
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
erUSULcan someone with more "autoritas" shake out the offtopic in #ubuntu ?10:01
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Ddordahey all14:14
DdordaerUSUL: sup?14:15
DdordaerUSUL: how are you...14:17
erUSULahh ok ;) fine thanks ; and you?14:17
DdordaerUSUL: great.. vacation soon!14:18
* erUSUL wonders ... if his guess that sup is what's up is correct14:18
DdordaerUSUL: do you have any idea the bug reporting tool of ubuntu isn't installed by default in Ubuntu?14:18
* Ddorda believes that erUSUL is right14:19
DdordaerUSUL: yes14:19
erUSULit is afaik... but can not tell for sure. i allways upgrade has done only 3 fresh installs ...14:20
DdordaerUSUL: it's only on non-officially releases.. like alpha and beta versions..14:21
erUSULare you sure? seems really odd given that ubuntuers are allways pressing for using apport instead of using launchpad directly14:23
PiciNo, apport is always installed, its just not normally *enabled* on stable releases.14:25
DdordaPici: why not then..?14:25
PiciDdorda: You'd have to really talk to the folks in #ubuntu-bugs about that, but probably because they don't need thousands of duplicate bugs for every issue that comes up.14:26
DdordaI see...14:26
DdordaI just thought it will be much more effective to get more specific information about drivers bugs and so on14:27
PiciI'm guessing though.14:27
k1limho it will just flood with duplicated bugs14:27
persiaapport works by default : it's the backend to `ubuntu-bug`.  It doesn't trap every crash, because of volume.14:30
persiaIt can be configured to trap every crash, but generally one can just run ubuntu-bug to report useful bugs.14:31
Ddordamaybe there's an option to make apport to run only on hardware or critical bugs?14:31
persiaOne can just run `ubuntu-bug linux` when one encounters one, and it collects all the right info.14:41
Ddordaokay.. thanks (even I didn't really want it to become a support question.. just was intrested..)14:42
Tom_FarPici, get 200 if Pici here...16:32
PiciTom_Far: The operator that banned you was [Green] - You need to speak to them regarding it.16:36
Pici/msg [Green]16:36
YasumotoHey guys, can I get an ubuntu cloak when you get a chance? Thank you! http://launchpad.net/~yasumoto716:36
Tom_Far!ыуут Пкуут16:36
Tom_Far!seen Green16:36
ubottuI have no seen command16:36
Tom_Far!see Green16:37
MyrttiTom_Far: it doesn't work.16:37
PiciYasumoto: sure, one moment.16:37
Tom_Farhow to fined hem?16:37
Myrttithe bot doesn't have that info. you can whois them.16:37
Tom_Far* Green :No such nick/channel16:37
Tom_Far* [Green] End of WHOIS list.16:37
Tom_FarI'm steel baned...16:38
persiaYou may have to try at several different times of day.16:38
PiciYasumoto: While I'm looking for a staffer to activate your cloak, I just wanted to let you know that your email address can be seen by anyone, you can change that by /msg nickserv set hidemail on16:39
Tom_FarWhat is different time in the Green day16:39
Tom_Farnot like green card...16:40
PiciTom_Far: the nick is [green] not green16:41
YasumotoPici: awesome, thank you :)16:41
YasumotoPici: yeah, I'm usually idling these days, so I want to make it easy-ish for people to get in touch with me16:42
PiciYasumoto: Okay, just making sure.  Your probably just got an email about the cloak, but I still need to grab a freenode staffer to activate it, hold on for a few more minutes.16:43
YasumotoPici: will do, thank you16:43
PiciYasumoto: There you go!16:57
Picicongrats again16:57
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nhainesnhandler: I bring pestilence and death (to tab-completion for your nick).  :)17:43
Picinhaines: I'm always getting pitti's messages.17:56
nhainesPici: the nice thing about getting message intended for nhandler--everyone's so nice!18:08
rwwnhaines: he should give you a freenode/impersonator/nhandler cloak18:09
nhainesrww: hahaha18:09
PiciI wonder what kiyo means18:32
erUSULPici: you can translate that "dude" in south of Spain...18:33
PicierUSUL: heh18:33
erUSULPici: it comes from chiquillo -short--> quillo -badwrittenforsms-> kiyo18:34
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Tom_Farsome body help me, get out from perm ban in #ubuntu-ru?20:57
Tom_FarI can't find the [Green] ho set bun to my IP.20:57
Tom_Farwhat I do to have perm ban?20:59
A4TechI will not remove your ban21:00
A4TechAll questions on the Banu to [Green] I do not know why he blocked you and for how long21:01
Tom_Farheh... I know 1 admin from rusnet his name is Shadow, he is not love me, like a man... and alvays ban me on #linux@rusnet, and, it is a true, some time when I can join to #linux I tell some terryble to him... It is it?21:04
guntbertMyrtti: what about asking freenode to remove the cloak  from gionnico for that?21:04
Myrttiguntbert: feel free21:04
guntbertMyrtti: ok21:05
MyrttiI'm not too bothered by it, tbh.21:06
Tom_Farhm... fell free...21:07

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