
ddecatormicahg, alright, so not sure where to start exactly. i'm guessing to get work done with songbird i'll have to know how to package it, but mozilla tarballs are different from the gnu ones demoed in the motu video so i don't know how, haha04:28
micahgddecator: yeah, well, the current problem is that we need to have it build its own copy of sqlite04:29
ddecatormicahg, and how is that done?04:29
micahgddecator: to generate a tarball for it, just run ./debian/rules get-orig-source04:29
micahgddecator: you have to edit debian/rules04:30
ddecatormicahg, want me to start doing this stuff now while we talk?04:30
micahgddecator: sure, I'm working on prism and fennec :)04:30
ddecatormicahg, fair enough =), so i should get the tarball from songbirds site so i can edit the debian rules file, yes?04:31
micahgddecator: no, we maintain the packaging branch on Launchpad and that generates the tarball from svn04:32
ddecatormicahg, ok...04:32
micahgddecator: bzr branch lp:songbird I think04:32
ddecatormicahg, "songbird has no default branch"04:33
* micahg checks04:33
micahgddecator: fixed04:34
ddecatormicahg, that was fast...04:34
micahgddecator: easy fixes are fast ;)04:35
ddecatormicahg, fair enough, haha. it's getting the source04:35
ddecatorwith a notification too, very nice04:35
ddecatormicahg, alright, "branched 108 revisions"04:36
micahgddecator: I can teach you about patching too as that branch needs the patches updated refreshed04:36
micahgddecator: that's just the packaging bracnh04:36
ddecatormicahg, sounds good to me, got my hw done early so i could work on this =)04:36
ddecatoroh hey, the files are in my home folder, haha...04:39
ddecatormicahg, i'm guessing i should work with the folder that has the version number?04:39
micahgddecator: ?04:39
ddecatoroh wait...04:40
ddecatormicahg, i have a "songbird" folder that has just the debian folder, and the "songbird-1.8.0" folder that has the full set of files04:40
micahgwhere did you get the songbird-1.8.0 dir?04:40
ddecatorthat might be leftover from when i was trying to get songbird working before...one sec04:41
ddecatormicahg, yah, that was leftover, haha, never deleted it...ok, now what do i need to change in the debian folder?04:42
micahgddecator: well, debian/rules needs to be modified so that we pull sqlite from svn04:42
ddecatormicahg, alright, looking at the file now...04:43
ddecatormicahg, ok what do i need to change exactly?04:46
micahgddecator: take a look at the file...04:46
micahgtry to figure it out04:46
ddecatorooooooh, this will be interesting, haha. one sec04:47
ddecatoralright, so i see that right now it uses the system sqlite...04:50
micahgddecator: yes04:53
ddecatormicahg, the only svn i see mentioned is the songbird svn04:53
micahgddecator: yep04:54
ddecatormicahg, so we want to modify it so that it always pulls sqlite from svn, or only in certain situations?04:55
micahgddecator: always at the moment04:56
ddecatormicahg, so we need to modify the use_system_sqlite and change it over to having it pulled from svn...not sure how to do that04:58
micahgddecator: :) that's the current challenge04:59
ddecatormicahg, ok. what svn will it be pulled from?04:59
micahgddecator: same as the source04:59
ddecatormicahg, ok...05:00
ddecatormicahg, ok, i'm starting to get this more...i'm just trying to figure out where the sqlite file is hosted on the source svn...05:05
ddecatormicahg, sqlbuilder?05:06
* micahg looks for online source browsing05:06
micahgddecator: http://timeline.songbirdnest.com/client/browser/trunk05:07
ddecatori feel like this should be really easy to find and i'm missing some kind of shortcut to doing it...05:10
micahgddecator: it should be under modules I think05:12
ddecatormicahg, any idea what the parent folder would be for modules?05:13
micahgddecator: I think it's under dependencies05:16
ddecatormicahg, only thing in there is a makefile05:16
micahgddecator: yeah, put I think it pulls in xulrunner in there05:17
ddecatormicahg, oh, so the makefile is what we need?05:17
micahgddecator: no05:17
ddecatormicahg, i'm confused...05:19
micahgddecator: run ./debian/rules get-orig-source and you should see how it checks out stuff and then removes some directories05:23
ddecatormicahg, says svn is missing...05:25
micahgddecator: can you pastebin the error at paste.ubuntu.com05:26
ddecatormicahg, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/394949/05:31
ddecatori haven't felt this noob in a long time, haha05:32
micahgddecator: do you have mozilla-devscripts installeD?05:33
micahgsorry, forgot to mention that...05:34
