
Riddellnixternal: still planning on doing the upgrade page/pics?00:11
daskreechCrap we need a human changelog don't we?00:21
daskreechRiddell: Do we have any stats of how many people still pull Kde3 packages from hardy for example ?00:22
daskreechHmm wondering if there should be a Changelog for the people who were sitting on Hardy00:27
Riddellwe don't support upgrades from hardy00:30
daskreechNot upgrades00:30
daskreechjust what you can expect as an upgrade from KDE300:31
daskreech mostly what's new and what you can view as a regression00:31
daskreechWhich should be a tiny list00:31
Riddellsince we don't support it we're not going to have any documentation on it00:36
macoDear people who have been resisting KDE4 and are now going to have to use it because it's all that's left supported:  Here's why it rocks and you should've switched by now...00:42
JontheEchidnaIt's been two years now. You'd think people would either live with KDE4 or use the KDE3 remix00:47
macoJontheEchidna: how long's the kde3 remix sticking around? theres no devel happening on the old kde3 stuff anymore is there?00:51
JontheEchidnamaco: The guy that's been doing it plans to keep it around. He's also been doing some work on it, actually00:52
JontheEchidnaIt's a bit amazing, actually. He really cares and it putting his keyboard where his mouth is00:52
JontheEchidnaLast commit to his KDE3 fork was two days ago: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/trinity/00:54
jjesseis there that big of interest?00:56
JontheEchidnathe remix has its fair share of users, judging by the release feedback wiki page00:58
jjessequiet night in the channe l(01:13
Riddelleveryone is getting an early night to be able to test the new images tomorrow :)01:14
jjesseso should i stop downloading the current daily-live?01:19
Riddelljjesse: no, you can rsync it when the new ones arrive01:19
Riddellwhich you'll get announcement of if you subscribe to ISO testing01:19
jjessei think i do01:20
jjesseRiddell: isn't it past your bedtime ;)01:20
Riddellgetting that way01:23
macoRiddell: oh you ARE awake!01:24
jjesseis there a native ubuntu one client yet?01:24
macohaha apparently jjesse and i are thinking the same thing01:25
jjessei think that's a bit scary :)01:25
claydohif we want users to use the kubuntu-feedback widget , shouldn't it be installed by default ;)01:26
jjessedidn't know there was such a thng01:27
claydohjjesse: just apache logger's unmaintained paalet01:27
* ScottK thought it was nixternal's.01:27
ScottKclaydoh: Doing release announcement for the beta?01:28
claydohScottK: working on cleaning it up, etc01:28
jjesseclaydoh: were you refering to the feedback widget or ubuntuone?01:28
jjesseScottK: had no problems upgrading my netbook from karmic to lucid01:29
claydohRiddell suggested using the feedback widget in place of the feedback page01:29
Riddellclaydoh: it is01:29
claydohjjesse: u101:29
claydohRiddell: I had to install it on my lucid  box just now01:30
JontheEchidnaRiddell: How's this: qt-language-selector turns into a KCM module for installing/removing language packs/support, and then I add a KAuth'd button to the existing locale KCM that copies the KDE lang/locale settings to /etc/default/locale via a patch01:30
claydohRiddell:  ScottK JontheEchidna any key point need mentioning in the release notes? bugs?01:30
Riddellclaydoh: apt-cache rdepends plasma-widget-kubuntu-feedback   says it's in01:30
Riddellclaydoh: take your pick from http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx901:31
RiddellJontheEchidna: only if the user wanted to set the system default of course01:32
RiddellJontheEchidna: along those lines it would be nice if KDM let you select language, but that's a whole nother project01:32
claydohRiddell: cool01:32
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I could even get a bit fancy with the install/remove KCM and put in a nice model/view for the languages, and maybe even put in a filter bar.01:33
JontheEchidnathough I've never done model/view in python... can't imagine it being too hard, though01:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'm sure rgreening can tell you how it's done.01:34
JontheEchidnaooh, yeah. usb-creator would be a good place to look for example code01:35
RiddellJontheEchidna: I'm not sure there is a model for languages01:36
Riddellbut you can have a filter line without a model I'm pretty sure01:37
JontheEchidnaI wonder what fancy stuff can be done with QListView01:38
daskreechmaco: Yes that' would be the gist of the letter along with a list of things that KDE 3 can do that KDE4 cannot01:39
claydohso where does the feedback from the widget go?01:39
JontheEchidnanixternal's secret server running windows701:39
maco<Riddell> JontheEchidna: along those lines it would be nice if KDM let you select language <-- it doesn't? even gdm does that! ;-)01:40
claydohahhh I shoulda knowed :)01:40
jjesseno that's my not so secret server thats running windows :)01:40
JontheEchidnamaco: we use half-working voodoo to detect the system language, iirc01:40
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!01:40
ScottKJontheEchidna: Where did your revised language selector debdiff go?01:44
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://pastebin.com/4ARUygQx01:44
ScottKOK.  Let's see if I can manage that before I pass out.01:45
JontheEchidnawithout python-glade2 it won't start, and it'll raise an error when trying to set system defaults if gksu isn't installed, so I added those as depends01:45
JontheEchidna"it" being the GTK frontend01:45
ScottK... and if I can type my ssh key pass phrase (took 4 tries).01:47
jjesseanyone try to get ubuntuonew working on luci?02:09
jjesseubuntu one02:11
JontheEchidnaScottK: Thanks. Nighty-night02:12
* JontheEchidna imagines ScottK passed out on his keyboard, right after hitting enter on dput02:12
macoits only just after 10pm there02:13
JontheEchidnaGuess that doesn't stop ol' Scottie from having a busy day02:14
jjessehrmm i think i've installed everything that has the word ubuntuone in it but still no go02:16
daskreechAnd we have people on KDE3 in the support chan02:18
nixternalScottK: feedback widget is mine :)02:18
nixternalit is now in c++02:18
Riddellnixternal: it seems to like being oversized for some reason02:18
nixternalhey, what is the proper way for doing python and cmake? ie. I am installing foo.py to /usr/share/kde4/apps/foo/foo.py but I want it in /usr/bin/foo as well...I have cmake doing the link for me, however when I uninstall via cmake, it doesn't unlink02:19
nixternalRiddell: how oversized?02:19
nixternalthere is nothing to that applet02:19
Riddellnixternal: widget size.  it's full screen size by default for me02:19
nixternalshould be just under 600x60002:20
nixternalin order to remove the scrollbars needed02:20
nixternalhrmm, it is full screen here as well Riddell02:21
JontheEchidnaRiddell: revised SoC proposal draft: http://pastebin.com/GZZ80W6P02:22
nixternalhrmm, seems there is no set size for some reason...easy fix02:23
nixternalresize( 550, 550 );  <- Riddell I have no idea why this isn't working...something must have changed in KDE SC 4.4 that causes this02:25
Riddellnixternal: well more importantly, are you planning on doing upgrade testing and documenting tonight?02:26
nixternaldocumenting I hadn't planned on doing...I am tired of docs right about now...just rewrote the entire kubuntu-docs package....as for testing, i need to add my feedback to the iso pages...my upgrades worked on qemu02:27
Riddellnixternal: it's the screenshots we need really, documenting I can do, it's just copying the karmic bits and s/karmic/lucid/02:28
nixternaloh that stuff....yeah, I guess I can work on that02:28
JontheEchidnaDid anybody else not get a panel with today's livecd?02:29
RiddellJontheEchidna: possibly "Run as normal user" need to come before port to KCM when implementing?02:29
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I think in reality they'll both happen togetherish02:29
JontheEchidnaeh, yeah. Before by a little bit :)02:30
claydohhmm... as plasma is scriptable, wouldn't it be possible to add a button in the desktop folder to open the feedback widget? if desired that is02:42
* claydoh is feverish, quite literally :(02:43
Riddellthat would need code in the folder plasmoid02:43
RiddellI'd quite like the feedback widget to be a one line wee thing on the desktop "click here to give feedback" and it expands02:44
Riddellon betas anyway, not on final02:44
Riddellbut time for bed02:44
nixternalwish you would have said that many moons ago :D02:45
