
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
latenitePabloRubianes, hi there :)03:27
duanedesignhello latenite03:29
PabloRubianesSorry for the mistake... It's 12:28 Am here sleepiness problems :P03:29
PabloRubianestell me your problem let see if I can give you a hand03:29
PabloRubianesyes latenite I am here03:30
latenitePabloRubianes, thank u already :)03:30
latenitewell log story:03:30
lateniteI have a fileserver and laptop. I mount dirs from the fileserver via sshfs to my latop03:31
lateniteI have 3 users and 3 groups on the fileserver03:31
lateniteusers: kai, mo, trusteduser03:32
latenitegrp: kai, mom, trustesuser03:32
latenitetypo!! users: kai, mom, trusteduser03:32
PabloRubianesgood and the problem is?03:34
latenitewell kai is in the group "trusteduser", mom is not. :03:34
latenite[11:45:16] [root@fileserver:/home/kai] # grep kai /etc/group03:34
latenite[11:45:30] [root@fileserver:/home/kai] #03:34
latenite[11:45:34] [root@fileserver:/home/kai] # grep mom /etc/group03:34
latenite[11:45:47] [root@fileserver:/home/kai] #03:34
lateniteproblem is: kai can la -la the dirs he owns03:35
latenitebut mom can not list hers03:35
lateniteall dirs are "group - trusteduser" and are owned my either mom or kai03:36
PabloRubianeslet me see03:37
latenitesee this03:38
latenitemom owns "data_mom" but may not list it.03:38
latenitejust like kai owns "data_kai" but he can list ist03:38
lateniteonly difference is: kai is n group trusteduser03:39
lateniteKeine Berechtigung is german an means "permission denied"03:41
latenitePabloRubianes, are u still with me???03:42
PabloRubianesyes I am thinking03:42
lateniteohh ok03:42
PabloRubianeslatenite: I am here03:42
latenitefine..take ur time.....just wanted to know03:43
PabloRubianesduanedesign: why wow?03:43
duanedesigntrying to understand03:44
latenitesee the pastebin....it tells the whole story03:44
latenitemom owns a dir...but cant list it03:44
lateniteissue is simple. but I am lacking a reason why this is so03:45
latenitedo I need to mention that I ssh into the fileserver to do all this?! does that make a difference?03:46
lateniteduanedesign, get it?03:47
duanedesignlatenite: yes03:48
geirhaShe doesn't have access to /mnt/data, so she won't have access to anything under it either03:48
geirhachmod 775 /mnt/data should fix it03:49
latenitedoes kai have access to it?03:49
geirhaYes, sinces the trusteduser group has access03:50
latenitegeirha, ok let me think about that for a minute.03:50
geirhadrwxrwx---  9 trusteduser trusteduser   that's the permissions on /mnt/data. So first it checks, are you user trusteduser? no, ok, are you in the group trusteduser? no, ok, the you are other, which has no permissions. Too bad.03:52
latenitethis way (775) ANYONE could list the content of /mnt/data03:54
geirhaYes, but not create or delete files.03:55
latenitewhat I want is: that only users mom and kai may list THEIR-OWN dirs.03:55
latenitebut I dont want ANYONE to be able to list what is in /mnt/data03:55
geirhaThen make /mnt/data only accessible by root03:55
latenitenot even kai nor mom03:56
geirhaAnd mount the dirs it ocntains to the users' homefolders03:56
latenitekai shall only list /mnt/data/data_kai03:56
geirhasudo mount --bind /mnt/data/data_kai /home/kai/data03:56
latenite"Then make /mnt/data only accessible by root"....how?03:57
latenitechown root:root /mnt/data?03:57
latenitelike this?03:57
latenitethere is no /home/kai nor /home/mom03:58
lateniteI only have the users..but no home dirs to it03:59
geirhaOh, I see03:59
geirhaWell, you can't have it selectively list files in a directory. It's either all or none03:59
lateniteyou said: Then make /mnt/data only accessible by root03:59
latenitethat is what my "trusteduser" was for03:59
lateniteso root is not needed...03:59
geirhaYes, that's because I assumed you had homedirs you could simply mount the respective directories in03:59
lateniteget my idea?!04:00
catchjagaHi, my system always had issues while running Ubuntu from CD. Then I found out after giving boot parameters acpi=off and nodma, it worked perfectly. Now,I am having issues after installing ubuntu to hard drive,some 2-3 minutes after booting the screen shows weired zigzag colors. Hope someone can help.04:00
