
nicofsGood evening! Can anyone help me with controlling/changing my CPU speed?00:01
nicofsCan you help with CPU scaling?00:14
residentgreyi can't but the more you say the more chance someone is going to answer00:15
nicofsset it to powersave, or full performance00:15
residentgreyfind a utility for that?00:16
nicofslike the panel utility that is available in ubuntu00:16
residentgreysomething for the right cpu00:17
residentgreyamd etc00:17
residentgreydunno never dealt with it00:17
residentgreythere's a docklet thing that dealt with it i think00:17
residentgreydisk performance00:17
nicofswell, otherwise my fan is just too loud...00:17
residentgreyxubuntu-goodies look that one up00:17
residentgreythere must be utilities from the manufacturer for that00:19
residentgreyim a noob00:19
nicofsim quite shure there are manufacturer tools... for windows...00:19
knomenicofs, ^00:20
* residentgrey really is newb see?00:20
knomeresidentgrey, everybody has to start somewhere.00:21
residentgrey0 or 100:21
nicofsbut why does it have to be gnome? won't that be a problem under Xface?00:22
nicofsIs there nothing... native?00:22
nicofsor doesn't that matteR?00:22
knomenicofs, there is an xfce power manager, but it's not as good as the gnome one. it doesn't really matter which one you use.00:23
knomenicofs, and it's definitely not a problem. :)00:23
nicofswell the xface power manager hardly gives me any options...00:25
nicofsamazing... the gnome manager means 11MB of disk space just to adjust the CPU speed...00:27
nicofsok... installed it. but how do i integrate it?00:29
nicofsok, integrated gnome-power-manager. it's useless.00:32
nicofsi can only tell it to dim the display or hibernate after being idle for x hours... i need an application to say my CPU (and that damn fan) to slow down.00:34
nicofsjust liki in windows. right click battery icon, click "Save Energy" and fan goes silent.00:34
knomenicofs, i suppose you could also try to add the governor plugin into xfce panel00:35
nicofsok. how do i do that?00:36
residentgreywhat processer00:36
residentgreysearch for the word in the package manager00:37
nicofsI've got an AMD Turion 64 X2 Dual Core processor TL-66 2.3GHz00:39
nicofs(which has no understanding of the word silence)00:40
residentgreyyou find a utility from their site for that?00:41
knomenicofs, right click the panel, add new item and select governor plugin from the list and click add.00:41
nicofsjust installed that governor thing... i guess that's just what i was looking for. why doesn't that come with xubuntu by default?00:42
knomenicofs, installed means what?00:42
knomeanyway, not all of our users need the plugin. remind you xubuntu works also with not-that-fast pc's which definitely need all their cpu power to run stuff.00:43
residentgreyknome are you familiar with fluxbox or blackbox/00:43
knomeresidentgrey, i've ran fluxbox for some weeks. how so?00:43
residentgreyhow do I get it to actually run00:43
residentgreyit's not smth for the panel00:43
residentgreyhold on ima check if there's a man00:44
knomeresidentgrey, you have to choose a session from the login manager00:44
nicofsmight be, but i think that it doesn't need to be active. just an option. and i do think that being able to change cpu frequency is of importance.00:44
knomenicofs, by installing do you mean you added it to the panel or did you have to install it in the repositories?00:45
nicofsinstall and then add00:45
nicofsand i think the xubuntu distribution wouldn't suffer from the additional 11kB00:46
residentgreycompare it to equal windows before ram comments lol00:46
knomenicofs, anyway, did that solve your problem?00:48
nicofs just this thougt: why is the weather update panel applet included. if that is important enough that surely controlling the PCs energy consumption is... well maybe im just getting too much into it. anyway: yes my problem is solved - thanks to all ;-) now i can sleep...00:49
knomenicofs, what comes to including/not including... as you probably understand, there's hundreds and again hundreds pieces of software somebody would want us to include00:49
knomenicofs, so it's better to keep it at somewhat really near the minimum, which also makes the inital D/L quicker...00:50
nicofsi can unserstand that... but i think energy settings are one of the most basic things. an 11kB... come on...00:50
knomenicofs, if you want to, please feel free to send a mail to our developers mailing list. i can make sure the thing is considered. :)00:51
nicofsand a look in the "games" section reveals 16 games installed by default...00:51
knomenicofs, yeah. if we didn't include any games, i think we'd see more people being mad at us than not including the governoe plugin00:52
knomenicofs, just my opinion/gut feeling00:52
nicofswell, as long as i am free to remove the games and add the tool... it's fine. it just doesn't make sense...00:52
