Pici | I figured out rww's question. | 01:19 |
Pici | Seems that only people who are opped in a channel can see when others use +e/-e | 01:19 |
Myrtti | ... | 01:19 |
Myrtti | that's idiotic | 01:19 |
Pici | Well, at least it means that when I removed 450 excempts at once the other day that I was only flooding my own screen. | 01:20 |
Pici | I'll have to mention it to LjL, we were trying to work out some of the floodbot bugs earlier today. | 01:23 |
Myrtti | watching QuestionMan | 01:32 |
Myrtti | anyone else have opinions? he's most certainly a troll | 01:39 |
Pici | Myrtti: agreed. | 01:41 |
Pici | Or someone bored who doesn't know about -offtopic | 01:41 |
Myrtti | I think a troll | 01:41 |
ubottu | Losha called the ops in #ubuntu (QuestionMan is trolling...) | 01:45 |
Myrtti | Pici: turtle_ comes from same ip | 01:46 |
Pici | wonderful | 01:46 |
Pici | Hes claiming that because he helped people, its okay that he trolled. (more trolling it seems) | 01:48 |
Pici | Myrtti: er, I think they're on different ips actually. | 01:51 |
Pici | He still thinks hes banned, so this might be good for now. | 01:54 |
Myrtti | doh | 01:56 |
Myrtti | anyone else looking at #ubuntui? | 04:24 |
Myrtti | please say yes | 04:24 |
Myrtti | thiefy in particular | 04:25 |
Myrtti | !google > thiefy | 04:31 |
Myrtti | anyone? | 04:33 |
* mneptok stirs to life | 04:33 | |
Myrtti | I'll smack him soon | 04:35 |
Myrtti | right, I'm off to spend some quality time in bed. | 04:39 |
Myrtti | gotta love ragequits | 04:41 |
mneptok | Myrtti: go make sweet, sweet love to that sexy pillow of yours, apready! | 04:44 |
mneptok | *already | 04:44 |
mneptok | blindclick: really? you don't understand why thiefy was banned? | 04:45 |
mneptok | and you really care enough to spend time finding out? it's that important to you? | 04:45 |
mneptok | blindclick: this channel has a no-idle policy stated in the /topic. please ask a question or /part the channel. | 04:49 |
blindclick | haha, sorry just seen this, no I dont care about theify | 04:59 |
persia | blindclick: Then what brings you here? | 05:00 |
blindclick | The Internet brought me here xD | 05:00 |
persia | To this channel? | 05:00 |
blindclick | what brought YOU here? | 05:00 |
blindclick | dont ask me all the questions, son | 05:01 |
persia | I'm here because of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/Scope | 05:01 |
persia | As mneptok pointed out, this channel has a no-idling policy. If you've a question or issue, it can be resolved. If not, please /part | 05:01 |
blindclick | I have a question about using a wordlist and JTR can you help? | 05:02 |
persia | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only. I do not believe that falls into this category. Perhaps you may get an answer somewhere else. | 05:04 |
mneptok | blindclick: please /part the channel now. | 05:16 |
jussi01 | o/ morning all | 06:15 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !o4o =~ s/politics,/politics, Twilight,/ | 07:27 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:32 |
Madpilot | morning | 07:33 |
jussi01 | hiya dholbach Madpilot | 07:37 |
dholbach | hey jussi, hi Madpilot | 07:37 |
ubottu | ShazbotMcNasty called the ops in #ubuntu () | 08:44 |
ikonia | no co-incidence that phrix is in and the channels a mess | 08:48 |
ubottu | bazhang called the ops in #kubuntu (Timber) | 08:50 |
bazhang | klined | 08:51 |
ikonia | saw | 08:52 |
bazhang | back in #kubuntu | 09:00 |
ubottu | FloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Guest23380) | 09:00 |
Mamarok | thanks ikonia, your typing was faster than mine :) | 09:00 |
Mamarok | that was obviously a bot, "mirroring" every line | 09:01 |
ikonia | thanks Flannel I'm trying to watch #kubuntu at the same time for the guy | 09:03 |
elky | I'm pretty sure we've had "Timber" before | 09:58 |
bazhang | !5.04 | 11:10 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details. | 11:10 |
=== jussi01 is now known as o1 | ||
