duanedesign | http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2693/4438850289_7aae964880_b.jpg | 00:00 |
duanedesign | it is Firefox | 00:00 |
duanedesign | beuno: yes sir i will | 00:00 |
beuno | duanedesign, thanks | 00:00 |
beuno | duanedesign, and if you can hint in the bug as to what is suppose to be there, it would be great | 00:01 |
duanedesign | ok | 00:01 |
rye | beuno, <div class="letters letter empty">z</div> - and I definitely have the names with Z as the last name (my wife) | 00:03 |
rye | beuno, I seem to have got a blank couchdb database on the server | 00:04 |
duanedesign | hmm. Well it seems my Contacts are gone. Opened evoloution to document what was supposed to be there and they are not there. | 00:07 |
duanedesign | can tell when that happened. Its been a couple weeks since i accessed the Contacts | 00:07 |
rye | beuno, well, in my case it is all simpler - I have wrong account opened. Now I have my contacts, well, most of them | 00:08 |
rye | duanedesign, check the CPU usage for e-d-s | 00:08 |
duanedesign | huh, dessktopcouch isnt running | 00:09 |
rye | wow | 00:10 |
duanedesign | rye: how else can i start desktopcouch. org.desktopcouch.CouchDB.getPort isnt working | 00:11 |
rye | duanedesign, hm, getport trigger worked for me | 00:12 |
rye | syncdaemon keeps reconnecting | 00:12 |
duanedesign | rye: yep EDS is at 95+ | 00:14 |
rye | duanedesign, hm... something has changed but I don't know what. evolution --force-shutdown then killing beams and python service worked for me | 00:16 |
rye | well, actually no | 00:17 |
duanedesign | strange. Ok i quit then started evoloution again and my contacts arre there this time | 00:17 |
rye | duanedesign, yes, but e-d-s might start to consume the CPU again | 00:17 |
rye | beuno, what does the number in parentheses mean? In my case i have (3) for Z and only one record displayed | 00:19 |
rye | duanedesign, jfyi - https://code.launchpad.net/~rye/+junk/ubuntuone-scripts | 00:24 |
rye | will post nice scripts there, in one place, not @ pastebin | 00:24 |
duanedesign | need to reboot to try and get desktopcouch working. Need to get a few lines of code done first. Will file any bug reports from what i find at https://one.ubuntu.com/contacts/ | 00:38 |
rye | ok, can't continue, going offline, debugging the issues tomorrow (for me) | 00:45 |
rye | duanedesign, good night! | 00:46 |
rye | good night all! | 00:46 |
waltercool | hi there, how can i remove my ubuntuone profile from my user? | 01:21 |
waltercool | on ubuntu, not web | 01:21 |
waltercool | noone? | 02:11 |
duanedesign | hello waltercool | 02:12 |
waltercool | duanedesign, hi there =P | 02:14 |
waltercool | duanedesign, how can i remove my linked ubuntu-one? | 02:14 |
waltercool | duanedesign, im bugged and i just can see <LOCALHOST> as user | 02:15 |
waltercool | sorry... is <LOCAL MACHINE> | 02:15 |
waltercool | and quota 0.0 KB | 02:15 |
duanedesign | ok | 02:17 |
duanedesign | so you are unable to connect to your account? | 02:18 |
duanedesign | what version are you using? | 02:18 |
duanedesign | dpkg -l ubuntuone-client | 02:18 |
waltercool | | 02:19 |
duanedesign | waltercool: ok. this is lucid? | 02:19 |
waltercool | yup | 02:19 |
duanedesign | ok so when you open System > Preferences > Ubuntu One you are not seeing your machine? | 02:21 |
waltercool | ubuntu one was working fine... but i just removed my account from ubuntuone-preference and now is working with LOCAL MACHINE | 02:21 |
duanedesign | ok | 02:21 |
duanedesign | lets try... | 02:21 |
waltercool | duanedesign, I just can see something undeleteable called LOCAL MACHINE | 02:21 |
duanedesign | open a Terminal and run: u1sync --authorize | 02:22 |
duanedesign | The webpage will come up asking you to login then it | 02:22 |
waltercool | i havent u1sync... i must install something? | 02:22 |
