
mark__so many questions about nothing00:00
jacob__www.redpillorbust.com homies web sit help u out00:00
ikoniamark__: what do you actually want from this channel ?00:00
mark__i thit want to help out00:00
mark__but theres no point00:00
ikoniamark__: then don't00:00
viyyermark__, this might not be the best place to help out in programming00:00
falloreis there anything you have to do on a stock ubuntu 9.10 box to allow someone to SSH in?00:00
mark__sorry i respect youre efford00:00
gauravhow to get ubuntu offline restricted for karmic kola9.1000:00
srvthanks anyway, I'm gonna install Ubuntu on VirtualBox to see what that dagdum command was00:00
barcodehow do i switch from netbook-remix to the original desktop :/00:01
ikoniafallore: install openssh-server package00:01
viyyerdepending on the programming language channel might be cool00:01
falloreikonia, and that's not done by default?00:01
mark__can,\t emegine how you do it00:01
viyyermark__ ^^00:01
ikoniafallore: no00:01
mark__if you need help call me00:01
abstraktis there a program and or what program should i use to convert already existing video container files e.g. mpg or avi to a given codec type? e.g. convert mpeg1video to x264 and convert mp2 to libmp3lame00:01
gauravhow to get ubuntu offline restricted for karmic kola9.1000:01
ZykoticK9gaurav, many people have asked - and i've never actually seen a solution URE is different from "normal" packages00:01
viyyerany ideas about the installation demo's username password?00:01
mark__bey all00:01
=== abush is now known as ab08
ikoniamark__: enough now00:02
ikoniamark__: help - ask a question, or be quiet please00:02
ZykoticK9abstrakt, if you're interested in creating mvk or mp4 files check out Handbrake00:02
abstraktZykoticK9, ok, i'm interested in kind of an all purpose converter if there is such a thing00:03
gauravwhen i pugin my headfone in karmic kola it doen't work00:03
gauravhow to make it work00:03
ikonia!sound | gaurav00:03
ubottugaurav: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:03
abstraktZykoticK9, and or just what exists out there that is like Handbrake for any and all other formats00:03
bigtom21485howdy everyone00:03
bigtom21485so i have the freq applet for my panel00:03
ibuclawgaurav, check sound settings, 9 times out of 10 it's mute - and you don't realise it ;)00:03
hetaumahi! how can I change the location bar to the editable form by default?00:04
jastorbha :P even adobes own libflashplayer.so is messed up ;)00:04
hetaumaon nautilus00:04
bigtom21485but after i force it to run at full freq. manually it goes back to half freq. after a few minutes or if i open another application it decides it doesnt need that much computing power00:04
bigtom21485i need to know how to force it do what its told not what it wants00:04
ZykoticK9abstrakt, Handbrake doesn't do AVI anymore (it used to), you might want to have a look at winff (but due to a current bug it can't do mp4 with AAC audio)00:04
bigtom21485i dont care baout battery life i have extra batteries00:04
jasuntoany tonido users here?00:04
erUSULabstrakt: ffmpeg00:04
usr13bigtom21485: Try a curb bit.00:05
abstrakterUSUL, ffmpeg will convert things?00:05
greezmunkeyabstrakt, there is such a tool, can't think of the name now though :(00:05
erUSULabstrakt: yes00:05
abstrakterUSUL, i actually am trying to get ffserver to work00:05
ZykoticK9abstrakt, winff is a gui frontend to ffmpeg - it's really ffmpeg with the AAC bug00:05
Superbestwhat is a keepass2.x compatible password manager?00:05
coiaxIs there a way of displaying all the uid on a system, using the Terminal?00:05
erUSULbigtom21485: "sudo cpufreq-set -g performance"00:05
bigtom21485urs13: what do you mean a curb bit? pardon my enthusiasm...in vista, windows scaling controller didnt do anything at all.  at least with this i get something :-)00:05
abstrakterUSUL, i got ffserver running, and i just tried to send a video to the ffserver feed using ffmpeg but i got "Unsupported codec for output stream" http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/XxVpmb9p00:06
erUSULbigtom21485: stick that in /etc/rc.local (without the sudo)00:06
usr13bigtom21485: Was only teasing.  sorry.00:06
usr13bad joke00:06
ZykoticK9abstrakt, that's the AAC bug00:06
abstrakterUSUL, and i'm assuming it's obviously cuz the video i tried to send has a different codec than what ffserver is expecting00:06
bigtom21485erUSUL: how do i do that?00:06
ibuclawbigtom21485, tbh, the CPU will spend 90% of it's uptime life in idle mode - and force changing that may not be what you want.00:06
erUSULabstrakt: to get mp3 support you have to install libmame00:06
abstraktmame eh?00:06
erUSULbigtom21485: with a text editor00:06
bigtom21485usr13: i love linux I hate windows00:06
erUSULbigtom21485: gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local00:07
usr13bigtom21485: I'm quite a  linux fan myself.00:07
erUSULabstrakt: never used ffserver sorry00:07
gauravwhat is my root password i nver set it how to get in that00:07
erUSUL!root | gaurav00:07
ubottugaurav: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:07
abstrakterUSUL, hmm i don't see libmame in synaptic, i've got mediubuntu installed00:07
Superbestthis is weird00:07
Superbestubuntu just froze and only the xchat window is responding00:08
ZykoticK9abstrakt, it was a type liblame00:08
erUSUL!info libmp3lame000:08
abstraktahh i've got liblame00:08
ubottulibmp3lame0 (source: lame): An MP3 encoding library. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 245 kB, installed size 444 kB00:08
SuperbestI can alt f200:08
abstrakterUSUL, yeah i've got libmp3lame already00:08
KalmiSuperbest, it is your window manager that froze00:08
abstrakterUSUL, ZykoticK9, the file i just tried to send apparently is in mp2 for audio and mpeg1video for well... video00:08
SuperbestKalmi, oh... so how do I restart it?00:08
KalmiSuperbest, try: metacity --replace00:08
abstraktis that still the AAC bug?00:09
erUSULabstrakt: and what command line are you using ?00:09
SuperbestKalmi, that worked, thanks00:09
ibuclawthose Xorg people should really bring back Ctrl+Alt+Backspace =)00:09
abstrakterUSUL, just ffmpeg -i foo.mpg http://myserver:8090/feed1.ffm00:09
gauravhow to use my headphone in karmic kola00:09
abstrakterUSUL, http://myserver:8090/stat.html reports that ffserver is up and running, awaiting a stream in the form of libx264 video and libmp3lame audio00:10
ibuclawgaurav for second time, check sound settings, 9 times out of 10 it's mute - and you don't realise it ;)00:10
abstraktor at least that's what i interpret the output of stat.html to mean :)00:10
barcodehow do i take UNR off :(00:10
abstrakterUSUL, but the video i just tried to send with ffmpeg is as i said mp2 audio and mpeg1video video00:11
erUSULabstrakt: then convert the source file first to that codecs00:11
gauravi check waht setting i used help me ibuclaw00:11
ibuclawbarcode, the window manager?00:11
abstrakterUSUL, yeah i figured, so i should use ffmpeg to do that conversion?00:11
barcodeibuclaw yes sir00:11
abstrakterUSUL, can you give me an example command line invocation to do that?00:11
erUSULabstrakt: yeah why not00:11
abstrakterUSUL, well i don't know why not, which is why i ask :)00:12
ibuclawbarcode, iirc, the packages you need removing are: netbook-launcher, maximus and mutter/clutter.00:12
erUSULabstrakt: ffmpeg -i file.mpeg -vcodec x264 -acodec mp3 file.avi00:13
abstrakterUSUL, ok thanks00:13
erUSULabstrakt: i dunno if the video codec name is correct see the output of ffmpeg -formats00:13
ibuclawbarcode, then replace them with: gnome-panel, metacity, compiz00:13
barcodeibuclaw instead of removing them is there a way i can "switch" from the original gnome to UNR and back?00:13
ibuclawbarcode, open up gconf-editor00:14
barcodeibuclaw alright00:14
erUSULabstrakt: is h26400:14
ibuclawbarcode, then browser to  /desktop/gnome/session/required_components00:15
=== Guest81248 is now known as _Elden
barcodeibuclaw, there00:15
ibuclawbarcode, and change "filemanager", "panel" and "windowmanager" as needed00:15
ibuclawwhich are: nautilus, gnome-panel, gnome-wm00:16
slickrickquestion about jamu.  my interactive mode no longer works, jamu simply doesn't got to interactive mode when i run it with switches -Mi00:16
barcodethey are already set on those :/00:16
Kalmiibuclaw, gnome-wm???00:16
_EldenHi, I've mounted an NTFS drive to share trough Samba, is it alright to remove "System Volume Information" and "Recycler" ?00:16
Kalmiibuclaw, ok... nothing00:16
gauravcan i set password for particular files or folder00:17
phiberoptik192you wont be able to remove that stuff, just leave it there00:17
abstrakterUSUL, ffmpeg -i Into\ The\ Wild.mpg -vcodec h264 -acodec mp3 into_the_wild.avi reports "Unknown encoder h264"00:17
papoamigos espero que no lo incomode con mi pregunta pero es algo muy extraño que me paso. tengo ubuntu9.10 al principio todo bien. me detecto el audio tarjeta de video pero de repente no lo hizo mas y no se por que me dirijo a comprobacion de sistema y nada sera que me podrian ayudar que pudo ver pasado soy nuevo00:17
ibuclawKalmi, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/en/man1/gnome-wm.1.html00:17
sqwertleIs there a program for creating custom fonts in Ubuntu?00:17
Emanon!es | papo00:17
ubottupapo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:17
feedmecerealDoes anyone have the a repository with the latest Firefox 3.7 that is NOT Minefield?00:18
Kalmiibuclaw, well.... he could replace it with metacity....00:18
ibuclawbarcode, once changed, require a logout / login.00:18
Emanonwelcome back DrDank00:18
erUSULabstrakt: correct it only has the decoder :/00:18
barcodeibuclaw, i didnt change nothing it was already what you said :/00:18
ZykoticK9sqwertle, you might want to check out fontforge (never used it personally)00:18
DrDankAlright.. Im a newbie.. Im trying to customize Ubuntu desktop.. I need some major help.. Im gettting frustrated.. someone mind helping me?00:18
gaurav can i set password for particular files or folder00:18
Kalmibarcode, try this: metacity --replace00:18
ibuclawbarcode, heh :)00:18
DrDankEmanon: , can I MSG you?00:18
Kalmibarcode, this is not permanent00:18
Emanonfeel free DrDank00:18
abstrakterUSUL, ahh, k00:18
DrDanksweet, thanks.00:18
erUSULabstrakt: as i said check « ffmpeg -formats | less »00:19
dj_segfaultgaurav: You can set the group of a directory and set a password on a group.00:19
sine`how can i change the computer name00:19
* ibuclaw wonders if UNR inits in the startup applications00:19
Emanonibuclaw: the launcher does00:19
Kalmiibuclaw, i guess it is started by ibuclaw00:19
dj_segfaultsine: man hostname00:19
gauravafter installtion i set swap area00:19
Kalmiibuclaw, i guess it is started by gnome-wm00:20
abstrakterUSUL, dude i'm reading the file00:20
japherwockywhat's the preferred way to remove grub entries?00:20
abstrakti just did ffmpeg -formats > formats.txt00:20
Yyharssargyhaellsine`, use gksudo gedit /etc/hostname00:20
mneptokjapherwocky: use the package manager to remove unused kernels00:20
japherwockymneptok: nice, thanks00:21
DrDankI have Compiz and Compiz Settings Manager installed. I have my settings manager configured the way I like.. In terminal i type sudo ccsm --replace and nothing happens.. How am I supppose to get these effects working? I had them working someone helped me earlier but I frogt how..w heN I logged out and logged back in it was back to normal.00:22
gauravhow can i run java program in karmic kola00:22
ZykoticK9DrDank, don't use sudo for that!  and the command to use compiz is "compiz --replace"00:22
DrDankooooh.. that could be the problem.00:22
Kalmibarcode, press Alt+f2 and enter this: metacity --replace00:22
dj_segfaultgaurav: Do you have java installed?00:23
DrDankZykoticK9: im still just learning. this is maybe my 5th hour inside ubuntu.00:23
DrDanklemme try that.00:23
gauravya dj i installed that00:23
YyharssargyhaellDrDank, only use sudo when absolutely necessary. Otherwise use gksudo or something similar.00:23
DrDankUhm, it says instance is already running..00:23
DrDankany suggestions?00:23
DrDankbut my effects arent working or anything00:23
dj_segfaultgaurav: what is the class name, and what package is it in?  Do you have a .jar file or .class file?00:24
DrDankI think i mighta got it, i used skill ccsm00:24
noobtasticHey all, I am in need of help finding a way to manually control fan speeds on my Dell Inspiron 1545. My fans won't run at all when Ubuntu loads, which is causing correspondingly high CPU temps (50-60C). However, the fans will run when I first power the laptop on, but right after POSTing and when Ubuntu begins to load they all shut off. I have tried using Gkrellm with the Dell I8k plugin, I8kmon on its own, and have tried googling a sol00:24
noobtasticution to this problem without success. My BIOS does not offer options to alter fan speeds, but it does offer an option to force the CPU to run on low performance settings - which I have used in an effort to stem high temps.00:24
noobtasticMy CPU is an Intel Centrino 2 P8700 at 2.53 GHz. All settings are stock (no overclocks of any kind, rather, I have underclocked it). I am running Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit.00:24
FloodBot4noobtastic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:24
DrDankno such option --replace00:25
barcodescrew it, im a simple man ill just keep using fluxbox :'(00:25
Dr_Willisfluxbox is handy00:26
psusinoobtastic, try installing the lm-sensors package and see if that sees the fan controllers?00:26
DrDankwell I think i mighta figured it out. I just checked my apperance settings.. some how they got reset to NONE instead of Advanced.00:27
noobtasticI have, and it doesn't see anything sadly00:27
DrDankits working now.. lol00:27
DrDankterminal is FUCKED up.. cant even see the text in it00:27
psusinoobtastic, did sensors-detect find any pwm controllers?00:27
soreau! language | DrDank00:27
ubottuDrDank: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:27
YyharssargyhaellDrDank, this is a PG chat. Please watch your language. =D00:27
barcodeihow do i enable desktop icons on fluxbox? o.O00:27
psusinoobtastic, ohh, that's a problem00:28
aciculafluxbox doesnt do icons, needs extra programs to do that00:28
* barcode :'(00:28
aciculaon the desktopi mean00:28
aciculawell its a minimalistic wm, what did you expect00:28
barcodeso fluxbox != desktop icons?00:28
noobtasticI'll try again to make sure00:28
aciculawell the file icons you see in ubuntu are managed by nautilus00:29
histobarcode: there are ways to get icons you just have to run that app on start00:29
aciculabut getting icons in fluxbox will require some effort yeah00:29
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psusinoobtastic, do you have anything in /sys/class/hwmon?00:29
barcodehow would i do it/ o.O00:29
noobtasticLet me check00:30
aciculabarcode: id start with reading up on fluxbox00:30
histobarcode: rox00:30
histobarcode: rox is what fluxbuntu uses00:30
noobtasticYes, 3 folders: hwmon0-200:31
ZykoticK9barcode, idesk and fbdesk - are other options00:31
psusinoobtastic, try running this:  ls /sys/class/hwmon/*/device/pwm* in a terminal00:31
emxerhello world! hello everybody00:31
Emanon!hi | emxer00:32
ubottuemxer: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:32
emxerthnks my friend00:32
emxerwhere are you form?00:32
EagleWatchhi all...00:32
ZykoticK9emxer, do you have an Ubuntu support question?00:32
Spaztic_OneSo, I'm using ubuntu 9.10 and I am having difficulties with audio00:32
barcodesorry caps lock00:33
Spaztic_OneI have the "forbidden formats", so that isn't it.00:33
histobarcode: not if you want lightweight00:33
EagleWatchi seek for the cli command for the shutdown window!00:33
emxerI'm using ubuntu ultimate edition ;)00:33
Emanonsok barcode it's cruise control for AWESOME00:33
aciculabarcode: just using the ubuntu gnome or kde env is a lot easier00:33
histobarcode: I would just install rox and use that.00:33
Dr_Willisrox filer has a pinboard feature or other tools to get desktop icons.in fluxbox  Not too hard. - but theres a bug in that feature of Rox-filer thats in the repos. :()00:33
aciculaapt-get install ubuntu-desktop  or kubuntu-desktop00:33
erUSUL!info pacman00:34
ubottupacman (source: pacman): Chase Monsters in a Labyrinth. In component universe, is optional. Version 10-17ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 28 kB, installed size 160 kB00:34
histobarcode: or if you don't like flux you can use XFCE00:34
histobarcode: default ubuntu uses gnome00:34
Spaztic_OneI hear some crackle in the background of all music, MP3 or flac.00:34
Dr_Willisbarcode:  use the -> autostatic's ppa version 2.10 of rox   , and use 'rox-filer --pinboard=default' and you will get an Ok desktop + filemanager00:34
noobtasticNone found...hmm00:34
emxerI can help somebody00:34
rpgsimmasterHelp! Guys, I was just running Synaptic package manager, it was in the phase of downloading packages, my system froze (with the Capslock and Scrolllock icons flashing) and now when it reboots, Grub throws me into the shell!00:34
erUSUL!info pcmanfm00:34
ubottupcmanfm (source: pcmanfm): an extremely fast and lightweight file manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1+svn20090607-1 (karmic), package size 489 kB, installed size 2008 kB00:34
Spaztic_OneIf I set my hardware to 5.1 (which it is capable of) I hear faint crackling instead of any music.00:35
Spaztic_OneI also hear no audio from flash videos (YouTube)00:35
zetherooin Karmic I never notice the update manager notifying me of updates being available ... and my settings are all good00:35
erinhey peeps  anybody use  weechat-curses?  can i get a pastebin of an example server in the irc.conf file please the  manual is confusing and t just listing the options is  seriously confusing to me00:35
Dr_Williserin:  i use it all the time.00:36
erin3.0 version?00:36
Dr_Williserin:  i suggest upgrading to the latest version 0.3.x00:36
erini did00:36
erinthe  file syntax changed now i got like  10 servers to add.  but the manual is confusing..00:36
Dr_Willisfreenode.addresses = "chat.freenode.net/6667"00:36
EagleWatchhi ppl!!! how can I call the shutdown windows from gnome?00:37
erinjust pastebin it00:37
rpgsimmasterCan anyone help me salvage a Wubi system?00:37
Flannelerin: Have you tried the quickstart? http://www.weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_quickstart.en.html00:37
Dr_Willisthen freenode.whatever = "setting here"00:37
erUSUL!wubi | rpgsimmaster00:37
ubotturpgsimmaster: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:37
emxerI can help ypu00:38
nightsjammiesI'm having trouble getting just the eeebuntu .iso.00:38
erinwhat options?00:38
erinshould i set?>00:38
emxerYou need install the grub00:38
rpgsimmaster...emxer: My problem is a little bit more complex than that00:39
nightsjammiesI'm trying to d/l it in windows, and I keep getting the wubi installer or some crap like that..any help?00:39
emxertall me00:39
zetherooso it seems that Karmic does not update automatically anymore - true?00:39
aciculazetheroo: false?00:39
rpgsimmasterjust reading Wubi troubleshooting guide00:39
LADmaticCAis there a way to see my own avatar in a pidgin conversation window?00:39
rpgsimmasterMy question is also: how on earth does a system freeze obliterate my ability to boot ubuntu?00:40
emxerYour OS crashed?00:40
barcodei have to handtype everything for idesk? :(00:40
zetherooacicula: 2 people here ... using Karmic ... never get notified of available updates00:40
aciculazetheroo: there are some patches to fix problems, but not new software versions if thats what you meant00:40
rpgsimmasteremxer: I was running synaptic, it was *only* downloading packages, my system halted (scroll/caps lock both flashing), when I rebooted no more ubuntu... :(00:40
hgri891ubuntu not like dell optiplex 260 lol so i had to come to a new machine00:40
aciculazetheroo: check software sources if its set to periodically check for updates, and that the mirror these are fetched from work00:40
emxerin the grub line00:40
noobtasticrpgimmaster - where you updating? My brother's PC became unusable when his updates froze00:40
zetherooacicula: all checked and all good to go00:40
aciculazetheroo: try apt-get update && apt-get upgrade in a console00:41
ZykoticK9!enter > emxer00:41
ubottuemxer, please see my private message00:41
nightsjammiesDoes anyone know where I pick up the .iso without having to use the wubi thing00:41
aciculazetheroo: oh with the sudo00:41
Flannelrpgsimmaster: wubi is unfortunately less robust as a system than a regular install.  The whole system is wrapped up into a few monolithic files, which means its easier to screw up, etc.  (That said, I have no idea how easy or difficult it will be to fix it)00:41
erinand it wipes it when it dont work  bravo  weechat  bravo.  all my hard work..00:42
boodroscotchHi guys. I have a bit of a major problem here. i recently reinstalled Windows 7, and it knocked GRUB2 out as the main bootloader and put the default as NTLDR instead.00:42
zetherooacicula: that is not the issue ... updates come in when you manually request them ... the issue is with being notified that there are avaialble updates automatically00:42
Nickalairpg, i think it was a case of package corruption while installing00:42
rpgsimmasterFlannel: I was afraid of that; normally I run a standard Ubuntu install, but I've had to use a Wubi install in the last few days... unfortunately it would appear that it didn't like me doing that :P00:42
hgri891anyone no much about intel raid on an ich9r controlers?00:42
boodroscotchas a result i have a non-bootable Ubunut 9.10 partition00:42
acicula!dualboot | boodroscotch00:42
ubottuboodroscotch: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:42
rpgsimmasterNickalai: I would've suspected that, EXCEPT that it wasn't actually installing - it was still downloading00:42
rpgsimmasterNickalai: Oh wait, I see what you mean00:42
aciculaboodroscotch: look at the urls from ubottu, theres a guide on recovering grub there00:42
aciculazetheroo: im checking to see if its not fetching updates00:43
erUSUL!grub2 | boodroscotch00:43
ubottuboodroscotch: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:43
lucid_intervalrpgsimmaster: that should not have happened, and sounds as strange to me as it does to you. It could be a coincidence, with some hardware / kernel error occurring at the same time. In my experience, the vast majority of such hard freezes have been due to kernel issues or hardware issues.00:43
boodroscotchacicula: thanks a bunch. downloading the ISO right now ;D00:43
Nickalaihmmm. thatz interesting, thats a nice problem youve come across00:43
rpgsimmasterNickalai, lucid_interval: I've encountered such freezes before, usually related to running compiz... HOWEVER, they've never obliterated my ability to reboot before00:44
erUSULhgri891: fakeraid00:44
erUSUL!fakeraid | hgri89100:44
ubottuhgri891: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:44
rpgsimmasterNickalai, lucid_interval: I suspect my occassional freezes occur as a result of corrupted graphics memory in my system somewhere... but that still doesn't explain the inability to boot00:45
hgri891A client of mine has a computer assembled by NEC and they have set up the 2 500 gig hard drives into a raid and it is now broken, i looked online and found that it could have been caused by an external hard drive being plugged in before the machine was started so the raid controler tries to use the external hard drive as part of the raid and ignore the internal one which of couse lead to a failed raid00:45
hgri891now when the drive is unplugged the reaid does not repair00:45
Nickalaino it definitly doesnt00:45
lucid_intervalrpgsimmaster: also correct. I misread your orig post. Ability to REBOOT should not be affected. Only changes to installed kernel(s), bootloader and/or other (rare) low-levelc hanges, such as busybox, init, libc should affect ability to reboot.00:45
hgri891is there a way to gue this raid back together with ubuntu software raid00:45
zetherooacicula: Update Manager works when it's manually triggered to fetch updates ... that is fine ... but I have never gotten a notification telling me that updates are available ... as I did in previous releases of Ubuntu00:45
hgri891it is a stripe raid00:46
rpgsimmasterThe only hard drive writes that were happening were packages being saved to the hard drive... which makes this whole situation very weird00:46
rpgsimmasternvm, I'll start by mounting the Wubi partition, and seeing what I've ended up with00:46
aciculazetheroo: is it set to automatically install updates?00:47
aciculazetheroo: does running apt-get upgrade result in packages being suggested for installation?00:47
lucid_intervalrpgsimmaster: the only thing that comes to my feeble mind is th epossibility that some low-level graphics driver is grabbing the PCI/PCI-E bus and a "warm" reboot does not reset that. Can you (i know it takes a long time) try to differentiate between warm reboot and cold reboot (turn off, pull power cord out and try again)?00:47
LADmaticCAis there a way to see my own avatar in a pidgin conversation window?00:47
rpgsimmaster!!! question... the Wubi disk files are normally contained in C:\ubuntu\disks\... aren't they?00:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:48
rpgsimmasterI would appear to have a serious problem00:49
rpgsimmasterI just went into that directory - the folder 'disks' was listed00:49
rpgsimmasterI clicked on it00:49
rpgsimmasterit errored out00:49
rpgsimmasterand then the directory disappeared...00:49
boscophi. my usb pen drive doesn't get recognized by ubuntu. but the red LED on it is on00:49
hgri891can enyone pleas help with my problem?00:50
usr13boscop: sudo fdisk -l00:50
zetherooacicula: it is set to check daily for updates and to notify about available updates00:50
kostkonzetheroo, yes, now the update manager window pops up once a week for regular updates or every time there are secuirty updates. and there isn't a tray icon anymore.00:51
zetherookostkon: oh ok ...00:51
rpgsimmasterlucid_interval: any idea why my wubi disks file, and the disks folder might be pulling arbitrary vanishing acts?00:51
zetherookostkon: that would make sense ... I probably get around to manually checking for updates before the scheduled weekly time came00:52
rpgsimmasterespecially when they appear one moment, then disappear when I click on them?00:52
boscopusr13: http://pastebin.com/61aqW80n00:52
kostkonzetheroo, yeap. why not00:52
barcodeim not really use to linux, https://launchpad.net/desktop-switcher how do i install that?00:52
Ceidru_GothlyHullo, Ubuntu-people. I am setting up a new machine under 8.04 and I'm trying to get it to share a few folders with anther running 9.10. Both are 32-bit and on the same network. I've tried the SMB approach as the 9.10 was already set up to talk to a windows box on the network, but the 8.04 seems unable to get the shares list. I also tried ssh but the 8.04 tries for a half-minute and then reports a timeout.00:52
phillw_hgri89, as we have no idea of how the RAID was put together, your 1st port of call will be NEC00:52
zetherookostkon: no worriers ... that is what I was wondering ... if something like that changed ... ;)00:52
redAnyone know how to get HDMI + sound working in Ubuntu?00:53
hgri891it just says it is a stripe of 2 500 gig seagates00:53
redIf I plug my laptop which had windows in it to a TV with HDMI; there was sound straight on without much more than selecting a correct output00:53
hgri891but thank i will give em a call00:53
redunder ubuntu, i get no sound and i've tested all available outputs00:53
redthree of them being labeled  HDMI in em00:53
rpgsimmasterI am beginning to suspect bad sectors on my hard drive - the space is still listed as in use :S00:54
dlynesIs anyone around that's had experience with preseeding a ubuntu install?00:54
phillw_hgri89, if you pop over to ##devil I'll try and help - But I do not say that I can solve it, as it appears to be a anufacturer system00:54
FloodBot4brahim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:55
boscopusr13: any idea?00:55
boscopusr13: it's a 1 GB pen drive btw00:55
pedro3005phillw_, this isn't my idea of fucking00:56
usr13Was plugged in when  you did sudo fdisk -l ?00:57
xivenHi guys00:57
phillw_dlynes, pre-seeding ?00:57
boscopusr13: sure00:58
usr13boscop: Try a different USB port.00:58
xivenThis may turn out to be a stupid question, however...I would like to remove a package using apt-get. However, when I try to do so, it prompts for the removal of a related package. Is there a directive I can use to instruct the aptitude system to remove ONLY the package I am specifying?00:58
dlynesphillw_, yeah00:58
xivenThe package to remove is usplash-ubuntustudio-theme, but it always wants to remove ubuntustudio-desktop.00:58
dlynesphillw_, to automate the install00:59
boscopusr13: didn't help!00:59
Ceidru_GothlyThe desktop thing is usually just a meta-package.00:59
dlynesphillw_, i'm guessing you've never done preseeding, if you're asking that?00:59
usr13boscop: What type of device is it?00:59
dlynesphillw_, it's like kickstart files, but you can fine tune it more than kickstart files00:59
boscopusr13: a simple 1 GB flash drive01:00
phillw_dlynes, if u pop over to #ubuntu-beginners  it's a) quieter b) more of us than questions01:00
xivenWell still, is there a way to tell it remove ONLY the specified package?01:00
PredakingI have 3 questions. What's the best way to get a vnc server to startup with ubuntu? NFS mounts in fstab sometimes don't mount unless I type mount -a. This is not ideal. What's the best way to correct this? I use nvidia drivers. The resolution resets upon reboot. I use nvidia control panel to get things setup correctly. Copy the configuration to my xorg.conf file but it still resets the resolution on reboot. Any ideas why?01:00
xivenI wouldn't even be removing it, if it would display correctly.01:00
usr13boscop: make & model?01:00
xivenIn fact, hold up..maybe the ubuntustudio developers can help me out with that.01:00
boscopusr13: no info on it about that, I got it from a company01:01
hgri891im there now01:01
hgri891sorry pigin had a hicough with the ammount of rooms in the list01:01
usr13boscop: lsusb01:01
phillw_dlynes, you can configure up the installation system anyway you want - this is used for sys-adminisatrators, but you have noe said how you want the script doing for you circunmstance.01:02
usr13boscop: and ... unlug it  and plug it back in while watching  tail -f /var/log/messages01:02
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boscopusr13: http://pastebin.com/pFg2T6tE01:03
ligeirinhomixsou novo01:03
dlynesphillw_, thanks...asked over on ubuntu-beginners...didn't even know about the channel01:03
dlynesphillw_, even if i had...wouldn't have thought to ask there, because I figured it was a more advanced question01:03
boscopusr13: nothing changed!!01:03
bigtom21485anyone know how to force my freq applet for my panel to run at 2GHz like its supposed to?01:03
bigtom21485if i wnated more battery power i wouldve bought an intel instead of an amd01:04
xivenHmm...no one is responding for UbuntuStudio01:04
steven_i need help01:04
boscopusr13: it just showed this all the time: http://pastebin.com/BJz4p7rr01:04
steven_i can not download agame01:04
bigtom21485usr13: who was helping me earlier with my processor scaling?01:04
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bigtom21485usr13: i got off to eat dinner01:05
steven_i can not download a game and i have wine01:06
pedro3005steven_, which?01:06
steven_allods online01:06
wesDo a barrel roll!01:06
bigtom21485wes: lol01:07
haakon__What version of Wine do you use?01:07
bigtom21485wes: get the mashroom mario grows taller01:07
rjbhaving trouble with HDD, setup doesn't recognize it anymore, is there any free software to recover data?01:07
xivenAre there any package sets geared highly toward graphics/web/desktop publishing?01:07
bigtom21485xiven: use wine to run something from windows01:07
steven_pedro3005: the game is allods online haakon- i do not know how can i see01:07
xivenIf I am going to use windows I'll just use it01:08
xivenI run Ubuntu within a VM inside Vista.01:08
pedro3005steven_, sorry but AppDB shows that game does not work with wine01:08
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xivenThanks to Photoshop being Windows only, I've never been able to completely convert to Linux. Plus, sometimes things go wrong, so I have to revert to Windows until I can get it repaired.01:08
jastorhmm .. is it possible to remove stuff .. without apt wanting to download/install/upgrade various other stuff/replacement?01:08
woodyjlwdose anyone know if roadnav has been abandoned by the developers ?  have not seen any new releases or updates or anything in a long time01:08
steven_so i can paly it01:09
jastorheck .. ill rem everything in sources.list and remove it :P01:09
steven_pedro3005: ok what about d&d online01:09
xivenhey, any developers currently online?01:09
xivenI was talking to a couple the other day..don't remember who01:10
pedro3005steven_, that one seems to work01:10
jastorok ... now its just messed up :P01:10
pedro3005steven_, follow the tutorial on http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=17785&iTestingId=5063401:10
haakon__Yes, but which version of wine do you use?01:10
bigtom21485I wanna change the way my cpu runs so it runs 2ghz when i tell it to using the freq panel app01:10
bigtom21485if anyone can help me that'd be great :-)01:11
steven_pedro3005: i know that one dose but i cant get it to work01:11
haakon__I would suggest adding the wine ppa so you get newer versions, at least for playing games.01:11
pedro3005steven_, well, as I've said, follow the tutorial01:11
jastoris it so damn hard to remove ONE program/package? without apt wanting to uninstall/reinstall/upgrade/download/install other stuff? rem on all repos in sources.list atleast made it stop wanting to download replacements .. but it still wants to remvoe other stuff :P01:11
haakon__Have you done the apt-get autoclean thingy?01:12
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jastorhaakon__: yea the apt cache is empty01:12
Guest69794I'm having an issue with file ownership01:13
haakon__jastor: Weird, I have no idea. What does Synaptic do? Does it throw a fit as well?01:13
stygianyoud probably have to use dpkg, jastor01:13
pedro3005Guest69794, yes?01:13
stygianthough i dont know its syntax01:13
jastorhaakon__: ill check..01:13
haakon__Guest, I'd sugest you run "gksudo nautilus" and browse to the file, and right clicking it, and from there select properties.01:13
haakon__The best way I can think of, if you need to take ownership of a file at least.01:14
xivenCrap! I removed UbuntuStudio's USplash theme, and now I am getting no screens found at startx01:14
haakon__xiven: Seriously?01:14
cafuegosudo chown username filename01:14
bigtom21485I have ubuntu 9.10 on a hp tx2525nr and I'm not getting any sound...before I updated, i had sound01:14
Guest69794I tried editing the properties, but it says I'm not the owner, I think that might be because I installed windows vista first01:14
xivenThat error seems to be caused randomly01:14
haakon__Guest: That's not it. ;)01:14
Guest69794bigtom, check for new drivers in the download center01:14
pedro3005Guest69794, what file is that?01:14
cafuegoNote that ownership on a windows disk doesn't work like that01:14
xivenOhh I bet I know why01:15
xivenI have to use VBox Graphics Driver01:15
bigtom21485guest69794: the download center? wheres that?01:15
Guest69794haakon, what do I try next then?01:15
pedro3005Guest69794, yes, as cafuego says, the file has to be on a linux partition01:15
jastorhaakon__: yea :P synaptic throws a fit as well01:15
Guest69794applications -> ubuntu software center bigtom01:15
AaronneyerHey guys, does anyone think they can help me out with a problem I'm having installing Ubuntu?01:15
dlvrDoes anyone know of a screen saver, or an alternate method, to switch workspaces at a set interval?01:16
haakon__The most likely reason would be that you're not the owner of the file. Root however can change the owner of any file, so in order to take control of a file you don't own, you have to elevate to root first. Graphically, you can just use nautilus, run it from a terminal or from <alt> + F2 with the line "gksudo nautilus"01:16
cafuegoGuest69794: If you need to be the owner of a file on a windows file system you'll need to play with the mount options for that partition. usually set the gid and fmask/dmask options.01:16
steven_pedro3005: it say to hit the blue run com. but there is not one01:16
Blue1how do I recover a linux install after a ubuntu install>?01:16
bpocockhello... having an issue with 9.10. it seems my F row functionality is inverted. Hitting F1 tries to connect to a projector, and hitting <function>+F1 uses the intended function of F1 for a program... is there a way to fix this?01:16
Blue1windows install01:16
Guest69794haakon what is the full command line?01:16
pkbestare there any good FPS games for ubuntu?01:16
Blue1i installed windows after installing ubuntu, and want to recover ubuntu.01:17
wesquake live01:17
pedro3005steven_, what?01:17
pkbesti need something thats active wes... is quake live active?01:17
bigtom21485guest 69794: how do i get my cpu to run at 2GHz all the time?  i have athe ubuntu freq applet on my panel, and it has an option for running 2GHz, but it ignores my command to do so, and even in performance it doesnt go there very often which aggrivates me because i dont want a 1ghz computer i want a 2ghz computer01:17
haakon__for launching nautilus in sudo mode? sudo nautilus. Otherwise, as cafuego has mentioned, you can use sudo chown username filename01:18
jastorhaakon__: GNOME! openjdk ... python ..  xbmc .. various other stuff01:18
AaronneyerAnyone think they can help me out?  Here's my issue.01:18
AaronneyerI downloaded Ubuntu, burned it on a disc, and then installed it within windows.  It gets through fine and then it gets to where it needs to restart.  I restart, select Ubuntu from the OS's, and after a bit of text and the Ubuntu symbol, I get a black screen.01:18
xivenBlue1, all you need to do is boot up using a live cd, use the shell to mount the parition with ubunty and run update-grub on it01:18
jastorhaakon__: i know theese programs doesnt require the package im trying to uninstall :) because they worked perfectly fine before that ..01:18
haakon__If it's in a windows partition (NTFS) you'd have to change your mount options, which I don't know how to do.01:18
steven_pedro3005: the stie you told me to go to help out but one thing i donot have a blue run bottem to hit01:18
boscopI get an error: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?" although it's not in use. I just killed apt because I need it to install gparted. how can I unlock that file?01:18
Guest69794Bigtom, I have no idea, sorry.  I just had a hunch you had the same problem as me because I just updated yesterday and my internet drivers weren't working and thats how I fixed mine01:18
Blue1xiven: ahh sounds easy01:18
xivenAlthough, you may need to run grub-install on the windows partition so it is in the MBR.01:18
haakon__What package ARE you trying to uninstall jastor?01:18
jastorhaakon__: exim401:19
pkbestany combat games other than quake?01:19
pkbestlike America's Army01:19
dlvryou know of cgywin?01:19
pkbestor BF201:19
phillw_haakon__, for launching any GUI programme, use gksudo, not sudo - you can screw things up big time01:19
xivenAlthough, that will cause the windows boot loader to come AFTER the GRUB loader01:19
dlvrorwhatever it's called now01:19
haakon__Sorry, man, I don't know how to do that.01:19
haakon__sudo from the terminal have always worked for me?01:19
b2p1mpdlvr: why cygwin?01:19
xivenOr, you could just modify boot.ini in Windows to have the option to boot the Ubuntu OS01:19
pedro3005steven_, what does it say?01:19
xivenAlthough, boot.ini doesn't make a bit of sense if you don't know what you're looking at.01:19
dlvrbecause i'm mistaken lol01:19
bpocockhello... having an issue with 9.10. it seems my F row functionality is inverted. Hitting F1 tries to connect to a projector, and hitting <function>+F1 uses the intended function of F1 for a program... is there a way to fix this?01:20
pwebster25I have had evolution with exchange-mapi and a bunch of -dev parts installed for evolution because of a crazy mapi setup at work.  I finally am able to connect to exchange normally again, so I got rid of the buggy mapi and other dev apps in synaptic.  However, now, when I open evolution it insists on restoring from a backup.  It gets to the "evolution setup assistant" I want to setup a new account but it forces me to choose a backup file 01:20
Blue1xiven: so the update-grub will only access mounted hdd's is that how it works?01:20
steven_pedro3005: what dose what say ? the downloader or the site01:20
dlvrtransgaming is what i meant to say01:20
pedro3005steven_, both01:20
pedro3005are you getting an error and what step are you at?01:20
xivenI think it will work with non-mounted device's too..but I don't remember how to tell you to do that lol01:21
jastorhaakon__: ohwell .. but regardless of what i want to uninstall .. is it possible to uninstall just the exact stuff i type after remove? without apt worrying about replacements or dependencies?01:21
haakon__Seriously, why is sudo from a terminal bad, except you don't get the neat graphical box, and also, I did mean to use gksudo in my type.01:21
xivenThe easiest way for me has always been boot a linux live cd01:21
bigtom21485Guest69794: I tried pulseaudio and that doesnt seem to work either how to i make sure its actually enabled?01:21
haakon__jastor: I don't know. I'm not an expert.01:21
dlvrDoes anyone know of a screen saver, or an alternate method, to switch workspaces at a set interval?01:21
jastorhaakon__: ok01:21
haakon__guest: Have you tried to open a terminal, and use alsamixer?01:21
Guest69794haakon! thank you soo much!01:21
pedro3005haakon__, it's something about the user01:21
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phillw_Blue1, easy way to get control over a dual boot system --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101470801:21
xivenAnd use the shell to mount the ubuntu parition, then chroot to it, and run update-grub, or grub-install if its not in the Windows MBR yet.01:21
b2p1mpBlue1: teh update-grub checks for boot files on partitions01:21
pedro3005haakon__, I forgot what it was01:22
wesinstall gentoo01:22
diogo_79is there alternative to wine?01:22
xivenphillw> Am I giving him good information, or do I need to re-read on that?01:22
Blue1b2p1mp: thanks01:22
fabio333diogo_79: crossover01:22
haakon__That was what I had to do to get my HDMI cable to transmit sound at least.01:22
pedro3005haakon__, but there is a reason as to why you shouldn't use sudo for graphical applications01:22
bigtom21485when i go to sound preferences and i go to hardware theres nothing listed01:22
dlvrdiogo_79: seamless mode in vbox or vmware01:22
steven_pedro3005: he to let you know ok this is what it says on my down load ok dndsetup.exe01:22
haakon__I'm not doubting you pedro, I just wondered if you remembered what it was.01:22
haakon__I can always google myself... ;)01:22
Guest69794bigtom download both hardware drivers01:22
pedro3005haakon__, it's on the UF somewhere01:22
phillw_diogo_79, yeah, but you have to pay for it & the votes are out as to if it is better than wine - why not make the free on better ?01:22
Guest69794just search in the software center hardware managers01:23
fabio333cedega also is a wine stuff01:23
haakon__cedega is the paid for version of wine or something wasn't it?01:23
phillw_@ pedro3005 you should not use sudo for graphical stuff !!!01:23
pkbesti thought cedega is no longer supported?01:23
pkbestI use play on linux01:23
pedro3005phillw_, yes01:23
haakon__playonlinux is a wrapper for wine though.01:23
phillw_gksudo   !!!!01:24
pkbestwhat game are you trying to play?]01:24
jastorcedega .. heh .. they wanted to get paid .. and in thoose games i tried in them, some even worked better in wine ;)01:24
haakon__It just adds options automatically. It's neat and good, but I prefer to do it myself.01:24
fabio333pkbest: try open transport tycoon deluxe01:24
diogo_79application virtualization01:24
Guest69794haakon, one more thing.  how do you change the login box in the startup screen?  I was able to change the background but not the box itself.01:24
diogo_79any tips on free produt01:24
pkbestfabio333, what?01:24
haakon__guest: I don't know.01:24
pkbestfabio333, why try to open it?01:24
haakon__Sorry, I've never had that wish.01:24
fabio333openttd best game on linux01:24
haakon__The best game on linux is Mines01:24
dlvrdiogo_79: virtual box is free01:24
jastordiogo_79: yes theres an alternative .. virtualbox and windows ;)01:24
haakon__Or maybe kSokoban.01:24
Guest69794thanks, haakon01:25
fabio333haakon__: nope is openttd01:25
pkbesti want to find a good combat game.. sorta liek combat arms01:25
pkbestor america's army01:25
Guest69794bigtom, any luck?01:25
haakon__fabio333: You're a heathen! >:( ;)01:25
xivenWell wth01:25
dlvrpkbest: check out cedega01:25
Guest69794did you try installing both driver packages?01:25
haakon__emacs tetris is also nice, because sometimes you need a break01:25
xivenWhy did removing UbuntuStudio's usplash theme take out xserver's screens..01:25
haakon__My guess, is that the xorg conf file somewhere depended on something being somewhere that removing usplash also removed.01:26
bigtom21485guest69794: I installed pulseaudio from the software center01:26
abstraktvirtual box is free, but the licensed copy of windows is not01:26
pkbestdlvr, cedega does not play well with those games as i have read01:26
abstraktvim > emacs > *01:26
haakon__abstrakt: Are you trying to rekindle the holy wars? :p01:26
Zettydoes jfs have an equivilant to dmask and fmask? (all i want to do is give the group rwx, i don't care about what the user has)01:26
Guest69794bigtom: which distro of ubuntu are you using?01:26
bigtom214859.10 x6401:26
abstrakthaakon__, noooo... who me?... never!</sarcasm>01:27
jastorabstrakt: doesnt running cedega or wine require some windows stuff to run? .. i thought micorosft had objections about such ;)01:27
haakon__M-x sarcasm01:27
bigtom21485Guest69794: 9.10 x6401:27
haakon__you mean?01:27
dlvrDoes anyone know of a screen saver, or an alternate method, to switch workspaces at a set interval?01:27
abstrakthaakon__, no i ditched emacs for vim years ago01:27
dbook82i want to copy a file to my language spec folder, but it won't allow me saying permission denied, but I'm  the owner, how can i fix this?01:28
AaronneyerDoes anyone know how I can fix a blank screen after Ubuntu splash01:28
abstraktand i did use emacs, hardcore, for many years... for the record01:28
boscopI want to make two partitions on my usb pen drive. what should I choose in gparted for format table? msdos? aix? bsd? it should get detected on win + linux01:28
Guest69794bigtom install hardware drivers (jockey-gtk) and hardware drivers (jockey-kde)01:28
jastorboscop: fat3201:29
jastorboscop: well .. you could choose ntfs .. but some pendrives mess up then01:29
boscopjastor: there is no option for that01:29
rjbhi my hdd seems death, i can't see any partition, any way to recover data?01:29
haakon__boscop: Go with FAT32 unless you need to have files >4gb on there.01:30
boscoponly those mentioned before + amiga, dvh, gpt, mac01:30
jastorrjb: dead how -.. physical? mft? partiton gone wrong?01:30
abstrakthaakon__, real tetris with actual graphics is even better :)01:30
rjbjastor: it is a physical error01:30
boscopjastor, haakon__: I'm talking about the format for the partition table01:30
bigtom21485jockey gtk was already installed which i found peculiar. im installing jockey-kde now.01:31
jastorrjb: depending on the extent of the damage .. yes and no01:31
rjbjastor: before boot makes some maxtor hdd makes some beeps01:31
haakon__In a way, but if you're trying to get some ridiculous prolog AI working, you're spending some 30 minutes C-v/M-v'ing the damned thing, and finally figure it out, then you don't really have the energy to do anything else than M-x tetris.01:31
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haakon__Also, I live inside terminals these days.01:31
boscopshould I go with msdos (the default)?01:31
bigtom21485guest 69794: jockey gtk was already installed which i found peculiar. im installing jockey-kde now.01:31
stovicekboscop, choose msdos for the table01:31
Guest95097can some help me01:31
haakon__Most likely msdos is the best one.01:31
Guest69794bigtom, it was on mine too.  just making sure.01:31
rjbjastor: what should i try? i have important information there01:31
abstrakthaakon__, because moving the mouse down to my launch bar to launch it is SOO much harder than M-x tetris </sarcasm>01:32
haakon__If you're not running an Xorg server, it actually is... ;)01:32
abstrakttetris kinda blows anyway these days compared to what's available for video games01:32
bigtom21485guest69794: its taking forever so i hope this is it :-)01:32
jastorrjb: is it a storage drive? or do you have the system on it?01:32
abstraktahh, ok well if you're living in the dark ages, then sure maybe that's good for you :)01:32
dbook82i want to copy a file to my language spec folder, but it won't allow me saying permission denied, but I'm  the owner, how can i fix this?01:32
orb01Hey, after installing timidity I get notifications that my soundcard HDA Intel stopped working, and I don't get any sound anymore.. How do I solve this?01:32
bigtom21485abstrakt: unless you have a console then you have sveral other choices if you have extra brain cells that you can sacrafice01:33
haakon__You use vim, you're in no position to talk about dark ages.01:33
Guest69794bigtom, no worries, it has a lot of drivers along with the ones you may need.01:33
fabio333orb01: pulseaudio issue01:33
rjbjastor: i have a win installation on it and all the data01:33
orb01fabio333: so I need to uninstall timidity again?01:33
abstraktconsole ftw, but console only for workstation = fail01:33
pwebster25Don't want to bug.  Did anyone have any ideas on my Evolution question earlier?01:33
abstraktin more cases than not anyway01:33
haakon__Seriously though, if I want 30 minutes to waste, I might as well play emacs tetris as anything else.01:33
fabio333orb01: killall pulseaudio01:34
haakon__Console for Emacs is pretty much all I need.01:34
abstrakthaakon__, well it's your life to waste :P01:34
jastorrjb: ok .. do you have any other harddrive on it with a system you can boot from? .. or any other computer you can do stuff on taht wont interfere with the damaged drive?01:34
haakon__Prolog doesn't have any fancy IDEs anyway.01:34
jastorrjb: if its a ntfs/fat32 drive id just download something like hirens bootcd01:34
haakon__It's not as popular as say... Java.01:34
orb01fabio333: it says no process found01:34
Guest95097if i open d&d with wine when it still in the download filer in says dll;C:/users/steven/Temp/is-LMT2K.tmp/PostInstallrunner.dill01:34
fabio333 orb01: sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel01:34
fabio333sudo rmmod snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel01:35
rjbjastor: actually i have ubuntu 9.10, the dead sata hdd is slave disk01:35
haakon__Then again, Abstrakt, I don't spend my entire life inside a tty anyway.01:35
jastorrjb: ok01:35
bigtom21485haakon_: what is a tty?01:35
haakon__I usually use Tty2 for work, and have Tty7 as an xserver.01:35
abstrakthaakon__, neither do i... i spend most of it inside either GNOME or explorer.exe01:35
Guest69794bigtom what percent is your download at?01:35
orb01fabio333: rmmod gives error because it is in use, so I used -f, not sure if I was supposed to do that01:35
EdUbHi - I have a new Thinkpad with an Intel Centrino Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250 wireless card and cannot get it working.  I have filed a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wireless-tools/+bug/537814 - Is there something more I can do, or should I post this in other locations?01:35
bigtom2148527% but im alos on wifi with 8 other computers.  family vacation.01:36
haakon__bigtom: Type Ctrl-Alt+F2 and see for yourself. To get back to your graphical screen, press Ctrl+Alt+F701:36
gamerif you install ubuntu with the alternate install CD and choose total disk encryption, does it erase (or at least fill with 0's) all the data on the HDD?01:36
rjbjastor: how can i see other disk's data?01:36
haakon__It's basically terminal only.01:36
abstraktwell anyway, i just setup a streaming video server with ffmpeg today...01:36
* abstrakt is quite proud of himself01:36
bigtom21485so does it disable the GUI (GNOME) or does it just make it invisible until im done with code? and why wouldnt i just open a terminal window?01:36
haakon__It's a personal taste type of thing. For those of all who are stone-ageish like me.01:37
jastorrjb: looking to see if theres any decent program01:37
rjbjastor: i made fdisk -l and i only see 1 disk01:37
xivenWell, if removing the usplash theme broke packages, wouldn't apt-get check report/fix it?01:37
haakon__bigtom: It runs at the same time.01:37
gamerif you install ubuntu with the alternate install CD and choose total disk encryption, does it erase (or at least fill with 0's) all the data on the HDD?01:37
jastorrjb: ok ..01:37
Emanonyou can have it do that gamer01:37
gamerEmanon: how?01:38
haakon__It's essentially an aesthetical choice.01:38
orb01fabio333: didn't fix it, same error, device doesn't work01:38
bigtom21485guest 69794: 30% but I'm on wifi (cable internet) with 8 other computers (family vacation)01:38
Guest69794bigtom yeah, that might take a while.01:38
Emanongamer there is an option in the encryption portion of the setup to wipe the drive with random data (i assume from /dev/urandom) before formatting01:38
xivenWould Xorg.log.0.log be latest, or would Xorg.log.5.log be the latest log file created?01:39
haakon__xiven: What does ls tell you?01:39
haakon__it should have some sort of timestamp?01:39
xivenlol..I always use dir..sorry01:39
xivenI'll check01:39
Emanoni just do a 3 pass before i reinstall (dcfldd if=/dev/(zero,urandom,zero) of=/dev/(mydrives))01:39
haakon__ls -c btw01:39
djdb4nightserver /irc.abject.net01:40
haakon__No wait, wrong argument. sorry.01:40
Emanononly takes an hour or two if i do all my drives at once01:40
haakon__xiven: I mean ls -l off course. Sorry about that.01:41
xivenYeah,  thanks.01:41
trinikronohey peps01:41
=== haakon__ is now known as _-haakon-_
=== _-haakon-_ is now known as haakon87
bigtom21485guest69794: still doesnt work01:43
haakon87bigtom, what was your problem again?01:44
* Ceidru_Gothly got the ssh to work, it didn't like the hostname but the LAN address worked.01:44
bigtom21485and if i go to preferences then sound it doesnt see any hardware at all01:44
haakon87Wait, bigtom, have you got ALSA installed?01:44
bigtom21485guest69794: if i go to preferences-->sound it doesnt see any hardware at all :-(01:44
bigtom21485guest69794 wtf is going on?01:44
rjbjastor: sorry i am back01:45
haakon87Bigtom, do you have any options you can select in profiles?01:45
dbook82some help please?01:46
Guest69794I'm guessing that your system doesn't have the drivers to run your speaker, and that the drivers are in the package you are downloading01:46
adantehi, how do i find the size of a device?01:46
haakon87dbook84: What do you need help with? :)01:46
Blakeif i were to get lucid lynx alpha, when its officially released will apt update me to the official release?  is it possible to do so or would i be stuck with "alpha" lucid lynx01:46
xivenAfter changing a setting in xorg.conf.new, I can go straight to startx, or do I need to call a  configure command?01:47
BoondoklifeBlake: You should have the current version when you update.01:47
dbook82haakon87 i'm trying to copy a file to my language-spec folder, i'm the owner but it tells me permission denied01:47
haakon87what command did you run?01:47
nzqrcis there a more general chatroom for help with bash and linux utilities?01:48
dbook82downloaded file to home folder and tried to copy/paste to langauge-spec folder01:48
bigtom21485haakon87: how do i check that?01:48
xivenhaak if that was to me, I didn't run any command.01:48
xivenJust used nano to edit xorg.conf.new on one line.01:48
haakon87It was to dbook8201:48
Emanon #bash nzqrc01:48
nzqrcthanks emanon01:48
haakon87dbook, you likely don't own the target folder.01:48
entropiusgah, silly java client. I have a possibly retarded question.01:49
haakon87If you want to do it by GUI, press alt+F2 and type in "gksudo nautilus" and do it from there.01:49
haakon87then you'll run it as root and you can do ANYTHING.01:49
entropiusI use ubuntu on multiple systems without a problem, but my mother (living in another state) just had a major Windows meltdown, and I had her install Ubuntu.01:49
dbook82haakon87 how can i change that, i'm the owner, like owner-owner01:49
Guest69794I have to go... GL bigtom!01:49
haakon87No, root is the owner.01:49
haakon87You're just one of the lucky people who can become root by sudoing.01:50
entropiusWhen she attempts to install multiple different packages (I had her try ubuntu-restricted-extras and openssh) she gets an "unable to find package" error. (Been doing phone support with her).01:50
entropiusI don't know how to figure out what is wrong without sshing to the computer, and I can't do that since she can't get openssh-server.01:50
haakon87You really don't want to change it so that you're the owner owner instead of root, but the way to do it is to right click the folder and use the properties tab.01:50
bigtom21485Guest69794: its done and it still wont work01:50
entropiusAny quick ideas what's wrong?01:50
haakon87That's enough rope to hang yourself with, so be careful. ;)01:50
bigtom21485guest69794: thanks01:51
dbook82haakon87 lol, tried that but it still wouldn't let me. so gksudo nautilus?01:51
haakon87Yeah. That way, you'll run as the highest owner of the system.01:51
boscopwhy doesn't chown work on /dev/sdc2 ?01:51
bpocockhello... having an issue with 9.10. it seems my F row functionality is inverted. Hitting F1 tries to connect to a projector, and hitting <function>+F1 uses the intended function of F1 for a program... is there a way to fix this?01:51
dbook82definitely dont wanna hang myself01:51
papohello friends hope that my question is not uncomfortable. well i am new to gnu / linux. and right now I have a problem when I explain all isntale ubuntu9.10 coached me quedo bien checkout system to detect the audio and me and the card. but a moment to restart my computer the audio disappeared not because they do not hear the horns and tried to Prodire be okay. please01:51
bigtom21485anyone wanna help fix a sound card thats not showing up??01:51
haakon87It will let you do ANYTHING, and it won't give you those friendly warnings.01:51
Emanonbpocock: is your function lock on?01:52
bigtom21485papo: what kind of computer do you have? my sound wont work either01:52
dbook82haakon87 still not letting me do anything01:52
bpocockumm, i have no idea if it is or hwo to check, just got this laptop yesterday, not used to dells01:52
haakon87Is nautilus displaying the "You're running in super user mode" warning?01:53
mat815What kind of sound card is it?01:53
bpocockthere doesnt appaer to be a function lock option on it though01:53
haakon87Wait, sorry, that's not on nautilus01:53
dbook82haak well i pressed alt+f2 then typed in gksudo nautilus and it asked for my password and i got nothing01:53
bigtom21485realtek hd audio01:53
haakon87You typed your password right?01:53
haakon87And you use GNOME?01:53
haakon87And thus nautilus as your file manager?01:53
dbook82yes ubuntu 9.1001:54
haakon87Then after entering your password, nautilus opened up?01:54
haakon87displaying the folder /root?01:54
haakon87did you type your password correctly?01:54
Dr_Williscompiz has a feature to show what apps are running as root. it can append 'root' in the title :)01:54
Dr_Williswhich is handy01:54
dbook82as far as i know, it didn't say incorrect password01:54
haakon87It won't, most likely...01:55
haakon87Try to run it again, if there's no prompt, then you've typed the password correctly01:55
dbook82lemme try it again01:55
haakon87It's weird, but true.01:55
jolarenHello. I'm trying to kill a process with sudo kill pid and killall nameoffile.. all runs successfully but the process is still running01:55
papobigtom21485 I have an Intel Celeron multimedia01:55
papo          description: Audio device01:55
papo          product: VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller)01:55
papo          vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc.01:55
papo          physical id: 101:55
jolarenWhat am I doing wrong?01:55
FloodBot4papo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:55
papo          bus info: pci@0000:80:01.001:55
haakon87dbook82: What happens?01:56
dbook82now its not doing anything... you said gksudo nautilus right?01:56
haakon87I have a sneaking suspicion to why it doesn't work.01:56
mat815bigtom21485 have you looked at your logs01:56
haakon87Could you try open any folder at all?01:56
bigtom21485mat815: how do i do that?01:57
dbook82home folder pops up01:57
CopperredHello......one of my addon in Thunderbird.....is eating up my CPU up to 99%......any ideas on how I can identify which it is?   Like a system monitor but just on Thunderbird........01:57
haakon87Can you choose, help - about to see what your file manager is called?01:57
mat815System, Administration, LogFileVeiwer01:57
mat815on Gnome?01:57
dbook82yes nautilus 2.28.101:58
i531q00qCopperred:  If you dont have too many plugins installed, i would disable them one at a time01:58
Copperredok and see which is the bugger....ok thanks.01:58
papobigtom21485 you tell me your  can help01:58
haakon87And if you try to run just nautilus from the alt+f2 menu, does something happen?01:58
entropiusMy mom just installed ubuntu after her windows install died. I run ubuntu on several systems with no issues, but of course she (in another state) has problems.01:58
dbook82no it does not01:59
entropius or ask someone for help.01:59
entropiuswrong paste01:59
papohello friends hope that my question is not uncomfortable. well i am new to gnu / linux. and right now I have a problem when I explain all isntale ubuntu9.10 coached me quedo bien checkout system to detect the audio and me and the card. but a moment to restart my computer the audio disappeared not because they do not hear the horns and tried to Prodire be okay. please01:59
haakon87try typing it in a terminal, and see if that works?01:59
entropiusShe can't seem to install multiple different packages, which fail with a "can't find package" error.01:59
bigtom21485papo: no im very frustrated linux is supposed to be easy01:59
entropiusI've had her try openssh-server (so I can ssh and try to figure out what is wrong), ubuntu-restricted-extras (which is what she wants in the first place)...01:59
entropiusThis happens whether she uses the Ubuntu Software Center or command-line apt-get.01:59
i531q00qwho said linux was supposed to be easy? ;)02:00
haakon87Well, it's just a kernel... *starts flamewar*02:00
bivobigtom21485 linux is no different from Windows or Mac, theres a learning curve02:00
Emanonentropius you remind her to update apt-get?02:00
i531q00qentropius: you've checked that all the software sources have been selected?02:00
haakon87dbook, how did that go?02:00
dbook82ok it popped up the password prompt i typed it in and now i'm getting a unique-DBus Warning02:00
haakon87In the terminal?02:01
entropiusi531: I asked her to check. She says multiverse, etc. have been checked.02:01
haakon87Because you can ignore that... ;)02:01
entropiusas in sudo apt-get update? Does that need to be done on a new system?02:01
haakon87does nautilus display /root?02:01
i531q00qyep it does02:01
papobigtom21485 I'm really new that I'm a little left not what you mean hope you do not really bother bu02:01
dbook82nautilus hasn't come up02:01
entropiusHm. I'll have her do that. Never did that on my box. Do the GUI programs not do it automagically?02:01
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
Emanonhave her hit the refresh button or issue sudo apt-get update in a terminal entropius02:01
haakon87hm.. type naut and hit tab.02:02
haakon87No wait..02:02
bigtom21485papo: im new too i would ask someone more knowledgable02:02
haakon87Hit Ctrl+C a few times to kill the nautilus first.02:02
keyboardtalkHow can one make the ubuntu file browser display thumbnails for png images?02:02
haakon87And then type naut and hit tab for the autocomplete.02:02
haakon87if there's a slight misspelling it will correct it for you. :)02:02
dbook82ok, done02:03
haakon87did it complete to nautilus?02:03
haakon87does nautilus launch?02:03
haakon87(When you hit enter off course /pedantry)02:03
haakon87YES! This is good!02:03
papobigtom21485 good friends will thank you all so02:04
haakon87Close nautilus.02:04
haakon87And hit the up-button to display the last command (nautilus)02:04
wesinstall gentoo02:04
vlad003Does anyone know how to blank the screen from CLI? But come back when mouse moves?02:05
haakon87Now go to the beginning of the line, and add "gksudo " without the quotes02:05
haakon87so that the entire string of text is "gksudo nautilus" without the quotes.02:05
dbook82checkity check02:05
haakon87hit enter, and let's hope.02:06
mat815bigtom21485 are you using gnome or kde02:06
haakon87If not there's another way to do this, but it involves terminal work.02:06
bigtom21485mat815 i disabled the slmodem driver and now my sound works so good thing i dont send/recieve faxes02:06
dbook82o.O Eel-CRITICAL yadda yadda yadda failed02:06
Boondoklifevlad003: Are you refering to kicking off the screen saver from terminal?02:07
haakon87Alright, let's do this the old fashioned way.02:07
bigtom21485mat815 im using gnome for now until i get kubuntu which looks a little nicer02:07
dbook82-cracks kunckles-02:07
mat815you fixed the sound, good job02:07
haakon87what you need to know is the full path to the folder your file is in.02:07
haakon87Including the file.02:07
bigtom21485mat815 how do i get tablet pc functionality?02:07
vlad003Boondoklife: Kind of... When I close my laptop lid, the screen goes blank. There's no screensaver. just blank02:07
bigtom21485after all it is a tablet pc :-)02:07
dbook82its in the home folder02:07
haakon87type ls ~/ in your terminal02:08
haakon87that will list up all files there.02:08
haakon87See if you can find the file you want to copy.02:08
Boondoklifevlad003: Can you tell me exactly what you want to do?02:08
dbook82yes its there02:08
haakon87Good, then half our job's already done.02:08
haakon87Now, find the full path to where you want to copy the file to.02:08
iAcceptedim looking for a program i just added from Synaptic package manager its called 'eric' can anyone help me, Thanks.02:09
dbook82ok wait one02:09
=== screaminsemen is now known as i531qooq
bigtom21485who knows how to force frequency scaling to 100% when im running on battery?02:09
vlad003Boondoklife: Just turn off the screen from command line but have it turn back on when I move my mouse02:09
mat815if you want  you can check your logs by entering 'gnome-system-log' on a terminal02:09
Boondoklifevlad003: gnome-screensaver-command -a02:10
dbook82ok got it02:10
haakon87what's the full path?02:10
jolarenI will try to ask again.. Why can't I kill a process using "sudo kill processid" or "sudo killall nameofprocess"02:11
CAPcapim having an issue with the process gconfd-2 running at a high level and driving my cpu usage to 100 constantly. help02:11
vlad003Boondoklife: Thanks!02:11
haakon87and your file's full path is ~/something?02:11
Boondoklifevlad003: No worries02:12
iAcceptedim looking for a program i just added from Synaptic package manager its called 'eric' can anyone help me, Thanks.02:12
ardchoilleCAPcap: Are you using a rather large theme of some kind?02:12
haakon87then you want to try the command (without the quotation marks): "sudo cp ~/<filename> /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/<filename>"02:12
haakon87It basically means: "As the root user, copy the file from here to there.02:13
gbear14275anyone here do remote kvm management by gui?02:13
mat815jolaren try "sudo kill -9 processid"02:13
vlad003iAccepted: Is the package name called eric?02:13
rastaseandoes anyone know if there is a channel specific to ubuntu studio?02:13
haakon87iAccepted: just try to type eric in the terminal.02:13
gbear14275virt-manager in ubuntu seems very limited and am wondering about alternatives02:13
iAcceptedvlad003: i believe so02:13
vicsar 02:13
rastaseangbear14275: what issues are you having?02:13
haakon87dbook82: Does it work?02:14
iAcceptedhaakon87, thanks.02:14
CAPcapardchoille, not really. same settings as i always had before. but today i had some issues with my metacity not launching (which i didnt find out until i'd done a bunch of other things trying to get my window borders back). i removed GNOME and then reinstalled it and since then this has been happening.02:14
iAcceptedit's not installed02:14
iAcceptedi guess.02:14
dbook82do i need to specify where the file is coming from?02:14
wgrantrastasean: You mean #ubuntustudio?02:14
jolarenmat815: I did.. doesnt stop the process02:14
haakon87That's what ~/ means:02:15
dbook82ok wait one02:15
haakon87It means "In my homefolder"/02:15
ardchoilleCAPcap: That could do it. gconfd is the daemon that makes sure your desktop themes work properly02:15
rastaseanwgrant: is that a channel?02:15
steven_why cant i play runescape i download the jave thing02:15
wgrantrastasean: Yes.02:15
iAccepteddo you got the plug- in for firefox02:15
jolarenmat815: I'm totally out of ideas02:15
mat815jolaren, try "man kill" for a better explanation02:15
iAcceptedif that's what browser your using.02:15
haakon87"sudo cp ~/<filename> /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/<filename>" Is what you need to use, and you off course have to substitude <filename> for the filename... ;)02:16
haakon87It worked?02:16
gbear14275rastasean, I'd like to be able to configure a network bridge through gui...  looks like the newer virt-manager packages might have that capability but it seems like ubuntu never updates the package...  and I've tried finding ppa's that work but can't seem to get them working.  I guess my ideal fix would be if someone could either a) point me at a gui that is better than virt-manager or b) point me ot a ppa that will enable 02:16
vicsar 02:16
jolarenmat815: I have02:16
dbook82yes it did02:16
haakon87That's good to hear.02:16
steven_i domt know but yes i runinng fire fox02:16
dbook82arigato gozaimasu02:16
haakon87I was tearing my hair out... :p02:16
iAcceptedsteven_: then try to get the plug-in for it.02:16
haakon87But you seem to have some problems with gksudo though... Might want to reinstall it.02:16
dbook82now how do i fix the gksudo not working in alt+f2?02:16
haakon87I don't know.02:17
steven_how do i do that02:17
haakon87I'm sorry dbook82, I'm not a Unix wizard...02:17
dbook82can i find gksudo in synaptic package manager?02:17
haakon87You can just use the terminal.02:17
haakon87It's a lot quicker.02:17
mat815jolaren, how are you finding the process id02:17
jolarenmat815: ps -a02:17
CAPcapardchoille, anyways even after installing xfce, removing gnome, and reintalling all of the regular ubuntu-desktop I still didnt have my borders back. basically looked harder for some solutions and "determined" that metacity wasnt launching. so i added it to my startup applications manually and now i have my window decorations back (close maximize minimize and title bar etc).02:17
iAcceptedhaakon87: ty.02:18
haakon87you're welcom iAccepted.02:18
ardchoilleCAPcap: Mine did that until I removed compiz02:18
CAPcapardchoille, but now this is happening02:18
haakon87But yeah, dbook, you should be able to find it in synaptic.02:18
dbook82would that be something like sudo apt-get gksudo?02:18
steven_iAccepted: how do i get the plug in02:18
rastaseangbear14275: i know there are several different virtual machine managers. have you tried others?02:18
CAPcapardchoille, so if I should shut of compiz?02:18
iAcceptedsteven_: ummm i don't know let me try to find out for you, ok?02:18
CAPcapardchoille, ive never had a problem with it before but ok02:19
haakon87dbook82: to reinstall it however, just type this line into the terminal02:19
haakon87sudo aptitude reinstall gksu02:19
iAcceptedsteven_: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:7        3rd one down.02:19
CAPcapardchoille, compiz is off, still maxing out my cpu02:19
haakon87Meaning as root, use aptitude to reinstall the package gksu (which is the one that has gksudo in it)02:19
gbear14275rastasean: no I was kinda hoping for some recommendations from the crowd02:20
jolarenmat815: logging out and loggin in again everytime really sucks02:20
=== sean is now known as Guest8665
Guest8665what is the command for running files as the owner?02:21
haakon87Guest8665: What exactly do you mean?02:21
CAPcapGuest8665, you mean as root? sudo02:21
haakon87You can use sudo to switch users.02:21
iAcceptedhaakon87: how do i do that thing where i talk to you and it shows up red on irc, or am i doing it now?02:21
Guest8665but sude something02:21
Guest8665not switching users owners02:21
sharrellsudo -u username command02:21
dbook82ok in the process and done02:21
nightrid3rgbear14275: hypervm02:21
Guest8665d something02:22
dbook82veilen dank for your help haakon8702:22
haakon87iAccepted: If I show up red now, then you just type <username>: something.02:22
haakon87You're welcome dbook.02:22
Guest8665I was guest 6 thousand something02:22
iAcceptedhaakon87: k so am i doing it?02:22
Guest8665you told me that before I just forgot ^-^02:22
iAcceptedhaakon87: k thanks.02:22
Guest8665d something02:22
iAcceptedsteven_: Did you get it to work?02:23
steven_give in onec sec ok02:23
haakon87btw, am I the only one who hate the <command> --help texts?02:23
iAcceptedsteven_: K.02:23
Guest8665sudo d something02:24
haakon87Coming from Windows' cmd prompts, where the /? switch contains useful information, it's annoying that the --help switch only contains reminders for people who already know what they're doing.02:24
Guest8665haakon what do you use to run files as an admin02:24
haakon87If any GNU coreutils people are here, hear my plea, expand the --help texts! Please!02:24
mat815jolaren: kil -KILL pid or kill -9 pid will send a signal to cause an exit that cannot be blocked, if the process is failing in a loop it may not be receiving any signal, what is the process your trying to kill02:24
wgranthaakon87: You probably want to read the man page if you don't know what you're doing.02:24
wgranthaakon87: The usage strings provided by --help tend to just be a reminder.02:24
haakon87No, I'd want the info file...02:24
haakon87But yeah, the manpages own.02:25
steven_i dont know what to do02:26
CAPcapardchoille, I logged out and back in after shutting of compiz. gconfd-2 is no longer running up my cpu. thanks. sux that i cant have compiz on tho. i liked having it a lot. never was a problem before today :(02:26
haakon87but the --help strings should be slightly more informative IMO.02:26
iAcceptedhaakon87: sorry for bothering you so much, but how come i can't find python in my computer, i have it installed in everything because i heard that python was on ubuntu already.02:26
steven_<iAccepted> i dont know what to do02:26
haakon87iAccepted: open a terminal, and type python.02:26
haakon87Yes, guesT?02:26
iAcceptedsteven_: hold on.02:26
Guest8665what do you use to use files as an admin? it's like sudo dilimit02:27
haakon87sudo for terminal, and gksudo for gui.02:27
iAcceptedsteven_: did you press download now on the right of the 3rd one down?02:27
iAcceptedhakoon87: i did that and it gave me like 4 options.02:27
steven_then the slef exc. one02:27
haakon87And it's not called admins on GNU/Linux systems, but root. And root can roughly be translated as godmode = on02:27
haakon87iAccepted, could you copypaste the screen?02:28
haakon87Preferably on pastebin.02:28
haakon87Because of antispam measures here.02:28
Ed1somebody know where i can find info to install aion on ubuntu02:28
iAcceptedhaakon87: sure02:28
Ed1somebody know where i can find info to install aion on ubuntu ???02:28
Guest8665haakon that's not the one02:28
haakon87Then I don't know what you're looking for.02:29
haakon87http://pastebin.com/ for pasting text people. :)02:29
PredakingI have 3 questions. What's the best way to get a vnc server to startup with ubuntu? NFS mounts in fstab sometimes don't mount unless I type mount -a. This is not ideal. What's the best way to correct this? I use nvidia drivers. The resolution resets upon reboot. I use nvidia control panel to get things setup correctly. Copy the configuration to my xorg.conf file but it still resets the resolution on reboot. Any ideas why?02:29
Guest8665lol you told me one when I was guest 6 thousand something02:29
iAcceptedhaakon87: wait you want the text or sceenshot, if screen shot idk how.02:30
jolarenmat815: the process i'm trying to kill looks like this 2324 pts/1    00:00:23 newcs.x86_6402:30
iAcceptedon pastebin02:30
johndarcwhat's the best and safest way of updating ubuntu daily?02:31
johndarcubuntu-daily, I mean, the alpha02:31
haakon87guest8665: Are you thinking about "gksudo nautilus"?02:31
haakon87iAccepted: I'd prefer the text.02:32
wgrantjohndarc: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support.02:32
iAcceptedhaakon87: http://yfrog.com/dyscreenshotmathewmathewp02:32
iAcceptedhaakon87: opps.02:32
haakon87iAccepted: You have launched python successfully.02:33
haakon87That's the interpreted.02:33
haakon87What exactly did you want to launch?02:33
haakon87which, in the screenshot you have launched.02:33
haakon87So what exactly is the problem?02:33
ArenI have a question regarding the soon-to-be released LTS version 'Lucid Lynx'.  If I want to separate the Ubuntu OS from my /home directory where I put all my files, what is the minimum hard drive space I should use for / to install into?02:34
iAcceptedi want to open the program python02:34
iAcceptedidk where to though.02:34
haakon87You already have that open.02:34
haakon87In the screenshot.02:34
wgrantAren: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, please.02:34
iAcceptedthe eric4?02:34
Arenwgrant, thank you for the redirect.02:34
haakon87do you mean an IDE for Python programming?02:34
johndarcAren, probably 4GB (minimum), I use 30GB though02:35
johndarcdefault installation is about 2.9GB from the live-cd02:35
