
ryanakcaCould someone please ack bug 538283 ?00:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538283 in turnin-ng "Please merge turnin-ng 1.0.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53828300:06
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LaibschI'm seeing the symptoms described in bug 385139 in a karmic pbuilder.  I believe it is preventing pbuilder from successfully setting up the build environment.  Does the bug speak to anyone around here?01:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385139 in ubuntu "[Karmic] ldconfig.real empty files" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38513901:29
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fabrice_spjayvee, np ;-) And you'd better get used to quilt: source 3.0(quilt) uses ... :-)07:17
Rhondafabrice_sp: No, it doesn't. It is a completely unrelated (and in parts also different) implementation of the same idea.07:21
RhondaIt's one of the bad misnamers in software history, unfortunately.07:21
RhondaSaid that, it should though hopefully work well together when one wants to use quilt directly instead of the dpkg internal approach.07:22
* Rhonda . o O ( in the meantime) )07:23
RainCTmorning dholbach :)07:55
dholbachgood morning07:55
dholbachhey RainCT!07:55
happyaronhi, is there any document introducting dh7 features and usages?08:22
RainCThappyaron: http://joey.kitenet.net/talks/debhelper/debhelper-slides.pdf08:37
happyaronRainCT: thanks08:38
RainCThey \sh08:38
RainCThappyaron: You're welcome. Those are slides from a DebConf talk (so not really explained) but I found them helpful nevertheless.08:39
\shhey RainCT08:41
Rhondafabrice_sp: Did you see my paste to your query?09:20
christoph_debianis that launchpad mailgateway time-sensitive as well or just still broken in 0.9310:54
christoph_debiananyway if anyone wants to second -> #54083810:57
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nigelbRhonda: you about?13:34
Rhondanigelb: Never. Usually It's better to just ask your question - maybe even someone else could answer. :)13:46
nigelbRhonda: I think I fixed the foolishness I was doing ;)13:47
nigelbno wonder they say debian has a bit of a barrier13:47
nigelbits so tough ;)13:47
hyperairdebian is tough?13:50
Laneyhard as nails13:50
nigelbhyperair: finding documentation for stuff is13:51
hyperairimo centos is tougher. it's busy screwing you over even while you're not making mistakes.13:51
hyperairnigelb: isn't debian well documented?13:51
hyperairlike manpages and such13:51
nigelbhyperair: for packaging stuff?13:51
hyperairsure it is!13:51
Laneypolicy and devref13:51
Laneyjob done13:51
hyperairman dh_stuff13:52
* hyperair nods13:52
Laneynaaahhh dh is optional13:52
Laneycf manoj packages13:52
nigelbor may be I'm just baaad at packaging13:52
nigelbI seem to make all sorts of mistakes13:52
Laneyit's called learning13:52
Laneyyou'll get better13:52
nigelbits embarassing, but I'm swallowign my pride for infinity13:53
hyperairLaney: manoj packages?13:55
nigelboh joy! gwibber depends on python-wnck, not in debian yet13:59
Laneyhyperair: packages maintained by manoj14:00
hyperairLaney: no dh? that sounds scary.14:01
Laneydepends how good you are at make...14:01
hyperairLaney: well... i imagine something on the level of cdbs's source..14:04
Laneythey're quite clean actually, at least ucf which I looked at14:04
Laneyanyway bbiab14:04
dupondjeIts prolly way to late to get a new package version into Lucid ? :)14:06
nigelbdupondje: very late I think14:08
dupondjeits not even in debian sid neither, so would not even be a sync request. Better package it myself and put on my ppa :P14:09
nigelbdupondje: better get it into debian14:10
nigelbwill by synced for lucid+114:10
nigelbdupondje: what package anyway?14:11
dupondjeaudacious :)14:11
ubottuDebian bug 559055 in audacious "audacious: New upstream version available (2.2.0)" [Wishlist,Open]14:12
dupondjeThere is a new upstream version available since Nov 22. => lazy asses :)14:12
nigelbI think you can do an NMU, but a DD could give better opinion on that14:13
dupondjeeh ? :)14:14
nigelbnon-maintainer upload14:17
dupondjeanyway, is there a quick/easy way to package new upstream version? or its just fetch source, copy debian dir, adjust it & package ?14:19
