
rickspencer3YokoZar, hey man01:08
LaserJockrickspencer3: you sure you want social-from-the-start? ;-)02:18
rickspencer3LaserJock, ?02:28
LaserJockrickspencer3: the "fun" on identi.ca's !ubuntu02:43
LaserJockit's so depressing some days to watch that group02:43
rickspencer3LaserJock, yeah02:51
rickspencer3I should have just started blocking instead of speaking up02:51
rickspencer3but if you let certain things go unchallenged, people think certain behavior is ok02:52
LaserJockyeah, it's tough to know what to do02:52
LaserJockmuch *more* difficult for Canonical people as well, since that often plays into the dynamic02:53
rickspencer3LaserJock, yes, I fed the troll02:53
rickspencer3but I don't just work for Canonical, I consider myself part of the community02:53
rickspencer3since that predates me getting the job by a matter of some years02:54
rickspencer3oh well02:54
* rickspencer3 moves on02:54
nigelbspeaking of which, it would be nice to have a list of admins for that group02:54
nigelb(to ping when spam02:54
rickspencer3nigelb, yeah02:54
rickspencer3I guess the ucoc doesn't extend to that group though02:55
nigelbwell, it extends to all ubuntu members who've signed the coc who're there02:55
rickspencer3nigelb, good point02:55
nigelbjust like bugs02:55
ScottKnigelb: I don't think it does.02:56
rickspencer3speaking of which, I wanted to congratulate YokoZar on a well written critique02:56
rickspencer3that will have more impact than any amount of trolling in !ubuntu02:56
nigelbScottK: "This Code of Conduct covers our behaviour as members of the Ubuntu Community, in any forum, mailing list, wiki, web site, IRC channel, install-fest, public meeting or private correspondence."02:57
ScottKnigelb: Identi.ca isn't part of Ubuntu.02:57
LaserJockrickspencer3: I love that I'm immune to button placement controversies since I run UNE ;-)02:57
rickspencer3LaserJock, oh?02:58
rickspencer3I use UNE on my desktop actually, and I run the new themes02:58
ScottKLaserJock: They just didn't get to you yet.02:58
nigelbScottK: I thought the coc applied to those who have signed it whereever we represented ubuntu02:58
rickspencer3ironically, I button placement has no impact on me02:58
ScottKnigelb: Certainly, but every time I mention Ubuntu, doesn't mean I'm representing Ubuntu.02:58
rickspencer3I use keyboards for closing windows, and it took me less than a day to adjust to pointing with the mouse02:58
ScottKrickspencer3: It's easy to get used to doesn't address the question of why the change is benificial.02:59
ScottKI still didn't see that question addressed.02:59
rickspencer3ScottK, I know02:59
nigelbScottK: ah, but if I swear at someone on the !ubuntu group that would be against coc?02:59
LaserJockScottK: because it messes with notifications02:59
rickspencer3I'm not really involved, but I wish the designers were a bit more communcative02:59
ScottKLaserJock: But notifications are semi-transparent and click through so it doesn't matter.02:59
ScottKThat's the whole rationale for no actions.03:00
rickspencer3but nasty-grams won't get them out of their shells03:00
ScottKnigelb: I think it's orthogonal to the CoC.03:00
LaserJockScottK: the semi-transparent thing is sort of annoying, so if you never go up there maybe it helps? I dunno03:00
nigelbScottK: its kinda like a grey area to me03:00
rickspencer3nigelb, perhaps someone should start a new !ubuntu group that does strive to have members that conform to the coc03:01
rickspencer3and actually admin it that way03:01
ScottKLaserJock: I agree. I tried the new notification style when we had a KDE version of it and really didn't like it.03:01
LaserJockrickspencer3: maybe !ubuntu-members?03:01
nigelbI dunno, I'm meh about it03:01
LaserJockI just went back to using twitter more03:01
rickspencer3LaserJock, but !ubuntu was a lot more interesting when it was a stream of what people were working on03:02
nigelbrickspencer3: that's what I do.  I use it to say what I'm working on03:02
rickspencer3I guess there's still mostly that03:02
rickspencer3nigelb, me too, mostly03:02
LaserJockit seems more like IRC+spam to me03:02
rickspencer3oh well03:02
ScottKrickspencer3: Since the Ux stuff is defined as a designer led effort, I guess I'm suprised they aren't prepared to communicate about it.03:02
rickspencer3ScottK, yeah03:03
rickspencer3I think it's just a really hard thing to get used to03:03
