, depends on how you are trying to reference the file/folder21:47
ZykoticK9jacobdb, just an FYI, but reportedly iphone & ipod touch work more-or-less out of the box in Lucid - something to look forward to.21:47
harisundHey guys, the "Startup Application Preferences" how do I disable applications from the command line?21:47
soreaubenny1: I don't know. You could look at 'xrandr' for resolution if it's not nvidia21:47
jacobdbNICE!!  cant wait for lucid. bye bye dual boot21:48
TriciaAnyone want to go on a mysterious and figure out why my X dies when I use flash?21:48
dodiairtonix, I need the location of the Linux headers, in a perl script21:48
MarkiveHi Helpers, anyone know if there is a config backup program as my hard drive is just about to fail... bad sectors. Thanks21:48
Triciamysterious adventure21:48
FlannelAgronenne: Alright, what's the output of ls -l /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so21:48
benny1ok thanks soreau i think i can change from kboot to petitboot and that may give me the option but i'm not sure i'll give that a go. the ps3 video card is locked down by GameOS can only use the vram as swap21:49
Agronenneflannel: No such file21:49
jacobdbBTW do you guys like the retheming on ubuntu?? i personaly think its a huge improvement21:49
benny1I managed to install first time ysesterday and not have any admin privileges21:49
FlannelAgronenne: Alright.  Please pastebin the output of apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-php521:49
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
LoshaMarkive: most config lives in /etc, so back that directory up first. And, of course, /home....21:50
kocmodpomok if I am trying "automake" and get "automake: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required" how do I resolve that issue?21:50
norbiwhat is the name of the web server? i mean the all thing together: php, mysql, apache21:50
Agronenneflannel: libapache2-mod-php5:21:50
Agronenne  Installed: (none)21:50
Agronenne  Candidate: 5.2.6-2ubuntu4.621:50
Agronenne  Version table:21:50
Agronenne     5.2.6-2ubuntu4.6 021:50
FloodBot1Agronenne: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:50
Agronenne        500 http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/main Packages21:50
guntbertnorbi: its called LAMP21:50
MarkiveLosha thanks very much21:50
harisundAny ideas anyone? Is there anyway I can modify the list of startup applications through the terminal? There must be some file or folder which has all the startup applications right?21:51
jacobdbgot another problem btw. i cant join my windows network at home. any ideas how to fix this.21:51
FlannelAgronenne: Alright, and what does dpkg -S /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.load give you?21:51
Agronennecant use paste.ubuntu.com --timed out21:52
redAgronenne: use paste2.org21:52
FlannelAgronenne: That output should just be a single line.  But you can use ubuntu.pastebin.com as well21:52
Agronenneflannel: You're right! libapache2-mod-php5: /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.load21:53
PupUser204Solaris  will  overtake  linux  obviously21:53
FlannelAgronenne: so, you apparently insalled mod php5, and then removed it.  And that's what your problem comes from.  This should fix it: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php521:54
norbiguntbert: i cant find it on Ubuntu Software Center, it needs to be "created" in its own way??21:54
Emanon!hi | frank-lappi21:55
ubottufrank-lappi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:55
mneptoknorbi: you'll need to add the ubuntu-server repos21:55
frank-lappihow can i switch off the network synchronization of seahorse?21:55
guntbertnorbi: in the terminal type sudo tasksel  - and then select LAMP from the menu21:56
mneptoknorbi: (to get the LAMP meta-package)21:56
norbithanks guys21:56
norbii`m trying it21:56
zetsumeiCan't figure out if this is related to my usb drive or UNR.  But, I booted from the flash drive on my netbook and select the try ubuntu option just to test it before wiping the drive and it just hangs at a black screen from there.  All I can do there is ctrl+alt+del to reboot it.  Any idea why it's doing that?21:57
norbiit installs :P great21:57
brontosaurusrexwhat user permissions are needed to get file-permission info?21:57
iamkitchenHow can I change the background of the login screen?21:57
Agronenneflannel: works now, thanks... Promise, I didn't remove it... must've happened by itself somehow... I did use webmin to do the apt-get upgrade, though21:57
Random832how do i change my DPI?21:57
Agronenneflannel: but I always do it that way....21:57
guntbert!webmin | Agronenne21:58
ubottuAgronenne: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:58
norbii`m falling in love in Ubuntu, it gives a high experience feeling21:58
Zenkeris there a way to automatically mount the windows partition of the hd (incl the password part)21:58
=== Mr_Crunk is now known as MrCrunk
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox21:59
zetsumeiCan someone help me?21:59
EmanonRandom832: System>Preferences>Appearance>Fonts>Details21:59
=== Pelmen is now known as mks
harisundIs there a way to edit the Gnome default startup applications through command line?21:59
Emanonsorry zetsumei it gets a little hectic in here sometimes22:00
zetsumeiI've had it posted on the forums for a while now and not even that many views on it lol.22:00
Emanontry reinstalling to the usb22:00
cenoHello. I have a bash script that I need to run during shutdown. I tried referencing it in /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default, but turns out this only works when I logout, not when I shutdown. Any clues?22:00
Emanonit might just be a bad image22:00
Zenkeri would like my system to mount the windows partition automatically when it starts up, what do i need 2 do?22:00
cenoZenker, edit /etc/fstab22:01
EmanonZenker i would assume you have to add your windows partition to fstab22:01
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox22:01
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:01
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
NollogIs ebox betterer than webmin?22:01
Agronenneflannel: Thanks for your time!22:02
Zenkeris there a wiki that will teach me what im trying to do?22:02
Emanonwell it works with ubuntu whereas webmin doesnt so yes Nollog22:02
Agronennezrib: thanks!22:02
NollogSAY WHAAAA?22:02
cenoZenker, I'm sure there's a lot of examples if you try to google22:02
Agronennejrib: oops! Thanks!22:02
EmanonZenker those links in the message ubottu gave might be a good start22:02
Zenkeri have tried to find one but i dont know very much about it all yet and i dont think i have searched for the right keywords22:02
NollogBut ubuntu is just debian, and webmin works perfectly on that.22:02
Emanon!fstab > Zenker22:03
nwidgerdoes anyone know how the ubuntu installer splits up the hard drive if you use the guided partitioning option in the installer?22:03
ubottuZenker, please see my private message22:03
aciculaNollog: webmin is a bad idea in general22:03
Agronenneacicula: webmin is cool22:03
aciculaand ubuntu is based on debian, to call them similar would be an oversimplification22:03
mneptokNollog: and Ubuntu is not "just Debian"22:03
Emanonnwidger: guided does the same as default but allows you to change it if you choose22:03
nwidgerEmanon: whoops i meant default (use the entire drive)22:04
Agronenneacicula: but I'm open to something better, if such a thing exists22:04
aciculaNollog: safety, allows quite pervasive access to your pc, best left unused unless you know how to keep unwanted visitors out22:04
mupahello, im looking for a recommendation. I want to run a www file server. (something similar to ftp, but over www). any?22:04
aciculaunless its just on a local network off course22:04
mneptokmupa: WebDAV22:04
mupamneptok: thanks ill check it out22:04
DarkStar1acicula: hi. I'm back now with my samba problems. Sorry if I'm troubling you22:04
TriciaAnyone know what would cause flash to cause X to run slowly even after I kill firefox and everything related?22:04
guntbertAgronenne: Nollog: webmin is nice but obviously dangerous to debian based systems22:04
Nollogmupa: apache22:04
Emanonum i think default separates /, /home, /var and swap nwidger22:04
Emanonbut i could be wrong22:04
