
maxbPurely ooi, and because I'm attempting to copy it for use in my own project, is it correct that db patches don't necessarily land in numerical order?00:03
maxbwgrant: Does Launchpad work with python2.6/lucid at all for you now? I am now getting the distribute pain on multiple lucid machines, and it looks like it ought to reproduce 100%00:31
wgrantmaxb: I forget if I still have everything downgraded.00:32
* wgrant tries.00:32
wgrantI appear to have the latest version of python-distribute and python-pkg-sources.00:32
wgranter, *resources00:32
wgrantThere is still the zope.interface issue, but that's all I have held.00:33
maxbHmm. I wonder if I apt-get install python-distribute, it will work for me00:33
wgrantAnd I did a tree build (not from scratch, but from a fresh branch) this morning.00:33
maxbzope.interface issue?00:33
wgrantI don't have python-distribute installed.00:33
wgrantBuilds were failing a couple of weeks ago for me because LP wants zope.interface 3.5.2, while Lucid has
maxbhow odd. I can't even run bootstrap.py without hacking ez_setup.py00:34
wgrantWhat's the error you're getting now?00:34
wgrantRight, I was in that situation for a while.00:34
wgrantBut it works now.00:34
maxb    PYTHONPATH=ws.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools')).location)00:35
maxbAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'location'00:35
maxbugh, how mysterious00:35
wgrantYeah, that one...00:36
wgrantIt was never particularly reproducible.00:36
maxbperplexing. ok.00:37
sidneimaxb, i think gary was working on that issue. he helped me get past that on lazr-js00:38
maxbI would imagine so. Poor gary gets stuck with all the buildout insanity :-)00:39
sidneimaxb, if you fetch the bootstrap.py from lp:lazr-js it *might* work, though the command line options changed a little bit.00:39
maxbthat could be interesting00:39
* thumper drags attention back to email jobs00:57
thumperutilities/ec2 land --dry-run lp:~james-w/launchpad/export-code-import01:24
thumpermwhudson: do you remember the simple way we should be getting a store now? (in a test)01:52
mwhudsonthumper: IStore(ModelClass) ?01:52
thumperoh FFS, why is it in canonical.launchpad.interfaces...01:54
wgrantIs there a place for all that Foundations stuff to go?02:07
thumperwgrant: like what?02:13
wgrantthumper: Most of the Foundations stuff still lives in canonical.$NONLOGICALCONGLOMERATIONOFPACKAGES02:14
thumperwgrant: well, specifics?02:14
thumperwgrant: most foundational stuff should go into lp.services02:15
wgrantThe Storm utilities.02:15
thumperwe should probably have lp.services.storm02:15
thumperlp.app.webapp maybe?02:15
thumperor lp.services.webapp02:15
mwhudsonand call it something else02:15
spmoops. did I type that in? sorry....  >:)02:18
* mwhudson fights the database restore03:37
* wgrant is bemused by the existence of lib/canonical/not-used03:38
wgrantIt contains only an empty directory -- hctapi, of all things.03:38
spmat least the naming is self-referentially correct :-)03:39
mwhudsonwgrant: i03:39
mwhudson'll review a branch removing it03:39
thumperspm: heh03:40
wgrantIt's also tempting to kill canonical.doap and lp.archivepublisher.library. Both have been untouched and unused for at least four years.03:41
thumpersilly team inconsistencies with the rest of the codebase03:45
thumper.teamowner vs .owner for *everything* elase03:45
* thumper pushes up pipe 2 of 4 for email job work03:55
wgrantthumper: Well, teamowner is special, given that it defines the type of the object.03:57
thumperwgrant: yeah, I know03:57
thumperwgrant: it could just be called owner and have the same impact03:58
spmmwhudson: ref the DB restore; also triggered a nagios alert on "staging in restore mode for > 1 hour"; the actual "outage" part of a staging restore was 62 minutes. ouchies. ie sync new code; build it; (~45 mins) alter _new DB's and re-start, ~ 17mins.03:59
mwhudsonspm: ugh03:59
mwhudsonit would be really nice to ratchet make build time down some04:00
* thumper EODs the 1/2 day04:11
jtvIs launchpad totally unresponsive (beyond the front pages) for anyone else?07:59
wgrantjtv: WFM08:00
adeuringgood morning08:01
jtvwgrant: for example, do you get https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews ?08:10