knomenicofs, heh, yeah. there are things that do not make sense. and you are definitely free to install and remove whatever you want :) have fun running xubuntu btw :)00:53
nicofsthx... and gn800:53
knomenight :)00:53
__Techie__i only just got here, but that looked like an interesting conversation00:54
=== __Techie__ is now known as _Techie_
knomei'm here for the next ten minutes or so.01:01
knome(if you want to ask/discuss something)01:01
residentgreyknome what in the xubuntu setup that if not existent would break the system?01:02
residentgreyjust being forewarned lol01:02
knomeresidentgrey, umh, many things can lead to that. the basic rule would be; don't remove it if you don't know what removing it does for your system.01:03
knomeresidentgrey, you pretty much can rip off any applications without seeing any difference01:04
residentgreysweet how do I set the file manager to be something other than thunar?01:05
residentgreyanother would be a good suggestion01:05
knomeresidentgrey, i'm interested why you'd want to change to something else than thunar?01:06
residentgreynautilus can see my old partitions01:06
residentgreythunar can't01:06
knomeresidentgrey, are they ext3 or something else? you can mount them so you see them, so you don't need to change file manager01:06
knomeubottu, hello?01:07
_Techie_hes there01:07
residentgreygigolo is your friend01:07
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE01:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:07
_Techie_there we go01:07
residentgreyoh that is already installed01:07
knomeresidentgrey, see the link there :)01:07
residentgreygot 3g01:08
knomeresidentgrey, do you have something in /media ?01:08
residentgreyI only had xubuntu for a week and am just now really messing with it01:09
knomeokay, check out if you can see the old partitions mounted in /media01:10
knomethey are there?01:11
knomegreat. you can then create shortcuts to them01:12
knomeresidentgrey, do you need help with that?01:12
residentgreyis there a way to change the behaviour of the file manager?01:12
residentgreylike not having to triple click?01:12
knomebehaviour in which way?01:12
knomeresidentgrey, you shouldn't need to triple click01:13
residentgreyadding context menu option01:13
residentgrey'reshacking' even :D01:13
knomesorry, i don't know what you mean01:13
residentgreyjust modding the programs in a weird wa01:14
residentgreylike changing resource files01:14
knomehmm, okay01:14
residentgreybut that all doesn't matter compared to the lack of wifi01:15
knome!it | antonio_01:16
ubottuantonio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:16
knomeresidentgrey, sorry, but i pretty much have to sleep now, it's 3am01:16
residentgreylol ok01:16
residentgreyi need to get food soon01:16
knomeresidentgrey, i hope someone else can help you with the wifi01:16
residentgreyest here01:16
residentgreywell gonna be edt01:16
knomeresidentgrey, especially if it worked with ubuntu, it WILL work on xubuntu01:17
residentgreywe'll see01:17
knomeyup. i'll be back tomorrow whatsoever, so... :)01:17
knomehave a good day and enjoy xubuntu01:17
residentgreycool beans01:17
residentgreyi'll try lol01:17
residentgreythe 500m extra ram matters01:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:33
pteaguehmm...  what does B stand for in apt output?03:47
pteagueiBA libxine1-ffmpeg03:47
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)03:48
_Techie_anyone had trouble with installs on a dell dimension 2400?03:52
_Techie_howcome i dont seem to have a /boot/grub/menu.lst?04:23
Balsaqgood morning Lords of the Kernal.05:55
_Techie_morning bal06:19
_Techie_'ola amigo10:23
fugein the current version of ubuntu my tv tuner card can not find any station10:23
fugenow i realised that i have the previous installed too and i booted10:24
_Techie_im sorry, tv tuners arent my area of expertise, anyone else care to help out?10:24
fugenow i can use the tvtuner without setting anything10:24
fugewhat can cause this, the kernel?10:25
hatake_kakashidon't have knowledge in that area too I'm afraid.. there maybe some useful info in dmesg10:26
fuge:) ok im on it :)10:28
hatake_kakashiI think its probably a driver issue10:28
fugeyes i read that maybe it is not recognised well10:28
fugei tried in the current to remove the module and reload with new parameters but i did not find the solution10:29
hatake_kakashiso presumably the driver gets loaded ok but it doesn't show any information in the dmesg?10:30
fugeyesterday i posted some output to the paste.ubuntu but i dont remember the number10:31
hatake_kakashipost it again :)10:31
fugeis this channel logged?10:31
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/10:32
fugeit is the current10:33
hatake_kakashiso when you booted to your previous setup, 9.04 I presume it works ok?10:35
hatake_kakashiand you didn't make any adjustments to the antenna I suppose or anything like that?10:35
