
DSpairartisan: Definitely.00:00
atrusis there a better channel for ubuntu-netbookremix questions? trying to sort out why my titlebars aren't getting hidden by maximus...00:19
Spirits-SightHi I am getting this error when trying to connect to a CE device "Could not display "synce://christopher-e/".  Nautilus cannot handle "synce" locations.00:27
BUGabundosleeping beauty time00:27
BUGabundocu guys and gals in a few hours00:27
douglasawhthere appears be a bug in the Swedish apt-get00:39
douglasawhit asks for 'J' but only accepts 'y' for yes...anyone else seen that?00:39
fabio666douglasawh: lost in traslation00:40
douglasawhfabio666: should I file it as a translation bug or an apt bug?00:40
fabio666not sure00:40
fabio666maybe apt00:41
douglasawhcool gonna wait for these updates to run, confirm, then file00:42
fabio666there is locale stuff int the apt package00:42
fabio666the bug is there i suppose00:43
Spirits-SightI am getting this erro any help would be grateful: Nautilus cannot handle "synce" locations.00:52
fabio666never get synce working that way00:56
Spirits-Sightwhy not?  how can I explore the files then?01:00
fabio666i use synce-serial-start / synce-serial-abort to start close a connection01:03
fabio666a long time ago when i had this smartphone01:03
fabio666then you can use synce-pls (for listing), synce-pcp , etc01:03
Spirits-Sightits funny because that did not work for me :(01:03
fabio666but the synce:// pseudo filesystem would be a lot better01:04
fabio666you need to start the oddcm demon01:04
Spirits-Sightmy device is connected NP using synce-hal01:04
Spirits-Sightwhen I used the odccm it did not work01:04
fabio666synce-hal didn't work for me01:04
Spirits-SightI do wish that they would fouce on improving sycn, as it would help in making the system more mainstream01:05
Spirits-SightSo I been reading and at a loss now01:07
daniskamiHi everybody. Is there a schedule for Xubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) yet?01:25
KB1JWQdaniskami: Has been for a while, the 29th of next month it releases.01:42
daniskamiKB1JWQ:  ah, thanks, I finally found the alpha: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-3/01:44
daniskamiit was a bit quiet on the official Xubuntu page01:44
anicholsWasn't Beta 1 due to be released today?01:45
ajmitchanichols: no, thursday01:46
happyfaceis there a legit reason why pidgin was replaced with empathy?01:47
anicholsajmitch: Thank you...got my days confused.01:47
anicholshappyface: What's empathy?01:47
happyfaceanichols: a chat client01:47
anicholshappyface: Comparable to Pidgin?  Better? Worse? Just different?01:50
happyfaceanichols: it's very comparable to pidgin, but seems less polished and stuff01:52
happyfaceso I don't understand the switch01:52
balasanyone know if its possible to have multiple home page urls open with firefox 3.6 ?01:52
happyfacebalas: use use commas01:52
balasthank you01:52
happyfacebalas: or open up the tabs you want and click "use current"01:53
happyfacebalas: if commas dont work try colons01:53
anicholshappyface: You can always uninstall this 'Empathy' and reinstall 'Pidgin', I presume?01:55
happyfaceyes I can. I'm just wondering why the switch, though01:57
DanaGI'd hardly call empathy comparable to Pidgin -- it's severely lacking in features.02:23
DanaGAnd last time I tried, the first-run wizard didn't even offer IRC at all!02:24
cefDanaG: meh.. who uses IRC anymore anyway! *snerk*02:33
DamasceneI've noticed that the sound indicator is in mute state by default02:36
ddecatorDamascene: if you change the volume, and the indicator shows it, does it get reset to mute after a while?02:37
Damasceneyes it reset it but I don't think it get to mute after that02:38
happyfacethat happens to me all the time too02:38
ddecatorno, the actual volume doesn't change, the indicator just does. i get the same thing, but i haven't looked for a bug report yet02:38
happyfacei'm sure it's reported02:38
ddecatori would hope02:38
Damasceneso we all have this02:39
ddecatorya, i didn't notice it until a couple of days ago, but i autohide my panel so idk when it actually started02:39
ddecatori'll find a report in a sec...02:40
DamasceneI just wanted to try to play sound while it's muted. but now I've to restart logout again02:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537977 in indicator-sound "display a mute icon until volume is changed since update" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:40
Damasceneis it?02:40
happyfacei just installed yesterday and it's always happened02:42
ddecatorthe fix just got released today02:42
happyface:D saweet02:42
ddecator8 hours ago, so you should be able to get it soon if not now02:42
DamasceneI wonder what will happen to the internet without google02:42
ddecatorwhat do you mean?02:43
Damasceneno search engine is able to give you accurate result as google02:43
Damasceneit showed it at the top of the search result02:43
Damascenejust tried yahoo for the same search gets no were02:46
ddecatori guess bing is decent02:46
Damascenesound indicator icon is muted in lucid by default >>> is what I searched for02:48
Damasceneonly google found it02:48
Damasceneit's freaking I think. we should get google knowledge because it's too powerful :)02:49
happyfaceDamascene: did you try bing and yahoo! and only google got it?02:49
DamasceneI only looked at the first search page02:50
yofelhappyface: actually it seems he's right (I used http://www.ranks.nl/cgi-bin/ranksnl/tools/compare_me.cgi?fav=gyb to test it)02:51
yofelodd thoug02:51
Damascenewhat is ambiance and default when I want to open a new tab?02:55
happyfaceDamascene: happens to me too, a bug i think02:55
happyfaceDamascene: it's two profiles but they keep getting regenerated if u make em02:56
happyfaceDamascene: ambience is lucid's purple look02:56
DamasceneI don't know if it's a bug or not but it's really shouldn't be there.02:56
happyfacebug fo sho02:56
* Damascene heads to google02:57
happyfacereport back :D02:57
Damasceneseems not reported yet03:02
happyfaceDamascene: cool thanks03:08
happyfaceDamascene: what does this guy mean? "Thank You for this thread. I, finally, realized why my window switching (when Terminal is present) is sluggish. It is, simply put, because Ambient profile pushed itself on gnome-terminal. Once I'm back to Default, everything is as it used to be... Great to have things back as they should be..."03:08
DamasceneI've no idea03:09
Spirits-Sighthow can I install synce-gvfs in lucid?03:11
VigoHello, the Live CD Lucid, would not load at boot, Install and such, is this my my hardware or is this a known issue or should I download/burn again?03:13
Volkodavanybody had the boot stall with ureadahead error ?03:16
crimsunthat isn't an error (ureadahead)03:17
Volkodavwell the system does not boot03:17
VolkodavI have the same error but the fix does not work03:18
VigoOk, so it is not just me.03:19
VolkodavIt may be a combination with plymouth too03:19
VolkodavI will uninstall this sucker for now03:20
SensivaAnyone here installed Lucid on vbox?03:21
Spirits-Sighthow can I install synce-gvfs in lucid?03:21
Spirits-Sightis there a way to install from past verison of Ubuntu?03:21
VolkodavVigo - you have readahead stall too ?03:23
VigoVolkadov: I get nothing, no prompt no anything, was going to try CLI next attempt.03:25
DanaGweird: the 2.6.34-rc1 mainline kernel from "kernel-ppa" (that really isn't a ppa) doesn't have ricoh_mmc driver.04:07
crimsun(it isn't a public ppa)04:10
DanaGanyway, ricoh did something stupid with their sd card controller: they have both a standard SDHCI controller and their own controller... but their own controller takes priority.04:16
kermiac_anyone seeing messed up fonts in lucid? http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=137704:16
DanaGSo, we need a driver to explicitly DISABLE the proprietary controller to allow the standard one to be used.04:16
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Volkodavputting /dev/sdx  instead of UUID in /etc/fstab took care of my mountall stall at boot04:17
Some_Personkermiac: No, I'm not seeing that04:19
macocrimsun: whats that fuser command you want me to tell people?04:19
kermiacprobably an ati thing :(04:19
macocrimsun: i have learned thus far "dont tell people the old command crimsun said" but havent yet learned the new one :P04:20
* Some_Person is happy to have a normal SD card reader, and is successfully running an entire ubuntu install from it04:21
Some_PersonI'm actually going to keep an SD install of ubuntu at all times: It beats the heck out of using the live CD04:22
DanaGI wonder... if I were to try an SDIO card (that is, something such as GPS or Wifi)... would it work?04:26
DanaGIn Linux... probably.04:26
DanaGIn Windows?  Depends on how stupid Ricoh is.04:26
xsachahey i just updated my lucid system and now when i boot it stays on console (until i alt+ctrlf7) and says *ERROR* Raw EDID a few times04:27
xsachaany ideas?04:27
xsachaalso, somehow my maximise, minimise and close icons are on the left hand side instead of the right hand side. anyone know how to change it back?04:29
Some_Personxsacha: I made a PPA to fix it04:29
Some_Person(note that the developers actually prefer it the other way, and as far as I can tell, by default it's unlikely to change)04:31
xsachaare you serious? this is the new ubuntu window controls?04:33
xsachadoesnt even make sense.. it's so hard to close a window now. they atleast need to make the close button the first button on the left04:33
Some_Personxsacha: I totally agree04:34
xsachaisn't there some design protocol for this? where you need to be able to throw your mouse to the corner and be able to close a window?04:34
Some_PersonAgain, I agree04:34
Some_PersonMy PPA moves the buttons to the right and puts them in their karmic order04:35
Okidesuis ALSA development dead ?!04:35
Some_PersonI could have put them on the left, but it would have meant even more graphical changes04:35
Some_PersonCan I add a PPA intended for karmic to my lucid system?05:04
OkidesuI just installed Totem player, but nothing was added in Sound & Video section, then installed Amarok and nothing appeared again05:04
Okidesuis this a bug ?05:04
Some_PersonThere are menu problems, yes05:05
Okidesushould i report this or anything ?05:05
ZykoticK9Okidesu, try refreshing the panel with the command "killall gnome-panel" and see if they show up05:05
Some_PersonSee if they appear in the Menu Editor. If so, uncheck then check and it'll appear05:05
Some_Personor do what ZykoticK9 said05:05
OkidesuZykoticK9, thanks they showed up now :)05:06
ZykoticK9Okidesu, this has been a common issues with Karmic and Lucid05:06
Some_PersonI never had this issue in karmic05:06
ZykoticK9Okidesu, logging out and back in would accomplish the same thing, or you can typically run "xkill" and just click on the panel.05:07
OkidesuZykoticK9, well i installed pulseaudio controls right before that and they showed up without problems05:08
Okidesuso iw as wondering what's going on :)05:08
Some_PersonHmm, I wonder if there's a way around logging out and back in for my PPA that fixes the min/max/close buttons05:08
Okidesualso Rythmbox doesn't output 5.1 when 5.1 is active in Pulse and Asla it outputs 4 channels without subwoofer, no idea if that's normal or not05:08
ZykoticK9Some_Person, instant fix would be to run: gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"05:08
Some_PersonZykoticK9: That makes the buttons display wrong though05:09
ZykoticK9Some_Person, with the new theme - probably05:09
Some_PersonI fixed that in my PPA05:09
DanaGyeah, somebody at Canonical seems to like forcing his button preferences down everybody else's throats.05:10
benje2two ice1712 working in lucid witouh pulseaudio http://img692.imageshack.us/i/70600424.png/$05:10
Some_PersonDanaG: Possibly Mark Shuttleworth himself: Bug #110 on this page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/53263305:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 110 in rosetta "Recently translated packages" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11005:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:11
Okidesuoh dear... i just minimized Amarok and it disappeared lol no icon in systry :)05:11
Some_PersonOkidesu: You should probably file bugs for all these things you keep mentioning05:12
OkidesuSome_Person, is this Lucid bug or Amarok bug ? or Rythmbox bug ?05:13
Some_PersonOkidesu: No icon in the notification area is probably an amarok bug05:13
ZykoticK9Okidesu, until the apport bug is fixed i really wouldn't bother trying to submit bugs - will make a lot of extra work for everyone involved (unless it's a CRITICAL bug)05:14
