
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge || reviewing: - || queue: [wgrant,wgrant] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
henningewgrant: Hi! I only see one unreviewed propposal from you.08:34
wgranthenninge: There's one which has two DB reviews but needs a code review, and one which is entirely unreviewed.08:34
wgrantActually, there are two of the former class, but the older one should be disregarded.08:35
* wgrant finds a link.08:35
henningewgrant: a, I just saw all the green lights08:35
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge || reviewing: wgrant || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
henningewgrant: r=me10:01
henningeon both accounts10:01
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
wgranthenninge: Thanks.10:01
wgrantbigjools: No final objections to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bprdc or https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/get-out-of-here-p-a-s?10:02
bigjoolswgrant: just looking10:09
bigjoolswgrant: I don't think pas.py belongs in model, but there's nowhere better either :/10:16
wgrantbigjools: That was my thinking.10:16
bigjoolsthere's a smattering of stuff in adapters10:16
wgrantRight, I looked there.10:16
wgrantBut it's barely more relevant,.10:16
wgrantIt is sort of model.10:16
wgrantJust not DB model.10:16
bigjoolsmodel means db model reallky10:17
bigjoolsit could go under /soyuz10:18
wgrantIn the root of the app package, like it is in buildmaster?10:18
wgrantHm, some other apps do do that.10:19
wgrantJust not Soyuz.10:19
wgrantGood idea.10:19
bigjoolsthat was my thinking10:19
wgrantbigjools: Move pushing.10:23
wgranthenninge: Can you please land those two?10:28
henningewgrant: has the prerequisite already filtered through to db-devel?10:29
wgranthenninge: It landed Fridayish... let me see.10:29
wgrant(landed on devel, that is)10:29
wgranthenninge: Yeah, it's in db-devel.10:30
henningewgrant: cool, I'll land them10:30
=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
henningewgrant: having said that, can you please merge the current devel / db-devel respectively and push? I like to do that before landing. ;-)10:32
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wgranthenninge: Done.10:38
henningewgrant: cheers10:38
adiroibanhenninge: hi, Do you have time to review this branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-359180-take-2/+merge/20122?10:59
adiroibanI emailed Graham, and he told me he will not have time do review it and told me to ask the OCR10:59
henningeadiroiban: put it on the queue, I or intellectronica will pick it up.11:00
=== adiroiban changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
wgranthenninge: Those are ec2ing happily?11:18
henningewgrant: sorry, got distracted. I'll start them right now.11:19
wgranthenninge: Thanks.11:19
henningewgrant: the "ec2" command is failing for me "ImportError: No module named _pythonpath"11:24
henningeany idea11:24
wgranthenninge: The branch is unbuilt?11:25
henningewgrant: I thought it wasn't ...11:25
* henninge builds11:25
henningewgrant: ok, first one's on its way.11:30
henningewgrant: second one, too. Have a good night!11:41
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: lunch, - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
wgranthenninge: Thanks! Have a nice day.11:42
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== daniloff is now known as danilos
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
allenapjml: Do you have some time this afternoon to finalise a review that Bjorn was doing last week? It's the isolate-tests branch that adapts subunit's IsolatedTestCase to work with zope.testing. I think it might just need a final nod; Bjorn and I went back-and-forth about it last week.13:34
jmlallenap, I can't promise anything, but I'll definitely try.13:34
allenapjml: Thank you! The comment where Bjorn abstains is probably the place to start if you're happy to skip the earlier conversation.13:36
jmlallenap, ta13:37
adiroibandanilos: hi, Can I add you as a reviewer for this MP https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-201749/+merge/21250 or should I as the OCR?13:45
danilosadiroiban, I'd like to review it, so yes :)13:46
danilosadiroiban, well, someone from translations should, you can OCR it if henninge is around, that's even better :)13:46
deryckintellectronica, hi.  Could I get you to review a bug heat flames branch for me?13:50
adiroibandanilos: ok. I will see if Henning has time to do it, otherwise I will assign the MP to you.13:52
=== henninge_ changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: -, - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
adiroibanHave you received the email for POTemplate details API pre-implementation review?13:53
danilosadiroiban, thanks, and yes, I've received it, and will look into it13:53
henningeadiroiban: I will look at it now.13:54
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adiroiban, - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
adiroibanhenninge: ok. in the queue there was another MP13:54
henningeadiroiban: oh, I did not see that.13:55