LaserJockyeah, I don't mind UI changes nearly as much as UI changes that lack rationale03:03
rickspencer3like having to discuss with people who aren't just the client03:03
ScottKEqually, I think that I can understand why people are getting upset about the lack of communication.03:03
rickspencer3ScottK, ack03:03
rickspencer3lack of communication is the single biggest cause of stress03:03
ScottKI agree that reasoned discourse is better, it's just that I can understand being upset.03:03
rickspencer3and when you don't speak up, you leave more room for trolls and rumor mongers03:04
LaserJockrickspencer3: perhaps it would help if their view of "client" was expanded a bit more?03:04
rickspencer3and no way for anyone to defend your position03:04
rickspencer3LaserJock, yeah, it's a process though03:04
rickspencer3I'm really happy to be working on distro that has a serious design team03:04
LaserJockI was really impressed with mark's blog post03:04
ScottKAt this point I think they've pretty well lost public opinion on the moving the window controls.03:04
rickspencer3so I expect in time we'll all figure out how this works03:05
ScottKI don't think that they'll turn it around.03:05
LaserJockoutlining what was going on, why, and most importantly going through examples03:05
rickspencer3well ... tbh, I expect most folks will find in time that the window ordering thing is not as big a deal as they think03:05
rickspencer3but I am biased, since I so completely don't care03:05
rickspencer3and I think it looks better the new way03:05
LaserJockwell, and it can be reverted at some point right? I mean we aren't technically even at Beta03:06
rickspencer3LaserJock, sure03:06
rickspencer3I think changing it back is still on the table tbj03:06
rickspencer3tbh, even03:06
LaserJockit's going to make people gun shy if they can't even put out a design for testing without getting flamed to death03:06
rickspencer3the right thing will happen03:06
ScottKLaserJock: Probably.  People usually learn the wrong lesson.03:06
rickspencer3LaserJock, right, but to ScottK's point, the flaming is a bit of self-inflicted wound03:07
rickspencer3if there were up front talking about it from the moment it released, I bet it would blow over03:07
LaserJockbut the natural reaction would be to run the other way03:07
rickspencer3it can be scary talking to "the community"03:07
LaserJock1 good blog post with rationale for the changes would have done a world of good03:07
ScottKGiven the one sided nature of the discussion, if it doesn't get reverted, it will reinforce people's perceptions about Canonical not caring about community.03:08
rickspencer3seeing the "community" as something other than real people that you can talk to03:08
rickspencer3well, it's not one-sided, imo03:08
rickspencer3(assuming you mean universal support for YokoZar's position)03:09
ScottKrickspencer3: I've seen very little positive reaction.  Most non-negative reaction seems to be "I got used to it".03:09
LaserJockit seems like everything but the button-placement has been discussed pretty well it seems to me03:09
ScottKrickspencer3: No, it's not universal, but it's pretty strongly against the change from what I see.03:09
rickspencer3I mean, man, what a small issue03:09
LaserJockbut the only reasoning I've seen from a design person was something like "dunno, we're just having fun trying something out"03:09
rickspencer3all the incredible stuff getting done in Lucid, and folks are so obsessed with button placement03:10
rickspencer3LaserJock, I wonder if it is truly just a matter of taste03:10
ScottKrickspencer3: It's not really small.  That's probably the second most common area for me to click on something.03:10
rickspencer3fair enough03:10
rickspencer3but still03:10
LaserJockwhich side is probably a matter or taste03:10
LaserJockthe problem is cognitive momentum03:10
LaserJockit's a cost to change the habit03:10
rickspencer3right, but that's the "you can never change UI" slippery slope03:11
LaserJockso the cost of the change needs to be lower than the benefit03:11
ScottKrickspencer3: Right, but if there was some communication of the benifit, people would be more open to it.03:11
rickspencer3so the question is, is the aesthetic benefit worth the perceived cost?03:11
LaserJockthat's why I think it's great to "test", but without rationale it's hard to see the benefit03:11
rickspencer3ScottK, right, I think I am in raging agreement with you on that03:11