aciculaDarkStar1: not at all22:04
EmanonDarkStar1: thats what this channel is for no worries22:05
cenoAny idea on my question on how to run a bash script on shutdown?22:05
aciculaDarkStar1: im hear on(of?) my own volition22:05
nwidgerEmanon: ah okay.  i want to know how much space if given to the swap partition depending on the size of RAM22:05
cenoTricia, what do you mean cause X to run slowly?22:05
aciculaspellings not improving today :/22:05
Zenkerthank you guys, now i have my days worth of reading :)22:05
DarkStar1getting grey hair with this problem22:05
Emanonnwidger: as much as you choose but generally twice phyisical is suggested so thats what default does i think22:05
aciculaNollog: Agronenne im not arguiing noone should ever use webmin, but you should use it if you are awware of the risks it pose and how to deal with those risks22:06
Triciaceno: e.g., I'm currently in gnome-terminal, if I try to change tabs it takes awhile22:06
nwidgerEmanon: ah yes, thank you :)22:06
Emanononce again i could be wrong22:06
PingFloydnwidger: how much ram do you have?22:06
nwidgerPingFloyd: 4 gig22:06
norbiphpmyadmin doesn`t comes with LAMP?22:06
cenoTricia, ok, but run top and see if there's any process consuming cpu22:06
PingFloydnwidger: do you intend to use suspend?22:06
aciculanorbi: its a php app really22:06
nwidgerPingFloyd: not really, this is a mythbox22:07
norbiyes it is, but..22:07
DarkStar1acicula: I fired up synaptic to check if there were anything I was missing from the samba suite of problems but I think now I'll just delete the conf file that gadmin created for the default one that comes with the install22:07
Triciaceno: Xorg22:07
PingFloydnwidger: the partition utils usually display in GB so I would make it 5GB22:07
norbii need to install it separately and connect it, do you know any fast way for this?22:07
zetsumeiis there an .img file or are they all .iso?22:07
sam555hello all!22:08
cbleslienorbi, the deb should take you through a setup process22:08
nwidgerPingFloyd: i thought you said 2x available RAM was the norm... so 8GB?22:08
Emanonyea at 4g physical you dont need to double for swap nwidger22:08
aciculaDarkStar1: samba has few dependencies22:08
yshavitHi all. My gf has a new eeepc which we're putting Ubuntu 9.10 onto. Should we install a swap partition? It's got an SSD, so I thought swap might be bad -- but the special "netbook remix" puts one in by default.22:08
Emanonand it was me that said that nwidger22:08
sam555how does one make a short cut to the desktop of a folder under /root?22:08
PingFloydnwidger: if later on you decide to use suspend you'll have a swap a little over 4GiB which should work and also be plenty for most uses22:08
nwidgerEmanon: woops sorry :)22:08
AgronenneTHANKS EVERYBODY! Have a nice weekend....22:08
aciculaDarkStar1: purge whatever samba config files you have, remove samba and see what ubuntu asks when you try to share a directory?22:08
Emanonnp nwidger22:08
cbleslienorbi, sudo apt-get install phpmyadmi22:08
PingFloydnwidger: technically the rules of thumb come from a time when systems had a lot less ram22:08
cenoTricia, hm. So you were watching some flash video online, something happened, you quit firefox, and still xorg is hogging the cpu? what kind of graphics card do you have?22:08
Emanon4 gigs is enough currently to have about the same swap as physical22:09
nwidgerEmanon: i see, thank you :)22:09
Emanoni just still use that rule of thumb in case i want to make my machine a server without reconfigging much hehe22:09
DarkStar1acicula:  I think I have them all. files installed last time I re-installed22:09
aciculaEmanon: dont think you can hibernate with 1/1 swap/mem22:09
PingFloydnwidger: on my system the I have 4GiB ram and the swap is rarely used, but it's there in case needed22:09
aciculasince that dumps mem to swap?22:09
_Techie_my USB mouse is not recognised right after boot in karmic, heres the output of lsusb and dmesg http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sPAG3cxX22:09
Emanoni have 16 gig swap so....22:09
PingFloydnwidger: in my case it is most definitely needed though because I use suspend22:09
Zenkerthe word distros is short for distrabutions right?22:09
Triciaceno: Well, it does it after awhile with whatever flash app thing I use. This time it was Pandora. 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)22:09
aciculahence the 2x rule22:09
mupaok i have looked at webDAV and I like what it offers. is there a software package that will quickly allow me to configure it?22:10
nwidgerPingFloyd: so if i want to use suspend i need swap to be 8GB?22:10
aciculaZenker: distribution yeah22:10
Emanonyes Zenker22:10
PingFloydhaving a huge swap is fine though, storage is so cheap anyway22:10
nwidgerPingFloyd: otherwise 5GB is enough22:10
PingFloydnwidger: if you use suspend you need a swap at least the size of ram22:10
aciculaswap is never bad22:10
zetsumeiwhy do people even need suspend lol22:10
Emanonright PingFloyd i have 2.5tb right now so not like i miss the 16g22:10
zetsumeiand 12gb physical ram FTW22:10
aciculaunless you have 16mb of mem and 16gb of swap , teehee22:10
zetsumeiima double it in swap22:10
_Techie_my USB mouse is not recognised right after boot in karmic, heres the output of lsusb and dmesg http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sPAG3cxX22:11
acicula_Techie_: using a hub?22:11
binarystarI only have one ubuntu partition, but the grub is showing like 5 to choose from, plus my one windows partition loader, anyone know whats going on? :S22:11
_Techie_acicula, USB directly on the back of the motherboard, no external hub22:11
cenoTricia, I see. Did you check if firefox was really killed properly and didn't crash, like running $ps aux | grep firefox22:11
acicula_Techie_: does replugging the mouse work?22:11
acicula*solve the issue22:11
Emanonbinarystar: its probably showing older versions of your kernel22:12
_Techie_acicula, no, the mouse still refuses to be detected till about 5 minutes after boot22:12
Emanonwhen you update it keeps old versions in case you need to roll it back because of some instability22:12
acicula_Techie_: have you tried replugging ?22:12
Emanonso your probably seeing older versions in grub22:12
yshavitacicula: "swap is never bad" -- even for SSDs?22:12
binarystarya i think it adds a new one everytime i update lol. How do i get rid of them22:12
Triciaceno: nada. Firefox is gone22:12
norbihehe, now it is a lot more easier to work with ubuntu, some time ago it was a pain for me, now just need to learn and here are a lot of nice helpful people22:12
aciculayshavit: jury is still out on that one :)22:12
aciculayshavit: it wears out the disk yes22:13
Emanonun install all but the latest in synaptic binarystar22:13
aciculabut if it takes 100y to wear it out does it still matter22:13
_Techie_acicula, see above message about replugging22:13
yshavitacicula: Yeah, that's what I thought. On the other hand, would it wear out the parts of the disk other than the swap partition?22:13
binarystarok ty all22:13
Emanonbut id keep the last one after each update for a bit in case there is something quirky and you need to roll back to the older one22:13
cenoTricia, then I got nothing. If I was in your position I'd try manually installing the latest flash 10.1 beta, the beta 3 I think. I've never seen that kind of behavior22:13
aciculayshavit: on ssd there is no direct relation between storage index number and physical location on the disk22:13
SJr|nxIs there anything specific I need to do to boot a Mac Book with Ubuntu22:14
yshavitacicula: hm, didn't know that.22:14
aciculathat doesnt mean some parts are completely static though22:14
Triciaceno: Already tried that. And I've upgraded to firefox 3.6.22:14
zetsumeiEmanon, I think I fixed it.  I had 10mb as the file space for the live part lol22:14
aciculayshavit: for now not using a flash swap seems a safe bet22:14
zetsumeigonna try it again with everything full22:14
Emanonlol zetsumei hehe22:14
DarkStar1acicula:  after putting back the default .conf file (it asked for one) I get the following: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running.22:14
acicula_Techie_: well have you tried it and does it solve it are two different things, helpdesk habit :)22:15
zetsumeii was going to just put arch on it, but im not that good with linux lol22:15
