
slangasekUNE respun finished, new candidate posted01:06
slangasekothers to follow ASAP01:07
slangasekKNR also posted01:30
slangasekUbuntu desktop is up01:44
cr3slangasek: iso image?01:56
slangasekcr3: yes01:56
cr3slangasek: have there been a few respins today? I noticed that my activity queue for running jobs in certification is rather big today01:56
cr3battery is dying, back tomorrow01:59
slangasekcr3: prior to now, the last respin run was last night01:59
cr3slangasek: thanks, I'll have a closer look at my queue then to make sure it doesn't start overloading02:00
tgm4883I noticed on the QA site it lists the mythbuntu images as rebuilding, but the current/ folder for the daily live disk has 2 images in it. Should I expect that these two images are bad and I need to wait for the rebuilt ones, or would these images be good to start mirroring?02:32
tgm4883I ask, because I thought in the past that if there was a rebuild that the current/ folder gets emptied02:32
slangasektgm4883: the current folder always has images in it, current doesn't mean candidate03:41
slangasektgm4883: I've just posted the new mythbuntu candidates03:41
slangasekwell - "always" has images in it; when it doesn't, it means the build failed and the scripts didn't notice03:43
stgraberhello, just arrived home after a whole evening of work in the server room at the office.03:43
stgraberI see that all DVDs are being rebuilt, any ETA ?03:44
slangasekstgraber: ETA of 30min for edubuntu03:45
stgraberok, I'll see how awake I'm in 30min then. Worst case I'll e-mail highvoltage and hope he'll wake up earlier than me ;)03:46
slangasekhmm - sorry, not 30min, 45min03:46
tgm4883slangasek, thanks for the info03:48
slangasekstgraber: edubuntu up04:41
aragood morning all06:21
sbeattiehey ara.07:27
arahey sbeattie :)07:27
sbeattieare you still in london?07:28
arasbeattie, no, I arrived to Malaga yesterday afternoon07:28
sbeattieAh, cool, just in time to burn out iso testing. :-)07:28
sbeattieara: have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Plymouth ?07:29
arasbeattie, I've seen some updates as i am subscribed to /Testing/*07:29
arawhat is all about?07:30
sbeattiekeybuk, slangasek, and possibly others spent today trying to fix plymouth issues and slangasek wanted to try to cover testing all the possible boot situations for plymouth.07:31
sbeattiesince it's going on to the beta1 isos at the last minute07:32
arasbeattie, ok07:42
sbeattiehrm, is the kubuntu bottom panel supposed to visible in the livecd environment?07:42
arameaning, while installing?07:42
sbeattieno, just in the "try kubuntu before installing" environment.07:43
arasbeattie, then, you're supposed to have a full environment, aren't you?07:44
arasbeattie, can you imagebin?07:44
sbeattieara: will do, one sec07:46
sbeattieara: http://imagebin.org/8934907:50
arasbeattie, indeed, that's a bug07:52
arasbeattie, well, did you choose "try kubuntu" or you just let it timeout?07:53
sbeattietry kubuntu07:53
arasbeattie, then it is a bug in casper, I guess. Can you reproduce?07:54
arasorry, I had to kill xchat, sbeattie, I was asking if it is reproducible07:58
sbeattieara, yep, reproducible in vbox/amd64, seeing if it i386 reproduces.07:58
sbeattieerr, it reproduces on i386/vbox.07:58
arasbeattie, :(07:58
* sbeattie wonders if the small screen size is causing the panel not to display.07:59
sbeattieI'll try on live hardware in a bit.08:00
arasbeattie, ok, thanks, I will try in KVM08:01
sbeattieyeah, reproduces in i386/vbox.08:03
arasbeattie, I cannot reproduce in KVM08:18
sbeattieara: what resolution is your kvm environment?08:18
arasbeattie, not sure, but  higher than vbox's 800x60008:20
arasbeattie, so it might be the resolution08:20
sbeattieyeah, I don't reproduce it on live hardware w/1440x96008:21
sbeattieso I don't think it's casper, but whatever the kde panel is.08:21
arasbeattie, do you get graphical splash in vbox?08:39
sbeattieara: no, I get a text based splash.08:40
sbeattiehrm, reconsidering how I answered the matrix08:41
arasbeattie, me too, but, do you get sometimes fsck messages without having set the details mode08:41