Riddellwell I only just thought of it :)02:46
Riddellit's good like it is for lucid02:46
nixternalRiddell: doing upgrade docs now, for both 9.10 -> 10.04 and 8.04 -> 10.0402:55
nixternalhttp://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/9.10-upgrade/hardy-upgrade3.png  <- I kind of miss that look and feel and awesomeness03:07
ScottKI miss the not crashiness.03:08
ScottK4.3/4.4 aren't bad, but they aren't nearly as stable as 3.5 was.03:08
nixternalor fast03:09
nixternali just installed 8.04 on my test machine for this update stuff03:09
nixternalwow, it is blazing fast03:09
nixternaland it is side-by-side with a fresh lucid install, as of 3 hours ago lucid install03:09
verbalshadowkpackagekit still sucks compared to adept and synaptic :(03:10
nixternaloh wow, i just found some packages, the documentation, and some other things I worked on in Kubuntu 5.10, the Breezy Badger03:11
nixternalalmost 5 years I have been around here03:11
nixternalI have been with Kubuntu longer than any job I have ever had :)03:11
claydohwow I that means I have been using Kubuntu longer than any other distros combined03:14
claydohor other os's even03:14
claydohthat counts win95/98/me, Beos, Lycoris, and bunches of others03:16
verbalshadowi remember the badger comics03:16
nixternalnot here, been using debian since 1994/1995, slackware since 1993/1994, suse/opensuse since around that 94 time frame03:16
nixternali used gnome longer than i did windows :p03:16
claydohI have only used linux since 2000, got my first computer in 199803:17
claydohlater starter03:17
verbalshadowi didn't find linux until 200403:17
verbalshadowbut i loved my C6403:18
claydohok release notespage seems done, minus some images for  Touchpad Configuration,System Notification Polish, and gnome app systray integration03:21
claydohi have to hit the sack, this fever is dragging me down :(03:21
nixternalheh, JontheEchidna the kde netbook reference, I wonder what happens to that when suse is sold off as elliot sheds novell's assetts if the bid goes through? :D03:26
daskreechnixternal: if you need a page of docs done you can throw at me03:38
daskreechI miss adept a lot :(03:38
nixternaloh damn, i forgot 8.04 wasn't lts, so i don't need to document that upgrade03:44
ScottKSigh.  I guess Identi.ca is gone to the dark side.  They started publishing my geo location on my 'dents without asking me.  Fortunately I noticed, deleted the 'dent and modified my settings before reposting.03:49
nixternalScottK: it isn't identi.ca, it is your browser, and it should have asked you03:52
nixternalyou are either using firefox or chromium03:52
ScottKnixternal: Nope. Konqueror.03:52
ScottKMy browser changed my account settings on identi.ca to say "post with my location"?03:52
nixternalthat's how it was originally...when i post to identi.ca, it doesn't show my location03:54
nixternalhere, let me try through the library computer03:54
nixternalmine is showing it03:55
nixternalmine isn't showing it I meant03:56
ScottKDunno.  I've posted from this computer before, but not in a while and using Konqueror.03:57
ScottKNever had a post with my location before.03:57
nixternaldon't know what it is, konqi didn't do it either03:58
daskreechpossibly it's Identi.ca then?04:00
nixternaldaskreech: nah, i think stuff like this starts happening when you get up there in age...next he will be sticking his keys in the refrigerator04:11
daskreechOr the toaster04:11
macomy mum puts her keys in the fridge on purpose04:30
macothat way she can't leave the house and forget the $FOOD she's supposed to take with her to $EVENT04:30
shadeslayerbtw xorg.conf is depreceated right?05:26
Fersureyes; hal is the prefered method.05:39
daskreechI think they are removing the file in the next release of X05:40
shadeslayerah ok but how do i use hal and the nvidia restricted driver?05:41
Fersureshadeslayer: well, if you can't find out how, xorg.conf will work05:47
shadeslayerFersure: and what about plymouth? will it work with the restricted driver and dkms?05:47
Fersurenot sure, I don't see why not though.05:47
shadeslayerFersure: hmmm well plymouth starts in text mode right now...05:49
shadeslayerand ubuntu-bug cant work in proxy apparently05:49
shadeslayerbug 53829206:11
a|wenafter installing using the alternate iso up for testing i've noticed to things; the splash screen writes "ubuntu 10.04" and there is no default panels on the desktop ... know issues / anyone else seen them?09:27
Riddella|wen: which splash screen11:11
Riddella|wen: I think you reported the no default panels issue on ISO tracket yesterday?  did you try with a new user?11:11
a|wenRiddell: the plymouth one i suppose (just the text "Ubuntu 10.04" and four dots changing colors)11:11
* a|wen boots the VM and creates a new user11:12
a|wenRiddell: same on a new user; no panel visible11:16
Riddellubuntu on boot splash is known11:16
Riddellbug 540810 ?11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540810 in kdebase-workspace "kde panel does not display on 800x600 display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54081011:17
a|wenthat would be it; can see the bug was just created, so that was why i couldn't find any11:23
Riddella|wen: could you rm /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init/01-kubuntu-default-setup.js and try again with a new user?11:24
a|wenhello panel :)11:28
a|wenRiddell: that made the panel appear, yes11:28
Riddellho hum, more bugs in upstream's desktop scripting that they don't even use themselves11:29
a|wenthat is probably the reason for the many bugs then11:31
Riddellmany bugs?11:31
a|weni guessed that your "more bugs" refered to this not being the first one found11:32
Riddellmore like missing features11:34
a|wenhopefully it'll have enough to do close to what we want11:35
shadeslayerhi does the nouveau driver support stuff like transperency and desktop cube animation?13:11
RiddellI've no idea13:11
jussi01I do not beleive so13:11
shadeslayerRiddell: hmm...13:12
shadeslayertoo bad then.. ill have to live with the annoying ascii plymouth screen13:12
shadeslayerhave this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/52689213:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 526892 in plymouth "No graphical splash on VGA16fb (e.g., nvidia binary drivers), plymouth uses text plugin ("Ubuntu 10.04" in text)" [Medium,In progress]13:12
Riddellthat seems unrelated to X compositing13:12
shadeslayerubottu: oh,well i have to use nvidia drivers to get composting since nouveau does not support transperency like you said13:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:13
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^13:13
jussi01shadeslayer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Drivers13:14
JontheEchidnaactually, nouveau is the only way you're going to get the nice boot experience with lucid13:14
JontheEchidnanvidia doesn't support KMS< but nouveau does13:14
JontheEchidnafwiw, I also got the text plymouth in virtualbox13:15
JontheEchidnawith intel13:15
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: um im using the latest 195 driver with kms support13:15
JontheEchidnareally? They support kms now?13:15
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: it does say that when installing the drivers13:16
JontheEchidnahmm, neat.13:16
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa13:16
apacheloggerlaunchpad needs comment moderation13:16
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: see the dkms package13:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: for milestoned bugs please also nominate for lucid (needed for release managers bug view) and tag as kubuntu (needed for the tinyurl in /topic)13:16
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: Ah, dkms isn't kms :)13:17
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: really?13:17
JontheEchidnaYeah, dkms is dynamic kernel module system13:17
JontheEchidnaKMS is Kernel Mode Switching13:17
danttiJontheEchidna: hey the kcm can modify some parameters of the printers :) please take a look later and tell me if you have some ideas for that dialog :D thanks13:17
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: btw is 3d support expected in lucid final?13:17
shadeslayerfor nouveau13:17
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: dunno. I think that at best it may only be a little support, and then your mileage may vary13:18
