
RAOFWhat's the right behaviour for an image editor if someone deletes the image while it's being edited?04:40
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seb128jcastro, jpetersen, Nafai: hey13:29
NafaiGood morning14:42
seb128hey Nafai14:43
seb128how are you?14:43
NafaiNot bad14:43
NafaiSorry about yesterday, got filled up :(14:43
seb128good ;-)14:43
seb128I've added some extra bugs to your list today14:43
seb128those should be all quite easy14:43
seb128it's mainly making sure notifications don't use actions14:44
Nafaiokay, cool14:44
NafaiI should finish up the ones I have this morning14:44
Nafaiand then get to those14:44
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
jcastrokwwii: is there a bug # for the tomboy monochrome icon?16:37
kwwiijcastro: think so, cannot remember the #16:38
jcastrook I'll chase it down16:39
seb128jcastro, it's on ubuntu-mono I think16:40
seb128jcastro, there is not so many bugs with tomboy in the title there ;-)16:40
jcastroseb128: ok I was just wondering if we had someone assigned to fix it for tomboy16:40
jcastroseb128: I don't see a tomboy bug in ubuntu-mono16:43
seb128jcastro, look on tomboy then, I bet it has been reassigned16:46
seb128just look for monochrome in the bug title16:46
vishjcastro: Bug #53153317:00
ubot4vish: Bug 531533 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/531533 is private17:00
* vish taps ubot4 17:00
iahello. I have a question about pygtk, gnome applets development and some indicator-applet-session behavior. Maybe this wrong place for such question (sorry, if so), but I know, that a lot gtk hackers here, so i will be very appreciate for any clues. So, here snippet with simple applet - http://paste.ubuntu.com/396240 ; here screenshot with menu popup behavior - http://yfrog.com/6wgtkmenup . The question is - how to make menu popups under gnome panel (like it does17:02
ia in indicator-applet-session), but not above it? (I've looked through sources of indicator-applet-session, but I don't know C very well, so I haven't found the answer there)17:02
jcastrooh nice work getting that upstream!17:02
seb128jcastro, kenvandine: you use empathy with facebook?17:57
kenvandineseb128, i do17:57
seb128kenvandine, did you notice bug #520115?17:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 520115 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "Notification of contact's connection (affects: 1)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52011517:57
jcastroI can, but I don't keep it on usually17:57
seb128ie wrong osd photo being shown when 2 contacts connect at the same time17:58
kenvandineseb128, interesting17:58
kenvandineseb128, that is probably because of append in notify-osd17:59
kenvandinei would think it would change the text not the image if anything17:59
kenvandinei don't see that, i have login/off notifications turned off17:59
seb128kenvandine, empathy is not using append is it?17:59
kenvandineit is17:59
kenvandinebut it seems to work well for IMs17:59
jcastroI will turn it on and see if I notice it18:01
seb128kenvandine, what is bug #408294 about then?18:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 408294 in empathy (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "Notifications do not merge when coming from the same contact (affects: 3)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40829418:01
kenvandineseb128, that must be a dupe18:02
seb128kenvandine, is that fixed in lucid then? or something different?18:02
kenvandinei did it under bug #47666218:02
kenvandinei fixed it on dec 718:03
seb128the facebook bug is from one week ago18:03
seb128jcastro, thanks for testing ;-)18:03
jcastroit shouldn't take me long to find it18:03
seb128kenvandine, I'm trying to figure if notify-osd or empathy is buggy there18:04
kenvandineseb128, yeah... it might not handle merge/append well for login events18:04
seb128kenvandine, it being empathy?18:04
seb128kenvandine, btw can you try to get https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=607446 updated?18:04
ubot4Gnome bug 607446 in Notifications "Support the append hint for notifications" [Enhancement,New]18:05
kenvandineyeah, i was just reading that18:05
kenvandinei'll take the facebook bug there too18:05
seb128Nafai, have you started looking at bug #408294 which I assigned to you?18:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 408294 in empathy (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "Notifications do not merge when coming from the same contact (affects: 3)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40829418:06
seb128Nafai, cf log, it should already be fixed in lucid but seems there are issues in some cases18:06
kenvandineseb128, i changed it to empathy for now, if i determine it is notify-osd i'll change it back18:07
jcastroseb128: it does the right thing for me; I'll keep watching it. I have enough friends that it's just firing off a bunch of time18:08
seb128kenvandine, thanks18:08
* kenvandine enabled notifications for login/off 18:08
seb128jcastro, thanks18:08
kenvandinewe'll see if i see it too :)18:08
jcastrothis reminds me that we need a better icon than bald silver guy.18:10
kenvandinewow, notifications for sign on events are painful with facebook :)18:25
jcastrokenvandine: yeah it's pretty brutal18:33
kenvandinei am pretty confident it isn't merging these notifications for signon18:34
jcastroit seems to be acting normally to me18:34
kenvandinei just had 6 people in my message menu as just signed on18:35
kenvandineand i got one notification each18:35
kenvandineit's actually very annoying 18:35
jcastrowe have this off by default right?18:35
manishvish, is there any humanity icon for xchat?18:45
vishmanish: yup , xchat-panel is there in the theme18:46
manishvish, in lucid?18:46
vishmanish: yes , the apps need to use the icons 18:46
manishany idea how to get it done... I am not using Lucid now18:47
vishmanish: file a bug in xchat , and if you are interested in writing a patch , have a look at the tomboy one , >  Bug #53153318:48
manishvish, I am good at programming. not in making icons :)18:48
vishmanish: ;) the icon is done , so you need to worry only about the code 18:49
