
* gnomefreak never gonna get email done at this rate00:27
BUGabundognomefreak: mail? whats that?00:29
gnomefreakits not asking me what to do even though setting == ask me00:58
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto01:27
gnomefreak76oh damn01:27
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
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cjohnstonCan anyone help me figure out why sometimes my filters will run and sometimes they wont?03:42
cjohnstonin thunderbird303:42
LLStarksasac, i'm finding that firefox 3.7 won't allow deluge torrent to start files after they're downloaded despite loading the client. i'm not seeing this in 3.6.07:00
BUGabundo_remotemorning o/08:50
asacfta: we need to work on getting a testing community ramped up09:00
asacto get new major versions up, it requires thorough exposure09:01
asace.g. we cannot just through a new beta/stable out without that09:01
asacbut yes, we want to do major version updates for chromium the same way we want to do that for firefox09:01
* BUGabundo_remote is test ready09:03
BUGabundo_remoteasac: you mean starting lucid, FF will keep up with major upstream releases ?09:04
asacwe will go for new major upstreams when old ff becomes EOL09:08
BUGabundo_remoteahh makes sense09:09
BUGabundo_remoteasac: I haven't been able to open FF 3.7 in weeks11:16
BUGabundo_remoteit always complains its already running11:16
BUGabundo_remoteeven in safe-mode11:16
asaccheck with chrisccoulson11:18
asacchrisccoulson: what happened to the ppa upload ;)11:18
asacguess you didnt figure how to upload with -security?11:18
asacone sec11:18
chrisccoulsonhey asac - yeah, i couldn't figure that out11:18
chrisccoulsonso mdeslaur uploaded directly to the security ppa for me11:18
asacchrisccoulson: you have to force the pocket like:11:18
asacfqdn = ppa.launchpad.net11:18
asacincoming = ~ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa/ubuntu/lucid/11:18
asaclogin = anonymous11:18
chrisccoulsonasac - thanks :)11:19
chrisccoulsoni would probably never have figured that one out ;)11:19
asacdid mdeslaur figure ;?11:19
BUGabundo_remoteasac: when will we get a drop of FF 4?11:19
chrisccoulsoni assume so11:19
asacBUGabundo_remote: not sure. is trunk already moving towards 4.0?11:20
asacchrisccoulson: ok its up https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa/+packages11:20
asacso we should blog about it ;)11:20
asacthough we want to release today i guess11:20
asacbut still11:20
asaclet me microblog for now ;)11:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think mdeslaur was fairly keen to do the release today after some testing11:21
BUGabundo_remoteasac: beats me... ask [reed] :p11:21
asacchrisccoulson: yes, we dont do releasese on friday11:23
asacso either today or monday ...11:23
asacchrisccoulson: install vms and test ;)11:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, that makes sense11:23
chrisccoulsonreleases on friday are sometimes problematic ;)11:23
chrisccoulsonasac - did you understand what was causing bug 456468? shouldn't the fix for bug 518760 have solved that, or is there more than 1 issue?11:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456468 in network-manager-applet "upgrade triggers nm-applet "resource not found" ... missing icon "nm-applet-device"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45646811:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518760 in network-manager-applet "stops during karmic->lucid upgrade, shows error message" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51876011:48
asacchrisccoulson: thats understood11:52
asacdidnt mvo add a patch?11:52
asacjust create a link to some icon with the missing name in the package11:52
chrisccoulsonasac - the current version in the archive has a change by mvo to ship the old icon11:55
chrisccoulsonbut seb128 still says he sees the issue11:55
asacyeah. then its not all icons11:55