JontheEchidnadantti: oo, neat13:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 342671 ... even though it is all a load of crap and flame and completely off topic13:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342671 in packagekit "Doesn't support installations which require a removal" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34267113:18
apacheloggerthey do have a point right there13:18
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: imo we should switch back to adept13:18
apacheloggerthen we probably dont get LTS13:19
apacheloggerthen again13:19
apacheloggerI do not care about LTS13:19
JontheEchidnaIt'd require:13:19
JontheEchidna-Adding emergency update notification support to k-n-h13:19
JontheEchidna-Breaking all sorts of UI freezes putting adept in13:20
JontheEchidnaand yeah :(13:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: talking about knh, we should make the event classes use knotifieritem or what it is called13:20
apacheloggermake notifications non-persistent13:20
apacheloggerbut use identical icons in tray icon and notification13:20
apacheloggerthis way it looks like the notification minimzied to the tray icon ;)13:21
JontheEchidnaI guess I can live with that13:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: wanna do the honors of proposing the letz-try-to-unbreak-the-stuff-noone-cared-about?13:21
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: you lost me. Perhaps I'm still half asleep13:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you want to propose the switch to adept :P13:22
apacheloggercause I should be doing the nasty asm programming13:22
shadeslayerbtw how do i renable the nouveau package?13:22
apacheloggerand actually lecture on cpp is startin in 1.5 hours too -.-13:23
JontheEchidnaright now I have to figure out which one of these blobs in known_hosts is kde svn :/13:23
apacheloggeroh, good fun with that :P13:24
* apachelogger hates the known hosts list13:24
shadeslayerYour gdm log files may help developers diagnose the bug, but may contain sensitive information.  Do you want to include these logs in your bug report? : lol!!!13:24
shadeslayeri use kdm... stupid apport13:25
shadeslayerah.. apport crashed on itself :P13:25
* apachelogger will retire from development and go management13:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: :D13:25
danttiapachelogger: packagekir does support package installation that require removal13:26
danttiwhich might happen is that apt backend does not support but aptcc does support it works exaclty like apt-get13:26
JontheEchidnano everybody's favorite python apt backend13:26
apacheloggerdantti: there is some rare flux or something13:27
apacheloggerdunno if aptcc would be affected13:27
danttiwhat is a rare flux?13:27
apacheloggerdantti: is switching to aptcc a viable option in your opinion?13:27
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: no dist-upgrade support13:27
apacheloggerdantti: does aptcc do dist-upgrades? ;)13:27
danttiwell there are a few things that it does not have but imo are easy to add13:28
danttiget-updates returns the results of apt-get dist-upgrade13:28
danttiI just don't have loots of time to add them all :P13:28
=== bladernr__ is now known as bladernr_
apacheloggerwell, since I am retiring form development I cant help :P13:29
danttiI talked with Ridell some day ago about porting adepts debconf support to packagekit..13:29
danttithere are lot's of stuff to do still..13:30
apacheloggerwhy is kubuntu using pk again?13:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: because it was hailed to be the future of linux package management and everybody said we sucked for not using it13:31
apacheloggerthe result did not change13:32
JontheEchidnadantti: the Name: field in the "configure printer" dialog would more accurately be described as Description:13:32
apacheloggerjust how it composes :P13:32
JontheEchidnadantti: But changing the description and location do work13:32
danttiJontheEchidna: sure it's more accurate I just tought that calling it name as it's the "name" to be shown in print dialogs would make more sense..13:33
JontheEchidnadantti: The print dialogs don't show the description as the name, in my experience13:33
danttihmm you're right... that suck imo :P since you can't change it...13:34
danttimaybe qt could use a patch :P13:35
JontheEchidnaQt printing system has been neglected for a long time :(13:35
JontheEchidnaThat John Layt guy has been pretty cool, though13:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I thought they reworked it for Qt 4?13:35
apacheloggerQt 3's was quite the crap13:35
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: that was like 4 years ago13:36
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: not been touched since13:36
apacheloggerwell, its not like there is much inovation going on there :P13:36
JontheEchidnaat the least they can maintain their code, and make basic features such as duplexing and printing multiple pages work :/13:36
apacheloggerI think I am all out of stuff to implement13:38
danttiJontheEchidna: I added a comment on his blog that says something about printing, let's hope he reads it. :)13:39
danttiI guess that for now I show change to Description and on the kcm ui I should also display the print's real name... :P13:40
Riddelldantti: you're trying to replace system-config-printer-kde as well now too?13:41
danttiRiddell: well that's another thing that doesn't work here :/13:42
danttiRiddell: didn't you saw http://dantti.wordpress.com/2010/03/15/printprogress/ ?13:42
Riddelldantti: have you seen the usability designs for s-c-p-k?13:43
danttiRiddell: no, where I find them?13:43
danttiyou commented about it but I got no link :P13:43
Riddelldantti: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeadmin/system-config-printer-kde/kubuntu_printer_configuration.pdf?view=log13:44
danttiwell almost 2 years of move right?13:45
Riddelldantti: pardon?13:45
danttithat log is from 200813:46
danttiis that what you want me to see?13:46
Riddelldantti: well the pdf file it points to13:46
danttiI saw it once.. but i really think it makes it very complicated..13:47
Riddella full printer config tool isn't simple13:47
danttiI'm trying to add the localhost:631 & mac config13:48
danttiit isn't simple but you don't need to put all the info at once to the user...13:48
danttimaybe he just want's to see the printer status or the queue13:48
danttiand having to read lots of information is bad imo13:49
Riddellthere is the applet for that13:50
Riddelldpm: FYI bug 54093613:50
danttialso I think the localhost:631 is easier to add a printer than that13:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540936 in ubiquity "ubiquity-kde.desktop is not translated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54093613:50
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Riddelldpm: also bug 54094713:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540947 in kbluetooth "no translations for kbluetooth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54094713:58
dpmRiddell, thanks for the heads up. In general, if you add a task for the 'ubuntu-translations' project, I'll see the bug and it will save you pinging me. You can ping me nevertheless, though :)14:02
dpmI think we've got a bug for kdebluetooth already14:02
dpmlet me see...14:02
dpmkbluetooth, I meant14:04
verbalshadowhas anyone tried out the shaman package manager?14:07
Riddelldpm: how do you mean add a task?14:07
verbalshadowis packagekit the problem when it comes to package handling, or is some wrong with the frontend?14:09
dpmRiddell, sorry, I meant a bug task. Here's how to open one on ubuntu-translations -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/ReportingBugs The Ubuntu Translations Coordinators team and other peope interested in translations is subscribed to bugmail for the project, and when you add a task, we all get notified about the bug14:09
dpmThat's how we track translations-related bugs14:10
dpmHere's some more background14:10
shtylmanRiddell: is oem config kde even usable?14:15
shtylmanRiddell: I just tried the latest daily testing iso... and the main panel does't come up in the try kubuntu mode...14:19
shtylmanis this an occasional bug? or happens for you too?14:19
dpmRiddell, I think I see the problem with kbluetooth. Has it been renamed from kdebluetooth to kbluetooth? If that's the case, I think I can just fix that by disabling https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/kdebluetooth and approving the kbluetooth template. If you can confirm that, I think we can fix this straight away14:21