PingFloydflash memory is cheap anyway22:15
acicula_Techie_: ive seen the issue before, but dunno about a resolution22:15
yshavitacicula: hm, okay. I think she's going to try with swap actually, and hope for the best :)22:15
DarkStar1acicula: so I will try start the smbd now and see22:15
aciculaPingFloyd: were not talking about usb sticks22:15
Zenkerso if i was to type  "mount /dev/hd0" this would mount the partition that windows is on?22:15
aciculaswap on usb sticks is badbadbad22:15
yshavitacicula: we'll let you know how it goes ;-)22:15
zetsumeimy netbook pwns!22:15
Emanonno Zenker there is no hd022:15
zetsumeiit's been going strong on the battery since 3pm yesterday22:15
PingFloydacicula: I thought you were talking about SD22:15
Emanonfirst partition is hd122:15
aciculaPingFloyd: nope SSD, the flash kind22:16
cenoTricia, weird stuff. Well on my netbook sometimes I get kernel panicks when watching flash videos. at least you can save your documents before rebooting : -p22:16
zetsumeiafk later22:16
aciculaPingFloyd: sorry to be so confusing22:16
cenoI'm all out, maybe try the forums, google or talk to someone with greater expertise22:16
PingFloydacicula: as in an actual solid state drive?22:16
tp43my power went out, and so my wifi was shutoff, but then when the power came back I couldn't figure out how to restart it, instead I had to logout and back in.  but I want to know how to restart it without logging out22:16
aciculaPingFloyd: well there are many types of solid state drives, but yes a flash SSD22:17
Preposterusstp43: you can bring it back up with iwconfig22:17
Preposterussman it22:17
yshavitPingFloyd, acicula and I were talking about my gf's netbook, which has a solid state drive -- she's installing ubuntu on it22:17
aciculatp43: restart wat ?22:17
Emanon!iwconfig | tp4322:17
tp43Preposteruss, ok, I tried that though, but I will check out the man page.  There isn't a gui app?22:17
tp43acicula, wifi22:17
guntberttp43: the network manager?22:18
aciculajust select the access point again in the drop down list?22:18
DarkStar1acicula: it would seem that I can;t start the service (I think)22:18
norbiguys, maybe it sounds horrible but i would like to use a nice quality matrix theme with ubuntu, like seen on youtube, with falling matrix code on desktop and etc.. can anybody point me to a good resource?22:18
Preposterusstp43: are you using gnome? in regular ubuntu?22:18
aciculayshavit: for netbooks id just follow whatever netbook remix sugest tbh22:18
Zenkerahhhh, so in my case "mount dev/sda2" sda1 is the fat, and sda 2 is the ntfs?22:18
Emanonnorbi: i think there is something for that in compiz22:18
aciculaif it says u need flash u need flash, dont think most netbooks have the space to fit in a swap though22:19
Emanonprobably Zenker22:19
aciculaerr i mean swap instead of flash22:19
yshavitacicula: this one has like 250 gigs. craaazy.22:19
Emanonwindows would be on the first partition usually22:19
Emanonand ubuntu on ones after that22:19
aciculayshavit: 250gb ssd?22:19
aciculayshavit: thats pretty nice22:20
aciculayshavit: thats the arm,leg and unborn child kind22:20
Emanonso (assuming ide) /dev/hda122:20
yshavitacicula: that's what I thought, too! but sure enough, it doesn't seem to be whirring, so I don't think there's anything spinning in there.22:20
soreaunorbi: You can use xwinwrap to use a screensaver as your desktop22:20
aciculayshavit: did the thing cost more then 1k any currency?22:20
Emanonnot bad price at that22:20
yshavitacicula: less than half that22:20
aciculayshavit: then its not a 250gb ssd ;)22:20
yshavitacicula: okay, that's what I thought, too.22:21
yshavitI just didn't have the confidence of hardware spec knowledge to be sure ;)22:21
aciculathey fetch 600usd <->whatever greeces debt is so22:21
guntbert!ot | yshavit, acicula22:21
ubottuyshavit, acicula: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:21
norbisoreau: xwinwrap? where can i find it, or just google around?22:21
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yshavitguntbert: actually, this is ubuntu related, in that the discussion is on how to install Ubuntu on my gf's eee pc.22:22
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PingFloydhere's some thoughts about the dilemma http://robert.penz.name/137/no-swap-partition-journaling-filesystem-on-a-ssd/22:22
_Techie_acicula, im not sure if its any help but while my mous is undetected this is spammed to console "[  329.612391] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 2"22:22
guntbertyshavit: I know - but your actual discussion was not :-)22:22
aciculayshavit: dmesg will list what kind of disk is in there, but that size at <1k its probably a 5400rpm sata disk22:22
soreaunorbi: If you come to #compiz, I could help you set it up most likely but this is only one part to the 'theme' of course22:23
acicula_Techie_: that seems related yes22:23
Preposterussyshavit: i just went from xubuntu to the netbook remix on my eee pc 1001p22:23
Preposterussi like it22:23
PingFloyda little bit of perspective about it in practice22:23
Preposterussa lot22:23
yshavitguntbert: well, the actual discussion helped me remember that this isn't an SSD, so that has bearing on the Ubuntu install.22:23
DarkStar1acicula: Ok I've managed to start the samba service and also managed to share something  without any error (except permission resolution stuff)22:23
norbisoreau: i`m coming to compiz right now22:23
yshavitacicula: yup, 5400rpm, you're right. duh to me!22:23
PreposterussI think it would be great for your girlfriends computer, you don't have to go into the command prompt at all if you don't want22:23
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aciculaPingFloyd: the small cheap ssd drives found in netbooks are not really comparable to the 2.5" sata disks22:24
Emanoni use tilda for all my cli needs hehe22:24
yshavitPreposteruss: Yeah, I have Ubuntu on my home (and work!) machines. I love it. Glad it's working on your netbook too :)22:24
PingFloydacicula: maybe not, but if he can find out how many write cycles, he can do the same math and then decide what he thinks is his best alternative22:25
tp43acicula, where is this drop down menu for selecting wireless access points?22:25
aciculaPingFloyd: write cycles depends on the type of flash chip used22:25
yshavitalrighty, gotta go wash that cats. Thanks your help guys, and acicula, thanks for reminding me that the SSD issue is a non-issue for us. ;-)22:25
aciculatp43: your network manager icon22:25
aciculaleft click it22:25
r3c4llhow i execute a command like another user (example if i'm root and want execute play as user01)?22:26
aciculaits in the top taskbar/panel by default22:26
tp43acicula, thats what I mean, where is the network manager icon22:26
PingFloydacicula: ok, but what does that have to do with the price of tea in china?22:26
r3c4llis for use in a shell script22:26
Sashi1hi, I have compiz enabled and it uses some hotkeys for expose, zoom etc... those hotkeys are working but, accasionally they don't work and I have to hover my mouse over the title bar of any window to make the hotkeys work. How can I make the compiz hotkeys work properly?22:26
yshavitr3c4ll: sudo <username> -c <command>22:26
r3c4llyshavit, thnxs22:26
yshavitr3c4ll: oops, nevermind the "-c" part, you don't need that22:26
aciculaPingFloyd: all cool tea pluckers have flash enabled devices22:27
Emanon"tea pluckers"?22:27
yshavitr3c4ll: it's "sudo -u <username> <command>22:27
yshavitthis time for real ;-)22:27
r3c4llok thnxs ;) again22:28
stwangewhere does ubuntu store the equivalent of ifcfg-eth0? I'm trying to remove an cipsec0 entry under ip addr list22:28
yshavitr3c4ll: no prob :)22:29
aciculastwange: /etc/network/ ?22:29
mawststwange: ifconfig eth022:29
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tp43acicula, when I right click the panel, and add to panel, I don't see a network manager there, how can I add a network manager to my gnome panel?22:30
aciculaits not a panel widget22:30
pepper_hazewhat is the command to exit x server?22:30
aciculatp43: type nm-applet in a console and it will show in your systray22:30
sebastiandoes anyone knows a good tutorial for ubuntu 9.10?22:31
aciculathough it should be started by default22:31
rsksebastian define a good turtorial for you22:31
