
tkingIs there any information available for getting the intel GMA500/Poulsbo graphics chipset working?00:16
tkingI've done it on Hardy and Karmic, but google doesn't show much information for Lucid.00:16
LOGANI heard about the April fools joke in the making related to lucid  :)00:21
tkingI usually lock myself in the panic room on april 1st to avoid the crap that goes on.00:22
tkingSame with Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, New Year's, etc.00:22
LOGANI suspect the moving of the buttons issue could be a good one00:22
LOGANelse I'll just cry for real :)00:23
LOGANif they need to move it, make the normal lay out default and let the people who just got their first macs change it to the other side :)00:24
tkingLOGAN, who are you talking to and what are you talking about00:24
LOGANtking the issue they want to move the close, minimize, mazimize buttons to top left of the window00:25
LOGANand to who..00:25
LOGANbeats me00:25
LOGANwhere is the discussion channel for lucid? (I was under the impression it was this room)00:26
tkingI saw this switch.00:29
tkingJust give people a checkbox to change it back.00:29
tkingWhy change it for no reason.00:29
tking*hackers get bored*00:29
tking*vomit out the abomination that is gnome shell*00:29
LOGANwhy not make the 'new' way optional00:29
DanaGIn fact, the buttons are wrong even for Mac!00:32
LOGANmy best bet is an april fools joke, my second is mac fanboys. and third... hmm00:33
LOGANI switch much between buntu and windows00:33
LOGANhopefully it will be a non issue when its released00:34
DanaGWell, the impression I get is that the people who made it that way are FORCING it on everybody.00:34
LOGANthere's rumors of some innovative thing coming to the right side00:35
tkinghow many gnome developers does it take to hear the collective screaming of their userbase00:35
charlie-tca__If it was really being forced, you would not be able to move it. You can move the buttons now using gconf00:35
tkingcharlie-tca__, lol gconf00:36
DanaGAs it is, it IS forcibly changed the first time.00:36
DanaG... even if you don't even use those themes!00:36
LOGANcharlie-tca__: if it was optional, people who like it on the left side could optionally change it00:36
bjsnidertking, why don't you go and complain in the gnome-shell channel rather than here?00:36
DanaGThis isn't even a gnome-shell thing!00:36
charlie-tca__So can those who prefer it on the right. That is really a dead argument00:36
DanaGIt's just an Ubuntu thing!00:36
tkingbjsnider, I gave it as an example.00:37
tkingHalp: Is there a preferred way to install GMA500 drivers for Lucid?00:37
bjsnideran example of what, precisely?00:37
LOGANcharlie-tca__: qwll my opinion is if a minority wants it it should be the optional way, the mayority would be the defauld00:38
charlie-tca__everybody has an opinion00:38
LOGANminority wins then00:38
charlie-tca__Of course, everybody has a mouth, eyes, ears, ...00:38
LOGANcharlie-tca__: maybe kununtu then00:40
MFenis there anything better than add-apt-repository? that command is basically crippled for me, it only works on launchpad ppa's00:50
MFenbasically a one-line "install this new apt repo", so i can put it into documentation for my ubuntu users00:50
MFenhow evil would it be for a postinst script in a .deb to add another package repo00:58
waltercoolsomeone knows where is ubuntuone configuration files located? I just have a bug (reported) and i wanna try again01:07
ajnewboldI've never upgraded to a .04 release; is it easy to further upgrade to .10 when it's out? will I ever need to reinstall from physical media or can all future updates be done through the update-manager?01:08
arandajnewbold: in theory, it should be possible to upgrade througout the whole version spectrum.01:10
ajnewboldarand: cool :)01:11
waltercooldammn... noone knows01:11
yofelwaltercool: ~/.config/ubuntuone/ maybe?01:12
Piciajnewbold: The version numbers just coorispond to the month that the release was, they don't mean anything else.01:12
ajnewboldPici: ah, interesting01:13
ajnewboldI'm trying the upgrade to lucid now01:13
arandI've heard about people that have upgraded from 5.something. But upgrades will always be different from clean installs, since all old applications aren't removed.01:13
ajnewboldarand: makes sense that apps aren't removed, but the core OS stuff, kernel, etc --- will those bits be identical among systems that have been upgraded vs. clean installs?01:14
* ajnewbold blinks at the "Support for some applications ended" list01:14
ZykoticK9ajnewbold, there are difference between upgrades and fresh installs - for instance people who upgraded to Karmic don't get ext4 root partitions or grub2...01:15
arandajnewbold: depends on definiting of "core", kernel yes, grub1->2 will be held back on upgrade, e.g.01:15
ajnewboldI can see why fresh installs might be the way to go then01:15
ajnewboldis there a super-easy way to back up personal settings and tweaks before doing a clean install?  or do I have to just know all of the names of those .foorc files and such?01:16
arandThe ext thing is mainly since upgrading the filesystem isn't really a thing you do on-the-fly...01:16
hanasakidoes 10.4 have the gdm config back in the gui?01:16
arandajnewbold: copy whole ~01:17
ajnewboldarand: ah, that makes sense :)01:17
ajnewboldas you can tell, I'm somewhat new to this :)01:17
ZykoticK9hanasaki, it's the same as karmic -- there is a gdmsetup2 (or similar) that adds some of the features back01:17
arandhanasaki: No, gdm2config exist.01:17
* ajnewbold wonders what the odds are of wifi still working after the 10.04 update01:17
hanasakiarand:  I do not understand... you mean the file is gdm2config not gdmsetup2?01:18
ZykoticK9hanasaki, arand is correct with the name01:18
arandajnewbold: that's why you want the separate /home, so you can simply reinstall the root fs and apply the old /home with all the user-application-specific configs.01:18
hanasakihow do you get gdm to come up with Xvnc?01:18
waltercoolyofel, is deleted... but i still without create a new profile01:19
hanasakiall I get is  a grey X display empty01:19
yofelwaltercool: then I don't know, you could ask in #ubuntuone01:19
ZykoticK9hanasaki, i've never used it, but you might want to check out x11vnc01:19
hanasakihmmm whts that01:20
ZykoticK9!info x11vnc01:20
arandhanasaki: actually I was wrong: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gdm2setup/+archive/gdm2setup01:20
waltercoolyofel, wow... exists... thanks xD01:20
ubottux11vnc (source: x11vnc): VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-1 (lucid), package size 1447 kB, installed size 2604 kB01:20
ajnewbolddoes anyone know if the new branding stuff that was announced recently is present in the current 10.04 alpha?01:20
ZykoticK9ajnewbold, yes01:21
ZykoticK9ajnewbold, or not...01:21
hanasakiZykoticK9:  thanks.. but I need  a headless vnc server for X only . not to attach to an existing Xsession01:21
ajnewboldI think it looks nice :)01:21
ajnewboldthough it looks like the panel notification stuff is being very mac-like01:21
ajnewboldthe wifi icon especially :)01:21
ZykoticK9hanasaki, i don't use vnc, so i'm really not the person to "know" - but i've read others using that package, thought i'd pass it along.  good luck man.01:22
hanasakiok thanks01:22
tkingHas anyone here dealt with the GMA500/Poulsbo chipset on Lucid?01:23
DanaG!info xvnc01:23
ubottuPackage xvnc does not exist in lucid01:23
hanasakilol x11vnc requires removing beagle01:23
hanasaki!info Xvnc01:24
ubottuPackage Xvnc does not exist in lucid01:24
tking!info xVNC01:24
ubottuPackage xVNC does not exist in lucid01:24
tkinglets try every combination01:24
DanaGanyway, there's a way to make gdm use a virtual, vnc-based X server.01:24
hanasakithat really is a bummer01:24
ZykoticK9DanaG, you looking for x11vnc?  that's what i already suggested...  not what they're looking for?01:24
hanasakiany idea why Xvnc was removed from lucid?01:27
mdlueckBetween today's ISO and 20100312's VirtualBox's guest add-in Graphics driver has gotten broken. Anyone seen this?01:27
mdlueckInstall the guest add-ins, reboot, fails to start X, starts in low-res mode01:28
mdlueckhanasaki: What is Xvnc? A vnc server, client?01:29
ZykoticK9mdlueck, are you using the OSE version of VBox (the one from the Ubuntu repo)?  I don't seem to be having that issue with the version direct from Oracle.01:29
mdlueckZykoticK9: From the VB repo, I will look up the version I have... "the latest"01:30
mdlueckZykoticK9: Running on Ubuntu 9.04 host OS01:31
wrstHi, I'm trying out lucid x64 and all was well until this weekend. I have no gdm and can't start gnome after logging in from the console. I haven't found anything googling just wondering if I'm the only one :)01:31
bjsnideroracle? it's sun, not oracle01:31
ZykoticK9bjsnider, check again - it's now Oracle's VBox01:31
hanasaki Xvnc - the X VNC server01:31
ZykoticK9they've upgraded the logo's and everything01:31
mdlueckbjsnider: Have you not heard the news... chomp chomp...01:31
bjsniderwhat skullduggery is that?01:32
mdlueckZykoticK9: 3.1.4-57640_Ubuntu_jaunty is the version01:32
ZykoticK9mdlueck, jaunty?  are you using Lucid?01:32
mdlueckZykoticK9: Lucid as a guest OS01:33
DanaG1!find soap/lite.pm01:33
ubottuPackage/file soap/lite.pm does not exist in lucid01:33
thiebaudeafter I install ubuntu 10.04 where is the best place to getd rivers for nvidia 8400 gs?01:34
ZykoticK9mdlueck, not sure man - haven't heard of the guest additions breaking... 3.1.4 is certainly the right version of VBox to be using.01:34
mdlueckZykoticK9: K, thanks, I will log it... works with the 20100312 ISO, does not work with 20100316 ISO01:35
yofelthiebaude: just install them from jockey? (nvidia-current)01:35
bjsniderthiebaude, jockey01:35
DanaG1!find lite.pm01:35
ubottuFile lite.pm found in bioperl, eekboek, libcgi-session-perl, libprophet-perl, pike7.6-core01:35
bjsniderit will recommend nvidia-current01:35
thiebaudeyofel, where is jockey at?01:35
yofelthiebaude: the 'hardware drivers' app01:35
bjsniderit's hardware drivers manager01:35
thiebaudeok thanks guys01:35
thiebaudesorry for the dumb question , have been using ubuntu since 6.0601:36
mdlueckDanaG1: Seems like you are fishing for a package of SoapLITE. I just install that via some Perl package manager, not via a .deb01:36
bjsniderthe 8400 gs was the one that could have one of two gpus01:36
mdlueckDanaG1: I have links to the instructions if that would help...01:36
thiebaudewonder when the nvidia problem will be resolved01:37
bjsniderwhat problem?01:37
thiebaudethe 196 drivers01:37
bjsnidernvidia released a new blob last night01:37
bjsniderfixes it01:37
thiebaudethanks bj01:38
thiebaudetime for me to install then01:38
bjsnideralberto will be packaging it very soon for lucid01:38
mdlueckZykoticK9: Any ideas which package I should log the VB guest video driver trouble against?01:38
arandI see the preferences menu is getting clogged again...01:38
ZykoticK9mdlueck, no idea sorry01:38
thiebaudeso after i install 10.04 let the hardware drivers notification come up and choose current driver?01:38
mdlueckZykoticK9: thanks01:39
DanaG1anyway, it's missing on armel, but present on i386 and amd64.01:39
ZykoticK9mdlueck, and you say the difference is just which Lucid Daily you use that causes it.01:39
mdlueckZykoticK9: Correct, worked with 20100312 ISO, does not work with 20100316 ISO01:40
ZykoticK9mdlueck, very weird, good luck man01:40
mdlueckZykoticK9: so it should be fairly simple to track down what changed that broke it... thinking to log it against some xorg package01:41
ZykoticK9mdlueck, i'd guess virtualbox-guest-additions or just virtualbox-ose would probably be more appropriate01:42
DanaG1HMM, newest there is from the March second.01:42
mdlueckZykoticK9: Except I installed VB via the vendor repo, not the Ubuntu repo01:42
mdlueckZykoticK9: And that build has not changed in a few weeks...01:43
hanasaki!find vncserver01:43
ubottuFound: libvncserver-dev, libvncserver0, libvncserver0-dbg, tightvncserver01:43
ZykoticK9mdlueck, sorry was AFK - if that's the case i guess you could try and report it against the kernel (doubt it will get any attention if you aren't using the OSE of VBox though) plus i think something else must be at play, as it's certainly working for me.  Best of luck man.01:53
mdlueckZykoticK9: You are running a current build of VB OSE from the vendor repo, installed Lucid daily today as a guest, and the guest video drivers work for you?01:54
mdlueckZykoticK9: I am pretty sure I am running VB OSE01:55
ZykoticK9mdlueck, sorry man it would take me too long to download the daily - don't have a very fast internet connection -- i'm NOT use OSE, i'm using the version from Sun/Oracle01:56
mdlueckZykoticK9: aaaahhh, so we have some diffs in our environments then.01:56
ZykoticK9mdlueck, but my system's both host and guest are Lucid and both are totally up to date (should be similar to the daily)01:57
mdlueckZykoticK9: At the VB site, could install via two paths, I am pretty sure I chose the OSE path01:57
ZykoticK9mdlueck, OSE doesn't support USB in VM's so i use the PUEL (the other) version01:58
charlie-tca__hmmm, difference is that if something got deleted from the daily image and/or moved out of main, it did not happen in the installed copy01:58
arandmdlueck: I'm using a karmic-ose-host lucid-guest, and here the guest utils seems to work fine... So is the issue with the vbox version?01:59
charlie-tca__example: in an upgrade done today, karmic to lucid, I can use the cd drive01:59
charlie-tca__In a fresh install done today, the cd drive is missing from /media and /etc/fstab02:00
mdlueckZykoticK9: Oh, seems I am NOT running the OSE build from the vendor repo02:00
ZykoticK9charlie-tca__, no cdrom in today's build?!  oops02:00
mdlueckarand: Just was working a few days ago on daily builds, not on today's build02:01
Dr_WillisOnce when installing from a usb-flash drive.. it improperly did not make the cdrom entries in fstab and /media02:01
charlie-tca__Can not use the drive today without mounting it in terminal02:01
mdlueckZykoticK9: USB works for me in VM's, so that was a clue02:01
charlie-tca__Hum, that was 6 installs today02:01
Dr_WillisIs there even an entry in fstab any more? ive never noticed02:01
Dr_WillisNo cdrom entry in fstab here.02:02
ZykoticK9mdlueck, if you have USB support then you are NOT using OSE version of VBox, you are using the PUEL version (direct from Sun/Oracle)02:02
ZykoticK9charlie-tca__, Dr_Willis no cdrom entry in fstab here either02:03
charlie-tca__Can you play a music cd or read a data cd?02:03
charlie-tca__Do you have an entry in /media for cdrom?02:03
charlie-tca__bug 53973102:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539731 in udev "[Lucid] cdrom drive not recognized automatically" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53973102:04
MajorAstrhow is flash should I be excited02:04
ZykoticK9charlie-tca__, once a data cd is mounted (automounts correctly), then i have an entry in /media02:05
charlie-tca__Could not mount any today02:05
charlie-tca__fresh install02:05
ZykoticK9charlie-tca__, i'm not using daily though02:05
robertzaccourhow do i get the minimize maximize close buttons on the left side in google chrome?02:05
anicholsHow is everyone testing the alpha, anyway?  I can't imagine burning the CD and installing that way would be the best way to test an alpha...02:05
MajorAstrwhat improvements does lucid have02:05
richthegeeksorry to bother you guys for the 50th time today it seems.... how do I switch back to the Nouveau driver if I have had the nvidia propietary drivers since before upgrade, and will they work with a GTX260?02:06
charlie-tca__exactly. The difference between a fresh install from today's image and the installation that has been running and kept up-to-date02:06
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, doubt you could without modifying the chromium source code02:06
tcsoccermanMajorAstr, supposedly there is ipod touch support as a start02:06
robertzaccouri like firefox because it integrates well and i like chrome for its speed. wish i could have both lol02:06
charlie-tca__richthegeek: should be able to go to hardware drivers, select the driver in use, select remove02:07
MajorAstryou mean I can sync and everthing02:07
richthegeekcharlie-tca__: right ok02:07
ChogyDanrobertzaccour: I like chrome's layout02:07
arandanichols: cd-rw, usb..., but atm I'm only glancing at it through vbox, since I don't have much time for testing..02:07
tcsoccermanit is recognized and you can play files off of it but syncing is currently buggy02:07
robertzaccourChogyDan, chrome is my preferred browser, however i wish it would integrate with the themes i have02:08
MajorAstrubuntu 9.04 is really stable for me very robust02:08
anicholsBcause I'm thinking of giving the beta a test when it's released on Thursday.... arand: How would you get it on USB?  Just load the ISO directly, or unpack it in some way?02:08
