
* ZachK_ waves hey00:52
pedro3005hello mathay05:07
thecliffhey pedro300505:11
thecliffhow is everything going tonight05:11
pedro3005hi thecliff . pretty good05:11
thecliffpedro3005; are you a member of the UBT?05:12
pedro3005thecliff, yes05:17
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hobgoblinmorning phillw06:59
duanedesignmorning hobgoblin07:23
hobgoblinhi duanedesign07:31
duanedesigndoing well hobgoblin ?07:44
duanedesigni am trying to get my website to a point I am happy with it.07:45
duanedesignits been half-assed for awhile07:45
hobgoblinyea I am not too bad ty07:46
hobgoblinI have no website, blog, facebook or anything remotely similar to telling people anything lol07:47
duanedesignhobgoblin: heh, i could see where that would be nice07:48
hobgoblinlol - nice and easy - nothing to maintain07:48
hobgoblinexcept an immaculate appearance - so I fail badly lmao07:48
duanedesigni have a blog, wiki, and html page. Did all 3 mostly for the experience of setting them up on my server07:48
duanedesignbut the html page is too much of a pain to maintain. So I am going to make my wiki my homepage07:49
duanedesignhobgoblin: got the idea from a Debian Devs page.  http://upsilon.cc/~zack/07:50
hobgoblingood plan I assume :)07:50
=== hobgoblin is now known as hobgoblin|afk
ZachK_Anybody need help here?08:14
s4aluckZachK_: Yeah I need help08:17
s4aluckZachK_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8975988#post897598808:18
ZachK_So what's your question then?08:20
s4aluckZachK_: I need to make my webcam working on Karmic08:21
ZachK_s4aluck: Ok....using skype?08:21
s4aluckZachK_: did you see the thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8975988#post897598808:22
ZachK_I read it briefly08:22
s4aluckZachK_:  not only skype in cheese is the same08:22
s4aluckZachK_: the address doesn't exist anymore!?!?!08:23
ZachK_s4aluck: What address doesn't exist anymore08:24
s4aluckZachK_: http://linuxtv.org/hg/%7Ejfrancois/gspca08:25
ZachK_Ok what is that supposed to be?08:26
ZachK_Welcome Phrea__08:26
ZachK_s4aluck: ....08:28
s4aluckZachK_:I tryed to comp gspca to make it run again but the address does not exist anymore.08:30
ZachK_What is the address for08:31
s4aluckZachK_: to just clone repository and recompile from source.08:33
ZachK_s4aluck: Ok so your webcam doesn't work after you upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10? Is that correct?08:34
duanedesignhg clone http://linuxtv.org/hg/v4l-dvb/08:34
duanedesigns4aluck: I found an article referenceing that address with tthe same guys name08:34
s4aluckZachK_: no, after I upgraded only the kernel08:35
ZachK_duanedesign: Pm pls when u have time08:35
duanedesignthere is the article if its any help08:35
ZachK_s4aluck: Ok...08:35
s4aluckduanedesign: but my kamera is pwc08:37
s4aluckduanedesign: do you think It will work!?08:39
VotebotFactoid shouting not found08:40
duanedesignthat driver supports a lot of webcams08:41
s4aluckduanedesign: ok I'll give a try and will tell you later08:42
s4aluckduanedesign: it looks it's a fresh one08:42
duanedesigns4aluck: you said you had it running before?08:44
s4aluckduanedesign: yes, but after the new kernel upgrade I got upside-down divided on two screen08:45
s4aluckduanedesign: it was two months ago08:46
duanedesigni see. so this post wasnt the one you used to originally get it to work http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8565188&postcount=9?08:47
s4aluckduanedesign: that was the post I used to get it work two months ago08:50
s4aluckduanedesign: now I try your way,thanks08:51
s4aluckduanedesign: I'll call you later08:52
s4aluckduanedesign: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/YsKLBUKA pls see this09:09
duanedesigns4aluck: ok09:19
duanedesignafter you : cd gspca09:19
duanedesigns4aluck: run the command:    ls09:20