sbeattieno, but I get other messages on the screen (broken pipe, ureadahead)08:41
arasbeattie, ok, I get those too08:42
arasbeattie, and I guess these are not supposed to be visible, are they?08:42
sbeattieno, they're not.08:42
arasbeattie, is there a bug I can subscribe to?08:43
sbeattieara: hrm, I can't find one, though I know keybuk knows about it.08:53
sbeattiebest to file one, I guess.08:55
slangasekthe fsck messages are bug #53510809:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 535108 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Hide console messages while Plymouth is running (affects: 10) (dups: 3)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53510809:24
slangasekmorning, folks09:24
slangasekara: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3833/442, the test case instructions say I should see a pop-up about incomplete language support and I didn't09:29
slangasekara: is the testcase out of date, or is this a bug?09:29
sbeattieslangasek: hrm, these messages puke over the aubergine display, not before the splash shows up.09:30
sbeattie(which is what 535108 seems to be about, though it may just be different consequences of the same bug)09:30
araslangasek, it should pop up, it is a bug09:30
slangaseksbeattie: same basic issue; the console is in text mode, so anything written to the console by another process gets shown09:31
slangasekwasn't "The Aubergine Display" a Pournelle novel?09:31
sbeattieslangasek: okay.09:32
slangasekara: ok - what are the packages it's looking to be able to install?  language-support-es?09:32
araslangasek, at least you're using the DVD09:32
araslangasek, are you using the DVD?09:32
slangasekara: no; Ubuntu desktop on USB09:32
davmor2ara: can you have a quick look at bug 540776 and confirm it if you agree please,  I figure this will be something that needs work pretty pronto if it is going to be fixed09:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 540776 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Gdm theme makes it impossible to see accessibility option (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54077609:34
dpmhey ara09:35
dpmhi everyone09:35
aradpm, slangasek is having an issue with no network installations09:35
dpmhey slangasek09:35
arahttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3833/442, the test case instructions say I should see a pop-up about incomplete language support and I didn't09:35
ara ara: is the testcase out of date, or is this a bug?09:35
davmor2hello dpm09:35
slangasekafter install in Spanish, I didn't get prompted about incomplete language support09:35
davmor2hello slangasek wfm on this notebook just09:35
arawhat packages should be looking at to show (or not show) the pop up?09:35
dpmara, it is a bug, we detected while testing the alpha-3. Let me find the bug no...09:36
dpmara, I think it's between ubiquity and language-selector09:36
davmor2slangasek: scrap that I did an english install sorry09:36
aralaunchpad bugs wishlist: in between packages bugs :D09:37
dpmara, slangasek, it's bug 52762309:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 527623 in language-selector (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "Notification of missing language support not shown after installation (affects: 1)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52762309:37
dpmheya davmor209:37
slangasekdpm: ah, already targeted and milestoned - thanks09:40
dpmslangasek, no worries. Thanks for testing languages, I didn't do a very good job at testing localized installations on this milestone :/09:42
sbeattiehrm, is there a known bug for the kubuntu installer not finishing shutting down after installing?09:42
slangaseksbeattie: there was one that was supposed to have been fixed09:44
slangaseksbeattie: bug #52645609:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 526456 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "shutdown does not work (affects: 2)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52645609:45
sbeattieslangasek: it didn't make it back to plymouth.09:45