robertzaccour9.04 is the best distro so far imo02:08
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, +102:08
DanaGusb-creator can make a liveusb... or you can just actually INSTALL to a usb-stick.02:08
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, until Lucid is final of course ;)02:08
arandanichols: either use the usb creator in ubuntu or unetbootin02:09
robertzaccourlucid has the best look so far02:09
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, -1 = 002:09
robertzaccouralthough i really think xubuntu has the best default theme02:09
robertzaccoureven though they haven't got a new one yet02:09
arandTrue, 9.04 was golden, though I stand by karmic for looks, lucid included02:10
MajorAstr9.04 is very good which version had issues with flash and intel chips etc02:10
robertzaccourkubuntu lucid with kde 4.4 is pretty fast and comparable to gnome, but i don't like the layout. it seems everything is "in the way" lol02:10
MajorAstrI remeber it really made me lose hope in u ubuntu but  9.04 everything works great snappy Nd everything02:12
anicholsarand: So, download the ISO and use usb-creator to make the USB stick a live-cd so I can trial it that way?02:12
robertzaccour9.10 was more like a step backwards compared to 9.0402:12
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, i have personally come to believe that 9.10 was simply a pre-beta of Lucid, it introduced many of the features we are seeing in Lucid02:13
arandanichols: yea, but an installed02:13
yofelimho 9.10 was more like a technology preview, lots of pretty unstable new groundwork stuff like grub2 or upstart02:13
yofelZykoticK9: +1 :)02:13
anicholsHow much of a change will I see between Hardy and Lucid?02:13
arandanichols: yea, but an installed system would be a better test though.02:13
tkinganichols, your head may asplode wear a helmet02:14
robertzaccouryes karmic is very unstable at times lol02:14
anicholsarand: Only way I'd do a full out install, though, arand, is if I pull my current HD and slot in a blank 250 gig.02:14
robertzaccouri think it should have been called kinky koala lol02:14
IdleOneanichols: in lucid they will be using fairy dust and unicorns to do all the magic :-)02:14
mdlueckanichols: Fasten your seat belt!02:14
anicholsIdleOne: Seriously...since I haven't touched anything more up-to-date than Hardy, since Hardy's the current LTS..though I am interested in Lucid.02:15
arandanichols: no space left eh?02:15
mdlueckZykoticK9: I agree with your thought about 9.10... I recall with horror 7.1002:15
MajorAstrI am running the latest version of ubuntu 9.10 this one has no issuses it was the version before this one that didn't work well02:16
anicholsarand: Not on this drive, no...especially after I pull the files off my external SATA, take it apart, and swap drives....which is my intent when Lucid goes LTS.02:16
IdleOneanichols: I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I have been using lucid now for a week and it is very stable. except for a couple of minor bugs which are more wish list type things.02:16
IdleOnelike being able to use my mouse wheel to control volume02:16
anicholsIdleOne: I heard some people compare Lucid to Windows 7, in comparison to Hardy as the Ubuntu version of Windows XP...is the change that drastic, or more so?02:17
IdleOnehmm not sure the Win 7 is an accurate one02:17
ZykoticK9IdleOne, have you notice re volume that once you click it and get the dropdown the wheel will work if you pointer is over the level - weird02:17
robertzaccourZykoticK9, i don't think 9.10 should have left alpha, it was really bad on my system02:17
IdleOnewin7 comparison*02:17
mdlueckanichols: XP to Win7 is more major than Hardy to Lucid02:17
anicholsmdlueck: Thank you.02:18
IdleOneZykoticK9: ha! I did not but that is still not optimal imho02:18
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, there where certainly some "issues" with karmic, thus my feelings about the pre-beta02:18
IdleOneI dont want to have to click. just hover and scroll02:18
ZykoticK9IdleOne, optimal - no02:18
robertzaccouri wish i could change the chrome buttons to the left side. maybe i can in chromium, never tried that browser before02:18
MajorAstrwhen officail beta for lucid02:18
IdleOneZykoticK9: I guess I need to update that bug I posted, thanks for the info02:18
yofelMajorAstr: 18th02:18
ZykoticK9MajorAstr, 3 days02:18
mdlueckanichols: Hardy had gdm, 9.10 and 10.04 have that new X thingy, as one quick example02:19
MajorAstrok nice I am looking forward02:19
robertzaccourZykoticK9, yeah right, like the screen brightness flickering up and down to the point of crashing the system from a few minutes to total freeze, and not being able to enable wireless drivers etc02:19
ZykoticK9MajorAstr, my bad - 2 days02:19
MajorAstrwhat is. x thingy02:19
mdlueckMajorAstr: The replacement for gdm, forget its name02:20
charlie-tca__plymouth and xsplash02:20
basixwhen is Beta 1 going to be released?02:20
MajorAstris it nice02:20
ZykoticK9mdlueck, gdm is still there02:20
anicholsmdlueck: What is GDM?  I'm still new to Ubuntu in general...trying to figure things out.  Always been self-taught when it comes to computers, ever since the Trash-80 Model 10002:20
anicholsbasix: Thursday02:20
ZykoticK9basix, 2 days - with authority this time ;)02:20
mdlueckanichols: gdm = Gnome Display Manager02:20
basixwoo hoo =D02:21
charlie-tca__anichols: gdm is where you log in02:21
arandrobertzaccour: just the wm buttons, or the tab ones?02:21
robertzaccouri'm completely self taught with linux. i started out with 6.04 i think and just googled/chatted my way to learning stuff02:21
basixanichols, ZykoticK9: how stable is Alpha3?02:21
robertzaccouri didn't have sound for the first year or so lol02:21
basixrobertzaccour, i feel ya =)02:21
anicholsbasix: I do not know, haven't tried Lucid yet, personally, but planning on it.02:21
IdleOneZykoticK9: seems bug #521046 has already been updated with the info and it seems it is going to be fixed to work when hovering over the speaker icon02:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521046 in libindicator "can't change audio using mouse wheel" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52104602:21
yofelbasix: still a few issues, but it's shaping up nicely02:21
anicholsrobertzaccour: It's the best way to learn.02:21
mdlueckZykoticK9: But in 9.10 the welcome screen changed, and I read that it was caused by a gdm to "something" change over...02:21
robertzaccourarand, wm preferrably, tabs are fine like they are02:22
ZykoticK9basix, i have certainly run into a few "bugs" but have only had 1 freeze (others have not been so lucky)02:22
basixZykoticK9, =(02:22
robertzaccouranichols, not the fastest way but usually the best haha02:22
ZykoticK9IdleOne, I really hope so02:22
* basix is torrenting Alpha3 =D02:22
arandrobertzaccour: "use system title bar and borders" in options?02:22
robertzaccouri wonder if Ubuntu will ever become a "rolling release"02:22
anicholsrobertzaccour: It's how I learned DOS/Windows in the first place...and how I'm ending up with Ubuntu now.02:22
IdleOneZykoticK9: same here. I mean it is not a show stopper but more of an annoyance02:22
ZykoticK9IdleOne, i hear that02:23
IdleOnerobertzaccour: I doubt it will02:23
robertzaccouri really like the current xubuntu theme the best02:23
ZykoticK9IdleOne, you guys in Montreal planning a big release party (sorry for the freaking you out the other day with the "Vive la QC Libre" thing, i'm from Ottawa BTW)02:24
mdlueckIdleOne: One sort of major bug that started at 9.10 is that one program's service will not fork on boot up, but will fork when started manually.02:24
Fudgehi, im using lucid alpha3 and when i watch a movie bout 20mins it locks up and just now tarring a file it locke dup again. woudl it be hardware related or the os?02:24
IdleOneZykoticK9: yes ubuntu-qc is planning a release party and we have Global jam comming up next week also :)02:25
anicholsFudge: Try doing the same thing in Hardy.  If the problem recurs it's hardware, otherwise it's an OS glitch.02:25
ZykoticK9Fudge, it could be either...02:25
IdleOneZykoticK9: you should try to make it out02:25
robertzaccouri remember a day or 2 ago in lucid it started up with a black screen and resembled command line. didn't know what to do so i just installed 9.04 again and tried the lucid again a day or 2 later02:25
anicholsFudge: You take alot of risks with alphas and betas, after all.02:25
Fudgei dont have hardy installed02:25
robertzaccourwhat should i do when it boots up like that or has an error and doesn't go to anything at all?02:25
ZykoticK9IdleOne, if my car was working i would seriously consider it -- busing there... not so much02:26
Fudgeoh im aware of bleeding edge, thats ok but just wondered why it does it02:26
IdleOneZykoticK9: haha didn't freak me out really. I was just looked out the window to see if you were outside lol02:26
robertzaccourlike for example: error, missing libraries, or somethin like that02:26
mdlueckFudge: even drop back to jaunty and retest, not all the way back to hardy02:26
ZykoticK9IdleOne, lol02:26
yofelrobertzaccour: come here for help ;) you first need to determine the exact cause to decide the correct fix02:26
Fudgeactually im using vinux, its a visually impaired friendly version of ubuntu02:26
anicholsFudge: Just the alpha-version of an OS?  *sighs*  Never rely on an alpha as your only OS.  Even a beta isn't reliable.  I'd only trial it via LiveCD or as a second partition, to be honest.02:26
Fudgecould try jaunty i guess, with accessible install but not sure how easy ubiquity is with orca to use02:27
robertzaccouryofel, i have one computer and no partitions lol with an OS i don't tend to have more than one, i kinda dive into things02:27
Fudgesee how it goes thanks for advice :D02:27
anicholsFudge: You could always wait a month and a half for the LTS version of Lucid, if you want to struggle with it.02:27
yofelrobertzaccour: I run lucid as the primary OS here too (but with backups)02:27
robertzaccouryofel, maybe i should partition it with a previous release and just remove the partition after the final release day02:28
Fudgewell ive been following our develepors alpha beta releases to iron out vinux bugs that arent related to ubuntu too02:28
anicholsrobertzaccour: I always run multiple partitions, it makes drive imaging (backups) easier.  Only issue is right now my laptop's 250 meg is full. :P02:28
anicholsrobertzaccour: Besides, if a filesystem crashes, I don't lose everything.02:29
anicholsDoes Lucid come with better gamepad support than Hardy does?02:29
robertzaccouranichols, i'm using only 3GB of hard drive space currently02:29
robertzaccouri wish i could use my ps3 controller as a mouse lol02:30
anicholsrobertzaccour: I'm using 95% of my 250GB internal, and barely a gig on the external.02:30
* IdleOne is using 4.36GB at the moment for install02:30
IdleOnebut I also have a lot of crap installed lol02:31
robertzaccourwhich brings up somethin really offtopic. if ps3 consoles push the limits to full hd, how would it be possible to launch a new console before higher hd sets are on the market?02:31
anicholsrobertzaccour: Actually, I've been toying with the idea of writing a driver for PS3 controllers in Ubuntu, so you can map the controls to keyboard actions and mouse movements.02:31
robertzaccouranichols, wow you got lots of stuff lol02:31
robertzaccouranichols, that would so rock :D02:31
anicholsrobertzaccour: Indeed...and if I had a DVD burner, I'd burn it and push it all into a library instead of on my laptop drive.02:31
ZykoticK9ZykoticK9, is using 102G on / (but have a lot of commercial games installed)02:31
robertzaccouranichols, if you do please make it a simple .deb package so i don't get lost and confused :p lol02:32
anicholsrobertzaccour: To be honest, I don't know how to make .deb packages....yet.02:32
robertzaccouranichols, you can get an external dvd drive02:32
IdleOneanichols: #ubuntu-dev can help you with that :)02:32
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports02:33
IdleOnethere is more info02:33
Spirits-SightHow do you use a source thats from 9.10 in Lucid?02:33
anicholsrobertzaccour: I was planning on releasing it as a .rar file, all you'd need to do is decompress it and run the binary.  As long as the app is open, the driver runs in tandem with the GUI/config manager.02:33
robertzaccouryeah anichols make us ps3 owners support for the ps3 controller as a mouse :D02:33
yofelSpirits-Sight: you mean a package or...?02:33
anicholsrobertzaccour: Somewhat akin to the original setup for the NYKO AirFlo EX.02:33
Spirits-Sightyofel: yes a package02:34
robertzaccouranichols, so it would be just extract, paste a simple command, then update?02:34
robertzaccouranichols, i don't know what nyko is02:34
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, i've had my PS2 controller function as a mouse a couple of time (by accident), it doesn't really work, you can't get to any of the corners02:34
robertzaccourZykoticK9, in that case its just a limited arrow mover lol02:35
yofelSpirits-Sight: you should be able to install it in lucid as long as the dependencies are there02:35
anicholsrobertzaccour: Until I dive into package-making, it'd be an extract and run the binary...after I get the driver running, I'll dive into making it a .deb to make the install more foolproof.02:35
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, "limited arrow mover" i'm gonna remember that one :)02:35
yofelSpirits-Sight: if it depens on older core libs the package might need to be rebuilt for lucid02:36
anicholsrobertzaccour: The only thing stopping me right this second from working on it is I have no access to a PS3...maybe I'll just pick up a controller from the local game shop when I get my first paycheck from the full time job I'm starting on the 22nd, so I can get to working on it.02:36
robertzaccouranichols, if you can promise results i'll give you mine lol02:36
robertzaccourcontroller i meant, not pse, obviously lol02:37
anicholsrobertzaccour: I wouldn't demand a free controller from someone...besides, if I can get it to work, then I won't need my NYKO anymore, now will I?02:37
robertzaccourwhats NYKO?02:38
anicholsIt's the company that makes the controller I use.02:38
patrickd_Is there an _easy_ command line driven way to reset a lucid/jaunty installation based, X server back to the default? As it looks like I've managled my Xserver with different versions of nvidia drivers02:39
anicholsrobertzaccour: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230428049950&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=L*F%3F&GUID=69fd31bf1270a0e203b5f895ff243c1f&itemid=230428049950&ff4=263602_26362202:39
robertzaccouranichols, i hate it lol hard to reach all the buttons02:40
yofelpatrickd_: as long as you haven't installed the driver from the nvidia site just purging any non 'xserver-xorg-...'  packages should work02:40
ZykoticK9patrickd_, you could start my moving your xorg.conf and see if automatic works02:40
Spirits-Sightyofel: the source I am trying to add is: "http://ppa.launchpad.net/synce/ubuntu karmic main" one its listed it says: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY B152F042D246C25D  what can I do?02:40
anicholsrobertzaccour: Actually I find it as easy to use as a PS3 controller, to be honest.  And it has a built-in fan to combat sweaty-palm syndrome.02:40
robertzaccouralthough the ps3 button layout is great, but the triggers/bumper buttons need to be a little further down the back of the controller like xbox has it02:40
patrickd_ZykoticK9: tried removing all the /etc/X11/xorg.c*02:41
robertzaccouranichols, i don't play games for more than an hour or so at a time lol i don't sweat much on the controller02:41
Spirits-Sightyofel: the creater / maintaner says it will work in luid without creating for lucid02:41
yofelSpirits-Sight: running 'sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver  keyserver.ubuntu.com B152F042D246C25D' should fix the gpg error02:41
anicholsrobertzaccour: Problem is the company doesn't seem to make them anymore...which sucks, since it's a solid controller.  That and it can't wirelessly connect to a PS3....lol02:41
ZykoticK9patrickd_, if that didn't work then you'll have to dig a little deeper with uninstall/reinstalling stuff - don't have any suggestions I'm affraid.  Good luck.02:41
yofelSpirits-Sight: also the gpg error shouldn't prevent you from using the repository, just give a 'untrusted' warning02:42
robertzaccouranichols, madcat makes a fairly decent pse controller02:42
patrickd_yofel: When I was running 9.10 I had a nvidia ppa installed because I was running CUDA based stuff but upgrading broke it big style, It's taken me 2 days to get it logging into the console after a "normal" "sudo reboot"02:42
robertzaccouranichols, pelican is horrible though, stay away from that, unless you like shifting your grip to reach buttons lol02:42
