
nhandlerjrib: We can't have ubottu treat kick messages as comments. Too many people use scripts that automatically specfiy a kick comment. Having a bunch of generic "You should know better" comments would not really be helpful00:56
Myrttier, correct me if I'm wrong, but kick messages ARE treated as comments00:58
Myrttithat's how it's been in the ban tracker since time immemorial00:58
gnomefreak76has anyone wrote a factoid about the window buttons01:26
gnomefreak76ok !buttons is not it01:28
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Myrttiwhy would anyone have written such a factoid and what do you think it should say01:29
gnomefreakMyrtti: lucid window control buttons moved to left side01:29
gnomefreakpeople dont like that01:29
gnomefreakalot of them too01:29
gnomefreakits one of those "lets throw it in there and see if people like it" type things IIRC01:30
nhandlerI might be useful to include a link to a page explaining how to move the buttons back to the right. I have a feeling that will be a FAQ after lucid is released01:31
gnomefreaknhandler: there are a few of them but knowing how long they will be up is not known01:31
nhandlergnomefreak: Do we have a page on the wiki explaining how to move the buttons?01:32
Myrttifeels a bit of yakshaving01:32
* gnomefreak can add them but i was told that someone may have already done that 01:32
gnomefreaknhandler: nope not that i know of01:32
gnomefreakthat is one. most of them are on blogs01:33
gnomefreaknone official01:33
nhandlerYeah, I've seen the blog posts. It might be good to get a page added to the community help wiki about this.01:33
gnomefreaknhandler: yeah i wanted to the other day but was unable to find enough time to do it. there is also at least 1 bug report with the many ways to change it01:35
nhandlergnomefreak: Maybe talk to the people in #ubuntu-doc and see if someone there has some time to prepare a page01:36
Myrttiy'all should just use Xubuntu. We fortunate people have a gui for changing the location and positioning of them.01:37
gnomefreakit wont be this week for me. im just finishing up updates and ill be gone for a day or 301:37
gnomefreakubuntu-tweek will do it01:37
nhandlerMyrtti: Kubuntu has something to do that too iirc01:40
gnomefreakasked in *-doc01:41
Myrttiohai bikcmp03:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:55
ubottuOne ping only, Vassily.04:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:04
Myrttibikcmp: so what brings you here?04:06
bikcmpMyrtti: Was going to say that a bad nick joined, but it's all fixed now04:11
* mneptok gestures at the /topic04:13
=== bikcmp is now known as Guest15691
=== Guest15691 is now known as bikcmp
bazhangbikcmp, hi05:03
bikcmphello bazhang05:06
bikcmpsorry, rejoined here by accident.05:06
bazhangbikcmp, did you need some assistance?05:06
* mneptok whips bazhang 05:14
mneptokFASTER, damn you!05:14
FlannelServices are down05:25
wgrantI thought my scripts were broken when anonymous_ didn't disappear.05:25
wgrantBut no, no privileges for us.,05:26
bazhangweird. there is no channel at #ubuntu-sa , even though the wiki for loco teams list it as such05:26
dholbachgood morning07:55
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (Nichelle posting dangerous commands)08:50
ubottuFireCrotch called the ops in #ubuntu (Kamela)08:55
=== nik0 is now known as niko
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !sunjava =~ s/$/ (Partner repository in Lucid)/14:35
* genii makes more coffee14:35
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, tab is <reply> You can use the <tab> key to autocomplete nicknames in IRC. Start typing someone's name, then press the tab key and your client should finish it for you. Doing this at the start of your message will notify the other person of your message in most clients. You can also use the <tab> key to complete filenames and programs on the command line.14:55
KB1JWQIf someone gets the chance, can I get some constructive feedback on a forum post?14:59
