
sobersabrezekoZeko: I tend to just be paranoid.00:00
nishanthwell how can i fix this issue with ply mouth00:00
sobersabrenishanth: does it eventually boot ?00:00
zekoZekosobersabre: me too. But I don't really care if i break /etc/issue :)00:00
sobersabrezekoZeko: my /etc/issue...00:01
zekoZekoi could only break mine, yours is your own problem :)00:01
sobersabre/etc/issue can trigger garbage in IDS checks...00:01
sobersabre"suspicious files activity"...00:02
sobersabrenow seriously. I am looking at blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+specs00:02
nishanthwhen i hear the sound for the login screen i enter the passwd and it gives me the login screen once more and i enter the info again and it lets me in]00:02
zekoZekoanyway, what's your obsession with getting beta released? You'll update hundreds of packages before final release anyway, the tag doesn't really mean much.00:03
sobersabrenishanth: it gets you in, be happy.00:03
nishanthbut sometimes i dont get the login screen until i restart for like at least 4 times00:03
sobersabrezekoZeko: I hoped to maybe do something like fixing a bug... or 2.00:03
zekoZekosobersabre: that i understand and respect.00:04
sobersabrenishanth: if you're attempting to login via the virtual console, it does let you in ?00:04
sobersabreSO where do i get a bug ?00:04
zekoZekosobersabre: on launchpad i'd guess :)00:04
sobersabreblueprints seems like high_level tasks>00:05
nishanthnever tried virtual console....idk how to00:05
zekoZekosobersabre: #515018 is bothering me ATM, but I can't do much about it but wait.00:05
nishanthi removed plymouth let me restart and see if it works00:05
zekoZekonishanth: i think you must also rebuild the initrd00:05
zekoZekonishanth: sudo update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r`00:06
nishanthhow can i  do that?00:06
nishanthwith the quotes or with out it?00:07
sobersabrenishanth: with the "reversed single quotes" (or apostrophies)00:08
sobersabreit means the output of the command "uname -r" is put in that place.00:08
zekoZekoninlith: just copy&paste.00:08
tcsoccermanzeko do you understand what that means? if you do you are amazing00:08
nishanthCannot find /lib/modules/nishanth -r00:08
nishanthupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-nishanth -r00:09
zekoZekocopy & paste without double quotes:00:09
daniskamiamazing? not really :)00:09
sobersabrenot username, COPY PASTE!00:09
zekoZeko"sudo update-initramfs -u `uname -r`"00:09
zekoZekotcsoccerman: repetition is the mother of something or other :)00:10
tcsoccermani see00:11
sobersabrerepetition is the father of a parrot ;-) I'm a good parrot.00:11
zekoZekotcsoccerman: but i actualy also understand what it all means.00:11
DanaGer, you lost -k00:12
DanaGsudo update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r`00:12
zekoZekotcsoccerman: and what it does. i've been doing this for long enough to understand a lot :)00:12
sobersabrezekoZeko: do you own a toshiba laptop ?00:12
zekoZekosobersabre: yes.00:12
sobersabreI don't.00:12
zekoZekosobersabre: exact same model as in the bugreport.00:12
tcsoccermanzekoZeko: nice. that is impressive.00:12
sobersabreso I don't think I can help you with it.00:12
sobersabreeven if I do dig it, I need a machine of that type.00:13
zekoZekosobersabre: didn't think you could, but I tried anyway :)00:13
psusiwhoa, weird00:13
sobersabreI only have dell e5500 and a macbook00:13
psusiI get much better performance out of my ssd when I disable TCQ by getting the queue depth to 1 instead of 31 when having dd read to null without O_DIRECT... like nearly 2:100:13
zekoZekosobersabre: i worked around by disabling the actions on the lid button, i put it to sleep manually and then close the lid.00:13
sobersabrezekoZeko: as of now, my karmic installation works ok with both suspend and hibernation on DELL.00:14
zekoZekosobersabre: karmic worked fine on this machine.00:14
sobersabrewhat display adapter does toshiba have ?00:14
zekoZekosobersabre: intel gm96500:14
sobersabrehmm.. old.00:15
zekoZekolet me check again00:15
sobersabreI have newer 4500 hd00:15
zekoZeko00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)00:15
sobersabreok, any other bugs ?00:15
ThuuugsLooking at: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-rc1/ - apparently the Ubuntu team enabled TRIM support in this custome kernels - cant find anything in changelog - can anyone confirm/deny?00:15
zekoZekoThuuugs: download it, unpack the package and check /boot/config-x.x.x00:16
ThuuugszekoZeko: trim support isnt an option - within source code00:17
zekoZekoThuuugs: you can unpack it with dpkg-deb -x package.deb /tmp/whatever00:17
zekoZekoThuuugs: oh, didn't know that.00:17
nishanthhey guess what my boot worked properly after i removed plymouth00:18
zekoZekonishanth: congrats :)00:18
nishanthso is there a way to make plymouth work now?00:18
zekoZekonishanth: the latest version is suppsed to work according to the bug report.00:18
nishanthso do you think it will work if install it using synaptic?00:19
sobersabrenishanth: the game with alpha/beta releases is to upgrade parts you're sure will fix something, and pin what's already working...00:19
zekoZekoyou can try :)00:19
sobersabre"pinning" is like telling apt to not upgrade a version of something you've "pinned".00:20
zekoZekoI actualy had the same problem. Going to try if it's solved.00:20
zekoZekonishanth: so i suggest you wait for me, brb00:20
nishanthroger that00:21
sobersabreThuuugs: according to google->intel forums, TRIM is in the kernel of 2.6.28 and up.00:21
sobersabreI have no idea what it is though :)00:21
sobersabreand you need an fs with support of TRIM, i.e. ext4.00:22
Thuuugsyea have all that, and read all those00:22
Thuuugsbut cant for the life00:22
Thuuugsof me find support for it00:22
sobersabreThuuugs: what is TRIM ? :)00:22
Thuuugssupport for SSD00:22
Thuuugswell not support00:23
Thuuugsa function00:23
Thuuugsof ssd00:23
sobersabreso how do you know your kernel doesn't use it ?00:23
Thuuugswell i cant find out yes or no00:23
Thuuugsthats the issue lol00:23
nishanthzekozeko are you back?00:23
sobersabreThuuugs: do you own an OLD SSD or a new model ?00:24
sobersabrehey guess what my boot worked properly after i removed plymouth00:25
=== JediMaster is now known as Guest51936
Thuuugsintel x25-m00:25
sobersabrewikipedia writes: The purpose of the instruction is to maintain the speed of the SSD throughout its lifespan, avoiding the slowdown that early models encountered once all of the cells had been written to once00:25
sobersabreThuuugs: what is your version of hdparm ?00:27
Guest51936hey guys, just dist-upgraded to Lucid, I've got three external drives on the machine and having problems booting, it says "Waiting for /mountpoint [SM]" for each one until I hit S or M then dumps me to a root prompt00:27
=== Guest51936 is now known as JediMaster-
nishanthhow to make plymouth work?00:28
KruyKazesound is not working on my uptodate lucid00:28
sobersabreaccording to wiki hdparm since 9.17 can send TRIM command.00:28
sobersabreKruyKaze: what card ?00:28
KruyKazehow do i find out?00:28
sobersabrerun: lspci | grep -i audio00:28
KruyKaze 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)00:29
zekoZekoyay! it works :)00:29
sobersabreit's been reported to have a problem....00:29
KruyKazepulse sound preferences shows "activity"00:29
sobersabreKruyKaze: are you sure it's not the mixer setup problem ?00:30
KruyKazeit's not muted00:30
nishanthso shall i reinstall plymouth?00:30
sobersabrehmm... I'm going to upgrade now bye all.00:30
nishanthis the beta out?00:31
zekoZekoKruyKaze: on my laptop i had to select "Analog Output" from dropdown in Sound Preferences -> Output00:31
KruyKazelet me try that00:31
zekoZekoKruyKaze: "analog headphones" or "analog speakers" did not work.00:31
zekoZekoKruyKaze: i think i have the same sound hardware as you, or similar.00:31
zekoZekonishanth: you can try. It worked for me.00:32
zekoZekonishanth: check the bugreport from the channel topic to see you have the right version available and also supposedly you have to install a new version of mountall00:32
zekoZekook i have to go now everyone, it's been nice.00:32
KruyKazedid not work :( zekoZeko00:34
KruyKazei'll reboot and see00:36
nishanthi dont see the plymouth animation while the system boots00:41
nishanthis there way to fix it?00:41
nishanthcan someone tell me how to make plymouth work?00:44
robin0800nishanth: only when its fixed00:46
voidmageany word on a nvidia 195.36.15 package?00:47
yofelvoidmage: being worked on00:49
gnomefreakplymouth was fixed already with ~15 and mountall what is broken now? i see boot screen fine01:01
gnomefreaks/mountall what/mountall. what01:04
gnomefreak0.8.0~-16 works testing 0.8.0~-17 in a few01:08
marginoferrorCan anyone tell me how to change the placement of the close/minimize/maximize buttons from the new default to the old right side placement?01:15
=== JediMaster- is now known as Guest93233
marginoferrorI thought simply changing the theme would do it but apparently not01:15
=== Guest93233 is now known as JediMaster
gnomefreak76marginoferror: yes you can use gconf-editor or run the command i give below01:23
gnomefreak76marginoferror: gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"01:24
marginoferrorOkay, thanks01:24
marginoferrorI'm a little disconcerted there's no way for a user to change that in preferences =x01:25
gnomefreak76marginoferror: gconf-editor == prefferences01:25
gnomefreak76always has :)01:25
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
happyfaceis there a way to chroot from windows to a linux partition (ext4)?01:35
gnomefreak!chroot > happyface01:35
ubottuhappyface, please see my private message01:35
JediMasterhey guys, when Beta 1 is released later today (1:37am here) will an apt-get upgrade get the alpha up to date?01:35
gnomefreakJediMaster: yes01:35
JediMastergnomefreak, thanks, great01:36
gnomefreakupdate packages == up to date release01:36
JediMasteryeah just being dumb, it's late lol01:36
JediMasterI've got a USB external drive that has a fingerprint scanner on it, and when ubuntu boots it's often too fast for me to swipe my finger over it and then it freezes up saying it can't mount it and dumps me to a root prompt01:37
JediMasterany way of getting it to ignore the entry in fstab if it can't mount it at boot?01:38
* xzcvczx insists that since it is technically 14:37 on the 18th of march there is less than 9.5 hrs for beta 1 to be released01:38
JediMasterit used to just carry on booting in karmic01:38
JediMasterxzcvczx, Oz?01:38
xzcvczxJediMaster: NO!01:38
JediMasterwell somewhere clos then01:38
xzcvczxJediMaster: just use noauto and mount it manually01:38
JediMaster hmm yeah01:39
xzcvczxJediMaster: and aussies is 2hrs behind us aka nz01:39
gnomefreaktime doesnt really make it happen its more of a when they have been tested they will roll out01:39
xzcvczxgnomefreak: unacceptable :P01:40
gnomefreakxzcvczx: than test spin and host them  for us :)01:40
JediMasterxzcvczx, you guys are GMT +13?01:40
xzcvczxJediMaster: indeed01:40
* gnomefreak -4 i think,01:40
* gnomefreak cant keep up01:40
JediMasterxzcvczx, surely that makes you GMT -12 or -11?01:41
xzcvczxJediMaster: would you like a map?01:41
JediMasterif you go further west then you could be going back 25 hours in time?01:41
JediMasterer east even01:41
xzcvczxthe date line goes around us01:42
JediMasterthats freaky01:42
xzcvczxbest way to avoid christmas if you hate it01:42
JediMasterxzcvczx, you mean go from -12 GMT to +13?01:43
JediMasterso go west rather than east?01:43
xzcvczxJediMaster: well it requires a bit more than that due to flight times etc01:43
JediMastersorry, going a bit off topic =)01:43
JediMasteranyhow, after installing nvidia-current and changing some fstab entries so far so good in alpha 301:44
xzcvczxi tried it in a vm, looking forward to trying beta01:44
JediMasterrunning it on my home server, got 2 other machines to upgrade to it soon =)01:45
xzcvczxhopefully the ubuntu one client is a bit better than karmics which did not like you moving files around01:45
JediMastermind you I run kubuntu with all the backports on everything so there's not a huge jump01:45
xzcvczxi will be installing lucid on a new hdd and ram whne i get said new hdd and ram01:46
JediMasterI'd like to get an SSD for my machines, would be damn fast on it01:46
xzcvczxmight just fork out for 8gb, 3gb just don't cut it any longer for me01:46
JediMasteryeah I've been running ubuntu/kubuntu under 8gb for the last year or so01:47
xzcvczxwhat browser?01:47
JediMasterright, must get some sleep, ta for the help guys01:47
JediMasterfirefox 3.5/3.601:47
xzcvczxi find that firefox will use too much ram no matter if you have 1,2 or 3gb01:48
JediMasterand chrome, which seems to do flash better01:48
JediMasterfirefox seems fine to me, even on this laptop01:48
xzcvczxand yet crashes so often on the google sites01:48
JediMaster(karmic with 2GB)01:48
JediMasternight all01:49
xzcvczxlike it REALLY doesn't like google docs01:49
DanaG.config:2069:warning: symbol value 'm' invalid for MMC_RICOH_MMC02:01
DanaGin log from kernel-ppa kernel build.'02:01
DanaGNo wonder my SD card slot doesn't work with those.02:01
DanaGThey also don't have r8192_pci enabled.02:02
sykis it better to clean install lucid beta or just upgrade from alpha 302:06
* holstein hopes he can just roll on up to the lucid final :)02:07
johnjohn101what version of nvidia video driver will ship with lucid02:09
arandsyk: Less likelyness of on-the-way issues if you install the beta.02:17
marginoferrorIs there a specific reason why compizconfig-settings-manager isn't installed by default?  I always thought of it as kind of... non-optional02:23
Boondoklifemarginoferror: Prolly cause it is not needed by most people? that would be the only reason I can think of.02:25
arandmarginoferror: Too complex, although I don't get why simple-cssm isn't in, or why computer-janitor isn't out...02:25
Boondoklifemarginoferror: Not to mention all the settings in there could really bork someones desktop if they got click happy02:25
marginoferrorBoondoklife: Good point on that last one, although I think people do need some kind of compiz configurator02:25
arandOr palmOS-devices, for that matter02:25
marginoferrorarand: I didn't know about simple-cssm, I will look into that.  Thanks =)02:26
BoondoklifeEhh I disable compiz so no need here02:26
* yofel thinks it's because both are in universe and canonical doesn't directly support them02:26
arandWell the question is then, why doesn't Canonical?02:27
nishanthcan someone help me fix plymouth02:30
nishanthcan someone help me fix plymouth02:31
yofelarand: dunno, maybe it doesn't comply to some requirenment for main, or maybe it's just not important to them02:32
Boondoklifenishanth: What is the problem your having?02:32
nishanthwell i dont see the plymouth when my computer is booting02:32
Boondoklifenishanth: do you see it when you shutdown?02:34
yofelnishanth: what graphics card do you have?02:34
nishanthVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0202:35
nishanthis this it?02:35
yofelnishanth: if you have a core i3 or similiar then I think yes02:37
nishanthi have a core i502:37
yofelhm, it should work though if you have an intel card...02:38
nishanthbut it is not working... any idea to diagnose what the problem is?02:39
yofelnope, I personally don't use plymouth02:40
nishanthis there an alternative?02:41
SecMonkHow does one initiate a manual sync with Ubuntu One in Lucid?  I don't seem to have a 'sync' button any longer.02:43
anicholsA question about Lucid...which one of the variants do you feel will be the most stable?  Ubuntu...KUbuntu...something else?  Trying to take in the differences between each variant, and I freely admit I'm a bit lost. (Currently using Hardy Heron Ubuntu, but planning on going Lucid when it hits LTS)02:45
Azelphuranichols: why are you trying to have super stability with a GUI?02:45
AzelphurI mean, they are all pretty stable, but the end of the day if your going for stability you don't want a desktop distro02:46
anicholsAzelphur: Fair enough.  Then what would you recommend?02:46
SecMonkanichols: FWIW, I've found variants in the same version to be similar in stability.  Perhaps you want the server build?02:46
Azelphura server distro, such as ubuntu server?02:46
Azelphuror debian :)02:46
Azelphurwithout a GUI.02:46
anicholsAzelphur: As for stability, I had a bit of a hard time with Windows, one of the main reasons I shifted to Ubuntu...but I'm still new with it.02:46
holsteinwhos running lucid server?02:46
anicholsSecMonk: Not sure about the server variants...I like having a GUI.02:47
holsteinim getting Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com02:47
Azelphuranichols: why are you pinned up on stability?02:47
holsteinwhen running sudo apt-get update02:47
ChogyDananichols: look up gnome vs kde, that's the main difference between ubuntu and kubuntu02:49
yofelholstein: works here us.archive.ubuntu.com.  471     IN      A
SecMonkanichols: I can personally vouch for the server build - I use it at work and at home.  It's very solid.02:49
holsteinyofel: hmmm02:49
holsteinwhat the hell am i doing then...02:50
yofelholstein: do other adresses work?02:50
holsteinnot in the server install02:50
* holstein launches again02:50
yofelgeneral dns issue then maybe02:50
anicholsAzelphur: Because I've been fed up with the instability of Windows XP for far too long, and occasionally I get lockups with Hardy, so I'm wondering what might be the best build to go with when Lucid LTS is released.02:51
holsteinyup, im getting a temporary failure for all of them02:51
holsteinwell, it seems like its on my end somewhere though02:52
holsteinand not a bug02:52
yofelholstein: you could change to another dns server in resolv.conf and check02:52
holsteinshouldnt it be using the ones that my router uses?02:53
yofelholstein: by default yes02:53
holsteini bet i did something funky02:53
yofelexcept if you have bind9 running, then it will use localhost02:53
holsteinwhen i switched it to static IP02:54
yofelholstein: what does your /etc/resolv.conf contain anyway?02:54
* holstein looks02:54
yofelholstein: dns lookup fails with every one of them here02:57
DanaGargh, is it just me, or does ctrl-f to find, in nautilus, COMPLETELY IGNORE the current directory?02:57
holsteintheres your problem !02:58
DanaGI try to ctrl-f in a network share... it searches my local hard drive instead!02:58
yofelholstein: and are the OpenDNS server, they should get you back online until you find a new one ^^02:59
sykdo they release beta right at 12:00 or do they wait till morning? lol02:59
yofelsyk: they'll release it once the page and the isos are ready, no fixed time03:01
sykah ok03:01
holsteinyofel: thanks :)03:02
Starcraftmaztersrsly, i cant get the double sided printing option to show no matter what i do, in 10.0403:09
Starcraftmazteror rather this seems to be a problem with document viewer03:22
Starcraftmazterother apps have the long edge double sided option, but document viewer only has one sided option03:23
Some_PersonWhat font is the new ubuntu logo in and where can I get it?03:53
bjsniderthe font is called ubuntu and i don't think it's finished yet03:55
Some_PersonIs the current (unfinished) version available?03:57
KB1JWQAny idea when today beta1 should drop?03:59
KB1JWQDOh, read lastlog. Ignore me.04:00
richthegeekjeez people, it's St Paddies day.... why aren't you out getting drunk?04:02
teethdooda little off-topic, but: I hooked up my laptop to a 1080p TV, VGA analog. When playing a movie (say from a DVD), does it get upconverted? (or is upconversion a HDMI thing only?)04:35
JanCit will get rescaled (DVDs have no HD content)04:36
wamiltonI need help getting memenu to show up, thoughts?04:37
ThuuugsLooking thru: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-rc1/ - apparently the Ubuntu team enabled TRIM support in their custom kernels - cant find anything in changelog - can anyone confirm/deny this? want to get lucid working with TRIM04:53
happyfaceargh, I keep getting kernel panics05:07
happyfacedamn alpha software05:08
ThuuugsBug: Installing Lucid Server - scrolling down through Timezones glitches menu05:27
Ian_CorneThuuugs: you can get the kernel's source, and when compiling a new one, use the old config and then go look with make menuconfig at the config to see if it's enabled05:48
Thuuugsapparently TRIM is in source code, not an option05:49
Thuuugsbloody lucid server fatal errors05:49
Thuuugson grub2 installation :(05:49
perscitusNo Beta1 yet?06:07
shadeslayerperscitus: kubuntu has loads of beta 1 bugs... so no beta 1 for now in kubuntu06:10
shadeslayerabout ubuntu idk06:10
shadeslayerbug 53829206:10
perscitusi cant use til bug #506656 is fixed06:10
vishhmm , no bot :s  what was the link ?06:28
balasanyone know how to get the amazonmp3 downloader working in lucid ?07:10
DanaG(also in #ubuntu-arm)  http://pastebin.com/BFjBG4Ms -- vlc segfaults.     er, sorry for the long command line. =þ07:12
DanaGinteresting... mplayer is UNAVAILABLE.  alsaplayer works, though.  once I add myself to "audio" group.07:12
balascan anyone check if anyone has had any issues with a CMI8788 and lucid ?  i can't get mine to work.  lspci -v sees it, but only integrated sound is listed.07:12
MindVirushenkpoley: OK. So, then, what to do?07:14
sobersabreguys, I have a problem with python related things.07:19
sobersabrecurrently I'm getting this error:07:19
sobersabreI opened this file and I see NOTHING weird.07:21
sobersabreit seems the correct indentation.07:21
sobersabremaybe python wants 4 spaces instead of 1 tab ?07:21
sobersabreor 2 tabs ?07:21
hifidev server going for lucid, help me god07:23
rskhifi many have reported ssh stopped working07:25
rskhifi so i wouldn't do that unless i had physical acces07:26
hifiI have, though, ssh dying would be bad07:26