patrickd_ZykoticK9: thanks, thought that might be the problem. I feel a fresh reinstall coming on. :(02:43
Spirits-Sightyofel: thanks know in a min or two02:43
anicholsrobertzaccour: Anyway, I'm going to head to bed...early day tommorrow.  I'll look into the PS3 project soon, though, I give you my word on that.  Say in touch if you want, you have my MSN id.02:43
robertzaccourok thanks have a good one02:43
yofelpatrickd_: hm, have you tried to purge any nvidia related packages? also we use nouveau by default for nvidia cards for lucid, maybe that's messing with your setup too02:44
yofelpatrickd_: as the nvidia drivers don't work afaik as long as the nouveau libs are loaded02:44
patrickd_yofel: is there a way to ask dpkg/apt to purge both the nvidia and nouveau drivers/libs then reinstall the stock nouveau?02:45
ZykoticK9patrickd_, you could see the direction for disabling nvidia here http://linuxers.org/article/linux-nvidia-drivers-might-also-have-gpu-fan-speed-issue02:46
yofelpatrickd_: not in one simple command, try the link that ZykoticK9 gave you first02:47
OhioEricjust saw the screenies posted on the forums. very interesting02:48
patrickd_ZykoticK9: At the minute I've no Xserver running to view the link, but I from memory those updated kill the card drivers have been installed on this machine02:48
patrickd_yofel: multi-step is fine, X is unusable anyways.02:48
yofelpatrickd_: then try to purge any nvidia packages except nvidia-common and the modaliases packages, remove your xorg.conf and see if that helps02:49
yofelpatrickd_: btw, do you have a xorg.0.log we can look at?02:50
robertzaccouri tried linux mint, it froze on the live session when i tried to change the theme, and then it wouldn't even boot up to the live session after that lol02:50
patrickd_I can purge with apt-get --purge I'm just not sure how to check what has been installed02:50
patrickd_The logs should be there, just not sure how to put them into pastebin without an xserver, I've become soft in my old age :)(02:51
yofelpatrickd_: 'dpkg -l | grep nvidia | grep ^ii' will show the packages that are installed02:51
yofelpatrickd_: install 'pastebinit'02:52
Spirits-Sightyofel: Guess what? I now have synce working and am able to see the device that I was trying to get working yesterday, I can see the files using nalitule <-however you spell it working02:52
yofelpatrickd_: then run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log' and give us the link02:52
yofelSpirits-Sight: nautilus ;)02:52
Spirits-Sightyep yep that one :)02:53
patrickd_yofel: I've copied the log files out of /var because I don't have pastebinit installed, (even though I just installed the python package). Should I now just install nouveau?02:58
yofelpatrickd_: nouveau should be installed already 'xserver-xorg-video-nouveau'02:59
ajnewboldjust upgraded to lucid, and my laptop boots to an all-purple screen :(03:06
ajnewboldI hear the drums, and then it just sits there.  Any idea what I can try?03:06
yofelajnewbold: purple is good, do you get to gdm or does it stop before showing the login page?03:07
ajnewboldI'm not sure what gdm is, but I don't see a login page03:07
ajnewboldjust a sheet of purple, heh03:07
patrickd_yofel, Thanks for the help. After purging the drivers installing noveau things are now back on track with a working X. The pastebin you requested is at http://pastebin.com/NXs3Ahr503:07
robertzaccourhow come i found something in USC thats not in synaptic?03:08
patrickd_yofel, if you need any of the other logs just shout03:08
ddecatorrobertzaccour: the package name might be different from what USC shows?03:08
robertzaccouri installed jasper. surely jasper should show when i type it in synaptic right? lol03:09
ddecatorrobertzaccour: libjasper1?03:10
DanaGjasper? what's that?03:10
yofelpatrickd: thx, so X works now?03:10
robertzaccourddecator, wow, USC is a great asset then. only problem is ya can't install/uninstall several things at the same time03:11
yofelrobertzaccour: you can just install/remove something else while it's still installing/removing stuff03:12
robertzaccouryofel, really? cool, i thought i had to wait lol thanks03:13
yofelrobertzaccour: they'll be added to the queue03:13
patrickd_yofel, Actually looking at the logs its this http://pastebin.com/BfJrLPq3 one you want03:13
robertzaccouryofel, oh i see03:13
patrickd_yofel, Yeah X is working fine now.03:13
yofelpatrickd: nice, if you want to enable the nvidia drivers again later, you should install the repository version from hardware drivers, it should recommend nvidia-current03:14
patrickd_yofel, Yeah I think I will track them as I plugged another HD in to follow the CUDA drivers running on 9.04 that I need for work03:16
patrickd_yofel, so I can run dev software without risking my "dev" environment03:16
ajnewboldyofel: any idea what I might be able to try, or should I just throw in the towel and reinstall karmic?  I've been googling and can't seem to find how to proceed beyond my purple blank screen of doom03:17
yofelajnewbold: not sure, we had issues with plymouth and gdm, if you know how then you could try to purge plymouth from a tty03:19
yofelI have to go to bed now though03:19
yofel'night folks03:19
ajnewboldI'll run with that, thanks for the help!03:19
patrickd_yofel, night and thanks again03:20
robertzaccourwhat is npviewer.bin? it crashed unexpectedly03:22
DanaGWraps a 32-bit Flash on 64-bit hosts.03:23
ddecatorcouldn't type it fast enough =)03:23
robertzaccourDanaG, npviewer.bin does that?03:24
DanaGif npviewer.bin weren't there, it would do what it does on 32-bit systems: Flash crashes and takes down the whole browser.  Bleh.03:24
robertzaccourDanaG, is that important? i thought i had 64 bit flash03:24
robertzaccourDanaG, ah i see03:24
ajnewboldis there a way to invoke a terminal interface at boot and bypass the usual graphical stuff?03:25
ajnewboldthe usual ctrl-whatever-f1 isn't working (just get a black screen with that)03:25
Some_Personajmitch: ctrl-alt-f103:28
ajnewboldSome_Person: yeah, I try that, but I just get a black screen with nothing on it at all :(03:28
ajnewboldI guess it's just broken :(03:28
Some_PersonDanaG: Why does ubuntu not just package the 64bit flash?03:29
DanaGSomething about it being beta, and not being allowed to distribute beta, I believe.03:30
DanaGer, Flash being beta.03:30
DanaGIs that still true?03:30
Some_Personubuntu included a beta version of firefox a while back03:30
robertzaccourhow come google chrome is always beta?03:31
ddecatorgoogle loves the beta tag03:32
robertzaccourit doesn't seem like its beta lol03:32
robertzaccouri'm tryin to get all my yahoo friends to use skype for messenger, its the only thing i know of with voice chat and its a lot better than what yahoo provides, quality i mean03:33
robertzaccouri meant video chat. can't get voice in kopete or gyachi03:34
robertzaccouron my laptop is it a bad idea to put output volume to 150% instead of 100?03:35
Some_Personrobertzaccour: If you don't like it louder03:35
robertzaccourhow do i change the login sound?04:28
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Debian911Daily check to see if anyones heard/seen/encountered the issue I was having a few days ago upgrading from ubuntu server 9.10 to 10.4 and it not actually booting correctly after - it would be pingable, but no SSH (22 or 9004). Another user encountered the same issue, but he could attach a screen to his (I dont have physical axx), said something about TTY# and nothing being able to change or something?05:24
tamrancan anyone please give me the rundown on getting pulseaudio working in Kubuntu 9.10?05:27
ZykoticK9tamran, ask in #ubuntu - this channel is for Lucid 10.04 only05:28
rskDebian911 be more specific05:37
Debian911rsk: Not sure if I can - doing an upgrade from a Dedicated Server (as such no physcially access) to Ubuntu Server 10.4 (from 9.10) the server becomes unaccessible - no SSH or ports open - but pingable. I reproduced this 3 times (hoping it was something I did wrong). Tried both update methods (source.list and offical way) but both resulted the same. A user the other day (cant for the life of me remeber, but he isn't in here atm05:39
Debian911he plugged a monitor into it to discover it was stuck stating something about TTY - not exact error message, but then DC'd from IRC, havern't seen him since05:39
rskwell you can't debug it without physical acces05:41
rskso i would just give it up05:41
rskhave you tried noacpi ?05:41
Debian911no I cant debug unfortunately, I was wodnering if anyone else has made the jump across and worked in successive days since i've tried05:42
rskit's a boot parameter05:43
Starcraftmazteri just noticed, the double sided print option is gone after i switched to 10.0406:31
Starcraftmazterthe "duplexer installed" was unchecked in printer settings06:38
Starcraftmaztermaybe it shouldnt be unchecked on upgrade06:38
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xfactStrange! I have just ran the 'Computer janitor' and all the third party softwares like Chrome and Pino twitter client all deleted, why?08:01
rwwxfact: because computer janitor is horribly broken08:02
xfactrerww, really, then oops! But what should I do now, there were also lots other files, *scared*08:03
xfactrww, really, then oops! But what should I do now, there were also lots other files, *scared*08:03
booboohey guys...justinstalled iagno on lucid but it doenst animate...any way to change that?  no biggie by the way :008:03
rwwxfact: the list of what it got rid of might be in /var/log/apt/history.log08:04
xfactCan anybody warn me which other softwares are also broken and may cause error so I should not run....08:04
ddecatorxfact: pretty much just computer janitor is that bad...has been for a long time08:04
ddecatorxfact: ubuntu tweak has worked a lot better for me for freeing up memory08:04
xfactddecator, Ubuntu tweak supports lucid?08:05
boobooyou can use smem for freeing up memory08:05
ddecatorxfact: idk about officially, but i had it installed in karmic and it's still here after the upgrade...i haven't gotten the newest release though, they just came out with one recently08:05
Jon-Is Lynx meeting it's goals for a release date, or is it still very unstable?08:05
boobooor secure-delete08:06
ddecatorJon-: depends on the package08:06
ddecatorJon-: overall things are good and largely stable08:06
* xfact memory free up will kill me 08:06
Jon-ddecator: What do you mean by depends on the package?08:06
ddecatorJon-: well some packages are having trouble fixing all of their bugs, but they should still meet the deadline no problem08:07
Jon-ddecator: I haven't looked into it so forgive me if these are n00b questions: are there any default programs they have changed? (ie, still empathy over pidgin? etc)08:07
ZykoticK9Jon-, if "I like a stable OS" is true, then I'd wait until final - i switched to Lynx as my main OS on Feb 1 and i have certainly run into some bugs, but only had a single crash (others have not been so lucky)08:08
ddecatorJon-: yes. empathy is still default. gimp will be out. games will be changing (gbrainy is added). rhythmbox is still default. simple scan is replacing xsane. nothing major...08:08
ddecatorthe biggest problem has been plymouth, but that's almost fully fixed08:09
Jon-ddecator: If I do a distro upgrade, is there a way to create a backup that I can restore to and go back to 9.10?08:09
ddecatorJon-: software center has replaced add/remove programs...08:09
Jon-ddecator: (not now in alpha, past Lucid's release date)08:10
ZykoticK9Jon-, downgrading is NOT supported - you can dual boot?08:10
Jon-ZykoticK9: egh. I'll run the risk I spose.08:10
ddecatorJon-: other than creating a separate partition? not that i know of. you can backup your home folder though and if necessary do a clean install of whichever OS and just add your important files back on08:10
Jon-ddecator: I care far more for installed packages/settings that have gotten Ubuntu working for me. Most of my documents are already on Dropbox ;)08:11
ddecatorJon-: there isn't a way to back up programs afaik. but you shouldn't run into much trouble with the upgrade if you wait until the final release08:12
ddecatorJon-: if you're really worried, then wait a month past the final release after we've had time to fix the bugs related to upgrading =p08:12
Jon-ddecator: Besides the LTS, is there anything that would make me really want to switch as an end-user?08:13
ddecatorJon-: upgraded packages, new look (if you like it), plymouth will look nicer once it works, faster boot times, should be more stable than karmic...08:14
Jon-ddecator: lol @ once it works...08:15
ddecatorJon-: gwibber integration, me-menu, music store, better software center...08:15
ddecatorJon-: the vast majority of it works and is stable already, just minor bugs are still in a number of the programs08:15
ddecatorJon-: the hope is, with the early freeze, there is a lot of time to work on bugs, so by the final release everything should be pretty rock-solid08:17
Jon-ddecator: I see. Thanks08:18
ddecatorJon-: np =)08:18
ddecatorbut i just realized it's 3:20am here, so i need to get some sleep, haha08:19
ddecatornight all08:19
infectorttoren is closin all peers automaticly after couple minutes09:03
infectoknown issue?09:03
infectoa sorry :) my fault09:06
hififull disk?09:08
infectohifi: yep ;)09:08
hifithat happens09:08
BUGabundo_remotegot hit by it too hifi?09:09
hifimany times09:10
hifimy media disk is almost always full09:10
alex88goodmorning guys09:36
alex88i'm installing ubuntu with a daily of some time ago, i've installed succesfully with that cd on my pc, now i'm trying to install in another09:37
alex88when i select partition i get this error message: The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames09:38
alex88by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters09:38
alex88must start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed09:38
alex88sorry for multiline09:38
aquariusmy messaging menu has disappeared :( How do I get it back? I like the MM.09:47
nosse1Hi Guys. I'm about to install Ubuntu into my development machine. I supposed to work on porting Ubuntu to an ARM based embedded target. Anyhow, I'm considering throwing in Lucid Lynx to try it out. Wise/unwise?09:49
tgpraveen12!info poppler10:03
ubottuPackage poppler does not exist in lucid10:03
tgpraveen12!info evince10:03
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.29.92-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 448 kB, installed size 6328 kB10:03
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xfact_What the heck, I have Kd3 writer in Lucid and when I am trying add some mp3 files in a 'audio CD' project,  it saying 'unsupported format' why?11:51
Damasceneyou can play the file, right?11:52
kermiacxfact_: you need some lib file. hang on I'll try to find the exact package name11:52
kermiacxfact_: libk3b6-extracodecs11:53
xfact_kermiac, http://imagebin.ca/view/LKED1r.html  if you need11:54
kermiacnp xfact_ :)11:54
xfact_kermiac, Do I have to restart system for effect in Kd3?11:56
kermiacxfact_: should just need to restart k3b *i think*11:56
xfact_Lets see11:57
kermiachmmm... I can't access imagebin.ca11:57
xfact_kermiac, Maybe, you network problem, and wow it's working thank you very much :)11:58
rwwkermiac: imagebin.org11:58
kermiacnp xfact_ :)11:58
rwwoh, to see someone else's. never mind.11:58
xfact_I uploaded to imagebin.ca11:58
aquariusmy messaging menu has disappeared :( How do I get it back? I like the MM.11:59
xfact_There no option for audio dvd :( (Kd3)12:00
Dr_WillisHmm. cant say that ive ever seen an Audio Only DVD.12:11
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nouit's very very funny to upgrade from karmic to lucid :)12:15
noufor now on mount -a refuses to mount /usr, while mount /usr does12:15
Dr_WillisHmm. You got /usr in its own partiton..12:15
Dr_WillisAges ago i moved some /* to their own partitions and got stuck where the Place needed to be mounted befor the system could actually boot  to do the mount12:16
Dr_WillisI dont bother with much other then a /home and / these days12:16
Dr_WillisI cant rember what it was. i think /etc/ on its own partion is NOT a good idea. :)12:17
Dr_Willisnot sure about others..12:17
nounothing to do  with that12:17
Dr_WillisJust checking :)12:17
nouyeah /etc that's not a good idea to separate it from /12:17
portaDr_Willis: /etc holds config files. I tried it once, back in the  90's. System will not boot then12:26
SEJeffporta, Dr_Willis /etc, /bin, and /lib all need to be on the same partition to boot the system properly. It has always been that way with all things posix12:28
SEJeffYou might be able to do something really crazy inside the initrd, but that doesn't mean you should :)12:28
ryenou, with /usr on a separate partition /tmp won't be cleaned and it breaks nvidia proprietary drivers (nouveau gets loaded instead)12:40
ryenou, as per /usr not being able to mount... well, my /home sometimes does not mount12:41