Some_Personapport-collect in the terminal works for me05:14
OkidesuZykoticK9, yeah i will wait until Lucid final is released05:14
DanaGMy issue is that it FORCIBLY changes settings.05:15
DanaGOOps, you wanted them on the right?  Too bad.  Left they go!05:15
Some_PersonDanaG: Use my PPA if you want it back to karmic ways05:15
ZykoticK9Okidesu, don't wait until FINAL!  Just report when you can (which really isn't right now - unless you want a lot of work)05:15
DanaGWhat, you don't use light-themes?  SCrew you.05:15
DanaGI don't use those themes at all, actually -- aside from the buttons, I find them ugly.05:15
OkidesuZykoticK9, ok i will wait until the bug report app is fixed :)05:16
ZykoticK9DanaG, you're preaching to the converted - almost no one likes the change - but Ubuntu != Democracy05:16
Some_PersonOkidesu: You can report through launchpad.net now, then run ``apport-collect xxxxxx'' in your terminal (xxxxxx being the bug number)05:16
DanaGIf it weren't for Debian tending to have really old versions of stuff (such as Mesa and such), I'd almost go back to Debian.05:16
OkidesuSome_Person but Amarok doesn't crash it just doesn't show icon in systry so without crash how will the crash app tool collect anything !?05:17
ZykoticK9DanaG, i'm sure this change is going to make many people switch distros, and i'm not sure it's going to bring many more people in?!?05:17
Some_PersonOkidesu: It gives info on your system and what you have installed05:17
DanaGI mean, buttons on the left... fine -- IF you match the incumbent, OS X.05:17
Some_PersonDanaG: I agree05:18
OkidesuOh btw is there a way to remove pulseaudio ? Q_______Q05:18
DanaGA bad imitation is worse than no imitation at all.05:18
OkidesuSome_Person, oh ok05:18
DanaGSame is true of things like the wannabe-mac themes for both KDE and Gnome.05:18
ZykoticK9Okidesu, ask benje205:18
DanaGIronically, the best wannabe-mac themes I've ever seen... are all Windowblinds themes.05:18
DanaGgpg: key A224E3DB: public key "Launchpad Fix for ubuntulooks GTK theme engine" imported05:18
DanaGubuntulooks? =þ05:19
Okidesubenje2 helloo, is it possible to remove pulseaudio ?05:19
Some_PersonDanaG: My first ever PPA05:19
Some_PersonDanaG: just ignore that05:19
DanaGoh, and the new plymouth theme -- the "progress bar" that loops... looks bad.05:19
DanaGit should look "indeterminate"... not go from 0% to 100% over and over.05:20
DanaGyeah, I was teasing about "ubuntulooks" =þ05:21
Some_PersonDanaG: That was a theme engine, that had a weird and totally useless conflict with human-theme in karmic05:22
Some_PersonI made a PPA to fix that, and somehow now everyone sees that in my GPG key05:22
macoit wasnt useless...05:23
macoubuntulooks was a fork of clearlooks that human was based on historically05:23
benje2Okidesu: yes05:23
Some_Personmaco: But the "Conflicts" line was useless in karmic05:23
macohuman moved to regular clearlooks and ubuntulooks was abandoned, so the conflict made sure to get rid of the no-longer-supported theme engine05:23
Some_Personmaco: But some themes (even in the repos) still used it05:24
macoO_o really?05:24
Some_Personmaco: blubuntu for example05:24
* maco wanders back to kubuntu land05:24
Some_PersonThere were several others05:24
* DanaG really wishes somebody would make an ARM thingy that could run compiz.05:25
benje2Okidesu: you can stop it by changing one config option in /etc/pulse/client.conf and by killing it, or select in your session preferences to not start it05:25
benje2Okidesu: set "autospawn = no"05:25
Some_Person"  Uploading supertux_0.3.3-SVN~r6613.tar.gz: 229652073k/74782k"05:26
Some_Personbug in dput?05:27
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/05:28
benje2to see two ewx2496 (ice1712) under lucid get out $ at end of precedent link - real link http://img692.imageshack.us/i/70600424.png/ pretty no ? :)05:29
DanaGheh, my accelerometer is sensitive enough to sense my keypresses.05:29
DanaGer, my laptop's accelerometer, rather.05:29
Some_PersonDanaG: Laptops have accelerometers?05:29
DanaGSome do.05:30
benje2it's if you run with it :)05:30
Some_Personwhat the heck for?05:30
DanaGApple, Lenovo (Thinkpad), and some HP (mostly the business ones) do.05:30
DanaGIt's for parking the hard drive -- though in my case, there's no Linux software to watch the accelerometer. :(05:30
DanaGmy case being HP.05:30
benje2for military conpound i understand but for the other don't know what for05:31
benje2good night all and thanks05:32
Some_Personheh, my mod of light-themes even makes it look better when you only have minimize and close buttons05:32
DanaGIt's good for in case of dropping.05:33
DanaGWhat the HP "3D DriveGuard" Windows software does: carrying the laptop with the lid closed, on battery, KEEPS the hard drive parked (blocks reads and writes!) until you stop moving for a while or open the lid.05:34
DanaGAnd, it acts as a joystick in Linux. =þ05:34
DanaGyay, neverball.05:34
Some_PersonDanaG: As far as I know, you're the 3rd person to try my PPA (other than myself). Does it work?05:35
DanaGhmm, I had already reset my gconf, but I'll try to "unset" it.05:37
DanaGyeah, it has menu:min,max,close05:38
DanaGonce I unset.05:38
DanaGI had set it to min,max,min,close just for the heck of it -- though it didn't put two of the same button in actuality.05:38
DanaGanyway, off to bed I go, soon.05:38
DanaGMon Mar 15 22:38:54 PDT 201005:38
Okidesubenje2 helloo, how can i get rid of pulse audio? :)05:48
Okidesuwoosh gone :)05:48
Okidesuoh and it seams that the version in Lucid for Amarok is 2.2..... and the current release is 2.305:49
Okidesucan't figure out how to update is since they have kubuntu repository only o-o05:49
Okidesuoh wait :) actually when i activate the Systry icon of Amarok something changes05:51
Okidesuas far as i can se there's no icon but there's like a little space of 2mm in systry where i can click and get the Amarok menu05:51
xsachahey.. how do u disable kernel modesetting?06:30
OkidesuIs it me or the amd64 version is reading/writing files in a different way?07:06
OkidesuWhat i mean is that using 32bit version the HDD can be barely heard when updating the system for example07:07
Okidesubut with 64bit, when updating it makes terrible noise and slows overall responsiveness too ...07:08
Okidesuanyone with the same observations?07:08
ddecatori don't have a 32bit build to compare it with07:08
Jordan_UOkidesu: My guess is that there is another difference between the installs that is actually making the difference ( I'm not noticing any difference myself )07:08
JoshuaLis it safe to upgrade when using a nvidia card?07:09
ddecatorJoshuaL: you mean to lucid?07:09
ddecatori've had no trouble =)07:09
JoshuaLi have a problem with sound at karmic07:09
ddecatorwell, other than plymouth...but that's fixed for the majority of people07:09
JoshuaLwhen plugging in a external jack it does not work, it still plays sound from the laptop speaker07:09
ddecatorJoshuaL: my graphics have been a lot better with nvidia on lucid07:09
ddecatorthat's odd07:10
JoshuaLddecator, ok :)07:10
OkidesuJordan_U, well both time i did fresh installs with formatting, then i have a pre established routine for updating the system and then making my sound, satellite tv and so on work07:10
OkidesuJordan_U, the difference was obvious even when updating the system right after the fresh install07:10
ddecatorsongbird needs to build...07:11
OkidesuJordan_U, for example the 32 bit scanned the files downloaded and installed them fast, the 64bit was like making sound on each and every file ti downloaded, then terrible sound when installing them07:11
ddecatormy 64bit system has been quick07:11
Okidesui'm just wondering where this might be comming from ?07:11
ddecatorno idea07:12
Okidesuit almost feels like working on a windows system that has not been defragmented for 3 years lol07:14
ddecatoris it really that sluggish?07:14
Okidesuyep :/07:15
Okidesuit's like on the 32bit the HDD is silent no matter how much stuff i download and if i have my sat tv working and playing music and watching nasa tv online and another japanese tv online07:17
Okidesubut with the 64 bit even starting opera i can hear the hdd making that "i'm reading this file" sound lol07:18
Okidesuand when updating or using many files or something like that it's like "tack tack tack tack tack tack"07:18
ddecatori've never had that o_O07:18
ddecatorwhat filesystem?07:18
ddecatorsame here...07:18
Okidesuoh well :/07:19
Okidesubtw this happened on 9.10 and 9.04 as well :) but i thought i don't want to be stuck with 32 bit lucid for the next 3 years so i installed the 64 bit :)07:23
xsachasucks that solid state drivers dont tell you 'im reading this file'07:25
Jordan_UOkidesu: Can you try with a vanilla kernel ( you can get them from the mainline kernel "ppa" )07:26
OkidesuJordan_U umm i really don't want to touch anything because for the first time in 2 or 3 years everything finally works on my system o-o so i guess i will bear with it :)07:29
ddecatoralright folks, songbird failed to build for me again, and it's 2:30am, so i'm off to bed07:31
Okidesuhave nice sleep there :)07:31
Jordan_Uubottu :(07:32
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ryeWindow manager warning: Received a _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE message for 0x2c0112d (rtg@buzz: ); these messages lack timestamps and therefore suck.08:16
ryeawesome message in ~/.xsession-errors :)08:16
twbacpid's powerbtn.sh assumes acpi-support is installed, which is not necessarily the case.08:21
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tavastiinstaller seems to be bit broken, I can't create /boot partition smaller tha 16.8GB on 1T disk08:39
Damascenetavasti, can you take screen-shot?08:47
tavastion alternative installer, text mode08:48
Torchupgrading lucid just broke it for me on virtualbox. doesn't want to run X anymore. anyone else experienced this and maybe solved?08:48
tavastiDamascene, I can take picture with camera, or does saved install logs help?08:49
ZykoticK9Torch, are you using the VBox from the repository?  If you you might want to have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose/+bug/51057108:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:50
tavastiDamascene, I tried to create partition with size 200M, 200MB, 1G, 1%, all resulting same 16.8G partition08:50
Damascenetavasti, that will be better than nothing08:50
TorchZykoticK9: thanks,reading the report right now.08:54
ZykoticK9Torch, if you're using the version from Oracle I don't think it applies FYI08:54
TorchZykoticK9: yeah, i do. also, i have 3.1.4 release and this seems to apply to 3.1.4 betas.08:55
ZykoticK9Torch, 3.1.4 is working fine here08:55
TorchZykoticK9: i see a kernel oops on X start08:55
balasis there a lucid development forum on ubuntuforums.org ?08:55
ZykoticK9Torch, but this is an upgrade correct?08:56
TorchZykoticK9: in which way?08:56
ZykoticK9balas, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=37708:57
TorchZykoticK9: it's a lucid install on virtualbox from two months ago i use to track ubuntu development.08:57
ZykoticK9Torch, did you upgrade your VM from karmic or something?08:57
TorchZykoticK9: no08:57
ZykoticK9Torch, oh, you mean you updated Lucid and it broke?08:57
TorchZykoticK9: yes.08:57
tavastiDamascene, pictures and logs http://tavasti.fi/~tavasti/ubuntu/installer-20100315/09:00
ZykoticK9Torch, i'm just seeing if my VM has updates available (especially kernel or xorg updates), it was last updated 13 hours ago09:00
TorchZykoticK9: ok09:00
tavastiDamascene, used cd-image is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/20100315/lucid-alternate-amd64.iso09:01
ZykoticK9Torch, doesn't seem to be anything pertinent to either xorg or kernel?  what error are you getting?09:01
TorchZykoticK9: kernel oops. null pointer dereference.09:01
TorchZykoticK9: are you running the 2.4.32-16 kernel?09:02
ZykoticK9Torch, ya in both host & guest09:03
Damascenetavasti, did you try other than ext4?09:03
ZykoticK9Torch, have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/virtualbox/+bug/53529709:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535297 in virtualbox-ose "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000028" [High,Fix released]09:03
tavastiDamascene, no, I'll try09:03
TorchZykoticK9: might be what i'm experiencing09:04
ZykoticK9Torch, and you did mean 2.6 right?  ;)09:04
TorchZykoticK9: lol ;_) sure.09:05
Damascenedo we have a bug in openoffice regarding auto format no longer working09:05