hifiis it recoverable?07:26
rsknot that i know of07:27
hifiwell, too late anyway07:28
henkpoleyMindVirus: still there ?07:31
henkpoleyOn the recovery console do `mount -o remount, rw /`07:32
henkpoleyThen do the symlinking as described in #607:32
henkpoley`ln -s /lib/libply-boot-client.so.2.0.0 /lib/libplybootclient.so.2`07:32
henkpoleyApparently that should fix it07:33
MindVirushenkpoley: I'm here.07:33
MindVirushenkpoley: I did that.07:33
MindVirusIt actually made the problem worse.07:33
MindVirusBefore I dropped into a recovery console.07:33
MindVirusNow it just hangs without any output at all.07:33
henkpoleyNow it hangs at the "4 dots"  ?07:34
henkpoleyThat is familiar ;-)07:34
henkpoleyMy vmware system does/did that too07:34
xfactWhat is 'plymouth' never seen this package in Karmic.07:36
henkpoleyI believe it is a graphical boot screen system from Red Hat or SuSe07:37
henkpoleyMindVirus: If you press ESC early on in the boot to enter grub, then press 'e' go down a line press 'e' again, append " init=/bin/bash" you can get back into your system, kinda07:37
MindVirushenkpoley: How did you fix that?07:37
MindVirushenkpoley: I know.07:38
MindVirusAnd it's not ESC.07:38
MindVirusYou need to hold shift with GRUB2.07:38
henkpoleyOkay, never used Grub2 :-)07:38
henkpoleyFor my I need to edit /etc/fstab to remove the problematic item from vmware07:39
henkpoleyDo not remove your /proc nor / ;-)07:39
MindVirusToo late.07:40
henkpoleythe swap and /media/* items can be commented out (add '#' )or debugging purposes07:40
henkpoleyMindVirus: as in ?07:40
MindVirusI'm just kidding.07:40
MindVirusYou said don't remove /proc or /.07:40
henkpoleyMy vmware install keeps adding this .host item to /etc/fstab that breaks mounting :-/07:42
MindVirushenkpoley: If you don't mind me asking, are you a native English speaker?07:45
MindVirusGotcha. :)07:46
MindVirushenkpoley: Do you know what *ply*-12*.deb matches?07:48
Thuuugshifi: Be interested to see how you go, got around the SSH/Not booting issues but fatal error with Grub2 on Ubuntu Server Lucid iso now...07:48
MindVirusIf so, do you have that package?07:48
Thuuugson going f'fest :P07:48
henkpoleyMindVirus: ask someone else, I  need to catch a train, and still eat something :P07:50
MindVirushenkpoley: OK. Thank you.07:50
MindVirusDoes anyone know what *ply*-12*.deb matches?07:50
henkpoleyMindVirus: try grabbing it from packages.ubuntu.com .. /lucid ?07:54
hifiThuuugs: booted fine07:55
Thuuugshifi: u using .iso?08:21
Thuuugsfrom current dailys?08:21
hifino, I did do-release-upgrade from jaunty to karmic and then to lucid08:22
hifiit's a server installation08:22
Thuuugshifi: Yea using server also. Ive tried from Karmic > Lucid thru update-manager = no go. Then editing source.list and now today thru .iso08:23
hifioh, it did work just fine for me08:23
Thuuugsfirst 2 result in unbootable but pingable (no ssh), last results in fatal error08:23
mvoThuuugs: do you still have the logs of the upgrade ?08:24
mvoThuuugs: those are very valuable in order to fix the issues you encountered08:24
mvoThuuugs: /var/log/dist-upgrade/*08:24
Thuuugsmvo: These are all done on a non-physcial axx box - I can try once again thru update-manager and boot into rescue when shit hits the fan to get logs for u08:25
Thuuugsnot sure about .iso tho, since im using vKVM08:25
mvoThuuugs: that would be good, I really want to know what causes failures like this08:26
=== jstephan|w is now known as johe|w
DJonesHas anybody come across a bug in the logon screen were, on two machines with 10.04 if I click on the default user I'm asked to enter the password which enters ok but I get returned to the logon screen, if I select chose another user, enter the username & password they both logon without any problem, it seems to be an intermittant problem happening about 50% of the time, both machines were upgrades from Karmic (which were fresh installs)08:38
BUGabundo_remotemorning o/08:50
=== koliz is now known as koltroll
petsoundshi all. the first beta of lucid is out today?09:13
rskwe won't know untill the day is over09:13
petsoundskk =)09:14
jan_??? Hello, I just wanted to ask something: I have an Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) audio device, and that is the problem. I have googled, ubuntued and f.a.q.ed but pulse audio still stutters with 2 or more applications ( firefox, vlc ). What settings do I need for alsa-base.conf or pulse/default.pa.  Thank you!09:23
BUGabundo_remotejan_: $ ubuntu-bug alsa-base, and ping crimsun with the url. thanks09:27
jan_ok, thank you!09:28
koltrolloh. a beta is supposed to be out today? Great, then I'll have something to play with the next week while on vacation :)09:33
Fudgehello peeps, is there aknown bug with desktops coming out of suspend with authentication not completing alpha3?09:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 539494 in plymouth "booting with KMS locks in ubuntu logo" [Medium,Fix released]09:39
Ian_Corneanyone else?09:39
Ian_Corneand how can I repopen the bug?09:39
yofelIan_Corne: click on the yellow button besides 'Fix Released' and change it to New09:44
yofelmorning folks btw :)09:44
om26erdoes empathy support yahoo group chat?09:46
Ian_Corneyofel: should I change it to new?09:47
Ian_Corneor confirmed?09:47
ethana2I saw a boot time drop on http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/ down to 10.43 s..  anybody know what happened?09:48
balasmy computer must be aging.  i think it takes a little bit longer than that09:49
ethana2I mean, I have boot times of 10.25s on this laptop right now, but that looked pretty exciting09:49
yofelIan_Corne: wait, are you *sure* you have the same issue?09:49
ethana2balas: the hdd/ssd is the single most important factor besides the OS in the performance of a machine09:49
Ian_Corneyofel: It locks up, only started happening when nouveau was used (I removed nvidia priopetary drivers)09:50
Ian_Cornealtho i'm not using x packages from xorg-edgers09:50
Ian_Corneshould I just file a new bug?09:50
ethana2balas: does your machine have SATA?09:50
Ian_CorneIt is also not on kubuntu09:51
yofelIan_Corne: rather file a new bug09:52
balasethana2, it does09:53
ethana2balas: I'd get an Intel X-25V09:54
balasi put mine at about 15 seconds, but i could be wrong09:54
ethana2I have an Intel X-25M..09:54
balascan't afford to do so09:54
balasmight anyone look at an issue i'm having with CMI8788 ?  can't get it recognized under lucid  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143104809:55
balasor rather it sees it, but the gnome volume control doesn't09:55
balasi think it works fine with fedora :(09:56
balasand google hasn't yielded any bug reports on it09:58
Ian_Corneok https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/54079209:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 540792 in plymouth "The plymouth bootscreen locks up" [Undecided,New]09:59
BUGabundo_remotemorning yofel09:59
BUGabundo_remotewell, I've seen some nice boots on my side this week10:00
BUGabundo_remotebut last night it got worse again10:01
BUGabundo_remotelet me upload latests bootcharts10:01
BUGabundo_remotelatest bootchart http://bootcharts.f.bugabundo.net/10:09
rskto bad the aren't readable10:11
Bjelleklangdoes anyone know if there are big changes from daily build to beta1 of lucid?10:11
Ian_Cornemaybe in the installer10:12
rskBjelleklang yes one is relased, the other is not10:12
johe|wBjelleklang, what do mean exactly?10:12
BUGabundo_remotersk: ?10:12
rskBUGabundo_remote ?10:13
rskthere are charts there10:13
rskbut i can't read the text on them10:14
BUGabundo_remotersk: zoom in ??10:14
rskhence, not readable10:14
BUGabundo_remotemouse click, usually does the trick for me10:14
rskjust brings it up10:14
BUGabundo_remoteif not, download it, and open locally10:14
rskeven smaller10:15
Bjelleklangjohe|w: just wondering if there will be any major differences between the daily build available now and the beta coming out later today10:15
BUGabundo_remotersk: bottom, click the link10:15
rskbottom where?10:15
BUGabundo_remotewow, I never though web tecnology could make it hard for some one to actually use it10:15
BUGabundo_remotersk: http://img.ourdoings.com/pq/e6/rexxaw.png10:15
BUGabundo_remoteSuitable for printing: 1378x3756 version (417,789 bytes).10:16
rskbut i can't get to that link10:16
BUGabundo_remoteyes you can10:16
BUGabundo_remoteI just did10:16
BUGabundo_remoteopen the foto, and click on the link to it, on the right10:16
rskthat's kinda useless to have a website10:16
rskwhen you have to manually open them10:16
johe|wBjelleklang, well which daily? :-) i think there wont be that much changes from todays daily, but dont know exactly10:17
BUGabundo_remoteand all the meta? like dates?10:17
rskif i click on the zoom button the image becomes10:17
rsk5% bigger10:17
Bjelleklangjohe|w: was thinking of the latest daily. Just wondering if it will be a point waiting for the official beta if the daily offers the same :)10:19
BUGabundo_remoteBjelleklang: none10:20
BUGabundo_remotejust zsync to what ever iso you want10:20
Bjelleklanggreat, thanks! Nice to know :)10:21
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote, Bjelleklang: I'd hope that the beta differs in some way, because the dailies don't boot for me10:21
solid_liqzsync?  or rsync?10:21
BUGabundo_remotezsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync10:22
BUGabundo_remotezsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso.zsync10:22
BUGabundo_remote# DVDs10:22
BUGabundo_remotezsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/lucid-dvd-amd64.iso.zsync10:22
BUGabundo_remotezsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/lucid-dvd-i386.iso.zsync10:22
solid_liqso what's zsync good for?10:23
BUGabundo_remote# ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync; ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso.zsync; ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync; ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/lucid-dvd-i386.iso.zsync10:24
BUGabundo_remotesolid_liq: delta downloads of compressed iamges10:24
BUGabundo_remotesaves much more server CPU then regular rsync10:24
solid_liqhmm cool10:24
BUGabundo_remoteon the downside, your cpu and IO kills you10:25
BUGabundo_remotebut hey, better then overkill mirrors, right?10:25
soee_hi all10:27
soee_so tiday beta1 will see the light ?10:27
xfactAfter updating package plymouth, during the boot time it showing lots of "I/O error...." :( is that bad?10:27
BUGabundo_remotesoee_: does it really mather?10:28
xfactsoee_, Yup, I hope so10:28
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: yes it matters. A daily not booting is fine. A beta not booting is an issue10:28
soee_BUGabundo_remote: for me yeah :)10:28
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: have you collected boot logs and filed a bug?10:28
BUGabundo_remotesoee_: why so ?10:28
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: it's the live CD not booting, I have no way to access a TTY or anything10:29
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: there are no boot logs AFAIK10:29
soee_BUGabundo_remote: cuz im in need to reintall system and i want to do this with b1, the reason of fresh install is huge problems with mysql server now, cant fix it since few days10:30
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: closest thing I can imagine is that plymouth doesn't work well with 2+ screens, as in the case of #53313510:30
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: CAF1 ?10:30
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: CAF1?10:30
BUGabundo_remotectrl alt f110:31
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: as I said, I have no way to switch to a TTY10:31
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: or use alternate iso10:31
BUGabundo_remoteor disable acpi, or use VGA mode10:31
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: that's not the issue especially. That will only solve mine, leaving the original issue intact10:31
BUGabundo_remoteI haven't seen a (recent) machine I can't boot10:31
BUGabundo_remoteI've seen many I can't use, after10:32
BUGabundo_remotebut that's another story10:32
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: it doesnt matter if I can get my system to boot using workarounds, it matters people with 2+ monitors and/or a recent nvidia card (260GTX) can't boot the liveCD on release10:32
BUGabundo_remotesoee_: so, agai, what does beta milestone offers that you already don't have?10:32
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: hence we need LOGs10:32
BUGabundo_remote(or the hw to test it)10:33
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: yes but you seem to be missing the point that I can't get to a stage where logs are available10:33
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: it's failing at plymouth, TTYs aren't loaded yet10:33
bullgardhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=util-linux-ng&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all: "You have searched for packages that names contain util-linux-ng in suite(s) lucid, all sections, and all architectures. Sorry, your search gave no results." http://www.heise.de/open/artikel/Kernel-Log-Linux-und-Festplatten-mit-4-KByte-Sektoren-938237.html: "Red-Hat-Entwickler Karel Zak hat die...10:33
bullgard...Version 2.17.1 der von vielen Linux-Distributionen genutzten Werkzeugsammlung util-linux-ng freigeben." Why does Ubuntu not provide this tool collection?10:33
BUGabundo_remotepress ESC ?10:33
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: I've tried every key combo I can, including rseinub10:34
BUGabundo_remoteahh so it's a kernel bug?10:34
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: you really should use an alternate iso and get X and kernel logs10:34
BUGabundo_remotethose would help triage that HW10:34
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: this lucid (karmic up) works, any way I can get useful logs from this?10:35
soee_BUGabundo_remote: hopefully working CD when i want to install it, i downloaded alpha3 iso 3 times and after burning it i couldnt start instalation (black screen freeze after languagfe selection), after upgrading 9.10 to 10.04 alpha3 my mouse and keyboward didnt response so i couldnt do anything10:35
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: would not match kernel and X , so not much10:36
BUGabundo_remotesoee_: is OLD10:36
BUGabundo_remoteyou got dailies!10:36
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: exactly, and the alternate doesn't use the same boot setup as the live, so it's as useless10:37
BUGabundo_remoteit logs the HW10:37
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: enjoy http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily/current/10:38
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: oh ffs.. THE DAILIES DO NOT FRACKING BOOT10:38
BUGabundo_remotealternate either?10:40
BUGabundo_remotethat's a alternate image, not Live10:41
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: the alternates will likely provide no useful data... I'm filing a general bug on launchpad anyway10:42
richthegeeknot sure if it's plymouth, or nouveau, or what10:42
BUGabundo_remotehow can you tell??10:44
BUGabundo_remoteif it boots, you got logs of both dmesg, kernel, X, etc10:44
richthegeekright, bug is reported (#540564). No doubt to be ignored.10:54
BUGabundo_remoterichthegeek: ping #ubuntu-x guys10:55
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: doen10:56
richthegeekBUGabundo_remote: now, to get ready for uni.10:56
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
gainhi all12:02
gainwaiting for beta1...12:02
gainit will be released today, right?12:03
BUGabundo_remotegain: get a daily, then zsync12:03
BUGabundo_remoteas usual12:03
arandain't we all...12:03
gainnot usual for me... :P12:03
rwwI'm not!12:03
BUGabundo_remote lucid-dvd-i386.iso. Target 21.6% complete.12:03
BUGabundo_remotedownloading from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/lucid-dvd-i386.iso:12:03
BUGabundo_remote#############------- 65.2% 925.3 kBps 26:29 ETA12:03
BUGabundo_remoteseems I've fallen behing on the 32 bit DVD12:04
rwwBUGabundo_remote: just "zsync http://path/to/file.iso" with the existing .iso in the current directory, right?12:04
BUGabundo_remotemaster bug in the server12:05
BUGabundo_remote# ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync; ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso.zsync; ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync; ionice -c3 zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/lucid-dvd-i386.iso.zsync12:05
BUGabundo_remote#################### 100.0% 344.1 kBps DONE12:05
BUGabundo_remoteor in me12:06
BUGabundo_remoterww: yes12:06
* rww needs to update his USB stick .iso files :)12:06
* BUGabundo_remote wonders how that kubuntu iso ended up in there, and how much damage it will do to older iso12:06
BUGabundo_remoterww: I got it running from GRUB12:06
rwwtesting ISOS not having ubuntu- or kubuntu- or xubuntu- is really annoying :(12:07
rwwiirc, there's a bug about it somewhere, though it's been a while since I looked12:07
rwwBUGabundo_remote: booting ISO images? awesome :)12:07
rwwthat's what I do too, it's really useful12:08
BUGabundo_remoterww: http://p.bugabundo.net/booting-grub2-from-an-iso-in-hd12:09
kklimondaBUGabundo_remote: lucid broke your boot? when? :)12:12
MarcoPauhello guys, I'm about to upgrade to lucid from jaunty and I have a whole bunch of PPA's (xorg-edgers and others) in my repos. am I supposed to comment all their lines out and upgrade?12:13
MarcoPauerrrrrr, from karmic :-)12:13
arandMarcoPau: I think the upgrade comments the out automatically..12:13
rwwMarcoPau: "update-manager -d" or "do-release-upgrade -d" (which are how you should be upgrading) will automatically disable PPAs.12:13
MarcoPaurww: alright. I'm still used to editing source.list and apt-get dist-upgrading!12:15
rwwMarcoPau: hah. I use Debian, so I know what you mean :). But yeah, the Right Way in ubuntu is to use the upgrade tools, it can avoid a lot of headaches.12:16
rww(Debian as well as Ubuntu, obviously ;)12:16
MarcoPaurww: thus all I need is running that command without any more editing and such?12:17
rwwMarcoPau: yup12:17
MarcoPaurww: yeah I've been with Debian for years and I'm still into that heh12:17
arandMarcoPau: the do-release.. is for cli, update-man for gui12:18
MarcoPauarand: thank you12:18
MarcoPaustupid question: should I wait for beta release or it's basically already there?12:19
rwwMarcoPau: I use it on my day-to-day computer, but you probably shouldn't use it on anything you need to be stable.12:20
rwwThere was a bug a few days ago that broke bootup completely, for example :\12:20
arandMarcoPau: Current state of archives and daily iso is very probably what will be in the beta.12:20
jpdsBUGabundo_remote: Or maybe stop killing the serveR?12:20
rwwoh, misread :)12:21
MarcoPaurww: the beta release day always puts me in a sick hurry, dunno why :-D plus, I sort of like breakages haha12:21
rwwMarcoPau: Sorry, yeah, what's in the archives right now is basically what's going to be in the beta.12:21
arandMarcoPau: What fun is prerelease testing without breakage?12:22
MarcoPauI usually avoid alphas, but with beta I feel ready for massacre LOL12:23
MarcoPaualright see you later, hopefully! :-D12:23
arandgood luck12:23
arandI say, this place is suprisingly calm for beta-day.12:25
rwwarand: USA isn't awake yet, it'll get crazier.12:25
PiciI resemble that remark12:26
MarcoPauyeah prolly it's because of USA early morning time12:26
arandRight, the party of the usa..12:26
DelphiWorldubuntu folk12:26
MarcoPauwe'll see in a couple of hours. europe is calm anyway, good sign :D12:26
DelphiWorldplease try to focus on accessibility for blind users12:26
* fat_rat is waiting for lucid lynx beta 12:26
PiciDelphiWorld: If you're talking about the in-accessability of the Ubuntu Software Center, its a known issue due to the fact that it uses WebKit.12:27
DelphiWorldPici: no only this, but also to the ubuntu desktop and OS base12:28
arandDelphiWorld: I know the sound system mangles orca horribly, tried once covering up the screen and running by reader, it went alright until sound crashed :(12:30
DelphiWorldarand: you are blind?12:31
arandDelphiWorld: No, hence the covering up the screen.12:31
DelphiWorldarand: ;)12:32
DelphiWorldarand: very smartly12:32
DelphiWorldarand: i am blind and using only windows to connect to my ubuntu server i hop to exit windows completly and return to the open source world12:32
arandDelphiWorld: Cool, yea, the whole orca/softcentre breakage is unfortunate, and I don't know how much testing actually goes into the accesibility of ubuntu...12:35
Dr_WillisOne topic - ive never really looked into.12:38
Dr_WillisThe wife likes tobe able to do speach to text so she can voice her IM's but that never seems to work well either12:38
arandtgpraveen12: pdf selection working alright for ya? ;)12:41
luis_lopezHi, is evolution-mapi 2.29 available in lucid?12:44
luis_lopezsorry, evolution-mapi 0.2912:44
rwwluis_lopez: I believe lucid's evolution-mapi is 0.28.212:45
luis_lopezthanks rww12:45
benlu456May I ask about network manager?12:49
Varkahello, is the release of beta 1 delayed o will it be released today?12:50
rwwbenlu456: What version of Ubuntu are you using?12:50
PiciVarka: It'll be done when its done.12:50
PiciThe isos are being tested.12:51
Varkajust curious if schedule is still 18th12:52
benlu456rww: 9.1012:54
PiciVarka: Yes12:54
rwwbenlu456: #ubuntu+1 is for discussion and support of Ubuntu 10.04, not 9.10. Please continue asking in #ubuntu, or try your local channel.12:55
Varkathx pici, then i'll wait for the evening to make a cleaninstall ;-)12:55
