ccheney | asac: while cleaning up the patches trying to debug the problem i ran into a part i patched that i wasn't sure if it was safe: | 01:41 |
ccheney | asac: is adding those two (to_tokens / from_tokens) to the end of the struct ok in the main glib, would them being there be likely to actually break anything | 01:42 |
ccheney | asac: oh yea and what should i use for version numbers for these packages? i am guessing i need to munge them somehow to be easily upgradable between versions of ubuntu | 01:48 |
ccheney | asac: i'm going to upload everything to a ppa, i can't seem to figure out what is causing the errors, i have a few ideas of what to try but not sure if they are valid | 02:39 |
ddecator | micahg: you available to help me with quilt, or are you busy? | 02:47 |
micahg | ddecator: for next few minutes maybe | 02:47 |
ddecator | the patch that's failing is the install_systray.patch | 02:48 |
micahg | ddecator: first, you have quilt installed? | 02:48 |
ddecator | micahg: yes | 02:49 |
micahg | ddecator: k, so, you need to find where the .pc directory is first | 02:49 |
ddecator | micahg: found it | 02:49 |
micahg | ddecator: I think it's in the top directory in songbird, right? | 02:50 |
ddecator | micahg: in the build-area, it's inside the songbird~blah folder | 02:50 |
micahg | ddecator: k, so you need to symlink debian/patches to whereever that is | 02:51 |
ddecator | micahg: alright, how do i do that? | 02:51 |
micahg | ln -s /path/to/debian/patches . | 02:52 |
micahg | probably ../../debian/patches | 02:52 |
ddecator | micahg: ok, done | 02:54 |
micahg | ok, then quilt push -a to try to apply all patches | 02:54 |
ddecator | failed | 02:55 |
micahg | ddecator: what did it tell you? | 02:55 |
ddecator | micahg: well first, do i have to execute that in a certain directory? | 02:56 |
micahg | ddecator: yes, where .pc and where you symlinked patches | 02:56 |
ddecator | micahg: | 02:57 |
micahg | ddecator: no...not in.pc, but rather in teh directory with .pc | 02:58 |
ddecator | micahg: create the symlink in the parent directory too? | 02:58 |
micahg | ddecator: yep | 02:58 |
ddecator | micahg: alright, one sec... | 02:59 |
ddecator | micahg: | 03:00 |
micahg | ddecator: k, now, quilt push -f | 03:01 |
micahg | ddecator: it creates a .rej file | 03:01 |
micahg | and you have to apply the patch manually to the file and then refresh the patch | 03:02 |
ddecator | micahg: right, it says it needs refresh. how do i manually apply a patch? | 03:02 |
micahg | ddecator: edit the file that's being patched and do what's in the .rej that's still applicable | 03:03 |
ddecator | micahg: where should the .rej file be? | 03:04 |
micahg | in the same directory as the actual file, it tells you when you run quilt push -f | 03:04 |
ddecator | ah, yup. i'll do that | 03:04 |
ddecator | micahg: ok, i think i got it | 03:09 |
micahg | ddecator: good :) | 03:09 |
ddecator | micahg: good deal =). so what is the next step? | 03:09 |
micahg | ddecator: once you have the patch in the real file, then quilt refresh | 03:10 |
ddecator | micahg: done | 03:10 |
micahg | ddecator: k, so, quilt pop -a to remove, then quilt push -a to see if you were successful | 03:11 |
ddecator | micahg: nothing failed =) | 03:12 |
micahg | ddecator: k, then rm your symlinked patches dir, and try to build | 03:12 |
micahg | debuild -b | 03:13 |
ddecator | micahg: failed =\ | 03:19 |
micahg | ddecator: k | 03:19 |
micahg | where? | 03:19 |
ddecator | micahg: it got a few Error 2's, but the last one was the debian/rules file | 03:20 |
micahg | ddecator: k, can you pastebin? | 03:20 |
ddecator | micahg: how much of it? starting with the errors? | 03:20 |
micahg | ddecator: last 10-15 lines | 03:21 |
ddecator | micahg: | 03:22 |
micahg | ddecator: need to see higher | 03:23 |
micahg | where the errors start | 03:23 |
ddecator | micahg: that was where they started, but i'll get some extra lines | 03:23 |
ddecator | micahg: this is where the "make[#]" started, | 03:24 |
ddecator | micahg: well, not started...but that chunk started | 03:25 |
micahg | ddecator: you need the bash/dash patch from xulrunner | 03:25 |