fugeyes this is correct10:36
fugein 9.04 it works fine, the tvtuner can find stations10:36
hatake_kakashicould this be an upgrade or clean install?10:36
Psilocybin_ElfGuys, is Compiz easy to install & set up on 9.10? Gonna install it on my brother's laptop...10:37
* Psilocybin_Elf will be right back, making tea.10:38
fugehatake_kakashi, 9.04 and the 9.10 are both clean installs on different disks10:38
_Techie_Psilocybin_Elf, compiz comes installed by default on ubuntu, as long as your graphics card can support it you can enable it10:38
hatake_kakashifuge, ahh so its dualboot, hmm I'd try recompiling the driver, if that option is available or download a newer driver binary blob10:39
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.10:39
Psilocybin_ElfSo you'd recommend Ubuntu instead then?10:39
fugehatake_kakashi, the tuner driver? bttv?10:39
hatake_kakashifailing all that I suppose 9.10 is probably problematic on its own :) I'm still on 9.04 fyi10:39
hatake_kakashifuge, yeah pretty much10:40
Psilocybin_ElfIt's just that Ubuntu uses Pulse Audio10:40
Psilocybin_ElfXubuntu doesn't10:40
hatake_kakashiPsilocybin_Elf, Xubuntu is no different10:40
hatake_kakashi9.04 does also have pulseaudio.. in fact if anything is different between xubuntu and ubuntu is just the xorg frontend10:40
Psilocybin_ElfI prefer Xfce10:41
Psilocybin_ElfNot a fan of Gnome or KDE10:41
fugehatake_kakashi, it helps anything to detect the problem if i try get outputs from 9.04 like i pasted from 9.10?10:41
hatake_kakashipulseaudio is a daemon running in the background and pretty much relies on console so if ubuntu would have it, xubuntu/kubuntu, etc would most likely have it10:41
_Techie_Psilocybin_Elf, http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/10:41
Psilocybin_ElfThanx :-)10:41
_Techie_Psilocybin_Elf, its a bit old but it should help10:41
hatake_kakashifuge, well I dunno, I'd first give my suggestion a go before pasting output from 9.04.. but like I said previously I don't really have knowledge in tv tuner cards10:42
Psilocybin_ElfThanx for that link, I will be using that for reference :-)10:47
Psilocybin_ElfHopefully it will work in 9.1010:47
tigermanhi guys11:08
tigermanI just installed xubunto on my desktop. i seem to have left the swap partition very low at 7mb. is there a way to resize it now?11:09
eXpl0i7tigerman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq11:12
eXpl0i7go down and se how to create swap partition11:13
_Techie_!gparted tigerman11:13
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:13
_Techie_use that to shrink one of your partitions and increase your swap partition11:14
tigermanmay i ask what is the ideal size of swap partition?11:14
eXpl0i7how much ram mem you have?11:14
_Techie_double your ram size is a general guideline11:15
tigermanbut my HD is huge11:15
tigermanok great.11:15
tigermanths alot11:15
eXpl0i7create 1gb of swap11:15
tigermanhm. do i need a cd for that?11:15
tigermanthe feature is built-in?11:16
eXpl0i7tigerman go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq11:16
_Techie_there should be gparted in one of the menu's11:16
_Techie_it will probably be under a different name though11:17
tigermanok. i will try it.11:17
tigermanone more thing guys. am not sure how to get my display adapter driver installed.11:18
tigermanim not really sure what's the adapter model11:18
eXpl0i7go to applications -> system -> hardware drivers11:18
tigermanyeah it says nothing there11:18
eXpl0i7you have ati card?11:19
tigermanam not really sure. it's kinda old desktop11:19
tigermanthe motherboard is Asus11:19
tigermanit's built-in the MB11:20
_Techie_it will most likely be intel or SiS11:20
_Techie_pastebig the output of lspci | grep VGA11:21
tigermanso what's the best way to fix my display?11:21
tigermanoh. im not running linux now. i will on it soon and get back to u11:22
tigermanah? whats so funny11:23
tigermanactully it's my first linux-day ever. so pardon me!11:23
tigermanam trying my best11:23
_Techie_your doing well tigerman, most people give up before even thinking about coming here11:35
_Techie_well, ive been on for long enough tonight, its 1:06am, ill be on tomorrow hopefully     -     peace out from New Zealand12:08
knome_Techie_, night ;)12:08
_Techie_katcha tomorrow knome12:09
nicofsHello everyone! Is there anyone who can help me scaling my CPU speed? I've already tried Kpowersave (or something like that) and am currently using Governor - but they only work to a certain extent: they manage to set my processor into the 3 speeds supported. Here is my problem: that does not change the fan's speed: it has 3 modes as well (judging by sound:) Hurricane - Storm - Breeze. Uner windows vista and 7 in the powersave mode the fan 12:28