ScottKOr if they had even said, "we're trying this out, let us know what you think"03:12
rickspencer3or "we really really think foo"03:12
LaserJockinstead of "new world order"03:12
ScottKAs it is, people think they are going to be stuck with it (which may be true)03:12
rickspencer3where foo was pretty much anything03:12
rickspencer3ScottK, well, not surprisingly, there are already two UI projects I've seen to control button placement ;)03:12
ScottKrickspencer3: Yep.  I'll be glad to grant a FFE for the first guy that packages one.03:13
rickspencer3but, I think we need to figure out how to pull the design team out of their shells03:13
rickspencer3I know them as specific individual people that I like03:13
ScottKrickspencer3: I think the antecedent of we in that statement is Canonical management.03:13
rickspencer3ScottK well ...03:14
rickspencer3I think the community needs to figure this out as well03:14
ScottKThe community doesn't have access to them.03:14
LaserJockthe Ubuntu developer community can't do much to help if DX doesn't give us anything to run with03:14
rickspencer3though certainly as members of the community, folks inside canonical has a role to play03:14
rickspencer3ScottK, not true03:14
rickspencer3they have a channel and a list03:14
rickspencer3and a lot gets done in those forums03:14
ScottKrickspencer3: Dx does, but not the Ux people, AFAIK.03:15
rickspencer3in fact, button placement has an interesting thread on their list03:15
rickspencer3ScottK, #ayatana03:15
ScottKrickspencer3: That's just Dx.03:15
rickspencer3ScottK, nope03:15
ScottKThey don't decide this stuff, they just implement what they get told.03:15
rickspencer3ScottK, though ironically, no on in design is online right now03:16
rickspencer3one thing is the design team works co-located in rooms, not in front of their computers03:16
rickspencer3so they can be hard to get on IRC03:16
ScottKThat's part of why I quit hanging out there.03:16
* rickspencer3 nods03:17
LaserJockI don't know that the community really knows who they are, etc.03:17
ScottKThe general answer was "we just gdo what we're told"03:17
rickspencer3ScottK, Dx or design says that?03:17
rickspencer3sounds fun03:17
rickspencer3ScottK, once again, you and I are in raging agreement ;)03:18
ScottKAlso, Ayatana has been defined as a design led effort, so why should they listen?  They've been told it's there's to figure out.03:18
rickspencer3on that note, I am going to the brew pub to fill our growler03:18
rickspencer34 11 y.o. girls + 1 karoake machine + 1 sleepover birthday party = requirement for full growler03:19
ScottKNo kidding.03:19
LaserJockgood luck with that03:19
LaserJockgrrrr, apps with 3+ rows of toolbars makes working on a netbook not-so-fun03:24
rickspencer3later guys03:29
xrchi, where i can consult about developing snmp application using snmpkit headers from libsnmp-dev?07:20
micahgxrc: as an Ubuntu app?07:24
xrcas an genereal linux app07:25
xrcnot specific ubuntu07:25
xrcjust ubuntu is working environment, where i develop07:26
micahgxrc: well, in the channel title is an ubuntu app development channel07:27
xrcok, then let's talk about developing app for ubuntu07:28
micahgxrc: but the net snmp project is here: http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/ and they might have their own IRC channel for general questions07:29
xrcthey also state they have different header file structure and talk about package "net-snmp". ubuntu has differences from their perspective, so, i assume ubuntu has differences and somebody has done them07:31
xrcbut, away from snmp: headers in /usr/include - they are just meant to be only structural headers, or are functions declared there availible somewhere?07:32
micahgxrc: well, we sync from debian, so I don't know about what differences we have, but maybe the #ubuntu-app-devel channel would be a good place07:32
davmor2-netbookGuys is it known that you can't add apps to favourites in une?10:44
lucasquestions: what is the exact definition of the "main" component? what's the exact difference with "universe"?11:02
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:03
persialucas: "main" is the set of stuff that is recursive dependencies, recommendations, or build-dependencies of stuff in main.11:03
kurapixi'm quite interested in contributing in the Ubuntu projects but I don't know where to start and which one to work on, i've been reading a bit but can't seem to decide11:04