ddecator | micahg: i don't see that patch in the patches folder... | 03:26 |
micahg | ddecator: no, it's new | 03:26 |
ddecator | micahg: where can i get it? | 03:26 |
micahg | ddecator: | 03:26 |
micahg | ddecator: you have to modify the path to modules/libpr0n | 03:27 |
micahg | ddecator: replace mozilla with songbird/dependencies/vendor/xulrunner/mozilla/compiled/xulrunner-release/ | 03:27 |
ddecator | micahg: alright, thanks. i'll get started on that... | 03:27 |
micahg | ddecator: great | 03:28 |
ddecator | micahg: alright, modified it and added it to the patches folder | 03:29 |
micahg | ddecator: now add it to series as well | 03:30 |
ddecator | micahg: to series? | 03:30 |
micahg | ddecator: debian/patches/series | 03:30 |
ddecator | micahg: done | 03:31 |
micahg | ddecator: k, try to build again | 03:32 |
ddecator | micahg: with the -b argument again? | 03:32 |
micahg | ddecator: you can try debuild -nc | 03:32 |
micahg | ddecator: which is no clean | 03:32 |
ddecator | micahg: failed the same way... | 03:34 |
micahg | ddecator: k, debuild -b | 03:35 |
micahg | ddecator: forgot that patches won't apply like that | 03:35 |
ddecator | micahg: i also found a typo in the patch, so i fixed that as well | 03:35 |
micahg | ddecator: typo? | 03:36 |
micahg | ddecator: that's applied on 3 branches | 03:36 |
ddecator | micahg: i copy and pasted the path you gave me, but it put an extra "/" in there without me noticing | 03:36 |
ddecator | micahg: not the patch itself, the path i changed, no worries =p | 03:36 |
micahg | ddecator: k | 03:36 |
ddecator | micahg: that patch failed | 03:37 |
micahg | ddecator: you have the path correct? | 03:37 |
ddecator | micahg: let me check | 03:38 |
ddecator | micahg: nope, there is no mozilla/compiled/ folder | 03:39 |
micahg | ddecator: pastebin the patch please | 03:39 |
ddecator | micahg: | 03:40 |
ddecator | micahg: oh, i see -_- | 03:40 |
ddecator | micahg: is it supposed to point to the makefile in the xulrunner/mozilla/ folder for songbird? | 03:41 |
micahg | ddecator: no | 03:41 |
ddecator | micahg: k | 03:41 |
ddecator | micahg: there's a modules folder | 03:42 |
ddecator | micahg: got it | 03:42 |
micahg | ddecator: goot | 03:42 |
micahg | good | 03:42 |
ddecator | micahg: hm, still failed... | 03:44 |
micahg | ddecator: can't do any more tonight... | 03:45 |
ddecator | micahg: no problem, thanks for the help | 03:45 |
micahg | ddecator: check with me tomorrow sometime...need to finish some $WORK | 03:46 |
ddecator | micahg: sounds good. i have some ideas. gl with your work | 03:46 |
micahg | ddecator: thanks | 03:46 |
ddecator | YES, got it to apply... | 04:12 |
micahg | ddecator: great :) | 04:13 |
ddecator | micahg: best way to learn is to do =) | 04:13 |
ddecator | micahg: still won't build, but we're getting somewhere... | 04:13 |
micahg | ddecator: as long as you're in a sandbox ;) | 04:13 |
ddecator | micahg: haha, right | 04:13 |
ddecator | and now it won't apply... | 04:19 |
ddecator | it keeps looking in the wrong place | 04:20 |
ddecator | ok, there we go... | 04:23 |
ddecator | i think i missed an s -_- | 04:23 |
micahg | ? | 04:23 |
ddecator | micahg: in the path to the file. i copy-pasted it and somewhere an extra letter got added | 04:24 |
ddecator | build failed again though, hmm | 04:24 |
micahg | ddecator: k | 04:24 |
ddecator | what the... | 04:25 |
ddecator | ok, every time i try to build it, it doesn't try to apply the patch in the build-tree directory... | 04:32 |
ddecator | wait | 04:33 |
ddecator | bah, failed again... | 04:55 |
ddecator | C++ internal error? | 04:57 |
ddecator | micahg: is there any special variant of gcc-4.4 that i need? | 04:58 |
micahg | ddecator: oh...forgot about that | 04:58 |
ddecator | ;) | 04:58 |
micahg | I wonder which version of xulrunner that is | 04:58 |
ddecator | good question... | 04:59 |
ddecator | | 04:59 |
micahg | that's your version? | 05:00 |
micahg | I meant in songbirf | 05:00 |
micahg | *songbird | 05:00 |
ddecator | that's the version given in the xulrunner makefile for songbird | 05:00 |
micahg | doesn't sound right | 05:00 |