stwangeacicula, there's nothing there (of interest), and interfaces only contains loopback. mawst: ifconfig cipsec0 shows the information but how do I get rid of it? ifdown cipsec0 says "interface cipsec0 not configured" and it only shows under ip addr list, not under ifconfig22:31
Emanonsebastian: the official faq is pretty good22:31
aciculasebastian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community ?22:31
tp43acicula, Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 322:31
Bonst4rfor wat?22:31
pepper_hazeI want to exit x server, what is the command for it?22:31
sebastianwell the thing is that i'm new to ubuntu22:31
aciculatp43: means nm-applet is already running22:31
aciculaif you have trouble finding it in your systray(it may have crashed)22:32
pepper_hazeis anyone here that can help?22:32
aciculatp43: then do a killall nm-applet and start it again22:32
tp43acicula, ok, but then it doesn't have a drop down menu to see the various wifi nets available22:32
tp43acicula, ok22:32
aciculait says wireless networks but below that it is not showing any networks to connect to you mean22:33
pepper_hazeacicula, do you know the command to exit x server?22:33
cblesliepepper_haze, ctrl+alt+F622:33
aciculapepper_haze: aside from just using logout?22:33
rfa_tp43 uninstall network manager use knetworkmanager is better , but first try wicd22:33
Emanonpepper_haze: if you have enabled it in keyboard options you can restart x with ctrl alt backspace22:33
aciculacbleslie: that switches you to tty622:33
cbleslieacicula, I assume that's what he/she Actually wants.22:34
tp43rfa_, I am using the glx-dock wifi manager, but it looks like it uses nm-applet22:34
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rfa_aaa ok then dont try my support ;)22:35
hmwA small program was (is) running in wine, but suddenly disappeared. ps -A shows the exe is still running and i can hear sounds. Can I get it visible again without restarting the app?22:35
torprivoxyhey i can not get my tor privoxy working22:35
torprivoxyany assistance22:35
DarkStar1acicula: I'm still no where near solving my goal22:35
sine_how do i drop out of x into full console mode22:35
torprivoxyhow do i surf anonymously22:36
hmwsine_: CTRL+ALT+F122:36
VCoolioto stop x do ctrl+alt+f1 to go to virtual terminal, then 'sudo service gdm stop'22:36
hmwsine_: CTRL+ALT+F1 .. F6,,   F7 --> X22:36
rsksebastian guess i can't help you then22:36
Emanontorprivoxy: you try vidalia?22:36
sine_brilliant thanks22:36
torprivoxyemanon: i type sudo apt-get install vidalia no such package22:37
Emanonthats the gnome-supported tor proxy GUI22:37
TriciaHow can I reinstall X with default configs and everything without breaking everything?22:37
binarystarOk i tried removing the grub files to remove all the old updates of ubuntu but the file only shows my old linux mint grub files. ( installed ubuntu over mint). The ubuntu grub files are NOT there. Any ideas?22:37
Emanonvidalia is in a partner repository i think22:37
Emanonand tor has its own repository22:37
romain_is there somebody who is using nvidia driver on lucid ?22:38
Emanon!hi | romain_22:38
ubotturomain_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:38
guntbert!lucid | romain_22:38
ubotturomain_: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:38
Emanonquite a few of us romain_22:38
Emanonoh on lucid sorry no22:39
romain_i can't start with nvidia driver :s22:39
tp43acicula, oh, I figured it out, if I middle click, it disconnect, and when I left click it connects.  But I still can't find the gui for "iwlist scan" command22:39
romain_i have a Quadro NVS 160M card22:39
guntbertromain_: 10.4 support in #ubuntu+122:39
ZykoticK9romain_, wrong channel to ask in "/join #ubuntu+1"22:39
romain_ok thanks22:39
Emanontorprivoxy: deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org karmic main22:39
binarystarOk i tried removing the grub files to remove all the old updates of ubuntu in the grub,but the file only shows my old linux mint grub files. (I installed ubuntu over mint). The ubuntu grub files are NOT there. Any ideas?22:40
Emanonthere is the sources entry for tor22:40
Emanonnot a one binarystar i dont mess with my grub much hehe22:40
Emanonon a side note does anyone here know of a good gui for configuring grub?22:41
Emanonsomething analogous to kgrubeditor22:41
tp43I never heard of kgrubeditor,  cool22:42
aciculatp43: nm-applet normally handles that22:42
Emanonit was nice but i think it got removed in karmic22:42
jeniahello everyone22:42
Emanonas i havnt seen it in the repos since jaunty22:42
Emanon!hi | jenia22:42
ubottujenia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:42
madjoe1is it possible to change the login screen (theme) when I lock my Ubuntu Karmic (CTRL+ALT22:43
guntbertEmanon: thats because of the switch grub->grub222:43
Emanonmakes sense guntbert22:43
Emanonis there something that works similarly for grub2?22:44
guntbertEmanon: not that I know of22:44
Emanoncause i respect cli but i dont want to wade into it if there is a gui alternative22:44
madjoe1Is it possible to change the theme of the login screen when I lock my Ubuntu Karmic (CTRL+ALT+L)?22:44
guntbert!repeat | madjoe122:45
ubottumadjoe1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:45
madjoe1guntbert: I had typos in my first query, sorry22:45
tp43acicula, I am gonna install and try plasma-widget-wifi and wifi-radar22:46
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Emanonit is most likely possible madjoe1 but idk how someone else may22:46
Emanonit gets kind of hectic in here sometimes22:46
Hitekserver irc.darksin.net22:46
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Emanontp43: you using kubuntu tp43?22:46
madjoe1Emanon: ok, thanks22:46
VCooliomadjoe1: for the login screen check gdm2setup at launchpad.net, don't know if that affects the lock screen22:46
tp43Emanon, Ubuntu22:46
Emanonanything plasma is for kubuntu22:47
madjoe1VCoolio: ok, thanks!22:47
Emanonas plasma is part of kde22:47
VCooliomadjoe1: there are difficult terminal command to change it (gdm2 has no gui configuration yet), but that app is really easy and working22:47
aciculatp43: eh ok22:47
madjoe1VCoolio: I'll take a look.. thanks guys22:48
ToastyJusticeAnyone be able to help me troubleshoot my graphics/mouse problems? I have a radeon 4350 and my mouse moves really choppy22:48
koltrollHi People. I have a asus 1000he. Watching HD-movies (720p) in windows XP goes very smoothly, however in ubuntu it is unwatchable for me. It is very very laggy. Any tip on what I can do, if there's something, to get better results?22:49
guntbertEmanon: btw you *could* spare us a little scrolling by not pressing <enter> so often :-) -- and please use the nick of a person you are talking to - conversation are much easier to follow (from the side line) that way22:49
torprivoxycan anyone help me with tor i can not surf i still see my ip when i browse22:49
Emanonyea i forget to sometimes guntbert sorry22:50
guntbertEmanon: np - only a gentle reminder :)22:50
Emanontorprivoxy: deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org karmic main22:50
Emanontorprivoxy: there is the tor repository22:50
torprivoxyemanon i dont see that karmic main22:51
Emanonjust copy everything from just after your name in that message to the end into sources.list22:52
torprivoxyemanon whats the settings on firefox22:52
madjoe1Emanon, VCoolio: is it python-gdm2setup from the Synaptic repos?22:52
Emanontorprivoxy: refresh synaptic then install tor, torgeoipdb, and vidalia22:52
torprivoxyemanon whats the settings on firefox22:52
VCooliomadjoe1: yes22:53
Emanonit might be madjoe1 but i got it from their ppa :-)22:53
Emanontorprivoxy: socks5 proxy port 9050 all others same ip port 811822:53
VCooliomadjoe1: it's not in the repos, but if it says version 0.5.1 it's ok22:53
Emanonor use torbutton22:53
madjoe1VCoolio, Emanon: oh, I had it installed, but version - now I upgraded it to 0.5 branch22:53
Emanontorprivoxy: torbutton works well enough or foxyproxy if you dont mind configing it first22:54
XXerHas anyone had a prob with ubuntu reading sd drives, I have seen a lot of thing on the net about not being able to mount them but nothing about not being able to read the card22:54
Emanontorprivoxy: those are firefox plugins that will work with tor so you can switch it with an icon in ff22:55