duanedesign | yeah, sorry | 02:23 |
duanedesign | sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client-tools | 02:23 |
waltercool | my bug is reported anyways | 02:23 |
duanedesign | waltercool: do oyou know the bug number? | 02:23 |
waltercool | duanedesign, let me find it | 02:24 |
waltercool | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/539993 | 02:25 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/539993) | 02:25 |
duanedesign | waltercool: its set to private. I cant see it. | 02:27 |
duanedesign | waltercool: are you wanting to add yourself back to the computer? | 02:27 |
waltercool | yes | 02:27 |
duanedesign | ok | 02:27 |
waltercool | thats weird... link is not working with epiphany | 02:28 |
duanedesign | https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ | 02:29 |
waltercool | duanedesign, just 1 | 02:30 |
duanedesign | that link will take you to the page where you can edit the machines sonnected to your account | 02:30 |
waltercool | duanedesign, i just added with FF | 02:30 |
duanedesign | waltercool: ok. System > Preferences > Ubuntu One > Devices. You should be able to restart it therre to see if the change shows up | 02:31 |
waltercool | duanedesign, but, why when i remove a computer, i just can see Localhost? | 02:32 |
waltercool | now is working fine as i can see | 02:32 |
duanedesign | waltercool: i am not sure what the purpose of the <localhost> account is | 02:33 |
duanedesign | waltercool: did it go away when you added your computer? | 02:33 |
waltercool | yes | 02:34 |
waltercool | is just a "Empty" string of computers | 02:34 |
duanedesign | waltercool: interesting. All the U1 develpoers are here from roughly 12:00-20:00GMT I am sure you can get an answer for sure when the whole team is here. | 02:37 |
waltercool | duanedesign, i will try tomorow, maybe i can help like an alpha testing =P | 02:38 |
duanedesign | waltercool: for sure | 02:39 |
duanedesign | I am curious myself | 02:39 |
waltercool | uhmm... seems not syncing | 02:39 |
waltercool | can i know where is syncing? | 02:40 |
duanedesign | there is the u1sdtool. | 02:41 |
duanedesign | u1sdtool --current-transfers | 02:41 |
duanedesign | u1sdtool --waiting-content | 02:42 |
duanedesign | also a good one is: u1sdtool --status | 02:43 |
duanedesign | man u1sdtool to see them all | 02:43 |
waltercool | status... idle =/ | 02:46 |
duanedesign | System > Preferences > Ubuntu One > Devices does the button say connect or disconnect | 02:47 |
waltercool | is connected | 02:47 |
waltercool | i just created a file and was created | 02:48 |
waltercool | but i dont get my stored data | 02:48 |
duanedesign | waltercool: ok | 02:49 |
duanedesign | waltercool: is there anything in the syncdaemon-exception.log in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log | 02:51 |
duanedesign | you might have to hit Ctrl-H to see the .cache folder in your home directory | 02:51 |
waltercool | wow | 02:54 |
waltercool | a lot | 02:54 |
waltercool | just shell ;) | 02:54 |
waltercool | thats bad... really? | Calling delete_on_server | 02:54 |
sinistrad | UbuntuOne icon on my task tray doesn't seem to talk with the servers. It tries to connect, but then after several minutes, it fails. I'll have the message in a few when it fails again. | 04:58 |
sinistrad | Authorization Error -> [Errno socket error] [Errno 1] _ssl.c:48...GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol | 05:01 |
sinistrad | Also, I don't get the icon under System -> Preferences | 05:07 |
sinistrad | Well guys, I suppose you aren't awake. Maybe dropbox will work for me. Thanks for all your efforts. | 05:23 |
defli | hi | 05:51 |
duanedesign | ugh. Keep missing people | 06:04 |
* rye 's main system is in completely unbootable state for some reason | 09:13 | |