ddecator | SB_VENDOR_TARGET = xulrunner | 05:00 |
ddecator | SB_VENDOR_TARGET_VERSION = | 05:00 |
micahg | yeah, that's old | 05:02 |
micahg | k | 05:02 |
micahg | weird | 05:02 |
micahg | should build fine with gcc4.4 | 05:02 |
ddecator | c++: Internal error: Killed (program as) | 05:03 |
ddecator | Please submit a full bug report. | 05:03 |
ddecator | See <file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4/README.Bugs> for instructions. | 05:03 |
ddecator | then a bunch of make[#] errors like before | 05:04 |
micahg | weird | 05:04 |
ddecator | any gcc-4.4 variants i should install and see if it helps? | 05:05 |
micahg | ddecator: no, I'd have to see the error and no time right now, I'd like to go to bed by 1AM :) | 05:05 |
ddecator | micahg: fair enough, haha | 05:06 |
ddecator | so it always gets close to finishing, but then it searches for 'linux-x86_64' in the 'checkout' folder, but 'linux-x86_64' is in the same folder as 'checkout'... | 06:14 |
micahg | ddecator: might need a patch :) | 06:16 |
ddecator | micahg: might, but i'm not sure what i would need to patch...i tried moving the folder into 'checkout', but those folders get created during the build process, so that didn't do anything | 06:17 |
micahg | yeah, probably a bad makefile, I can try to look tomorrow night | 06:18 |
ddecator | sure thing. i'll be up till about 2 so i'll take a look and see if i can find it... | 06:18 |
ddecator | micahg: don't worry about this until tomorrow, i just want to put it on here before i forget: | 06:39 |
micahg | ddecator: probably a path in the rules file | 06:41 |
ddecator | micahg: thanks, i'll take a look | 06:41 |
micahg | ddecator: line 153 | 06:42 |
ddecator | micahg: i'm lookin at 163... | 06:42 |
micahg | ddecator: xul-repack target | 06:43 |
micahg | xul-repack.stamp actually :) | 06:43 |
ddecator | oh, my rules will be different because of the sqlite changes i made... | 06:44 |
ddecator | there it is | 06:44 |
ddecator | ... | 06:45 |
ddecator | micahg: you sure it isn't in the taglib section? i'm not seeing anything with xul-repack.stamp | 06:46 |
micahg | ddecator: /linux-$(MACHINE) | 06:47 |
ddecator | micahg: right, which is where x86_64 is coming from | 06:47 |
micahg | $(MACHINE) | 06:47 |
ddecator | ...i feel like this should be obvious to me | 06:48 |
ddecator | wait | 06:49 |
ddecator | nope, idk what's wrong with that... | 06:49 |
micahg | line 170 actually is probably it | 06:50 |
micahg | ddecator: you were right, the taglib section :) | 06:50 |
ddecator | micahg: thought so =) | 06:50 |
* micahg is tired | 06:51 | |
ddecator | it creates 'checkout' and 'linux-x86_64' in the same folder, but 'linux-x86_64' should be inside of 'checkout' | 06:51 |
micahg | ddecator: I'd have to see it when I can think more | 06:52 |
ddecator | micahg: haha, fair enough, i'm trying to figure out this programming but it's new to me | 06:52 |
micahg | k, good luck ddecator, night | 06:52 |
ddecator | micahg: night | 06:53 |
BUGabundo_remote | 0/ | 08:49 |
dupondje | somebody wants to check ? | 11:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 526290 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 3 hyperlinks broken (3.0.1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:28 |
dupondje | its quite annoying imo | 11:28 |
lfaraone | we can't sync packages that depend on iceweasel, right? (we need to merge the changes) | 13:01 |
* gnomefreak not sure what packages we have that depend on iceweasel | 13:02 | |
micahg | good morning/afternoon chrisccoulson | 15:06 |
chrisccoulson | hey micahg - how are you today? | 15:06 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: good | 15:06 |
chrisccoulson | excellent :) | 15:06 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: slangasek approved the uploads last night | 15:07 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, that's good! | 15:07 |
BUGabundo_remote | micahg: I got a user stat list for SN, but only top 200 | 15:08 |
BUGabundo_remote | you are not even close | 15:08 |
micahg | BUGabundo_remote: heh, ok | 15:08 |