KB1JWQhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1432243 <-- My last response.  I wanted to make sure that was in the right tone for the forums.  I'm entirely too used to IRC, I just don't want to come across as "RTFM, noob!" if I can avoid it.15:00
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.15:17
PiciKB1JWQ: I think thats fine, I'm not a fan of ESR's guide myself, but for a subject such as sendmail, you really need a real question before you cans tart troubleshooting.15:17
jussi01KB1JWQ: you might waant to use that one ^^15:17
KB1JWQAhh, never saw that before.15:18
KB1JWQThanks Pici  and jussi01.15:18
KB1JWQI'll help if I can, but I REALLY need specific questions in most cases. :-)  "Teach me X" isn't something I accept from anyone as a problem request.15:19
KB1JWQjussi01: Unfortunately I think that one's too IRC centric.15:20
KB1JWQWhat I like about ESR's guide is that it covers almost every online medium you could hope for.15:20
ubottuIn ubottu, thafreak said: !gates is teh suck15:25
Myrtti+b *!*@169.Red-79-150-139.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net ?15:43
PiciMyrtti: Was he kicked earlier?15:44
Myrttisomeone from that ip, yes15:44
Myrttiand banned15:44
Myrttidifferent ident15:45
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)15:45
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)15:45
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)15:45
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)15:46
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)17:02
genii"lspci" into the channel ... :/17:05
ikoniaseems fixed17:05
geniiikonia: The bot caught it and gave a pastebin warn, etc17:06
ikoniaI wish kubuntu would start putting things into main rather than ppa's17:06
ikonialead by example17:06
Myrtti[19:31] ~~~dancing-bot [~dancing-b@95-25-136-1.broadband.corbina.ru] has  joined #ubuntu17:31
=== nik0 is now known as niko
mneptoklorenzo: you MUST type /join first18:02
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:02
mneptokscrivi /join #ubuntu-it18:02
mneptoknon scrivi #ubuntu-it solo18:03
Mamaroklorenzo: e poi, dommanda agli altri nel canale Italiano come adjungere il canale automaticamente, cosi non dévi scrieverlô ogni volta18:15
Myrtti!soc ~= s/2006/2010/19:48
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti19:48
arvind_kHi, please change the factoid of soc19:48
ubottusoc is Google's Summer of Code project; see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010 and http://code.google.com/soc/19:48
arvind_koh Myrtti just did that :)19:48
Myrttiahead of you ;-)19:48
arvind_khahaha :) btw do you happen to know where will the mentors be hanging around ?19:48
Myrttino idea19:49
Myrtti"IRC: #ubuntu-gsoc or #gsoc on freenode"19:49
Myrttias on the link in the factoid19:49
arvind_koh ok, let me check it out , thanks anyways :)19:49
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.20:03
Myrtti!pm > sascha_20:06
ubottuIn #kubuntu, human_ said: ubottu, this package from repository is going without music20:23
ubottuIn #kubuntu, human_ said: ubottu, this is the latest version http://www.parallelrealities.co.uk/download/blobwars/blobwars-1.17-1.i386.deb20:25
ubottuIn #kubuntu, human_ said: ubottu, but it is not correctly working with UTF-820:26
* genii rolls his eyes20:26
Myrtti!bot > human_20:38
guntbertplease have a look at<nocturnus> in #ubuntu - he seems to switch between dubious advice - off topic chatter - rudeness ...20:50
ikoniamy eyes are open20:52
guntbertikonia: not completely sure though  ... but thx20:53
ikonialets wait and see20:53
guntbertexactly what I was asking for :-)20:53
ikonialooks like you're right already20:53
guntbertwhat a pity20:54
guntbertI'd prefer to be wrong20:54
* ikonia angers at the stupidity of ubuntu including the app "wtf" 20:55
ikoniainline with it's code of conduct20:55
Myrtti!info wtf20:56
ubottuPackage wtf does not exist in karmic20:56
ikoniaoh, it's gone - good20:56
Myrtti!info wtf jaunty20:56