jtvhi adeuring08:10
adeuringji jtv!08:10
spmjtv: I do/can08:14
jtvI've got no problem with https to our wikis, or to the front page, but I can't access anything useful on LP08:15
spmdiff browser? and or sniff network traffic?08:15
* wgrant can too.08:15
jtvtime to check /etc/hosts08:15
jtv/etc/hosts is fine.  :/08:16
spmjtv: is "I can't access anything useful on LP" some sort of reference to the info hosted by LP? or a network access type of comment? :-P08:16
jtvspm: I can't access code, bugs, or translations pages for any projects I've tried.08:16
spmtry a different browser?08:16
* wgrant deletes 10KLOC08:16
spmwgrant: only 220K more to go!08:17
jtvspm: heyy, that did the trick!08:17
jtvso... why doesn't it work in chromium!?08:17
spmjtv: seriously? oh my. in that case, flush your cache for starters/restart that browser; and if still no joy; zot cookies as well. if STILL no joy; rename that .<browser> dir and start afresh08:18
spmjtv: you're the developer. debug it! :-P08:18
spmman, I am *so* going to hell....08:19
jtvI just did.  It was the browser I had the kanban board open in.08:19
jtvspm: as opposed to the people who have to work with you?  I wonder what we're being punished _for_ though08:19
snaggenI'm trying to get launchpad codereviews to work on my own launchpad setup. It currently works on the web and it is sending mails. But how is the replying to the mail part working?08:19
spmjtv 2, spm 0.08:19
spmsnaggen: there's a processmail script that runs that processes incoming email08:20
jtvspm: so the trick turns out to be, don't keep leankitkanban.com open any longer than you have to.  With chromium at least you don't need to restart the browser to undo its damage, so that's progress.08:20
spmsnaggen: cronscripts/process-mail.py fwiw08:21
snaggenspm: but the reply goes to some mp+1@code.launchpad.dev. So I guess I have to have some mailserver running on that host. But is there some procmail to get the mails in to the database or how does that work? or does teh process-mail.py script access to the mailboxes?08:22
spmjtv: I tried chromium, but with the number of tabs I typically have open; it (impressively!) eats even more memory than firefox08:22
wgrantsnaggen: process-mail.py looks in a mailbox.08:22
spmsnaggen: latter; pop3 I think...08:23
wgrantSee mailbox.txt.08:23
snaggenwgrant: spm: Thanks for the pointers...08:23
spmand on that note. dinner beckons. night all.08:24
wgrantMorning bigjools.09:26
wgrantbigjools/noodles775: What do you think of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/show-package-sets-in-queue/+merge/21521?09:27
bigjoolswgrant: looks great, my only question is did you look at the difference in the number of queries made?09:28
bigjoolsthat page is very, very sensitive to query count09:28
bigjoolsi.e. it's close to the timeout limit09:29
wgrantHm, I thought that was only when accepting stuff.09:29
bigjoolsit's displaying the page09:32
wgrantIt renders in 3 seconds SQL time on edge.09:32
bigjoolswe fixed the acceptance issue by making it redirect when the txn finishes09:32
wgrantOh, it didn't before?09:32
bigjoolswhat I am interested in is the increase in queries needed for each row09:32
bigjoolsit never used to09:33
bigjoolsit was fixed just before karmic09:33
bigjoolsstub: when all references to a libraryfilealias have gone, the gc deletes the files automatically right?09:39
wgrantbigjools: It adds just one query per source row.09:41
wgrantAnd it's pretty trivial as well.09:41
bigjoolswgrant: ok that's fine then cheers09:42
wgrantbigjools: Do you have a solution to build start time estimation with builder pools?09:51
bigjoolswgrant: nope09:51
bigjoolswgrant: btw can you get another reviewer to check out your +queue change please, I am sprinting09:52
wgrantI've been wondering how to do it for multi-arch builders, and it seems to be a similar sort of problem :/09:52
bigjoolssorry, too09:52
wgrantbigjools: Oh, I intended to.09:52
bigjoolsyes it's kinda hard09:52
wgrantJust wanted you to OK it.09:52
bigjoolscool thanks for asking :)09:53
wgrantI can't see an obvious way to do it apart from a full simulation.09:53
bigjoolsit's a *estimation* :)09:53
wgrantjtv: The 'building' icon spacing on https://edge.launchpad.net/builders seems a bit broken. Is that related to your changes?09:55