asacwe probably miss another one11:55
asacchrisccoulson: seb does upgrade tests?11:56
chrisccoulsoni think so11:56
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dupondjeI have set that when I mark a mail as spam, it should move to spam folder, but it doesn't move it? Any idea what could be wrong / how I can debug it ?13:36
micahgasac: have you returned?14:48
asacmicahg: on calls for a few more hours15:02
asacthen yes.15:02
micahgasac: yay \o/15:03
Hilikushey guys15:58
Hilikusi read this in a bug report, what is it supposed to mean?15:58
Hilikus"since Mozilla moved to non-versioning"15:58
HilikusCan someone please decline the nominations since this is not required since Mozilla moved to non-versioning15:59
micahgHilikus: firefox source package will be unversioned now16:07
Hilikuswhat does that mean??16:08
Hilikusas an end-user16:08
micahgHilikus: nothing for you16:08
Hilikusall updates will be immediatly available?16:09
micahgHilikus: well, we want to try to provide continual updates, even major versions when they happen..16:09
Hilikusso that still means that for major version changes i still have to wait for the next ubuntu release?16:09
micahgHilikus: well, we plan on moving hardy/jaunty to firefox 3.6 soon16:10
fta  Candidate: 3.7~a3~hg20100304r38917+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd116:13
ftamicahg, ^^ no update??16:13
micahgfta: patch failed16:14
micahgwill fix tonight16:14
micahgfta: oh wait...no, problem is dep wait16:14
micahgfta: xul193 broke with gcc 4.416:14
ftain 2 weeks?16:14
micahgmozilla 55082316:15
ubottuMozilla bug 550823 in Build Config "cannot find -lmozalloc when building with gcc-4.4" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55082316:15
micahgchrisccoulson: do you have time to look at this ^^16:17
ftakenvandine, chrisccoulson: does liferea has an indicator applet plugin somewhere?16:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i might not have time to look at that today16:17
chrisccoulsonfta - not that i'm aware of16:17
chrisccoulsonbut i might be wrong ;)16:18
ftahm, ok, too bad. thanks16:18
kenvandinefta, not sure16:19
kenvandinefta, i would think so... tedg is an huge liferea user and he created the indicators16:20
kenvandinefta, i just asked him16:21
kenvandinethere isn't16:21
ftakenvandine, no plan either?16:22
kenvandinehe wants it16:22
kenvandinebut hasn't found the time or anyone else to do it16:22
kenvandinei knew he had talked about it way back during jaunty16:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ftakenvandine, too bad the "Show foo" is not always at the same place in the indicator applet, it's confusing compared to the old tray18:24
micahgchrisccoulson: don't worry about that mozilla bug if you don't have time...I have a lead on it now and will look at it later18:49
micahg[reed]: thanks for subscribing the proper people to the build bug18:49
micahg[reed]: next time I'll ping \you...18:59
micahgasac: mdeslaur didn't use the USN we got from Jamie in the published noticed19:04
asacso the USN disagree?19:08
micahgasac: also seamonkey has the same 5 CVEs plus 119:09
ftaoh my, dropped ~750 packages from my main desktop19:16
ftalots of kernels and old gnome stuff19:16
ftatons of libs19:17
ftai'm afraid to reboot now :P19:17
BUGabundodo it , do it fta19:17
ftaBUGabundo, done19:51
ftait survived19:51
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    18404 2010-03-18 20:47 _usr_sbin_spamd.0.crash19:51
fta-rw------- 1 fta  fta     42758 2010-03-18 20:49 _usr_bin_gwibber.1000.crash19:51
fta-rw------- 1 fta  fta     35210 2010-03-18 20:49 _usr_bin_gwibber-service.1000.crash19:51
fta"Can not start couchdb" & "[Errno 111] Connection refused" respectively19:53
ftakenvandine, ^^19:53
kenvandineno errors from couchdb startup?19:54
ftano other crash file19:55
ftamaybe it starts too early19:56
BUGabundogood good19:58
ftafor spamd, it's "shutdown-hang"19:58