aciculaXXer: havent had problems myself22:55
aciculaXXer: its ussually a pretty straightforward affair22:55
madjoe1VCoolio, Emanon: can you give me some hint what should I look for in  System > Administration > Login Screen (GDM2Setup)?22:55
aciculaXXer: but theres a lot of diska nd formats out there that can cause issues i suppose22:55
EmanonXXer: all my cards work just fine and the SSD on my moms netbook (shes running unr 9.10 with now issues)22:56
VCooliomadjoe1: you wanted to change the theme right? so point it to a gtk2 theme you like22:56
torprivoxyemanon:http:8118,ssl 8118,ftp 8118,gopher 8118,socks 9050 .22:56
madjoe1VCoolio: oh, ok.. and GTK2 stands for? :)22:56
Emanonyea torprivoxy22:56
VCooliomadjoe1: anything but the borders; so buttons, widgets, font colors etc22:57
torprivoxyemanon my ip is still there whatsmyipadress22:57
Emanonmadjoe1: gtk2 is the rendering framework used by gnome22:57
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Oli_Is it possible to install to an external drive with a Mac?22:57
XXerShould you be able to mount the sd drive with no dist in it?22:57
torprivoxynetstat -a | grep 905022:57
torprivoxytcp        0      0 localhost:9050          *:*                     LISTEN22:57
Emanonis tor on?22:57
aciculaXXer: that question does not make sense22:57
aciculaoh no disk, no22:57
Emanontorprivoxy: the process tor must be active for routing through 8118 or 9050 to have any effect22:58
leOngee.. this channel is almost empty22:58
torprivoxysudo /etc/init.d/tor start22:58
torprivoxyRaising maximum number of filedescriptors (ulimit -n) to 32768.22:58
torprivoxyStarting tor daemon: tor...22:58
FloodBot1torprivoxy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:58
masu3701i just install virtualbox in ubuntu but cant see it under Application, system tools22:58
Emanonnow try in firefox torprivoxy22:58
aciculamasu3701: accesories22:58
Emanonnow that ff is routed through tor and tor is on it should work fine torprivoxy22:58
madjoe1VCoolio, Emanon: I have it configured like this: GTK Theme: HumanLogin, and Icon Theme: HumanLoginIcons... if I change it it won't affect my customization of my Desktop, right?22:59
aldoxubuntu its a stable version?22:59
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General_Failurevirtualbox doesn't appear in menus22:59
aciculaaldo: yes22:59
VCooliomadjoe1: right22:59
masu3701acicula: i see22:59
torprivoxyhttp://whatismyipaddress.com/ it shows my real ip22:59
Oli_I'm using virtualbox, but I can't get the display above 800x600...22:59
aldoacicula its stable than ubuntu?22:59
XXerI can see the sd drive in the computer window but when I click on it it says "Unable to mount location No media in the drive"22:59
LetsGo67I cannot use Wi-Fi on any computer except Nintendo DS22:59
Emanoni dont think the login screen theme has bearing on your users but idk for sure madjoe122:59
leOnquick question, after an update a few days ago, my /etc/profile is no longer beeing called upon login .. is this a bug or did ubuntu change that behaviour on purpose?22:59
aciculaaldo: xubuntu is ubuntu, just uses a different set of packages22:59
seanbrystonetorprivoxy, maybe thats cached, use another ip website to check22:59
madjoe1VCoolio, Emanon: we have 2 different login screen: when you boot your Ubuntu, and the second is when you lock your screen... will this GTK Theme affect both situations?23:00
ZykoticK9Oli_, install the "Guest Additions" in your VM23:00
General_FailureOli_ could be a video ram issue. also have you got the guest extensions installed?23:00
aldoacicula ah i understand ...23:00
torprivoxyhttp://www.whatsmyip.us/ ssame real ip23:00
General_Failureerr... additions, like Zy said23:00
torprivoxywhat iam doing wrong23:00
aciculaleOn: the use of /etc/profile is goverened by bash, seems unlikely that it changed23:00
aciculatorprivoxy: are you sure you are connecting to privoxy23:00
Oli_Ah, no, I haven't. Thanks =)23:01
stwangecan anyone help me with an ipsec/l2tp VPN connection? I'm trying to connect using this protocol and the only details I have are username, password, IP/hostname, shared key. On Windows that's enough but it doesn't seem to be enough on here23:01
torprivoxyacicula: yes i have the right settings23:01
LetsGo67I cannot use Wi-Fi on any computer except Nintendo DS.23:01
aciculaleOn: but bash distinguishes between login shells and just spawned shells, maybe thats whats causing confusion?23:01
torprivoxyi installed tor privoxy23:01
aldois there a software like a avant windows manager that doesnt use compiz?23:01
leOnacicula: well .. the weird part is that i have done no changes on any of those files and it just stopped being sourced after an update23:01
VCooliomadjoe1: that would be surprising; if it doesn't, try to configure lock screen with gconf-editor at apps > gnome-screensaver > lock_dialog_theme23:02
seanbrystonetorprivoxy, if you go to google.com and its in german or Russian, then TOR is working, thats how i know it works for me23:02
aciculaleOn: how can you tell?23:02
leOnbecause i had some aliases defined in there and they just stopped working23:02
soreaualdo: awn doesn't use compiz23:02
aciculaleOn: overwritten, purged maybe?23:02
Emanontorprivoxy: you need tor-geoipdb as well23:03
aldosoreau yes ..without compiz active i can not use it23:03
madjoe1VCoolio: wow THAT's a nice hint! Thanks!23:03
aldomaybe its high effect graphics?23:04
SattvicAnyone using Amazon's EC2 cloud space?23:04
leOnacicula: i cannot tell you what happened since i have not yet taken time to fully understand what the problem is. I just remembered of asking if there was any change or introduced bug before i start debbugging23:04
seanbrystoneSattvic, nope i use CrashPlan, one of the few that works for Linux23:04
aciculaleOn: not that im aware of23:04
masu3701looking for a remote desketop tool in ubuntu...23:05
LetsGo67I cannot use Wi-Fi on any computer except Nintendo DS.23:05
Sattvic@seanbrystone:  I thought EC2 supported linux?23:05
masu3701i would like my friend to access my pc23:05
lojackHello all!  I have a Ubuntu 8.10 system that I'd like to update to 9.04 but I don't get the option to do so from the Update Manager like the online docs suggest.  Could there be a setting somewhere on my system that is supressing that option?23:05
masu3701i use teamviewer in windows but not use what to use in ubuntu23:05
lojackIs there another way to complete the upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04?  Edit sources.list directly?23:05
blakkheimlojack: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade; sudo do-release-upgrade23:05
aciculaleOn: only other thing i can think of, maybe your local profile file is generated based on /etc/profile and that got changed?23:05
seanbrystonemaybe it does Sattvic i was just making an off-comment since you brought it up :)23:05
aciculaleOn: since /etc/profile just pulls in whatever is defined in /etc/profile.d/23:06
masu3701lojack: release upgrade23:06
Emanonlojack: might download the 9.04 iso burn it and upgrade from disk23:06
NotisHow Can I Install A tar.bz2 file?23:06
seanbrystone!tar | Notis23:06
ubottuNotis: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression23:06
redi have the same problem23:06
masu3701any remote desktop application in ubuntu?23:07
Sattvic@seanbrystone:  Can you easily partition space for other developers that want space in the cloud?23:07
blakkheimNotis: what is inside of it?23:07
aciculamasu3701: plenty, vnc/ssh/rdp take your pic23:07
Emanonmasu3701: only about 50,000 of em23:07
masu3701try vnc viewer but it wont work23:07
Ganymedehey, i was wondering...is there a way to make sshd listen on one port on one interface/IP and another port on a different interface/IP?23:07
LetsGo67I cannot use Wi-Fi on any computer except Nintendo DS.23:07
r3c4llwhat is kcryptd? what do? in who application generally come as dependence? i havent installed and now are running in my host23:07
aciculaGanymede: cant make it listen on two ports afaik23:07
seanbrystoneSattvic, with CrashPlan you can send files to the cloud, to a friend or to other computers in your house.23:07
aciculaGanymede: you can start it twice i suppose with different configuration files23:07
aciculabut why would you want to23:08
Ganymedeacicula, then, won't it listen to both ports on both IPs?23:08