geirhaNow, what's the harm in anyone listing that dir?04:00
geirhaThey'll see data_mom and data_kai, so what, they can't see what's inside them.04:01
lateniteuser could see who else has data_USERNAME on my server04:01
latenitesyygame unwanted04:01
latenitee.g. I dont want mom to see that there is a dir called "data_myexgirlfriend"04:02
geirhaThe use more levels I guess04:02
latenitemore levels?...sorry I dont get that04:03
geirhaOr create homedirs and mount only the dirs they should have access to in there04:03
geirha/mnt/data/trustedusers/data_kai  /mnt/data/notsotrusted/data_mom etc04:03
latenitethis way users in /mnt/data/notsotrusted/ could AGAIN see who else has dirs in there04:05
latenitethat does not make any difference? does it?!04:05
geirhaThen I misunderstood I guess.04:05
latenitenono I feel like u realy got it04:06
geirhaThough all users are listed in /etc/passwd, which is world readable ... so all usernames are known to all users no matter what.04:06
latenitebut the levels thing..only helps if you ONLY have ONE user in that level04:06
latenitewhich would be pretty bad if I get 100 users...I have to add 100 new groups04:07
catchjagaany one there for a help?04:07
geirhaIf you omit the read bit, you'll have access to it (i.e. you can cd into it), but you cannot list its content.04:08
latenitesure! but users in passwd are not my issue . my issue ist the name of the dirs that can be listed. e.g. data_exgirlfriend OR data_tortureporn04:09
lateniteget it :)04:09
geirhaOk, then use the homedir approach.04:09
geirhaEach user gets the directories they have access to mounted in their homedir.04:10
latenitefurther problem: the /mnt/data/movies  dir the server holds.04:10
latenitegeirha, actualy a good idea. I will do that for now04:11
latenitebut this way "trusteduser" which is a "data-manager" who should be allowed to rwx all data of all users but root ould not be albe to his job04:13
latenitecatchjaga, what s ur question?04:13
catchjagaHi, my system always had issues while running Ubuntu from CD. Then I found out after giving boot parameters acpi=off and nodma, it worked perfectly. Now,I am having issues after installing ubuntu to hard drive,some 2-3 minutes after booting the screen shows weired zigzag colors. Hope someone can help.04:14
geirhalatenite: Huh? root as full access04:15
latenitewrong gramma on the sentence. sorry. I ment user - trusteduser can not access /home/USERNAME this way04:16
latenitecatchjaga, what s ur xorg.conf? pastebin04:18
geirhaThat depends on the permissions you set on /home/USERNAME of course, but setting it 700 and owned by the user, then only the user himself and root has access.04:18
lateniteoh and if I set it 0740 and make it group trusteduser04:19
catchjagasorry for my ignrance,how do I check that?04:19
latenitethan trusteduser should be albe to read it04:19
latenitecanthus13, wgetpaste | /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:20
canthus13latenite: Eh?04:21
latenitejust copy paste that as root. so we can see ur xorg.conf04:21
geirhalatenite: Read, yes, but not enter it04:21
lateniteso no recurive looki looki?04:22
catchjagak.. brb04:22
geirhalatenite: Indeed. Easy to test you know.04:23
latenite*g sure :)04:24
geirhamkdir -p /tmp/dir/data_foo/secret; chmod 740 /tmp/dir; sudo chown root /tmp/dir; ls /tmp/dir /tmp/dir/data_foo04:25
latenitethat is not what I want. I need trusteduser (admin) to handle all files of all users..but trusteduser may not be root04:25
geirhaJust let trusteduser have access to /mnt/data then04:26
latenitethat works perfectly04:27
latenitethank you.04:27
latenitecatchjaga, ???04:31
=== DiegoTc is now known as Turcios
=== Turcios is now known as DiegoTc
=== hobgoblin is now known as Guest9167
=== Guest9167 is now known as hobgoblin
catchjagaI have an issue after installing ubuntu 9.10 on my pc. After booting up the screen just shows weird colors. Also while installing from live cd, I used acpi=off and nodma boot parameter to load properly, else I had the same issue.07:46