BUGabundo_remote | so I can't tell you , where you got placed on Monday | 15:08 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: can you look at mozilla 550823? | 15:11 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 550823 in Build Config "cannot find -lmozalloc when building with gcc-4.4" [Normal,New] | 15:11 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, i can take a look at that. it will have to be a bit later on today though | 15:12 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: ok, also, Thunderbird release is probably today or tomorrow, was asac able to get you upload rights to the security PPA? | 15:12 |
chrisccoulson | he hasn't done. can you upload to that PPA? | 15:13 |
chrisccoulson | i've got the packages built, but i just need to finish testing them really | 15:13 |
chrisccoulson | i created 4 new virtual machines yesterday for testing each of the stable releases :) | 15:13 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: no, but I can bug one of the security guys to do it :) | 15:13 |
chrisccoulson | cool, thanks | 15:14 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: nice | 15:14 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: are the branches ready? we should also probably prepare Seamonkey...but I have to check if there are security issues (probably same as TB) and get a USN | 15:15 |
chrisccoulson | not yet, i can do that this afternoon though | 15:15 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: k, let's chat later then, I can help you later tonight if something's left to be done with it | 15:16 |
chrisccoulson | thanks :) | 15:16 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: my guess is this would take priority over fixing the dailies (the bug I showed you before), but your call | 15:17 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, that's probably right | 15:17 |
ccheney | asac: <- how do i fix this so it builds properly on both amd64 and i386? | 15:21 |
ccheney | asac: it seems the symbols change depending on arch | 15:21 |
jcastro | hey micahg, does this tbird have the messaging indicator support that landed upstream? | 15:26 |
micahg | jcastro: no, that'll only be in 3.1 | 15:26 |
jcastro | ok | 15:26 |
micahg | jcastro: but that's only support, we still need to make the indicator I think | 15:26 |
jcastro | ok | 15:26 |
* micahg doesn't know how indicators work yet :/ | 15:27 | |
jcastro | micahg: for next open/dev/opportunistic weeks we'll make sure there are indicator sessions of all kinds! | 15:27 |
micahg | jcastro: excellent...then I can work on one for TB :) | 15:28 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - do you use livehttpheaders? | 15:40 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I don't think so | 15:40 |
chrisccoulson | it seems quite a popular extension according to popcon, and just wonered if you had any opinion on whether we should keep it | 15:41 |
chrisccoulson | we'd need to update it, as the version in the archive doesn't work with 3.6 | 15:41 |
* micahg checks what it is | 15:41 | |
micahg | chrisccoulson: we should update to 0.16 then...Debian is behind | 15:42 |
micahg | bdrung_: do you work on updating debian ff extensions? | 15:43 |
bdrung_ | micahg: currently no. | 15:43 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: it would be useful for web devs, so yes | 15:43 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, thanks. we'll keep that one then, and I'll get it updated | 15:44 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: also they don't update too frequently ;) | 15:44 |
chrisccoulson | that's good then :) | 15:44 |
bdrung_ | micahg: a list of incopatible extensions would be good | 15:45 |
micahg | bdrung_: chrisccoulson is working on it :) | 15:45 |
chrisccoulson | at some point today, there will be a list of actions at | 15:46 |
chrisccoulson | but i'm just updating that now | 15:46 |
bdrung_ | why are some many extensions on the remove list? | 15:51 |
bdrung_ | why don't we keep the packages that are maintained by | 15:52 |
chrisccoulson | bdrung_, are debian going to be using the same support model as us for the mozilla stack in the stable releases? | 15:53 |