leOnacicula: that's the weird part ... things in profile.d are getting pulled23:08
Jon-Is there a way to automatically set your friendly name (the display name basically) for a Pidgin MSN account23:08
lojackblakkheim: do-release-upgrade says "No new release found"23:08
masu3701acicula: vnc just allow computers on the same network23:08
aciculavnc allows whatever you set it to allow23:08
Sattvic@seanbrystone:  Oh - I am not talking about online backup - I use JungleDisk for that - I am talking about Server Space in the Cloud for Developers23:08
masu3701cant connect from outside23:08
NotisYes but how can I install Firefox 3.6.tar.bz2 can't find a way after i extract it23:08
aciculaGanymede: i think port is fixed across interfaces23:08
aciculayou can choose multiple interfaces though?23:08
SattvicAnyone have experience with Ubuntu Cloud server?23:09
seanbrystoneSattvic, i figured you were talkign about Amazon's JungleDisk this entire time, ack! Sorry!23:09
aciculaisnt ubuntucloud == amazon cloud?23:09
aciculaall stored in EC2?23:09
Jon-Is there a way to automatically set your friendly name (the display name basically) for a Pidgin MSN account?23:09
General_Failurethe clouds use the same protocol, but are different23:09
Sattvic@acicula - no, Ubuntu cloud can run on your local machine - EC2 is owned and managed by Amazon23:10
aciculaSattvic: i see23:10
blakkheimJon-: it should do that automatically, but there was a (fairly) recent bug in pidgin that would make it reset23:10
blakkheimJon-: ubuntu uses old packages, not the newest, so that's why yours still resets probably23:10
Jon-blakkheim: Looks like I have that bug. I'll compile from source. Thanks.23:10
Oli_OK, when trying to install virtualbox guest additions from Synaptic Package Manager, loads of the dependencies fail...23:10
Sattvic@general_failure:  I am thinking about setting up some cloud space for me and other developers, but don't know much about partioning FTp RESTRICTIONS, etc.23:11
LetsGo67Bye y'all.23:11
SattvicIs there a chat room for Ubuntu server admins?23:12
madjoe1VCoolio: ok, in gconf-edit I can just switch between existing lock themes, but can I preview/download just lock screens from somewhere and install it on my Karmic?23:12
aciculapartitioing ftp restrictions?23:12
aciculaSattvic: there is ubuntu-server i think23:12
VCooliomadjoe1: put them (extracted) in /usr/lib/gnome-screensaver23:12
DaughainANyone know the release date for Lucid yet?23:12
Sattvic@acicula:  yes, like give different developers separate FTP access23:12
linxehSattvic: or you can ask in here too23:12
VCooliomadjoe1: sorry; /usr/share/gnome-screensaver23:12
blakkheimDaughain: it's been known for a long time23:13
aciculaSattvic: seems straightfoward? create users, asign quotes and flog them if they choose bad passwords23:13
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linxehSattvic: what kind of developer uses ftp in this day and age ?23:13
Sattvic@linxeh:  Do you have any experience with CLoud Servers?23:13
aciculacat o nine tails is my personal administrative tool23:13
madjoe1VCoolio: so, no installation required... just put the files there and that's it? I'll check gnome-looks.org23:13
Sattvic@linxeh - ok, ok, SSH23:13
Daughainblakkheim: Mind telling me what it is?23:13
blakkheim!lucid > Daughain23:13
ubottuDaughain, please see my private message23:13
ojmhi, does anyone know how I can build laby on ubuntu?23:13
linxehSattvic: cloud servers are just servers23:13
aciculaojm: laby source?23:13
linxehthe "cloud" is the internet. its not new23:14
ojmyeah, newest 0.5.523:14
ojmit's not on repos23:14
aciculacloud is just another word for virtualized machine23:14
kinja-sheepThe servers usually are in warehouses but now they're on the clouds!23:14
acicula marketing speak23:14
karlhi can any one help with a default bottle on crossover23:14
Sattvic@linxeh: Yes, but I am a programmer, not a server admin - I want to share cloud space and learn how to develop on the cloud23:14
linxehacicula: not necessarily23:14
VCooliomadjoe1: most theme types just get extracted to the right paths when 'installed', nothing complex, just need to know where23:14
aciculalinxeh: well true23:14
ojmit depends on ocaml and lablgtk, but I think I have both and it doesn't build23:14
Oli_Why do loads of the packages fail when I try to install guest additions?23:14
linxehSattvic: sounds like you've had too much buzzword bingo :o23:14
aciculayou can also get some services23:14
Sattvic@kinja-sheep actually, cloud refers to elasticity and on-call-resources23:14
erpoI'm looking for a "turbo-click" application. I hold down the mouse button, and the program sends mousedown and mouseup events to the application in rapid succession. Can anyone point me towards such a program?23:15
karl# wine23:15
Sattvic@linxeh: Sounds like some of you are on old serrvers23:15
linxehSattvic: it may do, but not necessarily23:15
aciculalinxeh: like the google cloud service thing,  you dont get  a vm there23:15
madjoe1VCoolio: cool, but I can't find anything like lock-theme screens on gnome-look.org... maybe I should download the whole theme just to extract the lock-screen23:15
linxehSattvic: no, Ive built clusters of 200+ machines23:15
aciculalinxeh: what kind of clusters?23:15
VCooliomadjoe1: here is one; I think you need to check the 'screensavers' section; http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dark-Minimal+Lock+Dialog?content=10915123:16
linxehacicula: datagrid/compute - 1/2PB for research etc23:16
lojackI don't get it.  Something in my system is preventing me from upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04.  And I have no idea what it is?23:16
madjoe1VCoolio: you're the man ;)23:16
borysI do upgrade to 10.04 on my UNE and now I can't add any applets to panel23:17
ZykoticK9Oli_, are you using the VBox from Ubuntu or direct from Oracle?23:17
aciculalinxeh: numbercrunching :)23:17
Sattvic@linxeh: right - then cloud computing may be a marketing term, by how else do you describe dynamic allocation for resources the effortless creation of multiple server instances within seconds - how long did it take for the 200+ machines to configure?23:17
ZykoticK9borys, #ubuntu+1 for that question23:17
lojackCan I simply edit my sources.list file and change the paths from Intrepid to Jaunty links?23:17
linxehacicula: well, data processing yeah - I guess its numbers at the end of the day :)23:17
borysZykoticK9 ok23:17
aciculalinxeh: everything boils down to ints eventually :)23:17
linxehSattvic: our 200+ machines were kickstart installed with an os image in about a day23:17
linxehSattvic: and then managed with puppet23:18
DarkStar1acicula: Once again thanks matey.. I'm gonna go cool the nugget down with some beer23:18
Oli_ZykoticK9, It's the Mac version from the VB site.23:18
madjoe1VCoolio: take a look at this one: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/SrEaTRaYnCI/AAAAAAAAC0w/r8DtGgd_vk4/self_thumb%5B6%5D.png?imgmax=80023:18
linxehSattvic: and I'd call what you described as dynamic virtualisation23:18
Sattvic@linxeh: this is not a competition, I am not a server admin - I have clients that want to be on the cloud - I come here for answers - maybe I should look elsewhere?23:19
ZykoticK9Oli_, assuming it's the same for the moment -- in the window around the VM do you see a Devices menu?  Click it the "Install Guest Additions"23:19
linxehSattvic: "on the cloud" doesn't mean anything. the cloud is "some compute space out there somewhere on the internet"23:19
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linxehSattvic: what do you want to achieve, what are you developing etc ?23:19
Sattvic@linxeh:  Fine, but cloud is definately shorter to spell than dynamic virtualization - jesus!23:19
hugoHey guys, could someone give me a hand with GRUB ?23:20
linxehand as I said, cloud is ambiguous - its a bad term to use as a result23:20
Sattvic@linxeh:  I want to install Django and build apps on a linux server23:20
Oli_ZykoticK9, So it is! Thanks for that =)23:20
linxehSattvic: ok, so get either vhost or a vps23:21
VCooliomadjoe1: I wouldn't use the butterfly, but that's your user picture; yeah, looks cool; I like the New Wave one (also the highest rated)23:21
madjoe1VCoolio: lol.. I know.. hehe23:21
madjoe1VCoolio: New wave?23:21
