
jamindaygodbyk: hey - yeah I think I had a latex question for you but can't remember what it was now00:03
jamindayi must have sorted it out00:03
godbykfair enough. :)00:03
jamindaythanks though!00:03
jamindayWhile you're here, do you know if references to Canonical need any legal qualifiers00:06
jamindaylike inc or TM or anything like that?00:06
godbykjaminday: I think we decided we didn't need any of that.00:08
godbykIn the US, at least, they're not required as long as you're referring to the actual trademark.00:08
godbykAnd in some other countries, it's actually illegal to include them if they're not registered in that country.00:09
godbykSo it seems like the safe thing to do is to leave them out.00:09
godbykPlus, they look ugly. :)00:09
jamindayAh ok, yeah I must have missed that discussion.00:09
jamindayno worries just thought i'd better check!00:09
jamindayAnother legal thing - Benjamin references Facebook and Google as examples of websites that run unix-based servers. This is definitely true, yes?00:27
godbykI know Google uses Linux, too.00:32
jamindayok cool thanks guys00:34
jamindayhumphreybc: heya01:23
humphreybchey jaminday01:30
humphreybcdid you see the top-secret future planning page?01:30
jamindayyeah, it's looking good01:31
jamindayhaven't had any brilliant thoughts to add yet01:31
jamindayi think you've covered it pretty well so far!01:31
humphreybcremember it's top secret :P01:31
jamindaymy keyboard is sealed01:31
jamindayi've just spent the last couple of hours re-editing the prologue01:32
jamindayjust to streamline, reduce the verbosity01:32
humphreybci'm going to start re-doing the wiki01:32
jamindayi'm about to upload so was gonna get you to take a look01:32
humphreybcsure thing01:32
jamindayah cool - great idea about simplifying the wiki01:33
jamindayit could really use it01:33
jamindayhumphreybc: hey just uploaded changes to prologue now. Can you have a read when you get the chance and check whether it's ok - happy to revert any changes that you think need it.01:56
humphreybcsure thing01:56
jamindayi'm off to lunch for a break!01:56
humphreybchey, godbyk, you there?02:58
godbykhumphreybc: yep02:59
humphreybctwo things - could you change the manual back to everything left aligned (ie, not book format) unless you're testing stuff, and could you also increase the gap between paragraphs by a bit?02:59
godbykyes, and not unless you give me a really, really good reason. :)03:01
humphreybcI don't have one :P03:02
humphreybcbut the paragraph spacing needs to be bigger03:02
humphreybcit looks odd with the indentation but with no spacing03:03
humphreybcjust try it with one line spacing, and we'll see how it looks03:04
godbykwhen marking paragraphs, you either indent, or you add line spacing, never both at the same time.03:04
humphreybcwell, remove the indentation and we'll see what it looks like with spacing?03:05
godbykhumphreybc: http://kevin.godby.org/private/ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual-parskip.pdf03:09
humphreybcapart from the contents, that does look nicer03:12
humphreybcand the section headers/itemized lists and stuff are all screwed up03:12
humphreybcbut the paragraphs look good03:12
godbykwell, the contents and some other things are using the \parindent value (which I've just set to 0pt), so that'll be a bit funky.03:12
humphreybcbut yeah it looks better with spacing instead of indentation03:13
humphreybcin my opinion :)03:13
humphreybcif you can convince me why we should use indentation, then we'll do that03:13
godbykI'm not that picky about it at the moment.  We'll see what I think after I've fixed up some other things.03:13
godbykYou're just not allowed to both indent and space. :)03:14
humphreybcwell spacing > indentation03:14
humphreybchave you had some time to play around with those 800x600 shots?03:14
godbykIt increases the number of pages in the manual, too.03:14
humphreybcit does03:14
godbykNot yet, but I'm going to soon.03:14
godbykWe should start taking the screenshots for the English version -- even if they're just temporary.03:15
humphreybcwe may have to put the manual on a diet03:15
godbykThat way we can see how big the PDF is getting and how many pages it takes.03:15
humphreybcyeah, well if the goddamn UX team decides what theme they want it would help a lot03:15
humphreybchave we got a finalized list of screenshots with decent descriptions?03:15
humphreybcoh yeah it's not too ad03:16
godbykNot yet. But it'd be good to test with what we've got.03:16
godbykThat'll help us work out the bugs before we try to handle the thousands of screenshots we'll have in the end. :)03:16
humphreybcwell i'll set it all up and then we can tell everyone else03:17
godbykhow's quickshot coming along?  will we be able to use it for 10.04?03:18
humphreybcRed_HamsterX: how's quickshot coming along?03:18
Red_HamsterXThis week was quite hectic. I've got window and fullscreen support working fine, with automated cropping, but I haven't had time to sit down and work out the best way to properly hide bzr from the client yet.03:22
humphreybcsounds good :)03:23
humphreybcdo you think it'll be usable in time for 10.04?03:23
Red_HamsterXI still believe it will be usable, yes. I can hack something into place if time starts to seem tight, just to get the backend working.03:24
Red_HamsterXI'm not sure how the frontend is coming along, though.03:24
Red_HamsterXI didn't notice any commits this week.03:24
humphreybcokay :)03:26
humphreybcappreciate the work03:26
godbykhumphreybc: do you want to work on the wiki stuff tonight?04:08
humphreybcyeah i will do04:09
humphreybcgetting there :P04:09
godbyk'kay. gimme a holler if you want help.04:10
humphreybcmy efficiency has taken a nosedive this past week04:10
humphreybci've hardly got anything done and it's really bad04:10
godbyksame here.04:11
godbykI think I just kinda ran out of steam.04:11
godbykI'm trying to slog through the redesign stuff this weekend so it's done and out of the way.04:11
humphreybcyeah, i know how you feel04:12
jamindayhumphreybc: you get a chance to look at the changes to prologue?04:21
humphreybcjaminday: i had a skim read but have yet to have a proper look04:22
humphreybci'm having a very lazy sunday04:22
jamindayyeah no worries04:22
jamindayjust let me know if you find any issues whenever you get around to it04:22
humphreybci'm planning on having a shower soon and then actually cracking into some work04:22
humphreybcbecause right now i am probably the most inefficient and unproductive member of the UMP team :P04:23
jamindayhehe yeah everyone's entitled to a little slacking off now and then! I just made banana butterscotch pudding so that will keep me going for a while04:23
humphreybcdo you bake?04:23
jamindayi just really wanted to eat it, so my wife said if i want it, then i can make it04:24
humphreybci can make a killer banana cake04:24