dpmand the fix would be visible in the first language pack after the beta14:22
Riddellshtylman: worked for me with lots of issues in today's live CD.  oem-config-kde doesn't get installed (cjwatson has fixed that now in bzr)14:28
Riddellbug 540922 too14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540922 in ubiquity "apt error when running oem-config-kde" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54092214:28
Riddelldoesn't reboot14:28
shtylmanI also see the 100% cpu bug ... which is very upsetting and im not sure how or what is causing it yet14:29
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QuintasanDolphin refuses to mount /dev/sd* devices :/14:37
QuintasanSC2 CDKEY @_@14:38
Riddelldpm: yes kdebluetooth got renamed to kbluetooth14:50
nixternalRiddell: put up new screenshots last night for Karmic->Lucid. Need to take 2 more screenshots, actually 3. 1 of alt+f2 for upgrading via alt cd, 1 for the reboot popup, and 1 for the final desktop. I was experiencing the black panel last night, and when using qemu the wallpaper isn't blue, it is freakin' brown, so my screenshots ont he desktop were hosed14:58
Riddellnixternal: ok i can do final desktop easily enough15:00
Riddellnixternal: wallpaper is brown though?  really?15:00
Riddellnixternal: http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/lucid-upgrade-final-desktop.png15:04
Riddellnixternal: by the way hardy to lucid we won't care about, it's not supported15:04
Riddellnixternal: did you report the no wallpaper on upgrade bug?15:07
nixternalRiddell: yeah, that is a qemu issue, and it seems I am the only one who has used kde inside of qemu, as google thinks I am silly for asking it such questions on the subject15:13
nixternalI didn't report the bug because it was late and I just wanted to go to bed :)15:13
nixternalI am fairly certain there is an open report for it somewhere already15:13
RiddellI use virtualbox when doing the VM thing15:14
nixternalyeah, i may start using vbox again...qemu is just faster than vbox, though vbox has some features that make it better15:15
Riddellnixternal: I'll report the wallpaper bug then15:15
nixternalheh, qemu is kind of like gnome, easier with less visible options, you have to tweak it via the command line, kind of like switching buttons back to the right hand side with gconf :p15:16
nixternalspeaking of GNOME, I get to hang out with all of them this weekend, as we are hosting the Desktop Help Summit here in Chicago15:16
nixternalI will be the only KDE dude there....hoping to learn more about project mallard and a way to create the greatest help system for KDE15:17
Riddelllots of gnome uses need help?15:17
nixternalbecause KHelpCenter blows goat arse15:17
Riddellyes a freedesktop standardised help system would be nice15:17
nixternalRiddell: good point, I will make sure I let them know, as I sit there with this loving glow and halo effect :)15:17
nixternaland last night, I think I learned why Ubuntu switched the buttons to the left. Ayatana popups. Some people, myself included, tend to think you click it to go away. So when they go to that cornder where the popup is and click it, they close the window behind it15:19
Riddellnixternal: actually I seem to mind from guadec a few years ago their new docs format was on freedesktop and I pointed out this must mean they're hoping for it to be a cross desktop standard, to which they mumbled something and moved on15:19
nixternalyeah, Shaun McCance is behind it all. Mallard is just a new type of DTD that is made specifically for topic based help. It is better than DocBook in that case15:20
nixternalwhich would be nice, because if you are using Kubuntu and install Rhythmbox or Banshee or something from GNOME, it would be nice to view the help file w/o having to install yelp, and vice-versa for KDE apps on GNOME.15:21
nixternalso we could use KHC to view GNOME docs and they could use Yelp to view KDE docs15:21
nixternalright now, the current config for docs in KDE sucks. I have been doing it for how long now and there are some things I just don't get, KHC's code base for one is so damn complex for just a simple help browser...and I still don't understand the entire translation process15:22
nixternalwhich I chalk up to being just another dumb american and not having experienced a translated system15:23
nixternalahh, the good ol' US. Where they teach only English as a requirement, and don't even teach that well, especially here in Chicago. Most schools do have the option to take Spanish and French though :)15:24
Riddelland (arguably) it should all be done on a wiki so normal people can edit the docs without having to care about the technical stuff15:24
nixternalI took Spanish, I was an honors student in Spanish, and almost failed english every freakin' year in school :)15:24
nixternalI will never support the wiki way15:24
nixternalnormal people shouldn't be editing system help documentation15:24
nixternalopen up KHC, browse for About Kubuntu, and there it is, something about openSUSE being better and you shouldn't use Kubuntu15:25
nixternalI like having docs in a repo with a bit of control on who can commit and who can't, and getting the diff in the email for a doc commit is much better than getting the diff from a wiki edit, which would amount to a massive amount of email15:26
jjesse+1 from me15:26
nixternali know you are +1, we have already beat this horse to death in KDE for the past 5 years15:26
nixternaland to be honest, in Kubuntu and in Ubuntu, I think there needs to be a Canonical employee looking it over or in charge of system help documentation instead of morons like jjesse and myself :D15:27
nixternaljjesse: did you call me this morning?15:28
jjessewell a canonical employee that works with the doc team instead of swooping in at the last second and try and demand how things go15:28
jjesseno i thought you said afternoon15:28
jjessei can call right now15:28
nixternalyou mean mpt?15:28
nixternalno, haven't had my coffee yet :)15:28
nixternalsomeone from michigan called me this morning, so it was either you or one of them nuckled heads on the eastern shores of michigan15:29
jjessenixternal:  no there have been others that post to the doc mailing list that seem to trhow the canonical employee around15:29
jjessedamn those michigan knuckleheads15:29
nixternaloh, i know who you are talking about15:29
nixternalarea code 248, so that isn't you...are you guys 616?15:29
jjesseyeah 616 is me15:30
jjesse248 is east side of state15:30
nixternalwhat would be great for docs, is a cross platform viewer...ie. help-gtk, help-kde15:30
verbalshadow231 north and 906 UP15:31
nixternaldo all the parsing on the backend, with a simple front end to display it15:31
shadeslayerbtw does anyone get a crash while switching plasma themes? kwin crashes here15:32
nixternalthere is also another area code in those parts as well, because my aunt who is in eau claire, by benton harbor, has a different one now15:32
mgraesslinshadeslayer: kde bug 18202615:32
nixternalshadeslayer: yes15:32
ubottuKDE bug 182026 in kdeui "KRunner crashes / Plasma crashes when changing Theme (in KPixmapCache::Private::mmapFile()) [ , KPixmapCache::Private::init, KPixmapCache::discard, KPixmapCache::deleteCache, Plasma::ThemePrivate::discardCache]" [Crash,Reopened] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18202615:32
nixternaland there is the bug report for it :)15:32
nixternalactually, KWin crashes, no krunner15:32
mgraesslinsame issue15:32
nixternalbut that was in qemu last night15:32
* nixternal grabs vbox15:33
shadeslayerweird thing... it didnt do this in karmic... in fact it failed to change the theme in karmic :D15:33
nixternalRiddell: do you use vbox from our repos or upstream?15:33
shadeslayermgraesslin: ah thank god...i thought ill have to install dbg packages :P15:34
shadeslayerdont have loads of bandwidth15:34
mgraesslinit's currently the crash that annoys me most - that's why I know the number;-)15:35
shadeslayermgraesslin: hehe15:37
Riddellnixternal: from the archive15:44
JontheEchidnashadeslayer, mgraesslin: I've been testing the patch against 4.4.x for mpyne. Since everything's been going well, next time I see him I'm going to ask if it would be appropriate to backport it to our 9.10 packages15:44
mgraesslinoh that sounds good15:45
mgraesslinI just hope that it will be fixed before 10.04 will be released - or we will have much useless work in the bugtracker ;-)15:45
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: +115:45
JontheEchidnamgraesslin: Me too. That's the most dupe'd KDE bug in launchpad at the moment15:46