nicofsHello everyone! Is there anyone who can help me scaling my CPU speed? I've already tried Kpowersave (or something like that) and am currently using Governor - but they only work to a certain extent: they manage to set my processor into the 3 speeds supported. Here is my problem: that does not change the fan's speed: it has 3 modes as well (judging by sound: ) Hurricane - Storm - Breeze. Uner windows vista and 7 in the powersave mode the fan13:30
Lupus-SLEGood afternoon (GMT) to you gentlemen - I've been here before with this issue and ultimately had no success. I've got a rather old PC I'm building for a friend, an old SiS chipset, one of the early AMD Athlon CPUs. Basicly it won't halt. On shutdown it will run all the shutdown procedures and everything but leaves one message at the end that says "System Halted" but the machine doesn't power off. I've tried adding14:02
Lupus-SLEacpi=force and lapic options to the boot options in GRUB.14:02
Lupus-SLEReally unsure where to go from here, I've heard of several shutdown related bugs in the 2.6 kernel.14:02
abhifx_-2.6.31-14                                                - Header files related to Linux kernel version 2.6.3115:49
abhifx_<abhifx_> i still dont understand15:49
abhifx_<Lazy^> and you booted with right kernel ? =)15:49
abhifx_<abhifx_> yes15:49
abhifx_<Lazy^> since usually you have all the kernels on grub-menu15:49
abhifx_<Lazy^> which you have installed15:49
abhifx_<Lazy^> so u did choose the right kernel15:49
abhifx_<abhifx_> it only shows one kernel15:49
knome!pastebin | abhifx_15:49
ubottuabhifx_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:49
abhifx_<Lazy^> can you paste the error for me15:49
abhifx_<abhifx_> i cant paste the error, cuz i will have to kill my xserevr15:49
abhifx_<Lazy^> and it's the one which you are using15:49
abhifx_<abhifx_> yes15:49
abhifx_<Lazy^> can you write it :)15:49
abhifx_<abhifx_> i dont remeber it much... but it did said something like wrong kernel15:49
abhifx_<abhifx_> cant i somehow delete the modifications the wrong driver did with my kernel?15:50
abhifx_knome, sorry, wrong paste command15:50
knomeabhifx_, okay, please be careful in the future15:50
abhifx_i am having problem with nvidia drivers, can someone help me?15:50
knomei need to go in a few minutes, hope someone can15:50
knomegood luck, and remember you can also search the forums :)15:51
abhifx_knome, i did, for for no use. i hope someone will listen15:52
knomewe will. i have to go now, sorry.15:52
abhifx_knome, np15:52
abhifx_can someone help me plzzzz15:54
hexdumpI all I'm having major problems setting up dyndns for my site, if anyone has used it please help if you can.  thanks16:05
Psilocybin_ElfCan anyone help? >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142893617:49
Lupus-SLEPsilocybin_Elf: I'm a bit confused, what are you trying to do?17:50
Psilocybin_ElfI dunno if this is the right place to ask but...17:50
Psilocybin_ElfI have a USB Audio Capture device17:51
Psilocybin_ElfI'm trying to use in Xubuntu17:51
Psilocybin_ElfEzCAP USB Audio17:51
Lupus-SLEYou mean a microphone or something?17:51
Psilocybin_ElfIt's USB thou17:51
Psilocybin_Elfnot phono17:51
Lupus-SLEWhat exactly is it capturing?17:51
Lupus-SLEI'm just a bit confused by what you're doing17:52
Psilocybin_ElfJack, i think17:52
Psilocybin_Elfred/white cables17:52
Psilocybin_Elffrom my mixer17:52
Psilocybin_Elfto USB17:52
Lupus-SLESo it's some sort of stereo audio source?17:53
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.17:54
Psilocybin_ElfIt detects it ok17:54
Psilocybin_ElfBut I was just wondering how to set it to capture audio in ALSA17:54
Psilocybin_ElfSo i can use it with Audacity17:54
Lupus-SLEI believe if you use alsa-mixer17:55
Lupus-SLEOr if you use the volume utility - select the source and there should be a ticky box for inputs to select source17:55
Lupus-SLEIsn't there?17:55
Psilocybin_ElfI'll have a look17:55
Psilocybin_ElfI'll give it a go & report bk17:57
Lupus-SLEIn the meantime...17:59
Lupus-SLEHello fellow people! Are we all having a lovely time? I've got an issue with an old PC I'm putting together with Xubuntu Karmic - it doesn't shut down. Last message it gives me when I try is "System Halted." but the power doesn't actually turn off. I thought this was an ACPI issue was was told previously to add acpi=force and lapic to the boot options but this has unfortunatly not fixed the issue. I'm really unsure17:59
Lupus-SLE about what could be causing it - any suggestions would be welcome - ANY!17:59
charlie-tcabios upgrade for the motherboard?18:00
Lupus-SLEI'm considering it but I can't for the life of me find information about the make of the motherboard18:01
Lupus-SLEIf I may direct you to a thread I posted about the issue, there's some pastes and stuff I've done in here18:01
charlie-tcaLook the board itself over good. There should be something on it - even like LQ??? which id's it through google18:02
charlie-tcaI just tossed about 10 boards that were quite old.18:02
Sachse_Siechtumwhats the command for the hardware list?18:05