jtvwgrant: yes, it is.  How appropriate it is depends a bit on your perspective: it's the build status, so I'm displaying it as part of the link to the build.  It did simplify the code.09:56
jtvwgrant: in fact this is the subject matter of a UI review that's currently somewhere in limbo.09:57
wgrantjtv: The current spacing is definitely broken. I think the ordering is too, but that's up for debate.09:57
jtvwgrant: I don't think I changed the ordering... did I?09:58
wgrantIt was '( ) Building _blah blah blah i386_'09:58
wgrantIt is now 'Building ( )_blah blah blah i386_'09:58
jtvwgrant: oh, sorry, misunderstood you earlier.  That's the part I was talking about all along.09:59
wgrantjtv: Why does it make the code simpler?09:59
wgrantBecause it was looking at the build status to generate the icon?09:59
jtvwgrant: and because it was easier to have a link formatter for builds.10:00
wgrantjtv: Argh, where's the template for that?10:01
* wgrant cannot find it.10:01
wgrantjtv: Looks like buildfarmbuildjob-current.pt10:03
jtvah yes, that's where the link happens now.10:03
jtvThat was another thing: we can't show that icon for a buildless job.10:03
jtvSo that's another way in which it belongs to the build, not the builder.10:04
wgrantSo, I think we should do what is done for the rest of the states.10:04
wgrantAnd just use the currentlybuilding icon if there's a job assigned.10:04
wgrantRegardless of state.10:04
jtvThat's fine by me.10:04
noodles775jtv: did you update the MP with the instructions for demoing it that we discussed? I won't get to it while sprinting, but there are quite a few people around who can do it?10:04
stubbigjools: yes, after while.10:04
noodles775Although, I now it'll be a separate MP.10:04
jtvnoodles775: alas, no.  Catastrophic system failure & bad telephone line.10:05
jtvNot fun, being negotiated down to 1mbps when you're paying for 1210:05
jtvwhile your main system won't boot10:06
bigjoolsstub: ok ta10:06
wgrantjtv: Ah, so you already hardcode that icon form non-build BFJs?10:06
jtvwgrant: I _think_ I did that in an earlier iteration but it didn't seem appropriate.10:07
wgrantIt appears to be in devel's buildfarmjob-current.pt10:07
gmbstub: Question for you re: checkwatches holding transactions open, if you've got a sec.10:08
jtvwgrant: there was a lot of exploring to get it all in a sort of minimal working shape... I don't mind moving things around a bit now that we have a working situation.10:08
jtvhenninge: weird...  following the pbuilder instructions, when I exit my chroot and login to it again, I've lost my /etc/hosts patch that ntp needed.  Wasn't --save-after-login supposed to preserve that?10:14
henningejtv: yes, I thought so10:15
jtvmaybe --save-after-exec instead?10:15
henningebut may --login takes the system files and overwrites them on each login?10:15
henningejtv: I have not tried that too many times, I admit.10:15
henningejtv: try putting it in your own /etc/hosts ...10:16
jtvwill the chroot talk to my local dns!?10:16
* wgrant again points out that you can change the NTP host.10:17
jtvwgrant: you mean in /etc/ntp.conf?  Or by running an explicit ntpdate?10:18
jtvHmm... ntpdate isn't likely to work if it'll compete for a port with the host ntpd10:19
stubDamn Internet is a yoyo. I must be wearing the wrong colour shirt.10:19
wgrantjtv: By altering /etc/launchpad-buildd/default10:19
jtvwgrant: ntphost?  That's set to pool.ntp.org btw10:20
jtvwgrant: which is what I'd hope for, I guess10:20
wgrantjtv: Then you shouldn't need stuff in /etc/hosts.10:20
henningejtv: that's true10:20
henningejtv: I suspect that pbuilder updates the /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname, /etc/resolv.conf on each --login. That's why I was suggesting putting it there.10:22
jtvwgrant: I have to get some food soon...  could you file a bug for the build[er] status icon?10:23
wgrantjtv: Will do.10:23
jtvnoodles775: how about we call wgrant's feedback a UI review?10:23
wgrantHmm. There is no appropriate project any more :(10:23
jtvwgrant: yeah... I've been dealing with that by calling it Soyuz.10:24
wgrantI guess the views live in soyuz until somebody bothers to move them, so it can go there.10:24