JontheEchidnabug 321281 I think15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321281 in kdebase "Various KDE apps crash with signal 7 in KPixmapCache::Private::mmapFile()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32128115:46
shadeslayermgraesslin: any idea what i should install to get nouveau back? i installed the nvidia binary blob15:46
JontheEchidnahas over 100 dupes15:46
mgraesslinshadeslayer: sorry no idea - never dared to try nouveau15:46
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: shouldn't deactivating the driver in jockey do the trick?15:47
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: hmm maybe... im not sure :)15:47
JontheEchidnaI'm quite sure that it's designed not to leave you with an unusable system if you do so, at least15:47
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: btw, how is jockey in 10.04?15:48
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: crashy :)15:48
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: been filing bug reports?15:48
nixternaljockey actually worked well for me in 10.0415:48
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: well not that bad.. but when you click on close it still continues to download in the background15:49
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: apport kde is crashy too :P15:49
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: yeah, apport-kde's horrible about that. Though it's mostly bindings bugs15:49
shtylmanRiddell: ever use testdrive with kubuntu? any better way than always specifying the iso url?15:50
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/54091915:50
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/540919)15:50
Riddellshtylman: I don't think I know what that is15:50
shadeslayerits a private bug :)15:50
shtylmanRiddell: https://launchpad.net/testdrive15:51
shtylmanapt-get install testdrive15:51
shtylmanits very useful15:51
shadeslayerlol : https://launchpad.net/~apport/+karma15:51
JontheEchidnahttps://launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+karma :D15:51
Riddellshtylman: I'm not sure what problem that solves compared to running it by hand15:53
shadeslayerok ill brb15:53
shtylmanRiddell: thats the problem it solves :)15:53
shtylmanit makes the vm for you and starts it15:53
shtylmanits just a convenience15:53
shtylmanbut anyhow... I figured out how to do it15:53
shtylmanso all is well15:54
Riddellshtylman: compared to downloading the iso, waiting for it to boot up, doing the install and checking everything works that seems like a small part of the process15:55
shtylmanRiddell: but a simple part to avoid :)15:55
shtylmanI didn't write it ... but I can use it :p15:57
JontheEchidnaRiddell: up for testing a jockey patch?16:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: I can try16:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: It's for the bug you reported: http://pastebin.com/nGmrcg7i16:02
RiddellJontheEchidna: hmm, not sure I can recreate the crash16:07
JontheEchidnaRiddell: From the traceback, it looks like the crash happens when there's no net connection when jockey starts up on a fresh system16:08
Riddelllet me drop the net then16:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell: oh, remove the setWindowIcon line. that'll introduce a new crash16:13
JontheEchidnaand um, ignore the .ui file changes :)16:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: so just that one line to change?16:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yes. One unfortunate side effect will be that it will inherit the gtk icon16:15
=== Zorael^2 is now known as Zorael
RiddellJontheEchidna: dialogue box shows now, new error16:19
Riddellyou have to rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* to recreate16:19
Riddellthat's the spirit!16:20
JontheEchidnaI do wonder how it's calling ui_progress_update before self.progress_ui is initialized16:20
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnaI can't reproduce the second crash :(16:23
JontheEchidnaI can confirm that the first fix works, now that I have the "remove apt lists" trick :)16:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKapachelogger: Nice blog post.16:30
JontheEchidnaRiddell: new patch: http://pastebin.com/4wgvfmJk16:35
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I think I'll commit the first part of the patch as a fix for the bug you filed. It looks like your second crash could only happen when there's an internet connection (or maybe that could be part of the bug?)16:49
macoanything need packaging?16:54
Riddellmaco: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/540396 needs tending to (I've not had time to look at it, extra depends needed on karmic amarok maybe?)16:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 540396 in amarok "amarok 2.3.0, empty local collection (0 tracks)" [Undecided,New]16:56
Riddellhmm, maybe that's not what I thought it was16:56
RiddellJontheEchidna: I don't think I had an internet connection16:56
Riddellwell, maybe I did.  too many tests done today16:57
JontheEchidnaRiddell: that's weird. The backend is trying to tell us that it's downloading packages. Perhaps it's a backend bug?16:57
JontheEchidnaat any rate, that patch should catch the AttributeError and allow the backend to at least think it's updating a progress UI16:58
daskreechDid Koffice get packaged?17:00
RiddellJontheEchidna: no dialogue this time and still getting no attribute progress_ui errors17:02
Riddelldaskreech: quintaisan was doing it17:03
JontheEchidnaI may have to fire up a vm and do further testing...17:03
Riddellmaco: anyway amarok in karmic ppa backports needs a depends on mysql-something17:03
macoRiddell: ok17:04
Riddellmaco: do you have good enough internet access to make a chroot and install amarok and see if the collection works?17:06
macoRiddell: did we go over that bit where i dont konw how to make a chroot from which i can run things and based on that a certain flatmate says he'd take away my upload rights?17:07
maco(he thankfully cant do that ;-) )17:08
Riddellmaco: it's trivial to do though, I can tell you easily enough17:08
Riddellsudo debootstrap karmic karmic17:08
Riddellsudo mount -t none -o bind /tmp karmic/tmp17:08
Riddellsame for /proc and /dev17:08
Riddellxhost +17:08
Riddellsudo chroot karmic17:09
Riddellinstall amarok from backports17:09
Riddellsee what breaks17:09
Riddellsee what parts of mysql need to be installed to fix it17:09
macoso if i do that in ~  itll make a ~/karmic in which the chroot'll live?17:09
FersureHello. Is there something similarto KUser available that's a tad easier to grasp/use?17:24
Fersure*Similar to17:24
JontheEchidnaFersure: Yes, we ship a userconfig utility that shows up in the "Advanced" tab of System Settings17:24
JontheEchidnaThe "User Management" module17:25
FersureAh yes, I see it. I never noticed it before for some reason.17:25
FersureThank you. :)17:25
FersureIs it Kubuntu specific? Or shipped with upstream KDE?17:26
daskreech\o/ for having an answer before the question is asked17:26
JontheEchidnaFersure: We've not gotten it into upstream KDE, but it's available for any distribution that wants to package it17:28
JontheEchidnaWould be nice to get that upstream ,though17:29
JontheEchidnayuriy_work: We should get another userconfig release out before freezes sneak up on us17:29
yuriy_workyeah.. i've been meaning to take a day and fix all the reported bugs17:32
yuriy_worki haven't seen anything particularly difficult17:32
yuriy_workbut so far only got to one17:32
FersureJontheEchidna: I agree. Or at least something similar.17:32
yuriy_worki also updated OO.o oxygen icons, but still need to get that into ooo-build so hopefully it can get included in Lucid17:33
JontheEchidnanice. THough you may have to worry about UI freeze now for that...17:34
yuriy_workyeah :-\17:34
JontheEchidnaanyways, just give a holler if you need the next userconfig release tar'd/packaged17:34
Zoraelplasma-widget-networkmangement-pptp in kubuntu-ppa/experimental (still) can't be installed.17:35
Zorael  plasma-widget-networkmanagement-pptp: Depends: knm-runtime (= 0.9~svn1102346-0ubuntu1~ppa2) but 0.9~svn1102346-0ubuntu1~ppa4 is installed.17:35
jjessenixternal: you available for me to call?17:37
nixternaljjesse: yeah, I have a few minutes17:42
jjessedid you ignore my call?17:47
nixternalmy phone isn't ringing, it is just sending people to voice mail17:49
macoRiddell: xhost + ?? whats that?17:49
jjessecalling again17:49