ubottuPackage wtf does not exist in jaunty20:56
ikoniainteresting, maybe it wasn't in the official repo's20:56
Myrtti!info wtf hardy20:56
ubottuPackage wtf does not exist in hardy20:56
* Myrtti goes to kick the wifi access point, bash it with a mallet and pour cola on the pieces20:57
ikoniaoh dear20:57
Myrttimy bloodpressure isn't doing too well when I'm using the hotel wifi20:58
nocturnusikonia: ar eyou there?21:01
nocturnusoh hello elky21:01
nocturnusAre you getting my PM's ...?21:02
nocturnusPerhaps my IRC client is blocking them21:02
nocturnusI mean when you reply21:02
nocturnus[ because I'm +G ]21:02
nocturnusWell ...?21:05
ikoniawell what ?21:05
nocturnusWell I'm wondering if you read my queries or what?21:05
ikoniaI read them, and explained to them I'm not unbanning you at the moment21:05
nocturnusI didn't get a PM21:06
ikoniaif you didn't get them, I'll explain it again here,21:06
nocturnusYou can copy/paste if you wish.21:06
ikoniaI'm not unbanning you as I asked you multiple times to stop referencing sofas and you chose to play dumb and pretend you had not mentioned sofas21:06
nocturnusNo ... that's not what I meant ...21:06
ikoniaother users complained about your offtopic comments, I attempted to stop them and you tried to push me/be smart with me21:06
nocturnusI know I said the word sofas once, but as I said it was a pun, and not a reference21:06
nocturnusI don't really know anything about sofas.21:07
ikoniaI'm sure you don't21:07
nocturnusThen what's the problem?21:07
ikoniaI asked you to stop referncing it 3 times and you're last words where to mention it again21:07
nocturnusI only said it once, the other times was because you asked me21:07
ikoniayes, and I asked you to stop and you just kept referencing sofas21:07
nocturnusI think this is a communication error - not my first language you know ..21:07
ikoniaI understand english may not be your first language21:08
nocturnusI wasn't ~referencing~ them, just replying to the replies you gave!21:08
ikoniayet I kept asking you to stop and you kept replying21:08
ikoniainstead of stopping21:08
nocturnusBecause I don't understanded what the problem is ..21:08
nocturnusI didn't spam "sofa sofa sofa sofa ..."21:08
nocturnusunderstood rather21:09
ikoniaI didn't say you spammed sofa sofa sofa21:09
ikoniayou where making offtopic comments, sofa was one of them, I asked you to stop and you kept pushing it21:09
nocturnusWell on several occasions - that's what I meant by 's s s s  ...'21:09
nocturnusAs soon as you brought it up with me, I directed all sofa-related puns towards you for clarificatoin21:10
ikoniahow about stopping all "puns" as you where told to21:10
ikonianocturnus: how do you know elky ?21:10
nocturnusShe's the head organiser in #ubuntu-women21:11
nocturnusI used to go there a year ago21:11
ikoniaahh, so you would be known to her then21:11
nocturnusNot formally.21:12
nocturnusCertainly not by this alias21:12
ikoniashe'll remember you21:12
ikoniaoh really21:12
ikoniawhat alias21:12
nocturnuswebchat aliases, I don't remember21:12
ikoniaok - what country are you in ?21:13
ikonialets see if she remebers you and will vouch for your behaviour when she wakes up21:13
ikoniaas I'm not convinced by your behaviour at all21:13
nocturnusThis is quite rude, I know what you're trying to imply.21:13
ikoniawhat am I trying to imply ?21:13
nocturnusWell ... what can I say.21:14
ikoniaI've just stated what I'm doing21:14
nocturnus17:09:23 <+ikonia> oh really21:14
nocturnusIt doesn't sound to me like you're 'just stating'. My english isn't great but I'm not socially stupid21:14
ikoniaI have just stated what I'm doing21:14
ikoniaI am asking elky if she remembers you to vouch for you as I'm not convinced by your behaviour21:15
nocturnusHow could she 'remember' me provided I told you I was not introduced formally and that I used web-chat21:15
ikoniaok - now I don't believe you as I've just seen you've been muted in ##linux too for problematic behaviour21:17