haakon87just type eric4 in the terminal.02:35
haakon87off course you need to call exit() to get out of the python interpreter.02:35
gbear14275nightrid3r: wow... it support kvm?02:37
haakon87iAccepted: did that work?02:37
gbear14275nightrid3r: can't find much on what hypervisors they support...02:37
gbear14275great thanks02:37
ArenI can't seem to /join #ubuntu+1 to ask my question about Lynx...no error message nor attempt to join that room.  What am I doing wrong?02:37
kocmodpomI am attempting to install fftw-3.2.2 and am getting a lot of NOs on the ./configure and a couple warnings on 124 and 125 that I don't understand. anyone help please http://pastebin.com/G5Bgarbi02:38
iAcceptedhaakon87: wait i got this when i opened eric then tryed to open the python documentation. But what im trying to do is learn python..02:38
wgrantkocmodpom: Why are you trying to compile it manually? There is a package for it.02:38
iAcceptedhaakon87: http://yfrog.com/juscreenshot1sgp02:39
steven_<iAccepted> i give up02:39
iAcceptedsteven_: wait.02:39
haakon87iAccepted: you lack some docs. Nothing serious.02:39
iAcceptedsteven_: i found out why02:39
iAcceptedhaakon87: so how can i get them back.02:40
kocmodpomwgrant: I couldn't figure out how to do what you are asking02:40
steven_ok cool02:40
wgrantkocmodpom: Why do you want fftw 3.2.2?02:40
hub_capAre there any Evolution expert here?02:40
kocmodpomwgrant: it is necessary for xoopic02:40
haakon87reinstall python or google for the files and put them back in manually seems to be the best options.02:40
wgrantkocmodpom: install the 'libfftw3-dev' package.02:40
haakon87but I'm no python expert.02:40
haakon87If you wanted to learn swi-prolog I might be of more use. :(02:41
ubuntuhello, how please recommended webcam software for ubuntu karmic02:41
wgrantiAccepted: Install python-doc.02:41
wgrantubuntu: Cheese02:41
iAcceptedsteven_: check your message thing.02:41
haakon87thanks wgrant.02:41
kocmodpomwgrant: ah thanks! I will try that and then the xoopic install again02:41
haakon87and yes, cheese is nice.02:41
=== badApple is now known as blueghost
nfmHi, anyone here?02:42
wgrantnfm: Nobody.02:42
ubuntuwgrant : thanks, installing now02:42
haakon87No, we're all just bots trying to pass the Turing test.02:42
wgrantubuntu: np02:42
mat815jolaren: pts/1 does not sound like it is a program itself, it is more like a thread or a connection that may be associated with newcs try 'ps a for a better listing'02:43
nfmSo I saw a random comment on ubuntuforums that it's possible to use rpm in ubuntu02:43
haakon87by using alien, sure.02:43
kocmodpomwgrant: I am getting an invalid operation error02:43
wgrantmat815: 'pts/1' is the first open virtual terminal -- normally a gnome-terminal instance.02:43
wgrantkocmodpom: What is the exact text of the error message?02:43
wgrantnfm: Not really. Why?02:43
nfmYou can't just install rpm and go?02:43
enyawixis miro still working in ubuntu?02:44
nfmI was just curious. :)02:44
haakon87You *can* use alien and make rpm into a deb.02:44
kocmodpomwgrant: kocmodpom@kocmodpom-laptop:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get libfftw3-dev02:44
kocmodpomE: Invalid operation libfftw3-dev02:44
haakon87But it's not recommended.02:44
wgrantkocmodpom: apt-get install libfftw3-dev02:44
nfmOk, thanks.02:44
kocmodpomwgrant: doh!02:44
wgrantnfm: As haakon87 says, you can use alien to convert an rpm into a deb, but it is strongly discouraged.02:44
wgrantnfm: Installing with rpm directly is a recipe for endless sorrow.02:44
haakon87calculating the sorrow for alien however, is merely np-complete.02:45
wgrantIndeed :(02:45
nfm@wgrant How much sorrow are talking? What's the worst that could happen? :P02:45
haakon87You know murphy's law?02:46
ultraparadigmOk,  Boxee = Fail!02:46
haakon87You're tempting it nfm, and that's not a good thing.02:46
nfmOk, I'm curiouser now than ever! I'm firing up a live cd and seeing what happens...02:47
ultraparadigmBoxee wouldn't run in windows, I figured, well the OS is crap and nothing works right anyway, but now it doesn't work in my Ubuntu either and nearly everything else works, even windows programs, and boxee still doesn't work.02:47
haakon87But if you really, absolutely must have something, and it's not available as a deb, or as source, then you can use alien. But most likely the package won't install properly and you have to spend some manner of time running around in a massive terminal FUBAR and removeing stuff by hand.02:47
wgrantnfm: In most cases packages will fail to install. In other cases they will overwrite things and make your computer explode.02:47
wgrantWell, not quite, but close.02:47
ultraparadigmI've never had a native program not run in Linux before.  Boxee = FAIL02:47
haakon87Not really explode, just force you to have fun with a recovery shell because rpm just got root and decided to add random stuff to things.02:47
enyawixUbuntu have kernel preemption turned on/02:47
nfmAll right, thanks guys (or gals?)!02:48
haakon87*have a painful memory of scheme and poor documentation not mentioning guile...*02:48
haakon87Oh well, I learned from that.02:48
vicsarhello all. i need help making my "Logitech Precision" game pad work in Ubuntu. Any volunteers?02:49
papoMostrar forma romanizada02:50
papohello friends understand that I am new to gnu / linux. ahorira truth and I have a problem with the sound when you install the system recognized me right. but then I stop sounding audio. and that I went back to mount the system thinking it was an update of packages that did. please I hope I can really help02:50
kramer3dhow do i add a path so that if i type in adb in the terminal, it works02:50
jolarenmat815: None of importance there02:50
haakon87What is adb?02:50
kocmodpomwgrant: oh yea, that was a lot easier, thanks! but I am still getting some NOs and warnings on 116-119 due to dfftw http://pastebin.com/ZVTXnY7e02:50
gbear14275anyone know of any ppa's that are keeping pace with the virt-manager package?02:51
kramer3dhaakon87: its a application i  have in a nother folder02:51
haakon87Because if it's just one program in a terminal, it's better to just use alias.02:51
gbear14275I can't find one that works02:51
kramer3dhaakon87: how do i do that02:51
papoMostrar forma romanizada02:51
papohello friends understand that I am new to gnu / linux. ahorira truth and I have a problem with the sound when you install the system recognized me right. but then I stop sounding audio. and that I went back to mount the system thinking it was an update of packages that did. please I hope I can really help02:51
gbear14275ours is over a major version behind02:51
haakon87kramer3d: Just open .bashrc, and on the last line, add "alias adb='<path to program>/<program name>'"02:52
kramer3dok thanks02:52
bigtom21485anyone know how to get rhythmbox to play mp4 acc's from itunes?02:52
bigtom21485without converting them to mp3?02:52
kramer3dhaakon87: how come editing the path didnt work02:52
kramer3di did02:52
kramer3dPATH = $PATH:\dir\02:53
haakon87That's WINDOWS syntax.02:53
Spaztic_Onebigtom21485:  I'm no pro, but I think all mp4s from itunes are protected and there isn't any way short of burning to disks and then ripping them again02:53
ultraparadigmAnyone know if boxee requires rtorrent?02:53
Spaztic_OneBut I could be wrong.02:53
kocmodpomAfter installing dfftw Why am I still getting some NOs and warnings on 116-119 from dfftw not being found? http://pastebin.com/ZVTXnY7e02:54
haakon87But after you've added the line to .bashrc you'll have to restart your terminal for the changes to take effect. Also, you should always keep a backup of the old .bashrc in case something goes wrong.02:54
bigtom21485how about someone leak the info from apple and i convert the songs to mp3's without wasting cd-r's?02:54
Spaztic_OneYeah, really...02:54
wgrantkocmodpom: You installed fftw, not dfftw.02:54
mat815jolaren: pts/#'s are process that do not stand alone, they are not able to be killed, wgarnt said that the pts/1 is a virtual terminal used by gnome and on my box pts/1 is a thread from anjuta02:55
wgrantOh, looks like that's a header in libfftw.02:55
kocmodpomwgrant: I thought it was the same?02:55
haakon87as for AAC in rythmbox, have you installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ?02:55
bigtom21485how do i get my tablet pc to work as a tablet in ubuntu?02:55
bigtom21485and how about my webcam?02:55
kocmodpomwgrant: at least that is what my google search led me to believe02:55
wgrantkocmodpom: You probably need fftw2.02:55
wgrantNot fftw 3.x.02:56
haakon87Wait, kramer3d, I think I messed up. Sorry for that, I misread your comment about setting the path.02:57
kocmodpomwgrant, so I should try sudo apt-get install libfftw2-dev ?02:57
jieroHi, everybody, I have a problem about shared partition across karmic&lucid. Last night I installed Lucid seperate from Karmic, but I found a partition which I named "/media/disk" could not be shared, in both writing/readin, in between the 2 Ubuntu. Can anybody help me, please?02:57
kramer3dhaakon87: what?02:57
wgrantkocmodpom: Not sure -- look around in Synaptic.02:57
* wgrant has to go now.02:57
gbear14275I have a question... is there a way to donate to Canonical but with a caveat that the donation be used for a specific cause?02:57
papohello friends understand that I am new to gnu / linux. and truth right now I have a problem with the sound when you install the system recognized me right. but then I stop sounding audio. and that I went back to mount the system thinking it was an update of packages that did. please I hope I can really help02:58
haakon87Anyway, the proper way to do it is here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-to-set-path-how-do-i-set-path-environment-variable-111204/02:58
haakon87And you were doing it right.02:58
haakon87Sorry about that.02:58
haakon87Also you have to export it afterwards.02:58
papohello friends understand that I am new to gnu / linux. and truth right now I have a problem with the sound when you install the system recognized me right. but then I stop sounding audio. and that I went back to mount the system thinking it was an update of packages that did. please I hope I can really help02:58
haakon87papo, could you please try to speak english without first going through google-translate?02:59
papohola amigos comprenderán que soy nuevo en gnu/linux. y de verdad ahorita tengo un problema con el sonido cuando instale el sistema me lo reconocio bien. pero de repente dejo de sonar el audio. y eso que volvi a montar el sistema pensando que fue una actualizacion de paquetes que hice. por favor espero que me puedan ayudar de verdad03:00
vicsarhello all. i need help making my "Logitech Precision" game pad work in Ubuntu. Any volunteers?03:00
Loshahaakon87: his english is adequate. He has the same sound problems that plague many people in 9.X....03:01
Myrtti!es | papo03:01
ubottupapo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:01
haakon87Losha: It's painful for me to have to parse his sentences twice, first to English and then to Norwegian. It's probably a lot easier for you who're likely a native English speaker, but for me it's taxing.03:02
haakon87I don't mean to be rude or anything, but it's just a fact of life.03:02
kocmodpomok I have installed both fftw-dev & libfftw3-dev and am still getting warnings that ./configure cannot find dfftw and sfftw03:04
hoppeli bought an external hd which i can connect to my router. It runs an SMB server. I try to connect to it with scmblient //    but it says password for Password for [WORKGROUP\hoppel]:  and waits for me to enter something....i can't remember to have set a workgroup password and i dont know what that is...can anybody tell me where i get that from?03:04
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
haakon87hoppel, does the manual talk about a password?03:05
haakon87It might be a standard thingie.03:05
hoppeluh i dont have the manual here...uh i'll try to get information if there is a standard password03:05
giacomo_cwhats a good way to play fullscreen games with compiz?03:05
giacomo_ci have gnome-do dockbar and it fucks up every full screen game03:06
Damouninstall gnome-do dockbar03:06
kocmodpomI have installed both fftw-dev & libfftw3-dev and am still getting warnings that ./configure cannot find dfftw and sfftw... anyone?03:06
wgrant!ohmy | giacomo_c03:06
ubottugiacomo_c: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.03:06
haakon87I think he wants to use both, Damo.03:06
Damokocmodpom: lpease do not repeat we heard u the first time!!!03:07
giacomo_coh woops, my b and the f-bomb03:07
haakon87ubottu, I think you just passed the Turing test. Congrats. :)03:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:07
haakon87Anyway, giacomo_c, have you tried shutting down the dockbar before playing and restarting it afterwards?03:08
haakon87If that works, it's a problem with the dockbar itself.03:08
giacomo_ci mean, is there a good way to do it?  or do i need to close gonme-do everytime i want to play a fullscreen game?03:08
kocmodpomDamo, sorry I am just frustrated of 2 days of attempts to solve the problem03:08
haakon87Probably not, have you checked the manpages for gnome-do-dockbar?03:08
haakon87If it has a section on it under bugs, then I have bad news for you.03:09
giacomo_cwell, i remember a few years back when compiz was newer and not integrated into ubuntu so much, it would mess up every full screen game03:09
giacomo_cnow, just the bottom of the screen kinda flashes, where the dockbar is03:09
TMK$1900 - I want to work for Leo geez.  He's good to his people.03:09
haakon87Yes, but if it's the dockbar that mess things up now, then the manpage might have something on it under the bugs section. In which case we immediately know that it can't be done.03:10
haakon87Until the magical update that fix the issue appears off course... ;)03:10
giacomo_cwell what im saying is, it's probably something with having a program running that relies on compiz while trying to run a 3d fullscreen game.03:11
giacomo_ci'll just close gnome-do when i want to play full screen games, that'll work03:11
soreaugiacomo_c: That is improvement in the linux graphics drivers03:11
giacomo_cwhat do you mean?  from back  a few years ago?03:12
giacomo_ci agree :)03:12
haakon87Personally I'm less than impressed that a simple app can break graphics that easily.03:13
haakon87But then again, that'll get fixed, and at least nobody is trying to hide what doesn't work.03:13
giacomo_chow long have you been running linux haakon87?03:13
haakon87Since 200703:14
soreauMore impressing I think, is that it all happens for free right before your eyes03:14
giacomo_cyeah, it's so much better than it used to be03:14
dbook82ok new issue, my rhythmboxisn't letting me read or burn cds, am i missing something required?03:14
haakon87soreau: I appreciate the free as in speech more than the beer thingy.03:14
haakon87dbook82, insert an audio cd and mount it, and see what happens.03:15
haakon87Might just be that your system doesn't automount cds.03:15
dbook82how do i mount?03:15
haakon87Open nautilus and click on the cdrom icon.03:15
wgranthaakon87: Direct rendering is hard.03:15
wgranthaakon87: But almost solved now.03:15
haakon87What do you mean almost solved? IIRC, Nvidia replace the bottom 3rd of xorg to get DRM working.æ03:16
vicsarhello all. i need help making my "Logitech Precision" game pad work in Ubuntu. Any volunteers?03:16
dbook82ok there is no cd rom icon i can find03:16
wgranthaakon87: The reasonably mature free 3D drivers (for Intel and ATI) have DRI2, which allows redirected direct rendering.03:16
haakon87But if Xorg gets that stuff working properly without Nvidia ra... consensual love to make it work, all the better.03:16
wgranthaakon87: Intel from Karmic, and ATI from Lucid.03:16
=== darkyy is now known as Darkyyy
wgranthaakon87: Which means that 3D applications run inside Compiz properly, like with NVIDIA, but without replacing the DRI stack.03:17
bigtom21485its only fun if its consensual, lmao03:17
haakon87Which is a good thing, belive.03:17
haakon87*I believe.03:17
bigtom21485if its not, then its rape, lol03:17
haakon87We're not supposed to use bad words, bigtom... >:(03:17
wgrantbigtom21485: Stop.03:17
bigtom21485sorry my friend with terrets borrow the computer03:17
bigtom21485im serious03:18
dbook82i don't think nautilus is even registering a cd rom drive03:18
bigtom21485the old bartender from boondock saints is my roommate03:18
haakon87browse to /dev03:18
adxpanyone know under what circumstances the output of df(1) will be out of date?03:18
haakon87is there something there called cdrom or cdrom0 or something like that?03:18
adxp(I just deleted a bunch of stuff, and the output is wrong -- wondering when it'll become right again)03:19
dbook82yes there is a cdrom under file system03:19
haakon87click on it.03:19
dbook82its empty03:19
haakon87Is the cd you inserted empty?03:19
wgrantadxp: It should never be wrong. How did you delete the stuff? Sure it's not in trash?03:19
haakon87Is it audio?03:20
dbook82its a music cd03:20
haakon87Does rythmbox recognize it now?03:20
kocmodpomwhat is the magic to installing a .deb file? or getting the .deb file to begin with?03:20
ubuntuhow to install Canon ip1800 series on ubuntu karmic?03:20
adxpwgrant: yeah, I rm'd it directly. It's an ext3 fs03:20
haakon87Is there a little eject button next to the cdrom icon?03:20
gbear14275ok I'm scared... gparted just gave me this message "The kernel is unable to re-read the partition tables on the following devices:03:20
gbear14275- /dev/sda"  I don't want to reboot because I fear I might not have a readable partition table...  how can I resolve this03:20
iAcceptedhaako87: i downloaded the python file in a .html should i download it as thhat or not?03:21
dbook82the silver aroow pointing up?03:21
adxpwgrant: du shows that the directory size decreased by ~20gb, but df gives same output as before the rm03:21
wgrantadxp: I suspect that you didn't delete as much as you thought you did -- sure they weren't symlinks or hardlinks?03:21
adxpwgrant: perhaps, though I don't *think* so...03:21
adxpwgrant: also, I seem to remember encountering this before03:21
adxpwgrant: during huge deletes03:22
b2p1mptry grub-update maybe03:22
wesIs there any way I can still use Ubuntu 8.04 after support has ended?03:22
itheoshey my webcam isnt working . i upgraded to karmic but it still doesnt work03:22
wgrantwes: It won't stop working, but you really shouldn't. Why?03:22
adxpwgrant: wait, I bet I know03:23
dbook82there's a silver arrow above and to the right of the cdrom folder03:23
ubuntuhow to install printer Canon ip1800 series on ubuntu karmic?03:23
adxpwgrant: I presume a process still has the file open03:23
KalmiHow to make ext4 safe for poweroutages? (I don't want it to zero out files)03:23
wesI can't reformat my harddrive :(03:23
haakon87like this? http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/KillaHaakon/Skjermdump-dev-Blagjennomfiler.png03:23
wgrantadxp: Ah, yes, probably, if it's one big file.03:23
haakon87please ignore the silly account name, I was a lot younger then and thought it sounded cool. Note to younger users: Don't try to sound cool :p03:23
adxpwgrant: several, actually, but I assume they were all open03:23
wgrantwes: Why can't you, and why is that a problem?03:24
kocmodpomok, simpler question where can I get cpp-3.4_3.4.6-1ubuntu2_i386.deb ?03:24
dbook82i don't even have that03:24
adxpwgrant: yep, back to correct output now03:24
b2p1mpwes: you have 2 hdd, or livecd?03:24
Kalmi!printer > ubuntu03:24
wgrantkocmodpom: apt-get install cpp-3.403:24
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message03:24
iAcceptedhaako87: i downloaded the python file in a .html should i download it as thhat or not?03:24
haakon87iAccepted I'm not the guy you should talk to about that.03:24
itheos!webcam > itheos03:25
ubottuitheos, please see my private message03:25
haakon87didn't someone suggest just installing python docs?03:25
EzeQLwhich language it it?03:25
haakon87Language is what?03:25
gbear14275anyone know how to check the mbr for errors?03:25
EzeQLyour system03:25
wgrantiAccepted: In your favourite package manager, install the 'python-doc' package.03:25
iAcceptedhaako87: yeah that's what i don't remember who.03:25
EzeQLwhich language are using03:25
haakon87dbook82, could you post a screenshot of your nautilus?03:25
wgrantiAccepted: It was me.03:25
ubuntuubottu : ok03:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:25
haakon87wgrant: could you help him out? You know more than me about python.03:25
haakon87Also, EzeQL, my system runs in Norwegian, Bokmål.03:26
wgranthaakon87: I'm trying.03:26
iAcceptedwgrant: synaptic package manager?03:26
haakon87thanks :)03:26
wgrantiAccepted: That works.03:26
EzeQLhaakon87, nice language xD03:26
dbook82workin on it... o.O03:26
gbear14275somebody please help... I'm afraid to reboot... http://paste.ubuntu.com/395427/p://pastQ03:26
kocmodpomwgrant, didn't work, but I found it on a download mirror03:26
wgrantkocmodpom: "didn't work"?03:26
haakon87The language is one of those things that make linguists come over and study us.03:26
DarkyyyHi everyone03:27
haakon87What language do you use EzeQL?03:27
kocmodpomwgrant: could not find package cpp-3.403:27
EzeQLhaakon87 : yes? why?03:27
b2p1mpapt-get update may help03:27
haakon87Why they want to study us?03:27
haakon87Basically, we have a bunch of really weird language quirks.03:27
gbear14275anyone?  please?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/395427/03:28
haakon87For instance, we have a system where the melody of the word change it's meaning.03:28
iAcceptedwgrant: k i think i got it,.03:28
EzeQLwow, haakon87 ... so pretty complex language03:28
haakon87Lammet and lamme would be transcribed the same into IPA, but will mean either lamb or paralyze.03:28
haakon87Which wouldn't be that weird, except that it's only found in Norwegian, Swedish and SE Asian languages.03:29
=== kristopher is now known as k-dawg
dbook82haak trying to use the take screenshot but can't figure out where the picture goes to03:29
b2p1mpi think im seing double03:29
iAcceptedwgrant: how do i get it in to my eric4 files.03:29
haakon87Your desktop.03:29
haakon87I think?03:29
b2p1mpdamn vid drivers03:29
b2p1mpsplit scrin03:29
wgrantiAccepted: Have you installed the package?03:29
EzeQLwould not be a problem to learn your language or Swedish for having a nordic girlfriend  :D:D03:29
will__question: how do i get beryl emerald themes to work on my ubuntu system as when i download them they it says there is no installation file associated to install it03:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:29
dbook82nothing on the desktop03:30
wgrantiAccepted: It should just work, then.03:30
haakon87EzeQL: Is this the great Cold North stereotype coming into play again?03:30
gbear14275am I worrying about this too much? http://paste.ubuntu.com/395427/03:30
EzeQLhaakon87: yeah!03:30
iAcceptedwgrant: well, would it automattically put it into the eric4 files.03:30
haakon87dbook82, when you select nautilus as the active application, and hover your mouse over it and whatnot, and press <alt>+PrintScreen, you should get a prompt that asks where you want to save.03:30
wgrantiAccepted: eric4 was looking for it in the standard location.03:30
dbook82ok got it03:31
iAcceptedwgrant: k then ill restart eric03:31
dbook82how can get it to you?03:31
frederick85hi my mum just bought an mp3 player is there some software for ubuntu to add songs to it03:31
jolarenfrederick85: i guess plenty all dependin on the setup03:31
haakon87Use a free image uploader, like photobucket, or if you don't have an account there, just spam 4chan with it or something, and post the link.03:31
haakon87Yes, EzeQL?03:32
wgrantfrederick85: For most players, Rhythmbox (the default Ubuntu music player) will work fine.03:32
iAcceptedwgrant: is /usr/share/doc/python2.5-doc/html/index.html the default location because it still isnt working,03:32
frederick85wgrant: i have rhythm box need to figure out how to use it for this task03:32
wgrantiAccepted: Try installing python2.5-doc this time.03:32
wgrantiAccepted: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?03:32
wgrantfrederick85: Does the music player not appear in the Rhythmbox sidebar?03:33
frederick85wgrant: no03:33
iAcceptedwgrant: idk.03:33
dbook82ok wait one03:33
wgrantfrederick85: Does it appear on the desktop?03:33
will__anyone know how to get emerald themes to work with my system03:33
wgrantiAccepted: System->About Ubuntu should tell you.03:33
ZykoticK9!emerald > will__03:33
ubottuwill__, please see my private message03:33
frederick85wgrant: it appears in places03:34
iAcceptedwgrant: 9.1003:34
wgrantfrederick85: Try just dragging music onto it -- it may not be directly supported by Rhythmbox.03:34
frederick85wgrant ok thanks03:34
wgrantiAccepted: OK, that explains it. Installing python2.5-doc might fix it -- python2.6 is the default version in Ubuntu 9.10.03:34
iAcceptedwgrant: K, ill try that.03:35
dbook82haak here ya go http://s929.photobucket.com/albums/ad138/47db82/?action=view&current=Screenshot---FileBrowser.png03:35
will__ubottu, can you private again03:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:35
gbear14275anyone able to tell me if its safe to restart after this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/395427/03:35
ZykoticK9will__, i was the one who sent the bot message, do you have a question?03:36
xivenAppearantly one of the reasons why startx is failing is because it cannot detct VESA BIOS which looks to have something to do with VirtualBox03:36
xiven"VBoxVideo(0): VESA BIOS not detected"03:36
will__sorry, you said they dont exist no more right?03:36
guillehello, i just installed ubuntu 9.10 and it didn't detect well my monitor modes03:36
haakon87Well, the bad news is, that you don't seem to have any cd-rom working...03:37
gbear14275you know what would be fantastic?  Is if someone could tell me how to figure out if its safe to restart my machine after this message?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/395427/03:37
haakon87I'm sorry, but I don't know how to help you any further.03:37
will__i was writing let me break it down, if i download a berlyl emerald themes from GNOME-LOOK.ORG how do i get it to work, as i got compiz but it work before with it03:37
ZykoticK9will__, no it still exists, but it's not supported and you should avoid it if possible.03:37
guilleit is a lg flatron w2243s, and the best resolution is 1280 102403:37
dbook82gosh darnit03:37
dyekAfter a linux kernel package build with "AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic", the config file will be in debian/linux-image-<version>-generic/boot/config-<version>-generic. However, if the build didn't complete successfully, is there another copy of config file which will be copied to the location indicated earlier? (I need to double check the resulting CONFIG_* settings that might have caused modules to not be built...)03:37
guillehow do i get it to detect the other modes03:37
Boondoklifegbear14275: If it can not read your partition data then I would imagine the system will become unstable even if you do not reboot.03:38
ZykoticK9will__, do you have emerald installed?  "sudo apt-get install emerald"03:38
dbook82where can i go for further info?03:38
will__well i got compiz, but still managed to use bery emeralds with the 9.04 and they worked, is there a way to make the theme compatable with maybe human looks or a differnt GTK203:38
gbear14275Boondoklife: how can I check or fix it03:38
will__to give you more detail i got an alienware theme installed but want the carbon fiber window borders and maybe a carbon fiber title bar for windows03:38
iAcceptedwgrant: Thank you so much, i got it to work.03:39
ZykoticK9will__, emerald will replace the gtk theme03:39
will__no i dont, however if i install emerald will it interact with my others or crash03:39
guillehow do i get ubuntu to detect my monitor resolutions ??03:39
wgrantiAccepted: Excellent.03:39
ZykoticK9will__, if you want to use emerald themes you need to install emerald03:39
Boondoklifegbear14275: safest way would be with a livecd and fsck the disk03:39
will__so i will lose the gtk< alienware and the rest i installed?03:39
ZykoticK9will__, not sure03:40
iAcceptedwgrant: i hope i will be like you one day cause i barely know anything about ubuntu.03:40
will__if its a gtk theme?03:40
gbear14275Boondoklife: nothing I can do on the live system right now?03:40
ZykoticK9will__, you could try it and see?03:40
wgrantiAccepted: Well, I've been at it for quite a few years now, but it doesn't take long to get up to speed.03:41
Boondoklifegbear14275: not unless you are running on a different disc. But I am assuming sda is your system disc.03:41
gbear14275Boondoklife: it is :-/03:41
guillehow do i get ubuntu to detect my monitor resolutions ??03:41
Boondoklifegbear14275: I would just backup anything you are worried about while it is still reading just incase and then just reload with a livecd.03:41
haakon87guille, there should be a tool through the X-server settings program.03:42
haakon87At least the nvidia proprietary drivers have that.03:42
iAcceptedwgrant: I really wish i new about this sooner.03:42
Boondoklifegbear14275: but ideally you already have a backup... dont you ;)03:42
guillexrandr doesn't list the complete resolution list03:42
neighborswhat is a good command for displaying varions system information?03:42
Myrttineighbors: sudo lshw03:42
will__well is there a way to just change the title bar decor, example: when you download a theme it comes with PNG's that are set as they look for the title bar, can you add a different .png to that themes file so they will look different. if so where would i drop that picture.png file?03:43
guilledoes anyone know some irc channel where someone can help with xorg resolution issue03:43
Darkyyyhow can i install flash player for firefox on ubuntu 9.10 64-bit03:44
haakon87guille have you tried googling your screen? You might get the information that way.03:44
gbear14275Boondoklife: i have backups... although I don't have enough room to backup everything :(03:44
iAcceptedDarkyyy: Are you trying to get it for firefox?03:44
haakon87Darkyyy: enter "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras" in a terminal.03:44
haakon87That's the quickest way.03:45
guilleyes i have03:45
Darkyyyk thanks03:45
ZykoticK9will__, i've never dug that deep into themes, hopefully someone else has an answer.  But i think emerald will only do the title bar decoration, so perhaps it's what you are looking for.  Why not try it and see?  although, again emerald should be avoided if possible.03:45
iAccepteddarkyyy: do what haakon7 said ^^03:45
Boondoklifegbear14275: hopefully it is something small like a bad block that caused a minor error that can be fixed.03:45
haakon87Or you can search it from the software center.03:45
will__yea thats what im told and so far im avoiding it, i have to much on this system to afford a graphics crash03:45
will__but anyway, thank you for your help, much appreciated03:46
Freak007Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I think I know what the the solution to my problem is but I can't quite figure how to carry it out. The problem is Window corruption with older ATI graphics cards, which is the very last problem in the release notes for Ubuntu 9.10, if anybody can help me with that I would really appreciate it.03:46
Darkyyyhaakon87, thanks03:46
xighey, whats the unstable-repository for ubuntu 9.10?03:46
DarkyyyiAccepted, thanks03:47
haakon87You're welcome Darkyyy. :)03:47
=== eric is now known as Guest78971
haakon87btw, it will also install mp3 support and similar things.03:47
Kutakizukariguille, #xorg03:48
Guest78971anybody no how to use idjc?03:48
guilleit says "Cannot send to channel" :-S03:48
iAccepteddarkyyy, even though i didn't really do anything, ill take some credit.03:48
iAccepteddarkyyy, :)03:48
guillebut thanks03:48
DarkyyyiAccepted, maybe u can help here how do i install nvidia drivers and activate all the ubuntu effects03:49
haakon87Darkyyy, just go to Administration and choose Hardware.03:49
Guest78971anyone no how to use internet dj?03:49
haakon87It should search through and detect that you have an Nvidia card and offer to install proprietary drivers.03:50
haakon87After everything's installed you have to restart your computer.03:50
=== Guest78971 is now known as pwnkiller
pwnkilleranyone no how to use internet dj?03:50
Freak007Does anybody know how to, add the 'RenderAccel' option to /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,after you have created an Xorg configuration file.03:50
pwnkillerdoes any one have time to explain to me how to install moonshine deskyop player03:51
=== toby_ is now known as Guest19528
Freak007 Does anybody know how to, add the 'RenderAccel' option to /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,after you have created an Xorg configuration file.03:53
ZykoticK9Freak007, Option      "RenderAccel"   "false"   -- under the "Device" section should work03:55
ZykoticK9Freak007, or "true" if that's what you want03:55
lwizardlDoes anyone know of a good program to create and print barcodes on a inkjet or laser printer ?03:55
haakon87lwizardl: If you search the software center there should be some programs designed for that there.03:56
haakon87hello neji.03:58
nejiim new to linux :O never used a IRC in my life either03:58
kocmodpomI am still having ./configure issues. Can anyone help?  http://pastebin.com/tjq7kRKC03:59
nejii feel so computer illiterate in linux world03:59
Freak007ZykoticK9: what exactly do I need to type, after I create the Xorg configuration file. I don't know how to access the different sections. I have tyred but I keep doing it wrong.03:59
ZykoticK9Freak007, sorry man I can't really help with that, best of luck man04:00
sigmab3tahey guys i am trying to get a newer version of a package than what is offered through the ubuntu repos, can anyone help?04:00
sigmab3taits actually a bit of a tricky situation, i am using ubuntu on the playstation 3 (so packages must be powerpc) and i need a newer version of libdrm04:00
sigmab3tathe ps3 port uses the repos at ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports04:00
ZykoticK9Freak007, if you just want to open the file "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" will open the file in a GUI editor04:01
Darkyyywtf , i'm currently doing "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras"04:01
sigmab3tabut i can't figure out how to find the package i need there, anyone familiar with this type of stuff?04:01
Darkyyyand now the java agreement is stuck04:01
Freak007 ZykoticK9: Ok thanks, apprecite it.04:01
Darkyyydosen't let me click ok04:01
pwnkillerhello any one want to chat?04:01
ZykoticK9Darkyyy, try using the keyboard04:01
ardchoilleDarkyyy: press the tab key to go to the OK button?04:01
ardchoille!ot | pwnkiller04:02
ubottupwnkiller: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:02
pwnkillerahh yeah need support need to chat.04:02
nejiokey so i have past my first brickwall last night ... new problem i cant seem to choose a time position in youtube. Example i want to skip forward and it wont work what so ever04:03
ZykoticK9neji, does clicking in flash work at all?04:03
neji< linux newbie. i dont understand half of the terminology used in linux04:03
pwnkillerdoes anyone know how to get netflix to work with ubuntu04:03
nejiwell it will play the video04:03
haakon87It usually works for me, after clicking the video, using space to pause it and then space to resume playing it...04:04
haakon87You could try that.04:04
ardchoillepwnkiller: It doesn't, been there, done that. Boxee doesn't work either. Cancelled my account because of that04:04
nejiyeah but i cant skip forward or back =(04:04
bgvianycif I want to delete and directory and all its subdirectories and files in an FTP session, whats the fastest way to do that?04:04
ZykoticK9pwnkiller, was reading today only work around is running windows in a vm04:04
pwnkillernot even with moonshine or that windows media player clone or whatever itis?04:04
ardchoillepwnkiller: Nope04:04
zoidfarb@bgvianyc recursive delete?04:05
zoidfarbDoes anyone know if it's possible to install applications to a partition other than the root partition?04:05
pwnkillerhow do you install .tar packages?04:05
haakon87you untar them, and then follow the instructions in the readme file.04:05
zoidfarbpwnkiller, you can just extract them04:05
ardchoillepwnkiller: The first step is to check the repos and see if the app is there.04:05
zoidfarbtar -xvf or so04:06
pwnkillerok let me try that brb04:06
sontekanyone know how to verify if a .ssh file is valid? and each key is defined properly in it?04:06
zoidfarbpwnkiller, don't quote me on that command04:06
nejizyk is there anyway to fix my problem? how in youtube it WILL play the videos but i cant go forward or skip back04:06
sonteksomeone e-mailed me a key and I just pasted it into the file04:06
pwnkillerright k brb04:06
zoidfarbsee google/ man page, your synax may vary04:06
ZykoticK9neji, if clicking is working - i have no idea sorry, good luck04:07
sonteki'm talking about the authorized keys file04:07
ZykoticK9!tab > neji04:07
ubottuneji, please see my private message04:07
theadminHEEEEEEEEEEELP. My system thiks that "linux-headers-2.6.31-14 linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic" are no longrer required, yet it's the only kernel i have installed... what the heck?04:08
nejiZyk i click on youtube video ...nothing happen only way to play start now is Spacebar04:08
haakon87for extracting from a tar, see the manpage. It's full of information you might find useful.04:08
zoidfarbmy main partition is nearly full, is there a way to install apps to another partition?04:08
ZykoticK9!tab > neji04:08
nejiprivate message how ...04:08
ZykoticK9neji, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working04:09
haakon87neji, there's a list somewhere with the chatrooms you're in.,04:09
ZykoticK9neji, you can highlight me by typing Z-y-TABKEY04:09
haakon87One of them will be called ubottu.04:09
theadminAnyone? This is a serious problem04:10
pwnkillerMoonshine leverages the Windows Media capabilities from Silverlight,04:10
pwnkillerprovided by the Moonlight browser plugin on Linux, and the Firefox web04:10
pwnkillerbrowser framework to enable the playback of legacy embedded Windows04:10
pwnkillerMedia content on the web and local files on a user's desktop.04:10
pwnkillerIt consists of two components:04:10
FloodBot4pwnkiller: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:10
pwnkiller  - Firefox/NPAPI plugin that handles legacy embedded Windows Media mime04:10
nejiZykoticK9, oh thanks for info btw04:10
vicsar@all original question : hello all. i need help making my "Logitech Precision" game pad work in Ubuntu. Any volunteers?04:10
zoidfarbviscar, what's the problem with it?04:11
zoidfarbis it not recognized at all?04:11
ZykoticK9pwnkiller, moonlight doesn't work due to DRM of netflix (ps don't paste to channel)04:11
meowsusWould the the "industry standard" be for flash development in ubuntu?04:11
alkisgtheadmin: what do you get with this? dpkg -l 'linux*'|grep ^ii04:11
vicsarresolution: go to http://www.getdeb.net/04:11
vicsarand install jstest-gtk04:11
pwnkillerright but i want to install anyway04:11
vicsarfrom the repository04:11
meowsusWhat* would the "industry standard" be04:12
vicsarthank you anyways04:12
nejiZykoticK9, hey um that link the first line ddo i copy and paste to terminal? (also im running 64bit linux)04:12
ZykoticK9neji, i run 64bit too04:12
ardchoillepwnkiller: It'll be a waste of time regarding Netflix, but try this:  apt-cache search -n moonlight04:12
theadminalkisg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395445/04:12
ZykoticK9neji, as long as your using the flash from Ubuntu it'll work04:12
vicsar@zoidfarb yes that was the problem. now i need know it is being detected04:12
haakon87meowsus: Emacs? :p Seriously though,  http://my.opera.com/area42/blog/2007/01/04/flash-devolopment-with-linux04:13
ZykoticK9neji, don't paste the $04:13
alkisgtheadmin: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic04:13
itheoswhen i do this ----> sudo modprobe uvcvideo, i get this --->WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release.04:13
nejiZykoticK9, okey thank you :) brb going to attempt this04:13
nopolenhow do you in salll win app in backtrack 404:13
itheosis it fine?04:14
pwnkillercoomand not found brb04:14
zoidfarb@viscar, try lspci , maybe04:14
meowsushaakon87, So it's either use flash in Wine or just a text editor?04:14
theadminalkisg: "linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic" - don't want this one, i don't really wanna to upgrade kernels04:14
ZykoticK9!backtrack | nopolen04:14
ubottunopolen: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:14
haakon87For development?04:14
zoidfarb@viscar, or also, plug it in and then run $dmesg | tail04:14
haakon87I'd go with Virtualbox and a Windows XP license, myself, but yes.04:14
zoidfarbviscar, and see iif it's being detected04:14
haakon87And Emacs is slightly more than a mere text editor... It can be used for anything. It'll run the X-Server in the end.04:15
haakon87However, nobody likes flash, so nobody wants to make something for it.. :(04:15
haakon87Off course, eclipse is an option.04:16
alkisgtheadmin: linux-image-generic is how the system is offering you new kernels. You could install an older version of it, but if you're really really sure that you never want to get a newer kernel, you can just do: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic. That will mark it as manually installed, so that it doesn't get autoremoved.04:16
meowsushaakon87, yeah, i'm trying to do actual animation with it04:16
nejiZykoticK9, Hey so i got this text thing open up. npviewer am i correct so far?04:16
haakon87In which case, do you have a windows xp license? :(04:16
ZykoticK9neji, that's the file you need to edit yes04:17
nejiso i am typying this after TARGET_ARCH=i386?04:17
theadminAnother problem, i have 9 packages held back04:17
ZykoticK9neji, yup04:18
theadminbind9-host dnsutils libbind9-50 libdns50 libisc50 libisccc50 libisccfg50 liblwres50 sreadahead04:18
haakon87Flash sucks to begin with, so why would anyone of us want to touch it to begin with?04:18
theadminhaakon87: Youtube.04:18
haakon87Flash players you can get native.04:18
zoidfarbyoutube is supporting html5 video now04:18
haakon87But dev-tools?04:18
nejiyes youtube04:18
alkisgtheadmin: sudo apt-get install them, and pastebin the error message04:18
kocmodpomis solving ./configure issues always this difficult??? http://pastebin.com/nPYcwkFP04:18
zoidfarbFlash dev tools are mostly from Adobe04:18
meowsusMeh, i'm just trying to use it to create a stupid movie of a jungle that plays jungle sounds and a monkey swinging by for sdrecordingstudio.com04:19
debuggerWhat`s the relation btw Puppy Linux and Islam?04:19
ZykoticK9kocmodpom, it can be - that's why it's recommended you install from the repository and not compile things yourself (sometime it goes smoothly, not ofter)04:19
theadminalkisg: Hm, it worked. Really akward04:19
meowsusI'll be able to bang that out in flash, or a flash-like program, in a coulple of minutes04:19
pwnkillerhow do i find the directory containing the packages source code?04:19
zoidfarbdebugger, huh?04:19
ZykoticK9!ot | debugger04:19
ubottudebugger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:19
debuggerI`ve banged some ugly chicks04:19
zoidfarbdebugger, neither one involves pork?04:19
debuggerare you insulting Microsoft?04:20
alkisgtheadmin: if you marked the linux-image manual, maybe that's why it now worked.04:20
zoidfarb!warn | debugger04:20
debuggerlol u mad?04:20
theadminalkisg: I see.04:20
kocmodpomZykotick9, there is no repository file for xoopic. I am on my own with no skillz.04:20
debuggerYOU ALL FUCKERS04:20
FloodBot4debugger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:20
ZykoticK9!ops | debugger04:20
ubottudebugger: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:20
nejiOMFG! IT WORKS!!! ZykoticK9  thanks so much man :) 2yrs or 3 yrs ago i had linux =) i couldnt get youtube working so i went back to windows. Today you fix my main issue i had since the start04:20
debuggerFUCKING WANKERS04:20
zoidfarbare you 12 dude?04:21
pwnkillerhow do i find the directory containing the packages source code?04:21
itheosdebugger, ??04:21
haakon87Could someone please ban debugger?04:21
zoidfarbbanhammer time04:21
debuggerUbuntu is the dumbest fucking shit i ever saw04:21
haakon87He has a woodscrew loose.04:21
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haakon87Thank you whoever banned him. :D04:22
theadminalkisg: Yahoo! (Altough google is better but that doesn't fit here), thanks a lot! You saved my system.04:22
alkisgtheadmin: you're welcome04:22
ZykoticK9neji, glad it worked04:22
haakon87Elky, maybe an IP ban should be considered if he jumps back in?04:23
zoidfarbcan you do a temp-IP ban?04:23
slacksterdoes "apt-get dist-upgrade" upgrade to the next release?04:23
zoidfarbslackester, yes04:23
elkyhaakon87, 2 diff people.04:23
jewrootNa dun.04:23
theadminslackster: Yes, however, the preffered way is "do-release-upgrade"04:24
slacksterzoidfarb: ok, I just want to upgrade the packages, but also kernel updates, but not the dist04:24
haakon87Yeah, you're right. my mistake,.04:24
slacksterwhat can I run?04:24
MobiusJedihow do i make myself root?04:24
nejiwell thanks a lot guys =) um is there a way i can save this channel for next time i want to join ? i am using Xchat(completely new to irc chats and such.04:24
haakon87MobiusJedi: What do you want?04:24
ZykoticK9MobiusJedi, why do you need root?04:24
jewrooti need root too04:24
haakon87sudo <command> makes that command run as root.04:24
jewrootgive me root on xubuntu please04:24
MobiusJedioh let me tell you. . .04:24
jewrootit says i need invitation =/04:24
haakon87sudo bash gives you a root shell.04:25
MobiusJedimy system won't boot up04:25
theadminhaakon87: sudo bash is a fracking bad idea.04:25
zoidfarbDoes anyone know anything about installing packages to other partitions?04:25
jewrootmy kernel failed to boot04:25
jewrootwat do04:25
theadminhaakon87: Use "sudo -i", not "sudo bash" as haakon87 said04:25
MobiusJediso, I'm attempting to edit etc/passwd file (backed up) to remove the user i just added04:25
zoidfarb"sudo su"04:25
MobiusJedicuz that was the last thing i did before it stopped booting04:25
zoidfarbwill give you a root prompt04:25
haakon87theadmin: If he wants to have root, then he should be told the truth. I'm a firm believer in "Enough rope to hang yourself with".04:25
ZykoticK9zoidfarb, i'm afraid that's a non-trivial thing to do, it's probably possible - but not worth the effort04:25
alkisgzoidfarb: you can mount another partition in a part of your file system. E.g. you could mount /home in another partition, or /usr or anything else. You don't need to do this on a per-package basis... You could also resize your partition.04:26
ZykoticK9zoidfarb, don't give that direction to people, it isn't supported in the channel04:26
slackstertheadmin: "upgrade-full" is apparently wrong syntax, how can I do similar?04:26
haakon87MobiousJedi: does the recovery shell work?04:26
wgranthaakon87, zoidfarb: Please recommend 'sudo -i', and not 'sudo su' or 'sudo bash' or anything else like that.04:26
theadminslackster: What exactly would you like to do?04:26
wgranthaakon87, zoidfarb: But avoid recommending anything like that except as a last resort.04:27
zoidfarbalkisg, my home is already mounted on a different partition04:27
slackstertheadmin: upgrade won't update the kernel.04:27
jewrootIs there a way to view porn on YouTube?04:27
slacksterI want to get all updates04:27
MobiusJedihaakon87: it tried to. . . I tried recovery on each of the 3 kernels i had04:27
alkisgzoidfarb: right, you could do that for other directories as well.04:27
jewrootIs   there    a      way    to     view porn on YouTube?04:27
theadminslackster: Are "linux-image-generic" and "linux-headers-generic" packages installed?04:27
jewrootIs   there    a      way    to     view porn on YouTube?04:27
zoidfarb!ops | jewroot04:27
ubottujewroot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:27
theadmin!ops | kill the jewroot dude04:27
ubottukill the jewroot dude: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:28
Raiddinngo on PornTube instead04:28
slackstertheadminlet me check04:28
kocmodpomi'm audi 500004:28
haakon87wgrant: I did do that, and I did not mean to recommend that, he asked how he could achieve root. If he wanted a root shell, then sudo bash would be the correct answer.04:28
RaiddinnI need help installing koala04:28
wgranthaakon87: No, sudo -i is the correct answer.04:28
wgrant'sudo bash' is never correct.04:28
elkyRaiddinn, however accurate this is really *NOT* the place to discuss that.04:28
MobiusJedihaakon87: the first mildly successful recovery asked me to do fsck manually, which got as far as loading the startup splash, but every time I just got a mount error for sda104:29
RaiddinnI mostly just wanted to shut him up, sorry04:29
zoidfarbalkisg, but I've already got stuff in all those other directories, so I don't understand how I would move those04:29
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zoidfarbalisg, without major system breakage04:29
Raiddinnseriously though, as soon as I hit install my PC freezes when installing koala04:29
haakon87what exactly is so bad about it?04:29
alkisgzoidfarb: one way would be to move them from a live cd. But first, why are you not considering to resize your partition instead?04:30
theadminaargh, what on earth was the flash package?04:30
ZykoticK9zoidfarb, may i ask, how big is your root partition?04:30
haakon87theadmin: the flash support thingy?04:30
slackstertheadmin: no at least one of those packages is not installed04:30
haakon87ubuntu-restricted-extras have flash, mp3 and so on.04:30
theadminslackster: Install those both04:30
pwnkilleram i unmuted yet04:30
theadminhaakon87: Nah, mp3 is something i don't need04:30
theadminpwnkiller: Yes.04:30
zoidfarbalksig, zykotik9, I'm on a little eee netbook, it has two SSD drives, one 4 GB and one 16 GB. I have the 4 GB as my root, and /home as the 16 GB04:31
zoidfarbbut the 4 GB is basically full04:31
pwnkillerhow do i find the directoery containing the package source code04:31
zoidfarbI bought a 32 GB SD card04:31
Dougdoug4Hey. I'm on Ubuntu and I want to install Windows 7 over it. When I try to install Windows 7 it tells me it can only be installed over NTFS and that my filesystem or whatever is unrecognized04:31
Dougdoug4How do I fix this04:31
slackstertheadmin: linux-image-2.6.28-17-virtual is installed, I want to update to linux-image-2.6.28-18-virtual04:31
theadminzoidfarb: I don't think you can install anything on a SD card04:31
zoidfarband I want to install some non-essential apps on the SD card04:31
theadminslackster: Oh damn, i thought you have a generic image *facepalm*04:32
Raiddinnuse a win95 or win98 boot disk and Fdisk the partition doug04:32
zoidfarbtheadmin, you can boot/run your whole system from the SD if you want to. I've done it to play with alternate OSes04:32
ZykoticK9Dougdoug4, boot from a LiveCD and use gparted to delete your current install...04:32
theadminslackster: install "linux-image-virtual" and "linux-headers-virtual" then04:32
haakon87Dougdoug4: If you want to uninstall Ubuntu, just backup your personal files, and delete the partitions. This can be done with the Windows 7 install DVD.04:32
theadminzoidfarb: o_O04:32
slackstertheadmin: ok thanks04:32
haakon87You don't need a livedisc.04:32
Dougdoug4ZykoticK9, so your saying use my Ubuntu LiveCD, and delete my current Ubuntu installation with gparted04:32
Dougdoug4and ten install windows?04:32
kalmiDougdoug4, I am pretty sure you can delete the partition from the installer.... Click Advanced and Delete04:32
kalmior something like that04:33
theadminzoidfarb: Okay, i'm a noob04:33
slackstertheadmin: after that how do I grade?04:33
haakon87Dougdoug4: Windows7's installation cd have the tools you need on the installation disc,.04:33
slackstertheadmin: over the GUI it's easy..04:33
ZykoticK9Dougdoug4, against all my instincts, yes that's what i'm recommending to you04:33
theadminslackster: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"04:33
ae86-drifteri just changed my GFX card from an nvidia to an ATI card and i cant get it out of 'low graphics mode' i installed and enabled the ATI driver04:33
Dougdoug4wow ZykoticK9 way to call me an idiot04:33
alkisgzoidfarb: You'd better move the system partition to the 16 Gb SSD. You can copy partitions with gparted (from a live usb stick), but be careful while doing that, do a little reading first.04:33
kalmiDougdoug4, I have to agree with ZykoticK9 :/04:33
haakon87Dougdoug4, you went on an Ubuntu forum to ask for help about windows.04:33
haakon87Not to be rude but... He did help you, didn't he?04:34
Dougdoug4I went on an Ubuntu forum?04:34
Dougdoug4show me thE POST04:34
haakon87Sorry, a typo.04:34
zoidfarbthis is an ubuntu forum04:34
zoidfarbor, well, channel04:34
theadminalkisg: Correct me if i'm wrong, but how on earth can copying damage the data?04:34
Dougdoug4and I am most certainly not asking for Windows help04:34
haakon87Yes you are.04:34
Dougdoug4i'm on Ubuntu trying to figure out how to make my filesystem NTFS04:34
Dougdoug4i am most certinaly not04:35
haakon87"How do I install windows?"04:35
zoidfarb@alkisg, so you would suggest throwing "home" on the SD, and put the system partition on the 16 GB SSD?04:35
sqwertleIs there any SMS tool for Ubuntu that can both receive and send SMS?04:35
Dougdoug4i'm on Ubuntu trying to figure out how to make my filesystem NTFS04:35
haakon87Is essentially what you're asking.04:35
Dougdoug4i am most certinaly not04:35
Dougdoug4i'm on Ubuntu trying to figure out how to make my filesystem NTFS04:35
Dougdoug4i am most certinaly not04:35
FloodBot4Dougdoug4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:35
pwnkillerhow do i find a directory containing a packages sourde code?04:35
theadminDougdoug4: "sudo apt-get install ntfs-progs && sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/whatever"04:35
LoRezDougdoug4: why are you spamming?04:35
alkisgtheadmin: I didn't say anything like that. I just told him to be careful. For example, he might not be able to boot if he doesn't fix grub...04:35
haakon87He probably just hit Ctrl+v one time too many.04:35
alkisgzoidfarb: yes04:35
Raiddinnanyone know why I wouldn't even be able to install Koala even 1%?  I get a line across my screen with lots of different colors and complete freeze every time I hit install04:36
kalmisqwertle, do you need a gui tool?04:36
mneptokRaiddinn: corrupt disc image?04:37
haakon87Anyway Dougdoug4, you're asking how to make windows overwrite your Ubuntu partitions, this is a Windows problem. Had you asked how to make Ubuntu install over Windows, it would be an Ubuntu problem.04:37
theadminRaiddinn: A damaged disc04:37
zoidfarbalkisg, what do I do with my little 4 GB SSD then?04:37
alkisgzoidfarb: make it /home04:37
mneptokRaiddinn: m5sum it or run the media check from the boot menu04:37
theadminhaakon87: Dude. He just wants an NTFS filesystem. NOT windows.04:37
sqwertlekalmi: I would prefer one. I was hoping to find something similar to Konversation but for SMS04:37
haakon87theadmin: Nope, here's his original post: "Hey. I'm on Ubuntu and I want to install Windows 7 over it. When I try to install Windows 7 it tells me it can only be installed over NTFS and that my filesystem or whatever is unrecognized"04:38
zoidfarbtheoretically, you can install/run Ubuntu on an NTFS drive, right04:38
theadminhaakon87: Oh.04:38
theadminhaakon87: Guess i wasn't online during zat04:38
Freak007  Does anybody know how to, add the 'RenderAccel' option to /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,after you have created an Xorg configuration file.04:39
vlad003If I run "xset dpms force off" the screen turns back on after <1 sec. If I run it with sudo, it only comes back when I move mouse. Any idea why?04:39
kocmodpomok I can't even get a binary to install now, please help http://pastebin.com/KGJuRgZx04:39
hyperstream0x017 <-- what is this? hexdeci ?04:39
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theadminhyperstream: You have some missing libraries, find em in Synaptic04:40
theadminpwnkiller: stop saying nonsense04:40
pwnkillerit's such a simple ?04:40
kalmisquarepeg, well... You could try wammu, but I don't think it is what you are looking for. But I don't any im-like sms sender.04:40
hyperstreamtheadmin, yeah, interested to know what language/thing this is exactly (first time seeing)04:40
kalmisquarepeg, +know04:40
theadminhyperstream: .so (Shared Object) is something like Windows' .dll04:40
almoxarifekocmodpom: there is a deb for sun java various versions, why not use it?04:41
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haakon87His problem isn't that, it just seems that he can't access some things, such as /bin/ls04:42
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Guest22712Hello, I'm having some trouble getting my sound working on my HP laptop and ubuntu 9.10.  would someone be able to help me out?04:42
theadminalmoxarife: He might need the latest version for some weird reason04:42
=== Guest22712 is now known as shipwrecked
haakon87Some .so files.04:42
anirbanGuest22712: Are you using ALSA?04:42
kocmodpomalmoxarife, that is the problem? missing java? ok04:42
erickwhich is better avant or docky??04:43
shipwreckedanirban: I'm not entirely sure04:43
theadminerick: I myself think Avant is better, however it's a matter of taste04:43
kocmodpomso synaptic is program you have to install?04:43
shipwreckedanirban: this is the second laptop i've installed on and the other had no problem04:43
haakon87synaptic is a program that installs and keeps track of programs for oyu.04:43
almoxarifekocmodpom: I would use it unless you have some reason to not use it04:44
anirbanShptwrecked: Then, what is the problem? Do you hear a sound?04:44
shipwreckednope, i'm not getting any sound on this one04:44
ZenkerGood eveni'n everyone :)04:44
UbuntuNoobhow do i get my Netgear wg311v2 to work with ubuntu 9.10?04:44
anirbanShptwrecked: Then, is the Sound icon displayed in the top-right?04:44
MobiusJediI'm not having any luck here. . . what can i do to repair my kernel and/or check sda1 filesystem?04:45
shipwreckedanirban: yes, volume is all the way up04:45
theadminBleh, any help understanding where icons from the "system" menu have dissappeared?04:45
anirbanShitwrecked: Ok, then right-click it first...04:45
almoxarifeUbuntuNoob: you already on the wireless?04:45
alkisgMobiusJedi: boot with a live cd?04:45
kocmodpomhaakon87, ok I had never heard of it before yesterday04:45
haakon87theadmin: What do you see? Do you have a screenshot for us?04:45
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shipwreckedanirban: okok, go into sound prefs?04:46
theadminhaakon87: Well, can make one04:46
pwnkillerneed help sm1 pm me pls04:46
MobiusJedialkisg: lol, that's how i'm using my desktop right now04:46
anirbanShitwrecked: Now, go to Output tab,04:46
alkisgMobiusJedi: well, then why don't you run fsck from it?04:46
shipwreckedanirban: done04:46
anirbanShitwrecked: Is there any device displayed?04:46
MobiusJediI typed 'fsck' in terminal, did nothing04:46
UbuntuNoobhow do I get my Netgear wg311v2 wireless card to work with ubuntu 9.10?04:47
alkisgMobiusJedi: sudo fsck /dev/sdaXXX04:47
alkisgOr just sudo fsck..04:47
shipwreckedanirban: 2.  Internal Audio Analog Stereo and HDA ATI HDMI Digital Stereo04:47
MobiusJedialkisg: Oh! that helps04:47
kocmodpomso what is the command to install it (synaptic) make doesn't work04:47
theadminhaakon87: There. http://imagebin.ca/img/O-7shWm6.png04:47
zoidfarbshipwrecked, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544904:48
bungis 2.4MB/sec between my ubuntu partition and my vista partition slow? seems slow to me, shouldnt it be 10 times that?04:48
MobiusJedialkisg: uh oh, "sudo: uid 0 does not exist in the passwd file!"04:48
anirbanShitwrecked: Well, select it and drag the Output Volume tab (top position) and increase it04:48
Spaztic_OneCould someone lend a hand? I have my problem outlined here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143000204:48
xanguatheadmin: system> preferences> appearence04:48
Raiddinn@theadmin & @ mneptok I have the right checksum for the ISO image file for the ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso version, how do I know if it went from there to the CD correctly?04:48
alkisgMobiusJedi: erm, are you saying that you can't use sudo from the live cd?04:48
dante123hi all, just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and my 1440 x 900 resolution does not show up when using nvidia driver.  I fixed this once before but cant remember how I did it.  ANy04:49
MobiusJedisadly, it appears so04:49
kalmi!sound | Spaztic_One04:49
haakon87theadmin: Go into preferences - appearance04:49
ubottuSpaztic_One: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:49
dante123any suggestions04:49
almoxarifekocmodpom: system>admin>synaptic04:49
saganbyte Is there some app on Ubuntu that I can use for video jockeying.. like it would take a audio stream in and have some way to sync the video to the audio04:49
theadminhaakon87, xangua: Thanks04:49
brjannMobiusJedi: are you chroot'd or something?04:49
alkisgMobiusJedi: which ubuntu version/flavor are you using exactly?04:49
haakon87One of those tabs should be what you're searching for.04:49
kocmodpomthanks almoxarife04:50
slackstertheadmin: thanks, the upgrade worked, and I am now on 2.6.28-18.  ;)04:50
MobiusJedibrjann: yeah, forgot i did that. reopened terminal, my user name is "I have no name!"04:50
theadminHm, something's broken there :D I removed evolution and it's still in the menu. Not a big problem.04:50
theadminslackster: Ok cool to know04:50
MobiusJedialkisg: my live cd is 8.10, trying to fix my install of xubuntu 9.1004:51
anirbanHello all, I am creating a new Channel on Wesnoth Strategies, please join, if you are eager, :)04:51
gbear14275does anyone know if I point both an ubuntu and debian install at the same /home if that would cause problems?04:51
theadminanirban: That's totally offtopic04:51
alkisgMobiusJedi: is your hard disk partition ext4 or ext3?04:52
theadmingbear14275: Yeah, settings and all04:52
itheoswhen i do this ----> sudo modprobe uvcvideo, i get this --->WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release. is it fine?04:52
ki__Hello. I have two devices that were running mdraid on a previous distro04:52
MobiusJedialkisg: ext304:52
ki__i did mdadm --scan and it created and md104:52
anirbanVery Sorry theadmin, just thought that it might attract the interest of some. Sorry if I have offended the rules here, :(04:52
ki__but it doesn't look like devices are there.04:53
almoxarifeitheos: change the name of 'options' to 'options.conf'04:53
itheosok thanks let me try :)04:53
alkisgMobiusJedi: ok, I'm not sure what you did so far, but can you just reboot with the live cd and run sudo fsck or sudo -i?04:53
ki__My question is this: Do I need to run mdadm --create again to get the drives configured in a RAID 1 or can I use --assemble ?04:53
sqwertleIs there any sort of program that can receive/send e-mails with an instant messenger ui?04:54
MobiusJedialkisg: we'll find out!04:54
ki__sqwertle, IDK04:54
itheosalmoxarife, i still get the same msg04:55
vishalhow to on remote service on ubuntu04:55
sqwertleki__: Is that "I Don't Know" or?04:55
almoxarifeitheos: can you paste.bin it?04:55
theadminsqwertle: Yes, that means "I don't know"04:55
ki__sqwertle, Yes04:55
theadminvishal: huh04:55
itheosalmoxarife, the file is empty :D04:55
vishaltheadmin: ya m new to this04:56
techzgI was asked to upload a file to a server, given instruction are 'server' 'path' 'filename', could you please tell me how to do it04:57
mezquitalecan someone inviteme to #hardware please?04:57
kalmisqwertle, um... gmail?04:57
ZykoticK9!register > mezquitale04:57
ubottumezquitale, please see my private message04:57
itheosmezquitale, /join ##hardware ?04:57
theadmintechzg: Well, i belive something like "http://example.org/somefolder/somefile"04:57
kocmodpomalmoxarife, I installed java package but am still getting the same errors as before, missing libraries04:58
techzgtheadmin: is there a tool to do it? I do have the server path and directory paths but, no id and password.04:59
theadmintechzg: Sorry, can't really help with that04:59
mezquitaleZykoticK9, im already registered but the password is on my laptop04:59
kocmodpomalmoxarife, http://pastebin.com/Y0e2HDbg04:59
ZykoticK9mezquitale, ? it's just you don't typically need an invite, you just need to use a registered nic - thus me sending the bot message.  sorry man.05:00
almoxarifekocmodpom: you are trying to use 'make'?05:01
Zenkerdoes anyone know how to find the password i set for this room?05:01
theadminZenker: _this_ room has no password :/05:01
kocmodpomno, not for java or oopic.bin05:01
Zenkererr. the server or whatever i registered my nick name w05:02
theadminZenker: Ah, let me dig in the help05:02
Salec_hey guys does ubuntu server's installer support dmraid?05:03
theadminZenker: Hm. It actually seems that you can't recover it.05:03
Salec_i can't seem to install the grub when using ubuntu server but ubuntu desktop installs just fine05:03
ZykoticK9Zenker, if you use xchat - look in ~/.xchat/serlist_.conf05:03
Zenkerit wont be there, i guess ill just have 2 hope nobody decides to use zenker, i dont think i have anything 2 worry bout05:04
ZykoticK9Zenker, actually it is there in plain text next to B= for Freenode05:05
theadminMan that ain't secure05:05
kocmodpomalmoxarife, no i used sudo install05:06
MobiusJediI'm scared: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/YgLd6LCA05:08
ZykoticK9MobiusJedi, is that suppose to be an NTFS partition?05:09
theadminMobiusJedi: You just don't have fsck for ntfs05:09
MobiusJediIt used to be an NTFS partition, where my windows system used to be05:10
ZykoticK9MobiusJedi, then as theadmin said you just need to install the ntfs tools05:10
MobiusJedican i do that on live CD?05:11
ZykoticK9MobiusJedi, not sure, but probably05:11
Raiddinncan anyone tell me what /casper/filesystem.squashfs does05:11
ZykoticK9Raiddinn, you might get some details from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization05:13
theadminRaiddinn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squashfs05:14
alkisgMobiusJedi: if you have an ntfs partition, you'd better check it from windows05:14
dm_Anyone using open office?05:14
ZykoticK9!anyone > dm_05:15
ubottudm_, please see my private message05:15
dm_I'm having trouble installing from a tar.gz anyone have a minute to help a linux newbie who has actually read some tutorials =)05:16
ZykoticK9dm_, why are you installing from a tar.gz instead of just installing from the repository?05:16
Spaztic_Onekalmi: before I go about doing anything that was linked to, how much of that is for people with no sound, and for people experiencing what I described?05:16
Spaztic_OneSo far, most looks like it is for people who are not getting sound at all.05:17
dm_Is it in the repository?05:17
dm_ALso, I'm sort of looking for something to learn how to install with05:17
ZykoticK9dm_, OpenOffice of course05:17
alkisgdm_: it's preinstalled, actually. You don't see it in your menus?05:17
ZykoticK9dm_, OpenOffice is HUGE i would find something smaller to play with05:17
dm_Well, I'm on a netbook so I'm running xubuntu05:18
Loshadm_: what ZykoticK9 just said...05:18
kalmiSpaztic_One, well... dunno:) Try ALSA, that can't hurt. PulseAudio used to have a lot of funny problems.05:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:18
theadminZykoticK9: Huge? Well... bigger then some of stuff, but huge? Meh05:18
dm_Does the size really matter?05:18
dm_Is it harder to install from a tarball for a bigger file?05:18
ZykoticK9dm_, it's all up to you05:19
LoshaSpaztic_One: I had good luck with http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html05:19
ZykoticK9theadmin, i can't even think of a larger package then OOo05:19
MobiusJedialkisg: that's just it tho, I used the partition editor to delete ntfs and create ext3 and a swap so i could install linux (windows needed to be installed from scratch if i wanted to use it again anyway)05:19
dm_Well, I'm trying to "unzip" it through terminal, but it isnt creating a new folder that it is unzipped to. Should I be using the zxf or a different command?05:20
Raiddinnopenoffice is written in Java, right? not C?05:20
git__is there xchat screenlet?05:20
git__or irc screenlet?05:20
theadminZykoticK9: netbeans is 237 MB big.05:20
Loshadm_: use xvzf and you can watch it unpack...05:21
ZykoticK9theadmin, netbeans - gotta find out what that is ;)05:21
alkisgMobiusJedi: ntfs doesn't have open specs, so the linux driver for it is written using reverse engineering. I wouldn't trust any non-microsoft fsck tools for it (that's why I don't use it on linux systems).05:21
theadminZykoticK9: an IDE05:21
LoshaMobiusJedi: what are you trying to do again?05:21
ZykoticK9theadmin, interesting (i'm not a developer, and thus don't feel bad for not knowing it)05:22
dm_Losha: Thanks, I will try that out05:22
Guest24245I have a 1.3g file. Whats the absolute fastest way to share it? Dropbox takes forever.05:22
MobiusJedilosha: lol, make karmic 9.10 boot again without wiping the drive. . . don't have any space left to backup files05:22
mtx_initGuest24245: likely an ftp server05:22
theadminGuest24245: Dropbox is slow :/ Try uploading to somewhere, best idea would be some filehost with ftp (QShare is one of those, for instance)05:23
alkisgMobiusJedi: what does the ntfs partition have to do with karmic being able to boot or not? If you have it in /etc/fstab, just comment it out...05:23
MobiusJedialkisg: so then, linux can't be trusted to delete NTFS either?05:23
LoshaMobiusJedi: it used to boot? What happened?05:23
Guest24245theadmin and qshare is fast and easy?05:23
alkisgMobiusJedi: deleting NTFS is an MBR thing, for which the specs are open.05:23
alkisgSo it's safe.05:23
Guest24245I will be sharing with someone who isnt too bright computer speaking05:23
kalmiGuest24245, never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes05:23
MobiusJediinteresting. . .05:23
theadminGuest24245: Fast... quite fast. Easy? Just register, connect to ftp.qshare.com with your name and password trough the menu, and copy the file to "uploads"05:24
LoshaGuest24245: burn it to a dvd and send the dvd...05:24
MobiusJediin file browser, sda1 properties says it's an ext3, but fsck returned the ntfs error on it05:24
theadminGuest24245: And as for downloading, it's just a link, there one has to click "Free" and "Download the file"05:24
Spaztic_Onelosha and kalmi :: I don't have either of the menus described. Kalmi, double clicking on the sound control doesn't bring anything up, and Losha, my sound config panel doesn't have that tab, or one that looks like it.05:24
Guest24245thank you theadmin05:25
MobiusJedikarmic booted yesterday. . . last thing I did was add a new user, restarted, wouldn't boot05:25
kalmiSpaztic_One, are you running ubuntu?05:25
LoshaSpaztic_One: that's ok, the menu part is for an earlier distro. Just skip over that part and do the rest...05:25
Spaztic_Oneyes, 9.105:25
alkisgMobiusJedi: what does `sudo fdisk -l` tell you?05:25
LoshaMobiusJedi: haven't you been working on this all day?05:25
Loshadm_: I prefer not to PM, so people can follow along. What isn't working?05:26
dm_Okay, I used that command, and it appears that it has been unpacked, but the folder never appears05:27
MobiusJedialkisg: says sda1 is HPFS/NTFS05:27
MobiusJediLosha: you remember well. . . I had a 4ish hour break for band practice tho05:27
Loshadm_: which folder should it have unpacked into? What happens if you open a terminal and type ls -l (that's all lower case Ls)05:27
alkisgMobiusJedi: and it's supposed to be ext3 and to have karmic in it?05:27
Guest24245theadmin the qshare website isnt loading05:28
MobiusJediyeah, still has all ubuntu's system files05:28
Guest24245this isnt a good representation of their speed, sir05:28
LoshaMobiusJedi: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' for us?05:28
theadminGuest24245: Where exactly are you going? it's qshare.com05:28
Guest24245theadmin yeah thats where Im going05:28
alkisgMobiusJedi: how would you know that it has the system files? Are you able to mount it?05:28
MobiusJedioops, meant to do that too: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/tR4GgPDF05:28
Guest24245been loading for 5 minutes now and I have a really fast connection05:28
theadminGuest24245: Hm, loads in a few seconds over here usually.05:29
Guest24245try it now, if you would05:29
theadminGuest24245: Maybe a maintenace, damn them05:29
MobiusJedialkisg: i can read the partition, but can't write05:29
dm_Losha: When I type that, I see all my folders and files in my home folder. The tarball shows up, but the folder it unpacked into never does05:29
Guest24245im uploading to my own ftp05:29
Guest24245not too fast though05:29
alkisgMobiusJedi: while mounted, can you post the output of `mount` ?05:29
theadminGuest24245: Ah indeed, according to DFEOJM it's down05:29
alkisgAh, got it05:29
alkisgMobiusJedi: so, tell me if I'm right on this:05:30
Loshadm_: then either you got the unpack command wrong, or you're looking in the wrong place...05:30
Guest24245theadmin have any other alternative?05:30
Guest24245my ftp is slow as balls too. :<05:30
dm_Shouldn't it unpack into the "home" folder, or atleast the one the tar file is in?05:30
theadminGuest24245: There are a few i know, but they have too much ads on them and limit the speed05:30
=== Guest24245 is now known as aybabtu
LoshaMobiusJedi: you appear to have 3 different disks, only one of which has a linux filesystem on it (/dev/sdb)05:31
alkisgYour linux files are on /dev/sdb1, NOT on /dev/sda1. The reason you can't boot is because you're trying to boot from sda1...05:31
=== aybabtu is now known as Guest13742
alkisgMobiusJedi: on the second pastebin /dev/sda1 is *not* mounted. So you can't be seeing its files.05:31
MobiusJediwow, i've gotten my head turned around05:31
Loshaalkisg: that's how it looks to me....05:32
MobiusJedithat makes some sense05:32
skrapsmobius: dont run into anything, ;)05:32
Spaztic_Onelosha :: Thanks mate, folowing that seems to have solved it all.05:32
MobiusJediskraps: lol, thanks05:32
chrome hey kids05:33
dm_Losha: Shouldn't it unpack into the folder which the tar file is in. If not, can I point it to one specifically?05:33
LoshaSpaztic_One: here's hoping it will stay fixed. Some people have found sound fails again for no apparent reason later on...05:33
chromeI have an apple keyboard, I want the function keys to be function keys, anyone know how to do that? I want to use Fn+F11 for volume, for instance, instead of Fn+F11 for F11.05:34
Loshadm_: usually it unpacks into the current folder, but depending on how the filenames are arranged on the tarfile, they might unpack elsewhere. They may even overwrite some of your system files if they were packed incorrectly. That's another reason to 'start small'....05:34
MobiusJediok, now i'm running fsck on the correct part05:34
dinosaurvskittenI'm trying to find a simple (preferably command line) timer application that can keep track of how much time I spend on what. Ideally, all I'd have to do is type something like "start X" when I start doing X and then "stop" when I'm done. Then I'd have some log that tells me how long I spent working X, Y and Z over some time frame. Any suggestions?05:34
LoshaMobiusJedi: progress at last...05:35
MaxHRHello, I am testing a few distros for ease of use, first tested Mandriva One, as it included prop drivers and plugins on one cd, is there a similar install for ubuntu?05:35
Spaztic_OneLosha :: Ah, well, I'll make sure to pester somebody if that happens.05:35
LoshaSpaztic_One: we'll be here....05:35
chromedinosaurvskitten: doesn't sound hard to write.05:35
theadminMaxHR: Propertiary drivers are downloadable from the System - Admininstration - Hardware Drivers menu05:35
dinosaurvskittenchrome, yeah I just launched vim, I was just wondering if someone else had done it before me :p05:35
MobiusJedii know, right?05:35
chromedinosaurvskitten: I've seen time tracking apps from time to time, but I think most have a gui.05:36
theadminMaxHR: As for flash, Java and mp3 codecs... "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" will give em to ya05:36
dante123hi all, I DESPERATELY need help.  I have just installed 9.10 and I cannot get resolution of 1440x900 to work with my Acer x193w and nvidia 9800 gtx+ although this worked under 9.04...05:36
MaxHRtheadmin: so they aren't included on the disc?  (I need all that on the media, as the computer being installed on is on dialup)05:37
chromedante123: have you installed the restricted drivers?05:37
Loshadinosaurvskitten: you could have a very simple one where 'start' is an alias for e.g. 'echo started $\* >> logfile' (I forget the exact syntax). The hard part is you have to always remember to type start and stop...05:37
MobiusJedidoes this tell anyone anything? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/0wMYQzrt05:37
MobiusJedi(result of fsck)05:37
dante123I believe I have encountered this error before...but cant remember how I fixed it previously.....and YES chrome restricted driver is there but max resolution is not05:37
theadminMaxHR: No, it can't be on the disc cause not everyone needs it... And i've no idea how to put it on one05:37
alkisgdinosaurvskitten: e.g. `time gedit` will tell you how long that needed.05:37
chromedante123: try removing the xorg.conf and then run nvidia-settings after restarting X05:38
MaxHRtheadmin: are there any respins of ubuntu that do this?05:38
dante123I believe I added lines to the xorg.conf but cant remember and googling gets me a bunch of contradictory stuff05:38
LoshaMobiusJedi: yes, it tells me the filesystem is now fine. You should now be able to do a grub install using it....05:38
theadminMobiusJedi: It means you made a hard shutdown/reboot which corrupted the system05:38
chromesudo nvidia-settings, and don't merge the config when you save it out05:38
theadminMaxHR: Linux Mint is one of those05:38
MaxHRrighton, I will check into that, thx05:38
theadminMobiusJedi: Seems it got fixed though05:38
dante123chrome did that once and resolution is worse with only 640 x 480 and 320 something being choices05:38