bdrung_ | chrisccoulson: not in stable, but unstable will probably be up-to-date | 15:54 |
chrisccoulson | right, and that's the issue. we don't want to be spending efforts backporting new extensions to every stable ubuntu release each time mozilla releases a new firefox version | 15:55 |
BUGabundo_remote | where's FTA? | 16:11 |
BUGabundo_remote | i'vent seen him in a while | 16:11 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: no, not same support model | 16:12 |
micahg | bdrung_: we're going to be updating Firefox major versions in Stable Releases so we have to minimize the number of packages we have to change when we do that | 16:13 |
fta | BUGabundo_remote, beuuuaaahhh | 16:23 |
bdrung_ | micahg: we should keep at least pwdhash - i'll maintain that | 16:25 |
micahg | bdrung_: k, inlcuding porting if need be to latest xulrunner? | 16:34 |
bdrung_ | micahg: in most cases bumping the version works. otherwise i will ask the author. the extension is small. | 16:35 |
micahg | bdrung_: k, chrisccoulson did you catch that? | 16:35 |
chrisccoulson | i did | 16:36 |
chrisccoulson | but i'm not too comfortable with special-casing some extensions. pwdhash is not particularly popular according to popcon | 16:37 |
chrisccoulson | (although, i know that's not always a reliable metric) | 16:37 |
micahg | gtg, bbiab | 16:38 |
BUGabundo_remote | Firefox-3.7 is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox-3.7 process, or restart your system. | 17:10 |
BUGabundo_remote | I can't open FF 3.7 | 17:10 |
BUGabundo_remote | I always get that even if NO instance of ANY FF version is open | 17:10 |
BUGabundo_remote | according to ps | 17:10 |
BUGabundo_remote | hi fta. welcome | 17:10 |
dupondje | somebody wants to check ? | 17:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 526290 in thunderbird "Thunderbird 3 hyperlinks broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:29 |
dupondje | its a quite annoying 'bug', surely for new users it kills usability | 17:30 |
BUGabundo_remote | nice title | 17:39 |
dupondje | 'Default browser not used to open hyperlinks in thunderbird 3.x' | 17:41 |
dupondje | :P | 17:41 |
micahg | bdrung_: congrats, now I have a third person to bug for my uploads :) | 18:22 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
micahg | mconnor: ping | 20:03 |
mconnor | micahg: pong | 20:08 |
micahg | mconnor: can we take the patch from mozilla 551152 since it doesn't affect user experience? | 20:09 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 551152 in XPCOM "Symlinked components break everything" [Normal,New] | 20:09 |
micahg | mconnor: the second patch specifically | 20:09 |
mconnor | micahg: you want to get bsmedberg to chime in on the fix, I am not qualified to make that call | 20:12 |
mconnor | and I don't know what that would break | 20:13 |
micahg | mconnor: because that fixes bug 518422 for us | 20:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 518422 in firefox "Firefox does not start with certain addons installed" [High,Triaged] | 20:13 |
micahg | mconnor: can I just ask him to review in bugzilla or do I need to ask specifically about 3.6? | 20:15 |
mconnor | micahg: get review on the fix, then ask about backport | 20:16 |
micahg | mconnor: do we have to wait till it's approved for branch before taking it locally in Ubuntu? | 20:16 |
micahg | mconnor: should this be PM? | 20:17 |
mconnor | micahg: I think that in most cases that's how it should work | 20:17 |
micahg | mconnor: so when it's approved for branch, we can take locally before release? | 20:20 |
mconnor | micahg: with explicit approval, yes | 20:21 |
micahg | mconnor: k, then I'll work on getting it approved upstream :), thanks | 20:21 |
bdrung_ | micahg: my namesake became core-dev :P | 21:42 |
micahg | bdrung_: yes, hence the congratts | 21:42 |
bdrung_ | micahg: you seam to not get the joke | 21:43 |
micahg | bdrung_: no, over my head I guess... | 21:44 |
bdrung_ | micahg: namesake. anyway. i tried to find a way to be not responsible for sponsoring you ;) | 21:45 |