jamindayooh nice04:24
humphreybcand pretty good fudge too04:25
jamindaymmm you are making me hungry... only 30 mins to go and i can get stuck into my pudding!04:25
* godbyk wonders if banana cake is the same as banana bread.04:31
humphreybcsort of04:35
godbykhumphreybc: how attached are you to the part 1 and part 2 bits? Can we just leave out the parts?  (so we only have chapter headings)05:15
godbykcan I kill \part{Getting Started} and \part{Advanced topics}?05:16
godbykit'll remove the TOC entries and the Part I: Getting Started and Part II: Advanced topics pages.05:16
godbykI don't think they're particularly helpful to the reader.05:16
godbykand they're rather awkward design-wise at the moment.05:17
jamindaygodbyk: yeah i was thinking the same...05:18
godbykcool.  since humphreybc's clueless, I'll just do it and he can yell at me later when he realizes what I've done.  ;-)05:19
humphreybcsure remove them05:19
humphreybcsorry guys i'm totally trying to do too many things at once05:20
godbykHey, vish, you around?05:39
godbykhumphreybc: nice. why three out of five pips?05:40
humphreybcno idea05:41
humphreybcthat's what martin used05:41
humphreybcread the first sentence and click on the link05:41
humphreybci just grabbed his thing because i don't know much about SVG05:41
humphreybcInkscape *05:41
jamindayHey godbyk, do we have a latex command for mentioning where to click on a website? I'm using quotation marks at the moment but there is probably something prettier05:41
godbykhumphreybc: I like yours better than Martins.05:42
humphreybcnow that i think about it, i have a reason for the 3/5 pips05:42
godbykjaminday: I don't think we do.  Quotes are probably fine.05:42
humphreybcin the pips, the 3 on the left are orange, two on the right are white05:42
humphreybcin the name, the first name is white, the second name is orange05:43
humphreybcit balances out the name somewhat05:43
godbykhumphreybc: I'd get 4/5 pips just to one-up you.05:43
jamindaygodbyk: thanks no worries i'll keep it at that then05:43
humphreybcthat could be your rating in the community05:43
humphreybcMark would have 5/505:43
humphreybcI'd have 1/5 :P05:43
vishgodbyk: hei05:50
godbykvish: now what was I going to ask you? :)05:50
jamindayhumphreybc: I just did a commit but now getting the message that branches have diverged and I cannot push05:51
jamindayhow do i fix this again?05:51
humphreybcbzr merge?05:52
humphreybcbackup what you've changed first though05:52
jamindayyeah i will05:52
godbykvish: it was something about icons or graphics...05:53
godbyklemme scroll through the code and see if it triggers anything.05:53
jamindayhmmm... i tried merge but getting the same message. It's asking if i want to overwrite when i go to push - should i say yes?05:54
godbykvish: can you get me icons for the \advanced and \warning call-outs?05:54
humphreybcjaminday: sure05:54
humphreybcif you destroy everything it's not the end of the world...05:55
vishgodbyk: i thought icons were dropped..05:55
humphreybcwho said icons were dropped?05:55
godbykvish: I think only the per-chapter icons were dropped.05:55
humphreybcwait when did we decide on this?05:55
godbykhumphreybc: I think you were having banana cake at the time or something. ;-)05:56
vishgodbyk: ah, this advanced/warnings is for the boxes ?05:56
godbykvish: yep, those.05:56
humphreybci think we should keep the chapter icon idea05:56
godbykhumphreybc: we couldn't come up with really good icons for all the chapters.05:56
humphreybcas long as we can easily find icons for each chapter05:56
humphreybcthat sucks05:57
humphreybclet's have another brainstorm :)05:57
jamindayhumphreybc: btw think i got it sorted05:58
humphreybcjaminday: sweetbix05:58
jamindaybtw#2 my banana butterscotch pudding was freakin awesome05:58
vishgodbyk: what color and size did we want them in? [/me tuned out a bit too]06:00
godbykvish: good question.  color should probably match the color scheme when end up going with. (whatever that is)06:01
humphreybcgodbyk, vish, i've come up with rough icon ideas for all chapters bar two06:01
godbykvish: size should be scalable. something simple enough that inkscape can export to pdf easily would be best.06:02
godbykhumphreybc: Here's what thorwil came up with a while back: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/hgBlhqyoMH06:03
humphreybcthat's useful.06:03
humphreybcvish, are you in the pad thing06:11
humphreybcideas for the other ones?06:12
humphreybcie, installation? default apps? security?06:12
godbykso what do you think should be done with these icons when we have them?06:12
humphreybci'll show you, hang on06:13
vishicons are not needed  , they are just distractions IMO06:14
vishget the layout and other stuff right , use only icons for the tooltips which need to attract the attention06:15
humphreybcthey're pretty distractions06:15
godbykif they're used, they should be strictly limited to the chapter opening, and even then they should be very subdued and unobtrusive.06:16
humphreybcobviously we'd fiddle with the position and size06:19
godbykyou'd have to move it into the margin area so the chapter title doesn't interfere with it.06:21
godbykalso, I'd recommend making it more of a watermark.06:21
godbykand grayscale.06:21
humphreybceither that or we could have them something like this: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon2.png06:23
humphreybcI like the last one, large grayscale watermark06:27
godbykthe last one is closer to what I had in mind.06:30
humphreybclarger and less opaque, http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon4.png06:31
humphreybcwhat do we think?06:31
godbykyou could try letting part of the icon fall off the edge of the page.06:35
jamindayi just came back. I'm not a design person but i had a look and i really like the last one - watermark style06:36
humphreybcgodbyk: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon5.png06:40
humphreybci also like #406:40
godbykcould go off the top edge, too.06:40
godbykwe'd have to adjust each icon accordingly, though..06:40
humphreybcthe circle of friends isn't the best logo for demonstrating the cut off though06:41
godbyksome may not be as recognizable if you chop off 3/4 of them.06:41
humphreybcit would look better with other logos where there is more stuff in the middle06:42
godbykI'm doing a bunch of reworking of the interior design.06:43
godbykplaying around with basing our doc on the tufte-book class instead of the latex book class (since it gives us some handy things for free).06:44
godbykDo you prefer fully-justified text or ragged right?06:44
humphreybcwith a different icon: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon7.png06:45
humphreybcwhat is it at the moment?06:46
humphreybci think justified is more formal rihgt06:46
humphreybcyou know the margin in those ones is huge right?06:47
