
quadrispro<ScottL_> hi quadrispro, glad you are here00:11
quadrisproScottL, thanks, nice to see you here around :)00:11
persiaScottL: Next step once the exception is approved is to get your stuff into the branch and get it uploaded.  Just ping us here.02:27
persia(as I don't think most sponsors can commit to the right bzr tree, etc.)02:27
ScottLpersia, will a debdiff need to be created?  is that the mechanism?03:22
ScottLbecause I can start the debdiff now then03:22
ScottLjust to be ready03:22
persiadebdiff isn't necessary, but can help.03:22
persiaThe way we tend to do work on that package is to pull the branch, edit, and push a new one.03:23
persiahttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev lists all our branches, but you probably want to start from  lp:~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/UbuntuStudio03:24
persiaScottL: So if you want to use bzr, and just shove the changes in there, that actually makes it *easier* for this package.03:27
persiaIF you don't especially, and just want to send a debdiff, that can also work.03:27
ScottLpersia, I'll start reading up on bzr (something I wanted to do at some point) and make this my direction04:26
persiaScottL: OK.04:26
persiaMost of it is `bzr branch $URI`, make changes, `bzr diff` to check changes, `bzr debcommit` to commit the changes based on the updated contents of debian/changelog, `bzr push $other-URI` to push them somewhere for review/merge04:27
persiaThere's *lots* more to bzr, but that set ought be enough to get you productive.04:28
ScottLtre cool, thanks04:29
persiaI generally recommend using `apt-get --download-only source $PACKAGE`in the directory first, to avoid a set of common mistakes.04:30
ScottLreminder about the monthly non-mandatory developers meeting scheduled in about 20 hours - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2010Mar1423:53
ScottLdon't forget about daylight saving time if it applies to you23:53

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