ryebut no idea what to blame. Mountall or init or whatever12:41
ryeand suddenly it works after several reboots. Until the next day :)12:42
Thuuugswell fuck - thght I wld give ubuntu server 9.10 to 10.4 and failed again zzzzz12:57
Thuuugsno ssh12:57
rskunstable on server is kinda bad idea12:57
Thuuugsjust play server12:58
Thuuugsbut yea12:58
Thuuugsfigured sumthing might of got fixed ><12:58
Thuuugsno phys access12:58
Thuuugsso cant bug report12:58
rskwhat's not fixed in 9.10?12:59
Thuuugs9.10 is fine, wanted to move to 10.4 for ssd trim support13:00
Thuuugsapparently its disabled in default kernel13:00
Thuuugsand .deb I found for ubuntu needs grub, while 9.10 runs on lilo13:00
Ian_Corne9.10 does not run on lilo13:02
Ian_Corneby default13:02
Thuuugswell installing it from my servers provider it seems to do13:06
bjsniderrye, the nvidia driver problem in that regard is being fixed13:10
ryebjsnider, hm, no comments in bug #53446913:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534469 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Failed to load NVIDIA 195.36.08 kernel modules because nouveau is loading with separate /usr partition." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53446913:11
ryethough that's not the worst issue out of what I am experiencing :)13:11
xfact_My Firefox fonts are not smooth as Karmic Koala, why? Any solution?13:19
Dr_Willisxfact_:  ive noticed that also.13:25
Dr_Willisbut if i zoom in on them and compare them to what i see in the gnome file manager.. they look the same.. but at normal res.. they look a little different13:26
waltercoolxfact_: My "almost best" solution: Epiphany13:26
xfact_Dr_Willis, Any font problem or something, or just a problem?13:26
xfact_waltercool, I actually like Chrome but that also good and lite-weight13:27
Dr_Willisit just looks a little 'different' in the firefox browser menus13:27
Dr_Willissame words like 'Help' in both progrms.. the P is a little better looking in gnome file manager. then in Firefox13:27
Dr_WillisOr in 'Bookmarks' you can see the oo is a lot smoother in Nautilus menu13:28
Dr_Willisnautilus fonts look a little 'darker/thicker'13:28
klxklxi'm using 9.10.should i upgrade to 10.04 or reinstall?13:35
xfact_Why Computer janitor is cleaning all the programs 9third party) that don't come with official Ubuntu package? e.g. Chrome, I do not consider it as bug,, I think it's a foolish feature of it :(13:36
xfact_*(third party)13:37
xfact_klxklx, Upgrade it batter, you will have Lucid with all the latest updates13:37
Dr_Williscomputer janitor is the kindof tool that shouldent even be In ubuntu13:37
Dr_Willisits best to not use it..13:37
yofelklxklx: a reinstall should be cleaner, but if you want to help testing then upgrade, we always need upgrade testers, you can always reinstall if something goes wrong13:38
xfact_Yup, Karmic's janitor was gentle but this one is really need to be changed13:38
Dr_WillisI saw a blog poasting  about 12+ reasons that Comp. Jan. should be tossed out13:38
Dr_Willis#1 = its just stupid about what it removes :)13:38
thiebaudeDr_Willis, i agree with that13:39
xfact_yofel, Hey, last time I upgraded and it was successful without any error :)13:39
yofelxfact_: I did upgrade testing this week and only got one kde error that was fixed so it *should* be fine ;)13:39
xfact_And it's good that Lucid has Kde 4.413:40
alex-weejdoes anyone know how to debug a missing me-menu?13:40
alex-weejeven on clean/guest accounts it's not there, i only have the power menu in session-indicator-applet or whatever it's called13:40
Dr_WillisI would guess its crashing  when starting up.13:41
alex-weejit's not crashing13:41
thiebaudeon my 10.04 when i shut down the computers restarts13:41
alex-weeji am running it manually in /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet-session and loading it in the panel and it's fine, no errors or anything13:41
alex-weejjust no me menu13:41
alkisgWhere there are openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb and openoffice.org-l10n-en-za but not openoffice.org-l10n-en or openoffice.org-l10n-en-us?13:43
alkisgIs it just a matter of them not being ready yet for Lucid, or am I missing something?13:44
Ian_CorneShould they be there, aren't they the default?13:44
Ian_CorneI'm not sure..13:45
Ian_Cornethey do show up for me btw13:45
Ian_CorneNote, selecting openoffice.org-common instead of openoffice.org-l10n-en-us13:45
Ian_CorneHowever the following packages replace it: openoffice.org-common13:46
Ian_CorneE: Package openoffice.org-l10n-en has no installation candidate13:46
Dr_WillisA change in the unit reading policy of file sizes in Ubuntu 10.04 is causing some confusion amongst early adopters.13:46
Dr_WillisPreviously Ubuntu showed 1MB as 1024 (1 MiB). Now it displays 1MB to be 1000KB13:46
yofelthats how it should be...13:48
Dr_Willisthats debateable.13:48
yofel1MiB != 1MB, end of discussion13:48
Dr_WillisA change in the unit reading policy of file sizes in Ubuntu 10.04 is causing some confusion amongst early adopters.13:48
kklimondaDr_Willis: and?13:48
kklimondaDr_Willis: every change causes some confusion13:49
kklimondaDr_Willis: that's inevitable13:49
Dr_Willisive seen several people in #ubuntu tryiugn to burn ISO files to 'dvd' disks because they dident think they would fit on the cd.13:49
nigelbDr_Willis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy13:49
Dr_Willisand their systems reported differnt sizes then the ftp/download site.. but the md5sum checked.. that confused us a bit also13:49
alkisgIan_Corne: so, in an english system, only the -common is needed?13:49
kklimondaDr_Willis: cool, so what do you suggest?13:50
Dr_Willisto rember the 'quirk' when people are asking for help in the irc channel. :)13:50
Ian_Corneyes alkisg13:50
alkisgIan_Corne: thanks :)13:50
Dr_WillisLike most things ive seen :)13:50
kklimondawe done remember13:50
kklimondawe do*13:51
thiebaudehow do i get rid of the 17gb of free space on 10.04?13:51
Dr_WillisBack to reading Ubuntu news sites..13:52
Dr_Willisthiebaude:  get rid of it? Huh?13:52
cwillu_at_workthiebaude, dd if=/dev/zero of=/waste bs=6553613:52
thiebaudethe installer set it up autmatically13:52
Ian_CorneDr_Willis: any good ones ?13:52
Ian_CorneI read OMG ubuntu13:52
thiebaudethanks cwillu13:52
Dr_WillisIan_Corne:  looking at that one right now.13:53
cwillu_at_workthiebaude, you don't want to use the computer?13:53
Dr_WillisI cant rember the site i saw that detailed all the 'problems' computer janitor has.. but it made some good points13:53
alex-weejDr_Willis, fwiw, apt had failed to bring in the ubuntu-desktop -> indicator-session -> indicator-me dependency. weird.13:53
Dr_WillisIan_Corne:  using 'feedly' extension in firefox to consolidate about 5 different ubuntu sites13:53
thiebaudeno, i just want some of my disk space back before like in 9.1013:53
Ian_Corneand http://www.linuxsecurity.com/static-content/ubuntu.rss13:54
Ian_Cornethis one too13:54
cwillu_at_workthiebaude, you're not making sense13:54
cwillu_at_workwhat 17gb of free space are you talking about?13:54
thiebaude10.04 shows 17 gb of free space13:55
Dr_Willisthiebaude:  You mean Unallocat4d drive space? or what exactly?13:55
* Dr_Willis is missing what the problem is13:55
cwillu_at_workshows 17gb free space where?13:55
cwillu_at_workI like my root partition to have lots of gb of free space, why is this a problem?13:55
thiebaudein the disk utility13:56
cwillu_at_workare you _trying_ to be opaque?13:56
cwillu_at_worklool is in #ubuntu-arm, would you like me to invite him? :p13:56
Ian_CorneI'd love to, but I don't see that entry13:56
thiebaudehaha cwillu13:57
rockydon't suppose there's an easy way to sync chat account info between two computers (ie sync empathy account setup between desktop and laptop) ?14:06
Dr_Willissync the settings dirs and files perhaps?14:11
rockywell the settings are stored in gconf14:12
Dr_Willisdont ya just love that14:12
Dr_WillisGolly the 'fscking disk' message at least looks better and is readable now in 10.0414:13
ensevenHi! Does anyone know how to show kernel messages and results from init scripts during boot time on console output? I already commented out #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" in /etc/default/grub. So messages are shown until file systems are checked an mounted. But then the console is been cleared and nothing more is been displayed until getty starts. What causes console beeing cleared? Where can I switch this off? Is this set some14:15
ensevenwhere in upstart?14:15
Dr_WillisThe KDE 'netbook' interface is interesting.  BBut  very sluggish on my netbook. Gnome runs well  as dowes the UNR interface.   I dont supposed anyone else has noticed this?14:18
cwillu_at_workhmm, disk has been grinding at boot for a few minutes now;  I don't want to alt-sysrq-k really, is there any tricks to determine what the system is doing at the moment?14:39
Dr_Williscwillu_at_work:  go to a console. check top/htop command perhaps14:40
Dr_Willisalso some of the consoles may have some log info14:40
cwillu_at_workDr_Willis, system is booting, there's no terminals14:40
Dr_WillisIm not sure if theres an installer log file.,14:40
Dr_Williswhat cd/iso you using?14:40
cwillu_at_worknothing shows up on the vterms aside from sysrq output14:40
cwillu_at_workit's an installed lucid system14:41
Dr_WillisSo its a allready isntalled system eh. Hmmm I had a issue last week where it took a LONG time to boot up once or twice.14:41
cwillu_at_workI have a hunch that it's doing a fsck, but I'd like to prove that14:41
Dr_Willisnot sure what it was doing.   when i did get in. i update.upgraded and its been quick every sence.14:41
Dr_WillisYea. Pymonth may notbe working so you dont see the fsck info14:42
cwillu_at_workI had the fancy plymouth boot screen, didn't display anything though14:42
cwillu_at_workalt-sysrq-l has find showing up as responsible for some activity14:44
cwillu_at_workDr_Willis, wonder if there's some transitional run-once script involved?14:46
vishhas anyone here used testdrive? i was wondering if it is something similar to virtualbox or does it change the / ?14:47
vishdoes it make any changes to the / ?14:48
Dr_WillisNot sure what 'testdrive' even is14:48
cwillu_at_workoooo, mouse cursor14:50
cwillu_at_workon a terminal screen14:50
cwillu_at_workand there's the background14:50
cwillu_at_work_blazingly_ fast boot time :p14:50
Iswantois there anything new about Lucid theme ?14:51
IswantoWhat is that ?14:51
DoDiI've many problems with (K)Ubuntu, want to try out newest version - how?14:51
Dr_WillisIswanto:  other then that many people HATE it.. :)14:51
IswantoI actually don't really like it...14:52
IswantoBut it's a good start14:52
Dr_WillisDoDi:  what exactly do you mean?  You want to upgrade to 10.04 ?14:52
DoDiyes, upgrade is acceptable14:52
DoDiI only couldn't find the upgrade tool14:52
cwillu_at_workwas there known issues with permissions getting screwed up on upgrades?14:53
DoDiI also can do a fresh install, no problem14:53
cwillu_at_workDoDi, lucid isn't released yet, the upgrade tools are there, but designed to not show themselves unless you know the magic words14:53
DoDiso what's the magic words?14:53
IswantoDoDi: May be you want to try to reinstall ?14:54
cwillu_at_workfirst, if you run into problems, are you going to file bug reports, or are you going to complain that stuff is broken?14:54
DoDiwhatever works for me14:54
IswantoLucid is just not ready yet...14:54
Iswantoit's still alpha 314:55
DoDiI have 3 physical (K)Ubuntu installations, all having the same GUI problems, and a VM14:55
Iswantowhat is the problem ?14:55
DoDihuge fonts14:55
Iswantohave you tried to manually configure the fonts ?14:55
DoDiprobably related to the nvidia driver14:55
DoDiyes, icon fonts are okay, but applications have huge (~20 pt.) fonts in several places14:56
Volkodavanybody knows of ebook readers except fbreader ?14:57
DoDiI've read that 10.04 comes with a new nvidia driver14:57
Iswantonuveau driver ?14:57
IswantoYes, but Lucid is still a month before release...14:58
DoDisomething like that14:58
marginoferrorHas anyone else had trouble getting the live CD to boot on virtualbox?  I have tried Alpha 3 and two different daily updates and nothing will boot. =<14:58
marginoferrorI might just be doing something wrong but I dunno what14:58
IswantoNot recomended to use yet, except for testing....14:58
marginoferrorI get the "test / install ubuntu / etc" menu but it goes blank after I select one of those.14:58
DoDimy question remains: how to get 10.0414:59
IswantoIf you really want to try then go here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/lucid-alpha-314:59
cwillu_at_workDoDi, my question remains: are you going to be a net burden on the developers if we tell you how?14:59
alkisgAlpha 3 (and yesterday's daily) booted fine for me in vbox14:59
marginoferroralkisg, hmm, I'm not sure what could be wrong then =x14:59
DoDicwillu, I can report errors if you like14:59
marginoferrorI tried testdrive today in addition to my attempts with manual downloads and still the same thing15:00
alkisgWhat error do you get?15:00
cwillu_at_workDoDi, i.e., reports bugs on launchpad.net?  If so, that's useful :)15:00
cwillu_at_workDoDi, update-manager -c -d should do the trick to trigger an upgrade15:00
marginoferrorNo error, just a black screen with a cursor15:00
marginoferrorIt shows the pretty splash screen15:00
cwillu_at_workDoDi, there's no guarantees that it'll work perfectly though, bugs in the upgrade process should also be reported15:01
marginoferrorAnd then I press a key to get to the menu, but after I select something from the menu, nothing15:01
alkisgmarginoferror: I did get the "hitting enter causes X to freeze" bug at some time, though15:01
alkisgSo try not to hit enter ;)15:01
DoDicwillu, whatever is helpful in making Ubuntu better :-)15:01
marginoferror=x  I don't think I'm in X yet, since it's just the bootloader splash screen, but I'll try a few different things then15:02
cwillu_at_workmarginoferror, mouse cursor?15:02
jeanfiHello, with 10.04 all indicator-applets fails, I apport poping up at startup but it cannot report (complaining about the fact that assertion failure not supported). What information can I provide to my bugreport in LP except the /var/crash information?15:02
marginoferrorcwillu_at_work, sorry, no - I meant the text cursor, the _15:03
marginoferrorHmm, it looks like "install ubuntu" works but the live CD part doesn't work for me15:03
marginoferrorOh.  Wait, no, I take it back.  Install ubuntu doesn't work.  Only the "check this CD" and "test memory" work15:03
cwillu_at_workdoes the cd check pass? :p15:05
cwillu_at_workand test memory? :p15:05
marginoferrorWell, it's virtualbox so I can't imagine test memory wouldn't pass15:05
cwillu_at_worksure, if your desktop's memory is faulty :p15:05
marginoferrorI doubt that's it15:05
cwillu_at_workwell, everybody else is saying that virtualbox boots up the alpha just fine :p15:06
marginoferror=p  I know!  I'm mystified15:06
cwillu_at_workwhich version of virtualbox?15:06
* alkisg has the closed source vbox in lucid15:06
cwillu_at_workis it from the repo's, or is it oracles version?15:06
cwillu_at_workand which distro?15:07
marginoferrorHost OS is 9.1015:07
cwillu_at_workhow much memory do you have / is virtualbox providing?15:07
marginoferror2GB on the host, 512mb on the client15:07
marginoferrorOh, now I'm getting somewhere15:08
marginoferrorEnabling flags like noapic, etc15:08
marginoferrorI didn't realize I would need those in virtualbox15:08
cwillu_at_workI wouldn't expect you to need them15:08
rglcwillu_at_work, the server flavor boots/runs fine under virtualbox.15:08
arandmarginoferror: Bug #510571 ?15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057115:10
marginoferrorYep.  I just confirmed -- it boots with acpi=off (only)15:10
marginoferrorThat must be it.  Thanks a lot for the bug number, that's great.15:10
* marginoferror feels validated15:11
arandmarginoferror: https://edge.launchpad.net/~arand/+archive/virtualboxhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~arand/+archive/virtualbox if you want acpi15:11
arandhmm, a bit of link mismatch there, but you get the point ;)15:11
BoondoklifeHere is an odd one, I have a laptop that I use as a primary pc hooked to a 22" lcd. GDM wants to show up in a lower resolution than I have my desktop so I endup with a stretch splash and initial desktop. Is there a way to change the GDM resolution with out hacking xorg.conf? I don't have an xorg.conf and would rather stay away from making one.15:12
cwillu_at_workBoondoklife, what chipset?15:13
alkisg/var/lib/gdm/.config/monitors.xml ?15:13
cwillu_at_workBoondoklife, definitely file a bug, the x team wants to get a bunch of those sorts of bugs fixed up15:13
Boondoklifecwillu_at_work: ati, I can get the exact model if ya need15:13
marginoferrorYes, I got it.  Thanks arand!15:13
cwillu_at_workBoondoklife, ubuntu-bug xorg -> fill in the details15:13