Jon-When running a ./configure for Pidgin installer I got this: "You must have GLib 2.4.0 or newer development headers installed to build."  - are these available in repositories? how do I get them?23:22
Sattvic@linxeh: how about if I refer to it as the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud - otherwise known as Eucalyptus - would that make you feel better?23:22
aciculawhy is django popular these days, i looked into it a few years ago but didnt think that much of it23:23
hugoI am having a problem with GRUB2, when using update-grub it fails to find windows boot files located in media/windows/Windows/boot .. Does anyone have an idea ?23:23
madjoe1VCoolio: oh, found it! with russian cyrilic23:23
VCooliomadjoe1: don't worry, it'll pick up your language23:23
aciculahugo: can you access the windows drive?23:23
aciculahugo: ie is it mountable23:23
hugoYes it's mounted23:23
madjoe1VCoolio: ok, I'm gonna try it right now..23:23
Sattvic@linxeh: lets say that I get the server running on EC2 - what should I research to configure different FTP accounts for different users?  Or will this come with Cpanel?23:24
linxehSattvic: ok, that makes it a little clearer. it still doesnt address what you are trying to achieve though, other than do it cos its trendy23:24
linxehok, so the cloud doesnt come into it23:24
Jon-When running a ./configure for Pidgin installer I got this: "You must have GLib 2.4.0 or newer development headers installed to build."  - are these available in repositories? how do I get them?23:24
linxehSattvic: just look at normal ubuntu server user admin. the ubuntu server guide is a good start23:24
aciculahugo: hmm dunno then, dont think wheter it is mounted or not makes any difference23:24
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Sattvic@linxeh: how about do it because Motorola is one of my clients and wants to be on EC2?!23:25
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VCoolioJon-: try libglib2.0-dev  ; if compiling throws an error like that, put 'lib' in front and -dev behind and see if there is a package like that23:25
hugoNah i figured aswell23:25
stwangeI'm trying to connect to an ipsec/l2tp VPN and it keeps saying it's unable to identify. Please can someone help? I'm out of idea. Openswan conf: http://pastie.org/private/n7w9qndtmgzbmhhjkprt3g23:25
git__how can you add a group under a group in Ubunut?23:25
borysAnd one another issue, when I start system, it's boot into console and I have to press clt + f7 to go into X session, it's possible to fix it?23:25
madjoe1VCoolio: I love Ubuntu.. everytime I come here, I learn something new :)23:25
Sattvicc'mon guys - think bigger - the world moves foward23:25
VCooliomadjoe1: that's also the addicting part...23:25
hugo /dev/sdb = hd1 ? Right23:25
SattvicIf I am trendy, it is because fortune 500 clients that I serve demand trendy23:26
linxehSattvic: ok, still sounds like management buzzword bingo :)23:26
hugoCuz when booting windows it reports bootmgr missing23:26
madjoe1VCoolio: very.. I just moved from Windows quite recently, and I'm treating Ubuntu as my new toy... lol23:26
linxehwow :)23:26
Sattvic@linxeh - you sound bitter23:26
norbiguys, how can i restart the x server?23:27
ZykoticK9norbi, "sudo service gdm restart" if you're using karmic23:27
hmwnorbi: either /etc/init.d/gdm restart  or  ALT-SysRq+K (Kill X)23:27
linxehSattvic: not at all - just I can't see how you can possibly work with such vague requirements, but that's your call. install UEC on your EC2 instance and start playing.23:27
madjoe1VCoolio: I know I've used a screenshot with a delayed option quite recently, but now I don't remember where did I find it.. was it a part of my Compiz? I tried to find it, with no luck.. I'd like to make a screenshot of my Compiz cube, but I can press PrtScr while I'm holding my CTRL+ALT keys already, so I need to delay taking a screenshot23:28
Jon-VCoolio: I now get "You must have GTK+ 2.4.0 or newer development headers installed to compile Pidgin.  If you want to build only Finch then specify --disable-gtkui when  running configure."23:29
rfa_madjoe1 install ksnapshot23:29
acicula!dualboot > hugo23:29
ubottuhugo, please see my private message23:29
rfa_madjoe1 or do screenshot from terminal command23:30
madjoe1rfa_: with sleep?23:30
madjoe1rfa_: how to take a screenshot from terminal?23:30
madjoe1sleep 10; screenshot? :)23:30
meatbuni just installed a fresh 9.10. youtube video is slow. how to fix it? it was fast on 8.x23:31
bobbyyuDo you guys know where I can find offline repositories for Ubuntu?23:31
hugoubottu: I saw them23:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:31
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bobbyyuI don't want to download since it's time-consuming23:31
VCooliomadjoe1: gnome-screenshot -i23:31
madjoe1VCoolio: cool, now I know everything.. :) I prefer reducing my unnecessary installed apps23:32
bobbyyuubottu: Offline repositories23:32
rfa_hmadjoe1 look scrot >> ttp://tips.webdesign10.com/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-ubuntu-linux23:32
mac9416bobbyyu, osdisc.com if you want them on CDs.23:32
mac9416bobbyyu, er, DVDs23:32
bobbyyuI understand23:33
VCoolioJon-: same deal: libgtk2.0-dev23:33
madjoe1VCoolio: I'd rather use cron and gmessage than install a freakin reminder app :)23:33
mac9416bobbyyu, http://www.osdisc.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi/products/dvd/ubuntu/repo.html23:33
Jon-VCoolio: Just did sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin   thanks23:33
hugoIn grub2 does sdb translate to hd1,1?23:34
VCoolioJon-: I was just typing that, but you got it; cool23:34
melodie_hugo, no23:34
Jon-VCoolio: I have efficient Google-foo ;P23:34
seanbrystonefu* not foo23:34
melodie_hugo, hd2,023:34
hugoIt is ?23:34
Jon-seanbrystone I will type it my way thanks.  (You're right it's a typo)23:35
hugoI thought partion indexes started at 1 in grub 223:35
melodie_hugo : disk number starts from one but partition number starts from 0 : very confusing !23:35
mikelifeguardI'm looking at bugs.launchpad.net -- where do I click to submit a bug report?23:35
VCooliomadjoe1: gmessage? what's wrong with osd-notify?23:35
seanbrystonejon :)23:35
Jon-melodie_: Seriously!? That's silly.23:35
madjoe1VCoolio: never tried osd-notify..23:35
melodie_Jon-, that's my opinion too, and that's what I read at french ubuntu wiki23:36
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:36
hugomelodie: Thanks i'll give it a try23:36
madjoe1VCoolio: even though I think Tomboy is a nice and handy tool (with the reminder plugin)23:36
ZykoticK9mikelifeguard, does your ubuntu work?  easiest way to report bugs is to use "ubuntu-bug $PACKAGE_NAME" then follow the prompts23:36
VCooliomadjoe1: no need for an extra package like gmessage; just 'notify-send -i icon "title" "message" '23:36
Typos_Kingbobbyyu:    you need/want the .iso?23:37
mikelifeguardZykoticK9: it can't contact the bug database23:37
mikelifeguardZykoticK9: "Cannot connect to crash database, please check your Internet connection."23:37
mikelifeguardZykoticK9: bug clearly, there is no problem with my connection, here I am :)23:37
ZykoticK9mikelifeguard, ahh yes, i've heard about that issue -- sorry don't know how to do it with only LP site.  There is a bug about that, you should add yourself to it.23:37
aciculamikelifeguard: using lucid?23:38
mikelifeguardacicula: karmic23:38
madjoe1VCoolio: The program 'notify-send' is currently not installed. (for e notify-send IS an additional package) :)23:38
ZykoticK9mikelifeguard, https://launchpad.net/bugs/538097 is the Lucid bug23:38
VCooliomadjoe1: darn..., ok, well, didn't remember that; whatever floats your boat of course23:39
hugoupdate-grub not finding my windows kernel under /media/Windows indicates it isn't linked correctly in 40_custom i guess ?23:39
bootlacesCiao a tutti, has anyone had any experience of setting up hybrid-ircd and hybserv?23:39
munskinghttp://munsking.pastebin.com/0yQmNcNX  can someone tell me why this doesnt work?23:40
norbihow can i enable back nautilus desktop, please tell me, this gconftool-2 /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop -t bool -s true does not work, or it need x server restart/23:40