alkisgMobiusJedi: cat you do: cat /media/disk/etc/fstab ?05:38
chromeLosha: haha, she could write it to .plan :D05:38
dante123should I uninstall restricted drivers first05:38
Loshachrome: ?05:39
MobiusJedimk... let's see05:39
chromeLosha: the start/stop thing.05:39
chdhow do I set my drives to automatically boot when ubuntu starts up? someone told me about fstab but I don't know how to edit it.05:39
MobiusJedialkisg: no such file or directory05:39
dante123chrome should i uninstall nvidia restricted driver first...and see if I can get 1440x900 without it first???05:40
alkisgMobiusJedi: mount the disk first, from the 'places' menu05:40
chromedante123: i don't see the point in doing that05:40
chromedante123: the hardware obviously works05:40
chromedante123: try running nvidia-xconfig05:40
Loshachrome: yes, any convenient file will do for holding the log, it's just lines of text. We'd add timestamps of course, which I forgot to do...05:40
MobiusJedialkisg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5vCLrN2X05:41
dante123chrome I ran nvidia-xconfig and got this:  VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.05:41
dante123                  Undefined Device "(null)" referenced by Screen "Default05:41
dante123                  Screen".05:41
alkisgMobiusJedi: erm, why do you have /proc in it?05:41
alkisgAh, nm05:42
MobiusJediI couldn't even guess05:42
alkisgGo ahead and try to boot it05:42
MobiusJedik, catch ya on the flipside05:42
dante123schrome shall I do this first: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:42
theadmindante123: Woah, hold that, that file might be important05:42
ZykoticK9dante123, perhaps move the xorg.conf rather then delete, then run "sudo nvidia-xconfig", then run "gksuo nvidia-settings" and it should work05:43
dante123I did backj it up first05:43
Loshaalkisg: the proc is a 9.X thing. I see it in my 9.10 fstab....05:43
theadmindante123: Okay, try then. Hope you know how to get it back if X crashes ;)05:43
theadminLosha: Hm, wasn't there in 9.0405:43
ZykoticK9MobiusJedi, why is / ext2?05:44
Loshatheadmin: dunno, must be new in 9.10. Something else to go wrong...05:44
chromedinosaurvskitten: http://blog.christopherpitzer.com/2009/timebook-command-line-time-tracking/05:44
chromedinosaurvskitten: looks exactly like what you're after05:44
dante123<ZykoticK9> did as you said....now what (nothing happened from what I could see)05:44
chromedante123: I got that too, when I ran it the first time.05:44
ZykoticK9dante123, did you restart nvidia-settings?05:44
tato_42will eye candy work in gnome05:45
theadminLosha: Have that too so i guess everything's fine05:45
theadmintato_42: Just turn on compiz and enjoy05:45
Zenkerwill someone help me with the make command?05:45
dante123<ZykoticK9> i ran sudo nvidia-xconfig like u said and then gksudo nvidia-settings05:45
dante123<ZykoticK9> now what05:45
LoshaMobiusJedi: did you do a grub install before rebooting?05:45
ZykoticK9dante123, and do you have the resolution that you want?05:46
LasivianWhere would I find details about why my machine hangs when I shut it down?05:46
Loshatheadmin: yeah, it's just for the proc filesystem...05:46
ZykoticK9dante123, no idea then, but with my step you should now be able to save to xorg from nvidia-settings without error05:46
theadminLosha: what on earth is it05:46
dante1231360x768 is max yet this acer x193w will do 1440x900....had it doing before fresh install of 9.1005:46
Loshatheadmin: the proc interface?05:47
theadminLosha: Doesn't tell me much :D05:47
dante123I believe that originally under 9.04 I had to put sync or refresh parameters in xorg.conf as well as some modeline comment05:47
dante123but I just cant remember.....darn05:47
Loshatheadmin: it's been around for a while, it's an interface to the kernel, rigged up to look like a filesystem. Do an ls in /proc and poke around (don't write anything there though)....05:48
dante123ZykoticK9 do I need to logout or restart for any of the commands you gave me05:48
ZykoticK9dante123, no - that just fixes xorg for nvidia-settings really05:48
Loshadante123: no backup then?05:49
Spaztic_OneIs there a way to increase the area in which you can grab a window to stretch it? It is currently a single pixel wide which is a pain to try and grab.05:49
theadminLosha: That's uber-complicated for me :/ Not much with Linux, around 1.5 years05:49
veebullanybody here use TurnKey Linux appliances?05:49
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, alt+middle_mouse_button and click drag anywhere in window05:49
Loshatheadmin: it's pretty advanced usage, don't mess around in there....05:49
dante123<ZykoticK9> okay, i ran sudo nvidia-settings then saved the configuration file....now I think I have to edit it and add mode or modeline comment...this might be starting to come back to me.05:50
ZykoticK9dante123, well i can't personally help with those settings so best of luck05:51
MobiusJedidrat. . . same error I've been getting. failure to mount filesystem05:51
ZykoticK9MobiusJedi, is your root partition really ext2?05:51
LoshaMobiusJedi: I think you missed a step. You need to do a grub (re)install....05:51
dante123let you know in a minute if it works...thanks for help anyway....i MIGHT be back05:51
MobiusJediZykoticK9: yes05:52
ZykoticK9MobiusJedi, k just checking05:52
MobiusJediLosha: yeah, i was gonna ask what to do exactly05:52
LoshaMobiusJedi: what release is it again. 9.10?05:52
LoshaZykoticK9: ext2 isn't ideal, but it shouldn't matter for these purposes....05:53
Spaztic_OneZykoticK9: I was about to say "that only stretches the bottom part, and its not anywhere, it only works when close to the bottom" when I realized that "hmm, only close to the bottom... maybe the side will make that side move: lo and behold, it does. Thanks mate.05:53
LoshaMobiusJedi: that means you have grub2. Wait a second...05:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub205:53
ki__HELP! mdadm: Cannot open /dev/sdb: Device or resource busy05:53
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, :)05:53
ki__its not mounted (checking df -kh)05:53
dinosaurvskittenchrome, timebook looks pretty neat, thanks!05:54
dinosaurvskittenchrome, I ended up using "/usr/bin/time -f "%e $@" -o time_log -a read" for now :)05:55
LoshaMobiusJedi: you need to go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 and follow section 7: Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD, except when they use /dev/sda1, you use /dev/sdb105:55
pwnkillerhey if i type into terminal make what should followit05:57
ZykoticK9pwnkiller, installing sourcecode?05:57
pwnkillermake + what im tying to install a program frm a tar file05:57
ZykoticK9pwnkiller, 1) ./configure 2) make 3) sudo make install05:58
theadminpwnkiller: Depends on the program. Read the included README05:58
pwnkillerjust make?05:58
pwnkilleri get an error msg05:58
Loshapwnkiller: the *exact* text of the error msg?05:58
pwnkillermake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop05:59
theadmin...lol... I just did "cat ~/somefile | less" instead of "less ~/somefile"... I'm getting crazy with the console already05:59
theadminpwnkiller: Did you do "./configure"?05:59
theadminpwnkiller: Was it successful?05:59
Mariouxhi there05:59
MariouxI need to uninstall virtualbox, wich I installed from the deb package05:59
Mariouxanyone can help me?05:59
Loshapwnkiller: unlikely, since it didn't produce a makefile. Run configure again and paste the output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com06:00
ZykoticK9Marine, do you get multiple entries with "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox"06:00
theadminMarioux: Sure, just sudo apt-get remove virtualbox... or was it VirtualBox...06:00
pwnkiller(libxul-unstable mozilla-plugin) were not met:06:01
pwnkillerNo package 'libxul-unstable' found06:01
pwnkillerNo package 'mozilla-plugin' found06:01
Mariouxtheadmin: I tried that... no result at all06:01
ZykoticK9theadmin, more likely virtualbox-3.106:01
Loshapwnkiller: I can't tell from just those lines if those are fatal errors, or just advisory warnings, but since you didn't get a makefile, I assume the former....06:01
Loshapwnkiller: are you trying to build mozilla?06:02
MariouxZykoticK9: no result at all with that command06:02
pwnkillerk i'll paste to the link above06:02
pwnkillerno brb06:02
ZykoticK9Marioux, then you didn't install with a DEB file i believe06:02
MobiusJediI'm confused on this step: Now you need to edit the /etc/default/grub file to fit your system06:02
jera_meeim newbie on using ubuntu06:02
MariouxZykoticK9: I've downloaded the .deb package from the sun virtualbox web page06:03
Loshapwnkiller: fine, I'll just sit here and try and guess which program you're trying to build....06:03
LoshaMobiusJedi: there's nothing you need to configure in there, just skip over that step...06:03
ZykoticK9Marioux, "apt-cache policy virtualbox-3.1" does it show as installed?06:04
jera_meemay i ask u something?06:04
Losha!ask | jera_mee06:04
ubottujera_mee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:04
MariouxZykoticK9: no result at all06:05
Mariouxbut I'm seeing virtualbox running right now06:05
ZykoticK9Marioux, did you recently download this deb?  do you still have the DEB file?06:05
MobiusJediLosha: is this a problem? sed: warning: failed to get security context of /tmp/filek7Y6V6: No data availablesed: warning: failed to get security context of /tmp/fileGC2zvW: No data availableUpdating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done06:06
pwnkillerk pasted http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/x4YhTRQa06:06
ardchoillelabyrinth1965: ok, you're here. You can ask any Ubuntu question here and hopefully someone will help you with it.06:06
MariouxZykoticK9: yes I do... its a .run archive06:06
LoshaMobiusJedi: /boot/grub/menu.lst belongs to grub1, not grub2. Which livecd did you boot?06:06
ZykoticK9Marine, that's not a deb!06:06
jera_meeanyone know how to use my integrated camera so i can take picture with it?06:06
pwnkillerintergrated cam use cheese06:07
MariouxZykoticK9: I know... I thought it was a deb package but it's a run06:07
MobiusJedi8.10, cuz that's what I have. . . are you telling me i have to track down a blank cd?06:07
ZykoticK9Marioux, then apt is totally unaware of the install!  you need to ask in #vbox how to uninstall then.06:07
Kevin_CruxHi somebody help me06:07
MariouxZykoticK9: ok thank you very much06:07
ZykoticK9Marioux, in future - use DEBs06:07
Kevin_CruxI'm new in the ubuntu OS06:07
MobiusJediUbNubs unite!06:07
MariouxZykoticK9: sure thanks again06:07
labyrinth1965I want to put MP3 music from my sansa player in Rhythmbox is there a way to do this.06:08
pwnkillerok pasted http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/x4YhTRQa06:08
jera_meehi kevin06:08
Loshapwnkiller: see this line "error: Package requirements (libxul-unstable mozilla-plugin) were not met" -- that's a fatal error, which is why you didn't get a makefile. You need to fix that before you can proceed...06:08
macolabyrinth1965: with the sansa plugged in, it should show in the sidebar in rhythmbox. click on it and you should be able to drag songs from the sansa to your library06:08
Kevin_Cruxhi jera I need your help06:09
dante123<ZykoticK9> got it working, I had to copy some lines from my other computer that has the same monitor with 9.10......here is my xorg.conf in case u r curious06:09
dante123hang on for pastebin06:09
ardchoillemaco: May I pm you?06:09
MobiusJediLosha: i can't make it work with 8.10 CD?06:09
Kevin_Cruxi need to install a lexmarz z647 printer06:10
ZykoticK9dante123, nice job - well done!  be sure to keep a copy of it!06:10
Kevin_Cruxwith ubuntu 9.1006:10
dante123will do thanks for help......06:10
LoshaMobiusJedi: no, I'm telling you that grub changed between 8.10 and 9.10. You *told* me you were running 9.10. The instructions for 8.10 are *different*. No wonder you haven't made much progress. Which is it?06:10
Zenkertheadmin r u there?06:10
MobiusJediLosha: sorry, I can be slow on the uptake06:10
linageedoes anyone know why lock and move are grayed out on my gnome panel on ubuntu 10.04? (how do I move things?)06:10
macoardchoille: yes06:11
Loshapwnkiller: since you won't even tell me what program you're trying to build, how am I supposed to help...06:11
pwnkillermoonshine, i'm sorry06:11
macolabyrinth1965: at least, thats how my USB-mass-storage type mp3 players work, and i believe the sansa is also a USB mass storage type player06:11
dante123http://pastebin.com/x6rb3p6v  <ZykoticK9>  I don't know which lines make it work....but I also added refresh rates from the spec page for my particular monitor06:11
dante123thanks for your help06:11
LoshaMobiusJedi: computers kinda need attention to detail ya' know... And I still don't know which version you are running....06:12
ZykoticK9dante123, it's probably the HorizSync and VertRefresh that are required06:12
harisundAnyone know a good camera server that I can use to stream images from my webcam constantly to some web page? It should be viewable even on computers that don't run Java ..06:12
linageeharisund: what do you need that for? lol06:12
dante123since it is working....should I just leave it or is there anything in there that you think is unecessary or redundant or perhaps not useful from a performance angel06:13
linageeharisund: NSFW?06:13
dante123angle I mean ZykoticK906:13
harisundlinagee: eh no .. just for fun.06:13
harisundlinagee: Home monitoring, maybe06:13
ZykoticK9dante123, i'd leave it - looks fine06:13
pwnkillerhello losha?06:13
linageeharisund: "home monitoring". is that what it's called now. lol06:13
dante123thanks nite then...nite all06:14
sje46I can't find how to make a static IP06:14
linageeharisund: is it for your home or someone else's? lol06:14
sje46and I can't find what the disadvabtages are06:14
MariouxI've found it!06:14
harisundGrow up linagee06:14
ajlsunrisei've got a question about c++06:14
* linagee is grown u06:14
Loshapwnkiller: type apt-cache search libxul and see if something suitable shows up. Same for mozilla-plugin (except there are so many plugins for mozilla, I don't know which it wants. Maybe there's something in the documentation?)06:14
MobiusJediLosha: live CD I have (using currently) is 8.10. I'm trying to fix 9.10 which won't boot06:14
Mariouxin /opt/VirtualBox theres a .sh archive06:14
Mariouxso you run cd /opt/VirtualBox06:14
ZykoticK9Marioux, nice06:14
Mariouxand the ./uninstall.sh06:15
ZykoticK9Marioux, i'd imagine you'll need sudo with that command06:15
ociugihelp! im having a problem with my samba i uninstall some program after that i got this message "Could not display "network:///"" how to fix this problem06:15
MariouxZykoticK9: yes, forgot about that06:15
LoshaMobiusJedi: not sure if it'll work, but you need to follow different instructions (fun, isn't it?) Please stand by...06:15
Losha!grub | MobiusJedi06:15
ubottuMobiusJedi: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:15
MobiusJediLosha: It's ALL fun!06:15
ardchoillelabyrinth1965: Did you see someone answer your question?06:15
LoshaMobiusJedi: ok, same rigmarole, only now with grub1:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub06:16
sje46well, anyways, my transmission isn't seeding, and someone told me that I should forward a port06:16
pwnkillerlosha can i pm you the readme file?06:17
sje46I didn't even know what a port was, so I look at some manuals06:17
LoshaMobiusJedi: See the section: The GUI Way: Using the Alternate/Install CD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader06:17
sje46and it says I need a static IP address?06:17
Mariouxkeep up the good work guys06:17
Mariouxcya later!06:17
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sje46But I can't even figure out how to create a static IP address...because what I've found doesn't even work06:17
Loshapwnkiller: I s'pose so. No guarantee I'll be able to make sense of it though. Isn't there a repo version of moonshine you can install? So much less work if you can...06:18
ZykoticK9sje46, you should right now the name servers in resolv.conf "cat /etc/resolv.conf" to see them, then right click on the network icon in the panel and edit the settings for eth0 if you're using a wired connection, there is an option in there for static somewhere06:19
ajlsunrisei've got a question about c++. trying to compile source code and it gets to this line: 'cout << "hello"' and throws an error saying cout is an 'undeclared identifier'06:19
sje46zykes-, nameserver  ...also, I'm on a wireless connection06:20
indusajlsunrise, why is there a quote before cout06:20
ZenkerLosha there is no repo, i already tried this06:20
ZykoticK9ajlsunrise, perhaps you should ask in ##c++06:20
sje46ZykoticK9, that was supposed to be for you06:21
indusajlsunrise, yeah ask in #c++06:21
ZykoticK9sje46, that makes things easy then, it's your router06:21
ajlsunrisethanks. couldn't find it in the list06:21
ZykoticK9sje46, can you right click on the network icon on panel and find the settings for your wireless?06:22
sje46I'm there06:23
rabelaisis there any way to control a terminal that I don't have physical access to? (I didn't use screen on this terminal unfortunately)06:23
ZykoticK9sje46, see a IPv4 Settings tab?06:23
MobiusJediok, i'm tryin it the GUI way!06:23
sje46yes, ZykoticK906:23
ZykoticK9sje46, Method dropdown for Manual06:23
Loshapwnkiller: patience. The readme doesn't tell me much. I'm reading web pages looking for a way to install moonshine06:23
LoshaZenker: so how do people use moonshine?06:24
sje46 then I just add an IP address?  off the top of my head?06:24
bugaloohi there! I just buyed a conversor usb->ide (allows to plug an IDE harddisk on a usb port). I'm trying to make it work, but when I plug it, it recognizes the device (/dev/sdb) but it didn't recognize any partitions on harddisk. My dmesg is in http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/NHeaAS1K    if someone could take a look, thanks06:24
ZenkerLosha idk, im learning right along w pwnkiller :)06:24
Zenkeri was helping as well06:24
sje46I'm there ZykoticK906:24
ZykoticK9sje46, it will have to be a 192.168.1.X where X is the machine IP06:24
ZykoticK9sje46, netmask will be - and gateway
sje46ZykoticK9, so this IP would only apply for my laptop?06:25
Loshapwnkiller: Zenker: is this it? http://abock.org/moonshine/06:25
ZykoticK9sje46, yes06:25
sje46how do I find X?06:25
ZykoticK9sje46, make it up 35 for example06:25
jera_meehow to enable my integrated cam?06:25
Loshapwnkiller: where did you get the source code from?06:26
abhi_navbugaloo: same problem with me. i think check health of your hdd.06:26
labyrinth1965can i drag more than one at a time from sansa to Rhythmbox...lol06:26
Loshapwnkiller: Zenker: so can you install it from that site?06:26
sje46ZykoticK9, two digits, though?06:26
bugalooabhi_nav, my hdd works fine in another machine, usgin a "normal" ide connection06:26
chdhow do I run wireshark as root?06:26
ZykoticK91-254 are valid sje4606:26
Zenkeryou can only dl it06:26
bugaloochd, use gksu06:26
abhi_navbugaloo: hmmm06:26
Spaztic_Oneyou still present?06:27
LoshaSpaztic_One: yes, but a bit busy at the moment...06:27
Spaztic_OneAh, ok.06:27
sje46alright, ZykoticK9 , did it06:27
Spaztic_OneWhen you have a moment, and are willing to lend assistance, it would be appreciated.06:27
bugalooabhi_nav, did you get success with any hdd?06:28
ZykoticK9sje46, in a terminal try "sudo service networking restart" but it will disconnect you from IRC here!!!06:28
Loshapwnkiller: Zenker: ok, I've downloaded it and got as far as you did. Let me read some docs...06:28
abhi_navbugaloo: yes06:28
pwnkiller:) k06:28
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abhi_navbugaloo: :P06:29
sje46ZykoticK9, what will this do?  Also...is this also how I can change the password to the wifi router?06:29
ZykoticK9sje46, if it doesn't work - set the network back to DHCP/automatic06:29
sje46I know it probably isn't06:29
ZenkerLosha from what im gathering it needs moonlight and 2 know where moonlight is06:29
bugalooabhi_nav, how much time for "scanning" the hdd? is it much time? like minutes or seconds?06:29
abhi_navbugaloo: no. normal operatios.06:29
ZykoticK9sje46, it will restart your networking and thus switch to your new static settings06:29
kasunI have a problem regarding enabling microphones in ubuntu06:30
ZykoticK9sje46, password router - dunno depends on your router06:30
kasundoes anyone there to help?06:30
bugalooabhi_nav, thanks, I'm going to try another hdd06:30
abhi_navbugaloo: hmm best of luxk :D06:30
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: what can we help you with?06:30
abhi_nav!ask | kasun06:30
ubottukasun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:30
rabelaisis there a way to redirect a /dev/pts/X so it can be controlled elsewhere?06:31
sje46ZykoticK9, restart: Unknown instance:06:31
lucid_intervalrabelais: screen?06:31
ZykoticK9sje46, are you using karmic?06:31
Spaztic_Onelucid_interval: Oh, hello. I am having technical difficulties in regards to sound. I have currently gotten it to where multiple programs can output sound simultaneously, but it appears to have disabled my microphone.06:31
sje46ZykoticK9, I am indeed06:31
rabelaislucid_interval: screen will do it if I launched it ahead of time, I need something where screen wasn't launched06:32
ZykoticK9sje46, dunno why that didn't work?  guess you can try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"06:32
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: did you try the simple things like ensuring recording volume is not muted under 'Capture' in Volume control?06:32
kasunthis is regarding to enabling microphones in ubuntu. I tried to skype in my laptop(hp dv5) but my earphone is not turned on. My webcam is on, but not earphone. Device is recognized and headphone mic is picked correctly. Any help regarding this?06:33
bugalooabhi_nav, another hdd plugged right now... still doesn't work :(06:33
Loshapwnkiller: Zenker: hmm, doesn't look good. Looks like a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9/+bug/27395606:33
abhi_navbugaloo: ????06:34
sje46 * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                          Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.                                                                  [ OK ]06:34
indusis there any bad company 2 channel06:34
indusor ea channel06:34
sje46I didn't lose internet, ZykoticK906:34
abhi_navbugaloo: you are dual booting?06:34
ZenkerLosha ahhh i see, its for an olderversion of firefox i think06:34
bugalooabhi_nav, no06:35
ZykoticK9sje46, it also didn't work.  type "ifconfig" is your ip the one you set?06:35
abhi_navbugaloo: which company case is that? is it supported in linux?06:35
LoshaZenker: pwnkiller: the bugs been open since 2008. I think it's a ubuntu packaging error....06:35
infexionhas anyone experienced a problem with video playback in ubuntu specifically the hue seems to be messed up06:35
abhi_navbugaloo: mine is something like amtech (dont rememer exact) but it works06:35
Spaztic_Onelucid_interval: Oh, thats bizarre. It apparently got muted. Thank you. Now my current issue is trying to get Teamspeak 3 to recognize my mic while using ubuntu. It also isn't wanting to work with outputting audio either.06:36
abhi_navinfexion: try using vlc06:36
LoshaZenker: pwnkiller: libxul-unstable doesn't appear to be available for ubuntu...06:36
ZykoticK9infexion, are you using nvidia?  and do you have mplayer installed?06:36
ZenkerLosha pwnkiller perhaps thers a better program since the report ahs been unanswerd for so long06:36
techzgis there a way to know the execution time of a c program in milli-seconds in gcc06:36
indusis there any bad company 2 channel06:36
lucid_intervalrabelais: yes, u r right :-( do you want to do this repeatedly, or just this once ?06:36
infexionabhi_nav: I am using vlc06:36
indusas in the game bad company06:36
abhi_navinfexion: :-(06:36
bugalooabhi_nav, I have no idea, lol06:36
sje46ZykoticK9,   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:  <--I used
infexionZukotick9: I am using nvidia06:36
rwwindus: For channel searches, use the `alis' services bot. Usage information: /msg alis help06:36
lucid_intervalrabelais: I mean, can you do a "setup" - e.g. with ttysnoop (http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/ttysnoop/) and then use that subsequently on future occasions?06:37
abhi_navbugaloo: no idea? name of product and company is written on the box06:37
infexionI am getting a strange blue hue on all my videos unless I go in and change the hue to 0 for each video06:37
rabelaislucid_interval: just once...I have an important matlab process that I lost the display for...but the process is still on, so I just need to get access to the pts, save, and reboot06:37
infexionwhich is not a great way of doing things06:37
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: first I gotta understand what teamspeak3 is :-)06:37
rabelaislucid_interval: it's just a rescue mission06:37
ZykoticK9sje46, there seems to be another problem with your network!  that wlan=wlan0 or whatever wasn't a good message.  Have you been trying various things to get this to work?06:37
bugalooactually, I can't find the name of company... there is only "usb 2.0 to sata/ide adapter"06:37
techzgis there a way to know the execution time of a c program in milli-seconds in gcc06:38
Spaztic_Onelucid_interval: Are you actually asking, or is that a subtle way of telling me to try and find someone else to help me? >.>06:38
abhi_navbugaloo: on the box, in the manual, etc etc somewhere? so that it wll be helpful to find out if it supports linux or no06:38
bugalooabhi_nav, but you see... it detects "anything"... did you see my dmesg paste?06:38
sje46ZykoticK9, uhhh...nopt that I know of.  The only thing I tried was change the port number for transmission06:38
ZenkerLosha thank you for helping :)06:38
LoshaZenker: pwnkiller: Ah.  apt-get install xulrunner-1.9-dev gets me past the first error, but now there are new errors. This could go on all night. Did pwnkiller give up?06:38
abhi_navbugaloo: give me the link06:38
bugalooabhi_nav, please: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/NHeaAS1K06:38
ZykoticK9sje46, i'd go back into the network settings and undo the changes we made if i where you.06:38
ZenkerLosha i think he may be awk06:39
bugalooabhi_nav, it seems to detect the hdd... but not the partitions... but i'm not sure about what I should see on dmesg06:39
LoshaZenker: awk?06:39
abhi_navbugaloo: i dont know about dmsg. but tell me if your hdd is listed in /meddia06:40
bugalooabhi_nav, it isn't06:40
abhi_nav /media06:40
lucid_intervalrabelais: so just this once :-( I guess it isn't easy - there seems to be a complex way using gdb - see here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249703/how-can-a-process-intercept-stdout-and-stderr-of-another-process-on-linux06:40
sje46ZykoticK9, okay...I deleted it, I guess06:40
Zenkerlosha away from keyboard, but he isnt06:40
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: nothing so subtle / complex. just googling for teamspeak306:40
pwnkillernop here!06:40
=== cowok_setya is now known as ce_sombong
LoshaZenker: pwnkiller: Ah.  apt-get install xulrunner-1.9-dev gets me past the first error, but now there are new errors. This could go on all night.06:40
bugalooabhi_nav, there are a few "usb" "usb1" usb2 on /media... but everyone is empty06:40
abhi_navbugaloo: add yourself to usb group. i dont remember the exact name of the usb group06:40
pwnkilleri'm here06:41
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ZykoticK9sje46, you should probably restart your system and verify everything is working correctly (i certainly hope it is)06:41
abhi_navbugaloo: that usb, usb1 etc are not partitions of your hdd?06:41
Zenkerpwnkiller how about Linuxmediaplayer?06:41
bugalooabhi_nav, they're all empty06:41
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rabelaislucid_interval: thanks for the point, I'll look around...it's a shame it's not easier to do, I thought retty would be exactly what I was looking for, but it turns out it's only fir i386....sigh06:41
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abhi_navbugaloo: no not empty etc that not needed. what i want is what they are?06:42
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Spaztic_Onelucid_interval: Ah, ok. As I'm sure it matters (since it was how I fixed my earlier sound problems), here is the site I got instructions from: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html    Also worth noting, I'm using Karmic06:42
LoshaZenker: pwnkiller: apt-get install libglib2.0-dev gets me past the 2nd error. I now have a makefile!06:42
bugalooabhi_nav, I missed the point06:42
sje46ZykoticK9, okay, in a little bit.  thanks :)06:42
ZykoticK9sje46, :)06:43
LoshaZenker: pwnkiller: It built! I have no idea what to do with however....06:43
abhi_navbugaloo: if they are the partitions of your that ide-cum-usb hdd then your hdd is detected06:43
LoshaSpaztic_One: still got microphone issues?06:43
Zenkerlosha rofl, good job :)06:43
bugalooabhi_nav, I know... it seems to detect my hardware, but still can't mount it anywhere06:43
sje46ZykoticK9, this will change my external IP?06:43
ZykoticK9sje46, no - you can't change your external IP06:44
abhi_navbugaloo: manual mount it06:44
pwnkillerk will try06:44
* sje46 is confused. I can't?06:44
bugalooabhi_nav, how? there is no /dev/sdb1 or anything like that06:44
Spaztic_OneLosha: It was simply muted, but it is being recognized by Ubuntu, however, I am having issues getting other programs (though I have only tried one) to use it06:44
lucid_intervalrabelais: retty seems to be exactly what you need. I also couldn't find an amd64 deb. But the source debs are there - want to compile?06:45
abhi_navbugaloo: what about lsusb results?06:45
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bugaloo abhi_nav, Bus 001 Device 009: ID 152d:2338 JMicron Technology Corp. / JMicron USA Technology Corp. JM20337 Hi-Speed USB to SATA & PATA Combo Bridge06:46
Zenkerlusha so now we just type 'makeinstall' or is ther something else we need with that command?06:46
abhi_navbugaloo: no paste the whole result of lsusb06:46
rabelaislucid_interval: you're not going to believe it...but the guys that wrote retty actually used i386 bytecode in their application....*grumbles*06:46
Spaztic_OneLosha and lucid_interval :: I just tried recording using the "sound recorder" app. It works there, no problem. I am going to assume something somewhere in TeamSpeak 3 is causing, or find fault somewhere.06:46
bugalooabhi_nav, ok, just a sec06:46
abhi_navbugaloo: connect your hdd and check lsusb result and then remove your hdd and then check lsusb result. and be sure that lsusb detects your hdd06:47
indusrww, thanks and hi06:47
lucid_intervalrabelais: :-( *amazing*06:47
bugalooabhi_nav, with hdd connected: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/qs34Ksga06:47
LoshaZenker: pwnkiller: ok, that's enough moonlight for me tonight. The rest is up to you guys...06:47
indusbest is dmesg | tail for more mesasges bugaloo abhi_nav06:48
Zenkerthank you losha06:48
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: I would also agree... the teamspeak 3 support FAQ doesn't have much that is enlightening me...06:48
LoshaSpaztic_One: run alsamixer and make sure you enable mic, mic1 and anything labelled capture...06:48
LoshaZenker: welcome!06:48
bugalooabhi_nav, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/qAsYADMm  not connected06:48
pwnkillerty losha06:48
LoshaZenker: sudo make install...06:48
rabelaislucid_interval: that's ok...the gdb hack makes sense...I think I can pull it off06:48
bugalooindus, I tried... I just pasted my dmesg here06:48
abhi_navbugaloo: do what indus is saying06:49
indusno ,dont follow me blindly06:49
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: did you read this: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=faq&cat=client&rate=47#howto_fix_alsa_problems06:49
bugalooabhi_nav, my first paste was my dmesg output06:49
abhi_navbugaloo: no not dmesg. its dmesg | tail see indus's last msg06:50
indusyeah the end of kernel messages with dmesg | tail06:50
bugalooalready did it06:50
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: under that I saw the following: Telling ALSA your game only needs playback06:50
lucid_intervalNow, to enable your game to play sound you have to tell ALSA that your game will not need to record sound or anything - else ALSA will refuse to give your game the capability to play sounds, since TeamSpeak already has the rights to record, and no two programs should be able to. Issue these commands as root:06:50
lucid_intervalecho 'quake3.x86 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss06:50
lucid_intervalecho 'quake3.x86 0 0 disable' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss06:50
FloodBot4lucid_interval: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
lucid_intervalsorry for the "flood" :-(06:51
bugalooabhi_nav, indus, this is the output: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/zLpbRxwB06:51
indusdont use the q3 installer, its horrible06:51
induslucid_interval, use the ioquake3 installer for installing q306:51
recomhello there I looking for help06:51
theadminrecom: Ask the question straight away06:51
bugalooI'm following the dmesg messages, this is all I get when I connect the hdd06:51
induslucid_interval, http://ioquake3.org/06:51
nmvictoris debian the only linux that can run in my iBook which is a ppc?06:52
lucid_intervalindus: thx - was actually looking up for Spaztic_one06:52
techzgdoes 0m0.012s mean 0.012 milli-seconds?06:52
indusbugaloo, seems to detect fine, so what is the problem exactly ? doesnt show up ?06:52
recomi have intel board w/82945g and cant find driver to change resolution06:52
theadmintechzg: Err, 12 millisecs06:52
Spaztic_Onelucid_interval: I have not read that yet but will do so. losha: I checked, everything was good, as far as I could tell06:52
induslucid_interval, ok do forward him the link06:53
techzgtheadmin: ok06:53
silv3r_m00n1how to check graphics memory in ubuntu ?06:53
bugalooindus, yes... doesn't show up... there are files on this hdd, but I can't see it... not even partitions, like fdisk -l /dev/sdb doesn't show anything06:53
bugaloosilv3r_m00n1, you mean graphics about memory usage?06:54
abhi_navbugaloo: which kernel06:54
MrAlexandrohi. i am trying to upload a .ods file to google docs. but all my preferences are deleted once it is uploaded. formating seems non excistent. is there a prefered way to format the file before uploading it to google Docs? is there a convertion extention that will help keep the format of the file created in open office?06:54
bugalooabhi_nav, 2.6.31-20-generic06:54
lucid_intervalSpaztic_one: check out mesgs from indus - use ioquake3 to install q3 (http://ioquake3.org)06:54
silv3r_m00n1bugaloo: no , graphics memory or may be video memory .......like my intel motherboard has 256mb onboard graphics memory06:54
silv3r_m00n1bugaloo: so where do I check it06:54
nmvictoris debian the only linux that can run in my iBook which is a ppc?06:54
rwwnmvictor: There's a community-supported PPC port of Ubuntu. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ06:55
bugaloosilv3r_m00n1, hm... not sure... I'd look "lspci" and get the board model06:55
lucid_intervalnmvictor: AFAIK, yes. There used to be YDL - don't know if they still release stuff any more06:55
rwwabhi_nav: PowerPC. Old Macs, mainly.06:55
theadminnmvictor: Ubuntu is debian-based and has a pocket-pc release, so i think it will work for you06:55
abhi_navrww: hmm06:55
theadminrww: ppc is also pocket-pc06:55
lucid_intervaltheadmin: powerpc,06:55
rwwtheadmin: not when the message talks about iBooks, it isn't :)06:56
stevr1ithello. i have ubuntu Karmic, yesterday it did not started stopping looking for mounting hte partiotion with the home directory. at the moment using the laptop through ubuntu 9.04 ona flash card, live verison, can you help me to to find it and mount it again?06:56
theadminarrrrgh! How to make that stupid "Disable/enable touchpad" button work in Ubuntu?06:56
almoxarifehttp://goo.gl/2SS1 <-- god I miss the good ole days06:57
bugaloook... abhi_nav, see that... I just found on my syslog file> usbmount[10664]: cannnot execute /lib/udev/vol_id06:57
bugalooany idea what that means?06:57
almoxarifewrong channel, sorry06:57
abhi_navbugaloo: see if this helps: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/usb-to-ide-broken-harddisk-660660/06:57
nmvictortheadmin: lucid_interval rww , i hope i can have ubuntu or something else in my iBook, debian is let say 4BK, 4 releases before karmic in terms of develpment and updates, i think it lucks support so i just dont loke iit06:57
Spaztic_Onelucid_interval: I am not currently looking to run TS3 with a game or anything. I am trying to get it to run by itself.06:57
lucid_intervalnmvictor: but I can recommend Debian (and in particular Ubuntu) on the Mac. I recently installed Jaunty-PPC on a powerbook. Install was clean and easy. MOST things work (still having some issues with suspend).06:58
bugalooabhi_nav, it seems to be a bit more detailed than dmesg output: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mPK4z6ir06:58
abhi_navbugaloo: see me lst msg06:58
infexionBack again and I still have found nothing useful about this video hue bug06:58
infexiondoes anyone know anything about it?06:59
nmvictorlucid_interval: thanks but i'll try ubuntu, debian just sucks!!06:59
lucid_intervalnmvictor debian lacks support *horror* :-) Ubuntu works decently on PowerPC. For some things (e.g. suspend, fiddling with keyboard mapping) you can look at the community documentation06:59
bugalooabhi_nav, reading06:59
recomi installed karmic koala today on intel board (45gccr) but display works only for 800x600. TIA07:00
abhi_navbugaloo: hmm i found more pages07:00
abhi_navbugaloo: it says that may be partition table is damaged07:00
abhi_navyah wrong channel i know07:00
theadminalmoxarife: Stop spamming will you07:00
lucid_intervalnmvictor: Debian (raw) may be beginner-unfriendly, or a bit conservative in terms of updates or a bit minimalist in terms of installer. but the core of debian is exactly the same as the core of ubuntu07:01
bugalooabhi_nav, but as I said... the hdd works fine with a ide connection on my desktop computer07:01
bugalooI'm trying to use it on my laptop07:01
abhi_navbugaloo: hmm07:01
bugalooabhi_nav, the first link you gave me... the guy didn't get a solution, right?07:01
nmvictorlucid_interval: i was even looking into how to install System rescue cd, Gentoos dist, if it meant having something07:01
abhi_navbugaloo: check hdd: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk07:01
lucid_intervalnmvictor: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ07:01
Spaztic_Onerecom: Go to System -> administration -> hardware drivers. Is there anything on the list?07:02
theadminWhat on earth was this just now: "(10:00:53 AM) mode (+oooo FloodBot3 FloodBot1 FloodBot1 FloodBot4) by ChanServ" What kinda mode is that?07:04
Spaztic_OneThat is it setting ops to multiple users simultaneously.07:04
bugalooabhi_nav, I just installed the testdisk... it doesn't even detect the hdd on usb07:04
theadminSpaztic_One: Ah...07:04
recomi have intel board w/82945g and cant find driver to change resolution07:04
indusbugaloo, works in windows?07:04
abhi_navbugaloo: hmm them most probaly some setting with your that ide to usb case is wrong07:05
bugalooindus, I have no windows on my laptop07:05
Spaztic_Onetheadmin: Yeah. I don't know what it keeps doing with this plus and minus j though.07:05
recomi have ony karmic07:05
abhi_navbugaloo: check all connection and/or settins on and/or inside that case07:05
indusbugaloo, hmm i read in an above comment , this HDD WORKS in ide07:05
theadminSpaztic_One: lol yeah but it does that too often, used to it already07:05
bugalooindus, in another computer07:05
indusbugaloo, maybe hardware problem with usb headers?07:06
bugalooindus, I though so, but dmesg detects the hdd, and all other devices works fine, like pendrives or something :(07:06
Spaztic_Onetheadmin: YEah, I just dunno what the j parameter is. O is ops, v is voice m is mute (channel) but no idea what j is07:06
bugalooI didn't want to do that, but I have a free partition here, maybe I should install windows xp do try it only to see if it works :(07:07
indusbugaloo,yeah did you try manually mounting it07:07
Spaztic_OneUh oh. Looks like FloodBot2 has gone rogue.07:07
theadminSpaztic_One: And what is "5:10"?07:07
theadminSpaztic_One: Apart from equivalent of 0.507:07
=== jono is now known as Guest70636
bugalooindus, I can't mount it mannually because there is no device like /dev/sdb1 or anything like that07:07
Seveas-trainSpaztic_One: -J means join limit. 5:10 drive a calculation that sets the join limit07:07
indusbugaloo, ok try this, power it off, then restart pc, then after bootup07:07
Spaztic_Onetheadmin: Yea, again, no idea. I'd say a time, but its way off, as far as I can tell.07:07
indusbugaloo, power on etc07:07
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, where you trying to get Q3 sound working?07:08
recomi installed karmic koala today on intel board (945gccr) but display works only for 800x600. Any ideas ?TIA07:08
bugalooI'll try it on another laptop using windows vista07:08
Spaztic_OneZykoticK9: Not that I know of. I'm having input and output issues with TeamSpeak3. I don't know what Q3 is.07:09
bugaloolet you guys to know the results in a few minutes07:09
abhi_navbugaloo: ok i am leaving. best of luck. bye. bye indus07:09
sine`yawn morning07:09
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, i just saw people talking about ioquake and using the quake3 sound fix.  if you're aren't talking about Quake3 (Q3) then nevermind ;)07:09
Spaztic_OneZykoticK9: Ah, ok. Thanks anyways then. =)07:10
CloCkWeRXstupid user question: I'm told NFS is insecure (in that any machine can mount a server which is listening) - I'm reading about fstab and "sec=krb5p" mode at the moment - does that imply that the server can manage things (via Kerberos) much in the same way you'd manage ssh allowed certificates?07:11
amit1_Is it possible to install Steam and all the associated games in 9.10?07:11
CloCkWeRXany tutorials / ubuntu specific background info you'd all recommend07:12
Spaztic_Onerecom: I am researching, trying to find drivers for you, and currently Intel's site is being quite circular.07:12
bugalooindus, maybe it's an ubuntu problem :(   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usbmount/+bug/47848707:12
VigoIs it suggested to encrypt the /home folder and or do BSD Jails work in a like manner?07:12
mcgvachmm not all games but a select few07:12
theadminamit1_: Yes, use WINE (see winehq.org) but i can't gurantee the normal work07:12
ZykoticK9CloCkWeRX, no idea about the Kerberos part - but NFS can be configured to only share to specific IPs or IP ranges07:12
indusbugaloo, yes adding the line usb_device sometims works07:12
indusbugaloo, tried that?07:12
indusbugaloo, in modules07:12
recomi compile some drivers but no work07:13
bugalooindus, I didn't07:13
theadminamit1_: hl2, for instance, works sweeet, portal doesn't work at all07:13
=== exn is now known as vizzord
ZykoticK9Vigo, encrypted file systems have nothing in common to BSD jails - they are totally different things07:13
indusbugaloo, wait 1 sec let me ssee07:13
bugalooindus, I have usb_storage module on "lsmod"07:13
indusbugaloo, ah you have?07:13
VigoZykoticK9: Thank you.07:13
bugaloojust checked it07:14
indusbugaloo, hmm insmod usb_storage07:14
amit1_theadmin: so steam games like counterstrike source, insurgency mod etc work as well?07:14
bugaloousb_storage is already loaded07:14
indusbugaloo, did you try powercycling07:14
ZykoticK9Vigo, personally unless you do work for the CIA i wouldn't use encryption, but that's just me07:14
indusbugaloo, turn off the device, reboot, then turn it on when it boots to ubuntu07:14
theadminamit1_: check appdb.winehq.org for details07:14
bugalooindus, I'm trying in another laptop right now07:15
bugaloousing ubuntu 9.10 also07:15
bugaloosame problem07:15
Spaztic_Onerecom: A silly question, but, have you updated your system since you installed Karmic? It can be done here "System -> Administration -> Update Manager" If you have not.07:15
theadminI keep getting wireless signals from weird places, but i have NO WIRELESS ADAPTER attached... lol what the heck07:15
indusbugaloo, i suggest try this on  a friends windows machine07:15
VigoZykoticK9: I usually wipe the system every month and start over, no data is online that I do not want online, no CIA, but,,,,,,07:15
bugalooindus, going to do that right now :)07:16
indusbugaloo, maybe some buggy HDD07:16
Spaztic_Onetheadmin: Your computer is just that amazing.07:16
indusbugaloo, yes right now !07:16
Spaztic_Onetheadmin: =D07:16
Vigopoint taken.07:16
itheoshey what should be in the "/etc/modprobe.d/options" so that my uvc webcam works?07:16
indusbugaloo, is your nick an animal name?07:16
induslike big baloo07:16
sieIs there musca window manager in repos somewhere?07:16
bugalooindus, lol... no... it's a character in a child tv show, I think07:17
recomSpaztic_One: the system is up to date07:17
bugaloobut I'm not sure why the character uses it :D07:17
theadminSpaztic_One: :D07:17
recomSpaztic_One: In fact i download restrited07:17
itheosi did this --> sudo modprobe uvcvideo and got this --> WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release. the conf file is blank. maybe thats why the cam doesnt work07:18
recomSpaztic_One: In fact i download restrited repositories and no luck07:18
theadminitheos: try "sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/options /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf"07:18
macoitheos: its unrelated07:18
theadminitheos: (I think it just complains about wrong filename lol)07:19
itheos:D thanks07:19
recomSpaztic_One: On display preferences showme unknown07:19
itheostheadmin, thanks and the file is blank. is it right?07:19
recomSpaztic_One: xorg.conf was blank07:19
macoitheos: that there are config files that need to be renamed in future versions is all its saying. that does *not* affect the command you are doing now, it simply was a good context for it to give the warning. when you upgrade to the next version of ubuntu is when that change will be necessary, and the upgrade will do it for you anyway07:19
theadminitheos: Strange %)07:20
Bear10When i run X11 from CLI it says its not installed, yet im on Ubuntu Desktop07:20
Bear10and Synaptic says its installed, anyone got any ideas?07:20
bugalooindus, I'm really confuse right now, lol07:20
saurabhHi guys.. I have trouble getting my wireless to work.. this is my wireless device..saurabh@saurabh-laptop:~$ lspci | grep w07:20
itheosmaco, i upgraded to karmic this morning. same msg07:20
saurabh04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)07:20
indusbugaloo, why07:20
sine`Ok im having trouble understanding the concept of these sources. Ive used linux before in the past and i know they are trees of source code but i want to install dosbox and it says i have to use universal which is allready ticked on the software sources tab07:20
bugalooindus, windows vist just detected my hdd, it said: installing... then: "successful. you can use your new harddrive"07:21
macoitheos: i think the future version where it becomes necessary to have .conf is lucid07:21
indusbugaloo, yeah windows rocks07:21
bugaloobut still doesn't show up on file manager07:21
saurabhI followed steps on http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/159161-solved-wireless-ubuntu-9-10-lenovo-laptop.html07:21
indusbugaloo, lol oops07:21
Spaztic_Onerecom: I apologize, but I don't think I can help you. I will keep looking, but I make no promises.07:21
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indusbugaloo, it doesnt ? then return the HDD and get a new one :)07:21
indusbugaloo, some problem with it iam sure07:21
saurabhbut my STI driver isn't getting loaded at boot time! :(07:21
Spaztic_Onerecom: There is probably someone here who can help you though.07:22
indusbugaloo, you mean, under my computer you cant see it?07:22
bugalooindus, I've tried 3 different harddisks... and I can use it on my desktop computer :(07:22
itheosmaco, 6 more months u mean?07:22
bugalooI don't believe this is a hardware problem with my hdd07:22
macoitheos: lucid comes out next month07:22
saurabhcan anyone help?07:22
indusbugaloo, you can use this on another comp? what make is this hdd07:22
basncyExcuse me ,I found a statement of "#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 "that appeared in the first line of a .c source file,but _GNU_SOURCE did not appeared in any other place.What is the usage of this line?07:22
theadminBleh! I'll repeat the previous question. How to get that stupid "Disable/enable touchpad" button to work under Ubuntu? Asus A6Rp, Karmic.07:22
recomSpaztic_One: thanks in advance. Any help is good. i'm all ears07:23
bugalooindus, I can use it on my desktop computer, using a ide connection07:23
indusbugaloo, whats an ide connection07:23
bugalooindus, but I'd like to use it on my laptop using the conversor07:23
bugaloodirect connection... hdd to motherboard07:23
saurabhHi can anyone help me getting my wireless to work on 9.10?07:23
itheostheadmin, it works in my laptop07:23
indusbugaloo, hmm ok seems complex07:23
indusbugaloo, never done it, maybe that  s the issue ?07:24
indusbugaloo, any diagrams or pics i can see?07:24
Spaztic_Onesaurabh: Are you currently using the machine that it is installed on?07:24
bugalooindus, I'm sorry... about IDE? lol07:24
bugalooIDE is like a SATA/PATA connection07:24
indusbugaloo,about the connectrion07:24
bugaloojust that07:24
VigoBear10: Laptop ?07:24
saurabh@spaztic: yes.. But through wired connection07:24
recomSpaztic_One.Yesterday I install opensolaris and works @ 100% but LOW very low07:24
indusbugaloo, its a usb hard disk then how do you use ide to connect ?07:25
Sovieton kmouth wheres the command for speaking texts07:25
theadminitheos: Hm... weirdness... Well, i have some food to eat right now, will be back soon unless something goues wrong lol07:25
injais there any way to install creative xfi drivers?07:25
ortsvorsteher!wlan | saurabh07:25
ubottusaurabh: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:25
indusbugaloo, anyways i have to smoke :) see you later07:25
bugalooindus, I think you missed the beginning of my problem.. it's not a usb harddisk07:25
bugalooindus, it's a ide hdd and I'm using a conversor usb->ide07:25
bugaloook, see you then07:25
saurabh @Spaztic_One: yes.. But through wired connection07:26
saurabhdidnt get u @ortsvorsteher07:26
pwnkillerhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/58P5BjyB someone tell me what i'm doing wrong07:27
ortsvorstehersaurabh, did you followed the link ubottu gave you? does it help?07:27
Spaztic_Oneortsvorsteher: I would just like to mention that online documentation did not help me when I was trying to get my wireless to work. I ended up just having to move my tower to a hard connection where the update managed to get whatever was needed. It started working as soon as it got all of the needed updates.07:27
saurabhsee I followed http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/159161-solved-wireless-ubuntu-9-10-lenovo-laptop.html it addresses similar issue.. cause i knew its related to my broadcom wireless device..07:28
basncyanyone help me? I found a statement of "#define _GNU_SOURCE 1" that appeared in the first line of a C source file,but the _GNU_SOURCE did not appeared in any other place.What is the usage of this line?07:28
VigoBear10: I found a page on Jaunty and such that discusses that, still looking,,,,07:28
bugaloopwnkiller, did you try using root/sudo?07:28
vicsar 07:28
ortsvorsteherSpaztic_One, whas there somethin wrong in documentation?07:28
KutakizukariI'm trying to make a directory with command "mkdir ~/Sites/contrib/" but it returns "cannot create directory `/home/username/Sites/contrib': No such file or directory". What is going on?07:28
saurabhortsvorsteher:see I followed http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/159161-solved-wireless-ubuntu-9-10-lenovo-laptop.html it addresses similar issue.. cause i knew its related to my broadcom wireless device..07:28
KutakizukariEven when I try it with sudo07:29
rwwKutakizukari: does ~/Sites/ exist?07:29
ortsvorstehersaurabh, does it work now?07:29
Spaztic_Oneortsvorsteher: no, it was that none of the suggested worked. I honestly have no idea why.07:29
pwnkilleryes... did you look at the terminal display i pasted on http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/58P5BjyB07:29
Kutakizukarirww, no do I need to make it first?07:29
rwwKutakizukari: either make it first, or use mkdir -p ~/Sites/contrib/07:29
rwwKutakizukari: (-p means "make Parent directories as needed")07:30
Kutakizukarirww, what does the -p stand for?07:30
saurabhortsvorsteher: nope. Seems like the driver is not getting loaded.. cause it does show in my system > administration > hardware drivers.. but its not activated and nothing happens even if i click on activate07:30
pwnkillerroot/sudo... thats the sudo command correct?07:30
bugaloopwnkiller, it seems to me you're using a user  "eric"07:30
Kutakizukarirww, thank you07:30
sine`whats the easiest way to mount a cd image, that img being ubuntu because i cant access it as a cd from the package manager as i install it via USB07:30
bugaloopwnkiller, ok... try "sudo make" instead "make"07:30
rwwubottu: iso | sine`07:30
ubottusine`: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:30
bugaloosee what happens07:30
ortsvorsteherSpaztic_One, and your system sees the hardware in lsusb/lspci ?07:30
pwnkillerk i'll see what happens07:30
saurabhortsvorsteher: I thought adding wl to /etc/modules would do it07:30
Spaztic_Oneortsvorsteher: Yep.07:31
ortsvorstehersaurabh, yes, this will be a part of the work...07:31
Spaztic_Oneortsvorsteher: It is PCI, btw.07:31
abraham_does anyone know how to fix no sound issue in 9.1007:31
ortsvorsteherSpaztic_One, and in hardware drivers are some drivers to activate?07:31
sine`hte mountpoint is that the name of the mount07:32
sine`or where it will virtually be07:32
sine`can i get an exampke07:32
Spaztic_Oneortsvorsteher: There were before I had Update Manager run, but currently, with my system updated, it only has a driver listed for my graphics card.07:32
ortsvorstehersaurabh, my wlan devices works in ubuntu 8.04 and i dont know you hardware details, so i cannot help. sorry. i also followed the procedure and it worked for me07:32
saurabhortsvorsteher: Ohh! so do i have to wait untill lucid is out?07:32
clrgsine`: sudo mount -o loop /home/user/cd.iso /mnt/mountedcdimage07:32
sine`sudo mount -o loop ubuntu.iso /etc/mnt/myvirtualcd07:32
Spaztic_Oneortsvorsteher: It is odd, but I'm not complaining as long as it works.07:33
sine`i was right is07:33
ortsvorstehersaurabh, i dont hope so. is your device blacklisted?07:33
saurabhortsvorsteher: 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01) thats the O/P of my lspci | grep w07:33
theadminYeah i'm back07:34
saurabhortsvorsteher: how do i check if it is blacklisted?07:34
ortsvorstehersaurabh, did you look at the blacklist/whitelist? if not, have a look...07:34
saurabhortsvorsteher: No i didn't.. how to access it?07:35
sine`mount point does not exist07:35
ortsvorstehersaurabh, i looked at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de if you are not familiar with german language, you have to find an english ubuntu forum07:35
sine`do i have to create a file07:35
saurabhohh okay.. so ur german :) i'll take a look at the english version :)07:36
GSF1200Sare all ssh connections encrypted?07:36
pwnkillerok didnt work07:36
clrgGSF1200S: Yes07:36
demonsporkGSF1200S, yes07:36
ortsvorstehersine`, for an mountpoint just create an directory07:36
vegai put pidgin in "startup applications", after next logout it gets deleted from the list, why?07:36
sine`ortsvorsteher: ok how do i do that in comand like mkdir ?07:36
ortsvorstehersaurabh, hope you find somethin07:36
GSF1200Sclrg, demonspork: cool, so I dont have to do anything.. Im new to ssh07:37
saurabhI hope so too! :(07:37
ortsvorstehersine`, mkdir mountpoint07:37
ortsvorstehersine`, change befor to dir where you like to create it, may you have to use sudo if the dir is under root07:37
bugaloopwnkiller, it says you have no "npupp.h" file. try google to find out what package provides it07:37
sine`can i not just do mkdir /mnt/mountpoint07:38
sine`rather than change to that dir07:38
Jon-Strange issue! I cannot access a certain Flash chat plugin on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Flash websites do work alright, occasionally I do have some issue. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.07:38
ortsvorstehersine`, if you like, yes07:38
Spaztic_Onerecom: What is the manufacturer for your laptop again?07:38
ovidiuhow can i create/delete  files/folders on ubuntu?!07:39
rabelaisif I'm trying to redirect stdin of an application with gdp, should I use close/create or dup2?07:39
Jon-Whooopppss I am tired. That would be Java***07:39
clrgovidiu: Create a folder: "mkdir foldername" Delete a folder "rm -r foldername"07:39
theadminovidiu: The terminal way: create a folder: mkdir FOLDERNAME, delete: rm -r FOLDERNAME07:39
techzgon a gdb session on gcc, I typed 'break main' followed by 'run' and then 'next', the program is executing step-by-step. How do I make it to wait for my input for every step.07:39
alabd!touch | ovidiu07:39
alabd!rm | ovidiu07:39
ubottuovidiu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:39
ortsvorsteherovidiu, mkdir rmdir or touch and rm , read the man pages07:39
indusbugaloo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingUSBStorage07:40
theadminortsvorsteher: How on earth can touch work with folders?07:40
ovidiuthat's the only way?07:40
theadminovidiu: No, you can use the filemanager and right-click around07:40
ortsvorstehertheadmin, no way, rmdir can create files, thats what i said.07:40
Jon-Strange issue! I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright, occasionally I do have some issue. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.07:41
pwnkillerk thx07:41
ortsvorstehertheadmin, i gave mkdir, rmdir for folders and touch and rm thats what is needed for folders and files.07:41
wgrantovidiu: Does right-clicking on the folder and clicking 'Create Folder' not work?07:41
bugalooindus, ok, trying07:41
clrgovidiu: Press "Alt + F2" and type "Nautilus" and hit enter. That's the file manager. You can use it pretty much as Windows Explorer. Just right-click anywhere to create/delete/rename/whatever something.07:41
indusbugaloo, if at first you dont succeed, give up ! :D07:42
git__what is the best way to copy lots of files over to an external USB drive?07:42
git__"cp" only copies one file by one file07:42
clrggit__: Have a look at cp or crsync07:42
clrgrsync I meant, sorry07:42
git__i'm thinking of using tar gzip07:42
bugaloogit__, cp -R ?07:42
bugaloocp can copy so many files you want to07:42
clrggit__: cp -rp07:42
=== sean is now known as Guest63180
theadminAnyway, what on earth are "Examples" and "Templates" in $HOME after system install? They look useless07:42
Guest63180I need help running my broadcom eth1 card in moniter mode07:42
clrgtheadmin: if you don't like them, delete them07:43
git__when i use cp, my throughput is 2.5MB/s, compare to copying a big file at throughput of 18MB/s07:43
theadminclrg: Lol that's what i always do %) Just wonder what they are07:43
clrggit__: What did you use to measure the speed of cp?07:43
clrggit__: Try "pv filename >/mnt/usbstick/filename"07:44
clrggit__: That will show you the actual speed07:44
Guest63180how do I change my name?07:45
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright, occasionally I do have some issue. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.07:45
theadminGuest63180: /nick newname07:45
clrgGuest63180: Ask your government.07:45
bugalooclrg, lol07:45
=== Guest63180 is now known as zeto
induszeto, WELCOME07:46
zetohow do I run my broadcom driver in monitor mode07:46
* clrg has to leave now. Train arrived at destination =)07:46
zetonot driver, card07:46
SAngeliHi. lately I am unable to upgrade ubuntu as always get this error:  W: Errore nello scaricare http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pidgin/pidgin_2.4.1-1ubuntu2.8_i386.deb07:46
SAngeli  404 Not Found [IP: 80]07:46
SAngeliCan anyone please help?07:46
lunksSandGorgon, run apt-get update again07:47
wgrantSAngeli: Run 'apt-get update', or click the 'Reload' button in Synaptic.07:47
mtx_initsudo apt-get update07:47
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright, occasionally I do have some issue. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things,...07:47
Jon-...interact, etc. This EXACT page works fine, just not on Ubuntu. Please help).07:47
lunkszeto, you should try on finding that info on #aircrack-ng07:47
SAngeliwgrant: this is another error I get when from console I run what you said: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:48
wgrantSAngeli: You have another package management application open.07:48
wgranteg. Synaptic.07:48
wgrantIf you have it open, just click 'Reload' in it.07:49
SAngeliwgrant: yes sorry07:49
SandGorgonhey guys.. I'm having a shell script problem. I have generated a list of ruby gems and I install them using cat gem_list.txt |  xargs -t -d '\n' -I@ gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc @ . I get error which can only be explained by the script taking "gem_name --version=something" as a single name instead of two parameters. could someone help debug this please - http://paste.ubuntu.com/395502/07:50
ranjanhello every body few minits back i did an mistake i remove all the control from the fire fox even though i remove the addrese bar to can any body on this network can tell me by providing me the un do command so that i can get bach the addrese bar any help would be of great help .. thanks in advance07:50
SAngeliwgrant: so, this command all it does it updates correctly the database when I have issues like this, right?07:50
wgrantSAngeli: Right, it pulls down the latest package lists from the servers.07:51
SAngeliwgrant: thanks. Good day to you07:51
ArdethianIs there a terminal command or script that enables you to upload images to Imagshack.us?07:52
VigoSandGorgon: I do not know, but it seems like a mix Releases, have you tried #ruby?07:52
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...07:53
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).07:53
Spaztic_Oneranjan: Not sure if this is what you did or not, but try pressing F11. Pressing that key will hide / unhide the controls and address bar.07:53
Jon-ranjan: Right click on the gray space next to the File/Edit/... menus, select "Navigation Toolbar". Fix it?07:53
Bear10does ubuntu have a built in firewall?07:53
rwwubottu: ufw | Bear1007:53
ubottuBear10: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist07:53
ranjanjon: there are no such options i have already removed those07:54
snow_ruany en-en dictionary that I can apt-get install ?07:54
stchi all, after I did an upgrade of unbuntu 9.04 server and unknowingly the upgrade became ubuntu lucid. After booting the system, the boot sequence froze and prompted me with an error message "mountall : cannot connect to plymounth"... does anyone know what is is about !? and how to get round it !07:54
Bear10odd my port still isnt being picked up07:55
progesteroneQuestion: where can I download the source code of later Ubuntu kernel?07:55
rwwstc: Lucid support and discussion is in #ubuntu+1.07:56
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...07:57
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).07:57
stcrww: thks07:58
ranjandoes any body know how to bring back the navigation toll bar in fire fox07:58
progesteroneranjan toll bar?07:58
damaguHey all. Just wondering if someone can tell me how to access one linux machine from another on the same network?07:58
theadminranjan: View - Toolbars07:58
theadmindamagu: VNC?07:59
Zenkerdoes anyone know if there is a way to install the logitech mouse software or an equilivant?08:00
ortsvorsteherdamagu, you can install ssh-server on the system which you want to reach08:00
ranjani nstalled compact menu and unslected the toolbar to show up.. so it is giving me some troble along with that ..08:00
wolfGreetings. It's 4 AM where I am. Excuse me for the typos. I am trying to get a validity fingerprint sensor driver for fprint. It's an external device that came with digital persona. Any idea?08:01
damaguThanks guys I'll give it a try. Cheers08:01
=== toruk is now known as duluu
indusubuntu should split to 2 channels08:01
Zenkerthe mouse sw lets you select what the buttons controll, in windows i can set the side scroll buttons to controll the volume, or change what the up/down wheel does etc08:01
=== wolf is now known as therian
bugalooindus, I'm soooo ashamed08:02
Spaztic_OneAre PS3 wireless guitar controllers (for Guitar Hero) supported out-of-the-box on Karmic?08:02
indusbugaloo, forgot to connect some wire iam sure08:02
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...08:03
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).08:03
bugalooindus, not forgot to connect, but the problem was the power connector of the hdd  =x08:03
ArdethianIs there a terminal command or script that enables you to upload images to Imagshack.us?08:03
indusbugaloo, great08:03
therianHow do I get validity fingerprint sensor working?08:03
Spaztic_OneArdethian Why not just go to the website?08:03
ArdethianToo lazy for that.08:03
bugalooindus, yes... sorry about the wasting of time08:04
bugaloobut thanks a lot08:04
therianThis part/join thing  is annoying .08:04
Jon-Ardethian: Then spend 2-3 days learning bash and writing your own ;). Haha08:05
ArdethianLawl :P08:05
ArdethianOnly if you can't use it.08:06
Spaztic_OneI forgot, were the codecs for .WMV included in the "restricted codecs" pac?08:06
=== therian is now known as therianthrope
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...08:07
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).08:07
=== roscogruen is now known as rosco
progesteroneQuestion: how can I check which distribution (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/) latest Ubuntu use?08:07
wgrantprogesterone: Ubuntu *is* a distribution. What exactly do you mean?08:09
ArdethianProgrestone: http://www.ubuntu.com.08:10
Ardethian'nuf said.08:10
dyekHi! I added a bunch of CONFIG_* that I thought was necessary for Xen DomU support in Ubuntu linux-image kernel package in debian.master/config/i386/config.flavour.generic file. After "debian/rules updateconfigs" and created the .deb package, much of those added CONFIG_* disappeared from the package's config-* file. Are they disappearing because I added it to the wrong flavor config file? Or are they simply not supported by the kernel source from the pa08:11
dyekckage? I'm getting "Error: (2, 'Invalid kernel',..." when I launch the kernel as DomU. It seems to me that it is hopeless to try to recompile the Ubuntu kernel package hoping that it will fix the Xen DomU support. Does that sound correct?08:11
ArdethianUbuntu IS a distribution, maybe you mean the version.08:11
wgrantdyek: Mainline kernels do not have dom0 support. You can't enable a feature that isn't there.08:13
Elite_hi guys anyone feel like taking a shot at this ubuntu 9.10 32 bit with an ati mobility hd 5470 ref: http://forums.amd.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=310&threadid=12875208:14
dyekwgrant: I get Dom0 support in CentOS. I am trying to get DomU support in Ubuntu kernel. Debian kernel does support DomU.08:14
wgrantdyek: Using a horrible, huge, not-terribly-supportable set of patches that are not upstream.08:15
wgrantThere is work to get a pvops dom0 in the upstream kernel, but until then you are best to use another distro or Hardy.08:15
wgrantdomU support should be fine, though.08:15
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...08:15
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).08:16
BlackDalekIs this possible? I have a laptop dual booting windows xp and ubuntu 9.10. I want to make a disk image of the windows xp partition, create a virtual machine in virtual box under ubuntu and use the disk image created from XP as the virtual machine's hard disk. Then I want to delete the XP partition completely. Will this work?08:17
wgrantBlackDalek: Windows can be very picky about hardware.08:17
wgrantBlackDalek: It might work, but it might BSOD or die in other horrible ways.08:17
wgrantThat's probably more of a Windows question than an Ubuntu one.08:17
stevecamwgrant, no08:18
wgrantstevecam: Pardon?08:19
stevecamwgrant, the windows installed on your hard drive will run your computers hardware, not the hardware that your emulator has08:19
Zenkerdoes anyone use moonvidea, i need to change the screen resolution setting but i dont know how or if its possible08:19
wgrantstevecam: As I said, it *might* work, but it might not.08:19
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...08:19
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).08:19
wgrantI have had it go both ways.08:19
dyekwgrant: Not sure if I understand you. I am using a recent Xen Hypervisor package from gitco.de, which appears to be working. Debian's kernel works as DomU. It appears to me that Ubuntu's kernel is missing DomU support. Ubuntu kernel team discussed the problem here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2010-February/008716.html, but I tried that CONFIG_M586TSC and CONFIG_M686 aren't the issue. The issue appears to be something else -- probably08:20
dyekmaking it difficult to enable DomU support rebuilding Ubuntu's kernel source package.08:20
stevecamwgrant, it wont without heavy modification, and you would have to really know what you are doing as you would have to mess around with a lot of undocumented windows crap08:20
wgrantstevecam: Not necessarily.08:21
=== horndog_ is now known as horndog
damaguHey guys can someone tell me if it's possible to mount the harddrive of one machine from another via the network so that shows up in nautilus?08:21
meatbun◕ ◡ ◕08:21
stevecambut if you want to work it out try looking at some of the installation scripts on your windows cd08:21
wgrantstevecam: I'm not the one who wants to know this.08:22
wgrantdyek: You might want to ask #ubuntu-kernel.08:22
stevecamoh, who wants to know it08:22
wgrantstevecam: BlackDalek08:22
wgrantBut I have done it successfully without any extra work.08:23
wgrantIt really depends.08:23
dyekwgrant: Sure. Thanks!08:23
stevecamive never done it without any extra work08:23
Elite_i really need to get a working ubuntu for school etc... is there anyway truth to this : http://forums.amd.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=310&threadid=12875208:23
stevecamalways gives me BSOD's08:24
progesteroneQuestion: how can I know kernel version that latest Ubuntu is using?08:25
wgrantprogesterone: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux08:25
Zenkerwhere are the programs that install out of the repo stored?08:26
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...08:27
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).08:27
progesteronewgrant Thanks .... where can I check kernel version"08:27
wgrantprogesterone: You should see version numbers on that page.08:27
oriCan someone tell me how to get the password window before the computer logs in?08:27
OerHeksprogesterone, open terminal > uname -a08:27
wgrantZenker: The files go to various locations on the system -- the actually programs normally appear in /usr/bin, but 'dpkg -L <PACKAGENAME>' will show you all of the files.08:28
wgrantori: System->Administration->Login Screen might help.08:28
OerHeksmain kernel = 2.6.32-16.25 03-09-201008:28
Zenkerty wgrant do you happen 2 know wher the moonvidea is stored?08:28
oriwgrant: thanx08:28
wgrantZenker: I've never heard of such a thing. What is it.08:29
wgrantDo you mean Moovida, the media centre software?08:29
progesteronewgrant OerHeks Thanks08:29
alankilaJon-: if I would have to hazard a ridiculous guess, I'd bet that the applet is misprogrammed and refers to a java package with wrong capitalization of the name, but it works because win32 filesystems are case insensitive. The error, after all, is a "class not found" exception.08:29
Zenkerwgrant its a media center, its in the repo's u should check it out, im trying to fig out how 2 change the res to 1366x76808:30
wgrantZenker: That would be Moovida.08:30
Jon-alankila: You've got to be kidding me. Anyway to check this in the open Java console?08:30
wgrantI don't know how to use.08:30
alankilahowever, this might be completely wrong because it's probably a .jar, which is a .zip, and all loading in such an archive ought to go through its own implementation of filesystem. But, as I said, it's a ridiculous guess.08:30
alankilaJon-: don't know.,08:31
Zenkerwgrant sorry, fat fingers i guess :)08:31
Jon-alankila: I guess I should be in some sort of Java forum not Ubuntu. Anything on freenode?08:32
Jon-forum.. fail. It's so late. IRC.08:32
=== matteo is now known as Guest75579
meatbunhow to check # of ppl in a channel or list everyone's name in a channel?08:33
Jon-I cannot access a certain Java chat plugin (web applet) on a website that I can access on the same computer running Windows 7. Other Java websites do work alright. The error I get from the webpage is here : http://pastebin.com/6n6Ftpiq  Really weird. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it (I have a Java console window up I can dump things, interact, etc. This EXACT page works...08:35
Jon-...fine, just not on Ubuntu).08:35
Polterge|stcan anyone in here tell me what ubuntu uses to make the wifi radio button work  ?08:36
Polterge|stwhich dependencies or which app rather08:36
alankilaJon-: unaware. I'd suggest just giving up with the applet, it's unlikely anyone here can help you.08:36
alankilabut if you are feeling adventurous, download it and study it08:36
Elite_ati mobility hd radeon 5470 help please08:36
Polterge|stin sidux I have wicd but I am wondering if there is a separate application that allows wifi radar to work in ubuntu or if it is part of network manager08:36
Jon-alankila: Great, so dual boot back to Windows everything I want to use this website. That's helpful..08:36
Polterge|stor possibly is it a library thing08:36
Jon-alankila: How would I download it? It's just embedded in a page.08:37
ivgenichalankila: and Polterge|st  Not right now, at night. They can help later.08:37
Polterge|stI was just curious08:37
Polterge|stI would like to get my wifi radar button working in sidux because it worked by default on the ubuntu cd and I am guessing it is maybe just a lib or dependency I am missing08:38
alankilawell, the webpage will refer to the applet's jar, so it's therefore possible to download it. If you know what to do.08:38
Polterge|stmost of the same stuff that ubuntu has is in the debian repos rather08:38
alankilaI'm outta here, though.08:38
Polterge|stalankila do you mean there is a jar for that ?08:38
hrmshhow are you?08:38
wgrantPolterge|st: Please ask in the Sidux channel, since it seems to be a Sidux problem.08:38
Polterge|stit isn't a sidux problem08:38
Polterge|stit is a linux problem08:39
Polterge|stin any other distro08:39
Polterge|stdon't be snobby plz08:39
Polterge|stthank you08:39
FloodBot3Polterge|st: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:39
wgrantPolterge|st: It worked fine in Ubuntu => it is not an Ubuntu problem.08:39
Jon-IT WORKS.08:39
FloodBot3Jon-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:39
wgrantJon-: What did you do?08:39
Polterge|stwgrant your comments are being construed as classic linux snobbery STOP08:39
Jon-It hasn't worked all day, nor three minutes ago.. and now.. the same applet works.08:39
Polterge|sthelp or be quiet and let the adults speak08:39
wgrantPolterge|st: We can't effectively support other distributions here.08:39
Polterge|stI'm not asking you to08:39
Polterge|stI was asking a general linux question08:40
rwwPolterge|st: Then go to ##linux.08:40
wgrantYou asked for help with solving a Sidux problem.08:40
Polterge|stand the moment I mention another distro you get on your high horse08:40
rwwPolterge|st: This channel is for Ubuntu support. You don't have an Ubuntu support question.08:40
Polterge|stI thought ubuntu was linux for human beings08:40
Polterge|stfunny I guess I was mistaken08:40
OerHeksJon- it says 30-60 wait ...08:40
Jon-Polterge|st: They're fan boys. Get over it. In this case, I am on their side, but the way they bash Microsoft while banning people that say one good thing about Windows is sick.08:40
wgrantJon-: Stop generalising, thankyou.08:41
rwwJon-: I don't bash Microsoft, and Windows discussion in general is off-topic for this channel also, so...08:41
Spaztic_OneWhoever it was that asked about listing the users in a channel, you can use the command (assuming you are using an IRC client that supports it) is "/who #<channel name>" Obviously without the quotes and replacing <channel name> with the name of the channel. As a note, a channel this large might take a minute or so, possibly locking your computer up for the duration if the command.08:41
Jon-wgrant: I shouldn't be but I have seen it happen so often in the past few days to people. I will rephrase: replace "they" with "some of the ops here"08:41
Polterge|stJon-, my point is that what I am using is actual debian ... if anyone should be entitled to be a snob it would be me because my setup is much much much more difficult to setup and not as automated and in that case a bit of respect would be appreciated on their part. I was asking a simple linux question "about" ubuntu because it is a specific thing ubuntu does and I would like to know how it does it08:42
Polterge|stor which lib08:42
wgrantJon-: It depends on how inappropriate and off-topic the users were.08:42
Polterge|stif they cannot answer the question there is no need to disguise ignorance with snobby attitudes08:42
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
Polterge|stif you don't know then just don't answer08:42
Polterge|stsimple as that08:42
wgrantPolterge|st: We are not being snobbish. We simply cannot effectively assist with non-Ubuntu problems.08:42
Fudgehi I use alsa and movie player, how can I get a graphica equalizer for gnome?08:42
Polterge|stok I will repeat ... it is something ubuntu does08:42
wgrantSo you would be much better off asking in a channel that is more appropriate for your problem.08:42