catchjagaanyone ther for help?07:47
catchjagaany one ther to help?07:52
leoquantcatchjaga yes07:59
catchjagaI have an issue after installing ubuntu 9.10 on my pc. After booting up the screen just shows weird colors. Also while installing from live cd, I used acpi=off and nodma boot parameter to load properly, else I had the same issue.08:00
leoquantcatchjaga  you did an upgrade or a clean install?08:05
catchjagaleoquant: u ther?08:05
catchjagaI did a clean install08:05
leoquantcatchjaga if your live cd errors, it probably means your hardware errors08:06
leoquantso your hardware is having trouble with ubuntu 9.1008:06
catchjagaI used the same cd for installing in my laptop, which worked perfectly08:07
leoquantso you had no problems while installing?08:07
catchjagalooks like it.. but I was able to run from live cd with boot parameters acpi=off and nodma08:07
catchjagano.. I didnt had any problems while installing..08:08
catchjagaI tried adding boot parameters by editing from grub menu..08:09
leoquantthis is very ambiguous....is it X, or hardware related....08:09
leoquantcatchjaga you did well doing these things08:09
catchjagabbut looks like nodma is not available from grub boot menu08:10
leoquantmoment is ask for some help ok?08:10
leoquantcatchjaga i asked for help, please wait a moment08:12
leoquantcatchjaga you did not get an option safe graphics mode?08:13
catchjagaI just get option for recovery mode.. and for memtest08:14
leoquantyou did the memtest catchjaga ?08:15
leoquantwouldn 't it be wise to do so?08:16
leoquantif possible...08:16
catchjagaleoquant: I will try that now08:18
catchjagaleoquant: Im logging off now.. memtest is not yet cmplete..09:08
talsemgeestHeya Silver_Fox_ :)09:13
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ZachK_What up y'all.....11:52
=== hobgoblin|afk is now known as hobgoblin
User45can anyone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/uq6bg4J217:16
User45im currently using a vps and command line17:16
User45i recently upgraded to karmic from jaunty :/17:17
Silver_Fox_Hello switchgirl =]17:19
User45can anyone help?17:20
Silver_Fox_Hello User4517:21
Silver_Fox_User45,  pastebin the output of "sudo mountall --debug"17:22
Silver_Fox_How are you switchgirl  ?17:23
stef1trying to mount from a server called NAS, I can browse to it using nautilus like smb://nas/ but $ sudo mount smb:/nas/backup /mnt/backup failes DNS resolution failed for smb: no address assiciated with hostname17:25
Silver_Fox_This looks like bug 447747:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/44774717:28
User45the thing is, i dont have grub17:30
catchjagaIm having issue with ubuntu after installing to hard drive. After booting up I am able to access desktop normally. After some 2 minutes the screen crashes and shows weird colors. Even while installing I used acpi=off and nodma boot parameters.17:47
catchjagaany help?17:54
catchjagacelthunder: can you help?18:07
celthundernot really..18:07
catchjagacelthunder: thanks18:09
hobgoblinhey swoody18:44
swoodyhello hobgoblin :)18:45
lukjad86Hey there swoody !18:45
swoodyheya lukjad86 :)18:46
=== JoeWheele is now known as JoeWheeler
JoeWheelerHi guys, how do i join the ubuntu beginners team?21:31
pedro3005hello JoeWheeler21:32
JoeWheelerI signed up on the wiki and put my name on the list, is that all i have to do?21:33
lukjad86JoeWheeler No, there is more21:34
pedro3005JoeWheeler, yes, you have to go through a mentoring process21:34
lukjad86JoeWheeler You need to pass a membership test and take a period of training first21:34
pedro3005and do various things as set up a wiki page, launchpad account, sign the code of conduct, join the mailing list et cetera21:34
pedro3005and there's a voting to see if you get in21:35
pedro3005people usually do though21:35
pedro3005it's not strict21:35
lukjad86And the process may change in the future21:35
* pedro3005 sighs21:35
JoeWheelerOK, I've done all that so now I guess i just wait for a mentor? Will i be emailed when assigned one?21:35
pedro3005JoeWheeler, you will probably be contacted by him/her self21:36
