
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
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thumperrockstar: ping01:13
* thumper does TZ math01:13
rockstarthumper, hi01:13
thumperrockstar: it's getting late for you right?01:14
thumperrockstar: bug 52745001:14
mupBug #527450: email unsubscribe link is fragile (broken-ish) <email> <notification> <qa-needstesting> <trivial> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Fix Committed by rockstar> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/527450>01:14
thumperrockstar: are you able to qa this?01:14
rockstarthumper, I just got back from a bike ride.01:14
rockstarthumper, I think I can.  I have to get the imap mail thing working again, which is always a PITA.01:14
thumperrockstar: can you put qa onto your TODO list for tomorrow morning?01:14
rockstarthumper, yessir.01:14
thumperrockstar: awesome, thanks01:15
rockstar(sorry you had to remind me)01:15
mwhudsonthumper, rockstar: can i beg a couple of reviews off you?01:15
thumpermwhudson: hit me01:15
mwhudsonthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/fewer-spurious-partial-code-imports-bug-532402/+merge/2141601:15
rockstarmwhudson, you can, but I'm upgrading to Lucid right so...01:15
mwhudsonthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/back-off-failing-imports-bug-413637/+merge/2141101:15
mwhudson(jml already sort of half reviewed the last one)01:16
mwhudsonthumper: ta01:34
mwhudsonthumper: can you approve the merge proposals too?01:35
mwhudsonor i can of course...01:35
thumperUrsinha: eh?01:38
Ursinhathumper: nevermind my irssi fail01:40
thumperUrsinha: you just had me confused01:40
Ursinhathumper: sorry01:41
=== jtv-zzz is now known as jtv
=== jamalta is now known as off
wgrantjtv: Has there been any further discussion about what to do about generalised builder histories?03:44
wgrant(in particular, has there been any discussion about making the model suck less?)03:44
jtvwgrant: hi!  apparently the thinking right now is "just implement buildbase somehow"03:44
jtvMaybe we should just start out by renaming BuildBase to BuildRecord and Build to PackageBuildRecord or something.03:45
wgrantHmmm. That seems silly.03:45
jtvBTW you said that the builder UI also stumbles over recipe builds, right?03:45
wgrantIt won't crash any more (they have a canonical URL as of a few days ago).03:46
wgrantI had a little play around with remodeling the model to remove duplication and actually allow generalised histories to work. Some of the output is at http://people.ubuntu.com/~wgrant/launchpad/buildfarm/03:47
jtvwgrant: so the idea is to split Build into "build attempt," "binary build," and "source package build"?04:01
wgrantjtv: I'd like to store attempts, but others probably don't, so there's one without that too.04:03
wgrant(at the moment if a build fails, clicking "Retry" will reset and obliterate the build's history. this can make things very opaque)04:04
jtvOh, that's exactly the kind of situation where I'd have expected Build to be useful as an historical record.04:05
wgrantWe can't really create a new Build, I don't think.04:05
wgrantAlthough that might work better04:07
wgrantExcluding UI problems, I think the Soyuz model might actually cope with having duplicate Builds.04:07
jtvWhy have a BinaryPackageBuild.buildstate and a SourcePackageRecipeBuild.build_state?04:07
wgrantBecause I haven't resolved the unresolved issue.04:08
wgrantAnd I apparently forgot to rename the attributes that I copied from the original classes.04:08
wgrantBut the whole result thing needs to be rethough. SPRB and BPB can share them. I'm just not sure where to put it.04:09
jtvAnother point is that what we are working on is not a "package" build.04:10
wgrantDo you refer to the template jobs?04:11
wgrantI don't see any implication in the current model or my experiments that it is.04:14
jtvWell, none of PackageBuild would be applicable to us.04:15
jtvOkay, "job" would.  :-)04:16
james_wwgrant: hey, do you have a pointer to the object served as the root over the API? I'm looking to export a new collection, it's in the wadl, but I need to serve the link to it in the root.04:16
wgrantjtv: That's why it's not connected to any of the Translations bits.04:16
jtvwgrant: so if we wanted to keep history for the translations jobs as well, where would it fit into your model?04:17
wgrantjames_w: Which collection?04:17
james_wwgrant: code-imports04:17
wgrantjtv: TTB04:17