Polterge|stYES you can help with that08:42
Polterge|styou can find out how it does it08:42
Polterge|stthat simple08:42
Jon-wgrant: Well, it was basically. microsoft bashing going on, user1 says something pro windows, user1 is told to take it to ubuntu-offtopic, he mentions they are allowing the microsoft bashing, he gets banned.08:43
wgrantJon-: unending offtopic conversation (like this) is not appropriate for this channel.08:43
Spaztic_OneIRC is fun.08:44
* Polterge|st raises an eyebrow08:44
Polterge|stok whatever08:44
Spaztic_OneEspecially in the wee hours of the morning.08:44
Polterge|stI'll find it myself since you don't know this simple thing about your own distro08:44
Jon-Forgive me, I didn't realise I should keep my mouth shut while I witness more and more OP-abuse in here. [Fine, I'll stop.]08:44
Polterge|stquite funny though08:44
wgrantPolterge|st: Hotkey handling is the polar opposite of simple.08:44
rwwubottu: appeals | Jon-08:44
ubottuJon-: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.08:44
Polterge|stit is simple if it is based on a jar or based on a lib08:45
Jon-rww: wasn't me just an observed action on another user08:45
Polterge|stthat's all I was searching for08:45
rwwJon-: Then please leave discussing that matter to the other user and the channel ops.08:45
ikoniaJon-: if you have a problem with any of the ops, please discuss it in #ubuntu-ops, not here08:45
Polterge|stI found some ubuntu guides and will look there and solve the problem just like I did with firestarter in sidux the other day, which was related to using a newer kernel than the one in stock ubuntu because of nf_conntrack instead of using ip_conntrack which is a totally diff story08:46
Fudgeafter which get a life ;08:47
hrmshwho here?08:47
ikoniahrmsh: 1400+ people are here,08:47
Fudgewow if everyone said me it woudl be pages08:47
hrmshhow are you?08:48
ikoniahrmsh: all, is well, you may want to check the topic of the channel with the /topic command08:48
Fudgehrmsh try to use peoples names when addressing08:48
Spaztic_Oneikonia: jeez, how many people are banned?08:49
=== Al|e|\| is now known as pierreghz
rwwSpaztic_One: 32108:49
Jon-Kids gotta learn to proxy.08:50
ikoniaJon-: enough08:50
warpiits fun, in pidgin, everyone gets its own color :)08:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:51
Spaztic_OneWell, 5 AM. I'm gonna catch a nap for a few hours. Night all.08:53
=== raar is now known as Guest15845
sqwertleI was attempting to compile some winsock code to test and see what my code::blocks comes equipped with out of the box and seem to have run into some problems that shouldn't be there. The code is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/395516/ (there should be nothing wrong with this) and the errors are at http://imagebin.org/88921 . I'm fairly certian I'm missing some files.08:57
keyhiveI lost my empathy / evolution notifier icon :(08:59
wgrantsqwertle: *win*sock is for Windows.09:00
wgrantsqwertle: But that's probably not the whole problem here.09:01
sqwertleIt's not09:01
sqwertleThere shouldn't be an error with a few things that have errors, that are unrelated to winsock commands09:01
wgrantIt looks like it's trying to execute it as a shell script.09:01
sqwertlewgrant.... then what does nix use? :(09:01
ddrjwhat web ui could i use for rtorrent? any recommendations ?09:02
wgrantsqwertle: Look around for UNIX socket programming tutorials.09:02
wgrantsqwertle: What if you give the file a proper extension?09:03
Elive_user85_eni need help09:04
Elive_user85_eni need help09:04
wgrant!ask | Elive_user85_en09:04
sqwertlewgrant: Yes, that would seem to do the trick09:04
ubottuElive_user85_en: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:04
Elive_user85_eni have an error 18 an some tines 1609:05
Elive_user85_enon ubuntu grub loading 1.509:05
Vigoddrj: I found an Un-Official site for that, still looking,,,,09:05
Vigoubuntu forums09:06
Elive_user85_eni run ubuntu 9.10an 9.04 but curintly ive been running elive :(09:06
Elive_user85_eni miss my ubuntu:(09:06
keyhiveHi!  I accidentally removed my evolution/empathy notifier in the panel, and I'd like to add it again.  Does anyone know where the binary lives?09:06
oinilhow to stop the gnome fish?09:06
Elive_user85_enright click an remove :)09:07
j0rdhi can anyone help me i keep getting this when i try to update via update manager09:07
j0rdE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:07
j0rdE: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:07
wgrantj0rd: Run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:07
Elive_user85_ennop srry09:07
j0rddid that got this:09:07
Elive_user85_enI NEED HELP >:)09:07
oinilElive_user85_en: no it comes back again and again09:07
wgrantkeyhive: Right click on the panel, 'Add to Panel...', and search for 'indicator'09:08
j0rdSetting up initramfs-tools (0.92bubuntu53) ...09:08
j0rdupdate-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)09:08
j0rdProcessing triggers for initramfs-tools ...09:08
j0rdupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-
j0rdCannot find /lib/modules/
FloodBot3j0rd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:08
j0rdupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-
Elive_user85_enYES IT COMES BAK09:08
ikoniaElive_user85_en: please stop typing in caps09:08
rwwoinil: log out and back in, or press Alt-F2 and type "killall gnome-panel", which should stop it and restart your panel.09:08
wgrantj0rd: Are you using Lucid?09:08
j0rddont think so09:09
wgrantj0rd: Where did you get a 2.6.32 kernel if you are not running Lucid?09:09
j0rdi tried to compile it but couldnt manage so i cleand up (i thought) and left it alone09:09
Vigoddrj: According to the Forums, I think Avalanche is the suggested one.09:10
wgrantj0rd: There's nothing left of it in /boot?09:10
Vigoddrj: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1411086&highlight=ui+rtorrent09:10
wgrantj0rd: And you're not currently booted into it?09:10
Elive_user85_enwats that link 4?09:10
j0rdno & no09:10
j0rdjust a post install script somewhere i need to trash i guess09:11
ddrjthanks Vigo checking09:11
indusbugaloo, you have spare power connector ?09:11
Vigoddrj: You are very welcome, I hope that helps.09:11
pwnkillerne 1 install moonshine?09:12
wgrantj0rd: Nothing in /var/lib/initramfs-tools about it?09:13
wgrantj0rd: How did you install it? A package?09:13
j0rdwill check09:13
j0rdi compiled source from kernel.org09:13
j0rdand a pappy seed09:13
j0rdthere is a file in init ramfs-tools should i trash it.?09:14
wgrantj0rd: Move it away rather than deleting, to be safe.09:14
j0rdwill do09:14
j0rdhave to go get my boy from kindergarden09:14
damaguCan anyone tell me how, if it's possible, to mount a drive from another machine on my network so that it shows up in nautilus?09:15
j0rdthanks for all the help, will try when back homne in 30 mins.09:15
j0rdthanks again.09:15
=== eric is now known as Guest82747
ZykoticK9damagu, you can't directly mount a drive across a network, but you could you NFS or SAMBA to share and then mount a drive09:15
johnny_buffalohello, I am in needs of some assistance. SOmehow I messed up my read permissions on one of my folders on my ntfs partion. now it is unreadable in linux and windows 7. The file is still there under folder perssion changes in parent folder when applying to subfolders09:17
johnny_buffaloneed some help recovering the folder09:17
damaguZykoticK9: will that make it show up in nautilus?09:18
Quan-Timejohnny_buffalo: thats a win7 issue09:18
damaguZykoticK9: so I can drag and drop files09:18
johnny_buffaloi just discovered09:18
Quan-Timein win7 you can take ownership of files, but i dont think ntfs-3g will alter permissions09:19
johnny_buffalobig problem09:19
ZykoticK9damagu, you can use nautilus with nfs/samba shares sure09:19
damaguZykoticK9: thatnks. I'll give it a try. Cheers09:19
johnny_buffalois there any chance i can recover this folder?09:19
johnny_buffaloi have access to the drive to mount it via ntfs-3g09:19
Quan-Timejohnny_buffalo: i wouldnt go editing anything critical thats on NTFS09:21
ZykoticK9johnny_buffalo, this really is a question best asked in ##windows09:21
johnny_buffaloaanyone else ever run into this problem?09:22
unregisteredi tried to assign myself a random ipv6 address using "ifconfig eth0 add addr". then I tried to ping6 that address from the very same machine. but the ping isn't responding. what am I doing wrong?09:23
xfactWhats wrong with Brasero? Whenever I am 'blanking' a removable disk, after that the disk drive completely disappearing when I am putting the disk in to my disk drive....? How to solve it?09:24
BigMike`` where are the channel rules posted?09:25
airtonix!anyone | johnny_buffalo09:25
ubottujohnny_buffalo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:25
ZykoticK9BigMike``, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:25
unregisteredBigMike``: /topic is a useful irc command :)09:25
johnny_buffaloi don't think im gonna find a solution on this channel, but thank for helping me narrow it down09:26
ddrjwhat vnc server do you guys use for your ubuntu ?09:26
airtonixddrj, apt-cache search vnc | grep server09:27
ddrjthanks airtonix  checkin09:27
xfactAnybody has ever felt the problem of cd drive disappearing?09:27
airtonixddrj, personally i stay away from vnc09:28
airtonix!anyone > xfact09:28
ubottuxfact, please see my private message09:28
ddrjhow come airtonix ?09:28
BigMike`` i use remote dekstop09:29
airtonixddrj, its high bandwidth for the goals accomplished09:29
unregisteredairtonix: he did ask a question. then went for the desperate "Does anyone.."09:30
indusdoes anyone09:31
airtonixunregistered, which is why i didn't bother answering since both aspects of the question are incredibly vague09:31
indushas anyone wondered about splitting ubuntu int o2 channels09:32
orion_SuNError unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:09:33
orion_SuNumount: only root can unmount UUID=3be5ae01-2929-4606-9852-bd7cde7a0be1 from /09:33
unregisteredorion_SuN: are you trying to unmount your root partition?09:35
airtonix!ot | |_ocke09:35
ubottu|_ocke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:35
|_ockeairstrike, i know man09:36
|_ocke<-- banned09:36
airtonix|_ocke, who is airstrike ?09:36
|_ocketab complete failed09:36
* airtonix agrees09:36
|_ockeeither way09:36
airtonix|_ocke, do you have a ubuntu question ?09:36
|_ockeairstrike, yeah09:37
|_ockebut i doubt anyone can solve it :P09:37
|_ockei'm running 9.10 and it boots up to the login screen in full res with nvidia driver 99% of the time, but when i try to login with gnome session 95% of the time it tries to switch resolution (to the same resolution as the login screen) and it goes black09:38
|_ockenot standby, monitor still has power09:38
|_ockebut it doesn't show desktop09:38
|_ockeand if i ctrl-alt-f1 to get terminal it also doesn't work09:38
|_ockebut i can tell it switches cause normally caps lock works, but when i ctrl alt f1 caps lock does nothing09:39
|_ockeuntil i type in username then password09:39
|_ockethen it works09:39
|_ockebut no video09:39
ikonia|_ocke: hardcode the resolution in xorg.conf to a safe resolution and go from there09:39
|_ockeand no standby mode09:39
FloodBot3|_ocke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:39
Vigo|_ocke: Does the MD sum checkout?09:39
|_ockeikonia, i've done sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg many times and at first it fixed it but the probability of video output has reduced dramatically now09:40
|_ockeat first it would not work like 1/10 times09:40
|_ockethen about half the time09:40
|_ockeand would always switch to ttyS009:40
ikonia|_ocke: don't use dpkg-reconfigure, just manually hard code it in your Xorg.conf09:40
eric__i'm getting a crapload of error msgs when i try to install moonshine... need help!09:40
|_ockethen later would only boot to video 1/10 times and switch to ttyS0 like 1/1009:40
|_ockenow it will never boot to video and never switch to ttyS009:41
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|_ockebut i can always use xterm session09:41
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|_ockeand just run 'metacity &' then 'gnome-panel &'09:41
kindofabuzzi copied over my id_rsa.pub to my server but i keep getting Agent admitted failure to sign using the key and have to enter password.09:41
TommoPuppyhi, i'm having a very wierd problem09:42
|_ockeright now somehow it booted normally and i'm in regular GNOME but it's in 1024x768 and it won't switch to 1680x105009:42
pwnkilleranyone want to give me a hand pm me pls09:42
ikonia|_ocke: hardcode it to a safe resolution, see if that makes a difference, then move forward from there09:42
ikoniapwnkiller: discussion in the channel is better as people can help then09:42
|_ockeikonia, i forget the syntax09:42
|_ockethere is no resolution coded in xorg.conf09:42
ikonia|_ocke: look it up, it's not that hard, just add the lines you need09:43
ikoniaI admit it's a drag though looking it up09:43
pwnkillerneed help installing moonshine09:43
pwnkillerto many err msgs to list in chat09:43
ikonia!info moonshine09:43
TommoPuppyokay sorry had to get the dog to stop barking at the night09:43
ubottuPackage moonshine does not exist in karmic09:43
ikoniathat's frustrating09:43
TommoPuppyokay so i'm trying to install ubuntu on an old, crappy laptop09:43
pwnkillerwhats karmic?09:43
|_ockepwnkiller, karmic is ubuntu 9.1009:44
TommoPuppyi only have access to discs for ubuntus 5.04 and 7.04 right now. the only one i could start the installation process in was 509:44
ikoniapwnkiller: an ubuntu (9.10) release09:44
pwnkillerho i dl .tar09:44
TommoPuppyso i'm installing that old thing09:44
m00seomg...yer gonna make me turn off my nick flash with this moonshine moonshine moonshine....argggg09:44
|_ockeholy crap09:44
TommoPuppybut the disc drive is screwed up or something09:44
TommoPuppyso i can't install a boot loader09:44
wgrantTommoPuppy: You know that's almost five years old, right?09:44
|_ockebreezy badger?09:44
=== Mowiiii`Aw is now known as Mowee
wgrant5.04 was Hoary.09:44
wgrant5.10 was Breezy.09:44
TommoPuppyso i was wondering if i could install it later using another method09:44
|_ockemy first ubuntu distro was breezy09:45
* wgrant started with good old Warty.09:45
|_ockewell the first one that i ran exclusively09:45
|_ockeand gave up all other OS's for09:45
TommoPuppyyeah I know that wgrant. I'm doing a computer science course at uni and i need to install linux, but since my normal computer is down and my other computer hasn't got enough hard drive space to partition i have no choice but to do a quick temporary fix on the old craptop09:45
TommoPuppybut yeah do i HAVE to install a boot loader during installation?09:45
TommoPuppyor can i do it later?09:46
wgrantTommoPuppy: Have you thought about Wubi? That will let you install Ubuntu into a file on your Windows partition.09:46
ikoniaTommoPuppy: you would be very wise to do it during the install09:46
TommoPuppyI can't ikonia09:46
TommoPuppydidn't you hear me?09:46
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:46
TommoPuppyThere's a problem with my laptop or my disc09:46
ikoniaTommoPuppy: ok - so then you need to get that fixed before installing as a boot loader is essential09:47
kindofabuzz!usb > TommoPuppy09:47
ubottuTommoPuppy, please see my private message09:47
TommoPuppyi barely have a flash drive big enough to use ubuntu though. If I were going to do that i'd just get DSL or puppy instead09:47
TommoPuppyin fact, i might :/ since my craptop is pretty much doomed to not having a permanent linux install on it09:48
TommoPuppybut seriously, if i try to run the 7.04 disc it doesn't even start the livecd09:48
TommoPuppyit just says "unable to mount"09:48
TommoPuppyokay, so, i've erased the laptop hard drive and isntalled half a linux installation essentially since i can't install a boot loader09:50
VigoTommoPuppy: Have you tried the Minimal? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:51
kindofabuzztry the alt cd09:51
TommoPuppyif only this crappy computer were good enough to run a virtual machine09:53
inertialwhat should I use for encrypting removable disks?09:53
TommoPuppymy new computer would be though. maybe i should just install Puppy on a USB drive or something?09:53
ikoniaTommoPuppy: that's up to you, we are just here to help with ubuntu issues09:53
wgrantinertial: Yes. System->Administration->Disk Utility can probably help you with that.09:53
TommoPuppyyeah i know i kinda eneded up thinking out loud. sorry09:53
TommoPuppyi'm gonna go now. Thanks for your help.09:54
Shay27Hello , can anyone recommend me on good wiki engine for Ubuntu ? so i can create something similar to wikipedia on my server ?09:54
wgrant!pl | zsp209:54
ubottuzsp2: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:54
zsp2what the ?09:54
inertialwgrant: oh cool, when was that added?09:54
vegais there a working photo manager in ubuntu? (no, f-spot is not a working one)09:54
Vigoalt cd is also a good plan, the system or version that you trying is no longer supported or something, maybe that is why no-load...just guessing here.09:54
wgrantinertial: Ubuntu 9.10, IIRC.09:54
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airtonix!language | TommoPuppy09:55
unregisteredShay27: you can use mediawiki which is what wikipedia uses. it used to be a pain to configure when I used it. there are lots and lots of different alternatives.09:56
ubottuTommoPuppy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:57
TommoPuppyi didn't say anything D:09:57
ikoniaTommoPuppy: I think it was a miss-type, don't worry09:57
TommoPuppyunless "craptop" is a bad word. If it is, I'm sorry. :P09:57
JohnFluxHey all09:57
induscrap is ?09:58
JohnFluxCan I install linux from windows without burning a cd/dvd? and install to a proper partition, so I think not using wubi09:58
indusisnt it like a milder word for somethin more bad09:59
ikoniaindus: what ?09:59
ikoniaindus: that's not for this channel09:59
rwwJohnFlux: Do you have a USB stick you wouldn't mind using temporarily?09:59
wgrant!usb | JohnFlux09:59
ubottuJohnFlux: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:59
indusJohnFlux, try the software unetbootin.sourceforge.net it works better, install on windows, then it helps you download whatever linux distro you want10:00
JohnFluxthanks all10:01
JohnFluxhmm, maybe I'll just dig out a blank dvd :-D10:01
indusJohnFlux, why? does it seem complicated those links?10:01
karl_hungusany Dia users here?10:02
karl_hungusdo you guys know how to fix the dia's toolbox to the left side of the window?10:02
karl_hungusi want it to be like in windows, like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=150130&d=126860106510:03
* karl_hungus ??10:04
ne1Could not display "computer:".10:04
ne1Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.10:04
napalcovHello !10:05
ne1Could not display "computer:". Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.10:06
ne1i removed and reinstalled gvfs but still its not fixed10:06
lao5hi! my brightness - bar cannot show up, anyone know why?10:10
lao5i use laptop , ubuntu 8.0410:11
iwobbleshi ppl :)10:11
lao5unfortunately, pidgin does not support images10:11
ubuntui want fix grub but when i type find /boot/grub/stage1 this erro appear :  error 15 :file not found  i type untill stage 1010:13
Xixsorry to ask this here, but which #room should I be joining to ask HTTP-related questions ?10:15
psycho_oreosapache if you're using apache daemon10:15
ikoniaXix: read the freenode website about how to find channels10:15
Xixpsycho_oreos: It's not about apache, it's about browser behaviour regarding HTTP caching headers10:16
ikoniaXix: check the freenode website10:16
ubuntuhelp me please10:17
abhi_navohh how funny ubuntu needs help!!!10:17
rwwdefault livecd username.10:17
psycho_oreosXix, not sure, I'd try asking in #freenode.. there's also a bot in which you can search for channels, but best to ask in that channel10:17
abhi_navi see10:18
erUSULpsycho_oreos: Xix /msg alis list *searchterm*10:18
Xixpsycho_oreos: I'm using Opera so I searched for "ht*" channels and there were only very few with 2-3 people in them10:18
ubuntuabhi_nav: >i want fix grub but when i type find /boot/grub/stage1 this erro appear : error 15 :file not found i type untill stage 1010:18
lilsnoopin karmic-koala, how do i install libssl and libssl-dev ??10:19
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abhi_nav!grub | ubuntu10:19
ubottuubuntu: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:19
psycho_oreosXix,  more specifically you want help with opera no? it sounds more like opera related issue10:19
airtonixlao5, when you say "pidgin does not support images" what do you mean ?10:19
lilsnoopi tried apt-get10:19
Xixpsycho_oreos: no, Chrome actually10:19
psycho_oreosXix, then I'd search for Chrome10:19
Xixthough I'd be interested in all the browsers10:19
XixI did search for Chrome, nada10:19
airtonixXix, #httpd10:20
Xixsome empty rooms about Chrome OS, or Chromium (not the browser)10:20
pozicMy laptop randomly decides that the screen should stop displaying stuff and instead goes black, even when I am just displaying the console. I think this is some kind of power-management issue, but does anyone have a more precise idea of its cause. Is this a common problem?10:20
airtonixXix, also, have you tried checking the developer tools in chrome ?10:20
WACKLER1does someone have a good help page for soundissues except https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting10:20
lao5airtonix: i cannot send images by pidgin.10:21
Xixairtonix: yes, I'm working with them right now10:21
Xixthe tools say the cache headers are being sent, but the 3.2s delay in fetching the script tells me it's not getting the cached version10:21
airtonixlao5, than what you actually mean is that "pidgin does not support file transfer without configuration"10:21
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?10:21
pozicIt makes me want to throw Windows on it, since at least I know it is certified to run on it (and this is coming from someone who wants to use a *nix derivative).10:21
airtonixpozic, i assume 1) your gfx card is ati 2) the drivers are the binary variety10:22
lao5airtonix: i dont know how to configure. could you show me? thanks10:22
airtonixlao5, no because unfortunatly i have not been able to work out how to get that part working either.10:23
lao5airtonix: i want to send images10:23
airtonixlao5, i suggest you use something like dropbox to share files10:23
WACKLER1does someone have a good help page for soundissues except for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting tried everything there and still no beep10:24
lao5airtonix: i would try dropbox later.10:24
airtonixlao5, apparently empathy has better luck with filesharing10:24
Dan_EWACKLER1, did you look at alsamixer?10:25
bronto2lao5, if you are on statip ip, i would apt-get install lighttpd, then drop images to /var/www, then send a link to the user10:25
bronto2*static ip10:25
WACKLER1Dan_E you mean like checking if it's on?10:25
lao5bronto2: this is a good idea10:26
Dan_Eno to see if anything is muted10:26
itaihi, i have many gigs of folders containing mostly mp3, but some contain the occasional txt or jpeg, is there a command that will delete just txt and jpeg from within folders (that is , i wouldnt need to cd to each folder)?10:26
bronto2lao5, or ftp server woul work as well10:26
WACKLER1yep ... it's not that easy..10:26
madvirus420I have ubuntu 9.04 I want to insatll warsow 0.5. However, the ubuntu repo has warsow 0.42. How do I install warsow 0.5 ?10:27
airtonixlao5, just out of interest what protocol are you trying to share fiels with ? xmpp or something like msn ?10:28
ikoniamadvirus420: you have to request an update of the package from the maintainers on launchpad.net10:28
madvirus420ikonia: okay. any other way? a quicker one ?10:28
lao5bronto2,airtonix: i would mount the image on my webserver. pls wait10:28
ikoniamadvirus420: manually build it and ruin the dependeny tracking on your machine10:29
whitmanHi, if I connect to a windows share with Places -> Connect to server, is there any way to access that connect via the terminal?10:29
ikoniamadvirus420: or ask you self if you really need this exact version10:29
madvirus420ikonia: ok. thanks.10:29
airtonixlao5, i mean that since pidgin is a multi-protocol instant messenger client, you would be using a specific chat protocol...for example gmail is just xmpp.10:29
WACKLER1does someone have a good help page for soundissues except for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting tried everything there and still no beep10:30
ne1Could not display "computer:". Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations.?  i removed and reinstalled gvfs but still its not fixed10:30
erUSULWACKLER1: given that 90% of sound cards now are hda10:30
erUSUL!intelhda | WACKLER110:31
ubottuWACKLER1: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:31
WACKLER1I llok thta up thx10:31
pkpHi, i seem to have a problem. My network-manager-gnome isn't working. I want to know which file to edit the connections.10:31
pkpi eamn if i can edit the connections if they are stored in a file10:32
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
ne1pkp, /etc/network10:32
ne1pkp, there is a file interface10:33
erUSULpkp: right click on the nm-applet choose edit connections10:33
airtonixne1, nm-applet doesn't edit that file.10:33
erUSULpkp: or use gconf-editor --> apps>networkmanager>10:33
pkpne1, /etc/network is a directory10:33
tooth1hi - i am trying to write a twitter notifier for gnome - is there any api to the gnome notifier and if yes, where is it documented ?10:34
pkpertUSL, that is not displayed, will try gconf10:34
airtonixne1, concerning your computer:// -> have you tried using the guest account to confirm the problem exists across all accounts ?10:34
ne1pkp, there is a file interfaces10:34
ne1airtonix, no10:34
ubuntumy grub is install in /dev/sdc8 now what type for fix it?10:34
airtonixne1, also make sure the address you are trying to navigate to is actually computer:// and not just 'computer'10:34
ne1airtonix, let me see10:35
casinaroyaleIs there a way of seeing the functions being exposed in a shared library(.so file) ??10:35
ubuntumy grub is installed in /dev/sdc8 now what type for fix it?10:36
airtonixlao5, this might interest you : http://sourceforge.net/projects/fserv4pidgin/10:36
lao5i missed it10:36
lao5airtonix: thanks10:36
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
ne1airtonix, how can i update the address?10:36
ranjancan any body know how to use an .iso image file wile mounting on ubuntu os I nead it to vew some containt on that are present in it .. It is an study material and i manged to get it from one of my friend .. but it is based to run on windos based macine so does any body know's how to run it under wine .. in ubuntu10:37
airtonixlao5, or you can try using 'giver'10:37
airtonix!info giver | lao510:37
ubottulao5: giver (source: giver): simple file sharing desktop application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.8-5 (karmic), package size 144 kB, installed size 440 kB10:37
ranjanany help would be of great help thanks in advance10:37
airtonix!info gnome-user-share10:37
ubottugnome-user-share (source: gnome-user-share): User level public file sharing via WebDAV or ObexFTP. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.28.0-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 592 kB, installed size 2076 kB10:37
lao5i have a lot to learn..10:38
airtonixlao5, lots of options here in the comments of : http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/3841/10:38
lao5airtonix: :)10:38
djjarai don't know how but i can't change to console with ctrl+alt+F(), anyone have some idea how fix? thanks10:39
ne1ranjan,mount it in archive mounter10:39
HaffeMan faltar lite här, man faltar lite där.10:40
ranjanne1 :: i have mounted in furius iso mount ..10:40
rwwubottu: se | Haffe10:41
ubottuHaffe: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se10:41
perhamhi everyone10:41
perhamI'm using ubnutu on a ps3. everything's fine except 1 thing10:42
ubuntumy grub is install in /dev/sdc8 now what type for fix it?10:42
JakesMy wireless device is Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01) ... How do I enable monitor mode on it10:42
perhamI've connected my  a4tech wi-fi mouse and keyb combo and the keyb is working, but mouse is not working. what should I do?10:43
perhamI don't even know where to start10:43
WACKLER1I'm at a loss with my sound problems... maybe a reinstall would help?... but I don't wanna do that cause... undervolting took me likeâges...10:44
ubuntumy grub is install in /dev/sdc8 now what type for fix it?10:45
JakesMy wireless device is Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01) ... How do I enable monitor mode on it...Tried # iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor10:45
erUSULJakes: maybe --> sudo iw phy phy0 interface add moni0 type monitor10:45
perhamanyone? :(10:45
ranjanne1 :: how to use it withrchive mounter a10:46
JakeserUSUL: Got this "nl80211 not found." on trying it10:47
erUSULJakes: what driver are you using ?10:47
ne1ranjan, right click it and mount with archive mounter. you can see the contents10:47
JakesRight now b4310:47
WACKLER1Could someone give me the commonds to reinstall all soundrelated10:48
erUSULJakes: :/ then i dunno...10:48
ranjanne1 :: ya got that .. but it is not being identified under wine10:48
JakeserUSUL: will madwifi work??10:49
Haeginhi, I have several things in cron that are running but aren't doing anything - any idea why?10:49
erUSULJakes: really dunno; works for me with a ralink card i thought b43 was compatible too10:49
ikoniayes ?10:50
ranjanne1 :: it is giving me an error msg plese insert the cd in your cd drive10:50
WACKLER1Could someone give me the commands to reinstall all soundrelated drivers...10:50
peturrrrrnobody can see what i wrie!10:51
ikoniapeturrrrr: what do you want ?10:51
ikoniapeturrrrr: people have responded to you10:51
peturrrrroh ikonia hello again10:51
WACKLER1peturrrr not funny...10:51
perhamwhen I run cat /dev/input/mice/by-id/usb-A4tech... and I move my mouse, I see the stream of data there, but it doesn't move the pointer. seems like  a gnome/ Xserver bug10:52
dgzhey guys, i experiencing strange sound lag on ubuntu 9.10 with my X-Fi extreme music10:52
dgzim wondering why :)10:52
Haegindgz: are you using pulse?10:53
dgzdunno what is Pulse10:53
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions10:53
dgzi just fired Quake Live / Open Arena and the sound lags about a second :(10:53
peturrrrrIm running Ubuntu, English language. Is there a way to run specitic applications in other languages? I know it's possible to donwload the translation files from launchpad.. but elderly people cannot do this and they don't want the complete system in non-english language.10:53
studentaloha ludziki10:54
WACKLER1ubottu I'll try thta thanks.10:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:54
dgzthe only thing I changed is installing nvidia drivers, everything else is default10:54
dgzso, I get it Pulse is not my default sound server, correct?10:56
pwnkillerhow can i make a virtual boot disk using an online bootdisk?10:56
Haegindgz: you are almost certainly using pulseaudio which is most likely causing the problems10:57
Haegingoogle for stuff related to pulseaudio and your card10:58
dgzalready did that, that's why i am here. ubuntuforums is completely useless for that kind of stuff10:58
dgzthere is also a mouse lag (not as huge as my sound delay, though)10:59
SandGorgonwhich fonts do you guys use on your Ubuntu desktop -  moved from Droid fonts to MgOpen Canonica... looking for something new11:00
erUSULpeturrrrr: install the apropiate language packages. then launch the programs setting LC_ALL=en_UK or whatever first11:00
Haegindgz: try turning pulseaudio off and switching to alsa to see if that fixes your sound problems11:00
peturrrrrerUSUL: Where do i specify LC_ALL=langCode ?11:01
dgzwill do that, thanks Haegin11:01
erUSULpeturrrrr: command line or make special launchers11:01
peturrrrrYes but there, is it a parameter?11:01
HaeginSandGorgon: I use terminus11:01
peturrrrrerUSUL: never mind, found it11:02
WACKLER1Installt pulse still no sound I think the Problem is in the Alsa Modul ... Pulse doe use that too doesn't it?11:04
WACKLER1Is there a way to reinstall Alsa?11:06
pozicairstrike: I use nvidia's proprietary drivers, but the same happens with the nv driver.11:10
WACKLER1DoesN't anybody know a easy way reinstall sound related Modules Drivers etc. ??11:10
induspozic, what happens11:10
HaeginWACKLER1: sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-utils11:11
jribWACKLER1: you should tell the channel your actual problem because reinstalling things rarely solves issues11:11
WACKLER1No sound... and tried like 5 ways to fix it....11:11
indusWACKLER1, what ubuntu version, no sound in which application , etc , what sound setup, speakrs or headphones11:16
dgzanother question, is there something like DX's DirectInput? I would really like to get rid of the mouse lag I have. My Razer Salmosa behaves like crap in 9.10 :(11:17
jesusmdgz, are you experimenting mouse lag on desktop or in games under Wine?11:19
jesusmi'm using a MX518 in 9.10 and is running fine11:20
Wackler1I'm at a loss with my sound problem.... can I reinstall Ubuntu without loosing my PHC-Kernel all of my W-Lan setups... etc? not realy eh11:21
thropeive got a scratched dvd-r - any way to check if it is ok or not (other than copying everything to hd)11:21
RAyNTag :)11:22
HaeginWackler1: give more information and we'll probably be able to fix it. This isn't windows - rebooting and/or reinstalling isn't a magic fix.11:22
StargazeWackler1, you can make a backup of home and/or make a separate home partition11:22
Haeginthrope: nope, image it and compare the md5sum of the image to that of the device would probably work11:22
ecmneed some h elp11:23
ecmneed some elp11:23
Stargaze!ask| ecm11:23
ubottuecm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:23
Ardethian_Is there something like Task Manager on Linux?11:23
ecmi dont have wall paper in 9.10 i have black screen11:23
zetheroowhat does "sudo -H ./filename.bin"?11:23
StargazeArdethian_, it's calles System Monitor11:23
indusArdethian_, system monitor , menu >system>admin >system monitor11:23
ecmi just installed linux now11:23
zetheroowhat does "sudo -H ./filename.bin" do?11:23
ecmi had win 7 got rid of it and installed this11:23
erUSULArdethian_: System>Admin>SystemMonitor11:24
Dr_Willisecm:  set a wallpaper perhaps?11:24
indusecm, what graphics card do you use11:24
Stargazeecm, please your question in one line, so we don't have to scroll up to check what it was about11:24
indusecm, is system working fine11:24
ecmi have an raeson 925011:24
itheosempathy asks for a keyring. where to find it?11:24
thropeHaegin: i guess that'll take ages but i'll give it a try...11:24
indusitheos, its your system password11:24
itheosits not working11:25
indusi have already filed a bug about it11:25
indusstupid naming11:25
Haeginitheos: have you copied your home dir from a previous install?11:25
Haeginif so try your old password11:25
Wackler1Haegin  I got no sound what so ever... tried like 5 guides now. Still no beep. And the Error started between to boot ups without internetconnection updates or chnages to the system.11:25
ecmi had ubuntu 9.10 i removed and got win 7 and now i came back to ubuntu as win7 didnt have drivers11:25
itheosHaegin, no i did not. its my old password11:25
ecmnow all i have is an black wall paper11:25
indusecm, right click on desktop > change wallpaper ?11:26
Haeginecm: you can set a wallpaper by right clicking on the desktop in Gnome. Try that and let us know if it works11:26
ecmindus:didnt work11:26
HaeginWackler1: ok, what sound card are you using and what sound system are you using?11:26
itheosecm, your desktop is working? can you see the panels and icons?11:26
Wackler1alsa ... onboard intelsound card..11:26
Haeginecm: have you tried restarting nautilus as that manages the desktop in gnome?11:26
HaeginWackler1: ok, what model of intel sound card?11:27
indusecm, press atl - sysrq- k to reset display?11:27
ecmeverything works besides my wall paper11:27
ecmindus:thats confusing11:27
indusecm, ok11:27
Wackler1Haegin one sec looking it up..11:27
airtonixindus, why do you keep suggesting that ?11:27
dgzjesusm , only in games, but not in Wine11:27
ecmindus:wats sysrq?11:27
indusairtonix, what do you mean11:27
indusecm, nvm it11:27
dgzI am a bit picky, though.11:28
Haeginecm: if the rest of your system is working it's unlikely resetting the display will fix it.11:28
itheosecm, its a key on keyboard11:28
ecmwere is it?11:28
Dan_Eprint screen button on keyboard11:28
=== thrope_ is now known as thrope
itheosecm, search near pause key11:28
indusecm, which version of ubuntu are you using11:28
Haeginfor future reference it's the print screen key on most keyboards and is used in a series of keybindings that can reset your computer in clever ways that you almost certainly won't need to use most of the time11:28
zetheroois it possible to convert .deb to .bin?11:28
airtonixitheos, indus because more often than not. there wont be a single sysreq key and holding down the key combos required in other cases is like playing limbo11:29
indusairtonix, well, thats not my problem11:29
itheosairtonix, i just helped him find the key thats all :)11:29
airtonixindus, it is because when providing support you don't offer obscure rarely available options11:29
Haeginzetheroo: bin isn't a packaged format, it's just a binary so the answer would be not without a wrapper of some sort11:29
indusairtonix, how is it rarely available11:30
zetherooHaegin: is there a wrapper that can do it?11:30
indusall the machines  i work with have that key exactly there11:30
Haeginzetheroo: what are you actually trying to do this for?11:30
lao5hi! can gimp add a rectangle to some part of one picture? i am going to use rectangle to circle some part of the picture.11:30
Haeginlao5: yes11:31
lao5Haegin: how? thanks11:31
indusairtonix, iam not sure what you mean here, obscure ? rarely available ? isnt the process to restart display atl-sysrq-k11:31
Haeginlao5: select the area you want using the rectangle selection tool, border the selection to how thick you want the edge of the rectangle then fill the selection using the paint tool11:31
zetherooHaegin: I am trying to install IBM Lotus Symphony on my 64bit Ubuntu machine ... I downloaded the .deb package and the howto is referring to the .bin one ...11:31
Haeginzetheroo: ok, do you have the 64bit deb?11:32
nucc1hey, i want my webserver to serve a particular folder from my home directory, but it tells me "forbidden"11:32
Haeginzetheroo: if so just run "dpkg -i <deb file>" as root11:32
zetherooHaegin: no, there is none ...11:32
Haeginnucc1: check the permissions11:32
nucc1Haegin, what permissiosn should i give it?11:32
airtonixindus, despite what your experience is that single key is not on all keyboards... and when it is you have to actually hold all those letters down to acheive the same effect11:32
Haeginzetheroo: if they only offer it in 32bit versions then you'll need a chroot11:32
airtonixindus, *when it isn't11:33
zetherooHaegin: here is the info http://symphony.lotus.com/software/lotus/symphony/help.nsf/GeneralFAQ#1511:33
Haeginnucc1: you need to make sure the user that the web server runs as can read and possibly execute the files so probably chmod g+r -R <folder> for a start11:33
indusairtonix, ok ,what would you advice then?11:33
zetherooHaegin: i am at step 4 ... however its calling for the .bin file11:33
pozicindus: I get a random black screen for no reason. It is not the screen saver. Even when I am in console mode this happens and even when I am plugged into the grid.11:33
airtonixindus, far easier method is to just tell them to save documents and log out.11:33
pozicindus: (on a laptop)11:34
indusairtonix, well if display hangs?11:34
Haeginindus: if you are going to advise using sysreq keys you need to give more explanation. Resetting the display restarts X which will kill all the open programs possibly losing unsaved work.11:34
pozicindus: it happens with acpi enabled and distabled.11:34
purple_processornucc1: you may have to ad a apache <directory> tag to your vhost.conf... symlinks work pretty well to with the floowsymlink options11:34
zetherooHaegin: sudo -H ./IBM_Lotus_Symphony_linux.bin11:34
indusah yes right Haegin jumped on that one11:34
zetherooHaegin: can I just use the .deb that I have in the place of the .bin?11:34
ecmmy wallpaper isnt working still i tried alt - k -sysrq11:34
ecmi tried restarting11:34
Haeginzetheroo: and is the deb file the one it tells you to download?11:35
nucc1purple_processor, i have the vhost configured properly, i just think it is something to do with my home folder permissions11:35
indusecm, do you see available wallpapers if you right click on desktop11:35
ecmi did but none of them work11:35
Wackler1Heagin: can't find the command that gave me the card...11:35
ecmmy monitor is 1980x108011:35
HaeginWackler1: try lspci11:35
ecmits 1080p11:35
airtonixindus, apologies for publicly bringing to your attention.11:35
Haeginecm: it might be the gconf schemas though it seems unlikely11:36
Dr_WillisI always just use a nice solid color.11:36
indusairtonix, oh no not at all , i appreciate it :)11:36
zetherooHaegin: step 4 says to download the ISMP installer .. dunno what that is ... but the command to install is referring to the .bin package/file11:36
zetherooHaegin: can I use the .deb in the place of the .bin?11:36
purple_processornucc1: try making a softlink from web root to /home folder11:37
Haeginzetheroo: what is the deb file you have? is it libxkbfile1_1.0.5-1_i386.deb ?11:37
pozicindus: anyway, what I really just want is to control the bit which says whether or not my screen should display everything in video memory on full brightness.11:37
Wackler1Haegin 3)11:37
Wackler100:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)11:37
zetherooHaegin: no, I am at step 4 ... I did everything else already11:37
pozicindus: that should be trivial, but in fact there is no such obvious knob.11:37
induspozic, hi ,sorry but dont know this one, could you please ask again in this channel11:37
zetherooHaegin: the .deb I have is the actual Symphony suite11:37
nucc1purple_processor, says 'forbidden' still11:38
indusall that chatter made me miss your question really11:38
Haeginzetheroo: ok, try running sudo dpkg -i <deb file>11:38
pozicI want is to control the bit which says whether or not my screen should display everything in video memory on full brightness.11:38
tjingboemi get no sound from Totem, but with Audacity it works fine. How can i tell Totem to use the soundcard?11:38
indusairtonix, are you an op ?11:38
lao5Haegin: thanks! a little horrible to me11:38
zetherooHaegin; so I should extract the .deb package ... can i extract it to anywhere?11:38
pozicindus: learn to use an IRC client if you missed it.11:38
lao5Haegin: but i dont know where to choose color.11:38
induswow great, thanks11:39
Haeginzetheroo: no, just install it11:39
airtonixindus, no just someone who has been here a while11:39
nucc1purple_processor, what possible permissions can i set on my home folder to allow the webserver access to stuff inside it, without being too permissive?11:39
Haeginlao5: use the paint tool and it'll give you colour swatches. just double click on one to change it.11:39
zetherooHaegin: oh ok ... so it does not make a diff if its .bin or .deb ... ?11:39
Haeginnucc1: try chmod a+rx to see if that works11:39
zetherooHaegin: I just don't want to break my system :)11:40
anicholsI've been trying for a few days now to get a certain USB device to work in ubuntu (hardy heron), but no amount of googling has given me a result.  Any ideas on how to make a "NYKO Airflo EX" work within Ubuntu for games played through ZSNES and the like?11:40
Haeginzetheroo: you'd need to install them differently. With a bin you run it, with a deb you use dpkg11:40
theadminnucc1: just make sure the group who owns it is same as server softawre group, and 770 it11:40
induspozic, good luck getting help with that attitude sucker11:40
Haeginanichols: what is a NYKO Airflo EX?11:40
nucc1Haegin, perfecto!11:40
purple_processornucc1: I would guess you only need read access to apache or all...11:40
nucc1theadmin, ubuntu's default home permissions deny all access into the home directory.11:40
Haeginnucc1: ok, so now it works you need to work out what permissions you need to be secure11:41
Stargazeanichols, try with usb-modeswitch, it's a daemon11:41
anicholsHaegin: It's a gamepad, similar in appearance to a PS2 controller, made for PCs, with a fan built into it to keep the hands from getting sweaty.11:41
HaeginI'm guessing you need to set the web user to be in the group that has access to the files and then make them readable to you, the group and others and writeable to you11:41
zetherooHaegin: how do you force clear a terminal window?11:41
nucc1Haegin, i can change the particular folder's owner to www-data, but without the -r flag on my home folder, it cant access at all11:41
anicholsStargaze: usb-modeswitch?11:41
Haeginzetheroo: clear11:41
Stargazeanichols, Synaptic gives a description11:42
Haeginzetheroo: or reset if you have funky characters messing it up11:42
zetherooHaegin: I did "man sudo" before and am stuck at the end of the manual11:42
Haeginnucc1: the -r flag makes it recursive so it effects the contents of the folder again11:42
Haeginzetheroo: press q to quit the man page reader11:43
nucc1Haegin, :) i meant the "read" flag for "all users"11:43
zetherooHaegin: oh thanks ... hehe11:43
nucc1Haegin, i didn't run the chmod with "-r"11:43
purple_processornucc1: Synlinks is the way to do it I think.. thats how I did it once, from memory...11:43
nucc1purple_processor, I am using virtual hosts, so symlinks don't apply.11:43
nucc1purple_processor, besides, a symlink will still run into permission issues.11:44
anicholsStargaze: I did a search on Synaptic for 'usb-modeswitch', and there are no packages available by that name...unless I'm completely screwing up how to look up something in the package manager...possible.11:44
Haeginnucc1: ok, that's because the web server runs as a user that doesn't own the file and isn't in the group that is set on the files so falls into the other category11:44
lao5Haegin: thanks again. i got it..11:44
Stargazeanichols, try searching for modeswitch, or switch11:44
nucc1Haegin, yes. and the home folder allows no access to "other" at all. that's why it was failing.11:44
Haeginlao5: no probs11:44
nucc1Haegin, so chmoding  "o+r" solves the problem.11:45
theadminnucc1: chown $USER:www-data $HOME && chmod -R 770 $HOME, something like this.11:45
anicholsStargaze: modeswitch = nothing.  switch = 272 packages....*sighs*11:45
nucc1theadmin, :) that is a bit dangerous :)11:45
theadminnucc1: Yeah kinda11:45
itheoshey my webcam isnt working till now. i have tried everything i could. but it doesnt work. can anybody help ?11:45
anicholsStargaze: Maybe it's something unavailable to HH?11:45
theadmin!es | CABALLOKII11:46
ubottuCABALLOKII: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:46
Stargazeanichols, i missed that part then, i 'm running KK11:46
nucc1theadmin, the problem is solved. the right way, IMHO. i just gave "others" read access to my home directory, and then i set the particular folder i wanted to serv with proper permissions.11:46
itheoscan anybody help please? :)11:46
nucc1theadmin, this way, my private folders remain private.11:46
zetherooHaegin:  dpkg: error processing symphony_1.3-1hardy2_i386.deb (--install):11:46
zetheroo package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)11:46
theadminnucc1: Uh, problem here, it will also be accessible by others locally11:46
anicholsStargaze: I'm staying with HH until LL becomes LTS, sorry.11:46
Stargaze!ask| itheos11:46
ubottuitheos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:46
zetherooHaegin: I guess the .bin is probably arch neutral ... or something11:47
Haeginzetheroo: ok, you are trying to install a 32bit package on a 64bit system.11:47
itheosStargaze, hey my webcam isnt working till now. i have tried everything i could. but it doesnt work. can anybody help ?11:47
Stargazeanichols, i understand, i'm doing it from now on, too11:47
itheosisnt this asking?11:47
Haeginzetheroo: nah, from the instructions they want you to run it in 32bit mode using 32bit libs11:47
nucc1theadmin, lemme try making it merely "executable" by others. that should work too, i suppose?11:47
Haeginzetheroo: run sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture <deb>11:47
zetherooHaegin: yes ...11:47
Stargazeitheos, try installing cheese (it's the name of the package)11:47
itheosStargaze, i have it but it hangs11:47
nucc1theadmin, seems to do the trick too. and now, others can't read :)11:48
theadminnucc1: if folder has +x it can be opened but it's contents can not be "read" unless "+r" is explicitly set on some of them11:48
Stargaze!es| CABALLOKII11:48
ubottuCABALLOKII: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:48
theadmin!ops | rm -rf CABALLOKII11:48
ubotturm -rf CABALLOKII: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!11:48
jpdsCABALLOKII: Hola.11:48
zetherooHaegin: ok ... looks like its installing ... still warns me though11:48
itheosCABALLOKII, bot?11:48
jpds!es | CABALLOKII11:48
ubottuCABALLOKII: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:48
Haeginzetheroo: it will warn you but the guide you followed got you to install the 32bit libs first so it should still work11:49
zetherooHaegin: ok it installed11:50
alinanyone knows how to install suExec on lighttpd ?11:50
abhi_navsystem is too slow what can i do?11:50
Wackler1Haegin don't wanna bother you... but no idea with the sound problem eh?11:50
HaeginWackler1: sorry, did you find out what card you had?11:50
Wackler1Haegin 3)11:50
Wackler100:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)11:50
alinanyone knows how to install suExec on lighttpd ? and willing to help me ?11:50
itheosmy webcam isnt working till now. i have tried everything i could. but it doesnt work. the system can detect it but cant show it. can anybody help ?11:50
funalienHello :) I have got one question about keyboard layouts in Ubuntu's gnome. Instead of using US locale I prefer Polish, because it has both english and advanced polish symbols. So, I've removed english layout, but it appear again after the system reboot. How to finally remove that layout?11:51
zetherooHaegin: and it opened ... thanks a lot!11:51
theadminalin: Do not repeat, just wait for a while... Might be a good idea to search the forums during wait and repeat in ~20 minutes11:51
funalien* US layout11:51
Haeginzetheroo: np11:51
airtonixwhat are my options for another menu editor?  i feel that alacarte makes menu editing cumbersome...11:51
alintheadmin, I already did that ...11:52
zetherooHaegin: if a newer version comes out I should just be able to install the newest one and it should overwrite the old one ... right!?11:52
abhi_navhow to speed up my ubuntu system?11:52
theadminCABALLOKII: Sigh. This is an english channel! Spanish support in #ubuntu-es11:52
Haeginzetheroo: yup11:52
theadminabhi_nav: Take a look at what eats your RAM and CPU11:52
zetherooHaegin: fantastic ...11:53
abhi_navtheadmin: I have 2gb ram and most of the time only around 400mb is used11:53
erUSULabhi_nav: by new cpu and ram11:53
abhi_navtheadmin and cpu 2 ghz11:53
theadminabhi_nav: Strange.11:53
abhi_naverUSUL: its new only 1 and half year old11:53
HaeginWackler1: can you run " lsmod | grep snd " and pastebin me the output please11:53
Stargazeabhi_nav, search google for boost ubuntu11:53
abhi_navtheadmin: is it due to compiz high graphcs (because graphics card is not that much high) or heavy gnome?11:54
blinkizRed Hat has a web based tool called "Conga" to manage clusters. Does Ubuntu have the same tool? Searching for Conga in package manager returns nothing11:54
abhi_navStargaze: :-)11:54
theadminabhi_nav: Maybe compiz, try turning this stuff off11:54
abhi_navtheadmin: ok11:54
theadminOh... crap.11:54
itheosits a bot11:54
Stargazevamos a la playaaaaaaaaaa11:54
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!11:54
theadmin!ops | CABALLOKII is flooding and does not listen to any instructions11:54
bupssshi all11:54
ubottuCABALLOKII is flooding and does not listen to any instructions: please see above11:54
DJones!es > CABALLOKII11:55
ubottuCABALLOKII, please see my private message11:55
itheosCABALLOKII, hola amigo :) thats all i know11:55
n8wguys do u also experience that the hibernation(suspend to disk) takes incredibly long time?11:55
airtonixn8w, no11:55
theadminn8w: How large is your swap?11:55
abhi_navn8w: its log but not incredibly11:56
DaemonFCDoes anyone know if there's a way to get the standard volume applet back instead of indicator crapplet's buggy, half-functional version in Lucid?11:56
theadminWith ~1GB of swap space it takes ~5 secs11:56
abhi_nav!lucid | DaemonFC11:56
ubottuDaemonFC: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule11:56
airtonixDaemonFC, this channel doesnt support lucid11:56
DaemonFCI'd made the upstream GNOME session my default but they seem to have removed the standard volume applet totally11:56
n8wtheadmin:  ive got 4300mb swap n 4G of ram11:56
theadminn8w: Oh, then weird11:56
n8wive tried switching to "uswsusp",but no significant difference there...11:57
airtonixn8w, your swap needs to be at least 1.5 times the size of your real ram11:57
itheosairstrike, if its less than 1gb11:57
Haeginairtonix: only if you want to hibernate do you need more swap than ram11:58
n8wairtonix:  ye i know, i did some research on that n opinions r different from person to person11:58
airtonixitheos, note n8w just said "4gbs or ram"11:58
airtonixHaegin, yes.11:58
abhi_navi think 4gb is greater than 1 gb11:58
airtonixHaegin, n8w you need to be prepared for the situation that your swap is in use by apps11:58
itheosairstrike, i noted it. i said your rule of 1.5 or 2 times applies if the ram is under 1 gb11:58
airtonixabhi_nav,  >>> <n8w> theadmin:  ive got 4300mb swap n 4G of ram11:59
abhi_navstill not clear11:59
airtonixitheos, in any case.11:59
airtonixabhi_nav, note the "4gb of ram"11:59
n8wairtonix:  i think that as long as my swap is at least the same size as my ram i should b ok11:59
abhi_navI have 2gb of ram and ubuntu create swap of 5.7 gb12:00
abhi_navautomatic installation (not manual)12:00
solid_liqsecond time I've heard that in an hour12:00
n8wi mean, i can notice some difference while usin "uswsusp", but mostly in wakin up...but still its not like in w7...its damn fast there12:00
abhi_navheard what?12:00
solid_liqabhi_nav, what you just said12:00
alinanyone knows how to install suExec on lighttpd ? and willing to help me ?12:00
abhi_navi said that before too?12:01
solid_liqabhi_nav, no, someone else did12:01
abhi_navsolid_liq hmm12:01
solid_liqabhi_nav, I have 4GB ram and ubuntu created a 2.25GB swap (on 10.04 daily build)12:01
abhi_navsolid_liq so bad or good?12:02
techzghow to store the file names in a folder to a file on Ubuntu? As in windows its dir /a -> file.txt12:02
n8wsolid_liq:  ye?can u hibernate?12:02
airtonixsolid_liq, it would be a sad day when you attempt to hibernate with your ram full.12:02
Dr_Willistechzg:  ls > foo.txt12:02
Dr_Willistechzg:  or some variant of ls/dir/echo *12:02
indusi have 384 mb ram12:02
abhi_navand swap?12:03
Stargazedoes my laptop use battery power when it is suspended?12:03
theadminStargaze: Yes, however a lot less12:03
abhi_navyes ofcourse12:03
solid_liqn8w, shouldn't be able to but I haven't tried12:03
abhi_navbut very low12:03
theadminStargaze: If it's hibernated, then no12:03
* Stargaze is entitled to stupid questions12:04
techzgDr_Willis: Got it, thanks. A general question, is there a way to copy a user's nick name in an IRC room, rather than typing it.12:04
abhi_navyah. we know12:04
n8wsolid_liq:  ye, i dont think u will b able to12:04
theadmintechzg: Some clients allow doing so by some clicking12:04
techzgI use ChatZilla12:04
solid_liqtechzg, try tab-completion ;)12:04
theadmintechzg: Never used it, no idea12:04
theadminI just type-tab it out12:05
n8whmm thats funny, that app "uswsusp" is 2 years old n still works better than anythin in the newest kernel:D12:07
theadminn8w: o_O12:07
theadminStrange, never had any problems with new kernels.12:07
solid_liqn8w, the app doesn't actually do the work; it just tells to kernel to do the work12:07
psychuilHi there, i have trouble installing flash, can anyone help?12:08
theadminpsychuil: What Ubuntu version?12:08
n8wsolid_liq:  ok but still works better than those being in the new kernel:)12:08
psychuili think 9.0412:08
psychuilthe lastest one12:09
theadminpsychuil: Latest one is 9.1012:09
theadminpsychuil: Try lsb_release -r12:09
jimjimovichanyone have an idea why the killall command would not be found on ubuntu 9.10 server?12:09
solid_liqn8w, lol12:10
theadminpsychuil: do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"12:10
psychuilE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-installer12:10
jiohdipsychuil: use the package store and search flash12:10
theadminpsychuil: Are you on 32-bit or 64-bit?12:10
jiohdiits there12:10
rocket16Hello all!12:11
rocket16One thing, the 9.10 Network Manager consumes a lot of memory, why is it so?12:12
theadminpsychuil: Whatever actually, it's flashplugin-installer anyway12:12
theadminrocket16: It has a ton of weird stuff behind it, especially that new libnotify plugin12:12
rocket16Oh, thanks theadmin.12:12
n8wsolid_liq:  ye,it is kinda lol....:)12:12
rocket16theadmin: But won't there be any improvement in the future?12:12
psychuiltheadmin, 32bit afaik12:13
rocket16psychuil: Friend, just go to Synaptic, and search for Flash Plugin installer there,12:13
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:13
theadminrocket16: Hm, i hope there will. 10.10 will use GNOME 3 anyway.12:13
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/12:14
psychuilCan't find flash in synaptic12:14
rocket16theadmin: Thanks for the info. Still, I hope to see some improvement in 10.04,12:14
jiohdipsychuil: try apt-cache search flashplugin12:14
rocket16psychuil: Which version are you using? 9.10?12:15
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psychuilYes, 9.10 a persistent liveusb12:15
q_psychuil, install ubuntu-restricted-extra12:15
haavarosHi! I just entered 'synclient touchpadoff=1' in terminal to disable touchpad ... do I have to repeat this after restart?12:15
theadminhaavaros: Better to use the mouse settings.12:15
theadminhaavaros: to be sure ;)12:15
haavarostheadmin: I've tried, but it resets after a few seconds/minutes12:16
theadminhaavaros: Weird.12:16
psychuilWhere do i find that q? Don't see it in sytnaptic12:16
rocket16psychuil: Ok, then download the package from http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=flashplugin-nonfree12:16
theadminrocket16: Woah there, don't use the debian one12:16
rocket16psychuil: Or, you can get it from Software Centre too12:16
psychuilI can't get from the software center12:17
rocket16theadmin: But, that is deb too, and should work in Ubuntu12:17
haavarostheadmin: Yeah, I know, but that terminal command works ... is there some way I can have that entered at every start, kinda like autoexec.bat in good ol MSDOS?12:17
theadminpsychuil: Download and install this one then: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/flashplugin-installer12:17
theadminhaavaros: Read a bit on /etc/init.d scripts12:17
psychuilfrom the software canter "not available for your hardware architecture"12:17
rocket16psychuil: Search for "Ubuntu restricted areas" in Software centre and install it12:17
rocket16psychuil: That will do it,12:18
theadminrocket16: psychuil: extras, not areas12:18
rocket16oops, sorry for that theadmin, :(12:18
psychuilError: Wrong architecture 'i386' On theadmin's link12:19
sine`any decent 2D sidescroller games for linux12:19
theadminpsychuil: download the 'amd64'12:19
theadminsine`: Many actually, opensonic, ballz, etc12:19
psychuilError: Dependency is not satisfiable: nspluginwrapper (>=
psychuilon amd6412:20
theadminpsychuil: Oh boy12:20
rocket16theadmin: Do I need the permission from anyone to create any channel here? (I want to popularise Wesnoth and Ubuntu GAming in my new channel)12:20
q_psychuil  look for   ubuntu-restricted-extra12:20
psychuilWhat did i break? :(12:20
theadminrocket16: No12:20
theadminpsychuil: Install this first (amd64 too) http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/nspluginwrapper12:20
psychuilsearch for it where?12:20
jiohdirocket16: if you join a channel that does not exist, its yours until you leave it12:20
rocket16theadmin: Thankd theadmin, you have been most helpful12:20
itaihi, i have many gigs of folders containing mostly mp3, but some contain the occasional txt or jpeg, is there a command that will delete just txt and jpeg from within folders (that is , i wouldnt need to cd to each folder)?12:20
rocket16jiohdi: Thanks,12:21
Picirocket16: There is already an #ubuntu-gaming channel fyi12:21
sine`theadmin: thanks ! ill have a look at those 2. im really a retro gamer and like things simple these days. there was a good game for steam that came out with time travel involved that was elite12:21
bronto2rocket16, /chanserv help12:21
rocket16Pici: Yes, but I simply want to discuss my favourite game Wesnoth there,12:21
psychuilError: Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs (>= 2.4)12:21
psychuil -- on nspluginwrapper12:21
theadminitai: rm -rf *.jpg *.txt folder1 folder2 folder3...12:21
gamersine`: what?12:22
theadminsine`: Ah, Braid, cool one indeed12:22
rocket16psychuil: Yes, they will keep on asking. Just install the Restricted extras, that will do12:22
haavarostheadmin: thx12:22
theadminhaavaros: Oh wait, got it wrong12:22
psychuilrocket16, where do i search for it?12:22
theadminhaavaros: rm -rf folder1/*.jpg folder1/*.txt etc12:23
itaitheadmin, thanks, is there a way i can do that without specifying the folders names (as there are many), say i put them all in one partition and run the command to delkete txt and jpeg within the psartition, possible?12:23
rocket16psychuil: In software centre. Search for Ubuntu restricted extras and install it. Or, try "sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper"12:23
gameris there a way to write random-data/all-zeros to your free space?12:23
psychuilE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:23
rocket16psychuil: Got it?12:23
psychuilE: Package nspluginwrapper has no installation candidate12:24
rocket16psychuil: That means you have some other process using the installer. Ok, restart the Computer and then install ubuntu restricted extras12:24
psychuilrocket16, that was the synaptic, i closed it and got another error12:25
jiohdipsychuil: are you using sudo?12:25
jiohdiyou have to be root to install12:25
ranjancan any body can help me in mounting an .iso file that can be used by wine12:25
psychuilE: Package nspluginwrapper has no installation candidate <<--- this is twhat i got12:25
ranjancan any body can help me in mounting an .iso file that can be used by wine any help would be of great help12:25
theadminitai: Trying to create one now12:25
rocket16psychuil: I recommend, simply restart, connect to internet again, and then install ubuntu restricted extras12:25
n8wwhile installin dropbox, can i change to name of a folder suggested by the installer?the installer gives me only "my dropbox" no matter where i wanna pu it to. but i need a folder called "dropbox"12:25
rocket16psychuil: This is the easiest way, to me,12:26
daniskamiitai: find /path/to/the/folders -name '*.jpg' -exec rm {} \;12:26
jcrawfordis there a way in Ubuntu to add a folder to the Places menu?12:26
rocket16Ranjan: Are you from India?12:26
jcrawfordI do not see anything under Preferences -> Main Menu12:26
psychuilrocket16, if i try to install it via the software center it says "not available in the current data"12:26
theadminitai: find /folder/containing/other/folders -name '*.jpg" -exec rm {} \;12:26
ranjanrocket16: yes12:26
Picijcrawford: You can modify those from the bookmarks menu in any Nautilus window.12:26
jcrawfordthanks Pici12:26
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  in the file manager. drag/drop a folder to the left side panel.12:26
psychuilhttp://pastebin.com/ic8Xw8Fr and this is what i get via the terminal12:27
rocket16Ranjan: Me too. Are you a Bengali?12:27
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  after you add so many they move to a 'bookmarks sub dir'12:27
itaitheadmin, daniskami thanks, will give it a try12:27
jcrawfordis there a way to change the folder Icon for a directory?12:28
ranjanrocket16: do do you have any idea .. how to mount an .iso file so that it can be used under wine .. and regarding your question i am not exactly an bangali i am born in bihar and brought up in bengal .. so you can coin the term sudo bengali12:28
rocket16psychuil: You need to start Multiverse and universe support12:29
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psychuilHow do i do that?12:29
rocket16ranjan: Cool! You can use gmount-iso for that, install it from software centre,12:29
IdleOnejcrawford: right click > Properties > click on the icon and navigate/select new icon12:29
jcrawfordIdleOne, thanks :)12:29
rfa_jcrawford change theme or change only icon you're intrested12:29
IdleOnejcrawford: don't ask me where they are kept :/12:30
jcrawfordi want to use a custom icon12:30
rocket16psychuil: Ok, open Software centre, then go to edit menu, and select Software sources.12:30
jcrawfordsoi sounds like your steps will work12:30
IdleOnejcrawford: yeah, being a custom icon you know where it is located :)12:30
rocket16psychuil: Then check all the boxes in the dialogue box, especially the two containing "universe" and "multiverse"12:31
rubasubGood afternoon, does anyone know what /usr/bin/zip is?12:31
rocket16ranjan: You can install gmount-iso from software centre,12:31
erUSULrubasub:  a compressing tool that supports the zip format?12:31
rocket16psychuil: Started successfully?12:31
ranjanrocket16:does it'll work cause i have installed furius iso mount tool but it failed to show up in wine.. or doed i nead to do some modification under wine so that it can work with charm....12:32
psychuilstill downloading, at 94%12:32
psychuilfor quite a while now12:32
theadminMaybe it got stuck, psychuil, try pausing/resuming12:33
rubasuberUSUL: KlamAV came up with a list of things that look as if they might be part of ok things but I don't know enough about it12:33
psychuilinstalling restricked12:33
rocket16ranjan: Actually, you need to enter the iso, which will be like a folder now. Then, you can open your programme with wine, using the open-with optiion,12:33
gameris there a way to write random-data/all-zeros to your free space?12:33
rocket16psychuil: That was downloading the new data,12:33
akshayhow to enable nautilus12:33
rocket16psychuil: Now, it will start,12:33
desenoh hai! dudes. I needed to run some programs for school and had to install Win7, while Karmic was my only OS. This obviouslly trashed my GRUB2 so i ran a LiveCD and tried to fix the problem. Now every time i boot, a GRUB shell appears and i have to use commands like "find /boot/grub/core.img ... root (hd0,4) ... kernel ... boot" and starts normally. How do i overcome this ?12:33
akshaypls help me12:33
rocket16akshay: Use alt+F2, and then type "nautilus"12:34
sipiorgamer: sure, use dd in conjunction with /dev/random or /dev/zero.12:34
sipiorgamer: "man dd" :-)12:35
gamersipior: do you have a link?12:35
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rocket16psychuil: After the downloading, just install the restricted extras from software centre, and that will do12:35
akshayhow to open folder in filesystem with a X sign12:35
theadmindesen: After you boot, try running sudo update-grub12:35
rwwsipior: That generally would erase everything, not just free space.12:35
psychuilrocket16, already doing that12:35
theadminakshay: This is a folder which you don't have acess too12:35
Wackler1anyone good with sound issues12:36
desentheadmin: yes, it looks like it worked in terminal. Thanx ! :)12:36
mikerufirefox won't open... the only thing that comes out in the terminal is12:36
mikeru(firefox-bin:3099): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times12:36
akshay@ theadmin ,, i need to acess ,tell me the process12:36
rocket16akshay: X Sign means that root can open that. Use alt+F2, and then type "gksudo nautilus" and then open it,12:36
ranjanrocket16: i am able to enter into the folder and i am able to install the installer and i nead the cd now in order to vew the content of the file basically it's an study material which was designed for windows based macine and i want to use it on ubuntu and... right now i am using an hp mini so it is not possible to attach an extra cd rom with this so do you have any idea how to go ahed now ..??12:36
sipiorrww: i imagined he was cleaning a partition. in any event, one simply has to be careful with the destination setting.12:36
theadminakshay: gksu nautilus && go to the folder12:36
rocket16ranjan: Really a difficult incident to handle, I am afraid I can't do it. But you can copy it from the CD to any folder and then try,12:37
akshay@theadmin thanks12:37
abhi_navhow can i install ubuntu on a system without cddrive,usb etc. and i have ubuntu live cd? 2\12:37
akshay@rocket16 thanks alot12:37
abhi_navhow can i install ubuntu on a system without cddrive,usb etc. and i have ubuntu live cd?12:37
j0rdjadd a cd drive12:38
rocket16akshay: You are welcome, :)12:38
sipiorgamer: this might be useful to you: http://www.techthrob.com/2009/03/02/howto-delete-files-permanently-and-securely-in-linux/12:38
j0rdthere a 4 on the kerb outside my place12:38
akshay@ rocket16 mplayer does not works in my system any tip for that12:38
rocket16akshay: Does it start?12:38
akshayrocket16  yes12:38
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ranjanrocket16: may be there might be some solution ... now i have to find it out .. but how    I don't have any idea ..12:39
abhi_navhow to install ubuntu on system without cddrve/usb. i have ubuntu live cd12:39
wejickhai all, i look for smallest ubuntu deritative12:39
Wackler1I got sound problems... can someone help?12:39
rocket16akshay: there may be some dependencies left. Just go to software centre, uninstall it, and then reinstall it.12:39
akshayrocket16 error msg is :-error while opening video output12:39
abhi_navj0rd: how to use that actually?12:39
j0rdwhich nfs of pxe?12:40
rocket16akshay: there may be some dependencies left. Just go to software centre, uninstall it, and then reinstall it.12:40
j0rdhas box got ethernet ?12:40
abhi_navj0rd: just a min12:41
rocket16akshay: After reinstalling it, you may also install Smplayer, a gui to mplayer. It is great!12:41
rocket16akshay: Additionally, gXine is grand, if you want to play VCDs12:41
akshayrocket16 is it better than vlc12:41
homeasvs__Hi.  anyone here know what the rationale is behind putting /usr/loca/bin on PATH by default, but not having /usr/local/lib/python2.6/* on sys.path for python by default ?12:42
rocket16akshay: Certainly. Because it uses 3d Acceleration, and VLC can't play VCDs in Ubuntu directly,12:42
homeasvs__I'm trying to figure out what my app should do (which uses autotools) when it installs12:42
abhi_navtittu: ask your question in detail in one line to j0rd12:42
akshayrocket16 gXine is a plugin or a seperate video player12:42
abhi_navj0rd: he has the actual problem. i was asking on behalf of him12:42
homeasvs__because right now /usr/local/bin/(my binary) is found, but it in turn is unable to import the python module it installed12:42
rocket16akshay: Seperate video player, a gui to xine-libs12:43
abhi_navtittu: you got my msg?12:43
akshayrocket16 kk12:43
tittuabhi_nav, yes12:43
rocket16akshay: :)12:43
j0rdor pm me12:43
Wackler1I got sound problems... can someone help?12:43
akshayrocket16 so which shud i go for vlc or gxine or smplayer12:44
akshayrocket16 :)12:44
tittuj0rd, i sent pm12:44
j0rd<Wackler1> if no one answered the first few times maybey you should leave it half hooure12:44
rocket16akshay: You need to go to Software centre, and then search for each term, like "vlc" etc., and then install them. And Friend, are you from India? Because I am from India too,12:44
akshayrocket16 hey ya iam from india12:45
psychuilinternet here is painfuly slow :(12:46
akshayrocket16 whats ur real name12:46
rocket16akshay: Me too! My real name is Anirban Chatterjee, from Kolkata12:46
Stargaze!ask| psychuil12:48
ubottupsychuil: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:48
psychuilStargaze, i haven't asked to ask a question i was just whining about the aweful uni connection ?:P12:48
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abhi_navcan anyone read me? why me xchat (and overall system is this much slow)?12:55
abhi_navcan anyone read me?12:56
sipiorabhi_nav: yes. something we can help you with?12:56
abhi_navsipior: no. checking i am am connected or not. my xchat suddenly disconnects. ubuntu is too slow. internet is  slow12:57
airtonixabhi_nav, i believe pinging google will show you latency to google12:58
LordBurritoabhi_nav: Perhaps your Internet connection is flakey?12:58
abhi_navairtonix: yah i need to use /ping every 3 mins12:59
abhi_navLordBurrito: hmm i think so12:59
boournsanyone know a mail client i could use for an exchange 5.5 server?  evolution doesn't support it12:59
gamercan you install ubuntu from an sd card?13:00
abhi_nav800mb sd card?13:00
LordBurritoboourns: Are you just talking about pop3 and smtp?  Or are you looking for the entire MS Exchange thing?13:01
gamer2 gb13:01
MrPiracygamer: if u can boot from an sd card, then yes13:01
Azelphurgamer: if your machine can install from an SD card, I see no reason why not13:01
Azelphuror boot, same thing13:01
MrPiracyi am trying to watch video at http://www.metropoletv.com.br/index.php?id=VFhwRmVnPT0=&prog=VGtSRlBRPT0=&at=pro#programas13:02
MrPiracyand nothing happens13:02
MrPiracywhich drivers/codecs should i install?13:02
IdleOneMrPiracy: you have flashplugin-installer installed?13:02
MrPiracyi installed a lot of things, lemme check13:03
IdleOneMrPiracy: if not then install it and restart the browser13:03
abhi_navMrPiracy: yah! I can watch :P13:03
StargazeMrPiracy, i'm watching it too13:03
eagle5good very nice13:04
StargazeMrPiracy, try adding Medibuntu to your sources13:04
IdleOneStargaze: medibuntu is not needed13:04
MrPiracyyes, it is installed13:04
IdleOnewon't hurt any but not needed13:04
GeForce88Does ubuntu support 3 or more monitors?13:04
sine`is there a winamp type mp3 player for ubuntu linux13:05
sine`on windows i hated wmp i used MPC or winamp or vlc13:05
IdleOnesine`: I like VLC13:05
sine`i want some super elite13:05
Wackler1Can somebody help with soundissues13:05
stevecamGeForce88, i believe so, but i have not been able to test it13:05
sine`would that be install vlc13:05
IdleOneMrPiracy: not sure why you can't see the video :/13:05
MrPiracyIdleOne: could u please be more precise?13:05
abhi_nav!vlc | sine`13:05
ubottusine`: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:05
psychuilGuys, do you know why an ssh tunnel still won't let me connect to irc severs bypassing the stupid uni router?13:05
abhi_navsine` you can install vlc on linux. type sudo apt-get install vlc13:06
sk_Hey I want to install kde 4.4 from trunk. So anyone know what should be KDEHOME directory in 9.10?13:06
abhi_navwhat # means?13:06
airtonixpsychuil, probably because that 'stupid uni router' is your only way out of the lan13:06
Piciabhi_nav: In what context?13:06
abhi_navPici: sine` typed seet#13:07
IdleOnesine`: anytime you want to install an application look in Synaptic package manager to make see if it is already packaged or use apt-cache search packagename ( vlc ) in this case13:07
abhi_navPici: sine` typed sweet#13:07
psychuilBut i'm using a tunnel over an open port and trying to access all the internet via my server13:07
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ubuntunewbiehi does anyone know what code or application to watch downloade flash AVC H264 ? I tried with smplayer and VLC it doesn't work13:07
airtonixpsychuil, and you can use ports other than 80 via this tunnel ?13:08
Piciabhi_nav: I don't know, probably a typo.13:08
eagle5ointa or gimp better?13:08
psychuil8080 should be wide open13:08
psychuili'm able to bypass firefox blocks13:08
airtonixpsychuil, and how are you attempting to make your irc client use your ssh tunnel ?13:09
Wackler1Can someone help with a Soundoutput problem?13:10
Halitech!ask | Wackler113:11
ubottuWackler1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:11
LordBurritopsychuil: I wonder if it's occurred to you that using SSH to do an end-run around your university's policy might no eventually result in that being blocked or restricted, too?13:11
psychuilLordBurrito, trust me, it wont.13:11
psychuilThey just blocked all the ports coz they couldn't be bothered with getting a proper sysadmin13:12
Wackler1Halitech should I post like 40 collums of text?13:12
psychuilIsrael sucks :(13:12
sine`ok cool13:12
jastoron a server with two dualcore processors .. the cpus would be listed as 0-3 right? when using taskset -c for example13:12
Halitech!pastebin | Wackler1 use pastebin13:12
ubottuWackler1 use pastebin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:12
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plitterDoes anhyone know about a good guide to get gmail drive?13:14
kiaasI'm currently in the hospital, and they restrict access to their network in an annoying way...they use something from cisco or some such with an invalid cert that you have to make an exception for, and will keep working for a while..until something happens and firefox decides it is invalid again and won't allow an exception. how can I remove any record that I had the cert. at all so I can make the exception again?13:14
ubuntunewbiehi does anyone know what code or application to watch downloade flash AVC H264 ? I tried with smplayer and VLC it doesn't work13:14
xhunterHi !13:15
Wackler1Halitech no offence, but it more in the way of this works this doesn't...most of it is guesswork on my side so I don't really know how to phrase my request.13:16
xhunterany one knows a good dictionary program on ubuntu ?13:16
HalitechWackler1, well without knowing what is going on then its going to be hard to help you out13:16