Dr_WillisThis is weird.. On the one machine with KDE i can drag/drop a image to the desktop. it gives a Menu to let me set it as wallpaper..but this machine dosent do that.12:59
BUGabundo_remotekklimonda: you mean which of the times? :p13:03
bjsniderthere's a bit of social engineering in calling this release a "beta"13:03
bjsniderlooks a lot more inviting than "alpha 4"13:03
BUGabundo_remotejpds: ??13:04
Dr_WillisHow about Gamma, delta, omega,13:04
=== repete is now known as rep-eat
BUGabundo_remotemorning BluesKaj13:04
BUGabundo_remotebjsnider: I was about to say that13:05
BUGabundo_remotethe release team was _smart_ in renaming A4 to beta13:05
BluesKajhiyas BUGabundo_remote13:05
BUGabundo_remoteand get earlier testers13:05
BUGabundo_remoteI actually talked to yofel the other day about that13:06
rwwBetas involve beta freeze. Alphas don't. If it hadn't been renamed from A4, we wouldn't have gotten that nice break from constant updates the last couple of days ;P13:06
bjsniderthe alpha releases do have freezes as well13:08
bjsnideractually this is what fedora does. they release a "beta" at least 4 weeks before the final release13:08
rwwbjsnider: yeah, but it's my understanding that the alpha freezes are "softer" than beta ones. I'm not a dev, though, so I could be wrong.13:10
mikeconceptswell, all available updates have been installed and the issue with network causing gvfsd-smb-browse to gobble the cpu still exists and network doesn't work until you kill the process and retry13:11
BUGabundo_remoterww: wrong. there are always FREEZES before miltestones13:12
BUGabundo_remoteeven for A113:12
BUGabundo_remoteI did notice a big slow down on updates... mostly my daily bots working13:12
BUGabundo_remotebut I really like we get early feedback from users13:13
BUGabundo_remotewith past schedule, ppl would come to late13:13
BUGabundo_remoteand being this a LTS, even more ppl wait PAST release to upgrade13:13
BUGabundo_remoteor come from older LTSs13:13
mikeconceptsI read the network issue was upstream, but don't know where to monitor progress13:13
BUGabundo_remoteand by old beta/RC dates would be IMPOSSIBLE to fix anythign13:14
BUGabundo_remotemikeconcepts: usually LP13:14
mikeconceptsBUGabundo_remote, huh?13:14
rwwBUGabundo_remote: yeah, but compare https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-February/000680.html and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-March/000690.html . It's soft "make sure your uploads are appropriate" vs. "all uploads to main must be approved by a member of the release team"13:14
rwwwe agree on it being a good thing that we have earlier betas :)13:15
mikeconceptsBUGabundo_remote, point me to LP, since I never knew about it13:16
BUGabundo_remote!launchpad | mikeconcepts13:17
ubottumikeconcepts: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/13:17
mikeconceptsBUGabundo_remote, yeah, I didn't think13:21
mikeconceptsme too13:21
=== rep-eat is now known as repete
tgpraveen12arand: yeah it works well.14:00
tgpraveen12i didnt try in all that many pdf though.14:00
tgpraveen12thx for the ppa. its a shame it wonte make it into lucid final.14:00
arandtgpraveen12: Yea, but it's kind of fair enough that they don't want to pull in a patch which isn't even incorporated upstream, now past FF..14:03
tgpraveen12arand: yeah true14:04
osteenbergenWhat is the UTC for the release of the first beta?14:05
rwwosteenbergen: when it's ready. There isn't a set time.14:11
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
benlu456Hello, good day everyone14:11
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
rwwQueenZ: No, it's not out yet.14:13
QueenZoh hi :)14:13
QueenZso when it will be out what address do i need to go to to get it?14:13
rwwQueenZ: The topic in this channel will be updated with a link when it comes out. Type /topic to see the topic.14:13
benlu456Lucid x 9014:14
QueenZwhat time is it in UK? now14:14
benlu456Do u know MAY DAY and HALLOWEEN?14:15
rwwQueenZ: 2:15pm14:15
dupondjejust fetch the alpha ?14:15
dupondjedo apt-get update & apt-get upgrade ? :P14:15
QueenZwhy is there no info about Beta on Ubuntu.com?14:16
rwwQueenZ: because it isn't out yet.14:16
QueenZhmm ok..14:16
QueenZit should be out by 5pm right?14:16
rwwQueenZ: It'll be out when it's ready. There isn't a set time.14:16
QueenZwell it must be out today14:16
QueenZoh and rww, how do you always get my nickname first before your message? is there a shortcut or smth?14:17
rwwQueenZ: I type `Q' and then press the Tab key, it automatically turns into "QueenZ: "14:18
QueenZrww: cool14:18
benlu456Should be April Day14:19
nouoh it's beta day ? :)14:21
rwwnou: yes14:21
noujust after paddy's day... -:)14:21
csgeekis the sun-java6-jdk dropped from lucid? or am I just seeing things14:22
QueenZwho's goning to upgrade to Beta 1?14:24
soee_gonna reinstall system using b1 :)14:26
benlu456no download?14:28
QueenZsoee_: yay14:28
QueenZi can't wait to see Beta 114:30
csgeekis it released yet?14:30
rwwcsgeek: no14:30
QueenZcsgeek: not yet14:30
csgeekI presume it's just a dist-upgrade once it's out if you're on lucid already14:30
QueenZcsgeek: will be today14:30
rwwY'all realize that if you've been upgrading Lucid from alpha-whatever, you have the same thing as Beta 1 will be, right?14:30
rwwcsgeek: shouldn't even need a dist-upgrade, but yes.14:31
csgeeksure.. but then you'll miss that joyous feeling of waiting for your precious downloads as all the mirrors are clogged14:31
csgeekmust have beta.... must...14:31
rww"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" would do fine :)14:31
rwwcsgeek: indeed :)14:32
BUGabundo_remotecsgeek: as I told you before: partner repo14:32
sykis there a fix for the plymoth bug 538292?14:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538292 in plymouth "Latest plymouth update makes lucid stop at startup" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53829214:34
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
* csgeek debates if he wants to install lucid on the laptop yet or not 14:48
KB1JWQcsgeek: My laptop shows up by 3PM local time; I'll be doing it.14:49
Dr_WillisTesting out the latest Kubuntu here on the netbook. Its working decently well14:49
csgeekyeah.. Kubuntu is what I'm interested in14:50
csgeekwell.. considering I have issues with my current laptop.. I guess it won't get any worse14:50
Dr_WillisThe Kde netbook stuff - is very interesting.. but a little.. quirky14:53
csgeekI haven't looked at KDE netbooks14:53
csgeekI mean kubunut in general I prefer kde over gnome.. look/feel14:54
anicholsHow large of a swap file do I really need for Lucid?  1.9 GiB of RAM, and not sure if I'll use Hibernation...haven't needed to use it yet.14:59
Dr_WillisI decided to try kde4.4 again.. and it has gotten a LOT better :)14:59
Dr_Willisanichols:  2gb to be ultra safe.. id say 512mb min.15:00
anicholsDr_Willis: How is 2 GiB 'ultra-safe'?15:00
rwwanichols: if you want to hibernate, you need at least the amount of RAM that you're using at the time, so you want at least 2GB to be sure of that. Other than that, there isn't a decent rule that I know of these days.15:01
Dr_Willisanichols:  if you DO ever want to use hibernate/suspend you want at least as much as ram15:01
* rww has 4GB, no swap :\15:01
anicholsWhat exactly does hiberation/suspension give me?15:01
Dr_Williseven with huge gb's i hear its still best to set up some swap partition.15:01
Dr_Willisanichols:  You hibernate/suspend instead of powering off...15:01
Dr_Willisgood for laptops.. but not as handy for desktops,15:02
Dr_Willisbut with the fast boot times - its not that big a deal15:02
anicholsWhat benefit is there in that when booting takes all of 15 seconds?15:02
rwwanichols: exactly the reason I don't use it :)15:02
Dr_Willisanichols:  tell that to the windows people15:02
Dr_Willisit also saves your open docs/apps/other stuff15:02
rwwDr_Willis: It isn't used until you run out of RAM (assuming you're not doing hibernation), and if I manage to use 4GB of RAM, something's going badly wrong and needs to be killed anyway.15:02
Dr_Willisbut i never use  it either15:02
rwwand would probably expand through whatever swap i have15:02
* anichols used to BE a Windows person, and has never used hibernation.15:03
Dr_Willisrww:  i recall some articals/benchmarks ages ago on this topic. for some reason even with lots of ram. somthing in the kernel. got slowed down a little if there was no swap partition at all. (i dont rember the details and it was at least 2 yrs ago i saw the artical)15:03
Dr_Willisso it may be different now15:03
rwwand I didn't have a swap file on my 4GB RAM Windows machine either, and it also worked fine. btw.15:03
Dr_WillisI find that supriseing for windows. :)15:03
Dr_WillisYou LOOK at windows and it swaps to disk..15:03
rwwDr_Willis: Yeah, I remember hearing about that. From my testing at the time, there was no actual noticible slowdown.15:03
rwwDr_Willis: not when you have 4GB of RAM, it doesn't ;P15:04
rwwof course, this all varies based on what you're doing on the machine15:04
Dr_Willisrww:  from what ive noticed on friends machines it does.. not sure why. they boot up their 6gb desktop amchine.. i look.. its using swap.. and it still has like 90% ram free..  No idea why.15:05
Dr_WillisI gave up on figuring out the logic of windows.15:05
rwwa wise decision :)15:05
anicholsDr_Willis: My rule on windows swaps was easy.  Let Windows manage it.  But for Ubuntu...well...the default gave me a rather sizable swap partition, and I know for a fact I don't use any of it.15:05
Dr_WillisThe same logic that the store sells 'crapware removal service for your new windows machine for 'only' $45' :)15:06
Dr_WillisI alwyas do put my windows swap on a differnt hard drive at the least. :)15:06
KB1JWQWell crap.15:06
anicholsDr_Willis:  Which improves performance, but on a laptop, you don't normally have multiple drives.15:06
KB1JWQI've got an SSD, and didn't want to devote the space to swap.15:06
Dr_Willisanichols:  dont forget the 5% of ext2/3/4 thats reserved also. :)15:06
anicholsKB1JWQ: Actually a SSD makes a GREAT place for a swap file, if you actually use one.15:07
KB1JWQ8 gigs of RAM is hefty to hiberhate.15:07
Dr_WillisKB1JWQ:  :) yep.15:07
rwwKB1JWQ: writing out 8GB of RAM to disk would probably take longer than just restarting =\15:07
Dr_WillisI have so many OTHER issues with hibernate. I never use it.15:07
KB1JWQrww: It's an IBM x25-m.  I'm pretty sure IO speeds are tolerable. :-)15:08
KB1JWQWell, the t510 doesn't standby properly yet.15:08
anicholsDr_Willis: /dev/sda1 (ext3 mounted to /), 227.45 GB, /dev/sda2 (extended), 5.43 GiB, /dev/sda5 (linux-swap), 5.43GiB.  (Hardy Heron defaults on my 227.45 GiB...hence why I ask every so often when I come up with questions...so I can do better with Lucid when it goes LTS.15:08
Dr_Willisi always use all primaries also.  :)15:09
Dr_WillisNow for the 'swap should be at the start of the drive, or middle, or end' debate ......15:09
Dr_WillisI find that dosent matter  :) if you are using swap.. thats 100x the hit on speed that puting it in a different place will be.15:10
Dr_WillisI dont even know how much swap this thing setup.15:10
anicholsDr_Willis: Benefits of start....easier to extend in GPartEd.  Benefits of middle...can't think of any.  Benefits of end...keeps it out of the way when you know you'll never change it?15:10
Dr_WillisOh Noes. Im using 9460 of swap for some reason15:11
anicholsWhat was the command to see how much swap you are using again?15:11
Dr_Willisfree -m15:11
Dr_Willisis a little easier to read15:11
Dr_WillisHmm.. this default install.. set up 8gb of swap?  wowsers15:12
anichols$ free -m15:12
anichols             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached15:12
anicholsMem:          1898       1367        531          0         67        65315:12
anichols-/+ buffers/cache:        646       125215:12
anicholsSwap:         5561          0       556115:12
Dr_WillisSwap:         8463          9       845415:12
Dr_Willis /dev/sdb5           47563       48641     8667036   82  Linux swap / Solaris15:12
KB1JWQdwHow much RAM do you have?15:13
Dr_WillisLooks like it set up 8gb of swap.. odd. :)15:13
anicholsAnd that's running Pidgin, Firefox, VLC media player, and a handful of other apps.15:13
KB1JWQDr_Willis: rather.  How much RAM do you have? :-)15:13
Dr_WillisMem:          289015:13
Dr_Willis3gb i thought..15:13
KB1JWQThat's messed up. :-)15:13
anichols3 gig, it seems.15:13
Dr_WillisI Thought i let it 'auto partition' also.15:13
anicholsDr_Willis: 3 gig - on board video - 2890?15:13
Dr_Willisanichols:  that may be it.  I did reeneable the onboard video the other day15:14
anicholsDr_Willis: Mine's 2 G, but my total is 1898.15:14
Dr_WillisI realized my pcie video card = 2 monitors out + the onboard = I can get 3 Monitor outs. :)15:14
Dr_Willisbut i have issues getting all 3 working IN linux. they do work in windows15:14
anicholsOr not so nice...15:14
Dr_WillisI think the onboard uses a different driver version then the pcie15:14
anicholsDr_Willis: Most likely.15:14
Dr_WillisIt worked.. Once.. i rebootd.. it failed to come back up.15:14
anicholsToo bad you can't use the onboard for Windows, and the two other monitors for Ubuntu.15:15
anicholsHmm...looking at Xfce, KDE, and Gnome...so I know what version of Lucid will be best for me when it goes LTS.  Any advice?15:18
Dr_Willisdepends onyour needs and hardware15:18
Dr_WillisI cant stand xfce or lxde  :)15:19
anicholsDr_Willis: Why?15:19
rwwanichols: try each for a week or two. It takes that long to get comfortable with them.15:19
rwwpersonally, I like Xubuntu, but different things work for different people :)15:20
Dr_Willisanichols:  i cant stand the default file manager for one.. and they are both lacking in way too many features i like15:20
anicholsrww: And reinstall Ubuntu each time?  Once for XUbuntu, once for KUbuntu, once for Ubuntu?15:20
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »15:20
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:20
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal15:20
Dr_Willisanichols:  you can have all the desktops installed at one time.. there can be some quirks however15:21
Dr_Willisanichols:  or test using the live cds15:21
rwwdunno if those are updated for Lucid, but you can switch from only having one installed to only having another installed.15:21
anicholsDr_Willis: Which means burning 3 CDs?15:21
rwwor install them all and deal with overly-cluttered menus15:21
rwwanichols: or using one USB stick.15:21
anicholsrww: HAven't figured out how to make a Live USB, to be honest.15:21
rwwanichols: grab an ISO, grab a USB stick, tell System -> Administration -> USB something or other creator about them, and you're done.15:22
anicholsrww: There's nothing about USB in System->Administration of my machine.15:22
Dr_Willisanichols:  virtualbox, flash drives.. unetbootin.. or you can set up grub2 to boot an iso file from hd.. so No.. You dont need to burn cd;s :)15:22
rwwanichols: oh, they renamed it. "Startup disk creator"15:23
anicholsDr_Willis: Ah, I see...virtualbox might work, but I heard the other day that Lucid as a client causes bugs.15:23
anicholsrww: No startup disk creator here either.15:23
rwwanichols: you're missing the usb-creator-gtk package, then15:23
rww(it's installed by default)15:24
DoDihi, I'm just booting after the upgrade to 10.04. How to deal with reported application crashes?15:24
duffydackhttp://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html  if you have a big enough stick15:24
anicholsduffydack: 8 gig enough of a stick?15:24
duffydackanichols, course15:24
duffydackanichols, I meant, big enough for having multiple distros on it...15:25
Dr_Williseach iso is 700mb.. :)15:25
duffydackanichols, but it has the side affect of making it super easy to stick an iso on usb15:25
psusianybody else running an SSD?  I have an OCZ Vertex 64 gig and I have noticed that disabling NCQ paradoxically speeds it up... wondering if anyone else has noticed this.15:25
Dr_Willisi fit several ubuntu variants and other mini disrtos on a usb stick + grub215:25
coz_psusi,  mm no I dont yet  I am a bit jealous actually :)15:26
Dr_WillisHmm. Im suprised a SSD even has NCQ.15:26
anicholspsusi: I wish I had an SSD, but I'm too broke to buy one.15:26
Dr_WillisFrom what i recall of NCQ. im not sure how a SSD can have it.15:26
psusiDr_Willis: I kinda was too... doesn't seem like it would be all that helpful15:27
anicholsWhen I build my residential/business server, I'll end up needing 6 SSDs for maximum performance.15:27
anicholsBut that's in the future, when I'm ready to open a computer repair/game shop.15:27
psusihehe... I just got the thing last friday... under $200 now so I decided to go for it... it's FAST15:27
Dr_Willispsusi:  from what i recall reading ages ago.. NCQ dident really help real hard drives much either15:27
solid_liqanichols, you won't need that much15:27
anicholspsusi: I bet a SSD + Lucid = less than 10 second boot.15:27
psusiDr_Willis: but it should at least not slow things down... when I disabled it I get better performance15:27
Dr_Willispsusi:  leave it disabled then. :)15:28
anicholssolid_liq: It'll be using multiple motherboards.15:28
Dr_Willisit may be tryign to do optmizations that are not needed and hurting things I guess15:28
coz_psusi,   I dont know does it make sense on a drive that allows direct access anyway?15:28
coz_psusi,   if its faster disabling that then go for it15:28
Dr_Willisdosent make sence to me.. then again. i wonder WHERE/HOW are you even enable/disabling NCQ?15:28
coz_psusi,  I am not sure what the purpose might be on an ssd15:28
psusiDr_Willis: well it shouldn't help much for sequential access, but should not hurt either... for real world randomish access patterns is where it should help15:28
solid_liqanichols, sounds like overkill15:28
psusianichols: yea... 5 actually ;)15:28
psusiDr_Willis: under /sys/block/sdc/device/queue_depth... it defaults to 31, which is as many tagged commands as the drive supports... changing it to 1 disables NCQ15:29
anicholssolid_liq: It'll be making full use of VirtualBox to run all the systems within a residence by WiFi (until I get a store front), then the business by wired connections.15:29
LaserJockanybody have an iPod? and are you using something like gtkpod to put music on it?15:30
psusiDr_Willis: you can also do it with hdparm -Q15:30
anicholssolid_liq: In the residential environment, maybe 4 users at most, but then I'd not be using all the hardware that the custom case will be able to hold.  In the business enviroment, I'll max the sucker out.15:30
Dr_WillisHmm.. Testing out Kubuntu. And I cant customize any of the special effects *the compiz like ones* -  i enable them. the key combos do not activate them15:31
shadeslayerhi how do i reinstall the nouveau package?15:31
coz_psusi,  so how much faster is this without NCQ?15:31
shadeslayeralso does it support composting?15:32
anicholsshadeslayer: *not 100% sure this would work* sudo apt-get purge nouveau && sudo apt-get install nouveau15:32
coz_shadeslayer,  no it doesn not15:32
coz_shadeslayer,  well wait15:32
coz_shadeslayer,  actually I am not sure15:32
shadeslayercoz_: ok lets see :)15:32
coz_shadeslayer,  I think if you use the onboard compositor it justmight work15:33
coz_shadeslayer,  but definitly not 3d acceleration15:33
coz_I wonder how many MLC flash channels on that drive?15:33
solid_liqanichols, or you could just give it plenty of ram15:33
Dr_WillisHeh. Playing with Kubuntu and # of desktops and all my plasmisds moved to the other desktop..  weirdness..15:34
anicholssolid_liq: Trust me, I will be.  The business environment will be an internet cafe for gamers.15:34
coz_Dr_Willis, oooo15:34
coz_Dr_Willis,  good think I dont have kubuntu installed...i would be cursing at that point :)15:35
Dr_WillisIm just playing with all the settings.15:35
anicholsDr_Willis: Why would you be cursing KUbuntu?  And what about your opinions on XUbuntu and Ubuntu?15:35
Dr_WillisI move the mouse wheel and it  sort of 'cube' rotates up/down  to get to the other desktop. Sort of amuseing15:35
Dr_Willisanichols:  xubbuntu = xfce  and it uses a file manager i hate. and  the feature set is lacking15:36
Dr_Willisanichols:  if the system can handle it. use gnome or kde - i would suggest15:36
Dr_Willislow end machines - lubuntu, or xubuntu15:36
rwwpsh. it's all about twm.15:36
anicholsDr_Willis: Which do you personally like better?  Gnome or KDE?15:36
charlie-tcaor even hight end.15:36
anicholsDr_Willis: And what would you consider low-end?15:36
Dr_Willisanichols:  old stuff. :)  with low ram.  Stuff ive proberly junked over the last 2 years..15:37
charlie-tcaIt really is whichever you prefer. Myself, I won't use gnome. It doesn't do what I want, and I don't like the appearance.15:37
coz_only gnome here15:37
Dr_WillisIm really getting more impressed with the  kde4.4 feature set15:37
charlie-tcaDr_Willis: Why can't you use Xubuntu with new equipment?15:37
Dr_Willisand its not crashed on me.15:37
coz_and I pronounce it   "nome" with a silent g :)15:37
Dr_Willischarlie-tca:  you can.. but why bother15:37
shadeslayercoz_: theres no package of that name15:37
shadeslayeranichols: ^^15:38
meanburrito920_so anyone know when the beta1 build will be up? It is scheduled for today...15:38
anicholsDr_Willis: I think you'd call my laptop low-end.15:38
charlie-tcaBecause it works better than gnome; because it has better configuration options15:38
solid_liqcoz_, same here15:38
wjmmeanburrito920: generally between noon and 8pm central15:38
coz_solid_liq,  :)15:38
Dr_Willisanichols:  my netbook is running KDE 4.4 decently well. :)15:38
charlie-tcaIt doesn't even have the buttons on the left, unless you really want them there15:38
shadeslayerwell the kubuntu iso has loads of bugs..15:38
charlie-tcaXubuntu is also faster then gnome15:39