kermiachey davmor2 :) - bug 540776 looks like it's probably a dupe of bug 53284409:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 540776 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Gdm theme makes it impossible to see accessibility option (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54077609:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 532844 in light-themes (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Lucid: White symbols on light panel and Ubuntu Logo are difficult to see (affects: 14) (dups: 4)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53284409:45
slangasekhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3834/51 - could use some contact info for 'starslights', to find out what his framebuffer config is (and confirm he's using the right image...)09:47
slangasekara, davmor2: are you able to estimate how long it will take to test all the images?09:59
* ara checks the current state10:00
araslangasek, I guess that, if no major bugs are found, by 18UTC everything should be covered, except for things that normally people test on the other side of the ocean10:02
slangasekbladernr__: you marked bug #532047 as affecting beta alternate, which we know is not the case; can I get some more information from you about hardware config?  (a fresh bug filed with 'ubuntu-bug plymouth' from the affected machine is simplest)10:02
slangasekara: ok, thanks10:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 532047 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Plymouth text-mode splash causes X to crash on first run due to shared tty7 (affects: 160) (dups: 35)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53204710:02
davmor2kermiac: Yay I hate launchpad search it sucks10:17
kermiacdavmor2: I totally agree10:17
kermiacI've been using google to search LP for dupes lately. I was given this by another triager - "site:bugs.launchpad.net <search terms>"10:18
kermiacseems to work a lot better10:18
davmor2morning all10:54
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
stgraberdavmor2: can you do the LTSP tests ? if you do, I'll start downloading Edubuntu12:04
davmor2I can but not right now12:05
moustafacr3, ara, fader_, davmor2, marjo, everyone else: Bonjour!12:46
davmor2moustafa: mornnig dude12:47
arahey moustafa, morning12:47
davmor2morning cr3, fader_ you slacker wake up12:47
cr3moustafa: baguette!12:47
moustafacr3: hon! hon!12:47
moustafadavmor2: Allons-y! Allonso!12:48
moustafaWow...I wonder if anybody tried to install Ubuntu on one of these: http://www.cybernetman.com/en/products/zero-footprint-pc/zpc-gx31.cfm12:54
davmor2moustafa: you need to stop watching doctor who ;)12:55
moustafadavmor2: Which iteration?  Also *sonic screwdriver*12:56
davmor2stgraber: right going for a 64bit ltsp12:57
stgraberdavmor2: great, thanks12:58
stgraberI'm doing edubuntu amd64 and highvoltage is doing 32bit12:58
davmor2stgraber: after lunch I'll try and fit in 32bit too12:58
fader_moustafa: That thing brings back unpleasant memories of the TRS-80.13:00
moustafafader_: care to elaborate?13:02
bladernr__slangasek: bug 540897 opened per your request13:02
cr3fader_: I had memories of the C-6413:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 540897 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "X/GDM crashes on first login attempt (sounds a LOT like the plymouth bug) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54089713:02
fader_moustafa: http://www.digibarn.com/collections/systems/trs80-colorcomputer/index.html13:02
cr3fader_: did you actually have a trs-80?13:03
fader_cr3: Oh yeah... my early computing experiences were divided between typing on a VT-220 hooked up to a Xenix mainframe and the Trash-80.13:03
=== zul_ is now known as zul
cr3fader_: are you serious? the trs-80 is from the early 80s, either you're older than you look or you started freaking early13:05
* cr3 was barely potty trained in the early 80s13:05
* sbeattie shakes his head at you kids.13:06
cr3then again, who's to say I didn't get potty trained in my 20s13:06
fader_cr3: I could type before I could write with a pen/pencil.13:06