charlie-tcalspci ?18:09
charlie-tcaone of those18:09
Sachse_Siechtumfriend is here...got some problems with his lan card18:12
Sachse_Siechtumxubuntu doesnt recognize it18:13
Psilocybin_ElfRE: USB Audio18:13
Psilocybin_ElfIt's still not working18:13
charlie-tcaSachse_Siechtum: does it show up in hardware?18:14
Psilocybin_ElfI have USB PnP Audio Device as default18:14
Sachse_Siechtumthats what I'm looking after now18:14
charlie-tcalaptop wireless?18:17
charlie-tcaPsilocybin_Elf: you might have to google the device to see if anyone has installed in linux at all?18:18
Psilocybin_ElfHey guys, iv sorted it now thanx :-D all working18:25
Psilocybin_ElfHad to set it's preferences in Audacity18:26
* Psilocybin_Elf is a happy bunny!18:26
Sachse_Siechtumhow do I cativate my Wlan=18:28
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:30
charlie-tcais everything I know about it18:30
tigermanam trying to resize my partitions using gparted. but it that it couldnt find package gparted18:52
Besogoninstall it. What is the problem?18:54
tigermanisnt already built in?18:55
BesogonI thought you were working in installed xubuntu. Are you in LiveCD?18:56
tigermanyes iam18:57
tigermani dont have any cds18:57
Besogonok. You see gparted it's just a program which don't bulit in in Ubuntu (don't say about xubuntu)18:58
tigermanam using xubuntu18:59
knometigerman, 'sudo apt-get install gparted' should install gparted. no, it's not by default in xubuntu.19:00
charlie-tcaThen you need to install gparted19:00
tigermando i need to be connected to internet to do that?19:00
BesogonYes you need it. May be command "sudo apt-get install gparted " will help.19:01
tigermanoh. i dont have internet on my linux machine at the moment19:02
tigermanactully my system keeps hanging.. on start up19:03
BesogonAt the other hand if you have got any boot xbuntu/ubuntu thing (boot flash) you can use it to run gparted which bulit in there19:04
tigermanyes i have the usb that i used to install the system19:04
knomeBesogon, to be exact, that's not gparted, it's just a partition editor.19:04
tigermancould u pls guide me how to do it using the usb19:05
Besogonknome, if I were tigerman  I would use "sfdisk" insted of gparted19:06
tigermani just want to resize my swap partiton to make it larger19:07
knomeBesogon, it's just a matter of choice/taste. :)19:07
BesogonJust stick it in you netbook (if it's netbook indeed). (and don't forget to point out first boot devise to be USB in your BIOS)19:08
Besogonno metter19:08
tigermanyes. then19:08
tigermanam doing it as we speak19:08
BesogonI had a problem with boot through usb when I installed ubuntu on my netbook. Main problem was in my "hooked  hands", because I couldn't make right usb-boot device. :) It was my first experience with comand "dd"19:11
tigermannow i got 4 options19:11
tigermanwhich do i choose?19:12
tigermanubuntu, recovery, memory test, memory test serial console19:13
Besogonwhat options do you have? (I'm not a fortune teller)19:13
Besogonstrange. Do you determine that it's boot menu from USBsticker?19:17
tigermani suppose, i did the same setting as when i install it first time19:17
tigermanseems something was wrong19:18
tigermani got it now19:18
tigermannow i have 3 options on a gray screen 1. default 2. help 3. oem=OEM install19:19
BesogonOK. You have got installed ubuntu on your hard drive. now you in (may be still in) grub boot menu. then chose "ubuntu item"19:19
tigermanam at UNetbootin screen now19:20
BesogonI don't know what you do. ))) When you boot from the usb you should see menu for choose language. Did you see it?19:21
BesogonAfter it you should choose  firs from top menu in the list19:22
BesogonLet me show you.19:23
tigermanyes pls19:23
Besogonlook at pictures19:26
Besogonthere are many screenshots form any linux too. http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/index.php?linux_distribution_sm=Ubuntu%2010.04%20Alpha%20319:28
tigermani dont know why am not getting those photos19:33
tigermanany other options for me?19:34
tigermani manged to boot up from the usb and now am at desktop screen (via usb)19:36
BesogonAre you sure that you have booted from USB?19:36
tigermanyes. i can see the icon 'install xubuntu' which i used last time19:37
charlie-tcaDownload a desktop image and put it on usb or cd-r19:37
tigermandarn it, why it always hang suddnly19:37
BesogonYou have downloaded desktop image. ok. Then you chould check if the image is correct downloaded. (check md5)19:40
BesogonSome people had problem with their installation when they didn't check md5. (last summer I speack with one of them)19:41
tigermanwhere do i type check md5?19:44
Besogondo you have total commander?19:45
Besogonin Windows19:45
BesogonExcept of the image you have to download md5 file for one19:48
cod-almightyhi there, looking to cycle workspaces in xubuntu with mousewheel (i.e. ctrl+roll-forward). Can anyone point me to some info on this?19:50
