
jelmerthumper: I'm not sure why it isn't there for the working tree, it's strange indeed. I could imagine it being None for files that have changed (since their current state is not in any revision yet) but not for unchanged files.00:00
thumperI guess I could file a bug, it can always be marked invalid :)00:03
pooliethumper: it's not a bug00:13
pooliefiles in the wt don't have a revision00:13
thumperpoolie: even when they are versioned?00:13
thumperpoolie: it has a parent_id00:13
thumperpoolie: hence my confusion00:14
spivthumper: a working tree is a revision-under-construction, conceptually.00:15
thumperspiv: it'd make sense to me then to not have a parent_id for the InventoryFile from a working tree00:16
spivWell, it knows the parent.00:16
thumperat least then it would be internally consistent from my point of view00:16
pooliethumper: nb the parent is the parent directory00:16
thumperspiv: so why doesn't it know the revision?00:16
pooliethumper:  what revision do you want it to be?00:16
pooliethe one where it was last modified?00:16
thumperpoolie: that is what I would expect, yes00:16
pooliebut then what if it's been modified on disk?00:16
spivOr the one it is about to be when you type "bzr ci" ;)00:16
poolieif we leave it the same, there is a big risk of bugs00:17
poolieif we perhaps set it to None in that case, that requires reading the whole file to determine this property00:17
pooliewhich would tend to make things slow00:17
thumperI'm not sure, I'm just starting to play with bzrlib internals00:17
poolieif you want to find out "for the unmodified files, tell me which revision they came from"00:18
pooliethis necessitates doing a diff type operation00:18
poolieso you have to do iter_changes00:18
thumperpoolie: so what is the parent_id of an InventoryFile?00:18
thumperpoolie: all I want to find out is the last revision a particular file was modified in00:18
spivthumper: the file_id of its containing directory00:18
thumperpoolie: which I get from wt.basis_tree().inventory[file_id].revision00:19
thumperpoolie: which is what jelmer said00:19
poolieor something equivalent to that00:19
pooliewe should document that more00:19
pooliethumper: yes that's the best way to get it00:19
poolieassuming you don't care about uncommitted changes00:19
thumperpoolie: for what I'm doing, there aren't any uncommitted changes00:20
poolieyou don't even have to use a wt if you don't need one00:20
thumperpoolie: it makes for fast file access00:20
thumperpoolie: for the tip revision00:20
thumperthat is my current reasoning00:21
thumperI may change later to just using in memory trees00:21
thumperbut getting something working first00:21
poolieplease file bugs tagged 'doc api' if something is not sufficiently explained, or perhaps just send one email describing everything00:22
poolieand i will try to make it better00:22
thumperpoolie: where are the existing docs on the api?00:22
thumperpoolie: I'm just working from mwhudson's pydoctor files right now00:22
thumperpoolie: if there are some conceptual overviews that'd probably help00:22
spivthumper: In addition to the pydoctor docs there is http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/00:23
thumperspiv: thanks, I'll take a look00:23
spivPrimarily the "Developing using bzrlib" section, I guess.00:24
spivBut there might be some relevant info in the other sections, e.g. if you want to use bzrlib's testing facilities in your test suite.00:24
thumperyeah, I'm using TestCaseWithTransport00:25
thumperI'm actually quite keen to learn more of the bzr internals00:25
thumperI may even submit some patches :)00:25
thumperone day...00:26
pooliethis really is a good chance to improve the api docs00:26
thumperI'll try to make notes of my pain points00:26
poolielucid needs to reboot now, biab00:26
mwhudsoni guess i could try to put my editable version   of the apidocs online again00:26
poolieyou're welcome too, but i think it will become a dead end00:27
pooliei think what we need is not a gloss written onto the api docs, but rather people asking questions that actually drive improvements in the docs instead00:28
poolielike a footer on all of them saying "if this is unclear ask in #bzr and we will improve it"00:28