Boondoklifecwillu_at_work: will do. Just figured it was a setting I didnt see. thanks15:13
DoDiafter running update-manager, what shall I do? apply the updates?15:16
cwillu_at_workDoDi, it should have a button saying it's detected a new distribution upgrade15:16
DoDithe update notifier only repors "extra multimedia functionality"15:18
cwillu_at_workupdate-manager you mean?15:18
* cwillu_at_work shrugs; okay, try do-release-upgrade -d -p 15:18
DoDioops, sorry, I just installed the update manager15:19
DoDiI'll save my VM now, before upgrading15:20
marginoferrorarand, I installed that updated version of Virtualbox OSE and everything works great.  Thanks again =)15:24
arandmarginoferror: glad to be of service, if you want please make a comment on the bug report that the fix works (might get it through SRU faster).15:27
marginoferrorOkay, I will do so.15:27
ricotzSarvatt, hello, should be nouveau from xorg-edgers able to run compiz on lucid?15:32
tgpraveen12ricotz: depends on ur card. but mostly yes15:34
ricotztgpraveen12, i have done the whole ppa upgrade and all seems to run fine, no errors in Xorg.log, using 7900gtx15:36
ricotztgpraveen12, you got this?  i have done the whole ppa upgrade and all seems to run fine, no errors in Xorg.log, using 7900gtx15:39
tgpraveen12ricotz: hmm so compiz doesnt run with it?15:39
tgpraveen12it probnably should. i dont have too much knowledge on this though15:39
tgpraveen12i read that compiz did run for some people with nouveau15:40
tgpraveen12on the forums15:40
ricotzcan you point to a thread?15:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:45
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit15:46
bjsniderricotz, you should get in touch with him in #ubuntu-x, but i think the answer is no15:46
bjsnidercertainly without gallium the answer is no15:46
cwillu_at_workanybody else seeing *** glibc detected *** aptitude: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x09b666b8 *** on aptitude update?15:47
ricotzbjsnider, hi, but gallium is activated in xorg-edgers? or not?15:48
loevborgGuys, is there anything I can do to point Xorg developers to a bug that badly needs a fix before lucid? The patch is already attached, it only needs to be applied.15:48
ChogyDanricotz: I heard that nouveau can run compiz, but with software rendering15:49
cwillu_at_workloevborg, is it a launchpad bug?15:49
CardinalFangloevborg, is it in xorg upstream bugtracker?15:49
loevborgcwillu, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xkeyboard-config/+bug/283128?comments=all15:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 283128 in xkeyboard-config "Keyboard indicator shows additional layout "null"" [Medium,In progress]15:49
cwillu_at_workloevborg, in progress, sounds like it's got the attention already15:50
loevborgcwillu, not really; it's been like that for a few _releases_15:50
bjsniderricotz, i know they were experimenting withit at one point, but i don't think it worked well. not sure if it's still there15:50
loevborgCardinalFang, it is, but it seems that in ubuntu, the patch is still required15:51
ricotzbjsnider, ok, thanks15:52
loevborgI guess what I'm asking is, is there anything I can do similar to "help, this needs to be applied"?15:52
ChogyDanloevborg: it looks like you should remove the "in progress" tag for starters15:52
om26erdoes any one know where chromium saves its configuration files?15:52
loevborgChogyDan, that sounds like a plan15:52
ChogyDanloevborg: I thought that meant that someone was working on it, yet you have no assignment15:53
loevborgChogyDan, go back to confirmed then?15:53
cwillu_at_workloevborg, yes15:53
CardinalFangloevborg, you have verified it with the current pre-release of 10.04?15:54
loevborgCardinalFang, yes, and so has a previous poster15:55
CardinalFangloevborg, how severe is it?15:56
loevborgCardinalFang, medium, I guess.15:56
CardinalFangCan it happen automatically, or must one see a weird option in the configs and select it?15:56
loevborgCardinalFang, as far as I can see, it happens for most people who have two keyboard layouts.15:57
CardinalFangWhat happens?15:57
CardinalFangGarbage, or the existence of an option?15:57
loevborgyou get more than you bargained for: the two layouts you wanted and a third one called "??"15:57
CardinalFang^Garbage^Garbage when typing, by default15:57
CardinalFangRight, okay.15:58
loevborgfor me the third layout was identical to en_US, so not garbage, but annoying nonetheless15:58
CardinalFangAgreed, medium.  I think it's in the right state, right now.  Confirmed, tagged 'lucid'.  No one has volunteered for it, though.15:58
loevborgAlright. Thanks for your help, I'll leave it in the lap of the Gods.16:00
alkisgloevborg: have you seen the bug?16:00
alkisgfor this?16:00
alkisgAh, still another duplicate...16:01
loevborgalkisg, on all my machines, yes16:01
alkisgDamn these keyboard layouts have about 100 bugs in launchpad16:01
alkisgLet me get you the main one...16:01
alkisgloevborg: that's the main one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/46032816:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 460328 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Wrong keyboard settings when console-settings has multiple layouts" [High,In progress]16:02
alkisgIt has tasks for all the affected packages there16:02
alkisgloevborg: do you know the gconftool-2 workaround?16:02
alkisggconftool-2 --type list --list-type string --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts  '[us,gr]'  <== change gr with your layout16:03
loevborgalkisg, hm, I can try that one16:04
Okidesuemm... why isn't smplayer the defaul media player in lucid? -____-''16:04
loevborgalkisg, the bug I mentioned above had a fix that involves xserver-xorg-core, so it seems not a matter of gnome16:05
PiciOkidesu: because totem is.16:05
cwillu_at_workwhy would it be?16:05
OkidesuPici, and totem has vdpau output ?16:05
loevborgOkidesu, it's the best player, but not necessarily the best choice as default player16:05
chiggavelhello i have cpu hog16:05
chiggavel. /usr/bin/X :0 -br -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/aut-for-gdm-XrmKwg/database -nolisten tcp16:05
Okidesuright :) .......16:05
chiggavelafter update it uses loads of cpu16:05
PiciOkidesu: Feel free to submit a bug asking for it to be the default player.16:05
Okidesuthis player has everything anyone can ever want from a player, so why is Totem better for default ?16:06
tgpraveen12a. its simpler16:06
tgpraveen12b. its GNOME's default16:06
tgpraveen12b.smplayer is QT iirc16:06
alkisgloevborg: what does this return for you? gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts16:06
alkisg(if you haven't yet tried the --set command, that is)16:07
PiciYes, its QT.16:07
loevborgalkisg, [us,de]16:07
alkisgIt should return a broken layout list, e.g. [us\,gr\,]16:07
alkisgDid you already run the --set command ?16:07
Okidesutgpraveen12, what on earth do you mean by simpler ? you have to know aikido to play files with smplayer ???16:07
Okidesujesus christ -_-16:07
loevborgalkisg, I haven't run the --set command, but I'm using the fixed (patched) xserver package16:07
cwillu_at_workOkidesu, calm thyself16:08
Okidesui had to install 30gb build librarys so that i can compile mplayer so that i can have vdpau working when i could simply isntall smplayer and have everythign working16:08
Okidesuwith selecting subtitles audio channels video and audio output16:08
PiciOkidesu: The fact that it is QT unforunately means that it probably wouldn't be concisdered to be a default package in Ubuntu :/16:08
loevborgalkisg, also it's on karmic, will try on lucid later16:08
Okidesuand it's simple enought to play files when you double click them ---16:08
alkisgloevborg: hmm [us,de] shows that gnome overrides the X settings16:09
alkisgYou're not using the X defaults16:09
loevborgalkisg, yes, I'm using the gnome configuration16:09
alkisgAnd that gdm bug started with Karmic...16:09
loevborgalkisg, no xorg.conf16:09
alkisgI believe this is a gdm bug16:09
chiggavelcan somebody knows why?16:09
markl_is there a gnome clock applet that shows time_t?16:10
OkidesuOk ok :) i'm calm, keep on the good work with a Lucid release in the age of High Defenition with the "simple" totem player and inconvenient people and make them ask "why is my HD content not playing?" for the next 3 years16:10
alkisgHere in Greece we've had broken layouts since karmic... when the new gdm got intergrated16:10
Okidesugood thinking! *thumbs up*16:10
chiggavelOkidesu get vlc :D16:10
loevborgalkisg, must be particularly galling for non-latin languages16:11
PiciOkidesu: You're talking to users here, if you want it to be the default then submit a bug for it.16:11
PiciMaking a passive aggressive remark in IRC isn't going to make anything happen.16:11
Some_PersonI suppose it's about time I deal with that stupid partition table problem on this HD16:11
loevborgalkisg, thanks, I gotta go get something to eat, bye for now16:11
alkisgYes, a lot of people switch to debian because of this16:12
Some_Person"Can't have a partition outside the disk!"16:12
OkidesuPici ok how do i submit this bug report?16:12
Some_PersonAnyone know what the hell I should do about that?16:13
chiggavelso is there fix for  /usr/bin/X :0 -br -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/aut-for-gdm-XrmKwg/database -nolisten tcp16:13
markl_ah you just have to use gconf-editor, nice!16:13
arandSome_Person: testdisk? Sound like a "poke and hope" thing to rewrite a "working" partition table...16:17
Okidesui guess i will never know how to submit my bug report then :) oh well16:20
Some_Personseems like there is indeed a problem though: http://paste.ubuntu.com/396786/16:21
nourye: i also have issues with mount/mountall16:22
nouand /etc/mtab maybe16:23
nouit's such a mess16:23
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nouu missed the / :)16:24
guntbertnou: I know :) fingers are more stupid than I'am :)16:24
noumountall seems to wait for my devices. devices that are already ready obviously16:25
wolterHi, my lucid install is so weird, I don't even know if this is even lucid16:36
wolterFirst, no lucid plymouth16:36
wolterThen, no lucid themes16:36
wolterhappyface, hi, I'm the m1530 user from the other day, did this happen to you? Also, no video or internet drivers installed16:37
Some_Personwolter: Can you explain what's wrong?16:37
ZykoticK9wolter, "lsb_release -a" does it say Lucid?16:37
wolterYes, but it says no lsb modules are available, if that matters16:37
ZykoticK9wolter, that's normal16:38
wolterSome_Person, well, I didn't get what I expected when I installed, I want my money back16:38
wolterZykoticK9, ok16:38
wolterI just want to know which packages to install, or if its normal to get no plymouth jhust aftr you install16:38
Andre_Gondimis there any news about gwibber works on lucid?16:39
wolterAndre_Gondim, works for me16:39
Some_PersonWhy do I ave a tiny unallocated partition now: http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/2312/screenshotdevsdagparted.png16:39
ChogyDanwolter: I just installed today, and I got the wallpaper, and theme I think16:39
wolterMaybe it was the image i used?16:40
richthegeekhey, the last two live dailies just do not boot for me16:40
ChogyDanwolter: I used i38616:40
Andre_Gondimwolter, you made a fresh install or upgrade from karmic?16:40
wolterfresh install16:40
ChogyDanrichthegeek: nvidia?16:40
Some_Personwolter: Did you use the Alpha3 image or did you use a daily image?16:40
wolterupgrade from karmic was a real mess16:40
wolteralpha 316:40
richthegeekChogyDan: yeah, GTX 26016:41
wolteri also have nvidia, should that have anything to do with plymouth not showing up?16:41
* wolter is installing nvidia-current and what it brings16:41
waltercoolis nvidia supporting kms?16:41
wolteri hope so16:42
wolteris it not?16:42
ChogyDanyeah, I think there have been issues with nvidia/nouveau/plymouth16:42
woltergod forbid...16:43
Some_Personwolter: I don't think the new themes came with alpha3. You need to upgrade to all the latest packages to get those16:43
waltercoolnice, good for nvidia =D And ati?16:44
wolterwell no luck16:46
wolterI think nvidia current installed some noveau16:46
wolterbut I wanted the propietary drivers16:47
ZykoticK9waltercool, nvidia blob doesn't have KMS, nouveau does16:47
Some_PersonWhen I install lucid on my other machine that has an nvidia card, should I not use the proprietary nvidia-glx?16:47
wolternoveau game me a REAL mess before booting; a lot of weird screens and stuff before i actually got to login screen16:48
Some_PersonI have a bit of a mess before booting here, and this machine doesn't have nvidia16:48
Some_PersonFirst I get a blinking _ for a while, then some text, then the splash screen, then more text, then my desktop16:49
wolterSome_Person, I get something similar16:49
Some_PersonThen it must not be a noveau problem. This machine has intel graphics, not nvidia16:50
wolterbut well, before noveau i didn't get that problem16:50
wolternot as drastic anyway16:50
wolterwhich drivers should i install for my nvidia 8600m gt?16:51
ZykoticK9wolter, to find out what driver nvidia/nouveau is currently being used you can use the command "lspci -vnvn" and find you gfx card if it says "Kernel driver in use: nvidia" then you are using blob, if it says noveau... you get the idea :)16:51
wolteri am using blob, but whats blob?16:52
ZykoticK9wolter, sorry Blob = nvidia proprietary driver16:52
wolterZykoticK9, but i dont get access to desktop effects16:53
wolterhows that?16:53
wolterand kernel modules are lbm_nouveau, nvidiafb16:53
ZykoticK9wolter, that's odd.  I have no idea man?16:53
ZykoticK9wolter, if it say nouveau then you're using nouveau and not proprietary nvidia - but even with nouveau i had desktop effects (I only used nouveau for a couple of minutes)16:54
wolterZykoticK9, do you have an idea which package installs nvidia blob?16:54
wolterZykoticK9, you use blob now?16:54
yofelwolter: the blob is installed by the nvidia packages, usually nvidia-common16:55
wolteryofel, that installed noveau i think16:55
wolterhow do i check if a package is installed or not?16:55
yofelwolter: NO, nouveau is installed by xserver-xorg-video-nouveau16:55
richthegeekwolter: apt-cache show [package]16:55
yofeland nouveau is installed by default16:56
ZykoticK9wolter, oh wait -- i take it "kernel modules are lbm_nouveau, nvidiafb" was from lsmod?16:56
wolteryofel, i got somerthing about nouveau i didn't have before, dont blame me for observing16:56
yofelwolter: how did you try to install the driver? you should use jockey (hardware drivers) to install it16:56
wolternow jockey says im missing tons of drivers16:57
wolterit didn't say that before16:57
wolterif it had, I wouldn't have come here to begin with :)16:57
yofelwolter: after a fresh install you have to refresh the package cache once to get jockey to show available drivers16:57
woltergood to know :)16:58
wolterlets hope everythings fine after restart16:58
yofelthat should be handled differently, but  I think there's no easy solution for that so we'll have to live with it for a while longer16:58
wolterwireless started working, which is good16:58
bjsniderwolter, there is no nvidia kms driver16:59
bjsnidernor will there ever be16:59
wolterbjsnider, so i won't get plymouth with nvidia blob?16:59
wolteram i doomed to usplash for life?16:59
wolterthe new loading screen16:59
bjsniderplymouth should default to a basic driver, but lucid will boot in a few seconds, so who ares17:00
wolteradopted long ago by fedora and other linux distros, which makes booting graphically seamless17:00
wolteryeah well, going to try now17:00
Some_PersonStrange how ubuntu's been changing their splash so much lately17:00
Some_Personusplash up until jaunty, xsplash in karmic, plymouth in lucid17:01
richthegeekwhat time is the beta ISO releasing tomorrow?17:01
yofelrichthegeek: undefined17:01
yofelwhen they're ready17:01
richthegeekyofel: right... just because the last 2 dailies don't boot for me17:01
richthegeekyofel: yeah, it seems like it might be an issue17:02
Some_Personrichthegeek: Then I'm lucky I got mine 3 days ago17:02
wolterkms being weird again17:02
wolteri mean, graphical boot17:02
wolterit goes like this: first shows blue/darkblue/white bar loading and a [C] in the center of the screen17:02
wolterthen it shows some cli, then login screen. When I click my user to login, it gives me some weird boxes, cli, then a working login screen17:03
richthegeekyofel: it shows plymouth nicely (correct res on both screens) but stops once the loading bar has changed all the dots to the correct color. I can't change TTY or rseinub to reboot17:03
yofelrichthegeek: tried todays daily? the last builds are from 17-Mar-2010 03:4217:03
richthegeekyofel: yes, I have tried the 17th march one17:04
richthegeekyofel: 16 and 17 didnt boot17:04
charlie-tca__Seems like you guys are lucky. I upgraded a 64bit system karmic2lucid today, and the monitor shuts down at gdm17:04