o1 | 6 | 11:14 |
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ikonia | !bg | 11:37 |
ubottu | опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently | 11:37 |
jpds | Did #ubuntu just go quiet? | 12:18 |
bazhang | yep | 12:18 |
Pici | weird. | 12:20 |
Pici | bazhang: Are you talking to ben__864? | 13:12 |
Pici | @login | 14:55 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 14:55 |
Myrtti | mYute: hi | 15:10 |
ikonia | hello Myrtti | 15:10 |
Myrtti | mYute: could you change your quit message? | 15:10 |
Myrtti | ikonia: ohai! | 15:10 |
ikonia | ....timing | 15:10 |
mYute | change it? | 15:11 |
mYute | what is it at the moment? | 15:11 |
Myrtti | hm, let me check | 15:11 |
mYute | i thought freenode didnt allow for quit msgs | 15:11 |
* Myrtti kicks the bot | 15:12 | |
Myrtti | here we go | 15:14 |
Myrtti | mYute: "what i want is fukcin the girls that who walk alone in the dark streets" | 15:14 |
mYute | oh, lol | 15:14 |
mYute | ok i'll make a freenode-specific script to alter that | 15:14 |
Myrtti | as a female I'd suggest you'd just change it. | 15:15 |
Myrtti | it's a terrible quit message | 15:15 |
mYute | i know, but it's an esoteric thing that is too funny | 15:15 |
mYute | dont worry what you do not know will not hurt! | 15:16 |
mYute | also why am in here instead of #ubuntu :< | 15:16 |
Myrtti | because of that quit message | 15:16 |
mYute | oh.. | 15:16 |
mYute | fine ill change it | 15:17 |
Myrtti | good. | 15:19 |
ikonia | hello miha | 15:42 |
ikonia | nice lag | 15:42 |
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wolter | hi, I got banned for no reason, can somebody unban me? | 16:29 |
wolter | I just tried to connect from webchat.freenode.net | 16:29 |
Pici | wolter: And? | 16:29 |
wolter | Pici: what do you mean with and? Thats all I did | 16:30 |
wolter | Nothing else | 16:30 |
Pici | wolter: Why do you think you're banned? | 16:30 |
wolter | Pici: I don't think there is a reasonable cause for my ban, but I think maybe this webserver is on a blacklist or something | 16:30 |
Pici | wolter: You seem to be in #ubuntu-proxy-users, did the bot tell you that you were banned? | 16:31 |
wolter | no, he just tells me to try again joining the #ubuntu channel, but when I tray it says I'm banned | 16:31 |
wolter | +b | 16:31 |
Pici | one moment | 16:32 |
ubottu | theadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (suano won't go away, we gave him !es a ton of times already) | 16:33 |
Pici | arg | 16:34 |
Pici | fb1 wasn't opped, so it wasn't exempting people. | 16:37 |
Myrtti | I'm not too sure if that quit message is any better | 16:56 |
lamia | Hi, are there any admins available to talk? | 17:00 |
jussi01 | lamia: we are here, what do you need? | 17:02 |
lamia | jussi01: May I PM you? | 17:02 |
jussi01 | lamia: certainly. | 17:02 |
lamia | Thank you. | 17:02 |
charlie-tca__ | Myrtti: +1 for bad message | 17:03 |
lamia | Goodbye :) | 17:10 |
ikonia | can someone look at active ops in #kubuntu-offtopic, oxymoron is swearing like a tropper in there for the past 20 minutes | 17:12 |
ikonia | tropper ??? trooper | 17:14 |
jussi01 | ikonia: having a look at it. | 17:14 |
Myrtti | !test | 17:14 |
ubottu | hrm? | 17:14 |
Myrtti | #ubuntu is full of brilliant ideas | 17:19 |
Myrtti | "let's ban everyone based on ip that doesn't come from a country that speaks English." | 17:19 |
Myrtti | I'll just get my coat. | 17:19 |
charlie-tca__ | bad idea | 17:20 |
charlie-tca__ | can't we just ban the suggestor? | 17:20 |
jussi01 | charlie-tca__: hehe | 17:20 |
gord | we should just ban people based on a random coin flip. its guaranteed to reduce the amount of trolls by 50%!!! | 17:48 |
mneptok | mYute: the /quit message you changed to is not acceptable, either. | 17:48 |
mneptok | 10:51 -!- mYute [~stranded@unaffiliated/myute] has quit [Quit: rearrange in any order: "are" "you" "ass"] | 17:49 |
mYute | is there a list of unacceptable words i can study so i do not violate the rules a third time | 17:50 |