madjoe1VCoolio: if I want to try notify-send and install it by sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin, when I want to remove it with sudo apt-get remove libnotify-bin - Should I be worried that some data will be left behind afterwards, just like on stupid Windows?23:42
ZykoticK9norbi, try gconftool-2 --set "/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop" --type bool "true"23:42
VCooliomadjoe1: nope, only maybe a config folder in your home section (but not in this case)23:42
Jon-madjoe1: Please less Windows bashing ;). Add --purge to an apt-get remove in order to ensure no configuration files are left behind. Besides that, it is completely removed.23:43
ZykoticK9norbi, no need to restart - it should be instant23:43
norbiit doesn`t work23:43
majorastroany danger charging ipod touch on ubuntu23:43
melkoris there /window 223:43
jribmajorastro: no...23:43
VCooliomadjoe1: also you can uninstall thoroughly with "apt-get purge" and "apt-get autoclean" to remove unnecessary dependencies for apps/libs you uninstalled23:43
tp43majorastro, nope23:44
majorastroare you sur e23:44
madjoe1Jon-: ok, thanks.. why are you so sensitive regarding Windows? :)23:44
majorastrookay thanks23:44
jribmajorastro: well I've had mine charging for about a year if it makes you feel better23:44
Jon-madjoe1: I like Windows 7 quite a bit, I use both it an Karmic.23:44
tp43majorastro, if I had one myself, I would plug it in no fear.  Do you have the reciept?23:44
norbiit needed the x server restart23:44
majorastroyou also have ipod touch23:44
General_FailureVCoolio, that works great except if you have dev libraries for things. I don't use it anymore because I kept losing my openGL stuff etc.23:44
chelzmunsking: that's pretty offtopic. try asking the bash or mysql people maybe.23:45
madjoe1Jon-: I pimped my Ubuntu so much that I don't want to touch my Win7 partition :)23:45
tp43it is retarted to use windows once you have you have used ubuntu.  It is like white woman and black men23:45
munskingchelz: and where could i find those? :)23:45
hugoIf update-grub doesn't find your windows kernel does that indicate that the path in 40_custom is wrong ?23:45
chelzmunsking: #bash #mysql23:45
jribtp43: erm, let's try to avoid those kind of comments...23:46
General_Failuregood luck playing your games in Wine. Windows still has a use.23:46
tp43one you go black you never go back23:46
madjoe1can I use apt-get purge and apt-get autoclean per cron basis?23:46
munskingchelz: thank you :D23:46
VCoolioGeneral_Failure: you mean autoclean removed stuff you needed? then "apt-get install" those packages; it will say 'already installed' but put them as wanted instead of dependency23:46
chelzmadjoe1: those both would *only* need to be run when you're uninstalling something23:46
majorastroflash is a little flaky on ubuntu23:46
seanbrystonea little?23:47
madjoe1chelz: thanks23:47
HowardtheDuckis there a cli command that will let me open any file with whatever is associated with it in nautilus?23:47
jribHowardtheDuck: xdg-open23:47
majorastroyou find flash flaky also23:47
madjoe1majorastro: yes it is23:47
tp43I have no problem with flash23:47
jribHowardtheDuck: or gvfs-open, check the differences23:47
VCoolioHowardtheDuck: gnome-open rather; for xdg-open use (g)alternives to configure associations23:48
madjoe1tp43: do you use amd64 version of Flash? if anybody does, try to play poker on Facebook... no way! :)23:48
jribHowardtheDuck: I *think* xdg-open may just try to use the right command (some command if you are using kde and gvfs-open if you are using gnome)23:48
majorastrowhy is there a smooth working flash on ubuntu23:49
tp43madagu_, hmm, can't argue that one, I watch videos fine though23:49
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HowardtheDucki tried gnome-open i dont have that23:49
jribHowardtheDuck: yep, so moral of the story: use xdg-open because it should do "the right thing"23:49
HowardtheDuckand sudo apt-get install didn't work for it23:49
majorastroto you have nivdia gpu23:49
majorastrodoes it work better with nvidia gpu23:50
hexdump2I've been thinking about trying Moho instead of flash I've heard good things abourt it.23:50
HowardtheDuckmajorastro:  me?  yeah i have an nvidia card23:50
VCoolioHowardtheDuck: you need to 'gnome-open something', not use it as standalone; it's default on ubuntu, you should have it23:50
meatbunsomethign is wrong with my gaphics. after upgrade gui lags23:51
HowardtheDucki tried that...let me do again maybe i screwed up23:51
HowardtheDucki'm stupid, yeah, i sure do23:51
majorastroI am asking about flash does it rub better with nvidia vd intel gpu23:51
majorastrodam spelling23:52
chelzmajorastro: currently gfx cards have no bearing on flash player performance23:52
hexdump2yer asking does flash "run" better?23:52
chelzassuming it's a modern gfx card, vendor shouldn't matter23:52
majorastrook so I should not bother putting my nividia card in the pc23:52
hexdump2flash was running just fine on my crap computer 10 years ago23:52
VCooliohexdump2: did you monitor cpu usage with that? ...23:53
majorastroI to had good flash with older pc23:53
hexdump2or 8 years ago23:53
chelzmajorastro: if you do it won't make flash perform better23:53
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter
hugoAssistance needed23:53
antivirtel_hello all23:53
hexdump2VCoolio:  nope I just know it was running just fine23:53
SemiBzhugo: ??23:53
hugo ?23:54
antivirtel_can I ask, that how can i look for an "avi" file's codec, to setup it, and play it good ?23:54
z3ro3xWhen trying to create new accounts in Empathy it doesn't show all the chat protocols I know for a fact it supports.  Any ideas why they aren't showing up?23:54
jribantivirtel_: double click on it23:54
SemiBzhugo: Assistance .. for what ?23:54
hugoGRUB, check the link23:54
antivirtel_but it writes error23:54
jribantivirtel_: what error?23:54
hugoTried pretty much everything23:54
hexdump2anyway I gotta get back to work be back later23:54
antivirtel_jrib 1 moment, i translate it to english23:55
Oli_I can't get my virtualised ubuntu to run higher than 800x600, and I've just installed guest additions...23:55
SemiBzhugo: patience .. :)23:56
chelzhugo: you might add your current grub.cfg to that post23:56
infectoOli_: whats your graphic card?23:56
quizmeis /etc/hostname supposed to be the name of the machine (e.g. ralph) or the domain? (e.g. mysite.com) ?23:56
ZykoticK9Oli_, you might want to ask in #vbox23:56
infectoa man :) virtualised. sry.23:56
ZykoticK9infecto, Oli_ is using Mac as Host OS23:56
hugochelz: I'll do that right now23:56
infectohow you virtualise it? :)23:56
antivirtel_jrib: it can't expect the stream's type23:56
infectook, so i cant help You :)23:56
infectoZykoticK9: you rox :)23:56
antivirtel_it is only a simple .avi file23:57
Oli_ATI Radeon X1600M23:57
jribantivirtel_: right click on the file -> properties  will have a tab with codec information23:57
VCoolioquizme: machine; but if you want to change it use 'about me' in the menus23:57
Jon-Is there a way to automatically set your friendly name (the display name basically) for a Pidgin MSN account? I have installed Pidgin 2.6.6 and it is still setting it to my first name with Ubuntu (Jonathan) instead of the name I specify when I log in.23:57
hexdump2VCoolio:  my buddy created this site like 9 years ago or something and it was running pretty good http://www.gosupercar.com/23:57
chelzquizme: it can be either. usually it's left as the machine name but if one is setting up a FQDN they change it in there.23:57
shrewdlepopДобрый вечер всем (good evening all)23:57
antivirtel_jrib: video/x-msvideo23:57
majorastrowhat is ibus23:58
DcMeeseshrewdlepop: What language?23:58
jribantivirtel_: you can try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras and see if that's enough23:58
isidro1tengo un chip intelgraphics y no puedo poner la resulcion 1600x1200, me pueden ayudar23:58
hexdump2well I better leave now before I get sucked into here.23:58
ZykoticK9!es > isidro123:58
ubottuisidro1, please see my private message23:58
antivirtel_jrib: thx, 1 moment23:58
majorastrowhat is ibus prefernces23:58
shrewdlepopDcMeese: was trying russian, but it didnt work23:59
antivirtel_jrib 30 new updates :D:D23:59
antivirtel_it will take some minutes with my slow connection23:59
SemiBzshrewdlepop: seems just fine from here.23:59

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