rye | my /home is refused to be mounted by mountall and now that happens on every boot. well... #ubuntu+1 | 09:22 |
aquarius | rye, is "is_online" in u1sdtool -s supposed to be reliable? | 09:41 |
rye | aquarius, actually I haven't seen that being false at my system | 09:45 |
duanedesign | rye: i found i had to add... | 09:45 |
rye | but I am now trying to recover the one atm so I can't test that right now | 09:46 |
aquarius | rye, k. I shall ping lucio when he wakes up :) | 09:46 |
* rye has problems with mountall & plymouth. Even w/o plymouth | 09:46 | |
duanedesign | the policy of mountall was changed recently to wait for all local filesystems present in /etc/fstab on boot | 09:46 |
duanedesign | causes entries like the one in my /etc/fstab to leave the system boot hanging forever. | 09:47 |
rye | duanedesign, well, it could at least try to mount my /home :) | 09:47 |
rye | and /var | 09:47 |
rye | thanks for mounting /usr though :) | 09:47 |
aquarius | rye, #ubuntu+1 has "Warning: read bug 538292 for plymouth 0.8.0~-13" in the topic | 09:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 538292 in plymouth "Latest plymouth update makes lucid stop at startup" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/538292 | 09:47 |
duanedesign | i had to add a 'nobootwait' EX. /dev/sdc1 /media/usb vfat defaults,nobootwait 0 0 | 09:47 |
rye | aquarius, me has -14 | 09:49 |
rye | and in my case mountall simply hangs, w/ possibility of maintenance shell | 09:51 |
duanedesign | anytime i run gwibber, evoloution, or Ubuntu One i get | 09:51 |
duanedesign | desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in run_couchdb() | 09:51 |
rye | i have even got strace of mountall... it looks like it select()s on some fd forever | 09:51 |
* rye has no idea why my /home is suffering most | 09:52 | |
duanedesign | hmm | 09:52 |
rye | duanedesign, can you try starting dc service from the terminal? | 09:52 |
duanedesign | with the dBus getPort | 09:53 |
rye | duanedesign, no, directly | 09:53 |
duanedesign | kkl | 09:53 |
duanedesign | ok | 09:53 |
rye | with dbus getport the stacktrace will be hidden | 09:53 |
duanedesign | rye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/396618/ | 09:56 |
rye | wow | 09:57 |
rye | could you please check the pid file of couchdb process? | 09:57 |
rye | it is somewhere in ~/.cache/desktop-couch | 09:57 |
rye | duanedesign, ^ | 09:57 |
duanedesign | yep | 09:57 |
duanedesign | ~/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.pid is empty | 09:59 |
duanedesign | actually | 09:59 |
rye | duanedesign, hm... could you please try stopping dc service, killing beams and trying to start it again | 09:59 |
rye | if that does not work, and the pid contains only line breaks then something became really broken | 10:00 |
rye | duanedesign, lucid, right? | 10:00 |
duanedesign | rye: its full of end of lines | 10:00 |
duanedesign | yes sir | 10:00 |
rye | i wonder whether couchdb or dc is writing the pid file... should be couchdb | 10:01 |
rye | ok, do I need a cdrom entry in fstab? | 10:02 |
duanedesign | rye: i have one | 10:03 |
duanedesign | /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0 | 10:04 |
duanedesign | rye: same result | 10:07 |
rye | duanedesign, ok, give me 10 minutes, the system is now in good mood and hangs only on 1/2 of attemps | 10:08 |
rye | but this is scary | 10:08 |
duanedesign | rye: yes absoloutely. I am gonna run and grab a coffee :) | 10:11 |
rye | buzz | 10:39 |
rye | duanedesign, ok, couchdb writes the pid | 10:50 |
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac | ||
rye | aquarius, is it ok to put ubuntuone-related scripts in ubuntuone-client project branches. Having it in +junk does not look quite well :) | 10:53 |
aquarius | rye, it's OK if you plan to do the work to actually get those scripts into ubuntuone-client as proper, supported scripts. | 10:54 |