jmlmwhudson, are you still around?10:28
* jml wants to know in how many places we've implemented two-stage kill10:28
noodles775jtv: yeah, it's definitely valuable, so add it to the MP (when you create it, it'll make it much easier for a ui-reviewer to approve it :)10:35
gmbstub: Sorry; didn't see your reply. So, my question:10:38
bigjoolsjtv: are you going to fix that icon problem on /builders?10:39
gmbstub: We know that checkwatches has a habit of holding transactions open whilst it does network stuff, which is Bad. However, we're not sure under what circumstances the transaction killer will come in and stomp on us. As far as we can tell, the first time we access a Storm object a new transaction is started, is that correct?10:39
gmb(assuming there isn't a transaction already)10:40
stubgmb: yes10:42
gmbstub: So if we have a storm object locally, even if we're not updating it, just accessing its attributes, we're essentially going to hold a transaction open whilst we do network stuff that might require data from that object, correct?10:43
stubFrom the Zope transaction side of things, yes, from the DB side of things, maybe.10:43
stub'maybe' because it will depend if Storm decides it needs to refresh something from the DB for some reason.10:44
stubOh... not accessing the store... just the object...10:44
stub'maybe' on both counts in that case :)10:45
gmbstub: Hmm. allenap did some testing last night and it appeared that Storm *always* refreshes from the DB if you access anything other than the ID. Is that not necessarily the case?10:45
allenapstub: I'll forward you the example I wrote.10:46
stubI don't know.10:46
gmballenap: Ta.10:46
stubI used to be the one campaigning to not keep objects alive over transaction boundaries :)10:46
jmlwhy isn't hitchhiker packaged in karmic, dammit10:50
stuballenap, gmb: Look like it is refreshing, yes. Same behavior with aborting and committing the transaction. Not sure if this is Storm or Storm+SQLObject compatibility standard.10:52
stubdef commit(self):10:55
stub        """Commit all changes to the database.10:55
stub        This invalidates the cache, so all live objects will have data10:55
stub        reloaded next time they are touched.10:55
stubLooks like Storm default behavior10:55
gmbstub, allenap: So, looks like local caching is the way to go. Feels like a bodge, though.10:55
stubRunning checkwatches in autocommit mode might be the simplest solution. It doesn't seem like the sort of problem you need transactional integrity for.10:55
allenapgmb: Right, the floor is covered in egg shells.10:56
allenapstub: That sounds good.10:56
stubAlso, consider pulling your objects from the slave and casting them to IMasterStore(obj) before making changes.10:56
allenapstub: That also sounds good. Will the transaction killer not kill transactions from slave stores?10:56
allenapstub: And, what's the right way to get checkwatches to run in autocommit mode?10:57
stubIt will, but there is no reason not to use the slave given you are already using possibly out of date information.10:58
stubWe are less aggressive on the slaves, and can be more lenient if necessary.10:58
stubSorry... IMasterObject(obj)...10:58
stubHmm... it is twisted isn't it.10:58
stubOh... it is also using LaunchpadScript as a base. There is an argument in there you can set.10:59
stubisolation=ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT argument to run()11:01
stubthe constant imported from canonical.database.sqlbase11:01
jtv1bigjools: I'd like to fix that, yes11:02
* gmb -> rebooting for updates11:04
stuballenap, gmb: Using the slave would be quite simple. Just install the SlaveDatabasePolicy(), and cast objects you need to write to using writable_obj = IMasterObject(object).11:07
stubwith SlaveDatabasePolicy(): [...]11:08
allenapstub: You're awesome, thank you.11:08
jmlany keen reviewers for https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/sftp-poppy/+merge/2162711:36
allenapjml: I'll do it.11:39
jmlallenap, thanks, but I've already swapped with noodles. your comments are still welcome though.11:40
jtvhenninge, wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/397192/  :-(11:46
jtvslave goes through:11:47
jtvIterating with success flag 0 against stage INIT11:47