\shbdrung: ping eclipse ;) do you know how to solve Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-gtk-3555 or swt-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file14:34
bdrung\sh: you have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the xulrunner path14:37
\shbdrung: hmmm? on x86_64 with openjdk-6?14:38
bdrung\sh: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2 (or similar) -> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=29175814:39
ubottubugs.eclipse.org bug 291758 in PackagingTools "[eclipse-build] SWT's browser code can't see XULRunner libraries on Debian unstable" [Normal,New]14:39
DktrKranzdholbach: ubuntu-dev-tools 0.96 uploaded in Debian14:59
mok0DktrKranz: impressive. ubuntu-dev-tools has a wickedly long chain of dependencies15:00
mok0DktrKranz: many of which were -0ubuntu1 AFAIR15:00
DktrKranzmok0: well, it's not the first upload in Debian, I already did many15:01
dholbachDktrKranz: awesome!15:01
DktrKranz(and yes, there are four rdeps)15:01
mok0DktrKranz: I tried backporting ubuntu-dev-tools to jaunty, but had to give up15:01
mok0DktrKranz: many new dependencies were introduced since then15:02
DktrKranzyeah, with LP integration and API, you need several lazr* and launchpadlib15:02
mok0DktrKranz: exactly15:02
mok0DktrKranz: well done!15:02
DktrKranzbut I packaged them already ;)15:02
c_kornan Ubuntu package in Debian ? what secret conspiracy is this ? .)15:02
DktrKranzthanks ;)15:02
mok0DktrKranz: I have my notes on my laptop, so I can't exactly remember where I gave up15:02
Laneywe should really move stuff to devscripts15:03
mok0DktrKranz: ... but it was on the 10th or 12th package in the chain...15:03
DktrKranz(missing 0.1 is for some scripts really Ubuntu-specific)15:03
Laneybut they don't have python scripts there afaik15:03
Rhondahyperair: Actually, it isn't scary at all. Just take a look at the rules file of netris, the package is small enough to do a quick apt-get. (and it's not manoj)15:03
Rhondaapt-get source of course. :)15:04
RhondaAnd it helps to find out what's actually going on behind the curtain of dh.15:05
mok0You don't want to look at dh... it is explosive and is likely to cover you with scraps of incomprehensible chunks of perl goo15:06
DktrKranzLaney: exactly, just perl (IIRC)15:06
LaneyI find joeyh's perl pretty readable tbh15:06
mok0I wrote a perl program once... about 2 hours after I wrote it, it was already impossible to figure out what it was doing15:07
DktrKranzmok0: it's not your fault, it happens :)15:08
Rhondamok0: That's why there is no dh in netris packaging.15:08
DktrKranzI once wrote a Python program, but it self-exploed because of my bad PEP-815:08
mok0Rhonda: Ah, respect!15:08
* mok0 forgets the python urbanities... PEP-8?15:09
DktrKranzcoding style15:09
DktrKranzURLly http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/15:10
mok0Ah... white space15:10
mok0DktrKranz: The only really sucky thing about python... otherwise I love it15:11
* mok0 wonders, since Python has an opening brace, why can't it have a closing one?15:11
* DktrKranz doesn't like parenthesis15:11
* Rhonda throws scheme at DktrKranz 15:12
* mok0 is hoping for a ';' as the ending brace15:12
DktrKranzRhonda: LISP also15:12
* mok0 looks a ((((((DktrKranz))))))15:13
* DktrKranz hides15:13
RhondaDktrKranz: lisp is a scheme dialect.15:13
mok0Rhonda: ... hmmm15:13
RhondaThe other way round?15:13
Laneyyes, the other way around15:14
mok0Rhonda: that would be my guess15:14
dyfetlisp is the mother tongue15:14
DktrKranzmother tongue are butterflies15:14
mok0scheme is GNU's version of common lisp afaik15:14
* Rhonda prefers script-fu anyway when such a thing is needed.15:14
mok0Rhonda: you a bash man?15:15
* Rhonda bashes bash15:16
Rhondamok0: perlmonk :)15:16
mok0Rhonda: Oh dear15:16
nigelbhow does multiple binary packages work?15:16
nigelbI need to have a separate install file for each package?15:17
nigelberr.. binary15:17
mok0nigelb: no, just create a section in control for each of them15:17
nigelbthats it?15:17
mok0nigelb: yes15:17
nigelbso the intallation and stuff/15:18
mok0nigelb: then you use debian/install and friends to put files in their respective packages15:18
nigelbIt was intially debianized as single binary15:18
nigelbnow, I get to know that it should be split to work properly15:18