aquarius | (and they won't land until after lucid) | 10:55 |
rye | erm, no, those are more like fix-ups for various bits... ok. leaving in +junk :) | 10:55 |
duanedesign | rye: well i renamed it and let desktopcouch write a new one. Same error, just without the /n's | 11:07 |
rye | duanedesign, so the file does not actually have PID in it, right? | 11:08 |
rye | could you do ps auxww | grep couch to pastebin? | 11:08 |
duanedesign | rye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/396638/ | 11:11 |
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rye | ok, utf-8 script is ready to provide candidate for renaming, woo-hoo. Now I need to find out how to actually do the renaming bit w/o sacrificing user data | 11:38 |
rye | well, it is better not to have UbuntuOne controlling your bzr folder | 11:43 |
rye | 010-03-17 13:44:09,199 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.VM - INFO - delete_volume: dbus.String(u'Projects/') | 11:44 |
rye | 2010-03-17 13:44:09,200 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: VM_VOLUME_DELETE_ERROR, args:(dbus.String(u'Projects/'), 'DOES_NOT_EXIST'), kw:{} | 11:44 |
rye | 2010-03-17 13:44:09,200 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.DBus - ERROR - Unable to handle VM_VOLUME_DELETE_ERROR for volume_id=dbus.String(u'Projects/') | 11:44 |
rye | hmm | 11:44 |
rye | u1sdtool hangs in this case | 11:47 |
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_ | ||
rye | duanedesign, hm | 12:30 |
rye | duanedesign, you are running system-wide couchdb as well | 12:30 |
rye | I wonder whether that can affect anything.. | 12:31 |
psyphercode | ping nessita | 12:33 |
nessita | psyphercode: hey there | 12:33 |
nessita | psyphercode: I saw your error | 12:33 |
psyphercode | nessita | 12:34 |
psyphercode | nessita: oh ok cool | 12:34 |
nessita | it's caused by the version of U1 you have | 12:34 |
psyphercode | ah | 12:34 |
nessita | psyphercode: I'm waiting for our metadata master to give me a hand :-) | 12:34 |
psyphercode | ok sweet, thx | 12:34 |
nessita | psyphercode: I'd ask you another thing, if possible | 12:35 |
nessita | psyphercode: could you please attach SD logs as per today's status? the logs you attached yesterday are cut off at 2010-03-16 15:26:47,050 | 12:35 |
nessita | psyphercode: so I'd like to read the latest messages | 12:36 |
psyphercode | well would i have to let the read complete 1st? | 12:36 |
nessita | psyphercode: if you can do that, it would be helpful. If not, no problem :-) | 12:37 |
nessita | psyphercode: I read you're charged for the bandwidth you use, so it's ok if you prefer not to do it | 12:37 |
psyphercode | well it's n0ot the badnwidth that the problem right now, the problme is the read that takes 8+ hours, i actually don't even know how long it takes, i have never had my pc on long enough (longer than a work day) to have it complete. why i mention badwidth is bacause i have already uploaded 2-4GB of stuff which i cannot afford to have to re-upload | 12:41 |
psyphercode | so just want to do anything i can to avoid having to re-upload anything | 12:41 |
nessita | psyphercode: I understand. Then, let me fix the script so you can run it. I'll ping you as soon as I have an answer from my side, and I'll update the ticket as well | 12:42 |
psyphercode | ok sweet | 12:42 |
psyphercode | i wanna leave my laptop running all night tonight to download a steam game ;-p 4GB on a 384k line not cool ;) so while it's d/l i can lave it to read the metadata | 12:43 |
nessita | psyphercode: what timezone are you in? | 12:43 |
psyphercode | gmt +2 | 12:43 |
nessita | psyphercode: ok, so you won't be long around, right? | 12:44 |
psyphercode | will be here for another hour or so | 12:45 |
psyphercode | can be back online again in 3-4 hrs | 12:45 |