nixternalI am not in the ghetto, so the verizon network people shouldn't be scared17:49
macosomeone was just telling me they hate amarok 2 because it doesnt have a tabular layout, so you cant sort17:50
macothe playlist17:50
macoi told them "yeah there's a button right above it for that..."17:50
Riddellmaco: xhost +   removes access permissions for X17:50
macoso then they said well its still not tabular!17:50
macoAND they want to be able to sort by rating then delete everything that has 1 star. can only delete from collection which wont show rating. im like "so you want delete-from-collection in the playlist where you can see the rating" "yes. and a tabular layout so i can resize columns"  ... i told him he should use rhythmbox17:51
maco(he says amarok was clearly infiltrated by gnome people and thats why he hates it... yet when describing his ideal interface, he describes rhythmbox)17:52
macothis sounds silly17:52
macoRiddell: i assume i need to put some music somewhere in the chroot to test this17:53
nixternalw00t, jjesse just called me and talked dirty on the phone17:54
nixternalshoot, I can't remember what I was doing now before you called17:55
JontheEchidnaputting your keys in the fridge17:55
nixternaloh now I remember, I wasn't doing a damn thing, so there was nothing to remember17:56
nixternalis that where my keys are?17:56
nixternalactually, I am all about security, so I leave my keys in the car and lock the doors17:56
shtylmanRiddell: are kubuntu related bugs tagged in launchpad somehow?17:57
shtylmanalso.. whenever you file a bug for ubiquity related to kde feel free to subscribe me17:58
shtylmanI don't always read all the launchpad email17:58
JontheEchidnashtylman: subscribe or assign; which would you prefer?17:58
shtylmanbut I do check my subscribed bugs pretty often17:58
nixternali am glad someone does17:58
macoRiddell: wait a second. this chroot. i need to install 2.2 first dont i? and run it, then install 2.3 from backports and run it?17:58
shtylmanJontheEchidna: I would say generally subscribe because sometimes the other installer folks get around to fixing it17:58
nixternali need to get back in the bug mood17:58
shtylmancause the root cause may not be kubuntu related17:59
JontheEchidnashtylman: kk17:59
shtylmanso I can take a look and assign myself if needed17:59
Riddellmaco: I don't think installing 2.2 makes any difference ( I suspect that not having akonadi installed might)18:00
Riddellshtylman: http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 is bugs milestoned to a lucid milestone and tagged "kubuntu"18:01
macoRiddell: i thought it was people saying their collections didnt get transfered from old-way to new-way?18:01
Riddellmaco: dunno, I suspect it's some part of mysql not being installed, testing is needed to find out18:02
Riddelldavmor2: are you related to this David Mark Robert Morley chap who wants to befriend me?18:02
macoO_O "apt-get install amarok" is a looooooooot18:02
shtylmanRiddell: ah... thank you.. how did you come to that page?18:02
shtylmansome complicated search query?18:03
jjessenixternal: i only talk dirty to you18:03
Riddellshtylman: yes18:03
Riddellshtylman: the release team uses a page that looks for bugs which are milestoned and targetted for lucid (so always nominate for release bugs to lucid too)18:04
daskreechjjesse: He's the only one that answers?18:04
nixternalgrr baby grr18:07
macowow while that chroot is busy installing amarok, my not-chrooted amarok is stuttering from the load18:09
nixternalmy amarok is playing a video!!! \o/ for the win baby, for the win!18:11
Riddellnixternal: where did that come from?18:11
ScottKRiddell: Would you please do the sync in Bug #534264?  It's lack is making fabo unhappy.18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534264 in kvpnc "Sync kvpnc 0.9.5-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53426418:15
jjesseRiddell: it came from me talking dirty to him18:16
nixternalRiddell: there is a video applet in amarok now that can play videos18:18
ScottKBeta 1 is pushed back to tomorrow AM UTC18:19
shtylmandaskreech: too many bugs :)18:25
daskreechAh and my friend updated to it last night to try it out18:25
daskreechI told him it was rough right now but he reasoned that it's the beta so it should be pretty smooth18:26
daskreechIt was to tell the truth18:26
ScottKToo many uploads, too late, so testing not done.18:26
daskreechBut still for an LTS release that's not a great first step to public release18:26
daskreechDoes Kubuntu have a burn down chart?18:26
ScottKRiddell normally worries about it.18:27
Riddellpitti tried it but I never saw anything useful burndown chart wise, mostly you can scan https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo for green18:27
davmor2Riddell: tis I18:27
Riddelland for bugs I again highlight my favourite link http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx918:28
daskreechIt's nearly all green18:28
shtylmanRiddell: was there ever a bug filed for kde installer using 100% cpu?18:30
shtylmanor did we just talk about it18:30
Riddellshtylman: yes18:31
shtylmanRiddell: happen to remember a bug number?18:31
shtylmanI can't seem to locate it18:31
Riddellbug 53850518:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538505 in ubiquity "Extremely slow reponsiveness / high CPU usage" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53850518:32
Riddellit's missing the tag and it's not nominated for lucid, tsk18:32
Riddellubiquity bugs really need a triage I've noticed, there's > 1000 open18:32
shtylmanwell.. I have a fix for that one18:34
RiddellScottK: for that sync bug what about "kvpnc depends on pkg-kde-tools >= 0.6.5. We need to have it first." ?18:34
Riddellshtylman: ooh?18:34
shtylmanso 999 now18:34
shtylmanabout to commit it18:34
shtylmanyou can test it locally if you want (please do)18:34
shtylmanif you have the files handy its an easy 1 line fix18:34
macois there a way to make Quassel STOP deleting linebreaks/18:35
macoit used to maintain linebreaks for multi-line pastes. now it totally deletes linebreaks and its really annoying18:35
shtylmanRiddell: fix has been commited18:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: Would you please look at Bug #534264 and answer Riddell's question ^^^ since you ack'ed it.18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534264 in kvpnc "Sync kvpnc 0.9.5-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53426418:46
macoRiddell: um im heading back to no-wifi-zone in like a half hour :( so i dont think i can work on this amarok thing now18:52
shtylmanno wifi zone eh18:55
shtylmansounds like a dmz18:55
daskreechDead Mooching zone?18:56
ScottKDear websvn.kde.org hamsters, please peddle faster.18:57
shtylmanScottK: hopefully the git hampsters will be faster18:59
nixternalhopefully there will be git hampsters19:00
shtylmanoh there will be... we just don't know when19:00
nixternalright now it seems the git hampsters aren't powerful enough to run the entire kde project19:00
macodaskreech: yep. all teh wifi by my aunt's house has passwords19:00
nixternalso now they are trying to figure out how to create a git hampster on steroids so the work towards git can continue19:01
nixternalwhich means, i need to learn git19:01
daskreechAll the wifi in my neighbourhood have linksys as the name and admin admin on the passwords19:01
nixternaland tomorrow, i am taking an hour long git class at http://www.flourishconf.com :)19:01
daskreechI logged into a few and tuned them to run faster19:01
nixternaloh, they aren't admin1234 passwords anymore?19:01
daskreechI'm surrounded by old people who are talking to their children abroad19:02
nixternalsounds like ScottK's neighborhood19:02
ScottKI tend to see ~ 10% unencrypted, 80% WEP, and 10% WPA when I do surveys.19:02
macothre are only 3 APs in her neighborhood19:02
nixternalgangsters in ScottK's hood use canes, but not to be pimps, it is because their hips can't take the abuse of walking anymore19:03
macothere used to be 1 unencrypted one with a really low signal thatd drop a lot and be slow when i visted 3 years ago19:03
nixternaland you gotta be careful, otherwise they will pull a derringer on you19:03
macoi'm surprised there's any wifi at all here at the ski resort. there was none 3 years ago except "Free Public WiFi"19:03
maco(that is, there was 1 AP *total* and it was unencrypted)19:04
macoapparently colorado hasnt really heard of this "wireless internet" thing19:04
nixternalwhen i went to vail, and at breckenridge, there was a ton of free and fast wifi19:04