fader_Not *well* mind you, but still. :)13:06
* davmor2 had a zx81 as his first computer13:06
fader_davmor2: Nice!  I've never actually played with one of those.13:07
cr3davmor2: sinclairs were much more popular in the uk, right?13:07
davmor2cr3: they were the only things around for a long while13:07
cr3sbeattie: you're so old, you get up at 6 in the morning :)13:07
sbeattiecr3: no, I'm about to call it end of wednesday.13:08
* davmor2 wonders if me or sbeattie is older :)13:08
sbeattiedavmor2: I'm just slightly older than kwwii, if that helps you figure it out.13:09
davmor2goes of to the directory to find out :)13:09
fader_davmor2: http://www2.b3ta.com/heyhey16k/13:11
davmor2kicks directory for not displaying year13:13
moustafathis moment of old ggeksers remember the 80's was brought you by the number Pi and the croissant13:21
moustafaggeksers should be geeksers13:21
moustafaAnd I can attest that cr3 has yet to be fully potty trained13:21
moustafanever has my parenting experience be put to the test in a professional environment as my time at Canonical13:22
cr3moustafa: that's why parenting was part of the job requirements13:26
moustafacr3: That's what you said each time, even though I had not seen any written statement about it13:27
slangasek"change me, it's in your job description"?13:28
=== bladernr__ is now known as bladernr_
cr3slangasek: I was looking for the instinctive reflex of a parent to go into changing mode when there is a smell, so I wouldn't even need to ask... because that would be inappropriate :)13:30
moustafaslangasek:  Yeah, I'd be reading some code, then raise my head like an ostrich and look at cr3 while saying in a teasing voice: "Did you poop again?" and his little chuckle would say it all13:32
stgraberEdubuntu amd64 worked fine !13:43
* highvoltage will start edubuntu i386 tests in about 2 minutes13:48
davmor2slangasek: me is just firing up thin client for ltsp 64bit13:48
slangasekbladernr_: followed up to the bug, please upgrade plymouth and re-test13:49
bladernr_slangasek:  you want I should update plymouth only, or try the latest ISOs instead?13:49
slangasekbladernr_: please also update http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3812/22 to point at your new bug instead of 53204713:50
slangasekbladernr_: there's no newer ISO of alternate13:50
slangasekthis is actually the issue that we respun the desktop CDs for; didn't respin alternate because it only impacts the first login post-install13:50
slangasek(whereas for the desktop installer, a crashed X server could botch the whole process)13:51
davmor2stgraber: meh forgot to look, I'm assuming you still need to change the /etc/lstp/dhcp.conf from i386 to amd64 on 64bit.  I did it automatically13:52
stgraberdavmor2: yes, you still need to do that on amd6413:53
stgraberdavmor2: especially as Edubuntu will be shipping a pre-generated i386 chroot on the amd64 dvd, it'll actually start to make sense ;)13:53
bladernr_slangasek:  -17 got it.  upgraded and no more X crash on my Alternate install13:55
slangasekbladernr_: great, thanks13:55
davmor2stgraber: I just got the plymouth's dot cycling here on my client13:56
stgraberdavmor2: what's the hardware in your client ?14:00
davmor2stgraber: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/pc-specs/hplappy.html14:01
stgraberok, nvidia based then. I didn't have the chance to test that much these days14:02
stgraberdo you happen to have an intel based computer around ?14:02
stgrabera netbook being the ideal ;)14:02
slangasekdavmor2: how many display outputs do you have connected?14:03
davmor2slangasek: one notebook I'm just grabbing my netbook14:05
davmor2stgraber: that would work but atom processor's aren't 64bit D'oh14:14
stgraberdavmor2: well some are but netbooks usually aren't indeed ...14:15
davmor2the only other intel box I got is an i68614:25
highvoltagehmm, "Running dpkg" took quite some time14:32
highvoltageis that normal?14:32
highvoltageEdubuntu i386 is fine14:36
davmor2slangasek: okay I've chrooted into the ltsp image I've updated plymouth and am rebuilding the image I'm gonna see if that fixes it if it does I'll write a bug with the step in14:59
