
shaneferI'm trying to figure out how to configure X to display the right aspect ratio for my plasma TV so I can watch mythtv normally - as it is now NON-HD channels are always zoomed, even though I have zoom set to off... how do I configure X to have the right resolution for my TV?03:48
shaneferI have a 42 in plasma that's currently at 1024x768 due to the auto-configure03:48
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dorgancan someone explain to me what multirec is?19:11
tgm4883dorgan, laymens terms, recording multiple concurrent streams using a single DVB card19:16
tgm4883multirec lets you do that19:16
dorganbut it has to be on the same sub channel so for instance you cant record 35_1 and say 13_2 at the same time correct?19:17
dorganit would have to be 35_1 & 35_219:17
tgm4883it has to be the same multiplex19:17
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Record multiple channels from one multiplex - MythTV19:17
dorganok so how do i find out what multiplex the channel is running on, or am I still not getting this 100%?19:19
tgm4883dorgan, AFAIK, you need to go into the DB and see what multiplex it's on19:20
dorganahh is that displayed on mythweb?19:20
tgm4883what are you trying to do?19:20
tgm4883dorgan, nope, not in mythweb I don't thin19:20
dorganhmm ok maybe i will write a patch to mythweb once I figure it all out19:21
dorganand the HDHR supports multirec correct?19:21
tgm4883I believe so19:21
dorganhmm OK guess I will have to take a look and see what multiplex my OTA HD channels are running on19:22
dorgandoes anyone else have an issue with some themes  in myth frontend where until you highlight the button the text is unreadable?19:25
ola`Hey folks! i got a smal question, what player do mythtv use when showing like a mkv file?22:08

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