dvheumenhi poolie. about the contributor agreement. I forwarded your reply to me with the agreement and my text, but maybe that's what killed the process?!?00:31
dvheumenIn that case, I could send a clean version again00:31
dvheumen... and I didn't CC you, only sent it to contributor-agreement@canonical.com00:32
pooliewould you please forward that mail to me?00:33
dvheumenah, whoops, I missed the second part of that sentence saying I should CC you :P00:33
dvheumenforwarding ...00:33
spivdvheumen: ah good, I'm looking forward to your patch landing :)00:34
dvheumenspiv, well, it's not that spectacular :), but thanks for saying that ;)00:35
dvheumenpoolie, mail should arrive shortly00:35
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pooliek thanks00:41
dvheumenokay, since you've got the Agreement, everything should be alright. I'm gonna call it a night.00:42
moldycan i easily merge a single directory of another branch into my branch while keeping history?00:59
moldyhm, ok :-/01:00
moldybob2: how would you approach this?01:00
spivmoldy: the two basic options are "lose the history" and "merge the whole other branch in but then undo the changes from outside the directory you want."01:02
moldyspiv: hm, ok, thanks.01:02
moldyif i deleted a directory, how can i view the log for that directory? "Path unknown at end or start of revision range"01:11
Pengmoldy: If you can remember when you deleted it, 'bzr log -r <some rev where it existed>'01:14
moldyPeng: hm, ok, thx01:15
pooliehi igc01:23
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
thumperpoolie: any way to tag an individual file?02:19
pooliethumper: i just answered the question about it02:19
thumperpoolie: thanks02:20
vila hi all07:19
gourjelmer is the author of bzr-svn?07:20
vilagour: yes he is07:20
gourvila: i had some crash in bzr explorer while fetching from svn repo, but would like to send paste before opening ticket (http://dpaste.com/173190/) - maybe it's just network problem07:21
vilagour: well, 'could not connect' indicates either a network problem or an authentication problem07:23
vilagour: try connecting with the svn client itself and, except if the problem is transient) file a bug07:24
gourvila: thanks. it may be network problem then...it fetched quite a lot from the repo before crashing07:24
gourvila: svn did the job07:28
vilagour: bug filing time it is then07:29
gourvila: ok07:29
echo-areaspiv: ping08:11
knielsenbzr has per-file changeset comments (implemented for MySQL I think). They can be added with `bzr gcommit`. But is there any way to view them? I couldn't find any ...09:03
vilaoh boy, how I hate linux when it starts thrashing...09:08
GaryvdMknielsen: I believe with bzr glog09:13
vilaknielsen: bzr viz (GaryvdM you insensitive clod !)09:14
knielsenok, thanks! (glog is a plugin I guess?)09:15
vilaGaryvdM: may be we should just add glog as an alias for viz in bzr-gtk ;-)09:15
vilaknielsen: it's part of bzr-gtk09:15
GaryvdMvila: Oh. I thought that was allready the case.09:16
knielsenvila: hm, strange, I have bzr-gtk but don't seem to have glog ... anyway, I'll check it out09:16
GaryvdMknielsen: I thought it was glog, but it is bzr viz09:17
vilaknielsen: GaryvdM thought about qlog in qbzr plugin but it's called viz in the bzr-gtk plugin09:17
knielsenhehe, ok :)09:17
vilaknielsen: sorry for the confusion09:17
spivecho-area: pong09:18
spivecho-area: I'm only half around...09:18
vilaknielsen, GaryvdM, jelmer : I've just pushed to lp:bzr-gtk the alias addition, so there09:21
knielsenok, I see, that works, thanks! I guess there is no command-line way to see the comments?09:22
vilaGaryvdM: Wow, just tried 'bzr qlog' in a directory (below a shared repo) without branchs in it (but still branches in sub dirs)09:22
vilaGaryvdM: I got a message on the console but a blank (well grey) screen....09:23
knielsen(probably `bzr log --verbose` should show them, if anyone cared enough to add that)09:23
knielsenI guess MySQL is probably the only project to use per-file comments anyway ...09:25
vilaknielsen: it's implemented as a revision property, which are quite arbitrary (and in that case encoded in a non-trivial way), so bzr itself can't just display it properly09:28