jtvoh, I had been completely ignoring the lhs!04:17
wgrantjames_w: I don't think you should export that. Code imports exist under branches, and should be created from under productserieses.04:17
wgrantI don't think exporting the root collection is useful.04:17
james_wwgrant: productserieses/distributionsourcepackage?04:18
wgrantjtv: Heh.04:18
jtvwgrant: I now see why.04:18
wgrantjames_w: Hmmm.04:18
jtvwgrant: I don't see any meaningful difference between TTB and TranslationTemplatesBuildJob.04:18
james_wwgrant: what I want to achieve is to be able write a script that syncs Vcs-* with LP04:18
wgrantjames_w: Expose it on IBranchTarget or whatever it is, then.04:19
* james_w changes direction04:19
wgrantjtv: TTBJ doesn't exist, does it?04:19
jtvwgrant: does too!04:19
wgrantI thought it was just Branch<->BranchJob<->Job<->BuildQueue04:20
jtvIn the database, yes.04:20
jtvIn terms of storage, a TTBJ is just a BranchJob.04:20
jtvBut it's also a BuildFarmJob.04:20
wgrantjames_w: Root collections should be avoided if at all possible. Both operations (retrieving and creating code imports) have logical parents, so they should be exposed there.04:20
james_wwgrant: right04:21
wgrantjtv: OK, so the meaningful difference is probably that TTBJs die when the operation completes.04:21
wgrantAnd the current model has too many duplicated classes, so I want to kill it.04:21
jtvwgrant: right, so the TTB would simply be a copy of the TTBJ04:21
wgrantjtv: TTBJ ceases to exist.04:21
james_wwgrant: so, code imports should be retrieved by getting a subordinate URI of the branch they import to?04:21
jtvwgrant: TTBJ shares a table with all sorts of other jobs of different types, so I don't think we should dictate our lifetime semantics to it.04:22
mwhudsonjames_w: my understanding was that someone tried that and lazr.restful stabbed them04:22
mwhudsonjames_w: but noone's completely sure any more :-)04:22
wgrantmwhudson: '@stepto("+code-import")'?04:22
wgrantjtv: I mean, why does TTBJ need to exist if TTB does?04:23
wgrantIs there any point in it sharing the table?04:23
wgrantSame for Job itself.04:23
james_wmwhudson: I am equipped with a stab-proof vest, my naivety, and a glass of wine, I hope to prevail04:23
mwhudsonwgrant: eh?04:23
wgrantmwhudson: Do you recall what the problem was?04:23
mwhudsonwgrant: no04:23
wgrantIt seems like one could just add @stepto("+code-import") to BranchNavigation, and it would have to work.04:23
mwhudsoni don't think i ever knew04:23
wgrantI recall I brought it up in Wellington one day, and nobody knew there either :(04:24
wgrantWhich is odd, since all of Code in recent memory was there.04:24
mwhudsonsomething to do with having an entry as part of another entry rather than as part of a collection04:24
mwhudsonjames_w: please try, and if it fails, please explain what happens in the bug report04:24
james_wI know the API well from the client-side, but know little about implementing it server side, so this is partly a learning exercise04:25
jtvwgrant: wouldn't that mean that TTB represented a past, ongoing, or future build whereas the other Build types represent only past or ongoing ones?04:25
wgrantjtv: The other Build types can never be removed.04:25
mwhudsonthe bug btw https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/36610204:26
mupBug #366102: API for creating and managing code imports <api> <code-import> <package-branches> <udd> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/366102>04:26
wgrantIf they succeed, they are deeply integrated into the terrible web that is the Soyuz data model.04:26
wgrantThey are never removed.04:26
wgrantOh, misread.04:26
wgrantjtv: I don't see how the futureness is different.04:27
wgrantA TTB will start to exist moments before it is queued.04:27
wgrantSPRBs and BPBs do as well.04:27
jtvwgrant: I thought that was in the same transaction that also dispatched it.04:28
wgrantjtv: No. They are created by any one of a number of processes on several different machines.04:28
jtvDoes build candidate selection etc. use Build?04:28
jtvI see.  Then it's not really different.04:28
wgrantNo class in my non-current diagrams gets deleted.04:30
wgrant(except when a branch gets deleted, but mrrhrhrrhrhr)04:30
wgrantWhereas all the common classes in the old one do.04:32
jtvThat's the kind of case where I'd be in favour of either cascading deletes or a denormalized history table—the latter being something we should do only if there is a proven need.04:32