pedro3005JoeWheeler, also, hang around in the channels so people get to know you21:36
JoeWheelerOk, also I want to join the beginners dev team, do I need to be in the main beginners team first?21:37
pedro3005JoeWheeler, they have their own selection process, but I think so21:39
pedro3005JoeWheeler, what languages do you know?21:39
JoeWheeleram OK at Java(in a 4 year course using it at uni at the moment) and VB(used it for my A-levels) learning python and C++21:43
pedro3005JoeWheeler, cool. i'm learning python too21:44
JoeWheelerYeh, I've only just started, I did programming challenge 10 in it, it seems like quite a nice language21:46
pedro3005JoeWheeler, it's also my first language21:46
pedro3005it's tough21:47
JoeWheelerPedro, cool! are you planning to learn any others?21:47
phillwadds JoeWheeler to buddy list <-- just about to start learning Java21:48
pedro3005JoeWheeler, yes, in fact21:48
JoeWheelerPedro2005, cool what?21:48
JoeWheelerPedro3005 I mean21:48
pedro_crappy internet21:49
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005
pedro3005JoeWheeler, I have a friend in college and he promised to introduce me to programming micro-controllers with C. should be fun21:49
JoeWheelerpedro3005, wow that sounds really cool! I'm hoping to do a robotics course next year I'm really interested to learn how to actually interact with the hardware21:51
pedro3005JoeWheeler, yes, yes. though, as it seems to me now, i'll most likely do CS in college... or physics, perhaps21:52
JoeWheelerpedro3005,  I enjoyed my CS college course, it's a useful thing to have a qualification in, I looked at the stats for my uni and apparently 95% of CS grads manage to find a job in the first year after graduating21:55
pedro3005JoeWheeler, that is cool21:55
JoeWheelerpedro3005, how far have you got with your python programming then?21:56
pedro3005JoeWheeler, not too far. about up to classes, sockets.. i've made a simple irc bot21:57
JoeWheelerpedro3005, sounds cool are you using a tutorial or something?21:59
phillwJoeWheeler: pedro3005 has made a filthy mouthed irc bot - lol21:59
pedro3005JoeWheeler, I generally check out the python docs tutorial, but I'm not really following anything strictly21:59
pedro3005phillw, ! lies!21:59
phillwJoeWheeler: ask pedro3005to invite you to see his ircbot at work :-D22:00
pedro3005phillw, and remember I re-coded the entire thing?22:00
phillwpedro3005: ah, yes, but the topic title still remains - lol22:01
pedro3005so most stuff that it used to have aren't present in this new version. can't see what you mean by filthy mouthed though22:01
pedro3005phillw, oooh22:01
pedro3005the !piss command22:01
pedro3005phillw, that's from way back when it still was an eggdrop22:02
JoeWheelerphillw, hehe sounds like fun!22:03
JoeWheelerphillw, the foul mouthed chat-bot that is22:03
phillwit's not my irc channel to invite you into, pedro3005 may be able to22:03
pedro3005it isn't restricted22:04
pedro3005anyone can join ##devil .. it's not mine either22:04
phillwI know, it's mohi1's22:04
pedro3005JoeWheeler, just be careful around there. we're not exactly family-friendly22:04
phillwpedro3005: I think the topic when you log on, sorta gives that away ;-)22:05
JoeWheelerpedro3005, I'll check it out!22:06
pedro3005JoeWheeler, let me bring the bot in22:06
JoeWheelerpedro3005,  cool sure!22:07
=== iainbuclaw is now known as ibuclaw
pedro3005hey C-Ray23:04
C-Rayhow are u? please i would like to ask u about an issue am facing sometimes. My icons on my desktop are just disappearing without a reason.23:05
C-Rayam running 9.1023:05
C-Raywhy do u think this is happenning sometimes23:05
pedro3005C-Ray, which icons?23:05
C-Raythe shortcut or the icons of the desktop - Ubuntu's desktop23:06
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
C-Rayfiles i mean23:06
C-Raythere are there but the desktop will be locked somehow, it will appear empty but still the files are there in the desktop folder23:07
C-Ray*the desktop files i mean ( not there are there)23:07
pedro3005C-Ray, weird23:07
pedro3005never saw that happening23:07
C-Raythey told me at work it may be from my graphic card23:08