plitterDoes anhyone know about a good guide to get gmail drive?13:17
Wackler1Halitech I think the Problem is in the Alsa modul but I'm not shure13:17
LordBurritoWhat's a "gmail drive?"13:18
kiaasI'm on too many pain meds to keep up with this channel. I'll just wait for my friend to get back online and keep using the new account I made.13:18
matsGmail Drive13:18
matsThat's an application13:18
matsFor Gmail13:18
matsSo you can use it as a harddisk13:18
airtonix!enter | mats13:18
ubottumats: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:18
matsIt will send emails to your own email13:18
FloodBot3mats: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
matsOh, haha. I am sorry, I didn't know this question was asked in the #ubuntu channel, I know the rules, fortunately13:18
LordBurritoUse gmail as a hard disk?  *That* is a scary thought!13:18
ranjanrocket16: are you there??13:19
Halitechplitter, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=768282&highlight=ssl+gmail13:19
matsI accidently switched to a different channel, without seeing what the new channel was ;)13:19
rocket16ranhan: Yeah, sure13:19
gamerhow do you download burn a cd while using a live cd13:19
plitterHalitech: thanks, going to check it out13:19
Bisu[Shield]how do i sign a public key given to me by someone?13:19
rocket16ranjan: Just was busy in talking to Akshay13:19
ranjanrocket16:: i got an solution ... for this ..13:20
plitterHalitech: it was for using gmail as an external harddrive13:20
Halitechplitter, thats basically what you would be doing13:20
ubuntunewbiehi does anyone know what code or application to watch downloade flash AVC H264 ? I tried with smplayer and VLC it doesn't work13:20
nibblergamer: either use 2 drives, or boot the live system in a way that it allows you to eject the cd (does ubuntu support this?)13:20
rocket16ranjan: Sure,  well done.13:21
gamercan you BURN a cd while using an  ubuntu live cd?13:21
Halitechgamer, only if you have 2 drives13:21
gamercan you install ubuntu from a usb13:22
Halitechgamer, yes13:22
plitterHalitech: true, but i would like it to be like in gmail drive, hmmm, or am i being stupid, i want it to be able to mount in nautilus13:22
om26er!usb | gamer13:22
ubottugamer: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:22
NollogYou can also run the live cd from usb13:22
LordBurritogamer: The live CD is a mounted filesystem.  You can't remove a mounted filesystem and you can't unmount it while it's in use.13:22
Stargazegamer, i put ubuntu on a usb, while i was working with the liveCD13:23
lalalolhi, i added the ppa for chromium but its not installed, i tried sudo apt-get update and upgrade, doesnt work :/13:23
Halitechplitter, ok, try this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=772925&highlight=gmail+drive13:23
gamerwgat do you do if you can't mount a usb drive?13:23
Halitechgamer, mount or boot from a usb drive?13:24
lalalolhelp plz?13:24
Halitechlalalol, did you install it?13:24
lalalolHalitech, i added the ppa and did those 2 commands13:24
gamerHalitech: mount13:25
lalalolHalitech, i guess thats enough?13:25
Halitechlalalol, that won't install it, you need to run sudo apt-get install chromium (or whatever its called)13:25
lalalolok Halitech, and is it a problem that i have entered the ppa before ill install it? :o13:25
Stargazelalalol, this is how i did it, chromium i mean13:26
Stargazelalalol, this is how i did it, chromium i mean => http://digitizor.com/2009/11/06/how-to-install-chromium-browser-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/13:26
baldarishey guys can any one suggest me good all in 1 messenger for karmic kola?13:26
gamerwhat do you do if you can't mount a usb drive?13:26
Stargazebaldaris, try aMSN13:26
Halitechlalalol, no, you need the ppa added first, that is just a list of packages you can add13:26
HalitechaMSN is just for msn13:26
Lemontree84Stargaze: aMSN is not all in one messenger13:26
lalalolStargaze, thx man, but i dont have a browser atm :D13:26
Nolloggamer: Why can't you mount one?13:26
baldarisin need for all , Msn , yahoo , gmail , aim , icq..13:27
lalalolok Halitech, so i just need to enter the command in the terminal, can you please search the right command since i have no browser?13:27
hamzaatova2where can i download a timer for measuring time?13:27
Stargazebaldaris, try emesene13:27
gamerNollog: i'm not sure. i was trying to format it in FreeBSD earlier and it didnt work. maybe that had something to do with it13:27
Lemontree84baldaris: i guess for gnome you can use, empathy , or pidgin, imo both are good enough, and workin well here, empathy can use nice themes from Adium13:27
Stargazebaldaris, or try pidgin13:27
Halitechlalalol, the command is right, I just don't know what the packagename is for chromium13:27
TomFarrAny ops from #ubuntu-ru?13:28
baldarisStargaze, emesene is for msn ?13:28
StargazeHalitech, it's chromium-browser13:28
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gamerwhat do you do if you can't mount a usb drive?13:28
baldarisyeah i am using empathy right now..13:28
Nollogsudo apt-get install chromium-browser13:28
kinja-sheephamzaatova2: timer-applet - a countdown timer applet for the GNOME panel13:28
Nolloggamer: Type mount13:28
HalitechStargaze, ok, didn't know if it was just chromium or something else13:28
gamermount what?13:28
baldarisbut when someone pms me , i just dont know as voice is very low..and i am missing most of my ims most of the time..13:28
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NollogDoes the usb drive not show up in the long list of devices?13:28
NollogJust mount13:29
psychuilrestricked is installed, how do i install flash now?13:29
Stargazegamer, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB13:29
kinja-sheepbaldaris: Pidgin is nicer than Empathy imo.13:29
Nolloglol, secure help. nice.13:29
h31Hi all. I am using 10.04. When i'm using gnome applet for shutting down my computer, my filesystem (ext4) breaks. When i'm using poweroff, there is no such problem. What to do?13:30
psychuilnm, seems it's installed13:30
yehiahello, i lost my menu set up13:30
baldarisi was tryng that before ,  http://www.pidgin.im/ unable to connect to server..13:30
kinja-sheepbaldaris: "sudo aptitude install pidgin"13:30
sipiorh31: breaks how, exactly?13:31
h31psychuil: look in "firefox addons" page for a flash plugin13:31
CABALLOKIIhablais español13:31
Stargaze!lucid| h3113:31
ubottuh31: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:31
bobbyyuHello, all13:31
ArdethianIs there an audio player around or a script of some kind that can recover an *.mp3 file's album name using the name of the song itself?13:31
Stargaze!es| CABALLOKII13:32
ubottuCABALLOKII: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:32
olskolircI'd like to set an alarm from the terminal to go off in 4 min how do I do that please?13:32
kinja-sheepolskolirc: sleep 4m && cvlc song.mp3 -- Maybe?13:32
aciculaolskolirc: atd can do one time scheduling13:32
ArdethianIs there an audio player around or a script of some kind that can recover an *.mp3 file's album name using the name of the song itself?13:32
vividpsychuil, search synaptic for the 'flashplugin-installer' package13:32
olskolircthanks kinja-sheep and acicula13:33
h31Ardethian: recover tags? Use picard.13:33
bobbyyuDoe the Ubuntu Installation DVD/CD have repositories within itself? I found out that some applications on Synaptic don't download; they run off the CD/DVD.13:33
ArdethianWill it work?13:33
ArdethianI mean,13:33
ArdethianMy playlist is organized, more or less.13:33
ArdethianBut I miss a lot of album names.13:33
ArdethianAll titles are ok though.13:33
FloodBot3Ardethian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
ArdethianStupid boy.13:34
hamzaatova2kinja-sheep, how do i download the timer applet?13:34
h31Ardethian: Use EasyTag or Picard.13:34
kinja-sheephamzaatova2: "sudo aptitude install timer-applet" (in the terminal).13:34
Ardethiank, ty :)13:34
airtonixArdethian, also enter key is not the new spacebar13:35
plitterHalitech: i found this http://richard.jones.name/google-hacks/gmail-filesystem/gmail-filesystem.html which say that gmailfs is no longer supported but there is a fix, but i couldnt really figure out how to do it:P thanks for help though:)13:35
kinja-sheepbobbyyu: In that case, you might want to check Software Sources and tick off DVD/CD. Yes, you could use DVD/CD as a repositories but the packages get outdated fast.13:35
Dr_Willisbobbyyu:  the cd/dvd can work as a repository. but you can disable the cd/dvd and it will get stuff from the internet.13:35
ArdethianI'm used to typing fast.13:36
ArdethianSorry, lawl.13:36
aciculaArdethian: just dont use enter so much13:36
ArdethianI'll try.13:36
bobbyyuWell, I'll use the Internet for that. I want to have an offline source in case I couldn't log on the Internet forever (unlikely but possible).13:36
psychuilSay, why did i need to get the whole thing? The restricted and all that just to get falsh?13:37
psychuilIs it coz i'm using a liveusb?13:37
bobbyyuI don't care about getting outdated software, I just care about having offline access to my favourite programs.13:37
kinja-sheepbobbyyu: A Ubuntu LiveCD is sufficient for that IMO.13:37
gamerdoes a usb drive have to be blank to put an  ubuntu live or alternate installation on it?13:37
psychuilgamer, no13:37
dante123hi all, my computer would once in awhile freeze up when first booting in the morning.  A warm reboot and all went well.  Now it takes about 3 or 4 reboots....any ideas what might be causing this?  I ran memtest and found one bad memory module....replaced with a good one...but problem persists.13:37
psychuilbut it should have enough space13:37
bobbyyuThank you every one. You have been kind.13:38
gameris 600 mb enough?13:38
psychuilI used lili, and liked it very much13:38
psychuilYou need atleast 1GB imo13:38
psychuilBut don't bother if you have less then 213:38
aciculadante123: depends on where it freezes, could be software related or just your hardware giving out13:38
Halitechdante123, heat issue? cpu not seated properly? bad hardware (hard drive)?13:39
gamerpsychuil: don't bother if you have less than 2 GB?13:39
daniskamigamer: do you want to use the USB drive as an installation medium or do you want to install it onto the USB drive?13:39
gamerpsychuil: all I want to do is use it as an install cd13:39
chili555dante123, motherboard OK? no bulging capacitors?13:39
gamerinstallation medium13:39
dante123acicula, it usually freezes just prior to going into ubuntu or right when desktop shows up.  Mouse arrow on screen but cant move it...locked up.13:40
ehndei'm running the 10.04 installer from a livecd and it starts up, but when i click next it quits13:40
Halitechdante123, video card?13:40
aciculaehnde: try #ubuntu+113:40
ehndeacicula: thanks13:40
gamerdaniskami: installation medium13:40
aciculagamer: think an usb stick needs 500-1gb big? unetbootin will tell you, or look on the ubuntu wiki page regarding usb installs13:40
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:40
dante123chili555, im looking right now...but I think capacitors are good.  I must say it did this cold reboot freeze thing from day one.  Now it just is becoming more apparent....and seems to be more ubuntu based as I cant remember it heppening with windows.13:41
aciculadante123: may be worth trying a live usb stick with 9.04 and an 10.04 alpha to see if you have the same problem13:42
aciculadante123: wont solve it but should give you a better idea wether its a hardware issue or not?13:42
dante123Halitech i dont think it is a heat issue as it happens generally when the machine is starting from cold boot13:42
aciculadante123: can still be a power/capacitor issue if it eventually works13:43
aciculadante123: any hardware upgrades/custom stuff in the pc?13:45
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dante123acicula i do have a new graphics card in there....nvidia 730013:47
ddavidshello all13:48
daniskamigamer: FYI, my Xubuntu Karmic USB drive has less than 700 MB on it13:48
dante123come to think of it.....the config file for xorg.conf might still have the settings of when it had an nvidia 6200 in it....hmmm13:48
dante123when I say new....like a month ago13:48
WacklerHow to delete a file from terminal13:49
lalalolback, Halitech, whats the correct packagename then?13:49
Stargazeone month in computer context = middle aged13:49
chili555dante123, does the installation of the video card correspond to the start of the cold boot issue?13:49
Halitechlalalol, according to Stargaze it's chromium-browser13:49
Stargazeidd, i'm using chromium-browser myself13:50
lalalolidd = indeed?13:50
Stargazeidd lalalol :)13:50
lalalolhaha :P13:50
Bisu[Shield] i have a problem, when I run gpg -o /tmp/test.gpg --encrypt -r "R5C7E8B1" /tmp/test.csv on the command line it runs fine creating a .gpg file, when I try to do it via php exec() i get the error: gpg: R5C7E8B1: skipped: public key not found  gpg: /tmp/test.csv: encryption failed: public key not found . why is that?13:50
lalalolalright, gonna install then13:50
ddavidspls i have this challenge...i have two ISPs and they are both connected to my desktop thru a dual ethernet adapter, the chalenge is how to choose which of the ISP i want to connect to without removing the cable...when i disable and enable its just auto eth0 - tht means it arbitrarily chooses the which ISP to activate...13:50
dante123chili555 the cold boot issue was a frequent thing from the beginning....but turns out one memory module was bad....so I think that issue has gone away now.  This issue happens either just as ubuntu is booting up or just as soon as you get to desktop13:50
dante123trying boot from livecd right now...acicula and chili55513:51
* tittu slaps abhi_nav around a bit with a large trout13:51
chili555Wackler, rm <some_file>     be very careful!!!13:52
lalalolawesome its installed13:52
Wacklerchili555 thx13:52
ddavidspls i have this challenge...i have two ISPs and they are both connected to my desktop thru a dual ethernet adapter, the chalenge is how to choose which of the ISP i want to connect to without removing the cable...when i disable and enable its just auto eth0 - tht means it arbitrarily chooses the which ISP to activate...13:53
nucc1is there a commandline log file viewer?13:53
Halitechnucc1, cat /path/to/log/file13:53
Stargazenucc1, try cat blabla.log|less13:53
Halitechnucc1, I think if you want a running view, try tail /path/to/logfile13:54
PiciStargaze: you can just do less filename13:54
PiciHalitech: you'll need tail -f for that.13:54
StargazePici, tnx 4 the tip :)13:55
chili555ddavids, Network Manager arbitrarily decides?13:55
dante123acicula and chili555, boot processing seems to be taking a long time...from livecd13:55
HalitechPici, ok, wasn't completely sure and figured someone would correct me if I was wrong :)13:55
nucc1Halitech, the postfix log files will be in /var/log/mail.log ?13:55
Halitechnucc1, not totally sure13:55
Picinucc1: yes.13:56
ddavids<chili555: yes pls13:56
dante123acicular and chili555. seems hung.......cd light flashing but nothing happening.....white ubuntu logo on black on screen13:56
nucc1Pici, yea, just saw that. how do i make it not set "from = www-data@localhost" ?13:56
ddavidschili555: it most usually connects to the one tht has something like 192.168....13:56
Picinucc1: 'it'?13:56
nucc1Pici, postfix :) or PHP one of the two :)13:57
ddavidschili555: even when the network is down on that one...13:57
chili555ddavids, if you could stand to get rid of NM, you could do sudo ifconfig eth0 ip_address_desired  up13:57
dante123acicula and chili555, i would say we have lockup on boot from livecd....so that makes it look hardware related right?13:57
leftStandinghi, i noticed a difference with the linksys WUSB54G adapter between 9.04 and 9.10. In 9.04 WPA works wonderfully and in 9.10 everything but WPA works. Where should I file a bug reprot?13:57
rocket16theadmin: Are you a developer of Ubuntu?13:57
chili555dante123, IMO, yes13:57
ddavidschili555: wow, any measurable cons to that?13:57
lalalolaww chromium doesnt fully pass the acid313:58
sysc\join #ubuntu-br13:58
ddavidschili555: cant i still do tht with NM doing its own thingy?13:58
Picinucc1: I think you'll need to define that within php.  I see a mail directive within php.ini, but I'm not sure if that has any effect.13:58
ddavidschili555: if i get rid of NM, is it retreiable?13:58
chili555ddavids, not any way I know of. you might be able to do so with 2 nic cards13:59
Stargazelalalol, what's acid3?13:59
dante123chili555 trying once more to boot from livecd.  From cold boot.....get to just before desktop freezes.  Boot#2 from livecd freezes.  Boot#3 in progress13:59
chili555ddavids, yes, from the install cd13:59
lalalolStargaze, a webstandard test13:59
nucc1Pici, the from field shows correctly in the received email, but postfix still connects to the receiving mail server identifying itself as "www-data@localhost"13:59
ddavidschili555: how do i retrieve it from the install cd?14:00
chili555ddavids, when you click the NM icon, do you see any choices available?14:00
olskolirchow do I make this loop three times sleep 7s && cvlc /usr/share/sounds/ekiga/busytone.wav14:00
chili555ddavids, add the cd as a software source and sudo ap-get install network-manager14:00
chili555ddavids, *apt14:01
chili555ddavids, but if you can connect manually, you can get it from the repos in Synaptic, et al14:01
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mostafahey all14:03
mostafai got a problem with using tahoma font inside firefox14:04
chili555ddavids, you can get some good ideas in 'man interfaces' in a terminal14:04
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ddavidschili555: i only see Auto eth0...then VPN14:04
ddavidschili555: then when i try to connect, it just chooses ANY of the two connections...14:04
ddavidschili555: i am just thinking i shld be able to choose WHICH one i want to use at a particular time and also change seamlessly without touching the cables...14:04
chili555ddavids, i am sure _you_ can and I doubt NM can14:05
mostafaAny body can help with font problem here?14:05
psychuilwhat's the terminal hotkey?14:05
psychuilOr if anyone has a nice basic hotkey guide, i'd love a link.14:06
Picipsychuil: System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts?14:06
Madwilli need help, i need to run 2 instance of apache tomcat, one for RED5 and one for JODCONVERTER when i start the other which is on another port the first one stop working...14:12
ddavidspls i have this challenge...i have two ISPs and they are both connected to my desktop thru a dual ethernet adapter, the chalenge is how to choose which of the ISP i want to connect to without removing the cable...when i disable and enable its just auto eth0 - tht means it arbitrarily chooses the which ISP to activate...14:13
Madwillit works on windows but i can't make it work on ubuntu14:13
Madwillmy guess is ther is something wrong with the way i think in linux but i can't make jodConverter works from the red5 tomcat installation14:13
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aciculaddavids: you can set a mapping which card becomes eth0 and eth1. but doesnt nm-applet just route traffic through one interface?14:15
ddavidsacicula: i think that is what id like but i need some assistance...14:16
chili555ddavids, would you like to PM me?14:16
aciculaMadwill: are you sure there are no shared files between the instances?14:18
aciculaMadwill: also cant you run multiple containers within one tomcat isntance?14:19
aciculaMadwill: shared as in runtime files ,etc14:19
nicoXhey hey14:20
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wftlStupid question time . . . should GNOME be written entirely in caps for print (as in 'official legal print', or is just Gnome okay?14:24
overcluckergNomE is still gnome, me thinks14:25
Barn1personally i like Gnome14:25
James_T_KirkHi everyone.14:25
erUSULwftl: once apon a time they were acronym not anymore so Gnome is ok i guess14:25
nicoXHey -.-14:25
James_T_KirkI am showing a new Ubuntu user the ropes. Be KIND to him when he comes on later.14:26
James_T_KirkThis is the BEST Ubuntu support channel, without it I would have been completely LOST!14:26
Barn1anyone else bored @work?14:26
rskBarn1 code compiling?14:26
overcluckerno kill unbeliever?14:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:26
Barn1no just bored14:26
James_T_KirkBarn1: Bored? You're kidding, right?14:26
James_T_Kirkacicula: LOL14:27
wftlerUSUL: Yeah, sort of like KDE was an acronym. I was just curious as to the legal, aka corporate, reprensentation of the trademark.14:27
nicoXGamer :D14:27
nicoXKann einer deutsch ''14:27
James_T_KirkerUSUL: Yea, what DOES KDE stand for?14:27
erUSULwftl: well gnoe.org uses GNOME all over the place14:27
acicula!de | nicoX14:27
ubottunicoX: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:27
Barn1anyone know if Autocad 2010 runs under wine?14:28
nicoXLeute ''14:28
Pici!appdb | check the appdb Barn114:28
ubottucheck the appdb Barn1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:28
overcluckeryou could read the license, i'm sure they refer to it in it's decided case there14:28
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde414:28
LogicalDashI am trying to print a day of my calendar in Evolution. When I hit Print or Print Preview, Evolution crashes. How do I fix this?14:28
erUSULJames_T_Kirk: K desktop evoirment :) GNOME GNU Network Object Model Envoirment ....14:29
erUSULwftl: http://foundation.gnome.org/licensing/index.html14:29
jcrawfordcrap guys i just accidentally removed the portion of my Panel which shows app icons for apps that are running, what is this applet called?14:29
Barn1i did but would like real world exp from someone14:29
aciculaBarn1: those are posted there14:29
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aciculajcrawford: window list?14:29
LogicalDashjcrawford: possibly the Notification Area or the Window List14:29
James_T_KirkerUSUL: And what IS Kubuntu if I may ask?14:29
jcrawfordah yea Notification Area14:29
Stargazejcrawford, try notification area14:29
erUSUL!kubuntu > James_T_Kirk14:30
ubottuJames_T_Kirk, please see my private message14:30
LogicalDashJames_T_Kirk: Ubuntu + KDE = Kubuntu14:30
overcluckerthere are a coule different optioins that implement window list14:30
jcrawfordalso another question about these panels...  In most Ubuntu setups the username is shown in the right side of the panel so that you may logout etc.  Mine does not have that displayed and I do not recall the applet name but i did not see it listed as an option to add Friday when I was looking at a co-workers setup14:30
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jcrawfordhow can i get this applet?  I have to go to System -> Shutdown to reboot, lock screen etc.14:31
James_T_KirkThanks erUSUL and LogicalDash14:31
boournsanyone know a mail client i could use for an exchange 5.5 server?  evolution doesnt support that version14:31
aciculaBarn1: thunderbird maybe?14:32
jcrawfordboourns, i think you are out of luck14:32
aciculaerr boubbin see above14:32
jcrawfordThunderbird does not work, I have tried it14:32
sunmaohi all14:32
botto__hello people14:32
aciculaoh well, worth a shot14:32
jcrawfordWe all have to use IMAP here when running Linux because there are no good "workarounds/implementations" to use on Linux for Exchange >= 5.514:32
sunmaoI tried to update an ubuntu jaunty on a sheevaplug (arm processor) and i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395644/ now I cant login as root14:32
aciculadont think there are any major mail clients that would be having support for exchange14:32
botto__can anyone tell me if the mythbuntu live cd has a JACK server in it?14:32
LogicalDashjcrawford: right-click the panel. Choose Add Applet.14:32
aciculaany other i mena14:33
boournsgeez.  maybe i should settle for webmail with a greasemonkey script to show the inbox count in title and keep me logged in14:33
boournsalthough getting that to work right has been a challenge in itself :/14:33
jcrawfordLogicalDash, right I can do that, but I don't recall the applet name and I know it was not listed in my list on Friday.  I would need to know where to get that applet14:33
jcrawfordboourns, yea it's either that for us, or IMAP :( blows because there is no calendar integrate when running linux :(14:33
erUSULjcrawford: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php/evolution-brutus14:34
sunmaoanyone can help?14:34
jcrawforderUSUL, yea you have to run another server that communicates with Exchange14:34
jcrawfordnot an option for most people in corp environments14:34
boournswish i could just add an exchange account to gmail ;)14:35
hoonchesdo i install the amd64 alternate installer if i'm going to put it on a machine with an intel i7 processor?14:35
erUSULhoonches: yes14:35
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.14:36
hoonchesintel i7 is the same as amd64 with regard to the installation?14:36
sunmaoI tried to update an ubuntu jaunty on a sheevaplug (arm processor) and i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395644/ now I cant login as root14:36
erUSULhoonches: yes; emt64 is the name intel uses for amd64 compatibility.14:36
arcanusHow do I change the global time format in ubuntu/gnome from h:mm PM/AM to HH:mm?14:37
ranjanI am having an proble on hp mini with skype .. when i try to make any call wile keeping my microphone volume amplified .. it suddenly / gradualy the amplification comes down to zero .. how to fix this does any body have any idea for this .. any help would be of great help  thank's in advance14:37
erUSULarcanus: rightclick on the clock choose preferences14:38
=== b4nd is now known as Maciej_Noon
overcluckerto you mean to have 24 hour clock, or 12 hour without am/pm?14:40
ChosenOnewhere would I get a working xorg.conf for my machine (running karmic)...if I had one, I could just adjust the settings I need14:41
ChosenOneinstead of creating it from scratch14:41
mhall119|workChosenOne: you shouldn't need to mess with xorg.conf these days14:41
=== anthony is now known as Guest95070
arcanusYes, sorry. That doesn't cause it to be changed globally though. Thunderbird and Skype still uses AM/PM notation for the time14:41
mhall119|workthe X server will auto-configure itself on load14:41
ChosenOneyeah, but I want to play 'round with my synaptics touchpad settings, mhall119|work14:41
ChosenOnejust for fun14:41
aciculasunmao: can you pastebin the output from ldd bash14:41
boournsjcrawford, thanks for mentioning IMAP, just for the hell of it i tried imap.myworkserver.com and it worked14:42
ChosenOnemhall119|work: turns out rather complicated, to change 1 or 2 values, when you gotta get a complete xorg.conf :<14:42
mhall119|workChosenOne: you should be able to just add the synaptic settings the default xorg.conf14:42
=== petx is now known as petz
ChosenOneonly the inputdevice-section then?14:43
ChosenOneor also module (for loading synaptics) and serverlayout (for sendcoreevents)?14:43
mhall119|workeverything else will be autoconfigured14:43
mhall119|workI think the way it works no, X will auto-configure itself, then overlay any additional stuff from xorg.conf14:44
ChosenOneah, that sounds great14:44
ibuclawmhall119|work, that's pretty much how it always worked.14:44
hoonchesis there an application I can use to set a cap on a machines bandwidth usage and change the cap at any time? preferably with a GUI?14:44
ibuclawmhall119|work, just that Xorg has come to a point where it is reliable enough without.14:45
mhall119|workibuclaw: okay, well the auto-configure part has gotten much better then14:45
James_T_KirkAm out ppl. Thanks for your input.14:45
hoonchesis there an application you can use to set a cap on a machines bandwidth usage and change the cap at any time? preferably with a GUI (though not an absolute requirement)14:46
ChosenOnehoonches: limit kb/s or bandwidth-quota?14:47
an0nmat1rwhats a good video chatting tol ?14:47
ChosenOnehttp://www.google.com/search?q=limit+kbps+ubuntu&hl=en :D14:47
hoonchesChosenOne: dont you normally use lmgtfy if you want to troll?14:48
erUSULhoonches: probably if you install a router oriented distribution you get easy bandwith managment via web interface14:49
erUSULhoonches: if you use the machine only for routing that's what i would do...14:50
hooncheserUSUL: ok thanks. do you know anything about pfsense?14:50
ChosenOnehoonches: usually I just don't troll, but I'll have a look at lmgtfy, thx :P14:51
aciculaChosenOne's link pointed to a solution, 4th page down, hows that trolling. Did you search before asking (repeatedly even?)14:51
hoonchesChosenOne: my apologies then14:51
erUSULhoonches: http://www.mastershaper.org/index.php/Main_Page14:52
ChosenOnenp, I know that pointing someone too google isnt the best help14:52
ChosenOnebut the results turned out rather interesting14:52
anthony_If I want to down load IE for ubuntu how can I do that14:52
ChosenOneoh, mastershaper *does* look nice ;)14:53
aciculaChosenOne: just telling someone to google is, providing them with proper keywords is just as good in my book as linking the 1st search result14:53
=== petz is now known as phrix
arch0njwan0nmat1r: there is... Skype, Ekiga, and you might be able to get Google Video chat to work.  What's a "good one"?  Well, that all depends on you.  Some folks will point to any one of those and say they are good.14:53
apersoncan I get recommendation for a twitter client that isn't gwibber?14:53
apersonget a*14:53
jcrawfordhey guys i installed Zend Server today and for some reason it added a user named zend.  This is fine because it requires it however I do not want it to show up on my login screen.  I checked the passwd file and it has /sbin/nologin but it shows up, how can i remove it from that?14:53
ChosenOnemhall119|work: turned out, the synaptic setting I was gonna play with is already in the configuration menu...wow. thx anyway for your help on the xorg.conf ;>14:54
aciculajcrawford: administration has an option to configure gdm and hide users14:54
Faithfulwhat is latest stable?14:54
arch0njwChosenOne: acicula:  sometimes it is all about knowing the search critieria.  I have been amazed at times in the -professional world- how many people don't form good searches.14:54
pk__my ip address device eth0 netmask gateway someone give me an ifconfig command to do this??14:54
arch0njwFaithful: 9.10 is the latest stable.14:54
ChosenOneFaithful: ubuntu 9.10 "karmic koala"14:54
arch0njw!lucid | Faithful14:55
ubottuFaithful: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:55
arch0njw!karmic | Faithful14:55
ubottuFaithful: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91014:55
jcrawfordacicula, which administration?14:55
decoderis there a way to temporaly disable pulseaudio?14:55
ChosenOnepk__: "ifconfig eth0 netmask && route add default"14:55
erUSULpk__: writte it on /etc/network/interfaces14:55
aciculajcrawford: im looking sec14:55
jcrawfordok ty14:55
decoderI'd like to disable pulseaudio before I start a certain app...14:55
pk__writing this command in /etc/network/interface?14:56
ChosenOnepk__: my command is lacking a "gw" before the gateways-IP14:56
erUSULpk__: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/14:56
ChosenOnepk__: if you just want to set up temporarily, use my command. instead you will need a slightly different syntax in the interfaces-file14:56
anthony_I am lost I down loaded winehq and it let me put microsoft word on here but now I cannot use it because I need a code14:56
icerootanthony_: then buy ms office or use openoffice14:57
Picianthony_: 'need a code' ?14:57
icerootanthony_: no, just use openoffice and forget about ms office14:58
rautamiekkaThat's my man, iceroot :D14:58
ChosenOnebye folks14:58
icerootanthony_: you can work with word-files on openoffice, there is no reason for using ms-office anymore14:59
rautamiekkaThere never was14:59
aciculajcrawford: hmm cant seem to find it, used to be an option in either of the two main administration menus to select which users show, did find this though http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2009/12/23/remove-the-user-list-from-ubuntu-9-10-gdm-login-screen/14:59
anthony_okay thanks15:00
MaT-dganyone able to videocall with empathy on MSN and XMPP (gtalk)? I was able to until  2-3 weeks ago, then it stopped working.15:00
trismjcrawford: users with uids greater than 1000 will show up on gdm, less will not, so make the zend user have a lower uid15:00
aciculajcrawford: oh wait http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1321845, its based on uid so in users and groups15:00
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:00
ae86-drifter how to set my sendmail daemon/wrapper to proxy off another machine15:01
aciculaae86-drifter: use a proxy proxy or just as a satelite mail system?15:01
rautamiekkaNow to my problem: I took harddrive image of my EeePC 900 so that I could safely install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Netbook to it. After changing the netbook view to regular view and installing like 250 updates and rebooting, alot is messed up now. The GNOME Panels don't show up and trying to get the quicklaunch thingy (the Run window in Window$) to show up. I made a launcher on the desktop to start Terminal to execute "gnome-panel". The Pa15:02
ae86-drifteracicula, i want to configure my default sendmail to use SMTP server mail.foo.bar.com15:03
DJonesrautamiekka: Your message has just been cut short at "The pa" You probably need to add that extra bit on a new line15:03
rautamiekkaOh damn. Ty for telling me DJones15:03
DJonesrautamiekka: no probs15:03
rautamiekkaI say the whole thing again in two lines15:03
cwillu_at_workIs there a place to dump a script so it'll be run a single time on the next reboot?  I could have sworn there was a /etc/something.d/ folder that did that15:03
rautamiekkaNow to my problem: I took harddrive image of my EeePC 900 so that I could safely install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Netbook to it. After changing the netbook view to regular view and installing like 250 updates and rebooting, alot is messed up now. The GNOME Panels don't show up and trying to get the quicklaunch thingy (the Run window in Window$) to show up.15:03
rautamiekkaI made a launcher on the desktop to start Terminal to execute "gnome-panel". The Panels do show up but the menus and shortcuts are missing. Executing the command also outputs errors are debug info. This ain't normal.15:03
llutzcwillu_at_work: /etc/rc.local or crontab (@reboot)15:04
acicularautamiekka: yeah thats a sattelite setup. are you sure you are using sendmail and not postfix(the default)?15:04
rautamiekkaerrors and debug info*15:04
cwillu_at_workllutz, rc.local isn't a run one-time thing though15:04
jose_hernandez98  15:04
jose_hernandez98 15:04
jose_hernandez98 15:04
FloodBot3jose_hernandez98: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:04
aciculaerr ae86-drifter yeah thats a sattelite setup. are you sure you are using sendmail and not postfix(the default)?15:04
cwillu_at_workllutz, and cron @reboot doesn't sound like one either15:04
rautamiekkaacicula: How do I verify that ?15:04
llutzcwillu_at_work: a "single run", ok my bad15:05
overcluckerthere is an initscript for pulseaudio in /etc/init.d/15:05
acicularautamiekka: sorry that wasnt meant for you but for ae86-drifter15:05
rautamiekkaacicula: Heh, okey.15:05
llutzcwillu_at_work: i read" single run every reboot"15:05
null815hi all. can someone help me with netatalk? (hide home folder in mac finder) ... netatalk 2.0.5 on debian15:06
Picinull815: If you're running debian you should be asking in #debian15:06
aciculanull815: this is ubuntu support, try over in #debian?15:06
ae86-drifteracicula, yeah, well whatever is used by default for php's sendmail function.. i need to configure that to my SMTP server mail.xxxxx.com15:06
Madwillacicula RED5 has his own tomcat edition that does not run JODCONVERTER15:07
cwillu_at_workllutz, does policy-rc.d ring a bell?15:07
Madwillsorry for the delay a boss came in started blabering for an hour or so15:07
rautamiekkaI repeat my problem: I took harddrive image of my EeePC 900 so that I could safely install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Netbook to it. After changing the netbook view to regular view and installing like 250 updates and rebooting, alot is messed up now. The GNOME Panels don't show up and trying to get the quicklaunch thingy (the Run window in Window$) to show up.15:07
rautamiekkaI made a launcher on the desktop to start Terminal to execute "gnome-panel". The Panels do show up but the menus and shortcuts are missing. Executing the command also outputs errors are debug info. This ain't normal.15:07
rautamiekkaerrors and debug info*15:08
aciculaae86-drifter: i would guess that it uses procmail wich comes with a sendmail prog15:09
msenozhi all15:09
msenozanyone got working awus036nh (rt3070) wireless with ubuntu with injection support?15:09
msenozi have read and tried couple of tutorials but didn't work15:10
ae86-driftermsenoz, let me guess, your cracking a wireless network>15:10
ManiDhillonaircrack. :)15:10
aciculaae86-drifter: er postfix i mean, procmail is something else15:10
msenozgood guess :)15:11
chili555msenoz, just a security check, i'm sure15:11
ManiDhillonaidrodump tutorials. May be they have listed it.15:11
ae86-drifteracicula, yeah.. well i have read the documentation and i find it a little confusing15:11
msenozauditing my wireless network15:11
llutzae86-drifter: if you're looking for a simple smtp-forwarder, use ssmtp15:11
aciculaae86-drifter: well sendmail is not for the faint of heart, postfix is a fair bit easier to understand15:11
ae86-drifterall i should need is SMTP address, port and password right? all i want to do is configure it so i can use php to send mail...15:11
llutzcwillu_at_work: silence, never heard/used15:11
FriedrichManhey, I am a newbie15:11
cwillu_at_workllutz, darn my fallible memory :p15:12
aciculaae86-drifter: well llutz suggestion of ssmtp seems what you want15:12
llutzae86-drifter: you want ssmtp15:12
orb01the package subdownloader won't let me connect to their server, can anyone check if they have that problem too?15:12
hooncheswhere are the md5sums for the alternate install cd?15:12
aciculaae86-drifter: make sure you install some controls though, wouldnt want your comp to get blacklisted for spamming first day you make the mail form available15:12
airtonixmsenoz, first thing you need to do is check that your chipset is supported by a driver that supports promiscious mode.15:13
FriedrichMandoes anybody has any idea whether I can script something to display a dialog box on the gnome ?15:13
airtonix!info zenity15:13
cwillu_at_workFriedrichMan, zenity15:13
ManiDhillonWhy don't you just install it and check it.15:13
psychuilCan i change my username? coz i'm sick of being called ubuntu15:13
ubottuzenity (source: zenity): Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.0-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 277 kB, installed size 5648 kB15:13
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy15:13
=== kienan is now known as arakthor
ae86-drifteracicula, yeah, thats all  covered thx15:13
ManiDhillonIt may work, after all they can't list all supported wi-fi cards there.15:13
hooncheswhere are the md5sums for the alternate install cd? does anybody know?15:14
aciculahoonches: ussually in the same directories as the isos' ?15:14
FriedrichMancwillu_at_work> thanks a lot, I will check it later15:15
AkkernightIf I go on the LiveCD and make some free space with a partition manager, and then try to install WinXP onto that space, won't GRUB2 and the Windows boot loader conflict?15:15
cwillu_at_workAkkernight, yes, although you can re-install grub easily enough from the livecd after15:15
ae86-drifteri just want to configure "sendmail" to my SMTP server... shouldnt be so hard should it?..15:15
Akkernightcwillu_at_work, and that make it impossible to boot WinXP?15:16
overcluckerFriedrichMan: zenity --info  --text=""15:16
jhonqe pasaaaaaaaaa15:16
cwillu_at_workAkkernight, no, grub can boot xp just fine15:16
aciculahoonches: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/MD5SUMS15:16
ikoniajhon: please don't do that15:16
cwillu_at_workae86-drifter, php has config options to set which smtp server its sendmail function uses15:16
cwillu_at_worker, I think15:17
nucc1ikonia, wasn't that a bit too hasty?15:17
overcluckerikonia: Flexing?15:18
nucc1ah oh well, i wasn't lookin at the history :p15:18
ikonianucc1: I can continue to let him flood the channel if you want15:18
msenozairtonix:in fact some tutorials confirms the promiscous mode for my chipset but i couldn't manage it by following the tutorials15:18
ae86-driftercwillu, yeah.. its using postfix15:18
ae86-driftercwillu_at_work, , yeah.. its using postfix15:18
nucc1who knows where gpodder stores its config files?15:19
airtonixmsenoz, yes your card may be able to do it but are you using the right driver to allow it15:19
overcluckerstrace gpodder ?15:19
airtonixnucc1, 1) man program 2) look for 'files' section15:19
nucc1airtonix, no such section.15:19
llutzae86-drifter: http://www.bergek.com/2009/02/22/configure-postfix-to-use-smart-host/15:20
airtonixnucc1, next step then is to : locate gpodder | grep /home15:20
jcrawfordthank you acicula i am looking now15:21
nucc1airtonix, that doesn't work15:21
msenozairtonix:i will continue trying different drivers, i just wanted ask if anybody has any experience with this adapter15:21
msenozthanks anyway for your interest15:21
aciculanucc1: overclucker people using similar language have been flooding the channel like that for days now, glad to see some bankicking going on tbh15:22
cwillu_at_workae86-drifter, sorry, work calls :p15:22
Grey_LokiHi, exiting a full-screen application (in this case, games such as Urban Terror or OpenArena) causes X to freeze - no mouse or keyboard input, ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't work, and I can only fix it by switching to another...hurm, terminal I guess, using ctrl+alt+F1, and then running killall -9 Xorg as root. Where can I see logs to see what's going wrong, or start debugging this?15:22
airtonixnucc1, then you can use dpkg to shwo the files : dpkg --status gpodder15:23
overcluckeracicula: hheellpp mmee mmyy kkeeyyss aarree ssttiicckkyy??15:23
airtonixnucc1, assuming the package is just called 'gpodder'15:23
aciculaoverclucker: consider using tissues?15:24
sipiorheh heh15:24
overcluckeracicula: haha15:24
tommisgreyö they`ve disapled the ctrl+alt+backspace but you can redisable it from keyboarshortucts15:24
StargazeGrey_Loki, try ctrl-prtsc-k15:25
Grey_Lokitommis: ah, alright, that's somethign then - any thoughts on why X might freeze when closing a full-screen app?15:25
flohackHi! I'm trying to get https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization working on Karmic. Has someone seen a working setup?15:26
tommisGrey_Loki, that i cannot help15:26
tommismaybe a bad driver or something15:26
Grey_LokiUsing the ATi one from teh software center15:26
airtonixflohack, you need to install guestadditions on the guest client15:26
yehiaany body can help me with my menu please - i lose my menu and i dont know how to restore it back15:26
flohackairtonix: I installed seamlessrdp, anything else?15:27
airtonixyehia, which menu ?15:27
gabriel_il le trouve15:27
airtonixflohack, why did you isntall that ?15:27
rachidhow can I install noip15:27
yehiathe menu on the desktop which i can find the applications , network, and so on  airtonix15:27
flohackairtonix: the page on the ubuntu wiki recommends it (I'm using KVM)15:27
airtonixyehia, have you tried right clicking the panel and adding it again ?15:27
airtonixflohack, do you have to use KVM ?15:28
yehiaairtonix . yes i have tried all this15:28
flohackairtonix: Well, I'd rather stick with it, as I have a few other VMs already setup15:28
ae86-drifterllutz, thats pretty much what i want, but i don't understand where i would configure the username and password15:29
airtonixyehia, have you tried killing gnome-panel and restarting it (by default killing it should trigger an auto-restart of the panel)15:29
abhi_navanyone here from Kanpur? need personal help installing ubuntu. Please?15:29
psychuilCan i change my username wihtout opening a new user?15:29
airtonixflohack, fair enough.15:29
aciculaairtonix: there are specific language channels, what language do you need?15:30
mhall119|workpsychuil: should be able to15:30
aciculaerr airtonix nvm15:30
yehiamy menu now has only the following :    xterm  Reload Config  Restart  Exit15:30
aciculaabhi_nav: there are specific language channels, what language do you need?15:30
yehiathats all airtonix15:30
jcrawfordacicula, thank you that link helped me :)15:30
aciculajcrawford: awesome15:30
mhall119|workpsychuil: usermod is the command you want15:30
flohackOk, I'll rephrase my question: I'm trying to get https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization working on Karmic with KVM. Has someone seen a working setup?15:31
airtonixyehia, ?reload config? this doesnt look like gnome.... are you using gnome ?15:31
yehiaand when i press any of the things in my menu - it doesnt work even airtonix15:31
abhi_navacicula: not language. Its one city of state Utter Pradesh of India15:31
NoReflexhello! I have a problem with PostgreSQL-8.4 on Karmic 64 bit. After some struggling I managed to get it to start on Karmic with configuration options and a custom data dir. My problem is that even though there are links in /etc/rcX.d it won't autostart. Is there a log I could check? The daemon starts ok if I do /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start15:31
psychuilmhall119|work, would it change all the things that are linked to me? Like my home folder and such?15:31
yehiaoh sorry sorry sorry15:31
yehiaiam in the wrong room15:31
yehiaiam on fluxbox15:31
* airtonix laughs15:31
mhall119|workpsychuil: it won't change the home directory, just the login name15:31
* abhi_nav laughs too15:31
yehiaiam sorry airtonix15:32
airtonixyehia, i should of asked that question first15:32
mhall119|workand all permissions are based on the user id, not login name, so those wouldn't need to be changed15:32
aciculaabhi_nav: yeah i guessed, probably is a local support channel for india , not sure what or which languages that entails though15:32
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India15:32
yehiayeah - iam sorry again airtonix15:32
abhi_navacicula: hmm15:32
psychuilusermod <new user name>?15:32
mhall119|workusermod --login <new user name>15:32
mhall119|workman usermod for more15:32
=== eli__ is now known as Elirips
sipiorpsychuil: if the login you're changing has admin access via sudo, also consider opening a root terminal via "sudo -i", and keeping it open until you've verified that the new user can successfully use sudo.15:34
FriedrichManare there any good anime channels?15:34
abhi_navwhat is anime?15:35
PiciFriedrichMan: /msg alis help list15:35
adimitHello guys, how would I go about completely removing pulseaudio from lucid, alpha 3? I read that disabling it in the Startup Applications *should* be enough, but the process is still around...15:36
gabriel_server irc.epiknet.org15:36
sloopyadimit, try #ubuntu+115:36
adimit... ok15:37
=== nik0 is now known as Guest25649
eagles05138785hey guys15:38
eagles05138785im having some issues getting x working on ubuntu server. when i try to start x i keep getting this error http://pastebin.com/YeRT8v2h anyone have any idea what im doing wrong. i have to forwarded using xming to allow x to be loaded but it gives me the error that i linked before and no desktop loads15:38
n-iCefor a Intel Xeon 2.80ghz 1.5gb's ram should I download 64 or 32 bits?15:38
ikoniaeagles05138785: does that file exist ?15:38
eagles05138785yes it does15:39
eagles05138785already tried deleting it and starting x still the same issue15:39
eagles05138785im trying to add the user to the X group which doesnt even exist15:39
aciculan-iCe: does the proc support 64bit is where you'd start15:39
n-iCeacicula: how can I know15:39
ikoniaeagles05138785: why are you trying to add a user to a group that doesn't exist15:40
eagles05138785n-iCe: do you have the model of the processor. i can find that out quickly for ya if you do15:40
aciculan-iCe: there are many types of xeon, but the number governs its feature set, just type ark xeon and the number into google to find the spec page published by intel15:40
ikoniaeagles05138785: the problem is xauth (binary file) can't get a lock on your personal authority file - I'm guessing you're trying to do this as the wrong user15:40
eagles05138785ikonia: i doing this as the user that i setup the os with15:40
ikoniaeagles05138785: show me the output of "id" please ?15:41
enavi want to try ubuntu 1015:41
enavkwhere i can get ubuntu 1015:41
eagles05138785ikonia: id of the user15:41
ikoniaeagles05138785: please show me the output of "id"15:41
ikoniaenav: check the topic in #ubuntu+115:41
enavikonia what that means?15:42
ikoniaenav: join the channel #ubuntu+1 and type "/topic"15:42
eagles05138785think i found my problem hold on a sec15:42
MrUnagiwhat permissions is / suppose to be set to15:42
gabriel_server irc.epiknet.org15:42
PiciMrUnagi: root:root 755.15:43
MrUnagiso chmod / 755?15:43
n-iCeeagles05138785: ok found one, what about this one? Intel® Centrino® Duo Mobile Technology15:43
shileyhello all, I want to install Ubuntu desktop on 10 machines simultaneously. How can I acheive this ?15:43
MrUnagior do i need to specify15:43
Kingsy102is there a copy of photoshop for linux users?15:43
n-iCeIntel® Core(TM) 2 Duo processor T525015:43
n-iCe2 MB L2 Cache | 1.5 GHz | 667 MHz FSB15:43
n-iCeKingsy102: gimp15:43
FloodBot3n-iCe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
PiciMrUnagi: Yes.. but why do you need to do that?15:43
Kingsy102i.e not GIMP.. I mean adobe15:43
CrimiusKingsy: nope.  use a VM with windows15:44
PiciKingsy102: No. Some versios of PS can run in Wine though.15:44
eagles05138785n-iCe: what is the model number of the processor you are after, also alot of modern day processors can run 32 bit or 64 bit.15:44
MrUnagii dunno im at my final attempts to get os x to boot.......all of a sudden it doesnt want to15:44
n-iCeeagles05138785: how do I get that15:44
PiciMrUnagi: Well. I don't know anything about OSX.  Perhaps you should ask in their channel.15:44
eagles05138785n-iCe: for instance a core to duo model number is E7400 for example. are you trying to find out what is in your machine15:45
psychuilhow do i install the firefox 3.6 i've downloaded? got a .tar.bz2 file which i donno what to do with15:45
n-iCeeagles05138785: this is my laptop: http://support.gateway.com/s/Mobile/2007/OasisSR/1014889R/1014889Rsp2.shtml15:46
MrUnagiPici: i did..........no one wanted to answer15:46
xanguapsychuil: for installing the latest stable fx in ubuntu use either 'firefox-stable PPA' or 'Ubuntuzilla' repositories15:46
MrUnagibut with this issue......../ should have the same permissions in either os15:46
shileycan I ibnstall on many PCs with NFS?15:46
PiciMrUnagi: I have no way of knowing that.15:46
MrUnagiwhy would it be any different15:47
eagles05138785n-iCe: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor T5250<------ t5250 is the model15:47
n-iCeeagles05138785: I told you above15:47
=== zenergi_ is now known as zenergi
eagles05138785n-iCe: http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLA9S and to answer your question it is 64bit15:47
Schokoho1icOne quick question: Is there a way to make gnome-terminal show bells in the task bar -- or elsewhere? My computer doesn't have a soundcard so I won't notice the bell -- for example when someone highlights me on IRC -- while the terminal is in the background.15:47
PiciMrUnagi: Because its a different operating system?15:47
n-iCe09:42 < n-iCe> Intel® Core(TM) 2 Duo processor T525015:47
eagles05138785apologies n-iCe didnt see that15:48
MrUnagiboth derivatives of the same os base...15:48
psychuilxangua, how do i use those repasatories?15:48
blakkheimrepasatories lol15:48
NollogSchokoho1ic: Can you program? That would be pretty easy to do.15:48
eagles05138785ikonia: im not understanding what id do you want15:48
_UsUrPeR_I'm using apt-mirror to create a local repository on an internal server at my office network. It's become a consensus that we no longer need to have a local mirror of the 8.04 LTS in the office, but I can't figure out how to remove all the old hardy packages. Does anybody know of a good way to purge all hardy packages from my server?15:49
psychuilblakkheim, english is not my main language, and it's not nice to mock people.15:49
_UsUrPeR_We've also got a local repo of both 9.10 and 10.04 Alpha, so just deleting the repository directory would require a re-download of ~80 gigs15:49
Schokoho1icNollog: Yes, actually I study Computer Science. So there is no option to do that by default?15:49
ikoniaeagles05138785: I'd like you to show me the output of the command "id" please15:49
eagles05138785ikonia: uid=1000(jonathan) gid=1000(jonathan) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),109(lpadmin),110(sambashare),111(admin),1000(jonathan)15:50
n-iCeHave you heard of RAID being a problem during installs?15:50
maekin-ice yes15:50
ikoniaeagles05138785: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5197115:50
NollogSchokoho1ic: Don't know, but you can do it yourself by looking up the bel character.15:50
maekin-ice i had to uninstall the dmraid package in order to get install to work15:50
Nollogif bel, do boom.15:51
shileywhich clear text file has the network configs for the ETH0 in ubuntu server?15:51
Schokoho1icNollog: That's in fact my least favourite option... thought there was some easy way that I just didn't see. Thanks anyways. :)15:51
NollogSchokoho1ic: There probably is, I don't linux much.15:52
arzonistaguys how can i become a hacker?15:53
ikoniaarzonista: read the internet and don't ask in here15:53
psychuilno firefox 3.6 for ubuntu?15:54
om26erpsychuil, you mean karmic15:54
artrinsi use kopete...and since about 1 week the server cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com not work...is some modification ?15:54
daniskamiarzonista: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html15:54
ghassenhi there i just deleted important files how can i restore them?15:54
xanguaartrins: in pidgin the server it uses por yahoo is scsa.msg.yahoo.com15:55
arzonistathnk u15:55
sploopidyHi all. Is ubuntu 10.04 going to be LTS?15:55
Slartsploopidy: yes15:55
xanguasploopidy: yes15:55
sploopidyexcellent! cool15:55
Picisploopidy: Yes, further questions about 10.04 in #ubuntu+1 please :)15:55
ghassenhelp:    hi there i just deleted important files how can i restore them?15:56
sploopidyWill we have the option again to change alert sounds unlike in karmic?15:56
Slart!recover | ghassen15:56
ubottughassen: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel15:56
ghassenthank u man i'll check it15:56
Slartsploopidy: ask in #ubuntu+115:57
sploopidyohhhh. ok, thanks15:57
sploopidy(sorry, im a bit new15:57
shileyhow to install ubuntu desktop on multiple machines at the same time? sorry to repeat the question15:57
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
abhi_navbit new? you are bot?15:58
Slart!automate | shiley15:58
ubottushiley: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:58
shileyubottu , many thanks15:58
shileySlart , ty , oh , lol15:59
shileyhow to config the network in Ubuntu server thru clear text file?16:00
shileyi skipped the network setup on the DVD install, and now i am using ifconfig in rc.local16:00
shileymhall119| work, thanks16:01
shileybut cannot find such a file..:(16:01
psusishiley: man interfaces for how to write one, then you can just use ifup/ifdown to activate and deactivate the interface(s) using those parameters16:01
shileypsusi, ok , i will try it16:02
psusior set them to auto in the interfaces file16:02
Slartshiley: it's really just a simple text file.. man interfaces  will tell you more about it16:02
shileySlart, ok will do16:02
shileyi will try and get back (if i fail)16:02
shileythanks all , bbl16:03
Akkernightdoes Brasero burn bootable disks?16:03
NobleAnyone know where I can find the new ubuntu theme?16:04
NobleThe OSX look alike?16:04
Akkernightikonia, is itsomething I have to turn on?16:04
vividyou could snipe a package from lucid16:04
Dr_WillisNoble:  ive seen it for download at various ubuntu news/blog sites..16:04
PiciNoble: I'd be surprised if gnome-look.org didn't already have a copy.16:04
Dr_WillisNoble:  personally i think its a rather ugly theme in many ways16:04
NobleDo you know what its called?16:04
Dr_Willisits called radience16:04
vividlight-themes is radiance16:04
vividthe package name16:04
Dr_Willischeck the site --> http://www.webupd8.org16:05
Dr_Williswebupd8 has a ppa with the themes16:05
Dr_Willisalso check out this to get the buttons for the themes how YOU want --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/mwbuttons-complete-gui-for-customizing.html16:07
ghassenhelp: i got nautils crash when i click on the trash????16:08
abhi_navquestion in rhymes? :D lol16:08
Dr_WillisI perfer Hiku error Messages... :)16:09
anodesniI try to use my build-in microphone on my laptop, I hear no sound after I stop16:09
^Willie^i did install mozilla-mplayer expected the mplayer plugin but get nothing at all where can i find a log file to review where the files are and what is done during that install ?16:09
anodesnirecording and press play, I don't hear anything anyway16:10
abhi_navanodesni: mic volume set to high16:10
vivid^Willie^, if you open firefox and enter 'about::plugins' into the url bar, firefox will show you what plugins are installed and running16:10
ania_stupid question but how can i switch off in gnome xchat info about people coming in and out of  channels???16:10
dieffersonserver irc.ibatepapo.org16:10
ars1anyone know how to run HoN as root ?16:10
vivid^Willie^, about:plugins...one :16:11
abhi_navania_ i need that info too16:11
anodesniabhi_nav, is MM muted or 00 in alsamixer?16:11
matuhi, after i put the netbookremix.img to my usb stick and launch the filecheck it always says me one file is corrupted in despite the .img has the right md5sum, can anyone explain this to me ?16:11
^Willie^vivid: nope i have no mplayer plugin file at my system i did search to manual put it in place in firefox i have no mplayer plugin at all nor on the expected locations16:11
abhi_navanodesni: mm is muted set it to 10016:11
^Willie^vivid: so i wana know what the install did thats why i wana read the logfile16:11
ania_all i see is people coming in nd out ---- important text is lost somewhere betwen16:12
* abhi_nav agree with ania_16:12
ghassenhelp: i got nautils crash when i click on the trash????16:12
vivid^Willie^, i dont know much about apt logging, sorry16:12
anodesniabhi_nav, where is the volume of the mic?16:12
^Willie^vivid: any way to revieuw the apt script somehow ?16:12
^Willie^dunno where i can find that16:12
henriquelmHello again!16:12
henriquelmMy cups 1.4.2 can't find the file "libcupsmime.so.1", how can I tell cups that this file is located at "/usr/lib64/libcupsmime.so.1"?16:13
abhi_navanodesni: you are using gnome? you are in gui? then go to top right corner click on volume there you find mic volume16:13
matucan you put the 9.04 .img to your usb stick without having 1 files corrupted as a result of the checkfiles ?16:13
vivideh, you can dissect the binary package manually with file-roller16:13
anodesniabhi_nav, ah, thanks16:13
abhi_navanodesni: left click on volume control => prefenreces=> internal mic16:13
^Willie^vivid: hmmzz so i have to search for the deb file somehow ?16:14
anodesniabhi_nav, it works16:14
^Willie^vivid: i do expect an log file with more info then it is installed at this date :S16:14
abhi_navanodesni: solved?16:14
anodesniabhi_nav, yes16:14
abhi_navanodesni: :)16:14
Akkernighthow do I force eject my cd-drive ? the button on my laptop doesn't work and Ubuntu doesn't know the disk is in there16:14
trism^Willie^: the apt log is in /var/log/apt/term.log16:14
erUSULania_: right click on the channel name16:14
matucan you put the 9.04 netbookremix .img to your usb stick without having 1 files corrupted as a result of the checkfiles ?16:15
Bennitthe algorithm that determines who comes first in the list of users on gdm start screen16:15
anyoneofushow many device which nagios monitoring?16:15
Bennitis it "who logs in the most" ?16:15
abhi_navAkkernight: do suto eject it wll work16:15
Bennit(is higher up in the list)16:15
abhi_navAkkernight: do sudo eject it wll work16:15
ikoniaanyoneofus: pardon ?16:15
^Willie^trism: that log file only show me when it is installed but not where it did install the files :S16:15
abhi_navwho is nagios?16:16
trism^Willie^: dpkg -L package_name shows where the files go16:16
Akkernightabhi_nav, nope, didn't work16:16
^Willie^trism: i wana know where the files are before i start manual compiling my plugin16:16
BennitI think it'd be more accurate if you'd put in there the person that logs in the longest, as he uses the pc the most frequent16:16
^Willie^ok thnx16:16
ania_erUSUL, thx alot :) thank you16:16
erUSULania_: no problem16:16
abhi_navAkkernight: make sure you use this command by becoming SUDO user?16:16
Akkernightabhi_nav, yes, I typed "sudo eject"16:16
abhi_navAkkernight: then?16:17
Akkernightabhi_nav, nothing16:17
ania_erUSUL, no its look a lot better16:17
abhi_navAkkernight: you are administrator user?16:17
Akkernightabhi_nav, well the password, but then nothing16:17
erUSULania_: indeed :)16:17
Akkernightabhi_nav, I'm not root16:17
=== NielsoN-Trabalho is now known as NielsoN
abhi_navAkkernight: then only remain is manual method16:17
Akkernightabhi_nav, which doesn't work either16:18
NoReflexany idea where I could find logs for upstart? postgresql won't autostart and I want to check the logs.16:18
Akkernightabhi_nav, unless I break the drive up16:18
abhi_navAkkernight: take one niddle and insert into one small hole which is on your cddrive near somewhere door of cddrive. carefully16:18
henriquelmMy cups 1.4.2 can't find the file "libcupsmime.so.1", how can I tell cups that this file is located at "/usr/lib64/libcupsmime.so.1"?16:19
xerox1hi, i have a question concerning startupmanager: dispite the settings the boot process shows the bootsplash and not the text; i am using 9.10; any one out there with the same issue?16:19
abhi_navAkkernight: it is near the button, which you use to eject the drive16:19
abhi_navAkkernight: CAREFULLY16:19
abhi_navAkkernight: basic question: do you have niddle? haa haa haa :D16:20
Akkernightabhi_nav, I don't think I have a long enough needle16:20
abhi_navAkkernight: no it should not be any long its usual day to day used niddle16:21
abhi_navAkkernight: if you dont have niddle then you can use small piece of wire. electric wire or copper wire but be carefull16:21
Akkernightabhi_nav, I meant I only have school circle maker needle (I have no idea what it's called in English)16:21
abhi_navAkkernight niddle used to by tailor to make cloths16:22
zillaabhi_nav: paperclips can also work well for that16:22
NoReflexany idea where I could find logs for upstart? postgresql won't autostart and I want to check the logs.16:22
Akkernightabhi_nav, I don't have that... I do have coal sticks that you put in pens, are they too weak?16:22
datacrusherAkkernight, i think youre talking about a compass16:22
abhi_navAkkernight: as zilla says papercils wll be useful16:23
datacrushera two legged pencil, needle one point, writes on the other16:23
Akkernightdatacrusher, yeah that... abhi_nav I don't have any such thing16:23
=== erik_ is now known as ekarulf
abhi_navAkkernight: even a piece of wire? copper wire?16:23
abhi_navAkkernight: see this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewing_needle this is needle and i am refering to smallest one if first pic16:24
Akkernightabhi_nav, what would I do with that?16:24
Dr_WillisPaperclip. :)16:24
abhi_navAkkernight: take one niddle and insert into one small hole which is on your cddrive near somewhere door of cddrive. carefully16:24
Dr_WillisI always straighten out a paperclip to force cd ejection16:24
abhi_navAkkernight: when you insert that needle or wire into that hole cd automaticly ejects (even if its not power on)16:25
AkkernightDr_Willis, well we use the computer more than paper here, so no paperclips around :P16:25
abhi_navAkkernight: see that link?16:25
Grey_LokiHi, two questions - i'm just 'installing' UrT, where's the best place to put the directory full of game-files and the launcher itself, preferably so it can be executed from a terminal/launcher in the same way stuff like 'xterm' or 'firefox' can be?16:25
Grey_LokiSecondly, on a similar note, how can I create a launcher that will launch a terminal and run a specific command (in this case, ssh to my local server)?16:26
SlartGrey_Loki: for the second question. check out the "gnome-terminal" command.. there is a switch for a command to run16:27
NoReflexhello! can anyone help me uninstall upstart? is it safe? I have karmic 64 server but it won't start postgresql server at boot even though there are links in /etc/rc*.d and it starts ok if I do /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start manually16:27
Grey_LokiSlart: thanks :)16:27
rautamiekkaI took harddrive image of my EeePC 900 so that I could safely install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Netbook to it. After changing the netbook view to regular view and installing like 250 updates and rebooting, alot is messed up now. The GNOME Panels don't show up and trying to get the quicklaunch thingy (the Run window in Window$) to show up.16:27
rautamiekka(CONTINUING) I made a launcher on the desktop to start Terminal to execute "gnome-panel". The Panels do show up but the menus and shortcuts are missing. Executing the command also outputs errors and debug info. This ain't normal.16:27
=== matthew is now known as Guest66822
Akkernightwhat the. Now the cd drive just randomly pops open16:29
natschilHello. I downloaded alsa modular synth (ams) on karmic, but somehow I can't seem to get a pcm output...any suggestions as to how to fix this?16:29
Guest66822Wifi issue on asus eee 1001p, wifi fails to load have googled several times and tried a few things but can't get it to work right.. anyone have some free time to assist me would be much appreciated!!16:29
=== Guest66822 is now known as MatthewEEE1001p
MatthewEEE1001pis there a specific channel for the netbooks that i might be able to ask for assistance in?16:31
kubancwhat can i do, because my touchpad does not work?16:31
abhi_navAkkernight: randomly? means? it opens naa?16:31
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:31
Akkernightabhi_nav, I went looking for some sharp object, and when I get back it's open16:31
FriedrichMandoes anybody know of a good channel on scripting?16:31
=== pierreghz is now known as nietrokers
rautamiekkaMatthewEEE1001p: For Kubuntu Netbook there is but not for Ubuntu Netbook-specific, by what I see16:32
ceterushi, im writing a small shell script that will eventually be put into cron, but it seems that sometimes the script is 'missing' some of the simpler steps... could this be due to running on a multiproc system? if so how can i work around this (and yes the script does work some times, it fails at random and at different stages, memory/hardware are fine)16:32
abhi_navAkkernight: ??? how? you want to say it open automatically? not. i guess it was the effect of that your last sudo eject command. that command takes time to work.16:32
Haeginceterus: pastebin the scripts and let us know where it fails?16:33
natschilsomehow it seems that I cannot open a pcm port on karmic...any suggestions?16:33
natschilI suspect it may have something to do with pulseaudio.16:33
abhi_navAkkernight: this is because corrurpt cd or damaged cd16:33
rautamiekkaI took harddrive image of my EeePC 900 so that I could safely install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Netbook to it. After changing the netbook view to regular view and installing like 250 updates and rebooting, alot is messed up now. The GNOME Panels don't show up and trying to get the quicklaunch thingy (the Run window in Window$) to show up.16:33
rautamiekka(CONTINUING) I made a launcher on the desktop to start Terminal to execute "gnome-panel". The Panels do show up but the menus and shortcuts are missing. Executing the command also outputs errors and debug info. This kind of behaviour ain't normal.16:33
ceterusHaegin, will do16:33
remso i just uninstalled the ati proprietary driver via the hardware drivers menu and then rebooted. now my comp just freezes at the ubuntu loading screen, and ctrl alt f2 just works for about 2 seconds and then it goes to the loading screen. and if i boot to the recovery console, i cant select anything, the keys dont work (ctrl alt del does reboot so i know the keyboard is fine). i tried ctrl alt f2 in the recovery console and it brings16:33
rem me to a black screen with a blinking cursor, but i cant see what i type.16:33
MatthewEEE1001pi have an atheros chipset which is supposed to be native to linux... the light works with the hotkey...16:33
ceterusthe script can be found at: http://pastebin.com/vGYQ234E   it typically misses line 10 or 11 causing the final steps to fail16:36
arvind_khadri!hi | help16:39
ubottuhelp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:39
needhelpi made a ubuntu live usb, now how do i keep hold of my packages and data etc?16:39
arvind_khadri!help | needhelp16:39
ubottuneedhelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:39
=== rollmadie is now known as JostS
rautamiekkaneedhelp: That's not the way to ask for help16:40
needhelpi made a ubuntu live usb with 4gb of preserved space, how do i keep my packages and such?16:40
=== JostS is now known as rollmadie
Goldlinewho can helpme with installing xrdp on ubuntu16:42
BeelsebobHeya, I'm trying to set up mysqld so that I can connect from an external machine, I expected that adding bind-address = <my ip> in /etc/mysql/my.conf, and restarting mysql would work, but it hasn't, anyone know what I've missed?16:42
pk__how do i install openssh server using apt-get16:42
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)16:42
murkyhave you changed privileges Beelsebob ?16:42
Beelsebobpk__: sudo apt-get install openssh-server16:42
abhi_navAkkernight: this is because corrurpt cd or damaged cd16:42
Beelsebobmurky: on what?16:42
rautamiekkaI took harddrive image of my EeePC 900 so that I could safely install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Netbook to it. After changing the netbook view to regular view and installing like 250 updates and rebooting, alot is messed up now. The GNOME Panels don't show up and trying to get the quicklaunch thingy (the Run window in Window$) to show up.16:42
rautamiekka(CONTINUING) I made a launcher on the desktop to start Terminal to execute "gnome-panel". The Panels do show up but the menus and shortcuts are missing. Executing the command also outputs errors and debug info. This kind of behaviour ain't normal.16:42
abhi_navAkkernight: so finally what happens?16:42
murkyBeelsebob: i.e. to allow access from user@host rather than user@localhost16:42
Akkernightabhi_nav, I threw the cd away and grabbed a new one16:43
Beelsebobmurky: I didn't realise I had to, where abouts do I need to change it?16:43
abhi_navAkkernight: whicd cd it was?16:43
ubernoobhi, i made a ubuntu live usb with 4gb preserved space, how do i keep my packags and such?16:43
Akkernightabhi_nav, it was a rewritable16:43
abhi_navAkkernight: hmm good. now cddrive workign properly?16:44
ChogyDanrautamiekka: you can just install the regular version16:44
matthew_i found the solution to my issue in the forums and it's marked as "SOLVED" but this command "wget http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-hal-
matthew_" doesn't work any ideas why guys?16:44
AkkernightTo burn a bootable disk with Brasero, do I just burn normally or do I turn some option on?16:44
murkyBeelsebob: :depends - are you using phpmyadmin or similar?16:44
llutzBeelsebob: does it run and listen?  "lsof -i :3306"16:44
Beelsebobmurky: nope16:44
rautamiekkaChogyDan: I don't think that regular Ubuntu works with an EeePC16:44
matthew_says 404 not found16:44
murkyBeelsebob: the port stuff sounds ok, aassuming your restarted it16:44
Akkernightabhi_nav, yeah :D and thanks16:44
abhi_navAkkernight: hmm :D16:44
ChogyDan!usb | ubernoob16:44
ubottuubernoob: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:44
Goldlinewho can helpme with installing xrdp on ubuntu16:44
ardchoilleGoldline: sudo apt-get install xrdp16:45
ChogyDanubernoob: I heard that pendrivelinux.com is also a good source16:45
ChogyDanrautamiekka: I know it does, I have installed it on my own eee16:45
Goldlinecouldn't find package xrdp16:45
trismmatthew_: that snapshot is no longer on the server, go to http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-hal- and choose a newer one16:45
ardchoilleGoldline: which version of ubuntu?16:45
murkyGoldline: it's probably in universe or something?16:46
ardchoille!info xrdp karmic | Goldline16:46
ardchoille!info xrdp | Goldline16:46
PiciIt is in universe.16:46
ubottuGoldline: xrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1~dfsg-2 (karmic), package size 204 kB, installed size 716 kB16:46
Goldlineevent not found16:46
ubottuGoldline: xrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1~dfsg-2 (karmic), package size 204 kB, installed size 716 kB16:46
steve_irwini have a questoin16:46
ardchoilleGoldline: you need to enable the universe repo and try again16:47
abhi_navhmm ask16:47
Goldlinehow to through putty16:47
Jordan_U!ask | steve_irwin16:47
ubottusteve_irwin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:47
gringochapinHi all. Trying to do some translating in LaunchPad.  Does anyone know how I can see a list of translations for a specific language sorted by number untranslated?16:47
steve_irwindoes anyone know if there's some sort of mp3 player where it's virtually unlimited because it accesses a remote hard-drive16:47
rsksteve_irwin spotify fits that criteria16:48
ardchoilleGoldline: I don't know what putty is16:48
RapsodiusHello, installed timidity and freepats, but don't like how midis sound, I want them to sound exactly like in Windows, so how do I convert the GM.DLS file into a SoundFont 2 file?16:48
Picigringochapin: Try asking in #launchpad16:48
murkyardchoille: windows ssh client16:48
matthew_thank you16:48
GoldlineCommandline tool using SSH16:48
ardchoilleAh, that's why I don't know what putty is16:48
gringochapinWill do. Thanks.16:48
Mark22Hello, I have around 13GB free RAM and 3,5GB used SWAP. How can I move it from SWAP to RAM (as RAM is faster)?16:49
Beelsebobllutz: no, it's not running… hmm16:49
RapsodiusMark22: you re asking for swappiness16:49
remanyone know how to fix not being able to navigate the recovery menu in recovery boot mode?16:49
llutzBeelsebob: "grep -i port /etc/mysql/my.cnf"16:49
ardchoilleMark22: 13gb of free ram?16:49
RapsodiusMark22: do this: sudo vm.swappiness=10 > /etc/sysctl.conf16:49
kubanchow can i see if my ubuntu recognized touchpad?16:50
murkyis anyone using lucid? i'm having issues grabbing a package from the lucid repo (not under lucid, under any OS) - not sure if it's our network or ubuntu in general16:50
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RapsodiusMark22: correction: sudo echo vm.swappiness=10 > /etc/sysctl.conf16:50
Picimurky : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.16:50
Mark22ardchoille: 13GB free ram indeed, it is a system with 32GB RAM16:50
Jordan_UMark22: Do not run that command16:50
ardchoilleMark22: are you on a 64bit system?16:50
RapsodiusMark22: run that command16:51
Rapsodiusand reboot16:51
GoldlineCan any1 lookup the package name of xrdp16:51
Mark22ardchoille: yes16:51
Beelsebobllutz: wait… grep is showing lines that vim says aren't in the file16:51
Goldlineneed to know the exact name16:51
ardchoilleRapsodius: that command will fail16:51
asmarinim using ubuntu server karmic and on certains conditions says mysql-server-5.1 and mysql-core-5.1 are obsolete and unecesary and show me to quit with apt-get autoremove :-S16:51
fabio333swappiness: more ram less disk16:51
PiciGoldline: its xrdp16:51
Jordan_URapsodius: ">" replaces the file, ">>" appends16:51
asmarinis it a bug?16:51
Goldlinewhy isnt it working16:51
llutzBeelsebob: different files?16:51
Beelsebobllutz: oh cock, I'm a noob16:51
BeelsebobI was editing /etc/mysql/my.conf, not my.cnf16:51
theadminHow do i reffer to a script inside this script? Like, somefile.sh might be renamed to someotherfile.sh so i shouldn't use the name right?16:51
Mark22Jordan_U: I know that difference and I always first open a file before replacing it (to check if there are other settings in it)16:52
ardchoilleJordan_U: good catch , but sudo doesn't cross rediections16:52
llutzBeelsebob: that might explain something16:52
RapsodiusJordan_U: right, I forgot16:52
steve_irwinhey spotify isn't in my country it says16:52
steve_irwinwhat do i do16:52
PiciRapsodius: echo "stuff" | sudo tee /somefile/16:52
theadmin...I guess better off asking in #bash16:52
steve_irwinI'm in the USA16:52
RapsodiusIt would be something like sudo echo vm.swappiness=10 >> /etc/sysctl.conf16:52
steve_irwinhow can i use spotify in the USA16:53
ardchoillePici: needs "sudo tee -a" ? (append)16:53
remanyone know how to fix not being able to navigate the recovery menu in recovery boot mode?16:53
Rapsodiusalso fo the extra mile you can try echo vm.vfs_cache_pressure=50 >> /etc/sysctl.conf16:53
Piciardchoille: If you need to append, sure.16:53
Jordan_URapsodius: for appending with tee it would be "echo vm.swappiness=10 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf"16:53
Rapsodiusor try experimenting with swappiness values, with all that free ram you will barely need swap16:53
RapsodiusJordan_U: fine16:54
theadminmeh those 'tee' and stuff are complicated, i always sudo -i and then use echo16:54
PiciOr don't have a swap partition...16:54
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remif i boot into windows and copy my home folder (as i cant get into ubuntu anymore), reinstall, and then copy my home folder back in, will it have all my apps and themes and settings all saved?16:55
Rapsodiusor better change to su16:55
Rapsodiusor sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf and do your dirty stuff16:55
Stargazeis it possible to not have a swap partition? and do i really need one?16:55