slangasekdavmor2: how did you get an ltsp image with an outdated plymouth?15:00
davmor2slangasek: it was on the cd15:00
slangasekwhich CD?15:00
* davmor2 kicks box, then hops around the floor fsckin' sandles for slippers15:31
davmor2slangasek: this isn't doing anything ;(15:31
slangasekdavmor2: you mean upgrading plymouth didn't change the behavior?15:32
davmor2slangasek: that is correct15:33
slangasekdavmor2: what happens if you hit Alt+SysRq+K?15:33
davmor2slangasek: the dots stop cycling15:34
slangasekand nothing else?15:34
davmor2doesn't seem to be15:34
slangasekdid you say this was nvidia?15:35
davmor2yeap http://www.davmor2.co.uk/pc-specs/hplappy.html15:35
davmor2slangasek: this also works fine as an installed system15:36
arahggdh, ttx is complaining a bit about your last minute testcases at  #ubuntu-release ;-)16:12
hggdhara, yes... such is life, I guess16:15
slangasekplars: hi, please see my followup to bug #54047716:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 540477 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "X restarted, but no .crash file (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54047716:19
plarsslangasek: hmm, no I didn't. will take a look16:20
plarsslangasek: I'll have to reinstall, I've had to blow away that system since this test to make use of the drive elsewhere16:21
plarsslangasek: unfortunately this looks like it may be one of those "hard to reproduce" sort of bugs16:21
slangasekplars: booting the installer and running cat /proc/fb should be sufficient16:22
plarsslangasek: will do16:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
slangasekara, davmor2: how do things look?17:52
davmor2slangasek: sorry I've been off working17:53
araslangasek, I am trying to finish some i386 tests17:53
arastgraber, can you help with the edubuntu upgrades?17:53
marjo_slangasek: just finished kubuntu DVD i386 and reported dup bug17:59
slangasekmarjo_: which bug?18:00
marjo_slangasek: #53821318:00
slangasekmarjo_: that bug should not be present on the kubuntu DVD...18:01
marjoslangasek: uh oh, when i read the bug description, matched my symptoms18:01
marjoslangasek: worth redoing & reporting new bug?18:02
slangasekmarjo: yes, please report a new bug so we have it in your own words (and hopefully with apport data to go with it)18:02
marjoslangasek: ok, will do18:02
slangasekso looking at what's left on the board, I think we need to make the call to push the release back to tomorrow morning UTC18:13
slangasekI'll draft a mail to ubuntu-devel-announce to let people know, and as a CFT18:14
slangasekeveryone testing, please continue helping us get there... but don't kill yourselves trying to hit a Thursday deadline :)18:15
slangasekbtw, who's on Wubi duty this time around?18:22
slangasekdavmor2: is that all you?18:22
davmor2slangasek: Yeah I can hit the wubis and m-a's I'm just installing alt 32 bit ltsp to see if it is a 64bit issue18:29
sbeattiestgraber: did you take edubuntu upgrades? I'm about to start in them...19:18
marjo_sbeattie: please go for them; it won't hurt do double up19:21
davmor2stgraber: can you have a look at ltsp on ubuntu dude.  On my netbook on i386 I get a kernel panic which I'm now wondering if it is the same issue on 64bit19:26
davmor2slangasek: ^19:26
stgrabersbeattie: I'd need to install edubuntu in a new VM first. So if you have something easily upgradable around, please feel free to do it.19:30
stgraberdavmor2: Is that an Asus eeepc ?19:30
davmor2stgraber: compaq mini 11019:30
sbeattiestgraber: no, I have to do installs from scratch, sadly.19:30
stgraberdavmor2: hmm, ok. Mine at home also kernel panic but similar hardware here at the office doesn't.19:31
stgraberdavmor2: feel free to open a bug and attach the detailed hardware (lspci will do). I'll have a look at it.19:31
stgraberdavmor2: I suspect we're missing a NIC driver or something since the last kernel.19:31
stgraberdavmor2: Is that an Atlansic ethernet card by any chance ? (atl1e driver)19:31
