
coz_would any of you know  how to either extract the svg icon from this file   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/icon.sh  or to replace the one that it creates with another svg file?01:34
knomecoz_, find printf "01:37
knomestart copying after the quotes01:37
coz_knome,  ok  and stop at which point?01:37
knomethen go to near finish and find </svg>01:38
knomeand copy the closing </svg> tag as well01:38
coz_ok and then save that to an xml file?01:38
knomethen save that as something.svg01:38
coz_mm wont open01:39
knomesays what?01:39
coz_let me try I think I made a mistake01:39
knomeoh right :P01:39
knomeno you didn't01:39
knomereplace \" with "01:40
knomeevery occurrence01:40
coz_knome,  you mean every  \ should be removed?01:41
knomei'm not sure if EVERY \ should be removed. just replace \" with "01:43
coz_knome,  ok I removed all \'s and it opened01:47
knomecoz_, okay. have fun.01:49
uvacavanyone know when the rest of the purple icons are dropping?04:11
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
kwwiiw00t, I am alive again10:32
thorwilkwwii: full on resurrection, you don't happen to be a zombie or leech now? what caused your death, anyway?10:36
kwwiithorwil: horrible headaches the last two days10:46
kwwiithorwil: mainly spent moaning, hurting and puking10:46
kwwiibut now I can actually think again10:47
* thorwil listened to ivanka on the uk podcast10:51
zacbartonanyone know how to style/access the nautilus info bar (cd/dvd creator "drag or copy etc") in gtkrc11:09
zacbartonfound it. its widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" in-case anyone else needs it11:26
zniavrezacbarton,  it's more  as > style "nautilus-sidebar"11:55
zniavrewidget_class "*Nautilus*Places*Sidebar*"        style "nautilus-sidebar"11:55
zniavrewidget_class "*Nautilus*Side*.GtkWidget"        style "nautilus-sidebar"11:55
zniavrenautilus-extra-view-widget is for the search thing into nautilus i guess12:01
zacbartonzniavre: ta for the follow up. it looks like bg[NORMAL] for nautilus-extra-view-widget is used in the search results and also the info bar (cd/dvd burn, this media contains photos etc)13:10
zniavrezacbarton,  i was wrong cause my bad english sorry13:14
zacbartonno problems at all mate :-)13:14
zniavrei believed you wanted to colorize the sidepanel in  nautilus13:15
dashuazacbarton, style "nautilus-sidebar"  {GtkTreeView::even_row_color = @bg_color (whatever color you want it)}13:26
zacbartondashua: great ta mate13:26
dashuaHi the classes too13:26
dashuaIf you Place the same color too13:27
dashuawidget_class "*Nautilus*Places*Sidebar*"    style "nautilus-sidebar"13:27
dashuawidget_class "*Nautilus*Side*.GtkWidget"    style "nautilus-sidebar"13:27
dashuaHit the classes*13:27
zacbartonyep that makes sense13:28
kwwiivish: hey, if you find duplicates of the window decoration button bug mark them as duplicates13:28
kwwiihi dashua13:28
dashuakwwii, Hey man13:28
kwwiidashua: so the new progess bars have been accepted ;-)13:28
kwwiidashua: going to push an update later sometime13:28
kwwiinot sure if I'll get to it before I have to catch my plane though13:29
dashuaOk cool, cleaned up a lot13:29
dashuaWe're you able to make a better close icon for Radiance.13:29
dashuaNot that good with icons =/13:29
kwwiidashua: yeah, I am going to redraw them all13:31
kwwiiwhich is why it will take a bit longer13:31
dashuaOk cool, the toughs could use some love too if you're going to use that method.13:31
kwwiiyeah, I think in the end we will go with the seperate trough13:32
dashuaOk good13:32
kwwiialthough ideally we would just fix compiz13:32
dashuaThat metacity patch seems to work good13:32
kwwiiI don't like the idea of fixing this with a hack which will break on all systems when the font-size is changed13:32
dashuaDid you check that video out?13:32
dashuaI sent you an email13:33
kwwiihrm, let me look again13:33
dashuaDemoing the button switches13:33
kwwiimy headaches seem to have erased things13:33
dashuaWith Compiz running13:33
dashuaMost combos work except for a few13:33
dashuaI like ivanka's idea Max > Min                            Close13:34
dashuaGetting used to this though13:34
kwwiidashua: interesting, itshows that it works with everything except for windows with just one button13:36
kwwiidashua: which works fine with just metacity13:36
kwwiiI think there is more and more that says we need to fix compiz13:36
dashuaIn essence if there is going to be customization you'll need left and right trough images13:38
dashuaI have that working too13:38
kwwiiwell as the metacity was, it worked fine, with all windows except just min and close13:40
dashuaHopefully a gix for compiz gtk-window-decorator will come13:42
kwwiibut I doubt it13:44