Torchis there a way to remove linux-image-2.6.32-16-generic without removing the meta packages for the kernel?09:07
tavastiDamascene, ext2 and ext3, same result09:09
Damascene:S I think you should join #ubuntu-bugs and be ready to open new bug09:09
ZykoticK9Torch, i don't have anything else to suggest - both my host and guest are fully up-to-date and still working.  Hope you find an solution, good luck man.  I'm not sure about your kernel question BTW.09:09
TorchZykoticK9: reverting to -15 fixes it09:10
TorchZykoticK9: just like the launchpad bug report suggests09:10
ZykoticK9Torch, nice!09:10
TorchZykoticK9: are you on 32 bit?09:10
tavastiDamascene, however, when there is that 16.8G partition with 16.8G offset, I can create another partition with correct size. So bug happens only when creating first partition to empty disk?09:10
ZykoticK9Torch, 6409:10
TorchZykoticK9: hmm, same here.09:10
Torchanyway, works for now and hopefully the next kernel release will fix it for real.09:11
TorchZykoticK9: thanks for your help.09:11
ZykoticK9Torch, i didn't really do much.  take care.09:11
Damascenetavasti, just write all these stuff in one place so you can report it09:11
tavastiDamascene, what package and version?09:15
tavastiDamascene, debian-installer ?09:16
DamasceneI suggest you to go to #ubuntu-bugs before you file any bug09:17
tavastiDamascene, ok09:17
jstephan|wgood morning09:21
jstephan|wis there any howto which describes the upgrade from hardy to lucid (the current freeze)09:22
rskjstephan|w just use update-manager -d untill you are on lucid09:22
jstephan|wrsk, oh, okay thx09:23
popeyhmm, language-pack-en barfing 'unable to create '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i': Invalid argument09:32
FersureI have a question. Why the sudden change in interface? By which I mean where the window control-buttons (minimise, maximise, close buttons) are located? I'm just curious why the developers chose to do this.09:39
FersureMaybe if I understood the thinking behind it, I might change my opinion of the change.09:40
Damascenedo we have a bug in openoffice regarding auto format no longer working09:40
Damascenein calc type any date >> right click on cell >> cells format >> change the format type to what ever you want. nothing change09:41
popeyFersure: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/11009:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:41
jstephan|wrsk, is there an update manager for console?09:41
popeyjstephan|w: yes, you can do "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"09:42
rskuse sudo apt-get upgrade dist-upgrade09:42
JoshuaL_i bought a new laptop yesterdaty09:44
Fersurepopey: Ah, thanks.09:44
jstephan|wWell, would maybe need to change sources?!?09:44
JoshuaL_im now running lucid, but when i plug in a jack to play sound via external speakers it doesnt work, the sound keeps comming from the laptop09:45
popeyjstephan|w: what are you trying to achieve?09:45
FersureOne other question. I'd like to help with Ubuntu, but I'd like to help with what needs help the most rather than giving up time to a part of Ubuntu that is already being helped more than enough, if that makes sense.09:45
popeyjstephan|w: ah, you want to upgrade to lucid? in which case do "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"09:45
jstephan|wpopey, updating hardy tu lucid09:45
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:45
FersureIs there a way to find out what needs help?09:45
popeyFersure: ^^09:45
BUGabundo_remotegot a memory blank. what's that tool that does traceroute with ncursers in Ubuntu ?09:46
jstephan|wpopey, ah, okay, thx09:46
rskFersure help with getting it to boot in 0.1 seconds and making it run everything better than windows would be a good start09:46
Fersurepopey: Yes, but I'd like to help out with something that's not getting a lot of attention.09:46
Fersurersk: Haha. Trust me. If I could, Ubuntu is the distro I'd be informing about it. :P09:46
BUGabundo_remotejstephan|w: I actually like aptitude more. $ sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade09:47
rskFersure that's my point09:47
BUGabundo_remoteit does wonders for a devel release like lucid where depencies brake all the time09:47
rskFersure you can't ask what needs help the most if we don't know what you can do09:47
jstephan|wBUGabundo_remote, okay09:47
popeyBUGabundo_remote: he's talking about upgrading release, not updating09:47
Fersurersk: Ah. Well I'm not -much- of a programmer/scripter, though I'd be willing to give up time in order to learn.09:48
popeyjstephan|w: use do-release-upgrade please, not apt or aptitude to upgrade from hardy to lucid09:48
BUGabundo_remote(2010-03-16 09:41:50) jstephan|w: rsk, is there an update manager for console?09:48
FersureIf there's a nice easy way to learn about maintaining packages, etc. I could get into that.09:48
BUGabundo_remoteI'm replying to this09:48
popeyBUGabundo_remote: scroll back a tiny bit more09:48
BUGabundo_remote(2010-03-16 09:45:42) popey: jstephan|w: ah, you want to upgrade to lucid? in which case do "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"09:48
rskFersure there should be howto's yes09:48
BUGabundo_remotewill sufice09:48
tavastiDamascene, no comments there, and I have to go, so reported bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/53945609:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539456 in debian-installer "Alternative installer cannot create first partition smaller than 16.8G" [Undecided,New]09:48
rskFersure also only maintain packages you care about09:48
* popey boggles09:48
BUGabundo_remoteFersure: join #ubuntu-motu09:48
jstephan|wpopey, just startet it that way :-)09:48
rskFersure history tells that if you dont use the package it will be maintained badly09:49
popeyjstephan|w: good luck :)09:49
Damascenetavasti, thanks09:49
Fersurersk: Well yes. That's a good point.09:49
FersureBUGabundo_remote: Ah, ok.09:49
jstephan|wpopey, its an test system (virtual) snapshots are made, so we will see :-)09:49
rskFersure it's also working against itself09:50
rskFersure the packages you use and like probably others passionate maintain already09:51
rskso find that gem :)09:51
Fersureok, ty. :)09:51
FersureThe majority of packages I use are part of the default 'kubuntu-desktop'.09:51
rskFersure one tip is to report bugs on launchpad as you find them09:52
rskand be comfortable on how it works09:52
JoshuaL_i bought a new laptop yesterday, the sound is working fine except when i plug in external speakers. The wont come from the speakers but keeps comming from the laptop instead09:54
rskJoshuaL_ and you're using lucid?09:54
JoshuaL_rsk, yes09:54
rskafaik that's a known problem09:54
rsksearch the forums09:54
JoshuaL_rsk, it also happend on 9.10 :)09:55
Fersurersk: I'm fairly familiar with launchpad. Mainly from having a look every now and again. I've found very few bugs, but when I have I've always reported them.09:56
BUGabundo_remoteJoshuaL_: have you tried changing the output ?09:58
JoshuaL_BUGabundo_remote, chaning it from analog speakers to analog output did the trick! Thanks, altough it would be handy if that did happend automaticly09:58
BUGabundo_remoteJoshuaL_: please ping crimsun on that. run $ ubuntu-bug alsa-core  (or is it alsa-base?)10:01
BUGabundo_remotewe should have ubuntu-bug audio :D10:01
BUGabundo_remotehey guys FYI http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/mark-shuttleworth-explains-why-window.html10:02
JoshuaL_BUGabundo_remote, its also-base10:02
jstephan|wwell, me again, is there any way to tell the do-release-update script where to store the downloaded data?10:06
DamasceneI've kernel bug or something. reporting suggest this title10:06
DamasceneWARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.32/net/wireless/core.c:614 wdev_cleanup_work 0xa7/0xd0  cfg8021110:06
BUGabundo_remotejstephan|w: AFAIK, NO10:06
Damascenebut there is too many similar reports already10:06
BUGabundo_remotejstephan|w: what's up?10:07
BUGabundo_remoteyou know you can symlink cache to any where, right?10:07
BUGabundo_remoteDamascene: actually. most of the times, kernel teams rather have separate reports, due to very diff hw10:08
jstephan|wBUGabundo_remote, well the disksize for the root partition is to small, cause our server virt systems only have about 1,4G or so10:08
jstephan|wand so the update script tells it needs 400MB more in /10:08
BUGabundo_remotejstephan|w: symlink /var/cache/apt/archive to any other place with a few free GBs10:09
jstephan|wokay, so it stores it in /var/cache/apt/archive , thx10:09
JoshuaL_BUGabundo_remote, i did fill in a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/53946410:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539464 in alsa-driver "Output connector does not change when plugin in/out external speakers" [Undecided,New]10:10
BUGabundo_remotecrimsun: ^^^^^^^^^^^^10:10
BUGabundo_remoteJoshuaL_: now you wait for crisum to come back10:10
BUGabundo_remotehe should be around in 2 or 3 h10:10
JoshuaL_BUGabundo_remote, and he can do what?10:11
JoshuaL_is he the sound guru? :P10:11
BUGabundo_remotehe really is, our sound guru10:11
redWhen I used Karmic, all other LAN PCs could see my computer directly, network shares, could SSH and ping my PC without problems. After I started to use Lucid I have to first SSH onto my main PC via outside IP, then ping my LAN devices from my main PC, and after that they can SSH and find it from the home network? Anyone know what could be causing that?10:12
JoshuaL_ohw and i loved to drag windows to other workspaces, now its disabled :(10:13
redI just get "No route to host" when trying SSH and Destination unreachable with ping.10:14
BUGabundo_remotewow red... that's mess up10:15
BUGabundo_remoteJoshuaL_: that's compiz10:16
BUGabundo_remotered: check your routing rules or firewall10:16
BUGabundo_remotered: $ sudo iptables -L | pastebinit10:16
redhavent touched iptables, BUGabundo_remote, and i only have NAT enabled on my router (which is routing stuff to this PC via the outside IP)10:16
JoshuaL_and the list with preferences in the preferences is way to long, have to scroll on my laptop to see all available settings :/10:17
jstephan|wBUGabundo_remote, well no10:17
jstephan|wBUGabundo_remote, i did the symlink, but he still needs more space in /10:17
jstephan|wso it seems that /var/cache/apt/archive isnt the needed space10:18
BUGabundo_remoteyou can symlink the entire /var/cache10:18
redBUGabundo_remote: http://pastebin.com/B0sZJ4vH10:18
BUGabundo_remoteor /tmp10:18
BUGabundo_remotered no fw rules there, so its no it10:19
BUGabundo_remoteand route?10:19
redmy LAN Ips start from up to 0.3010:21
jstephan|wstill no10:21
redthis one is 0.1110:21
redthe "problem" machine10:21
BUGabundo_remotenothing there either10:22
red12-15 can all communicate between themselves fine, and so have been guest machines (phones etc)10:22
BUGabundo_remoteI'm guessing its somewhere in the router?10:22
redI haven't changed router settings since Karmic and it worked then10:22
redbut idk10:22
BUGabundo_remoterebootd it yet?10:22
redit's a telehell afterall10:23
redWLAN WMM (QOS) disabled aswell10:23
redARP tables are showing all the connected devices properly10:24
redall packet filters mac filters etc set to forward10:24
redonly thing I have enabled is Block WAN requests10:25
Damasceneis there a known bug when empathy has issues if you didn't unlock the keyring10:36
BUGabundo_remotesorry red, not much I can do in your case10:38
Damascenebug 46837210:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 468372 in empathy "empathy makes accounts invisible on keyring failure" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46837210:41
winXPuserinstalling Firefox got the error:10:43
winXPuser"/usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox": not in executable format: File format not recognized10:43
winXPuserwhat caan I do?10:43
winXPuseron Lucid10:44
rskwinXPuser how did you install it?10:45
winXPuserit is there by default10:46
winXPuserthen it hang up10:46
winXPuserthen I did in synaptic10:46
winXPuserapt-get install firefox10:46
rski don't know what you are meaning10:47
rskbe more specifi10:47
rskwhat is there by default10:47
rskwhat hanged up (how did it hang up)10:47
rskyou can't do apt-get install firefox in synpatic10:48
rskit's a  GUI and dosen't accept that command10:48
rskkarmic dosen't have firefox 3.6 afaik10:48
rskwinXPuser so fill me in a little bit more if possible10:48
rskoh wrong chan10:49
rskjust cut the last part10:49
yofelwinXPuser: can you run 'file /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox' and give us the result please?10:49