cod-almightytried looking in the keyboard bindings but this seems to only work for apps19:52
charlie-tcaApplciations -> Settings -> Window Manager Tweaks -> Workspaces tab,19:53
Besogontigerman, if you haven't Total commander don't install it (look for suitable program in goole (make request "md5 check windows"))19:53
cod-almightythanks a lot charlie-tca, never thought to look in there.19:54
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:54
cod-almightyany way to do this without having to have the desktop visible?19:57
cod-almightyi know I can use ctrl+alt+left/right, but looking for something like ctrl+alt+wheel19:58
charlie-tcaI don't understand. the desktop is where you work in the gui19:58
charlie-tcaCreate a shortcut in keyboard?19:58
cod-almightyI'm looking to have my apps run on separate workspaces in fullscreen19:59
charlie-tcaUse Ctrl+F? to switch instead?19:59
Besogontigerman, md5 files you can find there http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.10/release/19:59
cod-almightythat'll work, can change with one hand now, thanks again.20:01
charlie-tcano problem20:02
tontsa_can someone help me install xfce themes, i have tried /usr/share/themes and /usr/share/xfwm4/ and ~/.themes/ with no success, xfwm4 themes dont work.. :/20:07
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:08
tontsa_but i mean, they dont work20:08
ubottuThemes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites20:08
tontsa_it wont work that way..20:08
charlie-tcaYou tried ~/.themes ?20:08
tontsa_i put extracted file in there20:09
tontsa_and it wont work20:09
KitsuneDrag0nanyone know a reason for a person who tries to log in and it crashes back to the log in screen and it keeps happening until you restart the computer??20:10
charlie-tcaAfter the restart, does it do it some more?20:11
tontsa_so, there is no way for themes to work on my pc?20:12
KitsuneDrag0nno you can log in then but after your logged in and you restart it has the same problem20:13
charlie-tcaTry removing xsplash20:13
tontsa_okay... i got it to work, seems that the file i downloaded wasnt a theme at all!20:14
tontsa_i tried a different file and it worked fine!20:14
[BG]ZloboMiRHello, what is the name for search files and folders in terminal, so that I can run it as su ?20:15
Sachse_Siechtumproblem solved20:16
Sachse_Siechtumfriends lan was working :)20:16
charlie-tcaand you fixed it, right.20:17
charlie-tcaGood job, Sachse_Siechtum20:17
Sachse_Siechtumwell no20:17
Sachse_SiechtumI just plugged the lan cable in and his Xubuntu recognized the network20:17
charlie-tcaNice and easy, then20:18
Sachse_SiechtumI think there has been a patch to his problem..20:18
charlie-tcaWe have a patch to plug in the cable?20:18
Sachse_Siechtumthe thing is...he already had .20 in his grub and I just have version .1920:18
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, I dunno *g+20:18
charlie-tcawe are only running grub2 version 1.98 in lucid20:19
charlie-tcaHe upgraded it somehow20:19
Sachse_Siechtumah well I have karmic20:20
[BG]ZloboMiRSorry, catfish is not enough, I mean the equivalent of Accessories >> Search for files...20:20
[BG]ZloboMiR* grub is upgrading, why somehow?20:21
[BG]ZloboMiRVia the package management20:21
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu?20:21
charlie-tcafor the search?20:21
[BG]ZloboMiRcharlie-tca, 9.1020:21
[BG]ZloboMiRi. e. it was Ubuntu and I put the xfce over20:22
charlie-tcaDon't have Accessories -> Search for files in Xubuntu. You have Ubuntu installed?20:22
[BG]ZloboMiRI have20:23
charlie-tcago to /usr/share/applications and look for the exact name. Read the file in mousepad and find the exec= line. It uses whatever is after the "="20:23
charlie-tcaOh, you could read it in gedit, too.20:23
charlie-tcaYou have to right-click and tell it to open, though. Left-click will run the file20:23
[BG]ZloboMiRwill try20:24
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, my friend is still comparing Win with Xubuntu....like.. "In Windows, setting up network goes much faster......in xubuntu...you have to look for drivers...or packages.." lol20:24
charlie-tcaAsk him where he got the windows drivers from? They did not install by themselves unless it is real old20:25
Sachse_SiechtumI was telling him that all that stuff what you see in Linux, you dont see in Windows...because its in the background or hidden....you first see the process ona bsod *g*20:25
charlie-tcaI have heard the windows is faster garbage. I just ask them when the last malware/virus alert was.20:25
charlie-tcain both20:26
Sachse_Siechtumwell I had to install the ndis wrapper and find my wlan card drivers for xubuntu to make my wlan work20:26
Sachse_Siechtumfor example20:26
charlie-tcaSometimes you do. When was your last virus alert in linux?20:26
Sachse_Siechtumwindows drivers20:26