wgrantI think we should probably just ban branch deletes in some circumstances.04:32
wgrantWhat happens if I try to delete a branch referenced by a recipe referenced by sourcepackagerecipebuilds with dozens of sourcepackagereleases in dozens of archives?04:33
mwhudsonwe have a kind of denormalized history for code imports04:33
mwhudsoncompletely unused :/04:33
jtvwgrant: so what?  If the recipe is basically there to service the branch, it should die.  The SPRs don't depend on the recipebuilds, do they?04:34
wgrantjtv: SPR references SPRB.04:34
wgrantDeleting an SPRB removes all accountability information for any SPR built from it.04:35
jtvwgrant: and the reference from SPR to the branch does not go through the recipe?04:35
jtvBecause if it does, well, cascading nulls solve it very nicely.  :)04:35
wgrantIt does. But then you end up with a broken recipe.04:36
mwhudsoni revoked ec2 lands oauth token and now it's broken04:37
mwhudsondo i have to clear some cache somewhere?04:37
wgrantTry removing the launchpadlib cache, i guess...04:37
* mwhudson finds /home/mwh/.launchpadlib/api.edge.launchpad.net/credentials/launchpad-branch-lander04:38
wgrantjtv: Anyway, any more impressions of the model?04:38
mwhudsonand a few other similarly named files04:39
jtvwgrant: contrary to all experience so far, emotionally I still have trouble believing that something so much simpler can work.  :-)04:40
wgrantThe current one has too many arrows.04:41
wgrantIt makes me sad.04:41
mwhudsonoh what now04:41
jtvwgrant: mwhudson is from a place where every place where you might conceivably want to cross a street has a big arrow saying which direction to look in.04:42
mwhudsonjtv: i think that's only london04:42
jtvmwhudson: oh, London stops somewhere before the coast?  I never really noticed.04:43
jtvwgrant: the current one has enough arrows to scare us out of cleaning up.04:44
jtvSo I think it's a great thing you're doing, but it looks like one hell of a job.04:44
james_wmwhudson: I'm starting to see the issue04:44
wgrantjtv: Well, we need to get some centralised permanent history table for builder history to work.04:45
wgrantAnd it's not that much more work to fix the rest up.04:45
mwhudsonjames_w: :(04:45
wgrantjames_w: What's going wrong?04:45
james_wyou want to export an entry that is subordinate to another entry, so lazr.restful dutifully tries to create a link for you04:46
wgrant"create a link"?04:46
james_woh no, I've confused myself04:46
james_wit seems that wine was not my ally on this adventure04:46
james_wI'm stuck trying to work out how to export() code_import on IBranch though04:47
james_was it's just Attribute currently, apparently due to circular import issues.04:47
wgrantcode_import = exported(Reference(..., schema=Interface))04:47
james_wI've seen workarounds for that elsewhere04:47
wgrantThen patch it in _schema_circular_imports.py with the rest.04:47
james_wah, I was wondering if it had to be a *Choice04:48
wgrantI don't believe so.04:49
wgrantI think ReferenceChoices are only used for fields editable in the UI.04:49
* wgrant heads trainward.04:51
* mwhudson stops too04:54
wgrantspm: How much RAM does crowberry have to be able to survive two >13GiB RSS processes!? The bug says 8GiB, but that can't be right...06:33
jtv1hi al-maisan!  Say, do you know of any pagetests for the access check on build logs?06:37
wgrantAccess check?06:38
al-maisanjtv: not off the top of my head ..06:38
al-maisanpage tests that verify the access to build logs I assume..?06:38
jtv1wgrant: yes, the bit that hides build logs when private.06:39
wgrantjtv1: The build itself is hidden, and the log is accessed by a proxying view on Archive. I don't see how the latter is relevant to your work.06:41
jtv1wgrant: there are more places that access the log, without going through archive.06:41
jtv1Builder page.06:41
wgrantjtv1: All build details are hidden from the builder page when the build is private. There's no special handling for the log.06:42
wgrantOh, unless you mean logtail?06:43
StevenKDdoes anyone know off hand how to run the test suite for gina? test_gina.py is being unhelpful.06:45
wgrantStevenK: IIRC I've just 'bin/test -vvt gina' in the past.06:47
* wgrant tries.06:47
wgrantThat looks like it's working.06:48
StevenKI was trying bin/test -vvt test_gina, which just did nothing06:49
wgrantMost of them are doctests.06:49
wgrantSo that won't catch them.06:50