jtvIterating with success flag None against stage UNPACK11:47
jtvIterating with success flag 0 against stage CLEANUP11:47
wgrantjtv: Your verifySlaveBuildID is probably buggy.11:47
wgrantIt's being told to abort.11:47
* jtv looks at the master log11:47
jtvwgrant: yup, that looks plausible!11:50
jtv2010-03-18 18:13:05+0700 [-] Builder 'bob' rescued from 'bf-test-5': 'BuildQueue 5 is not available: Object not found'11:50
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
jtvwgrant: I rather suspect that ended up being the job id instead of the buildqueue id...11:54
jtvDid we mention that this stuff was unnecessary complex?  :-)11:54
jtvYup, it's the job id.11:54
* jtv has to run off for a bit12:04
jtvmake that quite a bit12:05
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
jtv-afkdanilos: confirmed 539499, fix is on the way.12:05
danilosjtv-afk, it'd be better if you said "confirmed it's a fluke, fixed it in the wiki page" :)12:06
jtv-afkdanilos: better in what way, given that it's not the truth?12:06
danilosjtv-afk, better if it was the truth ;)12:06
jtv-afkwel duh!12:06
wgrantjtv-afk: There is of course the other matter of lp-buildd being unhappy about being aborted during unpack.12:09
jtv-afkwgrant: who wouldn't be?12:11
jtv-afkIt's *just* *not* *fair*.  I tested against this exact problem, and the only way it could have failed to fail is if the job and the buildqueue happened to get the same id.12:15
wgrantI wondered about how the tests managed to pass.12:15
jtv-afkYup.  Same id.  Pure, dumb coincidence.12:21
jtv-afkI wonder how I'm going to explain this to my reviewer.12:21
jtv-afkbut first, afk.12:21
jmlnoodles775, btw, the doc I was showing you is http://www.muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html12:24
jmlnoodles775, it's an excellent guide to zope component architecture, imho12:24
jmlthe buildbot is broken, is anyone working on it?12:30
jmlbigjools, http://www.kieranholland.com/code/documentation/nevow-stan/#the-tags-module12:38
noodles775jml: I'm disabling the test that is (apparently) causing the issue.12:38
gmbnoodles775: Did you disable that failing test? db_lp is still in [testfix]13:55
gmbI mean, I know I can force a build so that I can land a branch, but that seems to be the wrong thing to do.13:56
allenapstub: Hi. transaction.get()._resources seems to still contain stuff even when isolation is set to auto-commit. Checking with the psycopg connection seems to give me valid information. Do you object if I go back to checking with the raw connection?14:58
stubIn autocommit mode, there is no point doing the checks at all.14:58
stubI have no objections to reverting to checking the raw connection. You probably need to query the IZStorm utility for all stores and check each of them.14:59
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
allenapstub: Okay, cool. It's useful at the moment, during development, to make sure that tests are valid (i.e. using auto-commit). I also want to prevent regression in the future.15:01
rockstarmatsubara-lunch, Ursinha, are we having a production meeting this week?15:02
Ursinharockstar: yes sir15:02
Ursinharockstar: why?15:02
rockstarUrsinha, because I'm wondering where everyone is.15:02
rockstarOh crap, nevermind.  I forgot that the rest of didn't jump on the DST bandwagon yet.15:03
Ursinharockstar: :)15:04
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
Ursinhamatsubara, stub, check, gary_poster, rockstar, bigjools, sinzui, allenap: hey! what about a production meeting now? #launchpad-meeting @ Freenode16:02
gary_posterUrsinha: :-) matsubara standing in for me today16:02
Ursinhathanks gary_poster :)16:02
bigjoolsUrsinha: soyuz is sprinting, can you ping me if you need anything16:02
Ursinhasure bigjools, thanks16:03
bigjoolsthanks Ursinha16:03
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
noodles775gmb: As you've probably figured by now, I disabled the test with the testfix on devel only.16:47
noodles775(missed your message earlier).16:47
kfogelsinzui, in lib/canonical/launchpad/emailtemplates/email-processing-error.txt there is a URL ("https://help.launchpad.net/EmailInterface") that is to a non-existent page.  I can just fix it to include "Bugs", as in "https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface", but the text around it implies that it's about more than bugs.  Are there any other email interfaces to Launchpad?16:49