nixternalthat was just last year19:04
maconah i had to pay $25 to get a week of wifi here in vail, and its about 15Kbps19:05
macosometimes it bursts to 50Kbps!19:05
nixternalwhere at in vail are you?19:06
macowest vail19:06
JontheEchidnaRiddell, ScottK, fabo: looks like kvpnc doesn't really need pkg-kde-tools, 0.6.5. Might be better to just merge it with the only difference being the use of pkg-kde-tools
macomeadow creek19:07
nixternalwe stayed at Lionshead in an expensive ass lodge19:07
macoagh firefox is using less than 400mb but *still* all 4gb of ram + 1.3gb of swap are in use19:08
nixternalright at the base of the mountain19:08
maconixternal: my aunt's friends have a condo two shuttle bus stops from lionshead (farther west)19:08
nixternalthe arabelle at vail square is nice...my best friend's family is on the board for them, so we get to stay there free, otherwise their you would pay anywhere from 1200 to 3500 or so a night19:09
nixternali paid for 5 days at lionshead and it was $500/night19:10
macoum how many nepomuk processes should be running at a tinme?19:11
macoive got 10 running and this seems excessive. i wouldve thought 1 would be enough19:12
Fersureum, I'm trying to follow the guide for packaging in *buntu and I seem to be getting some errors (I'm totally new to this so I've just followed the PackagingGuide on the wiki)19:15
debfxdoes kate save settings like tab width per file?19:16
daskreechmaco: me too19:16
Riddelldebfx: no I think that's globally set19:17
Fersurethis is the error I get when running "debuild -S"19:17
Riddellhi Fersure, what's in debian/rules ?19:18
FersureRiddell: What it shows in PackagingGuide/Basic19:18
Fersureon the wiki19:18
debfxRiddell: I set the tab width to 4, which works for every file except one, which has tab width 819:18
pygiRiddell, hey19:18
FersureRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#rules <-19:19
Riddellhi pygi19:19
pygiRiddell, do you have a moment to talk about GSoC?19:19
pygiI like one of the ideas :)19:19
RiddellFersure: tar up the debian/ directory and put it on a web server somewhere, I'll look19:20
Riddellpygi: can do19:20
FersureRiddell: Okay. Thanks.19:21
pygiRiddell, the idea I like is KDE UbuntuOne client19:21
pygiand was wondering what's the priority of that idea for Kubuntu?19:21
Riddellpygi: I'd like to see it and we get quite a few requests for it.  I know the Ubuntu One team would like to see it19:21
pygiRiddell, so this would basically be building QT interface and KDE integration on top of the existing U1 backend?19:22
Riddellit's something apachelogger has looked into and there's the ubuntu one team who hopefully could help19:23
Riddellbut yes, getting dolphin talking to the U1 file store19:23
apacheloggerpygi: ubuntu one standas for a lot of things19:24
Riddellmaybe sharing bookmarks from KDE through U119:24
Riddellas a nice starting point19:24
pygiapachelogger, yes, music store, file sharing, etc :P19:24
apacheloggerfirst I would go create a kded module that interacts with the u1 daemon19:24
apacheloggerthat way async interaction becomes way easier19:24
apacheloggerfor music store you would have to implement an amarok collection plugin, for which there is quite good API19:25
apacheloggeramarok 2 was designed to make this part very extensible19:25
pygiso I guess you expect support for all U1 functionalities done during GSoC?19:25
apacheloggerbookmark sharing depends on making an akonadi agent/resource for couchdb19:25
apacheloggerpygi: nope, for filesharing kded module + dolphin integration would suffice19:26
apacheloggerfor music store and bookmark stuff youd need to create a kded module and said akonadi resource/agent19:26
FersureRiddell: http://fersure.chanops.org/hello_2.4-debian-rules.tar.bz219:26
macoRiddell: im trying to run amarok 2.2 from that chroot and it doesnt work19:26
JontheEchidnaI am wondering, if my proposal would fill 10-12 weeks of coding time: http://pastebin.com/Kb0Ghzeq Any input? Things anybody'd like to see in language-selector?19:27
macoprocess 22822: D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": No such file or directory
See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.
<unknown program name>(22822)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:  "Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-7WdSUIt1n7: Connection refused" 

<unknown program name>(22821)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe19:27
maco closed unexpectedly. 
* maco shakes fist at quassel19:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: other than it being cpp? ;)19:27
pygiapachelogger, ah ok, thank you :)19:27
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: :P19:27
RiddellFersure: see that bit which says "# REMOVE THIS LINE:"  that's a clue19:28
apacheloggerpygi: the project really scales up but for the kded you could mostly reuse the stuff I created for my tech preview19:28
macoSput: why does quassel keep deleting my linebreaks? i have multiline editing enabled in the settings19:28
pygiapachelogger, right, I'll think more about this...but I've been interested in this for a while :)19:28
Riddellapachelogger: bookmarks aren't in akonadi I'm sure19:28
Sputmaco: not sure19:29
Sputmaco: works here19:29
Sputmaco: are you using shift+enter to start a new line?19:29
apacheloggerpygi: the thing with dolphin integration is that AFAIK there is no generic API, but I suppose one could build up on the SVN integration19:29
FersureRiddell: Oh. I kept that because of what it said afterwards about 'eating the shebang'. D:19:29
apacheloggerRiddell: akonadi got a bookmarks resource, so technically it could19:29
apacheloggerRiddell: technically it should and will19:29
FersureWasn't sure exactly what it meant. I'll fix that now.19:29
apacheloggerso making u1 use the old html based bookmarks would be nothing but short minded19:29
macoSput: im pasting multiple lines of text into the textbox. in the textbox they display as multiple lines. when i hit enter to send it, the newlines all go away19:29
FersureRiddell: ty, and sorry for being such a newb at this. lol :)19:29
Sputmaco: hmmm... and you're using the most recent package?19:30
macoSput: for instance what i pasted up there was 3 separate lines and somehow became only one line in quassel19:30
RiddellFersure: let us know if you need more help19:30
macoSput: whatever's in lucid19:30
Sputwe've had some bugs in that regard, but I *think* they've been fixed19:30
Sput(but I also think it should be in the version ScottK packaged, though I'm not completely sure)19:30
macoi can check for updates...19:30
macowell after i reboot. because my computer is using over 5gb of memory rihgt now and ive only got 4gb of ram19:30
JontheEchidnaFersure: Either this channel or #ubuntu-motu are good for packaging questions, should you have them.19:30
macosomething is memory leaking out the wazoo19:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: actually I believe it's #ubuntu-packaging now19:31
apacheloggeroh my19:31
JontheEchidnaoh? nobody ever told me :(19:31
JontheEchidna-motu still has over 200 nicks in it, lol19:31
maco(quassel is using 212mb, firefox is using about half its usual... only 380mb)19:31
Sputmaco: yeah would be good to check, I think the fixed version wasn't packaged until 4 or 5 days ago19:31
FersureOkay. Thanks Riddell and JontheEchidna. :)19:32
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shtylmanRiddell: any progress with the logo (shtylman looks with hopeful eyes)19:37
Riddellshtylman: yes but mostly no19:37
daskreechI thought eyes like that only happened in animes19:37
shtylmanRiddell: tragic19:38
daskreechWhere is the akonadi_googledata resource?19:44
Riddellgoogle pay us to install it to collect data on everything you do19:45
shtylmanI for one welcome our new google overlords19:45
Riddellnixternal: help, how do I attach an image to he help wiki?19:49
Riddellwhat I need is a help wiki to tell me how to use this help wiki19:50
daskreechshtylman: this is publicly spidered so you better :)19:51
macoRiddell: i dont know how you get by on only 1gb of ram. firefox with 1 tab, choqok, quassel, and kontact on their own require 3gb19:58
macoi dont even have anything extraneous like a photo manager or music player running19:58
macoor word processor or anything like htat19:58
macojust my "always open in the background" apps19:58
shtylmanRiddell: did we make a decision on using network manager plasmoid?19:58
shtylmanmaco: 1 gb ram used to be A LOT of ram19:59
shtylmansadly apps these days are eating more and more19:59