wgrantYou're fixing it too like multiple published versions of the same source?06:50
wgrantStevenK: Which archive admins use the queue web UI?06:51
wgrantIt's been requested that I fix it to show package sets, and I'm wondering who is likely to kill me if they disagree.06:51
StevenKwgrant: The ones that don't have shell on cocoplum, so probably just ScottK06:52
* persia has also seen folk with shell use non-shell for trivial tasks06:53
* wgrant too.06:53
jtv1wgrant: that's right, the logtail...  I'm moving that check into security.py.06:53
wgrantjtv1: Ah. Ew.06:53
wgrant(good idea)06:53
jtv1wgrant: the two opinions seem ill-matched.  :)06:54
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
persiawgrant: You might check with infinity also, although I haven't seen much activity from him in a while.06:54
wgrantjtv: The current status is ew. Fixing it properly is a good idea.06:54
jtvah :)06:54
wgrantpersia: infinity has been gone for a long time now.06:54
persiaHe's still listed as archive-admin though.06:54
wgrantHm. that seems odd.06:55
StevenKAnd a member of ubuntu-cdimage06:55
persiaHe's just no longer a buildd-admin06:55
jtvwgrant: I'm making the view use View permissions for IBuildFarmJob, which I newly defined & provided with checks for private builds & branches.06:55
wgrantjtv: It's probably untested.06:56
wgrantI can't see any tests for it.06:56
wgrantAnd it was Soyuz until recently.06:56
jtvwgrant: oh well, then I guess I'll write some.06:56
jtv(grumble grumble bloody nuisance)06:56
wgrantpersia: He is still a buildd admin, though.06:57
persiaAh.  I thought he stopped being something.  Maybe I was misinformed.06:57
wgrantAn admin, perhaps.06:57
jtvwgrant, al-maisan: xx-private-builds.txt tests for access.07:19
al-maisanjtv: thanks for the pointer!07:19
jtvI think I'll write up an MP now before I go mad with it all.  :-)07:19
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
wgranthenninge: Thanks for landing those.08:01
henningewgrant: you are welcome08:02
adeuringgood morning08:02
stubintellectronica, gmb: Is there anything to guarantee that AportJob rows eventually get removed? I need to know if the Librarian garbage collector should not collect blobs linked to AportJob rows, or if it should delete the corresponding AportJob and Job rows in addition to the blob.08:04
wgrantA branch I'm about to propose for review has new config keys and a new script that needs to be run regularly. What special stuff do I need to know?08:07
gmbstub: There's nothing pruning them at the moment. I can easily add something that does, though.09:12
gmbstub: But if that table's bloating you can probably delete anything more than a day old.09:13
stubgmb: If it is simple (delete any apportjob and job rows linked to a blob older than a day or three) I can do that in the librariangc09:13
stubgmb: Otherwise it should go in garbo.py, and possibly need to be cherry picked too to avoid the Librarian exploding.09:14
gmbstub: It is. Once the Job is completed the +filebug process will use the data stored in the ApportJobs json_data field, but after that it's never used again. Librarian gc should be sufficient09:14
deryckMorning, all.10:00
jtvhenninge: I got a little bit further with the FSM problem on the slave side: I think things go awry because the success code becomes None somehow.10:09
henningejtv: is "None" supposed to mean "success" of "failure"?10:11
jtvhenninge: neither.  AFAICT it's not supposed to happen.10:11
jtv0 means success.10:11
henningejtv: I know that10:11
henningejtv: what I mean is that anything != 0 is treated as a failure.10:12
wgrantSo the subprocess ends without a return code?10:12
jtvThe code treats it as a failure; it explicitly compares to 0.10:12
henningeyes, looks like it10:12
jtvOr _somehow_ twisted feeds us a None.10:12
henningejtv: which state was it again?10:12
jtvI'll double-check.10:13
jtvOh, can't check that now.  IIRC it was UNPACK.10:13
henningejtv: I did notice that "None" in there but thought it was a sign of failure10:13
henninge(and it does not happen in our code ... ;)10:13
jtvMaybe it was.10:13
jtvNope, that's what makes it so infuriating.10:14
wgrantAn early stage that's used by two other managers? Really?10:14
henningewgrant: yup10:14
jtvWell, I'm sure we're _causing_ it somehow, but...10:14
jtvDoes twisted get a timeout somewhere, after which it passes None?10:14
henningejtv: you always feel guilty10:14
wgrantDoes a recipe build work OK on the same machine?10:14