vilaknielsen: a specific log formatter can, you may want to file a bug asking for one09:28
knielsenvila: ok, I see, thanks for info09:28
echo-areaspiv: Okay, so let's talk tomorrow.  I just checked our last dialogue, and you are off the day by now :)09:29
GaryvdMvila: my 3g went wonkey, so I may have missed messages. The last thing I saw was: "GaryvdM: I got a message on the console but a blank (well grey) screen..."09:30
vilaGaryvdM: that was it09:30
GaryvdMvila: what was the message?09:31
vilaGaryvdM: not a branch09:31
GaryvdMVila: ok. I'll log a bug. It should be able to handel that.09:32
vilaGaryvdM: sure, that's the first time I encounter it and I was a bit surprised that I needed to *kill* the window, clicking the close button seemed unresponsive09:33
GaryvdMvila: Can you reproduce the hang?09:34
vilajust a sec09:34
vilaI can't09:35
vilaI just get the error message and the qlog just quit09:36
balorSo I've merged something onto my mainline.  I've now got a BASE OTHER and THIS file for one file.  What's the best way to merge all this?  Do I meld OTHER and THIS onto BASE or some other permutation?09:36
vilaamazing, ok, forget it, I can't reproduce09:36
vilabalor: 'file' itself already contains all the merged stuff and the conflicted regions enclosed with markers09:38
balorvila: I can see that.  But is there a tool that lets me choose between chunks, rather than simply editing the file in emacs?09:38
vilabalor: man, if you use emacs try smerge !09:39
* vila checks how smerge is configured here09:39
vilabalor: hmm, just opending a conflicted file is enough to trigger smerge here09:40
balorAnd if I wasn't an emacs user, is there another tool?09:40
vilaHa, that maybe because I use dvc09:40
vilayes meld certainly, but I don't use it (I've just installed it, gimme a sec)09:40
* vila thought meld could be triggered automatically frombzr09:42
balorah! bzr-gconflicts09:42
balorIt'll set up meld correctly to do the merge09:42
vilabalor: starts meld automatically ?09:42
vilabalor: try pinging GaryvdM when he come back, I'm pretty sure qconflicts (from qbzr) can do that too09:43
balorHmm....I still have to copy foo.c.BASE over foo.c after the merge09:51
vilabalor: you still need to to 'bzr resolve file'10:49
vilas/to to/to do/10:54
alf_Hi all, I have been using bzr explorer to read the history/logs of specific files and directories.11:45
alf_Due to the depth of the history (>40000) this takes a while. Is there a way to speed things up? Would indexing using "bzr index" help here?11:46
jelmeralf_: Hi11:50
jelmeralf_: No, bzr index is just used by "bzr search" - it won't speed anything up11:50
jelmeralf_: Do you have the Bazaar C extensions compiled?11:50
jelmeralf_: And are you using a recent version of Bazaar?11:51
alf_jelmer: I am using bzr 2.1.0 from debian testing11:51
alf_jelmer: The good thing is that bzr explorer incrementally displays the matching commits as it finds them. It still takes a lot of time to process them all, however.11:55
alf_I am guessing it is just searching all commits and just displays ones that match?11:57
jelmeralf_: You're just browsing aren't you?12:03
jelmeralf_: Or are you doing something more complex than that?12:04
igcnight all12:05
alf_jelmer: in the file browser I am selecting a file/directory and clicking show log in the context menu12:05
jelmerg'night Ian!12:07
dcolesjelmer: Would you believe I'm having trouble with bazaar and urlsplit again...12:35
dcolesThis time with bzr-git...12:36
jelmerdcoles: You're running Lucid I bet?12:36
dcolesYes. Someone changed the behaviour of urlsplit?12:37
jelmerdcoles, Yep, upstream python did12:37
jelmerthere's a fix for it in bzr-git trunk12:37
dcoles(Since I can no longer reproduce the behavour that was breaking bzr-svn)12:37
jelmerthe behaviour in bzr-svn was unrelated to Python12:38
dcolesAh. Cool. I had just started to monkey-patch and then noticed that bzr-git already "did the right thing"12:39
bialixjelmer: hi12:56
bialixjelmer: can we chat about Bug 54036312:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540363 in qbzr "SVN Commit throws 'SvnBranch' object has no attribute 'control_files'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54036312:57