rautamiekkaChogyDan: The subpages of "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC" list so many troubles with having regular Ubuntu on EeePC that I better either make the UNR work or change distro.16:55
ardchoille!gksudo | Rapsodius16:55
ubottuRapsodius: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:55
akshayhow to use gnome-do16:55
theadminakshay: ...huh...16:56
Rapsodiusanyone has a clue on my midi issue?16:56
abhi_navakshay: open it and type what you want to search16:56
ChogyDanrautamiekka: can you be more specific?16:56
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akshayhow to switch on any shortcut...other from the command line16:56
Mark22Rapsodius: is there also an option to change it without doing a reboot?16:57
abhi_navakshay: which shortcut?16:57
akshayabhi_nav ,to launch gnome-do16:57
Stargazewas that amber graner?16:57
rautamiekkaChogyDan: You see, you must patch/alter regular Ubuntu quite a lot, according to the pages, to make it work as should. I simply currently have to Panels issue which I'd want to solve to see if more issues arise. If more arises, I'll fix them up until they can't be fixed.16:57
abhi_navakshay: make custome shortcut16:57
Stargazeis it possible to not have a swap partition? and do i really need one?16:57
dante123hi all, windows boots fine.....ubuntu usually freezes up just before going to x.....any ideas??16:58
bhmelnIs there a place where I can get help troubleshooting problems with my printer? It is a network printer that I setup through cups. I can add it without problems. When I do print test, it shows that the job was completed. /var/log/cups/error_log shows no errors. But the printer does not print and there is an error in /var/log/deamon.log: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read device-id ret=-116:58
rautamiekkacurrently have this Panels*16:58
dante123fairly new graphics card....7300 nividia about a month ago16:58
aaron11I solved my problem with that link but unfortunatly a ran into another one. While clicking finish and when it was doing the instalation prosess and when it got to the 64th percent it asked me if I wanted to continue the instalation as the software im installing has no valid name or somthing. When I click ok it showed me this error:16:58
ChogyDanrautamiekka: what page says you have to patch ubuntu?16:58
aaron11An error occurred while installing the items16:58
aaron11session context was:(profile=PlatformProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null --> [R]org.eclipse.ant.ui 3.4.1.v20090901_r351, action=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.actions.InstallBundleAction).16:58
aaron11The artifact file for osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ant.ui,3.4.1.v20090901_r351 was not found.16:58
FloodBot3aaron11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
aaron11Please help!!!16:58
rautamiekkaChogyDan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC16:58
vividStargaze, technically you dont need one, but with the size if hard drives today, whats the harm in having a 1gig swap16:59
ChogyDanrautamiekka: I don't see it, but you can do what you want.  Most of those pages are old, even the array.org kernel isn't needed anymore16:59
markl_it looks like Ubuntu comes without many of the default screensavers, like the old blue screen one - is there an easy way to get them all loaded?16:59
remif i boot into windows and copy my home folder (as i cant get into ubuntu anymore), reinstall, and then copy my home folder back in, will it have all my apps, themes and settings all saved?16:59
Stargazerem, better create a separate home partition16:59
Picimarkl_: Install the xscreensaver-data-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extra packages.16:59
ardchoillerem: settings, likely. apps and themes, highly doubltful16:59
theadminrem: as for settings and themes yeah but about apps... can't be sure17:00
rautamiekkaChogyDan: Urgh. Google for "eeepc ubuntu" without the quotes and the first page there has "EeePC" in its right end17:00
ChogyDanrem: sort of.  You might be able to just reinstall Ubuntu, don't reformat the drive, and it will save your /home folder17:00
rautamiekkaChogyDan: in its address.17:00
lullabudwhat's the command to see which packages are installed?17:00
RapsodiusMark22: echo 10 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness17:00
theadminrem: also, how the heck do you plan to open a ext filesystem in Windows?17:00
remgood question17:00
markl_Pici: cool, do i have to do anything else to make it work properly, e.g. will it break the gnome screen locking?17:01
Rapsodiusreplace 10 with some value lesser or equal to 1517:01
Rapsodiusand greater than 017:01
rautamiekkatheadmin: There's an installable EXT2 for Win17:01
remall i did was uninstall the ATI driver and i cant even boot up anymore17:01
lullabudtheadmin: http://www.fs-driver.org/17:01
rautamiekkalullabud said it, theadmin17:01
Picimarkl_: Nope, that will not break anything.  If you run xscreensaver-demo you have a chance of breaking things though, so if you do run it to change settings, don't have it kill or start any daemons.17:01
Mark22Rapsodius: thank you, looking for how it will work in a few hours17:01
theadminrem: Get sytemrescuecd iso from sysresccd(dot)org and use that to copy stuff over.17:01
ChogyDanrautamiekka: oh, I see the page.  I just don't see what patching you have to do to get it working.  Again, I run regular ubuntu on eeepc already, so I know that all the issues there used to be have been fixed17:01
markl_Pici: ok cool ty17:02
lullabudsteve_irwin: they have IRC in heaven??17:02
rautamiekkaChogyDan: Which EeePC ? I have 900 which I installed UNR onto17:02
abhi_navlullabud: they who?17:02
ChogyDanrautamiekka: 1000HE17:02
lullabudabhi_nav: steve irwin, the crocodile hunter!!17:02
remtheadmin: thanks, will do17:02
crc32How do you restart the gnome-keyring-manager?17:02
abhi_navlullabud: hmm :D17:03
rautamiekkaChogyDan: I think that lappy works better than 900 but okey, I'll test regular Ubuntu and will then report back17:03
crc32with out restarting X?17:03
abhi_navsteve_irwin: lol17:03
jolarenIs it possible to boot a /etc/rc.local script before a init.d script somehow??17:03
ChogyDanrautamiekka: the only different between UNR and regular is the interface.  All the drivers were put into the kernel so are in both17:03
RapsodiusMark22: however remember that is temporary, since after the reboot, the value stored in /etc/sysctl.conf will take effect17:04
fabio333steve_irwin mocked by South Park17:04
matucan you put the 9.04 netbookremix .img to your usb stick without having 1 files corrupted as a result of the checkfiles ?17:04
Mark22Rapsodius: I know, I also added it in /etc/sysctl.conf (for when I reboot it)17:04
rautamiekkaChogyDan: Meaning that the UNR .img image's 300 megas larger size is due to more poor image format ?17:05
ChogyDanrautamiekka: no, it would be just different things installed17:05
axisysfor last couple days, i had to keep my laptop lid half way close for the external monitor to get highest resolution.. would be nice if i could go back to when i could keep my laptop lid close all the way and have external monitor still works w/ highest resolution.. anyone can suggest a fix ?17:05
axisysi am running karmic17:05
lullabudwhat's the command to see a list of packages that are currently installed?17:06
axisyslullabud: wasn't it dpkg -l ?17:06
rautamiekkaChogyDan: Hmmm, the "Fixes" page says that the page was last edited 2009-11-06. Well, off I go to test with the regular Ub17:06
deletethy how can i get out send mail becausei give apt-get remove sendmail and when i reboot the machine i have a lod of proceses whit sendmail and eat all mai memory17:06
rautamiekkaChogyDan: Oh, and I won't run 9.10 Karmic cuz it doesn't support my Nokia Internet Stick CS-1517:07
lullabudaxisys: i thought i saw an apt- tool mentioned the other day... dpkg -l would do it though17:07
RapsodiusRepost, since it has been buried several minutes ago: I have installed timidity and freepats, but don't like how midis sound, I want them to sound exactly like in Windows, so how do I convert the GM.DLS file into a SoundFont 2 file?17:07
ChogyDanrautamiekka: oh, I see, that may change things, but good luck17:07
axisyslullabud: could be.. i know dpkg is one way.. there is aptitude there too and synaptics17:07
lullabud<3 tab-completion of apt-* switches17:07
steve_irwincan anyone give me a spotify invite code17:08
bubI have a HDD which does not appear to work with Ubuntu, do I need to download a software for it? If so, which?17:09
abhi_navsteve_irwin: what is that?17:09
Hans_Henrikany1 know if the "ophcrack livecd" is linux-based?17:09
rautamiekkabub: Install "gparted" and check if it recognizes the drive at all17:09
abhi_navsteve_irwin: what is that?17:10
alunohi everyone, can someone tell me how to install flash?17:10
steve_irwinspotify is a service that lets you listen to unlimited streamed songs, whatever songs you want17:10
steve_irwinlike pandora except you pick the songs17:10
mneptokaluno: i386?17:10
Rapsodiusaluno: most cameras have a flash built in already <grin>17:10
steve_irwinbut its only available in the UK and by invite17:10
rautamiekkaaluno: "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree"17:10
axisys!flash | aluno17:10
ubottualuno: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:10
sipiorbub: what sort of hard drive?17:11
moose1I mintified my computer and want it back to ubuntu!!!!17:11
rautamiekkabub: Oh, forgot to mention that I assume that Ub had recognized the drive so that GParted may try to understand it. If it doesn't, the drive ain't seen by Ub17:12
orsonsorry for OT, but anyone using an Acer aspire one D150 or 531 with 3g-onboard and could paste the lspci-output for me?17:12
lullabudsteve_irwin: if you can't get a spotify invite, or just want an alternative, check out grooveshark.com17:12
Rapsodiusor dizzler.com17:12
Rapsodiusit's open source, even <317:13
abhi_navsteve_irwin: you there?17:13
remtheadmin: if i use sytemrescuecd to copy files over, should i just reinstall ubuntu over itself afterwards or format then install?17:13
Rapsodiussteve_irwin has left the building!!!17:13
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jessyquien quiera sexo k marke 2317:14
moose1How can I restore my normal ubuntu boot after mintifying?17:15
Slartmoose1: not sure.. I guess it would depend on what "mintifying" means17:15
moose1can I strip linux mint down to just ubuntu?17:15
bonez2046where's best channel to find linux/winxp networking help?17:15
Slartmoose1: probably not.. mint isn't just additions17:16
moose1look for a sadms channel17:16
josh-Nhi, i'm trying to copy a bootable Mac OS 9 cd with K3b... i made two iso images, one normal and one with the "clone" setting. when i burn either of them, the data seems to be fine, but they don't seem to be bootable. any advice?17:16
rautamiekkamoose1: I agree with Slart. Linux Mint must be another distro with Ub codebase but I'm not completely sure with that17:16
tommismoose1, yep but isn`t worth of dooing17:16
moose1I installed the mint additions to try them, then tried to uninstall. I'm concerned that it won leave any GUI.17:17
NewToDB2Hi -- I'm listening to Raul Chong's intro videos for DB2-C express.  early on he mentions a command -- db2icrt -- which I do not have.  I am on linux and just downloaded and installed the latest tarball17:17
sipiorjosh-N: well, what are you trying to boot with it?17:17
josh-Nsipior: an old iMac17:18
mw44118-workIs there a tool for ubuntu server that lets me customize a list of packages I need to have installed on a new server?17:18
Slart!automate | mw44118-work17:18
ubottumw44118-work: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning17:18
Slart!clone | mw44118-work17:18
ubottumw44118-work: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:18
josh-Nthe iMac is booting from the original CD, but there are some read errors17:19
sipiorjosh-N: the system folder generally needs to be "blessed" to boot. unfortunately, this is rather off-topic for this channel :-)17:19
moose1how do I restore usplash and login defaults?17:20
josh-Nsipior: would you be willing to try and help in a private conv?17:20
bonez2046I moved from 9.10 on a drive with ext3 to a new identically sized drive in same box.. with 9.10 using ext4 installed.. now though, network shares, print shares ,etc.. are not working.. where, which channnel or resource can I find help testing and repairing this?17:21
sipiorjosh-N: old mac OS installs aren't really my thing, apologies.17:21
tyler_d2here is good bonez204617:21
tyler_d2bonez2046: can you still ping the source?(more detail).... windows share? fstab? using what fs?17:21
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bonez2046tyler_d2: yes, I can ping them.. I have set up cups 1.4 on my ubuntu box.. but if I enter the control and attempt to change settings CUPS gives errors.. and when attempting to add shared printer from win boxes.. the shares are invisible17:22
josh-Nsipior: as a more general question, how do i tell K3b to make a real raw copy? (the system folder should stay blessed when the disk is copied byte by byte, right?)17:23
sipiorjosh-N: yes, it certainly should.17:23
RedaxxxHow can I check which version of Xfce I'm running?17:24
sipiorjosh-N: i don't use K3b, so I'm afraid I can't answer your other question.17:24
josh-Nsipior: ok thanks for trying to help though.17:25
abhi_navRedaxxx: system=>about afce17:25
mystdragonquestions about Grub2 (Beta I understand, why it is included in 9.10 I will never understand)17:26
mystdragonOn Sda1 ubuntu is installed and operational17:26
Grey_LokiWhere can I put a program (and what do I have to do to the executable file, which is a .i386 extension) so that it can be run by all users?17:26
abhi_navmystdragon whats your actual queastion?17:27
mystdragonon a 2nd drive windows exploder is installed17:27
mystdragonI have created the 11_new_os file and made executable17:27
mystdragonI am having trouble with the new hard drive designations17:27
RedaxxxAbhi: I'm running xubuntu and can't find it :( I tried asking in #ubuntu but everyone is afk it seems... Is there any terminal command?17:27
arakthorGrey_Loki, if you want to start it from CLI put it in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /sbin, or /bin, and run chmod +x filename17:27
Grey_Lokiarakthor: can it be within a subdir of /usr/bin, and still be recognised?17:28
mw44118-workGrey_Loki: well, the short answer is to put it in any directory in $PATH.17:28
arakthorGrey_Loki, I'm not sure17:28
abhi_navRedaxxx: reinstall it then naa?17:28
Grey_Lokiarakthor: guess i'll have a play then - thanks :)17:28
mystdragonupdate-grub errors out with grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1.  Check your device.map.17:28
mw44118-workGrey_Loki: no, you can't put it in a subdir, unless that subdir is also in $PATH17:28
Grey_LokiOh, well17:28
Akkernightso I tried installing WinXP on a currently Ubuntu run system, and the first thing I get is the Blue Screen of Death, is this common?17:29
sine`anyone had any joy with e-uae17:29
Grey_Lokimw44118-work: hmm, alright - i'll do some googling17:29
abhi_navAkkernight no17:29
blakkheimAkkernight: perfectly common for windows17:29
arakthorGrey_Loki, if you have a folder with a program and resources; you could just leave it somewhere and then put a simlink to executable somewhere in $PATH (as mw44118-work said)17:30
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. Can anyone please help17:30
Akkernightabhi_nav, well what could have caused this then?17:31
abhi_navAkkernight what caused what?17:31
hoonchesAkkernight: I don't know.17:31
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. Can anyone please help17:31
hoonchesi have one day to return my laptop so i need to get the problem resolved today or I will have thrown all of my money away17:31
Akkernightabhi_nav, Blue Screen of Death? it looked like it noticed that some other OS was installed and thought that was a risk or something17:32
NoReflexhey guys! I'm having some problems with upstart ik karmic server 64bit. It won't start postgresql. I tried http://superuser.com/questions/98702/how-to-make-postgresql-start-at-boot-time-in-ubuntu but it didn't work. can I remove upstart? I'm afraid to test it because the machine is at a remote location and if I mess it up I won't be able to connect to it anymore.17:32
abhi_navAkkernight no17:32
hoonchesis there an op in here? :(17:32
abhi_navAkkernight you first installed windows and then ubuntu?17:32
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abhi_navhoonches why?17:32
hoonchesI need help fast17:32
abhi_navhoonches what type of help?17:33
Akkernightabhi_nav,  other way around, I've installed Ubuntu and am now trying to install Windows17:33
abhi_nav!patience | hoonches17:33
ubottuhoonches: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:33
sipiorhoonches: it doesn't really work that way.17:33
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. Can anyone please help17:33
hoonchesi've tried 2 installation cds17:33
mneptokhoonches: md5sum the .iso file you downloaded and run the media check on the CD.17:33
hoonchesand verified the md5 sums on them both17:33
remhow do i open my ubuntu filesystem so i can copy my home folder when booted into systemrescuecd17:33
abhi_navAkkernight no listen. this is not the recommended way. you have to install windows first and then ubuntu17:33
hoonchesi've done the md5 sums17:33
Akkernightabhi_nav, well that's too late..17:34
hoonchesmneptok: i have done the md5 sums17:34
mneptokhoonches: burn the iso to disc at the slowest speed possible17:34
gettingbyHi I am on ubuntu 9.04, how can i get information of the hardware I am running? specifically about the hard disk17:34
rabbit1how to install eclipse to work on php on ubuntu 8.04?17:34
abhi_navAkkernight and you can do in other way but then you have to look after grub and/or MBR17:34
hoonchesmneptok: ok17:34
niklasfican someone help me configuring my ssh-client?17:34
hoonchesmneptok: what is the best application for burning the disk?17:34
gettingbyI could find nothing in system>Administration17:34
abhi_navgettingby: i used app 'SysInfo' for that. it has gui17:34
ania_ gettingby write lshw in console17:35
mneptokhoonches: in what OS?17:35
Akkernightabhi_nav, yeah when I install WinXP I put back in the Ubuntu LiveCD and install Grub2 again17:35
Akkernightabhi_nav, but WinXP doesn't work to install17:35
LinuxAdminHi guys, I need help, it seems #ubuntu-server channel is empty, no one answer17:35
abhi_navAkkernight then ? what happends?17:35
mneptokhoonches: just right-click the .iso file and select "Burn to disc" (or whatever)17:35
LinuxAdminI'm trying to install ubuntu-vm-builder but I'm getting problems with apt-get command17:35
Akkernightabhi_nav, I got a error that was something like 0x0000007B17:36
LinuxAdminI  get this error:17:36
abhi_navAkkernight: i think thats windows error17:36
gettingbythanks guys17:36
ubunewb_Hi! So I installed ubuntu on a previously partitioned space(F:). Now I can boot only into ubuntu from the grub. Can someone help me out? I'd like to see both the OS's in the grub and dual- boot into windows too. (The windows partition hasnt been deleted). I need windows for university purposes.17:36
LinuxAdminIt was not possible to get some archives, try to run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing17:36
LinuxAdminI've run apt-get update already17:36
LinuxAdminany ideia?17:37
Akkernightabhi_nav, so failed disk burn?17:37
itheoshey what does this warning means "WARNING: No DGA direct video mode for this display."17:37
LinuxAdminMy ubuntu server is 9.1017:37
LinuxAdmincan someone help  me?17:37
philthno2hi, what's the easiest way to prevent ubuntu from starting the graphical interface? I'd like it to start into runlevel 3 but am not sure how far "upstart" changes my understanding of the runlevel concept17:37
conb123Which file system is best to use? Ext3, Ext4 or XFS? I have heard very good things about XFS17:37
ania_omg to many questions17:37
ania_best ext4 prefered ext317:38
blakkheimconb123: depends on your needs17:38
rskconb123 what do you want from the filesystem17:38
abhi_nav_Akkernight i was disconnected repeat if you had said something17:38
conb123Well it's just I have heard that XFS is a lot faster than ext317:38
arjunvj3xfs is good, but using it with fuse uses too much ram ...... not sure abt it though17:38
Akkernightabhi_nav, so failed disk burn?17:38
rskconb123 that's true in some cases, in some cases ext3 is faster.17:38
LinuxAdmindoes anybody knows why I can't install ubuntu-vm-builder?17:39
rskconb123 if you want speed use ext217:39
brontosaurusrexshould i bother with webdav & apache 2?17:39
rskbrontosaurusrex only if you want to bother with it17:39
brontosaurusrexor just enable ftp/ssh access?17:39
sipiorLinuxAdmin: what happened when you ran apt-get with --fix-missing?17:39
conb123rsk: But ext2 is an old format17:39
rskconb123 it is17:39
LinuxAdminit starts to install to many packages, postfix included17:40
rskconb123 it's still faster17:40
LinuxAdminI don't want postfix17:40
rskconb123 and that's what you wanted17:40
itheoshey what does this warning means "WARNING: No DGA direct video mode for this display."17:40
rskitheos dga = direct graphics acceleration afaik17:40
sipiorLinuxAdmin: you can always try uninstalling it later. or simply turn it off.17:40
brontosaurusrexis webdav tied to actual system users, or are those some apache virtual users?17:41
toehioWhy does it take me so long to login on my ubuntu server? It's not a SSH problem, because "su username" also takes a while. Does anybody else have the same problem?17:41
LinuxAdminI supect it is installing to many packets, that's why I don't want to run with --fix-missing parameter17:41
niklasfihow do i add a .ppk file to my ssh-client?17:41
LinuxAdminI want a clean system, only with the minimal packets17:41
seanbrystoneif i created a symlink from ~/.local/share/tomboy to ~/Ubuntu One  would that mean my tomboy notes would go to the Ubuntu One cloud? And if so how do would I make the link, im not good with that link command17:42
pikreshouse88i need help installing flash 10.1 to a 64 bit boxee install. what are the steps?17:42
psusitoehio: you have a broken or weird PAM configuration?17:42
blakkheimseanbrystone: man ln17:42
LinuxAdminthis is a server for hosting virtual machines17:42
itheoswhy do i get this  "WARNING: No DGA direct video mode for this display."????17:42
seanbrystoneblakkheim, not everyone has the man-fu, including me thats why I asked in here :)17:42
NoReflexhey guys! I'm having some problems with upstart ik karmic server 64bit. It won't start postgresql. I tried http://superuser.com/questions/98702/how-to-make-postgresql-start-at-boot-time-in-ubuntu but it didn't work. can I remove upstart? I'm afraid to test it because the machine is at a remote location and if I mess it up I won't be able to connect to it anymore.17:43
blakkheimseanbrystone: man-fu? it's just reading..17:43
LinuxAdmindo you know why is #ubuntu-server so calm?17:43
niklasfihow do i add a .ppk file to my ssh-client?17:43
sipiorLinuxAdmin: so, if i understand you correctly, you don't want to fix your problem, because then you would have too many packages installed? i guess if your goal is a clean system that is absolutely useless, you may be on to something.17:43
LinuxAdminno one answers me?17:43
josh-Nitheos: people are more likely to understand your problem if you tell them under which circumstances you get the warning.17:43
seanbrystoneblakkheim, but that's like telling me to go google it17:43
sipiorLinuxAdmin: perhaps remove bash as well?17:43
psusirsk: you should stick to ext4 and maybe turn off journaling for best speed, rather than ext2.. there are other features in ext4 that make it faster than ext217:44
LinuxAdminI don't want that, but I can't understand why I have to install a mail server if it is not my goal17:44
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sipiorLinuxAdmin: dependencies are like that, sometimes. disk space is cheap, turn postfix off if you don't need it.17:45
abhi_nav_!info .ppk17:45
akshaysome body help me with gnome-do17:45
seanbrystoneif i created a symlink from ~/.local/share/tomboy to ~/Ubuntu One  would that mean my tomboy notes would go to the Ubuntu One cloud? And if so how do would I make the link, im not good with that link command17:45
psusiLinuxAdmin: did you try --no-install-recommends?17:45
LinuxAdminthat's why I'm afraid I get to many packages installed17:45
ubottuPackage .ppk does not exist in karmic17:45
abhi_nav_akshay ????17:45
pikreshouse88anyone here using boxee on 64 bit install?17:45
auriclezdoes anyone know if you can change the icon in the xubuntu login screen17:45
LinuxAdminI  tryed --install-recommends17:45
akshayabhi_nav, i applied dock theme...and now there is no option to revert back ..wat to do17:46
rautamiekkaseanbrystone: He means "tried". His Eng isn't that good apparently17:46
psusiLinuxAdmin: installing recommends is the default, which is why more things get pulled in that are needed... you want to NOT install the recommended packages17:46
akshayabhi_nav , where can i find prefrences17:46
abhi_nav_akshay gnome do is listed in applications=>accesories17:46
seanbrystonei know what he meant17:46
maverick_i have LVM partation ma my HD, i want to install new fresh Ubuntu, but use that LVM partation as mount point, how could i do this17:46
LinuxAdminok, let me try17:46
akshayabhi_nav...i know dat17:47
abhi_nav_akshay: what you want actually?17:47
akshayabhi_nav,to get back the normal theme17:47
seanbrystone!es | gata17:48
ubottugata: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:48
LinuxAdminI'm getting "incorrect file size"17:48
amrikHi, I have SVN simple auth going and ubuntu isn't storing my password (I honestly don't care if it is stored in plaintext). Is there an easy way to just hack this to work?17:48
amrikI am using 9.1017:48
akshayabhi_nav, itried uninstalling........but..after reinstallation..i again got that dock theme17:48
LinuxAdminany ideia?17:48
abhi_nav_akshay: what you want do ? theme or gnome do?17:48
akshayabhi_nav,,,dock is really messy17:48
sipiorgata: something we can help you with?17:49
abhi_nav_akshay: what you want do ? theme or gnome do?17:49
vegar_Hi, I'm having problems installing ubuntu 9.10 server i386 from my usb stick made with usb-creator. It is not able to install because it cannot find the "cd-rom". I tried the option of testing the "disc", but a similar error message of not finding the cd-rom pops up asking me to input the device path, I tried both /dev/cdrom and /dev/sdb1 to no avail. I opened the shell, and /dev/sdb1 is correctly mounted under /dev/cdrom and i can list the f17:49
sipiorglad he got that off his chest.17:49
vegar_I did an md5sum has of my image, and the md5sum is correct17:50
akshayabhi_nav..u have any solution for that17:50
abhi_nav_akshay: basically i am not getting your question17:50
conb123Would you say that ReiserFS is stable enough in ubuntu to use? I have heard that it is faster than ext2.17:50
vegar_conb123: you should warn your wife before installing it though17:51
lullabudman... it really is a shame about reiser.  i wish they'd let him work on it from prison17:51
conb123vegar_: haha erm why is that?17:51
seanbrystoneisnt Mr Reiser in prison? is anyone even taking up where he left off?17:51
seanbrystoneomg lullabud great minds think alike ;)17:52
lullabudif they're not going to continue it, they should release a final version, reiserFS 187 final17:52
akshayabhi_nav, i installed gname-do..tried with its theme....as i applied dock theme....the prefrence option has now disappeared .....now i want to get the default theme...or whatever...but not the dock theme..u got it17:52
Grey_LokiIs it possible to customise what elements are active in terms of visual effects?17:53
Grey_LokiLike, instead of just having 'none', 'some', or 'loads', change the fade times and such17:53
vegar_Grey_Loki: there is compiz config17:53
pikeshouse88hello al. i have a 64 bit install of ubuntu and i have 10.1 flash beta 3 installed fine for firefox through nspluginwrapper. however, i am trying to configure it for boxee. please help17:53
Grey_Lokivegar_: not sure that i'm using Compiz?17:54
pikeshouse88i have been searching for a methid for 30 minutes17:54
pikeshouse88theres no way what im trying to do is rare17:54
abhi_nav_akshay: hmm that means you are talking about the theme of gnome-do not the theme of your desktop? hmm ok i got it now. and suggestio is reinstall gnome do17:55
vegar_Grey_Loki: The standard desktop effects in ubuntu are due to compiz17:55
psusimaverick_: so you want to have two side by side installations of Ubuntu?17:55
pikeshouse88the 64 bit 10.0 flash plugin is giving me terrible performance but 10.1 is a bit better17:55
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vegar_Grey_Loki: Install simple-ccsm for a simple compiz settings manager17:55
maverick_psusi, no,17:55
akshayabhi_nav, did it no success17:55
ArdethianWhat did you say?17:56
maverick_psusi, i currently have ubuntu 9.04 with LVM but i want to instal ubuntu 9.10 using same /home and other partation17:56
psusimaverick_: you want to get rid of your old Ubuntu install and install a new copy, but save your data files in the old one?17:56
abhi_nav_akshay: please dont use comma after nick it is not getting highlighted17:56
psusimaverick_: do you want to replace 9.04 or dual boot?17:57
amrikmaverick_: you dont want to straight upgrade?17:57
mscintak tal17:57
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zealiodi would like to make a custom version of the ubuntu distro with all the packages i need available offline on the disk... is this possible?17:57
maverick_psusi, i want to replace it just format /root and use all like /home /var same as old17:57
psusimaverick_: do you already have /home on its own partition?  if so then just install and tell it to do manual partitioning, choose the existing root and /home partitions like you did before, and just set it to not format the /home partition... or yea, you can just do an in place upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1017:58
duffydackI have a multibooting usb stick with various partitions and distros, I wanna back it up..  just dd if=/dev/sdb of=usbstick.img enough?17:58
maverick_psusi, the main problem is i currently have LVM partation, but while trying to install new one it didnt show my current LVM partation, so i am unable to select my old /home /var ..17:59
psusiduffydack: that's not a very good way to back it up since restoring to a stick of a different size is problematic, and it copies free blocks too18:00
meganerdduffydack: that will back up the whole disk yes.  You may want to backup each partition individually.  partimage is your friend here, of course something like clonezilla provides a nice GUI wrapper.18:00
psusimaverick_: are you using the livecd or the alternate installer?  the livecd does not normally support lvm, but you can install the lvm package and then it pretty much works18:01
oddyHi, I un-installed pulseaudio yesterday to fix some audio-errors i was having and the volume happlet has vanished from my notification area. any ideas?18:01
maverick_psusi, livecd18:01
meganerdduffydack: in addition to what psusi said, there are other complications.  You could use dd (or better ddrescue) on each partition18:01
psusimaverick_: sudo apt-get install lvm218:01
psusimaverick_: before you start the installer18:01
psusimaverick_: then sudo lvs and see if it shows the volumes18:02
hikenbootwithout building a kernel from scratch is there an easy way to downgrade from kernel 2.6.30/31 to 2.6.28 or 2.6.29 I have been very unhappy with 30/3118:02
SatManUKhi is their anyway to load the applications menu without a mouse?18:02
duffydackmeganerd, psusi, I will be restoring it to same size stick later on...but I dont wanna image free space either... hmmm18:03
oddySatManUK you could probably use the Keyboard Shortcuts preferences app to set it up :)18:03
ANTRatSatManUK: alt+f118:03
infidi just ejected a dvd movie and ubuntu is acting like it's still in there, in the sense that the drive is still named after the dvd and it's not seeming to read the new DVD i put in. What should i do?18:03
oddyinfid: restart?18:03
meganerdduffydack: well you could compress the resulting image18:03
SatManUKi am trying to run ubuntu on a hp pavilion a310uk but its only got 256mb ram and doesn't detect the usb keyboard / mouse properly18:03
infidoddy: i got ubuntu since it's not windows in the sense of having to be restarted to fix every little thing though ;)18:04
enthushi all..18:04
oddyyou've done right click and unmount right infid?18:04
SatManUKwhat is the recomended ram size for ubuntu to run smoothly18:04
oddyhi enthus18:04
oddy256 SatManUK18:04
duffydackPackage partimage is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:04
enthusi m using ubuntu9.10 , i want to know which kde version suits it?18:04
enthusoddy: hey!18:04
oddyenthus you'd want 4.0. that's the one in the repo18:04
SatManUKenthus: i am using kubuntu 4.4.1 and its fine18:05
infidoddy: i tried that before but now it's working. thanks18:05
oddyah, the magic of computers infid :) glad it works18:05
enthusoddy: my internet connection is too slow..how much memory it would be?18:05
gmspence___anyone had problems using external usb drives in lucid lynx?18:05
SatManUKoddy: its running really slow on this p4 2.6/256mb18:05
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meganerdgmspence___: nope18:05
SatManUKwould it prefer a ps/2 mouse to a usb house18:06
oddyenthus: have you tried a different browser? like chrome?18:06
enthusSatManUK: how much space it requires?18:06
gmspence___dunno why my external drives no show - i bang in lsusb into the terminal and they are definately connected - not even showing in gparted.  am stumpted18:06
meganerdoddy: chrome uses even more memory18:06
enthusyes ofcourse..earlier not now!18:06
oddySatManUK: probably yes. i have had issues with keyboard just before my computer died. does it work on other OS's?18:06
mneptokSatManUK: 256MB RAM is very, VERY low for a DE like Kubuntu18:06
oddymeganerd: yeah but its faster!18:06
enthusoddy: currently i m using firefox18:06
oddyYeah, SatManUK, you'd be better off with Xubuntu with XFCE.18:07
meganerdoddy: I see no real difference18:07
oddymeganerd: maybe it's just me then :P18:07
SatManUKmneptok: i am not running kubuntu on the 256.. kubuntu has 4gb ram..18:07
MozillaGuerrillaif i plan on installing ubuntu in a VirtualBox.How big of a parttion shld i use? Will i nd room for more then the OS?18:07
SatManUKubuntu is running on 256 / gnome]18:07
enthusSatManUK:,oddy: suggest me some stable version18:07
oddySatManUK: have you got compiz switched off?18:07
SatManUKits just on live..18:07
SatManUKi can't even get to installation..18:07
SatManUKenthus: 4.4.1 is stable18:08
oddyYou probably need Xubuntu then SatManUK.18:08
meganerdMozillaGuerrilla: of course you will need more room for stuff other than the OS.  You will need the space for the OS plus whatever data you put in it18:08
oddyenthus: if you just install it from the 'Software Centre' you'll get the best version for you :)18:08
vegar_I'm having a lot of problems installing ubuntu server from usb. The installer runs, but it's having problems with the packages on the usb stick. Is is possible to force it to only use a network mirror?18:08
enthusSatManUK: my download speed is 10kbps. would it be a problem?18:08
SatManUKoddy: i am actually testing a fork of ubuntu called uberstudent18:08
oddymeganerd: I'd give it 6GB if it's just for mucking about18:08
SatManUKi suspect so..18:08
SatManUKi thought you meant hd space18:09
meganerdMozillaGuerrilla: you can define a 20 GiB hard drive, but it won't actually use 20 GiB.  It will take up the space that is actually in use.18:09
enthusSatManUK: how much memory it takes?18:09
MozillaGuerrillaM.N., Thats what i tht i jst wntd 2 mk sure thanks18:09
oddySatManUK: Go Alt+F2 and type "metacity --replace" without quotes and run18:09
enthusSatManUK: yes hdspace18:09
kevbo1hi, i'm having an issue with youtube, perhaps flash as a whole. i can't pause videos or use any of the buttons18:09
oddyenthus: 4-5 GB? ish? probably less but I'd give space18:10
oddykevbo1: adobe give crap flash versions to use linux users. what version and browser are you running?18:10
MozillaGuerrillaI can alwys trnsfr data w my email18:10
enthusoddy: means now i have to download that 4-5 Gb from repos?18:10
oddyenthus: no sorry i got confused,18:10
kevbo1firefox 3.5.8.. i just installed the flash a minute ago, im not sure of the version18:11
oddyenthus: it'll be less than 1G18:11
MozillaGuerrilla>SatManUK, i did xubuntu on a 256 and it was AMAZING the difference in speed.18:11
kevbo1oh wait.
oddykebvo1: did you install from the flash website or Software Centre?18:11
enthusoddy: my internet speed is low, could you please tell a near number?18:11
enthusoddy: i mean memory18:12
oddyenthus: hang on i'll see if i can find out for you :)18:12
meganerdenthus: it depends on your ISP18:12
oddymeganerd: he means file size :)18:12
SatManUKshame i can't just boot from an iso on a hd lol i don't have no blank disks on me at the moment18:12
MozillaGuerrillaubuntu was a bit slower but still ran alright, but the real noticable difference was w xubuntu! Look mom no spudder!!18:12
meganerdenthus: I get it now :)18:12
eaxHey : ) I have a disk(HDD), that I want automounted at boot and made so that every user on my system can read/write, how would I go about this? :)18:12
enthusmeganerd: My download speed is 10jbps18:12
SatManUKwhat's the difference ? no gnome?18:12
kevbo1oddy: software center. i think i may have found a fix, one minute :)18:12
PreposterussMozillaGuerrilla: check out crunchbang linux18:12
meganerdenthus: ouch18:12
oddyok kevbo1 :)18:12
SatManUKwhat dm is xubuntu using?18:12
Preposterussit's based on ubuntu and is faster than xubuntu18:12
SatManUKpuppy is pretty fast but its not ubuntu based..18:13
enthusSatManUK: yes i have gnome ..but loves kde :-)18:13
SatManUKpuppy flies on a p1 :)18:13
SatManUKI prefer kde18:13
Stargazepuppy does use apt-get, i think18:13
Tharokeax , add it to your /etc/fstab18:13
oddyenthus - type in terminal "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and it'll say how much it is to download and how much it is when installed :)18:13
MozillaGuerrillaPpts, I got out of the stoneage and have a real computer now lol18:13
SatManUKbut i am testing "uberstudent" its supposed to have lots of "templates"18:13
SatManUKand I wanna teach desktop linux18:13
oddyenthus: for me 72.9MB to download, and 275 on disk18:14
enthusoddy: ok ..i wil try now18:14
eaxTharok: It's already there with the flags: " users,user,owner "  - What should these be changed to? It is automounted but users cannot write to it18:14
oddyare there any admins in here? cos the 'conference mod' doesn't seem to be working i am getting filthily spammed with joins and parts.18:14
joris_Is there a way i can easily upgrade my nvidia drivers to 190 in Karmic. I tried a ppa , but that was a very bad idea...18:14
dharrisonhi room, I have a major networking issue. can anyone help please?18:14
oddyjoris_: have you been to hardware drivers in system -> administration yet?18:15
MimiHey, I have an odd sound problem. Background: (THIS ISN'T THE PROBLEM) but I listen to music with headphones,  but there's background noise (white noise, I guess),   SO, I go to terminal and run "alsamixer".    I turn down the MASTER  and then put PCM up.   I'm on a laptop, if it matters. Anyway, all GREAT so far :)   But now, the PROBLEM is this:  if I use the karmic  volume applet on the panel,  or use my laptop's  Vol Up / Vol Down18:15
Mimibuttons, THEN the alsamixer resets to master 100% and PCM 100%. In other words:   OWWWWWWW!! MY EARSIES!!!!!    So what do I do now?18:15
AquinaDoes someone know how to change a launchpad account password? Plaese help!18:15
Tharokeax is it an ntfs disk=18:15
joris_yes there are the 185 drivers installed, but i cannot upgrade18:15
MozillaGuerrillaI like the way xfce has the "desks" all laid out in a row and the way u can drag boxes from 1 to the othr18:15
SatManUKI am setting up a training course teaching the basics of linux and also I wish to teach "ECDL 4 Linux"18:15
eaxTharok: Nope, ext4 :)18:15
SatManUKI don't think there are many community based companies teaching this18:15
SatManUKbut i am a student myself so have limited funds..18:16
oddyjoris_: your best bet is to wait for Lucid Lynx. They'll update it when they feel it is ready :)18:16
MimiBTW the reason that I go to alsamixer in the first place, is to eliminate the white noise18:16
meganerddharrison: just ask your question18:16
oddyMimi: have you tried using the gnome-volume-control-applet and right clicking?18:16
airtonixjoris_, why was it a bad idea ?18:16
mefunteehi all18:16
Mimioddy, is that the applet that comes by default?18:16
joris_yeah but I have some overscan issues with my tv-out and read that  the 190 drivers fix it18:16
oddyMimi: yeah18:16
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dharrisonok thanks18:17
Mimioddy,  yes, but it doesn't have PCM or Master options, only "volume" and "left/right" adjustment18:17
Aciidare there problems in apt-get ?18:17
oddyjoris_: you could try the forums18:17
mefunteepls i wld like to knw the best app for burning cds... brasero isnt working for me...?18:17
dharrisoni have an ubuntu machine that will not communicate with a set of ips or web addresses18:17
* SatManUK wonders if this hp pavilion is using ddr1 or 218:17
Aciidmy apt-get update hangs in "waiting for headers"18:17
dharrisonbut will communicate with some others18:17
SatManUKit needs an upgrade!18:17
oddymimi: have you been system-preferences-sound?18:17
airtonixmefuntee, i'm having a hard time understanding you18:17
Stargazedharrison, type /join #ubuntu-server18:18
AquinaDoes someone know how to change a launchpad account password? Plaese help!18:18
enthusoddy: It showed me this error -- E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop what does it mean?18:18
Tharokeax try by making a subfolder as root on the mountpoint and chmod it +rw18:18
joris_the ppa was a very bad idea because it gave diversion errors18:18
oddyenthus: try "sudo apt-get update" and then try again18:18
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eaxTharok: Trying, thanks :)18:18
mefunteeairtonix: when i try to buurn wt brasero it completes but when i take it out and reinsert the cd, it displays empty18:19
MimiHmmm... oddy, I don't have that program installed, but if i try to install:   E: Couldn't find package system-preferences-sound18:19
aciculamefuntee, k3b perhaps?18:19
meganerddharrison: in what way are you trying to communicate?18:19
eaxTharok: What then?18:19
oddyMimi: no i mean go System menu, then hover over preferences and then click sound :)18:19
enthusoddy: it takes more time! :-(18:19
mefunteeairtonix: do u think its better than brasero?18:19
oddyenthus: it is supposed to. it is making sure you computer knows what is in the software repos18:20
Mimioddy,   Oh, DOOOOH :P   Silly me. Hmmm, it is the same thing as the sound thing on the panel18:20
eaxTharok: got to go for a little, will see your answer when I get back18:20
enthusoddy: thank you very much18:20
SatManUKis there a way to install ubuntu from shell?18:20
joris_oddly I looked in the forums but my only option seemed manually upgrading the drivers18:20
oddyMimi: Oh, so it is :P I didn't realise, I uninstalled pulseaudio yesterday and it has all gone belly-up18:20
oddyenthus: glad to help18:20
fr3nzyAnyone knows in which package does the acx100 driver reside in the ubuntu karmic pool?18:21
smacky_my friend wrote me this little script what are the commands to install it?18:21
oddySatManUK: Not that I know of. Have you tried booting from the CD menu straight to "install ubuntu?"18:21
SatManUKoddy: when i do its asking for a username and password to login :)18:21
aciculafr3nzy, the kernel module package or restricted module package is where most kernel mods are packaged18:21
SatManUKlike i said its not strictly ubuntu but based on ubuntu 9.10 fork18:21
enthusoddy: Are you a mentor for an soc project?18:21
xerox1i would like to boot without the graphical bootsplash; is there a way to do that with 9.10? startupmanager doesn't work any longer...18:21
switchgirli am connected via a wireless network - how to secure it18:22
oddyenthus: nope, just a bored student that can't be bothered to do my homework!18:22
enthusoddy: :-p18:22
=== WaiXan is now known as Alexo
steve_irwini just sent a letter to a soldier in iraq18:22
steve_irwinon letterstosoldiers.org18:22
airtonix!ot | steve_irwin18:22
oddyMimi: Have you tried gnome-alsamixer (from console)?18:22
ubottusteve_irwin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:22
fr3nzythanks, acicula, I'm a bit puzzled as to how am I supposed to install it with the bare command line system.18:22
oddymimi: you might have to install it18:22
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:22
steve_irwinHi soldiers I'm Jeff and I'm 8 years old and I want to say thank you for making it so I can go to school and be free. I don't know how much I would cost if I weren't free but I think it would be less than the PS3 I got for Christmas from Santa. It's so awesome I play Call of Duty and pretend I'm you guys blowing up all of the bad guys who speak funny languages. When I grow up, I wanna be a soldier and fire guns and drive tanks just like yo18:23
airtonix!ot | steve_irwin18:23
Mimioddy,  let me try :)18:23
oddyok Mimi18:23
corigoHow to boot to command line?18:23
BlackoutHola, me oye alguien.18:23
oddycorigo: CTRL-ALT-F1 at any point will take you to a console18:24
happyfaceis there a way to change the "Scan right index finger on UPEK TouchStrip" message with fprint?18:24
JakesHow can i enable monitor mode with no Prism2  using iwconfig?18:24
Jakesiwpriv doesnt works for me18:24
oddycorigo: and the 'Rescue Mode' in grub can take you to a root shell18:24
smacky_what are the commands to install a script plz  cdmod??18:24
BlackoutAlguien español???18:24
Stargaze!es| Blackout18:24
ubottuBlackout: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:24
fr3nzyAcicula, will apt-get install <the packages> do the initial job of implementing the driver into the system or should I recompile the sources with the new driver?18:24
airtonixJakes, you use ifconfig not iwconfig18:24
oddysmacky_: I'm gonna need more info than that to help you18:24
meganerdJakes: it depends on the wireless card18:24
airtonixJakes, and what meganerd said.18:24
BlackoutGracias ubottu18:25
fr3nzyI'm a bit new to this, so I'm sorry for my general lack of knowledge. :-)18:25
BlackoutAunque he entendido la mitad18:25
meganerdJakes: for atheros cards you use wlanconfig18:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:25
StargazeJakes, also try iwlist18:25
Mimioddy, Hey!! that works! It doesn't do that problem of jumping to 100%. Cool, thanks a lot oddy! ;-D18:25
oddynp Mimi :) glad to help18:25
oddyjust stick with ubuntu for me18:25
Newkycorigo: http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/22/booting-in-to-the-command-prompt/18:25
BlackoutAlguien dispuesto a hablar, alguien me podría explicar como va esto.18:26
meganerdStargaze: iwlist does not enable monitor mode18:26
Stargaze!es| Blackout18:26
ubottuBlackout: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:26
airtonixNewky, for the viewers out there, how long did it take you to find that via google ?18:26
Newkyairtonix: around 2 mins18:26
BlackoutSoy nuevo18:26
aciculafr3nzy, id google on ubuntu and the driver name to see if its packaged or not, only then building it yourself may be an option(or if its really new and you need some feature it provides?)18:27
BlackoutQue os den18:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:27
duffydackhow come partimage is no longer in the repos.. where can I get it from18:27
Piciduffydack: Its still in the repositories here.18:28
Pici!es > fabri18:28
ubottufabri, please see my private message18:28
fabrinesecito ayuda con mi ubuntu18:28
meganerdPici: it is not in karmic18:28
duffydackPici, Package partimage is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:28
Piciduffydack: Are you perchance on AMD64?18:29
Stargaze!it| fabri18:29
ubottufabri: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:29
duffydackPici, yes18:29
Piciduffydack: I only see it available for i386:  partimage | 0.6.7-2ubuntu2 | karmic/universe | source, i38618:29
oddyright ubuntu-ers, i'm off. glad i could help whoever i've helped :)18:29
fabriis foro in ingles18:29
PiciStargaze: Thats not italian.18:29
bpocockhow do i disable the gnome-settings-daemon?18:29
aciculafr3nzy, what are you trying to achieve that needs the acx100 driver? i see firmware for such a device but not a driver by the same name18:29
cpd-linux_olá... pessoal18:29
meganerdduffydack: have a look at clonezilla, it provides a nice front end to partimage18:29
oddypart (byebye)18:29
Picifabri: /join #ubuntu-es18:29
mneptokfabri: Ingles solamente en este canal, pf.18:30
Pici!br | cpd-linux_18:30
ubottucpd-linux_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:30
fabriok thank18:30
mneptokfabri: de anada18:30
duffydackmeganerd, yeah I use it, but Id rather not boot it up for this task.. besides, clonezilla is on the usb stick i wanna image18:31
fr3nzyWell, I'm sure the driver is in the normal ubuntu distro, but when I install ubuntu alternate (9.10) (just the basic command line system) the drivers don't get included with the installation, the wifi card (for which this acx100 driver is) is detected properly by the lshw. So I'm wondering how to make it work, and there's not much info regarding both ubuntu karmic and the included acx100 driver.18:32
meganerdduffydack: I know, I have the 64bit version of Ubuntu on all my machines, no partimage kinda sucks18:32
fr3nzyAnyone had any experience with this?18:32
duffydackmeganerd, i`ll see how a compiled version works out....18:32
meganerdduffydack: I also carry systemrescuecd on a USB key wherever I go18:32
meganerdduffydack: I have never bothered with manually compiling it18:32
aciculafr3nzy, not planning on installing the gui system?18:33
* Stargaze recommends Ultilex 5 for rescuing system18:33
smacky_bash: cdmod: command not found18:33
meganerdduffydack: not a bad idea IMO18:33
=== lanoxx- is now known as lanoxx
riktkingAnyone know how to change the default vnc port ?18:33
duffydackugh, it needs z more recent bzip218:33
duffydackthis is why I hate compiling..18:33
fr3nzyacicula, I might do that later, you think it will be easier with the gui tools? I'm not that afraid of the command line, so I was curious if I can get it solved first. Having access to the internet before installing all the other packages would be nice.18:34
wrinkliezhey guys.  is apt-get a frontend for aptitude? or the other way around? im confused18:35
deadpigeonother way round18:35
deadpigeoner, isnt aptitude cmd line too?18:35
sethi dunno18:35
wrinkliezit is18:35
deadpigeonsynaptic package manager is the frontend18:35
wizard_aptitude is command line, yes18:36
Stargazeyes, it displays an interface in terminal18:36
wrinkliezwell then whats the difference between aptitude and apt-get lol18:36
aciculafr3nzy, well having a working gui and an updated system makes things a bit easier yeah18:36
wizard_wrinkliez: the different is very little.18:36
daniskamiboth are independent and both are interfaces to the package management systems18:36
llutzwrinkliez: nothing to laugh at, both are frontends to apt18:36
fr3nzyI can't update, since I have only wifi access to the internet atm.18:36
daniskamiaptitude keeps logs which is nice by the way18:36
aciculafr3nzy, from the acx100 wikipage i gather it should just be in the mainline kernel, though getting wireless to work from the console requires some effort18:36
wrinkliezwhy would you create something so similar though i dont understand18:36
tourthello guys18:36
niklasfihello! I have the following problem: i have generated a private key file with puttygen under windows. i would now like to use that key to log into my server under ubuntu via ssh. i have copied and renamed the .ppk file to ~/.ssh/id_rsa and chmodded to 700. I can log on to the server using putty when i reference the keyfile. why can't i with the "ssh" command?18:36
aciculafr3nzy, what does iwconfig give as output?18:37
wrinkliezthe reason i ask is because ive used apt-get my entire ubuntu life until i realized you search with aptitude search blahblah18:37
deadpigeonbecause flavor is tastey.18:37
sethbrasero is losing my patience...18:37
deadpigeonwrinkliez: same thing use whatever is more comfortable.18:37
Newkyniklasfi: jus use ssh-keygen to generate a new rsa key18:37
smacky_in my home folder i got this little script which is this #!/bin/bash18:37
smacky_#Make iso from MPG's18:37
smacky_dvdauthor -o dvd -t $1 &&18:37
smacky_dvdauthor -o dvd -T &&18:37
smacky_mkisofs -dvd-video -o dvd.iso dvd/ &&18:37
FloodBot3smacky_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
smacky_exit     what are the commands to install it plz18:37
daniskamiwrinkliez: that would be apt-cache search otherwise18:37
niklasfiNewky: but then how do i add a second key to the server18:37
wrinkliezdaniskami: ah. well... thanks18:38
AlVaRiToOoai  alguien18:38
tourtis there anyone with experience with ubuntu enterprise cloud? I'm trying to create instances but they all stop after being created. Does anyone got into a similar situation?18:38
fr3nzyacicula, there's no local name associated for the device as of yet, I will need to get the driver to work firts, I think.18:38
daniskamiwrinkliez: I've got used to aptitude because it does it all18:38
Newkyniklasfi: append it to the id_rsa.pub18:38
Newkyon server side18:38
AlVaRiToOodou you like my18:38
jaypuri want to browse my server by ssh with nautilus, but i want to access all files with all privileges, i had installed nautilus but it can not display, and i've already connected nautilus with ssh, but i can't create or modify some filmes, plz help!18:38
smacky_how do i fix this plz bash: cdmod: command not found18:38
wizard_daniskami: I use apt-get because I find it more comfortable to type.  Faster.18:38
zambaNewky: you mean authorized_keys now, right?18:39
aciculafr3nzy, well iwconfig will tell you that18:39
riktkingJaypur start nautillus with sudo18:39
Newkyzamba: sorry ur rite18:39
hystreniWhat do i have to install to be able to play GO on the gnome ggzgamingzone network18:39
tourt\join #uec18:39
daniskamiwizard_: I type aptiTAB and it's there ;)18:39
lullabudsmacky_: is cdmod a real command?18:39
jaypurriktking, but how can i connect to my server?18:39
jaypurriktking, as a root18:39
riktkingJaypur Have u ssh'd in?18:39
wizard_daniskami: I type apt-TAB, just as fast I suppose :)18:39
Newkyniklasfi: jus copy the id_rsa to ur server homepage and do a cat id_rsa >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys18:40
fr3nzyOkay, I'll go check that out then, I'm sure there's no any driver currently associated with the wifi card.18:40
Loshasmacky_: cdmod isn't a command. What are you trying to do?18:40
fr3nzyThanks, and I guess I'll be back, shortly. :-)18:40
riktkingJaypur enable x forwarding use the switch -X, then when logged in via ssh type sudo nautillus18:40
jaypurriktking, ssh at the server and at the laptop18:40
daniskamiwizard_: except that apt- usually is ambiguous (apt-cache, apt-config etc.), so you can't tab after apt-, but now I'm nitpicking18:41
jaypurriktking, aaah let me reinstall nautlius at the server... and then what should i do?18:41
riktkingJaypur so u type ssh user@address:port -X18:41
jaypurriktking, yes i've already done that...18:41
riktkingJaypur which starts ssh with x forwarding enabled, the just type sudo nautillus18:41
jaypurriktking, just a sec18:42
riktkingJaypur u have nautillus with root18:42
jaypurriktking, installing nautlius18:42
riktkingJaypur will run a lil slow depending on network connection18:42
nasrullahhi,  I want to know if there is a blog  or a guide website for xubuntu18:42
pk__what is the latest name of openssh package for Karmic?18:42
jozefki need a suggestion about the folders I need to back up if I want to do a fresh install. so far I back up /etc and /home18:43
lullabudjozefk: might check /usr for things like apache, samba, or other shared services.18:43
duffydackmeganerd, hmm, only thing with partimage is you cant do more than 1 at a time,,,18:43
jaypurriktking, jan@jan-server:~$ sudo nautilus18:43
jaypurCould not parse arguments: Cannot open display:18:43
riktkingJaypur is the system ur on linux or windows?18:44
nasrullahabout xubuntu pls18:44
jaypurriktking, both on ubuntu18:44
deostrolldo i need the alternate iso to upgrade 9.04 to 9.10?18:44
aciculadeostroll, nope you can upgrade via update-manager18:45
riktkingJaypur, did u ssh with the -X switch? Not -x18:45
seanbrystoneif i created a symlink from ~/.local/share/tomboy to ~/Ubuntu One  would that mean my tomboy notes would go to the Ubuntu One cloud? And if so how do would I make the link, im not good with that link command18:45
nasrullahxubuntu.xubuntu pls18:45
deostrollacicula: can't rely on my internet connection...18:45
aciculaseanbrystone, that just puts the link there id suspect18:45
riktkingJaypur it has to be -X18:45
dayzdoes anyone know how to use lpr to print between page 2 and 5 using -Z options?18:45
nasrullahabout xubuntu guide  pls18:46
seanbrystoneacicula, ah ok ill just use rsync then, thanks :)18:46
jaypurriktking, sudo nautilus -x?18:46
jaypurriktking, sorry i could not understand18:46
riktkingJaypur no ssh user@server -X18:46
riktkingThe sudo nautillus18:46
nasrullahno one cannot reply me????18:47
nasrullahxubuntu pls..............18:47
riktkingNasrulla - google ?18:47
Loshanasrullah: try /join #xubuntu18:47
jaypurriktking, ssh -p myport ip -x ???18:48
lahmasWhy would Ubuntu be a programmer's choice over other Linux distros?18:48
nasrullahrikting..ok google but I am searching for  a blog or website pls18:48
=== djm_ is now known as Guest59987
riktkingJaypur yes but capital X not x18:48
nasrullahthank you lotha18:48
jaypurjust a sec18:49
Slartlahmas: not sure... I don't think it's that different from the other major distros18:49
pk__do i need to apt-get update just after installation in order to find packages18:49
rsklahmas for a programmer you just want everything to work from the start18:49
Loshalahmas: why wouldn't it be? Easy setup, plenty of tools, popular, good first line support....18:49
rsklahmas ubuntu does that fairly well18:49
fr3nzyacicula, iwconfig printed only "no wireless extension" and it also printed out "eth0" which is my lan card, as far as I understand.18:49
rsklahmas i guess that's why18:49
daniskamipk__: Yes. But probably the update manager which is in the upper right corner will prompt for your password and do it for you automatically18:49
aciculafr3nzy, yeah, afaik the acx is pretty horrible, its wiki says its in the ubuntu distro but i couldnt find it18:50
kevbo1oddy: in case you're wondering i got it working :P there's a tutorial in the 64bit subforum on the forum18:50
norenhi all, i need some info on how to listen to streaming audio from CLI ~~18:50
pk__there is no update manager over here18:51
pk__anyways managed it to update manually18:51
eaxHi there, I have an HDD that automounts, however, only root can write to it. I want all users to be able to write to it. How can I do that? :)18:51
wizard_Is there any signifcant reason to use 64 bit?18:51
aciculafr3nzy, i think i've used that driver a year or two ago and quickly went for the windows driver via ndiswrapper and shortly after just swapped out the card18:51
fr3nzyThanks for your time, though, acicula. I'll have to fiddle with it a bit more. :-)18:51
wizard_What 64bit apps would the average user use for it?18:51
pijitahay alguien español18:51
aciculawizard_, aside from the memory limit for end users there is little difference18:51
acicula!es | pijita18:51
Slartwizard_: you can use more memory18:51
ubottupijita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:51
fr3nzyThat's a nice one, any wifi card which you can recommend for ubuntu?18:51
daniskamipk__: remember that "apt-get update" only updates the package lists, you have to do "apt-get upgrade" in order to actually upgrade the packages18:52
Slartwizard_: you need 64bit or PAE to use more than 4GB of memory..18:52
Loshaeax: what type of filesystem? Who owns the top-level directory & what are its permissions set to?18:52
wizard_Slart, acicula: yes, but most people don;t need more than a couple gigs of ram, so its almost useless for the average user.18:52
ranjanhi guys18:52
eaxLosha: Ext4, what is the top-level directory and how do I check the permissions?18:52
Slartwizard_: the speed difference between 32 and 64bit is not really noticable.. unless you use some very specific comparison cases18:52
chadkousehey guys.. I'm trying to install ubuntu to a fakeraid 0 - the install went fine, it asked me if I wanted to activate my raid, etc... however now when it tries to boot I just get a blinking cursor18:52
FloodBot3vasilis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:53
pk__ranjan : you are supposed to ask your questions directly18:53
Loshaeax: where is the volume mounted? Usually /media/somewhere? See anything like that?18:53
vasilisCan i send only name?18:53
Slartwizard_: I wouldn't say useless.. we have to start using it at some point.. we'll need that extra memory soon18:53
eaxLosha: /media/sdd1 - Seems like Root owns it, permissions are: "drwxr-xr-x"18:53
chadkouseanyone have experience installing to a sata raid ?18:54
xerox1anyone with a thinkpad here? my leds for battery and power supply are both on if i am using the power supply; is that okay / normal?18:55
Slartwizard_: I look at it the other way around.. unless there is a specific reason to use 32bit I would go with 64bit18:55
Loshaeax: to make it writable by anyone, open a terminal, cd /media/sdd1, then sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx .  <-- that's a dot there, it's important, don't omit it!18:55
eaxLosha: Thanks :) Trying that now18:55
aciculawizard_, i didnt say useless, but little difference for the end user, thats not the same, i think unless there are reasons to stick with 32bit 64bit is recommended18:55
EmLoDProblem: Panels (or taskbars) are floating over into my second screen, with a different resoultuin, resuling in not being able to use it properly. Useing Nvidia Twinview on a Laptop... Searched around for a few hours now...18:55
eaxLosha: Works perfectly! Thanks a lot :D18:56
Loshavasilis: stop advertising your web site. It's against channel guidelines and will get you banned...18:56
aciculafr3nzy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs is where id start18:56
aciculafr3nzy, not to sure on chipsets to recommend though18:56
=== Rene is now known as Guest94631
aciculafr3nzy, nothing involving texas instruments or broadcom in any case :)18:56
fr3nzyThat's a good tip for a start.18:57
deostrollhi can any1 give me the link to karmic koala's alternate iso image download page?18:57
aciculafr3nzy, anyway try to do a normal install with gui and see what ubuntu comes up with in terms of drivers, but i never had much luck with it18:57
Slartdeostroll: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate18:57
Slart!alternate | deostroll18:57
ubottudeostroll: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal18:57
chadkouseshould my raid partition show up as system type GPT ?18:57
Slartdeostroll: or you meant a direct link to the iso file?18:58
fr3nzyMaybe I should just ask generally. Since I might be spending some cash in the near future on my wifi hardware, what good wifi card + wifi ADSL router combo would you guys recommend for ubuntu?18:58
aciculafr3nzy, you can get it to work though via ndiswrapper, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43498318:58
laron_how can i search the repository for firefox extensions?18:58
fr3nzyThanks, acicula, I'll look into it.18:58
Slartlaron_: search for "firefox extension" in synaptic? or use apt-cache18:58
aciculafr3nzy, iirc the open source acx only does wep anyway18:59
Slartlaron_: I usually install extensions from the mozilla site though18:59
Loshadeostroll: 2nd link in google. Sometimes I think you're just not trying: http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/18:59
wizard_laron_: visit the mozilla website.  That's where FireFox extensions live.18:59
nico__I am having problems installing the cloud with 1 controller and 1 node. Once started, the node dies suddenly18:59
wizard_!google Losha18:59
fr3nzyAcicula, and info about the stability opf the driver? Did it diconnect often?19:00
laron_im working with the ltsp environment so i need to use the command line, and im interested in which extensions are in the repository19:00
deostrollLosha: thanx...19:00
laron_i think apt-cache search "firefox extensions" will work19:00
soreaufr3nzy: You want a router that can do wpa encryption and a wifi card that justworks without having to mess with installing drivers (which includes using ndiswrapper)19:00
Loshawizard_: despite channel policy, I think people should google first, then ask irc...19:00
balsaqI just tried to update and its stalling at 99% [Waiting for headers] whats wrong here?19:00
wizard_Losha: I agree, 100%19:01
balsaqoh i see what it is19:01
Loshabalsaq: network constipation, just be patient. Probably not on your end...19:01
fr3nzyMore or less soreau. Foremost I'd like it to work properly, wothout the random disconnects and large losses of packets.19:01
aciculafr3nzy, ndiswrapper works a little but as awhole is quite horrible19:01
fr3nzyI've heard that before, acicula.19:02
n-iCehi, how can I know whats the lastest version of the driver iwl394519:02
soreaufr3nzy: I use atheros chipsets and the ath*k drivers which seems to work quite well19:02
aciculafr3nzy, it was 15 euro to get an atheros chipset that worked properly. Re the acx driver the last frontpage update is from 2006, are you sure it just hasnt been dropped from the ubuntu kernel?19:02
fr3nzyIt hasn't because the normal desktop install seems to get the drivers working.19:03
Loshafr3nzy: any router which can run tomato firmware is a good bet & well tested with plenty of support: http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato19:03
fr3nzyThanks Losha.19:03
EmLoDQuestion: Panels are floating over into my second screen, with a different resoultion, so i can't see ot all. I'm Useing Nvidia Twinview on a Laptop... Searched around for a few hours now, can't seem to find a soulution to this... Is there a way to tell X where the panels should start\end19:03
CharbeLanyone from lebanon here ?19:03
aciculafr3nzy, oh ok, does it work with wpa too then?19:03
n-iCehi, what's the package name for a iwl3945 wireless card19:04
fr3nzyI don't think so, no.19:04
enthuswhich version did "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"will install?19:04
sine`how do i get skype chaps19:04
balsaqI just tried to uninstall google-chrome but it won't let me remove the url from the software source, it only lets me uncheck the box19:05
airtonixsine`, getdeb.net19:05
aciculafr3nzy, im curious where it pulls the driver from then, when i google on acx100 ubuntu i just get a few dated pages and not much eles19:05
DrDankHey peeps.. anyone know how to make your menubars/panels transparent?19:05
enthusAnyone please :which version of kde did "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"will install?19:05
airtonixDrDank, right click on the panel and change the transparency19:05
fr3nzysame here acicula19:05
DrDankairtonix, i mean window panels19:05
balsaqDrDank, right click19:05
wizard_enthus: kde4 I believe, but I dont use it so im not positive19:05
LoshaCharbeL: might find someone in #ubuntu-arabic19:06
airtonixDrDank, window frames, can be made transparent if you are using compiz and emerald19:06
jaypuri can't move a folder from my laptop to my server by nautilus with ssh, can someone help me??19:06
DrDankso I need emerald also?19:06
wizard_DrDank: no.19:06
balsaqI just tried to uninstall google-chrome but it won't let me remove the url from the software source, it only lets me uncheck the box. how do i fix this?19:06
sateHey guys I'm wondering how to open rar files in ubuntu?19:06
airtonixDrDank, yes and an emerald theme that makes them transparent19:06
enthuswizard_: Could you please tell me the exact version like 4.4.X?19:06
norenbalsaq: sudo apt-get remove google-chrome19:07
enthussate: using unrar.. :-)19:07
wizard_DrDank: there are several "Window Managers" that allow for transparent window decorations.  Compiz is the most pouplar, but if you prefer lightweight Window Managers like Fluxbox, that works too.19:07
fr3nzyI guess I might try the ndsiwrapper, and if it doesn't help much I'll have to invest some money in new wifi hardware.19:07
DrDankwizard, I have Compiz..19:07
enthussate: lol19:07
balsaqnoren, its already been removed19:07
sateim on like 4 hours of sleep lol19:07
CharbeLthx Losha19:07
balsaqnoren, the problem is that the link in the software source, it won't let me delete it19:07
Loshajaypur: does it have to be via nautilus? If ssh works, scp is a good way to copy stuff...19:07
enthussate:  you have to install unrar first from your synaptic package manager or through terminal!19:07
waelany idea how to get multiple screens working on ubuntu19:07
jaypurLosha, scp?19:07
balsaqwael, right click19:08
sateyup doing it now19:08
jaypurLosha, i want to move some files to my server, from my laptop to some directories of the server19:08
enthussate: after that use this command "unrar -e <filename.rar>19:08
Loshajaypur: it's a copying tool that comes with the ssh package. Like cp only for copying *between* systems...19:08
sateYup got it working thanks enthus19:09
balsaqnoren, the problem is that the link in the software source, it won't let me delete it19:09
balsaqnoren, the problem is that the link in the software source, it won't let me delete it19:09
noren_need help here listening to audio stream frm CLI !!19:09
waelany idea how to setup multiple monitors on ubuntu19:10
jaypurLosha, how can i use that my friend?19:10
airtonixDrDank, you mean like this ? http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/47171/screenshot_001_jKDJ3F.png19:10
haakon__wael, what videocard do you have?19:10
golgeshdes francer19:10
aciculafr3nzy, well it worked for me with wpa, but it causes crashes19:10
Myrtti!fr | golgesh19:10
aciculafor me it did anyway19:10
Loshajaypur: ok, tell me what directory you want to copy, where do you want to copy it to, and what are the names of the laptop & server?19:10
balsaqi removed google chrome but its not letting me remove it from the software source menu19:11
golgeshjui novice dans linux19:11
balsaqthe url in the software sources, it won't let me delete that all i can do is uncheck it19:11
noren_balsaq: do u mean frm synaptic19:11
Loshagolgesh: your french needs some work too...19:11
Stargaze!fr| golgesh19:11
ubottugolgesh: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois19:11
aouldr78hello everyone19:11
enthussate: np19:11
balsaqnoren_, no system>administration>software sources19:11
StargazeLosha, jui = j'suis = je suis19:11
golgeshit's ok sorry19:11
=== haakon__ is now known as haakon97
CharbeLLosha, there is much more users in #ubuntu-lb than #ubuntu-arabic and in both rooms all users are away :S19:12
plitterhello, is there a way to make gedit use the same coding as windows?19:12
aouldr78how can i reach my computer through my modem19:12
EmLoDQuestion: Panels appear on both screens, with different resoultions, so i can't see all of the panel, because some of it is outside both the screens. I'm Useing Nvidia Twinview on a Laptop... Searched around for a few hours now, can't seem to find a soulution to this... Is there a way to tell X where the panels should start\end within the virtual monitor...19:12
noren_balsaq: open the synaptic and remove the google repository19:12
balsaqnoren_, there is nothing google highlighted in synaptic19:12
Stargazeaouldr78, type /join #ubuntu-server19:12
LoshaCharbeL: I will make a note of that. Many channels are much slower than this one, and you just have to be patient in those other channels. If you want to ask your question in English here, that is fine too...19:13
=== hassan is now known as Guest68933
jaypurLosha, its like, from home of the laptop, to the home of the server, and its a folder... just that simples...19:13
balsaqnoren_, oh i see19:13
balsaqnoren_, thats where the problem is, it won't let me delete it19:13
noren_balsaq: run sudo apt-get update >> once19:13
Loshajaypur: if you tell me the actual names, I can tell you the exact syntax of the command you need to type..19:13
CharbeLi have so many questions to ask19:13
LoshaCharbeL: we may tell you to go and do some reading then. That's ok....19:14
jaypurLosha, i don't know the names anymore, because i'm looking at the phisical server right now, trying to install phpsys, but you can give me an exemple if you want. =)19:14
balsaqnoren_, its still there19:14
overcluckerbalsaq: you can also rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list19:14
plitteris there a way to make gedit use same encoding as a windows machine?19:14
CharbeLi did Losha19:14
haakon97plitter: You mean ANSI?19:15
waelanyone know how to setup multiple displays19:15
overcluckerbalsaq: you also hate waiting for headers?19:15
balsaqoverclucker, how do i do that?19:15
=== James is now known as Guest2643
noren_balsaq: open /etc/apt/sources.list and see if there any mention of it in there19:15
EmLoDwael, having a problem with that myself... :(19:15
Grey_LokiIs there a fix/hack yet for not being able to automatically 'clean up by name' in Nautilus/gnome on the desktop?19:16
balsaqnoren_, how do i do that?19:16
Loshajaypur: not much to it: On the laptop, open a terminal and try: scp -r source-dir server:target-dir. It will prompt for a password etc. before the copy.19:16
LoshaCharbeL: start asking...19:16
sanromhola, channel in spanish, please?19:16
noren_balsaq: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:16
Pici!es | sanrom19:16
ubottusanrom: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:16
enthusLosha: which version did "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"will install?like 4.X?19:16
jaypurLosha, ok i got it, thanks man :D i'm trying to install phpsys do you know how to do that???19:16
LoshaPici is *fast* on that keyboard...19:17
Loshajaypur: never heard of it, sorry....19:17
waelany experts on multiple monitors?19:17
wizard_enthus: have you tried to google the answer?  If no one here can help you I suggest asking Google.19:17
VCoolioenthus: find out with 'apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop'19:17
haakon97plitter: If your problem is the line breaks, you should just use the unix2dos program19:17
Guest2643Advice please: i am currently on ubuntu through wubi. i am going to repartition my hard drive and do dual install. However, i currently have my hard drive partitioned  (C and D) in windows. What will happen to these two partitions after i repartition with ubuntu?19:17
jaypurLosha, thats ok19:17
wizard_enthus: in sysnaptic you can see which version will be installed.19:17
overcluckerbalsaq: google's current practice is to use /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list so just removing the file should work.19:17
jaypurdoes any1 know how to install phpsys on apache?19:17
=== haakon97 is now known as haakon87
enthuswizard_: yeah..i have forgotten google..Anywayz thanks19:18
plitterhaakon97: i dont know:P but i have already started writing a document in gedit and i have a friend who has windows and want him to get it in the encoding that he can start using straight away19:18
balsaqoverclucker, i don't see it in the CLI list just the GUI one19:18
enthuswizard_: i m installing it from terminal19:18
=== tjgillies__ is now known as tjgillies
happyfacewhen using screen-I need to use C-a for something but screen takes that command, what to do?19:18
CharbeLLosha, 1st of all i donno which server i should select as a source for updates19:19
VCooliohappyface: install byobu, it takes function keys for keybindings19:19
StargazeGuest2643, check this => http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html19:19
balsaqthe main problem is that google's url is stuck on my software sources list and i can't seem to remove it19:19
plitterhaakon87: and its not the linebreaks, but more the norwegian keys:)19:19
=== user__ is now known as Wackler1
happyfaceVCoolio: is there another way? this is on a shell which I don't have root19:19
LoshaCharbeL: it almost doesn't matter. The worst that can happen if you choose the 'wrong' server, is that updates will be slow, but it will still work....19:20
Picihappyface: C-a a will send a C-a to the process that you're running in screen19:20
Wackler1Still got soundproblems, but now some apps have sound some don't19:20
overcluckerbalsaq: the google repo could be in either /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list19:20
LoshaWackler1: running 9.10 ?19:20
FloodBot3vasilis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
Losha!ops | vasilis keeps spamming his dumb web site...19:20
ubottuvasilis keeps spamming his dumb web site...: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:20
Wackler1Losha ubuntu ?19:21
happyfacePici: it seems to be sending it to screen19:21
haakon87plitter: Well, gedit saves as unicode per default.19:21
haakon87And notepad is supposed to be able to handle that.19:21
CharbeLok Losha why after updating it says that i need to run a partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible ?19:22
LoshaWackler1: there are different versions. Do you know which one you are running?19:22
haakon87If you use more advanced text editors in windows like SciTE, which is godmode, it can set it's encoding to whatever you want it to be. (You want it to be unicode for java for instance).19:22
Wackler1Losha 9.10.30 ... i think19:22
balsaqoverclucker, so just simply deleting should fix it?19:23
VCooliohappyface: byobu is in the end a extended screen-profile; maybe you can filter it from the source and put it in your home dir at the right places which I don't know19:23
overcluckerbalsaq: yeah, i did the same thiing yesterday19:23
seanbrystonehow do i get gtk+-2.0? Im trying to compile the newest Gadmin-Rsync but get this error: checking for PACKAGE... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 1.3.13) were not met:19:23
seanbrystoneNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found19:23