kfogelderyck: (if you know the answer to above, feel free to chime in)16:49
sinzuikfogel: There is a page about review email command16:50
kfogelsinzui: thanks16:50
kfogelfrustrating that search (https://help.launchpad.net/HelpOnActions?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=email+interface) doesn't find that page!16:52
sinzuiI only search google to find our content. moin suck16:55
sinzuikfogel: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Review16:55
kfogelsinzui: thanks.  see above; I found it17:01
james_wis https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/code-imports-use-ibranchtarget/+merge/21651 too big for a single branch?17:45
* james_w thinks of a better way to do it anyway17:48
=== leonardr-lunch is now known as leonardr
jmljames_w, it's probably not too big for a branch like that.17:51
jmljames_w, you might want to arrange something with the reviewer though.17:51
james_wI dropped the makeAnyCodeImport as makeCodeImport means the same thing essentially17:51
jmljames_w, ok.17:51
james_wif we want the distinction then I can do it as a followup branch17:51
jmljames_w, yeah.17:52
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
james_wok, less than half the size, much better18:00
mwhudsonjml: hi18:24
jmlmwhudson, hi18:24
kfogelaaaargh.  Is there no way in the help wiki to do a relative link to an anchor on a different page?  E.g., "[[Code/Review/#Email interface|foo]]" ?  It will come out as "https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Review/#Email+interface", which will not work.  But if you put in %20 for the space, it will escape the % and you'll get %2520.18:25
jmlkfogel, don't know, I'm afraid. #moin will probably be able to help though.18:26
kfogeljml: I'm just adding a manual anchor "<<Anchor(EmailInterface)>>" and linking to that.  Harrumph.18:27
mwhudsonjml: you pang18:28
jmlmwhudson, I did?18:28
jmlmwhudson, hmm. let me consult my oracle.18:28
mwhudsonjml: about 8 hours ago, it has to be said18:28
jmlmwhudson, oh yes. in how many places have we implemented two-stage kill?18:28
jmlmwhudson, because I did a thing.18:30
jmlmwhudson, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/sftp-poppy/+merge/2162718:31
jmlmwhudson, guess why the librarian was always taking 5s to shut down?18:31
james_wjml: I don't think tachandler can import from lp18:34
jmljames_w, why not?18:35
james_wI'm just finding the bug18:35
james_wit's used on machines that don't have the full lp source tree available18:35
jmljames_w, !!!18:36
mwhudsonjml: um, did it send a signal then wait 5 seconds to see if it had died yet?18:36
mwhudsonthere should be a comment in tachandler saying this18:36
jmlmwhudson, it sent a signal, didn't allow the zombie to be reaped, then kept polling every .1s for 5s to see if the zombie had gone yet (which it won't have)18:36
* mwhudson cries18:36
jmlthere should be a comment in lp.services.osutils and maybe a unit test18:37
jmlor we could just fix whatever bug it is that forces us to duplicate code this way.18:37
mwhudsonthe issue is that tachandler is used on the buildds18:38
jmlI mean, exactly how many more things do we need other than the vast size of our code base to block us from having a well organized code base18:38
jmlmwhudson, so tachandler should be in a separate tree then, I guess.18:40
mwhudsonthere is a difference between what we want and what we get :/18:40
jmlmwhudson, indeed.18:41
james_wjml:  bzr diff -r 10137..10137.2.218:42
mwhudsonjml: as a hack to get this landed, you could define the functions in tachandler, but still put them in lp.services.osutils.__all__18:42
jmlmwhudson, yeah, that's what I was thinking18:42
jmlmwhudson, although, it's running through ec2 test right now18:42
jmlis there a test that will block this landing?18:43
jml:( :( :(18:44
mwhudsoni'm not really sure how you could write one, i guess you could execute a script that goes "import _pythonpath; from daeamons import tachandler; import sys; assert 'lp' not in sys.modules"18:45
jmlwell, it's not even clear to me what the constraints are for the buildd18:45