nessita | psyphercode: ok, ping me before leaving if I didn't ping you first :-) | 12:46 |
psyphercode | ok | 12:47 |
rye | duanedesign, btw, are your gm scripts working now in ff 3.6/Lucid ? | 12:49 |
rye | couchdb service is timing out | 13:38 |
rye | affects all user contacts and notes | 13:38 |
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Known Issues: /!\ Notes/Contacts are not accessible now. Notes: LP:538140 (notes w/o content cause Tomboy sync failure), LP:538437 (links with monotype style cause OOPS), LP:539521 (unknown entities in notes cause OOPS) | Please honk if you need assistance with Ubuntu One | ||
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duanedesign | rye: yes the laumchpad-gm scripts are working | 13:45 |
Technoviking | my sync arrow has an exclamtion point in Lucid. How to re-setup my laptop to sync with Ubuntu one. Think it lost its sync settings | 15:45 |
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CardinalFang | "How do I re-setup?" It should prompt you if there is a problem with your authorization. | 16:03 |
Technoviking | CardinalFang: not seeing that | 16:03 |
CardinalFang | Technoviking, You can force a problem with your auth, by going to the one.ubuntu.com web site, finding your machine, and removing its auth token. | 16:03 |
Technoviking | CardinalFang: done | 16:03 |
CardinalFang | Technoviking, But, I'm answering your question, and not what you should have asked. | 16:04 |
CardinalFang | 'What does the "!" mean, and how do I fix it?' Are you running Ubuntu 9.10, Technoviking ? | 16:05 |
Technoviking | Lucid | 16:05 |
CardinalFang | Ah, Technoviking. Then open a terminal and run $ u1sdtool --status | 16:05 |
Technoviking | http://paste.ubuntu.com/396779/ | 16:07 |
CardinalFang | Technoviking, also, I think the applet has disappeared in Lucid. Right, rye? | 16:07 |
CardinalFang | Technoviking, hrm. Ready to connect. I wonder why it hasn't, then. Perhaps it's not set to connect? | 16:08 |
CardinalFang | Technoviking, $ u1sdtool --connect | 16:08 |
CardinalFang | Then "status" again. | 16:09 |
Technoviking | http://paste.ubuntu.com/396781/ | 16:10 |
Technoviking | no auth windows or web page came up | 16:10 |
CardinalFang | Technoviking, $ gnome-open http://ubuntu.com/ | 16:14 |
Technoviking | ok, ubuntu.com came up in a browser | 16:15 |
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duanedesign | rye: yes the laumchpad-gm scripts are working/5 | 17:38 |
duanedesign | oops | 17:38 |
duanedesign | sorry rye :P | 17:38 |
rye | duanedesign, I believe i need to break something for the to wort on my install | 17:52 |
duanedesign | rye: thats strange. did you use the commands in the Read Me? | 17:53 |
duanedesign | for Launchpad-gm scripts. | 17:53 |
duanedesign | rye: also were you going to do another write up on U1 and its different components and how it behaves in the new release? | 17:57 |
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Technoviking | How can I re-auth my laptop to Ubuntu One? | 19:07 |
dobey | Technoviking: currently... disconnect, delete the token from your keyring, and connect again | 19:09 |
dobey | this will be better shortly | 19:09 |
Technoviking | will try | 19:09 |
=== cpg is now known as cpg|brb | ||
Technoviking | dobey: is the sync label with exclaimation point normal now | 19:15 |
dobey | sync label with exclamation point? | 19:15 |
Technoviking | my Ubuntu One Folder has had a gray sync label with a little exclaimation mark on it for a couple week now | 19:16 |
dobey | the folder titled "Ubuntu One"? no. that shouldn't happen. | 19:17 |
dobey | that's quite weird | 19:17 |
rye | Technoviking, hi, could you please take a screenshot of that? | 19:24 |
Technoviking | sure, make a bug or post so it is visible to you | 19:25 |
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