ikonia | mYute: just use common sense, do I want to see "you are an ass" - | 17:50 |
mneptok | mYute: yes, it's filed in your brain in the "good judgment" folder. | 17:50 |
mYute | well, what if my quit msg was intended to be more than what is seen at face value | 17:51 |
ikonia | then others don't get it and don't need to see it | 17:51 |
mYute | others get it hence my putting it there | 17:51 |
Pici | cooks, kitchen, etc. | 17:51 |
mYute | but i wont argue | 17:51 |
mYute | sorry if i violated/pissed of any of you | 17:54 |
mYute | off* | 17:54 |
ikonia | as long as you're quit message is changed, everyone will be happy | 17:59 |
mneptok | s/changed/changed\ to\ something\ appropriate/ | 17:59 |
mYute | ok | 18:01 |
Trek | may I ask what the FloodBots are doing when they change the channel mode j to either +j or -j? | 18:55 |
Pici | Trek: they're setting the join throttling parameters for the channel. | 18:57 |
Trek | and those restrict the join rates of the non-regged users? | 18:57 |
Pici | Of all users. | 18:58 |
Trek | ah, thanks for the info, i've been wondering about it for some time now, seen the bots do that a bit often | 18:59 |
Pici | No problem. | 18:59 |
mneptok | mYute: is there anything else you need from the ops team? if ot, this channel has a no-idling policy as described in the /topic | 19:00 |
mneptok | s/ot/not/ | 19:00 |
mYute | well i was hoping i could get unbanned from #ubuntu | 19:01 |
mYute | nvm] | 19:01 |
mYute | thanks | 19:01 |
mYute | and goodbye | 19:01 |
Myrtti | I unbanned him some time ago already | 19:03 |
Myrtti | meh, not only does my irssi lag from freenode, but my ssh connection is shoddy too. | 19:13 |
Myrtti | bril-li-ant | 19:13 |
gord | Myrtti, thought about using a proxy instead of irssi, then just connecting to the proxy from a local client (irssi or xchat or whatever you want). thats what i do, its nice to not have ssh lag with irssi | 19:20 |
Myrtti | yeah, I do it sometimes | 19:22 |
Myrtti | mostly when I'm on the train | 19:22 |
Myrtti | oh, wow, nobody told me it's past lunch time | 19:25 |
knome | Myrtti, :P | 19:25 |
knome | Myrtti, it's past dinner time as well | 19:25 |
knome | Myrtti, time for a night snack maybe | 19:25 |
Myrtti | knome: not in Silicon Valley | 19:25 |
Myrtti | it's my irssi and its timestamps that confuse me now | 19:26 |
* Myrtti goes to scavenge kitchen | 19:26 | |
knome | heh | 19:30 |
Myrtti | lorenzo's in #u again... | 20:19 |
* Myrtti looks. | 20:19 | |
ikonia | I've banned him (forward) 2 times today already | 20:25 |
Myrtti | he's not said a thing yet | 20:26 |
Myrtti | I'm not 100% sure it's The lorenzo | 20:26 |
ikonia | it is | 20:26 |
ikonia | same isp/ident | 20:26 |
Myrtti | I'm so unimpressed by thopiekar right now. | 20:34 |
ikonia | he's done it in multiple channels, I've asked him to stop | 20:40 |
Myrtti | I just told him that he's being reported to the staff by now | 20:49 |
Myrtti | http://paste.ubuntu.com/396926/ | 20:50 |
ikonia | he's refused to respond to me, that's why I went to staff | 20:50 |
ikonia | at least you got a response | 20:50 |
ikonia | I asked him multiple times and he kept hitting ubuntu channels | 20:50 |
Myrtti | he knows me from the maemo circles so he knows that I mean business | 20:51 |
Myrtti | I've got a fairly "no bs" attitude there too | 20:52 |
Myrtti | mneptok: let it go, you're making more traffic now than he has | 21:21 |
Myrtti | he's moved on already | 21:22 |
mneptok | apparently not. | 21:22 |
jrib | can we make ubottu shutup if I include a kick message when I ban :) | 23:49 |
Myrtti | "you can ignore it's messages" | 23:49 |
bazhang | thought there was the option to ignore | 23:49 |
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jrib | I love how ban evaders announce their evading... | 23:51 |
jpds | !ping | 23:56 |
* jpds ✁ ubottu. | 23:57 |
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