yofelhaven't tested the iso's since 13th or so, was busy doing upgrade testing17:04
yofelcharlie-tca__: hm, what's up with that? there are several people that have complained about that here or in the forums17:05
richthegeekcharlie-tca__: yeah, that happens with the Nouveau driver on any nvidia-based upgrade it seems.. if you enabled the propietary drivers prior to ugprade it'd work17:05
richthegeekyofel: I switched off the nvidia drivers on my mirrored install and it broke at gdm on reboot17:05
charlie-tca__I had the hardware drivers installed before the upgrade17:05
yofelthen I guess I can consider myself lucky17:06
yofelor is it just because I don't have plymouth here?17:06
charlie-tca__I purged them using ssh, and it worked for one boot after removing /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:06
richthegeekis there any way I can restore the nvidia drivers (replacing nouveau) via SSH then?17:07
charlie-tca__That's a thought. I'll try removing plymouth and xsplash17:07
charlie-tca__richthegeek: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current17:09
charlie-tca__but I don't know if it will work17:09
richthegeekcharlie-tca__: tried just copying the xorg.conf from this to that for now.. they are on the same machine and identical besides the x conf and grub17:10
richthegeekback in a moment17:10
Some_PersonWhat happened to the days when installing 'nvidia-glx' would pretty much fix any nvidia system?17:10
charlie-tca__I think that went the way of simple grub entries17:10
Some_PersonGuess I'm not the only one who hates grub217:12
richthegeekright, copying the xorg.conf over broke X so I got a terminal (this is a good thing), installed nvidia-current17:14
richthegeekbut now my multimon setup is gone and it looks like I might be using the nouveau driver17:15
richthegeekhow do I check what driver I am using again?17:15
ZykoticK9richthegeek, find your gfx card in "lspci -vnvn"17:15
richthegeeknvm, I am deffo using nouveau (lspci -nvnv | grep "Kernel driver in use")17:15
richthegeekonly thing is, it no longer does dual screen.. any setup guides for nouveau?17:16
Sarvattricotz: can you pastebin the output when running compiz --replace in a terminal, and also glxinfo? nv40 gallium is going through some major changes upstream and it might not be working at the moment17:17
richthegeekright, fuck nouveau... I am using the propietary drivers. Sure it's open source but its also kinda shit17:19
Some_Personnouveau also has no 3D afaik17:20
ZykoticK9Some_Person, limited 3d yes17:20
Sarvatthe's asking about xorg-edgers where I'm enabling 3D support17:20
richthegeekSome_Person: exactly, that's about 30% of why I am switching back. Mainly it's so my main screen isn't a blurry mess17:20
Sarvattnot the lucid packages17:20
Some_Personwhy doesn't nvidia just make their drivers open source and make us all happy?17:21
ZykoticK9wow - channel has 300+ people, first time that's happened since Lucid come out I believe17:21
ZykoticK9Some_Person, and when that happens, why doesn't MS open source their OS (and stop threatening patent lawsuits against linux) ;)17:23
bjsniderSome_Person, because the driver's code is 90% shared across all platforms, only 10% of it is linux-specific17:23
ricotzSarvatt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/396815/, compiz gives me not output, seems to fallback to metacity automatically17:23
Some_Personbjsnider: and? why the need to keep it secret?17:23
DanaGBecause big evil media companies would sue them if they allowed people to break DRM, for one thing.17:24
bjsnidertake away IP laws and yu've got something17:24
DanaGATI has the same issue with releasing specs of the UVD hardware.17:24
Some_PersonWhat does a display driver have to do with DRM?17:24
richthegeekpropietary drivers enabled, it's amazing how my monitors work and I have 3d!17:25
DanaGOn Windows, everything.17:25
richthegeekseriously though, why is nouveau being promoted when this "just works"?17:25
DanaGThere's the whole "protected output path" crap.17:25
Some_PersonThen make an open source version with DRM stripped out?17:25
bjsniderthe nvidia driver cannot be included by default because of licensing issues so there has to be an alternative first17:26
bjsniderit's unfortunate that nvidia makes the only real graphics driver for linux, but there you have it17:27
Some_PersonThen put a message like this when you first install: "A crappy but totally free driver is currently in use. To install something better that will actually work (but may have legal issues), type sudo apt-get install nvidia-whatever-they-call-it-these-days"17:28
arandSome_Person: is not that what jockey does all along?17:29
bjsnideryes, that is jockey's purpose17:29
bjsniderits raison d'etre if you will17:30
psusiI've been using the open source drivers on my radeon lately and they seem to work great17:49
chiggavelso is there fix for  /usr/bin/X :0 -br -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/aut-for-gdm-XrmKwg/database -nolisten tcp17:50
psusiincluding all the compiz stuff... I tested out the new gnome-shell the other day which makes heavy use of that stuff too and it ran nice17:51
hifipsusi: which card?17:55
psusiradeon hd 4850 iirc17:56
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zekoZekohi everyone. are there any changes to gvfs in lucid? I don't see the mounts in ~/.gvfs anymore so non-gnome apps can't use that.18:06
BoondoklifezekoZeko: They are there on my box?18:12
zekoZekowell, so they are on one of mine, but not the other.18:12
Boondoklifehmm odd18:13
zekoZekoyes it is18:13
zekoZekoand there is no good docs on gvfs18:13
zekoZekoat least not that i could find them18:13
zekoZekowhat i found out so far is that gvfs is meant for apps using gio and for others it can be accessed through .gvfs18:13
zekoZekothrough dbus i think, not 100% sure.18:13
zekoZekothat's too much forme to tinker with without at least some docs :)18:14
zekoZekoand i don't even know what really went wrong to file a proper bug report :)18:14
zekoZekooh btw, is plymouth really fixed now? I have a little bit unusual setup on my laptop, root is on LUKS with a password and /home is on another LUKS volume that is encrypted with a keyfile (but also password if I lose the file). For me it failed on opening and mounting home, so I just disabled it in crypttab and mounted manualy after boot :)18:18
thiebaudeim having a shutdown issue on 10.0418:18
Ian_Corneplymouth hangs for me, if I boot with noveau18:21
thiebaudei have nvidia 8400gs and have no problems with graphics18:21
zekoZekogm965 here, no nvidia :)18:21
thiebaudeits just i cant shutdown the computer,lol18:22
zekoZekothis should be fun: 433 packages can be updated.18:22
ZykoticK9zekoZeko, .gvfs is still working for me? at least for an SSH mount anyways.18:22
hifihm, 2.6.34 panics on my lucid18:23
hifisomething wrong with the kernel18:23
zekoZekoZykoticK9: as i've said, it works on one machine, but not the other. They were both upgraded from karmic.18:23
thiebaudeim using 2.6.32-16 generic18:23
ZykoticK9zekoZeko, ahhh sorry then.  Hope you find a fix for the broken one.18:24
zekoZekoZykoticK9: thanks :)18:24
zekoZekoZykoticK9: you have any idea how the connection works between gvfs daemon(s) and .gvfs directory? As far as I could understand it's not gvfs doing it directly but through something else.18:26
ZykoticK9zekoZeko, sorry man, no idea...18:26
zekoZekoZykoticK9: got it... somehow on my laptop gvfs-fuse got uninstalled, who known why exactly. I started it manualy now, I'll see if it starts automatically after restart.18:35
ZykoticK9zekoZeko, that certainly might explain it :)  Hope you've got it figured out.18:36
zekoZekoZykoticK9: yeah  I installed it and run /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-fuse /home/b/.gvfs and now it works. Hope I won't also have to figure out how to start it on login, these bloody things should just work, that's why i'm using ubuntu :)18:37
zekoZekoany idea how pulseaudio starts in lucid? Again, it does not work only on one machine (i have to run pulseaudio --daemon after login). In Karmic there was a file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d, but here it's gone (on both machines). Still, on one machine it starts and on the other i have to start it by hand.18:39
xfactWow, I have upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 yesterday, and after that I listened to musics (currently too) watched movies, did social networks, edited some photos and burned some CDs and now playing on line game and I have not faces any interruption ( as I did everyday in Karmic)! I can't believe it's Alpha 3 and it's so stable as KK, it's like I am using the stable version released already 1 months ago. Alpha 3 rockxx!18:42
xfactNot to mention some new awesome features, great!18:42
thiebaudexfact, i agree, and i dont have any other OS on this computer18:43
duffydackits more beta1 than alpha3 now.18:43
thiebauderunning 10.04 by itself18:43
xfactthiebaude, Me too, only 10.04 in my PC upgraded from karmic koala18:43
xfactreally it's so cool18:44
thiebaudethe only issue i have is my computer wont shutdown18:44
xfacttoo bad, I am not facing that :\18:44
thiebaudewhen i click on shutdown it restarts,lol18:44
duffydackill go the whole hog when I have my fglrx.. radeon foss is just a little choppy...18:44
xfactthen how you are turning off your PC?18:44
thiebaudebut i have a work around that18:44
thiebaudei log out, then i turn off the power strip then turn the computer off18:45
xfactI think that may harm your HDD18:45
xfactI think Beta 1 upgrade will solve it for you :)18:46
zekoZekonot since '92 or so, when HDD heads are autoparked on power loss :)18:46
duffydackid just goto terminal and sudo reboot18:46
thiebaudebeta is thursday18:46
zekoZekoduffydack: poweroff you mean, reboot works for him :)18:46
xfactthere any command exists for shut down?18:46
thiebaudeduffydack, i'll try that thanks18:46
zekoZekoxfact: poweroff18:46
duffydackcouple of times its gone to login screen when i tried to reboot/shutdown18:46
xfactzekoZeko, Thanks18:46
CardinalFangthiebaude, yeah, that's not very good.  Logging out does not mean stuff is not happening.  Your computer is more than you.18:46
zekoZekoxfact: or halt too18:46
duffydackzekoZeko, im not reading properly, got my eyes on tv :)18:47
thiebaudeCardinalFang, exactly18:47
xfactpoweroff is specific lol18:47
xfactlol I am also busy with JB music18:47
zekoZekoxfact: yeah poweroff works if you have power management, and that's on all ATX machines, since the middle of the nineties :)18:47
markl_there is a package missing in the lucid repo, does canonical have an official process for adding things?18:47
thiebaudei try it now, brb18:48
* xfact it so historical (lol) 18:48
markl_it just made it into debian squeeze18:48
markl_like this week i think18:48
zekoZekomarkl_: build it yourself. get the debian package source and go for it :)18:48
xfactmarkl_, Which package?18:48
markl_linux-openvz kernel18:48
zekoZekooh, that might be a little harder :)18:48
markl_i really dislike having to maintain that separately18:49
markl_and i really want to get off centos on my servers18:49
zekoZekoagreed. I'm using debian for openvz hosts, guests can be anything then.18:49
markl_yeah that is a nice feature18:49
markl_openvz rocks so hard, i wish it were the default in eucalyptis18:49
CardinalFangthiebaude, Ctrl-alt-F1, then log-in, then $ sudo shutdown --verbose18:49
zekoZekowhaat do you mean it just got into squeeze? There's everything needed for openvz in lenny18:49
xfactIn my Chrome fonts are smooth but in Firefox fonts are sharp and cranky, why font smoothing not working in FF 3.6 in lucid?18:50
markl_zekoZeko: which one is lenny, is that similar to what lucid will be?18:50
zekoZekomarkl_: no, it's got 2.6.26 kernel18:50
markl_i am out of touch with debian versions these days, sadly18:50
zekoZekomarkl_: lenny is current stable debian18:50
CardinalFangthiebaude, Ctrl-alt-F1, then log-in, then $ sudo shutdown --verbose18:50
zekoZeko5.0 i think it is18:50
thiebaudesudo poweroff worked just right18:50
markl_from what i understand, the openvz guys are scrambling to get the rhel6 version ready, whose kernel version will apparently match ubuntu 10.04 (and maybe debian squeeze too?)18:51
zekoZekomarkl_: i got it at a customer, two machines running drbd and openvz. Works like a charm.18:51
thiebaudethanks CardinalFang18:51
markl_so it would be nice if it just worked out of the 10.04 repos (fingers crossed)18:51
zekoZekomarkl_: i doubt that, so close to release.18:51
markl_nobody expects the spanish inquisition!18:51
ZykoticK9markl_, you're best bet is probably a PPA or backports after release18:52
markl_ZykoticK9: who works on those?  is there a process for it?18:53
thiebaudeplymouthhd closed unexpectedly18:53
ZykoticK9markl_, for PPA it could be anyone with a PPA - have a look/search at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - for backports there is a process...18:54
markl_ok, i wonder where it comes from in 8.0418:54
ZykoticK9markl_, for backport info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports18:54
markl_looks like it is in the hardy multiverse18:55
DJonesShould the nouveau driver appear under hardware drivers for all machines with nvidia graphics? I only get an option of the Nvidia 96 driver which it says is installed, but not in use18:57
ZykoticK9DJones, have you done an update yet?18:57
ZykoticK9DJones, oh my - i'm only seeing 173 and current as well - that's new18:58
DJonesZykoticK9: Yes, I've been running Lucid for a few weeks18:58
thiebaudeim using the current nvidia drivers18:58
thiebaudewith no problems at all18:58
DJonesI've not updated in the last 24 hours, I'll update those & see if it makes any difference18:58
thiebaudecompiz and full desktop effects18:59
bjsniderDJones, what hardware?19:00
DJonesbjsnider: I'm using an old laptop with nvidia geforce2go19:00
bjsniderthat's not appropriate for use with the nvidia-current driver, but nouveau or the older blobs will be available19:01
DJonesbjsnider: I seem to remember when I looked at the driver under karmic that it might not have been supported19:01
DJonesbjsnider: I was expecting to see the nouveau driver listed under hardware drivers, but for some reason it doesn't show19:03
JoshuaLhmm, my laptop numpad does not work under lucid19:03
DJoneswhat's the command to check which driver I'm using?19:03
JoshuaLenable and disable numpad doesnt help19:04
thiebaudeok guys y'all have  a good one19:04
DJonesNever mind, found it, Kernel driver in use nvidia, Kerner modules nvidia-96, nvidiafb, rivafb, nouveau19:06
coz_any fixes for the readiance  etc new themes buttons?19:09
coz_other than going inot gconf19:10
coz_I realize this is not as important as other things so no biggie at this point :)19:10
Azelphurcoz_: the buttons moving to the left? yea you can only gconf19:10
Azelphurand while we are talking about that, has there been any rationale on that yet?19:11
Azelphuror any explanation on why they made such large changes on the day of the UI freeze?19:11
coz_Azelphur,  I hope it was a real big mistake  :)19:11
Azelphurcoz_: I hope so too, I'm very upset about them doing it on the day of the UI freeze19:11
zekoZekothe new UI feels like a bloody Mac :)19:11
ZykoticK9coz_, i hear TweakUbuntu (whatever that is) now has an option to move the buttons19:11
PelmenAzelphur: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/11019:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:11
DJonesAzelphur: Did you see sabdfl's blog posting about it19:12
coz_Azelphur,  I am more curious why the  "mac" like  left title bar buttons19:12
Pelmenif one wants to call that "rationale"19:12
AzelphurDJones: nope19:12
coz_ZykoticK9,   mm  yeah but the issue remains that when the buttons are moved a put in the  minimiz,maximize,close  order  the minimize button trough is rendered incorrectly19:12
zekoZekocoz_: not only window titles, also the notification strip on the top looks like a mac. networkmanager for instance looks very much like airport :)19:13
AzelphurPelmen: interesting that they want to add new buttons19:13
coz_zekoZeko,  yeah i really have never liked mac  even though I have an old one here19:13
ZykoticK9coz_, true, someone has a PPA that is suppose to correct the order/appearance as well - not sure which one though sorry19:13
Azelphurthat said, there's no reason why they couldn't add said buttons on the left.19:13
Azelphuror even alongside the existing buttons19:13
zekoZekocoz_: I don't mind Macs, lots of coworkers and friends use them and they're not bad at all, but such a blatant UI copy?!19:14
coz_ZykoticK9,  ok I will google around for that...I think I found that once  but  dont recall it fixing anything but  thanks guy :)19:14
Azelphurand still, no actual rationale there, they say "There are good reasons" but I don't see any19:14
Some_Personcoz_: I made a PPA to put them in their karmic positions19:14