henningeadiroiban: which one should I do first, then?13:55
adiroibanthe MP for bug 201749 needs to be reviewed by someone from the Rosetta team13:55
mupBug #201749: Impossible to mark as needing review strings already translated or with suggestions <story-translations-review> <ui> <Launchpad Translations:In Progress by adiroiban> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/201749>13:55
adiroibanhenninge: this one https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-201749/+merge/2125013:55
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adiroiban, - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
adiroibangmb: Hi, Any news about the landing of this MP https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/launchpad/bug-512307/+merge/20442 ?13:57
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gmbadiroiban: I think it vanised; I saw no emails about it and the EC2 instance shut down cleanly. I'll re-run it but this probably means there's a test failure somewhere.14:10
adiroibangmb: yes, there must be a failing tests on ec2. I have ran a full translation test suite on my computer and there were no errors.14:14
gmbadiroiban: That's discouraging. Well, it's running now and I'm capturing the output, so hopefully we'll get some answers.14:21
allenapintellectronica: Are you up for reviewing a branch that was once reviewed and approved by henninge but then underwent some big changes? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/twisted-threading-bug-491870/+merge/2137614:23
danilosgmb, there were problems with ec2land some ~7 days ago or so, it required updating your download-cache and tree for the ec2 land to go headless and succeed :)14:26
gmbdanilos: This isn't an ec2 land problem, it's an ec2 test run that's just dying a death. Another run started at the same time succeed, however.14:26
intellectronicaallenap: sure14:27
allenapintellectronica: Thank you :)14:28
=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica || reviewing: adiroiban, allenap || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adiroiban, allenap, - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
intellectronicaallenap: fyi i have a ui call, now, so will only start reviewing your branch in ~1h. hope that's ok.14:55
allenapintellectronica: That's great.14:55
deryckintellectronica, I'll add mine to the queue, too.  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/bug-page-distro-max-heat-532099/+merge/2137015:00
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adiroiban, allenap, - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),deryck] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
leonardrabentley, can you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/multiversion-apidoc/+merge/21181 ?15:19
leonardri want gary to look at it, but he's busy. if you can do the review i can just get a quick ok from him afterwards15:19
abentleyleonardr, sure.15:20
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adiroiban, allenap, leonardr || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),deryck] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
abentleyleonardr, why are you combining create-lp-wadl.py and apiindex.py ?15:48
leonardrabentley: it's simpler for a number of reasons15:49
leonardrfor instance, generating index.html requires an ordered list of the web service versions15:49
leonardrwhich is only available when launchpad is running15:49
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
leonardralso, changing the makefile to call apiindex.py many times made it very messy15:50
abentleyleonardr, why are you printing out the raw HTML in apidoc.txt, rather than extracting the text?15:51
leonardrabentley: no reason. if you tell me how to extract the text i'll change it15:52
abentleyleonardr, you call "extract_text(html)"15:53
leonardrok, changing it now15:54
abentleyleonardr, no problem.15:54
abentleyleonardr, you asked if there was a way to put apidoc-index.pt somewhere else.  I think you could do that by subclassing PageTemplate rather than using PageTemplateFile.15:55
leonardrabentley, i don't see any examples in launchpad. do you know how to use it off the top of your head or is this something i should bring to gary?15:59
* leonardr is looking online now16:00
abentleyleonardr, that's an educated guess.16:02
leonardrabentley: ok, i'll keep looking and maybe gary can help, that's the kind of thing i wanted to ask him16:02
gary_posterIt should be possible.  The question in my mind is effort to benefit.16:02
gary_posterBut Il'll look later and see if a quick way presents itself to me16:03
leonardrgary: thanks16:03
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
intellectronicaallenap: r=me16:04
=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adiroiban, deryck, leonardr || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
allenapintellectronica: Woohoo, thanks :)16:05
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== bac` is now known as bac
=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adiroiban, -, leonardr || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