winXPuserI was helping another user at irc://moznet/firefox10:49
winXPuserit was he who had the problem10:50
winXPuserI told him to come here10:50
winXPuserwill be here soon I hope10:50
winXPuseralex88 hi10:50
rskand he's using lucid?10:50
winXPuseralex88 yes he is10:50
alex88hi guys.i'm with that problem10:50
rskso tell him to give the info10:50
rski asked from you10:50
alex88is like this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/51286510:50
winXPuser"what hanged up (how did it hang up)"10:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512865 in firefox "firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV because of Icedtea Java plugin" [Medium,New]10:50
alex88using debug mode it says: "/usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox": not in executable format: File format not recognized10:51
winXPuseralex88 , the question is "can you run 'file /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox' and give us the result please?"10:51
alex88no output...just exit10:51
alex88if i delete the .mozilla folder it starts, then after a restart it's not working anymore10:52
winXPuserWe did some basic trouble shooting (safe mode, new profile)., it doesn't help10:52
yofelit should give: /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox: POSIX shell script text executable10:52
sqwertleI have built and compiled http://paste.ubuntu.com/396093/ and it is creaitng an executable. However, I can call the program form the UI or from the terminal and it is not showing any output whatsoever. I've heard elsewhere that this is not a common occurence and was wondering if it's something related directly to Lynx.10:52
alex88i've this problem after installing icedtea plugin, tried to purge that and also firefox and reinstall only firefox..same problem..10:53
rskdid you ever use some 'rm' ?10:54
rskor just the package manager10:55
alex88just package manager10:55
alex88rm only to delete .mozilla folder10:55
rskhave you done supo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?10:55
yofelsqwertle: if I copy that into a test.cpp, run g++ test.cpp on it and run ./a.out then it prints Hello World! here and pauses10:56
rskto make sure everythings up2date10:56
alex88just update10:56
rskright do that then10:56
alex88what should i do? purge firefox, update, reinstall?10:56
sqwertleyofel: Then it seems that it's a particular problem with my setup. I'll ask in #ubuntu10:57
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
alex88rsk: slow connection..hold on11:02
alex88it was giving errors resolving it.archive.ubuntu.com so i've switched to archive.ubuntu.com11:02
alex88ok done no updates..now i'm reinstalling firefox11:03
alex88how can i force to re-download it11:03
rskremove the downloaded files11:03
alex88...how? i mean for apt-get11:04
alex88ok aptitude clean11:07
ryesqwertle, add \n11:10
ryethe output might be buffering11:10
sqwertlerye: The problem seems to be that I haven't quite gotten my bearings for programming on *nix systems just yeat. Rather than ./app I was just attempting to use "app".11:11
rskyou can use 'app' if you install it systemwide11:12
ryesqwertle, ah, and some a.out was left in some dir in $PATH11:12
dupondjehmz, why do I need to select a default application in Thunderbird for http & https ? shouldn't it just open the default browser ?11:12
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
alex88ok now it seems working11:12
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
vistakillerok new problem in kubuntu lucid11:16
vistakillerevery time i login i have one error message from akonadi11:16
vistakillerabout mysql and d-bus11:16
vistakilleri dont know what is that11:16
rskdo you need mysql?11:16
rskmight aswell uninstall it and hope the problem goes away11:16
yofelrsk: KDE needs mysql, so that won't work11:19
rsksounds bloated11:21
vistakillerand what about d-bus?11:22
vistakillerwhat is this?11:22
yofelvistakiller: I think I remember the error you're getting, I have no idea though how I got rid of it though11:23
vistakilleri write and to kubuntu forum they dont know and there11:23
vistakilleri read tha the same problem have and one from turkish with turkish dektop11:24
vistakilleri have greek dekstop11:24
vistakilleris something to do with this?11:24
yofelvistakiller: I doubt that, if you get an error message then it's usually an issue with the backend11:25
vistakillerok i will ask and to kde.org11:26
vistakillerand something else11:26
vistakillerthey have break the kadressbook11:26
vistakilleri have organise my contacts to group like"friends" "work" etc11:27
vistakillerand after upgrade i open kaddressbook and i can find the groups11:27
vistakillerand i cant find how to create new :(11:27
vistakillerkadressbook was very nice why they break it?11:28
richthegeekhey, are there any deadly issues on the current daily?11:33
peciskdeadly no, annoying - could be11:34
peciskthey're fixing plymouth, some got their bugs fixed, some are still out there11:34
richthegeekrighto, got an SSD to plug in (yay) so gonna just do a fresh install of 10.04 rather than sticking with this install that's been going since 8.1011:35
ryebtw, re - plymouth - is somebody else experiencing the boot failure with splash w/plymouth enabled on -14 ? I.e. at the moment when X needs to take over the terminal, plymouth is still there?11:45
ryeobserved on -nouveau and -radeon, not observed on -intel for some reason :-/11:45
Dr_WillisIve had a few boot failures.. but then the nexct reboot it workes11:45
Dr_WillisThis was on an Intel netbook11:45
Dr_WillisGiven how Little Ive seen Pymouth actually do... Id rather see them 'fix' it by removeing it.11:46
Dr_WillisI got a 20 sec boot time.. I see the little splash thing for like 1 sec.. :)11:46
richthegeekall UI changes are forgiven... Filezilla now gives dbus notifications so I am happy11:47
richthegeekhas Brasero been replaced?11:50
Dr_WillisHmm.. windows machine sees all the linux box's except this one. :() but if i put in the name in the address bar.. it does see it12:28
Dr_Williswonder whats up with that12:28
rskbroken dns?12:29
Dr_Willisjust a home lan.12:29
Dr_Willisshould be using wins i think.. not dns12:30
Dr_Willisweird... I changed workgroups in samba config.. restarted samba.. windows box is still seeing the pc now (at least) in the old workgroup12:41
Dr_Willisbut at least its seeing it12:41
FersureDoes "Install Kubuntu" work on the Lucid Alpha 3 CD?13:02
billybigriggerwhats with the window controls being on the left side of windows now? ie maximize/minimize/close buttons look all fubards13:02
Fersurebillybigrigger: I asked the same thing myself earlier and I was directed to this link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/11013:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:02
gnomefreakto revert now use the following command13:03
Fersureand in the actual bug description, there's a workaround which will revert it to the old look.13:03
gnomefreakgconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"13:03
Fersurety gnomefreak :>13:07
gnomefreakFersure: np13:07
JoshuaLi have a hp remote, it works fine except that the buttons are mapped wrong, how can i remap them?13:08
FersureJoshuaL: 'mapped wrong'? do you mean that they're on the left side instead of the right?13:09
Rods_TigerYesterday I was  trying to move up to Lucid Lynx, and I set it off installing, after answering a series of questions. Today I come back and see the same machine sitting there waiting for me to ask another question. This is ludicrous. Is it going to wait until questions come up and assume I'm sitting there all the time? Can't this thing just collect all the questions together and show them to be at the beginning so I13:09
JoshuaLFersure, i have a hp infrared remote control, there are several buttons on it. the problems is that the13:10
JoshuaLis that some of the buttons do the wrong thing*13:10
charlie-tcaRods_Tiger: yes, it is going to wait. No, it can not ask them all at one time.13:11
FersureJoshuaL: oh, then I'm not sure. sorry. hopefully someone else knows.13:12
Fersuregnomefreak: do you know if there's a way to get the buttons in a 'mac layout'? basically still on the left side but just "close, maximise, minimise" order rather than the order they're currently in?13:13
gnomefreakFersure: sorry but no atm13:13
Fersuregnomefreak: k, no worries. :)13:14
Rods_Tigercharlie-tca, why can't it ask them at the start?13:15
daniskamiCan't you just use "close,minimise,maximise:" in the gconf for "Mac" layout?13:15
daniskamior does it somehow break the theme?13:15
frenchihi, I've a problem with mountall in lucid lynx and a kernel I just compiled, 2.6.33 worked fine with the same configuration: it basically gets stuck on boot waiting for something. Could anybody give me an advice on how I could debug this problem?13:16
yofelRods_Tiger: most questions can be asked at the beginning, but if the message is something like a edited config file then not13:16
Rods_TigerDoes this conversation mean that the buttons on window top edges is finally on the correct side in Lucid Lynx? Excellent - at last.13:17
Dr_WillisThe Ubuntu-tweak tool has expanded options for reordering the buttons. It even has a 'mac layout' feature now i belive13:18
Dr_Willisor use mwbuttons --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/mwbuttons-complete-gui-for-customizing.html13:19
Rods_TigerThe more Mac-like ubuntu becomes, the more likelihood the rest of the family can tolerate using it without giving up. Good move - congratulations.13:19
Dr_WillisI have the opposite oponion Rods_Tiger13:19
gnomefreakRods_Tiger: there is no final decision this change was made as a test(not really the right word) but basicly its to see if it will work and take the community comments before it is decided13:20
Dr_WillisThe more they hate it here.13:20
Rods_Tigerit's unnatural having to search somewhere else for it each time13:20
Dr_WillisI dont see any gains by moveing the buttons.. theres 10000+ OTHER things they could be spending time on13:20
gnomefreakdesign idea is a better way of saying it13:20
Dr_WillisYes.. I find it unnatural to have it on the left side.13:20
Dr_Willisas does the wife13:20
Rods_Tigerin the past, on the netbook, I've artificially moved it over to the correct side, to imitate the mac, and used a theme that looks like the mac (well, a mac of nearly a decade ago)13:21
Dr_WillisShe uses che close button like ONCE  during her use of a program.. so theres no need to have it  so near the FILE menu or other things she uses 1000;s of tumes13:21
Dr_Willis For a netbook theres other alternatives. Theres a Panel applet that moves the close/min/max  button into the top panel.13:21
Dr_Willisand the title bar also.13:21
Dr_Willisof coruse with gnome-3 all this will proberly be moot anyway13:22
Rods_Tigeroh my wife is the opposite - she closes a window just because she's finished reading a sentence on it, then wonders where it's all gone. But she leaves apps open all the time. She can't distinguish between closing web browser windows and closing the actual browser app.13:22
Dr_WillisMac is weird in  How they do things. :)13:22
Rods_TigerI suppose if you're more used to linux than Mac, then yes13:23
aboSamoorHi, I am running lucid up to date. The system freezes because of hard disk write failures. once I restart I have this message on the plymouth / filesystem has errors [SIFM]13:23
Dr_Willisor more used to windows then mac...13:23
Rods_TigerMac OS is all about choice. Preventing it. People make the wrong choices. Let Apple do your thinking for you - they're better at it.13:24
Dr_WillisHmm. My fonts in firefox still look a littel diffrent then the ones gnome uses13:24
Dr_Willisapple being better at it - is debateable.13:24
Dr_Willisand OT. :)13:24
Rods_Tigerthey should be, the money we pay them13:24
Rods_Tigerbut yes, I'm for the buttons on the left, please. Thanks13:25
Dr_Williswe dont want to start this thread heh heh..13:25
yofelaboSamoor: that should be how it's supposed to work, if you don't do a clean unmount of the drive it will be checked on next boot to make sure the filesystem is ok13:25
Dr_WillisIm against it.. leve them on the right.13:25
bjsniderapple may try to restrict choice in its gui, but it also wants to stop users from screwing things up13:26
Rods_Tigerwhat if top left corner was one thing, top right corner was another thing, bottom right, another, etc13:26
Rods_Tigerimaginary headline "Ubuntu first OS to go wholly voice-controlled, abandons buttons!"13:27