davmor2stgraber: I'm getting the same thing on my laptop but it is syncing some stuff and it has an ip address19:32
slangasekmarjo_: no bug report yet for your X crash on enter?19:32
stgraberah, ok. I'll get an ubuntu alternate i386 here and run it on our libvirt cluster at revolution linux. I don't think it's related to LTSP itself but it might be some upstart/mountall/plymouth related issue (just guessing here ;)).19:33
marjo_slangasek: it's a dup = 54085619:34
marjo_sbeattie pointed it out to me19:34
marjo_i've modified my report in iso tracker19:35
marjo_marked it as serious19:35
slangasekmarjo_: ah, so not a plymouth bug, how refreshing :)19:35
marjo_slangasek: no19:35
davmor2stgraber: yeah both boxes get an ip address and both sync some stuff and then seem to stop, but the netbook hadn't started plymouth so I could see what was going on :)19:35
slangasekmarjo_: although, you filed that against the "debian-installer" test case, which is the alternate installer - I guess that's not what you were actually testing?19:36
davmor2stgraber: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/54145219:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 541452 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "ltsp on ubuntu is crashing with a sync issue stopping the kernel from booting (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]19:41
marjo_test case=kubuntu DVD i386/install (debian-installer)/Debian-Installer Whole Drive19:42
marjo_slangasek: ^^^19:42
slangasekmarjo_: yes; you could not have possibly run into bug #540856 with the alternate installer, the alternate installer doesn't use ubiquity19:43
ubot4slangasek: Bug 540856 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/540856 is private19:43
slangasekubot4: liar19:43
ubot4Factoid 'liar' not found19:43
slangasekmarjo_: so perhaps the test case directions are out-of-date for lucid, and led you into testing something else19:44
marjo_slangasek: i think you may be right19:44
davmor2slangasek: I'm off shopping now but I'll hit what wubi and m-a I can when I get back19:54
slangasekok, cheers19:54
davmor2slangasek: just so you know wubi is at least doing something now which is more than yesterday morning19:57
marjo_slangasek: i'm redoing the test, just to make sure re test case instructions19:57
slangasekmarjo_: ok - when the first screen shows up with the Ubuntu logo and the "keyboard makes happy man" icon at the bottom, press a key to get to the boot menu first, then look for the "Install Kubuntu in text mode" option19:59
ameetpHi folks, I am trying the Lucid amd64 netboot test.  I have downloaded the mini.iso but during the install I don't get the option to select a distro flavour to install, does anyone know where that option shows up?20:00
slangasekmarjo_: that's what should correspond to the test case; I imagine it will look very different from what you tested before20:00
marjo_slangasek: ack20:00
davmor2ameetp: right towards the end20:00
davmor2after setting up user etc20:00
davmor2ameetp: ^20:01
ameetpdavmor2:  hmm okay, let me try again.  Thanks20:01
marjo_slangasek: you're right20:02
slangasekmarjo_: ok, cool; so we should either tweak that test case so that it applies correctly to both DVD and alternate CDs, or else make a second test case for the DVD idiosyncracies20:02
moonoiHi there?20:16
fader_moonoi: Hello20:16
ameetpdavmor2: I finally saw it.  Thanks!  I got a little TAB key happy before ;)20:17
moonoican i be of any help?20:17
fader_moonoi: Sure!  If you're interested in helping us test Beta 1, feel free to pop over to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com, create an account, and grab an image that needs testing.20:18
marjo_moonoi: welcome20:18
fader_moonoi: If you're interested in hanging around and helping test, there's plenty of info at http://qa.ubuntu.com as well20:19
fader_(And a mailing list, etc.)20:19
marjo_to be more specific: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/untested20:19
fader_moonoi: Feel free to ask any questions you have here as well!20:19
fader_marjo_: Ah, thanks -- good point20:19
moonoiok taking a look now20:19
marjo_moonoi: thx!20:20