kurapixdo you have any tips and tricks about it?11:04
nigelbyou're interested in development?11:04
kurapixyes I am11:04
nigelbin that case most people would ask you to start bug triage11:05
persialucas: It has a loose mapping to a number of other things (e.g. Packages receiving security support, packages receiving translations in langpacks, upload permissions, packages that are used to build flavours defined as being in "main", packages supported by Canonical), but none of these are accurate descriptions.11:05
nigelbkurapix: here you go for bug squad https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad11:05
persialucas: So there exist packages in main that do not fit into any of the more descriptive sets, and there exist packages not in main that do fit into each of those sets.11:05
kurapixbug triage? going around launchpad and fix bugs? if I don't have a deep knowledge of the software being debugged, wouldn't it be a problem?11:06
nigelbkurapix: you can triage bugs for some time and then slowly try to fix the ones you think you can handle11:06
nigelbkurapix: bug triage is not fixing, bug triaging is handling bugs to confirm which of them is actually a bug and which is not a bug11:06
kurapixoh ok11:07
kurapixdoesn't seem like a bad idea at all :)11:07
nigelbkurapix: I myself started with bug triage and now I understand enough to fix small bugs, so I talk from experience too!11:07
kurapixok thank you for the tip :)11:08
lucaspersia: so, to rephrase, there's no clear definition besides the recursive one. and the "all packages in main are supported by the Ubuntu team" claim is wrong, since there are packages in main that are not supported (except for major security problems, but clearly not for bug fixes, even important ones)11:08
kurapixI'm quite interested in OS thing so I think it'll be a good thing to start :) and not to hide anything, I'm also interested in GSOC11:08
persialucas: Yes, I have found packages that were not being maintained at all, even with important bugfixes (in the "does not work at all for any purpose" category).11:10
lucashttp://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/components says: "When you install software from the main component you are assured that the software will come with security updates and technical support.". I wonder what the definition of "technical support" is.11:10
persiaI think it means you can purchase support from Canonical.11:10
lucasI see11:10
wgrantWhich is false, AFAIK.11:10
persiaNote that when we find packages not maintained in main, we make an effort to pull them out, and when we add new packages to main, there is a process that is supposed to make sure they are maintained.11:11
persiawgrant: It is?11:11
lucaspersia: sure, but then sometimes, you need packages in main because they are (build-)?depends that you can't drop11:11
wgrantI don't believe commercial support is available for everything in main.11:12
lucasthen someone uses that package directly (not as a depend) and it breaks11:12
persialucas: Indeed, and there's >1000 packages in main that were stuck in intiially, some that would most certainly not pass the MIR criteria if checked.11:12
wgrantBut my hazy memory of the hazy definition is hazy.11:12
nigelbwgrant: too much haziness ;)11:13
persiawgrant: Hrm.  You might be right.  I haven't investigated the options there in depth.11:13
persialucas: This complete lack of a definition for main is one of the drivers for ArchiveReorganisation.11:13
lucaspersia: I thought that was an orthogonal issue?11:13
lucasie main will stay because of the need to track (b-)?deps?11:14
persiaEssentially, by organising on a per-flavour basis, we can (presumably) identify sets of folk that commit to certain levels of support for sets of packages, but that's a long way off still (we're still working out how to set upload permissions, and haven't even begun the work on how to expose in the archive, or how groups can specify support)11:14
mr_pouitis there a log of universe demotions avilable somewhere?11:14
persialucas: No, because seeds track (b-)deps just fine, if asked.  main is going away, but it will take a while.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveReorganisation/Components11:15
persiamr_pouit: The info is in LP: one may be able to extract with lplib.  Much like MIRs, they are mostly tracked in bugs.11:15