jmlor what bits of launchpad it actually uses.18:45
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mwhudsonjml: i believe you are physically close to people you can beat into telling you18:47
jmlmwhudson, yes. I might have to do that.18:47
jmlmwhudson, anyway, aside from that18:47
mwhudsoni think the only think it uses outside canonical/launchpad/build is tachandler though18:47
jmlmwhudson, how many two-stage kill implementations do we have in Launchpad?18:47
james_wI guess at one point it may have been desirable to stop people catting the LP tree while their package was building18:47
mwhudsonjames_w: also, launchpad doesn't install so well on HPPA18:48
mwhudsonjml: um, at least two i guess>18:48
jmlmwhudson, where's the other one?18:49
mwhudsonjml: twistedsupport18:49
jmloh of course18:49
* jml looks18:49
jmlmwhudson, btw, did you see the dependency graph?18:51
mwhudsonjml: only enough to notice that eog is an awful svg viewer18:51
jmlmwhudson, use dotviewer from pypy18:54
mwhudsonjml: if you insist18:57
jmlmwhudson, pypy is a python interpreter written in python, it's pretty cool18:59
jmlmwhudson, :P18:59
mwhudsonheh heh18:59
jmlmwhudson, Although see their current topic, "PyPy is a actually a visualization project, we just build interpreters to have interesting data to visualize"18:59
mwhudson#pypy has a history of nicely surreal topics19:00
mwhudsonjml: it is entertaining how lp.testing is in the centre19:00
jmlmwhudson, yeah. also canonical.launchpad needs to die.19:04
mwhudsonwell yes19:05
jmlman this buildd thing has made me angry19:09
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kfogelintellectronica: ayt?19:24
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mwhudsonthumper: hello?20:15
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james_wjml: perchance still around?20:38
james_wmorning thumper20:51
thumperhi james_w20:52
james_wthumper: could you perhaps provide a little SQL help?20:52
james_wCodeImportSet.composeQueryString() assumes a Product, but that will no longer always be true in my branch20:54
james_wI need to rewrite the query to allow for using SourcePackage as well20:54
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado
thumperjames_w: I'm just looking at your code import target branch20:55
thumperhmm.. seems to have gone20:55
james_wI keep screwing up the initial settings and forgetting things like prerequisite branches20:56
thumperjames_w: can you paste me a link?20:56
james_wthe intention of that one is just to refactor, not allow any new behaviour20:57
james_wand to make the tests more explicit about if they require the code import to be against a product20:58
thumperjames_w: reviewed21:06
mwhudsonflacoste: so buildbot farted again21:06
mwhudsonflacoste: did you read my mail yet? (i only sent it a minute or so ago)21:06
thumperjames_w: composeQueryString needs to die21:07
james_weven better21:07
flacostemwhudson: switching to email...21:07
mwhudsonthumper, james_w: it's used for the search box on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+code-import-list21:08
mwhudsonbut maybe that page needs to die now21:08
mwhudson(now that (a) we disable failing imports (b) +code-imports is more useful)21:08
* thumper looks at the page21:08
thumpermy vote is kill the page21:09
thumper+code-imports is where we should add stuff now21:10
james_wright, a search box isn't too useful as you could go from search->project->branch->info21:10
* james_w starts a new branch21:10
mwhudson# XXX SteveAlexander 2005-04-11:21:12
mwhudson# This is a total mess.  I need to work out what this all means.21:12
mwhudsonthat's just the sort of thing you want to find!21:12
StevenKTests with errors:21:20
StevenK   test_import_bzrsvn (lp.codehosting.codeimport.tests.test_workermonitor.TestWorkerMonitorIntegration)21:20
StevenKAwwwww! But I didn't change that bit :-(21:20
mwhudsonStevenK: those tests have a history of intermittently failing :(21:22
mwhudsonStevenK: what was the error?  was this in ec2 ?21:22
flacostemwhudson: i followed-up by email with more info21:22
flacostemwhudson: i have a solution which looks too good to be true21:23
StevenKmwhudson: Looks to be "DirtyReactorAggregateError: Reactor was unclean."21:23