moonoifader_: thanks20:20
fader_moonoi: No problem!  Welcome and thanks for pitching in :D20:21
moonoiwould it be useful if i test in sun vbox? or you only interested in physical?20:24
fader_moonoi: VirtualBox is quite useful :)20:25
moonoiok starting now20:26
* fader_ is running Mythbuntu tests in VirtualBox right now.20:26
moonoiim on a mac20:26
Davieyfader_: cool!20:27
fader_Daviey: Yeah, I <3 Mythbuntu :)  I have to do my testing in virtualbox because if I screw up the installed system, I'd be in Big Trouble with, er, the end users in my house.20:27
moonoigot the new i7 macbook pro ...:-) (jokin) hope it comes soon though20:28
bladernr_Oooooo.... I <3 the background and gdm screen for Studio...20:31
fader_moonoi: Regarding your upgrade... do you mean it is asking you to install edubuntu even though you have regular ubuntu installed already?20:33
moonoino sorry my mistake, on the link you originally gave me that mentioned edubuntu20:35
moonoinow i have done the -d -c its doing the standard20:35
fader_moonoi: Okay, great :)20:35
bladernr_Ok... embarassingly stupid question, but how the heck do I do anything at all in KDE?  All I seem to be able to do is zoom the desktop in and out, and open some tool menu that lets me add "widgets" and Doodads and thingamabobbers...20:39
marjo_bladernr: click on the kde button bottom left hand corner20:40
sbeattiebladernr_: no bottom panel is bug 54081020:40
marjo_there you will see all the things you were looking for, i assume20:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 540810 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "kde panel does not display on 800x600 display (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54081020:41
sbeattiebladernr_: alt-f2 will bring up a search widget.20:41
bladernr_sbeattie:  that is probably exactly why KDE is driving me insane :)20:41
sbeattieyou can run programs from that.20:41
bladernr_cool... thanks... you to marjo_20:41
sbeattiebladernr_: yes, I was quite confused for a bit about it, too.20:42
hggdhI am right now downloading the Ubuntu DVD, and will go thru the d-i test.21:04
hggdhthe DVD tests are in need of help, BTW21:04
moonoithere is nothing on that untested link you gave me now...? am i too late21:04
hggdhmoonoi: if you re willing, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/384221:04
aramoonoi, you have to go to inprogress21:05
aramoonoi, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/inprogress21:05
moonoiahh ok thanks :-)21:05
moonoibefore i had a link for the upgrade testing21:05
moonoinow that seems to hav egone21:05
sbeattiehggdh: sadly, my wee little dsl line cannae take downloading the dvd images.21:07
hggdhsbeattie: I am finding this myself... at .7MB/s, it will still take me about 90 minutes...21:11
bladernr_sbeattie:  I noticed you had marked Kubuntu alternate 64 OEM as started... did you have problems at the end of oem-config?21:12
sbeattiebladernr_: um, refresh your browser? this last round of images I haven't touched oem-config.21:13
sbeattieI did have issues with it when I tried that test, but then the isos got respun and I've paged out the details of what went wrong.21:14
fader_Anybody gotten a kubuntu OEM install working?  I don't seem to have the 'prepare for shipping' icon21:26
sbeattiefader_: I believe that's bug 38609921:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 386099 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 3 other projects) "Kubuntu Netbook OEM install does not create a 'prepare for shipping' icon (affects: 1)" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38609921:28
sbeattiefader_: oh, that appears to be netbook only. Hrm.21:28
fader_sbeattie: Yeah, and I don't seem to have 'oem-config-prepare' either... at least not in my path21:29
fader_Indeed; 'locate oem' doesn't turn it up either21:30
sbeattiefader_: oh! wait, let me check lastlog on #ubuntu-release, I recall a discussion about that.21:30
fader_sbeattie: Awesome, thanks!21:30
sbeattiebug 54089521:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 540895 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Kubuntu OEM install does not install oem-config (affects: 1)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54089521:30
