
doctormoThe Ubuntu Learning Umbrella Community | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning00:00
doctormo(just my thoughts)00:00
pleia2seems reasonable00:01
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: The Ubuntu Learning Umbrella Community | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Support in #ubuntu
pleia2ok, we'll define it more later00:01
doctormoYes :-)00:01
pleia2I need to run out for a LUG meeting (this lug is deploying ubuntu in schools! wicked! must get in on this!)00:02
* pleia2 goes to catch bus00:02
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doctormopleia2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Materials thoughts?01:27
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nigelbheya dinda13:34
dindahowdy nigelb13:34
nigelbdinda: uclp board got disolved13:35
nigelbwe're splitting off into 3 projects :)13:35
dindanigelb: really? is that good or bad?13:35
nigelbdinda: I'm not sure about good and bad13:35
dindawas in another meeting last night so missed the meeting13:35
nigelbit was in last night's meeting13:36
nigelbbut know, each form of education is its own project, so one need not wait for the other13:36
nigelbI manage to type perfect spelling even on typo, gah13:36
dindaare the meeting logs up yet?13:36
nigelbits on irclogs13:37
nigelbwe've always been bad on putting it up on the wiki13:37
dindaso what is each project doing?13:38
nigelbone's focusing on asynchronous learning, one on learning material, and one on IRC13:39
doctormodinda: I can explain13:52
nigelbaha, the expert's here13:52
doctormonigelb: So if you want, I'd like for you to be involved in Ubuntu Learning Materials and continue with that.13:52
nigelbdoctormo: I'll probably be part of at least 213:53
nigelbsince I'm anyway doing something for the materials and on the classroom team13:53
nigelbmoodle - not my cup of tea yet13:53
doctormodinda: So the Ubuntu Learning group will be more of a social umbrella for our learning projects, we still want to share a great deal between each project, but each aims to do something different and it was hurting us trying to bind them together.13:53
doctormodinda: There is Ubuntu Learning Materials (course writing) which I lead, there is the Ubuntu Classroom and Teaching which pleia2 will lead, it focuses on teaching the community skills with the materials, and thent here is Ubuntu Educators which hopes to take various materials and focus them for traditional educational authority use.13:55
ywarniernigelb: I'm the lead dev of Dokeos/Chamilo, and I'm sticking around too (just in case your opinion on Moodle would generalize)14:04
nigelbywarnier: I'm just lost with the interface as a teacher, as a student I love it14:04
ywarniernigelb: the teacher interface problems are what we're fighting with Chamilo14:05
ywarnier(and it's what most people have problems with)14:05
nigelbywarnier: I dont see it as a problem actually, more like a higher learning curve14:05
nigelbjust takes time and I'm a bit spread thin now :)14:05
ywarniernigelb: i'm just saying14:06
nigelbI know.  Someday, I'll learn the thing :)14:07
dindadoctormo: sorry, system had to be restarted - can you repeat on new sturcture?14:17
nigelb<doctormo> dinda: So the Ubuntu Learning group will be more of a social umbrella for our learning projects, we still want to share a great deal between each project, but each aims to do something different and it was hurting us trying to bind them together.14:19
nigelb<doctormo> dinda: There is Ubuntu Learning Materials (course writing) which I lead, there is the Ubuntu Classroom and Teaching which pleia2 will lead, it focuses on teaching the community skills with the materials, and thent here is Ubuntu Educators which hopes to take various materials and focus them for traditional educational authority use.14:19
dindanigelb: thanks14:20
doctormodinda: Does that make sense14:20
nigelbno problem :)14:21
dindadoctormo: yes14:21
dindadoctormo: will the Ubuntu Manual project join under the learning materials area?14:22
doctormodinda: It would make sense14:22
doctormodinda: But that's really something for Ben and me to go through since it's not totally appropriate for us to just land grab his project.14:22
dindadoctormo: yes, of course, was just thinking aloud they might get more support with your group than they did in the doc team14:23
doctormoI forsee a result where a manual is one target outcome from a set of source materials.14:23
nigelbdoctormo: got some time?14:42
doctormonigelb: Yes14:52
cprofittdinda: are you here?15:09
dindacprofitt: yip, checking in here15:11
cprofittpleia2: you here?18:29
cprofittdoctormo: dinda: akgraner: if you are here you may also be able to answer the question...18:30
akgranercprofitt, which question ?18:31
cprofittfor a mailing list -- why choose LP vs. Ubuntu?18:32
cprofittI am getting interest in the new team formed last night...18:32
cprofittand think a mailing list will help... but not sure why I should choose one over the other.18:33
pleia2honestly I'm inclined to just have us all keep using ubuntu-learning18:34
pleia2it's not high traffic, we can ignore threads we aren't interested in, and it allows us to keep up with progress of each other :)18:34
pleia2(just like this channel)18:35
cprofittpleia2: I would prefer to have one for the project ... we might also encourage them to join the other18:35
pleia2cprofitt: you can't join an lp list unless you are part of the team18:35
pleia2so I'd have to join and be accepted on the team just to keep up with moodle stuff18:35
cprofittbut I do not want to have educators become frightened by higher level coding talk18:35