BUGabundokenvandine: I'm sending you my electric bill19:58
BUGabundogwibber is a cpu hog :|19:58
kenvandineBUGabundo, gwibber-service?19:59
kenvandinei wish i could see why... mine is almost always idle :/19:59
BUGabundoon each sync19:59
BUGabundomy cpu stall at 100%19:59
BUGabundoand fan goes crazy19:59
BUGabundoohh and there's a bug with the list20:00
BUGabundoif you add _too_ many ppl20:00
BUGabundoyou can't scroll it20:00
BUGabundoit gets trunked by the screen20:00
kenvandinewhat do you mean?20:00
kenvandinebug # please?20:01
BUGabundoand If you add over 5 users timelines to monitor, it will stop updating the all thing20:01
BUGabundoI ran it on debug mode and could see any output20:01
BUGabundoill file it latter tonight20:01
BUGabundotoghether with a wish but20:01
kenvandineso you added 5 user streams?20:01
BUGabundoI added 1520:02
BUGabundoI was stress testing gwibber20:02
BUGabundo3 µblog accounts and 15 twitter user timelines20:02
BUGabundo(stupid limitation of twitter not showing me an user entire timeline, but only replies to ppl I also follow)20:03
kenvandineBUGabundo, humm... i still don't understand20:04
kenvandinewhat do you mean added?20:04
kenvandineyou mean streams for people right?20:05
kenvandineso it stops refreshing if you do that?20:08
kenvandinei am getting notifications20:08
BUGabundoif I had too many20:08
kenvandinei added 1020:08
BUGabundonot sure I hit api limit20:08
kenvandineso the backend doesn't refresh? or the UI doesn't update?20:14
kenvandineBUGabundo, what exactly doesn't refresh ?20:14
BUGabundo*any* timeline20:14
BUGabundoafaict UI20:15
* kenvandine adds more20:15
kenvandineworking fine with 10 twitter and 10 identi.ca20:15
BUGabundobut I don't recall if I saw new ballons either20:15
BUGabundoidentica doesn't count :) there's no api limit20:15
BUGabundolet me try again20:15
BUGabundocould have been a fluke20:15
BUGabundoand there goes my CPU :(20:16
BUGabundoerr UI just froze... its dimmed20:18
BUGabundokenvandine: if I try to open the chanel/user list (drop down arrow) it just freezes20:19
BUGabundo8 users time line, General and Reply tabs20:19
BUGabundoI'm still getting new items20:19
BUGabundoneed a screenshot?20:20
kenvandinenot sure what a chanel/user list is :)20:20
BUGabundokenvandine: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/112892/Screenshot-gwibber.png20:20
BUGabundothe dropdown list20:20
BUGabundothere's not much UI other then that20:20
BUGabundoits clipped on the bottom20:21
BUGabundoand with that many I can't even move my mouse over items to select it20:21
kenvandinethe treeview on the left20:21
BUGabundoso now, I can't remove them20:21
BUGabundoits not on the left20:21
BUGabundoits where ever you open it :D20:21
BUGabundoahh wait20:22
BUGabundoI can close the users timelines20:22
BUGabundobut I get no mouse overlay20:22
BUGabundokenvandine: http://www.gwibber.com/develop/ is blank20:25
kenvandinewhere is that linked from?20:25
kenvandineBUGabundo, ok, added my 26th twitter stream and it caused a traceback from gwibber-service20:27
kenvandinethe 26th feed was just blank from twitter20:27
kenvandinebut on another refresh it worked20:27
BUGabundokenvandine: from gwibber.com top bar20:28
kenvandineand the service never actually crashed... but i got a crash dialog20:28
kenvandinewell the site is about 5% complete :)20:28
kenvandinenot surprised :-D20:28
BUGabundojust letting you know20:28
BUGabundocould have skipped20:28
* BUGabundo files wish but20:28
kenvandinehow big is your database?20:28
BUGabundokenvandine: what do you think ?  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/54148320:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 541483 in gwibber "show selected user timelines in HOME" [Undecided,New]20:30
BUGabundokenvandine: dint your CPU flat die with 28th streams?20:31
kenvandinemy load never went over .220:31
kenvandinei am not a fan of the HOME stream... but ryan likes it20:31