mok0nigelb: you need files debian/install.<packagname> for each package15:18
nigelbaha :) thank you15:19
Rhondanigelb: Yes, debian/$package.install is the way to go for multiple binaries (and the control file snippet, but that part hopefully is the obvious part)15:19
mok0nigelb: you're welcome :-)15:19
Rhondamok0: Erm …  Your approach isn't the best one. :)15:19
nigelbNM's are discouraged from working with multiple binaries, should that be a problem as long as my sponsor is willing?15:20
Rhondadebian/$binpackage.$foo is used by debhelper for the different parts.15:20
mok0Rhonda: educate me15:20
dupondjenigelb: seems it wasn't packaged because it needs a new lib, that isn't in debian/ubuntu yet :(15:20
RhondaSo one can has debian/package1.install, debian/package2.menu, and so on15:20
nigelbdupondje: ah, well, so you cant get into debian either15:21
mok0Ah, yes, package.install not install.package.. my bad15:21
* mok0 needs coffeine now15:21
Rhondanigelb, mok0: Some example, see the filelist here: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-games/wesnoth.git;a=tree;f=debian;h=29cd8f81facdf1dc38f9bd7abe14701b9a6f442c;hb=8eebb415:21
dupondjenigelb: well the lib is in debian exp, just needs some time it seems :(15:21
mok0Rhonda: right15:22
nigelbRhonda: ah, thats great.  examples were what I needed.  ty :)15:22
* Rhonda . o O ( and that file list will be getting extremely more confusing with the next commit. %-) )15:22
* Rhonda . o O ( thinking of, I guess I should leave off the "generated" files out of that repository. )15:25
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mok0ScottK: ping17:02
ScottKmok0: Pong17:03
mok0ScottK, hi, I'm looking at an important bug in Atlas, that may have been resolved17:03
mok0bug 36351017:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363510 in atlas "Errors in single-precision BLAS (libatlas3gf-sse)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36351017:03
mok0ScottK, I need an FFE for that17:04
mok0ScottK, It means a jump in version from 3.8.0 to 3.8.317:05
mok0ScottK, OTOH, we wont need to backport the fix17:06
mok0ScottK, and maintain this outdated library for 3 years17:06
ScottKOK.  Still reading the bug.17:06
ScottKmok0: I think you mean 3.6.0 ->
mok0ScottK, uhm yes17:09
mok0ScottK, I am building the package now, if the test program works, I propose to sync it17:09
ScottKmok0: Do you know why Debian has it in Experimental?17:10
mok0ScottK, No... the last comment on the LP page is from the maintainer, so I suppose he thinks it's ok for ubuntu17:11
mok0ScottK, the whole 3.8.3 series is in exp.17:12
ScottKmok0: libatlas-base-dev has 13 reverse build-depends.  You'd need to deal with the entire transition.17:12
mok0ScottK, hm17:12
ScottKmok0: Generally, if the newer atlas is mature, I do think it makes sense to move forward, but you need to look at the entire atlas stack and make sure we aren't fixing one thing and breaking 5 others.17:13
mok0ScottK, of course... it's more rdepends that I thought17:13
LaneyI think I saw talk of an atlas transition for Squeeze17:14
mok0Laney: and... ?17:14
Laneyyou should ask if the Debian people know of any issues17:14
ScottKmok0: I'd suggest do test rebuilds and lay out a complete plan for one FFe.17:14
ScottKAs long as it tests out OK, I think we should probably go ahead.17:14
mok0ScottK, OK, sounds reasonable17:14
Laneythey might be willing to hear your bugs so that their transition goes easier17:14
mok0Laney: sure17:15
mok0ScottK, several important packages are in the list of rdepends, R for one; perhaps that is why the package is still in experimental17:18
mok0ScottK, it's worse, you need to look at the rdepends of package libatlas3gf-base17:27
ScottKOh my.17:28
mok0ScottK, I think libatlas-base-dev is the old version of libatlas17:29
mok0ScottK, doesn't look realistic for Lucid, huh?17:29
ScottKYes, I was looking at current reverse-build-depends in Ubuntu, not Debian experimental.17:29
ScottKmok0: For the ones that are run time depends (and not build depends), I suspect testing a sub-set of them would be sufficient if it goes well.17:30
ScottKYou might ask upstream about 3.6 -> 3.8 binary compatibility.17:30
mok0ScottK, ok, I will investigate it17:31