jtvhenninge: sorry.10:14
jtvwgrant: I haven't tried that; is there documentation on how to test that?10:15
wgrantjtv: Not really, no. But a binary build is well-documented on HowToUseSoyuzLocally, and just as useful.10:15
bigjoolsjames_w: did you do any QA on your fix for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/89150 ?10:17
mupBug #89150: sync-source should not assume 0 is the lowest version number possible <qa-needstesting> <soyuz-ftpmaster-tools> <Soyuz:Fix Committed by james-w> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/89150>10:17
jtvwgrant: the instructions don't say anything about signing, but dput complains that the package is not signed.  I've had to look this up before, but what was the option again?10:18
wgrantjtv: Give debuild '-kKEYID'.10:21
wgrantjtv: Normally if the changelog matches your key it won't be necessary, though.10:21
jtvwgrant: I didn't have a changelog of my own handy10:23
jtvwgrant: wait... you're saying I need to rebuild the package for this?10:25
jtvI thought there was a way around that...10:25
wgrantjtv: debsign blah.changes10:26
jtvnope, that's not it10:27
jtvthat still complains when I'm not in the changelog.10:27
jtvahhh, -u does it.10:28
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
jtvgah, unable to find mandatory field 'files' in the changes file.10:30
wgrantjtv: Insufficiently signed.10:31
bigjoolsyeah that error sucks10:32
jtvokay, debsign -k<me@example.com> <foo>_source.changes10:33
jtvdebsign: Only a .changes, .dsc or .commands file is allowed as argument!10:33
jtvone gets so tired...10:33
wgrantActually, you might be able to use a policy that allows unsigned uploads now. When I started looking it forbade PPA uploads, but I might have fixed that...10:34
jtvah, I had a space after the -k10:34
bigjools-C absolutely-anything10:34
jtvbigjools: ?10:34
wgrantYeah, absolutely-anything will work now.10:34
bigjoolsit's a policy for process-upload10:34
wgrantjtv: If you give that to process-upload.py, it should not require a sig.10:35
bigjoolswgrant: as opposed to "anything" which is not anything!10:35
jtvand just when I got my changes file signed...10:35
bigjoolsjtv: I made that policy explicitly for testing10:39
bigjoolssee the comment on it :)10:40
jtvbigjools: and very welcome it is too...  I've added it on the wiki page.10:40
* wgrant fixed it a few months ago, but then forgot.10:40
bigjoolsthough I'd like to rename it to "anything" and rename the existing "anything" to what it really is10:40
jtvwgrant: not getting the slave to do much...  says it's still idle.10:48
jtvmaybe one of my failed attempts got in the way somehow.10:49
jtvOr I missed a step.10:49
jtvBut it's definitely not getting to the point where the translations fsm is breaking.10:49
wgrantjtv: The virtualisation setting matches between the PPA and builder?10:54
jtvwgrant: uhhh...  I'll have a look.10:54
jtvwgrant: ppa does not require a virtualized builder; builder is virtualized.10:56
wgrantjtv: Flip the PPA's flag.10:56
wgrant'Does not require a virtualized builder' means 'Requires a non-virtualized builder'10:56
jtv$ ./scripts/process-upload.py /var/tmp/poppy -C absolutely-anything -vvv11:03
jtv2010-03-16 11:01:45 INFO    creating lockfile11:04
jtv2010-03-16 11:01:49 DEBUG   Initialising connection.11:04
jtv2010-03-16 11:01:49 DEBUG   Beginning processing11:04
jtv2010-03-16 11:01:49 DEBUG   Checked in /var/tmp/poppy/incoming, found []11:04
jtv2010-03-16 11:01:49 DEBUG   Rolling back any remaining transactions.11:04
jtv2010-03-16 11:01:49 DEBUG   Removing lock file: /var/lock/process-upload-absolutely-anything.lock11:04
jtvwgrant: ^^^ doesn't look right, does it?11:04
wgrantjtv: You've not uploaded it?11:06
jtvwgrant: I dput it, and dput said it was successful.  What else do I need to do?11:07
wgrantjtv: Try uploading it again, I guess (you'll probably need to give dput '-f').11:08
jtvwgrant: did that several times11:08
wgrantUnless poppy is being stupid...11:08
jtvwith different changes files11:08
wgrantAre you getting any errors in the terminal in which you started poppy?11:09
bigjoolswhy are you using poppy?11:09
wgrantWhen it works it's a trivial way to get the directory structure right.11:09
wgrantBut since it doesn't seem to be working...11:09
jtvwgrant: I have a lot of output mixed together... when exactly should the poppy error happen?  During dput?11:10
wgrantjtv: Generally at the end of dput.11:11