kwwiithen again, I would love for someone to prove me wrong ;-)13:44
dashuaIt fixes gnome-appearance-preferences except for the menu icon13:49
kwwiiyeah, I wish i could kill the menu icon14:01
kwwiiI guess since we turn it off anyway, i could put the mini-icon back14:01
dashuaThat icon is really useless14:15
dashuaI dpn't think I've ever used it.14:15
kwwiihehe, now you know why i removed  it ;-)14:56
vishkwwii: re: the win deco bugs , there are a few bugs with variants , mentioning order , should they be duped to the revert to old bug? or do you want them separate?14:58
vishthere was a bug which said the close is too near the file edit menu14:59
kwwiivish: I think they all need to be dupped to that bug14:59
vishneat , i'll dup them14:59
vishkwwii the other bug i mentioned yesterday about the close button being displayed red for the inactive window? it happens only when the visual effects in off , while if the visual effects is on , the inactive window close is greyed :s15:01
vishit seems the title bar for metacity & compiz vary15:02
kwwiivish: ouch, that sucks15:05
kwwiijust assign it to me15:05
vishkwwii: if you are updating the theme , Bug #540973 is a simple change , the gtkrc is throwing xsession errors17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540973 in light-themes "Failed to retrieve property `GtkTreeView::indent-expanders' of type `gboolean' from rc file value "((GString*) 0x8126c80)" of type `GString'" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54097317:06
unggnuhi all18:28
unggnuI have posted a question about the progress bar some time ago and filed a wishlist report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-artwork/+bug/54082918:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 540829 in ubuntu-artwork "Lucid boot screen is misleading because it looks like a progress bar" [Low,New]18:29
troy_sunggnu: What is your issue?18:29
unggnuI have also edited the Plymouth ubuntu-logo.script to test it.18:30
troy_sunggnu: Erm...18:30
unggnutroy_s, If it is an option to change the "progress bar"18:30
troy_sunggnu: So you are suggesting that your solution is better than the provided solution.18:30
unggnutroy_s, I think so but that's why I am asking :)18:31
unggnuI just think the current one is misleading, nothing more.18:31
troy_sunggnu: First, this is mostly a 'general' channel, those sorts of decisions are handled internally at Canonical. This is more of a community channel...18:31
troy_sunggnu: Two... in the end, that is a fundamental design question.18:31
troy_sunggnu: And could likely take up sixteen to forty pages of mailing list.18:32
troy_sunggnu: And _still_ not arrive at a 'solution'. ;)18:32
unggnuHm, fundamentally? The design stays the same except of the animation18:32
unggnuyeah, but I guess I know what you mean18:32
troy_sunggnu: In the end, I am pretty certain that the point is moot. People will adapt or ignore or whatever.18:32
unggnuOf course the other solution would be that the indicator actually represents the booting process like in earlier versions18:32
troy_sunggnu: It's all rather irrelevant in the end if you don't tackle the harder question - why.18:33
troy_sunggnu: What should it do? Why? To whom does that apply?18:33
troy_sunggnu: None of which are easy questions, and hence most of the time things such as the point you raise go off and die a dusty death in the ethernet shelving.18:34
unggnuHm, lol, definitely the artwork channel :D18:34
troy_sunggnu: Seriously think about those questions though. You can see why things sort of hit a wall at some point.18:36
unggnuThe problem is that the better it gets the more "important" the little things get18:36
troy_sunggnu: What is better ;)18:36
unggnuthe artwork and boot experience18:36
troy_sunggnu: It isn't like code. There is no implicit way to format a stanza and have it compile. It is a design decision and ultimately, like it or not, there is no right or wrong answer.18:36
unggnuFor example Windows XP also has a indicator bar which moves around instead of filling up18:37
troy_sunggnu: Yikes.18:37
troy_sunggnu: This is computing right? How do you know your oven is ready?18:37
troy_sunggnu: WindowsXP is _one_ path.18:37
troy_sunggnu: OSX has another.18:37
unggnutroy_s, People have certain expectations, so it could be wrong for them18:37
troy_sunggnu: And all things being equal, perhaps there will be many many more.18:37
troy_sunggnu: Ahhh there we go. Who?18:37
unggnutroy_s, yes, but MacOsX has also no progress bar, it is just turning18:38
troy_sunggnu: So what is your point exactly?18:38
troy_sunggnu: There are, again, many paths to a workable solution. On some level, it is moot.18:38
unggnuso in both cases no one would expect a progress representation18:39