[BG]ZloboMiRcharlie-tca, I am investigating a virus problem now20:27
Sachse_Siechtumthe last virus alert I had in windows was in 1 years past20:27
[BG]ZloboMiRSo things are not b/w white20:27
charlie-tcaand linux?20:27
[BG]ZloboMiRYes, in Linux20:27
charlie-tca[BG]ZloboMiR: in Xubuntu?20:27
[BG]ZloboMiRWell, in Ubuntu20:28
Sachse_Siechtumthe last heavy problem I had with trojans or viruses was in 199720:28
Sachse_Siechtumwith win 9520:28
charlie-tcano viruses in the wild yet for us20:28
[BG]ZloboMiRSome trojan is replicating in small <600KB files20:28
charlie-tcaunless you installed windows with wine or something, it is a false alert in ubuntu20:28
Sachse_SiechtumI know the windows pc of my parents had a hard virus attack (ram virus)20:28
[BG]ZloboMiRWell, it is not so false20:28
Sachse_Siechtumbut they didnt use a virus scanner... just firewall20:29
[BG]ZloboMiRIt these files eat up space20:29
[BG]ZloboMiRand replicate20:29
[BG]ZloboMiRAnd I killed 3 processes in RAM20:29
[BG]ZloboMiRFiles are pif, scr exe and bat20:29
Sachse_SiechtumI just think if someone would write a virus for linux....it couldnt damage the system itself...20:29
[BG]ZloboMiRThat's why now I search and destroy these manually20:30
Sachse_Siechtumbecause the user is not root20:30
charlie-tca[BG]ZloboMiR: we don't use .bat files, those are windows20:30
[BG]ZloboMiRI know we don't20:30
Sachse_Siechtumis the .run file the similar=20:30
charlie-tcasometimes, Sachse_Siechtum20:30
[BG]ZloboMiRBut a clean system should not contain viruses, be it win, solaris or mac targeted20:30
charlie-tcaIn linux, you don't even need an extension20:31
charlie-tca.run is normally a compressed file20:31
[BG]ZloboMiRThis sh*t is showing in my web shares20:31
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca,  oh btw I memorized my first command today :-) and I even didnt knew I did *g*20:31
[BG]ZloboMiRI maintain an archive for my fellow students online20:31
Sachse_Siechtumit was the sh command20:31
Sachse_Siechtumwhen I was running the postal2 demo20:31
[BG]ZloboMiRThey use windows20:31
[BG]ZloboMiRAnd it is not acceptable!20:32
charlie-tcawindows can pick up viruses faster than you can install the anti-virus if it is online20:32
[BG]ZloboMiRAt least I lose space20:32
[BG]ZloboMiRcharlie-tca, I know, I plug the cable after the AV install, if behind router20:32
[BG]ZloboMiR* if not20:32
charlie-tcarouter doesn't stop anything from attacking20:33
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca,  If you use a online machine without virus scanner and no firewall (and you are really dumb and deactivate the windows XP firewall) then, its right20:33
[BG]ZloboMiRBut Linux also needs a good AV20:33
[BG]ZloboMiREsp 64-bit20:33
charlie-tcaI have run it since 2005 without any issues20:33
[BG]ZloboMiRBecause I have run it for less than a year with some issues20:34
charlie-tcaAnd, yes, I am on line all the time20:34
[BG]ZloboMiRAV won't harm you, but will help me20:34
charlie-tcaTried clamav?20:34
[BG]ZloboMiRI am online all the time I have power (separate server)20:34
[BG]ZloboMiRNow tried20:34
[BG]ZloboMiRInterface is pissing me off20:34
[BG]ZloboMiRCan't update it20:35
[BG]ZloboMiRHave to delete files with the mouse, 1 by one20:35
[BG]ZloboMiRThere are 3000+ of these small pif, exe, bats..20:35
[BG]ZloboMiROr I could run apt-get update clam-tk?20:36
[BG]ZloboMiRNo, it is install clamtk20:37
[BG]ZloboMiRstill, no new20:38
[BG]ZloboMiRWhile clam reports GUI is out of date20:38
[BG]ZloboMiRbtw complex search is gnome-search-tool20:42
Sachse_Siechtumoh I just see...there is a scorched earth and a settlers clone for linux....NICE!20:44
[BG]ZloboMiRThanks for the news :)20:47
[BG]ZloboMiRSo, only AV missing :)20:47
Sachse_Siechtumnp :-)20:47
[BG]ZloboMiRFor the paranoid like me20:47
[BG]ZloboMiRjust a better interface for clam will do...20:48
[BG]ZloboMiRoh well21:19
[BG]ZloboMiRcan I undo deletion, wnen files not in trash?21:19
[BG]ZloboMiRit is a journal FS, right...21:19
charlie-tcaYou can.21:24
charlie-tcabut there is no undelete included by Xubuntu21:24
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:58
_Techie_my USB mouse is not recognised right after boot in karmic, heres the output of lsusb and dmesg http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sPAG3cxX22:17
_Techie_this problem is on ubuntu, i do not wish to be flamed. i only wish to request the help of the great minds of the #xubuntu users22:20
_Techie_while the mouse is detecting, over a period of about 5 minutes after boot it spams this message to console22:24
_Techie_[  329.612391] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 222:24
charlie-tcaTried a different usb port?22:34
charlie-tcasome of the ports are underpowered22:34
hatake_kakashiseems like from that output, its plugged into USB 1.1 port22:36
_Techie_tried every USB port22:36
_Techie_ill post an updated lot of output to pastebin22:36