C-Rayi don't know23:08
C-Raythe files are there but just sometimes i can't access them from the desktop23:08
C-Rayunless if i reboot23:08
C-Raysome issues with hardware i think23:08
C-Raybut not sure23:08
pedro3005probably not23:09
C-Rayit is didn't happen to me under 9.0423:09
C-Raynor under Fedora23:09
C-Rayor debian23:09
C-Rayit bothered me sometimes23:09
C-Rayunder centos also, i didn't face anything like that23:09
pedro3005C-Ray, can't see why though23:09
pedro3005no error message?23:10
C-Rayjust all of sudden they disappear23:10
C-Rayi can still access them through the terminal and the main folder23:10
C-Raybut not through the desktop23:10
C-Rayand even the right click of the mouse will be disabled when that happens23:11
pedro3005C-Ray, something wrong with gnome23:11
lukjad86C-Ray I have an idea23:11
C-Raytell me please23:11
lukjad86C-Ray There are two ideas. One, is the file called something that begins with a dot, like .funtimes.txt?23:12
lukjad86C-Ray there is a setting in GNOME that allows your desktop not to show the files. I can look that up and we can see what we can do23:12
C-Raythanks for that23:13
lukjad86C-Ray would you like me to walk you through it, or would a link to an article be all you need?23:15
C-Raylink is fine man23:15
lukjad86C-Ray The directions are there, check to see if the volumes_visible is checked off23:16
lukjad86If it's not, that's your problem :)23:16
bodhi_zazenlukjad86: best way to disable desktop icons - Install fluxbox or openbox =)23:19
lukjad86bodhi_zazen He wants to reenable them though23:19
lukjad86bodhi_zazen But yeah23:20
C-Rayactually everything looks up-right there,23:20
C-Raymy problem is different23:20
C-Raythey are always visible but just sometimes they disappear23:20
C-Raynot the system ones23:20
C-Raybut everything23:20
C-Raythe desktop will be locked23:21
C-Raythen after a reboot or something23:21
C-Raythey will appear again as if nothing has happened23:21
C-Raythe files as i had mentioned are always there23:21
C-Rayand i can still check them from the terminal and the main folder through my home directory23:21
C-Rayin both conditions23:22
lukjad86no idea :(23:22
C-Rayi went through this23:22
C-Rayall of it23:22
C-Rayi know those stuff23:22
C-Rayit is something related with the compatibility of the hardware with ubuntu 9.1023:23
C-Raythat's what they told me23:23
C-Rayat work23:23
C-Raybut not sure23:23
C-Raysince the one who told me is not an expert23:23
C-Rayjust a technician like me23:23
C-Rayso a mate more or less23:23
C-Raygood to ask23:24
=== duanedes1gn is now known as duanedesign
C-Rayplease if i want to post a problem in my webcam where shall i post it?23:25
C-Rayi forgot the link for that23:26
C-Rayubuntu forums?23:26
C-Rayor some other place?23:26
C-Rayi tried to ask about that problem here but no use23:26
C-Raythey just adviced me to post it somewhere23:26
C-Raybut am not able to remember where they told me23:27
C-Rayi think ubuntu forums. though there are other forums that deals with those specific issues23:27
C-Rayno idea23:27
C-Rayany suggestions?23:27
pedro3005C-Ray, tried searching for people with similar issues?23:28
C-Ray? what do you mean?23:28
pedro3005C-Ray, googling23:29
C-Rayyeah man, I am not a newbie here23:29
pedro3005C-Ray, nothing?23:29
C-Rayi have a chinese webcam23:29
pedro3005what did you search for?23:29
C-Raywhich has no number or anything23:29
pedro3005it's the webcam23:29
C-Rayit was working under 9.0423:29
pedro3005i thought it was the desktop thing23:29
C-Rayno man23:30
C-Rayi changed the topic23:30
C-Raysince that one was a waste of time23:30
C-RayI am as a technician for unix systems, am here because i don't like the attitudes of other moderators in other channels23:31
C-Rayi like to ask here as a beginner23:31
C-Raysince i am in a way23:32
C-Rayso the problem with my webcam, i post it here last time but no one managed to help me23:32
C-Raythe only thing i received is where to post my problem23:32
C-Rayso yea23:33
C-Ray... ok no probs, thanks anyway... Good bye for now23:34

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