troy_sunggnu: Which there is.18:39
troy_sunggnu: I'd just suggest that you are approaching this as a 'right / wrong' scenario when in fact it is far more murky. Don't expect much movement on it as those fundamental design decisions are ultimately in Mark's hands.18:39
troy_sunggnu: You would be equally challenged to suggest changing the desktop wallpaper. ;)18:40
unggnutroy_s, no, it is fine18:40
troy_sunggnu: As it is precisely the same sort of issue on some level.18:40
troy_sunggnu: Fine and not fine.18:40
unggnutroy_s, but it doesn't mislead people, it just might not be their taste18:40
troy_sunggnu: I am not misled.18:40
troy_sunggnu: Are you?18:41
troy_sunggnu: Are you misled?18:41
unggnunot by the wallpaper :)18:41
troy_sunggnu: It's guesswork.18:41
unggnumaybe I should post a video to make the difference clear :D18:42
troy_sunggnu: It is perfectly clear to me.18:42
troy_sunggnu: But the core of your issue isn't clear to you.18:42
unggnutroy_s, yeah, but you are not everyone :D18:42
troy_sunggnu: And who is everyone?18:42
unggnuI suppose it is 42 :D18:42
troy_sunggnu: It's a moot point again.18:42
troy_sunggnu: _bingo_18:42
troy_sunggnu: That is exactly it.18:42
troy_sunggnu: And, short answer - Mark controls those sorts of things ;)18:43
unggnuIs there a Mark channel? ;)18:43
unggnuno, I just wanted a second opinion. :D18:44
troy_sunggnu: There sure is. One guy lives in it and it is invite only.18:44
troy_sunggnu: Oh gosh. Don't ask for an opinion. ;)18:44
unggnuand wasn't sure if others were involved18:44
troy_sunggnu: Practically though, you are aware at absolutely how tricky all of this gets right? For example, did you know that native Mandarin speakers view time equally easily vertically as horizontally?18:44
troy_sunggnu: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1148729218:45
troy_sunggnu: Which more or less implies that culture will affect your sense of design / aesthetic.18:45
unggnutroy_s, Not my fault :D18:45
troy_sunggnu: (A bit of a no brainer)18:45
troy_sunggnu: But it begs the larger question that _your_ solution may in fact not be a solution in another contxt.18:45
troy_sunggnu: And so on and so on and so on.18:46
unggnutroy_s, interesting, but I still think this cases are not so important18:46
troy_sunggnu: That is a judgement call. As is the effort currently in front of you.18:46
troy_sunggnu: And in that respect, especially without tackling the deeper design issues at hand18:46
troy_sunggnu: BOTH are likely equally valid.18:47
unggnutroy_s, it is a question of the market18:47
troy_sunggnu: And within that scope, Mark's decision and the choice of his design team is likely to stand.18:47
troy_sunggnu: You really need to read what you are typing.18:47
unggnuthe biggest market is the Western World and the others adapt. I mean I am pretty sure you couldn't use a computer without learning some basics18:47
troy_sunggnu: Wow.18:48
unggnutroy_s, there is no keyboard with thousand signs18:48
unggnuso they use phonetics afaik18:48
unggnuwhich means you have to adapt18:48
troy_sunggnu: A guess on a guess on an estimation on a guess. I'll leave it at that.18:49
unggnuanyway, the medium forms our thinking, at least partly18:51
troy_sunggnu: More guess.18:51
unggnuSo ... Do you want to prove Socrates?18:52
troy_sunggnu: I started this off by saying it's a moot point.18:52
troy_sunggnu: Did I not? :)18:52
troy_sunggnu: It is, as you said, 42.18:53
troy_sunggnu: Side note - http://farm1.static.flickr.com/14/17023214_7722c7e5cb.jpg18:53
unggnutroy_s, Btw. do you know a programming language which is in Madarin?18:53
unggnuHaha, cool, I suppose touch typing doesn't work there18:55
troy_sunggnu: LOL18:55
troy_sunggnu: It really is a tricky question though. As much as we have evolved out of a simple view of design wrapped around Apple and Microsoft, maybe the question is "Should it be?"18:55
unggnuI know that many things could be done more efficient but we are just used to the old scheme so we stick with it18:56
troy_sunggnu: And regarding start up, the question is 'What needs to happen during start up for a given audience?'. If you can somehow show that in fact the system isn't entirely locked up (and as the duration gets shorter, this is less of an issue one could speculate), the point would be achieved.18:56
unggnuI know that the current works. Btw. do you know why the real progress isn't shown? It was possible with older Ubuntu releases.19:00
troy_sunggnu: Likely tied to plymouth and such.19:01
thorwilunggnu: "Hm, lol, definitely the artwork channel :D"--this is the artwork channel on troy. much different experience sans19:03
troy_sthorwil: Greetings thorwil19:05
thorwilunggnu: afaik it was considered unfeasible to give a good estimate on how long it takes. so no way to present a progressbar that fills evenly19:05