manishvish, cool. then /me goes out to get the code for it :)18:50
manishvish, I checked out the repo, but still I can't find any such icon http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/humanity-icon-theme/lucid/files/head%3A/Humanity/18:56
manisham I missing something18:56
vishmanish: apps/18:56
vishmanish: /Humanity-Dark/apps/24/xchat-panel.svg18:58
manishvish, oops. I was checking Humanity folder instead of Humanity-Dark18:59
Nafaiseb128: Thanks, I saw the comment19:01
seb128Nafai, you're welcome19:09
qense /whois DBO19:14
qenseDBO: you are David Barth?19:14
qenseah :)19:14
qenseI wanted to check that.19:14
DBOdbarth is David Barth19:14
qensehe's not on19:14
qenseI'll ask ted19:15
qensetedg: do you consider bug #493964 fixed?19:15
seb128qense, he's davidbarth19:15
qenseah, and davidbarth is on19:16
qensedavidbarth: you reported bug #493964, do you consider it to be fixed sufficiently? (Taking into account that the fallback and unfallback methods cannot be overridden nor be accessed in C#?)19:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 493964 in indicator-application "Add fallback support (affects: 1)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49396419:17
seb128qense, about the notify-osd wishlist for resetting timing on mouseover, if you want19:21
seb128qense, notify-osd is not really actively maintained and I tried to clean the buglist19:22
qenseWhat! Not actively maintained?19:22
seb128I don't care enough to argue about settings though19:22
qenseok, then we won't have a fight about it19:22
seb128"not actively maintained", look at the changes during the lucid cycle19:22
qenseBut still, you'd expect otherwise for what was an important part of Ayatana.19:23
qenseMaybe it got the same treatment as the sound theme. ;)19:23
seb128well ayatana has still a small team and lot of work19:24
seb128and notify-osd is mostly doing its job19:24
qenseThat sounds like a more plausible and like an understandable reason.19:24
jcastroit just needs a bit of love19:24
qenseand a direction19:25
qenseare there still things from the design document that aren't implemented?19:25
jcastrono idea19:25
seb128not too many I guess19:25
seb128there is the bug we just mentioned there19:26
seb128other I don't know19:26
seb128ok, need to go19:26
qensedavidbarth: there are a few bug reports of you in indicator-application that seem to be fixed already. Would you please go through them in order to clean the bug reports of the project?19:41
manishvish, I opened a bug report https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2971499&group_id=239&atid=10023919:54
ubot4manish: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Sourceforge instance at 0x33c2758> bug 2971499 not found19:55
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vishmanish: neat , if you open one in lp too that would be great19:58
manishvish, what should be the package name? xchat? or xchat-indicator?20:12
vishmanish: xchat20:12
manishexcept that there is nothing inside20:13
manishhere is the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/53984720:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 539847 in xchat (Ubuntu) "XChat should use the Humanity Dark icon (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]20:14
davidbarthseb128: i closed the bug gense was mentioning20:38
seb128davidbarth, ok20:38
qensedavidbarth: thanks20:38
qenseit's qense, btw ;)20:38
davidbarthqense: sorry, but yeah, fix released for some time20:39
qenseI was cleaning the bug reports of indicator-application and stumbled upon yours.20:41
qenseI wanted to be sure you really considered them fully done.20:41
seb128kenvandine, jcastro: I guess you didn't see bug #539865 either?20:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 539865 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "Seeing ghost man instead of Facebook profile pic (affects: 1)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53986520:47
jcastroseb128: mike found it and I told him to file it20:48
seb128and the notify-osd log is pretty useless for those...20:48
kenvandineseb128, i have seen that a couple times20:51
kenvandinebut i think it just hasn't downloaded/cached it20:51
kenvandineonce they go on and off a couple times20:51
kenvandineit shows up20:51
seb128I think I will improve the notify-osd log code to display some extra infos20:53
seb128like the image info received20:53
seb128and the flags20:54
seb128it's annoying right now to not know if issues are on the receiver or submitter end20:54
seb128Nafai, how is the rhythmbox issue going?20:54
Nafaijust started looking into it again right now :)20:56
seb128Nafai, do you need some help on it?20:57
Nafainot yet, I just haven't looked at it for a couple of days20:57
seb128Nafai, seems you didn't make lot of progress in 3 work days now, maybe switch to something else if that's creating too much issues?20:57
seb128or you worked on some other bugs recently?20:58
seb128sorry I'm having hard time to track changes there20:58
seb128can you summarize the ones you are working on right now?20:58
Nafaithat's okay.  I didn't get to work at all because of my appointments yesterday, and I was working on gnome-bluetooth bugs mainly last week, but some of them got resolved by indicator-applet changes20:58
NafaiI'm starting to be productive again, so I'll pipe up if I need help20:59
seb128ok thanks20:59
seb128sorry for pinging so often20:59
seb128since there has been quite some changes in worklow and tasks I was trying to see where we stand now21:00
Nafaino, I appreciate it21:00
seb128seems we are all good ;-)21:00
Nafaihelps me get back on task after a few unproductive days21:00
seb128good, thanks21:00
seb128let me know if you need any help or are not sure what to work on next21:00
seb128rhythmbox artwork issue for now would be bug #121:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 16 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 223)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:01
NafaiSweet, you mean me fixing the rb issue closes that one!21:01
NafaiI'd be a hero!21:01
seb128let's see ;-)21:02

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