abentleyleonardr, is "last_version_with_mutator_named_operations" meant to be authoritative?16:27
leonardrabentley: yes, in the sense that the value of that setting controls the behavior of lazr.restful16:28
abentleyleonardr, i.e. is there a new policy against having mutators?16:28
leonardrabentley: there's a policy against publishing named operations that do exactly the same thing as a mutator16:28
abentleyleonardr, where can I find that policy?16:29
leonardrabentley: it's something we did by fiat, we didn't think it would cause problems. if you have concerns we can discuss it before i land the branch16:30
abentleyOkay, so by "exactly the same thing as a mutator", do you mean "exactly the same thing as an existing mutator does", or do you mean "exactly the same thing as a mutator would do, whether or not it exists"?16:32
leonardrabentley: i mean that if you publish a named operation as a mutator, it is _only_ available as a mutator, not as a mutator + a named operation16:32
abentleyleonardr, I see.  That sounds reasonable.16:33
leonardrok, great16:33
abentleyleonardr, You removed the steps in lib/lp/bugs/stories/webservice/xx-bug.txt that set the bug to New/Low.  Have you verified that the tests which follow are still testing the right thing?16:36
leonardrabentley: i think you're reviewing the precursor branch16:39
leonardrwhich is fine, but it's already been reviewed. i put up a diff against the precursor branch in a comment16:39
leonardrbtw, yes, i have run that branch through ec2 successfully16:39
abentleyleonardr, I didn't see a huge difference between the diffs, except that the one for the merge proposal is colourized.16:40
leonardrabentley: hmm16:41
leonardrmaybe i pasted a bad diff16:41
leonardrabentley: try http://paste.ubuntu.com/395699/16:42
abentleyleonardr, I wasn't asking whether the tests pass, I was asking whether the tests were still testing the right thing.  For example, if a subsequent test had set the status to "fix committed", and then checked whether it was "fix committed", it would no longer be a good test.16:42
abentleyBecause the starting value is already fix committed.16:43
leonardrabentely: i'll double check, but i'm pretty sure they're testing the right thing16:43
abentleyleonardr, anyhow, I accept that they're out of scope.16:44
abentleyfor this review, I mean.16:45
leonardrabentley: i wasn't asked that in the last review so i think it's fair to double check16:45
abentleyleonardr, when you pastebin a diff, it's nice if you select its syntax as "Diff", so that it gets colourized like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395702/16:46
leonardrabentley: ok, will do in the future16:47
abentleyleonardr, so aside from the extract_text thing, this looks fine.16:48
leonardrabentley: ok, do you have any suggestions for fixing the ZTL to do a lookup like config/active_versions/$version?16:49
abentleyleonardr, I don't follow.16:50
leonardrabentley: right now i have python code that creates a list of tuples versions_and_descriptions16:50
leonardrin the ZTL i loop over that list to do something for every version16:50
leonardrif there was some way in ZTL to look up the description for a given version, i wouldn't have to create that list of tuples16:51
leonardrbut while i can navigate a dictionary from ZTL, I have to know the dictionary key ahead of time16:51
leonardrso i can do config/active_versions/beta, but not config/active_versions/$version16:51
leonardrsince i don't know much about ZTL i wonder if there's something i'm missing16:51
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
leonardrabentley: anyway, that's another thing gary can weigh in on16:55
abentleyleonardr, if you can access config, you should be able to loop over config/active_versions in the ZTL, and access the descriptions as config/version_descriptions/key16:55
leonardrabentley: that won't try to access version_descriptions['key']?16:56
abentleyleonardr, I don't think so.16:56
leonardrok, i'll try it16:56
abentleyleonardr, I am assuming 'key' is the repeat variable, of course.16:57
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leonardrabentley: unfortunately that doesn't work17:09
leonardrKeyError: 'version'17:09
abentley"version" is your repeat variable?17:10
leonardrabentley: yes17:10
leonardrsee http://paste.ubuntu.com/395709/17:10
leonardri know i can do it with a python expression but i also know we're not supposed to do use those17:11
abentleyleonardr, maybe that needs to be config/version_descriptions/${version}17:13
=== danilos is now known as daniloff
leonardrabentley: KeyError: '${version}'17:19
abentleyleonardr, sorry I guess I gave bad advice.  Quite surprised that's a problem.17:19
leonardrabentley: np17:20
=== salgado changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: henninge, intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: adiroiban, -, leonardr || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),salgado] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: -, leonardr || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),salgado] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