coz_well break time for me  also lunch time..coincidental?  i dont think so lol15:39
psusicoz_: was maybe 20% faster in sequential dd read test, and 5% faster when pbuildering a sizable package15:39
coz_psusi,  ah cool15:39
psusicoz_: make that 10% faster when building15:39
coz_psusi,   I need to get ahold of one15:39
psusicoz_: went from 5m30s to just 5m15:39
psusifor building gnome-applets15:39
coz_psusi,  I will see if I can get one wholesale  from my nephew   I want the intel  high end one with 2,000,000  hours lige15:40
anicholsDr_Willis: Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU 410 @ 1.46GHz, 1944MB memory, Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, 1280x800 ATI Radeon Xpress 200M, 250 gig HDD15:40
Tjol_hi - When will the Beat for Lucis be out?15:40
coz_anichols,  that should be able to deal with things fine15:40
Tjol_lol - no - I am not drinking :)15:40
anicholsThe Lucid Beta-1 is -scheduled- to be released today.  Don't know when, but today.15:41
coz_Tjol_,  i would hold off for a few hours...15:41
anicholscoz_: Now you see another reason I'm no longer with Windows.15:41
Dr_Willisanichols:  thats not really a 'low' end machine.   its got better specs in some ways then my netbook.15:41
coz_anichols,   :)15:41
rwwTjol_: sometime today, there isn't a set time.15:41
anicholsDr_Willis: But I'm not using a netbook.  I'm on a full out laptop.15:41
Dr_Willisanichols:  so?15:41
coz_well lunch time  talk later :)15:41
Tjol_I will have to - as the Download manager tells me I am about to download teh Alpha version15:41
Dr_WillisYou got more CPU *i think* and Defainatly more ram  then My netbook does.. and my netbook does kde 4.4 very well15:42
BoondoKLifeIs there a way to get wireless working on a computer that does not have network access. I know it needs a hardware driver that is found by jockey but dont want to have to move the computer.15:42
anicholsDr_Willis: So I should have some edge over you, since your box is physically smaller.  You aren't Foundation, able to fit a nuclear reactor in a walnut shell. :P15:42
Dr_WillisBoondoKLife:  run a looooooong cable :)15:44
BoondoKLifeDr_Willis: lol15:44
Dr_WillisI got a 100ft cat6 just for such emergancies15:44
anicholsBoondoKLife: Should wireless drivers come with your Ubuntu install?15:44
Dr_Willisactually i got  2 of them :)15:44
BoondoKLifeDr_Willis: is there not a way to load something onto a usb stick and install it?15:44
BoondoKLifeanichols: yea for most of my boxes it does, but this one it does not15:44
Dr_WillisBoondoKLife:  there is.. and ive never done it.15:45
anicholsBoondoKLife: Weirdness15:45
Dr_Willisnight all.. bed time for me.15:45
anicholsSo back to my original question...for a 2 gig RAM laptop running Lucid, what should I use for a swap partition assuming I will not use Hibernation?15:48
wjmI just got an update for parted pushed out to me - won't let me install it though15:49
DoDidoes there exist a swapfile monitor?15:49
ubuntuSome of my hard drives don't appear in the installer's partitioner, yet they appear just fine in 9.10. Anyone have an idea?15:50
donEduardohi there.15:50
anicholsDoDi: Run 'free' in Terminal, that shows you RAM and Swap usage at the time of your command.15:50
anicholsdonEduardo: Hello15:50
donEduardoi spotted a problem with mythtv-backend and upstart in 10.04 alpha15:51
=== ubuntu is now known as djbender
DoDianichols, then you can get an estimate for your swap partition size15:51
djbender(now that I have the right name), Some of my hard drives don't appear in the installer's partitioner, yet they appear just fine in 9.10. Anyone have an idea?15:51
anicholsDoDi: Yes, and my partition is extremely large (by default) and I never see any usage in it whatsoever, no matter what combo of apps I run.15:51
anicholsDoDi: Hence why I'm asking what the minimal swap partition for such a system would be.15:52
donEduardoproblem is, that locale is not set before mythtv-backend starts (or not at all...)... POSIX locale leads mythtv-backend not to find non-ascii videofiles or medifiles15:52
donEduardodoes anyone know where locale is supposed to be set up in upstart?15:52
DoDianichols, I dunno what will happen when you set it too small15:52
DoDiI still have problems with the font sizes15:54
DoDithe window caption font is tiny, others are 2-3 times as big15:54
anicholsDoDi: That should be editable.  Have you tried changing it in System -> Preferences -> Appearance?15:54
DoDiit's set to KDE fonts15:56
jimlovell777is the white box around this http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/228/statusz.png Firestarter status bar icon a bug or just an icon without transparent edges?15:56
DoDianichols, what should I try to modify?15:57
wjmjimlovell777: probably non-transparent icon15:57
anicholsDoDi: I'd look at the font sizes of each option there, and tinker until it's the way you want.15:57
jimlovell777wjm: Do you know where I can find that icon to investigate? Is it in my /home folder or /usr?15:58
anicholsDoDi: In the fonts tab I use...15:58
DoDiI just can't find settings->preferences?15:58
anicholsDoDi: App = Sans 8, Doc = Sans 8, Desktop = Sans 7, Sans Bold = 8, Fixed = Mono 815:58
DoDicannot get there :-(15:59
anicholsDoDi: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?15:59
DoDi10.04, just booted for the first time15:59
wjmjimlovell777: not off-hand but there's been a couple of bugs with the firestarter artwork15:59
cellxhi, my wlan with the intel chip ipw2200 didn work with lucid also in karmic. anyone idea?15:59
anicholsDoDi: 10.04 Ubuntu?  XUbuntu? KUbuntu?15:59
anicholsDoDi: Ah, that's why.  I haven't tried KUbuntu yet....one minute, let me see if I can google something?16:00
jimlovell777wjm: Ok thanks. I'll wait it out. I just wasn't positive it's not a bug, I've been getting an outline around my desktop wallpaper which is a bug.16:00
DoDiI think that I'll retry with Ubuntu, when the Beta is out16:00
anicholsDoDi: Maybe this link will help you? http://blog.creonfx.com/linux/kubuntu-kde4-adept-small-font-size16:01
DoDianichols, kdesudo systemsettings killed my system - no more response16:04
geniiHm. sudo lshw is giving some really strange gibberish for hard drive configuration. http://pastebin.com/TMLjxDcA     Note lines 343 and 402.   SMART monitoring shows no imminent failures, filesystems are also marked clean.16:04
anicholsDoDi: Sorry... Not sure what else to do, then.16:06
anicholsDoDi: I'm not an expert....still learning, myself.16:06
DoDiit responds again :-)16:06
DoDiah - good luck16:06
anicholsWhat's the smallest possible linux-swap partition in Lucid, anyway?16:07
DoDiif you are not sure, use an swapfile instead?16:07
anicholsI'm trying to figure out the smallest possible swap for my system.16:08
psusianichols: smallest possible would be none at all16:08
anicholsAnd having little luck.  If I wanted hibernation, I'd use 2.2 GiB, but I don't hibernate at all.16:08
anicholspsusi: And no swap at all, from what I've read, is not recommended.16:08
psusianichols: yea... but it seems that's what you want...16:09
anicholspsusi: What I want is the smallest I can get away with without going without.16:10
anicholspsusi: I guess I could use 2.2 GiB, and then resize it downwards after the fact.16:10
* anichols prefers to plan it out instead of fudging after the fact.16:10
researcher1how can I help in testing 10.04? I want to contribute something to its  growth16:11
rwwgenii: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lshw/+bug/51225116:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 512251 in lshw "[Lucid Xubuntu] lshw corrupt lastmountpoint" [Medium,Confirmed]16:12
Tjol_How do I setup this IRC (XChat-GNOME 0.26.1) that it does not show the people that joins or exits?16:12
rwwgenii: looks like it's fixed upstream, I don't know if/when it'll end up in Lucid.16:12
Some_PersonAnyone know when beta1 will be out?16:15
rwwSome_Person: sometime today. there isn't a set time.16:15
Some_PersonWill I have to apt-get upgrade a buttload of packages when it does come out?16:17
geniirww: Thanks16:18
MimiDude, I see beta1 was announced, but  i can't find a torrent for it.16:18
rwwSome_Person: no, if you've been updating an alpha install regularly, you pretty much already have beta 116:19
cellxMimi: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ <- download it16:19
PiciMimi: Where do you see that it was announced?16:19
MimiThe wiki16:19
rwwMimi: It's coming out sometime today. It has not yet been released.16:20
Mimii thought it was 12;00 gmt?16:20
rwwMimi: there isn't a set time16:20
PiciThere is never a set time for releases.16:20
Tjol_its not a cd image yet..........16:20
Tjol_its not at cd image yet..........16:20
Mimiokay,  i hope they have torrent,    downloading from firefox or wget is ewwww slow :P16:21
Some_PersonMimi: Really? HTTP is faster than torrents for me, always16:21
PiciMimi: They will16:21
Mimigood to know, pici,thanks16:22
MimiOK,im going back to cuddling then :16:22
Mimi:P bye and thanks :)16:22
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
40FAAMHAUUbuntu 10.04 Beta 1 is out16:23
DoDiURL not found?16:24
rww40FAAMHAU: 1) that link 404s, 2) that domain is for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, which is a different thing :)16:24
Some_Person40FAAMHAU: 40416:24
40FAAMHAUwhat about this?16:24
rwwWhen Beta 1 comes out, the /topic here will be updated, and it'll be announced at the bottom of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-March/thread.html16:24
rww40FAAMHAU: what about it?16:24
40FAAMHAUit says...16:25
40FAAMHAUThis is the first Ubuntu 10.04 beta release, which brings a host of exciting new features.16:25
Some_Person40FAAMHAU: Someone updated the page for a release that will happen today16:25
rww40FAAMHAU: that would be because slanasek is busy prepping documentation for the beta :)16:25
40FAAMHAUSome_Person: oh that makes sense16:25
rwwthere's a g in there somewhere...16:26
40FAAMHAUrww: who's slanasek?16:26
charlie-tcaa developer16:26
40FAAMHAUoh ok16:26
charlie-tcaand the release manager16:26
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
rwwPici: thanks16:26
40FAAMHAUwill ther ebe an announcement when the beta comes out?16:26
rww40FAAMHAU: see my message two minutes ago16:27
Pici40FAAMHAU: Yes, we'll update the topic here.16:27
40FAAMHAUbut no announcement on ubuntu.com itself?16:27
PiciAs soon as I see word from the release manager or an email to ubuntu-devel, I'll change the topic, promise.16:27
40FAAMHAUPici: thanks16:28
Some_Person40FAAMHAU: I still don't get how torrents can be faster than HTTP for you16:29
40FAAMHAUSome_Person: huh? what are you talking about?16:29
=== 40FAAMHAU is now known as QueenZ
Some_Person40FAAMHAU: You said that you wanted to download it from a torrent because it would be faster16:29
yofelSome_Person: the main server is usually very slow on release days (simply overloaded) so torrent is usually faster in the beginning16:30
Some_PersonEven though there would be practically no seeders?16:30
rwwSome_Person: that was Mimi16:30
Some_Personoh, i typed the wrong name16:31
QueenZwhere can i see the /topic?16:31
Some_PersonQueenZ: type /topic16:31
yofelSome_Person: a few seeders download the image per http while the server isn't yet overloaded, so there will be a few16:31
rwwQueenZ: type "/topic" in the same place you'd usually type messages16:31
QueenZSome_Person: right..16:31
QueenZso what will it say when Beta comes out?16:31
PiciIt'll say that the beta was released.16:31
QueenZPici: ok16:31
h00kSo, is the netbook edition supposed to have the close buttons on the top right, or should they be consistent with the next edition and be on the left?16:31
h00kAlso, what is the name of...that panel on top that I could report the bug to?16:32
h00kit's not a gnome-panel, but it's16:32
h00kOH, netbook-launcher16:32
rwwh00k: which panel? the special netbooky one with window icons and titles in it?16:32
rwwh00k: netbook launcher is the main menu thing, not the panel at the top16:32
h00krww: yep16:32
rwwh00k: that's window-picker-applet running on gnome-panel16:32
h00krww: cool. Thank you.16:33
rwwit is in karmic, anyway, and the five minutes i spent in lucid UNE it looked the same16:33
QueenZUbuntu 10.04 will come with a new theme right?16:33
QueenZi mean the new default theme16:33
Some_PersonQueenZ: Yes16:33
rwwQueenZ: yes, the new default theme will be in beta 116:33
Some_PersonIt's already in lucid dailies16:33
DanaGheh, I left in my sd card with Angstrom (ew) on it, and grub on my host "Found unknown Linux distribution on /dev/mmcblk0p216:34
DanaGyup, that's where my SD reader puts stuff.16:35
DanaGMMC block device 0, partition 216:35
Some_PersonMy SD card is detected as /dev/sdb16:36
DanaGThat's what my other system (a netbook) does: the SD reader is usb-based.16:36
DanaGThis one here is PCI-based.16:36
rwwditto here16:36
Some_PersonMy BIOS calls it "USB Hard Drive"16:36
rwwmy sheevaplug uses the mmcblk thing, my netbook uses sdb16:36
DanaGhmm, where'd you get your sheevaplug?16:37
* DanaG wishes somebody would release the Marvell thingy with VIDEO!16:37
rwwDanaG: http://www.globalscaletechnologies.com/16:37
_jstis ubuntu server beta1 available?16:37
DanaGWhat actual timefram do orders from there take?16:37
rwwDanaG: it doesn't work on Ubuntu past Jaunty, though (I'm running Debian testing on it)16:37
Some_Person_jst: not yet16:37
_jstok thx16:37
rwwDanaG: I ordered mine around Christmastime. It said 2-3 weeks. it took 416:37
DanaGah.  What I have right now is a BeagleBoard.16:38
DanaGI wish they'd release the new "Plug Computer 3.0" with the SATA.16:38
Some_PersonI've got my entire lucid install on an SD card16:38
DanaGSame here for my beagle.  woof.16:38
contrastGreets, everyone... I just installed Kubuntu Lucid via the minimal CD -> apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. Now when I try to boot, the screen blanks when X should start. I'm able to switch to a TTY, and I tried manually setting the video driver to "intel" and "i915" in xorg.conf, both to no avail (this is on an old desktop with an 82865G integrated graphics controller). Any suggestions would be much appreciated.16:39
Some_PersonImagine seeing tiny SD cards with gigabytes of memory 10 years ago when floppies were still common16:39
DanaGMy first computer had a 540MB hard drive.16:40
rwwcontrast: try switching to VTs 1 and 7 with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and Ctrl-Alt-F7. There is/was a silly plymouth bug that was causing blank screens when X starts.16:40
Some_PersonI have a computer (still working) with a 20MB external hard drive16:40
DanaGOldest computer I still have around: P2 266 with 192 megs of RAM.16:41
DanaGLaptop.  Neomagic video card with 2.5 megs of video RAM.  Not enough even for single-buffer 1024x768 32-bit color.16:42
DanaGAnd the LCD itself does only 16-bit color.16:42
Some_PersonDanaG: Oldest computer I have working: Macintosh SE with 8MHz processor and 4MB RAM16:42
contrastrww: Thanks, but I already tried that - switched to TTY1, then back to 7 (and 8, as I've seen X mapped to that on some systems), no dice... You think uninstalling Plymouth might solve the issue?16:42
Some_Person1-bit CRT monitor (black and white, no grey)16:42
rwwcontrast: possibly, but if it's a plymouth problem, VT switching usually gets it working for me. It's worth a try, though.16:43
Some_PersonWith all the problems plymouth keeps having, why not just switch back to xsplash?16:44
contrastrww: Cool, thanks for the info. Gonna try that.16:44
h00kI did submit it as Bug 54106216:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541062 in window-picker-applet "Close buttons are on the right, not consistent with default theme in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54106216:46
h00krww: ^16:46
h00kComplete with screenshots!16:49
h00kalso, red circles!16:49
contrastrww: Gah... You were right-- removed Plymouth, exact same problem.16:50
alex_mayorgawould there be/is it an easy way to get those buttons back to the left?16:51
rwwalex_mayorga: I assume you mean "right"?16:51
alex_mayorgarww: right, you're right, I meant right I want mi right to keep them on the right, that's right!16:52
rwwalex_mayorga: http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side16:52
alex_mayorgarww: I know of gconftool, but would there be a GUI way?16:53
rwwalex_mayorga: not in GNOME, no16:53
alex_mayorgaI can already see #ubuntu swamped with "how do I change my buttons back?"16:53
alex_mayorgamc44: thanks!16:55
alex_mayorga!info mwbuttons16:58
ubottuPackage mwbuttons does not exist in lucid16:58
mc44I don't think anyone has packaged it yet ;p16:58
Some_PersonMy PPA will put the buttons in their karmic positions and fix the graphical issues with doing so: https://launchpad.net/~stownsend42/+archive/light-themes17:00
DanaGweird: plymouth doesn't give me a splash -- it just gives me a blank, black screen.17:00
meanburrito920_So I just attempted to boot the daily-live iso, and it hangs immediately after saying: checking the 'hlt' instruction... OK.17:01
alex_mayorgaBug #541070 FWIW17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541070 in mwbuttons "[needs packaging] for Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54107017:02
Some_Personmwbuttons will make the minimize button appear in a little box though17:02
alex_mayorgaSome_Person: another bug to report then ;)17:03
Some_Personalex_mayorga: Can't be fixed though without changing the default order17:03
meanburrito920_from google, I'm led to believe that my issue is with IO-APIC. I'm booting in Virtualbox. Would that have anything to do with it?17:03
meanburrito920_although previous live cds boot fine from the virtual box17:03
Some_Personotherwise the default order wouldn't look right17:04
alex_mayorgaSome_Person: sorry I don't think I follow17:05
Some_Personmwbuttons would most likely give you something like this: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/4710/screenshotappearancepre.png17:07
Some_PersonMy PPA gives you this instead: http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/4710/screenshotappearancepre.png17:09
meanburrito920_ah, fixed it17:09
holsteinSome_Person: why would i want that instead of editing gconf?17:10
Some_Personholstein: Editing gconf gives you the first screenshot I just posted. My PPA gives you the second17:10
* holstein looking17:11
amikropHello. Isn't Beta1 released yet?17:11
rwwamikrop: it's not released yet17:11
amikroprww: Is it gonna be released today?17:11
rwwamikrop: should be, yes17:11
amikroprww: Nice, thanks.17:11
holsteinSome_Person: OIC17:12
Some_Personholstein: Would you not agree that with karmic's button order, the PPA looks better?17:13
sykSome_Person, whats the PPA for it17:13
holsteinSome_Person: agreed :)17:13
rwwIf we have nothing better to do than bikeshed about the button order, I'd say Linux is doing pretty well as a desktop OS, personally :)17:14
* DanaG still finds the theme ugly, and sticks with Human.17:14
DanaGbike shed?17:14
Some_Personsyk: https://launchpad.net/~stownsend42/+archive/light-themes17:14
DanaGI'd rather just say "gripe"17:14
rwwDanaG: that works too :)17:14
DanaGNow THIS... is a potent color: http://www.colourlovers.com/color/FF8000/Hue_30_Degrees17:15
ZykoticK9DanaG, bike shed explained http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/mailing-list-faq/bikeshed.html17:15
Some_Personholstein: Good. Then my ~2 hours of work on Monday morning weren't wasted :-)17:16
DanaGI thought it was a way of avoiding "rhymes with witch".17:16
rwwmy favourite quote related to it: "the amount of noise generated by a change is inversely proportional to the complexity of the change"17:17
holsteinSome_Person: awesome17:19
holsteinthats why i asked, i was sure i was missing something17:20
Some_PersonI think switching the button order was the worst decision in ubuntu's history17:25
holsteini tried to roll with it17:26
holsteini wanted to give it a week17:26
holsteini made it almost 2 days17:27
holsteini use OSX a little17:27
holsteinand the buttons frustrate me over there too17:27
arandSome_Person: I claim update manager. Or possibly PA.17:27
* yofel claims notify-osd and update-manager17:28
* mvo wonders what is wrong with update-manager?17:28
Some_PersonI like update-manager17:29
arandAh, dear notify, that's true.17:29
Pici/methinks someone has update-manager on hilight17:29
arandmvo: popunder.17:29
mvooh, auto-open - yeah, that is not good, agreed17:29
trismI do too, makes it easier to see the changelogs before I update (you can disable the auto open)17:29
rwwI use apt-listchanges with aptitude to see changelogs17:30
rwwthe other fun thing update-manager does is check for packages while I'm in the middle of using aptitude without regarding silly things like lock files, which is always fun.17:30
mvoPici: ;)17:30
bjsnidernvidia-current will be updated to 195.36.15 after the beta freeze is finished FYI17:30
User45im currently having trouble booting into karmic17:32
Some_Personholstein: OS X's positions make sense. Close on the end, maximize/restore in the middle, minimize on the left. Lucid's are in a strange order that follows nothing else17:32
User45im using a vps and command line17:32
Some_Personholstein: minimize on the right actually, not left17:32
yofelUser45: karmic support is in #ubuntu, this channel is for Lucid Lynx (10.04)17:33
User45there are like a million people there17:33
rwwUser45: nevertheless, this isn't a 9.10 support channel.17:33
sykmore to help you with17:33
arandUser45: i.e. a million potential helpers.17:34
Some_PersonUser45: 309 in here vs. 1491 in #ubuntu17:34
User45true, but it just seems a little bit chaotic17:35
Some_PersonThis channel is for lucid support. karmic support is in #ubuntu17:36
holsteinSome_Person: i just cant get use to looking on the left side for buttons17:37