vishgodbyk: pushed the advanced and the warning icons , to graphics/ , the old ones had transparency and stuff , which would mess up the pdf ..06:47
vishold warning icon*06:47
humphreybchave there been any studies or research on what people prefer or what's easier to read with justified vs. ragged?06:47
godbykjustified is a bit more formal-looking, yeah.06:47
jamindaynight all, i'm off for the night, gotta give my head a rest06:48
godbykre: the margin, kinda. it's easier to read the main text with the shorter measure and gives us more room for stuff in the margin (since we have a lot of side notes and the screenshot captions will go there)06:48
godbykg'night, jaminday06:48
godbykvish: thanks!  I'll pull those in.06:49
jamindayhumphreybc: i did an overhaul of first part of chapter 1 RE getting hold of ubuntu CD image etc so you might want to check that out as well06:49
humphreybcjaminday: you're heading to bed early!06:49
jamindaycheers godbyk06:49
humphreybcjaminday: cool06:49
jamindayhumphreybc: hehe no not off to bed yet, will probably watch a movie with my wife or something06:49
humphreybcgodbyk: i think the margin is a bit giant now06:49
jamindaycool, i'm off!06:50
humphreybcgodbyk, which one of the 7 proposals for chapter icons is the hardest to implement in latex?06:55
godbykthey're all about the same.06:57
godbykif someone pre-scales and crops them and does all the graphics work first, then it's easy for me to pull them into latex and insert them in the upper right-hand corner of the page.06:58
godbykvish: I converted your SVG icons to PDF with inkscape and they look like crap.  Can you give it a shot?07:05
vishhmm , that means pdf is not able to handle gradients either :/07:06
godbykI don't know if it's a limitation in PDF or an issue with inkscape.07:06
humphreybcgodbyk, so it doesn't matter having text over the top of an image?07:07
godbykhumphreybc: nope.  I'll have latex place the image on the page after it's done laying out the text.07:08
godbykbtw, what does everyone think about thorwil's title pages?  any preferences?07:08
vishgodbyk: do you have the pdf? let me see whats gone wrong07:09
humphreybcI don't like any of the ones he has posted on his blog07:10
humphreybcI like a combination of the things he has07:10
humphreybcbut he hasn't got one that uses all of them :P07:10
humphreybcso I like the purple icons, without the curvy thing at the top or bottom, and dots in place of the wave at the bottom - but less dots, and centered07:11
vishgodbyk: alrighty , i'v made a bit of change , pushed a new change gain , lets see if pdf likes it07:13
humphreybc"Again, the fine dot patterns suggests a more enterprise focus" from Mark's post07:13
humphreybcwe want a wide spaced dot pattern07:13
humphreybcbecause we're not appealing to the enterprise customers, and we're not written by canonical07:13
humphreybcwe're a community effort for the community07:14
humphreybcsame for the purple vs orange07:14
=== ianto is now known as Guest15682
humphreybcorange is more community, purple (aubergine) is more enterprise07:14
=== Guest15682 is now known as ianto
godbykI'm back.07:18
godbykI hate to re-bait and reset the mouse traps.07:18
godbykTotal mouse body count from last night and tonight: 5.07:18
godbykvish: I'll pull and covert again. one sec.07:19
humphreybcgodbyk, sounds like the mice like your house07:19
godbykhumphreybc: yeah, they showed up last week out of the blue.07:20
godbykvish: still fails.  see http://kevin.godby.org/private/ubuntu-manual/advanced.pdf and http://kevin.godby.org/private/ubuntu-manual/warning.pdf07:21
godbykI'm just using inkscape, opening the svg, save as..., pdf.07:21
godbykhumphreybc: they seem to like my peanut butter, though. <evil grin>07:22
vishhmm , we need to just be plain and simple , geez why does everyone just like the glyph icons ! ;p07:24
godbykdid we ever decide on justified vs. ragged right?07:24
vishgodbyk: how does thorwil do it?07:24
godbykvish: how does he do what?07:24
* vish likes justified07:25
vishgodbyk: the export to pdf , seems to be working for him properly07:25
godbykvish: no gradients.07:25
godbyksimple line drawings.07:25
vishhmm , i recall he mentioned gradients were fine only transparency was the problem  , let me try again07:26
* humphreybc is going to get a chicken burger from willowbank07:26
godbykwe could alternatively use png.  as long as it looks okay at whatever resolution we export it at and it doesn't bloat our manual's PDF size too much.07:26
humphreybcgodbyk, no we didn't07:26
godbykhumphreybc: we didn't what?07:26
humphreybcdecide on just/ragged07:26
vishhehe , everyone is talking to godbyk telegraphically ;p07:27
godbykhumphreybc's asynchronous responses confuse and frighten me!  :-P07:28
humphreybci think justified07:28
humphreybcbut dem margins are too wide man07:28
godbykI'm just a simple caveman hacker.  I don't understand your ways!07:28
humphreybc165 pages now hu07:30
* humphreybc is getting chicken burger, bvs07:30
vishgodbyk: test the nogradient icons  , they work now..07:40
vishpdf comes out fine for me07:40
godbykdid you push the changes?07:41
vishjust pushed07:41
vishbzr is too slow for realtime ;)07:41
godbykah, there they are.07:42
humphreybcnom nom this is one good burger07:43
humphreybchey godbyk, any tips on how to reduce server power usage?07:47
godbykvish: those are working now. thanks!07:47
godbykhumphreybc: depends on what the power is being used for.07:48
humphreybcmy server is going down for about 30 mins while i reduce the power :P07:48
humphreybcand optimize it07:48
humphreybcso those images won't work07:48
godbykhumphreybc: try running powertop.. it'll make recommendations.  (not sure if it works when you're on AC.. might require battery power, I'm not sure.)07:49
humphreybci mean physical power reductions, i'm unplugging the optical drives and removing some unused PCI cards07:50
godbykLatest iteration (with vish's icons): http://kevin.godby.org/private/ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual.pdf07:50
godbykhumphreybc: ah, that'll help, too.07:50
godbykhumphreybc: can't pay the electric bill? :)07:51
godbykhumphreybc: also, replace the power supply with an 80plus power supply: http://www.80plus.org/  they're more efficient.07:53
humphreybci don't want to spend money!07:56
humphreybci just want cheap tips and tweaks to improve power usage :P07:57
godbykbut spending money will save you money. :)07:57
humphreybctrade off aint worth it xD07:57
humphreybcit's got a 370W PSU right now07:58
humphreybci might get some of this to reduce noise08:05
humphreybci'm a bit concerned about heat though08:06
humphreybci've got the CPU fan and the PSU fan running08:06
humphreybcCPU fan is plugged into the CPU fan plug which has a BIOS setting to switch speed based on load08:07