* cprofitt nods18:35
cprofittand Ubuntu lists do not require that18:35
pleia2but ubuntu lists are harder to get18:35
cprofittare the LP lists easier to maintain?18:35
pleia2I doubt they'll give us one for every sub project18:36
cprofittwhat parameters are there for ubuntu lists?18:36
pleia2lp lists are harder to maintain18:36
pleia2you need to be a reasonably recognised project18:36
cprofittdefine reasonably recognized18:36
pleia2there isn't a definition18:36
cprofittwho says yes/no?18:36
pleia2every time I've done it the CC had to give the green light18:37
pleia2but I don't know how universal that is18:37
cprofittso a big bit of red tape18:37
cprofittso LP is easier to start...18:37
cprofittUbuntu is easier to join/maintain - but is at the discretion of the CC18:37
pleia2easier to start, but harder for people to read, harder to maintain18:37
cprofittand thus I would have to wait for a CC meeting18:38
pleia2and have a project built up to show the CC so they grant a list18:38
pleia2there might be other ways to get a list, could try just submitting a ticket to RT18:38
* pleia2 shrugs18:38
cprofittso easier to do LP for now... or a third party18:38
pleia2yeah, but that shuts all of us out, which is sad18:38
cprofittwhy would it shut you out?18:39
pleia2because I am not on the team18:39
cprofittA third party would not do that though18:39
pleia2and probably won't be, since I just want to follow along, I don't have time to contribute now18:39
cprofittI may talk to the Edubuntu people too...18:40
cprofittsince this project fits well with their mission18:40
pleia2in spite of having different segment leaders, I'd really rather we keep *trying* to work together instead of creating these silos18:40
cprofittWe have already grown by 5 people... and I would like the ability to send the group a message.18:41
cprofittI do not want to silo to keep others out18:41
pleia2we want to make it easy to collaborate, not harder18:41
cprofittI want to keep 'tech' stuff away from the educators, some of whom might get spooked by tech talk18:41
cprofittCertainly nothing prevents a person from joining the team....18:42
pleia2oh, it's an open team?18:42
cprofittbut I will have to consider all the options...18:42
cprofittyes -- the team is open18:42
cprofittI see no reason to close it18:42
cprofittI do not mind people 'following' and not contributing18:43
cprofittI think it exposes them... and they might contribute18:43
cprofittmembership in this case is not an 'award'18:43
pleia2ok, good18:43
cprofittso for now... it would be ok to have an LP mailing list...18:45
cprofittand then migrate to an Ubuntu?18:45
cprofittI think I would prefer to do Ubuntu, but do not want to get hung up red tape18:47
pleia2you can submit a ticket and try18:47
cprofittticket -- where do those get submitted?18:47
pleia2they get submitted to the pool of administrative folks handling things, and then filtered to the appropriate teams who can set things up18:48
cprofittI am not sure how to submit them...18:48
pleia2I'm not sure precisely who sets up the mailing lists18:48
pleia2they might even be able to say something like "no, get permission from $so-and-so"18:49
cprofittwell... I sent the request...18:51
cprofittif they say no -- I will go with an LP list or just use the NING group.18:51
dindacprofitt: there is an ubuntu-educators list that is just for educators18:57
dindacprofitt: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-education19:00
dindacprofitt: I'd be happy to add you as an admin on that list19:00
cprofittdinda: that would be fantastic19:06
doctormocprofitt: I think your right about the educators, best to keep a list of teachers away from the technical stuff.19:25
doctormocprofitt: I'm sure you and the leaders of the educators team will keep in with the general learning mailing list, so there's no issue I can see.19:25
cprofittthat is how it works in my world... I talk tech and they get nervous or glaze over19:25
cprofittThat would be my intention19:25
cprofittand its an open team so you can always join19:26
cprofittbut dinda is working on getting me admin access to an existing list19:26
doctormocprofitt: That's great, so you'll adopt an existing resource?19:26
cprofittit looks like that is the plan19:27
cprofittI attended an online webinar about FOSS in eduation and got a lot of traction with the folks there19:28
doctormocprofitt: Make sure to send a message out to the learning list inviting educators over.19:28
cprofittso I hope we can really get the ball rolling19:28
cprofittI will once things are set doctormo19:29
pleia2doctormo: want to drop a note to the list announcing the change?19:29
pleia2then we can all follow-up with "here's the link to our stuff"19:29
cprofittwait until we have the list set though19:29
* pleia2 was going to, but really should be working19:29
cprofittwell... I just wnat to make sure we are all set before announcing it19:30
cprofittI would hope in the next day or so19:30
cprofittI edited the wiki already -- with links to the sites etc19:30
pleia2cprofitt: I just mean a summary of the meeting19:30
pleia2we need to tell people what we discused :)19:30
cprofittoh -- yeah that would be fine19:30
cprofittI thought you were talking about the mailing list19:30
cprofittI have to pack up now... get home and start working on some of the other items...19:31
cprofitttry to advertise our Moodle courses etc...19:31
pleia2later cprofitt19:31
cprofitttalk to you guys later19:32
doctormocprofitt: aight,19:42
doctormopleia2: Note dropped19:43
pleia2doctormo: perfect, thank you!19:44
Vantraxpleia2 can you join #ubuntu-educators23:16

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