rwwUser45: That's probably because it is. That's why we have rather firm dividing lines for what's on-topic and off-topic in various channels.17:37
holsteinno matter what the order17:37
holsteinUser45: are you envolved in your LoCO ubuntu channel?17:38
User45is there another specific irc channel that can help with this problem17:38
DanaGFor me, left would be fine if it weren't also "wtf" order on the left.17:38
User45no, i am not holstein17:40
Some_PersonDanaG: If it wouldn't have required more editing than just putting them on the right (yes, I'm lazy), I would have done it that way in my PPA17:40
rwwUser45: your Local Community channel might provide support. If you're willing to tell us your country (or state if you're in the USA), we can see if there's one in your area. Otherwise, you're stuck with #ubuntu.17:40
* holstein is in NC17:41
User45ah really?17:41
holstein--- /j #ubuntu-us-nc17:41
User45guess you're part of my team :D17:41
masu3701whats new in ubuntu 10.417:44
Some_Personmasu3701: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/TechnicalOverview#New%20features%20since%20Ubuntu%209.1017:45
QueenZStill waiting for Beta?17:49
QueenZvinicius: hi17:50
anicholsSo the Lucid Beta 1 is going to be released in plus or minus 2 hours then?17:50
QueenZanichols: i think so..17:50
anicholsQueenZ: Good.  I'm looking forward to adding it to my USB stick.17:50
QueenZit's 5pm now17:50
arandReally? Day ends in 6h17:50
rwwanichols: It's going to be released when it's done =\17:50
QueenZrww: should be today :D17:51
rwwQueenZ: yes, /should/, not /must/ ;P17:51
wjm"when it's done" has become the greatest of all software memes17:51
QueenZwjm: ahaha17:51
viniciusOnly relevant to someone downloading the CD, right?17:51
viniciusalready on lucid here :)17:51
yofelQueenZ: "today" is very vague, we had a release that was on the next day (UTC), but it was still today for the US folks17:51
rwwvinicius: right. If you've been updating an alpha version, you're fine :)17:52
QueenZyofel: i mean today UK17:52
CalmvsKhaosHi is it possible to update from alpha 3 to beta using update manager when the beta is released or do i have to download something new? (sorry if this has been covered a million times already!)17:52
wjmI always liked the Linus Torvalds one better "it will happen today, but making a pizza from scratch is probably faster"17:52
rwwCalmvsKhaos: Just do normal updates and you'll be fine.17:52
rwwBeta is just a snapshot of the lucid archive, you don't need to do something special to get to it from alpha.17:52
yofelQueenZ: well, then you have more time than I do :P (7h - german local time)17:52
QueenZi think it's always better to do a clean install17:53
freefallWhere will the beta be available for download?17:53
QueenZ7pm here as well17:53
wjmQueenZ: generally that's the case but going from Alpha->Beta the changes are mostly just packages at this point17:53
freefallsyk: thanks!17:53
viniciusby the way, is memenu working right now? I can't seem to get online(shaded itens) and I only get notifications if applications are running17:53
wjmunless someone sneaks in butterfs ...then I'll be pleased as peach17:53
rwwQueenZ: If I remember correctly, the release manager is in North America, so the day isn't even half over yet. It's probably not a useful idea to make estimates based off of the UK work day.17:54
QueenZwjm: but we'll get the new theme17:54
QueenZrww: yeah canada17:54
wjmthat's cosmetic, not really like overhauling HAL :D17:54
QueenZBlame Cananda :D17:54
wjmMost of the "might break stuff terribly" is already done17:55
QueenZwait.. is Linus Torvalds back on KDE again?17:55
wjmyay, like Stallman before - he is confused as to the powers of xfce and gnome17:56
QueenZwjm: i thought he was a kde dude17:56
DanaGThat buttons thing is NOT just cosmetic... it also breaks muscle memory, and breaks every other theme under the sun.17:56
yofelwjm: you do know that experimental btrfs support is in the kernel?17:56
viniciusI thought he was a console guy =P17:56
* KB1JWQ hopes for an "O HAI, you can haz kernel nao!" 17:56
* KB1JWQ is prepared to be disappointed17:57
DanaGWhat IS cosmetic is how ugly the themes themselves are.17:57
rwwQueenZ, wjm: You're both in #ubuntu-offtopic; probably better to talk about software celebrities' WM preferences there ;P17:57
wjmyofel: yeah I'm just waiting for it to be in the installer so my life can be lazy17:57
QueenZrww: kk17:57
yofelwjm: it will be once it's not expermental anymore (I'm waiting for that too :D)17:57
wjmI wish Ubuntu had a way to pass onto the installer like roothate does17:58
wjmso you can enable it at your own risk17:58
anicholsAre there any skins for Ubuntu to give it a Windows appearance...thinking of playing an April Fools joke on my girlfriend.18:03
macoanichols: xpde instead of gnome?18:03
QueenZanichols: not very good ones18:03
wjmanichols: I use the Mac theme - it's hilarious :D18:03
wjm"look jane, I fixed your hackintosh"18:04
QueenZxpde? really...? :D18:04
anicholswjm: I'd rather go back to DOS 1.0 than use a Mac theme.18:04
wjmanichols: it's temporary and funny :D18:04
* anichols is a certified mac-hater.18:04
QueenZI have a Mac18:04
DanaGIronically, the best Mac-wannabe themes I've ever seen... are all Windowblinds themes.18:05
alex_mayorgaanichols: is not a mac theme, is an ubuntu theme inspired on mac it seems18:05
anicholsalex_mayorga: I understand that, but even the mac appearance...it makes me cringe and think of the hell of having nothing but macs in school....which blew.18:05
DanaGAn example of a "good wannabe": http://home.comcast.net/~odnt/12012009.jpg18:06
DanaGStill offers buttons on the right.18:06
viniciusI love rar bombs!18:08
Some_PersonThis somehow reminds me of a (now-dead) project whose objective was to make firefox look like IE6 as much as humanely possible18:09
Some_PersonIt was called FirefoxIE18:09
bjsnideri would have been ok witht hat if that had been what ie7 was18:10
bjsniderjust a microsoft gui with a gecko backend18:10
duffydackMy fans on my laptop, which rarely in use on win7/9.10,, are in constant use on 10.04.18:13
Some_PersonThe project was very thorough. It even had a plugin to 'fix' miniscule things, like adding the "Favorites" text to Firefox's bookmarks toolbar18:13
Some_PersonIs there a program that I can use to extract a title from a DVD-VR format disc?18:21
viniciusoh, I get it. empathy runs in the background only if you open empathy im first. Should open on login imo.18:32
viniciusthe indicator-menu gives the wrong impression that you could log IM from there18:32
Bittarmansystem -> preferences ->startup applications -> add18:33
Bittarmanpersonally, I like that it doesn't connect automatically. I don't always have a connection, and I don't always want it to be online18:34
anicholsWhereas I see utility in always being online.18:35
anicholsI wish it automatically tried to connect to any unencrypted network in range if Ubuntu couldn't see any of the networks I've told it to connect to.18:36
DanaGweird... udisks upgrade is blocked.18:36
anicholsSo when I'm walking between home and a wireless cafe I can potentially pick up bandwidth on the way there.18:36
CalmvsKhaosis it true that Lucid is going to replace apt-get and aptitude with Software Center?18:38
psusiCalmvsKhaos: no, they are not mutually exclusive18:38
yofelCalmvsKhaos: no, apt-get and  aptitude will still be there, it's supposed to replcase synaptic one day18:38
yofelbut not yet18:38
CalmvsKhaosyeah i think i meant synaptic not apt-get/aptitude sorry :)18:39
psusiCalmvsKhaos: software center seems to be the new and improved add applications18:39
yofelpsusi: it is18:39
yofelit replaced the old gnome-app-install18:39
psusiyea... it's a replacement for that, not synaptic18:39
psusii.e. the user friendly installer... synaptic is still the power installer18:40
DrMrHorseWHERES MY BETA SON! (can't hardly wait)18:40
yofelpsusi: its supposed to replace synaptic one day too, but not yet18:40
DanaGI get "ureadahead main process terminated with status 5" -- and I get no plymouth splash.18:41
DrMrHorseDanaG: i got the same: i used a workaround to get to a desktop though18:41
DanaGI do still get a desktop, anyway... it just takes ages to auto-login.18:42
DrMrHorsei see18:42
DanaGor rather, it does auto-login immediately... but then takes ages to give me a usable desktop.18:42
duffydackisnt my alpha3 with all updates as of today, just beta118:42
yofelduffydack: it is18:42
DrMrHorsebut youre not allowed to celebrate until they announce its released18:42
anicholsWhat is the difference between <http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/> and <http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/>?18:42
duffydackso I have Alpha 3 - Final..  :)18:43
Picianichols: Nothing, they're likely symlinks to the same target path.18:44
anicholsPici: What is a 'symlink'?18:44
Picianichols: Like a shortcut.18:44
anicholsPici: Ah18:44
anicholsWhen beta is released and installed, and time passess, will you need to do a clean install to get Lucid LTS at the end of April, or will it be updatable within the usual update system, similar to how the security patches are deployed?18:46
yofelanichols: updates are enough, no reinstall needed18:46
soeeok im on fresh install of 10.04, there were some problems with configuring paritions durind installation, and as always there was no sound :) but as always oss helps18:47
anicholsyofel: Would a fresh install be preferable to updates, though?18:47
marenostrum!Beta 118:48
yofelanichols: it might be cleaner if some configuration defaults are changed and not forced through updates, but usually not needed18:49
freefall!Beta 118:49
yofelmarenostrum, freefall: not there yet, wait for the announcement in the /topic18:49
* anichols is keeping an eye on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/....less spammy18:50
anicholsHmm, I wonder if that works.18:50
anichols!Alpha 318:50
yofelnope, we should have !alpha and !beta though18:51
yofelno idea what they give18:51
anichols(02:51:11 PM) ubottu: Sorry, I don't know anything about alpha18:51
yofelok, then not18:51
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.18:51
yofeler... a bit outdated ^^18:51
anicholsI wonder if I follow those directions from within HH, if it would boot me up to LL Alpha-3.18:52
yofelanichols: only if you change hardy into lucid in your /etc/apt/sources.list18:52
rwwsources.list changes are not a supported way to upgrade from one Ubuntu version to another18:53
anicholsI wonder what they'll come up for with a name for lucid+1.  Mongoose?18:53
rwwyou should be using update-manager or do-release-upgrade18:53
anicholsrww: To be honest, I'll probably just grab the ISO and do a clean install anyway.18:53
rwwspecifically to go to a development version, add -d to both of those.18:53
psusiMIGHTY MONGOOSE! hehehe18:54
rwwand maybe screw around with the settings if Lucid isn't tagged as LTS yet, i dunno18:54
CalmvsKhaosDashing DoDo!18:54
yofelCalmvsKhaos: it has to be M... M...18:54
yofelMusky Mule :D18:54
CalmvsKhaosoh lol18:54
yofelrww: update-manager -d will give you lucid if you run it on hardy, I tested it18:55
MuscovyI've heard 10.10 will be Mighty Mandrill. Don't care much for it. :|18:56
CalmvsKhaosdang as long as ive used ubuntu, i didnt know it went up one letter each release, (I)ntrepid, (K)armic , (Lucid), /me duhs!  :)18:56
PiciMuscovy: The name hasn't be announced yet.18:57
DanaG!g pavlov mandril18:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:57
DanaGer, no google function.l18:57
duffydackCalmvsKhaos, LMAO!18:58
CalmvsKhaosMighty Mandrill? ick18:59
arandYea, actually the hardy2lucid upgrade was surprisingly straightforward when I tested before, only obvious error was some panel applet breakage..18:59
DanaGphooey, I can't use the stock Ubuntu kernels -- no radeon KMS power management, so it makes the thing hot and noisy :(19:00
tyranoshi guys i m experiencing problems with gksu is there a known fix for this or something ?19:03
duffydackMicrosoft Monopoly19:04
arandlinussynonym(openBSD) ?19:05
neatcheeHi, I'm almost certain that my synaptics touchpad supports multitouch, yet no matter what I try (udev rules, etc) I can't seem to get it to work in Lucid.  Anyone able to help me out a bit?19:06
duffydackugh, my apps locked up, I had ctrl-alt-F1 and back again to get them responsive again.19:08
tyranosneatchee,go to mouse options and then touchpad and try to activate 2 fingers scrolling19:08
alkisgHi... am I blind or empathy is missing IRC account support for Lucid?19:08
DanaGneatchee: this bug may be relevant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/30819119:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 308191 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Multi fingers touch doesn't be correctly recognized" [Medium,Triaged]19:09
DanaGbad grammar, but report is valid.19:09
arandalkisg: I think it might be yes, I remember seeing that I think...19:09
donEduardohi there.19:09
donEduardodoes anybody know in which startup script locales should be set?19:10
alkisgarand: I'm trying to add a new account, and I'm seeing all the options there (msn, icq etc) but no IRC. It was there in Karmic, so I'm at a loss...19:10
rwwalkisg: adding a new account from the first-run startup wizard, or from the accounts window?19:10
alkisgrww: tried both19:10
alkisgNo success in either...19:10
leniosneatchee, you can do "synclient TapButton2=2" and "synclient TapButton3=3" too19:10
leniosto activate right click and middle click19:11
alkisgI wonder if there's some telepathy* package missing from the Lucid default installation19:11
anicholsenav: Hello19:16
freefallStill no sign of beta 1?19:18
charlie-tcabeta1 won't be released until testing is completed19:19
MuscovyI read it should be out between 12 and 8 PM central.19:20
BUGabundocharlie-tca: and then more bugs are found :D19:20
BUGabundoMuscovy: no such thing19:20
charlie-tcaof course19:20
BUGabundoits date is pure incognita19:20
BUGabundojust get a daily19:20
BUGabundoand zsync the diff once is out19:20
arandNormally, there won't even be a diff.19:21
BUGabundoor upgrade now, the packages won't change19:21
charlie-tcaMuscovy: not today, probably19:21
BUGabundojust installer quirks19:21
neatcheeohithar BUGabundo19:21
BUGabundoarand: right. *if*19:21
* BUGabundo hides from kissy neatchee19:21
neatcheeyou can't escape me!19:21
BUGabundonot the best channel for that neatchee19:22
arandThe grub menu doesn't say beta explicitly does it?19:22
BUGabundoOT is not allowed here19:22
BUGabundoarand: don't think so19:22
* neatchee keeps it to a minimum19:22
BUGabundokeep it to zero, actually19:22
richthegeekstill no beta1?19:23
BUGabundorichthegeek: /topic19:23
leniosi posted a workaround on bug #30819119:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308191 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Multi fingers touch doesn't be correctly recognized" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30819119:24
richthegeekBUGabundo: says alpha3 released, so clearly not... I am using pidgin though so might not even be updating the topic19:24
arandAnyways, time to do a proper partition install, see how much nvidia breaks this time...19:24
BUGabundorichthegeek: actually Is true19:24
DanaGalkisg: something I found with Empathy (aside from the fact that it sucks at IRC): the first-run wizard didn't offer IRC at all... yet, if you cancelled the first-run and went to the normal "account setup", IRC was available there.19:24
BUGabundoA3 has been launched19:24
leniosit would be best to have this working without any trick but well...19:25
BUGabundoand so have A2 and A1 :p19:25
dragonHas beta1 been released?19:25
MuscovyNot yet.19:25
BUGabundodragon: /topic19:25
CalmvsKhaosdragon, look at topic19:25
BUGabundodamn it19:25
DanaGlenios: looks like you have a different issue:19:25
BUGabundowe need a bot19:25
CalmvsKhaossadly it still says alpha 3 in topic :(((19:25
DanaGif TapButton works... that means it does know it's multi-touch.19:25
BUGabundoCalmvsKhaos: so???19:25
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:25
dragonlike that?19:25
DanaGOn my netbook, it doesn't acknowledge that the pad is multitouch.19:25
neatcheelenios: tried, to no avail :\  multi-touch on my tp results in crazy mouse jumping around the screen19:26
leniosDanaG, with a default install?19:26
DanaGneatchee: yup, check my out.ogv19:26
dragonI'm looking at the release schedule... is that a bad thing to do?19:26
neatcheeand when i was on karmic, synclient -m 100 claimed it was 1 touch only19:26
leniosi use this since karmic19:26
DanaGthe "notation" plugin is good for demoing the spazzing.19:26
CalmvsKhaosBUGabundo, so what?19:26
DanaGer, annotate.19:26
dragonany way,19:27
leniossynclient -m 100 gives me Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?19:27
BUGabundoCalmvsKhaos: so what does it matter if bets is out or not?19:27
dragonstupid client :|19:27
neatcheelenios: yeah, SHMConfig doesn't seem to be enableable on lucid19:27
neatcheebecause it needs to be enabled through either hal or xorg.conf19:27
DanaGIt's a udev rule now, not a hal fdi file.19:27
CalmvsKhaosBUGabundo, are not beta's a bit more stable than alphas?19:27
neatcheeoh?  What rule?  I couldn't figure it out19:27
marenostrumI am planning to install Lucid to help testing. Do you advice me clean install or is online upgrade OK to have an "original" Lucid at hand?19:27
BUGabundoCalmvsKhaos: I would not say so19:27
BUGabundothinks can and *will* break the same19:28
BUGabundoas ever19:28
DanaGcopy it to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and edit it.19:28
BUGabundowe will just get more testers19:28
BUGabundoneatchee: we no longer carry shmconfig AFAIK19:28
neatcheeDanaG: ohhhh that's my mistake lol19:28
CalmvsKhaosBUGabundo, ive seen you in here for at least 2 years, so i wont question what you say :)19:28
BUGabundoonly 2 years?19:28
BUGabundotry since 200719:28
CalmvsKhaosno no since IVE SEEN you19:29
lenios2007 is only 3 years19:29
CalmvsKhaosyou dont know me on this nick, anyways offtopic at this point :D19:29
BUGabundolenios: I started using devel versions of Ubuntu with 6.10 beta19:29
BUGabundookay CalmvsKhaos. pvt me if you wish19:29
neatcheeDanaG, Thanks for that.  Working fine now.  (synclient -m that is)19:30
alkisgDanaG: thanks, I'm trying that - but I'm getting an unrelated keyring problem... :D19:30
MarcoPau«openoffice.org-filter-binfilter_1:3.2.0~rc4-1ubuntu1» blacklisted, I can't do-release-upgrade -d. anybody has a clue?19:30
DanaGAnnoyingly enough, I've found that xorg likes to automatically CHANGE my bottomedge value so I can't horiz-scroll!19:30
DanaGIf I touch the bottom of the touchpad... Xorg actually CHANGES it (I can see change right in front of my eyes, 'watch') the BottomEdge value.19:31
DanaGat least, it used to.  Not sure if that still happens.19:31
neatcheeDanaG: Any idea why 'xinput list-props "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" is telling me unable to find device?  That's the exact device name it gives me from xinput list19:31
DanaGI believe list-props wants an int -- the number of the device.19:32
leniosso your device is really not supported19:32
leniosor at least not found as a multitouch device19:32
neatcheeDanag: hmmm, it's supposed to take string inputs as well (works for other ones) but yes, the ID works, thanks19:32
DanaGhmm, does it need the slash escaped?19:33
DanaGtry single-quote instead of double-quote?19:33
neatcheexinput list-props "Virtual core pointer" works fine :P19:33
neatcheethe " are actually part of the name19:34
neatcheeso it needs to be: xinput list-props '"SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"'19:35
neatcheegross :\19:35
DanaGToo bad my pointstick buttons are part of the touchpad, and not actually part of the stick.19:35
DanaGIt would be awesome to have one cursor for pointing-stick and another for the touchpad.19:35
Prettoafter upgrade nautilus can't handle smb:/// and network:///19:36
BUGabundoPretto: I think someone else mentioned it19:37
DanaGanother thing that sucks about Synaptics: they've started crippling their touchpads to single-touch, where they could previously do at least basic multi-touch.19:37
BUGabundoplease take a quick look at launchpad19:37
BUGabundoand file a new one if you don't find it there19:37
PrettoBUGabundo: ok19:37
DanaGI have an Athlon XP-M laptop that can do 3-finger detection... yet my Core 2 Duo laptop can't?  What gives?19:37
DanaGOh heck, even an old PENTIUM 2 laptop around here can do what my modern laptop's touchpad won't!19:37
DanaGThat really makes me angry.  I mean, fine, if the OEM hasn't paid for the features, disable it in the Windows driver... but give the end-users a way to directly buy the multi-finger features!19:38
ChogyDanDanaG: my bro's laptop has the same issue.  He can't do 2 finger scrolling, and has to use the side scrolling.  Very dissappointing19:44
neatcheeDanaG: I'm pretty sure that it's a software issue, tbh.  Multitouch works flawlessly in win7/vista/xp with our devices, and the "spazz" behavior we see seems to suggest that the hardware is recognizing both points of contact but that xinput isn't reading it properly19:44
neatcheeThe only other thing i can think of is that synaptics has come up with some "virtual' multitouch in which it passes the two points of contact value alternating between each19:45
neatcheeand that the synaptics windows driver is translating that into a multitouch19:45
DanaGActually, I have two issues:19:45
DanaGNetbook: does have multitouch in Windows, but not in Linux.19:45
Some_PersonI just got "Your system encounted a serious kernel problem"19:46
DanaGhandy hint in windows: go to mouse control panel and press alt-shift-i.19:46
DanaG"Good" laptop: no multi-finger at all.  Synaptics, you suck.19:46
DanaGWhen a Pentium 2 laptop can do multitouch, yet a Core 2 Duo can't?  Yeah, Synaptics, you suck.19:46