wgrantBut as bigjools says, you could work out the directory structure and avoid poppy.11:11
bigjoolswhat is in /var/tmp/poppy?11:11
jtvone item (dir+file) in failed, one (dir+file) in rejected.11:11
jtvI dput rather more.11:11
bigjoolspoppy is not putting stuff where you think it is then11:12
wgrantWhich generally means you're getting that client accept hook failure or whatever it is.11:12
wgrantWhich should be spewing tracebacks everywhere.11:12
jtvmaybe it's in a different shell then... I have to stop now.11:14
bigjoolsjtv: just mkdir -p /var/tmp/poppy/incoming/jtv11:14
bigjoolsthen copy your upload there11:14
jtvwhy jtv?11:14
bigjoolsit doesn't matter11:14
jtvah ok11:15
jtvand my upload is the changes file, dsc file etc?11:15
bigjoolscall it I_hump_donkeys11:15
wgrantDoesn't it need an upload path?11:15
bigjoolsthis is a PPA upload?11:15
bigjoolsthen yes11:16
jtvI'm afraid I really have to stop typing now11:18
jmlwtf https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1536EA47111:20
bigjoolsjml: foundations bug11:24
bigjoolsthey're working on it11:24
jmloh good.11:24
bigjoolssomething to do with assuming all views are LPViews11:24
=== daniloff is now known as danilos
jmlheh heh11:42
jmlUnable to obtain lock lp-66556816:///~launchpad/lp-source-dependencies/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock11:43
jmlheld by leonardr@bazaar.launchpad.net on host crowberry [process #5035]11:43
leonardrjml: i'm committing right now11:43
jmlleonardr, so I gathered :)11:43
leonardrjml: all done11:43
* jml parties like its 199911:43
* bigjools sighs at lucid bugs11:44
maxblucid bugs?11:58
bigjoolslaptop suspending at battery low instead of critical12:05
bigjoolslaptop not resuming from suspend 50% of the time12:05
bigjoolsfsck at boot freezing12:05
jtvhenninge: I filed bug 539499 about my FSM problem.  I'll go to my office tomorrow and see how things work out on a different machine.  If you have any notes, please add them!12:06
mupBug #539499: Build-farm slave FSM fails early on <buildfarm> <Launchpad Translations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/539499>12:06
wgrantjtv, henninge: I ran a template job through from the master a few days back (just as one of henninge's branches was landing), and it went through fine (except for not actually generating a template tarball, since that wasn't implemented yet)12:09
wgrantSo it's either something broken on your machine, or something very recently broken.12:09
jtvwgrant: so intltool was actually run on your branch?12:12
wgrantjtv: Yes.12:13
wgrantIt printed out the template paths and everything.12:13
jtvwgrant: that's great news, thanks.  This was the Debian-based FSM, right?12:13
wgrantjtv: Uh, not sure. I merged the henninge branch that you had linked to on the wiki page.12:13
* wgrant will check logs tomorrow.12:13
wgrantBut... sleep.12:13
jtvthanks.  yes.  Very glad to hear this.12:14
* jtv really buggers off12:14
wgrant(it worked sufficiently that I could just push a branch, run 'make sync_branches', and it would print out the template names.12:14
jtvcool cool cool sweet dreams12:15
henningewgrant: yes, printing out template names is success. cool!12:16
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sinzuisalgado: ping13:56
salgadohi sinzui13:56
sinzuisalgado: I am seeing several questions about how to change launchpad passwords. I think I should update the FAQs about this. Maybe you are planning to update the user profile page to explain that accounts/emails/passwords are managed at login.ubuntu.com?13:58
salgadosinzui, I didn't have plans to do it, but I could do so.  also, it's only the password that is managed by login.lp.net; email addresses are still managed by LP13:59
sinzuisalgado: Can we do something as simple as a sentence:14:01
sinzui"Manage your Ubuntu account and password > login.launchpad.net"14:01
salgadosinzui, I suppose so, but I think we should s/Ubuntu/Login Service14:02
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sinzuiI think that will lead to confusion. Changing my Launchpad password is changing my Ubuntu password isn't it?14:03
james_wbigjools: how would I QA sync-source.py?14:05
james_wbigjools: or is it on production?14:05
salgadosinzui, login.u.c and ubuntu accounts are not used/mentioned when logging into LP, but I'm not sure what's the plan on the SplitIt front -- can you check with flacoste?14:06
sinzuiI will14:06
flacostesalgado, sinzui: they should be mentioned since they are the same thing14:10