ikoniaso I'm going to leave the ban in place for a while, you can think about your behaviour21:17
nocturnusI was muted in #linux for telling people not to offer 100$ discounts on hardware21:18
ikoniathat's not the case21:18
nocturnusThis is why I meant you are implying more than you are saying.21:18
ikoniaagain - you're behaviour21:18
ikoniaI'm not implying anything, I'm stating clearly21:18
nocturnusPlease be fair.21:18
ikoniaI am21:18
nocturnusYou just jumped to conclusions based on my #linux 'behavior'21:18
ikoniano, it is in addition to your behaviour in #ubuntu21:19
nocturnusSeeing as you're in #21:19
nocturnusin #ubuntu, you could have easily given me a second chance21:19
ikoniaI gave you 3 chances to stop going on about sofa's / offtopic21:19
nocturnusIt can't be 'in addition' to my behavior in #ubuntu because that's the original case in question21:19
ikoniaok - I'm not playing this game21:19
nocturnus#ubuntu is the parent case, the additional case is #linux21:20
ikoniaI'll state the situation21:20
nocturnusYou just use circular reasoning to convict me!21:20
nocturnusI know the situation.21:20
nocturnusI'm banned until you are convinced.21:20
ikonianocturnus: you where asked to stop being offtopic in #ubuntu - an example was mentioning sofas21:20
ikonianocturnus: you did not stop so you where removed21:20
nocturnusPlease ...21:20
nocturnussave your breath, I have a buffer on my IRC client ...21:20
ikonianocturnus: I suspect your beahviour with your current nickname may be an attempt to hide previous bad behaviour on other nicks - but I'm not certain21:21
ikoniayou're behaviour and banning in ##linux backs up that your behaviour in #ubuntu was not an accident or missunderstanding21:21
ikoniatherefore I am leaving the ban in place at this time21:21
nocturnusikonia: If you want to bring #linux into question, I have psi-jack to vouch for me, and he's a very knowledgeful regular21:21
ikoniaI'm not brining ##linux into the equasion - they can do what they wish as their channel, however the fact that you got put on mute for similar behaviour to ubuntu suggests you know what you are doing21:22
nocturnusikonia: sorry about that, I had to reconnect21:38
nocturnusHave you taken the time to consider a response to my last questions?21:38
ikoniano need to apologise, nothing more to say21:38
nocturnusWell a response to my questions would be delightful ...21:39
ikoniaI didn't see a question21:39
nocturnusHmm ... perhaps I am mistaken.21:39
nocturnusOh wait I remember,21:39
nocturnushow long until I can put this fiasco behind me?21:39
nocturnus... and rejoin #ubuntu?21:40
ikoniacome back in a few days and we'll review it then21:40
nocturnusI don't think I'll be comming back at all, perhaps months into the future ..21:40
ikoniathen why ask ?21:40
ikoniafor the record psi-jack ##linux staff wouldn't vouch for him21:46
elkyikonia, sorry, i can only vouch for his existence, not his behaviour. He spent the other day informing #ubuntu-women how he was Alpha Male and a lot of people there got quite creeped out by this21:48
ikoniaelky: stinks of someone like bacta21:49
ikoniahis nick was registered in jan 201021:50
ikoniathe way he singled you out21:50
elkyhe singled me out because i booted him for proclaiming his alpha maleness21:50
ikoniaooh right21:50
ikoniahe claimed he used to be in #ubuntu-women about a year ago21:50
elkyi recall a similar nick that doesn't idle there permanently any longer, but unless he confirms it's only speculation21:51
ikoniaodd, the guys in ##linux-ops where shocked he's asked them to vouch for him as they had pretty negative things to say21:52
ikoniaand yet he found ##club-ubuntu straight away21:52
elkyikonia, did the ##linux-ops stuff seem based on recent times?21:54
ikoniahe's only been registered sice jan 201021:55
ikoniathey didn't have much to go on21:55
ikoniaubottu's hung22:25
ubottuOne ping only, Vassily.22:27
=== Levia_ is now known as Levia

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