coz_zekoZeko,  well buttons on the left ,,,in my opinion are for left handed people19:14
coz_Some_Person,  oh cool   you have19:14
ZykoticK9coz_, ya it's Some_Person's PPA!19:14
zekoZekocoz_: and especially for those with two left hands :)19:14
coz_Some_Person,   do you have a quick link ?19:14
Azelphurcoz_: I don't think we should talk about it as a matter of opinion for now (that's a secondary concern)19:14
Some_Personcoz_: Yes. https://launchpad.net/~stownsend42/+archive/light-themes19:14
coz_Azelphur,  agreed19:14
AzelphurMy larger concern is that they've made these changes on the day of the UI freeze and not specified any rationale for doing so19:15
coz_Some_Person,   thanks will take a look at that now  :)19:15
PelmenAzelphur: Simply wait another half year :-(19:15
AzelphurBecause that's not community spirit at all19:15
DJonesAzelphur: This was the comment I was thinking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/11019:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:15
AzelphurDJones: yea, I read that19:15
zekoZekoAzelphur: community is very much like a glorified comittee, it doesn't always work, esp. in cases where there's lots of personal opinions.19:15
Azelphurpretty much summarizes to "We have our reasons"19:16
zekoZekoAzelphur: UI design is one of those things.19:16
coz_mm this statement "Moving everything to the left opens up the space on the right nicely,"  doesnt make much sense to me19:16
ZykoticK9Azelphur, i think the design team needs to re-read to COC, in particular point one about "Be considerate"19:16
coz_on the right it opens up space on the left :)19:16
Azelphurcoz_: indeed, why not use the big open unused space to the left?19:17
AzelphurzekoZeko: maybe, but in those cases you should atleast specify rationale19:17
Azelphurwhich they havn't done19:17
coz_I think the best approach is a tick box for left or right oriented buttons for the left and right handed people  but that wont happen19:17
zekoZekoAzelphur: agreed.19:18
AzelphurI just hope this doesn't set a trend for canonical behaviour tbh19:18
JoshuaLhmm, my laptop numpad does not work under lucid, enable and disable the numpad doesnt help19:18
AzelphurI wonder if there's some nice place I can whine about it.19:18
zekoZekoAzelphur: OTOH, I think the new UI is OK, just takes some getting used to. Maybe maximize/minimize buttons should be reversed, but that's all.19:18
* duffydack can see another *buntu distro being made just for the buttons :P 19:19
AzelphurzekoZeko: I quite like the new UI (Apart from the buttons), but that's really a secondary thing, and at the end of the day a matter of opinion19:19
Some_Personduffydack: Or tons of people being directed to my PPA19:19
duffydackI have gotten used to the buttons a little more now, I can always move them if I dont like them one day tho...19:19
AzelphurzekoZeko: but personal opinions aside, they've messed up big time on this :P19:20
AzelphurThe only way they could redeem themselves to me would be to move the UI freeze back and apologize or revert the changes19:20
AzelphurCompletely out of order to make such large changes a matter of hours before the UI change19:21
Azelphurs/UI change/UI freeze19:21
Some_PersonThey've screwed up non-default themes by doing this too19:21
framliMaybe we can put something more useful than window's control on the right side. As the right one is the side with instant info (tray, IM, etc).19:24
matumbahello, anyone found out where to change the purple background plymouth uses in text mode?19:25
duffydackIve accidentally removed the volume icon applet from panel, I cant see where it is to add it again...19:26
Some_Personduffydack: indicator applet19:26
duffydackso what is that thats happening between grub menu and ubuntu loading splash screen that lasts for 10 seconds..is it normal or is my i7 too slow :) heh.19:37
duffydackits damn quick tho from splash to login19:37
zekoZekothat might be grub timeout, but for me it never works, since grub2 I can't get to grub menu.19:38
duffydackno, after the timeout...19:39
duffydackblank sceen after 10s says fsck blah blah...19:39
duffydackjust wondered if there is something I can do to shorten it.19:40
sykwhen beta is released is better to upgrade from alpha 3 or clean install?19:46
cwillu_at_worksyk, should work either way;  you may lose out on new profile changes, but any actual errors are bugs19:47
cwillu_at_workzekoZeko, holding down shift?19:47
KB1JWQIs beta due out today or Friday?19:47
zekoZekocwillu_at_work: it used to be escape, not shift.19:47
syktomorrow i think19:47
cwillu_at_workzekoZeko, yes, that's why I just told you that it's shift :p19:48
zekoZekocwillu_at_work: thank you very much, kind sir :)19:48
cwillu_at_workzekoZeko, the escape check required a 1 second wait, so they switched it to save a second on the boot19:48
sykKB1JWQ tomorrow19:48
zekoZekocwillu_at_work: great, i should have spotted that change somewhere, but didn't.19:48
duffydackany way to have pidgin open when I click chat from the me menu instead of empathy.19:48
KB1JWQsyk: Yay!19:50
JoshuaLis there a channel where i can get help creating a bug report?19:52
cwillu_at_workJoshuaL, right here, what's the question?19:52
cwillu_at_workwell, or #ubuntu-bugs, but yeah19:52
JoshuaLi have a hp laptop and the numpad does not work19:52
cwillu_at_worknumlock on? :p19:53
JoshuaLturning it on or off doesnt help19:53
cwillu_at_workRun "ubuntu-bug xorg" in a terminal and follow the prompts19:54
JoshuaLhmm, Your gdm log files may help developers diagnose the bug, but may contain sensitive information.19:55
JoshuaLwhat "sensitive" information?19:55
cwillu_at_workJoshuaL, if you've ever typed in your password into the login name field by accident mainly19:55
JoshuaLnever done that :)19:55
cwillu_at_workin addition to your login name itself, potentially login times, that sort of thing19:55
JoshuaLcwillu_at_work, ty, nothing to worry about then in my case19:57
JoshuaLcwillu_at_work, i submitted the bug report, thanks a lot20:02
CosmiChaosany plan to replace nvidia-current 195.36.08 that is claimed to have  fan-leak by actual 195.36.15 version of nvidia-glx?20:11
CosmiChaosdoes anyone got VDAUP working?20:14
xfactIt's about FreeBSD...20:16
CosmiChaosxfact Right it is, but heres it for linux64 ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/195.36.15/20:17
xfacthumm, is this the latest release, ok  but I do not plan to upgrade, maybe in case of Ubuntu it's different, cause 'Tested by Ubuntu developer'20:19
xfactand also it's alpha3-beta1 so lot chances of internal crashes20:20
CosmiChaosbut i use nvidia-current and: "me-tv-xine: Failed to initialise video driver 'vdpau' // Verbose output of vdpauinfo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/396913/20:21
CosmiChaosplease help20:21
bjsniderCosmiChaos, calm down...20:23
bjsnidertake a drink...20:23
xfactIt's not really helping him....20:24
bjsniderhere's what you need for vdpau: nvidia-current, libvdpau1, vdpau-enabled video player20:24
xfactseems like solemn issue20:24
CosmiChaosi have more lib output that is quite more helpful maybe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/396915/20:25
xfactwhat is your nv-card number?20:26
CosmiChaosgeforce 8600 gts20:27
xfactok looking something....20:27
CosmiChaoswas woking times ago20:27
bjsniderCosmiChaos, are you using the nvidia-current driver?20:27
bjsniderare you sure?20:28
bjsniderit can be installed but not in use20:28
CosmiChaosyes nvidia-settings shows 195.136.08, only driver that is installed is official nvidia-current with the nvidia-glx-190 versioned 195.36.0820:29
CosmiChaoshmmm i got nvidia-common installed that installed some modaliases20:30
CosmiChaosis that problematic do i need nvidia-common?20:31
bjwebbis beta out yet?20:31
bjsniderCosmiChaos, no20:33
CosmiChaosbjsnider well it is nvidia-current v 195.36.08 that installed nvidia-185-libvdpau v 195.36.08 and various others20:33
bjsnidervdpauinfo says there's some sort of error with the nvidia vdpau driver itsef20:33
bjsniderremove any package marked nvidia-xxx-libvdpau20:33
CosmiChaosxD ok ill try20:34
CosmiChaosdidnt help should i reboot for that changes taking effect?20:35
CosmiChaoswell i try first to remove all nvidia stuff reinstalling nvidia-current and libvdpau20:37
AbortDlucid run pretty good?20:39
bjsnidernot compared to windows 9520:42
AbortDnice i decided to switch from karmic20:42
AbortDnot compared to windows 95? heh20:43
AbortDsince i use ati radeon20:43
ChogyDananyone know what version of flash is in lucid? or whether beta3 of flash will be included?20:47
SEJeffChogyDan, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/flashplugin-nonfree20:47
alex_mayorga!info flashplugin-nonfree20:48
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:48
ChogyDanok, Im guessing that the beta 3 is for 10.1    thanks20:49
AbortDalex_mayorga,  do you know if that flash works with 64bit?20:50
CosmiChaosSame problem, only nvidia-current, livdpau1, vdpauinfo and nvidia-settings are installed. :( new output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/396927/20:52
alex_mayorgabjsnider: whatever happened to your 64 bit flash ;)20:55
bjsnideralex_mayorga, it is still there20:57
bjsniderCosmiChaos, does vdpau work with mplayer?20:58
CosmiChaosMPlayer interrupted by signal 11: unknown21:00
CosmiChaoswhen setting video to vdpau21:01
CosmiChaosxine has no explicit vdpau module available21:02
bjsnidercertainly seems like a hardware problem to me21:02
bjsnider!info libvdpau1 lucid21:02
ubottulibvdpau1 (source: libvdpau): Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (libraries). In component main, is optional. Version 0.3-2 (lucid), package size 23 kB, installed size 124 kB21:03
CosmiChaosbjsnider, that one is installed21:03
bjsniderit's not the latest21:03
bjsniderbut whatever21:03
CosmiChaoshmmm i notice first time that my gc is on bus type PCI Express 4x !!!???21:04
Andre_Gondimis there any template to openoffice presentation with new Ubuntu logo?21:05
xfactit's already Mar 18 here, when the Beta#1 going to release?21:17
xfact*can't wait*21:17
bjsniderthen grab the daily-livecd. it's basically the same thing21:18
sykxfact tomorrow21:23
sykbjsnider, so the daily-livecd is practically the beta?21:23
xfactsyk, it dated today....?!21:23
sykxfact today is 17th21:24
bjsniderwell, since it has packages up to today, it should be pretty close21:24
arandsyk: Probably, I checked at some point before and the beta md5 was exactly the same of the daily from a day or two before..21:25
xfactsyk, ohh in there, how much time left before 'tomorrow'?21:25
xfactHere already 18th Mar, 2:56 am21:26
arandsyk: I think that was on jaunty or something...21:26
sykarand, what was?21:27
arandsyk: Probably, I checked at some point before and the beta md5 was exactly the same of the daily from a day or two before..21:28
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
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kklimondaheh, gwibber here is trying to catch up with Firefox in terms of used ram :/22:03
kklimondaalmost 150M when I sum up both gwibber and gwibber-service..22:03
kklimondalooks like Canonical has to revise the minimal requirements for 10.0422:04
BUGabundoram is ok22:05
BUGabundoCPU is overkill22:06
BUGabundo4 gwibber services22:06
BUGabundoate 30%22:06
BUGabundoand beams at 80%22:06
kklimondaBUGabundo: you call 150M ok?22:07
BUGabundocause I have more then that22:07
kklimondaBUGabundo: not to mention that it stores all messages in desktopcouch22:07
BUGabundo 3832  88668      2       2158K 667.1M 170.1M 667.1M 170.1M   4% gwibber22:08
BUGabundo 3734  59749      0       2158K 461.9M 117.0M 461.9M 117.0M   3% gwibber-servic22:08
BUGabundo 2197 104069    342      39661K 534.5M 108.4M 534.5M 108.4M   3% chromium-brows22:08
BUGabundo 8990  26007      3      39661K 824.5M  97.9M 824.5M  97.9M   2% chromium-brows22:08
BUGabundo 2604 124489     17      39661K 856.0M 99656K 856.0M 99656K   2% chromium-brows22:08
kklimondaall of them probably - because the table is well over 100M ;)22:08
BUGabundo 5799   2252      0        925K 813.5M 72488K     0K     0K   2% pidgin22:08
BUGabundolook at pidgin22:08
kklimondaI have to say I hate the technical changes Canonical has made in 10.04 :/22:08
kklimondathey look awesome on the outside but if you dig deep into them the quality is terrible22:09
zekoZekokklimonda: care to elaborate on that?22:10
kklimondazekoZeko: gwibber is way to heave on reasources, appindicator has terrible ui and looks like upstream is going to reject it in the current form, units policy has created the flame on the month..22:11
kklimondaheavy on the resources* o.O22:11
kklimondaappindicator has terrible API*22:11
zekoZekowell, gwibber can be disabled, can't it?22:12
kklimondaseriously, what was that? /me is embarrassed22:12
rwwMy lucid setup has no gwibbery ubuntu one indicator applet silliness ;P22:12
zekoZekoappindicator ui doesn't look bad to me, but it's a mac UI ripoff (not a bad thing in itself)22:13
BUGabundokklimonda: not defending gwibber but kenvandine has been working hard to low gwibber as much as possible22:13
kklimondazekoZeko: but it's being pushed as one of the most important changes made to 10.0422:13
zekoZekokklimonda: of course it is, it's a feature for the masses :)22:13
kklimondazekoZeko: sorry - I was talking about the API of the appindicator and not the UI..22:13
zekoZekokklimonda: what units policy are you talking about? No idea what that is...22:13
zekoZekokklimonda: no idea about the API, you might be right there.22:14
BUGabundokklimonda: don't forget UI team has been working on new UI for over 2 cycles22:14
kklimondaBUGabundo: I know he has been doing a lot to make it leaner and less crashy but still..22:14
BUGabundoits nothing that came out of phing air22:14
BUGabundoin two months22:14
rwwzekoZeko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnitsPolicy , I assume22:14
zekoZekorww: thanks, will read it.22:14
BUGabundo"network bandwidth (for example, 6 MBit/s or 50 kB/s)"22:15
BUGabundothis is SOOOO WRONG22:15
thiebaudeBUGabundo, hi22:15
BUGabundohey thiebaude22:15
zekoZekoi see now, talking about "Units policy" has me thinking about unit tests, no idea what it was about. if this caused the flame of the month, we've got a lot of nitpickers in the community.22:16
BUGabundoRAM sizes (for example, 2 GiB RAM)22:16
kklimondaBUGabundo: and if they have been working on those changes for a year than that's even worse :/22:16
rwwespecially since they didn't think to tell anyone or get community feedback, which is my only real problem with the new UI stuff22:17
* BUGabundo comments on the wiki22:18
rwwthere's a middle-ground between being completely opaque and being snowed under by community bikeshedding, and Canonical has a tendency to not be anywhere near that middle ground22:18
kklimondarww: there has been a lot of feedback on the units policy22:18
kklimondarww: the topic has been discussed for months if not years22:19
rwwkklimonda: I wasn't talking about the units policy, and that was a TB decision anyway22:19
kklimondarww: well, the rest of them is a simple problem of generating hype in the opensource community22:21
kklimondarww: is they decided to discuss the parts of the theme (or any other decision) with community for months they just couldn't create the wow effect which is important to promote Ubuntu22:22
rwwkklimonda: "hype" through unveiling features without getting community feedback first is a crappy policy. It's annoying when Apple does it, and it's annoying when Canonical doesit.22:22
kklimondarww: annoying?22:22
rwwWhat's important for promoting Ubuntu is technical excellence and a good community, not stupid marketing crap.22:23
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
* thiebaude 10.04 is beautiful22:23
zekoZekoannoying = you can still change the theme (or whatever it's properly called)22:23
kklimondarww: that's just not true - Ubuntu is nearing the point when we are going to have to attract ISVs to make desktop applications and port awesome games22:23
zekoZekorww: not really, it's all about marketing these days. BeOS was supposedly good (only used it once) but it failed miserably.22:24
BUGabundothiebaude: sure it looks good22:24
BUGabundo*unless* you try to do anything on your own22:25
BUGabundothen you are screewd22:25
kklimondarww: otherwise we are just going to be yet another distribution - pretty cool but not worth time22:25
thiebaudeim only waiting for new icons now,lol22:25
_Groo_hi/2 all, any network-manager, modemmanager dev responsible for this packages alive in here?22:25
BUGabundo_Groo_: that would be asac. but he is away22:26
BUGabundoping him in #ubuntu-mozillateam22:26
rwwkklimonda: Silly marketing tricks are not a good way to be better than the other distributions.22:26
_Groo_i found out why some 3g modems arent showing up in network manager22:26
BUGabundohe usually hangs around there, _Groo_22:26
BUGabundo_Groo_: that's very well known22:26