bjsniderthere's a point after which good reasonable config options become foolhardy openings users can mistakenly use to damage their systems13:27
aboSamooryofel: the check does not finish, and during the last run I had some errors like "failed command: Write DMA ext", "write error on swap-drive" and "Error {ICRC ABRT}"13:28
yofelaboSamoor: that sounds like a ATA error, either the kernel is buggy or the hardware is broken (hdd, cable, mainboard, whatever...)13:29
aboSamooryofel: I replaced the harddisk and I still get the error. This problem was also there with karmic.13:31
bjsnideraboSamoor, what does palimpsest say about your drive?13:31
BUGabundo_remotehey guys FYI http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/mark-shuttleworth-explains-why-window.html13:31
BUGabundo_remotebjsnider: yofel Rods_Tiger ^^^^13:31
aboSamoorbjsnider: it says it is healthy for the new one, and for the old harddisk it say has some bad sectors.13:33
bjsniderwell,, that's smart data that has nothing to do with linux directly13:33
aboSamoorbjsnider: yofel the old hardisk is still connected to the computer but still not mounted. could it still generates the errors ?13:33
bjsniderif it has bad sectors it can't be trusted and should be replaced ASAP13:34
skyjumperanyone having trouble with gimp screenshots and compiz?13:35
aboSamoorbjsnider: I am not saving any critical data there. Now, I can not loging to my system and I am running using the usb. How can I try to fix the old hard disk13:35
bjsniderbad sectors can't be fixed13:36
bjsniderit is physical damage to the magnetically sensitive material on the platters13:36
aboSamoorbjsnider: maybe I can not login because of the bug mentioned above in the channel topic13:37
bjsniderin other words, maybe the two issues aren't related. i'd bet on that being the case13:38
Some_PersonIf you really want the buttons in their old karmic positions, you can use my PPA13:38
Some_PersonIs it possible to add a PPA intended for karmic to a lucid system?13:43
BUGabundo_remoteyes Some_Person13:44
Some_PersonAnd this won't screw anything up?13:44
gnomefreaki suggest using the command or gconf-editor to change them incase an upload to PPA breaks something13:46
Some_PersonIt's my PPA though. I don't think supertux SVN snapshots will break anything13:46
yofelSome_Person: just adding the ppa for karmic + lucid won't break anything13:47
yofelSome_Person: but if the packages aren't configured right it might13:47
Some_PersonMy packages work perfectly fine on karmic13:48
yofel(I usually add ~karmic or so to the end of a package version if I upload the same app for more than one release in the same ppa13:48
gnomefreakand since Lucid is not stable it is very much possible it can break13:48
Some_PersonI don't want to upload 2 packages though because they'd each be 75MB13:48
Some_PersonFor this slow connection, that's a lot to upload13:49
yofelSome_Person: then just make sure your sources.list contains one line for lucid and one for karmic13:49
Some_PersonShouldn't it only have one for karmic? There are no lucid packages in this PPA13:49
yofelSome_Person: you don't upload the whole source usually, the orig.tar.gz (if you have one) will be the same for both13:49
yofelSome_Person: if there are no lucid packages, then you don't need a lucid line ;)13:50
yofelSome_Person: oh wait, I read the question wrong, but no, as long as the packages (and the dependencies) don't conflict with anything in lucid it shouldn't break anything13:51
Some_PersonLiterally, all I would do to make a lucid version is change 'karmic' to 'lucid' in the changelog file13:51
Some_PersonNow what is this .orig.tar.gz you mentioned?13:52
BUGabundo_remoteSome_Person: here is a free top: create separate PPAs for separate projects!13:52
Some_PersonBUGabundo_remote: I already do that13:52
Some_PersonI have several PPAs: https://launchpad.net/~stownsend4213:53
SEJeffBUGabundo_remote, Do you have any more free tops this morning? ;)13:54
* Some_Person takes BUGabundo_remote's top13:54
infectohmm, i have strange problem my alt^1 shortcut dont work and FN^SLEEP button also dont work, can i setup this somewhere?13:55
yofelSome_Person: packaging internal stuff, if you really want to know that read the ubuntu/debian-policy or the maintainer guide,13:55
infectoi`m using kde13:55
Some_Person"internal stuff"?13:56
yofelSome_Person: do something like apt-get source bash and you'll see what a .orig.tar.gz is13:56
yofelSome_Person: it's usually the unmodified upstream source for a package13:57
Some_PersonBut what if the upstream source is what keeps changing every time you upload (as is the case with supertux)?13:57
yofelSome_Person: then yes, but what I meant is when you upload a package for multiple releases and you only change the changelog you won't need to upload it multiple times (I misunderstood your question at first)13:59
Some_PersonSo how would I upload in this way?13:59
yofelSome_Person: usually I upload a package for lucid, go into the changelog, change lucid to karmic, add ~karmic to the version, run debuild -S -sd and upload the new .changes file and that will only upload the diff, not everything14:01
Some_PersonSo what exactly does the -sd do?14:02
yofelSome_Person: 'only upload the diff'14:02
Some_PersonHow does it know what it's diffing to?14:04
yofelSome_Person: dpkg diffs all changes to the source comparing to the upstream source tar ball (.orig.tar.gz) and that is stored in the .diff.gz file14:05
Some_PersonWell, I haven't been uploading a .orig.tar.gz14:05
yofelSome_Person: when you run debuild -S -sa it will upload the .orig.tar.gz and the .diff.gz, with -sd it will only upload the .diff.gz14:05
yofelSome_Person: then that won't work for you14:06
yofelSome_Person: I'm usually trying to package stuff the debian way, with the original source in .orig.tar.gz and the debian dir added later14:06
Some_PersonI've really just been updating the upstream source (via svn), copying my debian folder into it, and using debuild -S14:06
Some_PersonI'm guessing that's the wrong way to do it14:07
yofelSome_Person: not exactly wrong, but it's easier (and less bandwith consuming) to patch stuff the other way14:07
Some_PersonCan you link me to proper documentation for this so I can learn the correct way?14:08
yofellike if you noticed a missing dependeny in the control file you won't have to upload everything again14:08
Some_PersonI've had that problem numerous times14:08
sevenseeker10.4 isn't recognizing my Dell Inspiron 9300 optical drive (and won't let me eject, 'eject cdrom' hangs): http://paste2.org/p/71996714:09
yofelSome_Person: you'll find the ubuntu-policy in the 'ubuntu-policy' package, the general rules are described there, and the official debian packaging  guide is at http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/14:11
yofelSome_Person: you might also want to look at the official supertux package and see how it's done there (you'll notice they used bzip2 for compression which is smaller but requires source format 3.0 (quilt), read 'man dpkg-source' for available source formats)14:17
Some_PersonThe official supertux actually has problems14:20
yofelSome_Person: was that the package with the missing depends?14:20
Some_PersonIt has other (more minor) issues too14:22
Some_PersonFor example, it segfaults on one of my machines. The problem is upstream, but a workaround is known. The problem is that it is not known why the workaround works14:25
yofelthe joys of software engeneering :D14:26
Some_PersonFor whatever reason, compiling it with -O2 instead of -O3 fixes segfaulting in some (currently unknown) situations14:26
SEJeffMeaning it doesn't really work. It only covers up a serious bug14:27
Some_PersonSEJeff: It does work though, in the sense that it doesn't segfault14:27
yofelwell, that's usually the purpose of a workaround14:27
SEJeffSome_Person, You aren't able to get a backtrace under gdb?14:28
Some_PersonI wasn't able to. Every situation where I compile it with debug flags, it doesn't friggin segfault!14:29
SEJeffHmmmm perhaps get as much as you can with ltrace/strace/ftrace?14:29
SEJeffAssuming you're on lucid all of those shiney hooks are enabled in the kernel14:29
Some_PersonThe system in question is still on karmic14:30
IdleOneI don't like how I can't control volume with my mouse wheel anymore :/14:40
Some_PersonIdleOne: file a bug\14:41
IdleOneSome_Person: you wouldn't happen to know which package the volume is controled from?14:45
Some_PersonIdleOne: I think it's indicator-applet14:45
marienzis the firefox urlbar autocomplete dropdown really supposed to have darkish blue links on a dark background when using the ambiance theme? It's pretty hard to read on this monitor.15:02
dupondjeI'm checking some translations, but what are the _ signs in it sometimes ?15:02
dupondjelike _Previous15:02
dupondjemarienz: there is already a bug for that15:02
marienzdupondje: probably the keyboard shortcut15:02
marienzdupondje: happen to know the right search term? "firefox ambiance" didn't do the trick15:03
* marienz tries some others15:03
DrHalandid audio break?15:03
marienzah, bug 532259?15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532259 in light-themes "Dark text on Dark background dropdown list firefox" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53225915:03
DrHalanno audio? anyone?15:12
yofelDrHalan: still works here15:15
Some_PersonDrHalan: Someone else had to tell me how to fix mine15:15
Some_PersonDrHalan: did you just install?15:15
DrHalan@Some_Person: kinda strange. i didn't do a dist-upgrade or anything if i recall right. but after rebooting my pc pulseaudio doesn't show any devices anymore15:16
Some_PersonOk, I don't think it's the same issue I had15:16
DrHalanyeah i guess it's more related to the kernel15:17
yofeloh nice, the dpkg fsync patch was reverted15:17
Some_PersonDrHalan: Mine was directly related to the kernel though. Someone put a line in there specifically for my soundcard (I'm using a workaround now that doesn't require patching the kernel)15:18
DrHalanill remove the backports for alsa15:18
DrHalandunno if they should be installed by default15:18
Some_Personbackports? in lucid?15:18
yofelSome_Person: backports from 2.6.3315:18
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
DrHalanmh nah still broken15:22
BluesKajDrHalan,I have to state the obvious, but make sure you have alsa-base and alsa-utils installed.15:33
DrHalanBluesKaj: it is. but maybe this is a pulseaudio issue.15:34
BluesKajDrHalan, perhaps but pus=lseaudio is redundant in most setups , it's merely another audio process/sound server running on top of alsa.15:35
DrHalanyeah but the applet isn't showing any sound devices. maybe the pulseaudio config is broken. or the kernel driver. who knows...15:36
BluesKajDrHalan, alsa is normally the kernel source driver for your soundcard... aplay -l in the terminal15:39
andatcheanyone know why compiz seems to ignore SKIP_CHECKS=yes in lucid?15:43
andatchecan't seem to find any information on it15:43
DrHalanBluesKaj: just tried to use alsaplayer. didn't work either. so i guess it's releated to the kernel drivers.15:43
DrHalanmaybe some packages i should do a dkpg-reconfigure on or so?15:44
BluesKajDrHalan, what does aplay -l  produce?15:45
andatcheit seems /usr/bin/compiz is now a binary too, used to be a bash script15:48
cwillu_at_workwhy is ucf useless when it fails?15:50
cwillu_at_workhighest log level gives no indication of what it thought went wrong that it returned with a exit code of 1015:51
IdleOnebecause useless and fail are mutually dependent15:51
cwillu_at_workhow do you reset ucf for a given file?15:54
cwillu_at_workor at least tell it to just do some sane default?15:54
cwillu_at_workgoogling for "ucf is full of fail" didn't find anything :(15:55
cwillu_at_workdpkg: error processing foomatic-filters (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1015:57
cwillu_at_workucf needs to die15:59
IdleOnedelete the post-installation script and try again?16:06
DrHalanBluesKaj: doesnt find any soundcards16:07
SEJeffcwillu_at_work, edit the script under /var/lib/dpkg/info and change it to the top shebang line and exit 0 as the 2nd line16:07
cwillu_at_workSEJeff, I already commented out the ucf line in question16:08
cwillu_at_workucf still needs to die :p16:08
SEJeffcwillu_at_work, Just change it to exit 0 to install the package. Then do apt-get install --reinstall to properly fix it all16:08
BluesKajDrHalan, ok in the terminal sudo apt-get install also-base alsa-utils16:08
DrHalanBluesKaj: theyre all there16:13
rabbit1i am currently using ubuntu 8.04 32 bit version, i got AMD Athon X 64 bit. planning to upgrade to 10.04 64 bit, how can i achieve this ?16:27