s4aluckduanedesign: I made new folder named gspca09:20
duanedesigndo you see a v4l/09:20
s4aluckduanedesign: yeah09:20
s4aluckduanedesign: at Home09:20
s4aluckduanedesign: you mean this /home/stc/v4l-dvb09:22
duanedesignthe command is looking  a v4l/ folder09:22
s4aluckduanedesign: so I have to   $ cd  /home/stc/v4l-dvb09:23
s4aluckbut $ cd gspca09:23
s4aluckduanedesign: can you pls help09:24
duanedesigni am not sure. Are you using a guide?09:24
duanedesigni see it09:25
duanedesignthe link i posted earlier09:25
s4aluckduanedesign: I use the address you gave me and follow the steps of installation from there09:25
duanedesigns4aluck: those directions dont make much sense :P09:31
duanedesignwhat is the model of your webcam?09:31
s4aluckduanedesign: pleomax pwc-380009:32
s4aluckduanedesign: do I have to $cd/ home/username/v4l-dvb or create directory gspca and enter in to it $ cd gspca ????09:35
s4aluckduanedesign: then  ~/gspca$ sudo cp /boot/config-`uname -r` v4l/.config09:37
duanedesignthe folder v4l-dvb09:41
s4aluckduanedesign: itwasn't   $cd gspca but  cd /v4l-dvb09:42
duanedesignname it gspca09:42
s4aluckduanedesign:  it's ok now09:42
s4aluckduanedesign: hold on I'll call you soon09:43
duanedesigns4aluck: i also found this on that site:  http://linuxtv.org/hg/~hgoede/gspca/09:44
s4aluckduanedesign: :) I am doin make install now :::)))))10:03
s4aluckduanedesign: I have to restart...10:10
s4aluckduanedesign: The same problem. On cheese has upside-down divided on 2 screen....on skype nothing at all may be must use LD_PRELOAD to start10:20
lukjad86Anyone here familiar with ksplice?12:16
lukjad86Anyone here familiar with ksplice? For some reason, it's not noticing kernel updates12:33
Silver_Fox_I am not.12:38
lukjad86Hm, okay12:39
LinuxUser3890hello everyone14:36
LinuxUser3890happy st. patricks day14:36
frankeradhi, after installing ubuntu last night disk utility warns me that my hard drive has got some bad sectors, 7 of them to be precise. I'm on a one year old laptop, is this kind of wear-and-tear normal or should I be looking for a new hard drive?16:27
Silver_Fox_frankerad,  Have a look at this:  http://www.overclock.net/linux-unix/588130-ubuntu-9-10-failing-hard-disk.html#post735654416:30
frankeradSilver_Fox_ : thanks, I'll give that a try16:32
=== hobgoblin|afk is now known as hobgoblin
Frankeradso I'm back again, followed the instructions from the link, but I can't run the "sudo fsck" command for my /dev/sda . It just says that the Filesystem is mounted, which it is not...17:00
Silver_Fox_Are you using a live cd Frankerad  ?17:01
Frankeradtried it with the 9.10 livecd first, didn't work, so I tried it with the 8.04 livecd, that didn't work either17:02
Frankeradthe response i get is: "fsck.ext2: Devise or Resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda  Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?"17:03
running_rabbit07The LiveCD automatically mounts the Swap partition. Open GParted and right click on the Swap partition and click swap-off, then try the commands from the link again.17:09
running_rabbit07As long as swap is mounted you can't scan that drive.17:09
Frankeradhm, got a different error message this time, hold on...17:12
Frankeradthe command i'm trying to run is: "sudo fsck -pcfv /dev/sda" the response i'm getting is : "fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda  /dev/sda: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid and really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck wi17:19
Frankeradalternate superblock: e2fsck -b 8193 <device>"17:19
bodhi_zazenFrankerad: fsck /dev/sda117:19
bodhi_zazenI believe you need to specify a partition, not sure on that17:20
bodhi_zazenAnd what file system is it ?17:20
bodhi_zazenext3 ? ext4 ? other ?17:20
Frankeradit's ext4 (2 partions, and 1 swap)17:20