humphreybcI also have a side-case fan installed, but I've unplugged that because it was a bit noisy, and to save power. I've been putting my hand by the exhaust fan for the last few days and it's been really cool, so I'm pretty sure I can get by without the side fan08:07
humphreybcbut the mats might increase the heat08:07
godbykcan you afford to slow the fans down? that'd reduce noise.08:09
humphreybcbut i can't slow the PSU fan08:10
humphreybcand the CPU fan is already going as slow as it lets it go08:10
humphreybcit's not particularly noisy at all08:10
humphreybcI might buy this acoustic pad stuff though, it's only $36 with free delivery and comes with quite a bit08:10
humphreybcI could undervolt the CPU?08:11
humphreybc(to save power)08:11
humphreybccan you run CPU's without a fan?08:11
godbykyou'd have to check with your cpu manufacturer about that.08:14
godbykdepends on the heat they put out and what kind of cooling options you have for that socket type.08:14
humphreybci've always thought it was incredibly risky to run them without a fan08:16
* humphreybc just bought two 320GB HDDs for $10008:25
humphreybchow easy is it to format drives from the command line?08:26
godbykI turned the \screenshotTODOs into floats and now they have captions, too.08:28
humphreybcbut no actual shots yet?08:33
godbyknope, not yet.08:35
godbykI'll give some of those a try in a sec.08:35
godbykdo the shots you took correspond to some of the shots in the manual?08:36
godbykgonna do a big commit.  we'll see who I cause problems for. :)08:36
godbykokay, changes pushed.08:40
godbykif you guys get a sec, would you try compiling the PDF?  (if it complains of missing packages, run the pkgs/install-pkgs.sh script, then try again. if it still fails, tell me about it.)08:41
godbykOkay, I've done enough damage for one day.  I'm heading to bed.08:50
humphreybci think it's broken08:56
humphreybcthe keyboard won't work anymore either08:56
humphreybcwell, it works, just not with the server08:58
humphreybci'm going to hard reset the bios..08:58
humphreybcoh, it seemed to not like the CD roms being unplugged09:01
humphreybcext4 does definitely not like being shutdown unexpectedly09:04
humphreybcaha, so it didn't boot up because the primary drive was unplugged09:08
humphreybcso i need to change the primary drive from the DVD drive to the HDD09:08
humphreybcgood ol' IDE09:13
thorwilgood part-of-day!09:14
humphreybchi thorwil!09:15
thorwilhumphreybc: i wonder why you never replied to https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/msg00906.html, but now have a mail on chapter icons09:20
thorwilhttp://humphreybc.homeip.net doesn't load here :/09:21
humphreybclol hang on09:25
humphreybcserver is down atm09:25
humphreybcshould load now09:25
humphreybcah, technology. I can plug in a computer and turn it on and all the way on the other side of the world someone can see the files stored on it.09:26
* humphreybc is looking forward to his 2x 320GB HDDs and acoustic padding arriving so he can continue pimping the server09:26
thorwilhumphreybc, godbyk: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon2.png or http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon3.png / http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon7.png09:27
dutchiesecond one09:28
humphreybci quite like: http://humphreybc.homeip.net/files/chaptericon4.png09:28
thorwilthat is, if at all09:28
* humphreybc restarting the server09:30
humphreybcback up in about 2 minutes09:30
humphreybc....and it's back up09:31
dutchie 09:34:02 up 39 days, 12:02,  4 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.07, 0.0109:34
humphreybc4 users huh?09:35
humphreybcbut do you have a fancy page to tell you those stats?09:36
dutchie4 users are 4 instances of me09:36
humphreybcit's like... dutchie-server 413 users09:38
humphreybc413 users! man your server must be popular!09:38
humphreybcdutchie: nah, it's just 413 instances of me09:38
dutchie$ ssh vps who09:39
dutchiejrh      pts/1        2010-02-22 18:30 (
dutchiejrh      pts/2        2010-02-02 21:31 (
dutchiejrh      pts/3        2010-02-02 21:32 (
dutchiejrh      pts/4        2010-02-26 23:02 (
humphreybcso i got two 320GB HDDs off trademe for $10009:39
humphreybcso I'll have about 1.2TB of space soon :)09:39
humphreybcand then i got some exciting noise reducing 5mm thick pad things09:40
humphreybcso it'll be really exciting09:40
* humphreybc can't wait to build his own house one day. it will have a mint server-controlled heating system09:42
* humphreybc still hasn't done the wiki overhaul09:46
* humphreybc thought that he had a lot of karma...09:57
humphreybcgodbyk, you know there are a couple of compile time errors in the title and author?10:03
humphreybcso this is what Canonical does in their spare time... http://www.flickr.com/photos/iain/sets/72157622861379369/10:31
=== iant0 is now known as ianto
dakerhi @all20:07
godbykhey, daker. how's it going?20:08
dakerso i want to create a new project for the website20:09
dakeri have made a lot of things this week end20:09
ubuntujenkinshello everyone20:09
dakerhi ubuntujenkins20:10
ubuntujenkinshi daker what stuff have you made for the website?20:10
thorwilhi all20:10
ubuntujenkinshello thorwil20:10
thorwilgodbyk: there's still just "Advanced" and "Warning" as special sections in need of icons, right?20:11
godbykthorwil: So far, yeah.20:11
godbykvish provided me with a couple icons for them yesterday.20:11
godbykthorwil: have you seen the updated manual with the new layout stuff yet?20:12
ubuntujenkinsdaker the link is broken acording to chromium20:12
dakerone minute20:13
thorwilgodbyk: what is vish thinking, not letting me know ... can you show them to me?20:13
thorwilgodbyk: nope20:13
vishthorwil hei!20:13
godbykthorwil: sure, they're in the bzr repository.  graphics/warning.pdf and graphics/advanced.pdf20:14
vishthorwil: i got pinged today morning , and i just did them since i had time.. and you werent around either :(20:14
godbykfeel free to change 'em. I'm not picky.  I just wanted something I could drop in to get rid of the ! and !! placeholders.20:14
thorwilvish: it's all good. my own fault to have some work on that sleeping on my hd20:15
godbykthorwil: http://kevin.godby.org/private/ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual.pdf20:16
godbykI still have plenty of work to do, but it's getting there.20:16
godbykwe should figure out what's up with the chapter headings soon so I don't have to panic about it later. :)20:17
vishthorwil: lol , its yesterday for godbyk but it was morning for us ;) , noon for me rather ;p20:17
godbykyeah, it's 15:18 on Sunday for me right now.20:18
thorwilvish: we will use the !-triangle in any case. though i made it monochrome20:20
vishthorwil: i dont see the point of those icons being monochrome , the warning needs to attract attention20:21
thorwilvish: it will, in yellow/orange20:24