xfactSo currently I am on Lucid Lynx and fortunately it's stable enough for regular work, as I am a kiddo so anyone can suggest me What I should and should not do? here to keep it stable in this way...16:28
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Ian_Cornerabbit1: clean install16:29
rabbit1Ian_Corne: so, 32 bit 8.04 to 64 bit 10.04 is a cake walk?16:29
Ian_Corneyou'll have to remove your current system and install a fresh 64 bit16:30
kklimondarabbit1: at this time there are still problems with upgrading 8.04 to 10.0416:30
cwillu_at_workucf is breaking all sorts of stuff16:30
xfactAny suggestions? :\16:30
rabbit1kklimonda: yeah, i got wait till april end, but is it possible from 32bit 8.04 to 64bit 10.04 ?16:31
kklimondaxfact: don't do partial upgrades16:31
kklimondarabbit1: it's not supported16:31
kklimondarabbit1: it is possible but you would have to do it by hand16:31
kklimondarabbit1: not worth your time imo16:31
xfactIs there any kind of features/apps/programs that I should not run too?16:32
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:32
rabbit1kklimonda: i can do it, no issues, i just need a proper file, which helps me to do it16:32
cwillu_at_workxfact, if everything is working, then don't apply any upgrades16:32
kklimondaxfact: no, I don't think so16:32
phillwHi folks, will it be possible to run alsa based sound cards in 10.04, I note it is going to be using pulse.16:33
cwillu_at_workphillw, pulse uses alsa16:33
kklimondarabbit1: there is no documentation for doing that - I'd first upgrade to 10.04 32bit and then do a migration to 64bit - but the fastest way would be to just do a clean install16:34
xfactThen what about Beta 1 upgrade, that I will have to proceed16:34
phillwcwillu_at_work: thanks, so I just compile the driver as per the instructions and pulse will see it ?16:34
cwillu_at_workphillw, back up a step, presumably the version of alsa that's already included isn't working?16:35
cwillu_at_workbut yes, that's how it should work16:35
rabbit1kklimonda: u mean, get a cd of 10.04 64bit and go ahead from scratch ?16:35
phillwI'm asking on behalf of one the people in assistive -16:35
phillwI'm trying to configure an audio sound card on my ubuntu becouse it was16:35
phillwdetected but sounds really low. I downloaded a driver from the manufacturer,16:35
phillwbut I've some doubts. The thing is on the readme file all instructions are16:35
phillwfor alsa, and I don't know if it is aplicable for the new ubuntu systems16:35
phillwwith pulse. my configurations are for karmic or lucid.16:35
kklimondarabbit1: right, that's the best way of doing that16:36
cwillu_at_workphillw, alsa was never replaced16:36
cwillu_at_workalsa is not a competitor to pulse, they do different things16:36
phillwcwillu_at_work: it has instructions for doing it with ubuntu, so the OP should be able to use them ?16:36
cwillu_at_workalsa is what talks to the hardware, pulse is what talks to applications16:36
cwillu_at_workre: volume levels, I assume you've already checked alsamixer levels?16:37
phillwI can suggest that the OP tries that, the manal installation looks quite involed !!16:38
kklimondaphillw: if the drivers has not been added to alsa that doesn't sound good..16:39
cwillu_at_workkklimonda, there are drivers, it's just the volume was too low16:40
phillwcwillu_at_work: I'll ask the OP to check the alsamixer levels. If they look okay, is there anything else to check before manually installing it ?16:42
cwillu_at_workinstalling a kernel driver from source should be just about the last possible thing you try.  if it detects it at all, and the sound isn't actually distorted, then the driver probably isn't the issue.  If it _is_, then you're far better off filing a bug so that it can get fixed properly (to the extent of packaging that driver up ourselves if need be) rather than just applying a workaround16:43
cwillu_at_workencouraging workarounds just ensures that the bugs don't actually get fixed16:44
cwillu_at_workso, start with the levels :p16:44
phillwOkay, many thanks for your help, hopefully, I won't be back ;-)16:44
cwillu_at_workSEJeff, changing it to exit 0 + reinstall didn't fix it16:48
Andre_Gondimis there any news about ubuntu one?16:58
rskAndre_Gondim http://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/16:59
xfactWhen Ubuntu one store will launch?17:04
rskno idea17:24
xfactrsk, ok17:25
nigelbanyone on lucid using xchat?17:36
nigelbxchat-gnome to be precise17:36
Some_PersonI'm using xchat, but not xchat-gnome17:40
Damasceneit seems like the network manger can't keep his hand off any wireless network near it17:43
Some_Personwhy is there no gstreamer0.10-pitfdll for x86-64?17:43
markl_is there a channel for discussing the ubuntu cloud components?17:46
xfactnigelb, Yup I am currently on Lucid and here by Xchat17:46
markl_looks like fun to play with17:46
nigelbxfact: can test bug 528017?17:46
xfact*Hoping that soon Ubuntu lucid will afford a new good looking boot screen*17:47
xfactnigelb, What kind of bug is that, I have not faced any problems and bugs in Xchat yet17:47
Fersureany system requirements for lucid yet? kubuntu alpha 3 live cd seems sluggish in a vm with 1gb ram17:51
rwwmarkl_: I know there's #ubuntuone for that part of it. Dunno if there's a channel for the Canonical enterprise stuff.17:51
Fersureand yet ubuntu alpha 3 seemed fine17:52
xfactFersure, As much as I know that the requirement is same like Ubuntu/kubuntu 9.1017:53
Fersurexfact: ah ok. seems kinda strange. could just be an issue with the live cd though seeing as "install kubuntu" didn't work from the boot menu.17:54
Fersurehopefully this'll all be fixed in a couple of days with beta1 :)17:54
xfactYup, and also I am not much familiar with Kubuntu, I use Ubuntu17:55
Fersuresame as Ubuntu. just a different desktop/set of GUI apps.17:56
Fersureand a different frontend for ubiquity.17:56
nigelbxfact: you need client side decorations enabled to face that bug, nevermind. thanks anyway17:58
xfactnigelb, Well, then I would not like to enable it, and no problem :)18:00
nigelbxfact: :)18:01
busatacould it be that the last upgrade just breaks the system? I can't reboot in the 2.6.32-17 kernel, it just hangs on start up, shouting some readahead terminated with status 4 error before just showing a black screen18:01
busatawhen I reboot to kernel 2.6.31 , it moans that plymouth stuff crashed18:02
busatadid see the bug in the topic header, but not sure it's related18:03
JoshuaLbusata, its the same18:06
JoshuaLiirc everyone has that issue18:06
Boondoklifewow, am I glad i ganked plymouth a while ago18:18
billybigrigger_is there anyway to aac support in ffmpeg without compiling it on my own?18:32
rskfind a precompiled binary with aac support18:32
rskis the only way then18:32
billybigrigger_well why then is ffmpeg compiled without it to begin with?18:38
rskbecase someone choose to do that18:39
rskffmpeg and mplayer packages are crippled18:39
billybigrigger_dumb decision imo18:39
rskfor no good reason18:39
rskthey claim it's for patents18:40
rskmp3 is patented18:40
rskand it plays it18:40
rskso why not aac?18:40
rskit's just silly18:40
ehnde  is that why i have so much trouble with .wmv's with mplayer?18:40
ehndevlc will not play them at all, even with ubuntu-restricted-extras installed18:41
rskmost likely18:41
ehndeis there a repository that provides these options in an uncrippled mplayer?18:41
rskwhat you want to do is compiler mplayer from svn18:41
rskfor the best results18:41
rskit's also a bit faster18:42
rsktakes >10 minutes on a normal pc18:42
ehndemeh...might try that, i'm sure there are instructions on the forums18:43
[A]KangBheil! Im trying to fix my window decorator problem. Window border came back when I write "compiz --replace &" on a terminal. im trying to do a launcher to "click it" at boot when compiz fails. I have done it, but dont do anything, opens console and exit without doing nothing. Any Help? Sorry for my bad English, im spanish :D18:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
busatawops, sorry about my earlier error, apparantly updating the nvidia drivers made it boot up ! :)19:14
oskudehello. how do i run setup.exe from my legal (ms-windows compatible) game that is on a cdrom ?19:24
oskudeit says its blocking wine...19:25
oskudeand i cant set a executable bit on cdrom, or can i ?19:25
ZykoticK9oskude, from a terminal "wine /media/DRIVENAME/setup.exe"19:25
oskudeZykoticK9, roger...19:25
oskudeand we cant do that from nautilus anymore ?19:26
ZykoticK9oskude, on a CD no, on a HD you need to set the file as executable from nautilus before it will work19:26
oskudehmm. i would not call that user friendly... but what ever, not our choice...19:27
ZykoticK9oskude, that change was made in Karmic19:27
oskudeseems i haven installed any wine things since then ^^19:28
atruslucid recovery mode seems to dump me at a screen with a blinking cursor... suggestions?19:30
oskudeso all i need to do is make a nautilus menu item that launches my exe from cdrom.. hehe19:31
ZykoticK9atrus, verify that alt+f1 doesn't show a login19:31
atrustty1's cursor is blirking about halfway down the screen. tty2-7 are on the top line.19:31
atrusZykoticK9: verified :)19:31
ZykoticK9atrus, i see that19:31
atrusctrl-alt-delete works at least.19:32
atrusonly thing weird i can think of is that /home is a fuse filesystem mounted from /etc/fstab.19:32
oskudecan i turn that wine blocking off ? it really annoys me and i know what im doing!19:33
oskudei REALLY don't want my OS to say what i may and may not do/run! so please, where do i turn this thing off ?19:35
atrusZykoticK9: well, that didn't fix it.19:36
atrusi can see the kernel booting, and i can see at least the start of some init scripts, before the resolution changes and everything's black but the blinking cursor.19:37
ZykoticK9atrus, you did replace the correct value/path when you tried right?19:37
atrusZykoticK9: not sure i understand. the correct value/path for what?19:38
ZykoticK9atrus, "wine /media/DRIVENAME/setup.exe" you need to replace DRIVENAME and the setup.exe with what your system actually has19:38
atrusZykoticK9: oh, i think you mean oskude :)19:39
phillwcwillu_at_work: are you still about ?19:39
ZykoticK9atrus, sorry man :)19:39
Damasceneif some one typed the passprase one wrong type he will not be able to run empathy till he logs out, is that true?19:39
oskudeZykoticK9, it does work from terminal. but i want to use it from nautilus.19:39
Damascene*one wrong time19:39
ZykoticK9atrus, you're having the Recovery flashing prompt - i have no suggestions on that one, sorry19:40
oskudeZykoticK9, and also about principle. i really dont want my OS to be restrictive... the reason i started to use linux (~8 years ago)19:40
* Some_Person doesn't use wine and hasn't booted to windows in weeks19:41
* SEJeff doesn't have a windows partition :)19:41
SEJeffANd hasn't for a few years19:41
* oskude would even have a OSX partition, if it was legal...19:41
ZykoticK9oskude, i'm sorry i don't have a workaround/fix for that.  I agree it is a little annoying but, security is an important thing.  If it's a HUGE deal for you, there is always another distro or Windows.19:42
cwillu_at_workphillw, yep?19:42
oskudeZykoticK9, yeah... maybe i really should go back to debian. thanks anyway.19:42
atrusoskude: does that work in debian?19:43
oskudeatrus, at least when i install "standard" and add X + desktop manually19:44
cwillu_at_workwhat's the problem?19:45
phillwhi cwillu_at_work -- the OP reports back   I tried with alsamixer seting all values at 100%, but nothing happens... The model is realtek ALC 880.19:45
oskudeatrus, but if debian has that as default too (and no option to disable/remove), my freedom is starting to crumble...19:45
ZykoticK9oskude, how often do you have to install MS programs from CD?  doesn't seem like occasionally using the terminal for installing from CD would be big deal?  I guess it is for you.  Best of luck man.19:46
cwillu_at_workphillw, as in the values were at 100%, or he changed them?19:46
cwillu_at_workoskude, hardly, you're perfectly welcome to remove the check from the source code19:46
SEJeffoskude, That isn't a feature, it is a bug19:46
phillwcwillu_at_work: I'd have to email him to find out19:46
atrusoskude: you can always just change the code if you want. you could probably even write a script to load a .exe. you've got the source, nobody's infringing on your freedom.19:46
cwillu_at_workphillw, get him to file a bug ;p19:47
phillwcwillu_at_work: okay I will do so. Thanks for your help.19:47