DrDankWhats a good Ubuntu Customization Site?19:24
LoshaWackler1: well, I had good luck with http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html but it might be too much for a beginner...19:24
overcluckeryou could comment the deb * lines out with #, if you might want it again later19:24
jaypurdoes anyone know how to isntall phpsys???19:24
balsaqoverclucker, what do i do after deleting it?19:24
VCoolioseanbrystone: do apt-get build-dep gadmin-rsync first and try again19:24
LoshaDrDank: not sure what you're after, but I like the 'the perfect desktop' series. Google for them...19:24
overcluckerapt-get update19:24
Wackler1Losha it's the 7th guide on sound issues  and I tought i had a Alsa problem till Opera stgarted to play sound..19:25
happyfacethanks VCoolio I'll check it out19:25
xangua!hi | ranjan19:26
ubotturanjan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:26
balsaqoverclucker, its still there19:26
Loshaseanbrystone: it's called libgtk2.0-dev I think, depending on your release version. Try apt-cache search gtk | egrep lib | egrep 219:26
=== kristopher_ is now known as k-dawg
LoshaWackler1: sound is a mess on ubuntu (and many other distros). Sorry, that's just how it is....19:26
seanbrystoneVCoolio, and Losha thanks it worked :)19:27
CharbeLLosha why after updating, ubuntu software center stopped working (i can't install new applications) and why it says that i need to run a partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible ?19:27
dabaRI can't send mail using mail(1)19:28
LoshaCharbeL: sorry, I don't really know. Are you going to run an upgrade?19:28
Wackler1Losha the funny thing is i gave up.... all of the sudden ( no pulse ) on my machine rigth now opera startsw to play sound... grml19:28
LoshaWackler1: like I said, a mess....19:28
seanscot_such a simple thing (should be) and i cant do it :( change my boot order on grub19:28
CharbeLLosha, that's why i'm here to know if i run partial upgrade or no :)19:29
LoshadabaR: mail to where, and what happens?19:29
seanscot_can anyone help?19:29
LoshaCharbeL: if you can, make a backup first. Occasionally and upgrade can break things...19:29
erUSULseanscot_: edit /etc/default/grub19:29
Wackler1Losha and sound stoped working all of the sudden as well no internet at the time no updates nada.... funny... a mess as you say19:29
Losha!ask | seanscot_19:29
ubottuseanscot_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:29
Stargaze!ask| seanscot_19:29
mamagoody2hello, is it possible to disable ahci?19:30
seanscot_hey erusil19:30
erUSULdabaR: mail needs a mta running or maybe some nullmailer like ssmtp or msmtp iirc19:30
Losha!ops | greecy vasilis is back spamming his web site again...19:30
mamagoody2i think it has problem with nvidia's interrupt19:30
jpdsLosha: Ohai.19:30
CharbeLLosha, how can i make a backup ?19:30
seanscot_thats the answer im getting online19:30
seanscot_but i dunno what it means19:30
ubottugreecy vasilis is back spamming his web site again...: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:30
ubottuA Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA19:30
CharbeLLosha, today it's my first day on ubuntu lol i just installed it19:31
seanscot_yeah charbel , people expect u to know everything on the first day19:31
seanscot_get used to it19:31
LoshaCharbeL: in that case, I'm guessing you don't have any data to lose, so you can probably not worry about a backup. Just do the upgrade. If it all goes horribly wrong, you can just reinstall and try again, right?19:32
seanscot_i dunno why its so difficult to change boot order19:32
seanscot_what a pain19:32
dbernar1Why can't I send email with mail(1)19:32
ddrjwat a plan19:32
neo__when is lucid lynx coming out?19:32
Loshaseanscot_: because it depends in part on the hardware/bios cooperating. That's always a mess...19:33
ZykoticK9neo__, 45 days19:33
mneptokneo__: 10.0419:33
jpdsneo__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:33
ddrji installed ubuntu from my camera19:33
Loshadbernar1: weren't you just here as dbaR?19:33
CharbeLright Losha19:33
dbernar1Losha: yes19:33
seanbrystoneneo__, the beta is coming out like in 5 days19:33
seanscot_i guess uninstalling ubunty could be messy too19:33
Loshadbernar1: planning to answer my question, or just ignore me?19:33
happyfaceVCoolio: thanks, byobu looks a lot better than screen! wow19:33
ZykoticK9seanbrystone, beat1 in 3 days19:33
dbernar1Losha: I got disconnected, hence the new nick :)19:33
seanbrystoneyeah my bad19:33
dbernar1Losha: what was the question?19:33
seanbrystonejust checked19:34
neo__i have installed inside windows19:34
VCooliohappyface: I know, I'm in it right now ;) much easier too19:34
neo__will upgrading be a problem19:34
Loshadbernar1: in that case, can you tell me: mail to where, and what happens when you try and send it...19:34
kraetzjaanyone run into an issue w/ wine not displaying checkboxes in windows/apps?19:34
happyfaceVCoolio: I'll definitely use it when I can, I wish I could install it on this other shell I need to use :(19:34
neo__since i think it uses ntfs not ext419:34
neo__No i did not19:34
Loshaneo__: a wubi install?19:35
seanscot_maybe i need to just do a clean xp install19:35
VCooliohappyface: you could maybe compile it and install to your home directory; but you may miss dependencies to build it19:35
seanscot_and throw in the towel with ubuntu lol19:35
psusineo__: if yuo did a WUBI install then it creates a big file on the windows ntfs partition, which contains the ext3/4 partition for Ubuntu19:35
happyfaceVCoolio: hmm yea I was thinking that, might give it a try19:35
aconranWhere can I find a reference to what is intended to be stored in ~/.local/share/ ?19:35
psusiseanscot_: what's the problem again?  I only saw you ask something about boot order19:36
dbernar1Losha: mail to external destinations, and I just basically know that I get no email on the other end.19:36
seanscot_i just cant change the boot order19:36
seanscot_i tried following instructions on the forums19:36
Loshadbernar1: do you have a mail backend installed and configured e.g. sendmail or postfix or something?19:36
neo__Will upgrade be a problem for me then?19:36
seanscot_but i cant edit any of the files19:36
CharbeLseanscot_, i'm not here to know everything on the first day but at least to get help with some problems19:36
psusiseanscot_: what do you mean by "boot order"?19:36
seanscot_ah i just mean in grub19:36
psusiit can mean different things19:36
arakthorpsusi, I think seanscot_ wants to have grub default to booting windows19:36
overcluckeraconran: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ , maybe19:36
seanscot_instead of ubuntu being the default i need it to be xp19:37
psusiyou mean you just want to change the order the entries appear on the menu in?19:37
seanscot_so that the 9s thing is on xp19:37
aconranoverclucker, thx19:37
psusiseanscot_: grub-set-default19:37
[eXception]whats the best ppa for latest thunderbird ?19:37
aconranoverclucker, it doesn't even mention it :-/19:38
seanscot_sorry psusi , but where do i type that into ?19:38
dbernar1Losha: Looks like it was spam blocker!19:38
neo__ hi19:38
neo__ i faced problem while cleaning upbootloader of windows19:38
neo__ i tried to remove wubi but it does not go19:38
pedrovrmhi, could someone help me? i was trying to install thinkfinger and now i can't login19:38
Loshadbernar1: cool, so it's working now?19:38
psusiseanscot_: in a terminal window... sudo grub-set-default x where is is the number of the entry starting with 019:38
gaspardis there a way to install only selected packets when installing ubuntu ? (i.e. i only want openssh then install each packet individually)19:39
overcluckeraconran: no? wish I knew where to find ubuntu's file hierarchy sceme19:39
dbernar1Losha: not 100% sure. Goes to my gmail fine, internally on the server, but not when sent to my domain.19:39
erUSUL!minimal | gaspard19:39
ubottugaspard: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:39
dbernar1Losha: or so it seems.19:39
seanscot_wow! that seems to have worked!19:39
qetuRHi! How do I install the nvidia grafikdriver for Xubuntu?19:39
aconranoverclucker, http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html19:39
aconranoverclucker, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xdg/2008-November/009999.html19:40
seanscot_il brb and let u know how i got on :)19:40
neo__ hi19:40
neo__ i faced problem while cleaning up bootloader of windows19:40
neo__ i tried to remove wubi but it does not go19:40
FloodBot3neo__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:40
VCooliohappyface: check out the 3rd option here; works with a ~/.screenrc it seems; https://launchpad.net/byobu19:40
Loshadbernar1: does your mail prog have a verbose mode (-v). Also, you can check the maillog for clues (/var/log/mail*)19:40
neo__so what do i do if i do not get answers Sir? shall i not ask again19:41
gaspardthnx overclucker , but don't have any cd rom drive on my server and the usb-creator doesn't seem to work with mini.iso .... i am trying ubuntu-server19:41
qetuRHi! How do I install the nvidia grafikdriver for Xubuntu?19:41
Slartneo__: you should write your question on 1 line.. if you don't get an answer you should wait 10-15 minutes before repeating.. use the time to search forums, improve the question, provide more details and so on19:42
Slartneo__: the floodbot reacts to several lines by the same person within a short period of time.19:42
gaspardthat's because i install from usb stick19:42
aconranIs anyone aware of any projects looking to implement a Gnome like clone (rather than Kde) in Qt?19:42
neo__Slart:I have been working on this problem for a week or so19:42
neo__did not get any solution..pardon me19:43
Loshaaconran: because the world needs another clone of gnome?19:43
seanscot_damn , that didnt work :(19:43
natrixnatrix89http://paste.ubuntu.com/395771/ please take a look - what could be causing this. the pc disconnects from wifi very often19:43
aconranLosha, right :)19:43
arakthorseanscot_, what did it do?19:44
pedrovrmhi, could someone help me? i was trying to install thinkfinger and now i can't login19:44
Slartneo__: from the 4 lines you wrote before I can't really say if I know the answer to your problem or not.. provide details about version of ubuntu, error messages, what you're trying to achieve and so on19:44
aconranLosha, I just prefer the Qt api as opposed to gtk... but can't stand using KDE in comparison to gnome19:44
seanscot_sudo grub-set-default 1019:44
dbernar1Losha: Thanks, I was looking for the log and for some reason did not find it, although it was right in /var/log/mail.*19:44
harry-houdini1anyone able to tell me if the LTS version of ubuntu supports raid /lvm/ and grub2?19:45
arakthorseanscot_, and what did it change?19:45
dbernar1Losha: It was denied by spamhaus something19:45
seanscot_it asked me for the password19:45
natrixnatrix89http://paste.ubuntu.com/395771/ please take a look - what could be causing this. the pc disconnects from wifi very often19:45
seanscot_but it didnt do anything when i rebooted19:45
neo__Slart: I installed ubuntu using Wubi .Now when iremoved it and tried normal install,the bootloader does not detect the new version...how do i remove the previous GRUB n replace the WUBI grub with a normal one19:45
Loshaaconran: I don't use either, but certain kde apps are better than their gnome counterparts e.g. k3b, klibido. I'd be happy if they'd just fix more gnome bugs...19:45
neo__problem is with Grub not WUbi19:46
Slartneo__: I have no idea what wubi does or how it handles grub and booting.. on a normal system you run "sudo update-grub" and it looks around for operating systems to boot and puts them in a boot menu19:47
neo__Slart : Also Wubi has a limited space of #) GB only for ubuntu...i need to give it 50 GB how do i do it???? any idea...my drive on which ubuntu is stored is a 50 gb drive....19:47
seanscot_ok ive just installed "startup manager"19:47
seanscot_gonna reboot and see if changing it on that works19:47
Slartseanscot_: I'm not sure if startup-manager works on the new grub19:48
neo__Also Wubi has a limited space of 30 GB only for ubuntu...i need to give it 50 GB how do i do it???? any idea...my drive on which ubuntu is stored is a 50 gb drive....19:48
slacker_nlneo__: create second disk for your /home?19:48
dbernar1Losha: and I requested that it be removed, so should be fine after that. Thanks again.19:48
neo__It it safe to upgrade to the new grub..i am a bit afraid19:48
slacker_nlneo__: it has been working for me :)19:48
rskneo__ you don't have too19:48
neo__how do i do that  slacker_al19:49
happyfaceVCoolio: there's instructions on what to do if you don't have root in the byobu readme19:49
neo__I am much of a new bie.Some guide will be  nice.19:49
VCooliohappyface: cool, you're settled then19:49
harry-houdini1anyone able to tell me if any of the installers support raid /lvm besides karmic 9.1 alternative cd?19:50
neo__I tried GRUB 1.97 beta in the new fedora 12. It could not detect Windows as second OS ,thats why i am scared19:51
markdymek_can someone help me install nvidia drivers19:51
harry-houdini1I would prefer the lts version but it doesnt appear the installer supports raid/lvm/grub2 without some finagling19:51
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gaspardi gonna try ubuntu server, thnx 4 help19:51
markdymek_have nvidia 940019:51
Slartharry-houdini1: I don't think the regular desktop installer handles raid/lvm.. not sure if there are an other, more exotic, installers out there.. I would go with the alternate installer if I needed raid/lvm... the system itself will be the same after the install.. it's just the installer that is text based19:51
dmweyerhi all19:51
dmweyerquick question if I may19:51
erUSULmarkdymek_: System>Admin...>hardware drivers does not work ?19:51
slacker_nlneo__: http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=223945 < have a look in this guys sig, he has plenty on grub2, click on about me19:51
Slartdmweyer: go ahead.. ask19:51
overcluckerneo__: grub2 takes for ever to load, for many people19:52
dmweyercan anyone tell me how I can connect to a pop3 account to see how many emails are on the server for that account?19:52
happyfaceVCoolio: yea you just download a compressed file and extract to home, it then works when you just use "screen" normally19:52
harry-houdini1Slart,does the latest release of the LTS have an alternate cd that supports the raid and lvm I am trying to get away from karmic...I have been very unhappy with it19:52
neo__overclucker: so what are u suggesting19:52
erUSULdmweyer: a mail notification program ?19:52
psusineo__: try it and find out... as long as you have your livecd you can always go back if it doesn't work out19:52
elnurSomebody please tell me the point of LTS releases. Does it mean that if I use LTS I end up with older versions of packages?19:52
guillem_En l'islam, el dejuni del mes de ramadà  (sawm), és el quart pilar de l'islam. El dejuni es recomana també en altres èpoques de l'any, però durant el ramadà és obligatori per a tothom que pugui fer-lo (estan exempts de complir amb el dejuni les dones embarassades o en període de menstruació, els malalts, els infants abans de la pubertat i els viatgers, entre d'altres). Es fa durant...19:53
seanbrystone!LTS | elnur19:53
ubottuelnur: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:53
guillem_...tots els...19:53
dmweyerwell dont really need notifications, just more like a once in a while to see if there is mail waiting to be fetched19:53
guillem_...dies del mes des de la sortida fins la posta de sol, i implica diverses nocions:19:53
guillem_   1. La intenció (نِيَّة niyya): s'ha de fer la primera nit que precedeix el dejuni.19:53
guillem_   2. Abstenir-se (إمساك imsāk) de menjar, beure o fumar.19:53
FloodBot3guillem_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:53
guillem_   3. Abstenir-se de mantenir relacions sexuals (جماع ǧimā‘) durant el dia.19:53
Slartharry-houdini1: the latest LTS release is 8.04.. I comes as a regular desktop install, alternate install.. I suppose there is a server installer too  if you want that19:53
overcluckeruse grub .97 unless you are feeling esplorative19:53
erUSULelnur: they are supported for more time19:53
neo__yeah but in this new grub i do not know how to restore the grub...19:53
Slartharry-houdini1: if you mean 10.04 it isn't released yet19:53
FrozenFireI just added an ATI Radeon x300 PCI-e graphics card to my system. Can someone point me to the documentation on how to get it going? Searching Google didn't produce.19:53
harry-houdini1slart, ah well then there is some hope of support of raid and lvm on the 8.04 release then , next question is  will i be able to preserve my karmic home directory with it?19:54
erUSULdmweyer: maybe getmail or fetchmail can do that19:54
elnurseanbrystone, erUSUL, I understand that. But I don't understand what that means. I know that their repos will be kept alive longer, but do their repos get latest versions of packages?19:54
erUSULFrozenFire: it should just work (tm)19:54
dmweyerwill that download the mail or just reply with a count of how many email are on the server/19:54
magedragon25FrozenFire: go to system, admin, hardware drivers19:54
KB1JWQWhere do I go to report a bug with the Ubuntu website?19:54
psusineo__: you mean go back to grub legacy?  run grub-setup from the livecd19:54
erUSULelnur: no;19:54
erUSUL!latest | elnur19:54
ubottuelnur: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:54
FrozenFireerUSUL: Specifically, I'm looking to use the card's S-Video out to my TV19:55
FrozenFireAt present, it doesn't output anything19:55
PiciKB1JWQ: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/19:55
Slartharry-houdini1: yes.. you can install it and preserve the home folder.. I'm not sure if it all the software will  like it though... if something has changed the config file format since 8.04 was released it might not understand the files in your home folder.. documents and such shouldn't be a problem though19:55
seanbrystoneelnur, ubuntu is not a distro for "Just-Released-This-Minute" packages tend to be pretty old for stability reasons...19:55
erUSULFrozenFire: System>Pereferences>screen resolution does not work ?19:55
KB1JWQPici: Thanks.19:56
Slartharry-houdini1: I still strongly recommend backups.. as always.. there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes.. and recoving hundreds of files is soo boring.. if even possible19:56
FrozenFireerUSUL: I assume you mean Display. I'm on 9.10. Nothing shows but my primary onboard graphics.19:56
elnurerUSUL, OK. So Ubuntu doesn't use latest versions. But compared to newer releases of the same Ubuntu, do LTS releases get those new versions, or stay with version that came out with LTS release and just get security fixes?19:56
KB1JWQPici: Hahahaha Nuzum runs that?  I know him, I'm seeing him on Wednesday I think.19:56
harry-houdini1ok thanks I guess I will try it then , hope to god it's a better experience than karmic has been...Yes i have made a backup very recently so that wont be a problem19:56
erUSULFrozenFire: ok try with grandr19:56
natrixnatrix89http://paste.ubuntu.com/395771/ please take a look - what could be causing this. the pc disconnects from wifi very often19:57
erUSUL!info grandr | FrozenFire19:57
ubottuFrozenFire: grandr (source: grandr): gtk interface to xrandr. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1+git20080326-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 128 kB19:57
elnurseanbrystone, OK. So Ubuntu doesn't use latest versions. But compared to newer releases of the same Ubuntu, do LTS releases get those new versions, or stay with version that came out with LTS release and just get security fixes?19:57
FrozenFireerUSUL: I tried xrandr --auto, but it didn't show anything. I'll try grandr, but I am fairly familiar with the CLI, if that's more efficient.19:57
ceterusok, another shell scripting question, in csh i want to set a variable as todays date in yyyymmdd format, i use set DATE='date +%Y%m%d' but that sets it litterally as that text but that works fine in bash.. how can i do this in csh?19:57
hamzaatova3i've a question-- i can connect to my wireless connectnio with the linux computer but not with another computer with win 7-- do you know what might cause it?19:58
solowI tried #linux, but they dont know... How do I open a folder for browsing in the terminal? *in windows this is start .*19:58
overcluckerare you using ' of ` ?19:58
erUSULFrozenFire: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI#xf86-video-ati_.28The_radeon_driver.2919:58
PiciKB1JWQ: Good, then you can bug him :)19:59
Slartsolow: there is "gnome-open"19:59
erUSULFrozenFire: see this wiki it has the xrandr incantations to S-Video19:59
Loshaelnur: LTS releases get security fixes and bugfixes, but no new features. This means that over time, LTS gets more and more stable, but falls further and further behind in terms of new features. So you get to choose: do you want stability, or new features? If stability, use the LTS, if new features, use the latest release (9.10)...19:59
localnutternatrixnatrix89: Looks like poor signal (gets no response from AP/Wireless router) but I'm no expert on this. Anyone else able to shed some light on it?19:59
Athlanhi. ive a question: ive got ubuntu 9.10: How am i able to set the vlc player as my default video application?19:59
solowSlart, is this distro language, or linux language. because my code has to work on all linux distros.19:59
KB1JWQPici: Doing so.19:59
FrozenFireerUSUL: Would I need to install the proprietary driver for radeon?19:59
Slartsolow: if you want to be specific you can also try things like "nautilus" or "thunar"20:00
seanbrystoneelnur, Losha said it best, sorry I was fumbling around with making lables for my folders :)20:00
erUSULceterus: that wont work in bash eiother ' ' is not the ame as ` `20:00
Slartsolow: afaik gnome-open would work if gnome is installed and running.. there's probably something else for KDE or xfce20:00
natrixnatrix89localnutter: yeah, The signal quality is changing all the time - from 0% to 7020:00
erUSULFrozenFire: no; that is not possible for a X300 afaik20:00
ceterusahh ill try that, sorry for the silly mistake20:00
localnutterAthlan: System - Preferences - Preferred Applications20:01
Athlanlocalnutter: should i type in vlc?20:01
solowSlart, and gnome is pretty much always there, right? or only on ubuntu?20:01
Slartsolow: if you're writing an app that has to open a file browsing window I would suggest making this command configurable.. that way distro's can change it to whatever they want for their packages20:01
erUSULceterus: anyway in bash is cleaner to use $() (dunno if it works in csh frankly i thought that csh was going the way of the dodo)20:01
elnurLosha, Thanks for the answer I was looking for. One more question though: I use Debian now because of stability concerns. But Ubuntu has never versions of software compared to Debian. Is that true for LTS too? Is it as much reliable to use Ubuntu LTS instead of Debian?20:01
elnurseanbrystone, Yea. But thanks for your answers too. :)20:02
localnutternatrixnatrix89: Could be something else interfering. Maybe another AP on the same channel, or something else running on 2.4GHz (microwaves, video senders, doorbells, baby monitors etc).20:02
elnurerUSUL, Thank you for you answers.20:02
ceteruserUSUL, sadly the program i am using requires it otherwise i would never consider csh20:02
erUSULelnur: no problem20:02
Slartsolow: Gnome is pretty big.. but so is KDE .. I doubt any desktop enviroment has over 50%20:02
kleushey people, can any1 help me recover grub2?20:02
solowSlart, Problem is, i'm working on the php version atm. So it has to be done using command line tool...20:02
Stargaze_Marjorie Shapiro, physicist at CERN: "There's a tendency for people who aren't experts, to think, if you pay money it must be a better product."20:02
localnutterAthlan Yes. Should be enough :)20:02
pk__how do i disable gpg check in apt?20:02
natrixnatrix89localnutter: dont think so.. Other computers on this network work fine. I thought it could be a problem in the driver or the wifi card20:02
elnurLosha, I mean for server.20:02
erUSUL!gpgerr | pk__20:03
ubottupk__: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »20:03
solowSlart, is there a command to ask linux what's installed? that way I can use the terminal what to use. :)20:03
kleusI just installed windows 7 to play some games and can't boot ubuntu, can any1 help me out?20:03
acicula!dualboot | kleus20:03
elnurkleus, yea, i can. just a sec20:03
ubottukleus: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:03
kleusthanks elnur20:03
aciculathere a howto recover ubuntu after windows install n the first link20:03
phrixhi, I want to build a web server using php and mysql... can someone help me what I need to install...??20:03
elnurkleus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows20:03
localnutternatrixnatrix89 Possibly. What's the chipset? And is it next to your other PCs? Can you put it in close proximity to the AP with line of sight?20:04
llutz!lamp > phrix20:04
ubottuphrix, please see my private message20:04
kleuselnur, it didn't worked20:04
aouldr78join/ #ubuntu-server20:04
elnurkleus, it did work for me several times20:04
erUSUL!lamp | phrix20:04
ubottuphrix: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:04
Athlanlocalnutter: How can I then set Exaile as the default audioplayer, whereas vlc should stay the default one for videos?20:04
corpogenguys I have a 8 part splitted rar file, when i try to uncompress one part it only works with the file on that part, and in windows uncompressing one part uncompress the entire file. How can I do that in Ubuntu?20:04
elnurkleus, what's your problem after trying that solution?20:04
pk__but i want to disable checking gpg20:04
erUSULphrix: ouch sorry; llutz already told you ...20:04
axisysanother wierd think is also related to display .. if the laptop lid is closed all the way i am not getting any gnome menu bar on the top ..20:04
Loshaelnur: that's hard to answer, as I don't use debian, and there are different repositories for debian so people can make the same tradeoffs of stability vs. features. I *can* tell you that 32-bit 8.04 LTS is very stable, and almost any significant problem you encounter with it will have been see already and have a fix or a workaround. That said, the ultimate in server stability is probably centos....20:04
Slartsolow: there might very well be.. but I don't know it.. it would make sense to have an enviroment variable or similar20:04
erUSULpk__: that's dangerous/not possible20:04
llutzcorpogen: unrar the last, the .rar file20:05
phrixllutz, erUSUL, thx.. :D20:05
natrixnatrix89localnutter: Linksys WUSB54G Wireless Adapter20:05
pk__in yum we use to do --nogpgcheck20:05
brontosaurusrexwhat is the exact purpose of the sticky bit? thats 'chmod 1777 folder' ?20:05
kleuselnur i'll try the overwriting the master boot record that i didn't tried earlier20:05
erUSULcorpogen: "unrar x file.r00"  has allways worked for me20:05
natrixnatrix89localnutter: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 13b1:000d Linksys WUSB54G Wireless Adapter20:05
solowSlart, well, if i knew what was being used, gnome or kde *what else is there?* i can decide what set of commands to use for the app. it will work on windows, and all distro's of linux20:05
corpogenits running lets see20:06
elnurLosha, So, CentOS falls even more behind in features compared to Debian?20:06
elnurkleus, You have to do that :)20:06
Loshabrontosaurusrex: man chmod has a section on the meaning of the sticky bit..20:06
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brontosaurusrexLosha: ok, so thats something that can be found on all posix systems basically?20:06
localnutterAthlan Doesn't seem to offer that sort of granularity. I'll look...20:07
Loshaelnur: I believe so. Centos' primary goal is server stability....20:07
elnurLosha, Ok. Thanks again. Got new info to meditate on :)20:07
Loshabrontosaurusrex: yes, I think it's a posix standard...20:07
corpogenthe original file was 24 gb total, compressed it takes 7 gb. i wanted to move it to a portable drive but it never finish, i always get a error saying file too big and stoped at 4 gb. that is beacuse of the file system right?20:07
localnutternatrixnatrix89 are you using a native driver or ndiswrapper? And which release of Ubuntu?20:07
magedragon25I have an hp pavillion dv6z with integrated fingerprint swiper....how do I find out what my hardware is, and where can i find the driver for it?20:07
erUSULCentOS is RHEL rebranded20:07
corpogenthe stuff that say that with ntfs files bigger than 4 gb can not be handled20:08
Slartsolow: well.. *all* linux distros will be very very hard..  there are linux distros running on small embedded systems.. without any displays at all, with gnome/KDE/xfce/other weird desktop enviroments.. some can use more than one file manager20:08
aciculacorpogen, yes20:08
natrixnatrix89localnutter: I'm using the one in the kernel. And I'm using 9.0420:08
erUSULcorpogen: yes vfat has a 4GiB limit20:08
duffydackIf I have done 'dd if=/dev/sdb | gzip > sdb.img.gz'  to dd direct to gzipped file, how do I restore using the gzipped file?20:08
elnurerUSUL, if that was for me, please use my name, because it's hard to track messages with such a pace :)20:08
wasutton3_is there a way to automatically scale the processor based on if the computer is on battery or ac power?20:08
natrixnatrix89 localnutter: whats ndiswrapper?20:08
Azelphur(20:03:19) solow: Slart, is there a command to ask linux what's installed? that way I can use the terminal what to use. :)20:09
Azelphursolow: lsb_release -d20:09
Loshasolow: writing portable programs is an art in itself....20:09
Slartsolow: I think you might want to aim for "most regular desktop" linux systems.. with KDE/Gnome/xfce you'll probably cover 80% or more.. those last percentages will take lots more work20:09
aciculawasutton3, cpufreq-applet20:09
kleuselnur, at step 3, when i type sudo grub-install --root-directory [etc] i get an error20:09
aciculawasutton3, doesnt switch automatically when on ac though, maybe that can be done via laptop-mode20:09
corpogenthe system file on this disk is msdos (right click-properties). which is the file limit for it?20:09
kleuselnur: grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda520:09
localnutternatrixnatrix89 ndiswrapper is for using Windows network drivers in Linux. A last resort!20:09
wasutton3_acicula: i have that running but i would like it to automatically do that. Ill look into laptop-mode20:09
erUSULcorpogen: vfat fat32 msdos all is the same is 4 GiB - 1B20:10
corpogenokay thanks20:10
kleuselnur nvm20:10
Zenkeri am looking for a program that will let me edit the artist/album info on mp3 files (the actual file, nt just in the player like WMA) anyone know of smthin that will work in ubuntu?20:10
balsaqanyone here ever have success using gyachi voice chat?20:10
elnurkleus, solved?20:10
erUSULZenker: easytag20:10
magedragon25I have an hp pavillion dv6z with integrated fingerprint swiper....how do I find out what my hardware is, and where can i find the driver for it?20:10
SlartZenker: anything that edits mp3-tags20:10
kleusi think so20:10
aciculawasutton3, or its passed via dbus as an event perhaps, all it takes is an echo into proc20:10
natrixnatrix89localnutter: Ok. I'm using the driver that was already in kernel20:10
solowSlart, yes. I will. people may request others if they like. but the only problem is, where do i find the system used, and the command for each of these systems. e.g. kde, gnome etc.20:10
duffydack+1 easytag20:10
solowAzelphur, what does that command do?20:10
aciculamagedragon25, lspci -vvnn or lsusb20:10
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kleuselnur i'm gonna reboot now, if i don't show up, then it's solved, thanks20:10
elm669easytag for sure20:10
SlartZenker: there are a gazillion of those in the repos =).. I've used easytag too20:10
MyrttiZenker: exfalso ♥20:10
Azelphursolow: it tells you the name of the linux distribution you are using (most of the time, some distros don't have lsb_release)20:11
Zenkerty i didnt know what 2 search for rolf20:11
LoshaZenker: there are tons of them. Every beginning programmer seems to write one. I use mp3info because it's cli-only...20:11
localnutternatrixnatrix89 Which version number is your wifi dongle? There's at least 4 bearing that model number20:11
Slartsolow: as Azelphur suggested.. the lsb modules might be a way.. searching a process list might tell you if gnome/KDE is running.. there might be other ways too20:11
azarethhi all20:11
solowAzelphur, so, if i know the name of the distro, do i by default know what they use? *eg kde, gnome, etc*20:11
Loshasolow: almost all of them have uname though...20:11
Azelphursolow: no20:12
Loshasolow: there are entire books published on this topic I believe....20:12
azarethI`m using live USB and after every restart my /tmp dir gets empty, how can I stop that20:12
Azelphursolow: your writing an app and you want it to work across all distros?20:12
Slartsolow: note that just because you run a certain distro doesn't mean you use the default desktop enviroment.. but it might be a pretty good starting guess20:12
pedrovrmcould someone help me? I can't log in after installing thinkfinger, and all my work are inside ubuntu20:12
natrixnatrix89localnutter: I have no idea. It might be the fourth one20:12
azarethin the matter of fact I want to keep specific file(s)20:12
Zenkernow to find a fast way to do em, i have more then 10 gb to do :)20:13
erUSULZenker: easytag can parse filnames to fill tags and viceversa20:13
brontosaurusrexLosha: thanks, its working as it is supposed to20:13
solowAzelphur, wellm yes and no. I want it to work on all distro's, eventually. but for now, using gnome, kde etc is enough. I want to know HOW to find out which one the distro uses using the terminal, and what command this desktop enviroment uses to open a folder.20:13
LoshaZenker: that's why I like mp3info. It's cli. so you can write scripts with it if you know how. GUIs are for people who have time on their hands...20:13
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th1hi, I have Ubuntu Netbook Remix and I wonder how I can make a specific app not auto-maximize the window, specifically it's aMSN that I don't want to do that20:14
th1it already works for pidgin etc.20:14
localnutternatrixnatrix89 Might have an answer for you then - Follow this link: http://tredosoft.com/rt2870_ubuntu it seems 9.04 and 9.10 have been affected by this.20:15
g0ldfinGaIm having problems trying to run a patch on a jar file with java -jar file.jar heres a paste of the error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/DxFzCWNY20:15
natrixnatrix89localnutter: thanks20:16
zoidfarbWhen I plug in an SD card, it mounts with permissions belonging to 'root' so I can't do anything with the files there. What's the preferred solution for fixing that?20:18
erUSULg0ldfinGa: what does "java -version" says on your system?20:18
g0ldfinGaJamVM version 1.5.320:18
Zenkerok easy tag isnt working right, every time i click anywher it jumps up or down20:18
Zenkeri had 2 kill it, i couldnt even hit the x button20:19
localnutterAthlan I've been looking, the best solution I can offer is to right click on say an MP3 file, click on "Properties", then click on the "Open With" tab and select "Exaile". This will associate all MP3s with Exaile. Repeat for OGG files etc.20:20
balsaqanyone here ever have success using gyachi voice chat?20:21
Athlanlocalnutter: THX20:21
Haeginwhat should the permissions be set to on /usr/man ?20:21
macman_hi all .. question20:23
BoondoklifeHaegin: I don't have a /usr/man? But I would think it would be 755.20:23
AthlanIqbal: Hi20:23
Boondoklifels -l20:23
localnutterHaegin: Yeah, should be 755.20:24
* Boondoklife stomps: wrong window20:24
macman_how did you get the long string though image this hard drive .. and drop it onto another laptop .. idon't want to have to upgrade or anything .. the image will have all updates is this poosible ?20:24
Boondoklifemacman_: Are the laptops the same?20:24
balsaqanyone here ever have success using gyachi voice chat?20:25
llutzHaegin:  /usr/share/man you meant?  root root 75520:25
redwhat does it mean if a folder name is with a green background when doing ls?20:25
redi know green name is executable, cyan is symlink20:25
AthlanHi all: is there a way to enable the "ll" command in ubuntu?20:25
aciculaAthlan, what is it supposed to do?20:26
jim---Some employees are visiting sites they shouldn't.  I don't much feel like installing squid.  What's a quick 'n easy way to blacklist a few domains?20:26
llutzAthlan:add    alias ll="ls -la "   to ~/.bashrc20:26
aciculajim---, drop the ip's on the gateway20:26
rskjim--- you could do it easily with iptables20:27
jribred: you could always read the output of « dircolors »20:27
Boondoklifered: just do ls -l it should give you all the info you need on the file.20:27
jim---I thought iptables was all tcp/ip layer stuff20:27
Haeginllutz: thanks20:27
Haeginlocalnutter: thanks20:27
aciculajim---, tcp/ip is what you need to block20:27
Boondoklifered: But I believe it means it is a+rwx20:27
sematicweboholichow do i know there has been an IP conflict recently ??? any logs ???20:27
lumpy./lumpy <new_tinkerbell>20:27
=== Hans_Henrik_ is now known as Hans_Henrik
macman_Boondoklife: no they are not20:27
aciculajim---, otherwise you have to move up to the app level(http ie squid)20:27
jim---acicula: how do I set up a rule to block domains?20:27
Haeginllutz: would the same be true for /usr/info?20:27
overcluckeri know if you use opendns, you are able to manage blacklist,20:28
lumpy./lumpy <tinkerbell>20:28
jim---acicula: in particular I need to block wildcard subdomains, so I have no idea how many IP addresses the subs may map to.20:28
jim---overclucker: hey that's not a bad idea.20:28
llutzHaegin: again, /usr/share/info? yes20:28
aciculajim---, you cant block domains, domains are names, that resolve to tcp/ips, you block ips20:28
Athlanllutz where is this directory situated?20:28
acicularesolve to ip adresses i mean20:29
Haeginllutz: mine are in /usr not in /usr/share...20:29
jim---acicula: but I can't know all the ips.  I understand your suggestion now but it won't work out.20:29
llutzHaegin: why?20:29
Athlanllutz where is this directory or located? Home folder?20:29
jim---I guess I will go install an http proxy. sigh.. :P20:29
llutzAthlan: "nano ~/.bashrc"20:29
TannerFHow do i get my webcam to work with 8.04?20:29
aciculajim---, well you can block the dns requests, but then people can just use the ip adresses directly to access the sites20:29
Haeginllutz: I don't know - I just keep getting permission errors on /usr/man when it installs software20:29
HaeginI also have a /usr/share/man/20:30
Boondoklifemacman_: I dont have much experience with moving and install cross different pc's. Ubuntu is fairly forgiving though. As long as they are the same architecture and dont need different proprietary drivers, I would think you'd be fine.20:30
jim---acicula: iff the webserver's set up without name-based vhosting, yeah.  not a good bet.20:30
llutzHaegin: /usr/share/man it should be, seems you installed some stuff mixing it up20:30
aciculajim---, dont forget the firewall rules after installing squid ;)20:30
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aciculajim---, no i mean you dont need to get to a site via its dns name, just the ip. so if you filter dns requests people can still reach the site20:31
davidz84hey, just got rid of vista and installed 9.10 today.20:31
jim---acicula: right but a lot of sites only work right if the correct HTTP Host header is included in the request.20:32
jim---acicula: "a lot" is not "all" though, so your point is taken,.20:32
arandIs it possible to apply some sound filters/effect globally to all sound in system?20:32
localnutterTannerF: No quick answer to that - it depends on the chipset. The gspca based cameras tend to be a bit hit and mess20:32
* Tupaka saluda20:32
aciculaacicula, afaik far less then should :D20:32
localnutterTannerF: *miss*, while UVC based webcams tend to work out of the box. I'd suggest going to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam and starting there.20:33
meganerdjim---: if you have a linux box rpoviding DNS, you could always put the domains mapped to in /etc/hosts20:33
jribred: here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395796/20:33
meganerdjim---: there is a similar feature for Windows20:34
aciculajim---, also then people could just put the ip in the host file and work as normal20:34
hmwI want to make a video of my computer screen. What is a tool, that fits a slow computer best and, if possible, is easy to use?20:34
erUSULhmw: xvidcap ?20:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:34
sematicweboholichow do i know there has been an IP conflict recently ??? any logs ???20:35
hmwerUSUL: thanks, i will look into it20:35
Zenkerwill someone help me with my display, it seems that windows are maximizing larger than the workspace, when i attempt to click on anything in that window it just jumps around idk exactly whats going on but if i rotate the cube i can see the window is way bigger then the workspace its on20:35
erUSULsematicweboholic: ip conflict?20:35
markdymek_sound is only coming from my left speaker20:35
=== Nitro_ is now known as Nitro`
sematicweboholicerUSUL, yes20:35
markdymek_how do i get stero sound?20:35
jim---meganerd: /etc/hosts doesn't support wildcards20:35
jim---acicula: /etc/hosts is only editable by root :)20:35
redjrib: I dont really get that syntax20:35
markdymek_how do i get sound to come from both speakers?20:36
erUSULsematicweboholic: i'm not sure what you mean by that. what is an ip conflict?20:36
jribred: erm, it's english (the comments anyway)20:36
redits not hex nor cmyk?20:36
redoh pfft20:36
redmy eyes skipped some relevant stuff :)20:36
jribred: the color codes are explained in one of the comments20:36
jribred: you could also write your own (see dircolors documentation)20:37
meganerdjim---: I just use squid and very restrictive iptables rules for my clients20:37
hmwZenker: if you use the 3d-windows plugin, a maximized window may look double size as your cube, due to some zoom. Perhaps "grabbing" the window with pressed ALT key helps you move it to a better position20:37
markdymek_why is sound only coming from one speaker?20:37
redyeah i see it now20:37
jrib!helpme | markdymek_20:37
ubottumarkdymek_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:37
localnuttermarkdymek_ Right click on volume control, Click on "Sound Preferences", Go to the "Output" tab and make sure the balance slider is centred.20:37
aciculajim---, thats true, but its easy enough to fix in usermode, since its just a basic http header change. anyway just think a sec on how agressive you need to filter and if just talking to people visiting unsuitable sites is more practical?20:37
markdymek_it is @localnutter20:37
aciculasince filtering is kinda hard unless you go for whitelisting via a proxy?20:37
Zenkerhmw it dosent matter which button/key i press the window jumps up or down, im gonna try and disable the 3d windows plugin20:38
hmwZenker: no idea why your window might jump... i'd disable "Wobbly Windows" first20:38
localnuttermarkdymek_ Oh. Not something really silly like the cable not plugged in properly? I have to ask - I'm a Computer Systems Engineer and you won't BELIEVE how many times this has happened!20:38
overcluckermarkdymek_: ahte to ask, but are the speaker completely plugged in?20:39
Zenkergood idea,20:39
jim---acicula: I would just talk to them, yeah.  Management wants to do the p-a thing, so *shrug*20:39
markdymek_sound works fine on windows20:39
localnuttermarkdymek_ What's the sound card/chip?20:39
techpraxisI am having a weird permissions error on Ubuntu 9.10. maybe someone with more knowledge of the mysteries of permissions on Ubuntu can fix it?20:40
jribtechpraxis: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:40
17SAAL01Whi guys. I need some assistance with a partition copy, please. I want to migrate an OS on a 4G SD card to a new 8G SD.20:40
17SAAL01WI partitioned the new disk ext4, set the boot flag  & then tried both (X being the source, Y being the target) `dd if=/dev/sdX1 of=/dev/sdY1`& `rsync -av /mount/source /mount/target`.20:40
17SAAL01WIn both cases I completed the copied, but the systems fails to boot (would've expected the dd to work OK). What did I miss?20:40
FloodBot317SAAL01W: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:40
Zenkerok, i disabled wobbly and 3d windows, at least now i can hold down alt and drag the window out of maximize20:40
jbendotnethow bad an idea is it to attempt to upgrade a hardy vps to karmic ?20:40
jbendotnetwhen it has live sites on it20:40
acicula17SAAL01W, MBR20:41
Zenkerso its probably somethin in compiz u think?20:41
Myrttijbendotnet: depends on how you are doing it and how much time do you have for fixing things if they break20:41
localnuttermarkdymek_ Not the best chip manufacturer in the world... What's the motherboard?20:41
meganerd17SAAL01W: mbr20:41
jribjbendotnet: have backups but at this point I would wait a month until lucid is released so you can upgrade directly from hardy to lucid instead of having to go hardy -> intrepid -> jaunty -> karmic20:41
jbendotnetahh, ok20:41
recomi installed karmic on intel board (945gccr) yesterday but video only works 800x60020:41
17SAAL01Wacicula: how to set? in old win days if was "fdisk /mbr"20:41
meganerd17SAAL01W: dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/=sdY count=1 bs=44520:41
jbendotnetI can wait a month20:41
erUSULjbendotnet: probably is better to wait for lucid (out in april) that is also LTS and can be upgraded to in one step20:41
acicula!grub2 | 17SAAL01W , its update-grub, look here for further grub stuff20:41
ubottu17SAAL01W , its update-grub, look here for further grub stuff: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:42
jbendotnetahh, ok - sounds perfect20:42
17SAAL01Wmeganerd: thanks. that copies it along withthe MBR?20:42
meganerd17SAAL01W: dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/=sdY count=1 bs=44720:42
acicula17SAAL01W, also the uuid may have changed so you may have to correct that in fstab20:42
meganerd17SAAL01W: that only copies the MBR20:42
meganerd17SAAL01W: it leaves the partition table alone.  It is only copiying the first 447 bytes20:42
MaT-dgis there GPU acceleration for video decoding on ubuntu?20:43
meganerd17SAAL01W: actually let me double check the number, I do this once or twice a year, and I always end up looking it up20:43
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recomi installed karmic on intel board (945gccr) yesterday but video only works 800x600. Any help would be appreciated20:43
17SAAL01Wmeganerd: assume do that *before* copying the rest of the partition?20:43
aciculaMaT-dg, vdpau, only with nvidia chips20:43
17SAAL01Wmeganerd: thanks. appreciated20:43
meganerd17SAAL01W: it could be done after20:43
aciculafor intel its "planned", dunno about ati20:43
goddardwhy are there md5sums on downloads?20:44
blakkheimati is the enemy of your freedom20:44
aciculagoddard, to check for file corruption20:44
meganerd17SAAL01W: ha, I am 0 for 2, the byte count is 44620:44
goddardhow do I check once I download?20:44
aciculablakkheim, fanboism is for #offtopic20:44
Zenkerok, ive disable everything in ccsm and it still does it, i first started noticing this when i installed moonvidea last night,but ive since uninstalled it i thought it just wasnt gonna work with my puter20:44
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:44
blakkheimacicula: there was no fanboyism in what i said, ati has horrible linux support20:45
meganerd17SAAL01W: you could always use dd or ddrescue to copy the first disk to the second and then resize the partition on the second to maximize the used space20:45
overcluckerubottu: yer so smart!20:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:45
AlVaRiToOoalguien kiere ablar conmigo??????20:45
erUSULMaT-dg: some programs can support it in nvidia via vdapu20:45
sam555hello all!20:45
aciculablakkheim, that seems to have no relation to "freedom"20:45
goddardso how do I check an md5check sum on my download?20:45
AlVaRiToOohello sam20:45
sam555how does one get 9.04 to upgrade to 9.10 ifyou're signed onto your computer?20:45
recomjhola alvarito20:45
markdymek_can someone help me20:45
erUSULsam555: system>admin>update manager20:46
AlVaRiToOoola recom20:46
Slartgoddard: see ubottus link a couple of lines up20:46
aciculasam555, via update-manager20:46
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:46
recomalvarito: donde estas ¡20:46
AlVaRiToOok tal????????20:46
Myrtti!es | AlVaRiToOo20:46
ubottuAlVaRiToOo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:46
sam555erUSUL: I did such, but it doesn't say I need any updates20:46
meganerd17SAAL01W: you may see people reference 512 byte count if you search with google, that will copy the partition table as well and will break the existing partition table (since the disk geometiries are different)20:46
MaT-dgerUSUL: acicula: what programs support it? Totem chokes on a 1080p mkv file here, I have an nvidia 8600GT20:46
KaellmanAnyone got time for a question?20:46
AlVaRiToOoespera k te encuentro20:46
erUSULsam555: you do not see a button offering you the upgrade?20:46
aciculaMaT-dg, mplayer does vdpau i believe20:46
kubancwhy cannot i see partitions in prepare disk space menu, for installing ubuntu 9.10?20:46
josh-Nanyone here have experience with K3b and bootable CDs ? (trying to copy a Mac OS 9 boot disk)20:46
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:46
Slartmarkdymek_: don't scream.. (use caps)20:47
erUSUL!upgrade | sam55520:47
ubottusam555: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:47
Slartmarkdymek_: ask your question.. wait for an answer.. if you don't get one.. wait some more.. read the forums.. improve your question20:47
markdymek_why am i only getting sound out of left speaker works in windows not in linux20:47
sam555erUSUL: it use to say upgrade, but disappeared20:47
markdymek_i have asked it slart20:47
guntbert!md5sum | goddard20:47
ubottugoddard: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:47
meganerdjosh-N: I have made boodable CDs for Windows and Linux before, never messed with Mac stuff20:47
techpraxisokay, so why when i create a group (addgroup), add users to the group (usermod -aG <group> <user> ), make a project folder, chown <someuserinthegroup>:<groupname> can i not save into the folder with one of the users?20:47
sam555erUSUL: thanks for the link!20:47
Slart!details | markdymek_20:47
ubottumarkdymek_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:47
erUSULsam555: no problem20:47
AlVaRiToOorecom te encontre20:47
techpraxisI am running Ubuntu 9.10 (originally a Studio install)20:48
Slartmarkdymek_: you're basically asking a car mechanic.. "I have a problem with my car.. it's a red car.. can you fix it?" =)20:48
sean_markdymek, what is your sound card and speaker model?20:48
MetehanwowHi is there anyone can help me for wireless driver install?20:48
erUSULtechpraxis: chmod 775 folder20:48
meganerdmarkdymek_: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html20:48
techpraxisuh, that doesn't work.20:48
erUSULtechpraxis: or chmod g+w folder20:48
KaellmanI installed wubi, and for some reason my grub got damaged. Iv tried all the solutions iv found so far on the net ( super grub disk, booting with livecd etc.), but for some reason, grub cant find the files it needs.20:48
josh-Nmeganerd: i made two images, one normal copy and one with the "clone" setting... but burning them doesn't seem to produce bootable CDs... any hidden setting i need to pay attention to?20:48
markdymek_os there a driver for realtek c20:49
techpraxiswatch: ls -l /home/shared/20:49
atruswhat's a good way to get gmail notifications in the indicator in lucid (not counting evolution, which sucks for large imap folders)20:49
Slart!Lucid | atrus20:49
ubottuatrus: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:49
techpraxisdrwxrwxr-x  3 root       vmnetallowed     8 2010-03-15 12:57 shared20:49
17SAAL01Wmeganerd: just to reiterate, I make use of `dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/=sdY count=1 bs=446` to copy the MBR & then juat a regular dd to copy the rest of the contents, or do I simply make use of ddrescue to do the whole thing?20:49
MetehanwowIs there anyone can help me? about wireles driver?20:49
Slartatrus: not sure if it's different for lucid though..20:49
techpraxisvmnetallowed is a group containing 4 users20:49
Zenkeris there a way to default all settings, programs and everything else (like i just install ubuntu) with out act reinstallin it?20:49
erUSULatrus: use a biff program like gnubiff ?20:50
overcluckeraw, shoulda been lazy lion20:50
techpraxisbut one of those users CANNOT save into the folder20:50
nik27does enybody speek ru?20:50
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:50
SlartZenker: not all settings.. but many user settings end up in the home folder.. in hidden files/directories (starting with a dot)20:50
meganerd17SAAL01W: basically, since you already copied the partitions, you just need to do "dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/=sdY count=1 bs=446"20:50
atruserUSUL: afaik, none of those support the indicator applet.20:50
kubancis there a bug, because the prepare disk space does not show me any partition, but i have 2 NTFS partitions, 1 swap and 1 ext3 partition20:50
17SAAL01Wmeganerd: actually, I just reformatted the partition before hopping on IRC20:50
techpraxissee, the folder (barn) has rwx for the group20:50
meganerd17SAAL01W: alternatively, just use ddrescue to copy the whole thing, and then use parted or gparted to resize the partition20:50
nik27 #ubuntu-ru20:51
SlartZenker: so creating a new user.. with an empty home directory might work20:51
17SAAL01Wmeganerd: sweet, thanks20:51
goddardso how do I check an md5check sum on my download?20:51
erUSUL!md5 | goddard20:51
Zenkerscrew it, im just gonna reinstall and keep it in its default installed state, and only install the progs i wanted ubuntu for in the 1st place, no more tweakin, ill save that for the os i know, windows20:51
ubottugoddard: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:51
Stargaze_!language| Zenker20:51
ubottuZenker: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:51
bladei am here20:52
bladei am new20:52
erUSULhi | blade20:52
goddardso you just type md5 filename20:52
techpraxisso has anybody heard of this problem? the answer someone gave does not work.20:52
localnuttermarkdymek_ OK, been checking, there's been various reports of the problem you have over the last few years, different RealTek chips but same result. My suggestion would be to find out EXACTLY which chip is being used - you should get this from the motherboard manual - and then google for problems. ubuntuforums.org is a good starting place.20:52
sixofouri'm on a laptop, any game i play in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when ever i go into fullscreen mode20:52
Stargaze_!hi| blade20:52
ubottublade: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:52
sixofourhow do i fix?20:52
techpraxisno, i am not a newb at folder permissions, although i am at irc.20:52
annkas my display and can not get it back to normal. What can I do in terminal to delete these settings and get my display back to normal_20:52
bladeby madafuckers20:52
overcluckergoddard md5sum -c afile.checksum20:53
Slartgoddard: read the link ubottu sent you..20:53
meganerdjosh-N: I used a boot floppy image and then used k3b's Project -> Edit Boot images20:53
meganerd17SAAL01W: NP20:53
goddardSlart I did thanks20:53
Slartgoddard: this one    http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM20:53
KaellmanAgain: I installed wubi, and for some reason my grub got damaged. Iv tried all the solutions iv found so far on the net ( super grub disk, booting with livecd etc.), but for some reason, grub cant find the files it needs.20:53
sixofourwow, floppies20:53
techpraxisthere does not seem to be any good reason why ubuntu would fail to allow a user, who is a member of a group, to save to a folder in which his group has write permissions, is ther?20:53
KaellmanAnyone have experience to share?20:53
IqbalUbuntu is really good.20:53
techpraxisc'mon, this is a real problem20:53
annkasI have rotatet my display and can not get it back to normal. What can I do in terminal to delete these settings and get my display back to normal20:53
overcluckerKaellman: what grubb error[s] aile you?20:54
meganerdtechpraxis: did that user log ini before he or she was added to that group?20:54
IqbalIt has been about 2 months since I have switched os's and it has really been cooperative.20:54
Stargaze_Kaellman, wubi is only a pseudo-installation, it does not work as well as a real installation20:54
sam555https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades is not working for me :(  I've allegedly got all the updates...20:54
erUSULtechpraxis: no; can you post some info? "id" output for user "ls -ld folder" and error the user gets when trying to writte?20:54
localnutterNothing quite like a thank you eh?20:54
meganerdtechpraxis: did that user log in before he or she was added to that group?20:55
meganerdwow I can't type today20:55
annkaswhat file do i delet to get my display back to normal. I have rotatet and can not use gnome/panel20:55
erUSUL!paste | techpraxis20:55
ubottutechpraxis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:55
Slartsam555: any specific part that doesn't work for you? or you can't open the link in your browser?20:55
Stargaze_shame on you meganerd20:55
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?20:55
josh-Nmeganerd: thanks. i don't have any boot image though, just need an exact byte to byte copy... shouldn't the "clone" setting provide that?20:55
sam555Slart: when I got to update manager, and check for updates, it does not say I have an upgrade waiting20:56
meganerdjosh-N: I just use ddrescue for that20:56
annkaswhat folder do I delete to redo changes to display properties_20:56
Slartsam555: what version are you using now?20:56
sam555Slart: 9.04 ubuntu20:56
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Slart!repeat | annkas20:56
ubottuannkas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:56
overcluckersam, then all is well, lol20:56
josh-Nmeganerd: hm, i used ddrescue once... would i still use K3b to burn the resulting image?20:57
RabbitbunnyI'm trying to enable a compose key, and it seems I've done it wrong. Anybody with it working want to lend a hand?20:57
meganerdjosh-N: yes20:57
Slartsam555: hmm.. no errors when you run the update?20:57
jribRabbitbunny: system -> preferences -> keyboard20:57
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Did it.20:57
localnutterannkas Just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (or delete it if you're feeling really adventurous, although I wouldn't reccommend it!)20:57
sam555Slart: no20:57
josh-Nmeganerd: thank you. gonna try that.20:57
Rabbitbunnyjrib: I press just that key, rwin for me, then 8, and it does nothing. I relogged, but haven't restarted X. Do I need to?20:58
meganerdjosh-N: are you trying to clone an actual disk?  I use ddrescue to make an image on my hard drive, then burn that image.  Some disks do funky things to prevent them from being copied.  Sometimes in these cases ddrescue will work, sometimes not.20:58
Slartsam555: can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update" ?20:58
Slart!pastebin | sam55520:58
ubottusam555: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:58
meganerdOK for real now, I am leaving20:58
KaellmanStargaze_, overclucker , thanks for the response! In grub, where i enter this line "linux /boot/vmlinuz-(Your version of the kernel) root=/dev/(Your Windows partition) loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro" with the parantheses substituted, i only get "cant find file".20:58
LinuxGuy2009How hard is it to play OpenArena just on my local network with 2 machines? Im trying to get it working for my 4 year old nephew. Didnt work the first time for me.20:59
=== annkas is now known as embrik
jribRabbitbunny: no.  How about pressing compose '  and then e20:59
Zenker cool that fixed everything, i completely uninstalled compiz20:59
josh-Nmeganerd: yes it is an actual Mac OS 9 boot disk. the disk is working, but has some read errors and is generally pretty old. i want to make a backup before it is too late.20:59
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Does nothing.21:00
KaellmanAny ideas?21:01
jribRabbitbunny: try a different key maybe.  Check your preferences, what exactly did you change?21:01
sam555i'll sign back on21:01
Zenkeri think something ws confliction with it, my sys is runnin smoother now as well, but im such a noob at all this, heh, maybe in 10 years ill know what was going on21:01
overcluckersam555: Kaellman error 17? might want to try using a different root (hdX,Y)21:01
KaellmanI have. Iv tried most.21:02
Metehanwow Hello is there anyone can help me about wireless problem i just install ubuntu yesterday to my notebook which is "Compaq nx 7300" still having problems and now using cable all around in home please help me people of ubuntu :) regards21:02
Rabbitbunnyjrib: I check the box for rwin as compose key.21:02
embrikhow do I undo changes to screen settings_21:02
Stargaze_Kaellman, read also this, maybe it helps => http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html21:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:02
overcluckerKaellman: are you using a separate boot partition?21:02
KaellmanIv got one for wubi and one for windows.21:03
Stargaze_!es| marilyn21:03
ubottumarilyn: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:03
Metehanwow Hello is there anyone can help me about wireless problem i just install ubuntu yesterday to my notebook which is "Compaq nx 7300" still having problems and now using cable all around in home please help me people of ubuntu :) regards21:03
sam555Slart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395809/21:03
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?21:03
overcluckerthen leave /boot out of kernel path21:03
Emanon!repeat | Metehanwow21:03
ubottuMetehanwow: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:03
embrikok, thanks. I deleted .gnome221:03
|sanchez|Hey pidgin just recently started reporting an error when i try to start it up... this is what i get from the terminal when i try to execute %pidgin : http://pastebin.com/jip2Qcd921:04
embrikAfraid I did something foolish - time will show21:04
jribRabbitbunny: test right control to see if it makes a difference21:04
|sanchez|i have also tried removing and reinstalling to no avail21:04
Slartsam555: "sudo apt-get update"... not "sudo apt-get install update"21:04
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Interesting, it made a bold '?'.21:05
ZykoticK9I often see people state they have an issue when they plug their headphones into Ubuntu that it doesn't mute their speakers (I take it this is common in Windows?), is this possible?  Does it work for anyone?21:05
sam555Slart: my bad :(21:05
faronanybody here familiar with uninstalling firefox plugins & extensions ?21:05
Kaellmanoverclucker, also, for example when i boot with live cd and enter "sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev" after mounting my wubi partition i get the same error.21:05
techpraxiswhat else controls the ability of a user to access and write to a directory owned by a group of which they are a member?21:05
Alfonsčau je tu někdo z čech?21:05
brontosaurusrexso if i'd like to share some files with other users i would 'mount --bind /thatcommonFolder' to all the users home dir and then chmod 1777  /thatcommonFolder/user1'21:05
Slartsam555: no worries21:05
jribRabbitbunny: weird, what layout are you using?21:05
techpraxiswhoa bronto, let me catch that21:06
Kaellmanoverclucker, i was hoping i could, after that update and reinstall grub.21:06
airtonixZykoticK9, when i plug my headphones into the headphone socket on my laptop the speakers get turned off (as expected)21:06
brontosaurusrexfor each user its own subdir that is? how silly is that?21:06
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?21:06
ZykoticK9airtonix, thanks for the confirmation21:06
Rabbitbunnyjrib: intl 105key21:06
sam555Slart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395810/21:06
jribRabbitbunny: and layout?21:06
techpraxiswhy would you need to do that? why can't we in ubuntu do it differently. Please, someone expert please answer this21:06
brontosaurusrextechpraxis: thats the plan21:06
localnutterRight, I'm off. Need to do some work. Goodnight all.21:07
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Err, US. Sorry.21:07
airtonixbrontosaurusrex, whats the purpose of the --bind switch ?21:07
Kaellmanoverclucker, you there?21:07
brontosaurusrextechpraxis: i'd like all users to see/read other users file, but not delete them21:07
guntbert!cz | Alfons21:07
ubottuAlfons: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.21:07
brontosaurusrexairtonix: no idea, thats from pure-ftps manual21:07
overcluckerwell, i nlove cd does /mnt/dev exist even?21:07
jribRabbitbunny: qwerty?21:08
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Yup.21:08
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?21:08
techpraxisi'm sorry i seem dumb. but i am not new to unix-y systems. NetBSD, FreeBSD, and years on Redhat. i have never had to spend more than 15 minutes or so trying to fix any permissions problem on any of these systems. but i have been working for over an hour to understand why ubuntu has this problem.21:08
Emanonbrontosaurusrex:  i think if you set members of the group to be able to read and execute but not write that should do the trick21:08
leighmanhi guys, I've enabled the pae kernel on 32-bit to access more then 3 GB of ram but it's still showing 3GB,do I have to change something in my bios, do you know?21:08
Slartsam555: if you run the update-manager and click the settings-button.. there might be a setting to only show new LTS releases.. or show all new releases.. can you see if you can find that? I think it's the same settings as "system, administration, software sources"21:08
jribRabbitbunny: hmm, don't know then.  See what the other options for a compose key do for you, maybe that will give some hints21:08
brontosaurusrexEmanon: ok, how would one do that?21:09
Emanonright click on the file (or whole folder) select properties21:09
overcluckerKaellman: anyways, if you have a separate root and boot partition, you dont have to enter /boot in grub21:09
Emanongo to the permissions tab21:09
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?21:10
overcluckerKaellman: boot partition shouldn't have that folder21:10
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. I've tried 2 Karmic CD's and one xubuntu CD. I checked the md5 sums on all of them and verified the CDs in the installer. Can anyone please help?21:10
pk__how to enable network at boot time  in /etc/network/interfaces?21:10
josh-Nmeganerd: a related question - the data on the CD is only 640-ish MB, but the raw image will be about 760 MB which is too large for my 700MB recordable. i activated "overburning" in K3b, do you think that will cause problems?21:10
Emanonthen in the "Group" row of checkboxes check read and execute and make sure write is unchecked21:10
Elive_user85_eni need help i hate ELIVE21:10
Kaellmanoverclucker, ic. This was the guide i first tried to follow: http://www.omaregan.com/?p=58321:10
Elive_user85_eni need help21:10
Emanonand make sure to hit the "Apply to enclosed file" button if you're doing it to a whole folder21:11
seanbrystone!helpme | Elive_user85_en21:11
ubottuElive_user85_en: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:11
techpraxismeganerd: any insight into this problem? it seems so basic, yet no answer21:11
Rabbitbunnyjrib: There's only the one option...21:11
|sanchez|anyone else get an "Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h..." error message when trying to run certain applications ?21:11
Stargaze_!ask| Elive_user85_en21:11
ubottuElive_user85_en: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:11
jribRabbitbunny: I mean other keys21:11
sam555Slart: looking21:11
epaphus2Hello, is it possible to keep a history of the clipboard?21:11
LinuxGuy2009Hey guys I have a desktop machine and a laptop here I wanted to play on the local network one wired and one wireless. Is this hard cause I cant figure it out?21:11
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Ah.21:11
LinuxGuy2009OpenArena I mean.21:11
Metehanwow Hello is there anyone can help me about wireless problem i just install ubuntu yesterday to my notebook which is "Compaq nx 7300" still having problems and now using cable all around in home please help me people of ubuntu :) regards21:11
=== adsadsa is now known as SquidMedia
Emanonand make sure the group you want it to belong to is checked in the dropdown menu up top21:11
Stargaze_LinuxGuy2009, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyWirelessToWiredConnectionSharing21:11
Elive_user85_enmy ubunut macticon has an error 18 an somtins 1621:11
leighmanhi guys, I've enabled the pae kernel on 32-bit to access more then 3 GB of ram but it's still showing 3GB,do I have to change something in my bios, do you know?21:12
jimbeam12hey wat up all21:12
brontosaurusrexEmanon: ok, ill try that, so i can just make-up any groupname and just assign all users to that group?21:12
jimbeam12wondder it someone could help me..21:12
Emanoni think so brontosaurusrex21:12
Kaellmanoverclucker, any ideas why i get the error ?21:12
jimbeam12got multiple entries on startup how do i remove them21:12
Elive_user85_enI NEED HELP!!!!!!21:12
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. Can anyone please help?21:12
Stargaze_!ask| Elive_user85_en21:12
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Interesting, I set it to menu and the é works.21:12
Slarthoonches: have you tried the alternate installer?21:13
sam555Slart: unsupported and prereleased was not checking, so I'm re running the update manager via the gui21:13
brontosaurusrexEmanon: and group should have 'access' privileges ?21:13
guntberttechpraxis: did you provide the answer about the error that staffuser gets?21:13
Elive_user85_enmy ubuntu computer has an error21:13
hoonchesSlart: that's what i used every time21:13
LinuxGuy2009Stargaze_: My connections work fine on there own. This is with playing OpenArena over the same router one wired and one wireless.21:13
=== stix_ is now known as stix
jribRabbitbunny: that's actually what I've always used as a compose key in the past21:13
SlartElive_user85_en: screaming and holding your breath will only get you kicked out of here..21:13
Elive_user85_enit hase error 18 an somtims 1621:13
Emanonhoonches: that was happening to me too just wait it out when it does that it ISNT frozen its just taking A REALLY LONG TIME21:13
overcluckerKaellman: file doesn't exist, so probably incorrect path fo the file21:13
jribRabbitbunny: I don't know why the others behave differently21:13
sam555Slart: I also tried to do an update using the 9.10 cd that was not the alternative and that did not work.  Could that be the issue?21:13
techpraxisso does anyone know: i have a group. one member of that group can save without any problem to the folder i have defined for that group (which has write permission set for members of the group). another member of the group CANNOT save to that folder, despite being a member.21:13
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?21:13
hoonchesEmanon: i left it alone for over 5 hours21:13
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Okay... How can I get (TM) and cents? those are really the only two I want.21:13
Emanoni had to leave it overnight21:14
Slarthoonches: hmm.. then I don't really have any other ideas.. sorry21:14
Emanonhoonches you're useing full disk encryption huh?21:14
jribRabbitbunny: no idea (you could always read the actual layout file if you get desparate enough)21:14
Slartsam555: I don't think that should affect it.. not 100% sure though21:14
hoonchesEmanon: how did you know?21:14
Emanoncause that seems to be the only time it does that21:14
hoonchesEmanon: what is the solution?21:14
Elive_user85_enbtw shut up slart all u can do is say shit like scrimin will get u kickeed out an ur NO FUCKIN HELP!!!!!!!!1121:14
Emanonthere isnt one21:14
guntberttechpraxis: what is the error?21:14
jimbeam12hey wat up all21:15
LinuxGuy2009Wonder if I need to just plug a switch directly between the two machines for the time being.21:15
Emanonyou just wait the 8-10 hours for it to finish21:15
Stargaze_!language| Elive_user85_en21:15
ubottuElive_user85_en: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:15
Emanonor whatever it takes on your machine21:15
guntbert!language | Elive_user85_en21:15
Slart!attitude | Elive_user85_en21:15
ubottuElive_user85_en: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:15
overcluckerlol Elive_user85_en21:15
git___does nautilus have session management?21:15
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?21:15
Emanoni got to that point went to sleep and it was done when i woke up hoonches21:15
Emanonbut i have a quad-core21:15
jimbeam12whos the gurus in here??21:15
hoonchesEmanon: i did the same thing21:15
techpraxisguntbert: the error is that the user, who cannot save to the folder, gets error in 1) gedit 2) openoffice 3) on command line when trying to touch a file21:15
hoonchestook a nap21:15
SquidMediahello cand anybody help me about ?21:15
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Could you try, compose+shift+8? should do (TM)?21:15
hoonchesa 4 hour nap21:15
jribRabbitbunny: personally, I create my own layout with the nice third levels I want near the home row21:15
Emanonwell i sleep along time21:15
mentris it possible to hibernate ubuntu and let it wake up at a specific time21:16
Emanonlike rip van winkle long21:16
techpraxisthe user is a member of the group which has ownership and write permission to the folder21:16
JuanMarquezhi, i problem in people.ubuntu.com not login21:16
guntberttechpraxis: third time you are asked: "what error does the user get?"21:16
Slartsam555: I looked at the upgrade-page on ubuntu.com as well.. didn't see anything mentioned about problems upgrading from 9.04.. at least nothing like your issue21:16
jimbeam12JRIB U THERE21:16
hooncheswow wth do you have to leave it for like 12 hours? you shouldn't have to do that21:16
Emanon!es | JuanMarquez21:16
ubottuJuanMarquez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:16
jribRabbitbunny: here's the us layout: http://paste.ubuntu.com/395816/21:16
hoonchesthat can't be right21:16
Elive_user85_eni need help21:16
Elive_user85_eny did i evert think to come here21:16
hoonchesElive_user85_en: !patience21:16
Emanonit only seems to do it for me when i do full disk encryption21:17
chdhow do I run wireshark as sudo again?21:17
Elive_user85_enevery 1 here sees realy usles21:17
jribjimbeam12: stop please21:17
blakkheimchd: sudo wireshark21:17
rabelaisElive_user85_en: ask a question and you might get a reply...complaining doesn't do anything21:17
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. How do I fix this?21:17
JuanMarquezEmanon, ?21:17
guntberttechpraxis: we've seen that - yes - but please provide real answers to our questions21:17
Emanon!ask | jimbeam1221:17
ubottujimbeam12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:17
chdthanks blakkheim21:17
hoonches!attitude | Elive_user85_en21:17
ubottuElive_user85_en: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:17
Stargaze_why are people so impatient and aggressive today?21:17
jimbeam12hey emanon thx bro21:17
brianbrowerdoes anyone have amule21:17
brah-we should have a ubuntu day, see how many people we can get in here21:17
EmanonJuanMarquez: i assumed you were a spanish speaker sorry21:17
sixofourStargaze_:  they have a bad case of the mondays21:17
jimbeam12i have multiple entries on startup....how do i remove some them21:17
overcluckerStargaze_: shutup, who ever asked you!21:17
guntbert!ot | brah-21:17
ubottubrah-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:17
overcluckerStargaze_: just kidding21:18
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. Can anyone please help?21:18
jimbeam12they are stacking up each time i do an update21:18
Emanonjimbeam12: i assume you mean multiple kernel entries?21:18
jimbeam12i have windows 07 and ubuntu.21:18
brah-guntbert, that's was entirely unecessary and random21:18
Rabbitbunnyjrib: Okay, the utf8 ones don't work. I think I know how to fix that, Thank you very much for holding me hand.21:18
JuanMarquezEmanon, I'm sorry for that channel could not help me with my problem, it seems no one has knowledge on that topic.21:18
jimbeam12u just 2 entries on startup21:18
Elive_user85_enwdf stop shittin ur talkin about ask an i ll get answers an df if u llook all the way in da begingin u see dat i fuqin asked21:18
Kaellmanoverclucker, But i only have two partitions. I know which one iv got my w on. I cant use the tab function to see what kernel iv got either. I suppose its 2.6.33 with the latest version of wubi21:18
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. Applications seem to think I have a standard monitor, and not a widescreen, so they are rendering in standard mode. How do I fix this?21:18
jribRabbitbunny: no problem, glad you figured out what's wrong because I have no clue :)21:18
sam555Slart: well it's installing the updates.  Maybe I should burn the alt cd and try that way incase it won't do it on it's own.21:18
Slartsam555: did you try the "Upgrading using the Alternate CD/DVD" that's mentioned here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades21:18
guntbertbrah-: so I understood your comment21:18
happyfaceHow can I disable TCP checksumming on wlan0?21:18
KB1JWQ!language | Elive_user85_en21:18
JuanMarquezI can not access my account people.ubuntu.com21:18
ubottuElive_user85_en: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:18
blakkheimElive_user85_en: you mad? :(21:18
hoonchesi believe Elive_user85_en is a troll21:18
sixofour!op Elive_user85_en21:18
Slart!ops | Elive_user85_en21:19
ubottuElive_user85_en: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:19
Elive_user85_enyh im mad21:19
sixofourforgot the s :P21:19
EmanonElive_user85_en: repeat that in english or go to #ubuntu-retard21:19