thorwilgodbyk: what's open about the chapter headings?20:24
vishthorwil: anyways , if anyone asks me to do stuff , i'll tell them to run it by you first :)20:25
godbykthorwil: well the entire design is up in the air at the moment. waiting to hear what's going on re: per-chapter icons and, if we're going with them, where they'll be placed, etc.20:26
thorwilvish, godbyk: this is what i was about to put on my blog: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/1150a8b26fb909c47aa9469291f4ed4420:27
dakerubuntujenkins, try now
ubuntujenkinsstill broken daker20:27
godbykdaker: the 10.x.x.x IP address is internal only.  you'll have to give us your external ip address.20:28
godbykthorwil: cool.  the \advanced icon will be the most difficult one, I think.20:29
dakergodbyk, that's right20:29
vishthorwil: what is the ladder for?20:29
godbykvish: the icons on the second row are attempts to indicate 'advanced'20:30
vishthorwil: also , since the warning is yellow on white  , have a darker border..20:30
vishwhich would probably be the same as the current one :(20:31
godbykHow do other manuals do it?20:31
godbykI know that Knuth's TeX manual using a 'dangerous bend' icon for warnings and advanced material: http://www.truetex.com/db.htm20:31
vishgodbyk: i recall seeing spanners for advanced..20:31
godbykHe uses one dangerous bend for advanced material and two dangerous bend icons for super-advanced material.20:32
dutchiedo we really need a right margin that wide?20:32
godbykdutchie: nag, nag, nag. :)20:33
godbykI haven't decided yet.  It's the default margins in the tufte-book class, which is based on the book design used in Edward Tufte's books.20:33
godbykhe makes more extensive use of marginal material that we do at the moment.20:34
godbykbut I wanted to shorten the measure of the main text block at any rate.20:34
thorwilgreat. a quick image search reveals 3 different dangerous-bend signs20:36
dutchieis command-line/.command-line.tex.properties.xml generated by something of godbyk's?20:36
godbykdutchie: now that I'm aware of..20:37
dutchienothing seems to have been broken by killing it20:38
godbykdutchie: I don't see that file here. did your editor create it?20:39
dutchiedon't think so20:39
godbykah, I see others like it here, though.20:39
ubuntujenkinsRed_HamsterX: A while ago it was said to change the combo box in in the screenshot choosing window to something else. what was the reasoning behind that?20:39
godbykI'll see if I can figure out where they come from20:40
Red_HamsterXubuntujenkins, I don't recall any of the specifics associated with this discussion. I think titeuf is who you'd want to speak to.20:43
ubuntujenkinsok thank you I will ask him when he is next around20:44
godbykubuntujenkins: was it changing the dropdown box (containing the list of screenshots) to a list box?20:44
ubuntujenkinsIt was godbyk, that was it.20:45
godbykubuntujenkins: the reasoning behind that would be that drop-down boxes that contain a huge list of items are hard to use, and using a list box is better in that case.20:45
godbykit makes it easier to navigate longer lists because you can see more of the context.20:45
ubuntujenkinsNow I remeber I will try and change it to make it look right20:46
thorwil6586 views for the Ubuntu Manual Title Page post, but very sparing feedback20:51
vishthorwil: just read the ML reply , i said the same thing about having chapter icons.. we dont need them ;)20:53
thorwilgodbyk: btw, contact on your website lacks country21:03
godbykwhich site?21:04
godbyk(too many profiles)21:04
thorwilis there a better one to link your name with?21:04
godbykah, thanks. I'll fix that.21:04
godbyknope, you can link to my site.21:04
thorwilif only i could write a resume like that. i can only point to examples and hope nobody asks for my CV which is such a wreck that i wouldn't hire myself21:06
godbykyeah, I need to update my CV, too.  I hate writing about myself.21:09
godbykI think I like the second column of icons.. with the black.  It'll print better and has a bigger impact.21:11
thorwilgood night! :)21:12
ubuntujenkinsnn o/21:13
dakerubuntujenkins, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-website22:04
* ubuntujenkins looks22:04
ubuntujenkinsdaker I am confused i get  bzr branch lp:~adnane002/ubuntu-manual-website/website22:07
ubuntujenkinsbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~adnane002/ubuntu-manual-website/website/". when pulling the branch22:07
ubuntujenkinsam i being silly?22:08
dakerI have not yet push the work22:09
ubuntujenkinsthere is no branch there yet22:09
ubuntujenkinsjust got it :-)22:09
ubuntujenkinsI am testing quickshot so I may acedntly log ou tin a second22:10
ubuntujenkinssorry for the jumble I had to type fast just in case22:10
dakerubuntujenkins, try now22:15
ubuntujenkinsI now have an empty folder called website22:16
ubuntujenkinsback now22:24
godbykubuntujenkins: heh.. you could just change that line to: if not os.environ["USER"] == "quickshot" and not os.environ["USER"] == "luke-jennings":  for now and be done with it for a while. :-)22:24
dakerubuntujenkins, i dont know what's the problem22:24
ubuntujenkinsgood point godbyk I keep forgetting to change it back. its very anoying22:25
ubuntujenkinsdid you run bzr add daker?22:25
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:/var/www/daker-remake$ bzr add22:25
ubuntujenkinsthen bzr commit -m "chnage goes here"22:26
godbykubuntujenkins: are you on the frontend or backend of things?  it's been a while since I've seen the workflow on the front-end, but when I last saw it (some weeks ago), it looked like there might have been a couple unnecessary steps in there.  is there a current diagram showing the user's path through the program?22:26
dakerubuntujenkins, bzr commit –m "first prototype of the website"22:26
dakerCommitting to: /var/www/daker-remake/22:26
dakerTraceback (most recent call last):22:26
daker  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/logging/__init__.py", line 791, in emit22:26
daker    stream.write(fs % msg.encode("UTF-8"))22:26
dakerUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 80: ordinal not in range(128)22:26
dakerbzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: "–m" "first prototype of the website"22:26
dakerthis is bugg ?22:27
ubuntujenkinsHave a run of main and see what you think godbyk I am mostly front end the python is to hard for me. I will be interested if it works for you. btw a package call disper will be installed it allows us to deal with nvidia stuff22:27
godbykubuntujenkins: how do I test quickshot and do I need to close all my programs first (so it can log out)?22:28
ubuntujenkinswow daker that looks fun22:28
dakerubuntujenkins, hhhhh22:29
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: go to the quickshot diectory where the banch is and do "quickly run" and follow thought the instructions if you have done it before do "quickly run -r"22:29