mwhudsonflacoste: ah, this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/397470/ makes the two tests that failed in ec2 pass with the mailqueue read-only21:23
mwhudsonStevenK: !21:23
mwhudsonStevenK: can you pastebin it?21:23
flacostemwhudson: good! you'll find a simpler ZCML in my reply21:24
flacostemwhudson: i'm fine with you landing this with the simpler ZCML file, we can leave the removal of the possible dead code in sendmail.py for a separate time21:25
mwhudsonflacoste: ah ok21:25
flacostesince it would require extensive QA to make sure that we didn't break all mail-sending scripts21:25
StevenKmwhudson: Right, a clag from the log around the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/397471/21:25
mwhudsonStevenK: interesting21:28
mwhudsonStevenK: looks spurious though21:28
mwhudsonStevenK: can you file a bug with that output in it?21:28
StevenKmwhudson: Against which bit?21:28
mwhudsonStevenK: launchpad-cpde21:29
mwhudsonflacoste: erm, did you mean include or includeOverrides in your zcml?21:30
mwhudsonoh, it needs to be files= not file= for the glob to work21:30
StevenKmwhudson: Done, bug 54152621:33
mupBug #541526: Test error in test_import_bzrsvn <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/541526>21:33
mwhudsonStevenK: thanks21:34
flacostemwhudson: yeah, sorry, this was untested :-)21:38
mwhudsonflacoste: i'll have a merge proposal for you in about 10 seconds...21:39
mwhudsonflacoste: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/more-direct-delivery-pls/+merge/2168521:39
james_wthumper: what count should be on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ for imported branches?21:40
james_w(see the bottom if you have forgotten it was there :-)21:40
flacostemwhudson: didn't you want to include something about running tests with chmod -w on the mailqueue dir?21:41
mwhudsonflacoste: hm, maybe, not sure how to arrange that though21:41
flacostemwhudson: how did you do it in your tests?21:42
mwhudsonflacoste: i hacked it in ec2test's testrunner and then removed the line from the makefile21:44
flacostehmm, right21:44
flacostemwhudson: we could check in the BaseLayer.testTearDown that the directory is empty21:45
flacostemwhudson: or change permission in BaseLayer.testSetUp and restore them in testTearDown21:45
mwhudsonflacoste: so something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/397482/21:46
flacostemwhudson: that's even simpler21:46
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mwhudsoni guess it won't help people who don't use ec2 for their tests21:48
thumperjames_w: my suggestion would be working code imports21:48
flacostemwhudson: one problem at a time :-)21:48
mwhudsonflacoste: heh ok21:48
mwhudsonflacoste: ok, pushing that change, merge proposal diff will update in a sec21:49
james_wthumper: just a count of all imports in the REVIEWED state?21:49
thumperjames_w: yeah21:49
thumperwhat is it now?21:49
james_wall "active"21:49
james_wso REVIEWED and not for deactivated products/projects21:50
james_wand tried at least once21:50
kfogelDo we have a standard javascript equivalent of python's string.strip() method?  (strip leading/trailing whitespace, including newlines)?21:50
james_wso REVIEWED is a fine approximation in my opinion21:50
mwhudsonREVIEWED is a decent approximation now we mark imports failing automatically21:51
kfogelah, trim()21:54
james_wthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/code-imports-use-ibranchtarget/+merge/21651 now with less sampledata if you want to re-review22:02
mwhudsonflacoste: ping? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/more-direct-delivery-pls/+merge/2168522:07
flacostemwhudson: sorry, forgot to approve it!22:08
james_wand I'm throwing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/remove-code-import-list/+merge/21690 at ec2 to look for fallout22:14
maxbjml: launchpad-dependencies shouldn't have an ubuntu1 suffix22:19
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mwhudsonthat didn't help22:50
thumpermwhudson: the split?22:51
mwhudsonthumper: hi22:51
mwhudsonthat was all a bit off22:51
mwhudsonthumper: i reviewed your branch anyway22:51
thumpermwhudson: yeah, saw that, thansk22:51
* thumper goes to fire off three headless tests22:54

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