charlie-tcaThere is a bug in launchpad, i don't know  the number, about all usb ports reported as 1.1 ports, and running as usb 1.1 instead of 2.0 ports22:37
_Techie_theres all the output i can think of at the moment, if you can think of anything please post it as im going to mow the lawns and will be back later22:38
charlie-tcaLooked like one reported as 2.0, the rest as 1.122:39
hatake_kakashiyeah they're 4 hubs, 3 of them are 1.1 and only one is 2.0. This is pretty much the same output as the old pastebin.. its been detected as connected under 1.1 but if you say its a bug I suppose that could be under 2.0 hub22:41
charlie-tcaNo, the bug was about all ports reporting as 1.1. He has one not doing that, so the bug is not valid for this case22:43
hatake_kakashiwell I can only resolve that its a hidden usb 2.0 hub should he try all of them and if no luck22:44
charlie-tcaTo me, it looks like the system has only one usb 2.0 port/hub22:44
charlie-tcaMaybe the port isn't turned on? some systems have to have a jumper set for the usb hub to activate?22:45
charlie-tcaI wonder if any other usb device works?22:45
charlie-tcaCould be a bad mouse22:45
hatake_kakashiI don't know what sort of computer he has but one of my old laptop has a hidden usb 2.0 hub.. no matter whichever USB port I tried it will not allow it to be attached as USB 2.0. I figured it could be available only with dock or some other stupid reason22:46
_Techie_ChanServ, bug is valid, port not being reported as 2.0 untill mouse is detected22:46
charlie-tcaYou found one?22:46
_Techie_no but the bug you guys were talking about before, about 2.0 being reported as 1.122:47
_Techie_actually no, DW22:47
charlie-tcaYour pastebin shows a usb 2.0 port, the report was for none showing 2.0 even though the specs showed it22:47
hatake_kakashidoesn't make sense to me, you have both outputs of lsusb before and after the plugging in of the mouse.. both instances reported there's USB 2.0 hub22:47
_Techie_all ports work 100% under windows22:47
_Techie_so it doesnt seem like a jumper setting22:48
hatake_kakashiI'd try another mouse as per charlie-tca's suggestions22:48
_Techie_i have tried another mouse in the past, it usually works however i will not switch to using that mouse22:49
charlie-tcaSo, the other mouse does work, this one does not?22:50
_Techie_past trials have proven22:50
hatake_kakashilol yeah that's what I'd be agreeing to22:50
hatake_kakashiin other words you're giving linux a dodgy mouse ;)22:50
_Techie_the mouse isnt dodgy, it works 100% under windows22:51
charlie-tcaSo... replace the mouse22:51
charlie-tcaNot every windows mouse works outside of windows, unfortunately22:51
hatake_kakashiyes it works under windows, its probably a weird issue that maybe under windows with their obscure source code to do with handling of devices may work better than linux in that sense22:51
_Techie_ill have to think about buying a new mouse22:52
_Techie_using my second mouse is similar to using a 10" CRT after using a 22" LCD for over a year22:53
hatake_kakashiprobably a similar case with my pci pata card. If I used windows I would've probably seen those 3 extra hard drives that I've been looking for for quite a while22:53
hatake_kakashiso the spare working mouse is not attached to any other computer right now or specifically not in use?22:54
_Techie_not attatched22:54
hatake_kakashilol well I guess you'll have to live with a bit of nostalgia22:55
hatake_kakashithere might be other ways to look at it, such as using livecds of other distros22:55
_Techie_is ther anyway to pass the current configuration of USB ports now that the mouse is detected back into the system at startup22:56
hatake_kakashiif the results from various other livecds turn out the same as this case of mouse being iffy, then you can simply conclude that linux doesn't have the capability :)22:56
hatake_kakashicurrent configuration? in what way?22:57
_Techie_im not 100% sure on how to word it for USB but i can word it for a display22:58
_Techie_basically what i want to do is generate the USB alternative for xorg.conf using the current layout22:58
_Techie_is such a thing possible?22:59
hatake_kakashiyou mean dumping the current xorg config?23:00
hatake_kakashiits probably possible but I don't know of any tool that can do it apart from manually configuring it and assuming23:01
hatake_kakashithese days it surprises me there's the lack of usage with xorg conf... the xorg just autoprobes23:01
hatake_kakashithere seems to be some useful info in /var/log/Xorg.0.log but in a properly booted xorg setup, there wouldn't be much.. just lots of infos and hardly any config dumping23:04
_Techie_maybe if i connet it to the USB2.0 port... if i can figure out which pinheader it is23:11
_Techie_well that doesnt make sense, its not connected to any of the pin headers23:15

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