godbykubuntujenkins: shall I dump my stream-of-consciousness thoughts here for ya?22:30
ubuntujenkinsdaker: just to  check you did "bzr commit -m "first prototype of the website""22:30
ubuntujenkinsplease do godbyk or paste bin it and then link it to me22:31
godbykokay. here goes:22:31
godbykthe window doesn't need to be resizable.  if you allow resizing the elements in the window should resize appropriately.  right now it just ads extra padding which isn't helpful.22:31
godbykthe Cancel button should probably be renamed Close22:31
godbykthe about dialog says version 0.03, but the main window says version 0.0222:32
godbykFile > Quit should have a shortcut key (Ctrl+Q) associated with it.22:33
godbykmight be better to go with File > Close (Ctrl+W) instead. I'd have to check the current HIG for what's proper now.22:33
godbykthe Next and Cancel buttons are too wide.22:33
godbyk[regretting this yet? :-)]22:34
ubuntujenkinsno this is good no one has given us much feed back on the project so far22:34
godbykclicking next causes the program to appear to lock up.  there's no status as to what it's doing or why it's taking so long.22:35
ubuntujenkinswhich next buttons that?22:35
godbykthe first next button.  while it's downloading disper in the background.22:35
ubuntujenkinsthat will hopefully go, I am hoping to have disper as a dependcey22:36
godbykthe next thing I see as the user is the dialog asking for my password, telling me it wants to install something.  that's kinda scary.22:36
dakerubuntujenkins, any idea ?22:36
godbykif I cancel the password dialog and click close on the next password dialog (it's rather persistent, isn't it?), then quickshot closes without another word on the gui side.22:37
ubuntujenkinsdaker i am afraid not if you did the command right then it might be a bug22:37
godbykthe only reason I know what's going on is because I saw the console output in the terminal window.22:37
godbykI'm letting it install disper this time.22:37
ubuntujenkinstry setting the branch up again daker22:38
godbykthere's no progress display during the install, either.22:38
godbykokay, it's asking for a pwd for the quickshot user.22:38
godbykthe text is all centered. that's bad.22:38
ubuntujenkinsthats my fault22:38
ubuntujenkinsthats easy to change22:38
godbykyou say I should enter the password for the new user in the boxes below.  there's only one box.22:39
godbykthe spacing and button positions don't follow the HIG either.22:39
godbykif I hit the Close button, quickshot exits without another word.22:39
ubuntujenkinswhat do you expect it to say?22:40
godbykadmit that it can't continue without creating the quickshot user.  give me options to go back and create the user or to give up on the whole quickshot thing.22:40
ubuntujenkinsok i see22:41
godbykthere was another long delay after entering the pwd for the quickshot user. no status reports and the UI kind of freezes during that time.22:41
godbykon this screen it says a new user has been created called "Quickshot" with a capital Q.  on the previous screen it was lowercase Q.22:41
ubuntujenkinsthats alos caused by a tempoary bit of code untill we have aproper program it has to pull the bzr branch into the quickshot user22:42
godbykcentered text and button possitions again.22:42
godbykClose button has C underlined, but Login button doesn't have a shortcut key.22:42
godbykwill clicking the login button switch users or actually log me out?22:42
godbyki.e., will it close all of my programs and cause me to lose work?22:43
ubuntujenkinsswitch users, but just in case please save everything it has worked so far but..22:43
godbykmight be good to note that in this window.22:43
godbykI'll be back in a sec. going to hit the login button.22:43
ubuntujenkinsany luck daker?22:44
ubuntujenkinskk godbyk22:44
dakerits works22:44
* ubuntujenkins bets godbyk will mention about centred text again :-)22:44
ubuntujenkinscool daker i will do a pull22:45
dakerwait a minute22:45
dakerits not yet complet22:45
dakerhi is pushing right now22:45
godbyk-quickshotokay.. logged in as quickshot now.22:46
godbyk-quickshotwhen quickshot starts up again, it shows the same first screen as before..22:46
godbyk-quickshotwhere it says it will create a new user and I'll be prompted for my password during setup, etc.22:47
ubuntujenkinsyep I will chanage  text in the lable22:47
godbyk-quickshotif I'm already logged in as quickshot, then it should instead give me a 'congratulations!' dialog and continue on.22:47
godbyk-quickshotclicking next took a while.22:47
godbyk-quickshotthe window disappeared for a bit.22:47
godbyk-quickshotjust came back with the warning. lemme read this.22:48
ubuntujenkinsyep i can tidy that up easy22:48
godbyk-quickshotnon-standard dialog layout. see the gnome hig again for details.22:48
godbyk-quickshotthere's no way for me to bail out at this point.. just the OK button.22:48
ubuntujenkinsI think i need to eat the gnome hig :-)22:48
godbyk-quickshotgoing to hit the window's close button and see what happens.22:48
ubuntujenkinsgood point22:48
godbyk-quickshotclosed the window with the window control and now I'm still logged in as quickshot without any idea of what's going on.22:49
godbyk-quickshotgoing to restart quickshot manually from a terminal.22:49
ubuntujenkinsdaker silly question which bit do i open with chrome?22:50
godbyk-quickshotthat didn't work well.22:52
ubuntujenkinswhat happend?22:52
godbyk-quickshotjust changed the screen res to something (it claims)22:52
godbyk-quickshoteverything is white except the quickshot dialog22:53
ubuntujenkinsand did it?22:53
godbyk-quickshotnot even sure if I'm typing in the xchat window22:53
ubuntujenkinsyou are22:53
dakerwhat ?22:53
godbyk-quickshotit said if I didn't hit 'ok' (with the timeout) that it would log me out.  why log me out?22:53
godbyk-quickshotbrb, going to cancel  quickshot and see if I can see again22:54
godbykokay, I'm back as me now.  had to hit ctrl+alt+f1 and alt+f7 to switch back to my regular user.22:54
ubuntujenkinsdaker: how do i view the website with chrome?22:55
ubuntujenkinslogging out is the only way we can restores people resolution 100% of the time. godbyk22:55
ubuntujenkinsyou have a new bug if you can't see anything22:55
godbykyeah, everything was completely white.22:55
godbykI mean *completely*.22:55
godbykthe only thing I could see was the quickshot window.22:55
godbykI could hit alt+tab and see the windows in the switcher list.22:55
dakerubuntujenkins, you have to install a lamp server22:55
ubuntujenkinsyou were typing in xchat still. that is very strange22:56
godbykthen I just waved my mouse around until it changed to the text insert I-beam cursor and typed into xchat.22:56
godbykI've got a dual-head setup with an nvidia card.22:56
ubuntujenkinsI have tested it on dual head it should work22:57