macoshtylman: my mobo maxes out at 4gb (which i have installed). swapping is normal for me :-/20:00
shtylmansomething is wrong there...20:00
macoon jaunty i complained about swapping with 2gb, so i upgraded to 4. now 4 is seeming insufficient, after only one year...20:01
shtylmandeff not right... you should not be swapping with 4gb ... unless you have some insane workload happening20:01
shtylmanare you compiling lots of software with parallel processes?20:01
macoram is definitely my bottleneck. my cpu runs at 600mhz all the time20:01
macoim not compiling anything at all20:01
shtylmanthen what do you have open?20:02
macofirefox often uses 700mb of ram. thats normal20:02
shtylmanI just don't believe that you have a ram issue20:02
shtylmantry chrome20:02
macobut quassel and kontact both use upwards of 200mb if left running a couple days20:02
shtylman700mb is abismal20:02
macochoqok uses 150-200mb20:02
shtylmanthats insane...20:02
shtylmanis something leaking?20:02
shtylmancause those numbers are rediculous...20:03
macoand then theres a lot of memory that's in use that's unaccounted for by the top 10 processes, that i can only figure are leaks in kdelib20:03
macoplasma uses 150-200mb of ram as well20:03
macoknotify4 was using 210mb earlier today20:03
shtylmanI bet alot of that is shared20:03
shtylmanI can't see all those apps using that much memory20:03
macoi just rebooted, so "only" 3399mb of ram are in use right now20:03
macothats the resident column in top, not the virtual one20:03
maco27 minutes uptime, 3.4gb ram in use20:04
macobut like i said i have at least 10 nepomukservice processes. i imagine if there was only 1 thatd free up some memory20:05
Riddellshtylman: I'm minded against NM plasmoid, there's no compelling reason, people seem to have troubles with it and it's past our feature freeze20:05
maco(also, my cpu fan is constantly going... has been since 4.4 hit karmic backports)20:05
shtylmanRiddell: hm... alright... lets just hope we can deploy a better version later maybe? concerns with staying with NM regular is that we won't have bugfixes from upstream right?20:08
macoshould dbus-daemon be running twice? its running once as me, once as root20:08
shtylmanmaco... I think your system is fscked20:09
daskreechmaco: I have 600 MBs of RAM20:09
Riddellmaco: yes you should have both system and session dbus20:10
macoRiddell: ok. how about 10 nepomuk processes? what do i need all those for?20:10
daskreechTo keep your lap warm20:11
macoand whats this virtuoso thing thats hogging up my cpu right now?20:11
macoshtylman: dapper's looking *really* nice right now. it ran great on 1gb of ram!20:11
macooh or feisty. feisty was tremendous. great hardware support and fast!20:11
Riddellmaco: virtuoso is the database for nepomuk20:12
Riddellyou can turn off nepomuk in system setting20:12
daskreechFeisty was my fav release of Kubuntu so far20:12
macomaybe if i delete a lot of old email, kontact will use less than 130mb of ram?20:16
nixternalRiddell: you figured it out I see...i was getting ready to do the same thing as you did :)20:18
Riddellnixternal: I had to add the query to the end of the URL manually20:19
nixternaloh, you just need to do20:20
shtylmanRiddell: and for the boot splash we are going with the default ubuntu one for now?20:20
nixternaldon't use the entire url because htere is a possibility it can change with updates20:20
shtylmanhave those issues been resolved?20:20
nixternalyou did it right20:21
nixternalNightrose: what did you use to make that diagram for kde-soc?20:21
Nightrosebest minmapping tool ever20:21
nixternaloh rock on20:21
nixternali was using inkscape because everything i tried sucked and didn't give me a nice presentation like that20:22
* nixternal grabs xmind20:22
nixternaltake it xmind isn't in the repos either :/20:22
Nightroseno but there are packages20:22
Nightroseyou can get it from their website20:22
Riddellshtylman: using the ubuntu theme for plymouth yes20:23
Riddellshtylman: what issues?20:23
nixternalyeah, downloading the deb now20:23
shtylmanRiddell: kdm related20:23
Riddellshtylman: yes20:24
Riddellshtylman: well we still need a patch for the smooth transition, tseliot is working on that20:24
nixternalhehe, looks just like eclipse, so i knew it was java based :)20:24
* maco offline til sunday20:24
shtylmanRiddell: gotcha20:24
Riddellhmm, we need nice kubuntu themes images for the announcement20:25
shtylmanRiddell: we don't have a logo to do that with :(20:25
* JontheEchidna thinks people will start to worry if we don't have logos/bootsplashes by beta220:26
* shtylman is running around like a chicken with no head cause of it :)20:26
Nightrosenixternal: hehe yea - it's an eclipse plugin afaik20:28
shtylmanRiddell: im thinking a circle of the various icons around the kubuntu logo ... could look nice20:28
ryanakcaIs there any news on a shiny new Kubuntu logo?20:45
danttiRiddell: there will be a new release tomorrow, I think I forgot the file with that update stuff patch20:45
danttican you send again to me so the new PK has support for it ?20:46
shtylmanryanakca: no :(20:49
Riddelldantti: http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/pk-upgrade-distro.sh20:49
Riddelldantti: fetch again, updated it20:55
danttiRiddell: are you sure about those echos?20:56
danttiRiddell: I think you add that to debug wasn't it?20:58
Riddelldantti: no echos in current version, get it again21:00
danttiI still get them, can I manually get rid of the 3?21:01
Riddelljr@wido:~$ w3m http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/pk-upgrade-distro.sh | grep echo elif [ "`which zenity 2> /dev/null > /dev/null; echo $?`" -eq 0 ]; then21:02
danttithen... ?21:02
Riddellthere's only one echo in it according to   w3m http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/pk-upgrade-distro.sh | grep21:03
danttiright that is probably my browser cache21:04
daskreechw3m can be piped?21:04
danttiRiddell: good commiting it now..21:05
Riddelldantti: thanks21:07
danttiRiddell: is kubuntu using 0.5 right? when will be the next release?21:12
dantticommited btw21:13
Riddelldantti: yes 0.5.7 in lucid, release is end of april (beta is today)21:16
danttiRiddell: right so my work on aptcc and kpk 0.6 to have debconf can maybe get in the next release... :)21:17
danttigot to go now.. see you guys later...21:17
ScottKSput: Our quassel is from 6 days ago.  I don't think you've committed much since.21:29
SputScottK: yes, but we don't know if maco has that version already21:30
ScottKIf she's updated in the last 5 days she has.21:30
ScottKThere's a ~1 day window in there where she make have a trunk snapshot.21:30
ScottKRiddell: FYI, all the Qt packages that were broken on IA64 are built now so our FTBFS count went way down.21:33
RiddellScottK: awooga21:39
RiddellScottK: did doko add a fix to qt or was it an issue elsewhere?21:40
ScottKRiddell: doko worked around a GCC bug by building with different compiler flags on IA64.21:40
ScottKIt builds fine with GCC 4.5.21:40
shtylman"options" tab under a printer's settings needs to have a scrollbar22:13
shtylmanmy printer has lots of options and they have now caused the print setup window to "gow"22:13
shtylmanand I can no longer click accept :(22:13
* ScottK doesn't even want to think about that on a netbook then.22:18
ScottK(that's my backhanded way of agreeing it needs a scrollbar)22:20
JontheEchidnashtylman: http://imagebin.ca/view/iyDma3zd.html :D22:22
JontheEchidnarecursive scrollbar fail: http://imagebin.ca/view/lGFb-pD7.html22:23
ScottKBTW, I'm preparing a kdebase-workspace upload for ~tomorrow if anyone has stuff that needs to go in.22:23
shtylmanJontheEchidna: I can't go to .ca domains for some reason22:25
shtylmanI think we have a router misconfiguration at work :)22:25
JontheEchidnashtylman: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopeb1616-jpg.jpg22:26
shtylmanwhat has happened there...22:27
shtylmansomething seems... "wrong"22:27
JontheEchidnashtylman: same thing that happened to you, but huger22:27
shtylmanthats the same link btw22:27
shtylmanbut yea.. I see.. its all spaced out22:28
JontheEchidnanot quite, actually22:28
JontheEchidnaok, that's the right one22:28
shtylmanoh ... jesus22:28
JontheEchidnascrollbar inside scrollbar :P22:28
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crimsunhuh. Anyone notice the logo on the wall in the photo attached to http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/03/cyberbullying-not-protected ?23:23
jtechidnaHa, neat23:54

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