thorwilhi troy_s :)19:05
troy_sthorwil: The older usplash had guesses too.19:05
unggnutroy_s, but I suppose it has more room (not only five bullets)19:05
troy_sunggnu: I don't really mind what part of the ocean I am flying over when I am travelling to France.19:06
troy_sBut that's me.19:06
unggnuIt is a long way since Dapper. Dapper had a progress bar and showed which service was started atm :)19:06
troy_sI just like to know that the plane isn't crashing.19:06
unggnutroy_s, I am fine with it too as long as it doesn't look like a progress bar :)19:06
troy_sthorwil: Anything interesting in your parts?19:08
thorwiltroy_s: well, it looks like we have a final title page design for the manual19:09
troy_sthorwil: Well that's good.19:09
unggnuWhere can I access the manual if I might ask?19:09
troy_sunggnu: There's no progress bar in it.19:10
unggnutroy_s, I think I will survive :)19:10
troy_sunggnu: LOL19:10
unggnuNo, there is help.ubuntu.com, then there is the question mark icon in the panel and maybe there is a real manual for a box edition or shipped computer. That's why I am asking19:11
thorwiltroy_s: funny thing: i offered 3 variations in the last design round. Ben, the project lead wanted a version with dots. i made up my mind and said no. Kevin (latex guy) also said no. Ben chatted with sabdfl, who explained what more or less spaced dots are meant ... and he prefers the dotless version19:11
thorwilunggnu: the manual isn't done, yet19:12
unggnuBut where would I normally access it19:12
unggnuthat's what I am asking19:12
troy_sthorwil: Maybe you should go with dots then ;) LOL19:13
troy_sthorwil: Personally, I'd put three people grinning with some front lit flash photography and a progress bar on there. BLAM.19:13
thorwilunggnu: the project would like to have a PDF on the ubuntu cd, but that's unlikely to happen. at least for the coming release19:14
unggnuok, so it is new19:15
unggnunot just updated19:15
thorwilunggnu: see http://ubuntu-manual.org and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual19:15
unggnutroy_s, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual - hah, it has a progress bar :D19:16
troy_sunggnu: Damn you!19:16
unggnutroy_s, you can't run :D19:16
troy_sunggnu: I'll confess, progress bars make me flop around on the floor in fits.19:16
thorwiltroy_s: if you ever feel depressed due to some quality issues in floss related artwork (oh, i just can't point you to the latest edition of the gnome 3.0 mockup), check http://ugliesttattoos.com/19:16
troy_sthorwil: Funny aside there I suppose... I got asked to do something for Inked.19:17
unggnutroy_s, the question is what will you do for them. :D19:18
unggnuok, I am off, ciao19:18
troy_sthorwil: That site is hilarious.19:19
thorwilyes, hilarious, sometimes fucking nasty19:20
troy_sthorwil: Mr. T is pure woop.19:21
troy_sthorwil: Man... that's some rich stuff there.19:22
thorwilyes, true beauty has no boundries (sic)19:23
troy_sthorwil: The one below that was hilarious.19:24
troy_sthorwil: I dare say it is so mangled it works perfectly.19:24
thorwiltroy_s: so what's the something you got asked for?19:26
troy_sthorwil: A little piece of ditty for the site methinks. Wasn't terribly interested so kind of went blam.19:27
thorwilsomething to be inked would be more interesting, eh?19:28
troy_sthorwil: Wow. There are some pretty amazing works on that site.19:28
troy_sthorwil: OMFG. Someone did the the Amazing Horse tattoo.19:32
troy_sthorwil: http://ugliesttattoos.com/2010/02/24/forgive-my-singing-tonight-folks-i%e2%80%99m-a-little-horse/19:32
thorwilit really is an amazing horse19:32
troy_sthorwil: LOL19:32
troy_sthorwil: MY WORLD. It is imploding.19:33
troy_sthorwil: I so need an Amazing Horse t-shirt.19:33
thorwilbetter say no to the horse pop, though19:35
Cimizniavre, it seems to work here21:43
zniavreCimi,  with xchat too ?21:46
Cimiit is subtle21:46
zniavrehttp://img202.imageshack.us/img202/2518/capture3of.png  > check here > nautilus desktop menu with separtor sets to be "white"21:48
zniavreno this shot is xchat sorry21:49
zniavrehttp://img411.imageshack.us/img411/301/capture2sc.png  in this one it's nautilus menu21:50
zniavrewe can see easily differences of separator21:50
Cimilooks like you have something wrong in your gtkrc matches21:56
zniavrehttp://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-91819  i can not see where22:05
zniavreif you hav a 30sec to check it22:05
kwwiivish: thanks for that, I'll be sure to change it22:27
Cimizniavre, yeah it seems a problem in matching, not sure how to fix it22:39
* kwwii gets a full 10 days (in a row!) at home23:03

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