ubuntujenkinsdaker i will see if I have enough space to instal one22:57
godbykI'll try to switch back to the quickshot user and see if it's any better.22:57
godbykone sec22:57
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk: can you open a terminal and do disper -l an post please22:57
godbyk$ disper -l22:58
godbykdisplay DFP-0: Samsung SyncMaster22:58
godbyk resolutions: 320x240, 400x300, 416x312, 512x384, 576x432, 680x384, 640x480, 720x450, 640x512, 800x512, 840x525, 800x600, 960x540, 832x624, 960x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1360x768, 1280x960, 1440x900, 1280x1024, 1400x1050, 1600x1024, 1600x120022:58
godbykdisplay DFP-1: Samsung SyncMaster22:58
godbyk resolutions: 320x240, 400x300, 416x312, 512x384, 576x432, 680x384, 640x480, 720x450, 640x512, 800x512, 840x525, 800x600, 960x540, 832x624, 960x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1360x768, 1280x960, 1440x900, 1280x1024, 1400x1050, 1600x1024, 1600x120022:58
ubuntujenkinsok thats fine give quickshot another go22:58
ubuntujenkinsI am not sure why it isn't working at this moment in time22:58
godbyk-quickshotokay. back as quickshot user. everything okay again here.22:59
ubuntujenkinsnice what resolution are you at normal or not?22:59
godbyk-quickshotI'm normally running at 1600x1200 for both monitors.22:59
godbyk-quickshotand the nvidia tool says I'm running at that now under the quickshot user.23:00
godbyk-quickshotsome output from the terminal:23:00
godbyk-quickshot$ ./run.sh23:00
godbyk-quickshotRunning Quickshot23:00
godbyk-quickshotdisper installed23:00
godbyk-quickshotYou have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to23:00
godbyk-quickshotwrite to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".23:00
godbyk-quickshothttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quickshotdevs/quickshot/quickshot is permanently redirected to /~quickshotdevs/quickshot/quickshot/changes23:00
godbyk-quickshotYou have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to23:00
godbyk-quickshotwrite to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".23:00
godbyk-quickshotNo revisions to pull.23:00
godbyk-quickshotWARNING: you should run this program as super-user.23:00
godbyk-quickshotWARNING: you should run this program as super-user.23:00
godbyk-quickshot(whoa! sorry about the paste spam)23:00
godbyk-quickshotI don't know what program is running when it says it should be ran as root.23:00
godbyk-quickshotI'll run quickshot again and see what blows up23:01
ubuntujenkinsnothing abnormal23:01
ubuntujenkinshang on23:01
ubuntujenkinsplease do "disper -c -r 800x600" that should change your resolution23:01
godbyk-quickshotI'll try that. just a sec.23:02
godbyk-quickshotbtw, hitting the window's close button when the 'hit okay to change resolutions' window is up doesn't cause quickshot to exit.  it just closes the window.23:02
godbyk-quickshotdo I need to use sudo with disper?23:03
godbyk-quickshot'kay. here goes.23:03
godbyk-quickshotthat worked.23:03
godbyk-quickshotdefinitely changed the res.23:03
godbyk-quickshotnow both monitors are showing the same image, too.23:04
ubuntujenkinsnice that sound good23:04
godbyk-quickshotcan I just say how ugly 800x600 is?  it's been a long time... :)23:04
godbyk-quickshotshould I change it back and let quickshot try it?23:04
godbyk-quickshotor just run quickshot from here?23:04
ubuntujenkinsit is a pain I hate it I am toying with 1048x76423:04
ubuntujenkinschnage it back23:04
ubuntujenkinsthere is something wrong with that part of the code23:05
godbyk-quickshotokay.. back to two monitors, 1600x1200.23:05
ubuntujenkinsdaker will installing a lamp mean it points outwards on my pc haveing a server of any kind is against my uni useage policy23:05
godbyk-quickshotrunning quickshot again23:05
dakerubuntujenkins, no23:07
ubuntujenkinsok which packages do install on ubuntu-desktop?23:07
godbyk-quickshotokay, the res change worked this time.23:07
godbyk-quickshotuh oh23:07
godbykokay. so if you click on the window close button on the 'yay, the new res worked!' screen, then you get logged out.23:08
godbykthat doesn't seem right.23:08
dakerubuntujenkins, sudo apt-get install lamp-server^23:08
ubuntujenkinsthanks daker23:08
ubuntujenkinsgodbyk thats a code fail definaly needs a fix23:09
godbykfair enough.23:09
godbykI'm going back in. :)23:09
* ubuntujenkins files 100 more bugs :-P23:09
dakerubuntujenkins, how old are u ?23:09
ubuntujenkins20 why?23:10
dakerjuste a question :)23:10
ubuntujenkinsI am new to all the server and python and bzr and laytex stuff btw23:10
ubuntujenkinsfair enough23:10
dakerwhat licence should we use for the website ?23:11
godbykokay, it does indeed log you back out if you let the timer expire.23:11
godbykgoing in again.23:11
* ubuntujenkins installes a lamp server23:11
dakergodbyk, wich licence should we use for the website ?23:11
godbykoh, here's another bug for ya, ubuntujenkins: when quickshot first starts up, the default button is the Cancel button.23:12
godbykdaker: the content should probably be under CC-BY-SA, since that's what the manual is under.23:12
ubuntujenkinssorry but which button godbyk?23:12
godbykthe code itself.. I dunno, I'd go with something pretty liberal like Apache or something.23:12
godbykubuntujenkins: on the first screen when you run 'quickly run'.. the Cancel button is what's highlighted. (so if I press Enter, that'll be the button that gets 'clicked')23:13
godbykthis is on the Welcome to Quickshot! screen.23:13
ubuntujenkinsi see ok noted23:13
godbykyou should set the default buttons on all of the screens, actually.  I think most the screens didn't have defaults set.23:13
godbykbrb.. switching to quickshot again23:13
ubuntujenkinsok daker i have a lamp now what do i do?23:15
godbyk-quickshotokay, I made it to the 'choose your language/screenshot' dialog.23:16
godbyk-quickshotthe first two paragraphs are unnecessary.23:16
ubuntujenkinswoooo thats as far as it goes in main23:16
godbyk-quickshotthe program doesn't need to brag about what it's done, and that info isn't particularly helpful to the user.23:16
ubuntujenkinsok also noted23:17
dakertype in your browser23:17
ubuntujenkinsit works aparently23:17
ubuntujenkinsthanks godbyk-quickshot any other thoughts?23:18
dakersecond thing23:18
godbyk-quickshothitting cancel makes the window go away.  but the process is just marked <defunct>23:18
dakercd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled23:19
dakertouch rewrite.load23:19
dakergedit rewrite.load (you may use any editor to edit this file)23:19
dakernow paste this following line23:19
dakerLoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_rewrite.so23:19
dakerThen edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default23:19
dakerFind the following23:19
dakerOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews23:19