BUGabundoI use two20:32
BUGabundoHOME and replies20:32
kenvandineit doesn't keep pulling those streams once you remove it20:32
BUGabundowhat do you use?20:32
kenvandinei use the all messages one20:32
jcastrohm, what is the difference?20:32
BUGabundo(2010-03-18 20:32:05) seg|away: BUGabundo: I can make an option for that in 3.020:32
kenvandineand my netbook i use full screen with multi column layout showing both messages and replies side by side20:32
BUGabundokenvandine: what jcastro asked20:33
BUGabundowhat's the diff????20:33
kenvandinejcastro, i have never seen the point of the home one20:33
kenvandineafaict no difference20:33
kenvandinewasted space20:33
BUGabundook, 3 pane now20:33
kenvandinebut ryan says it is a little different20:33
BUGabundohome, message, reply20:33
BUGabundolets see this at work20:33
kenvandineBUGabundo, how big is your database?20:34
BUGabundono idea20:34
BUGabundonever checked20:34
BUGabundobut it runs 20h/720:34
kenvandineplease check20:34
BUGabundols: cannot access /home/bugabundo/.local/share/desktop-couch/gwibber_messages: No such file or directory20:34
BUGabundo-rw-r--r-- 1 bugabundo bugabundo 618M 2010-03-18 20:34 /home/bugabundo/.local/share/desktop-couch/gwibber_messages.couch20:35
kenvandineyeah :)20:35
kenvandineopen this in firefox20:35
jcastroman I told you, bad idea20:35
kenvandineyou will see a list of databases20:35
BUGabundoDesktop CouchDB20:35
BUGabundoYour desktop CouchDB is the data store for many of your applications. You can browse around it to see which data your applications are storing.20:35
kenvandineselect each database and then hit "compact"20:35
BUGabundoTaking you to your Desktop CouchDB in 30 seconds... take me there straight away from now on (remember to bookmark this page first!)20:35
BUGabundoI don't see any DB20:35
kenvandineclick it :)20:36
kenvandinewe are about to start auto compacting20:36
kenvandinebut i want to see if we compact your's, if it makes a difference on your CPU load20:36
BUGabundocompating messages table20:36
BUGabundocan't I just delete it?20:36
kenvandinedo the other two gwibber onces20:36
BUGabundoI don't need ANYTHING20:36
kenvandinedon't do that20:37
BUGabundodon't share with other PC20:37
BUGabundodon't want backlog20:37
kenvandinei want to see if compacting it makes a difference20:37
BUGabundoat least not like this20:37
* BUGabundo is a gineepig20:37
kenvandineyou can delete if from time to time if you like20:37
kenvandinebut not now :)20:37
kenvandinedo gwibber_accounts and gwibber_preferences too20:37
BUGabundothat's 0.9MBs20:38
kenvandinehow big are they now?20:38
kenvandineafter compacting?20:38
kenvandineyeah, messages is the only big one20:38
* BUGabundo wonders what's the proper UNITS now that lucid _changed_ it20:38
BUGabundo-rw-r--r-- 1 bugabundo bugabundo 111M 2010-03-18 20:38 /home/bugabundo/.local/share/desktop-couch/gwibber_messages.couch20:38
BUGabundo ls /home/bugabundo/.local/share/desktop-couch/ | pastebinit20:39
kenvandinekillall gwibber gwibber-service20:39
kenvandineand start it again20:39
kenvandinelets see if it improves your CPU problems20:39
BUGabundoahhhh silence at last20:39
BUGabundo 4966   0.84s   3.60s     0K   672K     0K     8K  --   - S  89% beam.smp20:40
BUGabundo11070   0.35s   1.15s 517.8M 192.0M     0K     0K  N-   - S  30% gwibber-servic20:40
BUGabundo10971   0.18s   1.06s  8564K  8564K     0K     0K  --   - S  25% gwibber20:40
BUGabundo11069   0.36s   0.79s 517.8M 192.1M     0K     0K  N-   - S  23% gwibber-servic20:40
kenvandinewe plan to autocompact for lucid, and if i get push back on getting that into lucid after beta-1, it is nice to have amunition :)20:40
kenvandinewow beam.smp is way high20:41
BUGabundoit was on open20:41
BUGabundoits always like that on syncs20:41
kenvandinewhat is it at now?20:41
BUGabundoI have it on 5 min refresh20:41
kenvandinemine doesn't go that high at start though20:42