micahg | bdrung_: am I really that bad? you seem to be sponsoring for me a lot lately :) | 21:46 |
micahg | bdrung_: I hope to get a mozilla packageset soon, so that would minimize sponsoring for me | 21:46 |
bdrung_ | micahg: nope. your patches are ok. | 21:46 |
bdrung_ | micahg: did i sponsor that much for you? | 21:47 |
micahg | bdrung_: well, 2 things in teh last week I thin | 21:47 |
micahg | think | 21:47 |
bdrung_ | micahg: one - they were connected (package a replaces b) | 21:49 |
micahg | bdrung_: I thought something else too... | 21:49 |
* micahg checks uploaded packages | 21:49 | |
micahg | bdrung_: you sponsored xiphos for me too :) | 21:50 |
micahg | no, it was tuxguitar | 21:50 |
sebner | bdrung_: congrats from me too :) | 21:50 |
bdrung_ | thanks | 21:50 |
micahg | no | 21:50 |
micahg | that was cc | 21:50 |
bdrung_ | cc? | 21:51 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: | 21:51 |
micahg | oops | 21:51 |
chrisccoulson | hi | 21:51 |
micahg | I geuss not | 21:52 |
chrisccoulson | so much work to do :-/ | 22:12 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: indeed | 22:39 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: so, what's left for TB'll work on it when I get home | 22:39 |
chrisccoulson | it just needs some testing really. i can host the packages somewhere before i go to bed if you like | 22:39 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: can you propose merges for the branches? | 22:40 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, can do. they'll be quite simple merges ;) | 22:40 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: k, at least until you have commit access to bzr | 22:41 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, no problem | 22:41 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: if you can push 1 to PPA or host the orig.tar.gz somewhere, I can try to get someone to push to security PPA tonight | 22:41 |
chrisccoulson | cool, thanks | 22:42 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I assume that asac showed you how to generate the tarballs | 22:42 |
chrisccoulson | he hasn't shown me the proper way to do that yet, and i tried to figure that out too. but, for thunderbird, i grabbed the release tarball from, ran on the extraced tarball and re-packed it again | 22:46 |
chrisccoulson | i'm not sure how you normally do that, and i don't think you grab release tarballs for thunderbird 3 / firefox 3.6 etc do you? | 22:46 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: no, that's not the right way :) | 22:50 |
chrisccoulson | heh ;) | 22:50 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I'm testing on the 2.0 branch to see if it works | 22:51 |
micahg | fta: are the TB2 tarballs generated like everything else with DEBIAN_TAG? | 22:52 |
micahg | at least for TB3/FF30/35/36 | 22:53 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, this is what asac said on friday: | 22:54 |
chrisccoulson | <asac> chrisccoulson: so tbird 2 is kinda old ... its basically the only branch where we start with upstream tarballs (or ... can start with upstream tarballs) | 22:54 |
chrisccoulson | <asac> the current candidate build is: | 22:54 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: k then, he did tell you for that one :) | 22:54 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, that was as far as we got | 22:54 |
chrisccoulson | so, i repacked the tarballs after running the script in the debian/ folder | 22:55 |
chrisccoulson | i wasn't sure if there was an automated way of doing that | 22:55 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: for TB3/FF30/FF35/FF36, we do ./debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_TAG=THUNDERBIRD_3_0_3_RELEASE=3.0.3 | 22:55 |
chrisccoulson | ah. i thought that was how you did it for newer versions (i had a look at mozilla-devscritps on friday to try and figure out how it all works) | 22:56 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I've never actually done a TB2 release before, just TB3/FF30/FF35/FF36 | 22:58 |
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