oskudeSEJeff, you mean its a bug that i cant disable that "executable bit blocker" thing ?19:47
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=== debugger is now known as rgl
oskudei have only 2 ms-windows executables (on original cd) that i ever use. and i never ever run any other exe files. so why do i need this blocker ?19:49
SEJeffoskude, So do what others have said and write a script that you can click19:50
rwwoskude: executable bit stuff affects your entire system, not just Windows executables19:50
rwwit protects against a significant number of security vulnerabilities19:50
cwillu_at_workoskude, the alternative is to have execute bit set for everything on a cd, which means that you always get that annoying "did you want to run this or display it?" prompt19:51
rwwthe kernel team decided that disabling this protection for WINE's sake was no longer a good idea.19:51
SEJeffAnd that was a good idea19:51
DanaGhmm, maybe it would be good to have wine itself check what filesystem things are.19:52
rwwassuming we're talking about the same thing i'm talking about, which i can't figure out :\19:52
DanaGIf (not executable) and (filesystem is iso9660) then allow it to run.19:52
oskudeim talking about that my OS is telling me what i may and may not. and there is no (easy) way to turn it off (to give me my freedom back)19:53
SEJeffYou can get the code and build a new version19:53
SEJeffNo one stole your freedom19:53
cwillu_at_workoskude, don't get all emotional;  you've lost absolutely no freedom, a default has changed is all19:53
rwwCopying the files from the CD to your hard disk wouldn't work?19:54
cwillu_at_workoskude, you might as well get up in arms about the loss in freedom because we use a protected memory model19:54
ZykoticK9rww, using the terminal will work fine, the problem is with nautilus19:54
rww(and then chmodding them there, obviously)19:54
rwwZykoticK9: ah19:54
rwwoh, it's that thing19:54
SEJeffResolution: Closed, WONTFIX :)19:55
rwwi think that's a different thing than what i was talking about earlier. so never mind me.19:55
ZykoticK9so "fix released" for bug #538097 does that mean apport is currently fixed, or are we still waiting for updates on that?19:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538097 in launchpad-foundations "+storeblob fails with "500 Internal server error" on production (works on edge)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53809719:55
SEJeffwe've all had those before19:55
oskudei dont really have a problem. the game is already installed and updating. im just getting more and more annoyed about the new decisions that ubuntu is making, and no easy way for users to "go back"...19:56
ZykoticK9I'm certainly happy is was fixed prior to the Beta being released!19:56
rwwZykoticK9: looks like it was a bug in Launchpad, not apport, and was fixed.19:56
oskudeso yeah, i should just stop think how my mom or girlfriend will handle these changes...19:57
yoasifany packagers here?19:58
BoondoklifeZykoticK9: The error stopping error reports was fixed. Kewl20:02
ZykoticK9Boondoklife, now if only i could remember the bug i wanted to report :)20:02
atrushuh. trying to add an indicator applet to my gnome-panel... i get some kind of xrandr applet.20:03
yofelZykoticK9: err.. that's what the 'save report' feature of apport-cli is for ;)20:04
ZykoticK9yofel, for next time that apport/Launchpad goes down i'll know :)  thanks20:04
atrusand it still removes the 'logout/shutdown' options from the system menu O_O20:05
yofelatrus: I think that's intentional20:06
* yofel thinks the shutdown options should be in the system menu and not on the desktop bug well...20:06
atruswell, i think the problem is that it's running an xrandr applet instead of the indicator-applet-session-whatever applet, which usually contains the logout/restart/shutdown options.20:07
cwillu_at_workatrus, you're so cute when you use technical words you don't understand :)20:08
cwillu_at_work(xrandr has nothing to do with applets)20:08
cwillu_at_workthe login/out thingie is a different applet I believe20:09
atruslogin/logout goes into the indicator applet session, correct?20:09
cwillu_at_workno, that's a different applet, which I don't know the name of off-hand20:09
cwillu_at_workit's related though20:09
cwillu_at_work!info telepathy-butterfly20:10
ubottutelepathy-butterfly (source: telepathy-butterfly): MSN connection manager for telepathy. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 35 kB, installed size 320 kB20:10
alex_mayorgacwillu_at_work: thanks20:10
atruscwillu_at_work: right. i try to add that to the panel, and i get an applet that lets me manage screen rotation :)20:10
cwillu_at_workatrus, as opposed to indicator-applet20:10
atruswell, as oppsode to indicator-applet-session.20:11
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cwillu_at_workno, I mean there's indicator-applet, and indicator-applet-session, two different applets20:11
atruscwillu_at_work: neither of which has anything to do with screen rotation.20:11
atrusi do understand this :)20:11
atruscorrect me if i'm wrong anyways.20:11
cwillu_at_workatrus, screen rotation is an applet which shows up in the indicator applet :p20:12
cwillu_at_workit can be turned on and off from the screens & resolutions panel20:12
atrusit doesn't show up in the notification applet anymore?20:12
cwillu_at_workno; things are gradually moving over to the indicator applet20:12
cwillu_at_worknotification applet is just supposed to be used for notifications, and upstream has been getting fussy about that20:13
cwillu_at_workso we basically have exactly the same thing, but we call it an indicator applet, and we put whatever we want in it, and they can't complain :p20:13
cwillu_at_workindicator applet is a cleaner design internally as well I believe, so it's not _entirely_ political20:13
atrusi'm just not sure what screen rotation had to do with indicators... or why the icon for the indicator applet would be a screen-resolution icon...20:14
cwillu_at_workatrus, it's not20:14
cwillu_at_workyou understand what the notification applet is, right?20:15
cwillu_at_workthe indicator applet is basically _exactly_ the same thing20:15
cwillu_at_workit's a container20:15
Some_Personnetwork manager still uses notification, right?20:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 399565 in fftw3 "extace crashed with SIGSEGV in fftw_execute()" [Undecided,New]20:15
DanaGhmm, should I mark that confirmed?20:15
atruscwillu_at_work: so what does empathy/evolution use for indicating new message status?20:15
cwillu_at_workSome_Person, I believe so, although I'd expect that to switch at some point20:15
cwillu_at_workatrus, I believe they use a little of both, but I could be mistaken20:15
Some_PersonI think it's silly to have 2 things that do exactly the same thing20:16
cwillu_at_workSome_Person, yes, I already said as much20:16
atruscwillu_at_work: okay, so where is the logout option currently?20:16
cwillu_at_workgnome has strong opinions on the proper use of the notification area though; specifically, that it's _not_ intended to be used as a "system tray"20:17
cwillu_at_workatrus, it should be in the indicator-session-applet20:17
atrusoh, i see. indicator-session-applet isn't rendering any icons, so i couldn't tell that there were two parts to it.... also they're fixed horizontally, except it's on a narrow vertical panel. hrm.20:18
cwillu_at_workah, vertical panels are troublesome20:18
cwillu_at_workI've got some patches I use (although I use wide vertical panels)20:18
cwillu_at_workbut yes, they're broken in all sorts of non-trivial ways20:19
atrusokay, moving it to a horizontal panel... there's a "power" icon, and a blank clickable region next to to set status.20:19
cwillu_at_workthat should display your user name, although I think that's configurable somewhere20:19
atrushm. yeah, it's not showing anything.20:19
cwillu_at_workthe indicator session applet won't reorient for a vertical panel, one could probably file a bug report/feature request over that20:20
atrusthis explains why my last attempt at using lucid went so horribly wrong at least.20:20
atruswell it's a regression...20:21
cwillu_at_workgnome-panel really needs a sane way of specifying the orientation of a given applet though, as I've got examples of all 4 combinations on my desktop (vertical and horizontal panels, each with applets I'd prefer to be wide or tall)20:21
cwillu_at_workit's a desktop regression, but a feature request for the particular applet20:22
=== Whitor_ is now known as Whitor
oskudeok, got some more tips on another channel. how do i know if a cd/dvd is in Rock Ridge format ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Ridge referring to this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Policies#Implementation%20Details20:31
Okidesuumm... where exactly is this fix released for plymouth? because i'm still getting that error ..20:32
cwillu_at_workOkidesu, if it was just recently released, your archive may not have it yet;  if it's marked as released in upstream, there should be a second target with ubuntu's status20:36
Okidesucwillu_at_work well i'm using the main server ... but ok i guess i can wait and see :)20:37
BUGabundoanother plymouth bug?20:37
BUGabundoI just installed it two days20:37
BUGabundoman I better purge it for good for this cycke20:37
Okidesuoh god i need a good sci-fi movie =-=''20:39
Okidesuot a Syfy one lol20:40
Okidesubtw if the kernel is locked does this mean that it will not get updated so i don't have to recompile drivers ?20:41
oskudeok, it seems its a bug after all. as my dvd (with 99.9% probability) is not in Rock Ridge format and according to this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Policies#Implementation%20Details it should work...20:47
oskudebut my only info is this http://www.cdrfaq.org/faq03.html#S3-5-2 and the dvd is from 200420:48
oskudei have no idea how to check if the dvd is in Rock Ridge format20:48
* oskude says its only a problem on his dvd and goes play ;P20:52
richthegeekhey, the latest daily build (16th) doesn't boot... is this normal?20:53
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:53
BUGabundorichthegeek: in this devels stuff, breaking *is* normal20:53
BUGabundowhat ever *normal* is for you20:54
richthegeekDo daily builds typically boot, ie should I report it as a bug or should I accept that it's life20:54
BUGabundoyes, they usually boot20:55
BUGabundoI don't recall one that didn't20:55
BUGabundobut I've found several that would not install or login20:55
Spiderman28I just upgraded last night and everything seems to be working fine except for a few things that I think are linked.  I am using an Asus c90s with a Nvidia 8600m graphics card.  First on boot and shutdown I get some garbled stuff instead of plymouth then when I get in I have no title bars on anything.  I have also checked the hardware drivers where it says "This driver is activated but not currently in use.". and the only way20:55
Spiderman28to get the title bars back is to go to system/preferences/Appearance Visual Effects and select Extra then it looks for drivers and fixes it... I have to do this every time I boot. Sorry this was so long but I figured I would get it all out on the table right away.20:55
richthegeekBUGabundo: so should I attempt to test it? I'm not a *nix dev20:56
BUGabundorichthegeek: ot test tomorrow daily20:57
richthegeekBUGabundo: k20:57
richthegeekBUGabundo: not on a particularly esoteric setup (AMD X4 940, GTX 260, 8gb RAM, SSD drive)20:58
richthegeekBUGabundo: and yes, it does run like effluent off a shovel20:58
richthegeekSpiderman28: no idea sorry, either wait for a reply or use a fresh build to stop old/new conflicts21:01
bjsniderrichthegeek, that's awesome hardware dude, except for the cpu21:02
bjsniderbut you can't win em' all21:03
bjsniderat least you're tossing lots of horsepower at it21:03
Spiderman28yeah I've looked all over and it seems I may have to wait till beta.21:03
richthegeekbjsnider: 4 cores at 3ghz, with a pretty big cache21:03
bjsniderrichthegeek, yes but it wasn't made by intel21:03
richthegeekbjsnider: it's in the top 10 of all processors21:03
richthegeekbjsnider: * commercially viable* processors, on a cross-test benchmark I mean21:04
richthegeekbjsnider: and I paid half than I would've for an intel of the same power21:04
bjsnideryep. i get it21:05
bjsnideri always buy as much intel as possible to avoid issues with my os of choice21:07
DanaG argh, for some reason, (32-bit) wine keeps trying to load DRI drivers from /usr/lib/dri -- and then fails with Wrong ELFCLASS: ELF64.21:07