_Groo_BUGabundo: can you pass the info to him then? im on my way home soon22:26
BUGabundothere's an HUGE bug for that22:26
_Groo_BUGabundo: which is?22:26
_Groo_BUGabundo: its not actually a bug but a priority order22:27
kklimondarww: all marketing is silly but it's needed - how do you propose Ubuntu should create enough hype for people to get interested in it?22:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 430011 in linux "Huawei E220 and E169 3G dongle do not work on karmic (major regression)" [Unknown,Fix released]22:27
BUGabundoand friends22:27
_Groo_BUGabundo: 3g isnt showing up because modemmanager is getting called AFTER networkmanager is already running22:27
rwwkklimonda: by building a good product and having good community momentum behind it. We're already well on our way towards doing that, and Canonical engaging in cheap marketing tricks is only annoying people, thus causing problems in the community, and distracting from the actual tech, thus compromising us technically.22:28
_Groo_BUGabundo: not that bug, thats about activating 3g, i can do that with the usbswitch package22:28
BUGabundothen it beats me22:29
BUGabundo_Groo_: mind trying NM daily PPA and check?22:29
rwwUnveiling a new theme days before UI freeze makes the documentation team's life more difficult. Unveiling a new set of branding without finishing the fonts involved or making sources available compromises marketing and LoCo teams' ability to produce content.22:29
kklimondarww: we are going to reach a point soon when just being good and having a good community won't be enough to advance.22:29
_Groo_BUGabundo: the problem is AFTER the 3g is up and running (like seen in dmesg, usb 2-3: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0 gos up and all), nm-applet NEVER shows up the 3g22:29
_Groo_BUGabundo: link pls22:29
henkpoleyIs there any documentation on the "recovery+" system of 10.04 ? Is there anything I need to do after the empty screen blinking cursor ?22:29
BUGabundobad google22:29
_Groo_BUGabundo: the cure is to stop nm, kill -9 modemmanager, get it um first and restart nm22:30
BUGabundo_Groo_: please file a bug, and ping asac22:30
kklimondarww: the final theme and art has always been unveiled mere days before ui freeze22:30
_Groo_BUGabundo: this will make 3g show up in NM applet22:30
kklimondarww: the whole point of ui freeze is to give documentation teams enough time to prepare documentation.22:30
_Groo_BUGabundo: thats the problem, im leaving now, i just logged to warn you guys about this, i dont know if ill be back online this week22:30
_Groo_BUGabundo: so pls forward this to him if you can.. is easily reproducible22:31
Some_PersonWhen is the UI freeze?22:31
kklimondaSome_Person: March 4th22:31
Some_Personkklimonda: so it already happened?22:32
_Groo_BUGabundo: thanks for the help, till next time :)22:33
Some_PersonSo the release will be stuck with the crappy button positions :-(22:33
* Amaranth likes them22:34
thiebaudei also like them too22:34
AmaranthAlthough I do actually prefer minimize,maximize,title,close22:34
Some_Personyou like a close button not in the corner?22:34
thiebaudethey need a mouse over22:34
kklimondaSome_Person: I don't really mind - the change like any other, I got used to it22:35
arandSome_Person: We're sorrounded by mad ppl!22:35
Some_PersonI tried getting used to it, but found myself often clicking the wrong button22:36
CharbeLi installed adobe flash player for firefox but when i join an application in facebook it doesn't work properly can anyone help ?22:36
arandHave they fixed up the issues with it though? Like the ugliness with one-button windows, and is the breakage of all other themes remain?22:36
Linux000The buttons just need better images22:37
kklimondaarand: no and no22:37
Some_Personone-button windows is actually fixed, but only for the dark theme22:37
chiggavelwhere i can find lucid deb list that i should use22:37
kklimondawhich one is "more default"?22:37
henkpoleySo.. ubuntu lucid now hangs when you have a broken item in your /etc/fstab.. not nice.. (even recovery+ hangs)22:37
chiggavelFailed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  multiverse/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)22:37
xubihi all22:37
chiggavelwhats wrong?22:38
kklimondachiggavel: change mirror22:38
chiggavelto whichone22:38
xubiubuntu 10.04 beta 1  is opened to download ?22:38
kklimondanot yet22:38
Some_Personyou're one day too early22:38
henkpoleyxubi: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule22:38
arandWell, that's kind of concerning, if they do a big drop like this, shouldn't most of the obvious problems be smoothed over? It's not very reassuring if the themes are rushed into it..22:39
thiebaudexubi, its getting close22:40
kklimondachiggavel: to any other22:40
chiggaveli dont know whichone cousing that on sources.list22:40
CosmiChaosNV-GF-8600-GTS-Card: LnkCap: Port #0, Speed 2.5GT/s, Width x16, ASPM L0s L1, Latency L0 <512ns, L1 <4us22:41
CosmiChaos NV-NF-630i-PCI-EXPRESS-1-16x-Port: LnkCap: Port #0, Speed 2.5GT/s, Width x16, ASPM L0s L1, Latency L0 <512ns, L1 <4us22:41
CosmiChaos both outputs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/396973/22:41
Some_PersonI'm new to prerelease ubuntu, having started last Sunday. Will I have to do like a big update or something when beta1 is released, or will it just be pretty much the current packages just dumped to an ISO?22:41
CosmiChaoscards status is bus type pci express 4x :(22:41
arandthiebaude: at least a day to go, I reckon...22:41
zekoZekoSome_Person: you'll just have lots and lots of packages to update, should be automatic with update-manager22:42
arandSome_Person: The latter22:42
thiebaudeoh yea, how you doing? arand22:42
Some_Personarand, zekoZeko: You two just contridicted each other. Which is it?22:42
arandSome_Person: Well obviously I claim myself to be correct ;)22:43
kklimondathe person who decided that gnome panel applets should be draggable anywhere on the panel should be shot dead - they just can't stay in one place..22:43
zekoZekoSome_Person: updates should work just like on the released version...22:43
zekoZekokklimonda: even if you lock them to one place?22:43
kklimondazekoZeko: even then - I just have to change resolution and for example notification area moves to the left corner.. it's most visible in VM22:44
Rods_Tigera thing I put into the startup items has stopped starting up since I went to Lucid Lynx22:44
zekoZekokklimonda: you're right, it happened to me a while ago when switching monitors.... not a new "feature" :)22:45
kklimondazekoZeko: I know but that's still really irritating22:46
zekoZekokklimonda: you have any idea how to have the panel on two monitors?22:46
kklimondazekoZeko: no idea22:46
thiebaudeTurl, hey there22:46
Turlis there a way to disable the notifications pidgin makes but keeping indicator-applet?22:47
arandkklimonda: gconftool-2 --dump /apps/panel > ~/panelstate.xml && echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n\ngconftool-2 --load ~/panelstate.xml' > ~/resetpanel.bash22:47
happyfacedamn, I just lost fat uptime :(22:49
zekoZekohappyface: you'll learn not to care about uptime :)22:50
zekoZekohappyface: it took me a while, but life is much nicer afterward :)22:50
Turlany ideas?22:50
zekoZekoapropos uptime: load now 50 on a machine i'm upgrading (from lucid about a week ago), nothing else really running, just lots and lots of i/o wait...22:51
zekoZekono bloody idea what's going on, everything i type over ssh takes a while to happen :)22:51
zekoZekoTurl: turn the notifications off in pidgin? I'm not using it, but I'm quite sure it's got an option for that...22:53
Turlif I turn them off, then indicator-applet doesn't do a thing22:54
Turlpidgin doesn't even appear in it :(22:54
zekoZekowhat would you like it to do?22:54
zekoZekob@touch:~$ uptime22:54
zekoZeko 23:53:44 up 9 days, 11:05, 16 users,  load average: 49.48, 50.55, 51.0622:54
zekoZekothis took about a minute to happen :)22:54
TurlI'd like indicator applet to work, but without the black notifications22:54
zekoZekono idea, sorry.22:54
Turljust the mail icon changing color22:54
happyfacezekoZeko: lol I relaly don't care too much it's just fun23:01
henkpoleyzekoZeko: you could try to use `ionice` and `renice` to gice your shell more priority23:02
zekoZekohappyface: when I was like 17 and starting out with linux big uptimes were all i was gunning for :) I think I managed 3 years on a machine once :)23:05
zekoZekohenkpoley: i first have to wait a few minutes to get the shell PID :)23:06
henkpoleyThe OpenVMS guys kind of spoiled that game, what was it ~ 18 years ?23:06
zekoZekothe machine is not even swapping much....23:06
zekoZeko-/+ buffers/cache:     662756    139758823:06
zekoZekoSwap:      5242872     930284    431258823:06
zekoZekohenkpoley: 18 years requires some seriously good hardware :)23:07
arandHow do you get kernel security updates into a machine constantly running?23:07
zekoZekoarand: you don't, and that's the reason I don't care about uptime anymore.23:07
henkpoleySome operating systems are built so you can replace large parts on a live system, but not linux. Though you can of course update and restart individual pieces of software running on linux.23:09
henkpoleyBlah, after installing vmware tools it's hanging on boot again23:10
Turlthere's a project for patching software running without restarting it23:10
Turland it includes the kernel23:10
arandBut it's commercial as of now.23:11
zekoZekoi know, but i'm not going to bother with that if it's not included in the distro.23:11
zekoZekoi'm not using hardware that takes more than a few minutes to boot, and that is quite acceptable in 99,9% of the places.23:12
arandThey pretty much take the updates and beat them into running-update compliance..23:12
henkpoleyanyways, what are you doing on that high io-wait machine? installing a weeks worth of deb repository updates?23:13
arandWhat I would like is a system I could switch my screen session to when rebooting...23:14
zekoZekoarand: like ILO & friends?23:14
henkpoleyIBM has such a laptop, the screen is detachable and runs Android or somesuch23:14
henkpoleyErr s/IBM/Lenovo/23:15
arandzekoZeko: huh?23:15
zekoZekoarand: misunderstanding... i thought you were talking about monitoring a machine remotely while rebooting.23:16
henkpoleyILO = "Integrated Lights-Out" by HP23:17
henkpoleyThe Lenova laptop is "http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Desktops-and-Notebooks/Lenovo-IdeaPad-U1-Hybrid-Features-Detachable-Screen-139093/" btw23:17
zekoZekoyeah, most server vendors have such stuff, I'm just used to saying ILO because I use many HP machines.23:17
henkpoleyyay for odd link handling in Colloqui..23:17
nishanthmy lucid lynx does not show login screen when i boot my computer23:34
voidmagenishanth: does it show a weird looking square thing?23:35
nishanthnah the screen looks blank... but i hear the sound23:36
voidmagehave you tried removing plymouth?23:36
nishanthi am very new to linux....what is plymouth?23:37
voidmageit's what shows up the ubuntu logo on boot instead of the boot messages23:38
Thuuugscan anyone comment on the state of Lucid and SSD/Trim support?23:38
voidmagedo you see five white or orange dots when you're booting, or a bunch of text?23:38
psusiThuuugs, not there.... you have to download and build the latest hdparm and manually trim23:39
nishanthno i dont see anything like that23:39
psusitrim support just went into 2.6.33, but lucid is using .3223:39
nishanthi dont see anything while I am booting23:39
Thuuugspsusi: I thought I read that the ubuntu team released kernel 2.6.33 with trim enabled?23:39
voidmagewhat graphics card do you have?23:40
psusiThuuugs, ohh, I think someone did in their PPA23:40
Thuuugspsusi: Ive now also read reports that its disabled by default in the latest kernel23:40
Thuuugslike in actual source code, such a mess, cant find a def. answer on anything related to ssd heh23:40
psusiThuuugs, yea, you have to pass ext4 a mount option to tell it to use it23:40
nishanthhow can i check wat my graphic card is?23:41
psusiThuuugs, I've been in the same boat.. just got an ssd last friday... so far I'm pretty happy.... still need to get around to building the latest hdparm and doing a manual trim, but so far have not seemed to need it23:41
Thuuugspsusi: Do u have a document or something that I can read thru, I have ubunut 9.10, with latest kernel off kernel.org and ext4 - but cant seem to find what to do next23:41
voidmagenishanth: I'm really not sure what to do, I use an nvidia card and removing plymouth fixed some boot issues I had.23:42
voidmageIs anyone else more experienced with this that can help?23:42
psusiThuuugs, no... I don't... I just remember seeing a message on lkml about the ext4 mount option, and I also read somewhere that device mapper still can't pass it down so it won't work over lvm anyhow... though patches to fix that I think are either about to or just hit linus's tree23:43
nishanthIntel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller23:45
nishanthis it my card23:45
zekoZekonishanth: press shift right after the bios screen23:46
zekoZekonishanth: that should bring up Grub menu23:46
zekoZekonishanth: that's the boot loader23:46
zekoZekonishanth: i'll lead you on from there.23:47
nishanthshift + what right?23:47
zekoZekonishanth: just shift23:47
nishanthso i need to restart?23:47
zekoZekoumm, i thought your computer is not working....23:47
nishanthnah the problem is that i dont see anything while my computer is booting23:48
zekoZekonishanth: so the problem is that you don't see anything while the macine boots, but then the login screen pops up?23:48
nishanthi hear the sound for the login screen23:48
nishanthbut dont see it23:48
zekoZekoi see23:49
nishanththen i enter the password23:49
zekoZekohave you tried changing the VT with ctrl+alt+f1 to f8?23:49
nishanthat which point it gives me a visible login screen23:49
nishanthwhat is VT?23:49
zekoZeko:) sorry, no idea23:49
zekoZekovirtual terminal23:49
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
zekoZekobut if you input your username and password and something happens, you're at the right one already, no need for that.23:51
sobersabrehi, Beta1 is scheduled to 18th, i.e. for today.23:52
sobersabrewhen is it going to be avail ?23:52
crimsunwhen you stop asking23:52
sobersabreI never started asking....23:53
nishanthi think my problem is that plymouth does not run on my computer23:53
zekoZekosobersabre: it's not 18th yet everywhere :)23:53
sobersabrenishanth: there's bug.23:53
sobersabrezekoZeko: it is in where I AM.23:53
crimsunhuh? "when is it going to be avail ?" is *not* asking?23:53
sobersabreit's 1:53 AM!23:53
zekoZekosobersabre: release it yourself then :)23:53
sobersabrecrimsun: this is "asking":23:53
sobersabreoh, c'mon guys,23:53
sobersabreI can't wait any longer.23:54
sobersabreI have to get the Beta1 ASAP23:54
zekoZekosobersabre: got to bed then, you'll be happier tomorrow.23:54
crimsunsobersabre: no, that's a statement not a question.23:54
zekoZekosobersabre: you can make your system beta yourself anytime23:54
sobersabreIs there any serious issues to put the hands onto ?23:54
jpdssobersabre: When it's ready.23:54
sobersabrejpds: oh. the limitations of IRC23:55
nishanthanyone know how to fix plymouth?23:55
sobersabrewhat is plymouth ?23:55
arandcurrent daily is most likely what'llend up as beta anyways...23:55
crimsunnishanth: what issue is involved? That's a fairly broad question.23:55
zekoZekosudo sed -i -e 's/development branch/Beta1 for sobersabre only/' /etc/issue23:55
jpds!info plymouth | sobersabre23:55
sobersabrezekoZeko: how about writing this too.23:55
jpdsubottu: hi23:56
h00kit'll be there when it's done, there is no specific time it will be released.23:56
nishanthi just realised that lucid has something called plymouth. i never saw this on my screen23:56
sobersabreI mean you only printed it onto stdout...23:56
nishanthi dont see anything while i am booting23:56
sobersabrejpds: info is silent...23:56
ubottusobersabre: plymouth (source: plymouth): graphical boot animation and logger - main package. In component main, is standard. Version 0.8.0~-15 (lucid), package size 707 kB, installed size 1536 kB23:56
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:56
zekoZekonishanth: what version of plymouth do you have? dpkg -s plymouth | grep ^Version23:56
zekoZekosobersabre: no i haven't23:56
zekoZekosobersabre: i only changed it in the file.23:57
Ian_Cornejpds: hate to keep you hanging, *hi*23:57
Ian_Corneoh, he replied23:57
nishanthVersion: 0.8.0~-1623:57
tcsoccermanJust finished my post on Lucid Lynx :)23:57
sobersabresed -e oh, I'm never doing "in place".23:57
zekoZekois ubottu serving old data? My plymouth is 0.8.0~-1623:58
jpdszekoZeko: Probably.23:58
zekoZekosobersabre: it's quite handy, wouldn't do it with a complicated untested regex though :)23:58

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