ddecatormicahg, nope, just installed it05:34
ddecatormicahg, same error though05:34
micahgddecator: you don't have svn installed :)05:37
micahgddecator: you should probably do sudo apt-get build-dep songbird05:38
ddecatormicahg, heh, i thought that was installed by default...05:38
micahgddecator: no05:38
ddecatormicahg, ran that command, "Unable to find a source package for songbird"05:39
ddecatormicahg, the other command works now though...05:39
micahgddecator: ugh...you would need the deb-src line from the PPA05:39
ddecatorworkin on it...internet is slow right now05:45
ddecatoralright, ran that command, installed the packages05:52
ddecatormicahg, sorry you have to walk me through this so much, but i appreciate the help =)05:52
micahgddecator: np, but this isn't the easiest of tasks05:58
ddecatormicahg, is this something i shouldn't be trying?05:59
micahgddecator: that's up to how big a challenge you want :)05:59
ddecatormicahg, i freed up my night for this. if you're willing to help me out, then i'm willing to work on it and get it figured out. best way to learn with this is to do =)06:00
micahgddecator: sure, I should be up for another hour06:00
ddecatormicahg, fair enough. i ran ./debian/rules get-orig-source and it's still going06:01
micahgddecator: k, so you can see what happens during the process the directories it pulls and deletes06:02
ddecatormicahg, yah, and i just saw it mention sqlite...06:03
ddecatormicahg, found sqlite in the browser...it was under vendor instead of client06:07
micahgddecator: yep06:07
ddecatormicahg, the link you gave me was for the client svn ;)06:08
micahgddecator: check out lines 265 on in debian/rules06:09
ddecatormicahg, nothing is there with gedit...what program are you using to view it?06:11
micahgddecator: vi06:11
ddecatormicahg, vi isn't showing me the line numbers...06:11
micahgddecator: se nu06:12
ddecatorvi keeps freaking out on me...06:14
micahgddecator: ESC :se nu06:14
micahgddecator: then 265 gg06:15
ddecatormicahg, it's freaking out on me and i can't even get it to close properly...06:17
ddecatormicahg, there we go06:18
ddecatormicahg, ok, so line 265 is blank...06:19
micahgddecator: are you sure you checked out the right copy from bzr?06:20
ddecatormicahg, i just checked out songbird...maybe it's because i have the daily ppa so it pulled the 1.8.0 version?06:21
micahgddecator: no06:21
micahgthe file is in the packageing branch06:21
ddecatorthat's the one i'm looking at...06:22
micahgddecator: run bzr diff in the dir to see if the file cvhanged06:22
ddecatormicahg, alright, one sec, i'm having it check to make sure i have the latest...06:23
ddecatorand another error...06:25
micahgddecator: latest what?06:26
ddecatormicahg, when i go into "songbird," nautilus has a button to "Update to Latest"06:27
ddecatorthere we go, got it to run...didn't do anything06:28
micahgddecator: I didn't know nautilus had a bzr plugin06:28
micahgis that groundcontrol?06:28
ddecatormicahg, might be06:29
ddecatormicahg, but i just entered back into the rules file and line 265 is blank...stuff above and below it, but that line itself is blank06:29
ddecatormicahg, alright, so what does FILTER_OUT do?06:44
micahgddecator: so, basically it filters what we want in the source tarball so we don't get everything in their repo06:44
ddecatormicahg, makes sense06:45
micahgactually line 274 is probably better06:45
ddecatoryah, i was just looking at that06:45
ddecatorso we need to add sqlite there?06:46
micahgddecator: yeah, that's probably a first good step06:46
ddecatormicahg, ok, so i added "sqlite \" not sure if it needs to be more specific than that06:48
micahgddecator: try to pull the source again and see if you get sqlite06:50
ddecatormicahg, using the get-orig-source command again?06:51
micahgddecator: yes06:51
ddecatormicahg, ok, it's working on it, might take a few minutes06:52
micahgddecator: k06:52
ddecatormicahg, libsqlite3.so is in the xulrunner folder. is that what we're looking for?07:15
micahgddecator: did you build that?07:16
ddecatormicahg, when i ran the command it built it too07:16
micahgwhat did you run?07:17
ddecatori was in the /debian folder, did ./rules get-orig-source (seemed to work different then being in songbird and doing ./debian/rules get-orig-source)07:18
ddecatorit built an orig.tar.gz07:18
micahgddecator: k07:18
micahgwell, there shouldn't be any .so files in there07:19
ddecatorthere's a bunch...07:19
micahgddecator: that's not good, we need the source for those so we can build the .so files07:20
ddecatormicahg, i'm not sure what you mean...07:21