jelmerbialix, hi12:58
jelmerbialix, sure12:58
bialixin qcommit we're trying to store some data in branch.conf12:58
bialixIIUC SvnBranch has no branch.conf?12:58
bialixso my fix to use Branch.get_physical_status instead of bzranch.control_files might be incorrect at all?12:59
jelmerbialix: To access branch.conf you should use Branch.get_config()12:59
bialixjelmer: maybe I should skip work with branch.conf at all for SvnBranch? Or even for all non-BzrBranches?13:00
bialixjelmer: we're using Branch.get_config()13:01
jelmerbialix: bzr-svn will return a config object if you call get_config() on a SvnBranch13:01
jelmerbialix: but will store/retrieve in branch.conf but elsewhere13:02
bialixjelmer: here is the code: http://pastebin.com/kTCkCkic13:02
bialixself._get_branch_config() == Branch.get_branch_config()13:03
jelmerBranch.get_config() you mean?13:03
jelmerAnyway, that should work13:03
bialixyes, get_config, sorry13:03
* jelmer gets dragged to lunch13:04
bialixbon appetit13:04
bialixthanks, jelmer13:04
smoserHey all, I know this isn't bzr specific, but expect someone would know an answer here.14:35
smoserI'm looking at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/files/head%3A/user-data/ , and want to include a download link to the 'head' version of one of the files there14:36
smoserinclude-compressed-script-01.txt.gz specifically14:36
smoserthe 'download file' link seems to be a premenant link to the head at the time i grab it.14:37
james_wsmoser: you can probably mangle the link14:39
smoseri would have thought so. but it seems to have some data in it.14:40
smoserand its missing the path (user-data/), so i wasn't sure14:40
james_wbeuno: around? ^14:41
james_wsmoser: it still seems to be pointing to head: though, so should work14:41
james_wit will break if you bzr rm and then bzr add that file14:42
smoserwell, it doesn't. i upated the file and the old link didn't work.14:42
smoserwell, it worked, but got the old version14:42
james_wvery odd14:46
smoseryeah, i suspect user error.14:49
smosermaybe i checked before new version had updated14:49
james_wah, there is probably a lag of a minute or two after you push14:52
beunojames_w, hi14:53
beunoso loggerhead is on the public area14:53
james_whi beuno14:53
beunowhich has to wait for the puller to bring it in14:53
beunoso there is a delay14:53
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== IslandUsurper is now known as IslandUsurperAFK
NfNitLoopHrmm.  I'm helping a coworker learn/use bzr and bzr-svn.  He's used git before, and I think he's familiar with hg as well.  But he seems to be having a hard time with some of the concepts.  I may not be the best teacher. :/16:25
NfNitLoopLike, it's confusing to him that each branch is a separate directory since in bzr & hg that's handled in SCM metadata w/o the need for another directory.16:26
NfNitLoopand he's not quite understanding the difference between a "parent" branch and a "bound" branch.16:28
NfNitLoopOTOH, the problem could just be that he hasn't read any bzr docs and is relying on me to tell him everything. heh.16:28
fullermdI'm of the belief the former is easier to grasp by thinking strictly about the 3 components, and which are present in a given location.16:28
fullermdFor the latter, _I_ like solving it by killing "bound".  With fire.    :)16:29
fullermdBut that's more like a troll than a solution...16:29
NfNitLoopWell, we have a rather large tree, so it's handy to bind it to branches, do some work, bind to a different branch, do some other work...16:29
NfNitLoopinstead of creating N working copies, or doing 'bzr checkout .' 'bzr remove-tree' all the time.16:30
NfNitLoopbut yeah, he tried to rebase in a bound branch and... things did not go well. :p16:30
fullermdWhat's the advantage of bounding, rather than using a light checkout and switch?16:30
NfNitLoopeh, it's in a shared repo, bind and switch,  light checkout and switch.   Not much difference in that case, right?16:33
fullermdClarity about what's going on.16:33
fullermdIt would be better modelling it as a heavy checkout and switch, than as a bound branch.  But with it all being local, light checkout is conceptually a step closer.16:34