BUGabundodoesn't even show now20:42
BUGabundo11008   0.00s   0.01s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - S   0% gwibber-servic20:42
BUGabundo11008      0      0       2158K 541.8M 201.9M     0K     0K   5% gwibber-servic20:42
BUGabundonow refreshing20:43
BUGabundo 4966   1m55s   8m45s 112.5M 20868K 623.2M 200.6M  N-   - S  11% beam.smp20:43
BUGabundo 4966   0.72s   2.19s     0K     0K     0K    20K  --   - S  58% beam.smp20:43
BUGabundo11339   0.57s   2.72s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - S  65% gwibber-servic20:43
BUGabundo 4966   0.55s   2.34s     0K     0K     0K     8K  --   - S  57% beam.smp20:43
kenvandinehaving all those streams does really increated my load on startup and refresh20:44
BUGabundowell not many ppl would have 26 extra timelines20:45
kenvandinebut beam.smp never tops 37%20:45
BUGabundobut I would like to have 4 or 520:45
kenvandineand gwibber-service hit 53% for like 2 seconds20:45
BUGabundoclosed tabs, and showing in HOME or Messages20:45
BUGabundocan i have your CPU then ?20:45
BUGabundo11537   0.57s   2.87s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - S  69% gwibber-servic20:45
BUGabundo 4966   0.36s   2.37s     0K     0K     0K     4K  --   - S  54% beam.smp20:45
BUGabundo11536   0.03s   0.37s     0K    20K     0K     4K  --   - R   8% gwibber-servic20:45
kenvandinethen dropped down to ~26% for about 20s20:45
BUGabundoI can atop log it for you20:46
kenvandinebouncing around in the 20 range20:46
kenvandineone sec20:46
BUGabundoC2D T8300 2.4GHz running lucid 64bits20:46
kenvandinesave that to a script and run it in cron every minute20:47
kenvandinechange the paths of course20:47
BUGabundokenvandine: its not outputting anythign20:53
kenvandineit should write to those files20:54
BUGabundoI know20:54
BUGabundo~$ ls -alh stats20:54
BUGabundototal 8.0K20:54
BUGabundodrwxr-xr-x  2 bugabundo bugabundo 4.0K 2010-03-18 20:50 ./20:54
BUGabundodrwxr-x--x 97 bugabundo bugabundo 4.0K 2010-03-18 20:50 ../20:54
BUGabundoand that's it20:54
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner
ftaasac, my last update of chromium got a "Waiting for approval" and is nowhere to be seen21:12
micahgfta: it's in unapproved21:14
micahgfta: archive freeze, universe requires manual push21:15
ftatried all the other options except this one :P21:15
micahgfta: queue will probably be cleared after beta release tomorrow21:15
asacfta: is it beta critical?21:16
asacotherwise it has to wait till queue opens21:16
asacif its needed seriously you need to go in #ubuntu-release and let them know21:16
asacthey will let it in then21:16
asacbut all will go in after beta freeze is over21:16
micahgwow, builders are empty...21:17
ftait is long due, i have no idea why it was not in weeks ago, i closed it in the branch but apparently forgot to push it or it failed21:17
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo
ejatBUGabundo: ya gwibber still eating the CPU ?21:31
BUGabundoejat: not as much now, it seems21:31
BUGabundoafter compating it21:31
ejathow do u do that :)21:32
ejati think mine also ok for now ..21:34
BUGabundo(2010-03-18 20:35:17) kenvandine: ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html21:36
BUGabundo(2010-03-18 20:35:29) kenvandine: you will see a list of databases21:36
BUGabundo(2010-03-18 20:35:48) kenvandine: select each database and then hit "compact"21:36
ejatTaking you to your Desktop CouchDB in 30 seconds...21:51
ftaBUGabundo, about ch on x64, it's been native for a while now, except native client, but that changed a few days ago22:00
BUGabundofta: what is the diff about native browser and native client?22:02
fta"native client" is a feature (NaCL)22:04
micahgfta: that's for old salt dogs :P22:05
BUGabundoohh I remember reading about that NaCL22:08
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micahgasac: are you available?23:18
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