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siretart`mok0: ScottK: is the backporters meeting scheduled for now or in 1h?18:02
mok0siretart`: heh18:02
* ScottK looks at mok0.18:02
mok0siretart`: It's actually 18:00 UTC now, but I think I made a mistake when scheduling the meeting18:02
siretart`so, what do we do now?18:03
mok0On the fridge, it says 19:00 UTC, so perhaps we should wait18:03
siretart`TBH, that would suit me better, I could then have dinner right now :-)18:03
mok0siretart`: great18:04
mok0I will stick around #ubuntu-meeting in case anyone else shows up18:04
siretart`excellent. thanks18:04
mok0siretart`: enjoy you meal :-)18:04
siretart`thanks :-)18:06
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duanedesignreviewing RC bugs Debian has closed I have found one that affects Lucid and it hasnt been merged.19:33
duanedesigni am still learning the motu processes so I am unsure about what I should do next?19:35
geserHave both Ubuntu and Debian the same upstream version?19:36
micahgduanedesign: have you seen this: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs/lucid/19:51
duanedesignmicahg: yes. That is where I found the bug :)19:52
micahgduanedesign: k, I thought it was cool and just saw it today, so thought I'd mention it :)19:52
duanedesignmicahg: sure. I just found it a couple of days ago. Well I didnt find it p_ersia told me about it19:54
duanedesigngeser: ubuntu has 0.5-2.2 and Debian unstable has 0.5-2.3 . I opened a bug report on it. bug 54144619:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541446 in ttf-okolaks "Sync ttf-okolaks 0.5-2.3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54144619:56
geserduanedesign: have you verified that it builds in a lucid environment (a lucid pbuilder)?19:58
duanedesigngeser:heh, I only verified the bug. Ill verify the fix as well..19:59
geserplease subscribe "ubuntu-sponsors" when you are done to add it to the sponsoring queue20:02
Fersuredebuild is saying that it can't find my 'secret key'. how would I sort this out? can't see anything in the docs20:02
Fersure(totally new to packaging for ubuntu. following the PackagingGuide on the wiki)20:04
BlackZFersure: are you used the same name in export DEBFULLNAME ?20:04
BlackZFersure: gpg --list-keys20:04
BlackZis it in the list?20:04
gesereither use the same name, comment and email address in debian/changelog matching one of your key uid or tell debsign which key to use20:04
FersureBlackZ: yes20:05
ChogyDanFersure: did you put a comment in your key?  I made the mistake of not having a blank comment20:05
Fersureoh um yes I did20:05
Fersureso I should create the key again leaving a blank comment?20:05
Fersurehow would I delete the key I currently have then? o.o20:05
ChogyDanthen as geser said, you have to write the comment out in the changelogs also, or just remake the key without the comment.  I think there are other tricks20:06
BlackZFersure: yes, or you can modify it instead20:06
Fersurehow? I'm a total noob when it comes to gpg.20:06
BlackZFersure: however I suggest you to re-create it and then re-try20:07
porthoseFersure, or for a quick fix you can just use the -k<keyid> option with debuild20:08
BlackZFersure: for more information, you can read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto20:08
FersureAh excellent. Thanks. :)20:09
duanedesigngeser: i verified it builds in a Lucid pbuilder and the fix works. is there anything else I need to do other than subscribing "ubuntu-sponsors" to the bug?20:37
geserno (perhaps be patient :)20:38
duanedesigngeser: thank you very much. Just happy to be helping and learning more about packaging/MOTU20:52
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AnzenkethI am trying to learn how to create a debian package from scratch is there a newer version of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete23:13
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diwicHmm...I've done "apt-src install pulseaudio", "apt-src build pulseaudio", then made a change to src/modules/alsa/alsa-source.c, then ran "make", then trying to run the pulseaudio wrapper script (src/pulseaudio), but the change wasn't there. What did I do wrong?23:57
sladen_diwic: 'debuild -b -uc -us' && dpkg -i ../pulseaudio.*23:59

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