neatcheemore like laptop manufacturer sucks for not buying the better hardware :\19:47
DanaGNo, but Synaptics sucks for REMOVING features that previously WORKED.19:47
DanaGAnd then not giving the end-user a way to get them back.19:47
neatcheelet's take this to PM19:47
Lord-Readmanis beta1 coming or what?19:50
CalmvsKhaosLord-Readman, its not in the topic yet, so you got some waiting to do :)19:51
freefallHow much waiting?19:51
Lord-ReadmanOnly 4 hours left until then it will be a day late19:52
CalmvsKhaosthe ones that know, wont say anything.so basically no one knows19:52
ChogyDanI've got 8 hours  :p19:52
Lord-Readmanits already the 19th in Aus19:52
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: March 18 2010, 19:52:4419:52
yofel4h left ;)19:52
thiebaudeLord-Readman, 16hrs ahead of me,lol19:53
CalmvsKhaossounds about right yofel19:53
Lord-ReadmanUbuntu always does it though19:53
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: March 18 2010, 19:53:3119:53
Lord-Readmanthe developer summit should be 1 day early just so things can be released on time i.e. 1am UTC on the day it says :-P19:53
CalmvsKhaosyou guys think the mirrors will be slow?19:54
thiebaudei got my beta 1 cd download already19:54
ChogyDananyone happen to know what the linux-tools package is?19:55
yofel!info linux-tools lucid19:56
ubottulinux-tools (source: linux): Linux kernel specific tools for version 2.6.32. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.32-16.25 (lucid), package size 48 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for all i386 amd64 lpia ia64 powerpc sparc armel)19:56
yofelseems to consist of '/usr/bin/perf' and various manpages19:57
arandHmm, if whoever mentioned the no-irc in empathy is still around. It does have, but disabled on the first setup, becaes (quoting the empathy dev:) "Empathy is currently a pretty poor IRC client so I think the current UI makes sense"19:58
Lord-Readmanxchat is good19:58
JEEBsvxchat is mighty fine, especially on linux19:58
Some_Person+1 for xchat19:59
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
ChogyDanhmm, I guess linux-tools isn't too important  :)19:59
JEEBsvof course, if someone loves command line there's always irssi, but for GUI-licious IRC there's xchat, konversation and kvIRC20:00
JEEBsvtoo bad kvIRC still has broken IMEs on the 4.X branch IIRC20:00
arandI use irssi, anyways, but this means that basically ubuntu's move to empathy disabled regular support for IRC, a fine move :/20:00
=== wjm_ is now known as wjm
JEEBsvI kind of see where you're coming from20:01
JEEBsvBut if empathy's devs don't feel that it's good yet >_>20:01
* DanaG sticks with pidgin.20:01
* yofel likes quassel20:01
yofelxchat is pretty much the best gtk/gnome client I know though20:02
JEEBsvYeah, for gtk/gnome it's prolly the best20:02
waltercoolI hate xchat, because is hard to see current users on room20:03
waltercoolyou must press ctrl+u20:03
JEEBsvUmm, user list?20:04
JEEBsvIt should be on the right side by default o_O20:04
JEEBsvNext to the text20:04
JEEBsvWhy ctrl+u then?20:04
arandhmm, I just tab-complete when I want to see if someone is present...20:04
waltercooli havent on right side =/20:04
JEEBsv> you must press ctrl+u20:04
JEEBsvwaltercool: then you don't have default xchat o_O20:04
JEEBsvor at least settings20:05
yofelwaltercool: do you use xchat-gnome maybe?20:05
waltercoolyes, but appears like a combobox20:05
waltercoolyofel: Im using lucid xchat-gnome20:05
JEEBsvOk, that's not standard xchat20:05
waltercoolyofel: Oh... is xchat better than xchat-gnme?20:05
waltercooli know, xchat-gnome is a fork20:05
yofelwaltercool: IMO yes, but I haven't used xchat-gnome for so long that it's hard to compare20:06
JEEBsvlol, I wonder what's the reasoning behind hiding the user list in xchat-gnome o_O20:07
* Some_Person doesn't play with xchat-gnome20:07
* JEEBsv doesn't either20:08
JEEBsvI just read what waltercool said and that just feels... weird20:08
* xzcvczx just uses the old faithful irssi20:08
xzcvczx+ screen20:08
* waltercool will install xchat20:08
JEEBsvirssi and screen is pretty good until you get 30 channels or so20:08
JEEBsvesc+numbers/keys I can still take20:08
waltercoolJEEBsv: Sorry..- im not english =P20:08
Some_PersonRegular xchat is pretty good20:08
waltercoolSome_Person: But... why 2 versions of xchat?20:09
JEEBsvwaltercool: I didn't comment on your English -- but on the design the xchat-gnome project took20:09
yofelI used xchat+screen+ssh for a while since my old home-server wasn't powerfull enough to handle quasselcore ^^20:09
xzcvczxJEEBsv: if i were to have 30 chans i would normally just open it over a couple of irssi instances20:09
Some_Personwaltercool: Heck if I know20:09
xzcvczxJEEBsv: then again i don't know many people who would actually use 30 windows20:09
JEEBsvxzcvczx: that's what I basically did, but bleh.20:09
JEEBsvxzcvczx: I have around 60+ atm20:09
xzcvczxJEEBsv: wow, i have enough trouble keeping track of a few20:09
JEEBsvAnd having a graphical network/channels list is pretty nice20:10
JEEBsvirssi kind of starts failing around there20:10
JEEBsvAlthough irssi-proxy is win20:10
JEEBsvOf course, it's not irssi that fails, but me for not setting up multiple shortcut keys for all those channels20:10
xzcvczxi never was a particular fan of x-chat always looked rather ugly to me but that was a number of years ago so i might have a look now20:10
JEEBsvIt still should look pretty plain, but I don't think that's what you really need in a client20:11
rohandoes kaffeine 1.0-pre3 (available on lucid) support external (.srt) subtitles?20:11
xzcvczxxchat-gnome or xchat, submit your votes now20:11
Some_Personxzcvczx: xchat20:12
KB1JWQWelp, my laptop is here.  The beta isn't. :-/20:12
JEEBsvwaltercool's comments make it seem like xchat-gnome kind of failed some design decisions20:12
JEEBsv(graphical client without a userlist that's always visible is a bit o_O)20:12
xzcvczxJEEBsv: yeah but just thought i would ask for a vote as canonical support xchat-gnome but not xchat20:12
Some_Personxzcvczx: To make it look less ugly, make the background color white instead of the default grey. I don't know why, but it makes a huge difference to me20:12
JEEBsvxzcvczx: wow -- they do o_O20:13
JEEBsvI feel that as something quite awkward20:13
waltercoolJEEBsv: Yeah, is hard when i must send PM =/  (AKA /msg <user> <Message>)20:13
yofelJEEBsv: licensing stuff I think, xchat is in universe while xchat-gnome is in main20:13
xzcvczxJEEBsv: tbh i don't normally use a userlist anyone and am quite happy using <tab> and /names for that stuff20:13
yofelxzcvczx: ^^^20:13
JEEBsvxzcvczx: true20:14
yofelhi sebsebseb20:14
JEEBsvI just found out that /names works in xchat too20:14
Some_Personyofel: Isn't universe just open source stuff that canonical doesn't support?20:14
waltercoolyofel: So, Ubuntu should modify that?20:14
sebsebsebBeta 1 out yet?20:14
sebsebsebyofel: hi20:14
xzcvczxJEEBsv: /names is a server command isn't it?20:14
xzcvczxsebsebseb: no20:14
JEEBsvxzcvczx: yah -- i've never really read the spec well ^^;20:14
yofelI'm not entirely sure here, but if you want it in main file a MainInclusionRequest on LP20:14
sebsebsebxzcvczx: oh ok20:14
xzcvczxJEEBsv: neither have i, just going by logic hence the '?20:15
Some_PersonMy xchat looks like this: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/3603/xchatp.png20:15
xzcvczxSome_Person: what coloUr is highlight?20:17
waltercoolSome_Person: Looks better than xchat-gnome20:17
Some_Personxzcvczx: highlight?20:17
xzcvczxSome_Person: aka what color is your name here20:18
Some_Personxzcvczx: That whole line is red20:18
waltercoolo wait... on lucidfox.org i see a xchat-gnome with right contact list =D20:18
JEEBsvToo bad I still use That Other Platform, too. GTK+ is such a pain sometimes on it. Most of the QT-based clients somewhat fail, too. Oh well~20:19
magn3tsI take it the beta isn't available yet?20:20
Some_PersonI don't understand why people would use xchat-gnome20:20
yofelJEEBsv: quassel is qt, and I like it20:20
xzcvczxxSome_Person, well it probably is an issue that its the one supported by canonical20:20
xzcvczxxaka in main20:20
xzcvczxxand assume that it is "better"20:21
JEEBsvyofel: IMEs work, per-network/channel text encoding?20:21
Some_Personxzcvczx: Does anyone actually use a system without universe enabled?20:21
xzcvczxxwhether you have universe enabled or disabled is irrelevant20:21
waltercoolSome_Person: Is supported by canonical i guess, thats the main reason.20:21
xzcvczxxSome_Person, its perception20:21
yofelJEEBsv: what's an IME? channel encodings are per network20:22
xzcvczxxSome_Person, aka "ooo look it has a pretty symbol next to it when xchat by itself doesn't"20:22
waltercoolyofel: Is great now... i was beta testing of quassel... and i dislike it! (start a server... connect server... blablabla)20:22
JEEBsvyofel: Input Method Editors. In other words, basically Japanese etc. input20:22
waltercoolyofel: Sorry... was a question xD20:22
yofelJEEBsv: never needed it so can't say20:22
magn3tsI don't understand why someone would *make* Xchat-gnome.20:22
JEEBsvNormally it shouldn't fail, but you know... kvIRC got it to fail so thought I'd ask lol20:23
JEEBsvyofel: I'll try quassel. I guess it's buildable on win** too?20:23
yofelwaltercool: if you don't want to use a seperate quasselcore, you can use the monolithic client, that's the client and core together, no need to connect to the core there20:23
Some_PersonWhy does canonical support xchat-gnome but not xchat anyway?20:24
yofelpackages in the repos: quassel - standalone app, quassel-core: core only, quassel-client: client only20:24
xzcvczxxSome_Person, why is the sky blue?20:24
yofelSome_Person: if you want to change it then find out why nobody did a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess for xchat yet20:25
=== xzcvczxx is now known as xzcvczx
Some_PersonBecuase air particles scatter blue light more than others20:26
* JEEBsv builds-deps quassel20:26
waltercoolyofel: Nice... seems better now =)20:26
Some_Personyofel: I think I'm going to file one20:27
JEEBsvSome_Person: nice20:27
Some_PersonUnless I'm missing something, xchat doesn't violate any of the requirements20:28
JEEBsvWell, it really shouldn't be violating... as far as I know. Or was the windows build business such? IIRC it's under a double license nowadays or something like that20:29
xzcvczxWTF xchat-gnome is set to auto-accept DCC file transfers :O20:29
Some_Personxzcvczx: lol20:29
Some_Personxzcvczx: xchat prompts by default20:29
JEEBsvxzcvczx: rofl20:29
xzcvczxthis is just stupid20:30
Some_Personxzcvczx: I'd say that's a security flaw20:30
JEEBsvit is20:30
Some_PersonMaybe I'll put that into my MIR for xchat20:30
xzcvczxwell WTF is it doing in main with the "security flaw" then20:30
JEEBsvbecause someone thought it was going to be better than xchat, I guess >_>20:31
* xzcvczx purges xchat-gnome20:31
* JEEBsv gets quassel's sources to take a look at the newest revision20:32
freefall_Still waiting for beta?20:32
MajorAstrhow is the beta20:33
xzcvczxah ok it seems its not as bad as it looks, it will not auto-recieve it you have to choose location to save first20:33
xzcvczxits just sounds bad20:33
* xzcvczx wishes the fine ops of this channel would put http:// in front of the urls20:36
* yofel agrees to that20:36
xzcvczxyes it will make it 21 characters longer but it will make it a hell of a lot more convinient20:37
yofelquassel doesn't recognize links that start with wiki.u... as  http links :/20:37
xzcvczxi don't think many programs do20:37
* xzcvczx misses /win :(20:37
* xzcvczx is getting annoyed its already the 19th and no beta20:44
Ian_CorneIt's been pushed back xzcvczx20:44
CalmvsKhaosIan_Corne, what?!20:45
vegapostponed for 1 day20:45
Ian_CorneI think20:45
xzcvczxi am tempted to say he is just winding people up20:45
xzcvczxbut now i am not so sure20:45
veganope, there was a mail on ubuntu announce list20:45
vega40 minutes ago..20:46
xzcvczxoh ffs, it is still 18th on release schedule and on planet ubuntu and the other ubuntu rss feed i have subscribed to20:46
xzcvczxso meh20:46
CalmvsKhaosvega, thanks, this is terrible news indeed!20:47
xzcvczxvega, although i guess i now believe you20:47
xzcvczxIan_Corne, thanks as well20:47
CalmvsKhaosyeah you too Ian_Corne thanks :)20:47
yofelCalmvsKhaos: stuff like that happens with devel releases, better tomorrow than broken ;)20:48
Some_PersonAre all of xchat's dependencies and recommends in main?20:48
xzcvczxSome_Person, how come? going to try and get it shifted?20:48
xzcvczxSome_Person, i assume if xchat-gnomes are then xchat's will be20:49
CalmvsKhaosyofel, oh i know, ive been a beta tester for various companies since  1997 (started with AOL) :)20:49
zcat[1]Bloody annoying, I offered to do a presentation on what's new in Lucid for WLUG on Monday... the day they swapped the buttons to the left I was so pissed off I switched to Debian (which I'm running now..) but I still have to do the presentation. Was going to install the beta on a scratch drive. looks like my presentation is going to suck, or be all about the stupid decisions in the latest ubuntu like moving GUI elements around pointless20:49
zcat[1]ly and removing useful software like GIMP to fit in useless software like gwibber.20:49
cousteauso this will be the first ubuntu thing not released on thursday?20:49
yofelCalmvsKhaos: :D20:49
Some_Personxzcvczx: I'm filing a main inclusion request for it20:50
yofelzcat[1]: you can still install gimp from the repos... you don't need a professional image editing app on the live disk20:50
xzcvczxzcat[1], do you know gian perone?20:50
zcat[1]xzcvczx:  the name rings a bell..20:50
xzcvczxzcat[1], ah ok, what school did you go to?20:50
Some_Personxzcvczx: If any depends or recommends are in universe, they also need requests filed for them20:50
zcat[1]but that was years ago ;)20:50
vegadunno what gwibber is, but i deinstalled it along with something called couchdb that had some broken cron job20:51
* cousteau would include gimp and replace f-spot and eog with gThumb20:51
xzcvczxSome_Person, meh i still think it might all be in main if xchat-gnome is in main20:51
vegacousteau: agree with that ..20:51
cousteauor at least the second part, in case there's no way to make gimp fit20:51
xzcvczxzcat[1], i was at hillcrest many a year ago20:51
vega(f-spot sucks)20:51
zcat[1]The thing is I demo Ubuntu on people's windows machines with the live CD... photo editing is something plenty of people want, and I can demo GIMP directly on their photos from the live CD...20:51
* xzcvczx would also include gimp over other20:51
yofelSome_Person: you could run 'apt-get source xchat' in a terminal and check the deps/recommends in the xchat/debian/control file with 'apt-cache policy <pkgname>'20:52
zcat[1]non-geek users generally do not care about twitter20:52
cousteaugThumb is an easy to use image displayer, with some small features to edit images, can display animated GIFs (but not aPNGs)...20:52
zcat[1]also moving the buttons is a MAJOR FAIL20:52
xzcvczxzcat[1], even most nerds don't like twitter20:52
KB1JWQGoing through the install dance on a new t510.  Graphics aren't supported out of the box.20:52
DanaGT510?  what video card?20:53
cousteauit is similar to eog but with some of the features that f-spot has (or I think it has, never used it)20:53
zcat[1]It's going to be the first thing I have to fix on every install I ever make from now on (except it won't.. every install I make from now on will be debian...._)20:53
xzcvczxzcat[1], meh if enough people complain might be shifted back for release20:53
KB1JWQDanaG: Not entirely sure. :-)20:53
yofelzcat[1]: then add yourself to the affected users of the buttons bug, vote for a solution on the brainstorm idea and complain to the ayatana folks, not here20:53
zcat[1]Well I AM COMPLAINING..20:53
KB1JWQDanaG: It's a discrete graphics thing from nvidia as best I can tell.20:54
zcat[1]gah, it better be changed back.20:54
xzcvczxset up a bug saying they are on wrong side :P20:54
DanaGwhich bug was the "move the buttons back, damnit!" bug?20:54
xzcvczxtoo late20:54
xzcvczxcomment on that bug then20:54
KB1JWQDanaG: I'm pulling the alternative install CD now, so I can actually get Ubuntu installed in text mode.20:54
KB1JWQFrom there I can play with it.20:54
zcat[1]link for the bug, I'm lazy...20:54
vegaactually thinking of trying out kde after 3-4 years of gnome.. mainly because of bad app choices (empathy, f-spot, ...) and those button things20:54
xzcvczxi dunno you will have to ask DanaG20:54
cousteauabout the buttons, I think that it's not late yet since it's just a beta. Adding an option on the Appearance menu would be enough20:54
bjsniderDanaG, i took it and changed it to "won't fix"20:54
yofelzcat[1]: vote for a change and it might be changed back, if you just complain in this support channel nothing will happen20:54
DanaGI don't have the number on hand.20:55
xzcvczxvega, i prefer to use the main supported DE/WM with a distro20:55
cousteauor make each theme have their buttons on a different side20:55
xzcvczxvega, aka gnome w/ ubuntu, kde with (oh no he didn't) suse or redhat20:55
KB1JWQDanaG: Survey says it's the nvs3100m20:55
cousteauI mean, the human and clearlooks themes on the right, the current one (dunno its name) and the aqua one on the left...20:56
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner
cousteaubut maybe the option on the Appearance menu is enough20:56
vegaxzcvczx: doesn't redhat defalt to gnome..?20:56
yofelbug 53263320:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532633 in metacity "[light-theme] please revert the order of the window controls back to "menu:minimize,maximize,close"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53263320:57
xzcvczxvega, meh dunno, but suse does kde better20:57
Linux000vega: Used to, not sure if it changed20:57
zcat[1]I've read all the comments. The dvorack keyboard layout is also better, let's just make that the default in 10.04 too!!!20:59
xzcvczxlol this bug must hae the most status changes ever20:59
DanaGIt's worse than the notify-osd thing, too.20:59
cousteaudamn, chatzilla assumes all bugs are from bugzilla and links to them20:59
kklimondazcat[1]: so you are saying that it's just as hard to switch to the dvorak layout and replace keyboard as it is to click on the left side of the window?20:59
janjokHi, after changing the driver in xorg from vesa to radeon21:00
kklimondadamn, maybe I should learn dvorak - I was thinking about it for some time21:00
janjokI get a blank screen after boot21:00
janjokI+ve tried the recovery mode21:00
zcat[1]kklimonda:  for the users I deal with, pretty damn close to that, yes.21:00
janjoksame issue21:00
yofelzcat[1]: you read all 226 comments already? wow, fast...21:00
xzcvczxkklimonda, it is hard to switch from dvorak to qwerty if you a)don't know dvorak b) must do it from command line c)have a qwerty keyboard21:00
bjsniderkklimonda, no, he's saying that he wants to buy us all dvorak keybaords21:00
richthegeekjanjok: two monitors?21:01
janjokrichthegeek: one21:01
richthegeekjanjok: kk, not#533135 then21:01
richthegeekjanjok: does your system have a SysReq button?21:01
richthegeekjanjok: the keyboard I mean21:01
richthegeekjanjok: shame... apparently alt+sysreq can get you past that sorta thing.21:02
richthegeekAnyone know how to change the alt+sysreq key combo for Plymouth?21:02
janjokcan i somehow force vesa on grub?21:02
zcat[1]OMFG, got a request from a parent, their kid has installed some parental access control addon and they can't get to websites.. LOL21:02
yofelsysreq is often mapped to 'print', try that21:02
xzcvczxzcat[1], nice21:03
yofelzcat[1]: LOL21:03
richthegeekyofel: right, trying a reboot now on a new install (finally got a daily to boot, see bug #540834)21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540834 in linux "Lucid daily live build does not get past Plymouth" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54083421:03
zcat[1]glubble? Hmm...21:03
Some_PersonOk, does anyone have anything else to add to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/54150321:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 541503 in xchat "[MIR] xchat" [Undecided,New]21:03
DanaGIf it weren't for the fact that (a) debian has really old stuff and (b) xorg-edgers on ubuntu has really new stuff, I'd just about go back to debian.21:03
* yofel subscribes the bug21:04
janjokany ideas then on the alt+sysreq combination on an apple keyboard?21:04
zcat[1]also my launchpad login doen't work. I KNOW I used to have one!21:04
xzcvczxSome_Person, did you not see my update, apparently xchat-gnome comes up with browse dialog on attempted dcc recieve21:04
bjsniderSome_Person, you could also add that nobody is working on xchat-gnome and hasn't been for a long time21:04
kklimondaSome_Person: it's not really a reason to move it over to main21:04
kklimondaSome_Person: I'd say that xchat-gnome should be demoted to universe though21:05
Some_Personxzcvczx: ok, i'll remove that21:05
Some_Personbjsnider: I'll add that21:05
KB1JWQNo way to throw the standard install CD into a text mode install?21:05
zcat[1]Ahhh.. apparently it's my old email21:05
yofelKB1JWQ: you need the alternate disk for that21:06
KB1JWQyofel: Was afraid of that. :-)21:06
yofelKB1JWQ: or get the dvd, it hast the live mode and test-mode installer21:06
KB1JWQNo alpha DVD last I checked...21:06
xzcvczxKB1JWQ, or just do a network install :P21:06
richthegeekyofel: no luck, no key combo helped, still experienced #53313521:06
kklimondaSome_Person: why do you think it should be moved over to main other than that is't better than xchat-gnome?21:07
richthegeekthe installation I am having the problem on is on a seperate partition, can I chroot in and switch to the nvidia driver?21:07
xzcvczxkklimonda, why do you think it shouldn't?21:07