fader_sbeattie: Thanks21:37
bladernr_fader_, sbeattie I just installed Kubuntu OEM from alternate21:40
fader_bladernr_: Were you able to do the oem config after install?21:40
bladernr_yep... the only issue I had was not getting KDM after doing the config.21:41
bladernr_I had to reboot the VM to login21:41
bladernr_bug 54154621:42
ubot4bladernr_: Error: Bug #541546 not found.21:42
fader_bladernr_: Hmm... did it create a desktop icon or did you run oem-config-prepare from the terminal?21:44
bladernr_I had the icon (was about the only thing I could do in KDE ;-)21:45
bladernr_even weirder... If filed a bug and it's not showing up in LP :(21:46
* fader_ wanders off to find some food.21:46
fader_I'll check back in a while21:46
davmor2slangasek: that could be a problem on wubi I'm in the grub command line :(21:50
bladernr_fader_:  bug 54153921:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 541539 in oem-config (Ubuntu) "[Lucid] after oem-config runs, X appears to hang, instead of restarting and launching KDM (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54153921:55
* ara posts her last result for today and calls it a day21:55
aranight everyone!21:55
davmor2nn ara21:55
sbeattieara: g'night!21:57
sbeattieoh, netboot install, you go so much faster when I preseed apt-cacher.22:08
umbertohello, i need your help22:29
hggdhyes, umberto?22:30
umbertoi have an ibook g4, i am downloading ubuntu-9.10-desktop-powerpc.iso, how can i make install it on a usb?22:31
sbeattieameetp: do you have netboot kubuntu amd64 going?22:32
bladernr_is there any way on iso.qa to show a report of all the test cases I have done?  Or is that done by subscribing each time?22:34
sbeattieoh, hunh, no one's taken the kubuntu alt expert tests?22:36
hggdhweird. The d-i test on the lucid-dvd-amd64 started OK, then suddenly threw me at the d-i menu (at the install base system piece)23:08
hggdhthis is getting even more confusing: the options to what to install shows options for an Ubuntu Server, not a desktop. I selected 'basic Ubuntu server', and installation proceeded23:16
hggdhBUT it is installing X23:16
sbeattiehggdh: erk?23:17
sbeattiehggdh: I didn't see that when going through tasksel.23:17
hggdhsbeattie: this is rather unexpected. I will wait for it to end, and will reinstall23:18
fader_Hey, you folks haven't finished off the ISOs yet? :)23:18
sbeattiefader_: saving the best tests for you, baby!23:19
fader_sbeattie: Heheh23:19
fader_Some of those are things like Wubi which I can't test :)23:19
fader_Looks like I can grab some kubuntu netbooks though23:19
sbeattiefader_: yeah, they need some love.23:19
hggdhI will be back in 30 min (meanwhile, installation proceeds... bumping left and right23:20
* sbeattie is wrapping up the kubuntu alt expert tests and then needs to bail for a while.23:20
fader_Hmm, there are a few to do... BRB, going to disconnect and move to a more comfy chair23:20
davmor2fader_: wubi is broken23:22
davmor2fader_: I just thought I'd make it feel like old times for you :P23:22
* davmor2 thinks fader_ should sit on a spike as a motivator ;)23:23
fader_davmor2: Thanks, good to know I'm cared for :P23:29
fader_davmor2: Plus shouldn't you be in bed by now?23:29
davmor2fader_: broken wubi23:30
davmor2fader_: trying to get a fix but I think the devs might of given up too23:30
davmor2fader_: I'm writing a bug for this and going to bed23:38
fader_davmor2: Sounds good man... get some sleep23:38
davmor2night all23:44
* sbeattie vanishes as well.23:49
bladernr_Ok... that was just bizarre...  Installed Studio 64 from the alternate CD... after install and reboot, it booted straight into Memtest86...23:55
fader_... wow.23:57
fader_Something messed up in the grub config maybe?23:57
bladernr_maybe...  if that's the case, I don't know what caused it... All I did was install the sound processing stuff and default for everything else...  booting rescue to check it out.23:57

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