persia(although not always, when an archive admin digs at component-mismatches with a will)11:16
lucaspersia: so it's even worse, because ruby1.8 (in main as a dep, not cared for), will be in even more sets are a dependency11:17
mr_pouitpersia: and a more direct way? Because someone just demoted lots of (b-)deps of abiword to universe *without warning*, and I'll have to find which ones, and rebuild them because otherwise all translations will be missing…11:17
persialucas: Well, in the short term, yes, in the longer term, perhaps not, depending on what level of "support" we expect from those who indicate that they provide support for something.11:18
persiamr_pouit: I don't know of any.  Sorry.11:19
persiamr_pouit: Maybe an archive-admin can check some log?11:19
wgrantYou can get a list of universe publications from LP ordered by date.11:19
mr_pouitahah, ok, so I have to waste time doing that because some archive-admin thought I was a good idea to throw them to the garbage-can^W^W universe without warning11:21
mr_pouit*it was11:21
mr_pouitthat's always the same thing11:22
mr_pouitand that's aboring11:22
persiaWe really need to sort the Rosetta part of Archive Reorg soon.  There's a bunch of packages in universe with langpacks in a special list, and regular accidents with stuff moving in and out of main.11:22
persiaIt oughtn't be hard to just drop the component check, and use lists.11:23
wgrantHow does that help this situation?11:23
persiawgrant: Because the list wouldn't change when the component changed, and when the list changed, reuploading could occur if required.11:24
persiaDoesn't help retroactively, but avoids recurrances.11:24
persia(and we already have code in place to be able to do it, which is always nice)11:24
mr_pouitpersia: nothing has changed since hardy. For hardy, all xubuntu was demoted to universe, and I had to rebuild everything myself, nobody helped11:24
wgrantWell, I guess it does slightly solve it.11:24
persiamr_pouit: I know.  I've been in discussions about ArchiveReorg since shortly after Hardy release.  Progress is just slow.11:25
wgrantBut we need a good solution to translations.11:25
persiawgrant: What would you suggest, if not using lists?11:26
wgrantpersia: How do we declare which lists are included in the langpacks?11:26
persiawgrant: Same as we do now.11:26
wgrantpersia: That's impossible.11:27
* persia doesn't know the details, but was told firmly that there were override lists to permit additional packages in universe to be included in each langpack11:27
wgrantmain will cease to exist.11:27
mr_pouitbut there is a quick fix: communicating on ml or LP. For example when someone uploaded a new libxkavier package that bumped the soname, nobody was notified, main was fixed, and universe packages were let broken11:27
persiamr_pouit: NBS is the way to handle the SONAME stuff, really.11:27
mr_pouitdebian people are (almost) able to coordinate transitions, so why can't we do it in ubuntu?11:27
mr_pouitpersia: no, bug reports are the way11:27
persiamr_pouit: Let's focus on translations: that's a separately soluable issue.11:28
mr_pouitbut it's the same "I don't care of what could happen in universe" idea11:28
persiaNo, bug reports are very much *not* the way.  That class of bug report causes way to much mail for people who don't want it.11:28
mr_pouitthey should just unsubscribe then11:28
persiaThey can't.11:28
mr_pouitadd mail fiters11:28
mr_pouitbecause otherwise we're not notified11:29
persiaI know a number of upstream developers and Debian Developers who have decided not to subscribe to LP bugs for their packages precisely because of such bugs.11:29
persiaJust poll NBS regularly.11:29
mr_pouitsorry, that's wrong11:29
wgrantUsing bugs for that purpose has been tried, and it went disastrously in some cases.11:29
persiaWe often don't even know when a transition happens, because it's autosync.11:29
persiaso there's no person who would file the bug.11:29
mr_pouitI'm supposed to read all -changes@ and NBS to detect all possible breakages caused to xubuntu by the desktop team11:30
mr_pouitdo you know how mcuh time I waste for that?11:30
mr_pouittime that could be used better?11:30
persiaapproximetely yes.11:30
persiaBut note that not all breakage is caused by someone doing something specific.11:30
persiaWhen it is, and nothing gets done, and there is no notification, replying to the -changes mail asking for notification is appropriate to encourage cooperation.11:31