yofelKB1JWQ: there are daily builds of the dvd: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/21:07
xzcvczxrichthegeek, of course21:07
richthegeekxzcvczx: sweet21:07
xzcvczxrichthegeek, you shouldn't even need to chroot in though21:07
xzcvczxrichthegeek, can you edit the grub command line?21:07
richthegeekxzcvczx: is that just "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"21:08
KB1JWQxzcvczx: Can't do that from the primary either I don't think?21:08
richthegeekxzcvczx: I could do but I dont think it has the drivers installed21:08
kklimondaxzcvczx: it doesn't integrate with gnome, has some really irritating bugs, there are already three irc clients in main and being in main doesn't mean anything but that it's going to by maintained by Canonical21:08
xzcvczxKB1JWQ, just use netboot from another pc21:08
KB1JWQxzcvczx: I'm 1500 miles from home unfortunately. :-)21:08
xzcvczxrichthegeek, thats fine just boot into "single user mode" and you can do whatever you like21:08
richthegeekxzcvczx: little bit more of a howto?21:09
duffydackchrome has theme now for ambiance/radiance, how about a FF theme please..21:09
richthegeekxzcvczx: the issue is bug #53313521:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533135 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth installed (nouveau driver with >1 display)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53313521:09
CosmiChaosnvidia 8600gts runs in 4x bus teype mode, please help. http://paste.ubuntu.com/397463/21:10
richthegeekback in a minute21:10
xzcvczxkklimonda, so your options are, cmd line, qt, qt?21:10
janjokwell, that bug talks about the nouveau driver with > 1 display21:11
kklimondaSome_Person: btw - you have to follow these guidlines to fill MIR: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess (i.e. you have to prepare a wiki page with some info about package)21:11
Some_Personkklimonda: Because there should be a full IRC client that is still under development and supported by ubuntu21:11
janjokmy setup uses an ATI card21:11
kklimondaxzcvczx: empathy, pidgin, xchat-gnome, irssi, two other clients from qt/kde front21:12
* DanaG has an RV635 (Mobility HD3650).21:13
Some_Personkklimonda: Where does it say I have to prepare a wiki page?21:13
DanaGWith xorg-edgers and drm-next kernel, it's awesome.21:13
JEEBsvwell, xchat-gnome certainly loses in the 'sane defaults' range >_> and as was stated, it doesn't seem to be developed any more. Of course, I guess switches never take place from the main?21:13
JEEBsv(xchat-gnome out, xchat in f.ex.)21:13
JEEBsvanyways, building quassel :321:14
Jaymacjust saw the beta is delayed until tomorrow :(21:14
richthegeekxzcvczx, yofel: sorted sorta... Nouveau is still borked but I had nvidia set up in about 5 seconds so it's all good21:14
kklimondaSome_Person: actually this whole page is about things you have to prepare for MIR and it's done as a wiki page21:14
xzcvczxrichthegeek, yeah should be able to fix it, as i say just google for how to get grub to go into single user and you will be root logged in21:14
xzcvczxrichthegeek, all good then21:14
kklimondaJEEBsv: well - xchat replacing xchat-gnome is the only reason for this MIR to get accepted.21:14
yofelJEEBsv: why not use the repos packages? they're quite new21:14
richthegeekxzcvczx: sorta, would love for plymouth and/or nouveau to actually just work though21:14
JEEBsvyofel: I like to get stuff built :321:15
yofelJEEBsv: :D21:15
xzcvczxrichthegeek, meh i would rather just use nvidia-binary for now21:15
richthegeekxzcvczx: yeah, 3D effects are nice, but nouveau seems fast. Got a 2 second boot when it worked21:15
* yofel uses nvidia-binary, purged plymouth and is happy21:15
Some_Personkklimonda: Have I not already done what I need to for it (steps 1-3)?21:15
richthegeekxzcvczx: I am using an SSD though so it's not to be aimed at by most21:15
xzcvczxrichthegeek, yes but i do 3d stuff so stuff no accel21:16
richthegeekyofel: purged plymouth? is your boot ugly then?21:16
yofelrichthegeek: text mode boot yes, but I like it like that21:16
richthegeekyofel: faster that way i imagine21:16
yofelsomeone said it is21:16
yofelbut the boot is so fast today that you don't see much of the text anyway21:17
kklimondaSome_Person: here you go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements (for example it looks like that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportGwibber)21:17
richthegeeknow, how to remove gwibber and so on.. it's appearing in my "top" list and I don't even use it21:17
xzcvczxrichthegeek, from synaptic or from apt-get remove gwibber21:18
xzcvczxwill most likely work21:18
xzcvczxrichthegeek, is there a rss reader in the "top" list now?21:18
richthegeekxzcvczx: just removed it so couldn't tell you21:18
xzcvczxah ok21:19
richthegeekI love having my /home on a different partition :)21:19
xzcvczxmeh i prefer to just have it on the same partition and just upgrade disk to upgrade distro21:19
richthegeekxzcvczx: I have a backup partition on one of my disks so if this install goes down I can fix it from that one21:20
richthegeekand I like having my settings all sorted21:20
kklimondaSome_Person: and xchat development isn't that active - there has been no tarball released since jun 2008 :/21:20
Some_PersonWell, it's more than xchat-gnome. Jan. 10, 2007 was the last release that wasn't just bugfixes21:22
KB1JWQWhee, expert mode.21:23
* KB1JWQ goes to the future, grabs Ubuntu 12.10, brings disk back21:25
KB1JWQThat was easy.21:25
Some_PersonKB1JWQ: What are the positions of the buttons?21:26
SeqHi, How would I debug a failure to boot? Last line I get is: "[drm] nouveau 000:02:00.0 PRAMIN flush timeout", then nothing21:26
kklimondaKB1JWQ: no sources? :/21:26
KB1JWQkklimonda: Knew I forgot something.21:26
KB1JWQSome_Person: Hahahah, I said 2012, not 2010.  Haptic interface, dude...21:27
Some_PersonKB1JWQ: I know, but did they switch them back sometime between now and 2012?21:27
KB1JWQSome_Person: Didn't stick around long enough to find out, what with the asteroid and all...21:28
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo
richthegeekwow Ubuntu has a lot of worthless packages installed...21:29
kklimondai'm pretty sure there is no single worthless package on the livecd21:30
richthegeekkklimonda: to clarify, worthless to me21:30
kklimondaunless.. right21:30
xfactJust got the news that Beta 1 release has postponede till Firday21:30
KB1JWQrichthegeek: http://bash.org/?89117521:30
Ian_Corneexcept the janitor?21:30
richthegeekKB1JWQ: well done for having that to hand, but didn't Simpsons do it first?21:31
xfactI mean just got the news that Ubuntu lucid Beta 1 release just postponed to friday 19th, too  bad :(21:31
KB1JWQWhat else am I supposed to do while this thing installs? :-)21:31
Some_Personxfact: Well, in about 1 and a half hours, it'll be the 19th in GMT21:33
xzcvczxKB1JWQ, stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye?21:33
richthegeekKB1JWQ: eat? every damn program in this OS tries to remove acpi-support when I remove it...21:33
xzcvczxSome_Person, in fact its already 10:33 on the 19th of march21:33
Some_Personxzcvczx: huh?21:33
KB1JWQI'm hoping the OS itself has better hardware support than the installer.21:34
xfactSome_Person, Thats not the matter here already 19th 3:04 AM (IST), but I think they will release it middle of 19th.21:34
yofelSome_Person, xzcvczx: please stick to UTC while talking in here21:34
xzcvczxyofel, meh stuff UTC21:34
xzcvczxyofel, NZDT is more advanced21:34
richthegeeksudo apt-get remove sudo21:35
yofelchannel time is UTC21:35
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)21:35
KB1JWQgrub2 or grub legacy the way to go here?21:35
yofelrichthegeek: wrong21:35
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: March 18 2010, 21:35:3121:35
nishanthcan some one help me fix plymouth?21:35
Some_Personxfact: 3:04 AM? You're UTC + 5:30?21:35
KB1JWQnishanth: What's the issue?21:35
yofelxzcvczx: wth is NZDT?21:35
richthegeekyofel: I feel so useless..21:35
yofelrichthegeek: *g*21:35
nishanthwell i dont see the plymouth animation when the system boots21:36
xfactSome_Person, Yup I guess so21:36
xzcvczxyofel, lol +1321:36
yofelxzcvczx: oh, yeah, nice place to live at :D21:36
xfacthere it shows GMT+5:30 too21:36
Some_Personxfact: I've never heard of one that was + or - anything :3021:37
xfactyup I do not see the plymouth animation too, rather then that it shows some I/O error texts :(21:37
yofelSome_Person: there are some though21:37
* xfact someone gonna whois me...21:37
nishanthis there a way to fix it?21:38
xzcvczxxfact, don't care :P21:38
xfactthat was not to you...21:39
Some_Personxfact: I've got your IP, but oddly it doesn't resolve to a hostname21:39
xzcvczxSome_Person, then use command line to whois ip21:39
KB1JWQHm.  I can't get this to boot in single user mode without the screen going dead.21:39
nishanthcan someone help me fix the plymouth21:39
richthegeekgrr @ ubuntuone, empathy, telepathy, transmission, pxljr, onboard, orca, mscompress, indicator-*, hpijs, hplip, cups, gnome-bluetooth, evolution, espeak, bluez, and brltty21:40
xzcvczxrichthegeek, thats a lot of hate21:40
Some_Personxfact: You're in India21:40
xzcvczxrichthegeek, what did they do?21:40
xfactagain why people always end up with IP for online informations :|21:40
richthegeekxzcvczx: they were on my system when they didn't need to be... already slaughtered gwibber21:40
Some_Personxfact: /whois xfact21:40
xfactSome_Person, Yup, you could ask me directly rather then doing some hard work (whois...)21:40
Some_Personwhois is hard work?21:41
richthegeekxzcvczx: why do we have HP printing drivers on all systems instead of just installing on first connection?21:41
xfactharder then asking...21:41
xzcvczxrichthegeek, because noone uses hp anymore21:41
yofelrichthegeek: they have their purposes, I use hplip for example as I have a HP printer, and you need at least one e-mail app (evolution)21:41
xzcvczxxfact, but more often its not bullfaeces21:41
richthegeekxzcvczx: gmail21:41
richthegeeksorry, that was to yofel21:41
* xfact thats odd 21:42
richthegeekyofel: so install the drivers or have them auto install like Windows does (yes, I hate that phrase and very concept too, but they do get some things right)21:42
yofelrichthegeek: I use gmx and like their interface, but I just can' manage all mails that I get online21:42
richthegeekyofel: I only get about 20/day21:42
richthegeekyofel: you tried using labels?21:42
yofelrichthegeek: do you realize that you just said: auto-install? windows has the drivers on their install dvd too for that21:42
xzcvczxrichthegeek, why don't they just implement everything from win vista into ubuntu, would that makes you happier?21:42
xzcvczxincluding a stupidly expensive rego key and activation21:43
richthegeekyofel, xzcvczx: I wasn't suggesting anything quite so pervasive as Windows, and I would absolutely hate having a winclone for an OS (I use teh buntu for a reason), but the way it handles drivers is a lot better than Linux21:43
yofelrichthegeek: you aren't subscribed to various mailing lists and bug reports21:43
richthegeekyofel, xzcvczx: just an online repo of HW ID's and the drivers required to make them go21:44
xfactSome_Person, You live in TX and using a at&t connection right?21:44
yofelrichthegeek: one strong point of linux is that you don't need to install any drivers to get most HW to work, it works out of the box, not line in windows: install os, then spend a day to install all drivers and vendor software21:45
richthegeekyofel, xzcvczx: you know, the numbers you get from lsusb such as 046d:c318, I am under the impression these are device specific? so why not have the HAL or whatever handles it ping a server for the right driver21:45
Some_Personxfact: Yep21:45
xzcvczxrichthegeek, technically no, theoretically yes21:45
richthegeekyofel: you are a bit skewed there... I had to install wireless drivers and NV drivers for Windows, but I had to do that for buntu as well21:45
Some_Personxfact: most people stop and assume swbell though from my hostname, but they merged into SBC which merged into AT&T years ago21:46
nishanthi have a problem with changing the desktop appearance21:46
richthegeekyofel: for Windows I had to force it to use the one off the disk, for Linux I had to download a driver, edit it, compile it, and install it21:46
nishanthcan someone help me21:46
Some_Personxfact: You actually went far enough to find AT&T21:46
yofelrichthegeek: on my eeePC I had to install nothing, and the nvidia drivers aren't included for licensing issues21:46
richthegeekxzcvczx: so there is no way to uniquely identify a piece of hardware based only on the info it provides?21:46
nishanthwhen i try to changing form none to extra or normal21:47
xfactSome_Person, yup I can see that too21:47
xzcvczxrichthegeek, theoretically yes, technically no21:47
richthegeekxzcvczx: this is for all** pieces of hardware, not just one of course21:47
yofelrichthegeek: that there are a few wireless drivers that aren't included for installation of the live disk is another issue that should be improved21:47
xzcvczxrichthegeek, theoretically yes, technically no21:47
xfactSBC Internet Services, Inc.21:47
nishanthit says couldnot desktop effects could not be enabled21:47
Some_Personxfact: No longer exists21:47
yofelnishanth: wait, you said you have an core i5 right?21:48
xfactSome_Person, Who cares, I just needed to know where you are too, and I got that  :)21:48
yofelnishanth: maybe the intel drivers from xorg-edgers will work better for you as those chips are quite new21:49
yofelnishanth: maybe ask in #ubuntu-x if it will help21:49
Some_Personxfact: Well, my hostname actually gives away my city21:49
xfactSome_Person, Is that Plano?21:49
Some_Personxfact: no21:49
xzcvczxwho can guess what country i am from21:50
xfactSome_Person, Well, Somewhere in TX, that's enough information, I am not going to meet you there lol21:50
Some_Personxfact: see the "hstntx" in my hostname?21:50
yofelSome_Person: lol21:51
xzcvczxhouston we have a problem21:51
richthegeekwit at it's finest21:51
xfactSome_Person, yup so...?21:52
* xfact is not really a network specialist 21:52
BUGabundois there a ppa for Text::BibTeX ?21:53
xzcvczxso is it plymouth that destroyed the beta release?21:55
Some_PersonWhy don't they just screw plymouth if it's so problematic and bring back xsplash?21:56
* xzcvczx agrees21:56
xzcvczxseems like its causing much more problems than its soling21:56
xfactbye for sec21:57
Some_Personwhat was wrong with xsplash anyway?21:57
Some_Personheck, i even thought usplash was ok22:00
virtualdsome_person: plymouth runs before x starts and xsplash after22:00
bjsniderplymouth uses kms22:00
virtualdbjsnider: does it run after x starts?22:01
Some_Personthen go back to the old usplash! it ran before x22:01
virtualdthere's at least one month left to fix the bugs22:02
bjsniderdoesn't matter if the modesetting is done in the kernel switching to and from x is mega-fast22:02
Some_Personbecause plymouth's not working and apparently it's bad to start a splash after X or something?22:02
CaneToadI'm running Jaunty and just installed openldap (slapd package)....but in doing that, the entire /var/run directory was chowned to user openldap....that seems to be a bug...can someone see if that happens in latest distro?22:02
virtualdcanetoad: this channel is for the next unreleased ubuntu, ask in #ubuntu22:03
CaneToadI intended the question for the unreleased distro22:03
yofelvirtuald: he wanted us to test it on lucid22:03
virtualdoh sorry22:03
Some_PersonI just think it's silly to delay the beta on account of a broken splash22:05
virtualdit's just a beta22:06
Some_PersonIf it's broken and can't be easily repaired, just trash it22:06
yofelCaneToad: only /var/run/slapd is openldap:openldap here, the rest wasn't changed22:06
virtualdyou can still download the daily image22:06
virtualdfrom cdimage.ubuntu.com or your local mirror22:06
Some_Personvirtuald: I've heard the current one is broken22:06
JEEBsvI just had someone boot the image from around 4-5h22:07
yofelSome_Person: well, then why do you want to release the images if they're broken? and no, plymouth will not be removed22:07
charlie-tcaSome_Person: I think it has to do with booting it, actually. Just throwing it out doesn't quite work22:07
yofelactually cryptsetup depends on plymouth now, so you can't just throw it out22:07
DanaGargh, how do I get networkmanager to automatically connect "system connections" on a headless box?22:08
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Alpha 3 released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/Alpha3 | Beta 1 Delayed until 2010-03-19
virtualdyofel: is it the password entry bug that holds back the beta release?22:08
* xzcvczx thinks they are going to have fun getting plymouth sorted out in 24hrs22:09
yofelvirtuald: no idea22:09
virtualdit still works when i type it in carefully22:09
DanaGah, had to set managed=true for networkmanager.22:10
CalmvsKhaosim sure this bug's been covered before, but if i click/drag an application around it freezes up for a few seconds, is there a work around for that?22:14
CaneToadyofel, thanks22:21
yofelCaneToad: you're welcome22:21
yofelCaneToad: tested on i386 btw22:21
kolizOh so it's delayed :) Is that common?22:26
kolizI don't really care I just got the impression after reading the how the ubuntu releases work that when they hit the specific date they release it.22:27
kolizA real question: how do you know that it's delayed until tomorrow? I mean, how could I have figured that out instead of coming here?22:27
kolizA real question: how do you know that it's delayed until tomorrow? I mean, how could I have figured that out instead of coming here?22:28
kolizsorry for that22:28
yofelkoliz: we got a mail on the devel-announce mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-March/000695.html22:28
kolizyofel, alright. so there's no "news" page for lucid?22:30
yofelkoliz: not really, devel communication is done over mailing list and IRC mostly, the only news you get is "it's released" or nothing22:31
xzcvczxkoliz, for releases yes, for betas and alphas they occasioanly fall on days of solar flares and are therefore postponed by a day22:31
xzcvczxannounce list'22:31
xzcvczxannounce list'22:31
kolizokey :) Cheers22:31
sburwoodI was wondering ... is there now and will there be in the release version a way to suppress feedback when you type in your password?22:34
sburwoodyou know, the asterixes ...22:34
xzcvczxtype in password to where?22:34
nhainesOoh, that's a good question.22:34
IdleOneI think there already is22:35
IdleOneleast there used to be22:35
sburwoodYes, 9.10 ... if I remember, had it22:35
sburwoodLucid is so much faster than Karmic was.  Of course, it isn't yet the release version22:36
IdleOnedoesn't bother me though22:36
IdleOnesburwood: why do you not want to see the asterisks?22:36
sburwoodIdleOne: you may consider me parano, but I want it to be as secure as possible.22:37
sburwoodif someone can read the number of characters in your password, it's faster and easier to have problems22:38
IdleOnesburwood: knowing the amount of characters in a password does make it easier for someone to try and crack but seriously dude22:38
IdleOneI mean what do you have on your pc that is so important :)22:38
sburwoodI know.  I watch too many films ...22:38
IdleOnestop watching Hackers!22:38
sburwoodnot that I have anything of national security interest22:38
sburwoodbut I don't want someone to mess around with my computer, and it is a possibility22:39
IdleOneI would prefer that it shows the asterisks but that it displays a random amount22:39
IdleOneat work we have a couple of apps we use and when we type in our passwords it adds more then actually entered22:40
jasoncertain conditions on my laptop if I am typing then I press return for an app to process a task my mouse freezes just for a few seconds? anyone experience this22:40
sburwoodI understand that.  I don't know what "Hackers" is22:40
xzcvczxsburwood, really??22:40
IdleOnesburwood: ohhhh, you need to google22:40
sburwoodI don't live in the USA22:40
xzcvczxsburwood, zer0cool and crash override and acid burn22:40
IdleOneHackers is a movie from the 80's22:40
sburwoodoh, I must have forgotten22:41
MuscovyIt would be nice if it did a generic one character or something. I remember it really puzzling me the first time I was asked for sudo password. :|22:41
IdleOneall geeks MUST watch Hackers once maybe twice a year22:41
CalmvsKhaossburwood, for being 'paranoid' you dont even have a encrypted connection to freenode! :)22:41
kolizfrom the 80's it isn not22:41
IdleOnekoliz: 90's?22:41
IdleOnewell it's old22:41
sburwoodI'm living in a place where they speak French22:41
koliz90's yea22:41
kolizbut not knowing of hackers!22:41
kolizI mean, hackers and operation takedown22:41
kolizthat's standard shit22:42
sburwoodIf I could get an encrypted connection to whatever, I would22:42
CalmvsKhaosnot hard to do sburwood22:42
IdleOnekoliz: yeah but watch the language please :)22:42
kolizsburwood, loosen up =)22:42
sburwoodI remember that film with Gene Hackman and Will Smith22:42
CalmvsKhaostheres a how to on connecting to freenode encrypted , you'd have to google it though22:42
kolizIdleOne, yea yea =)22:42
IdleOneehhh that was goverment stuff.22:42
IdleOnenot a "real" hacker movie22:43
sburwoodyeah ... I know, but NSA stuff ...22:43
kolizwhat movie is that? Men in black?22:43
kolizIndependence day ?22:43
jasonIsn't all this totally off topic22:43
sburwoodEnemys of the State22:43
sburwoodor something like that22:43
IdleOnejason: indeed22:43
kolizoh right22:43
jasonIs this not the support channel for lucid22:43
IdleOnebut it started because of a good ontopic question22:44
IdleOnejason: why do you keep asking questions you know the answer to?22:44
jasonidk ?22:44