richthegeekbjsnider: your OS of choice is?21:07
bjsniderrichthegeek, windows 95 se service pack 4721:07
richthegeekbjsnider: not even sure if trolling..21:07
vladanianHey guys, are any of you running eclipse?21:08
vladanianOn lucid 64-bit21:08
vladanianI can't get eclipse, installed from the repos or otherwise, to recognize update repos21:09
vladanianOn two different machines21:09
vladanianand different networks21:09
richthegeekis eclipse in the lucid repo?21:10
richthegeekis it giving you any errors?21:10
vladanianYes, let me copy it21:11
DanaGerr:wave:wodPlayer_WriteMaxFrags Error in writing wavehdr. Reason: Resource temporarily unavailable21:11
DanaGerr:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly21:12
DanaGWine fail.21:12
DanaGWell, if a 32-bit Wine tries to load 64-bit drivers... well, it's no **** it's not going to work.21:12
bjsniderDanaG, which opengl drivers are these?21:12
DanaGWine on 64-bit host tries to load DRI drivers from /usr/lib/dri/21:12
DanaG... and then fails with "wrong elfclass: ELF64"21:13
bjsniderwouldn't happen if you were using the nvidia blob21:13
DanaGStill, it's Wine failing.21:14
DanaGIf you need 32-bit drivers... it's STUPID to try to load them from the 64-bit drivers dir!21:14
* DanaG goes off to look for ice cream in the refrigerator.21:14
DanaGOh no, it's melted!21:15
bjsnideri'll tell the wine guys21:15
balascan anyone check if anyone has had any issues with a CMI8788 and lucid ?  i can't get mine to work.  lspci -v sees it, but only integrated sound is listed.21:15
balasi think there's a bot that can check ?21:15
DanaGWell, you should've had frozen yogurt instead... =þ21:15
DanaGeh, my analogy doesn't quite work.21:15
vladanianrichthegeek, the error is always: Unable to connect to repository http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo/site.xml org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.ProvisionException21:16
vladanianfor whatever repo I'm trying to access21:17
vladanianI was googling this and found similar errors around when the eclipse project was updating from one version to another -- but I tested last on Sat and the error is the same -- I imagine more people would be crowing if this issue was on eclipse's end21:18
vladanianI had these errors with the lucid package, and just tried aptana studio, which is based on eclipse, and same errors21:19
richthegeekvladanian: probably to do with lucid being an alpha then... guess you'll just have to wait until release21:22
richthegeekvladanian: it might be that the Eclipse version in lucid is prerelease21:22
richthegeekvladanian: I suppose you could rollback21:22
DanaGwine died.21:24
vladanianrichthegeek, I'm getting the same error with aptana studio  -- just using their tarball21:24
richthegeekand you tried it on two different installs of lucid? or two different networks?21:24
yofelvladanian: is the eclipse version from the eclipse site giving that error too?21:25
bjsnidervladanian, doesn't sound like the url it's trying to download from actually exists21:25
yofelhm, yeah, could be a server issue too21:25
vladanianyofel, I'll try with the version from their site.21:26
DanaGfixme:wave:wodOpen unimplemented format: WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM21:30
vladanianbjsnider, I believe it's correct -- the addressed configured is this: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo/21:32
vladanianWhen you visit it, it tells you it's the update repo21:32
vladanianthe error does mention site.xml, but that's something that eclipse is adding or looking for on its own21:32
DanaGah, added that to /etc/environment/21:33
vladanianyofel, the eclipse version straight off the site gives the same error21:34
yofelok, then it's either a server or configuration issue21:35
vladanianwhen I run from the terminal the recurring error is: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector executeWithRetry21:39
vladanianINFO: I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Invalid argument21:39
bjsniderwhat is eclipse?21:39
yofelbjsnider: err... a quite popular IDE? (as long as we aren't talking about the sun at least)21:40
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DanaGInteresting... HL2DM under Wine "Works" (to some degree) with the ATI open-source drivers... but only as long as audio in Wine is entirely disabled.21:50
vladanianrichthegeek, yofel, bjsnider -- interestingly, I solved my problem by uninstalling openjdk packages and installing the sun-java6 ones21:52
yofelvladanian: LOL, file a bug about openjdk ^^21:52
kklimondaheh, Ubuntu could really use an awesome IDE for GNOME development..21:53
DanaGoh, and if wine audio is enabled... hl2dm starting just plain hangs.21:53
atrusempathy is running in lucid... how do i view the contact list?21:55
atrusi have a menu with my status in it, and a menu with shutdown/logout... and then the indicator-applet just has screen geometry settings... so i'm not sure where the empathy menu item went to.21:56
atrusi'm assuming that's wrong :)21:58
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arandFor the boot splash, is there a text and graphical version?22:14
DanaGah, weird:22:19
DanaGxorg-edgers doesn't have updated versions of the 32-bit GL stuff!22:19
arandBleh, still seing the plymouth-crash-on-enter..22:21
rwwarand: what do you mean by "text and graphical version"? If you mean "can you turn off the shiny graphics stuff?" then yes. Remove plymouth and plymouth-x1122:25
* maxb bemoans the lack of fsck progress displays22:26
arandthere seems to be a graphical and text version of the plymouth boot splash...22:26
* yofel agrees with maxb22:26
DanaGmy gripe: the dots look like a progress bar that "lies" -- it goes from 0% to 100% over and over.22:26
arandDanaG: Just saw someone complaining about that in -devel :)22:27
yofelindeed, only one colored moving dot would be better22:27
DanaGyeah, it should "throb", not lie.22:28
DanaGoh, and I do still think the "superscript" logo looks like "registered trademark" symbol.22:30
BUGabundoohhh maxb is back?22:33
maxbmountall has just checked my fs, found errors, claimed that it's "skipping it at user request", and started checking the same fs again :-(22:33
maxbSomething weird happened to my connection22:34
BUGabundoI bet22:35
BUGabundoyou were missed maxb22:35
Machtini need a text normalizer.. i tried convmv but that won't work: "ascii doesn't cover all needed characters for:" - any suggestions?22:40
Machtinoh, forget it.. i'm just an idiot. :/22:41
maxbHmm, now mountall is fscking the same partition for the third time in a row22:44
DanaGugh, with audio enabled, steam / hl2dm doesn't get past the intro videos to reach the menu.22:46
DanaGIt just hangs.22:46
* DanaG gives up on Wine.22:48
charlie-tca__If 32bit Xubuntu upgraded real easy from karmic, will I be sorry for trying the same thing in 64bit?22:49
crimsunDanaG: which version of wine? which backend?22:49
crimsuncharlie-tca__: "maybe?"22:50
DanaGbackend: alsa.22:50
DanaGwith pulseaudio and without -- either way hangs.22:50
* charlie-tca__ thinks "that's what I like, a real solid maybe"22:50
DanaG"without" being "under pasuspender"22:50
DanaGwait, interesting...22:51
crimsunerr. Well, if you use pasuspender, you should probably use the oss backend.22:51
DanaGit seems this time hl2dm started... but the screen is invisible.22:51
charlie-tca__crimsun: I got a really stupid bug I told the reporters to redo as pulseaudio bug. It is causing abiword to fail?22:51
DanaGI'd much rather run it though PA -- since that's my preferred way of doing everything.22:51
crimsuncharlie-tca__: does it involve pa_tls_set() in the trace?22:51
charlie-tca__let me look22:52
DanaGmmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory22:52
DanaGAssertion 'b' failed at pulsecore/memblock.c:451, function pa_memblock_acquire(). Aborting.22:52
DanaGwine: Assertion failed at address 0xf7781430 (thread 004f), starting debugger...22:52
crimsuncharlie-tca__: hmm, which version of abiword? 2.6.ish?22:52
crimsunthat is *so* *not* *a* *pulse* bug22:52
charlie-tca__so it is abiword?22:53
charlie-tca__I'll upstream it then22:53
DanaGweird... and this time, the menu is visible.22:53
rwwcrimsun: something tells me you're frustrated ;P22:53
DanaGand this time, it died in r600_dri22:53
crimsunabiword or one of its libraries is calling xmlCleanupParser() multiple times, and that is clearly an abuse of libxml222:53
charlie-tca__one user removed pa and the bug went away22:54
crimsuncharlie-tca__: it's already fixed in 2.8.ish or whatever Lucid ships22:54
charlie-tca__good to hear. That's even better22:54
DanaGI actually AM a fan of pulseaudio.22:54
DanaGMakes multi-device audio-handling awesome.22:54
crimsunthe effect is that xmlCleanupParser() attempts to call out of a thread that no longer is mapped, and *boom*, the next thing to hit is pulse22:55
crimsunI've been going through the Lucid archive fixing these bugs22:56
crimsun   * src/{fpm_file,main}.c: Don't splatter xmlCleanupParser() everywhere;22:56
crimsun     call it once when the app exits. Not only is the former wrong22:56
crimsun     according to the huge warning in libxml2's parser.c, but doing so22:56
crimsun     makes it look like PulseAudio is (incorrectly) the culprit22:56
crimsun     (LP: #428702).22:56
charlie-tca__Okay. I fixed it22:56
crimsunseriously, if you see a pa_tls_set -> boom in the stack trace, it *isn't* a pulse bug. Go punch the other app in the eyes.22:57
charlie-tca__I can do that. Thanks for letting me know.22:57
DanaGit also spews err:wave:wodPlayer_WriteMaxFrags Error in writing wavehdr. Reason: Resource temporarily unavailable22:58
crimsunmaco: the runes are on the KarmicCaveats page of DebuggingSoundProblems23:02
blizzowI just got the thinkpad edge and installed Ubuntu.  There are a couple of problems though.  1)  I plug in my headphones and sound still comes out of the machine, not out of the headphones.  2)  The wireless (realtek 8192 se) is still b0rked, even though I thought kernel >2.6.31 had support for the 8192 series cards.  Anyone here know if there is a setting that can be tweaked for the headphones and/or a way to enable the realtek wireless?23:31
blizzowI did try the realtek driver that is on realtek's site, but that thing only sees a couple of my available wifi networks.  Worse yet, it won't connect to any wifi.23:32
DanaGr8192se.... it should be in-kernel in Lucid; just needs the firmware.23:33
DanaGI've found I get far far better performance with ndiswrapper, though.23:33
DanaGFAR better.23:33
DanaGAnd 3 watts lower power usage, too.23:33
mdlueckAnyone know of services that use lsb start_daemon? I am seeing that work wrong since 9.10 and persists in today's daily ISO.23:33
blizzowDanaG: I've never used ndiswrapper, I'm kind of against it on principle.  Is it difficult to set up?23:34
mdlueckSo wanted to install a package that also uses start_daemon and see if it does the same wrong thing with another package. Suggestions anyone?23:35
Jordan_Ublizzow: Have you tried linux-backports-wireless or a vanilla upstream kernel?23:39
blizzowJordan_U: nope, I just got Lucid installed on the box and these were the problems I have found right away.23:40
blizzowI'm actually less worried about the wireless, and more worried about the headphone jack.  I was wondering if maybe there is a Pulse or Alsa setting.23:40
DanaGthere's an alsa backports-modules thingy, too.23:42
DanaGoh yeah, and the "kernel-ppa" kernels all have STAGING entirely disabled (as well as the already-stable CONFIG_RICOH_MMC )!23:43
DanaGso, they're not useful on my systems.23:43
DanaGI don't remember exactly what I had to do for ndiswrapper, but anyway, you can find "howto" things online.23:44
crimsunblizzow: use ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev's linux-alsa-driver-modules23:49
mdlueckAnyone else not able to connect to Samba servers using Nautilus in recent Lucid builds?23:53
dupondjemdlueck: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/532024 ?23:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 532024 in gvfs "gvfsd-smb-brows uses 100% cpu after selecting Places-->Network" [Low,Incomplete]23:54
mdlueckdupondje: Reading to see if it is the same as the bug I opened...23:55
mdlueckWhich is... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/53825023:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 538250 in nautilus "Creating a GUI shortcut to a Samba share, password dialog never appears, PID's stuck in process list" [Undecided,New]23:56

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