NfNitLoopdoes the behavior differ?16:35
* fullermd covertly looks around for anybody who'll call him on trolling like this...16:35
NfNitLoopI thought the only difference is that a lightweight checkout doesn't have local history.16:35
NfNitLoopbut otherwise all operations between a light/heavy checkout should be the same?16:36
NfNitLoop(and a bound branch == a heavy checkout.)16:36
fullermdWell, see, that's the thing...16:36
fullermdIn implementation, they are, which is the root of confusions.  In concept, they're not.16:36
fullermdAnd in concept, what you're using here is a checkout, because what you want is just a working tree on a branch (in a serial-monogamy sort of sense).16:37
fullermdAnd (IMAO) that's a lot easier to explain and grasp if explained as a checkout (working tree) moved among branches via 'switch', than as another branch with a special bound property that causes certain automatic interations with this other branch.16:38
NfNitLoopOh.  Yeah.16:39
NfNitLoopOnly at this point, changing his workflow more would be counterproductive.16:39
fullermdOh, just reboot 'im.  The POST will wipe out the old habits.16:39
NfNitLoopI think he'd be a lot less confused if he'd started with the bzr tutorial and learned the concepts first.16:40
NfNitLoopinstead, he looked at a wiki page I wrote about the workflow I use to interact with our SVN repo.16:40
NfNitLoopthought "Git's close enough" and started using my workflow.16:40
* fullermd really should write up his model docs sometime :|16:40
NfNitLoopwithout quite understanding it.16:40
fullermdWell, look at the bright side; if the version control usage doesn't pan out, he's still got a good future in politics   8-}16:42
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== IslandUsurperAFK is now known as IslandUsurper
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
MTecknologyWhat would cause this? bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drupal-devs/ubuntu-drupal-theme/6.x-orange/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()20:50
fullermdTrying to write across http.20:52
MTecknologyfullermd: that happened when I just rant bzr commit -m "..."20:54
fullermdWhich suggest that somewhere prior to that you did "bzr checkout http://...."20:54
MTecknologyI grabbed it with bzr branch lp:..20:54
MTecknologyI even tried on a fresh branch20:55
fullermdIf you're not logged in (bzr lp-login), lp: resolves to a read-only http:// URL.20:55
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado
fullermdIf you lp-login, it'll resolve to a writable (assuming you're in the right group anyway) bzr+ssh:// url, so you could lp-login, and then "bzr switch lp:..." to swap over to the writable protocol.20:56
MTecknologywhy does it need to use the web if I'm only doing a commit on a branch grabbed using bzr branch? I thought that usually meant everything happens local until a push20:56
fullermdIt doesn't, if you made a _branch_ with "bzr branch".  But in this case, you made a _checkout_ with "bzr co" (or possibly altered the branch later with 'reconfig' or 'bind')20:57
fullermdCheck "info".20:58
MTecknologyoh.... i get it now20:58
fullermd(if you expect and _want_ a separate branch, definitely check before you switch and commit and maybe push it upstream before you intend to)20:58
MTecknologyI ran bzr branch lp:.. but because I didn't do lp-login, that's why it did http20:59
MTecknologyI thought you meant that had to do with the commit21:00
MTecknologyfullermd: thanks21:00
fullermdWell, commit wouldn't try to write to the upstream if it were just an indepdendent branch.21:00
fullermdIt would only do that if you somehow ended up with a checkout/bound branch.21:01
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pooliehi igc, lifeless, spiv, jelmer,21:58
lifelesspoolie: the robert has landed22:12
poolieah, you're in the other Commonwealth?22:17
lifelesspoolie: yup22:27
lifelessabout to go to the pre conf dinner I think22:27
lifelessI got some good stuff done on the plane; I took lynnes new eeepc - huge battery life22:31
fullermdWait...   if there's an "other", they're no longer common wealths anymore.22:34
igchi poolie23:06
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