Sachse_Siechtum | Damn, that was annoying | 01:21 |
charlie-tca__ | what was? | 01:30 |
charlie-tca__ | you been playing in the netsplit again? | 01:32 |
Sachse_Siechtum | no | 01:41 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I updated to the newest ...uhm...xubuntu version... ***.20 | 01:41 |
charlie-tca__ | heh | 01:41 |
charlie-tca__ | my 32bit upgrade went really good | 01:41 |
Sachse_Siechtum | when I came back from XP I couldnt login | 01:41 |
Sachse_Siechtum | normally it logins automaticly | 01:42 |
Sachse_Siechtum | but there....I got stuck in the login screen... | 01:42 |
Sachse_Siechtum | thought it was the nvidia sudo problem again | 01:42 |
Sachse_Siechtum | but it wasnt... | 01:42 |
Sachse_Siechtum | so I started gnome (could login there fine) | 01:42 |
Sachse_Siechtum | and looked on google for it... | 01:43 |
Sachse_Siechtum | found something with the displays.xml....I deleted it... | 01:43 |
Sachse_Siechtum | now it works fine again | 01:43 |
charlie-tca__ | good | 01:44 |
charlie-tca__ | Nothing but fun here | 01:44 |
Sachse_Siechtum | yeah *g* | 01:44 |
Sachse_Siechtum | looked at the game "tremulous" before...reminds me alot of the old Half-life mod "natural selection" | 01:45 |
Sachse_Siechtum | good night | 01:46 |
Balsaq | good morning to all who inhabit the peaceful binary paradise known as...Xubuntu! | 07:13 |
thiefy | hello, anyone alive? | 07:27 |
Sysi | !hi | 07:28 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 07:28 |
bazhang | thiefy, hi | 07:30 |
thiefy | hi bazhang , thanks for responding. | 07:34 |
thiefy | i had a quick query about fluxbox.... | 07:35 |
Sysi | on #offtopic | 07:36 |
thiefy | yes, there is a gracious man there named Sysi that ansered it there... so i feel i do not need a further answer / opinion. | 07:40 |
thiefy | thanks Sysi . just wanted to say that in the main chan as he helped me out with his / her wisdom in the off-topic chan. | 07:45 |
thiefy | and you know why the community is good, cause i joing a xfce chan and sysi answer a question about fluxbox. thank you muchly mister sysi. | 07:53 |
Sysi | that was pretty general question.. *blush* | 07:53 |
* thiefy blows Sysi a kiss. | 07:55 | |
thiefy | if she's a girl. yaaaaaaaaaaaay. | 07:55 |
thiefy | if she's a guy, then, i'm a girl. | 07:55 |
Sysi | !sudo | 07:58 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 07:58 |
Sysi | !su | 07:58 |
Sysi | thiefy: well, su can only be used to root-user | 07:59 |
Sysi | you can set anyone to have sudo-rights | 07:59 |
bazhang | sudo -i if you must | 07:59 |
Sysi | i use -s, is are they doing the same thing? | 08:00 |
thiefy | !sudo | 08:01 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 08:01 |
thiefy | oh, sorry, i didn't see above, you just did taht.... | 08:01 |
thiefy | heh | 08:01 |
Sysi | thiefy asked about distros usage of those, and so i explained a bit | 08:01 |
Sysi | on #offtopic | 08:01 |
thiefy | aye. | 08:01 |
thiefy | /donate sysi $40 | 08:02 |
thiefy | damnit. does this cmd not work!!!!!!!!!! | 08:03 |
Sysi | the donate button *would* be very handy | 08:03 |
Sysi | but that might made us to look commercial | 08:04 |
thiefy | damn this xchat ver. | 08:04 |
Sysi | on server i'm not using sudo, i want more passwds before getting root (root ssh disabled) | 08:06 |
psycho_oreos | any of you know a way to restrict updating to a different pre-built packages? I'm getting kernel update notification for x86_64 when I'm using i686 and I don't want update to bug me about x86_64 stuff | 08:16 |
thiefy | psycho_oreos, please donate to sysi to have questions answered. | 08:25 |
thiefy | hahaha. sorry, just kidding. but he is awesome. | 08:25 |
psycho_oreos | helper donating helper? ;) | 08:26 |
thiefy | maybe.... | 08:26 |
thiefy | he is a wise man... | 08:27 |
thiefy | it pays to pay. | 08:27 |
thiefy | he'lll /rm ..... yer ass if you don't,. | 08:27 |
thiefy | hahhaa | 08:27 |
thiefy | jk. | 08:27 |
psycho_oreos | I hate to complain but I never get any donations when I help people :) | 08:27 |
psycho_oreos | all they say is thanks and nothing about donating but :) | 08:27 |
Sysi | i only want money from windows fixes :b | 08:28 |
thiefy | heheh | 08:29 |
psycho_oreos | makes sense :) afterall windows is part of redmond.. no less | 08:29 |
thiefy | i laugh every time i see something in linux that windows can't do. | 08:30 |
psycho_oreos | there's plenty | 08:30 |
Sysi | best i've seen is one game, my friend got better fps with wine than on windows :D | 08:31 |
thiefy | at work, i've had three users complain that a usb to serial cable blue screens their vista machines. and then, poof, i tried it on winders 7, and i got a blue scr. (i beleive it is the driver that causes the blue screen) - i put in a live cd of linux. - installed putty, and it work,ed perfectly. and i laughed for about 20 minutes. | 08:32 |
psycho_oreos | I carry around livecd/liveusb linux these days apart from it having installed on my boxens to assist windows users with their issue | 08:33 |
thiefy | i was so comically suprised (i'm the only linux supporter there) rthat it worked so well / flawlessly..... | 08:36 |
thiefy | and obvioulsly no blue screens is a good thing, so that helps productivity.. | 08:36 |
thiefy | hah | 08:36 |
Pantcho | hi all, i need to recompile the xubuntu kernel with a little change to the source, any quick guides you can recommand? | 10:43 |
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Pres-Gas | g'morning | 12:46 |
Balsaq | good morning Xubuntu. | 13:28 |
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faron | hello again trying to remove shockwave flash & futuresplash player that about :plugins says I have installed in firefox plugins.Now,I installed this via a tarball {sort of by accident.But,sort of on purpose}.Terminal is saying " No such file or directory".Anybody have any ideas ???? | 19:57 |
faron | about : plugins | 19:57 |
eXpl0i7 | sudo apt-get remove swfdec-mozilla mozilla-plugin-gnash adobe-flashplugin flashplugin-nonfree | 19:58 |
eXpl0i7 | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 19:58 |
eXpl0i7 | try this | 19:59 |
Sysi | it's under ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 19:59 |
Sysi | or.. | 20:00 |
eXpl0i7 | or /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ | 20:00 |
faron | thanks pal will try some of this | 20:08 |
faron | well,as I suspected...all of those..."not installed so not removed" | 20:11 |
faron | Hmmmmm.Yep.Term can't seem to find anything.I wonder where it goes when it's installed via a tarball | 20:12 |
_tewz | can anyone help me with grub | 22:22 |
_tewz | i can not boot installed win or xubunut because some error in grub | 22:23 |
_tewz | now i am using live cd | 22:23 |
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