persiaBut lots of transitions happen anyway, when nobody takes specific action to make them happen.11:31
slytherinAny ubuntu-release team members here (and not busy)?11:34
mr_pouitpersia: bah, already tried, nothing changed. The changes in desktop files some releases ago (which broke kubuntu translations), or the "let's introduce appindicators everywhere and oversize the xubuntu cd" recently, everything has been done after the ff without warning. So everything's fine, and I'll stop complaining.11:36
persiaNo, everything isn't fine.11:37
persiaThat sort of intentional change needs to be communicated.11:37
persiaFiling a bug that affects umpteen packages just isn't the way to perform that communication.11:37
persiaIt should be an email to ubuntu-devel@11:37
mr_pouitRight, that's precisely my point, I don't care of the way (bug report, ml, ping on irc), if there is some communication. But that's not the case.11:40
persiaFor the set of intentional changes, I agree with you except I strongly feel it shouldn't be a bug report.11:41
persiaFor the set of autosync changes, I don't think anyone can be expected to know to send such communications.11:41
persiaBut after DIF, it ought be clearer, and after FF, it ought not happen.11:41
cjwatsonmr_pouit: personally, when I do intentional transitions, I make an effort to fix everything, not just main - see the recent parted transition for instance.  That just seems like good engineering to me.  persia's right that there isn't always a deliberate action in Ubuntu associated with such changes though, unfortunately12:04
persiacjwatson: Unfortunately, not all are as diligent as you, and some go so far as to share their opinion that it isn't important in public fora.  I believe this to be entirely a social issue, and soluable through gentle queries (noting that there's usually a few people willing to help with any particularly large transition if it's just a volume-of-work thing).12:07
cjwatsonI can understand that some transitions are more work than others, but I think wilfully ignoring it (and not at least telling people that there's something to do - you don't have to spend hours and hours on it yourself, necessarily) borders on negligence12:09
cjwatsonto be frank12:10
cjwatsonobviously sometimes it's just load-induced forgetfulness, don't assume malice when forgetfulness will do etc.12:11
persiaPersonally, I've yet to see a case where a call for help with a transition was announced on IRC or the mailing list that didn't get at least two people helping.12:11
slytherinCan anyone from release team take a look at this FFe - bug 534289. Without this the x264 plugin in gstreamer does not build with latest libx264.12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534289 in gst-plugins-ugly-multiverse0.10 "[FFe] New upstream release 0.10.14" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53428912:19
hdonon karmic, printf(3) docs say libc supports %z, but when i build with libc6 it turns out to not be supported at all. any ideas?13:03
hdonoh, duh, i forgot d/u13:03
sladenslacker_nl: FTBFS is a pretty good reason13:14
nigelbI think tabfail ;)15:31
nigelbslacker_nl: was meant for shadeslayer I guess15:31
slacker_nlnigelb: i think a tabtypo15:33
nigelbI've been trying to get a new workflow for bugs with patches attached.  Its still in discussion but if anyone has any thoughts on what we're come up with, I'd be happy to hear http://etherpad.com/L6x2FUVnYi15:34
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bluefoxicyis it time to revamp the Gnome properties dialog box to look more like the NT Security Settings dialog box?17:33
bluefoxicywe've had POSIX enhanced ACLs forever17:34
bluefoxicycan add multiple user and group permissions to files; set the owner (user) and group; and set permissions individually17:34
ScottKbdrung: Apparently your glib2.0 patch broke sparc.  Please fix.20:06
=== Jonbo is now known as Jonbo|Away
hdonhi all. it appears that COLUMNS is not exported by bash by default. why is this?20:17
hdoni'm used to systems exporting COLUMNS and LINES20:18
c_kornhdon: hello, it is exported for me in the gnome-terminal. but this is definitely the wrong channel for this question20:26
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kurapix_good night23:28
bdrungScottK: do you have a build log?23:47

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