dakerAllowOverride None23:19
dakerOrder allow,deny23:19
dakerallow from all23:19
dakerand change it to23:19
dakerOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews23:19
dakerAllowOverride all23:19
dakerOrder allow,deny23:19
dakerallow from all23:19
dakerand finally restart Apache23:19
daker/etc/init.d/apache2 restart23:19
godbyk-quickshotubuntujenkins, you should also make sure I'm not already running at 800x600 before you tell me you're going to change the res.23:20
ubuntujenkinsthanks very much godbyk-quickshot lots to do I am going to mail the list the log23:20
ubuntujenkinsthat could be hard23:20
godbyk-quickshotI'm going to logout of quickshot. brb.23:21
godbykokay, back.23:22
godbykIt seemed like quickshot spent a lot of time telling me what it had done, what it was doing, and what it was going to do.23:23
godbykMost of that can be hidden behind a progress bar and a small label.23:23
ubuntujenkinsI didn't write those bits.23:23
ubuntujenkinsI will change them23:23
godbykOnly pester the user if you're about to do something potentially dangerous or if you require information from the user.23:24
ubuntujenkinsok I looked up the gnome hig and it is long23:25
godbykWe should strive to make it as easy as possible for the user (at the sake of making it more difficult for the developer).23:26
godbykheh, yeah, it is.23:26
godbykYou'll really only care about the dialog design parts, though.23:26
ubuntujenkinsdaker etc/init.d/apache2 restart23:27
ubuntujenkins * Restarting web server apache2                                                apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName23:27
ubuntujenkinsapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName23:27
ubuntujenkins(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8023:27
ubuntujenkins(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
ubuntujenkinsno listening sockets available, shutting down23:27
ubuntujenkinsUnable to open logs23:27
ubuntujenkins    I think it would be easyier if we could get it on a server so that all could look23:27
ubuntujenkinssorry about the spam23:27
ubuntujenkinsok got it godbyk I shall focus on those bits23:27
godbykif it's the ubuntu-manual site that daker is working on, he can put his code in ubuntu-manual/website/daker/ and we can view it on the test.ubuntu-manual.org server.23:28
dakergodbyk, its possible ?23:28
ubuntujenkinsthat would make more sense23:28
godbykdaker: Yes. Just make a new directory under the website/ dir and put your code in there.23:30
godbykI'll link it to a subdir under the test.ubuntu-manual.org site for you.23:30
ubuntujenkinsnight people, thanks again godbyk23:33
godbykno problem. see ya, ubuntujenkins.23:33
dakergodbyk, daker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$ bzr push --no-strict lp:ubuntu-manual23:34
dakerNo new revisions to push.23:34
godbykdaker: what's 'bzr status' say?23:35
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$ bzr status23:35
daker  website/wolter-remake/share/images/button_outline.png23:35
daker  website/wolter-remake/share/scripts/buttons.js23:35
daker  website/countdown/index.html23:35
godbykdaker: did you 'bzr add website/daker' or whatever dir you added?  and then 'bzr commit'?23:35
daker  website/countdown/style.css23:35
daker  website/daker/23:35
daker  website/countdown/style.css.BASE23:35
daker  website/countdown/style.css.OTHER23:36
daker  website/countdown/style.css.THIS23:36
daker  Text conflict in website/countdown/style.css23:36
godbykrun bzr add website/daker23:36
godbykit looks like you've modified some other things.  did you intend to?  (like the countdown stuff and the wolter-remake button stuff)23:36
dakeri have to re pull it ?23:37
godbykokay. it looksl ike the website/countdown/style.css file has some conflicts. you should look into those before you commit that file.23:37
godbykbut for now, to get your site up, do this:23:37
godbyk1. bzr add website/daker23:38
godbyk2. bzr commit website/daker23:38
godbyk3. bzr push23:38
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$  bzr commit website/daker23:39
dakerbzr: ERROR: Conflicts detected in working tree.  Use "bzr conflicts" to list, "bzr resolve FILE" to resolve.23:39
godbykokay. that's complaining about the website/countdown/style.css file23:39
godbyklook at the website/countdown/style.css.OTHER and website/countdown/style.css.THIS files23:39
godbykfigure out how best to merge all of that.23:39
godbykthen type 'bzr resolve website/countdown/style.css' and fix up the .css file23:40
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$ bzr commit -m website/daker/ "first prototype of the website"23:45
dakerbzr: warning: The commit message is a file name: "website/daker/".23:45
daker(use --file "website/daker/" to take commit message from that file)23:45
dakerCommitting to: /home/daker/ubuntu-manual/23:45
dakeraborting commit write group: PathsNotVersionedError(Path(s) are not versioned: "first prototype of the website")23:45
dakerbzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: "first prototype of the website"23:45
godbykdaker: put the -m after the website/daker/23:45
godbykso bzr commit website/daker -m "Daker's prototype of the website"23:45
godbykdaker, okay, now 'bzr push'23:47
dakerbzr push23:48
dakerbzr: ERROR: Working tree "/home/daker/ubuntu-manual/" has uncommitted changes (See bzr status). Use --no-strict to force the push.23:48
godbyktry 'bzr push --no-strict'23:48
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$ bzr push --no-strict23:52
dakerUsing saved push location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/main/23:52
dakerbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.23:52
godbykdaker: run 'bzr pull' then 'bzr merge'23:53
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$ bzr pull23:54
dakerUsing saved parent location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/main/23:54
dakerbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to see how.23:54
dakerUse the merge command to reconcile them.23:54
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$ bzr merge23:54
dakerbzr: ERROR: Working tree "/home/daker/ubuntu-manual/" has uncommitted changes (See bzr status).23:54
dakerdaker@daker-laptop:~/ubuntu-manual$ bzr status23:55
daker  website/wolter-remake/share/images/button_outline.png23:55
daker  website/wolter-remake/share/scripts/buttons.js23:55
daker  website/countdown/index.html23:55
daker  website/countdown/style.css23:55
godbykokay. there are too many things going on there.23:56
godbyklet's do this.23:56
godbykzip up your daker-remake dir and email it to me at <godbyk@gmail.com>23:56
godbykI'll add it to the branch for you.23:56
godbykthen we can clean up your local branch so that you're ready to make changes and commit them.23:56

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