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=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: -, leonardr || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),salgado] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: intellectronica, abentley || reviewing: leonardr || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),salgado] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
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=== NCommander is now known as Guest5889
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: salgado || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),salgado] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
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=== james_w changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: abentley || reviewing: salgado || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),salgado,james_w(http://is.gd/aIvTS)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
james_wA small branch that will make several people happy just added to the queue: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/merge-proposal-instructions/+merge/2140120:36
james_wabentley: if you can squeeze it in before EOD ^20:36
rockstarjames_w, could you have the test expand out a bit more than just the 'bzr merge ...'  Maybe 'bzr merge bzr+ssh://~person-name.../fooix/...' or something?20:41
james_wrockstar: doesn't the other test cover that?20:42
rockstarjames_w, I guess it does.  It uses sample data though, which I think is generally icky.20:44
james_wit's just echoing what the rest of the test is doing20:44
rockstarjames_w, okay.  r=me20:44
james_wwould you submit for me please?20:45
rockstarjames_w, okay.20:48
rockstarabentley, is your queue really reflective of reality?20:48
abentleyrockstar, no, not really.20:54
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
abentleyjames_w, sorry, was on the phone.20:56
rockstarabentley, could you possibly do a quick review for me?20:57
rockstar(I know we're approaching EOD for you, feel free to tell me "no")20:58
abentleyrockstar, I'll look at it.20:58
abentleyrockstar, what happened with db_branch_transport?21:00
rockstarabentley, artifact of me messing with the test.  :/  Removed.21:01
abentleyrockstar, cool.  Actual changes look fine.  What's the problem with testing?21:02
rockstarabentley, well, I'm still not entirely sure why the existing test didn't fail in the new way...  :/21:02
rockstari.e. it demonstrated that it fixed the old backup.bzr bug, but it really should have demonstrated the new one.21:03
rockstarAs it stands now, it looks like I just refactored a bit.21:03
abentleyrockstar, I think it's because your test isn't authentic enough; remember, you can create a new directory on top of an empty one, and your backup.bzr is an empty directory.21:06
rockstarabentley, okay, so maybe I should copy .bzr to backup.bzr - How's that sound?21:08
abentleyrockstar, sounds good to me.21:08
rockstarabentley, so, that seems to give me the error: ReadError: Error reading from '~person-name9/product-name4/branch11/.bzr'21:11
abentleyrockstar, copying does that?21:11
rockstarEven though I can do source_branch_transport.list_dir('.') and it results in ['.bzr']21:12
rockstarYea, no idea what's going on.21:12
rockstarsource_branch_transport.copy('.bzr', 'backup.bzr')21:12
abentleyrockstar, I'm not sure that copy is meant to recursively copy trees.  In fact, experience suggests that it's not meant for that.21:13
rockstarabentley, yeah, that's what I was just thinking.21:13
abentleyrockstar, perhaps you could try copy_tree_to_transport again?21:13
rockstarabentley, yeah, lemme do that.21:13
rockstarabentley, hooray!  It actually found the bug I really needed to squish.21:17
rockstarabentley, here's the diff I'm committing: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/395817/21:18
abentleyrockstar, lines 9-10 are "look before you leap".  Have you considered doing "easier to ask forgiveness than permission"?21:20
rockstarabentley, I could wrap it in try/except.  If I don't check, a test will fail (currently)21:20
rockstarI'm not sure try/except is really better than if in this case.21:21
abentleyrockstar, yes, EAFP is often implemented via try/except blocks.21:21
abentleyrockstar, it is a better habit to be into.21:22
rockstarabentley, so catch the exception and pass?21:22
abentleyrockstar, right.21:22
rockstarabentley, okay.  I've generally avoided just passing, but I'm okay with it if you are.21:23
abentleyrockstar, as long as you're handling a specific error, that's fine with me.21:23
rockstarabentley, cool.21:23
rockstarabentley, changes pushed.21:24
rockstar...and the diff shows the changes.21:27
abentleyrockstar, r=me21:31
rockstarabentley, cheers sir, and thanks for the input.21:31
abentleyrockstar, no problem.21:31
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
mwhudsonanyone want to review a branch?22:18
mwhudsonit's pretty small22:18
=== adiroiban changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [adiroiban(http://tinyurl.com/yex2mcx),adiroiban(bug-522188-take-2)] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews

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