
AlanBellpleia2: or anyone else, on the tshirt design http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Ideas/TShirtDesigns what is the light blue logo at the bottom?06:45
* pleia2 has no idea06:46
pleia2crop circle? :)06:47
pleia2ah, apparently it's ubuntu studio06:47
AlanBellah, so it is. Never saw that before.06:48
jussi01studio needs some advertising methinks06:50
AlanBellprobably need to get the logo on a Tshirt or something :-)06:56
jussi01AlanBell: :D06:58
* jussi01 is involved with studio, and we could do with more contributors, if anyone is interested in making music/video/graphics on ubuntu...06:59
dholbachgood morning07:22
pleia2akgraner: wow, brilliant work on the leadership proposal07:34
akgranerpleia2, thanks07:36
elkythe list structure is confusing me. Why is UDS-M BLUEPRINTS AND OBJECTIVES an tier under UW PROJECT PR TEAM ?07:52
elky(err, for the meeting agenda)07:53
jussi01has anyone seen pendulum recently?07:53
elkyshe was around yesterday, but sore07:53
jussi01hrm, ok.07:54
czajkowskijussi01: she's around, but her shoulder is at her atm so not typing as much, she should be online again around 9:30 UTC08:00
jussi01czajkowski: ok, thanks for that08:01
czajkowskino bother08:01
* czajkowski is up drinking black vanilla tea yummy08:01
AlanBellczajkowski: pong <- a sober pong08:02
* jussi01 has a thesis for Pendulum to read, if she is currently up to it. :D08:03
jussi01(and yes, that means its almost done, yipeeeeeeeeee!)08:04
jussi01I cant wait to graduate...08:05
jussi01then theres only half a BIT degree to go :)08:05
akgranernap time - :-)  laters y'alll zzzzzzzzzzzzzz08:19
jussi01nini akgraner08:30
Pendulumjussi01: what's up?09:48
jussi01Pendulum: Hi!09:53
Pendulumakgraner: have you slept?10:01
akgranerPendulum, yep - just got up from a 5 hour nap :-)14:03
nigelbakgraner: Daylight Confusion Time - something you might know about :p15:06
akgranernigelb, YES!15:07
* MichelleQ snores... 15:08
nigelbakgraner: haha, meetings might be a little bit of a mess this week :p15:08
nigelbMichelleQ: haha,15:08
* nigelb gets cold water for MichelleQ 15:08
nigelbMichelleQ: my dad had this very efficient way of waking me up when I was a kid (had to get up at 5 for school)15:09
MichelleQno, thank you so very much.15:09
nigelbhe would wash his hands in cold water, dry, and then touch my face.15:09
nigelbI would be shocked awake.  its like getting a defibrillator shock :D :D15:09
MichelleQI can imagine15:09
nigelbstill, very efficient.  I do that my roommates these days ;)15:10
akgranerMichelleQ, I know the "Can't. wake.up" feeling - but that was just b/c I had the "Can't.sleep" issue yesterday :-)15:11
MichelleQMy dunkin donuts sweet tea is not cutting it this morning15:12
akgranerWell I am off for an hour or so :-)  I'm actually leaving my house with no phone, or computer and having lunch with friends :-) - this feels a bit strange but I think I could get used to it :-)  laters15:13
AlanBellczajkowski: ping21:55
czajkowskiAlanBell: pong21:55
AlanBellall done reapproving?21:55
czajkowskiyes. for tonight21:55
AlanBellwant to talk stats or leave it for another day?21:55
czajkowskican you gimmie 15 mins just to catch my wind please21:55
AlanBells/catch my wind/pour a JD/21:56
czajkowskinot drinking :)21:57
czajkowskihave an airport run in a wee bit21:57
AlanBellcup of Barrys tea then21:57
czajkowskiaye cuppa tea21:57
AlanBelllets try tomorrow, nighty night o/22:42
rwwakgraner: the IRC meeting day+time survey thing doesn't really work for people who are free at different times on different days =\23:38

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