jimbeam12yes multiple kernel entries Emanon21:19
MyrttiEmanon: behave21:19
guntberttechpraxis: try it from CLI: touch barn/newfile - and tell us the error21:19
Gioacchinohey all21:19
KB1JWQElive_user85_en: You've been asked to cool down earlier.  This isn't appropriate discourse for this channel.21:19
Emanonsorry Myrtti your right21:19
rabelaisjimbeam12: you can uninstall older versions of linux-image and that will get rid of the entries21:19
Emanonjimbeam12: in synaptic21:19
Elive_user85_enokey fine but stop doin dat yellow stuff i hate it21:20
JuanMarquezanyone have any idea that could be happening?21:20
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. I've tried 2 Karmic CD's and one xubuntu CD. I checked the md5 sums on all of them and verified the CDs in the installer. Can anyone please help?21:20
AntiProxyguys can anyone recommend a Linux compatible Fax/Modem card? i'm trying to setup a fax server on my Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit box, and all the modems i have aren't supported (an ES2898, and a Rockwell HCF... both have closed source drivers that are only made for 32bit kernels though)21:20
Rasmussenserver irc.freenode.net21:20
jimbeam12ok what do i do in synaptic Emanon21:20
rabelaishoonches: have you tried an alternate install cd?21:20
Elive_user85_enu guys r no help21:20
Elive_user85_enAT ALL21:21
hoonchesrabelais: that's what I'm using every time21:21
blakkheim!u | Elive_user85_en21:21
ubottuElive_user85_en: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:21
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel21:21
KB1JWQElive_user85_en: What's your actual issue?21:21
MyrttiElive_user85_en: you're not helping yourself, you need to give more information about your problem21:21
brontosaurusrexEmanon: seems to work, only now other users cant upload anything to that users folder21:21
happyfaceHow can I disable TCP checksumming on wlan0?21:21
brontosaurusrexEmanon: which is again good i guess21:21
Emanonjimbeam12: search in synaptic for a package named "linux"21:21
MyrttiElive_user85_en: we're not telepaths21:21
CharHI all!21:21
techpraxisguntbert, et al: http://imagebin.org/8898521:21
jimbeam12ok found it21:21
alulaHi Char21:21
Emanonuninstall anything lower than the latest21:21
jimbeam12then apply it?21:21
techpraxisthat is a screenshot of 'what error does the user get'21:21
Elive_user85_eni sad da info u dimwit u werent payin attention ur to buys talkin21:21
rabelaishoonches: ok, you could also try an ubuntu server cd, that might work (there's no real difference aside from package selections between the two)21:21
KB1JWQElive_user85_en: Yeah, there goes my interest in helping you.21:22
blakkheimElive_user85_en: please type in readable english21:22
hoonchesrabelais: i've tried xubuntu as well21:22
leighmanElive_user85_en: try again21:22
guntberttechpraxis: please try it from CLI, as I said above21:22
Kaellmanoverclucker, should i see if anyone else has time to help?21:22
=== mike_ is now known as mustangsal66
techpraxistouch barn/newfile:21:23
Elive_user85_enyo myrrti i got news 4 u21:23
techpraxistouch: cannot touch `barn/newfile': Permission denied21:23
Emanonbrontosaurusrex: you might try having them submit to you for approval and then YOU put in the folder but that might be inconvenient for large numbers of files21:23
Elive_user85_enur a fuqin hore21:23
SamualHey i'm trying to run gnome-color-chooser, it worked before I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10, but now I get this when running it: Initializing and starting gnome-color-chooser.. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gdk::PixbufError'21:23
overcluckerKaellman: might be a good idea, i havent used wubi in about a year, nor have i had to work around that specific problem21:23
Emanonthank you Myrtti21:23
SamualAny ideas?21:23
CharI have a question, and I'm not sure what I'd Google to find the answer so I'll ask here. Does Ubuntu (9.10, Gnome) have a character input method similar to Windows' Alt+[numbers] shortcut?21:23
Kaellmanoverclucker, Thanks for your time anyway :)21:23
SlartChar: nope21:24
leighmanChar: you can use applications -> accessories -> character map21:24
CharDang :(21:24
hoonchesUbuntu won't install to my Dell Laptop. It keeps freezing permanently at stage "Finishing The Installation" at part "Setting users and passwords..." at 26% finshed. I've tried 2 Karmic CD's and one xubuntu CD. I checked the md5 sums on all of them and verified the CDs in the installer. Anyone available to help?21:24
jribChar: ctrl-shift-u21:24
rabelaisChar: http://distilledb.com/blog/archives/date/2009/03/06/typing-special-characters-in-ubuntu.page21:24
brontosaurusrexEmanon: no, thats ok, ill do my way the part where multiple users have to upload to single folder and the group way when each can have its own folder (i need both options)21:25
KaellmanSo.. Im trying to update and repair my grub after it failing in wubi.  When i enter "linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.33 root=/dev/spd1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro" in grub, i get "cant find file" error. However, i know iv stated the right partition ( i have two- one for L and one for W).21:25
Emanonhoonches: it isnt frozen it just takes a REALLY long time21:25
KaellmanWhat is up with that?21:25
CharThank you for the responses/link!21:25
aurelienhi, just to say to people who like using free software and Libre kernel, that you can find the .deb of the libre kernel 2.6.33 from fsfla.org here :: http://www.fscorsica.org/index-en.html21:25
CharThat's very helpful21:25
hoonchesEmanon: that is NOT normal.21:25
SquidMediahello cand anybody help me ?21:25
SlartChar: you can vote on it.. personally I think it's a good idea http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/13344/21:25
vemidi si mirac21:25
Emanonprobably not but until it gets fixed its the way it is hoonches21:25
werner_jemand deutsches da?21:25
guntberttechpraxis: that was for staffuser? hmm - one idea: try to double check the group names (depends on how you added him) - and did he log in afresh *after* being assigned to the group?21:26
ZenkerMetehanwow ??21:26
hoonchesill come back when the room is no longer a cluster f*$@21:26
jimbeam12Emanon found the package LINUS now what21:27
Emanon!ask SquidMedia21:27
SquidMediai am running ubuntu 9.10 server x64 and after overcloking from BIOS /proc/cpuinfo shows the default stock speed instead the new speed, if i run dmidecode | grep -m1 "Current Speed" it shows the correct speed; is this a bug or ubuntu is limiting my cpu speed21:27
robertofree68genitori e figli21:27
Emanonnot linus, LINUX21:27
jimbeam12yes found it sorry,now what..21:27
aureliennot LINUX GNU / Linux21:27
Emanonand you uninstall any of them that are below the current21:27
techpraxisguntbert: discovery: so i am logged as staffuser via nx, in gnome session. in gnome-terminal in that nx session, staffuser cannot touch 'newfile' in barn. BUT, on a suspicion, i logged in my main tty, su'd to the staffuser user, and then voila:  touch barn/myfile works fine. WTF??!21:27
seanbrystoneEmanon, that darn | command gets people all the time, it's !ask | seanbrystone  or whatever21:27
Emanonjimbeam12: is current21:27
KaellmanAnyone,please: Im trying to update and repair my grub after it failing in wubi.  When i enter "linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.33 root=/dev/spd1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro" in grub, i get "cant find file" error. However, i know iv stated the right partition ( i have two- one for L and one for W).21:28
Emanoni know seanbrystone i mistyped21:28
guntbert!language | techpraxis21:28
ubottutechpraxis: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:28
KaellmanIv got 6 gigs of my gf's personal files and my lab reports on the line here.21:28
CharSlart: I'll do that, it seems like a good idea.21:28
jimbeam12ok but when i boot up the computer i get multiple entries how do i remove those entries on startup..21:28
Charjrib: That's exactly what I was hoping for, thank you21:28
techpraxissorry !language21:28
Emanondeleting the old versions should remove the entries jimbeam1221:28
NollogSquidMedia: bug kinda.21:29
guntberttechpraxis: there have been several hints that a user must log in *after* beeing asigned to a group21:29
Emanonor at least what they tell me21:29
jimbeam12ok cool21:29
Emanoni just use ubuntu-tweak but that is not recommended to new users and whatnot21:29
sam555Slart: thanks for the help.  I think I'm going to do a reinstall later.21:29
SquidMediaso my cpu is running at the correct speed and i don't have to worry ?21:29
aurelienkaellman have you try sudo update-grub21:29
techpraxisguntbert, i have seen those hints. i was confused since a previous test, with another user, did not require this21:29
Slartsam555: I'm holding out for lucid lynx.. it's only a  month away or so21:30
Kaellmanaurelien, yes21:30
Kaellmanaurelien, doesnt get me anywhere.21:30
guntberttechpraxis: its required every time because the memberships are only read at login21:30
techpraxisis this a general principle, or ubuntu specific21:30
aurelienkaellman here are working libre kernel .deb :: http://www.fscorsica.org/index-en.html21:30
Emanonyea i eagerly await each new release like any ubuntu fanboi :-)21:30
techpraxisnot present on ubuntu FAQ that i can find21:30
Zenkerahh forget it if he/she ever comes back someone tell em to search wireless troubleshooting in the help portal, and 2 make sure 2 test the fn button for his wireless as well21:30
seanbrystonehow would I make rsync -r -t -v --progress -z /directory1 /directory2/   so the files are compressed?21:31
Zenkeras make sure that wireless is enabled in the wireless connection icon21:31
Emanon!hi | cati21:31
ubottucati: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:31
conb123Can anyone see anything particularly wrong with this grub menu entry? It is not showing up in the menu. http://paste.pocoo.org/show/190052/21:31
guntberttechpraxis: nothing to do with ubuntu - its the same in every system I know21:31
Kaellmanaurelien, what can i dot with that kernel? I get 2.6.33 when installing the latest wubi version right?21:31
Zenkerty for whom ever does this :)21:31
techpraxisokay, i am going to do a test. i will log the user in question out of the nx session, and log them back in, and then they should have membership21:31
guntberttechpraxis: right21:31
BigRedS_I've just created an md raid with mdadm at /dev/md0, whenever i run fdisk now it complains /dev/md0 doesn't have a valid partition table. I was under the impression I just did mdadm, then mkfs and that was it, should I be fdisking /dev/md0 as any other disk?21:32
guntberttechpraxis: but I'm off to bed  -- Good luck :-)21:32
Emanonmdadm just makes it a detectable disk you still have to write a valid partition table to it before it can be used BigRedS_21:32
aurelienKaellman this will install the kernel correctly and normally correct your grub again21:33
ownermy window theme is invisible (no top bar with - O X) how do I get it to turn on. I'm using Ubuntu Christian Edition21:33
ownerI also want to remove the menu on the desktop21:33
Kaellmanaurelien, will it work even though i installed ubuntu with wubi?21:33
ownerand make nautilus the default desktop.21:33
BigRedS_Emanon: Aha! I suspected that might be the case!21:33
Emanonnautilus is the file manager not the desktop owner21:33
aurelienKaellman, normally yes21:33
Emanonyou mean the gnome desktop i assume?21:34
techpraxisguntbert: i logged the user out of nx, closed the session, logged them back in, and the user has access to the directory --> can touch a newfile21:34
xanguaowner: no idea what are you taking about and neither sure if here support for non official derivates21:34
ownerWell ya it's gnome but there are no icons on the Desktop21:34
Kaellmanaurelien, great! How do i install it? I cant access terminal unless booting with live cd21:34
ownerIt is an official distribution of Ubuntu21:34
Emanonok cause i thought uce WAS gnome ok21:34
Emanoni know owner i just didnt know what environment it used till i checked and you told me21:35
ownerWell the newest version is for netbooks21:35
ownerand it has a very interesting looking menu that lays on top of the Desktop all the time.21:35
Emanonok owner to have icons appear on desktop21:35
ownerI have to use the Christian edition.21:36
Emanontype gconf-editor21:36
ownerOk I'll try that21:36
Emanonthen along the left side of the window that appears hit apps21:36
Emanongo down to nautilus21:36
techpraxisthank you to channel: my folder permissions problem is fixed with some new knowledge21:36
Emanonand then to preferences21:36
Kaellmanaurelien, you there?21:36
KaellmanI can pay for help. Seriously.21:36
ownerI don't see nautilus Emanon21:36
Emanonits inside apps21:37
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aurelienKaellman, yes, it's a wubi trouble21:37
MaletorHow do I edit my xorg.conf so that it will actually look good with my display. I'm using a 1080p 42" insignia and the way the default xorg looks cannot be the best...21:37
seanbrystonehow would I make rsync -r -t -v --progress -z /directory1 /directory2/   so the files are compressed?21:37
techpraxisokay, now that i have less ignorance of how to behave in this channel i would like to ask another question21:37
KB1JWQKaellman: Use a live CD.21:37
KB1JWQBack up data.21:37
KB1JWQTHEN mess with it.21:37
techpraxisi have a problem with nautilus, on 9.10 system running compiz, emerald21:38
KaellmanKB1JWQ, Mhm.. I didnt think of it this time so here i am.21:38
leighmanhi guys, I've enabled the pae kernel on 32-bit to access more then 3 GB of ram but it's still showing 3GB,do I have to change something in my bios, do you know?21:38
KB1JWQKaellman: That's my point.  Boot using a LiveCD.21:38
ownerEmanon ok I'm in nautilus21:38
techpraxisthe problem is with folder creation in file/save dialogs in some applications21:38
xangua!details | techpraxis21:38
ubottutechpraxis: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:38
KB1JWQBack up the data using said liveCD, Kaellman.  THEN mess with your busted config.21:38
KB1JWQFirst order of business is to secure your data.21:38
Emanonsec i lost the command looking for it21:38
Lenin_Cathow do I install 32 binarys on 6421:38
kinja-sheepleighman: Maybe you need to reboot since you're working with kernels.21:38
aurelienKaellman KB1JWQ is right when he says to use a live cd21:39
aurelienit's the best way21:39
KaellmanKB1JWQ, thanks for the advice. I'll try that out.21:39
MaletorHow do I edit my xorg.conf to work with my display perfectly? Do I want to use modelines?21:39
KaellmanDidnt know i could back up my data with live cd.21:39
aurelienyes you can Kaellman21:39
KaellmanGreat. Thats a start.21:40
kinja-sheepLenin_Cat: Try "dpkg -i --force-architecture sillyApp.deb"21:40
ownerEmanon still there?21:40
Emanonyea ownerjust was wrong about the fix looking it up again now21:40
mustangsal66Any advice to getting rc.local script access to the network on 9.10 desktop?  I've tried a sleep 5 in rc.local before my script.. nothing...21:40
tjingboemgrub did not install properly. How can i restore grub?21:41
tjingboemi am looking at grub rescue21:41
tjingboemand a black screen21:42
Emanonturns out i was directing you towards the default icons (computer trash etc) not just desktop icons sorry owner idk how to do what you want21:42
brontosaurusrexand a silly q: does any normal user need any type of flag/permission to see what are the file permissions exactly?21:42
leighmantried rebooting21:42
ownerI think I'll try Ubuntu tweak21:42
PyroPheliadoes anybody know of a way to move a file to a folder when the rm command is envoked?  I need to be able to review files before they're actually deleted21:43
leighmanfree -m still only shows 3 GB21:43
SlartPyroPhelia: use an alias21:43
Chris___would it break anything if I did "chmod 700 /home/chris" on my server, to protect it from other users who have access to the server?21:43
rwwbrontosaurusrex: if a user can see a file, they can see the file's permissions21:43
PyroPheliaSlart, pardon?21:43
Lenin_Catkinja-sheep, why wont the GUI allow it21:43
Emanonyea its in there but ubuntu doesnt reccomend that and ive been suggesting it a bit much lately hehe21:43
rwwChris___: I did it, nothing broke.21:43
owneris there a ubuntu ce irc?21:43
brontosaurusrexleighman: what was the question?21:43
SlartPyroPhelia: I think that particular alias is pretty common.. I've seen rm aliased to "cp to some kind of trash folder" on several places on the net21:43
MaletorHow do I edit my xorg.conf to work with my display perfectly? Do I want to use modelines?21:44
rwwowner: what's Ubuntu CE?21:44
brontosaurusrexrww: ok, i thought so21:44
PyroPheliaSlart, oh....wow yea I didn't know that existed ty.21:44
seanbrystoneubottu, lagging21:44
leighmanbrontosaurusrex: trying to enable pae kernel for 4GB of ram, but it's stil ony showing 3 GB21:44
SlartPyroPhelia: hang on.. let me find a howto or at least some info on it21:44
Emanonrww christian edition21:44
entropaxhow might I be able to get wget to use an anonymous socks5 proxy for FTP access?21:44
jribleighman: is your processor not capable of 64bit?21:44
ownerUbuntu Christian Edition21:44
Emanonhas biblethumper themes and programs rww21:44
kinja-sheepLenin_Cat: Probably because you're trying to use 32bit package on 64bit system. Protocols. GUI are made to make things easier for end users and if GUI allows that, then I foretell chaos and confusions.21:44
ownerI have to use it because it has a porn blocker21:44
rwwowner: Not that I know of. They have a forum, though: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=16821:45
ownerSome parrents want it on a kid's computer21:45
Emanonu know you can apply porn blocker to ANY distro with firefox21:45
ownerRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Have to fix this today21:45
Lenin_Catkinja-sheep, I know I am but I dont see why the GUI wouldnt allow it21:45
Emanonjust use foxfilter21:45
ownerEmanon how?21:45
ownerI'll try that.21:45
FloodBot3owner: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
Emanonyou can just designate words that will be blocked21:45
epaphus2Hello.. is it possible to create ubuntu users with access to openoffice and other not?21:45
Emanonyou can guess what words to use21:45
SlartPyroPhelia: while I search you can have a look at the file ~/.bashrc    "gedit ~/.bashrc" should open it in a text editor.. towards the end there are a couple of aliases for the "ls" command.. it's something similar to that21:45
jribowner: whatever ubuntu-ce does to block porn (maybe dansguardian) can be done in ubuntu, it's just not installed by default21:45
rwwowner: figure out which program Ubuntu CE uses, then install that program (I assume it's probably in the repos somewhere)21:45
Emanonand when they change adult websites from .com to .xxx soon it will be easier21:45
PyroPheliasalrt, i'm looking at the man now, ty.21:46
ownerdoes foxfilter apply to other browsers like google chrome that could be used to get around the protection21:46
Emanonno its just a firefox plugin21:46
Emanonbut if you dissallow the kids user permission to install the other browsers it should be fine21:46
ownerrww the program is called dansguardian and it's very hard to install and get a GUI to edit it working right.21:46
SlartPyroPhelia: here's a thread about it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62365621:47
techpraxisi did some testing. problem request refined. problem is in Firefox, on Ubuntu 9.10. When I am attempting to save something from the web, say on images.google.com, and I choose "save image as" in the browser, I cannot create a new folder without typing over the name of an existing file.21:47
Emanonjust dont allow that user access to package managers and whatnot21:47
Emanonso they have to use firefox21:47
techpraxisthe reason i don't think it is just a Firefox problem is that another user, logged in via nx, doesn't manifest the problem.21:47
leighmanjrib: no it's not :(21:48
CyberGabberowner: You mean, looking for ubuntu CE channels?21:48
brontosaurusrextechpraxis: my firefox problems usually stop when i delete the ~/.mozilla folder21:48
techpraxisEmanon: the ICANN proposal will not force sex operators to change to .xxx. just so you know.21:48
skypcehi , i am testing ubuntu 10.04 . it dont have xorg.conf Where i can configurate the video?21:48
brontosaurusrextechpraxis: or better rename21:48
Slart!lucid | skypce21:49
rwwskypce: Lucid discussion and support is in #ubuntu+121:49
ubottuskypce: Lucid lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:49
owneryes CyberGabber21:49
Emanonoh i just read it in the local paper didnt really look into it too thoroughly21:49
techpraxishmm, bronto, what do you recommend? save the elements from that folder to a new profile after renaming to archive21:49
PyroPheliaSlart, ty.  this is exactly what I was looking for.21:49
techpraxisbrontosaurusrex: its worth a try21:50
SlartPyroPhelia: you're welcome21:50
overcluckerhey that would be pretty handy! www.google.xxx21:50
brontosaurusrextechpraxis: well for start: close the ff, rename that folder, start ff, see if the problem goes away, then figure out what next21:50
balsaqanyone here ever have success using gyachi voice chat?21:50
derpis there a ubuntu dev in the room21:50
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techpraxisbrontosaurus: i will try right now, and report back21:50
rwwderp: why?21:51
winemanI have a toshiba laptop QOsmio running ubuntu 9.10 and i have a problem of when i start it up after grub it shows the black screen with the white ubuntu logo.  Next it shows  a login screen for tty1, and asks for user name, so i put it in, then it asks for password, so i put it in.  Then there is a pause for about 30 seconds.  It shows 4 errors  1. [63.213493] cx18-0: Frontend initialization failed. 2. [63.213655] cx18-0: DVB Failed to regis21:51
derpprivate matter of security21:51
kinja-sheepderp: Yes. Now what?21:51
CyberGabberowner: check : http://searchirc.com/search.php?F=partial&N=all&M=min&C=1&D=color&T=both&PER=15&I=ubuntu+christian+edition&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=021:51
rwwderp: If you've found a security vulnerability in Ubuntu, file a bug and mark it as a security vulnerability, which will hide it from the general public.21:52
derpah ok21:52
techpraxisbrontosaurusrex: its dangerous since that profile contains all my stuff21:52
KB1JWQderp: I'm curious as to what you've found.21:52
brontosaurusrextechpraxis: how is renaming a folder dangerous?21:52
overcluckerlol KB1JWQ i wwants it to21:53
linux_stuhow do i open a raw/binary terminal (for a serial connection)?21:53
KB1JWQlinux_stu: minicom21:53
techpraxisbrontosaurusrex: i mean that the various tasks i have in that browser cannot continue under a new profile.21:53
linux_stuKB1JWQ: for minicom, you have to make a raw terminal for it.  that's what i'm trying to figure out21:54
techpraxisand there are rare instances, (check google) where renaming leads to problems21:54
KB1JWQlinux_stu: ?21:54
KB1JWQlinux_stu: You fire up xterm or a bash shell in whatever terminal program you want, and you run it.  What'm I missing?21:54
xiongConfigure install script for Perl complains that my kernel does not have *secure* setuid scripts. Who is right?21:54
seanbrystonewhat does 'sticky' mean in file permissions?21:55
xiongseanbrystone, Difficult to change, in short.21:55
linux_stuit's from a portion of the manpage.  "Terminal type. With this flag, you can  override  the  environment TERM  variable.   This is handy for use in the MINICOM environment variable; one can create a special  termcap  entry  for  use  with minicom on the console, that initializes the screen to raw mode"21:55
sidui installed vbox from http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads but how can i start vbox ?21:55
linux_stuKB1JWQ ^21:55
UnderSampledsidu: it should be in system tools, or something similar21:56
jribseanbrystone: it means the same thing it meant 20 minutes ago when Losha pointed you to « man chmod » for a detailed explanation21:56
ZykoticK9sidu, alt+f2 then type VirtualBox21:56
xiongseanbrystone, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bit21:56
Slartxiong: I think setuid scripts are disabled in ubuntu.. by default.. and for good reasons, I think21:57
UnderSampledW43372: hello21:57
xiongSlart, Yeh, I'm going along with Configure on this one.21:57
Slartxiong: I'm not really sure what a "secure" setuid script would be, though21:57
seanbrystonejrib you got me confused with someone else, losha never told me to 'man chmod'21:58
W43372I can't get my laptop to pick up my home wireless network. I'm picking up all of the neighbors, just not mine.21:58
siduZykoticK9: alt+f2 works, but there is nothing in system folder etc21:58
UnderSampledW43372: is your network hidden?21:58
techpraxisbrontosaurusrex: started firefox with -no-remote -P after renaming .mozilla.  Went to web, attempted to save an image.  Problem still exists: when I choose new folder in the "Save Image As" dialog, the field that opens up in the edit area is overlaid on top of an existing file or folder, instead of creating a new icon and a new entry field.21:58
Slartxiong: although I find it odd that perl complains about it.. last time I checked setuid scripts most distros agreed that it was a bad thing.. perhaps the perl people didn't get the memo ? =)21:59
siduo dear. too busy this room, bye for a while ..21:59
W43372No. My roommate picks it up on his laptop. My servre is connected to it now. It's got a password, but it's not hidden.21:59
ZykoticK9sidu, you could try restarting gnome panels using the command "killall gnome-panel" and see if it shows up21:59
xiong'Some systems have disabled setuid scripts, especially systems where setuid scripts cannot be secure.  On systems where setuid scripts have been disabled, the setuid/setgid bits on scripts are currently useless.  It is possible for perl5 to detect those bits and emulate setuid/setgid in a secure fashion.  This emulation will only work if setuid scripts have been disabled in your kernel.'21:59
EmanonW43372: or you might have it set to a protocol your adapter doesnt support (n when your adapter is a/b/g etc)21:59
Slartxiong: interesting21:59
wolterkinja-sheep, are you using lucid?22:00
jribseanbrystone: opologies, your names were the same length and had the same letters :)22:00
jribseanbrystone: apologies too22:00
W43372I've been running Ultimate Edition 2.3 on the laptop for a while now. The adapter was working fine then. I put Ubuntu 9.10 on it today and now it won't pick up the wifi.22:00
jimbeam12hey back again hope u can help me22:00
Emanonwelcome back jimbeam1222:01
MaletorHow do I edit my xorg.conf to work with my display perfectly? Do I want to use modelines?22:01
Emanon!xorg | Maletor22:01
ubottuMaletor: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:01
jimbeam12hi emanon got a problem bud22:01
Emanonshoot jimbeam1222:01
Slartxiong: ahh.. now I understand.. perl can do it's "tainting" stuff.. this link has some good info http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/rgs/mosaic/pl-suid.html22:01
UnderSampledMaletor: for more X help, see #xorg22:01
seanbrystonejrib, :D22:01
jimbeam12when i try to edit the menu.lst i get a blank screen there in nothing in there22:01
erUSUL!grub2 | jimbeam1222:02
jimbeam12tried sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst22:02
ubottujimbeam12: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:02
W43372I've been running Ultimate Edition 2.3 on the laptop for a while now. The adapter was working fine then. I put Ubuntu 9.10 on it today and now it won't pick up the wifi.22:02
Emanonidk i dont fiddle with grub much jimbeam12 maybe those links erUSUL sent or someone else can help22:02
jimbeam12thanks but thre should be something in the menu.lst when i issue that command22:03
Slartjimbeam12: not if you're running grub2.. it doesn't use that file any more22:03
SolarisBoycan i install vnc and replace vino-server on ubuntu?22:03
Slartjimbeam12: but if you're running grub 1 it should have some text.. yes22:04
UnderSampledravage_: hello22:04
Stargaze_!hi| ravage_22:04
ubotturavage_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:04
W43372any ideas?22:04
Emanonbut as your using 9.10 jimbeam12 i dont think you would be using grub122:04
jimbeam12ahh ok it used grub 2 ic22:04
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Slartjimbeam12: then you've got a whole directory of config files to deal with .. check the link from ubottu for some info on what to edit22:05
jimbeam12so how do i edit that file22:05
jimbeam12whats the command22:05
balsaqanyone here ever have success using gyachi voice chat?22:05
Emanonsupposedly balsaq but i've never met them22:05
balsaqEmanon, can't seem to get it to work22:06
DiverdudeWhen i alt+shift through active applications it shifts 1 application per buttonpush. This is good. However when i hold alt+shift and press tab to step backwards through active applications it steps 2 step per time which is extremely annoying. Is there any way to make ubuntu only step 1 time for both forward and backward step? Thank you22:06
Emanonbummer balsaq i hope someone in here can help :-)22:06
zesozeI am getting "readlink: not found" when I try to restart libnss-ldap service...could anybody help me?22:06
W43372I tried using the 'Connect to hidden wireless network' option and I put in the name and psk and it didn't connect, it just kept asking me for the psk22:06
techpraxisperhaps the problem i am experiencing is a problem with xulrunner?22:06
balsaqok, is there any application for Ubuntu that connects to yahoo video chat, both video and audio?22:07
SlartDiverdude: hmm.. using compiz?22:07
balsaqkopete doesnt' and can't seem to get audio to work in gyachi22:07
clrgbalsaq: Have you tried Pidgin?22:07
DiverdudeSlart,yess,....but compiz is humongus and searching through all menues takes 100 years22:07
Emanonpidgin doesnt i know that22:07
W43372balsaq, I've heard that Pidgin and Empathy support yahoo video and voice.22:07
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Emanonon a side note skype has been unable to recieve any video lately for me any ideas why?22:08
balsaqclrg, W43372 pidgin/empathy dont' support video chat for yahoo22:08
SlartDiverdude: hehe.. give me a second to look through it.. I don't even have the Alt+Shift+TAB shortcut set..22:08
velizarhow to activate compiz extra effects on Xubuntu?22:08
velizarand it's possible to install Xfce to Ubuntu?22:08
Stargaze_velizar, i think it's only for gnome22:08
clrgvelizar: Yes it is. Just install the XFCE desktop environment package22:08
Emanonxfce can be installed on ubuntu idk about compiz on it22:09
velizarthx clrg22:09
W43372I don't know much about the chat programs. I'm just here to figure out why I can't pick up my router.22:09
clrgvelizar: I don't recall exactly how it's called, but it worked fine for me a year or so22:09
Emanonseems counter intuitive unless you just like the way xfce looks22:09
SlartDiverdude: hmm.. I found the shortcut.. but on my system it only jumps one window at a time.. I use the ring switcher though.. it might be different from the default one22:10
Emanonno offense if you do but it kind of looks like your working on a commodore 6422:10
velizarI want Ubuntu extra effects on Xfce desktop environment, because Xfce is uses less memory than GNOME22:10
DiverdudeSlart, yesi also have the ring switcher....but i dont really like the way it cycles the applications22:10
velizarand it's working so fast than gnome..22:10
W43372Ultimate Ediion has compiz. That's what I was using but I kept having issues with UE2.3 connecting to yahoo with pidgin so I dropped it and switched to Ununtu 9.10. I just finished the install and now I can't pick up my router.22:10
clrgvelizar: Why would you use XFCE in order to save resources, but then use them all up again by installing compiz?22:10
Emanonmaybe xfce frees up enough for him to run compiz22:11
bazzi have network-manager-gnome version 0.8~a~git.20091014t134532.4033e62-0ubuntu1 installed, but when i choose "About" on nm-applet i still get 0.7.996.  How can I tell what version I'm really running, and if it is 0.7.996 how can i get to 0.8?  (This is because I want some of the bluetooth stuff in 0.8)22:11
daniskamivelizar: Compiz works fine together with Xfce22:11
DiverdudeSlart, and its easier to get an overview when using many apps with the other...small alt+tab one22:11
Emanonbut sorry idk velizar22:11
DiverdudeSlart, i think22:11
SlartDiverdude: you haven't got more than one switcher plugin activated, right?22:11
DiverdudeSlart, yes both ring and the normal alt+tab22:12
SlartDiverdude: oh.. have you made sure Shift+Alt+TAB isn't listed in both?22:12
velizarok, thx all22:12
daniskamivelizar: although I don't really care about Compiz effects. Xfwm does a little compositing on its own which is enough for me22:12
velizarI'll try Xfce install in Ubuntu22:12
Emanongood luck velizar22:12
DiverdudeSlart, i just tried to disable the ring switcher...but that did not help22:13
thevorHey I have a quick question about mounting cdrom drives. When I goto /media there is /cdrom, and /cdrom0. I can mount both, and read a dvd, but the thing is I only have one disc tray. I am having trouble installing something from a cd currently, and I am wondering if the cdrom, and cdrom0 might be posing a problem, and if I should get rid of one of them.22:13
SlartDiverdude: still jumps two steps for each keypress?22:13
W43372I had no problem picking up my router when I was running UE2.3. I installed 9.10 today and I can't pick up my router. I can pick up the neighbors across the street and the print server on the corner though...22:14
DiverdudeSlart, aha i found the sinner22:14
UnderSampledthevor: if it is in media, it is already mounted, right?22:14
SlartDiverdude: oh.. what was it?22:14
ZenkerDiverdude im sorry i dont know what is going on with yours, but i all of a sudden had probs with compiz as well, im wondering if maybe an update is common in our issues, when i maximize windows it was maken them way bigger then my scren, even after i disabled everything in compiz, so i uninstalled it and all works well22:14
eTiger13how can i do multiple OR arguments in an if shell statement? ie if [ $member:f =='this' || $member:f == 'that' ]22:15
thevorUnderSampled: I'm not really sure. If I go through terminal to media, and do a "ls" both come up.22:15
DiverdudeSlart, apparantly inthe bindings settings there are 2 different binding sources for previous windows for some strange reason....and both were set to the same button :S22:15
W43372Well, I'll be here if anyone has any ideas, but I'll be tabbed out irc watching a movie.22:15
SlartDiverdude: ahh.. tricky22:15
thevorAnd I can go into each directory.22:16
UnderSampledthevor: then they have all been mounted already22:16
DiverdudeSlart, but yur idea led me on the right path22:16
SlartDiverdude: happy to help22:16
DiverdudeSlart, i just converted your idea to thinking maybe 2 bindings are set22:16
thevorUnderSampled: So are they just always mounted?22:16
DiverdudeSlart, instead of 2 switchers hehe22:16
SlartDiverdude: =)22:17
UnderSampledthevor: nautilus automatically mounts drives that you use22:17
DiverdudeSlart, thx dude22:17
thevorUndersampled: And are both mount points for the same disk drive?22:17
SlartDiverdude: you're welcome22:17
DiverdudeZenker, im sorry.l...it seems our problems are not related22:17
SolarisBoyeTiger13: if [ $foo -eq 1 ] || [ $bar -eq 3 ] || [$abc -eq 4 ]22:17
Zenkerdiverdude tok, just though it may be a piece of the puzzle :)22:18
thevorUnderSampled: The thing is I am using "PlayOnLinux" to install a video game, and I need to point the program to my disk drive, and the program is having trouble finding the disk, and I'm wondering if the two mount points is causing a problem somehow?22:18
SolarisBoyeTiger13: if [ $foo -eq 2 -a $bar -eq 2 -o $bar -eq 1 ]; then22:18
SolarisBoyeither way22:18
DiverdudeZenker, yes...thx for the info thoough mate22:18
Zenkernp yvw22:18
UnderSampledthevor: run "mount" in a terminal22:19
UnderSampledthevor: it should tell you what devices are mounted to where22:19
thevorUndersampled: DO you mind if I pastebin this?22:20
UnderSampledthevor: no22:20
UnderSampledI don't mind22:20
eTiger13SolarisBoy: if i do:    if [ $f -eq "." ] || [ $f -eq ".." ]      it tells me line 7: [: too many arguments22:21
thevorUndersampled: http://www.pastebin.org/11358022:21
GneaeTiger13: you forgot a ; or 222:22
SolarisBoywhats the complete statement eTiger13 ?22:22
GneaeTiger13: line 7, you need a ; after ]22:24
eTiger13which one, the first, all or the last?22:24
Zenkeris there any diff between simple and advanced ccsm, i dont see any?22:24
MaletorThe appearance of gradients from my Nividia 9800GTX+ looks a little bit granular. How can I fix this? Should I add modelines?22:25
GneaeTiger13: probably just the last. it's also good form to put 'then' on the same line, not the next line22:25
conb123If I remove my wine package will it also remove my program files or do they stay?22:25
Gneaconb123: they stay22:25
conb123Gnea: Thank you22:25
jimbeam12yes back again22:25
UnderSampledMaletor: granular, as in speckled, or stair stepped?22:25
marcus__hello everyboade, i just reinstalled my ubuntu from previously /, /swap and /home..22:26
Maletorstair stepped UnderSampled22:26
Gneaconb123: it's all in ~/.wine/22:26
BluesKaji know this is offtopic , but can someone knowledgeable about audio codecs tellme what V0 is ?22:26
marcus__i just formatted /... how do i mount my partition /home to my new installation of ubuntu?22:26
UnderSampledMaletor: ok. that means that dithering isn't working22:26
canolucasis there an easy way to defrag ext4 partitions?22:26
UnderSampledMaletor: it could just be the software22:26
marcus__right now its "unrecognized"... :-(22:26
jimbeam12anyone know how do delete multiple kernel entries on startup..when i cant even edit the grub2 menu22:26
MaletorBLuesKaj V0 is the highest variable bit rate MP322:26
eTiger13Gnea: http://pastebin.com/0vL5dTne still gives me same error22:26
MaletorUnderSampled: what's the prognosis?22:26
SolarisBoyGnea: eTiger13 thats not the problem22:27
Maletorthe software is the ubuntu splash screen :)22:27
Maletor... and everything else22:27
BluesKajMaletor, higher than staic 320MP3 ?22:27
UnderSampledok, then it is not just software22:27
jimbeam12HELP anyone22:27
UnderSampledMaletor: are you in 256 color mode?22:27
BluesKajMaletor, static22:27
MaletorBluesKag: 320 is cbr22:27
eTiger13SolarisBoy:  i figured that. do you know what is? i could just do a lot of else ifs but id rather not22:27
jimbeam12 anyone know how do delete multiple kernel entries on startup..when i cant even edit the grub2 menu22:27
Maletor320 is technically better than v)22:27
UnderSampledjimbeam12: why are you unable to edit the menu?22:28
jimbeam12it tell me its in read only mode22:28
MaletorUnderSampled my colors according to Nvidia Settings in the Ubuntu Preferences are the highest possible22:28
jimbeam12even in root22:28
gogetajimbeam12 you still can edit the menu22:28
Maletor16.7 or depth 24 UnderSampled22:29
UnderSampledMaletor: I would just ask on #nvidia22:29
jimbeam12how..i try to tells me i cant it read only22:29
W43372Is anyone available to help me figure out why I can't pick up my wireless?22:29
UnderSampledjimbeam12: sudo gedit it22:29
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rwwubottu: gksudo22:29
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:29
gogetajimbeam12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDf_fRAophc22:30
=== Berzerker-Droid is now known as Berzerker
Spirits-Sightwhat the best room to go into for help with synce CE device as storage device?22:30
MaletorUnderSampled: ok... thanks22:30
Zenkerdoes anyone know the diff between simple ccsm and advanced ccsm?22:30
GneaSolarisBoy, eTiger13: I see it's the operator22:30
rwwZenker: simple ccsm has fewer options22:30
eTiger13Gnea: what do you mean?22:31
marcus__any kind soul who could point me in the right direction regarding my home-directory?22:31
UnderSampledMaletor: you're welcome22:31
GneaeTiger13: take out the || [ .. ] stuff and just do the one test match22:31
Zenkeroh, ty rww, i tried 2 compare them myself but...tsk, well, theres so much to compare :)22:31
GneaeTiger13: like this:  if [ $f -eq "." ]; then22:31
eTiger13Gnea: yeah that works but i want multiple arguments22:32
GneaeTiger13: it does?22:32
oddyhey guys, is there a way to wean all the gnome volume applet off pulseaudio?22:32
eTiger13Gnea: well it used to22:33
GneaeTiger13: better try it and make sure. also, what is /bin/sh linked to?22:33
SolarisBoyeTiger13: run it under bash -x22:33
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SolarisBoyone sec...22:33
W43372Is anyone available to help me figure out why I can't pick up my wireless?22:33
Oiluthello. I need help to activate my windows on virtualbox. Whre can i find it?22:33
Gnea#!/bin/bash -x22:33
zesozereadlink:not found!!!22:33
seanbrystoneIm trying to add thunderbird PPA, for thunderbird 3.0.3, i added the ppa and sudo apt-get update but Thuderbird 2 still shows up in Synaptic, how do i make sure i ONLY install the 3.0.3 version?22:33
GneaeTiger13: I also changed this variable:  FILE=$(find . -maxdepth 0)22:34
erUSULeTiger13: what arwe you trying to do why you test $f (a filoename i guess) against . and .. ?? somthig look fishy22:34
eTiger13erUSUL:  theres a lot more but if i can get 2 working then i can add the rest22:35
oddy_brbseanbrystone: in synaptic you can select and lock versions, provided it's in the repo's22:35
=== oddy_brb is now known as oddy
JohnSPI think ubuntu has a serious bug.22:36
JohnSPIn my school was installed Ubuntu 9.10 and after that several people are losing all data from yours pen-drives that are they used in Windows XP too.22:36
seanbrystoneyeah it should be in the repos now22:36
JohnSPEven unmounting the USB drive, sometimes you lose all data, even partition.22:36
sixofouris there a tutorial for installing something from source?22:36
nomaS!ati 320022:36
eTiger13Gnea: that find doesnt work22:36
erUSULeTiger13: this works for me « for f in .*; do if [[ $f = '.' ||  $f = '..' ]] ; then echo "i'm special"; else echo "Not so"; fi; done »22:36
oddyJohnSP: then file a bug report on launchpad :)22:36
JohnSPoddy: OK22:36
Spirits-Sightanyone in here that good with connecting CE device to Ubuntu to see it as a storage device?22:36
gogeta jimbeam12 dunno why they do it that way22:36
azi_there was an option to hide the taskbar in gnome.. after updating I am not able to do so anymore? anyone clude how could I enable this? there was an arrow at the end of the taskbar that after clicked would hide the taskbar22:37
SolarisBoyeTiger13: qoute the variable22:37
gogeta jimbeam12 but adding your line to the custom and doing a update command should add it to the main22:37
VCoolio!compile | sixofour22:37
ubottusixofour: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:37
oddyseanbrystone: click the package, go properties and versions. it has a bit of instructions to follow there :)22:37
GneaeTiger13: it should just return .22:37
SolarisBoythen change try change the comparison to =22:37
JohnSPoddy: whatś Launchpad link?22:37
GneaeTiger13: also, you're comparing a character, not an integer, so = might be more useful than -eq22:38
SolarisBoythere we go22:38
oddyazi_: right click on the panel, go properties and make sure that 'show hide buttons' is checked22:38
SolarisBoyeTiger13: you need to qoute the variable22:38
JohnSPoddy: ok22:38
SolarisBoyeTiger13: and change -eq to =22:38
oddyJohnSP: www.launchpad.net/ubuntu just a guess22:38
SolarisBoy if [ "$f" =  "." ] || [ "$f" = ".." ] ;22:38
Gneaah yup22:38
JohnSPoddy: ok22:38
seanbrystoneoddy, "force version" is grayed out22:39
azi_oddy: no such option22:39
oddyJohnSP: You'll need to have/sign up or an open id account22:39
oddyseanbrystone: were there multiple versions listed under properties?22:39
eTiger13would it be "$f" = or "$f" == ?22:40
seanbrystoneoddy do i have to install the old version first?22:40
SolarisBoyit is =22:40
SolarisBoy== is different22:40
oddyseanbrystone: quite possibly. it'll update you to the newest version if you just do a "sudo apt-get install <package>". what i was telling you is to _downgrade_ a package22:41
Gneaalso, that $(find) command is just a test, it won't get you very far in a practical sense22:42
Spirits-SightDoes anyone know where I could get the help I need with sync CE device with Ubuntu either through Bluetooth or USB what ever would be the easest way??? thanks alot22:42
oddySpirits-Sight: the forums?22:42
zesozereadlink:not found ???22:43
Spirits-Sightoddy: I can not find any thing that has helped me, I am running 10.04 and have not heard from anyon in the ubuntu+1 room either22:43
oddyseanbrystone: if you add a ppa and update the package lists ("sudo apt-get update") then it'll automatically install that version, provided it is a higher version number (i.e. 2.6 > 2.5)22:43
marcus__how do i mount an unknown partion into ubuntu?22:43
oddySpirits-Sight: I mean do a post :)22:43
seanbrystoneoddy, yeah, just donno why it's not doing that22:44
erUSULmarcus__: what is unknown about it?22:44
Spirits-Sightoddy: thanks22:44
oddyhope you get help Spirits-Sight22:44
oddyseanbrystone: try doing the apt-get command with -V so you can see the version numbers. you might be getting the version you want already :)22:45
eTiger13im at here and am stuck: http://pastebin.com/y8PiBweM22:45
marcus__erUSUL: I reinstalled my ubuntu, previously i had /, /swap and /home as three partitions... I reinstalled it on / and now my previously /home is unknown in Disk utility...22:45
marcus__its named dev/sda622:45
oddysudo mount /dev/sda6 /path/to/mount/point22:46
oddymarcus__: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /path/to/mount/point22:46
seanbrystoneoddy no the "Help About" in Thunderbird is still saying
GneaeTiger13: you once again forgot the semicolon at the end of the last bracket22:46
oddyI'm guessing you have done a quit and re-open then seanbrystone?22:46
marcus__then its says that it cant find it in /etc/fstab eller /etc/mtab,22:46
seanbrystoneoddy yea22:47
oddyodd marcus__22:47
endrihello i want to install ubuntu from hd. is that possible?22:47
seanbrystoneim going to just try to install the .debs instead of the PPA22:47
oddyseanbrystone: and you've done an apt-get update after adding the ppa?22:47
zesoze/etc/init.d/libnss-ldap stop22:47
zesoze/etc/init.d/libnss-ldap: 34: readlink: not found22:47
marcus__oddy yes...;-) i read somewhere about UUID and that u should add it in fstab but the command didnt work..22:48
oddyseanbrystone: that's probaby for the best, good luck22:48
balsaqclrg, W43372 pidgin/empathy dont' support video chat for yahoo22:48
W43372Is anyone available to help me figure out why I can't pick up my wireless?22:48
oddymarcus__: hate to say this, but have you restarted with it attached? or is that not a possibility?22:48
oddyW43372: We're gonna need more info than that. wireless card, ubuntu version, details of problem?22:48
marcus__oddy no harm done! ;-) noo buts in the same fysical harddrive... :-(22:48
zesozewhat 's mean this error?22:49
marcus__ubuntu wont recognize it...22:49
eTiger13Gnea: that doesnt change anything22:49
Mostradoyyou speak english??22:49
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:49
Mostradoyyou speak spanish?22:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:49
faroncan anybody tell me what a "debugger" version is ? I'm sorry.I'm confused.I'm not sure whether I should download the 10.1 beta 3 version of flash player or the debugger version fro my xubuntu22:50
GneaeTiger13: works fine here.22:50
spoovyif you gotta ask that question, you don't want the debugger version22:51
oddymarcus__: can you do  "cat fstab > ~/fstab.log" and copy the file contents to a pastebin?22:51
W43372oddy: The adapter is an airlink101 g. I'm using Ubuntu9.10. Up until today I've been using Ultimate Edition 2.3, I decided to stop using it and I installed 9.10 today. After the install I can pick up the wireless signals near my home, but not the one in my home. My server and my roommates laptop are picking up the wireless without problems. This is just exclusive to the laptop that has the fresh 9.10 insall on it.22:51
eTiger13change Downloads to a file/folder  you have and see if it still echos the name or nope22:51
oddymarcus__ to check to obvious mistakes22:51
faronahhhhhhh that might b a good point spoovy22:51
spoovydebug version is for software development22:51
faronthanks very much22:51
spoovytakes much more memory and of no use to non-developers22:52
oddyW43372: is it an encrypted signal? and, do you have alternate internet access on that computer?22:52
andrew12wow, 1416 people in here.22:52
GneaeTiger13: seems odd, I see what you mean, but I have to go22:53
oddyandrew12: quite scary isn't it?22:53
josh-Ni made a CD image with "ddrescue -b2048 /dev/cdrom ddrescue.iso ddrescue.log" but K3b tells me it's not a usable image file... did i leave out anything important?22:53
andrew12yeah :p22:53
W43372oddy: Yes, it's encrypted. No, I just have the wireless. The modem is in a different room and I've been told not to run CAT5 cables through the walls for a hard line.22:53
marcus__oddy its empty...;-922:53
oddymarcus__: that is not good. you might have to get a pro onto that because i'm not sure what to do.22:54
oddymarcus__: there might be a dpkg-reconfigure command to fix it. not too sure though.22:54
marcus__oddy i think its something with http://www.madhusudancs.info/remounting-windows22:54
Typos_Kingjosh-N   k3b is saying the .iso you got is not usable or the cd you burned is not usable, I don't ge which or what22:55
marcus__That's exactly my problem, but i cant get the UUID command to work...:-(22:55
josh-Nit says the iso is not usable... i'd give the exact error message, but it's german ;-)22:56
W43372oddy: Yes, it's encrypted. No, I just have the wireless. The modem is in a different room and I've been told not to run CAT5 cables through the walls for a hard line.22:56
Typos_Kingjosh-N da :P22:56
oddyW43372: sorry for the wait. could you temporarily get internet access onto it? because if you went System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers you might be able to install a restricted driver to fix it.22:57
john__has anyone here been using gnome-shell?22:57
marcus__oddy thanks for your effort... sleep well!;-)22:57
josh-Noddy: you meant "cat /etc/fstab > ~/fstab.log" ... not "cat fstab > ~/fstab.log" ... right?22:57
oddymarcus__: nothing i can suggest except man pages and google :( i'm a bit out of my depth22:57
oddythanks you too22:57
oddyjosh-N: you are right, i incorrectly assumed he was in /etc/ :) good spot!22:58
Typos_Kingmarcus__    what are you trying to do?22:58
W43372oddy: Yeah, I could hard line it to the router in the other room.22:58
josh-Noddy: thought that could be the reason for an empty file ;-)22:58
oddyjohn__: i installed it for a few days? if you have a question go ahead and ask, you'll get a response better that way22:58
marcus__Typos_King im trying to mount a partition from a previously installation of ubuntu... my /home.. :-(22:58
john__thanks oddy22:58
john__yeah, so is there anyway to sync evolution with that calendar?22:59
ravage_ubuntu rules!!!!22:59
john__it's not working like the default clock applet back in default gnome desktop22:59
Typos_Kingmarcus__   and mount is not working for you?22:59
ravage_anyone from eddy?22:59
FatalIllCan anyone help me with this error? I dont understand why Im getting fopen errors and the likes. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/zF2hBuXs22:59
marcus__no  cause its unrecognized in the disk utility... i think i have to get the UUID and add it in fstab..22:59
oddyW43372: so if you can, get a temporary connection over ethernet. First do a "sudo apt-get update" in terminal, and then go System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and activating it from there. It's pretty easy once you get there, just one or two buttons to click :)22:59
oddyjohn__: not gonna lie, nothing works the same in gnome-shell. what is the change you don't like?23:00
john__FatalIll_____ Do you have root priveleges?23:00
W43372oddy: could you tell me what exactly I'm looking for when I get to the 'Hardware Drivers23:00
Typos_Kingmarcus__   in the disk utility? which one?23:00
W43372oddy: could you tell me what exactly I'm looking for when I get to the 'Hardware Drivers'? I wouldn't want to fiddle around with the wrong thing and make my laptop think it's a toaster oven.23:01
john__oddy_____ : I just recently synced my google calendar with my desktop clock and now it doesn't work with gnome-shell23:01
john__oddy______ : It doesn't list my "appointments" like before23:01
Typos_King.......  kkkk23:01
oddyjohn__: no need for the underscores, my name is just oddy :)23:01
john__Oh, I thought that was a means of identifying your audience23:02
john__my bad23:02
oddyno, the _ is appended when the name is taken :) john__ because someone already has john and joh_23:02
Typos_Kingmarcus__    http://maketecheasier.com/auto-mount-your-ntfs-partition-in-ubuntu/2009/04/14  <-- maybe pysdm can help23:02
john__oh that makes, sense... So should I still prefix my message with my subject?23:02
john__oddy: like this?23:03
oddyW43372: sure, it will do a little searching, and then you will (hopefully) be told that there is a driver available. there will be a button to click like 'activate' or 'install' and then it will pretty much do the rest to you.23:03
john__FatalIll:  Did that work?23:03
oddyjohn__: yep, cos then my IRC client notifies me that someone has messaged me. in fact whenever the name is in the message it does23:03
FatalIlldid what work?23:03
john__oddy: Thanks, man, (first time using this)23:03
oddyjohn__: dw, i was an IRC noob just a few months ago :)23:04
john__FatalIll: Did you try the same make command but with sudo privileges23:04
FatalIllI was already in SU when I ran the make...23:04
john__oddy:  haha, yeah... noobism pretty much rocks... hey, what client are you using?23:04
oddyif you do come on alot, you can reserve your name. just go into #freenode and ask someone how to register a nick john__23:04
john__oddy:  thanks man23:04
oddyjohn__: pidgin :P it isn't perfect cos there are too many windows but it works fair enough :)23:04
josh-Njohn__: prefixing makes sense when you want the attention of a particular person. just make sure you don't annoy people, because many have set their clients to make sounds when their name appears.23:04
marcus__Typos_King thankt for the input but it only shows the partitions that is already mounted by ubuntu..23:05
marcus__and mine isn't..23:05
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marcus__and to mount it it has to be in fstab23:05
john__josh-N:  So how do you know when to and when not to?23:05
marcus__and to add id there i need the UUID...;-) i think...23:05
marcus__ thats my conclusion so far..23:05
oddyjohn__ when you want to specifically message someone and lots of people have spoken inbetween  your messages.23:05
john__FatalIll:  What's the permissions on that directory?  (output of ls -lh /[directory])23:05
marcus__but i take it with me over night... sleep well everybody...23:05
john__Oh, ok, thanks man23:06
LoshaFatalIll: I don't do much c++, but if this were C, it would mean you're missing an #include file in the source file. This can happen if the code was written on a different system...23:06
Typos_Kingmarcus__:    pysdm   provides editingfor fstab,  and I don't think the UUID is mandatory, the device address works just as well23:06
oddyok ubuntuers!23:06
oddybest of luck23:06
oddystay on linux23:06
oddyand gnu23:06
FloodBot3oddy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:06
josh-Njohn__: usually when someone is already responding to you, you won't annoy them by repeating their name. if someone doesn't respond though, you should not keep repeating their name until after some time has passed.23:06
oddyand goodnight :)23:06
FatalIllI added a stdio.h into it23:06
FatalIllworks now23:06
FatalIllhalfassed but whatever23:06
oddysorry floodbot3 :(23:06
od3nwhats the best way to install thunderbird 323:07
marcus__yeah but in the example of the program the problem was that the device was recognized but not mounted (i installed the program, but it did only show 2 sda's, i have 4...:-(23:07
john__good work FatalIll23:07
Typos_Kingod3n   off the repos I'd thiink :P23:07
od3nit deos not show up tehre23:08
erUSUL!ppa | od3n23:08
ubottuod3n: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.23:08
john__bye all!23:08
Typos_Kingod3n;    odd, it does for me -> apt-cache search thunderbird;23:08
marcus__Typos_King but i apprecieta the effort man...23:09
Typos_Kingmarcus__   btw, do they show in -> sudo fdisk -l?23:09
W43372oddy: So, I'm trying to find a driver for my Airlink adapter?23:09
KaOSoFtHmm... do you know if it's possible to take a screenshot while having a menu active? I mean, let's say, you click on the Places menu (next to Applications and System), your different folders display, but if you press the "Print screen" key on your keyboard, it won't take the picture. Should I propose to add this functionality to Ubuntu, or is it a GNOME thing? I haven't tried any other desktop systems (KDE, XFCE, for example), sorry.23:09
LoshaTypos_King: od3n: unless you're both running the same release and use the same repositories, it could show up for one of you and not the other....23:10
od3nwell 3 is not showing up23:10
Typos_Kingindeed, I wonder what he's usingto check :)23:10
od3nI have the source that I downloaded23:10
erUSULod3n: use the mozilla team ppa23:10
lifestreamI know this isn't quite the right place to ask, but......  in Chrome, where do I see what themes I have installed already?  Anyone know?23:11
Typos_Kingod3n:     yeah, check the mozilla site, they'd have it either on .deb or .bz2 I'd think23:11
KaOSoFtlifestream- I don't see any option on my build...23:11
marcus__Typos_King yes...23:12
Typos_Kinglifestream:   dunno..... maybe about:themes?   or about:config23:12
FatalIllHm, Now I am getting a "Makefile:26: .depend: no such file or directory"23:12
KaOSoFtlifestream- It offers a button to get back to the default theme, but none to choose the one you want.23:12
FatalIllwhere would I be getting .depend from? like what package23:12
lifestreamKaOSoFt, yeah, it's a pity... I guess we have to go download the theme each time we want a new one, even if  it's the same we had 1 hr ago ;p23:12
Typos_Kingmarcus__   where is it they don't show anyway?   obviously they're 'seen'23:12
W43372oddy: So, I'm trying to find a driver for my Airlink adapter?23:12
lifestreamTypos_King, Yeah,  page not found :(  ah, i'll just install23:13
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:13
KaOSoFtlifestream- I'm happy with my Android theme.23:13
marcus__but then how do i access my data on dev/sda6?23:13
Typos_Kinglifestream:    sorry, no chrome here, I use opera ^_^23:13
lifestreamKaOSoFt, oh, I use it on laptop23:13
Typos_Kingand ff and konqueror heeh23:13
KaOSoFtOthers looked like that Firefox's Personas crap23:13
lifestreamTypos_King,  *hisses and growl* :P23:13
FatalIllWhere do I get .depend from?23:13
azi_hm.. i'm reasking yes. in the previous version of ubunut/gnome the panel had an arrow at the end that after clicked would hide the panel. where could that be found now?23:14
azi_i miss that feature23:14
Typos_Kingmarcus__     well.... you can manually moun it... if this an  ad hoc need :)23:14
* clrg leaves23:14
LoshaFatalIll: usually created by running23:14
od3nyeah I dont see a .deb on the site23:14
LoshaFatalIll: usually created by running 'make depend'23:14
KaOSoFtazi_- I have that button.23:15
abc-help me please23:15
KaOSoFtUsing 9.10 here.23:15
Typos_Kingmarcus__   if sda6 is say ntfs.... then    -> sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda6 /mnt;23:15
Losha!ask | abc-23:15
ubottuabc-: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:15
abc-i wanna add dsp effect shoucast on audacious23:15
azi_KaOSoFt: weird.. i am using 9.10 too and i don't have it23:15
marcus__it was an ubuntu /home before, right command?23:15
Typos_Kingor /media/SOMEFOLDER of your choice23:15
KaOSoFtazi_- Let me create a new panel and see.23:15
abc-so i ca send or receive mp3 to that server23:15
Zenkerok, i have tried everything i could think of and i still have a wierd thing goin on when i maximize a window. i have prepared some screen shots 2 show whats going on because i dont even know how 2 describe whats happening except that when i maximize a window it is too big for my screen can someon PLEASE help?23:16
KaOSoFtazi_- Looks like only the default panel Ubuntu has offers that button. Let me check again, because the new one didn't have it.23:16
abc-where i can download the effect plugin for audacious ?23:16
marcus__Typos_King fuck i love u man...;-)23:16
azi_KaOSoFt: well i'm speaking of the default pannel23:17
marcus__now its there... u are the best..23:17
abc-dsp shoutcast server like winamp23:17
marcus__is it always mounted or do i have to mount it manaully every time i reboot?23:17
KaOSoFtazi_- Right click the panel, go to Properties. There should you find the options to enable the hide buttons. :)23:17
serverduckI have installed a todo list program and created a new entry named asdasd just for test. I didn't liked the program and eventually uninstalled it. But if i click in the taskbar on date and time there is an entry asd asd under tasks. How do I delete that?23:18
Typos_Kingmarcus__    I don't think it maybe automounted... but you can edit fstab with 'pysdm' to make it so, or add it.... usually the OS will have a 'media' section and will display the partitions available and mount it when clicked, I get that in Dolphin or Krusader23:19
KaOSoFtazi_- Did it work? :D23:19
od3nok I have a .bz2 so now what23:19
marcus__O.K Typos_King... thanks once again, good night23:19
abc-i wanna be a dj on radio online, i ussually use winamp, can i use audacious? and where i can download something to make it available to use? can anybody help me?23:19
Loshaabc-: dunno, tried googling 'audacious shoutcast plugin'? I see some hits there...23:20
zvacetod3n : are you trying to install thunderbird?23:20
serverduckTypos_King,  Hey typos the bash script you gave me doesn't start conky everytime i login23:20
od3nyeah and a few other things23:20
zvacetod3n: look at http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ubuntuzilla/index.php?title=Main_Page#Installation23:20
azi_KaOSoFt: yeah thanks23:21
Zenkerthe things i have done is i have tried the default compiz theme, uninstalling compiz/ccsm, idk of anything else that may have 2 do with window sizes n such, can some one please help23:21
Zenkeralso i have disabled each item in ccsm one by one and nothin fixed it23:21
Typos_Kingabc-   there's an 'icecast' in the repos -> http://cliffordx.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/icecast_running.png23:22
Yonohey, can anyone help me out with the firefly file server (mt-daapd)?23:22
serverduckI have installed a todo list program and created a new entry named asdasd just for test. I didn't liked the program and eventually uninstalled it. But if i click in the taskbar on date and time there is an entry asd asd under tasks. How do I delete that?23:22
YonoI just set it up on my ubuntu box and it won't read my music files23:22
Typos_Kingserverduck   hehe, can't say... I don't use conky :|23:22
seanbrystonehow do you force a .deb to ignore a dependency when the darn dependent package is already installed?23:23
elm669Yono you want to check out the restricted formats section on the ubuntu wiki23:23
Typos_Kingseanbrystone:   haven't we been at this aisle before?23:23
seanbrystoneTypos_King, you always raggin on me, knock it off.23:24
serverduckTypos_King,  well that's ok i will still look for a way to auto start conky every time. Did you had a todo list program on your ubuntu machine? I cross on a problem with it...as you can see above.23:24
Zenkercan someone please help me make my windows maximize correctly?23:24
Loshaseanbrystone: in theory, you shouldn't need to. But something like dpkg -i --force-depends <debfile>. See man dpkg for the details...23:24
Yonowill do elm66923:24
seanbrystoneLosha, ty, ill give that a try23:25
Typos_Kingseanbrystone:      apt-get install --ignore-missing23:25
Yonoelm669: although I already have the ubuntu-restricted-extras package installed23:25
halsorry if this is a silly question, but where is the reboot option in ubuntu 9.10/Gnome?23:25
Loshaseanbrystone: I'd rather know why it complains about a dependency that's installed...23:25
* Typos_King nods23:25
haloh, found it!23:26
KaOSoFthal- It doesn't appear to you?23:26
KaOSoFtReboot == Restart23:26
halyeha, I just noticed the icon near my username23:26
halit wasn't obvious at first tho23:26
seanbrystoneLosha, its needing libsound2, but if i look in Synaptic, libsound2 is already there23:26
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faronsorry everybody I'll learn someday...I just downloaded flashplayer 10.1 beta 3 from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html   & it' sitting in xarchiver & now I'm lost.what do I do next ?23:26
abc-i only have icecast2 and already installed but how to used it? can anybody help me?23:26
halanyone got any recommendations for the best theme for ubuntu/Gnome ?23:27
Typos_Kingserverduck:    there are several spots where to start something upon boot.. if that helps23:27
Typos_Kingabc-   man icecas2 :P23:27
Typos_Kingicecast2 for that matter23:28
serverduckTypos_King,  thanks23:28
od3nCouldn't find package thunderbird-mozilla-build23:28
od3nthats all I get out of that23:28
Loshaseanbrystone: that's not supposed to happen. Are you sure you have the right libsound2 package installed?23:28
halalternatively any suggestions on how to make the desktop better for gnome23:28
zvacethal:  see yourself if you like some at http://gnome-look.org/23:29
QbYi'm trying to walk someone through booting a machine with a ubuntu live cd--never used ubuntu--they are getting a "Busy Box" screen--how can we get them to a desktop so that I can get access to the machine23:29
Typos_Kinghal:   install kde,   j/k23:29
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. Applications seem to think I have a standard monitor, and not a widescreen, so they are rendering in standard mode. How do I fix this?23:29
Zenkerwhen i maximize a window and try 2 click on something in it the window jumps up/down as if its too big for my screensize, can someone please help me fig out how 2 fix?23:30
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Zenkeri have screen shots to help explain the issue23:30
halTypos_King: thanks23:30
halany other people prefer kde to gnome?23:30
seanbrystoneLosha, im not exactly sure what libsound2 its wanting, i didnt know there was more than one libsound2 package, but ill keep looking23:30
zvacethal:  NO23:30
bigtom21485anyone know how to set up webcam support in ubuntu or kubuntu?23:31
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LoshaQbY: are you sure you have the correct live cd? Usually if you select 'live' it spends a ton of time loading and then you get a desktop23:31
seanbrystonehal you'll be hard pressed to find any KDE fans in here, have you tried #kubuntu?23:31
Typos_KingQbY:     usually the live-cd boots you to a full UI desktop23:32
jacob_need help23:32
Typos_KingGUI I should say23:32
cheesemoo0For some reason my router doesn't see my host name, but synergy does. Does anyone know why this is?23:32
Loshaseanbrystone: well, try it with the force option. The worst that can happen is the program you've installed won't start23:32
halseanbrystone: that's ok, I just wanted a general survey23:32
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. Applications seem to think I have a standard monitor, and not a widescreen, so they are rendering in standard mode. How do I fix this?23:32
Loshahal: surveys are explicitly off topic in this channel I believe, or we'd do nothing else....23:33
zvacet!ask | jacob_23:33
ubottujacob_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:33
abc-ty all23:34
bigtom21485what does it mean when i cant run turbotax 2009 in wine?23:35
Zenkerthat you should have paid your taxex on time rofl :)23:36
jribbigtom21485: what kind of answer are you looking for?23:36
seanbrystonewould be nice if it worked that way bigtom21485 , sadly very few apps work perfect in wine or even at all23:36
bigtom21485jrib: do i need to get a different emulator?23:37
jribbigtom21485: well personally, I wouldn't use the software at all.  But if you must, install windows in vbox and run it from there23:37
Loshabigtom21485: turbotax hasn't run properly in wine since 2005 apparently. See http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=623. It means you can't run turbotax in wine, sorry....23:37
bigtom21485im helping my dad transition from windows to linux and i want to make sure he has full support so he doesnt have to do a dual-boot23:38
jribbigtom21485: use vbox23:38
Jon-Pidgin is not hooked up to my little notifier at the top right (I think it's called Nautilus notifier?) although before installing the latest version from source, it was working there. Now I do not get a little yellow star and alert when I get a message, but it is still listed in the drop-down. Help?23:39
Loshabigtom21485: that goal may be unrealistic, depending on what programs he wants to run....23:39
joe__Noob here...  whats the best way for me to connect my Xubuntu laptop to my Ubuntu desktop thru my wireless network?23:39
sixofourWhen ever I play a game on my widescreen laptop in ubuntu, the bottom 10% of the screen is cutoff when I enter fullscreen mode. Applications seem to think I have a standard monitor, and not a widescreen, so they are rendering in standard mode. How do I fix this?23:40
G-Farkashi, I've been trying to get tray icons with icewm and openbox and it was impossible. I try a lot of methods with bad results. Now, I can get tray icons with some aplications, but no with every aplication. Please, help me. (9.10 amd64)23:40
meatbunhow to tell eyes of gnome to display gif files in animation23:41
ZenkerOMG now i see, its only certain progs that are doing that :)23:41
W43372joe__: Remote desktop viewer and some kind of VNC client. It's what I'm doing right now, actually :)23:41
Zenkerpbb i can just deal nvm about the help23:41
morphixG-Farkas: i would honestly recommend compiling and installing pypanel with openbox23:41
bigtom21485jrib: virtualbox is listed as a way to run different x86 os's on one physical machine...however i am on an x64 machine does that complicate things?23:41
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  .. tray icons..... you can run any app and.... you  mean in icewm as in the right-click on the window option?23:41
joe__Thanks W43372 I'll read up on it23:42
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  some apps add their icon to the tray, in icewm, but  you can also drop any window to the tray too, from the right-click menu23:43
G-FarkasTypos_King: I mean the icons that apear normally side to the clock23:43
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prod1Hi all, i am here seeking help with my system. Have just installed 9.10 desktop but i have no sound. I am using a DFI Ultra-D motherboard with azalia sound card. If anyone could help me installing the driver I have downloaded it would be much appreciated :)23:43
G-Farkasmorphix: thanks, but i prefer icewm ^^23:43
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  it might be you have the tray turn off, or not to show.... ever used the IceWM control panel?23:44
chromehey guys, running Xubuntu here, is there a way to get a the rotating cube for workspace switching? or any of the compiz manager style effects to work?23:44
G-FarkasTypos_King:  : | was too easy!!!23:44
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  you mean, the right-click menu?  hehe23:44
ansxif I have sda & sdb and I'm installing on sdb, where is installed the bootloader on 9.10 (default) ?23:44
morphixG-Farkas: you mentioned openbox is all.. but each to their own i suppose23:44
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  ever used the IceWM control panel?   has heaploads of settings for icewm :)23:45
prod1should i elaborate to maybe get a better response?23:45
G-FarkasTypos_King: I looked in the right clic menu, and find the option and works. I cant use the icewm control panel, I couldnt compile it23:45
daniskamichrome: sure, Compiz works well with Xfce23:46
G-Farkasmorphix: Yes, sorry, Is just that it is my second option. I apreciate your help :)23:46
chromedaniskami: can you point me to a doc on how to do it?23:46
daniskamichrome: http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/23:46
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  compile it?   it doesn't need... well yes.. it says you have.. BUT, the .py run right off without any fuss, from the directory you unzipped it at :)23:46
chromedaniskami: thats an old doc; is that going to work with 9.10?23:46
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  all it needs is python-gtk223:46
G-FarkasTypos_King: Where did you get it?23:47
Loshaprod1: your question is a difficult one, since it refers to specific hardware, and not many people will be familiar with it. You may have better look googling for ubuntu + the particular model of sound card23:47
Typos_Kingwhich GIMp install adds23:47
morphixE17 + ecomorph = win23:47
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  the iceWM control panel?23:47
G-FarkasTypos_King: Yes23:48
daniskamichrome: I don't think there's more to it than installing the right packages, but...23:48
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  gimme one sec... lemme see if I can find the url23:48
prod1I think it is more of a problem with ubuntu than the sound card as I have the driver and know how to install its just that I get errors during install which are kernel related23:48
chromedaniskami: there are some helpful comments further down that talk about 9.1023:48
CopperredHello.......something is preventing me from dragging open apps between screens on Ubuntu...maybe i clicked a display setting.....any ideas?23:48
daniskamichrome: ok. I stopped using it a while ago because it eats up resources23:49
Loshaprod1: I can't promise anything, but do you want to pastebin the error output to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com so we can have a look at it...?23:49
G-FarkasTypos_King:  this one: http://www.phrozensmoke.com/projects/icewmcp/ ?23:49
prod1that would be sweet :) thanx so much23:50
Loshaprod1: meanwhile, you've nothing to lose by a google search....23:50
chromedaniskami: yeah, machine has plenty of resources, but I like how snappy xfce is in general, so I kind of just want a bastard child :)23:50
CopperredHello.......something is preventing me from dragging open apps between screens on Ubuntu...maybe i clicked a display setting.....any ideas?23:51
prod1irc is always my last resort, have been googling all night now and im just gettin more confused as i go on :(23:51
Typos_KingG-Farkas:  yes23:51
Loshaprod1: :-)23:51
Copperredhello is there anyone here who can help me with my display issue?23:52
Typos_KingG-Farkas:    it doesn't require any compiling, it'll run off any directory, all you do is, run/execute the .py, all it needs installed is python-gtk2, which if you have Gimp, it already installed it23:52
synnemawhich kind of graphic card you have used?23:53
G-FarkasTypos_King: Let me try :)23:53
Copperred.....something is preventing me from dragging open applications between the two screens on Ubuntu...maybe i clicked a display setting.....any ideas?  It has been working fine till this morning.23:53
CopperredBy two screens..i mean the two workspaces provided in Ubuntu accessed via the right hand lower corner.23:53
Typos_KingG-Farkas:    icepref.py    is the one that has all settings that usually go in ~/.icewm/preferences23:53
v0lksmananyone have a link to help compile openssh5 on Hardy?23:53
CopperredSynnema.....not sure...which sort of video card i have.23:53
Copperredbut i belive that is working fine.23:54
G-FarkasTypos_King: Thatks, It seems to work fine23:54
prod1 i3Cgp8BR23:54
zhaozhouCopperred: The dragging between workspaces should be a gnome-setting, has nothing to do with your videocard or driver.23:55
Loshav0lksman: some reason you can't wait for a regular build?23:55
Typos_KingG-Farkas:    don't forget to backup your preferences file :) heheeh, now it then I've got old settings overriden23:55
Loshaprod1: ?23:55
zhaozhouCopperred: No application would hinder you from doing this either, unless it has specifically set the "allow dragging" to false.23:55
G-FarkasTypos_King: doenst matter ;)23:55
Copperredi foudn the culprit23:55
prod1sorry about that, how shall i give you this link?23:55
Copperredi ahd changed the appearance setings23:55
v0lksmanLosha: it's not coming for Hardy.  if I want to stay LTS I'd have to wait another year I think...I need it now23:55
Loshav0lksman: so what have you tried so far?23:56
G-FarkasTypos_King:  But, other question,the more important reason that make me use tray icons is for apps like pidgin, and it shows differents icons for differents status. I still can obtain it. Any idea?23:56
Loshaprod1: just tell us the url it gave you...23:56
v0lksmanLosha: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-411492.html23:57
v0lksmaninstead of a make install on openssl I did a checkinstall and it fails..  I'm not putting this in without some sort of roll back23:58
Typos_KingG-Farkas:     when you use the right-click option, it just drops the window icon, and is all you get, if the app uses the tray, and the tray is enabled/showing, it'll show such, I run a dictionary/rssfeed/others in the tray, and they show the icon status changing, but those I don't drop them with the right-click, they add themselves upon load23:58
PyroPheliawhat does green highlighted txt mean in the terminal?23:58
jim---PyroPhelia: it's just a reflection of the permissions of that file.  You can get the same information just be looking at the perms.23:59
Typos_KingG-Farkas:     I'm thinking your tray is not showing, or usually having the 'mailbox' in the tray some times creates conflicts, it has for me in the past23:59
jim---PyroPhelia: if I recall correctly in stock ubuntu that's a world-executable file.  *shrug*23:59

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