flacostea Launchpad login service account is really a Ubuntu account14:11
sinzuiflacoste: I was thinking to using a sentence on user +edit sending the user to l.l.n. We want to update the header/footer of l.l.n to state the service is provided by l.u.c14:12
flacostesinzui: right, can you file a bug about this on the ISD project?14:12
sinzuiI will14:13
bigjoolsjames_w: I can run it on dogfood, I was just wondering if you had a test case or had already tested it14:19
james_wI don't know one offhand, and I haven't tested it14:20
james_wlet me see if I can find one14:20
james_wbigjools: I can't find anything waiting to be synced from Debian that has an appropriate version number14:29
bigjoolsjames_w: :(14:31
kfogelvila: so I think I finally have it working.  What's weird is I successfully pushed a commit to a branch (up to a server using the kind of authn we were talking about), and on the server side I can't figure out where the actual commit data lives.  See http://paste.ubuntu.com/396199/ -- just out of academic curiousity, what file under .bzr has the commit?  I created a file named "fish.txt" with the text "Hello, world!", and it's hard to see, even with14:41
kfogelcompression, where that data is.14:41
kfogelvila: mind you, it *is* working.  If I branch that branch again, the data is there.14:41
vilakfogel: that's because there is no working tree here, try 'bzr co .'14:42
vilakfogel: or 'bzr cat fish.txt'14:42
kfogelvila: yeah, no working tree, but the data has to be *somewhere* in there.14:43
kfogelvila: I understand the upstream doesn't have a working tree, but it obviously is remembering this data somewhere.14:43
vilakfogel: what does 'bzr info -v' says ? maybe a shared repo up14:43
kfogelvila: that's right, I did create a shared repo upstream14:43
kfogelvila: thanks, that's it14:43
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james_wanybody recognise "RuntimeError: Property used in an unknown class" ?15:56
james_wI'm just trying to use the factory15:56
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james_wan, using a project in place of a product16:14
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jmljames_w, more context please16:36
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james_wjml: if you pass product=IProject to a factory method you get a cryptic error message17:53
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mwhudsongood morning18:39
james_wmorning mwhudson18:51
jmlmwhudson, good morning19:01
jmlI've got buildout building subunit from the tarball and installing it in the parts/ directory19:01
jmlbut I'm not sure how to get it into the PYTHONPATH19:01
jmlgary-lunch, when you're back, I'd appreciate some advice19:04
james_wmwhudson: would you like to help me get https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/export-code-import/+merge/21472 finished?19:17
mwhudsonjames_w: probably19:17
* mwhudson looks19:17
mwhudson(actually i kinda want to go back to bed already, but struggling on...)19:17
mwhudsonjames_w: "This exports ICodeReview." ?19:18
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
maxbsalgado_: Uploading to the launchpad PPA with a Debian-lookalike version isn't optimal19:18
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salgadomaxb, you mean the -2 bit?19:19
maxbPreferably the name or version of every package would contain 'launchpad' so that people can easily identify them as non-distro packages19:20
salgadoah, right19:20
mwhudsonjames_w: i don't think ICodeImport['owner'] is used anywere at all19:20
gary_posterjml: yo19:21
gary_posterjml: extra-paths might be what you are looking for19:21
gary_postersee how mailman is done?19:21
salgadomaxb, I'll upload another one and delete the -2 one19:21
mwhudsoni'm not even sure registrant is19:21
james_wmwhudson: yeah, I was a bit confused between registrant, owner and assignee19:22
james_wyou mean I should export the latter instead?19:22
maxbsalgado: So, given its effectively a backport from lucid, it should be named something like 0.2.0-1~BLAH19:22
mwhudsonjames_w: all a legacy of over design19:22
gary_posterjml: extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}/lib/mailman is what we have now.  You would add a newline and then an indented value for the other directory19:23
maxbsalgado: For example, look at what I did with the python-imaging backports in the LP PPA19:23