micahgddecator: .so are library files that are compiled07:21
micahgwe need to source so we can build then ourselves07:21
ddecatormicahg, build them separately from packaging the whole tarball?07:22
ddecatornot sure if how i just worded it makes any sense...07:23
micahgddecator: the tarball is the source that is complied07:23
ddecatormicahg, right, i'm looking at songbird-1.8.0.orig.tar.gz, so there shouldn't be .so files compiled in there?07:24
micahgddecator: that doesn't sound right as there is no songbird 1.8.0 AFAIK07:25
ddecatormicahg, it's the daily build07:25
ddecatormicahg, except...07:25
ddecatormicahg, this is the last bit from running the command in the terminal: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/394982/07:26
ddecatormicahg, wait, found it07:26
ddecatori was looking at the wrong thing07:26
ddecatori think that was leftover from yesterday too...07:27
ddecatormicahg, there is an sqlite folder in the file that was created07:27
ddecatormicahg, and no .so files in xulrunner like that other one, haha07:28
micahgddecator: ah, good07:28
ddecatormicahg, i'm guessing that's more what we were looking for,haha07:28
micahgddecator: so now, you can try to build it07:30
ddecatormicahg, alright, that i can work on. sorry, i know you planned on going to be a while ago, haha. i can try this and let you know if it works or not tomorrow07:30
micahgddecator: k07:31
ddecatormicahg, thanks again for the help07:31
micahgddecator: np, hope it was actually "help"07:31
ddecatormicahg, well, i wouldn't have gotten this far without you =)07:31
micahgddecator: I'm trying to fix 2 problems at once at my computer is going slow :(07:33
ddecatormicahg, haha, with prism and fennec?07:33
micahgddecator: nah, did those already, now thunderbird-dev and the firefox won't start issue07:34
ddecatormicahg, did you figure out the cause of the firefox problem?07:34
micahgddecator: no, but I think the debian maintainer did07:35
ddecatormicahg, well that would make things a lot easier07:35
micahgddecator: I'm test building with the patch07:37
ddecatormicahg, were you ever able to reproduce the bug?07:37
micahgddecator: yes07:38
ddecatormicahg, very nice, so at least you can test it yourself then07:38
micahgddecator: right07:38
ddecatormicahg, i thought i heard something about it maybe being 64-bit related, but that might have been a different bug...07:38
ddecatormicahg, odd...the copyright file doesn't look complete07:42
micahgddecator: don't worry, it's not ready for production yet07:43
ddecatormicahg, fair enough07:43
ddecatorso far so good...08:06
ddecatorholy crap it's building...08:08
micahgddecator: patches aren't failing?08:09
ddecatormicahg, nothing has failed that i've noticed...08:09
ddecatorit just finished08:09
ddecatormicahg, it created a deb...should i test it?08:11
micahgddecator: weird, sure08:11
ddecatorinstallation completed...08:12
ddecatorand the songbird command cannot be found -_-08:13
micahgddecator: how did you build it?08:14
ddecatormicahg, pbuilder08:14
micahghow did you geenrate the dsc?08:14
ddecatormicahg, or rather 'debuild -S -sa'08:16
micahg\o/ it works08:16
ddecatorwait what?08:17
micahgthe firefox fix08:19
ddecatorwell that's good news =)08:19
micahgyep, I'll have to talk to asac about it in the morning08:19
ddecatorany idea where i went wrong with building songbird?08:20
micahgddecator: nope08:21
micahgddecator: you can email me the pbuilder build log if you want08:21
ddecatormicahg, we can worry about that tomorrow, haha. i'll take a look at it and see if there were any errors08:21
micahgddecator: k08:22
ddecatormicahg, well, quick question. where can i find the build log?08:24
micahgddecator: /var/cache/pbuilder I think08:24
ddecatormicahg, that's where i'm looking. maybe i just overlooked it...08:24
micahgddecator: maybe not08:25
ddecatormicahg, what kind of file would it be?08:26
micahgI don't know if one is made by default08:26
ddecatorwell, i can rebuild it tomorrow and see what comes up08:26
Milos_SDWhat is going on with Firefox 3.7? There was no updates for 10 days or more ...14:32
BUGabundokenvandine: around? need a quick patch: for gwibber to allow to post *OVER* 140 chars. my brainbird.net statusnet account is limited to 30015:47
micahgasac: around?16:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mbanais the font issue fixd?21:33
micahgmbana: no21:33
ddecatoranyone that can help me with debuild failing on me? 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -us -uc -S -sa failed'22:24

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