Frankeradbohdi_zazen: it seems to be doing something at least... no error message yet17:21
bodhi_zazenand yes some bad sectors are normal17:21
bodhi_zazenPersonally I use smartmontools17:22
Frankeradi thought so, 7 seems to be quite low... once you take in to account the number of times i've cought the powercable with my foot....17:22
Frankeradbodhi_zazen: shouldn't it be telling me it's doing something? Now I just get a blinking square beneath the command I just executed....17:23
bodhi_zazenthose links should get you started17:23
bodhi_zazennope, linux commands are generally silent17:24
bodhi_zazenno news is good news17:24
bodhi_zazenlet it run, but fsck is probably not the tool you want17:24
Frankeradthanks, i'll let it do it's thing until it says otherwise... I guess now that i've only done /dev/sda1 i'll have to do one for /dev/sda2 next?17:25
Frankeradmany thanks everyone! (bodhi_zazen: i'll check out those links)17:26
bodhi_zazenWell, for bad blocks, go with smartmontools, see the linkies17:27
bodhi_zazenfsck is for the file system , not the hard drive itself, if that makes sense17:27
bodhi_zazenthey are related, if you have a bad sector it can affect your file system17:27
bodhi_zazenbut they are not the same thing17:27
Frankeradit does, i'll check it out17:27
bodhi_zazenmost modern hard drives have mechanisms to manage bad sectors17:28
bodhi_zazenIf bad sectors start affecting the file system, back up your data and get a new hard drive, lol17:28
bodhi_zazenwhen that starts to happen the entire HD can fail at any time17:28
Frankeradconsidering the current price for hard drives, a new one would be a no-brainer if I actually thought the HD was failing17:29
Frankeradremember back "in the days" when i bought an 80GB drive for around 120 bucks17:30
michae1I went through the gui ( System > Preferences > Network Connections ) and used the command line ( sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces ) to assign a static ip to the box ( used 255 as subnet and usual as gateway ). after a soft and hard restart, the box can't see anything, internally or externally. anybody care to advise what I did wrong?18:48
drubinmichae1: You would need to pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces19:23
michae1will look that up...19:23
drubinmichae1: also is there a reason you edited your /etc/network/interfaces by hand and not using the gui'?19:23
drubinmichae1: http://pastebin.com19:23
michae1drubin: no reason specifically. when it didn't work through the gui, figured I'd try bullying it. it still won!!!19:24
drubinmichae1: hehe19:24
michae1drubin: great, now I got you AND the machine laughing at me.19:25
drubinmichae1: No not laughing at you.19:25
drubinit was the "it still won" part it was clever wording I liked itt19:26
michae1drubin: that's me. if i can't make fun of myself, then no one can!19:26
_Commander_hi guys :)21:04
hobgoblinhi _Commander_21:05
_Commander_testing xchat on my mobile phone :p21:05
_Commander_it is awesome21:06
_Commander_Maemo rules :p21:06
_Commander_so what's up?21:09
hobgoblinnothing - the end of the day is nigh :)21:10
_Commander_22,14 here.21:13
hobgoblinI was up at stupid o'clock again, only 21:14 but I am tired :)21:14
drubin_Commander_: o really you are happy with it, heard mixed things21:15
_Commander_it works really well for me21:17
_Commander_supertux game gives me 69fps on my nokia. pretty slick os. Only thing that i can complain about is that there is no enter key on few text aps for the touch screen.21:19
st4aluck http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8984103#post898410323:05
st4aluckI am happy now!!!!!!!!!!23:05
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=== Iwannabeyou is now known as Steelsteve

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