maxbBut really, the main problem with 0.2.0-2 is that's what the next upload to Debian itself will be! :-)19:24
james_wmwhudson: one thing that I was unsure about is the information that seems to be duplicated with ICodeImport.branch, e.g. product19:24
james_wespecially since I would like to have code imports for package branches as well as product branches19:24
mwhudsonthat looks screwy19:25
mwhudsoni wonder if _that's_ used anywhere19:25
james_wseries I can kind-of understand, as that's not an attribute of branch19:25
* mwhudson is tempted to delete a few things from ICodeImport and run the tests...19:25
salgadomaxb, heh, good point.  thanks for the heads up; I'll re-upload with proper versions (following the pattern used in python-imaging)19:25
mwhudsonjames_w: i think you shouldn't export registrant, owner, assignee, product, series19:26
mwhudsonjames_w: actually, registrant might be worth exporting19:28
james_wdeleted the export of owner, so now none of those are exported19:28
mwhudsoneasier to add than remove an export i guess :-)19:28
james_wit tends not to be exported elsewhere19:28
mwhudsonjames_w: so when you say "help you finish", what does that mean?19:29
james_wreview if that is all it takes19:30
james_wI expected there to be several more things involved though19:30
mwhudsonit looks like a start19:30
mwhudsoni'm not super familiar with api stuff19:30
mwhudsonjames_w: have you tried accessing code imports on launchpad.dev ?19:31
james_wadding exported() around things and testing that they are in the representation is easy19:31
james_wit' the traversal stuff that I wasn't sure about19:31
mwhudsonwith launchpadlib19:31
james_wI'll try that now19:31
mwhudsonjames_w: well, webservice.get() in the page test is testing the traversal stuff19:32
mwhudsoni presume $branch/+code-import will still 404 in the webapp as there are no pages registered19:33
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james_wmwhudson: well, there's working and then the "correct" way to do it :-)19:35
mwhudsonjames_w: it looks ok to me19:36
james_wthankfully there was a wiki page for that, so I took enough from there to get the tests to pass19:36
mwhudsoni wonder why the first people to try this couldn't get it to work19:36
james_wthe rest seemed to be presenting it in the webapp as you say, but we don't want that19:36
mwhudsonmaybe lazr.restful bugs that are now fixed19:36
james_wmwhudson: any idea who it was? We should get their review if so, as they may spot something I missed19:36
mwhudsonjames_w: no, maybe i'm in fact making up that this problem was encountered :/19:37
mwhudsonif it works it works, there is limited potential for subtle traps here19:37
mwhudson<james_w> the rest seemed to be presenting it in the webapp as you say, but we don't want that19:38
mwhudsonjames_w: i don't understand what you mean here19:38
james_wthe rest of the wiki page seemed to be about linking up pages to interfaces so that the webapp would render them19:39
mwhudsonah ok19:39
mwhudsoni wasn't completely sure that 'rest' in what you said was the english word :)19:40
james_wmwhudson: yep, it all shows up in +apidoc, +code-import 404s in the webapp, and lplib can query the code import in sampledata19:49
james_wthe only issue is that most attributes are writeable, I assume we don't want that19:50
mwhudsonoh right19:53
james_wif I just mark everything as read-only will that break other code?19:59
mwhudsonjames_w: i think it might break the +new form20:02
mwhudsonbut that's fixable20:02
mwhudsonhm, no it shouldn't, should it?20:03
wgrantjames_w: So it all pretty much just worked?20:21
james_wwgrant: seems like it20:21
james_wonce I worked out how to do canonical_url for ICodeImport and then traversal20:22
mwhudsonjames_w: trying to set attributes through launchpadlib fails in a pretty strange way20:39
mwhudsonthey should be read_only for now20:39
mwhudsonand any fallout that causes should just be fixed20:40
james_wmwhudson: changed and ec2 test running to discover any fallout20:41
mwhudsonjames_w: awesome20:41
mwhudsonthat means i can ignore the issue for a few hours :-)20:42
james_wyou and me both20:42
maxbGaaah setuptools distribute pkg_resources buildout namespace-packages ARGH21:03
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maxbClean bootstrap on lucid appears broken21:03
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* thumper is back around23:34
* mwhudson lunches23:41

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