kolizit's healthy to go a little bit of topic now and then22:44
xzcvczxjason, no22:44
IdleOnejason: :) point made22:44
IdleOneand this is not really a support channel in the #ubuntu sense22:44
sburwoodI do have something that might be more on topic.  I have a scanner.  When I try to scan, it opts for a v4l USB camera, rather than the scanner22:44
xzcvczxand anyway the beta has been delayed 24hrs therefore the on-topicness is disabled for 24hrs22:45
sburwoodif it isn't, tell me where to ask that question22:45
kolizxzcvczx, haha22:45
yofelIdleOne: well, it is, but it's not so busy so we tend to forget that :D22:45
IdleOnesburwood: you can ask in #ubuntu but if you are running lucid they will refer you back here22:45
jasonIdleOne, I'm aware I asked a question on the mouse freezing but wanted to make sure that I was in the right channel22:45
IdleOneyofel: true22:45
sburwoodxzcvczx: How do you pronounce your name?22:45
jasonI am running lucid22:45
xzcvczxX Z C V C Z X22:46
sburwoodI have lucid on this computer22:46
xzcvczxaka ex zed see vee see zed ex22:46
IdleOnexzcvczx: is from Canada I believe22:46
sburwoodIdleOne: I am using lucid22:46
kolizthose canadians22:46
xzcvczxxzcvczx, is not from canada i believe22:46
IdleOnesburwood: what model scanner?22:46
kolizI'm gonna play around with the beta on my eeepc 1000he.22:47
IdleOnexzcvczx: ok some part of the world that is not USA22:47
sburwoodIdle, it recognizes the scanner and, when I choose it, it uses the scanner22:47
IdleOneok so what is the problem?22:47
sburwoodI just want to remove the choice of the USB camera22:47
sburwoodso it just chooses the scanner22:47
IdleOnehmm I am not sure how you would do that22:48
IdleOneshould be a way to set that as the default22:48
sburwoodI haven't found it yet22:48
sburwoodOh, well, I'll continue to look for that22:48
sburwoodthanks for everyone ... and stop being paranoid ... loll22:48
IdleOnebonne nuit22:49
kolizso... just 10 minutes until friday here. that means only 10 minutes until beta 1 !!!!22:49
MuscovyNot necessarily.22:49
IdleOnekoliz: probably not22:50
kolizoh comeone.22:50
xzcvczxwell its 12hrs into the 19th here now and still no beta 122:50
kolizwhere you at? japan or something?22:50
kolizI'll say au22:50
xzcvczxand i will say you are a knob22:51
BUGabundoxzcvczx: really? don't tell me you are waiting for a fictiscious date to upgrade or test?22:51
xzcvczxas i am not australian and i will never be australian and i would never want to be australian22:51
kolizI'll say that I'm not sure what knob means, however I do recognize the word.22:51
kolizthen you are new zealand.22:51
xzcvczxwell done :)22:51
kolizso typical for you guys to not like your better half on the left22:51
kolizno. I take that back22:52
xzcvczxbecause they are idiots22:52
kolizI really don't wanna start that discussion. sorry. I take it back.22:52
BUGabundocalm down22:52
BUGabundoplease observe COC22:52
kolizBUGabundo, "gaaahhh... this beta thing,, it's driving me insane..."22:52
xzcvczxBUGabundo, lol, yeah yeah i know22:52
BUGabundokoliz: why?22:52
dupondjeBUGabundo: don't get the hype neither, everybody seems to be waiting for beta 1 ...22:53
dupondjecare :)22:53
dupondjealpha 1 is cool :)22:53
BUGabundoxzcvczx: don't 'lol' me! pleae respect others if you want to be respected, no mather where they are from22:53
BUGabundothank you22:53
BUGabundodupondje: well I've been here since 2nd of November22:53
BUGabundoso its just BORING22:53
yofelheh, well, we had our share of the fun until now :D22:54
kolizdupondje, I'm a bit of a coward really so I have been waiting for beta 1 before trying it out. So of course I'm a bit excited about it :)22:54
dupondjesame here :) alpha 1 is cooler, then something breaks or new stuff comes in22:54
dupondjenow its just some minor fixes ;)22:54
xzcvczxBUGabundo, well there are no aussies complaining, and it goes both ways22:54
BUGabundoxzcvczx: *again* please refraim from such messages22:55
BUGabundokoliz: just get a daily and test it from livecd or something22:55
BUGabundouse a pendrive with netboot.me or full iso22:55
BUGabundothank you xzcvczx22:55
kolizBUGabundo, No I'll rather wait for the beta thanks.22:55
BUGabundofor livecd testing?22:56
BUGabundoare you joking me ??22:56
yofelkoliz: you can help the folks in #ubuntu-testing until the beta is out, they'll be glad for help on testing the beta candidate images ;)22:56
ellaris it a joke that "Beta 1 Delayed until 2010-03-19"? What has happened?22:56
BUGabundowhat does it matter? the sooner you test, the sooner you can file bugs, and help move this along!22:56
xzcvczxellar, no joke22:56
kolizyofel, yea well the beta is coming out tomorrow and I'm going to sleep now since it's 00:00 :)22:56
BUGabundoellar: probably some installer bug22:56
yofelellar: it's not, the images aren't stable enough, last minute fixing is done until tomorrow22:56
BUGabundoor boot sequence22:57
kolizBUGabundo, why does it matter to you what I do? I want the beta for live-cd testing, and after I have tested it and things seems alright I'm gonna install it.22:57
ellarok thank you. good night23:03
holsteinBUGabundo: w0w, i was not aware of netboot.me23:03
BUGabundoholstein: or bko too23:03
holsteinBUGabundo: :)23:03
BUGabundokoliz: cause one of my pet peeves is miss information23:03
kolizBUGabundo, what does that mean, "pet peeves" ?23:03
CalmvsKhaosold term for 'annoyances'23:03
BUGabundothings that make me scratch23:03
cousteauif you manage to release the beta in a few hours, you can argument that "it's march 18th in some parts of the world"23:03
kolizBUGabundo, am I miss informed?23:03
BUGabundowell, no23:03
BUGabundojust to kingly23:03
BUGabundoand attributing *too* much importance to a milestone23:03
BUGabundoother then the installer23:03
BUGabundocurrent packages and daily images will be the same then beta image23:03
BUGabundowhich will be OLD 2 days after it is out23:03
kolizWell I don't know much when it comes to these stuff. I just thought it made sense for me to skip the alphas and try out a beta since it's closer to the actual release.23:04
koliznot sure what i'm supposed to say tho. I'm sorry? =/23:05
BUGabundokoliz: let me tell you a little secret23:06
BUGabundothis so called beta, is very similar to what used to be alpha 4 on other cycles23:06
BUGabundopurposely renamed to beta23:06
BUGabundoso ppl would feel more confortable testing it23:07
kolizwell it worked didn't it! I'm here23:07
BUGabundoI know23:07
* BUGabundo looks at user count in #23:07
kolizI'd like to join #ubuntu+2 !23:08
kolizand get the super secret not public utterly awesome beta!23:08
kolizyea! beta!23:08
kolizI need to go to bed know. if I wake up tomorrow and there's no beta out there I promise you BUGabundo I'll get the daily build.23:09
BUGabundokoliz: leave it already downloading23:09
BUGabundoeven if beta is out23:09
BUGabundoyou can then just zsync it23:09
BUGabundoand download only the changed bits23:09
kolizwell no I can't23:09
kolizbut it sounded funky when  you said it23:10
BUGabundowould keep you awaked23:10
BUGabundocare to explain ?23:10
kolizwell I can't.23:10
kolizcause it made no sense23:10
kolizgood night!23:11
BUGabundonow you are not making any sense23:11
yofelkoliz: ?23:11
kolizyofel, ?23:11
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
yofelkoliz: zsync will only download the parts of the  image that were changed23:11
kolizyea I know23:12
kolizBUGabundo said so23:12
yofelkoliz: so if you already have the image you'll only have to get a few MBs23:12
dupondjeI don't know whats installing linux anymore :p23:12
yofelkoliz: that way you won't suffer so much from overloaded servers23:12
dupondjerunning this since intrepid :P23:12
kolizwhere do I get that daily build! I want it know!23:13
yofel!daily | koliz23:13
ubottukoliz: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:13
BUGabundoerr yofel23:13
yofeli was faster, i was faster XD23:13
kolizit's not a race guys, calm down in here.23:13
BUGabundodupondje: when was your last clean install?23:13
kolizand watch it with the smileys, don't want this channel to seem like a to happy place23:13
BUGabundokoliz: friendly poking23:13
BUGabundoyofel: is now faster then me. 3 cycles ago, I used to be faster then the bot :D23:14
JEEBsvyofel: thanks for the recommendation of quassel. Seems like the perfect client to move .jp users onto. Although that iso-2022-jp bug report is a bit :/23:14
robin0800the daily builds are yesterdays none for today23:14
espen77koliz: this is the happy place23:14
dupondjeBUGabundo: intrepid .. :)23:14
BUGabundokoliz: then don't visit #ubuntu-release-party23:14
BUGabundoand bunny killing23:14
kolizI'm sorry for asking this, but how do I know if I'm supposed to get the live-build or the 'normal' build?23:15
BUGabundokoliz: "normal" I would assume you mean ALTERNATE iso23:15
BUGabundowhile "live" is the live cd witrh desktop23:15
robin0800BUGabundo: yes they call it normall23:15
BUGabundothey do ?23:15
BUGabundoand who does?23:15
kolizBUGabundo, I can put the live cd on a usb stick, try it out, and then do a normal install - yes ?23:16
kolizdisregard the word 'normal'.23:16
kolizthanks alot23:16
BUGabundokoliz: yes23:16
BUGabundousb start up disk23:16
koliznow I'm going to bed, downloading.23:16
IdleOnewhat does "normal" mean?23:16
kolizthanks for all information23:16
IdleOnegood night koliz23:17
kolizIdleOne, haha yes. what DOES normal mean?23:17
BUGabundosee why its my pet peeve?23:17
robin0800BUGabundo: sorry its daly as aposed to daily-live23:17
BUGabundorobin0800: correct23:17
robin0800BUGabundo: but in any case its yesterdays23:17
BUGabundoyofel: what was the number of users in here 2 weeks ago?23:18
BUGabundo305 seems pretty large23:18
BUGabundorobin0800: todays daily is in ubuntu-testing23:18
BUGabundoactually all 3 rebuilds of it23:18
yofelseriously can't remember, but definitely <<30023:18
yofel300 is pretty usual for beta I think, we had about 350 for the rc in karmic iirc23:19
Milos_SDThat new boot screen is ugly. Is there a way to make resolution better so that "Ubuntu 10.04" could look nicer?23:19
Milos_SDI have Nvidia hw and nvidia driver23:20
nhainesMilos_SD: no, the boot screen is being used because the correct graphic modes were not available.  So you're actually in text mode.  :D23:21
BUGabundoMilos_SD: blob won't give you FB23:22
BUGabundoyou can try nouveau and get FULL screen resulotion23:22
espen77any way to kickstart ubuntuone file sync? it has updated directories, but dont seem to want to start on files. :/23:22
nhainesMilos_SD: as I understand it, the nvidia drivers do not support the correct technology yet.  My desktop computer has nvidia hardware too, so I feel your pain.23:22
Milos_SDBUGabundo, I use compiz and games a lot, so no nouveau for me23:22
nhainesOn the other hand, I think text-mode bootsplash is awesome.  :D23:22
xzcvczxespen77, you sure?23:22
BUGabundoMilos_SD: wrong23:22
BUGabundoMilos_SD: nouveaus DOES have 3D support23:22
BUGabundoinicial and still weak , but its there23:23
BUGabundocompiz DOES work with it23:23
Ian_I tried to enable it23:23
Ian_it told me to enable the drivers23:23
=== Ian_ is now known as Ian_Corne
nhainesBUGabundo: maybe I'll do some tests on it.  Compiz is super laggy for me anyway lately.  Can I enable noveau using jockey-gtk?23:23
Milos_SDgreat, can I have compiz random effects and blur with it, and can I play Heroes of Neweth, World of Warcraft, NFS Undercover with it? :D23:23
espen77xzcvczx: yes, unless there is a lag before they show in the web page23:23
BUGabundonhaines: more like, disable blob23:24
BUGabundoalso you will need x-edgers PPA driver23:24
BUGabundoarchive only has 2D support23:24
BUGabundoIan_Corne: ^^^^^^^^^23:24
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
BUGabundoMilos_SD: not sure how games will role, I don't play much my self23:25
BUGabundobut I bet the guys at #ubuntu-x would love to hear from you23:25
Ian_CorneThe archive does have 3D support23:25
Ian_Corneq3 runs23:25
Milos_SDI managed to get plymouth to work on Jaunty23:25
Ian_Cornebut slooow23:25
Milos_SDbut that was with grub 123:25
Ian_Corneand it has direct rendering23:25
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BUGabundoIan_Corne: not so sure about it23:26
cousteauif the bootsplash is in text mode, wouldn't it be enough to configure grub to start on a hi-res? like 1024x768 or so23:26
Milos_SDI used vga=ask to make it work23:26
BUGabundoMilos_SD: there's a bug with that23:26
nhainesOoh, I meant to try vga kernel argument.  But i haven't looked into the bug yet.23:27
BUGabundowith all this netsplits23:31
BUGabundoand everyone so quiet all the sudden23:31
BUGabundoI wasn't sure it was ON23:31
Milos_SDI maked it work :D23:34
Milos_SDnow I have graphical boot :D23:34
Milos_SDHere is how I did it:23:34
MindVirusMilos_SD: You made your boot from text mode to graphical?23:34
Milos_SDbut I hate that it checks my disks for errors every time I boot :S23:35
MindVirusMilos_SD: That shit's on line 103.23:35
MindVirusMilos_SD: It shouldn't.23:36
MindVirusMilos_SD: It checks after 25 clean mounts, or on unclean unmount.23:36
virtualdthe disk checks are a bit annoying, can we skip them safely?23:36
virtualdmindvirus: it checks on every boot here23:36
Milos_SDMindVirus, I don't know... after I upgraded, it checks every time I reboot :)23:36
MindVirusThat should be fixed.23:37
MindVirusSo, I've updated like 3 times over the course of the last 24 hours and there are 0 new updates.23:37
MindVirusI think that's highly improbable.23:37
BUGabundoMilos_SD: are you sure the disc is good?23:37
KB1JWQAfter grub completes I find myself thrown into "black screen" land.  I realize this is bleeding edge hardware, but I can't get Ubuntu to boot to a shell so I can actually, y'know, fix it. :-)23:37
BUGabundocare to try from Live CD?23:37
cousteauit would be nice to reduce its frequency (a home computer is booted more often than a server), and to allow to also check at shutdown23:37
MindVirusKB1JWQ: Do you know how to get to the recovery console?23:37
virtualdmindvirus: when should it have been fixed? i think i last updated about 24h ago23:38
KB1JWQMindVirus: Yes, and I can do that from the boot CD.23:38
MindVirusvirtuald: I don't know anything about that.23:38
Milos_SDBUGabundo, yes they are good :)23:38
KB1JWQMindVirus: Problem is, that goes through an entire mini-install sequence.23:38
MindVirusKB1JWQ: The CD?23:38
Milos_SDbut there is some update for package "dmsetup"23:38
KB1JWQMindVirus: Yes.  When I select the recovery option in grub, same issue.23:39
Milos_SDbut it wants to remove a lot of applications I use :D23:39
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MindVirusKB1JWQ: When you select the recovery option in GRUB it makes you install stuff?23:39
BUGabundoMilos_SD: avoid it then23:39
KB1JWQMindVirus: No, when I select the recovery option in grub, the kernel messages fly by, and then the black screen issue hits again.23:39
MindVirusKB1JWQ: OK, so the recovery screen doesn't work.23:40
yofelcousteau: for updates check the upload dates for the packages at the bottom of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lucid-changes/2010-March/date.html and see if you have any of them installed23:40
KB1JWQMindVirus: Right.  I've rolled back to Karmic and see the same issues as well.23:40
yofelcousteau: if not, then there just aren't any updates for you23:40
MindVirusKB1JWQ: I assume you're on a laptop or something right now here.23:40
yofelMindVirus: ^^^23:40
yofelcousteau: sry, wrong person23:41
KB1JWQMindVirus: Yes.23:41
KB1JWQMindVirus: Lenovo t510, just released.23:41
Milos_SDBUGabundo, I have graphical boot now with that modifications I did, but now when I switch to TTY I get black screen :D23:41
cousteauok, that makes sense23:41
MindVirusKB1JWQ: Excellent. Load up the GRUB screen by holding shift on bootup.23:41
KB1JWQMindVirus: I see other people in the forums having issues, but somehow they've managed to get it to boot at least.  I'm not sure what I'm missing.23:41
KB1JWQMindVirus: That's what I've been doing.23:41
MindVirusPress "e" next to your regular bootup prompt.23:41
MindVirusAt the end of the kernel line add init=/bin/bash.23:41
MindVirusYou'll be dropped into single user mode command prompt with / mounted r-o.23:42
KB1JWQMindVirus: Doh, that's one option that didn't occur to me.23:42
KB1JWQDrop the quiet and splash options as well?23:42
Okidesuwhat's with the "You are not authorized to access this page." on the beta 1 page ?!23:42
MindVirusKB1JWQ: You can keep them. They don't matter.23:42
KB1JWQMindVirus: holy crap that worked.23:42
MindVirusKB1JWQ: You're mounted read-only.23:42
yofelOkidesu: as the beta isn't out yet, the page is inaccessible23:42
MindVirusKB1JWQ: mount -n -o rw,remount /23:42
KB1JWQMindVirus: Thanks.  Whines that "cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device23:43
KB1JWQbash: no job control in this shell23:43
Okidesuyofel, thanks23:43
MindVirusOh boy.23:43
MindVirusDo you have access to anything?23:43
MindVirusAny commands working?23:43
KB1JWQSeems to be fine.23:43
yofelOkidesu: see here for the explenation: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-March/000695.html23:43
MindVirusKB1JWQ: OK.23:43
MindVirusI thought that whining was stopping you from mounting your drive read/write.23:43
KB1JWQI'm familiar with apt-get23:44
KB1JWQNo, no.  Sorry, I should have specified.23:44
MindVirusKB1JWQ: Now I don't know what the problem is but you should have enough control over your system to fix it. Unless you find a bug report or fill in some more details, I can no longer be of assistance.23:45
KB1JWQMindVirus: Thanks, this should be sufficient.23:45
MindVirusKB1JWQ: Enjoy. :)23:45
KB1JWQMindVirus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1433207 for future reference23:45
MindVirusKB1JWQ: Could be a problem with your video card driver. I don't know what video card that is but I assume it's nVidia. Try using the nv, nvidia, or vesa drivers.23:46
MindVirusVesa will work for *anything*.23:46
MindVirusYou can't use nvidia without installing the binaries first.23:47
KB1JWQMindVirus: Will do.  Once I install the driver, calling dpkg to reconfigure the X server is the best way to get it integrated?23:47
MindVirusKB1JWQ: nvidia-xconfig.23:47
MindVirusKB1JWQ: I'm sorry.23:47
MindVirusThat's just for the nvidia driver.23:47
MindVirus*I'd look up xorg.conf examples on the web to see how to set it up.23:47
MindVirusBut I don't trust dpkg-reconfigure.23:48
KB1JWQnvidia-detector returns "None"23:48
MindVirusKB1JWQ: Your card's accelerated capabilities may be fried.23:48
KB1JWQI wonder if there's an easy way to set this to go into a nice, non-graphical runlevel 3.23:48
KB1JWQ(by default)23:48
KB1JWQNo /etc/inittab, hmm.23:49
MindVirusKB1JWQ: Yes. You need to remove GDM from your startup.23:49
yofelKB1JWQ: the non-graphical startup doesn't work like that anymore with upstart23:49
KB1JWQDebianize me, please-- where does that live? :-)23:49
yofelKB1JWQ: if aynthing, try to replace 'quiet splash' with 'single' on the grub command prompt (or just use the recovery mode)23:50
MindVirusKB1JWQ: man update-rc.d23:50
KB1JWQyofel: Yeah, both fail because Ubuntu decided at some point that even single user mode should be "pretty."  So it calls my graphics card (which has no drivers installed yet)23:50
yofelKB1JWQ: note: upstart works different than sysvinit, it has a compatibility layer, but no clean runlevel support anymore as it's event-based23:51
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KB1JWQyofel: I get to pass init=/bin/bash23:51
yofelMindVirus: update-rc.d also only works for apps that still use sysvinit scripts23:52
MindVirusyofel: Right-o. I don't know the new syntax.23:52
KB1JWQYet somehow http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8789321&postcount=11 has gotten past this. :-)23:52
yofelMindVirus: edit the start on statement in the init script, not quite good but the only way right now :(23:53
MindVirusyofel: My shit's definitely not updating.23:53
MindVirusyofel: menu-cache, a new package, is not on my box.23:53
yofelMindVirus: menu-cache is the source package, you should search for libmenu-cache123:54
MindVirusyofel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lucid-changes/2010-March/006877.html23:55
MindVirus- Add Conflics/Replace with libmenu-cache0.23:55
MindVirus- Rename libmenu-cache0 to libmenu-cache1.23:55
MindVirusHmm. I have libmenu-cache1.23:56
yofelMindVirus: yes, so you should have libmenu-cache1 on your system now23:56
yofelthen it's fine23:56
MindVirusyofel: I don't quite understand why every time I update and dist-upgrade it shows 0 for all fields.23:56
yofelMindVirus: because of beta freeze only a few packages are updated that need to be fixed, if you don't have those installed you won't get any updates23:57
MindVirusyofel: It's beta freeze already?23:57
yofelI got a whole of 3 updates today, 2 of that were daily builds23:57
yofelMindVirus: we have beta1freeze since a while ago...23:57
KB1JWQWhoops.  250 megs of updates, maybe there's something useful in there.23:58
yofel!schedule | MindVirus23:58
ubottuMindVirus: A schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:58
MindVirusyofel: Oh no.23:58
MindVirusEmpathy is still shit and IIRC it's the default IM client.23:58
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:58
MindVirusAlso, the new themes are unpolished; UI freeze is done too. :(23:59
yofelMindVirus: it is, it's supposed to integrate better into gnome, I'm glad I don't use it though23:59
BUGabundo99% [10 Packages 1289820/1,368kB 94%]                                                                                                            3,372B/s 23s23:59
MindVirusyofel: It does, absolutely, but it's horribly unusable.23:59
yofelBUGabundo: just use your local mirror ...23:59

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